Getting Started in Amateur Television

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Getting Started in Amateur Television Getting started in Amateur Television Whether it’s watching live video from (BATC) video streaming portal members forum where you can ask the International Space Station, where you can view questions and learn more about the helping produce programs for live most of the UK TV repeaters along hobby. It also represents the ATV streaming of the AMSAT colloquium with those from Australia, USA and community on the RSGB ETCC conference, building pre-amps and South America. These are streamed (Emerging Technology Co-ordination high power amplifiers for the live along with a live interactive chat Committee) and spectrum forum and microwave bands or developing high room so you can join in the generally represents the interests of speed data links to carry digital TV discussion. Most UK repeater groups the ATVers around the world. signals, the world of Amateur have regular net nights and all Television (ATV) has something to welcome new comers to the interest everyone! interactive discussion. Once you have caught the bug and want to know more, the next thing to do is to join the BATC – it only costs £6 a year for a cyber membership and gives you access to whole host of information. Live ATV signals from the ISS What is the BATC? Most ATV operators are members of the BATC, So what exactly is ATV? ATV is which has approximately 950 a fascinating area of our hobby which members, 80% of whom are in the covers all aspects of video UK. BATC also runs a members forum production, editing, transmission and and the reception. This article is about Fast ATV community wiki Scan TV which means we transmit where you will find and receive pictures in the same information on all ATV topics quality as you receive from local and including an area where you can national TV stations such as BBC download a number of “Getting and Sky. started” guides to Amateur Television. Amateur Television has always been at the fore front of the technology revolution. Many stations are now Which band and where? Due to transmitting Digital pictures (DATV) the amount of bandwidth required to using the DVB broadcast standards LU9DZZ TV repeater on transmit live broadcast quality and using video streaming pictures, Fast scan TV is normally technologies to exchange pictures The BATC publishes a quarterly transmitted on the higher frequency with ATV operators around the world. magazine called CQ-TV, runs an on- bands and can be found on 70cms and above. In the UK we have How do I get started? The first line shop to support home constructors with difficult to obtain adopted the DVB-S standard which place to start is to go to, components and runs a lively uses QPSK modulation which has the British Amateur Television Club’s the benefit of variable bandwidth South of England have worked 9cms – The 3.4 GHz band is the depending on the bit rate used for the several French DATV stations and latest band for ATV activity and the video transmission. M0DTS/p regularly works stations at UK band plan allows DATV operation a distance of over 200 Kms on the between 3404 to 3410MHz. There However, in the UK we have recently BATC activity days. are currently 3 repeaters in operation been allocated 1 MHz of spectrum at on 9cms and the tests done by these 146 MHz for DATV experimentation. groups show very good coverage Due to the narrow bandwidth, this results and it looks like becoming an requires the use of new techniques important band for ATV operation. which we have called Reduced Bandwidth TV (RB-TV). This is not 3cms – 10 GHz has always been covered by this leaflet but is the used by ATVers as it is quite easy to subject of separate “Made easy” make transmit and receive equipment articles and a special edition of CQ- for that band. There are currently 7 TV available on the BATC wiki. repeaters with outputs on 3cms and coverage on 10 GHz is surprisingly 70cms - The reduced bandwidth of 70cms DATV over 350 KMs good - a high performance receive digital transmissions compared to system is easy to achieve with just a analogue signals means ATV on mini satellite dish and modified LNB. 70cms is going through a revival in 23cms – This is the most widely interest. Analogue TV had previously used band for ATV operation and It’s not all about radio! There’s used AM and occupied up to 6 MHz there are currently 23 licensed a lot more to ATV than transmitting bandwidth. In the mid-1980s, as the repeaters in the UK with a mixture of and receiving – many ATVers are 70cms band was reduced in size and analogue and digital outputs between also members of the local video club became more occupied, using that 1308 and 1318 MHz and inputs on and combine the 2 hobbies. A lot of amount of bandwidth became 1248 MHz. Simplex operation takes amateurs also have an interest in increasingly difficult to justify. Also place between 1255 and 1275 MHz railways or planes and these tend to analogue satellite technology was and broadcast quality pictures using be favourite topics for the videos becoming available which enable FM are regularly exchanged over transmitted on activity nights, analogue FM TV transmissions on distances in excess of 100 KM. alongside the latest technical 23cms and so interest in 70cms achievements in the shack! declined. For details of all UK TV repeaters see the ETCC web site which has a full and up to date list along with links to repeater group websites. Most repeaters are now equipped with either DATV receive or transmit capability or both and noise free pictures can be achieved when a digital input signal is relayed via a digital output. 13cms – This band was used by ATV Project Vivat OB van restoration operators, however the recent Ofcom M0DTS/P operating ATV changes means that several A number of ATV operators specialize in renovating old cameras However, the introduction of Digital repeaters have had to move out of and studio equipment and some even ATV (DATV) has enabled operators the band. There is still room for renovate complete Outside to transmit broadcast quality pictures Digital ATV operation but it may be Broadcast vehicles! in a 2 MHz bandwidth and we are worth checking with other ATV once again taking advantage of the operators and the BATC before tml great propagation to be found on committing too much time and effort to get on the band. 70cm. Simplex activity is centered on 437 MHz and several stations in the The BATC runs a live production raid. GB3VL is streamed live on the at very low cost. A pre-amplifier desk which is used to stream live BATC streaming site and so attracted based on the SPF5043 which has events such as the annual AMSAT- a large number of viewers from extremely good performance at UK Colloquium, microwave around the world to see the station 70cms, 23cms and even 2.3 GHz is roundtables and conferences. This behind the voice on 40 mts. available at a cost of only £13 gives our members an opportunity to “get behind the camera” and be And the amateurs involved in the involved in production of live TV for High Altitude Ballooning Community The pre-amp should be mounted in a the streaming video website. are using Amateur Television to waterproof box as close as possible The BATC team have been present transmit pictures of balloon launches to the antennae feed point, along with at the AMSAT UK meetings for the back to their local repeater which in a change over relay if transmit last couple of years and provided live turn is streamed live on operation is envisaged. As the streaming of the lectures along with system noise figure is already The first recordings which are made available So how do I get on air? determined by the pre-amp, and as for later viewing on the BATC thing to say is that transmitting and long as the cable run is not longer streaming website. receiving ATV need not be expensive than 20 metres, good quality satellite or complicated. TV co-ax can be used to connect the pre-amp to the receiver in the shack The first step is to decide which band and also feed DC power up to the you are going to focus on. If you pre- amp and antennae change over already have a well equipped narrow relay. band station with a beam you are half way there! However, as the Receiving 23cms Receiving 23cms bandwidths of digital ATV signals are ATV and DATV is easy! This is 100 times greater than a FM voice because 23cms lies in the middle of signal and 6 times wider still for L-Band, which is the group of RSGB news and video library Videos analogue ATV signals, squeezing frequencies that domestic satellite of all the events we have produced, every last bit of system performance systems use to send the signal down including the EME 2012 conference is important from the LNB, mounted on the dish, and the BATC conventions are to the Set Top Box (STB) in your available in the film archive section of living room. Therefore any analogue and the satellite receiver or the very basic BATConline Youtube channel.
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