o For more than 8 years we have been creating engine optimized that convert more visitors into customers. o When you work with us, you work with a team of experts in graphic design, marketing, optimization and social media. What is SEO?

“SEO, is marketing to people that are already searching for the products and services that you offer”

3 Main components of SEO

1) Finding the right keywords that your customers are searching for

2) Using those keywords on your in all the right places

3) Building backlinks on other websites that point back to you

Google’s 200 Ranking Factors Keyword Research Anatomy Of A How to Conduct Keyword Research

o Identifying keywords:

● Think like a customer

● Check the competition

● Google keyword tool

● how many competitors? Search allintitle: keyword Google Keyword Tool Where to Use Keywords

o Just about everywhere

● Page titles and descriptions

● Website content

● Image names and alt text tags

of inner pages Content Creation Content is King

o Focus on keywords, but remember to write for your audience o Describe what you do using the keywords found earlier. o keyword-density-for-seo/ o Don’t forget to tell people what to do next Content is King

o Add more content o Landing pages o Blog posts o Case studies Building Backlinks What is a backlink?

Backlink = a link from another website that links to your website o Your website should be the hub of information o Why backlinks are important:

● A vote or citation in Google’s eyes

● Backlinks to your site show trust

● All things being equal, the site with the most backlinks wins (#1 in Google) The Importance of Backlinks

Factors affecting search result ranking

Bounce Rate 0.04

Time on Site 0.09

Site Speed 0.11

Word Count 0.13

Number of Internal links 0.16

New Backlinks 0.2

Backlink Number 0.31

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 How to Get Backlinks

o Link juice = the authority in Google, drains in and out of links

● Pages with many links have less authority- look for links elsewhere

● Avoid linking on your own site o Where to get backlinks: • Online directories • Guest posts • Blog comments

• Event calendars • Social media • Online press releases Blogging for SEO Why Every Website Needs a Blog

o Blog your way to the top by implementing SEO keywords on each post

o Shows you as an expert in your field

o An educational element for visitors: blogs give useful content

Landing Pages and Calls to Action

Landing Page Basics

o = webpage on a site that serves to convert visitors

● It can be made to function as a sales page o Landing pages can be like a trail of popcorn What to Include in a Landing Page

o Attention Grabbing Header

o Include sub-headers

o State benefits and structure information with bullet points

o Keep links minimum. Don’t link out to any other pages

o Include testimonials

o Case studies to help connect dots between discovery and purchase

o Make buttons and calls to actions stand out

o Place high offers higher on the page, before a user scrolls

o Structure, style and design of a landing page influences the actions that viewers will take

o Offers: Free Consultation, Free download, Free resource, buy a product, leave us your email to receive updates…. Call to Action

o A call to action should be on every landing page to convert website visitors them into leads and gain more contact with them o Examples: Learn More, Grab it now, Download Now, Contact Us, Sing Me Up, Reserve Your Spot, Get Access Now, Subscribe Now, Schedule My Meeting Now… o CTAs should start off as non-committing and work their way progressively into more forward actions

A/B Testing Case Study

Case study via Mobile SEO Google is Ever-changing

o 101 Google algorithm updates since 2010 to date o SEO was easier in the old days o The latest change: mobile eye opener

● Today, it is not about avoiding bad SEO- you get penalized for not doing anything What Mobile Means in Today’s Online World o Responsive web design = websites with layouts that adapt to different screens, specifically for mobile devices

● Benefit: makes an easier visitor experience on any device

● Special features: easy text to read, adapted menu bars, click to call phone numbers at the top of screens, etc o We have been building responsive mobile sites since 2012 o The importance of mobile depends on the company and industry

● example: Naperville Public Library have 35% mobile visitors Mobilegeddon

o The latest Google update: not only do websites not get higher result rankings for not having a mobile site, they actually get lowered as a penalty o Search result rankings differ between mobile devices and computers o Conclusion: a new importance to being mobile-friendly STAY CONNECTED

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