QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Project

Winter 2020 In November 2019, NIRB suspended the hearing process following a motion that was introduced by Tunngavik Inc., due to the number and nature of outstanding concerns raised by QIA and other participants during the hearing process. The records for the 2020 NIRB hearings are publicly available and can be reviewed for additional context. Following the suspension of the NIRB process, Baffinland approached QIA to consider resolution of outstanding issues. It is customary for Baffinland to reach out to QIA on a regular basis, particularly during times of regulatory uncertainty. During these initial engagements with Baffinland, QIA was clear it did not feel there was a pathway to advance the regulatory review without Baffinland addressing outstanding Inuit concerns in a deep and meaningful manner. To this end, several informal calls were held between QIA and Baffinland in December 2019 and January 2020. To ensure there was evidence of discussions QIA began exchanging letters with Baffinland to capture the spirit of what parties were contemplating in direct talks. These letters were purposefully and concurrently shared with impacted communities to ensure awareness. Some letters were also distributed to the Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) to promote broader public awareness by all parties on NIRB’s public distribution list. QIA considers these letters as key pieces of correspondence that provide insight into the topics of discussions and the nature of advancements undertaken by QIA with respect to outstanding issues raised by Inuit upon the Phase 2 proposal. For January and February 2020, this correspondence includes the following letters:

• Baffinland letter to QIA. 2020 Path Forward. January 29, 2020. English/ • QIA letter to Baffinland. 2020 Path Forward. February 7th, 2020. English/Inuktitut • Baffinland letter to QIA. February 13, 2020. English. During the week of February 17th, 2020 QIA arranged for a meeting with elected representatives from impacted communities, including QIA Board Members from impacted communities, several QIA Executive Committee members as well as Mayors, Hamlet Chairs and technical advisors. All impacted communities were represented at this meeting. During the workshop, a wide variety of discussions were held with presentations prepared and open discussion held. The workshop included presentations on QIA’s understanding upon issues related to the Phase 2 Proposal, the status of work related to these topics, QIA’s vision for what a revised approach to addressing issues would look like and key areas of focus. Furthermore, QIA encouraged communities to speak openly and raise any agenda topics they felt required further attention by QIA. From this workshop, QIA received valuable feedback from impacted communities, including a

clear recommendation to focus immediately upon the topics raised by . This meeting confirmed for QIA that all impacted communities agreed that Pond Inlet is the community most 1 Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

impacted by Baffinland’s Phase 2 Proposal. As it relates to the Mary River Project, representative bodies within Pond Inlet include the Mittimatalik Hunters and Trappers Organization (MHTO) and the Hamlet of Pond Inlet. Immediately following the workshop, QIA focused upon outreach with the MHTO and Hamlet giving priority to the MHTO to the extent possible. Plans for next steps also included hosting additional in-person meetings while attending the NIRB Technical Meetings scheduled for March 16 – 25th, 2020 in . On March 12th, 2020, due to public health concerns related to COVID, NIRB issued public notice cancelling the technical meetings. The NIRB cancellation together with public health orders and a declaration of pandemic across Canada significantly altered the basis of planning for all QIA activities, including QIA’s work related to the Mary River project. Additionally, due to public health orders community members were not able to meet in groups for meetings or teleconference purposes. During March and April, direct emails, calls and texts were sent to elected members of the MHTO, Hamlet and QIA Board Member in Pond Inlet. Additionally, further letters and presentations were exchanged between QIA and Baffinland, and, between QIA and Pond Inlet. QIA considers these letters as key pieces of correspondence that provide insight into the topics of discussions and the nature of advancements undertaken by QIA with respect to outstanding issues raised by Inuit upon the Phase 2 proposal. For March and early April, this correspondence includes the following letters:

• QIA letter to Baffinland. Mary River Project Next Steps. March 4th, 2020. English/Inuktitut • QIA letter to MHTO and Hamlet of Pond Inlet. Mary River Project Engagement. March 25th, 2020. English/Inuktitut • QIA letter to MHTO and Hamlet of Pond Inlet. Inuit Certainty Agreement – Weekly Calls March 26th, 2020. English/Inuktitut • QIA Presentation to Pond Inlet. Mary River Project: Inuit Certainty Plan and Inuit Certainty Agreement. April 1, 2020. English/Inuktitut. During this period, QIA’s Negotiator at Large, Former Nunavut Premier and Language Commissioner Ms. , was active in making one-on-one calls with community members in Pond Inlet to confirm receipt of letters from QIA and to respond to questions and comments. Despite the complications caused by COVID, QIA’s focus remained set on engaging once a week for calls with the MHTO and Hamlet as a way of sustaining discussions. In early March 2020, Ms. Aariak reached out to work with the MHTO and Hamlet on a review of a draft terms of reference for the “Inuit Committee”, a committee of members from impacted communities who would actively play a role in overseeing the monitoring and management of impacts related to the mine. QIA undertook to develop and circulate a draft term of reference as

requested during the workshop with communities held in February 2020. These materials were sent first to Pond Inlet. QIA did receive comments back from the Hamlet of Pond Inlet. No 2 Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

acknowledgement or response comments were received by QIA from the MHTO. This resulted in all work related to conceptualizing the Inuit Committee becoming stalled, despite direction to QIA to advance such work. On March 26th, 2020 after several weeks of coordinating individual calls with elected officials in Pond Inlet, a group call was held. The call was chaired by QIA’s President with support from the QIA Executive Director, QIA’s Negotiator at Large, and QIA’s Special Advisor, and was attended by the Mayor of Pond Inlet, the MHTO Chair and Vice-Chair, one other MHTO member and the technical advisor for the MHTO. During the call there was agreement to continue with weekly calls, which would be organized by QIA, have open agendas and for which QIA would pay honorariums and any associated meeting costs. Following the call QIA received a set of resolutions from the MHTO related to the Mary River project. On April 2nd, 2020 the second weekly call was held. A translated presentation was circulated prior to the call. The call was chaired by QIA’s President with support from QIA’s Negotiator at Large and QIA’s Special Advisor, and was attended by the Mayor of Pond Inlet, the MHTO Chair, and MHTO technical advisor. On the call the MHTO Chair informed QIA that there was no interest to engage in any further weekly meetings or any other engagements with QIA. QIA, primarily through the Negotiator at Large, followed up with outreach to individual MHTO members to seek another call. The MHTO did not make itself available for any follow-up meetings. Spring 2020 In April 2020, Baffinland repeatedly approached QIA to engage in a process to address outstanding Inuit concerns from the November 2019 public hearing. Baffinland was very clear with QIA that in the absence of a path forward on the regulatory review the company would not be provided funding sufficient to allow the project to continue operating in 2020. On April 14th, 2020 Baffinland issued a proposed “term sheet” to QIA, a document defined by what Baffinland believed to be the outstanding issues on the public record. Baffinland’s intention was to seek joint approval of this term sheet by April 30th. On April 16th a call was held between QIA and Baffinland. During this call Baffinland stated that in the absence of a clear process allowing parties to work upon outstanding Inuit concerns, the company would not receive investments it considered essential for its on-going operations. Baffinland also indicated a need for a clear sign of support from Inuit for Phase 2. Baffinland believed the “term sheet” was sufficient to address outstanding Inuit concerns with the Phase 2 proposal and if accepted by QIA would be tied to an agreement articulating QIA’s support for Phase 2. QIA informed Baffinland that an agreement requiring QIA support for Phase 2 was a “non-starter”

and that coming to an agreement on key issues raised by Inuit by the end of April would not be possible. QIA offered to work upon defining a process for discussions between the parties to 3 Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

explore whether outstanding issues could be resolved. QIA suggested it would only entertain a process if QIA held the pen on developing points of possible agreement on the many outstanding issues raised by Inuit. QIA stated the process would require BIM to respond through confirmation of their commitments toward each issue raised by QIA. On April 16th, 2020 NIRB issued notice to all parties, seeking to advance the technical review process using a teleconference call approach. On April 22nd, 2020 QIA submitted a formal response to NIRB. In responding to NIRB QIA emphasized procedural fairness to Inuit and the importance of QIA’s on-going engagement of Hamlets and Hunters and Trappers Organizations. Prior to formally engaging Baffinland on a process to address outstanding Inuit concerns, QIA issued a letter to HTO Chairs, Mayors, and QIA Community Directors from impacted communities. This April 21st letter indicated that QIA would not entertain an agreement that required QIA to provide support for Phase 2. QIA further indicated that if an agreement on outstanding issues could be reached with Baffinland that it would be subject to review by Inuit as a means of informing Inuit decisions related to Phase 2. During the month of April the following pieces of formal correspondence were exchanged:

• QIA letter to Communities. Mary River Project. April 21st, 2020. English/Inuktitut. • Hamlet of Pond Inlet to QIA. April 28th, 2020. English/Inuktitut. In the last week of April, and into early May, QIA began formal discussions with Baffinland on a process to provide certainty for Inuit on outstanding issues of concern to Inuit. A key interest of QIA when engaging with Baffinland was addressing considerable financial amounts owed to QIA that had accumulated in the year prior. These arrears related to QIA’s efforts to implement the IIBA and participate in the Phase 2 review process. Following the approval of the May 7th and May 15th letter agreements QIA initiated formal negotiations with Baffinland towards an “Inuit Certainty Agreement”. To support this work, QIA reviewed all materials submitted by communities to the public record for the Phase 2 review, MHTO resolutions, and additional QIA records on the project. QIA’s approach to negotiations, and the emerging structure of the agreement itself, reflected these priorities. In late May, with active negotiations now underway, QIA provided an update in writing to impacted communities, including a letter describing the negotiations to date, and a plain language summary of the contents of the Inuit Certainty Agreement to that point. During this time, QIA’s Negotiator at Large reached out to key community members and locally elected officials in each impacted community. This correspondence is referenced below:

• QIA letter to Communities. Mary River Project – Inuit Certainty Agreement. May 22nd,

2020. English/Inuktitut. Attachment to QIA letter: Mary River Project Phase 2, Inuit Certainty Agreement, Plain Language Summary. 4 Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

On June 2-4th, 2020 QIA held a Board of Directors meeting. During this meeting, a presentation on the complete contents and status of the Inuit Certainty Agreement was provided. This meeting provided the QIA Board with a clear indication that Inuit issues were being addressed in a meaningfully. Also, during this meeting QIA Board members were informed that should QIA advance all topics of negotiations favorably that a second meeting of the QIA Board would be scheduled to confirm a decision of QIA’s Board on the Inuit Certainty Agreement. The QIA Board agreed that QIA should continue to pursue a final Inuit Certainty Agreement and agreed to hold another Board meeting on a complete Inuit Certainty Agreement. Following the QIA’s Board meeting, QIA’s President informed Baffinland there was a desire within to continue with negotiations. QIA also requested a defined time period, following the close of negotiations on the Inuit Certainty Agreement and prior to holding a meeting of QIA’s Board that would allow QIA to first travel to visit each impacted community to provide in-person presentations on the contents of the Inuit Certainty Agreement. Baffinland informed QIA that no additional time could be granted for purposes of allowing QIA to engage communities prior to a QIA Board Meeting. Baffinland stated it had exhausted the patience of its own Board and a final decision from the QIA Board on the Inuit Certainty Agreement was needed. Baffinland further informed QIA that it would prefer that QIA’s Board outright reject the Inuit Certainty Agreement than further extend the time required for QIA’s decision-making process. With extreme reluctance QIA chose instead to introduce conditions upon the Inuit Certainty Agreement that clearly protected the ability for QIA to engage with impacted communities upon the content of the Inuit Certainty Agreement prior to coming to a final QIA position on whether to support Phase 2. Additionally, QIA also negotiated provisions delaying public announcement by Baffinland related to the Inuit Certainty Agreement until after QIA had first informed impacted communities of the Inuit Certainty Agreement. On June 15th and 16th QIA held a further Board meeting on the final negotiated Inuit Certainty Agreement. QIA’s Board meeting were originally planned to occur over one single day however were extended for a second day allowing each presentation to be reviewed and questioned a second time. Both meeting days started promptly in the morning and ran late into the evening. Following two days of in-camera meetings the QIA Board of Directors voted in favor of the Inuit Certainty Agreement. Summer 2020 Immediately following QIA’s Board of Directors meeting where the Inuit Certainty Agreement was approved, QIA undertook a series of one-on-one calls with representatives from each impacted community. Calls generally lasted between 2-4 hours and were based upon presentation of five main themes contained within the Inuit Certainty Agreement: Environmental Issues, Wildlife Compensation and Adaptive Management, IIBA Benefits, Community Benefits,

Financial Benefits, Inuit Authority and Enforcement. Calls were held on the following dates with 5 the following communities: Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

June 24 Hamlet of Pond Inlet June 25 HTO and Hamlet June 25 Clyde River HTO and Hamlet June 26 Sanirajak HTA and Hamlet June 29 MHTO June 30 MHTO July 3 HTA and Hamlet July 6 MHTO (MHTO cancelled the meeting) July 8 Igloolik HTA and Hamlet July 15 HTO and Hamlet July 15 Igloolik HTA and Hamlet July 21 MHTO (limited participation due to arrival of narwhals) July 21 Arctic Bay HTO and Hamlet July 22 MHTO (no MHTO members attended aside from the manager) July 23 Arctic Bay HTO and Hamlet July 28 Hamlet of Pond Inlet Technical Advisor

On June 30th, in follow-up to requests made by the MHTO to QIA at the February 2020 workshop, and consistent with Inuit Certainty Agreement (Schedule A, ID – 5.2.2 c. i.), QIA also issued a letter to the MHTO along with payment of $300,000.

• QIA letter to MHTO. Mary River Project. June 30th, 2020. Inuktitut/English. QIA issued further letters to each impacted community, together with the complete Inuit Certainty Agreement. The purpose of this letter was to provide communities with notice prior to there being a public announcement of the Inuit Certainty Agreement.

• QIA letter to Communities. Inuit Certainty Agreement. June 30th, 2020. Inuktitut/English. Consistent with Inuit Certainty Agreement, Schedule C, on July 2nd, QIA issued a letter to NIRB providing notice of the Inuit Certainty Agreement and describing how it related to the issues on the public record before NIRB.

• QIA letter to NIRB. QIA Update Regarding Ongoing Resolution of Technical Issues in Preparation for Resumed Hearings for Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation’s Phase 2 Proposal. July 2nd. English. On July 6, QIA shared a media release about the Inuit Certainty Agreement on QIA’s website and social media pages and by email to media. The release included digital links to four documents outlining in plain language the benefits for Inuit included in the Inuit Certainty Agreement, in both English and Inuktitut. QIA also shared a comprehensive bilingual English-Inuktitut Plain

Language Guide to the Inuit Certainty Agreement later in July 2020, as an addition to QIA’s

bilingual English-Inuktitut Mary River Inuit Impact and Benefit Guide produced in late 2019. 6 Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

In early August 2020, QIA was asked to respond to a request for comments from NIRB. In its letter QIA outlined the need for NIRB to pay close attention to the requirements of “deep consultation” and directed NIRB to play close attention to the recommendations of impacted communities.

• QIA letter to NIRB. Comments on NIRB’s July 29, 2020 Guidance for Resumed Hearings, and Response to Baffinland’s August 4 Motion for an October 30 Final Public Hearing Date. August 11, 2020. English. During the initial two weeks in August 2020 a number of QIA staff took leave following the rigors of negotiating the Inuit Certainty Agreement and holding calls with impacted communities. In late August 2020 QIA received a letter from the impacted communities and also sent a letter to impacted communities:

• Impacted community letter to QIA President. North Baffin Community Concerns with Inuit Certainty Agreement and QIA Community Engagement. August 24th, 2020. • QIA letter to impacted communities. Upcoming Community Engagement. August 27th, 2020. English/Inuktitut.

Following this letter QIA established regular calls with Mayors of the impacted communities. Meeting were generally attended by the Mayors of Pond Inlet, Igloolik and Clyde River and QIA’s Director of IQ and Engagement, QIA’s Negotiator at Large, and QIA’s Special Advisor. Calls were held weekly from the last week of August through September, except for one week in September when NIRB held technical meetings. These meetings allowed parties to speak freely about the ICA, including desired next steps. These meetings resulted in preparation of a funding agreement from QIA to provide resources to impacted communities to sustain their activities associated with the NIRB review and to support review and engagement upon the Inuit Certainty Agreement. At the request of impacted communities, QIA also arranging to host an in-person workshop. During this time the following formal materials were exchanged:

• Communities letter to NIRB. Baffinland Phase 2 Proposal Outstanding Issues and Concerns of the 5 Affected North Baffin Communities. September 9th, 2020. English. • QIA letter to communities. Letter Agreement. September 10th, 2020. English/Inuktitut • QIA document to communities. Why the ICA. September 10th, 2020. English/Inuktitut • QIA letter to communities. Mary River Project Meeting, Phase 2 Proposal. September 14th, 2020 Fall 2020 – Workshops and Zoom Meetings On September 22nd and 23rd, QIA held an in-person workshop in Iqaluit where Board members, Executive Committee members and elected leaders from impacted communities met for three

days to discuss the Inuit Certainty Agreement. Technical support members for community groups 7 attended by teleconference/Zoom, with meeting materials provided electronically. The purpose Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

of the workshop was to present the contents of the ICA and to respond to questions, feedback, and recommendations from meeting participants.

• QIA Inuit Certainty Agreement. Workshop Package. September 22-23, 2020. English/Inuktitut. Following the formal meetings, communities and QIA met to hold initial meetings focusing upon advancing the concept of the Inuit Committee. During the workshop QIA confirmed agreement to the offer for funding on-going QIA-impacted community engagement. On September 30th, QIA’s Director of Inuit Quajimajatuqangit and Engagement wrote to the Mayor of Pond Inlet and Chair of MHTO, cc’ing their technical advisors, to propose meeting dates to advance work together on activities identified in the ICA, including on the Inuit Stewardship Plan, Inuit Committee, Inuit Social Oversight Committee, and Inuit Culture Resources and Land Use Monitoring work. The latter included work to advance Cumulative Effects Workshops, Tusaqtavut Style Studies, Fresh Water IQ Mapping, and creation of ongoing Inuit monitors. Further, and in the weeks following the September ICA workshop held in Iqaluit, QIA arranged to hold weekly Zoom sessions with representatives of the Hamlets and HTOs from impacted communities. QIA hosted zoom calls on the following dates focusing upon the following topics: October 15th Introductory Call and Open Discussions on Next Steps October 22nd Impacted Community Open Questions of QIA Financial Viability of the Current Project (PwC) October 29th Adaptive Management November 5th Nunavut Impact Review Board Pre-Her Conference Report November 12th QIA’s Approach to Phase 2 Decision Making (Legal Presentation) November 26th Existing Nunavut Impact Review Board Working Groups December 3rd Inuit Shipping Approvals

December 10th Projected Inuit Financial Benefits (PwC) Each weekly call followed a format whereby QIA issued a proposed agenda with corresponding meeting materials. Meeting materials were presented, followed by open group discussion. Additionally, calls focusing on Adaptive Management and the Pond Inlet Country Food Baseline were also held on the following dates:

November 6th Discussion on adaptive management, Country Food Baseline Study

November 9th In-person meeting with Mayor of Pond Inlet on country food study 8 Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

November 13th Adaptive management and Country Food Baseline Study

November 25th Discussion with Pond Inlet Mayor on Country Food Baseline Study

December 2nd Country Food Baseline Study December 16th Country food baseline Study Between September 28 and October 1, 2020, QIA also participated in the NIRB Community Round Table and Pre-Hearing Conference in Pond Inlet. During this time QIA presented a statement on the public record related to the Inuit Certainty Agreement. While the key participation was to engage in the NIRB process, QIA also prioritized time during the evenings in Pond Inlet to meet with families impacted by the project.

• QIA statement on the Inuit Certainty Agreement. NIRB Technical Meetings. Fall 2020 – Impacted Community Meetings Between October 19th and 24th, 2020, staff from the QIA’s Department of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and Engagement traveled to Clyde River to conduct Tusaqtavut Inuit-led studies that will use Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit to demonstrate Inuit use of the land and waters around Clyde River, to determine the impacts of the Mary River Project with respect to Inuit access rights, and to further indicate Inuit priorities. During the period between October 24th – 27th, 2020, IQ & Engagement staff traveled and met with the Mayor of Pond Inlet and the MHTO to discussion QIA next steps related to Phase 2. On October 26th QIA staff met with the MHTO Chair, with the Chair indicating MHTO welcomed the IQ studies on fresh water. During this same trip QIA held workshops to collect information related to fresh water impacts from the Mary River Project. From November 2nd to 6th, 2020, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and Engagement staff traveled to Arctic Bay to conduct Tusaqtavut Inuit-led studies that will use Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit to demonstrate Inuit use of the land and waters around Arctic Bay and to determine the impacts of the Mary River Project in respect of Inuit access rights. In the period between November 7th – 13th, 2020 IQ & Engagement staff were in Pond Inlet to conduct Inuit-led Fresh Water Studies which will use Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit to demonstrate the importance of fresh water for Inuit cultural activities and gather views on the impacts of the Mary River Project. On November 9th, QIA staff met with the Mayor of Pond Inlet to discuss the Pond Inlet Country Food Baseline Study. On November 3rd and November 9th, QIA staff requested meetings with the MHTO Chair, without success. During this period in Pond Inlet, QIA also met with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and one councillor to talk about the Inuit Stewardship Plan and the Inuit Committee and the potential this Plan and Committee can have in relation to mitigating

environmental concerns through an adaptive management process being identified for Phase 2 9 of the MRP. Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

In late November and December 2020, IQ & Engagement staff planned to conduct Cumulative Effects studies in Igloolik, Sanirajak and Pond Inlet unfortunately COVID related travel restrictions limited QIA’s ability to complete these trips. Plans are in place to advance this work in early 2021. In addition, QIA continues work with the Hamlet of Pond Inlet to conduct Food Security – Food Sovereignty studies. This is a continuation of the work with Pond Inlet since February 2020 and there is an agreement in place with Pond Inlet to review a draft set of documents, including the Project Plan, Survey questionnaires, job descriptions and linkages to potential data mining from other studies on food security done to date. On November 25th, QIA met with the Mayor of Pond Inlet and their technical advisor to review documents included in the Pond Inlet Country Food Baseline Study project plan. These discussions continued on December 2nd, with a focus on consent forms, the harvesters survey, household survey, and job descriptions for the Study Coordinator position based in Pond Inlet. Further discussions continued on December 16th, with a focus on the Advisory Committee and its Terms of Reference to oversee development of the studies and vet the final output prior to release. Plans for further meetings to continue this work were planned for January 6th and for January 20th 2021, bringing this continuing work into the new year.


Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

Summary of Formal Correspondence

Date From To Title

29 January Brian Penny, CEO PJ Akeeagok, QIA President 2020 Path Forward. 2020 of Baffinland English/Inuktitut.

7 February PJ Akeeagok, QIA Brian Penny, CEO of BIMC 2020 Path Forward. 2020 President English/Inuktitut. cc: QIA Board of Directors, HTA Chairs and Mayors of Mittimatlik, Igloolik, Arctic Bay, Sanirajak, and Clyde River.

13 Brian Penny, CEO PJ Akeeagok, QIA President English. February of BIMC 2020

4 March PJ Akeeagok, QIA Brian Penny, CEO of BIMC Mary River Project 2020 President Next Steps. cc: HTO Chairs and Mayors of Mittimatlik, English/Inuktitut. Igloolik, Arctic Bay, Sanirajak, and Clyde River.

25 March PJ Akeeagok, QIA Eric Ootoovak, Chair of MHTO Mary River Project 2020 President Joshua Arreak, Mayor of Pond Inlet Engagement. English/Inuktitut.

26 March PJ Akeeagok, QIA Eric Ootoovak, Chair of MHTO Inuit Certainty 2020 President Joshua Arreak, Mayor of Pond Inlet Agreement – Weekly Calls. English/Inuktitut.

1 April QIA Mayor of Pond Inlet, MHTO Chair Presentation on Mary 2020 River Project Inuit Certainty Plan and Inuit Certainty Agreement. English/Inuktitut.

21 April PJ Akeeagok, QIA QIA Community Directors, Mayors, and QIA Letter to 2020 President HTO Chairs of Mittimatlik, Igloolik, Arctic Communities. Bay, Sanirajak, and Clyde River. English/Inuktitut.

28 April Joshua Arreak, PJ Akeeagok, QIA President English/Inuktitut. 2020 Mayor of Pond

cc: HTO Chairs, Mayors, and QIA Inlet Community Directors of Mittimatlik, 11 Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

Igloolik, Arctic Bay, Sanirajak, and Clyde River.

22 May PJ Akeeagok, QIA HTO Chairs, Mayors, and QIA Community Mary River Project: 2020 President Directors of Mittimatlik, Igloolik, Arctic Inuit Certainty Bay, Sanirajak, and Clyde River. Agreement. Attachment: Mary River Project Phase 2, Inuit Certainty Agreement Plain Language Summary. English/Inuktitut.

30 June PJ Akeeagok, QIA HTO Chairs, Mayors, and QIA Community Mary River Project. 2020 President Directors of Mittimatlik, Igloolik, Arctic Inuktitut/English. Bay, Sanirajak, and Clyde River.

30 June PJ Akeeagok, QIA Eric Ootoovak, Chair of MHTO Inuit Certainty 2020 President Agreement. cc: Joshua Arreak, Mayor of Pond Inlet; Inuktitut/English. Charlie Inuarak, QIA Community Director, Pond Inlet; Levi Barnabas, Mary River IIBA Executive Committee Co-Chair.

2 July 2020 Jared Ottenhof, Karen Costello, Executive Director, NIRB QIA Update QIA Director, Regarding Ongoing Qikiqtani Resolution of Nunalirijikkut Technical Issues in Preparation for Resumed Hearings for Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation’s Phase 2 Proposal. English.

11 August Chris Spenser, QIA Tara Arko, Director, Technical Services, Comments on NIRB’s 2020 Assistant Director, NIRB July 29, 2020 Qikiqtani Guidance for Nunalirijikkut Resumed Hearings, and Response to Baffinland’s August 4 Motion for an October 30 Final

Public Hearing Date. English. 12 Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

24 August Impacted QIA North Baffin 2020 communities Community Concerns with Inuit Certainty Agreement and QIA Community Engagement.

27 August Richard Paton, QIA Impacted communities QIA letter to 2020 Director, Inuit impacted Qaujimajatuqangit communities: Upcoming Community Engagement.


9 Mayors and HTO Solomon Amuno, Technical Advisor, NIRB Baffinland Phase 2 September Chairs of the Proposal Outstanding cc: PJ Akeeagok, QIA President 2020 communities of Issues and Concerns Mittimatlik, Brian Penny, Baffinland CEO of the 5 Affected Igloolik, Arctic North , Sanirajak, Communities. and Clyde River English. (unsigned)

10 PJ Akeeagok, QIA HTO Chairs and Mayors of Mittimatlik, Letter Agreement. September President Igloolik, Arctic Bay, Sanirajak, and Clyde English/Inuktitut. 2020 River.

14 Richard Paton, QIA HTO Chairs, Mayors, and QIA Community Mary River Project September Director, Inuit Directors of Mittimatlik, Igloolik, Arctic Meeting, Phase 2 2020 Qaujimajatuqangit Bay, Sanirajak, and Clyde River; cc: QIA Proposal. Executive Committee

September QIA HTO Chairs, Mayors, and QIA Community QIA Inuit Certainty 2020 Directors of Mittimatlik, Igloolik, Arctic Agreement Bay, Sanirajak, and Clyde River; cc: Workshop Package. Technical Advisors English/Inuktitut.

30 Richard Paton, QIA Pond Inlet Mayor and MHTO Chair Community September Director, Inuit Engagement – 2020 Qaujimajatuqangit proposed meeting

dates on ICA activities. English/Inuktitut. 13 Page QIA 2020 Community Engagement Summary – Mary River Project

3 Richard Paton, QIA Hamlet of Pond Inlet, MHTO Inuit Stewardship November Director, Inuit Plan and Inuit 2020 Qaujimajatuqangit Committee. English/Inuktitut.

21 Richard Paton, QIA Hamlet of Pond Inlet Inuit Approval of December Director, Inuit Additional Project 2020 Qaujimajatuqangit Shipping. English/Inuktitut.

15 October QIA Impacted Community HTO Chairs, Mayors Various Materials – 2020 – 10 and all Technical Advisors. See Compiled December Package 2020

August QIA Department Various recipients Various Materials – 2020 – of IQ & See Compiled

December Engagement Package 20202

14 Page