The Incredible z Journey Of By Jazzy Driver z The origin of tea

▪ Tea originated in china ▪ Its origin story came from the legend of Emperor Sheng Nung, that traces back to 2732 B.C. It goes as: ▪ One day while boiling some water, leaves from the plant fell into the pot. Nung became intrigued by the scent and decided to try the mixture. He became entranced by the taste and decided to call this drink "ch'a", which is now commonly known as tea. ▪ Tea initially was just for the higher class yet Became more accessible to the public and during the Tang Dynasty, tea became China's national drink (618-906 AD). ▪ Lu Yu wrote the first book that was just purely all about tea. It was called the " Ch'a Ching" or Tea Classic. z Tea Tea comes from the leaves of the camillia sinensis plant. The different types of tea comes from changing key components of its processing in order to produce the different styles of tea.

Tea processing z is the production of tea in 5 steps: What is tea? 1. Plucking 2. Withering 3. Rolling 4. Fermentation (also identified as oxidizing) 5. Drying The initial uses of tea z


In the past tea was used as herbal medicine, antidote for poison and an aid for digestion.


Due to modern technology further analysis of the benefit of tea drinking and it has been founded that tea helps with:

Lowering the risk for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer

Aids in digestion

Helps fight tooth decay (contains a small amount of fluoride)-

Lower cholesterol and promotes weight loss This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA. z

▪ Tea was usually harvested on tea plantations all The throughout Asia but throughout the expansion of tea during the 19th century major plantations started to obtaining of spring upon exists in Africa and South America as well. ▪ Tea like cotton is hand-picked. This can be a very tedious and hard job seeing as if a tea leaf doesn’t meet tea a standard requirement it gets discarded. A picker can pick around 160 pounds of leaves a day and they can pick for around 7-8 hours.

▪ On tea plantations it usually included that of the workers who would pick the tea, process it, and the tea tasters

▪ In regard to the modern day the process is very much similar but with the added uses of factories, trucks and machines that make the process quicker and more efficient compared to that of one hundred years ago Timeline of the expansion of tea

z 14th century- The tea trade route began in ancient china during the 19th century- Chinese and British tensions Han dynasty but became popularized during the Ming dynasty grow as china cracks down on opium ban. Which led to the opium wars that 16th century- The tea trade route of the Mughal empire was taken resulted in a British win and Britain took over over by the British and began conquering regions such as Calcutta. . Hong Kong and began to take control of Calcutta served as a major trading city and from there on the behalf their ports and sold things that included of the East India company the main exports was that of tea and opium and tea opium. 20th century- Tea from Asian countries Early 16th-17th century- Tea gets introduced and popularized due to became difficult to import. So in the 1930's Princess Catherine de Braganza. Britain began gaining economic cape province, South Africa made Rooibos power as theyz continued their tea trade with china. tea more widely known and accessible.

17th century- Russia gets introduced to tea. Tsar Michael l became intrigued by the taste of tea after he had received it as a gift. And from there forward, Michael suggested for tea's use not only be for medicinal purposes yet but also to import the good as well. This led to close relations with china t 18th century- American colonists were issued a tax on import of many things that of which tea was included that led to the Boston (colonists dumped 340 chests of tea). z Transportation of tea

▪ Tea became valuable for trading around the 17th century because it offered another type of drink and it because many people found it to taste good. Tea also as transportation evolved became much easier simple and cheaper to package and ship out, making it even more popular.

▪ Before the invention or trucks airplanes and massive cargo ships goods like tea were usually imported through trade routes utilizing both sea and land. Some of those trade routes included that of the Road, Arab sea routes, and the Tea Horse Trade route. For modern times more secure and hygienic measures. They usually come from tea plantations to then a processing center. Then are sealed in airtight containers and then shipped to various ports.

▪ The transportation of genral good ( that includes tea) This was usually done by traders and merchants of culturally diverse backgrounds Maps of trade routes that included tea z

Tea Horse Trade route

▪ The Silk Road and Arab sea trade route z

Britain and tea

▪ Other than The obvious Asian countries that made tea well known throughout Asia. The United Kingdom as well has gained a reputation for how much they are involved with tea. It began to expand after it was exposed to Europe and especially The United kingdom. The East India Company first introduced Britain to tea in the early 17th centry. It was originally expensive and only those of the higher class could generally afford it. Although through time tea became more accessible through tea shops which then further developed their trading relations and love of tea. It is then were tea had become well received across Europe through trade and began to increase In popularity.

▪ As it arrived at Britain, though the certain ways in how they made their tea changed to for example. is known as the staple tea throughout Britain and they also incorporated the use of milk into their tea which original purpose was to keep from the hot tea from cracking the ceramic tea pot z The changes/different types of Tea

Past Present

▪ Main 5 types of tea ▪ Milk Boba tea-black tea with milk powder and sugar (with the addition ▪ - unprocessed tea of tapioca pearls) ▪ Green tea-unoxidized tea ▪ Fruit -contains fruit flavor with ▪ Black tea- uses all 5 steps but is tea oxidized more ▪ - very potent form ▪ tea- an in between of green of green tea and black ▪ Popcorn tea- made with green tea ▪ - infused herbs with and toasted rice tea z The value of tea has changed a lot over the course of centuries. From cultural The Value of significances like Tea ceremonies to just Tea leisurely drinking.

From only the Aristocratic of societies being able to access it to it the constant supply and demand leading it to become more accessible throughout the years.

For example during the Boston tea party were colonists dumped over 340 crates of tea would've now in modern days costed around $1 million dollars.

In modern times tea makes the list of most valuable crops bringing in a total of $4,000,000,000 globally and is the 2nd drunken beverage. z The Invention of tea

▪ Tea bags were originally intentioned for the purpose easing the process of removing the tea leaves after the tea had been brewed, because before the invention of tea bags tea was loosely put into boiling water.

▪ The inventing of the tea was apparently an accident by Thomas Sullivan. He packaged his tea in small silk bags in which people thought were used the same way as you would a metal .

▪ In 1920 is when official commercial production of tea bags began originally in different sizes but now, they ae more one the smaller size suitable for mugs. They also added the inclusion of the string with the decorative tag in order to remove it easily. z Summary of the . z

▪ Martin Jan Mansson,(digital photo)The silk road and Arab sea routes (11th and 12th century )

▪ This photo showed the multitude of routes taken during the Silk Road in many of that which included the trade of tea. The map also prov ides major and minor routes taken during that time accordingly .

▪ Tea & Inf usions Association - The History of the Tea Bag. (N/A). Retriev ed f rom

▪ This web-page of f ers detailed insight on how the tea bag came to be, and how the not only af f ected America but the UK as well

▪ Zetz, H. (2019, September 19). Top 10 Bubble Tea Ty pes You Must Taste! Retriev ed f rom https://tealov pes-must-taste/

▪ This blog l post was resourcef ul in the sense of that how it compares to past tea. It of f ers a look into the new and colorf ul concoctions of tea and f rom there a comparison can be made.

▪ UK Tea & Inf usions Association - Tea - A Brief History of the Nation's Fav ourite Bev erage. (0AD). Retriev ed f rom -history

▪ This website generally is f or the UK and it’s assimilation with tea , but they prov ided extremely well put background knowledge of how tea became to be.

▪ Harv ard Health Publishing. (2015, June). Flav onoids: The secret to health benef its of drinking black and green tea? Retriev ed from ev idence-f or--heart-benef its

▪ Using the Harv ard research prov ided it was easy to f ind the way s to support the f act that t benef its in helping the body .

▪ Hay s, J. (2008,April). TEA CULTIVATION AND PRODUCTION. Retriev ed f rom

▪ Using this webpage it was extremely inf ormative of how tea gets cultiv ated and how depending on the leaf whether or not it would’v e had v alue. It also takes a look at the workers of these tea plantations and how there are dif f erent jobs done throughout the tea processing.

▪ Ty pes of Tea. (N/A). Retriev ed f rom

▪ This website of f ered descriptiv e detail of what the dif f erent types of tea are and how they dif f er f rom each other within the tea processing.