Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2020 to March 2021 Page| 13 Initialled

Eathorpe, , & Joint Parish Councils Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7:30pm, 15th September 2020 meeting held via Zoom

Present: Councillor M Brookes Councillor S Palmer (Chairman) Councillor M Burgun Councillor Mrs J Seaton Councillor Mrs M Green (Vice Chairman Councillor S Shackleton Councillor J Hammon Councillor D Wray Councillor N Palmer Councillor M Wood

In Attendance: Jane Chatterton Clerk & RFO

Warwick District Councillor: Councillor Valerie Leigh-Hunt

Warwickshire County Councillor: Councillor Wallace Redford

Public: 2

209. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Denis MacDaid.

210. Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest.

211. Minutes The minutes of the Joint Parish Council meeting held on 21st July 2020 were discussed.

RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 21st July 2020 were approved.

212. Matters Arising 167. Highways Water flowing from Green Field across the pavement and running down the hill. Adverse effect on the pavement. – update work had been completed.

192. Highways Back Lane – Hunningham Complaints had been received from parishioners that the debris from the drains had been stacked up by the drains or thrown into the ditches.

UPDATE: Thanks to Councillor Redford the matter had been dealt with.

213. Public participation: Nothing to report.

Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2020 to March 2021 Page| 14 Initialled

214. Councillor’s reports and items for future Agenda Councillor Wallace Redford On the WCC website there was information for two crisis lines for anyone needing help due to mental health issues or suicide.

Proposed Unitary Council – a meeting would take place next week to discuss the future of local authorities in . A white paper would be discussed in October and this would include the Government’s view.

Two potential options were for one Unitary Council or the split into two Unitary Councils. Public consultation would also take place.

Councillor Valarie Leigh-Hunt WDC were surveying the future of Local Government.

WDC were moving towards a greener environment by engaging with a greener supplier. 48 electric car charging points were being installed in WDC car parks. Owners of electric cars would be able to park for free in WDC owned car parks. Two electric pool cars had been purchased.

WDC were starting to go plastic free. Water refill facilities had been set up.

215. Correspondence 215.1 B4455 Fosse Way A letter had been received from a Parishioner in respect of a dangerous Road conditions B4455 Fosse Way. In particular, the section of road that bypasses Eathorpe Village and which runs between the junction with Barn Lane to the North East of the village and the Crossroads intersection with Long Itchington Road to the South West, at Hunningham.

A request had been made for the Parish Council to enter into dialogue with WCC Highways to reduce the speed limit from 60 to 50.

It was noted that this matter had been discussed previously and WCC were of the view that the road didn’t require a speed reduction having been reviewed by the Road Safety Team.

RESOLVED THAT a meeting with WCC Highways be arranged to discuss the problem.

216. Request for use of Offchurch Play field A request had been received to use the Offchurch Play field for a Christmas gathering on 24th December 2020. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the usual indoor activities were unlikely to be permitted. The final plans for the event had not been decided due to the ever-changing Government directives, however, if the venue could be secured this would be the initial step.

RESOLVED THAT permission be granted. Clerk would be updated as the arrangements progressed. Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2020 to March 2021 Page| 15 Initialled

217. Planning To consider any Planning Applications since the last meeting between 17/08/2020 and 23/08/2020 Nothing to report between 24/08/2020 and 30/08/2020 Nothing to report between 31/08/2020 and 06/09/2020 Nothing to report

Between 07/09/2020 and 13/09/2020 Nothing to report.

218. Highways Damage to pavement (Offchurch) Damage to the pavement and kerb in Offchurch had been reported. It is believed it is caused by large/heavy vehicles driving onto the pavement to avoid collisions with turning vehicles at the junction with School Hill. It has definitely occurred since HS2 traffic has started coming through the village.

ACTION: Information to be sent to Councillor Redford who would discuss with Highways.

Anti-Social behaviour – noisy motorbike (Offchurch) A number of people have raised the issue with extremely noisy motorbikes speeding through the Village (Welsh Road, generally from towards the Fosse). The way the motorbikes were being ridden were dangerous; at speed and leaning sideways over the footpath.

ACTION: Clerk to report the problem to PCSO Ed King, Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Lorries travelling from Offchurch towards Cubbington Issues reported with lorries speeding whilst travelling from Offchurch towards Cubbington. These included Thwaites lorries and HS2 lorries.

219. Police Matters Nothing to report. Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2020 to March 2021 Page| 16 Initialled

220. Finance 220.1 to approve payments: - DATE REF PAYEE EXPENDITURE AMOUNT 15.07.20 E28 J Chatterton Office allowance & travel July & Aug £55.80 20.07.20 E29 Moore & Tibbets Landlord fees for Lease £1,800.00 17.08.20 E30 J Chatterton Salary August DPA 17.08.20 E31 HMRC August Tax £75.00 17.08.20 E32 DS Wagstaff Invoice 4036 £252.00 07.09.20 E33 DS Wagstaff Invoice 4055 £126.00 09.09.20 E34 MJH Arboriculture Tree Inspection Offchurch £300.00 09.09.20 E35 J Chatterton September Salary inc back pay DPA 09.09.20 E36 HMRC September Tax £87.60

RESOLVED THAT the payments be approved.

220.2 Grant Request A grant request had been received from Wappenbury and Offchurch Churches requesting a financial contribution.

RESOLVED THAT it was agreed to make a grant donation of £200.00 to both.

221. Playground Update Clerk updated that she had chased progress several times with the JPC’s Solicitor. The delay was being caused by the Landlord’s solicitors.

It was noted that completion of the Lease was time limited, there would be a price increase in the play equipment in January and if the order was not placed before then this could jeopardise the project continuing.

ACTION: Councillors Wray and Wood to make arrangements to remove the condemned equipment.

222. Governance The Policies below had been reviewed and required approval. 222.1 Standing Orders September 2020 222.2 Financial Regulations September 2020

RESOLVED THAT the Standing Orders September 2020 and the Financial Regulations 2020 be approved.

223. Tree Survey Offchurch Playing Field It was reported that a Tree Survey of trees located in the Offchurch playing field had been carried out by a suitably qualified Tree Specialist. The report was discussed.

RESOLVED THAT quotations be obtained to carry out the identified work. Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2020 to March 2021 Page| 17 Initialled

224. HS2 Councillor Burgun reported that he circulated updates via the Clerk to keep the parish council aware of issues.

HS2 had continued with removal of trees and the desecration of the countryside, there had been a lack of response from WCC.

ACTION: Councillor Redford to progress.

RESOLVED THAT: (i) Clerk to invite HS2 representatives to November’s meeting. (ii) Meeting to start at 6:30pm. (iii) Meeting to be an information exchange, drawings and presentation with question and answer, to include their design update.

225. Councillor’s reports and items for future agenda Sewage Issue It was reported that there was an issue with the field on the Old Fosse on the right-hand side, new drains had been installed but a bog had appeared. This could be leaking sewage as this was giving off an odour.

This posed a public health hazard and required an urgent repair.

RESOLVED THAT: (i) Councillor Redford reported he would speak with the WCC Highways Officer and raise the issue. Request that the leak and road is repaired. (ii) If this couldn’t be resolved the Parish Council make a formal complaint to Severn Trent.

Defibrillator – Hunningham Councillor Mrs Green reported that following a fault code displayed on the defibrillator this had now been sent off for repair. A loan machine had been received. The battery and pads of the original defibrillator had been installed into the loan machine. The battery light was showing as low.

ACTION: The Clerk to order a new battery.

Overgrown Hedgerow – Eathorpe Councillor Wood raised the issue with the overgrown hedgerow and trees along the main road opposite the Village Hall. The hedge required cutting back from the highway and reducing in height.

ACTION: Clerk to write to the landowner and request the work be carried out. If this wasn’t actioned to raise with Highways.

Joint Parish Council Minutes April 2020 to March 2021 Page| 18 Initialled

Speed Limits Issue with speeding in Eathorpe (Main Street) was raised. Suggestion was made to reduce the speed limit to 20mph. It was felt this was very unlikely.

ACTION: Councillor Wood to liaise with PSCO Ed King and request speed checks.

226. Next Meeting It was confirmed that the next meeting would take place on 17th November 2020 (meeting will be held via Zoom).

Meeting closed at 8:35pm