Volume 64, Number 25 Vinny's post-Heisman weel-Th^tfe By DEBBIE MORGAN Hy DEBBIE MORGA\ ••!•.,-h . _ ***** ^0 W» M %& Hurrlcant '•. wa Editor I ve been tough on him." Lance said "I don't want anyone to sav l ve been giving him anything 1 While some get mad at people who say he's not 'I get mad at people students mav have been preparing a scholar " for final . xams Saturday, one who say he student was in Now York accept­ He said the class Is an indepen­ ing the 1986 Heisman Tropin dent study class since only two [Testaverde) is not a Award. • people are enrolled in the class He scholar.' But like the rest eef UM's also said Testaverde ha 'cms. vinny TesUverde still assignment due by the final exam has h. take finals. "I would like to have him Dr. .Jam."s Lance, associate this last assignment in so 'ha' hi professor Unlike manv UM students how- doesn't ge an IE gr.. •ver, tt.,. Hurricane's quarterback counts as an E," I.ance said week included an- Ability wise. Brownholt2 • thi Joan R lestaverde has dropped accept tins award. I don't accept Show and Hob Hope's Christmas even failed some, but he this for myself alone I accept for Special in Los Angeles last night all people ,vho helped mak* He share of A's and H's. dream come i: '' to school Although he's had a mediocre iia for practice today and tomorrow academic career, he said Te. • The second place winner, Paul then leaver for New york' erde's grade point average has •aimer of Temple than again tomorrow night f - r fallen beiow a l..)00 points behind Testaverde quel at the. Marriott Marquis Testaverde. i now taking 12 Brian Bosworth of Oaklahoma where he will officially ri credits - three classes in he knew he > ng to rophy, according to John Hahn e.f win because, he wa I 1 M major (physical therapy, exercise rmation science and sport studies) and one player. B; Friday, the first dav of finals business class. "I wasn't nervous because I lestaverd. will he back in Miami Brownholtz said that despite, the. knew I didn't have to go up there If he takes to them [finals) as rumors. Testaverde will be in •""J sav anything," he said. well as he. takes to cameras, he'll school next semester "Based on his performance all ;>" fin'•." said Dr. Joseph Brown- Testaverde said after the award there's no doubt in mv mind ' restaverde's advisor and ceremony in New York that that Vinny should win this'award s-rofessor. getting a degree is important to — he deserves it," Bosworth said Although TesUverde has been at him and his family and that he will About the Oaklahome Miami Miami for five years, he still will concentrate on his studies. matchup earlier in the year Bos­ not have the required credits to be worth said: "I said down in Miami "Because of all mv preoccupa­ III give Vinny the award and able to graduate with a degree in tions outside ol school it1* hard bul Mav "'' aid i" • graduation date should give us the victory but • I m going to work mv tail off he got both " ne.-... said "111 defin.ii. . ,.. (Above i Vmin Testaverde , "'""•'•"hee::/ because d Sam Jankovich, UM's athletii shires the jo% „f w , ,Vfrde gree." inilinK he ha 1 majors director said the award will heh, Heisman Trophy with his ra­ ''r" • n al I'M • recruit new people ther, Al. (Right) Testaverde, I restaverde's profes In front of a standing room only I think the Heisman award and I'aul Palmer or Temple Uni­ . Ion therapy crowd in the Heisman Room ol the. the eeutstanding successes of the Downtown Athletic Club. Testa*. terotball team and the comradery versity and Brian Bosworth ilnes Lance, used to be a head erde was the first University of that it has, the team concept, can:t of the University of Oklaho­ I roach. But that doesn't Miami player to receive the Heis­ help but excite othi peopli thai ma (left to right), all Heismnn ! (Ins es wh^r," Ih.v'd like to plav ' ''• . trett- man Trcwhy. . oil,.,;.- f.»,r l».,le •• * ,*ri(fi<.",il

Fundraising campaign r . ,•' •;.,.'''. •••.•.-* I I 92 million

side nt EdVe te II Miami's campaign is the t.nk l 192 million philanthropic world W McLai •rid ' ty's fundraising can,: e:hairman of the UM Board of rrustees and cam I . I percent of the S-lOo chairperson "This sue eet tribute lee the pi The announcer .luring the con\ businesses, foundation: and organizations of • • nl ving UM's 60th anniversary. I lorida. who have given generously to further thi npaign's figures were made public in University's goals." he said .upporting curn the University had raised $271 million. In the past five month, alone, major , imitments to tl included James I . knight's lead trust of $56 million, Ote also said the Un, net worth has the Sylvester Foundation $27.5 milii nol alum from $263 million to $102 mil! build a cancer clinic, and the Knight Foundation titution, th proved almost every I i atoi eef $T, million to establl l four dist:- icultj :»>ssihle. ':•'. the! nd the insp i dramatic being the I hairs th of the endowment, which in 1980 was $.">* "I fully expect the momentum of tl ng for the- • foi the first time this year, in continue." McLamore said, and predicted 1 .emplt x, the Hi i ... said. continuing success will have ma; dinary success ol Ity ol implications in fulfilling the- board of RSMAS known worldwide! No 9as- water for building By DANIELLE MCELHAM Y Smith, recently retired and populations on comn iu KAREN ri.AM Mali flier H iter serving as consultant to Planet M i H can, said he views the school ana the Atlantic Gamefish 1 he i ..f Miami's i. i pioneer in service to South I oundation, a private |nt< Rosenstiel School 'if Marine' Florida group, joined forces'.!, ene' and Atmospheric Science Is "We IRSMASj established an ago and have been WOI recognized by scientists interest in local, state and together ever sin ' worldwide as one of the top international marine four institutes for marine conservation long bet According to hatch. science research and graduate anyone else thought of it." ir Liz Clar: when : • training. Smith said. "We did studies on relationship is simple foundation provides the t UM debate team wins Locally, the school is gaining water pollution, helped with i identally the development of Key and RSMAS provides tie a reputation for its dedication research. As a result per buildin • ITV ice and fee' Biscayne and maintained ource tacilitl biological studies ol i se ayne se;ientists get le. studv national tournament .1 \s has bei rt located on H.iv that have helped the which in turn ate set frei I the beach at Virginia • community for years " I aught by the ar. g the- the Mi imi Today, RSMAS ' We're trying to figui lim and the National I xperimental Fish Hate . I what i auses fluctuatioi anographic and an example of science' serving peculations, both physil a il Atmospheric Administration, the local community chemical, in an attempt to for I In an attempt to understand understand how those I Dan RSMAS' founder, Dr. Walton the impact of diet in fish e an effect fishing." Clark said id bu' •i the resie.' - t M

Library remains open during break ;i ai i • am ebeat I irm The first floor of the Richter All cafeterias will close, alter students can stav in Mahon Lihr.irv will stay open 2-1 hours a dinner on Dec IS, except the' [bis, e.r Hecht Residential I intil 11 p.m. which will close after lunch the dents living in thi V, Ith tl on Saturit. following dav . .ii e ampus for free i It will remain open 2 1 hours ,i Students living in residential lid , ain from Sunday through colleges and in Mahon. dorms will open foi -.pring I at s p in «en must check out bv noon oi )ec. 18, hut it will be open during Ian 14, and Ial • ".ik ^ f •••• eef $280, • Page 2 Tuesdav. Dec. 9, 1986 THE MIAMI HURRICANE NEWS Update

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION: A Today meeting with readings from the Bible and Mary Thursday GRADUATE ACTIVITY FEE ALLOCATION Baker Eddy's Scienca and Health with Kay to the HURRICANE WRESTLING CLUB: Wrestling will COMMITTEE: A meeting will be held at 2 p.m. at Scriptures will be held at 6 p.m. at 1115 Levante be held from 8-9:30 p.m. at the Lane Recreation BRIEFS St. University Center 205. , Center. Study Abroad In England offered FENCING CLUB: Fencing will be held from 8-10 FENCING CLUB: Fencing will be held from 8-10 The University of Miami International Exchange Programs p.m. at the Lane Recreation Center. Wednesday p.m. at the Lane Recreation Center. Office will hold a meeting with Dr. Jim Hughs, director of Inter­ STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE: AIKIDO CLUB: A meeting will be held from 8-10 A meeting for students, alumni, faculty and CIRCLE K CLUB: A meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the Lane Recreation Center. national Programs at University of Kent, Canterbury, England at administrators interested in the Health Center will p.m. at University Center 233. 4 p.m. Monday at Ashe Building 621. be held at 4:30 p.m. at the Health Center. Hughs will speak on and provide information about a UM HURRICANE WRESTLING CLUB: Wrestling will HONORS STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: A meet­ Friday study program with the University of Kent. be held from 8-9:30 p.m. at The Lane Recreation ing will be held at 7 p.m. in Hecht Residential HILLEL: Shabbat services will be held at 6:30 For more information, contact Dr. Steve Stein at 284-4303. •Center. College classroom. p.m. at the Hillel Foundation, 1100 Stanford Dr Nobel laureate to teach workshop University of Miami professor and Nobel laureate Isaac Bash­ evis Singer will teach an intercessional Professional Writing -all Workshop (English 595) from Jan. 5-9. PERRINE PERRINE The three-credit course will focus on manuscript preparation, writing skills for specific markets, letters of inquiry, proposals GOOD/YEAR for fiction and non-fiction projects, marketing a manuscript, and devices for creating an extended manuscript. The course is of­ fered to graduate and undergraduate students. For more information, contact Clarice Teboe in the School of YEAR END CLEARANCE! Continuing Studies at 284-4000. Rebuilt Engines In Stock Choir to present gospel music ALL TIRES ON SALE — Long Blocks — The University of Miami student singing organization Inspi­ EAGLE GT RADIALS Ford 351W $775 w/exh. ration will present a concert titled "Black Music in Historical Per­ Pontiac 301 $775 w/exh. spective" at 7 p.m. Thursday at Brockway Hall. P215/65RX15 O.W.L. W re* Mai- Toyota Landcruiser $775 w/exh. The choir, under the direction of UM student Terence Clay­ ton, will present a variety of choral works, including contempo­ e Chosen for the rary gospel selections. Indianapolis Pace Car Used Engines For more information, contact James Saunders at 284-2855. e Gas-Saving steel belted radial construction Not Rebuilt Ski Fest offered In Vermont e Big footprint, aggressive — As Is — tread Killington Ski Resort, located in the central Vermont Ski ar­ e Outline white letter Buick 350 $200 w/exh. ea, is hosting Intercollegiate Ski Fest '87 from Dec. 19-23. Ford 302 $400 w/exh. The program, sponsored by Chevrolet and Miller Lite Beer, Installation Available! will feature alpine events including a ski rally, modified giant sla­ lom challenge race and skiathalon, as well as social activities. $ 95 CARS — $225 Vacation packages, which include lodging, lift tickets and P205/70RX14 O.W.L. 94 reg.M22» Trucks & Vans Call For Quotes breakfast and dinner, cost between $183-$423 per person. Fits Camaros — Firebirds — 280ZX * Towing Available * For more information, contact Dick Courcelle at 1-800-372- Call for Quotes On Other Sizes 2007. —LINDA J. ZIPPER EAGLE VR RADIALS P255/50VRX15 •229" ,.„. e25«- Complete Automotive Services Community Newspapers Fits New Corvettet Available For Import & Domestic is seeking two part-time phone solicitors to set up appoint­ P245/50VRX16 *22495 reg.'250" ments for our salespeople to see. Brakes & Front End Fits IROC Camaros 4x4 & Ford l-Beam Our office Is in South Miami, P225/60VRX15 $159'sreg.«182» Alignments Our Specialty rm M„.,M>( or • Engine & Transmissions Repaired/Rebuilt just a few blocks from campus. Similar savings on other sizes — call for Complete Air Conditioning Service I^ Ahl,t8 ar? Pre«er»'>y available. The first shift is from quote Custom Wheels 9:00-12:00, and the secod shift is trom 1:00-5:00. All tires en sale. Quantltl.i Limited. This salaried position requires that you be persistent, communicative, and not PERRINE PERRINE atraid ot people telling you "no." GOOD/YEAR It you are not a self-starter, this position is not tor you. For more information: call Michael Miller at 665-8214. 17110 S.Dixie Hwy. 253-2704



• • FAST FREE DELIVERY • • LIMITED AREA e 10 AM 'TIL 4 AM e 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOUR WANTED * • • HOTLINE 666-9951 -PIZZA DELIVERY APPR0XIMATELY30MINUTES ALL OTHER FOODS 30 MINUTES TO 1 HOUR • $$$$ FREE M0ZZARELLA '• DELICIOUS HOMEMADE • * STEAKS ! BAKED LASAGNA WITH ANY REGULAR SUB « INCLUDES TOSSED SALAD $OQQ LIMIT 2 WITH COUPON EX><•<«. . i * GARLIC ROLLS *3 >• 12-15-88 j LIMIT 2 W/C0UP0N EXP. lTl5-86 $$ EAT IN OR PICK UP ONLY " ------• FREE 1/2 DOZEN GARLIC ROLLS PLUS 3 FREE LARGE SODAS * WITH ANY PURCHASE OF ANY LARGE N.Y. STYLE PIZZA LIMIT 2 WITH COUPON _ _ „ „ • • v * ------.»«_«__ EXP. 12-15-86 • EAT IN OR PICK UP ONLY J EAT IN OR PICK UP ONLY FREE SLICE OF PIZZA | FREE .25SS-* 324-4518 ESMmCH W, R 0 u™:ZT™ I ™ANYSPAGH En^N NER • INK IW/C0UP0N EXP. 12-15-88 J EXP. 12-15-86 LIMIT 2 W/C0UP0N *•***•• ***•****•*****+***,-)*-+ THE MIAMI HURRICANE Tuesday. Dec. 9. 1986 Page 3 Center helps students study Some Children By ELIZABETH VALDES in 1940, he had already embarked Get ATwoWheeler For Christmas Hurricane Sla*/ Writer on his career of test preparation. Many students who come to For students having trouble Kaplan centers are high achievers This is Billy's playground. studying for final exams, a center who struggle for the best scores There are no swings, no located across from the University academically. of Miami on U.S. 1 may be able to "Most of our students are bicycles, only the hope help. achievers from the word go. They that he may walk again. For 45 years, the Stanley H. want to do better academically, As Sisters of Bon Secours. Kaplan centers nave taught ways and our centers help them. Even to study, using class sessions, the best student can improve health care is our mission, audio tape reinforcement and himself," Kaplan said. making lives useful and home-study materials. The goal-oriented student cer­ productive is our calling. His methods, he admits, are tainly would have a tough time neither innovative nor new, but We care about Billy and commitment has made his method choosing what courses to improve, though. The preparation courses children like him. of study popular with thousands of available include nigh school en­ students in 120 cities in the United As Sisters of Bon Secours. States and abroad. trance examinations (for parochial schools and certain specialized we strive, through our health "It's one thing to buy a diet public high schools), as well as book," Kaplan said, "and it's a care ministry, toenhance totally different thing to actually several college entrance examina­ do the exercises and work at tions, including the Scholastic the dignity of every person, losing the weight." Aptitude Test. young and old, and to bring Once in college, the achiever "It s the same with test taking," compassion, healing, com­ he said. "Only if a student is might want help on his college willing to make a conscientious board achievement tests. Kaplan fort and wholeness to those effort in improving his score will centers can help in English, mathe­ we serve. the score actually improve. Any­ matics, biology or chemistry. one that automatically guarantees Kaplan can also help students We are looking for a perfect score is a quack." with the Law School Admissions women who have made a Kaplan began his career in Test, the Graduate Management education by tutoring fellow high Admissions Test or the Medical commitment to any aspect school students. At college, his School Admissions Test. of health care and who find following of students increased All Kaplan centers base them­ rapidly. He graduated magna cum selves on the axiom stated in the the thought of becoming a laude from The City College of orientation brochure: "Taking an member of a progressive New York, having been elected to examination is nothing less than a community of sisters Phi Beta Kappa in his junior year. form of competition • against When he was awarded a mas­ others, against established stan­ appealing. Please call or ter's of science degree in education dards and even against yourself." write for our brochure lhat describes what it is like to achieve personal, professional, and spiritual satisfaction as a Sister NEED CASH? of Bon Secours. WE BUY OR PAWN We may never be able to Huge Discounts on: Pre-owned Jewelry, gold put this child behind a new watches, diamonds, Rolexes, stereos, TVs, autos. set of handlebars, but we rV^ - 'NSTANT CASH FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE - can give him something #1# GABLES PAWN & JEWELRY to hang on to. 0 1734 S.W. 57 AVE. (1 Block North ol Duffy's) 262-6020 We Care For Gods Sake Study and Research SISTERS OF Can you do it? BON SECOURJRSS W Vocation Ditejcior Andrea C. Berger, Ph.D. IS2S Marriousvilta Rd. Reading and Study Skills Center Mauiollsville, Maryland 21104 Providing: * Study Efficiency Lessons KN-442-ZU1 * Private Tutoring — Reading and Study Skills * Preparation for Reading Comp. — MCAT * Term Paper Instructions Over 10 Years Experience at College and Professional Levels 663-0871 1 Block tor Red and Sunset


¥ * ¥ * ¥ FIESTA BOWL TRIP ¥ ¥ ¥ * ¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥ Interested? ¥ ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ ¥ For More Information ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ Stop by University Center Room 232, * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ Or Call Student Activities at X5646 * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ GO CANES!! #1 * ¥ * ¥ * ¥ * * * * * ••••••••••****** h. +**•••••••••******** Pa* 4 Tuesday, Dae. 9. 1986 THE MIAMI HURRICANE Tutors, programs help students with classes The Counseling Center offers a •By PAUL DEAN be able to accurately determine clflSS6S. similiar program. However, Jerry Other University offices offer Hurricane Staff Writer what kind of help Is needed and Houston, assistant dean of stu­ the most appropriate means of 'We want to provide students with high (Mality tutoring programs for students. dents, said this program works on A wide range of help Is available providing that assistance. The Minority Student Support a "pay as you're tutored basis." for University of Miami students Aside from a professor's assist­ tutorial services for minimal cost*.' il Center sponsors a tutoring pro­ ance, departmental programs exist gram tor students in a wide In this referral program, stu­ having problems in their classes. Jerry Houston, assistant dean of students According to Bill McElrath, for students having problems In variety of classes. In this free dents pay $4.50 per hour for group director of undergraduate studies critical areas. program open to all students, assistance and $5 per hour for at the School of Business, the first In the College of Arts and assistant at the Writing Center, students access to the anjgver keys participants fill out an application Individual tutoring. person that a student should see if Sciences, the English department the center is open weekdays and is to all accounting textbMks used indicating their problem classes According to Houston, the tutors he is having problems is his sponsors the Writing Center. Un­ free to all students. by the University. and the office refers the student to in this program are highly quali­ professor. der the leadership of Dr. Pat Freshmen comprise the majority According to McElratW gradu­ a qualified undergraduate student fied because they must go through "Each professor is required to Kuett-Wellington, graduate stu­ of the students who are currently ate students, and sometinis facul­ volunteer. a screening process before they provide at least five hours a week dents help undergraduate students seeking help at the center. ty members, further assist stu­ Prudencla Allen, a clerical are allowed to tutor. dents in problem solving. for studenU to receive help," with almost any type of problems A similar program exists in the worker at the Minority Center, "We want to provide students McElrath said. they may have In writing. mathematics department. A similar lab In management said the program offers help in with high quality tutorial services McElrath feels that the student, According to Teresa Miranda, a The School of Business sponsors science helps students with prob­ mathematics, the sciences, lan­ for minimal costs," Houston said. with the help of his professor, will graduate student and research an accounting lab that allows lem-solving techniques In statistics guage arts and engineering.

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ROUNDTRIP REQUIREMENT NO! MIAMI TO: GO! HOE TAMPA/ST PETE $29 CAU NOW. GET GOING! AUSTIN TranStaris HOLIDAY GO! FARES are so low, BROWNSVILLE/ you can't say no. But hurry, at these prices, seats are SO. PADRE ISLAND HOUSTON (HOBBY) $69 going fast! NEW ORLEANS Call TranStar or your Travel Agent right now for . SAN ANTONIO reservations. MIAMI (305) 374-2828 IAS VEGAS •w*-. LOS ANGELES $89 FT [AUDERDALE (305) 462-3005 SAN DIEGO Fares subject to .change without notice. BUSINESS CLASS JUST $30-*50 EXTRA. Beginning November 15, you can fly in TranStars FlyTranStar Business Class—our firstclas s seating and service— * Fares so low, you can't say no. for as little as $30, and no more than $50, extra. That's hundreds less than most airlines' first class fares! OPINION I Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1986 Page 6 The Miami Hurricane UM laurels good but Fall 1986: term of protest not enough to sit on Unfortunately, students ap­ of the library has created a Today, another semester passel of trouble for the Uni­ comes to a close at the parently felt the parking issue By TIM HUEBNER we have come without realizing University of Miami. Feisty was not worthy of any real versity, which was caught how far we still have yet to go. spirits demonstrated by both Editorial protest other than the epidem­ with its pants down. UM was Last week, the University of UM is still a long way from students and administrators ic nonpayment of tickets. claiming to be on the way to Miami celebrated its 60th anni­ attaining its goals. gave the term a little excite­ The Graduate School, on the academic greatness with one versary. In the aftermath of this The Otto G. Richter Library, ment. The Miami Hurricane and an underfunded Otto G. other hand, has been fighting hand and systematically un- historic occasion, perhaps it is as I am sure we all know by hopes that excitement can be Richter. Library. The Hurri tooth and nail for its life. The derfunding the library with fitting to dis­ now, is woefully deficient in generated into a useful con­ cane is glad to see these disintegration of its admitting the other. cuss how far several areas and does not reflect glomeration of activity. clashes have occurred; they and registering powers, a de­ Undergraduate Student Body our fine uni­ a commitment by UM adminis­ Students have often por­ demonstrate an apparently in­ creasing amount of garduatc Government senators passed versity has trators to academic excellence. trayed administrators as mon­ creased interest on the part of student housing and lack of a out leaflets and stickers at the come in this Progress is essential in this area. ey-grubbing autocrats lacking students about the workings of permanent dean are shameless anniversary celebrations, pro­ short period of The graduate school, the any sort of compassion for their University. actions taken by the Universi­ testing the condition of the time and, more strength of which is key to this them. The "money-grubbing ty that graduate studenu are library. importantly, or any top university, has suf­ The Hurricane has published fighting to counteract. autocrats," on the other hand, Clearly. UM studenu are not where it seems fered continually in the last few have sometimes intimated that several opinion articles during Graduate students demon­ to be headed in years at the hands of administra­ UM students are impractical, the semester criticizing the strated at the 60th anniversary in a late 1960s "let's burn the future. tive budget cutters. Most recent­ spoiled sun-worshipers who new parking code — a plan of the University about the down a building" mode of There is cer­ ly, graduate housing has been don't know that for a universi­ which makes the nifty change lack of housing and are becom­ demonstrating. They probably tainly no ques­ significantly cut and the stan­ ty to be successful, it must of giving students two gratis ing upset over the dilution of never will be. tion that UM dards for naming graduate facul­ make money. tickets but does nothing to the graduate faculty. A propos­ However, the Hurricane be­ lieves clashing with adminis­ Huebner has made ty may decline. This kamikaze For both groups, the truth is address the overall lack of al before the faculty senate greatstrides since its founding 60 course on which the administra­ parking spaces. Provost Luis would make just about every trators can only help them and probably far less extreme than the University as a whole. years ago. As an institution, we tion has set the graduate school the other side claims. Glaser, the paper believes, professor and his brother a have survived the hurricane of quickly needs to be halted. should not have devised a new member of the group, although Voicing opinions as loudly as However, the different possible assures that notice 1926, bankruptcy in the Great Simple academic standards, views have brought clashes plan during his first few senators insist that was not the Depression, a world war and the such as the level of difficulty and over a serious lack of parking, months at UM (especially intention. will be taken, even if action is still-present problem of effec­ diversity of course offerings, fall a crumbling Graduate School without consulting students). The poor relative treatment not always Uken. tively dealing with the sinful, short of other major institutions sordid image of the city of and threaten to keep UM from Miami. attaining the level of academic Most recently. President Ed­ excellence that it would like. ward T. Foote II arrived on the At 60, UM can be proud of its scene and, although he has accomplishments thus far. How­ encountered some opposition to ever, it cannot be complacent his plans, has begun to put UM and expect the progress to on the road to greatness. We are continue without persistent ef­ now a "global university" with a fort. new logo and a new image to go with it. According to Time magazine, we are one of those Tim Huebner, a junior major­ "hot colleges on the climb." ing in history, is an opinion However, let us not get so columnist for The Miami Hurri­ caught up in celebrating how far cane. Humbug ... it's Xmas

By ANDY SHIPE naughty are a hell of lot more interesting to write about). Christmas. It's that time of These, then, are my stocking year again. stutters for \986. The time of year when televi­ To : An auto­ sion is saturated with the same graphed copy of How I Laughed j inane Christ- All the Way to the Bank by j mas specials Richard Nixon. j you've seen To Steve fireeser, an editor ot umpteen times Undertow, -a • campus literary before. (My fa- magazine: A copying machine vorite is How with an inexhaustible source of the Grinch paper. Stole Christ­ mas; I root for To Marriott Inc.: A can of the Grinch.) Black Flag or a large snake that The time of doesn't like tacos. year when you To : A motor can go to a scooter with training wheels. „.. department To the Otto G. Richter Library: Letters to the Editor 5,n,pe store and hear Something it doesn't already the same inane jingles you've have — a book not written by heard umpteen times before, as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. you wrestle three women for the To President Edward T. Foote last Rudolph the Red-Nosed II: What do you give the man Junior: writer got facts only Reindeer Night-Light for your who has everything, and who little brother (who'll break it wouldn't let Santa land on his To the Editor: roof anyway? particular senior level psycholo­ major and has not attended this research and studies which are Dec. 26). It is said that people who live gy course offered to undergradu­ particular class. performed in the field of psy­ And of course, it's the time of To anyone who wants it: The in glass houses should not throw ates. January 1987 issue of Playboy. chology. He brings this knowl­ year when you can pick up a stones. If this sutement holds One of Huebner's complaints is edge of research to class and newspaper and read a column We at the Hurricane should be true then it is safe to assume that This course was singled out as that many departments do not done with it by Christmas. relates experimenU to topics that some illiterate wrote about a person should not criticize an example of poor quality offer a wide variety of courses. within the text. Christmas. Who am I to break To Hurricane staff columnists: matters concerning the educa­ because: it requires no essay However, this psychology course with tradition? Besides, the only tests, it requires only three This course teaches various Four cunning lawyers, three tional system at our university if has not been taught in recent theories of learning which cover thing I do like Santa Claus for, French breads, two cans of mace he lacks full knowledge of his objective tests and because only years and has just now been besides giving me a topic for this one text is listed on the syllabus all areas of the psychology of and a partridge in a pear tree. topic. offered because its subject mat­ learning. A reason that no essays column, is frightening small • I am writing in response to for the course. ter is important in the field of children in shopping malls. are written, which require a Andy Shipe, a junior majoring certain parts of an article by Tim I am currently enrolled in this psychology. student to side with a particular So I've made a list, checked it in English and mathematics,is an Huebner which criticized the particular psychology course, theory, is that the professor twice and found out who's opinion columnist for The Miami academic quality of the Universi­ Although no essays are re­ and I would like to enlighten a quired, and there is only one wants the students to keep open naughty and nice (because the Hurricane. ty of Miami. This article pointed certain Miami Hurricane colum­ minds. out the "bad" qualities of a text, the course is taught by a nist, who is not a psychology professor who has knowledge of Does this Hurricane columnist know what an open mind is? From what I read in his column every Tuesday, I don't think so. STAFF Author's remark irks student The only reason I am writing Th« Miami Humcan« is published semiweokty during the regular academic year, and is this article is that I feel that I written and edited by undergraduate students at the University of Miami. This publication To the Editor: Michener wasn't referring to have more knowledge on this does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the University's trustees, faculty My curiosity was certainly Considering the amount of subject than the columnist. I am or administration. "maneuverabilty" as the physi­ thinkers who are conservative, c 1986 by the University of Miami whetted by the article in the last cal ability to move objects, not commenting on other parts r such a sutement seems indica­ 1986 by fhe University of Miami's undergraduate student body issue of The Miami Hurricane which seems to decrease as of his article because I don't have about James Michener, especial­ tive of someone in isolation from enough information to do so. much with liberals as conserva­ any of those who hold his own MARIL YN GAR A TEIX ROLAND S. MEDINA ly by his quote, "If you are a tives in the process of aging. Huebner could uke a lesson Editor in Chief Business Manager staunch conservative at 20, ideology, and clearly issues from from this. where does that leave you at 60? Did he therefore mean that one who well fiu the decription of an ideologue. I have only one piece of advice It certainly doesn't leave room only liberals posess the ability to for Huebner: everyone is igno­ Managing Editor Juan Carlos Coto manipulate people to achieve News Editor Debbie Morgan for maneuverability." I'm sure rant about many things, but only much of the content of the certain objectives? Are conserva­ It is always quite interesting to the truly ignorant claim to know Associate News Editor Karan Plave interview had to be left out to fit tives therefore more stupid than see what new epithets liberals Assistant News Editors Olympia Ross what they do not. Writing space requirements. As it is, I'm liberals? Or is this a left-handed come up with to apply to unfounded but controversial gar­ Mara Donation tantalized by what is not ex­ compliment to the honesty and conservatives, especially when Opinion Editor Patrick McCreery bage may make you popular (or plained about the word "maneu­ straightforwardness of conserva­ the words used show such unpopular as the case may be) in Entertainment Editor David A. Batan verability." tives? narrowmindedness (could that Assistant Enterteinment Editor Rick Munarriz be the word Michener meant?). a college newspaper, but in the Sports Editor Jeff Tromberg "Maneuver" is used as a verb It appears from the context of Perhaps I'll send the phrase real world you will probably be Asst. Sports Editor John Stoltenborg and a noun; in each use there are the article that Michener. was "lack of maneuverabilty" to the out of a job. Your facu are Copy Editors Line Lopez three main definitions, which using the lack of maneuverabili­ Conservative Book Club, so oth­ straight, but you really don't Erin Murphy boil down to either scheming or ty as a negative description of ers can enjoy it. undersUnd much about your Laura Plaia moving people or things from conservative thinkers (he Anight subject matter. Think before you Photo Editor Robert Duyos one position to another, whether think the latter phrase ojtymo- write. physically or mentally. I'm sure Deborah Levi, Richard Shlfman. Assistant Photo Editor Beth Keiser ronic.) graduate student Newsbriefs Editor Linda Zipper junior Cartoonists Any a Cliff on Natalie Holtom Robert Vazquez Charles Vignola Production Manager Dodd Clasen Asst. Production Manager William Yonkowski Herald Manager. John Lubs Classifieds Manager Erike Angulo Circulation Manager Kurt Hall Senior Advisor Bruce Gerrison Financial Advisor Raymonde Bilger Staff Coordinator , Pam Hernandez

Sales Personnel Tania Bard Andy Cohan, tommy /tin Posi Orhca BOM 248132 University of Miami Coral Gables. fL 33124 284-4401 •^—Ml • — THE MIAMI HURRICANE Tuesday. Dec. 9. 1986 Page 7 Letter to the Editor IS YOUR THESIS Cafeteria food good, bad THE FREEZER? T«o thekeee*e. tJlEditor. : For the first time this year a week. (Maybe the yogurt is anticipation of those "on the go sity of Miami, this is especially survey requesting specific sug­ edible, if one likes yogurt.) days." unfair. gestions has been distributed in Sundays the doors open at Cafeterias are closed for days Now, for the praises. (Fortu­ the cafeterias. I am able to be 10:30, and from 10:30 to 1 on during the Thanksgiving holi­ nately, the cafeterias aren't all specific in my positive and Saturdays and Sundays the "real days. Does this mean that stu­ bad). negative comments, but unfortu­ food" is served, chock-full of dents" who have neither the The cookies and pies are nately my complaints aren't nutritious grease, salt, and sugar, means to travel home nor the simply delectiole — a real treat. limited to only one. Among those which when I was ill I was mea« to purchase additional The turkey noodle soup can that deserve consideration are: unable to eat. This brings me to restaurant meal must starve? really warm the heart. Cafeteria hours are far too my next point. What about the international The home-fried chicken re­ Mine was. B\ the time I had written 100 paces. I wis restricted. Many meals are Take-outs are severely re­ students? minds me of home. convinced that mv house would burn I kept m\ skipped due to.the fact that stricted. One must obtain signa­ If-one lives in dormatories or The lemonade really brightens note cards on ice. loo classes are necessarily scheduled tures from resident assistants or residential colleges on campus, my day. during meal hours because clas­ desk assistants and a meal card the meal plan is required. Since Last but not least, the fresh In May there was a power failure A half-i.aUon of Mint ses aren't offered at alternate from one who is "sick." This my meal money is completely fruit bars are welcome any time. Chip ice cream infiltrated rm studv of industrial times. Those of us who don't process in itself is enough to invested in the meal plan, I have I just can't get enough fresh espionage sleep in on weekends can't eat make one sick at one's stomach, no money left to buy from a fruit. here for breakfast. especially if one is already sick. grocer or restaurant. Cafeteria life is a big part of I should have made copies at Kinkos And if one is not sick, because There exists a monopoly in life at UM for many students. Saturday mornings the doors meals are restricted to specific which competitive prices and That's why I thank you for open after 9:30 for "Continental locations there is no such thing comparable food aren't offered. considering these ideas.and I Breakfast" which is a combina­ as "eating on the way" or taking Lastly, there is no refund for hope there will be a positive kinko's tion of cut, browned, rotting lunch to work. Since the fruit meals missed. For those of us response. fruit and leftover cakes from and bagels are cut, one can't Darlene Rygiel, Crcat copies. Great people. dinners during the previous who must scrimp and spend our 1212 SOUTH DIXIE HWY. store them in one's room in last dime to come to the Univer­ junior (ACROSS FROM UNIV. OF MIAMI) 662-6716 From New York €QUfl\ From New York GRAND OPENING ZJne <=d-c€clie5 i^enter FREE DELIVERY* A SPECIAL HEALTH FACILITY CREATED BY FREE DELIVERY* WOMEN FOR WOMEN 5612 Sunset Drive • NEW EARLY PREGNANCY TESTING — HOURS — (Near Sunset Drugs) • CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELING South Miami • SPECIAL STUDENT FEES Sun. to Thurs. 11 to 11 p.m. • PREGNANCY TERMINATIONS Fri. & Sat. 11 to 1 a.m. Telephone #666-8797 (Take Out Available) MEDICAL CARE YOU CAN TRUST... PEOPLE YOU CAN TALK TO THE LADIES CENTER 9485 SW 72 ST., SUITE A-240 PIZZA s% EXPRESS MIAMI, FL 33173 595-6766 l TRACY TRAVEL I | AIRLINES • CRUISES J TOURS | RIVIERA THEATRE BLDG. • 1550 S. DIXIE HWY. \ CORAL GABLES > 681-6509 ! WHEN IS THE RIGHT TIME TO

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Great hours, too. Kinkos is open AT&T eorly, open late ond open weekends. The right choice kinko's Great copies. Great people 1212 South Dixie Hwy. Coral Gables L__— —«— •862-6716 i ENTERTAINMENT Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1986 Page 8 The Miami Hurricane SEC hurdles UM students' beauty run budget cuts more than just skin deep By UNA LOPEZ 'With the exception of Hurricane Copy Editor one or two other girls, I to success One Unversity of Miami student may have spent this weekend think that any of them representing the college in terms By DAVID A. BATAN of pigskin, but recently, another [the UM group] will be Hurricane Entertainment Editor student represented this "Harvard of the South" in terms of human the winner or the This past semester, the Stu­ Commentary skin — his. runner-ups.' dent Activity Fee Allocation Senior Alex Rodriguez will be Jack Lewin, president and Committee once again sur­ one of five men featured on in a prised several organizations nationally distributed, beefcake executive producer of Ms. and clubs with financial cut­ poster calender. Miami pageant backs. Some complained pub­ to capacity. With the release of the Touch­ licly, while others just strug­ For Homecoming, the com­ stone movie Tough Guys, which gled on. Some were barely able mittee was able to book Berlin stars such classic tough guys as women in the country. It annually to function with the cutbacks: — a much better choice than Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster, provides up to $5 million to its others took the high road and last year's Otis Day and the the movie's promoters began their contestants, strictly for academic surpassed expectations. Knights of Animal House fame. nationwide quest to find "tough and educational purposes. Berlin was such a success that guys" to be featured In a promo­ "I entered because of the schol­ One such organization that arship money." Sauder said, "and remained high and dry was the the committee was forced to tional calendar. actually turn students away. Schools like the University of because this is an official Ms. Student Entertainment Com­ America preliminary which means mittee. California at Berkeley, Columbia, It seemed that SEC could not Michigan SUte, Ohio State and th8t your talent Is worth 50 Beginning the semester with ask for anything better. UM were among those which held percent and the swimsuit, inter­ a 20 percent cut in its proposed * But it could. preliminary contests in October. view and beauty (competitions) budget of $120,000. SEC re­ There have been problems in It was Rodriguez's physique are worth the other 50 percent. turned with its perpetual SEC beyond the initial budget which impressed the Judges at the "There isn't that same attitude promise to improve on-campus cut of $20,000. One of the contest held in UM's Rathskeller, as in other pageants," said Sauder, entertainment. But this semes­ biggest problems is a long­ winning him first place and a an opera-applied voice major. "It s ter, one thing stood out. SEC standing one between the com­ chance to compete in the final ERIC COCKS/HurHcane Staff ROBERT DleTOS/Hurricon* Staff to promote talent, scholarship and made good on that promise. mittee and the student body: competition. beauty — not just beauty." Within the first three months namely, the commuter stu­ "I really didn't expect to win. Rodriguez Calvert In addition to the scholarship of this semester, chairperson dents' lack of participation. I'm not much of a tough guy," said money, the Ms. Miami winner will Mitch Morales and his commit­ the 23-year-old Rodriguez, speak­ majoring in general business man­ By ROLAND S. MEDINA be involved in many community tee have brought more concert This semester, SEC received ing of his initial success at the Rat. agement, maintains a 3.6 GPA and Hurricane Business Manager projects, appearances and promo­ excitement to campus in one $6.66 from each student's "My friends talked me Into it." hopes to earn an MBA degree at tions. . t semester than in recent memo­ $74.42 student activity fee. The friendly persuasion which either Harvard or Yale. As one University of Miami "I feel that Ms. Miami should be ry- Only five other organizations led to that win also led to the According to one of Rodriguez's student was being recognized as an excellent representative of the receive more money: (in re­ photo session after the contest at classmates, the black-haired, the best in his field of endeavor in city of Miami," said Calvert. "I Simply Red was brought in verse order) student publica­ for the freshman orientation the Rat. The photos were then sent brown-eyed calendar boy may be New York, six other UM students like to meet people, and I feel that tions, selected student organi­ to Los Angeles, where Touchstone unconsciously affecting female were busily preparing to excel in it would be important, as Ms. concert, a fine choice and a zations and programs. Campus good way to both welcome the executives made the final decision. GPAs. another field: beauty and talent. Miami, to serve the community as Sports and Recreation and the Seniors Becky Calvert, Jennifer newest members of the Univer­ Federation of Sports clubs, As luck — or looks — would "There are two girls in class best you can." sity of Miami community and University Center amortization have It, Rodriguez was chosen as who spend the entire class period Sauder and Charlotte Krarup, ju­ Calvert, a telecommunications introduce them, as well as the and inter-collegiate athletics. one of five national winners for just staring at him," said senior niors Rebecca Stanier and Wendy major, believes she possesses the rest ot the school, to what was the calendar Vivian Machado. "I mentioned it Pedersen, and sophomore Jackie wherewithal to place well. to become a semester of suc­ SEC has a definite place on "My pictures were sent, and I to him once, but he just ignores Sorkih were selected to be among "All the other girls are really cess after success. campus, and tt has worked filled out a written interview, them. the 11 finalists for the 1986 Ms. beautiful and talented, but I hard this semester to reestab­ which the judges were going to "You'd expect him to be stuck Miami Pageant scheduled for Dec. think I have a good chance.' Following on the heels of the lish Itself as an excellent source read," recalls Rodriguez. "With up about the whole thing, but he 10 at the Gusman Cultural Center Calvert admitted. "With a good Simply Red concert, which of Inexpensive, quality enter­ guys from over 100. universities for the Performing Arts in Down­ showing in the interview and tainment. It should strengthen just laughs," she said. offered the students the added competing, I was really surprised Junior Leigh Pettigrew, also a town Miami. talent portion of the contest, I spectacle of the unscheduled these ties by trying harder to (to win). Jack Lewin, president and exec­ might do well." wedding of one of the band's involve the whole UM commu­ classmate of his, called him*'a very Rodriguez ts modest about his sweet guy" and also pointed out utive producer of the pageant, has While Calvert enjoys all the roadies, was a joint effort with nity. win. The new "tough guy" is aesthetic qualities to look pleasant the Rathskeller Advisory Board anxious to keep his success under how down-to-earth Rodriguez is. high expectations for the UM OffP™*B"' '"""* c°metly Laff. One possible solution would wraps. This may prove challeng­ "He isn't conceited at all, even contingency. in a bathing suit and an evening be to make commuters aware ing, since the calendar, which after winning the contest ... I "With the exception of one or gown, she also maintains a 3.56 two other girls. said Lewin."I OPA and aees the pageant as a Both presentations were that by not participating In features all six teat and 223 wouldn't mind a date wilh him. these events, they are literally pounds ot him, has Just been not ar all." think that any of them |the UM challenge rather than an ego well-received but were only throwing their money away; nationally released. Unfortunately for Pettigrew, a group] will be the winner or the booster. building blocks for the return another possibility would be to "I'm pleased with the finished shy Rodriguez hinted he had a runner-ups." "I'm not looking at it as strictly of a strong SEC; the popularity offer special incentives to com­ product, but my hair is too long in special girl but gave no specifics. The winner will receive $1,000 a beauty pageant, added Calvert. of its planned events seemed to muters. the picture. I like It real short,' he A Corvette and a red Doberman in scholarship money, a wardrobe "It's a contest of discipline, per­ continue to increase. The Spin A third alternative would be said. pinscher are Rodriguez's passions. valued between $2,500-$3,000, a sonality, talent and intellectual magazine expo brought two to improve the span of enter­ "The calendar looks a bit slea­ And so is bodybuilding. He claims necklace, a spa membership and ability. relatively unknown bands to tainment offered by the com­ zy," he admitted. "My friends a 26-inch leg circumference, a cosmetics. The requirements for the pag­ UM, but it also brought the mittee, but Morales seems in­ haven't teased me, but I want to 31-inch waist and a 50-inch chest. The Ms. Miami Pageant is a eant include that contestants have popular college band The Call. tent on realizing that goal. keep things quiet." Yet modesty prevails. non-profit organization that is a a high school diploma Of the 11 The concert was filled nearly Congratulations. But brains and brawn are not "The hardest part of being a subsidiary of the Ms. America women participating this year, mutually exclusive. Rodriguez, tough guy is being nice ... it's hard Pageant which provides one of the only one isn't in college or sometimes," he said. largest scholarship programs for graduated from college. 'Til Tuesday 'Welcome Home' success on road

By RICK MUNARRIZ stop seeing each other. However, Keeping with the theme of most Hurricane Auistant Entertainment Editor through what Pesce called, "pro­ of 'Til Tuesday's songi, "Lover's fessional and humanly wise" be­ Day" manifests a hideously silent Bands like Aerosmith and The havior, they managed to keep their bitterness of broken relationships. Cars have added to the flavor of musical relationship intact. Pesce attributes that to Mann, , extending somewhat be­ The band's hard work and who writes most of the band's yond the more traditional flavors dedication finally paid off with a compositions. of tea, baked beans or cream pie. CBS record contract, which even­ "She's by no means a 'gloom 'Til Tuesday, yet another suc­ tually launched the release of its and doom' kind of gal," Pesce said. cessful band from the capital of first record, . After "It's just Aimee's way of commu­ Massachusetts, is beginning to stir the success of the album's title nicating." some of its own spices into the old track, the foursome entered the In enveloping the band with her Boston recipe. studio to record Welcome Home, own brand of lyrical harshness, Ever since the quartet's birth 'Til Tuesday's follow-up. Mann has also involuntarily swept nearly four years ago, singer/bass­ Avoiding the pressure that usu­ the spotlight from Pesce, Hausman ist 's vision of what a ally accompanies a successful de­ and Holmes — a fact that Mann's band should be has been walking but, the band worked on produc­ male counterparts have learned to hand in hand with reality. ing a solid album rather than deal with. In Jan. 1983, Mann began to individual hits. "We all contribute a hell of a lot, recruit members for the band. "We didn't try to make a hit on but every group has to have a Immediately deciding on bassist this album," Pesce explained. "It focal point, and Aimee's elected," Michael Hausman, whom she had was purely, 'Well, what's going to Pesce said. been dating, she would eventually sound good.' If it does the job, it Despite the attention Mann gets run Into guitarist Robert Holmes does it. over the rest of the band, they are at a party and call up keyboardist It did. still a group, and they set to prove Joey Pesce whom she had known With "What About Love?" it through excessive touring. previously. flooding the airwaves over the Their current tour, which finds A week before their first gig, past few months, "Coming Up them coming down the East Coast, they all suggested band names and Close," and "Lover's Day," prom­ has not neglected South Florida. finally decided on 'Til Tuesday. ise similar results. Dec. 17 brings 'Til Tuesday to Fort "It came out of the blue," The latter, penned by Pesce, can Lauderdale's Button South for a keyboardist Joey Pesce said during be interpreted on two levels. On show which Pesce refers to as a telephone interview. "The allit­ the first, it's about two people in a "calm" in comparison to other eration felt good, and it just relationship trying desperately to concerts. 'Til Tuesday (from left): Joey Pesce, Michael Hausman, Aimee Mann and sounded like what we wanted the salvage it. On a broader level, it "We just try to reflect and show Robert Holmes band to sound." deals with relationships between the mood of the songs while In the course of the band's first couples, families and even coun­ reproducing the sound on the In catering to the crowd's ears, year, Hausman and Mann would tries. album as accurately as possible." happy for a long time. themselves, we have accomplished 'Til Tuesday hopes to keep its fans "As long as the audience enjoys our purpose," Pesce said. Holiday season films bring forth good cheer, bad spirits By LENGE L. HONG of sinks), Comfort and Joy (about You're not happy. We're not 10-year-olds of all ages. Hurricane Stall Writer a hapless Glasgow disc jockey happy,' " he recites. "No? 'I've old, and it's boring and it's sugary Set "far" in the future, an evil enough to make you sick. Worst of caught in the crossfire of an ice changed. You've changed. We've protectorate has gained control of The Christmas season tradition­ cream war), and the well-liked changed'?" all, Solarbabies commits a heinous Reviews the small amount of water left on crime — the end is obvious ally means three things in terms of Gregory's Girl, which introduced Mary moves out on her own, this planet. A group of roller-skat­ moviegoing: big names, big bud­ us to John Gordon-Sinclair. leaving Allan alone and lonely. practically before the end of the ing, sweet-faced teenagers with opening credits. gets and big bucks. Gordon-Sinclair was an awk­ Soon he comes to the conclusion names like Terra, Medron and Tug In the rush of fantasy epics and ward, gangly teenager when he that.'The only happy people I is Earth's last chance. The action scenes are tame and unexciting. The costumes (imagine cheesy sequels, a small gem like portrayed Forsythe's love-sick kid know are Idiots. I don't want to be confection; this film is curious and The kids' mission is to rescue Scotland's The Girl in the Picture from the Glasgow suburbs; since happy. I want to be miserable delightful. Doberman pinschers with flash­ Bodhi, a glowing white ball from lights mounted on their fore­ (directed by Cary Parker) could then, the loveable geek has grown with you." And it's sad to think that such a outer space that can make things easily get overlooked — and that into a lanky, charming, and attrac­ Gordon-Sinclair hasn't lost his heads), set and vehicles are comi­ fresh, quirky little treasure may be green again. cally impractical. would be a shame. tive young man. And as Allan, The refreshingly unaffected appeal, lost in the holiday shuffle, a victim The cast includes Lukas Haas This modest, gloriously original Girl's upwardly-mobile photogra­ and he's supported by a similarly of zero promotion apd lousy (who played the little Amish boy As for the performers, the Scottish filmmaking community pher, he's still awkward, still charming cast: like Gregory's Gin, distribution; for it is, more so than in Witness), who here seems to Solarbabies seem like they are has a history of little gems — love-sick, and still loveable. The Girl is quietly funny and at least two thirds of the "holiday" have mastered that vacant, open- fresh out of an old Walt Disnev films marked by their low bud­ But Allan has a problem: He gently offbeat — a tender tongue- movies, desperately worth seeing. mouthed grin. television movie of the week. gets, little-known actors and ap­ can't find a way to explain to his in-cheek look at love in its many Alan Johnson (Mel Brooks' To stages. Indeed, along with the wit, • • * Be or Not to Be) directed this pealing sense of whimsy. beautiful, talented girlfriend Mary This film borrows liberally from They have consistently present­ (Irina Brook) that he wants her to one senses a great deal of genuine montrosity and once again proves affection in The Girl, right down By RODNEY ASCHER others, primarily the Mad Max that he really doesn't have a knack ed moviegoers "across the pond" move out of his apartment. Hurricane Staff Writer movie trilogy, but oddly lacks any with such playfully odd pieces as He rehearses speeches for his to the lovingly composed photog­ for this son 0f thing. This film is raphy. of their energy or excitement. (justifiably) doomed plavina Bill Forsythe's That Sinkinp, Feel­ boss, who's obsessed with a dying Solarbabies is a boring, ludi­ ing (about the theft of a truckload houseplant ." 'I'm not happy The result Is an odd-but-sweet against the science-fiction epic crous science-fiction adventure for It's dry, and its stiff, and it's Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home I ' THE MIAMI HURRICANE Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1986 Page 9

'Dead' lives; Young's old RESEARCH I""' Bn.y. RICDlr-lKf MUNARRIMllee.nnl-Ze a,,,,,,,^ • Send 12 for dialog ol AFFORDABLE COMPUTERS However, there are two things ov* 16.000 lope* 10 t*- year guarantee Hurricane Assistant Entertainment Editor 100% IBM -Compatible 1 wrong with his latest CBS release. MN yaw rtMircri -sfiofl* • 641000 %K MemorIBM Comfwtebly installeed *« "Complet1 year guie systemi For «.fo. u* tcsM-ttm i -j -an • 640 K Mamory Insulted * Complete I "I Want Surprises"! His songs are so geared towards •00-621-5749 (in IHinois 2 Floppy dis* drives ( commercialism that, like a paper m 312-922-0300V • V • ' U\ * Monocfe2 Floppyi omdise* Graphicdrives s Card tA/IAnn After Dead or Alive's predict­ Reviews Mfwi !«•»(*. Rn W0 -ft I —la I - (runUivievteenmt Flight Simulato. C,.nhr« an Turd f iV J (Ll U U ably trite American debut last heart, they turn out shallow and MJleOwtnOuMeUti-!- *839 Lotus graphics on icraan) Call us today year, "I Want Surprises" seems meaningless. The formulated har­ 4.7-6 MKz Turbo PrexeiMleTg spends like an ironic opening statement mony lines and musical riffs are on the first track of its follow-up too perfect. • •IM em^m 534-7000 LP, Mad, Bad and Dangerous to stroll through creative riffs and Many people sell out to whatev­ Computer dlekotta* D8DD 5.25" $7.95 box of 10 Know. melodies and emerge as innovative er fashion dictates. Young follows ATTENTION Buy 3 boxes got a free disk cleaning kitl With a progression all too giants. footsteps Instead of making them. Buy 6 boxes gat a fraa diak storage easel familiar, "Brand New Lover" "Then There Was You," begins In his journey through Wonder- BSN 534-7000 seems to be a clone of the quartet's with a violin introduction not too raid, Young also falls victim to CLASS biggest American hit to date, "You dissimilar from Madonna's "Papa one of the biggest flaws in Spin Me Round." Don't Preach" but then evolves recording today — shabby produc- OF 1987. However, refraining from lifting Into a no-frills, danceable rocker on. the record needle can lead to one that separates the men from the His songs are yearning to ex- If you have an of the biggest surprises of the "boy toys." lode but are held back by stale Mad, Bad and Dangerous to (roduction. overall *B' Fiesta Bowl Special year. average, you The song develops the depth and Know Is neither of the three but The record's first track, "Some intricateness that its predecessor can prove to be for the Impatient People," offers a typical Young may quality for lacked. and quick to judge. song, the type that the British early commis­ $42 double And the surprises don't stop have gotten down to a science. sioning as an Air there. The song is catchy and clever yet Force nurse. The remaining eight tracks con­ hopelessly flat. There's no need $47 triple r*\ tinue to provide fresh dance tunes, Radios love It. to wait for your Mothers love Paul Young. Mothers love it. DAYS INN each building on the other to give He's wholesome, he's clean-cut State Board $52 quad. all nine songs a wide diversity I don't. and he has hit No. I on both sides Young has a lot more to offer to results. Ask for which succeeds in cutting the of the Atlantic. details on our 333 W. Juanita umbilical cord from the monotony the world than just an endless of Mother Disco. A man who has graced the cover series of cliches put to music. special intern­ Call Now Mesa, Arizona of every magazine but National In his days with the Q-Tips, ship program. The record maintains a pulsating Geographic, Young has released 602-844-8900 beat which manipulates an abun­ Young set himself apart from the Call Limited Space another album with songs tailor- trends of the times. But like Phil dance of synthesizers to produce a made for Muzak. SSgt Gerry Baker record destined to become a Collins. Young has finally given in Young has gathered up another and put up his bid for America's (305)444-0503 standard to dance music connois­ batch of cleverly crafted composi­ seurs. favorite poster pin-up in order to collect tions with the sugariness of achieve success. ©800-325-2525 Songs like "Come Inside" and Wham! and the European feel of Fortunately, "Some People" "Shining Star" uke a knee-deep Alison Moyet. don't have to. ••FORCED •^— 10 Minutes From ASU TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOP$ TOPS TOPS TOPS TOP$ TOP$ TOPS TOPS TOP$ TOPS TOP$ TOP$ TOP$ TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOP$ TOP$ TOPS TOP$ TOP$JOPf TOP$ TOPS TOP$ TOPS BOOK BUY-BACK $ TOP DOLLAR $ FOR YOUR TEXTS WHEN YOU ARE THROUGH WITH THEM WE BUY ALL CURRENT EDITION TEXTS WHETHER IN USE AT THIS CAMPUS OR NOT FOR THAT EXTRA MARGIN OF EARNINGS, SELL TO BOOK HORIZONS (OPPOSITE MAHONEY-PEARSON WE BUY-BACK ALL YEAR ROUND ON Sa PIXIE HWY.] DON'T FORGET US FOR YOUR USED 8. NEW TEXTS IN JANUARY TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOPS TOr$TOP$ TOW* to******



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PRIZES • RAFFLES Limited Seating. Be There Early! » SPORTS \ Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1986 Page 10 The Miami Hurricane North Carolina teaches UM a lesson of the basketball-playing Hurricane* as well. Miami's we're playing, part of It's being young and part of It s By MIKE BERARDINO What Smith eventually instructed his troops to do going through some growing up off the floor. I m not Special to (he Hurricane in the second half was to "practice some things." favorite defense apparently isn't Ote man-to-man or "I told them not to let up, to build good habits," the zone, but rather "the ole." As in "uh, oh, here real happy about a whole lot except that it got over. CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — Saturday, the University Smith said. "We haven't practiced a zone (defense) all comes Kenny Smith on a drive, better get out of the of Miami's basketball team paid a visit to the world's year, so we tried It for three plays In the second half. All-American's way. Ole!" As for his Impressions of the massive Smith largest schoolhouse. The session lasted 40 minutes, We just did it in a game instead of in practice." "For a while, I tried to keep count of the number Center, Foster said, "It's unbelievable. It's got but the lesson learned should linger much longer. For all intents and purposes, the Miami "game" of times UM gave up fast-break lay-ups after made everything. The professor emeritus was named Dean Smith, was no more than a dress rehearsal for when the big baskets, one of the game's cardinal sins," Kenny "We brought about 12 or 15 people up here, and and the schoolhouse bears his name. His prize pupils boys start coming down the pike next January. Smith said. "Soon, I became bored and stopped they took a tour of the building this morning," Foster patrolled the hardwood with alarming ease, passing, Seem harsh? Sorry, but the Hurricanes deserve it. counting at 20. said. dribbling and shooting to near perfection while their Consider turnovers. The visitors had 21 of them, "I was really surprised at the margins because I guests, whose only notebook was stored in their and the majority were of the stupid variety. For know some of the Miami players. They're heady," "I wanted some people to see a game played in a collective psyche, were reduced to performing mere instance, there was Kevin Presto's two-hop bounce Kenny Smith said. "I don't think they were in awe or building like this with an environment like this. imitations of the real thing. pass into the lane that a surprised Curtis Hunter anything. But in the early going, they were a little Maybe when they get back, they'll mash some Yes, that's what basketball the Carolina way is all picked up and fed to Kenny Smith downcourt for an bit, not in awe, but I'd say shaky. I think our buttons and get to work on some things," said Foster, about, and the latest edition of the Tar Heel hoopsters easy jam. defensive pressure had a little bit to do with that." referring to his crusade for an on-campus arena for is doing a fine job of carrying on the tradition. The Shot selection. Any Hurricane who got the ball In all fairness to Miami and Coach Bill Foster, they his team. 122-77 drubbing the Hurricanes suffered before within a $5 cab ride of the basket invariably decided obviously need Tito Horford, who will be eligible to Thus, Hurricane fans can now say that on the 21,444 partisan witnesses in the Dean E. Smith to shoot the rock. Maybe these guys think extra play on Dec. 20. The 7-1, 250-pounder is the one impact player Foster's team needs to transcend same glorious December Saturday that Vinny Center was surprising only in light of the final points are awarded for degree of difficulty. Why else Testaverde won the Heisman Trophy, their basketball margin. would Dennis Burns and Eric Brown insist on doing mediocrity and rise to semi-prominence. Take Joe Wolf out of Dean Smith's arsenal, and the Tar Heels team pilgrimaged to Mecca and reached the "I never expected it would be like that," North Dominique Wilkins impressions on simple drives to mountaintops. Carolina Coach Dean Smith said when it was over. "I the hoop, often getting stuck in the process? Hey, might have only eked out a 30-point win. Insert could not imagine us running up that kind of Kevin, the three-point line is at 19*9", not 29'9". Horford into the Miami lineup, and there might have Mike Berardino is a sophomore at the University first-half score [72-37] against them. At halftime, the Defense. Or more accurately, what defense? Down been a margin in the teens. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an assistant | Carolina! coaches were waiting outside the locker in Miami, they called football player George Mira Jr. "We didn't play very well, to say the least," Foster sports editor for The Daily Tar Heel. room wondering what to say to the team." "the matador," but that nickname fits just about any said. "Part of it's maybe being intimidated by who Penn State, UM yet to practice By JEFF TROMBERG Tennessee did to them wouldn't work very well this Hurricane Sports Editor trip around." Paterno said he hasn't talked with Tennessee 'We have not looked at the With the Sunkist Fiesta Bowl on Jan. 2 all that Coach John Majors because of a deal Majors and UM separates the No. 1 Hurricanes and No. 2 Penn State, Coach Jimmy Johnson made regarding the release of Miami-Tennessee picture yet, and I one might think that both teams would use all this Sugar Bowl films. time to prepare for each other. Paterno has been the coach at PSU for 21 years; don't even know whether I'm going But neither team has sat down and looked at game last year, he led the Nittany Lions to their third to do it. I've talked to some people films yet. national championship game in eight years. The Lions Miami has been preoccupied with the Heisman won 11 games during the 1985 regular season, only to who were at the game ... and I think Sunkist Fiesta Bowl Trophy, and Penn State has been busy with finals. lose 25-10 to Oklahoma in the Classic. Sure, all of that takes time, but both teams do plan to The Lions haven't practiced since their last that Miami learned its lesson down Tempe, Arizona get their practices In full swing in about a week. victory, which came against Pittsburgh, a team "We haven't started to prepare for Vinny Miami also defeated. Penn SUte is planning to their [in 1986 Sugar Bowl]. And (Testaverde) and UM's offense yet," said Penn State practice tomorrow, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Coach Joe Paterno. "We will look at the films soon." and break again for finals. Paterno said he is planning some of the things Tennessee did to As for looking at the last game Miami has lost, the on about 15 practices between now and game day. them would't work very well this 35-7 upset by Tennessee in last year's Sugar Bowl, "As of now, I'm optimistic we'll be in good shape," vs. Paterno added, "We have not looked at the Paterno said, "but there's some things that can trip around.' Miami-Tennessee picture yet, and I don't even know happen in the next three weeks." Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno whether I'm going to do it. I've talked to some people He was referring to the possibility of more injuries who were at that game ... and I think that Miami to his team. The Lions have fared pretty well this No. 1 No. 2 learned its lesson down there. And some of the things year as far as injuries are concerned. The one compare them to PSU's Trey Bauer, a leading tackier exception that stands out is an injury suffered by PSU for Paterno. Miami Penn State quarterback John Shaffer. Paterno compared this year's Miami team to last (11-0) Paterno said that Shaffer's finger was just year's Oklahoma team. He said, "Defensively, they're (11-0) dislocated, not broken and that he has thrown the very similar. Offensively, it's a whole different football in the last few light workouts. Shaffer has ballgame. When we played Oklahoma, we were very led Penn State this year with close to 60 percent in confident. Testaverde and the Miami football team is pass completions. an entirely different ballgame offensively (as Kickoff O.J. Dozier Is PSU's other big offensive threat and compared to OU quarterback Jamelle Holieway and a finalist in this year's Heisman Trophy voting. OUI. Jan. 2,8:15 p.m According to Johnson, Testaverde's capture of the It's gonna be a lot tougher to take them out of Heisman will be a positive factor for the team and their ballgame than it was to take Oklahoma out of will add motivation, but it has been distracting. some things." "Now, that's out of the way and we can get down On Jan. 2, Paterno will get his chance to see if his to business and go about winning the national team will succeed. championship," Johnson said. As for television coverage, NBC announced that Testaverde, winner of the Camp trophy as the As for Miami, there are no injuries that are of real the original crew of Charlie Jones and former Miami nation's best college player. concern at this point. Dolphin Jimmy Cefalo will be joined by , Practices have been scheduled for the Hurricanes another former Dolphin. and Ahmad The Miami Touchdown Club gave out awards throughout the month. The team will practice today Rashad will do an on-site, pre-game show from 8 voted on by the coaching staff at its annual awards through Friday, resume Monday and continue p.m. until the 8:15 kickoff. dinner. The MVP award was selected by the players. through Dec. 22. A three-day vacation will follow. • • • The winners were: Jack Harding Memorial Trophy On Dec. 26, there will be one last home practice. On (MVP) — Testaverde; offensive back of the year — Dec. 27, there will be a morning practice followed by Several UM football players, as well as Coach fullback Alonzo Highsmith; receiver of the year — a flight to Tempe, Ariz., where the team will hold Jimmy Johnson, have received honors this week. Irvin; offensive lineman of the year — Rakoczy; practices until game day. On Saturday, Johnson was named 1986 Coach of defensive lineman of the year — Brown; linebacker of Paterno, with what he knows of UM, said his main the Year by the Walter Camp Football Foundation. the year — ; defensive back of the year concern is how Penn State's offense will compare to He now has a three-year record of 29-7 with the — Blades; Hard-hitter Award — defensive end Dan UM's defense. Hurricanes. He was selected "because he possesses Stubbs; special teams player of the year — Bubba "The defense obviously doesn't get the kind of the ability to inspire outstanding performances by the McDowell; strength trainer of the year — offensive credit they should get because you got a Heisman players placed under his charge," said Camp tackle Matt Patchan; Mariutto Award (academics) — Trophy winner and guys like [Alonzo) Highsmith and Foundation President Benjamin Tortora. Johnson will offensive tackle Ed Davis; and Plummer Award [Melvin] Bratton and the wide outs [Michael] Irvin be joined at the Feb. 7 Camp awards dinner by Vinny (leadership/spirit) — Brown. and what have you," Paterno said, "but we think the defense is very strong — very physical defensive football team." Courtesy of Penn Suite He praised the work and quickness of Jerome Coach, team want new track Penn State quarterback John Shaffer Brown and George Mira Jr., even beginning to By TODD CLINE diplomatic when he said, "A he knows what it takes to build a Hurricane Stall Writer locker room without a track is track team, and he also knows pretty useless." what it can mean to a school," Progress is abounding all over Coach Caballero is convinced commented Caballero. the University of Miami campus. that a track is just a matter of So far, nothing has been done Women's team lacks depth President Edward T. Foote's time. He also contends that UM regarding the track and, with the dream of a "new" Harvard is Athletic Director Sam Jankovich recent annoucement of an on-cam­ By JOHN STOLTENBORG versity. The victories were a 67-65 record books slowly inching along. and the athletic department are pus basketball arena, the track defeat of Grambling State College Miami's inside support comes A new tennis complex is being behind him and the program. could once again be put on the Hurricane Staff Writer and an 82-73 win over Monmouth from forward Nancy Clayton and built, and the football team is "Sam is committed to us and 100 back burner. College. guard Hope Butler, who leads the preparing itself for a FiesU Bowl percent behind us. He has told me No answers can be found from Leading the team in points is team with an average of 6.5 game that will net itclose to $2.3 that it will just Uke time. He is Jankovich, who was unavailable The University of Miami guard Maria Rivera, who is aver­ retounds per game. Butler also million. from a school [Washington SUte] women's basketball squad dropped aging 26.5 points per game. She had a game-high 20 points in the But in this bright scenario, the that has a rich track tradition, so Please see page 11 /TRACK its record to 2-2 with a 71-55 loss scored a career-high 38 points in Purdue loss. track team ukes its place as the to the University of Kentucky on the season opener; this was the UM Coach Lin Dunn praised kids outside the bakery shop Saturday. Its other loss was a second-highest single-game scor­ Rivera, a candidate for the All- looking in the windowand won­ 5T0K&I.MC--TVVE. C0/\£H 69-68 heartbreaker to Purdue Uni­ ing performance in the Miami American team, after the squad's dering just how sweet those BW. first win. "The real key to the goodies are. game was the way Maria was able The track team's problem is that to do whatever she wanted. She it has no training facility. That is, really went out and showed how they have no track. They are she can take over a ball game. forced to improvise and practice at Even when they tried to foul her, Tropical Park Sudium when the she went 10 for 10 at the opportunity arises. This requires free-throw line." Uking a bus and wasting the Experience and depth are the coaches' and participants' time. most important factors in a team's "The reason a track is so success, said Dunn. "The key to important is because traveling to the top teams Is that they have an Tropical Park is a major inconvi- All-American on the bench," Dunn ence," said team member Jeff said. "We're a young program and Girr. "Secondly, our team cannot didn't have the commitment to compete against others because of signing the All-American-caliber this/' high school player. Our lack of The surveying for the track has depth showed against Kentucky already been completed. So the when their second team was only thing everyone is waiting for almost equal to our first." is donations to fund the project- The UM team also lacks the It's a vicious circle that many experience of a veteran player. so-called "minor"sports, such as There isn't a true senior on the track, encounter. Participants In squad. "You want to talk green — minor sports don't earn the big NOTHING BUT AHHAAH we have extremely green kids," bucks, so they are usually later in Dunn said. This surfaced in the the pecking order when it comes •5TteR*i AND YOU WfcAKOCNtfcteA Kentucky game when intimidation time to divide the budget. CLo-n*\\Ki&! IT forced Miami into 20 percent field Track coach Tony Caballero aut^s IH goal shooting. said."Non-revenue sports are al­ N- CAROL* MK \\H> HO ClW-ORltS This team does seem to have ways an issue. People don't think NO C/MT|CNt heart. It had to come from behind they are important, but they are to beat Monmouth and Grambling, when you are involved." ,_ OFAui., two experienced teams with sev­ It has been a very enduring HO 6f^t*T6Alj[ eral senior starters. "I was happy period for both Caballero and the for those wins because it showed track program, but Caballero we can beat experienced teams." tends to dwell on the positive Dunn added. aspects rather than the negative The next two games are against ones. TOM /eRNETT/Hurrtca-ie Staff Florida (Saturday) and then Flori­ "I try to understand and cope. da SUte (Monday). Then, it will I'm happy we finally got a locker Freshman Hope Butler dribbles through Ken­ get ready for the Michigan State room. We can't have everything, Christmas Tournament and maybe by next spring or fall, tucky's Mary Jane White (left) and Sandy 1 lunik*.*,' will meet No. I Texas and other we'll have a track here," he added. AD ihe Hurricanes* 71-55 loss Saturday night. nationally ranked teams. Quarter-miler Girr was less THE MIAMI HURRICANE Tuesday. Dec. 9, 1986 Page 11 Track facilities wanted by team PORSCHE TRACK/From page 10 Coach Johnson, asking him when they are going to get a track." CORVETTE for comment because the majority That is the question. What is the of his time is being consumed by delay with the track? Girr feels it pre-Fiesta Bowl activities. is "probably typical UM bureau­ Caballero says another staunch cracy and red tape." supporter of the track is football Caballero realizes another prob­ coach Jimmy Johnson, who has lem. "One of the provisions of the seen more than one UM recruit new track is that It has to bear the B.M.W. shun Miami because of its lack of a Greenetree name. And quite frank­ well-developed track program. ly, people do not want to donate a Many of Johnson's players, includ­ large sum of money and not be ing Bennie Blades, Brian Blades recongnized for It." and Tolbert Bain, double up on the Caballero hopes after the Fiesta LAMBORGHINI track team. Bowl payday, while Jankovich, Caballero says that besides him­ Johnson and others are counting self and the team, these players and divvying up the cash, maybe are the most adamant supporters there will be a pile, no matter how for a new track. small, earmarked for the track "They are always bugging program.


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Coll 284-5419 ervced be bysetterKan take car* of your child work Jon: 251-863) 2 2 ne*t to poof/laundry. $265 - W utilities tick sometimes Maybe someday you'll learn Kendall and ne? The Goy and tnbion HARVARD LAW GRADUATE 1964 SEEKS MARKET RESEARCH ASSISTANT, PART- TYPING Youth Group meant emotional tup-port ond ATTRACTIE, AGREEABLE FEMALE. P.OB. TIME. FLEXIBLE HOURS. GOOD TELEPHONE •raring people Meett weekly Conllden- ;I15. MIAMI BFACH. fL 331-40-011* AND TYPING SKILL5, S4/HOUR 446-0200 • lal wtlomxjtwn. 279 1319 and sail in the PROFISSIONAL TYPIST - Quality Rolandi We mode rtl 25 down and only 24 Mole, part-time. Mecharucally inclined, help­ Th» Hurricane Rwflnen Officei work af reasonable rates, use of to go. I think we need another Washington er around house. Gables. 667-6991 ward processor. Call Diane, 279- Thonkt lor all the odi, t>ui r.wnember thai thit break, what do you think. Merry X mat but 6918. it a NEWSPAPER' Merry X mat Love. Man don't play too hord want you sale and SERVICES MRS ELLERT, 667-2052. EXPERIENCED To the> Hurricane tfaffi Thankt for a tound next semester so you con smile ot we Virgin Islands. PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Of PAPERS, THE good semester It ture wasn't dull Ycu all did go color EVERY ISSUE! tove. Mon StS FOREIGN STUDENTS HELPED WITH JOB WINNING good |obt Now ar-en't you all exerted about JC: Thanks lor hanging tough wrth me an helping me keep my sonify ond mokmg me free Consultations * Expert Writing • Word ANITA'S TYPING 595-2358. COMPUTFR lood. AAerry X mos -love, your short Cuban laugh, especially ot myself Merry X mat ' -namon Bay Campground in Virgin Is: i Prexesseng • Oualety Printing " Oabiei. editor. Love, Man 44t-le567; Miame 757-7700, Nort eVVian, IASY WRITIR Top quality word process ppground thatsmc 966-7742; Perrin* 232 2377 eng 858-4912 Joam Never lorget that I never lorget. even Dabs Thonks lor a good semester I still think St John vacation exper i about my once a month editor Ideas, ideas I should have gone to New York, but I'm glad ond more ideas Thanks for the work and tho you and Scott had a nice Tall him I said i hil editorial understanding. I can t-ee it now, it , holo ond Merry Xntas Love. Mari the I going to be a tpreod Merry X mot to you ond Mark love, Mori Jill Welti: The Sexiest womon on camput Roberti Yet, it t been not only yood but great. Keep the same idea m mmd lor neit semester Thanks ond Merry X mat love To Becky Colvert -Good )./ck in Ms SKITKEK Man M-am*' ring Break .v York Clt) ^mo, SKHWESTERN CANADA ' pgroursd I • < ,330 t 1987 LESS A Rockresor! 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