Boyanup Botanical ‘NATIVE SPECIALISTS’

ABN 42 357 780 939 LOT 14 South West Hwy, P.O BOX 40, Boyanup W.A 6237 Phone (08) 97 315 470 Fax (08) 97 315 471 Email [email protected] WHOLESALE LIST February 2021 GENUS AND SPECIES COMMON NAMES DESCRIPTION SIZE PRICE ORDERS sericeus Albany Woolly Bush Large Shrub 200mm $9.30 Agonis flexuosa WA Peppermint Tree Medium Tree 200mm $9.30 Agonis flexuosa WA Peppermint Tree Medium Tree 25lt $30.00 SP Agonis flexuosa nana Dwarf Peppermint Tree Medium Shrub 140mm $5.00 SP Agonis flexuosa nana Dwarf Peppermint Tree Medium Shrub 200mm $9.30 Aloe Second Chance Aloe Succulent Succulent 140mm $7.00 Armeria maritima Pink Thrift Pink Sea Thrift Grass 140mm $6.30 blechnifolia Groundcover Banksia Ground Cover 140mm $7.20 Heath-Leaved Banksia Large Shrub 140mm $7.20 Dwarf Southern Plains Banksia Medium Shrub 140mm $7.20 Dwarf Dwarf Acorn Banksia Medium Shrub 140mm $7.20 Showy Banksia Small Tree 140mm $7.20 Bromeliads Assorted Varieties Ornamental 200mm $10.90 Callistemon Kings Park Special Red Bottlebrush Large Shrub 140mm $5.00 SP Callistemon Kings Park Special Red Bottlebrush Large Shrub 200mm $9.30 Callistemon Little John Red Bottlebrush Small Shrub 140mm $6.30 Calothamnus sanguineus Blood Red Net Bush Medium Shrub 140mm $6.30 Carex petriei Rusty Sedge Sedge 140mm $6.30 Chamelaucium x Verticordia Eric John Wax x Verticordia Medium Shrub 140mm $6.30 Cordyline Designer Burgundy Clumping Cordyline Strappy Plant 200mm $10.20 Correa Dusky Bells Pink Correa Small Shrub 140mm $6.30 Correa glabra Rock Correa Tall Shrub 140mm $6.30 Correa Pink Mist Compact Pink Correa Small Shrub 140mm $6.30 Correa Pink Mist Compact Pink Correa Small Shrub 200mm $9.30 Correa Snowbelle White Correa Small Shrub 200mm $7.00 SP Corymbia citriodora Lemon-scented Gum Large Tree 200mm $9.30 Corymbia eximia dwarf Dwarf Yellow Bloodwood Medium Tree 200mm $9.30 Corymbia ficifolia Red Flowering Gum Medium Tree 200mm $9.30 Ctenanthe Grey Star Never Never Plant Indoor Plant 200mm $10.90 Dianella Petite Marie PBR Blue Flax-Lily Strappy Plant 140mm $7.20 Dodonaea viscosa Purpurea Purple Hop-bush Medium Shrub 140mm $5.00 SP Dodonaea viscosa Purpurea Purple Hop-bush Medium Shrub 200mm $9.30 Echeveria Blue Curls Echeveria Small Shrub 140mm $7.20 Epacris Pan Pipes Pink Fuchsia Heath Small Shrub 200mm $10.20 Eremophila glabra Tar Bush Ground Cover 140mm $5.00 SP Eremophila Kalbarri Carpet Tar Bush Ground Cover 140mm $6.30 Eucalyptus caesia Silver Princess Gum Medium Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus erythrocorys Illyarrie/Red Capped Gum Small Tree 200mm $9.30 GENUS AND SPECIES COMMON NAMES DESCRIPTION SIZE PRICE ORDERS Eucalyptus kingsmillii Kingsmilll's Mallee Small Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus kruseana Bookleaf Mallee Small Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus leucoxylon rosea Red Flowering Yellow Gum Medium Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus macrocarpa Mottlecah Small Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus nicholii Narrow Leaf Peppermint Medium Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus preissiana Bell-fruited Mallee Small Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus pulverulenta Silver Leaved Mountain GumSmall Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus sideroxylon rosea Red Ironbark Medium Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus torquata Coral Gum Small Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus utilis Coastal Moort Small Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus victrix Western Coolabah Small Tree 200mm $9.30 Eucalyptus websteriana Heart Leaved Mallee Small Tree 200mm $9.30 Ficus Evergreen Evergreen Ficus Indoor Plant 200mm $10.90 Allyn Glory Red Grevillea Medium Shrub 140mm $6.30 Grevillea Bonnie Prince Charlie Red/Yellow Grevillea Small Shrub 200mm $10.20 Grevillea Carramar Red Red Grevillea Medium Shrub 140mm $5.00 SP Grevillea Carramar Red Red Grevillea Medium Shrub 200mm $9.30 Grevillea Clearview David Red/Cream Grevillea Medium Shrub 140mm $5.00 SP Grevillea Coconut Ice Red/Pink Grevillea Medium Shrub 200mm $10.20 Grevillea Fireworks PBR Red/Yellow Grevillea Small Shrub 140mm $7.20 Grevillea Gin Gin Gem Red Grevillea Ground Cover 140mm $6.30 Grevillea Green Carpet Cream Grevillea Ground Cover 140mm $6.30 Red Hooks Large Shrub 140mm $6.30 Grevillea johnsonii Orange/Red Grevillea Large Shrub 200mm $10.20 Grevillea Ned Kelly Red Grevillea Medium Shrub 200mm $10.20 Red Red Olive Leaved Grevillea Medium Shrub 140mm $6.30 Grevillea olivacea Yellow Yellow Olive Leaved GrevilleaMedium Shrub 140mm $6.30 Grevillea olivacea Yellow Yellow Olive Leaved GrevilleaMedium Shrub 200mm $9.30 Red Grevillea Small Shrub 140mm $5.00 SP Silky Oak Large Tree 200mm $8.30 Grevillea Sid Reynolds Pink Grevillea Large Shrub 200mm $9.30 Red Grevillea Ground Cover 140mm $5.00 SP Grevillea Winpara Gem Red Grevillea Medium Shrub 140mm $6.30 invaginata Pink Hakea Large Shrub 140mm $7.20 Pin Cushion Hakea Small Tree 200mm $10.20 Hardenbergia Sea of Purple PBR Native Wisteria Ground Cover 140mm $7.20 Hardenbergia violacea alba White Native Wisteria Climber 200mm $9.30 Haworthia Spider White Fairies Wash Board Succulent 140mm $7.70 Hibbertia scandens Snake Vine Climber 140mm $6.30 Juniperus conferta Shore Juniper Ground Cover 140mm $6.30 Juniperus communis Juniper Berry Ground Cover 140mm $6.30 Kunzea baxterii Baxter’s Kunzea Medium Shrub 140mm $6.30 Leptospermum Julie Ann Prostrate Tea Tree Ground Cover 140mm $6.30 Leptospermum rubrum nana Dwarf Red Tea Tree Small Shrub 140mm $6.30 Leptospermum rubrum nana Dwarf Red Tea Tree Small Shrub 200mm $8.90 Leptospermum Outrageous PBR Red Tea Tree Medium Shrub 140mm $7.20 Leptospermum Outrageous PBR Red Tea Tree Medium Shrub 200mm $10.20 Leptospermum Tickled Pink PBR Pink Tea Tree Medium Shrub 140mm $7.20 Leptospermum Tickled Pink PBR Pink Tea Tree Medium Shrub 200mm $10.20 Ligularia reniformis Tractor Seat Indoor Plant 200mm $10.90 Liriope gigantea Evergreen Giant Strappy Plant 140mm $6.30 Liriope Samantha Pink Liriope Strappy Plant 140mm $6.30 Mandevilla Aloha Dark Red Red Brazilian Jasmine Climber 200mm $10.20 Mandevilla Aloha White White Brazilian Jasmine Climber 200mm $10.20 Melaleuca nesophila Showy Honey Myrtle Large Shrub 200mm $9.30 Metrosideros thomasii NZ Christmas Bush Large Shrub 200mm $10.20 Monstera deliciosa Fruit Salad Plant Indoor Plant 200mm $10.90 Monstera deliciosa Fruit Salad Plant Indoor Plant 300mm $32.95 GENUS AND SPECIES COMMON NAMES DESCRIPTION SIZE PRICE ORDERS Myrsine africana African Box Hedge 140mm $6.30 Myrsine africana African Box Hedge 200mm $9.30 Ophiopogon Stripey White Variegated White Mondo Strappy Plant 140mm $6.30 Pandorea Snowbells White Wonga Wonga Vine Climber 200mm $10.20 Pandorea Tiffany Cream Wonga Wonga Vine Climber 200mm $10.20 Philotheca myoporoides Wax Flower Medium Shrub 140mm $6.30 Philotheca myoporoides Wax Flower Medium Shrub 200mm $9.30 Phlebodium Blue Star Blue Star Fern Indoor Plant 200mm $10.20 Pimelea Pink Solitaire Pink Rice Flower Small Shrub 140mm $6.30 Pittosporum Silver Sheen Pittosporum Hedge 25lt $53.00 Rhaphiolepis umbellata ovata Yeddo Hawthorn Medium Shrub 200mm $10.20 Rosemary Tuscan Blue Tuscan Rosemary Medium Shrub 140mm $5.00 SP Succulent Assorted Varieties Succulent 140mm $7.00 Succulent Assorted Varieties Succulent HB200 $10.20 Syzygium Bush Christmas PBR Lilly Pilly Hedge 140mm $7.20 Syzygium Bush Christmas PBR Lilly Pilly Hedge 200mm $10.20 Viola hederacea Native Violets Ground Cover 140mm $6.30 Westringia dampieri WA Native Rosemary Small Shrub 140mm $6.30 Westringia Jervis Gem Mauve Westringia Small Shrub 140mm $6.30 Westringia Lilac & Lace Variegated Native RosemaryMedium Shrub 200mm $9.30 Westringia Smokey Variegated Grey Westringia Small Shrub 140mm $6.30

PRICES ARE EXCLUSIVE OF GST We request you allow at least 48 HRS NOTICE for pick up of orders. Thank you for choosing Boyanup Botanical and supporting your local nursery. We look forward to seeing you again.