Origins of the Illustrations

Drawings made by the author are not mentioned separately.

Number Description Origin 3 The round universe … Reproduced with approval of Acquier Jean-Louis. 6 Hawkins’ poster “African Reproduction with approval of author Bill Hawkins: and African-American [email protected]. Pioneers in Mathematics.” 7 Evolution of ground plans Reproduced with approval of Acquier Jean-Louis. in Burundi 9 Title page of a text about From old journals held at Museum Tervuren oral history in . (Belgium). 12–13 Map of eclipses. Map of Jean Meeus. 14–15 A walk through a Reproduced with approval of Acquier Jean-Louis. landscape … 16 Interpretation by Marshack Drawings by Frederic Delannoy. … 17 A poetic representation … From Kagame. 18 In the “rugo” of a student’s Reproduced with permission from Acquier Jean-Louis. … 19 This entrance to a school Photo art school Nyundo, photo C. Blondeel. in 21 J.-P. Harroy had a high Photo Wikimedia Commons, author function … Shabanmasengesho. 28 The large drums had Phtoto Wikimedia Commons. 35–36 Announcement in a References Africa Museum Tervuren; Answer to 6134 colonial... of July 30 and to 6425 of August 20, 1909, and entitled “Report about native money, and the counting systems, in use in the district around ‘Lake Leopold II’”. Ethnographic File 126. Collection Royal Museum for Central Africa ©. (continued)

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 217 D. Huylebrouck, Africa and Mathematics, Mathematics, Culture, and the Arts, 218 Origins of the Illustrations

Number Description Origin 42 Table of… See Mubumbila, 1988. 43 Until today a Dozen Internet publication of de Dozenal Society, http://www. Society exists… accessed on March 25, 2016. 47, 52–58 Patterns and matrices. P. Gerdes. 61 Neroman’s study of... Left: illustration Neroman; right: drawing Frederic Delannoy. 62 Examples of reasoned … Drawing by Frederic Delannoy, and work of C. Blondeel’s group, Zwarte Zusterstraat Gent (Belgium). 63 Two illustrations from a Drawing by Frederic Delannoy, after illustrations from mathematical magazine. The Mathematics Teacher. 64 Weaver… Drawings by Frederic Delannoy. 65 A modern piece… Photo Tijl Beyl. 66 Interior of a Rwanda hut… Drawing by Frederic Delannoy. 67 Pauwels’ list … From Pauwels. 68–69 Traditional imigongo from From Celis, reproduced with permission of authors. Rwanda. 70 In one finds all 7 … Drawing by Frederic Delannoy, after Crowe. 71 This fractal was named.... Universal mathematical fractal drawing. 72–74 Illustrations African Drawing by Frederic Delannoy after work of Ron Fractals. Eglash, with permission from author. 75 Catholic, Hindu, … Author’s picture (left) and Wikimedia Commons (middle, right). 76 Gerdes’ fractal… Author drawing, after Gerdes. 78 Standard illustration about Drawing by Frederic Delannoy. quipu’s. 79 Counting strings. References Africa Museum Tervuren: Left, cordelette à nœuds, 1960 5/5 R.IV.D.a.6, Doss. ethno. 126, dossier report; 74, May 3, 1920. right: cordelette à nœuds; 1960 4/5; R.IV.D.a.5; Doss. ethno. 126; dossier report; 74; May 3, 1920. 80 All kinds of counting References Africa Museum Tervuren (in order): strings corde à nœuds, bicolore, 10,563; corde à nœuds, 1536, R.VII.D.a.4; corde à nœuds, 1960 1/5, R.IV.D.a.2; Doss. ethno. 126; dossier rapport 74, May 3, 1920; corde à compter (grande), 2025, R.VII.D.a.5; corde à nœuds, 1816, R.V.D.a.5. 81 Lagercrantz’ map… Right: drawing by Frederic Delannoy. 82 A string with… References Africa Museum Tervuren: Left: corde à nœuds (152 nœuds ou mosolo); 884; R. IV.D.a.1; Doss. ethno. 77; dossier report 2; région de Basoko; February 7, 1910; Right: corde à nœuds 1816; R.V.D.a.5. (continued) Origins of the Illustrations 219

Number Description Origin 83 Counting sticks of… References Africa Museum Tervuren (in order): bâton à compter (petit avec biseau), 1812, étiquette “n° 2 Uoira” ou “Noira”; bâton encoché, 2144; bâtonnet à compter (grand), 1538, R.VII.D.a.1, Long; 600 mm, région d’Ubangala, ex-Zaire; au nord de Kisangani (territoire de Banalia) et au sud-est de Buta; province du Haut-Zaire/Congo, Ababoa ou Boa, 23/03/1910. 84 Sticks to count to… References Africa Museum Tervuren (in order): Tally stick, 2111 3/2, R.II.D.a.2, cfr 67.63.5695, 2/2, Rég.; Cabinda, administrative subdivision: Tchimbuande, Kakongo; tali stick (roseau formant une baguette et maintenu par des fruits secs ou épices), 65.59.96, “Ami du Musée”, 440 × 19 mm, Rhodésie du Nord, Bangweolo, October 12, 1965; tally stick, 67.63.5695 2/1, ET.38.20.847 ½, 449 × 45 mm, Rég.; Cabinda, subdivision administrative: Tchimbuande, Kakongo May 1938. 90 An old version … Drawing by Frederic Delannoy. 98 A traditional scene Drawing by Frederic Delannoy. 113 A 50-year-old poetry From Kagame, over 50 years old. collection… 127 Views of Semliki Valley Photos © ADIA RBINS Brussels. 128–133 Photos about the Ishango Photos from de Heinzelin’s report of 1957. excavations, and the site. 134 Six views of Ishango rod Ishango rod, 6 views: photos and infography: Patrick Semal, 15/06/2001; photos © ADIA RBINS Brussels. 135–136 Photos of Ishango rod and Photos from de Heinzelin’s report of 1957. the site. 137 Official photo of KBIN. Ishango rod: photo: Marcel Springaer; infography: Ivan Jadin, 23/12/1999; © ADIA RBINS Brussels. 138–142 By cutting out… Drawings from de Heinzelin’s report of 1957. 143–144 Marshack’s drawings. Author’s drawings, after Marshack. 145 A part of Pletser’s study of Drawing by V. Pletser. the carvings. 148–149 Map with de distribution of From de Heinzelin’s report of 1957. harpoons … 154–155 Illustrations of Noguera: a Drawing by Frederic Delannoy aftr Noguera. Peul woman, …. 156 Cultural relations … Author’s drawing, with illustrations from Noguera. 157 Data analysis diagram … Reproduced with approval of Arnaiz. 159 Lagercrantz’s map… Wikimedia Commons, “Lissala man with tattooes.” Reference Africa Museum Tervuren: bambou encoché, 34,992. 164 Cartoons … Drawing by Frederic Delannoy. 170 Sign at … Photo by Magloire Paluku, reproduced with permission. (continued) 220 Origins of the Illustrations

Number Description Origin 171 Ishango rod in … Left: photo by Patricia Mergen, Liaison Officer, Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) at European Commission, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium. 172 3D scans of… Photos © ADIA RBINS Brussels; TNT project, NESPOS Society. 173–174 Three views of… Photos © ADIA RBINS Brussels. 175–177 Neolithic patterns Drawings and photos by Slavik Jablan, Belgrade, Serbia; reproduced with permission. 178–180 Museum for Central Photos taken by author. Africa, Tervuren, Belgium 181 Patterns on… References Africa Museum Tervuren (in order): coupe/ schaal, 0.0.33710; coiffe/hoofdtooi, 1949.21.1; paravent, 0.0.41670. 182 Patterns on carpets References Africa Museum Tervuren (in order): tapis/ tapijt, 1968.39.3; tapis/tapijt, 1980.31.2. 183 Fabric patterns. References Africa Museum Tervuren (in order): 0.0.28094; 0.0.25651; 0.0.27757–37; 0.0.28089; 1959.21.672; 0.0.16482 3; 1950.24.135; 0.0.45084; 0.0.45107; 1950.24.150. 186 At right, the above rope Reference Africa Museum Tervuren: 1975.48.1. says 187 Story board… References Africa Museum Tervuren: 0.0.42871; 0.0.27312. 188 Strategy game… Reference Africa Museum Tervuren: 1969.59.636 (négatif G 4878). 189 Another strategy game… References Africa Museum Tervuren: 1974.54.37 1–9; 1974.54.37 1. 193 Illustration… Drawing by Frederic Delannoy. 194 All but one… From Celis, reproduced with permission of authors. 202–204 Ashanti stamps and Drawings by Frederic Delannoy, after Delene Perley, of patterns Millikin University. 205 Diagrams… Drawings Sophie Ponsaert; reproduced with permission. References

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A Dogon, 14, 87 Africa museum, 33, 39, 41, 46 Doubling, 37–39, 58, 78, 114–118, 122, 142, Algebra, 78, 87, 123, 213 143, 145, 147, 148, 150 Arithmetic, 35, 49–51, 78–79, 113, 143, 147, Dozen, 48 148, 166, 204 Duodecimal, 48–53, 87, 150, 153 Ascher, M., 58, 59, 204 Ashanti, 8, 66, 69, 205 Associativity, 213 E Egypt, 12, 51, 114, 115, 139, 153, 154, 157–163, 166, 173, 174, 197 B Errico, F., 169, 170 Baali, 46 Bach, J.S., 29 Bal, H.E., 212 F Beaumont, P., 169 Fractals, 72–76 Bell, R.C., 87 Fulani, 44, 163 Brandel, R., 30, 32 Broline, D.M., 211, 212 Brooks, A.S., 137, 140, 172 G Buekenhout, F., 169, 170, 208 Gamma function, 212 Burundi, vi, viii, 5, 6, 10, 16, 24, 26, 29, 39, Gauss, C.F., 87, 212 46, 47, 79–81, 127 Gay, J., 3, 4 Gerdes, P., 59, 62, 63, 76, 79, 176 Golden section, 63, 64, 74, 117, 191, 194 C Greece, 31, 32, 114, 156–159, 161–163 Celis, G., 68, 70 Group theory, 71 Circle, 203 Günther, R., 32 Cole, M., 3, 4 Congo, v, viii, 38, 44, 45, 47, 56, 71, 72, 90, 127, 128, 134, 164, 206 H Harroy, J.-P., 29 Harvard, 148 D Hauzeur, 138 de Heinzelin, J., v, 128, 134, 141, 154, 167 Hemiola, 29, 30 Demaine, 179 Hindu, 31

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 227 D. Huylebrouck, Africa and Mathematics, Mathematics, Culture, and the Arts, 228 Index

Hogben, L., 143 Ptolemy, 12, 14, 191, 192 Hypergeometric function, 212 Pythagoras, 12, 143, 157

I R Igisoro, 89, 93–96, 99–105, 117, 212 Romein, J.W., 212 Ishango rod, v, 8, 135, 140, 141, 167, 173, Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, 175, 176, 191, 198 v, 128 Ishango site, v, 133, 136, 172 Rutanzige, 5, 127, 136, 164, 172 Isometry, 73 Rwanda, viii, 5, 14, 19, 22, 23, 26–28, , 39, 66 30, 32, 33, 40, 43, 46, 47, 50, 67–71, 89, 94, 95, 98, 104, 105, 193, 199, 201 J Joseph, G.G., 24, 35, 156, 158, 173, 176 S Semi-group, 214, 215 K Semliki, v, 127, 128, 134, 154, 172 Kagame, A., 21, 47, 104 Shallit, J., 140 Kakira ka Kimenyi, 70 Square, 158 Kpelle, 4, 11 Star, 19, 23, 24, 26, 201 Struik, D.J., 176 Sun, 20, 22, 23, 26, 48, 56, 130, 199 L Symmetry group, 204 Loeb, D.E., 211, 212

T M , 40, 89 Mancala, 87–92, 94, 95, 104, 200, 211–213 Timbuktu, 107, 108 Marshack, A., 16, 18, 145, 146, 148, 151, Triangle, 154 167, 172 Mathematics teacher, 66 Michiels, F., 33 U Middle East, 31, 48, 114, 153, 156 Uganda, 20, 89, 127, 161 Moon, 13, 16, 18, 20–21, 24, 26, 50, 51, 56, 81, 145, 147, 151 Multiplication, 63, 77, 78, 111–114, 117, 120, V 122, 145, 150, 158, 172, 213 van Straelen, V., 128 Venus, 24, 26, 173 von Neumann regular, 214 N , 169, 172 Navajo, 8 W Njock, G.E., 66 Walegga, 154, 195 Nyali, ix, 46, 150 Wirth, N., 122 Nzohabonayo, P., 26

Y P Yasayama, 45 Pattern, 16, 31, 57–59, 61, 66, 70–73, 76, 149, Yuhi, 27, 28 176, 205 Pi, 211 Pletser, V., 148, 149, 166, 167 Z Polyhedral, 169 Zaslavsky, C., 71, 176 Prime number, 50, 142, 143, 145, 147, 148, 151 Zulu, 5 Africa + Mathematics: Summary

Are the sources of mathematics to be found at the sources of the Nile? In 1950, Belgian archaeologist Jean de Heinzelin found a 22,000-year-old bone with intrigu- ing carvings in Ishango, a village in the volcanic region on the border of the Congo and Uganda, not far from Rwanda. The author defends the hypothesis of Belgium’s space scientist Vladimir Pletser that the bone was neither an arithmetical game with prime numbers nor an astronomical calendar, but a simple tally stick of a people counting in a different, non-Western way. The mathematics of the rod is an example of ethnomathematics, an emerging subfield in mathematics. Oddly enough, examples from the Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi are scarce, though Belgium has historical ties with this region. The author spent about 12 years teaching in the region, and through this experience and exam- ining valuable collections in Belgian Africa museums, he hopes to show the math- ematics from Central Africa represent a particular challenge, even for contemporary mathematicians. Still, critical considerations are not neglected and some subse- quently turn out to be correct, as de Heinzelin revealed a second Ishango rod on his death bed. The Ishango rods waited half a century in a dusty drawer before their rediscov- ery – on one hand at the mercy of Moliere’s colonial bourgeois-­gentilhommes, who did not want to admit that Africans did mathematics, and on the other hand the Afrocentrists who saw in the rods the beginning of all mathematics. Perhaps the third scientific dog will finally run away with the mathematical bones.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 229 D. Huylebrouck, Africa and Mathematics, Mathematics, Culture, and the Arts,