_ Trvo largely*attended nreetinss. held in the ed wherever it rrai found. IIe eonclutlerl by I RJU for the indoor meetinq. shich rros con- Town llall on Sunday. marke?'the oneninq extending o siucere welcone' to the Solvri- | ducterl' by }fajor lfilrvards]' Lieutenunt t. of the S'alvation Arniv's CamDaiqn in'['eri tion Arruy in.'Ienttrrleu. Arr outline of I Garlsden led ths openius Drayer nnd trIrs. terrlen. fn the aftei.noon tf; thaii lv&s sorne of the varioue brulches of tlre ArrDv's I lttr,jor.-Ildnards reail tho- stri;turs n-ortiou. taken by Al

Topr ALDERMAN H. JUDGE shaking hands with Gaptain C. B. Bichardson (right); Lelt; Counclllor A. Burtenshaw. . Bottom: THE BAND. 89r. (Congregn- t.ire Ret'. J. C. Williarrrs strovo to pronrote, not only loeal an(l na- were. tional Church), the fl,ev. 1I. G. Arnolrl ,-Thnnlis expressefl {;o llandnraster-fi;;ii - C. (Wesleyarr tional eon6orcl, but to eem-ent inter.nation- llopper ths. Sittiiigbo,[.o" Clrurclr), the llev. W. I olyoak nl concol'd, J\[a,jor eonelurletl lly -- ilnd - ff (Ilatrtist C)lrrrrch) rrn(t }[ajor aud I\lrs. lltlu'ftrds nllior .lltlrvarcls iu tho open+rir. nreetiri"s -Utl- exl)t'essing {;lrarrkb for the eor(linI rvelconr-e after the sel.\{ico in the 'T"'orvn ii,,il; i,l lvar'(ls, of Cnntatl)ul'y. given to the Arrny. A vote of tlrnnks to which_tlro bancl favonr.crl with 'l'lre S: t t;ingboul'no band,. under IJnndtnas- ('n olt'i-iiil;;; (-]. sonte exeellent ftll those tlre lrlatfornt, nn(l prrtieular- tunes by speeial request'. ter IIopiier. l)t'ovitletl wils propose(l b.v .rl.ere Tho :Chairinn rr, in openi llg t he ly the Clrnirlnan, Couneil- 'Illl''*glrout tho rveeli ureel.i,gs helcl musie. l)I'o- Burtenslrnrv, nttrl. riecontlcd t he . eee(lings. sl)olio of the neo(l for {olt't'ntion lnr A. by in tlro tcnt ereetqrtl f'r thc purli.so i' lloll's- It,r'v. IT. G. Al'trokl. ()n Sunrln.y in rr:lit{iolr, frrr :r grcillcr ttlrilv -cllllollg { lrtlse lnne. tlra .Il,ninsgnnt,e S,riljsi,;r. ellgageil in (Jhristiil,n rvol'k iln(l J'or hat'lnolry In l;he evenillg, nf'{er n brief open-ail s('r'- Itl'iiyatlo rvill l)il.y * s.1r.r:i.l rvlrer*lg,,i,i ltet.u.i,en o\:er.y tlerronrillirtiorr. Pru'tir:rrlnrly. vice lreld in tlrc IIiglr-slreol. crorv(ls follorr'- nft;ernoon alrrl e\'cllilrg scl.vices'isil, ilt'o to'fo iio-or*kr.l, thiit, H(xxl slroultl lrc *c1'orvletlg- c(l the $ittingl)otlrlle Jl'anrl to tho 'fowtt lrelr[ in t.lro '.1'ou'n tIali. MR. E. T. TAPP AND MR$, E, F. srrN i. cou LsoN /?3 ct- DIA1VIOND WNPDII{fi AT The wedding took place at Cranbrook Con- gregational Church on $unda,v of IWrs. Elizabeth Florenco Coulson, only daughter of Mr. lV; Bayment, of 37, Urban-avenue, Oc,t" INNTNRI}E}T. t?e5 Hornchurch. and the late Mrs, Rayment, aud }fr. Edward 'I'homas 'Iapp, secon(l 6on of 1\{r. and }frs. \,V. Tapp, bf }Vhite Cot- tage, St. hfichaels, Tent6icien. Ttre bride- JOTIN BUTI,I)E}S. groom is O.Q.I\t.hi. of 'r C " (Wetrkl) Co.y., MR. & MRS. 4th Ra,tt. 'l'he lSuffs, at)d tlre britle rrits given alr'a,y b.y [iergearit W. lvilling, rvho is tlre instnrctor of that conlpany. On October 21st. 1865, o weddine- wae I cupied bv lllessrs. I}.- Edrvards. J. P. llav solomnGed at 'Ienierden Parish Church by I and R. Bridsc, anil he remtined with tho ihJ-Ii"v. l\lerriweruther. l,he eoutracting | firm for thirtv l'earg. Ile hns olwavs been beinr- l\lise Ha.rrictf P*rsons nnd 1\[f. I a keen sporhman {rd commbnccd ulaying "urtics-l"itn Burden. and on October 2lst. 1025. the I cricktt in 1815. rvl-ren hc joincd tho fcntcrdcn it"rthv couols vho wero unitcil in thc holy I club, tho ground bcint{ n licld on tlro ftrlu tto"a.."ot--rnitrinrony 60 yenrs beforc cclcbfrtcd loccupicd by I[r. Jesco Millcn, ntld lte rvas their dinrnond rvcddinc. Mr. ancl Mrs. John I also a mcrnbcr nnd aurlitor of ths Tenterrlcn nufren, rvho reside it 2, Excessa.Cottoges,/ Goal Iiunning Club for monv vea,rs. In 1863.

MR, TH0FTIAS TAPP & MRS. COUL' ST0 N, both of Cnanbrook, after their marriage there on Sunday, The bride lvas clressed in saxe-blue erepe- de-Chine trimmed lvith beige and hat to r{rate}r. She wore a, buttonhole of white gar- denias ancl a, crystal and blue necklace, rvhich was the gif t of }{rs. Barrt an old friend. ItIr. A. J. Tapp,-'Ihere the bridegroom's brother, lvas best man. were 40 pre- sent &t the reeeption, n'hich tvas heltt at tho Drill I{nll.

G0LDEN WEDDING.*-(Jn l)er:errrlrer 271,h, l.B?5, a,t tho p:tt'islt t'lttrrllt, .llenl.errlen, llr.. joinad (,'hnultsfielrl, 'Ienlerden. are tho narents o[ nins children ho the 6ttr Comrrn ny .l olr n I ha clrles{ son of Nl r. ;i;iiil- iivn sons a,nrl trvo darrshte.rs ara utill Voluntect'.s. u,ttar;lied to llyc. and nfterr n l,irno 1nr[ ]f rs. (]eorge ('hacl;slield. of Slrrl ll- titing ,r,n,t thera nre- 26 gland-ehilthcn. I\{r, watr tra.nsferrod tb " (t " Cotnputry 'Jlhc ]lrrfls h.l'lha. \rasJ rrnitacl irt llre lrol.r' lronrl ol' ifui.fir, \\:1,s bolr aI I'lglnllsr- l[6usc.-'J]cnter- a,rrd. harl {,o ntt,end nt Clrrrnlrrtnk for tllills. rrrutliln()n.\' I o i\l iss Ilu t'g;r rr:l i\l ilchell. i,,li.- iio July l?tlr,., 1811. antl attended the I'or rnany )'ears.lhe plrrycrl the Il Ilat $a.xhorn {orrr.tlr rliru,;lrlor nl' .lIr.. irrrrl ]lr.s. ,lirrrms "l-l ruuder 1\li{chell. of tiolrlen Sqtrnra, 1l'err{crrlcn, hr ililti*ti--S.6o'-,ls'ii,ii- -he lnt,il he t?s vcilrl .o14.. nt llundnra,siterr Ircn,i$ Fuprglc. l\{r.s. {11. lf icjilirvitts Jhrnlcrn \\'n,$ tho, rrinl,h clrilrl of & fnmily of lhc I'lcr'. Nler"ri'n'plt hor'. 'f 'lrc n'orl lr v iti r,lle w1s irrrttretrtit:erl 'rrlto lroTi' *ilii..ltoi*r*. Colcrnn,n iln(l ll-cirl., l,i*. lirst io6 llJ childrerr a,nrI six of l;lrcse nrs sl,ill livirrs. r:ortplr', at'o t'r's;rlittt4 rtl, ', '['l],, .{51} .F 'f en t erdon. c:elebrir I I lrci glolclerr tir" crecl,ign of t[c |lpck ,f houscs o{-:- their conrbincrl ruge's totalling yca"rs. irs." erl r tr.i"g .,n rve

chilrlren an

IIR. Ir. CLARK ,r\ND I\IISS ]i. II. TUGGLII. A rveclding tool< place at,. thc Baptist Ana,\-- W'fr*+ chtrreh, 'I'enterclott, olr Saturday, the corr- tracting parties bcing Mr. I'rederick Clark, MR. C. TA,NN,ER AND I\[I.SS V. B. youngcst sotr of I{r. a,trcl l\{rs. A. Olarlc, of C[,AfIKT'. t'ielcl Cottaga, t'entcrclctt, arrd 1\Iiss Itrllcrr daughter A pretty-elrttrch, rvedcling lvas solemnized at St. Ilarrictt lrtrgtdle, only of i\(r. and Mildrttl's 'Ilentet'clen, on llaster I\{on- llrs. Scarnatr Jl'ugglc, of Uinghcrvella, Vilias, pn,rl;ies 1\Iiss V. Tcnterdelr, 'I'he bride \\'oro & tlress of ivor.y dny, 1;lie contrn,cting bglog crepc royal,- n'itlt vcil atrd..ol'ange B.- Clarke, eldest rliufitrter of Mr. and l\{rs. nnd cariicd iL sheaf of lilies. f-\ho-.blossorn, \\:as Il. Cla,rlie, of $hnrbeo{.e, I'enterden, ancl Mr. atl,endcd by four bridesrnaid'*tho ilIisses W. Uvril 'I'artncr, of Itrdrnr:ttton. Tlrcl bricle, wlro Clarl<, ll. (,'lark arrtl I\I isses lJ. Fuggle arrrl ',tlrs givort nw:ay by-ivory lrer fai;her, loolted cltarnr- hI. Irirggle (cotrsins) rvho \roro golcl [irooc,hes, inpl ii, ft golvn- of crepo-cle-Chine, lli*- the sift of thc lrriclegroonr, 1\{r'. A. J. rrli,l lr'ittr'pea,rls^and aud oratrgc blossom, 'ltith {r, It'ugglc nctecl as l-rer;t lnan. il'tro servir:c r\:as trrllo veil, cn,rryinE i bortqtret of lilies corrdtrctc

f t rs reporberl thot Qunrtermaster-Sorgennt [Ienry Francis l,'inn (No. 50!)) died of fovor nb J]f6srrrfrlt- I io r slcilled mrrsician, plaving t'he piceolo,_cornet teiq on l\Iay iJ2nd, Ile wos exr:eedirrgly rvoll-lrnown I anrl dotr$le ba"ss, and wns a ltember of tlte I'enter- nb Canberburr', as, bling an oflicient nrrtsieian. lro id;;i ;;; Vli,ioteur v',i';,.,+o",' ba,nd, lrrnd andn.nd it wilqwri^c principally.owingnrincinallv orving frequont,l.y ployed at concerts. I{o hnd had a lorrg i tn l,is musicnl ongo,g$ntr:nbs thnt-ho trever esprrod.to torm of esrviou. IIc wls r nntivo of Ospritrgo, n(:&r i ,. ttish-r rnnk iri itt'd Conrpcny'thnn that o[. privato.-genernl Iroverstlnnr, ond joined tlro 3rd'I}nttolicn 'l'tie ljuffs o6'iut itity rnade trim a as a boy of oight y6ars on l\larch Zith, 1863. I{e i i'li*"ir"-f;lti"s'tet -and - i iuuo"rits nt tet,len. nrany hove boen tho wa,s eppointed drummer in 1868, a,rrd was promoted of regret at lris the nature of sergeant-on July. l4th, 187fi. I{o joinr.d bho Regrrltr I Tentertlen' i -illnees, Privato Eggleden, I "*nru.rions;lii;h is nob known. In his last letterhoms Iltrglor Arnry (3rd llatta,lion Pornrilntn', $tu,ff) irr Auguet, antl was sent to France in March of tho fol- I Nliii;" stated thab ho was on o_utpost. duty, an$ it 188?r nnd made OrtJorl"v Room .$ergeant, being pro- io*ing ye&r rvhelo hgr. Earv mtlclr active ssr- / I *r" *t ilsu he was thu$ engagcd thau he was seized moued to Quartermaster-liergean! in Octobor, 1883. "tho fn Octoher, 1S99, hs was po,eted to the Znd Battalion o-i."--l"-;icii," fighting line. - In lVlay, 1€15,*he ilrnesg. ;; r of a gi,s attack. On Octolr.er ?th, lrvirh fql^rE , lqOO 'l'he lluffg and u'on$ out with them to $outh Africa. pqr-t in an attack on t^he $ommo, His rnother and wife resido in Oanterbury. 191b,-ho took dicd of enteric at ;it;;-tii*. whicS notl1ing rvltatcver has See n 'heard 4276- -Iiloumfontein Private A. Thompson [imcs he ''was offored pro' on Airril 16th. IIis regirnental l6ong tho doathr;.*r ,li**se at Bloemfontein .rf $evcrn.l as 1276. on June l"5th aro the followirrg:- 'niotion, but preferred to remain a, private. nttmber was l)reviotisly reported Thompson-was-'hnni, a laliotrrer of IIighuJltr.-ChC!- b803 Privste J. Ll. Allarrl. a,nd enlisted. in September, 1895. llis Allard wa"q last week reported dangerously only'known relativo !t-g broth.er, who is ill ab ]Sloernfonccin, rnd this wcr:k tlro a g:unner in the Royal Marine Artillery. nows comes of hi; cleath there on ,fune 14th from dysentery. He was a stoker of $trood and enlistod iu 1898. IIis father M. "*rooffisoN,Watson, who, qs wq repor0od last lives at l\'Iaid$reno. Private 4244 Privato $nmuel \Vignell ( Rloenrfonteiu). di;d of onteric at Rloemfontein, was tlto'sott r.toy' lllo "r*t. - . lVignoll enliorte'd on Juno 2llth, 1[tt,3. Ho vor,ffiroor:ns' o'* I l,itt. Watson, o[ Acton-plqe-o, JI" "i of the \!'eald of Aetive Ser- was a musician, posseseinq & eertifierte i*, a member from the army for the violin and clarionot. Bur.'rlst- IIe joined the gnd Voluntoer Bot- | znd vr6. masr run'i EEGrI\taNT $ErI o;.. S*tion. FIis birth pla.;e anrl relariveg aro unlcnow[. I l--iOn,lrnnbori).*Trrcstlay*Ituglo practigg' Siesingh-urs-t' ilffi; iil;l l(ent Iiegimont -in 1898, .and .lt"d- onlv just sufficient sorvico to volunl,oor for tho tront. l#i';i*m*f ff lf;*8'tlff llj-ii'?:*:'o'ill$?s'#,i Ths following mon als reported to be eeriously I irr-o'cti"6l Cra.bbiout, 8.30 p.rn. It ic.conternplnted hold-irrs tr t'119 \testrv ill at Bloemfonloin : -. I iriiiiti"y'assult+b'orms -agd gymnustio -tlisplav i9 I iiiU O,itiog ttre ruouth of Jaruiary noxt, iu rvbich the Corn.parry 7279 Private A. Gillett. I ;itt b€ ex#cterl to'talto n parb. A stlrrr'.l

Motor Cycles TENTERDE]U 1962 25Oc.c. C-l5. B.S,A., oll€ ol{ner, 2,OOO nriles, perfect. A742, Lg6l 6OOc,o. Norton Dominrtor ee de luxo, new full Avouaire Falring, ollo owucr, rnagnifi- cent, 8170. 1.960 1E0o.c. Francia Barrrott, one eareful owner, OBE, 1960 16oc.c. Vcapa lcooter, sere€ll et,r:,, {075. 1959 8SOo,o. G12 Matchless, lorv rnileage, cxcellent, &111. CASH BARGAIN$ r Nov. 1960 Phllllpr Panda mopod I neecla rlight nttent,lon ; ,il5. 1957 '187c,c, Franoio Barnett :e38. $ieo tho H0NDA self starter moperl and Soc.e. motor-cycle. LAMBRETTA Li 126 now only 9,129. l0e, Od.l Il*rt ltrxehanges. Illre Purchase a,url aeeottut's sett'led. Fttll rang€ Ilelnrets, Goggles, Cloihing, Accessories, $partfi. WEST CROSS, H IGH ST., TENTERDEN 487 8.60 to 5"S0 IUon. to Snt. Re-open 'l to 8.gO p.tn. l\Ion. and Frl. (Bales and $parer only). Closed lrrneh 1 to 2 p.m. Young farmers of Ilornewood School, Tenterden, who \ilon the Osenton cup at the and I p.m. Vetl, C476 li\ederation of Young Farmersn Clubs' Iield day. More pictures-Page ,nk* t?q,l- .-&a,i-fr6j-

IG GIFT ntov r1(4 fr# K SLIPPERS H K N f,fi K N trt K N rtfi K N tfE K IG' i{t K iil. H N H K llliss Elizaheth Walter, Mr. G. B. tilalter end the N Chalk' at the lllayoress of Tenterde,nr_-1\!F. - Pauline frit K opening of Walter's new shop IG Ocj_ tq(* ifi {pfu*ffi fu9f""* jtIK TG 44 High St., Tenterden 73 High St., Ashford ffi FOLKE$TONE "- HYTHE ,- q DEAL -' TUNBRIDGE WELL$ ffi Mrs, BRtrEZE Tobaeconist, Newsagent, Oreengrocer' w PENFOLN BRtrAD and PASTRIE$ fresh clailY Marine Store Dealer Sole Agent for EVENING PAPERS R?gr, Bones, Sliins, l\Ietals, etc. WREATIIS & CROSSES mado to order' Collects - Agent for ABHFORD Steam LAUNDR'Y COOMBE LAYNE, TENTHRDEN 116, HIGH 5T., TENTERDEN lr _ _ I I I l-r ra ll | 'r l13fi al --- I a 'l , lqgv - I t r t I t r I r - arl rt i t rt -., lla.rrrilics. lp 1?fll, & F,obc11; (-1rrrt,t'is ltttt't't'tt'tl I o I\l is.r I\{nly 'I'rt',ss, of (lnto If ouso, Nor- DtrATH Otr' MII. II. B. Ithiam; in faab, threo brothers of t.lris fanrily lmarried threo sisters. tho lllissc's Trcss, lvlto rEb CUIITOIS. lq t+ l.oot" eon'sicJerable he,ire,sses. A vcry celo- THIS WHNK'$ I br:oted menrber of tho farnilv lr&s Jeronrinh lCrrrteis, who wac }{ayor of Tentcrde'n in of IIs' PR'MTNffiDNT o' ; l00O 'ancl tho owner the llerorrden POBTRAIIS. itate. rvhich conrirrisod-thc both bho present ['Ier' TEN'IIEI],DEN. i.'nden a,ncl a,lso flerottden l{all llstates. iOno of his e,hildren w&s named lNdwnrd, lvho i mnrlit'rl ,& If iss S*r,ra,h lleo,'c, of lli

FROM TENTERDEN TO NORF'OLK A;-? fg3(} Photo, A. Ridley. REMOVED CHURCII Th: Mr, _.. lato Jt, P, .Gur!11__ WINDOW DEDICATED irvas selecte'd o m,cmbcr of t.ho 'Ienberdcnt Towtt ;Courrcil orr Auqust 23rcl, 1855, ott.l scrvcd on i tiro Councii trll Novcmber 1st, 1874. I)e' fn 1839 a stainecl slass window was erect- icoase'd wils kuolvn :rnd rcspcctod-in bv cvcry' ed in Tenterden Pai:islr Chureh to tlre me- iono in 'bh,o ancicn,t bororrgh which-- ho had ruory of the ller'. Irhiliu \Var.d & connec- ,& a'n'd -'I'c,ntcrdcn loses in i srrent long life. .tioo of - the Nelson famil-v, who rvas at one I hir.t ono of iaturo's gcntlcmen. Ho w&s tho tiure vicar of St. Mildrdti's. 'I'enterden. It I lru;t rlcscenclarrt .of dhc Curtcis farnily to bcar rvas renroved in lgJS rvhen the Lady Chapel lvas I tho- namo in Tenterden. lesto.red,I and o liglrter rvindoiy put-in I tJ*:Jooti. I{r. Orrrf,eis rcoal,'s memorice its plaee. "i ccll' ' of o f-po.t amous f n mily"a who havo f or five Later it wa.s given bv the Church Coun- tutit* p'"y.ii rnemoroble and ptg1r,ri, gil to Wooclton- pti.isii Cliurth. *treie it rrcnt pirt in- tlio history of Tente'rd-en' Tho trae been erectecl a,mirlst othei 'rnernoiiais so of_the , ruo"ai" of lh" Cottcis iarnily, rvho bceame Nelson laurily.- nrotninent in 'fenterden, ivris ono Thomos - lhe rvindo.w and other furnishinss were t)ur.bie,sr rvho early i' {;ho fiftoc,lth century -re' dedicate{ at 'lVoodton on Saauranf, ihe .t;t uiii.A- Aprrle.loie. Frorn this said nrember before 'f r.afalgar Ilav. nt ttt""t ft-iii.v- th"t'" later becamo four im' 'I'he deseeniiants of the Nelson familv inrtnitt b,.a""ho,s of tho family, tho S-ovenoalis present ,were th-e Rev. If . Nelson-'Waid, anil irlniteh, tlw t'cnto'rclen branch' tho &yu Ii. brq!he1, _f-drnrral P. Nelson-Ward,'ancl ($trssex) Canon C. lV. Ijaron-Suckling. biuoch'*,nil tho tVfUtt itt branch. Tlro - rector of- Bar- linown...to 6o liv' Rha.m, ryhere the Achuiral'e moilrer tvas Courcrr,r,on J. Prr,nulu. fi;;i ;";b*t- ;f i1o family boru. i i;;- ;" foniur.let, was nirne'd Williarn Ctrr' | since carried on tho b'siness of o farm,er l held Tenterden was reprssented Mise peel "o"" i;'lt il ;il';;;t isnz, nnd irno in 15e0 bv I on{mille! Twclve .yea.r6, ago ho rvont to resitle -'il"ititI-'of hnd a nd lll1's. C. Hanriiton nrootri, | ;ir; fenterdnl, Iro fi.l- ilrerc I ab Tont,e,r.


connnsPoNrlnN0n. ll ri TENTERDIN ' POST OFFICf,. ll il , T o the. firtitor:.of the. Kentish Eaprcss. I I . [jiJ',-tl'lro. esteenrutl lrost-nrir[r.ess c,f ll Tlcnterdell,'hcr rUi:s. I"r. A. Itrlrris. is flcavjnrr lI post next "Arigust, a,l'ter" athnir.nhl; l l strvirrg t;lrc inhn,llitnnts of 'llcnl;erden for ll nenrly fort;y Yg4r's. I regr.et tn learn ilrat ll she is lrot entit,led to any pcrtsion. Unclcr lI thesc cil'crtrnst,auecs I siirci:rel.y lrone that ll tt;lre inhabitnnts. of t;lre lovriiy. \\'ealden ll torvn rvrll talie steps to pr'ovidti'lrer ,rlittt ; ll parting gitt. I. suggesl, tirc gift; shoukl take ll the Jorrn of a surn ol rrronel:. I,'or thc ntts{: lI REV. AND MRS. W. H0LY0AK BEING WELCOMEO BY THE REV. f.rty y*dr'.s t hn'o sl trycrl rHE "'(iyr.i')' i' il'e^t.rlri;;"; I I SYDNEY C. MORRIS. rrea rlly ;rr.a r'--arrrl sornct irut.s tiri;;. I I lnew havc eeivecl l:y thc nrembere of the latter with h inr in the way of servieo he might .v{:tt,t'. I littowrt Ill's..' trforl'is all { lris I I open n tittte, urtrl , ah'-o,.{ hc elf it:ierrt atrrl sat,ist'u.e- ll the utnrost t'eluctauce. for them.-l\[r'. lVilliam I]ratlley,'to n'dllt 'shb, services on'Wednes- rleacotr of the l)over chureh, r'eferred tot'y ltrts rlune. I w6rrlll lil*l 6 I I 'At the recognitiorr sll.y tlrat ril l. nrrr a, n'n-rt'.sident;,- day af ternoon, tho tlevotion lvas lecl by I\Ir. Ilolyoa,k &rs " & pastor' and a, frientl," _ I l;rust. l l . I hir I'e' t r.r'd(,n lleoyrl**. nr()rlg rvlrorir I. li;r;; I I t'hi llev. J. Dirniel, of lValttret'. while the uncl eonrmencled hinr t;o the 1l'enterden 1 nl€rny frir:nrls*rvilI lrot t I preacher was the i?,ev. $. G. 1\Iorris churclr.-fipeakirrg or behnlf of ths Hnst- lrink nly nrqs,,*- I - -(the irg* ti,..' i'rr{'r'usi'e: I feel I i,rinrinf i;iiili; l l [eneral superintenrlont of the Southern district of tho Assoeiatiou, the llov. the testinrotrial ns il, Weeks. rvelcorued to he' t li'e i' tiurii"r- ll Area,). t'ho servico lvas follorvecl b.y W. A. of Ashfortl, the llrrr'.v; lxrt also feel llrat ten-trillle couferellce, at rvh ich the chair ministe r to the ftrea; rvhile ths Rev. S, -[ it: is a nteasir.,, ll to rrre t;o suggrst i{, a,nrl I holle solnd nromi- ll $'as tuken by l[ t'. 'I'. Ilarvey, of l)eal, G. I\{orris welcomecl hinr in the nams of nrrnt irthtrbitants of 'l'enterden while the sp6a,kers were the ltev. H. (1. tho llaptist Union.-'I'he closinq nddress rvjll. {ake ll ('ft'rrterrlen Wesle.]'nn Church), wrs giv-en lly llr. Holyoak, who-expresserl thc rtrrr.t'tr,r' in hanrl. I slir,tt lrn nlearn,i"i;; ll Arnoltl I srrpport it.--.Yours fnith{'rrllv. Alrlerlnull' II-. ,Ttrtlge, I\f ls.- I\[nylarn (orr his gr:rtiturlo to all tlro frienrls rvho lrnd I I $trrrilay School antl conto to give him good rvishes. J' ll behulf of tho 'otlllg I 90,-'' ,st.. (lnoise's i{lm.r iaorr;.'[;l$:'urrY' .:,,:':::' 'sTo^\I;)' ,.irJlrr tgr.t.,r^ g G !! ec*Y rawTnnDtlr. 19 t 3 I DAATH OF MRS. MILLEN'*\Mo r-egrst' to tho death of Mrs. Cotherino l\{ary ---{r- Miii*.t,""nounce rvifo of Mt, Stophen Millon, of rvho dicd on Thursday TENTERDEN, Brttngers'.Deceased,- Farm, -morn' ins. rvho u'&rl 39 yo&rs of ege; _-Dr:431r ru,om JJ,'n,Nrna.*About n, fortrright ngo, hrr? b"on strffering frorn rheumatio fever. Sho IHrs. Hllis, rvife of John ntiis,;i SL nfict.oi;*, severs.lnJul'res *;"i;;i --lea,vos a fnmilY of three sons. from burning. The poor wom&n wa,s tnanDsMEN'S Cr,uB. The monthlv qlttr.le-c-t to-lits, nn*l on this oeeasiou she wns .eittinq bv w{r,s held n,t thq Eight Bo'lls. Hotel the side of the fire, when n lit seizerl her. n,ntl she-fell **ling g, tb-e [o-p gi-ntc ;; Triesda,y ovening.- when the chair was of the burnins har risfii di,t; i;,;*;ii;: rvith I'Iilder in r)r' Newington_ wa_s iurmerlintely senttor., nnd nttended i",t bv [lr. tr. Allon, A. her to 'nn "ti The principal business of the tp Monrlny-lnst, when dlath L,ut enil to her t[; vicc]chair. snfforirrg-s. rv*s nlroirt ilO n nrl A slt. w{r,s tho consitlera,tion gf thc eclcction -Th9-decensed t;r;; mootins rnd hrrrl hnrl n lnrgo fnrnil.r,. At, tirnd "i-*r;; 8.15 o.t!!., l,he llorougb, it wa,s [h; oi-it,*-o.ilr] Cotiireillors for 9nd Iene-c otre of her rlnughtcrs, rvith whoru-i,i"o*;I. sho liverl. tr".t llp trrr,irr. clecidcd"i to tako active stops, should there be b.ut just left thc horr5o to and IJar,t #itnci* u ;ihffii;; an oleetion. the-rleeeased, was not genernlly left for any tirno to. I5 NAW RATE.-AI & mesting of the Town sctlrer, Drtc_ "- n Couneil on Thurscla,y morning, a new dietrict ] . itdi rate at 1/8 in the S was sealed. HOUSING PNOGII,A,MITN SCHOI.,ASTIC NATIIIE. IMPS FIGHT AGAII{ST lq36 IIHNT. ocl rN F€b lgJ+ F$+ TNNTNII,DI.]N ANNA MR.a. H.ffiTERDlrN. ^ior,socrAl,rsM MR. QUENTIN HOGG AT TENTERDEN PROPOSAL OF 38 ACCEPTED

l*:...... '.l' I\Ir. A. II. $rnith rei;ired on Januar.y Blst BY COUNCIL frorn ]ris position as assisi;ant nraster ii, tlr" (lhrr rch " What has Lnbour to olfer the work- 'J'enter.rla.n of ltrrrglarrd flchools, aftcr ittg rnan? Tentcrtlen ll,ural Council. rneeting lor tlro rrearly forty-trvo yc&rs' scr.vico in the $clrools. 'I'brough th&t iino tlnglishmon ( I) [f r. Srrrith is a rrat;ive of Irincolnshiro arrtl Ifurl lltarx &nd that horrry-thnnded son of Iirst time in the nerv ollices at " llillside," canlo to 'l'enl;errlon in lBBZ as orgir,nisb anrl lal:our, Sir $,t.r,lt'ortl Cripps, hs was toltl aplrroved the-proposal of tlre llousing Com- r:hoirnrastcr of tho .lrarish c:hrrrc:h and assist- thot ho tvas it miseralllo object to allow tuitteo for ths imnredints erection of 38 trrf, nrostcr of {}ro schools. 4ll;hor.rgh ret,iring hirrrsclf l;o bs cxploitctl for gnirr Itotrses. florn his scholastic drrt,ics, ho rvilI colrtinuo trrrivats 'I'lreso &ro to bo alloented os follows:- aud tha! prevcnL f lris position os organisb and choirnraster and to urtirer exploita,tion Aplrledoro 6, llolvetrtlen !4, Stone (Qunuy teachcr of nrusic in tho torvn. Jro ilrust join $ purty that woultl furho Jr'ieltl) 6, lVittershurn 10, and lVootlchurclr I\Ir. Snrith !l-as educal;ed at the Grammar away all hi^s freetlorn ancl rnako hiur work 2. School, .Ilo-trne. ancl servod lris fivo ]'oarlo' a,t rvhat ib tLrouglrt besb trr him," snrtl A furtber proposnl to builtl nn atlrlitionn l alrpronti<:eship iI the IJour.rro Borrrd School. Mr, Qrrcr t,irr_ Ikrgti _nt _ n rilns$ n,octing ;f 30 housus lvhett lntrrl is nvnilrrblo lvus nlso Ile studicd nrnsic rrrrder tho lal;o Dr. Huvaii the J urrior lurlrerru,l Leflguo of tho A sh- npproverl, 'l'heso will bo truilt in tho fol- Keeton (orgerrrisb of Peterborough Catlredi.ali f ol4 Uivisi,on :rt 'I'entercl6n on Saturday. lorving parishes:-Uirltlenden 10, Iligh Ilal- and also under Janres (organlrt ( IUr. Price ;f _ _!'b" meetiug was presided over ny-IL.P., "Uii. den 8, Ifenardingt_on 4, Stone Dbouy-rond) Michael. _Srrens, g, son of Ashford's 4, and Woodchurch 4. who sa.id tlrat it wasj importaut for ali 'l'he Surveyor \vas instructe(l to obtain l*pq to fisht Socialism of ths tyrro out- tenrlers for painting existins council houses, li-netl by Srr Stalfonl Cripps whed Le saitl worli rvhiclr is to be carried out next month. canuot imagino i[ Socinlist Government , l\Ir. A. N. I)etin, of 'I'he lttill, llidtlenden, coming into oflico iu this country *itno"i ,appeared to ansrver a, notiee served on him a lirst class financial crisis,'hiU per.haps be- by ths Couneil stating thnt they consitlered t'o;o tl ov_ _como into oflice, certiinto his house unsuitable for habitation. I)ean snicl hs wns willing to movo into auother f,fl:"#. #1"*,*; *,silr:3"rr:,*L#f.*"it*-Spens, -tW"s. rli houso os sooll {rs ho conld {inrl ono. This visi,on, otd -[\,Lns. ond Mr. an.t rY{t.q nceeptetl. t Quentin llogg. Pla,ns for additions to the Ohl Pnrsonage, Rolveutlen, for Dr. Ilenta ll wero approved. A PROGRES$TVE PhRTY. , 'fhe Srrrve.yor reported that definito trnecs Mr* Quentin. I{ogg_ eontinuing, saicl of oil had boen forrntl in the ,., 'r'ory that lno - par:ty hrd llever turnerl their water suppl.y. ftlverything hnd now been I:.*gr ,against. .progxe.ss, but throughout cleaned and wnslred pu!, but it was tlrought their long existence ha,d nover been 6tvrrv- to btl duo to defeets in the pumping ed by cqrrelt philosophy of tho type thit 'andmaehine. The mnchirte had been examine

lq3a, t4A.f

The 'l'enterrlen on

LAtE Mltts HAGUE-UurrK.-A beue- r U N E place factless of lui.rny locu,l churities, Miss .[lur- THE LATE MR, E. P. FUGGLE.-The I RA L.-The funeral tooli at I Westbere on Fridav of I\Ir. Williim Deal garet lJelr,tliee -[Iague-Oook (6'i of .tjast clea,th oeerrrred oll Ilfonrlav of i\fr. Hrnest ), I (ea1 who had liveil sister. Jlill tloue e, was creuratod at Uharing on Prinro lruggle, ngerl six{y-cine. I{o was l:orn with his I\fre. a,t St. Illicliael's-anrl f Nash a,t 45, Golden Square. for tlie last 'I uesday after a service at St. Jllilrti'ed'e. aL.tho aso of sixteen three years. w6rlier.- enlisted in 1;lro Bufts. After s"ervinE fol. n, I A farm he had lived IU.iss .tlague-Cook w&s tlre daughter of tlre r at Sturry years, late 1\Ir. 'l'homas llague-Cook, of &lirfield, yea,r' ho joinerl t,ho lirr{tolk ltesinreni. rvith for over 50 where he taught wbieh rvent JJg.ypt:, at the }lethodist Sundav-sehool and ias Y ol'ks., and carue to leuterden frour t'un- ho to --Arrirvand lafer to promipently assoeiated bridge lVells 15 yaers ago. $he took a pro- Rttrtna,. Leavinu tlre 1\Ir. l"usslo with the l\Iethodist ioinerl the Indian Polico rinrl serve,l""in Chapel. The funeral service at Sturr.v }letho- nenb interest in the n'or'ft of the u^hurch dist ehureh was eontlueted Ly the 'iV'. aucl wfls also a nember ot' ths Uritislr lre- Rurrua for twelve yen rs, retiring with th o Rdv. J. rank of inspeetor.- returned St. Paradine Frost (Tenterden) ind Pastoi Si'ari gion, \Votneu'e Sectiou. Among the rnoul'n- Ilp to ($ersclen 1\Iission). I\fourners ers rvore .[.[aj ths a.ud l\f iehael's foi' two yenrs ancl movecl to were Mr. and or l{on. .tlric Long Nash, }Ir. irnd l\irs. tvt". tho Hon. I\lrs. Loug Sir Ohristophei ancl Chennell-eottage, n'he-r'o he had liverl for the U{s. S. D.ut, T. -Uaptain -IIrs. last thirteen years. 'Iho funeral't,ook nlaeo Gibbens, lfiss Divers, I!fr. lfeat. Mrs. Slinse- Lady Codrirrgton, antl Il,. -helcl by, IIr. I[iller and- Ilfrg. Parker. Flowlrs Ca?pbell. _J\J.iss -Llstcourt llarrison, Ilajor on Thursd&L a,ncl rI sholt servico wrls pld .[!'r, Ustcoul't .$a.rrisorl, ]Iiss Barcla,y, a,t Ebenezer Cbapel, fit. nfichael's. wers from Bertha, Albert and familv: Qeq,rgq, Emma and famil.y ; I(athleen a ii.i nliss Grievson, tlrs 1\Lisses ljattye. aud tlid .. THE LATE MH. H, F. LAWRENCE._ Bob; Graee and staff-J\lr. ancl I!ft's. J,atter', I\liss Clenrents, It is with family; Nellie: John. Edith . regret that his many friends aq!! family ; from Sturry frientls to- Unclc nfiss 'I'orld antl l\liss Wigbfwick. 'Ihe tlorv- n'ill lea,rn of tho dea,th . of l\ir. Ilenr.y PjIt ; -Ifrs. _Wells and farnily ; trIr. ancl l\Iiss ers were placecl os the fenterden JVar Me- Frederick Lawreneo, proprietor-funeral of tho Navy Ddorris; urorial. and_ whoso Ifr. and llIre. Baies: Illethodist StPi Iq37 _Ar45rr Ctt*, took plar:ir Chureh, Tenterden; 1\{r. nnd llirs. Gilham. F U N E RAL.-1\lorri'ndrs at- ths fuuer.al pf on nlonday. Itr'. La,wrenee^ who ealne'oris- Joyce l\[r's. .L,ilizabeth .Ma,r'tin, ina,lly frorir ltlargate. harl liverl and l3ill; Bll nt 41. 4J. 47. Golded of 5, Appledore- in Tenterdejr Square,; and Ilf r. and ltr{rd. Bazzard. The l'oact, wero -[Lr. IVIartrn, Mr'$. Srrcuther, for twelvo yea rd. IIe lras well-known a nd out 1\lr. and r\h's. I[. Sheather, ]Ir. respecte

iuruti tg&g Tenterden PLAN {;o replace tho hassoclre in St. llfiklre'dis (Jlrurch with em- Treasure hunt- trroicleretl olre$ n$ they $"eilr out, ha,s be'en starterd. .'Ihe'an,tl aitn is to boosts village incrreaso ths beauty interest of tho ch'ur',eh. l\[rs. Willis is in - c,hargo of tho seherute, rvhieh is hall fund lleing donc b.y volutttary labour. -[\fR. I. nlatthervs, heaclmastet' of 'J-'trc. liib for a rtorrv lrassock cos'ts All smiles from IVIiss Dinah Sheridann star of the film rvr' llotnervoorl St:ltool, T]entet'tlett. 10,s. fid. " GenevieYer" and th'e l\Inyor of Tenterden, Ald. Leslie \von i), (:il.r tt'easllt'e hunt rvhit:h MR. JOHN CHARLES MER. C E n, of l, llryritlo-txr,ht;s., SL. Chalk exhibition in Bells rnncle about S10 for St. I\[.it:lrtrcls at the aid of the Mayor's Villngc IInlt Jlrrntl gr] Sn,trtt'tla.v. I\liclrao s,, trollapsarl a,ttd rlie,d in 'tl\tr,a7 APPeal 'J'rvii- ot,her (.a,r's.-J'. tlt'ivett b.y l\Liss tlro .l irelt Lllrnlrcl, St. l\[ichncls, Ll,- 196i tioo,t lf ,:.- ti. Ilrrr:ge, of orr $ uuday. I.le lt'as l;$. J\l r. I\"l.ercer, iI fitr"rtrer anrt tvoo,rl.ma,n, Rirlclentlcn."1ili--' both gob milxi-tnutn points of 110, bu,[ were lilacetl looke,tl a{lter {;he grounrl.* of thei sccl:nrl and third after a, toss up t:hapol for nl&n,y yea r:8. '-llhe Miss Sheridan in a rvinner. fun,eral takes p,laco aL tbe chalrel to decide the C*,r o,,.tessorv prizes $:ol'e awal'd- torla,y. erl to the top three ('Rrs a ntl qr MR, A. TERRYT chait'tr.lnn, I'en- iiirall prize was gir'-e4 to each of terclcn ntrtl District Labour Party horseless carriage the otlier 27 (:at's rvhieh left 'Icn- sa itl n t a rneeting on $aturtlay i n terrlen r.ccra,ltigp grottnrl. Vinc Inrr, that the pnrty should hc 'I'he lottte took eolll pobitors errcorrragcrl by the llrgc ittcrease itr tlr rotrglr Birltlenrlerr. Sttlartlett, thc Lal)our vote during tlte rccent opens town show Plrrr'lile.v.- llgerton. Olratitrg }Ieirt,lt, council elections. l\fembers discus- f,enha ni Tleath antl llalrietsh:rln sed use of poisons in agricultnre to the'l'urlo$" Tl,otttJtl, I3e,at'sl,erl, and felt thcs6 trsed indiscriminately IF 'fentertlen's.response to the lllayor's $2,000 Appeal rrhele { he hunt ettrletl antl about rvere a dauser to both operators antl r Week is as good as the local exhibition at the Town B0 hacl tetr,. I consumers."A rcsolutiori, was passed It lrils inlencletl ns ,a pleasant I calling for stricter control. Ilall on Tuesday and lYednesda.y the bells of St. Mildred's afternoon's motoring,_. an{-_-B-9, jt to attenrl I PERSONAL invitations will soon be ringing again and no longer & liability to trroved Among the "treastlt'e" to i srrecial services at St. Mildred's the 800-year-old church. lrc r:ollecterl by the cre\v of each Church have gone out to each fam. (ta r w,er'o 6rt. postal ortlet's a,ntl a ilv in thc parish and in St. John's, An excellent publicity gimmick for the opening of 1918 c:oin. At the sugges{,ion of SinallhvthA. Mission rveek besins the exhibition on Tuesday was the arriv{l of Miss Dinah i\Ir l\lntthervg these n'el's all on Sundav in both ehurches. 'Ihe given to the Hall fund. Ilishop of Dnver rvill holrl & ccln- Sheridan, star of thc lilrn " Genevieve," in an 1899 l\Ir. George llreela,nrl. ehainllnn Iirmalion service in St. ]\[ildrcd's 1' Star " .car llelonging to of thtr I[trll cotntttittee, rvns nt])ollg on _Strnday e-ve_ning. I)uring .th. Mr. Gordon If ayward, of the entra,ttts. After fea he thanlietl weelc there rvill be evening services f Lerns ehown b.y Tentertlen Loenl t;he orgaltisitrg comrnittee. rvlrirh for Tlarcnts, gorlparents, husbands, Ashford. Ilistory Society inclutled a photo- wils 1)r' ll. Ii. Goltrltertz, ilI.r. wivds and yirung atlults. In the I)otr,t' Lttr.lir.tf, l\[r. Crrrt- Ititling in the " ltorse,less staL copy of the 'Ienterden Ilcrbelt afternoons chiklren will be rneeting Pass, tarrtlcn. antl trh'. I). G. Clrallis, team of earriage-" rvitih 1\[rs. fr. N. (Ilerond'en; Ctrarter of 968. for snecial instruction. A exhibilion se'cretary, IUiss Sheri- rvlro lt'as lrr:lpetl u'it;h the 50 peisons has spent several rveelrs O ne of the exhibits was a rnnshalling h.v J\[r:. Ra,y firnit]r. tlan looked as attractive as in her photographs acldressing and dblivering the invit- famous film. volume of London by tations. M r, Arrtony Armstrong-J ones and REC0RD nmotttt't of f402 \Yas Wele.onring lter in tlto hall, tho had been con- autosrapheij by hint. lt taken al; tho ()trnu .l)ay at We,stfieltl lInJ'or, Altl. Ireslis Chalk' given Hooper hY fessetl-that he was no lilrn fan, tb $in Frsderic Ilos'nitaI on Wb(lttostlny. Stall, sicle- ths author. ? eotnpetiLiong \roro ar- antl " CIe'net'ievo " n'.ts - tltt: only elLorrs anr[' ono he'had Fpen a feconrl tinte. Sir Froderic, the well'known dsf' lsl('t$ la'ngerl b.v the .[,eague, of Frien,rlg Tenterden ltellv bt'eas- M iss S,heridaq said sho was busine$$ exscutive, nrrd Lady nn,{ l\[r. A. llttt'ch, blto GIRL pilliorr trra$senger was 'lre,1rb At'tet' r+mall suro no one would wish the bells H oo per, who I ive et " The uror rva's busy. a hava known trltctr to Ashford l{ospital orr a.rnoun'b il'-,as-lteen dedtt,ct;ert for e's- to be silent or die out. She hoPed Dandy,'r-Armstrong"Jones Tontorden, firrnrlny after a tnotot'-cycle ritl- they would soon be ringing ,Mr. for tomB r)errs,cs tho bnltrn,e.o rvill be rr,sed to again,' year3. tlcn lr.y ll,obert Uurgess of St. irrovitlo anlcltitiee {or patien'ttl. tour T I,con ards-on-$ea, collidetl wi th a l-te.foro nln,rt,ing on a, long . Borough regalia attrl ecorda stationilry car neAr the Police of tftei oshibition, slto was tbankerl rere laict out nncl so wero the old lry J]r. 'l'. II. lt. 1['fl-r'lor-,Iolles, and re,cortls of St. ltliltlrerl's. lllhe Statiorr iu Oalis-ruI. REPRE$ENTATIVE of the pie:entetl ivith a lxltlqtlob by l\[re. \Ve.akl of l{ont Procervation CATH0LIC Wometr'$ Leagne Rorvntrec chocolate lirrn for llu.zaar at thc 'Iorvtr IInll olt yeilrs, Nelson Itags. $or:iety ha,d & stand. while handi- S:rturtlay tna.de S80 I'or Church many - IWr. Arthur Iloyal Yacht llescue crafts- wero tlisplayed by the It,inl6v .Dunster, formcrlY of eehools funrls anrl church charities. Michaels, died lfurrdretl,g of exltibits of loeal W'omen's I nst,it,u te, Iocnl WINNING nrrrnbers in the Ctianel l.Iortse. St. or historit:al ilrt,ert'st inclrtdctJ and'I'enterdcl llvening Institute. in West view-IrosPital last week' I'ootball C)lub'I cornpet,ition tlris ased I'fr. Dirnster had be' eosturncs worn lr.y blro .Ja.te Datno rveek are 22, II?L anrt I 10. 69. lllte n 'I'arr.y. III r:. Jlu,v irl It'ulle rton (iuest Speak'ers to'nqed to several local organisa' JOBBING sardener I\[r. Alfre,d a well'known lent a ring presen[ed to his grantl- Ilarry Anecotnbe. of 18, Da,ne- tioris, I'Ie carne from father by- Queen Victoria for & On Tluesrlay a,f{;ernoon tho guert more, rlied in lVillesborottglh IIo€- familv *utd wa$ a brother of' Mr- ( Crema' res(:llo from tlro lioya,l i;a,eht. spon,ker rva,s JU r. It. Il. R:rtes, tho SnlnrtlitS', agncl 71. IIs I,l. O: ltidtlv) I)nnster. lrital otr gn Old Russian, Chinese anrl a rrt.lror, n ntl in t ho eveniug ]\l r. leitves tr u'itlorv :tntl lnrnily. 'llhe tion took pirice at Ch:rring St. lndian articles were on view, So llrilliarn IItrg]res, a c&lnpanologist, funeral at t,he, Ce,rrtetery ott \:Ve'tl. Wednesrlay-tfter'Church a service at was an Elizabeth I shilling dug gill'e ir n il lustra trrcl ta I k on l.rells. nestln.y wAi eo'nclttcted b.y Canon I\tichnel's conducted by up in a Tenterden garden, and a 'Jlhis irr l,ttrtr was followetl tty a Ilarolrl \tr/illis. the l{,ev. Victor PerrY.dCf t{6cl Garto onco used by the bosun on concerL of lrilncl'bell ringing antl ths Victory. ehoral i telns. Mr. Gnonau Bounulcn, on behslf of tlrs 'Ient*rdan TITN PNOPOSED TNNTItrRDIT}T I'rrrdt,srnen's Olub, brietly eeeontlcd the resolutiou. *^ttlt:'., Mr. W'. B. Ttltrur-PirtnNsoN said although he FATAI,ITY ON roh{ t8g+ wos unfl,blg to vote otl tlio reeolution beforo the FINST meetinf,, tto llorough Act eould forbid his npeok- fn l)ursrua,nce of the lVlunicipal Cornoration ondorsed I,fGII'I' RAILtl'i[Y. lr'unds) irrg irr-its fnvour... IIs most heartily .Ilorough Aet, IBTZ, * mebtinq ru*i hekl at pv6rythinE th*t had been said in favour of oppos- '.Ientt,rden Torvrr Hall orr lr'rid*v fof the nurnose !- . n91 of passirrg ins the lJill a,nd supporting tbe action of tho Town & resolution of tlre 6wtre"s aid rate- the tsonrd of ^toV pc,J'ers of the borough Corrnr:il. IIe might sftt lhat conrsroN AT rEvEL cR0ssl$F. to confirrn ttre onposition to /'' '- rclians, as ropresontidg the dietrict of Tentor- the lJouth-ltrirstern Railway Ilill, 1S'94, by tho resolution thom- Towrr Council. r Llrrion, lrad d,dopted a'iimilsr Bcrvos, and'if the resblution met fiith thg-opprolal 'Ilro Mrr,"r'or, Mr. W, Crrrbeie, presided, what 1r'*s ,ro**ffi,,," fir.st ,.,rrl * and ttrose uf tho burgesses of tho borough oF 'fenterdsn presont incltrrk'd l\fr. W. 13. 'Iylden-Potteneon, -of citlcnL on thc Kerrt nntl l-usl $ussci'lig[t tho l-loard Guardians l\'ero perfectly ready Itailwny 1va$ {.P.. C_._C., 1\{r. II. S. Nortori (Iligh }-Inlden)j the stthjtrct uf alr enquiry-by to conrbine with tho Town Council in forwarding IVII'. A. f I. Nel'o (L-'oronrrr), u l, 'l'trtrur:itlgo lI,'. R,.$eve_,_ Aldormen Rogrnrs dud" Iloornran ; (npplnuse) Councillors Wood, tho elluso they h*d in ltand. \Yells Gencral }Iosliitnl, ou'I'ucstluyr l.o- I{ilder, lldrvards, U. Winser.. Ib lrad been suggested that a small nuurbor of II. I-lorvrrd, Stephen llook ; I\{eosrs. J. M. Mace specting. the rtcu'l,h bI ltegiunltl \V. Itoberls GuarJian$, say-to fiiilr or five., should bedoputsd ns (2-1), a- lorr5' crrrployetl (torvn clerlr), .f. IX. Maco, If. Lavence, E. I-I. meot a' aimilar rnrntber of the .driver, ab ltye, and F. l)cnnin, }Valtrr Tlrorninon, & conlnritfeo rvltoso holrro rvus nt 62, (.'ulrrlrt'inrr-roirtl, 'l'rrn- l!n1{5p1tlc, _f,. 0. nrernbcrs of thc 'Iown Cttrrnoil to net in tho mattor U. ll'illshcr, II. J. IJerrnott, ftr. Scyeis, Geo. blitlgo lVtlls. lle rlns in lho lrubit of re- Bo:rnrr: (cLaillnan in 11ue.*tiotr. tur.trrttg ()ll of the 'fr-ndesmeu'J Olirb), f. Iloaun.s onqrtired wheLher tho Board of lrouro for rreck-entls his urotot 'VV'. Tordiffe (borotrgh Ivtr. cyclo arr$ ott Oct ober 29th, lvgodg_tut€, -D: treast#er), Gu*rrlinns wero preirared to bear a portion of tho collitlctl rlil,lr a Jatr*z Checkslield J. S. Wiirser, .ibhn- - l3e'netd, trnitr .ut Noltlrirun lcvt [-crossirrg, rccciivirrg INli l{.rrncwood, Ililder, nucl obtrod. (:nuso{l ":fil:-ffi^cn roplied tlrat tho Grrnrdinns Tedro pro- injurias rvlrir:h his tlr.nlJr in lronldtul. Tho Mltolr, in his olrening renrarks, said he ntrrt+d to rrreseni a pctition on tlrt'ir own occouut 1l'lro tlrivct' of tho trrrin, IJcr't llrrturist'lt, of was pleasorl to see sueh n large at.tendaneo, (station unrt Jer.y f f'th* piesenb resolution wes not passed. (op' fiolventlen ngent r:elief car di:'iv- pnrtieulorly as they had a very imfrortant mattei et'), sttirl tto grites lvot'(t pro\:irlerl n.t; tlre cross- to t'1iliff)r"solution srnsitler, tho Tou'n Council having reeeived D rvos then put to tho meeting and ing a,tttl tho r.rltl.y 1rt'otr:r:liorr,tvirs tlro lrnin petitiorr, signed try a lnrge number oT inhabitants anridst loud and prolorrged rrhistlo ntrrl walnitrg lrunrrls. I'ho truin tl'a$ gtllr-o town, ashing them canicd nnanimously to oppose-fraking tho lJ.II.ll,. chpcrirrq. travelling alnut lhreo rrriles l)er hour and Ilill for c.xtension bf tirno for sl line of 'irsual votee of thanks concluded tho thc e;yclist nlrpt'oachetl at frorn cighteen to railrvay Ifeadcorir to Tenterden 'fhe trorT and Apple- ureeting. twenty rnilcs, &pporcnt,l.y rvithout control of doro. He thought he would not bo far il'rong Iris ntnclritto. l)cct'nsetrl lriert to in when lro snid this was the l)ass nob firsb, ecconrship cxpressed tlie holi that ths resohition lBoar{ of Af{ricr-rlturjc, }rcftl nrr ilfgr,nral- clq.rtiry to lho effeet llrn.t tho Goi'ornnlent nrtfhotrltv wh ich rvould bo prrt to t,he mcxrtins would b€ gt tt n'G€orgo.[-Iotel, (jril,ntrrook, tru n'louday alt'sr- slrouLl bo ask_orl lo r:orrsirfr,r. t,he clesirabili,ty can'ietl unanimorrsl.v. (loud aplrlause) - nonn, tinder sect,ion'4 and 5 of fitro l,ight llailway of replneing the gn,les (renrur-efl aborrt trrelr-e L'Ir. J. I\Iur*lv lifacn, whri ivas r6aeived rvittr hct, as to tho propriety of a t,rensury-grant bcing ]-onrrq ngo l:y'p0r'ntission of the Board. of r:lrctrrs, of krutl saicl he would only dr*w the attein- 'axtensionrtn.i" in a,id oi tliet t,oitstrttctiol -tho-proposcd Trnda), in view of lhe inerensarl tra,ffi+r I tir:n of tris lienrers-to_a very emall part of the llill, to Tenl,erdetr ancl Cranbrook of tho t.fi vin. elnuse 15, which ran as fdllows o-r3 Th'e 'B,other Vallcy Li.ght ltailway. Amongst othcrs peri

ProfirietreBE- IWrs Bernard Bull


Lunchsons, Teas,

I tlght Refreshrnents, ;{ryi;:_.tl! ' :,',.,',i--r,.i.'-'.;rt#*3i,9.iif Besidential Guests, Garden, Carage,

fI', proved sonletlring of :l hlock ril cot,tages on the ng() antl only tlrree of the Sp:r,cions Light Airy Rooms. .1" ;lrobleur to lirrrl the exnct, lef t sitle of tlre olrl lric- cot,t,agss are still stantlittg. Goocl Popular Prices. location of this ryeek's ture. I'he opertr aren is Catering. picture. ItIr. to rigltt olcl Eventually IlIr. Finn explained that n0ri'Ingletlen fark Road. A. Jarvls, of Brook liarm, af ter his f ather, IlIr. Fran- r St. hlich'aels. Tenterden. u'as cis Firrn, hacl diecl his nlo- Uven t,he railirrgs s'hich ahle . to tell u.s that it is t.her took over tlre slrop. fr orrted Lho cottage to the Silver Ilill, Ashford Iload, Soon after she left, it at the right, of tlre shop have now I'errte.rderr. beginning of the last lvar grrne, they lvere probatrly Cakes of Quality made on This itlentification ryas the cottages t'ere denrol- taken as part of the wa.r the Premises c,otrfirmed b.y lllrs. Dric Finn i.slrerl by a flying bomb H'lrich effort. of 1 lVay.sitle lrlats. Ash- exploderl in u'lrat are norv Our new picture shou's I Jrlrtl Roatl,'fetrtertlen, u'hose Ilonreq'ood. Sichool pla.yirrg nlore nrodern highn'av anrl Roonr may be engaged for Ittlsband's f athe,r ran the fieltl.s.' Our oltt rricture rvas lhe holrses l,hat have re- ohop in the cerrtre of thc taken ahout half a century place'd the cottages. Receptions, Wlrist Drives, ti?i q 6

7, \fest Cross, Ttr,NITERDEI{


Fish, Poultry and Game De a[er

Daily Deliveries- I{IGH IIITI,DIIN ROL\IIINI)I'I{ BIDDI'NDIIN Daily except lfondays

Ice Merchant, Palethorpe's Sausages.

35 Higlr Street,

IT NTIRDf N. Telephone-lSo IENTANI}EI{ COUNCIT MRS. E. A. CHALK NO DRINKS IN MAYOR'S PARTOUR AT TI{M SIGN OF TTXIT f,n^l # ns!* Sur.{i ,ggLr" tr'AT OX. For future dances- ancl functions in the rlov nAI FUilERAt AT BECKENHAM Town Hall, Tenlerde-n, the Mayo-r'g Par- Lour-wilt not be let for use as a buffet or irl"o" tt;; the sale or consumption of- in- rririrrn offir cHaRGB MRS. E. A. CHALK, TENTERDEN. i"*i"nti"g liquors. ..'l]he 'I'orvn- Council on ad6pted this..r€comn€ndation of DISJVtlSSIID. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Anne tfiila;f-Toi""" Beecher itr Hah Committee. It is - under'- {Bessie) Chalk, wife of Mr. Vernon *i6oa in"t this decisiol was rea-ched, hv Chalh, of Beckenham, ancl "'Thirfieldr" view the sta'te it* Cdmmittee having in 'Ihc sequel to {he nlloged nssnultnssuul[ orr()rr ittu miln 'Ienterden- took -[fonday,nlaee at the parieh church. iii- t"iti"n--ttr" Mavofs Parlour was left at.rr,' tterrrri IfntJtlr], Orit"r\ lun,Jltil, fit.D[. llicjhuel's,llicjhuol's..:]llollilol s, onoD thcillc rrightrrishtlllgnt Beckenhadr. on foilowed by the [[. iast time it was so used. t'f .Octolrer' 99th, \\'as hearrl at th,l Telitcrilen intormeirt in tho farnily greve at Dlmet''e ptrJieo colrlt on I\[onda], rvherr Jn,nre.s lNdrvarrl cometery. CLER I CAL ASSISTANCE. IInd l"lltuer. of $1,. I,Iir:hit'l's. il.r,s c.liarseil oti The nrineinal mournerg wers l\fr. V. B. T'hero rvas & long cliscussion on the pro- t'crnap-rl rvith rrnlau'fully *(husbir,nd), ilssistanco to tloirrs botlilv" hnnn Chalk I\Ir. ancl 1!Irs. V. It,. viJion-lo.un of atlditionril clerical to Alfrr:d f lnrrorv, of I irrlst (irccn, 6l' striL- (sons tluring rvhich it was Ch,alk. Mr. and Mrs. L. Challc antl , ih" clerk t1rg lrir' tho Jri'*rl- r'iih ri *iiiric.- irt itto iiiat daughiers-in-larv), Ml'. and Mrs. I:[. Holmes I o that his olf ices were uncler- ()ctobct 'iharso- .son-iu-law), ut Ox lnn. ''{)r) ll3th. The '.Barrorvivas (darl trter and IlIiss Holnres I il"ft';a:"oi"tld It lva,s announcbd that the 'l'en- atrrendecl tn onc pre- o[ c(]unlron nsrsnrrlt. (srai'(tdcrushter), Il[rs. Baruard (sistor-iu- I ffiA;n Itural Disl,riet Council -wers r0[)l'r)$(]l)tcrl ]Iustings, antl ullorvance of S{9. pe{ 1t:i!..s Jty i\Ir. l,tlo. of ii,w). itri. Ld6nard Challc. 1!Ir.' Arthur I pu*if to malio &rr I''illttt,i' b.y ltr. [i[cn, of i\[nrgrrte; DIr.- aud Mrs. Ber- the provision of adclitio'al Prosccutrrr gilvo Chalk.-West. M'r. Cecil Chalk, I ;;*ii* for - evit{cur.o io Ihe e{Toet that trarn -DIr. Stepherl Wes!,- Mr. TV. I l,iiii*t assinstarice nrrcl the finance com- rlc'nt to {lro l,'rrt ()x Iioroirgh CIguugil lra nrrd nftor tsking the Rarnard (nbphervs anil nieces). $frs. Graco I ;iil;t of the 'recom- lnnrliolcl to ehnnse n l0!J. rrotc f<;r hini, tlic-on elnployees B.- Ltd., couricil s\ould make a' Chalk, ttrb of V. Chelk, I *;"it..t ttrat the lruttrr: enrrlc xlrrrrl the lrur nntl-str.ricli him and neny friends. I Ji*ii"i allowalce. It ]ryns clecided to sot thc shoulrler rvilh a, polter. As ho n'as nrnl,ing i to go into ths matter of Wrerths:-Eer loving Hushand' Children and i,li- -iuot:[.ommittee f,p Iho cloor Irilruei. ncurscrl lrirn of orving Grandchildren; Iteg trntl llfaudo i Joy, llobhie 'nnd iii" " - of the eoiincil's olficers.-Appli- lrirn lncnoy nncl slrrrclt hiur orr tlru heutl rvitii and family Grace, L:hildren Sani- Faith: Auntio Lily ; ,iliioir,--f"ipeetor. Tron, tl.q Surv.eyor fr,nd the rr, _ sticl;, linor:liinlr hirn to {he srounrl. and Lalla; 1\lr. and ll'Irs. Leonard Chalk; Nephews Hr;" fgt. salar.y .increases l-l-ero \\;hil.st he \ras on tho grorrrril prisoner j.unrpcd and Nieces; Jean and Billy; tlre Misses Barnard; ,;i;d refeired to this cornmittee. ol'r lrir lrcrrd nllrl liic!icrl hirrr.' Ir'inall.l. pro$c- S0enhen,-West; Lilv and Kenncth lVest'; DIr. and Mrs. -'rrrid ts. Mr. onrl I\lrs. Crnmpton trnd fa,mily; ].PERIOD'' crrrtr';r \i'n.s thron n orrt of tlro horrrio ht: CINEMA. ;rci'ollrDnrricrl llessio urirl Alf red; ltlo attd $Cltel Yatcg ; Percy, pa.ssed & Dulir:e offiecir {u lhe rrolico stn- Emelirro and Kat,hleen; l'retl nltd Evelyn ; Gertie Adverse commenf, was uDoT tlre tion. Jlc.n.ns ntterrrlerl by IIac[-rnren, rvho - *c Dr. ' Thornton; Graunio }Iolmes, ll[innie attd Nellie; c;r'rlercrl his r(rrnovilt td thc Aphford Cot- Mr. a.nd IUrs. Normatt Bowrtter and Capt,ain ltrt. : 3Li' t i ". i'T "fr'3' ti l Hil ifl f,ii t" tr t ll; '.+ew trr*o llcrspil;rl, r{hrrr,rt lrr} t.()uur1111rl rrntil {,lrr: rvn[er; It'lr. rtttd Mrs. Oeorge Ilukilrrl :rntl ftmily; i; il"t nla,itins"t* for & plan to be 69b- follorvirrg [,"t'irlnV. hc n'clrt into thr: Ii'tt I[r. nird Mrs. Howard; Illr. and Mrs. Cambridgbi rvith an elevatton more In Keeprng Ox ho hr'rrl Jt) '.\Vhclt Iftr. nnd Mr6. J. J. Smith and family; Mr. Jolrri mitted l(}s. in cirdl unrl & chceuc fol Ilody ancl fnmily; lValtel Hnd ltrtr; Itlr. und Mrs. slrrroun$tngl I0o. poclint, l.Ceovored .*'ittt" tU" -Bu1leuqhayr t pointecl i,, -ris - aurl rvhg'n he Chai.les Barden; the Olerical $balt of Messrs. CoooiiJtoi-- lt. $.- . coilseiousncri$ it hnd golle. Ito w&s still re- I{ateh and Watbrman lt[r. and. Mr*. Crouch and to u.pon i ori" t[;t it woulcl be silll .insist ceiving lnetlien I l ttention frorn the tloetor. family; It!ay and -Olark; Iletty, llob and family ; iT"itoi-BlizabetSan or a Georg.ian frontage IJlii.trler', in cvidcnec, stut.crl thab ho nus irr l\tr. and Illrs. E. II. Barrow; Mt's. Edwin Ayling; as- nothing rvould Jooli more ridrculous. It l,ho Fat Os Iun on the nieht of the 2gtlr Mr. and Mrs. Reginnld Parker; Mra. $eddon and have a, nroderu. but not ()etober. Iltll't:ow Mrs. I(ennedy; the Misses lligeinbotham; Mr. and i:"r- toi--Litte" to nslicd to he treated and ho Ilfrs. Da.lhy Dr. and Mrs. Gidtlings; Mr. and lllrs. frontage. pairl for o drirrli for Jrirn. frnhr. sairl : unsightlY Drurol Ilibbv:' Gllbert ancl Donnld West; Mr. aud ltIrs. WATER OUESTION. .sornething to lhe lrndlcr,l anrl thc lattcr lcft J. ll-. Davis and famlly: IHiss Nirra,h Riches nutl THE t he l'colil, frillorvetl [,._v Whe tlrc Mrs. Woollet; Illr. nnd 1\Irg. Tom Ayling; Mr. and the Cranbrook District I',rurorv. n f u a reply from ^ lunrllorrl ret,urrrerl he lokl rlitrress thnt Rnr. Mrs. Oliver Longley; Nora and Georgc; the Wor- refereuce to 8Ig' Olticers nnd llrebhren. Itrden ri"i"r- Ool"po"y ilt . the rorr hnrl linrrciicrl hirrr down. Aftcr scmr) con- shinf ul Illaster. Park ;;-6.i eiiensiori of their mains al.ong tlt' verintiou ns to bur-irrg fl, cart belon.qing to Lorise; Jack aird Doris; Illrs. T. w. Thornton and roarl, it, was stated that the rriturrss, "nrrrl fanrily I Georgo and Illaudo Collins i Flo and Eer. bi^"trt"ott . he tolrl hirn liot {o tnll< sillv bert;-- [Ir. J. C. Bagget; Itlrs. Edgecombe and C;il;;j--*ou* no! in a" position to apPlv 1lt'rneerrLor rcplierl " nIy br.other orrly got ninc the Booth; lllrs. Joneq and -giant improvement oT water Clilfdrd; llisses fanr. Io"t-i - for tllu ln()ntlrs for shocting n, policclnrln nnrl I'vn got lly; thd Staff of -V. q.- Chalk, !t_d. ; Dudley and ; uff u'co* sonrethitrg in rn)' llor:lict lhnt rvill do you'irr Jirfeplrlne . Eqmql-ds ; trIr. and Mrs, Bradburnc; l,X;sr,1'iltr-that J "if,l, ftf * i q*.o ree o m - gnir:li ntrrl 40 or J-r0 pcliecrnerl." With rvllss Mlnnlo Smlth. the company shou.ld .go into thnt he prrt hi_' h*nrl in his pocket. Witrress "rill.ath;-rdeeive question of revenuc tb.y ryigFt expeet tlrcn rrtrrrcli hinr r','ith fl, gtirik and kurrckod [o - 'from an extension of the mains !rirn doln, lhirrliing he \r'{ls ltoing to shoot. ;d zuU*it on estimate ' for the r{erk. Tbere r1!o$ no trrtth in th.o stntment thnt the TENTERDEI{ WOULD lrlrldlolcl hit -rcrsccutor .rvith o. lrolicr, llqr COUNCIL HOUSES. rlirl (pli-ooner) hick jurnp TFhe sixteen houses at Da,wbourne havo -ho lriur or oir his LIKE A PAGEAI{T and fifteen allotted and henrl beiil- compieted - 1\lr. J. lI. Ditton (lhc lnndlold), in evitlenec occupied."Tffi- rlenied that hc struck tho pro.see,utor. Thc 'fenterdeq Goal Runnipr glub were llt,tor eutererl his privut,c i'oorus nncl after nriiliu,t pognission to uso the R'ecreotion heinB olrlo:erl ortt ho struclr rvil.rrcss olr tho :SUGGESTIONS FOR TTIII Hr-*d, Irot not -to encroaeh on the chil- ehin anrl linor:lrr:rl lrirn dorvrr. On returning ,tr*";--"'i'hor." blaYsround. .rr h, r to thn bilr ho tolrl llliscncr u'hnt hnd hnppencd. CArt,I{TVAL iriesent : Coun-cil[or L ]Vfartin ]le rlirl rrot seo {,he blorv sl,ruek, brrt srrw-f)l.o$e. 5rr*E lqgl+ r ni".v-ort.'i. Aldermen II. Judge, J. l\{aet'ae r:utdr lyirrs in front c[ tlrn {ire.- o-nd l,'ihner's ii;,'.it"- S. Ilobson anql W. A. IJ. Find- $on e&urc in and a,ssistcd him off the ptemises. ' A pageaut depicting incidents in the history of i;dl1'-.-'io.ncillors ry. .Care, q. I)unster, Oorrcllorativo evidenec \l'sl:i givcu by lldrnund Tenterdell , w&B ernong tlre pluns for ttro fort'lt' A. A, ii.--f,ouo, I\{.rs' IN. -Arlq'.psr. I!,-lVilson, Bur- cotning carnival irt airl of t,[o lucll ltttrsittg tlsso- ["".tt"ru.^D. Il. I]. Neve, !.- Qh"lk,-S. "l$,11 ftil1.il.IiiiJ',1?--If;"1't; cn'e. $ummonses ciatiotrs tliscussed rtb u, puLrlic tttectitlg itt t'he A- Lantler, A. .f. Wriglrt, ,T., I{. Bar- ngainst l)itton, l,.y Jlar'.r'orv nnd bv Filmer Irace (elerk). Towu llrll 0n Friday. ion,-iuith I\tr. II. B. ugainst Ilarrorv \vcre rvilhdrnt'n. Mr. lt. Judge presided nttd was srrpported by t'ho llla,yor, Dr. T. Martin, I\lr. llodge (secretary) aud IUr. A. N. Ooldsmittr (assistant seeretery)' Atnong other suggested it,ems for tlre carnival, which is to ho hcld on Augus0 22, were fl, shop-' ecY rnfriffisN. l8g7 window dressing conrpetitiott,-" cleeorat,ed houses and Pnn:rx Sussiloxs.-Ou Monday, befole Meesrs. Iiench I-Iill, 'I'enterden, whieh Mr. Alfred shops, special Oilptays-show of tlatrcittg, a tnilital'y ba.nd' followiug special whisi rliivc. flower tnd carttivul dances lu B"L;t. Ilosers, aud Curtis, tho Iltrrrorvs, amalgamated rvitih lVlessrs. *ct6 appoinhxl :-Albert -Edward Cr.Ie, J. t,he Drill llall trnd Town llall. Knight;, Irrank and llutley, is to offer t,y Iltr. IIodgo outlined & possible pngeanb which ".**t*UtctRictrord Orlaudo Cioushcr, George Collius, Stetrrhen orga.niCa,t'ions produee. o he srrggested loea,l slrould (). Coruooy, Gmrge Cta,rnp, I'rank Cruttendon, arretion, on tho 24tb instant' includes Tbe scbnes rnight be na,merl tlre Routans and l9arly Etlwnrd Cniuch, I'icderhk Orof t,Ildward Croucher, Gcorglian resiclonce, rvith sclme three hundred Ilritons at, Deal, B.C, 6o; Alfred a,nd the Saxons 'Ihomae Croucher, Thotnas Cruttcndglt' ju[r acreri of pasturs and rvoodland. building ships, 800 A.D.; Ddward VI. and the 'Crrrteig, h.nd forty-six Pritrce visit Tenterden, 1305; G*ot*e H. Cunnoid, Goorgo Ilenry C. o[ I{enry VIII. tho proporty Blach on t,heir to G little boya, At tlro timo lVardens of the Cinque Ports at il Cortrt at, Den;brd, and oorge Drrily--Two (lulrfeford, llouc antl lrwfu llxtwtt, wcroohargcd wrus the ;rossessiott of $ir lldrvard Culdeford, New Romuey, 1488 i $ir ll,ichard Kt,., nrurottie, or 0s. per dozen, bottlcs to be rctunred, I lotter I hovs roeoivs{ replies, tbo.grent mniority ot i rre. I br :rt 4s. per gallon in on-n vossols ; buy of tho I which Bre favourablo tb ridrng td hounrli, Urit AT TENTERDEN I i rnaker, snd sni'o all intermediatoprofits,-Adot, I regret to soy tbat the min6rity, though smoll in num- .-- I "Suvnnelor rHE IxganlraHTg wHnE Ixonnnu' I ber, reDregente nn &cresge in tbs'eountry which rsn- r,ousr" 188812d).- I ,Ld.?:lers'sanotnTtqy $!+,1",*t | rloro it impoeeihle for me to eontinue tbe tlunt upon Tenterden, Bidden.den and High llaldeu i Apply, \l,illsher, Chemist, Tenterden.*-rlduf. the only condition!- ncceptable to myself personally, Women's Institutes have chosen to produce I lrnrtrs and llrrann, Tentordon, are showing a vi't,, with the eordial eonsent ond, gooddill of the this year that very successf ul play "Nino i t*ry choice assortment of l\fob Caps, Fancy nrineipal landc'wners nnd oceupiors of tbe dietrict. Till Six." It rvas biven at the Drill llall, ,i Apions, Laco Goods, Ilibbons, ltancy lland' Under theso eircumetanees, while rogretting the 'Ienterclen, on Thursday, and rvill bo re- ikerchieis, &c., suitabti for Christmas and New peated to-uight neeessity, bnvs sdvertiserl tbe paek I - agaiu I liear preseutr.-Adtt. I fof eole. Ib will Tho is a,u extraordinary collectiou rulwnys be a plensnnt recolleetion to me tbst I bove | BILy I Lutrts and llrr,anu, Tenterden. Speeial offer. I of chaia,cter studies, beautifrillv drawn, to etock. taking, the rvholo of their been atrle to hunt o eountry in which thsre hos been and giving real acting opportuuities of i Previ.,us no regulnr pnck of horrnde yerrrs, I I renraining Winter .Iackets, Mantles, Tllsters, for 50 withnut a I which- a rnost conrpetent caste tlo not fail are vcry mueh reduced. Ask to see the singlo complnint of damnge for noirl5' three yoors, 'take i lVlitlinerrl. I to a,dvantafue. I J*.roy.I-acketn, af tis. 11d., and tlre long Paletots, nnd I trust thnt nt no distont date tbe wentthy 8ec- DIrs. Charles Brown ie a,gain. the pro- I H. i at 7s.-0c1. ; the clteapest lot we havo over offerod.- l;ion of lnndowners from tho principnl objections i ducor. and thoso taliing part inelude Ruby I Adut. Mrs. Aclams, IVIrs. Guite, JVancy emnnate, H&v see tbeir way to o more litrCrol aud i Dring, I L*u"s and Htuexo, Tenterden, will (llose their netive sympntb' wibh tbo en joyments of tbeir lsss- I Judee, Elsie Elliott, Joau'tIrs. Rowlsy, Sheil& lnvoured neigbbours." Ilodges, Winnio lieat{. Ward, Lynda I PlIi':,x,M9r{1Lr^, Tll9:'I, Y:9"r1ry',JiE Love, lVfrs. Bussell, Christina Ticehurst,'Wini- , Joan Mooie, Naucy GordonJones, It frod f,ovo and Winifred Nottloton. 6 full criticism will appear next wdek. *l

...WHAT, EATING THOSE STICKY BUNS AGAIN? "-fsfg to right i " I{elen," (Winifrecl Lowe) , "Carry" (Christina Ticehurst), " Bridget 'Irenarth " (Lynda Love); " Gracie Abbot " (Nancy Judge) , " Judf " (Nancy Gordon-Jones) , " Beatiice " (Joan Moore) and " Clare, Pembroke " (Joan Rowley)

WltIilN TIIIJ: TJlNTnllD]EN WltLtrAIlItr STARTI"ID 10 years ago, ono rlrothel and her bnb.y attentlecl (1\Irs. tho first rrreei.ing. Last week dhero 'were 58 ba.bies at the-tneetirtg,. rvhert tlro !_IaX'-o-r Atlnms), n'ho \\'as lnenrlxl',s, aceqtrrpunictl by tttetttltels of thc towtt',s II eaI t,h Oolnrn ittee, olrs -of llru origiutl"ptid - l'.tJtJi" -Dcc- arr qfiiciill visit nntl op.tit nt, nft*t'ttnn{, u tq3 Established 189? {r, oLDEsT IE's TARLIilHED \u(/ALLIS, HAIR CUTTING l\, Bogt and Sh oe RePairers AND Reliable Repairs Rubber Soles and H eels sHAVING sALOc)N at sock'' o'"' Reasonable Prices *il:;:,, ?,:f 25, HIGH STREET, TENTERDEN t"?39 F, J. GOODSELL,

Hay, Straw and Firewood Merchant' HAULACE CONTRACTOR' Etc.

Station Road, TEI{TERDEhI

Do yoLr like Fruit, Flowers & Vegetabl,es ? C, H. FIELD it so try- 14, HIGH STRE,E'f , .5, BANKS TENITERDtrNI. Shoreharn l\urs eries, St. Michaels Bedding Plants, Pot Plants, Floral Ernblems, etc. l.i3t Tobacco, Cigareftes, Cigars, Pipes, &c. ,,_I _ .,_ ._. ,jg3g ,_._,_ * Teleyrhone 21 Tnw'f Enl)IlN. ,,\[/HITE LION'' HOTEL Telephone- TENTERDEN, KENT. lltlE$T Cn0$$ Tenterden 119 t.ltJR$ERIT$ M, Parsons (Capt. O. H. Brooks) for @ Son Flowers, Tornatoes, $hrubs, Bedding Plants, Cattle ConueYors & Wreaths, Crosses Furniture Remover and Bouquets, Pittlesden Farlrl, Cut Chrysanthemums TENTERDEN -o- Tel. All Cnttlc and. Goods insured fDO() in transit TEI.ITENDEl{, a 2.t againsb acciclent rvhilst tqsS Style rt \\Iinch's Celebratecl Ales. J( cntislr Cj'der. T ent erden Campano[ogists, Residential D eornmercial Hotel, I\Ienrbers of the Kent Connt'l' Association of Chsnge Ringers. IIN PIINTSIOIS fronr 10/6 per da5'. I\[r. C. Tribe, Chief F,inger Stock Room and Garagfe. Ifcssrs. C. Allen, T. Roughton, F.C;r,rey, R. Edrvarcls, lt,. Gillet,t, 0. Ititchell, Partles Catered for. Prior, E. Stnnger. Itfr. C. Ballard, Hon. Secretary. AIEC J, C0tuN$, X-[rntitget'. l, l3 tfr. rnrd l\'[rr. lY. lt[ill,on-,flsssufY pote. I I Mr.s, IJoorman-flilvcr and glass suger ca.stor. lTrrjorio ]tf ilt,on--filq"s irts nnd ttrrnhlers. " l\{iss l}oorrnu,n-$ilvcr buJter rlish. /' Tlt r- l rrrl llf rs. l{. }Iarris*-Ohinn rrnndlest,icks. | :ttr. r nrl [trs. W. n, AsltrJown-fllnss'ctndlest,iekn. lllrs. ll,obson*$ilvor cako sl,and. llncle- tr'ranK. Arintlo Lattr&, Oougtn Oswald'nrrtl Miss ll,ob.son*Ross bowl. wq?qll9s'na6 Tom*f)owit q.rrilt. l\{r, 'I. Ilobson*Bread forlr. p"qrl get. o.,t' lln 'le fieorao Ent*'silver 'menlettre : Llev. and Mre. Dillon*Coppcr hot water cfl,n. ffncie f.eA nnrl Artnfi Annlo-tfla1e af tea knlvcs. I ho4rd,. - Mrs. Ilalder-Indian and- whits linen tablo l[Ii. R. I\I.!SKELr,, R.N., AND IVITSS A. Tel and Elsie:-Bread 4tld hqife. I yrurg".T cloths. D. B. HOI\{EWOOD. : iioia*r.-rygl l3a- Il:l!:xs: - :: . r : :j lVIr. lla,it-Silver photo frame. A charming rvedding consiclorable in- Ccusin Julis aud Frank-Olass dishes; l' I{rs. Mace--Silver nin. of gluss tlish' terest to residents in T'enterden was Ilncle Alb antl Janie*Coloured i lWiss L. Maee-Tray anrl d'oyleys. solernnised last $lrs. l,indridge*Serviettes. ilfr. F. Borman-Beil warmrng p&n. in 'St. Milclred's chtrrch Doris Flrrris*'Iablecloth (damask). Ilfrs. Faulcling-Cheque. 'Saturday, rvhen I\Ir.. the bridal pair were li'rank IIicks-Small glass dishes. Mrs. I\{unn l\facc-Itbttlo of scent J.lobert lllashell, R.N., soll of l\fr:. aucl ]Irs. Cis arttl Charlic-lN.l.'. atrd glass brrtter dish' I\{rs. Taylor-Iland bas. J. I\Iaskell, of $hrubcote, T'enterderr, anrl ltlr;. Cnssingharn and Winnie-Crttrnb tray ancl Mrs. Wackrill-Ilancl tirg. i\[iss [llen Daisy Beatrieo llorucrvcor[, bruslt. i\!r. and Mrs. Chapman-jclovo case. tlaughter of NIr. and Mrs. Ilornowootl, ot Dm*llrass candlestick. Mr. and Mrs. Golding-Dscrstoire. Arny llurgess-lrvo iardintcres. l\[r. and l\{rs. Cox-Erass Forstall Farm,'l'enter.rlen. tl'he brirle, rvlro Indiu,o- iuo. trIrs. Gould- Mt*. Liddle'e servanh*Gipsv t cttio?n-ulinn.ru. stnnd. has been crganist aud Suncta,y Sch ool Walton's nurs€-Bcdioim teacher I\1rs. Sctterfleld* !trs. a,t Ubony for a number of ycar.r., l,cigh (lrcen tr'ootball Clrrb-Platcd cruct' 1\{r. and ilrrs. Regina.ld !}'alton-itiuring dish. 1v&$ €r nrenrbcr of ilro ,ltrbony rrn\ylr rrcnrr.s ltrs. l,t. \Vatts*Itedroom clocli. ltiss lVfa.ylarn-PJelrct easo. "Cl'b, Ballard*Silver Club, tho I'e'ter.d*n }loekey iI,,, '.1 r:n- llhotry ,stttlelly llcttor,t clriltlrel u,nd teacltcrs* l!q.-tg bufi;on hoolr.- -and IWiss terclen Woruen,s Institrrte, ilic 'J.'enter- F oldiug travellirrg clock. lhrtha_Iiody-Silver tongs.- tlen L-ountry I)arrco Clirb, Sii; .torc & Notrclescript, 'l'etruis Otub-."llnnd'painted tca cosy I,fr, Ilorr.y_ llesse-silver candiesl,icks llretty tl-rcs,q of whits f uschia, rnd silver-itirt sirgr:,r tongs; f)r. and Mrs. I,hillip.s-Sii;;;';;.,*il-' scoop. . wiilr Geor- antl sttgar tongs getto and silver laeer- anct a, toft rroit orango Ilii; Afir" i*Uozen tenspoons . f)r. aud Mrs. lvalter srniitr-nrn-t,i",i and blot- lrlossonr. lh case. tor. isho crirrieil rr sheaf ,rt' iiri,:s, tfio 0ve' o'cloch tenclofh' gift Ni; ,r,u,ic IIicks-Linetr ' tho briclegroom, n,nrt ,tor ut[urr,i",i- f?.lr .clf lri$ her'_ sister., _yiotot Betty, r,ho iruro {r #H,,ruililHis-#:,:::,rav ,,lress- of lralo blue rnocteinq ,ruitl il ia.o l)utoh cap; iL gold penrlarrt ancl chain. ,"9,:y-1" g- si t L-'fial*'l' ;b"* r';:; ller bo.ucluet, -,$i tltq gi{t of ilro britlegroom, WNDDII{G AT TEI{TE RDEN. Mre. ffi crnrpletetl ttre pleasing pictu'e ilrdt she *rralter-.Point lace-- silk handkerchief.*"'.' rnade. l[rr. Fauldin g'e serva"pn Lr"ioyrl" I'he ller,l 1\[. r,f ilian ]v&s trio-sin"r, olfi_ I[rs. lValton'e-bcrvants_T,;d;;o' yiatins, clergyrnan,_ anrl' ilre trriit;;;.; T{TI.. c. A', }YALTON AND. I\[SS B.' IITN. jo.. r.nva,y- by hcr. fut h er. i\I r. Job n Nlrrs kcl I try- Igs best man. Mernlrers tir* ;i,,,,ri-;;.t;ii -Arn-a,-1 no(, \V'rnen's of fnstitute Ilor:liey- Ciii[ ];il;rt ; c verv trrettv woddiner took nlaoe at St. i\Iit- g'ard of honour. tifro Tleuterdorl, rtt -[1,,;;; -- hslrl dred's C$urch on Tricsda,y aftern

PnesrDENT-Ma.lon J. S. ROBSON, J.p. HON. SecnETAnY_C. T, DRAY. ,Th. nretty.Powlinr Glreen,-leid by afew enthrrsiastn upwnrds of B0 !'ears ago -!rr-wlttl Jts now pavilion, is situated in tbo "$hite Iriou/, Gortlon and is- in go;O . condition. Subscrlptlon 216 per quarter Visitors (nob residents) l/- per month Itfatchos sr.e playod-with toenl Clrrbs end n Ohnrnlriorrship Dulr is enurtrotcd for annually by tbo rriornbors. . A 89od suprrly,of "woocls" is beld by the clnh. Visitora are alwe]'s welcomed at c nomlnrl fee,-anct new memberu- toouth irn roioinril;-ru""inea ui tiiJ secretarl'. Visitors and Ladies are admitted to the Reacling Room only The Annual Subscription is haff-a_guinee, on payment of td. per d*y, to be put in the box in the Hall. t7 3t ' Ladies are asked to use the Reading Roonr between 1 p.m. and6pm.only The Club Cornnrittee Room can be irrred for meetings at a rnoderate charge.' Application to be n:ade to the Stervard or President- TiltTrRD$t I\Iajor J. S: ROIJSON t he Secretary, rvell situated premises, Captain -- These rvhich were built specially cRtcl(EI CLUB l\fr. R. L. IIOON for a Club in 1889, have now been botrght by the Tenterden Workmen'B Club and redecorated. E,lectric Light is installed. Ifonorary Secretary- I\Ir. J. TI{O}IPSON Reading ROOm. Six [{orning Papers and t}:e Evening Clrouncl-Iforghew Park Standard are taken daily, tlo local papers, Illustrated London Nervs, Sporting and Dramatic, Tatler and Punch rveelrly, and SUBSCRIPTIONS*Members over 18 10/-r uuder 18 but over 16 216, ur,der 16 ll- Strand NIag azine monthly. Cards and Garnes are provided. PnACTICE NIGgTS-Seniors (over 16) I\tondnl's antl Thursdnys Juniors (ntrder 16l Tuesrlnys and Fridal's Billiard ROom. (Open only to l\{ernbers and their friencls) contains trvo tables in first-class condition, tlte charges being There ie no rscorcl of tho fireti g&lne of ericke t 1lln1'erl of Tenterclcn. brrt ns tho Wealden lfown is the contre of o Countyfamoug forits erieket. it is not irrrlrrob- 6d, per half-hour for lSilliards ancl rouncl ganres iu proportion. nblo tlre eri'Cket recorcl of I'cirtertlen is os oltl as tlto gnmo itself. ;tbout 500 boolis, is Cricket of Tenterclen declinerl just before tbe rv&r, Iu l9l9 trowever o ferv The Club Library. Containirrg open enthuriaste revived ths club and it bas grown atrorger witl.r each succeeding I'car. daily, free to \Ienrbers. 'lh e Cottttnittee rvill be pleased bo tho Club weleornes ne\r ptnyitrg- tnetnbers.-,_ Appliea,tion for luenrbership receive gifts of boolis. sbould bo rnsde to tbe Eon, Scc., J. Thottrpson, lVatorurill Cottage, T'enterdctr. nsa ,,CNA$$ll[}PPER$'' THE HOCl(EY CLIJB

The Salvation l\rmy Winn€rs of t,lre Robher Yalley Affllieted to tho Mixed $ixes Challenge CUP itr 1931. I{oclrey A ssocist,ion. St ation Ro ad, Tent erden President 193?-38-.Tbei Hon. .l\Irs. DIANA ROBSON. Vice-Presiden b-. Alderman Il arry Judge' Chsirrnen-I\fr. C. Bourns. PRECIOUg Commantling Officer-Adit. ' ' Captain-}fr, E. R, Page, SecretarY - I[ou. Seoretary-I\{r. CYRIL ROFE, The Post Office, High Ealden. Hon. Troalurer-Irieut. EARRI9ON. Irrtrodrrcecl in Tenterden in 1926, the game of mixed hockey has met On trIay 12nd. 193:1, Majol Edwardr, (assinted.appuirrtecl- the $ittingbourne of interest and !y, commence tbe with e very feir amount today the Club although only S. f . Bunfi) irrrrod.uced ttru' first Ofilcers to having a small nctive playing membersbip, has a good playirrg reputa- Salvstiorr Army in Tenterden antl Distriot. . .. tion iri the Weald of Kent and Bast Sussex. $ucb teams are being met --- has elapsed since.!he'flPening" much bas Oori"g tt. short time rvhich this seasolr as ltlqrrlen'Russets, Hnwkhirrst, K.C.O., Bat[le, etc. S..r, *cconiplisbed, sud today rhe Corps.is more active tlran aver ; rrorking i"i iU" good of the'Young Pobple ; cbeering and blessing by.pusic arrd Bong; Nerv membsrs &re nlways welcome &nct tull information as to mem- lieiri"g of Boys and Gids in the iarious socbions, and providing,instructiott berslrip crn be obtaine from tbe Secretary. Subscriptions-P)aying - I\{en \Yomen Itlembers participating in less tbau *nd eui-dance fn ttre homes t,hrough the Home League. A Band hes been Ilbmbers: 10i6 7f6, formid, and is incressing in memberohip. tlrree Club ltlatclres 2/6 ' ' Club Colours-Green snd White. Notice Bonrd*Iligh Street,, near "};rdbADUIJT TUEETINGB ;- Lloyds Bank. Ground-Rear of Hales Plsce (entrance-Sand,v l-rane; tloliness. 3 p.m. Prgise. 7 p.m. Ealvation. -11 &.m. , . .t ', .--t, t-,., ,,,t ,, ,,, -/,?{ff. p.m. (7'30 during Elummor.) --, -. Evcry Waek-nighC-(ercept Thurrdaysl at ? - -..- SatudaY-?-30 P.m. p.m. flome League (Ladier only) Wednesdaf -3 Ttlt JUI{I0R IMPIRIAL B'. CHILDNEN'S I\INETINGS :_ Sundey-Ecbool 10 and 2, COII$TITUTIOI{AL LEACtlE Sunday nighl-5-30. over 11. wedncsduy f,tighc-6 p.m, for Youog People t,73W' TENTERDE}I BRANC}I President-Lady Drury Friday-for sll Young PeoPle, 6 P.m' ff - Betber knowrr se "TheImps," thalocal Brartch has heen established some ye&rs and participates througbout_ttre year in kindr of Bocisl nnd Pblitical acCivities. During the Summer months,"ll the Braneh's 'I'ennis Club, rvit,b btvo eor:rts, is I populrr irrst,itution, and t,broughoub tfie lVinter, Socials nre held, from tirue to time, nrrd visits are o-rgonised I{, SVTIFA' to obber Brnrreh's furrctidrrs. Speaking contesbs rro held arrd do much to prove ths,t bhe "youth of Torlny ig ever prepnring itself fnr its heritngo B r, of tomorrolv. " Tlre nrenbership fee ie 1/- rnd the ,IIon. Socrot,ar;', illposte lfiss Ir. Lore, Elmfield, Tontorde}, rvill be plcaaod bo forrvnrcl onrol- ment forms ancl particulnrs to nnyono ittteresbed. 9l' HIOH STREET, TENTERDEN' fbe Branch \!otr the "Efficieuey" Cup in 1934 for the best Brancb t1s8 in the Ashfotd Divirion. tqstr Au6 tq30


To the Ed.itor tffir*rtislt' fr.nytress'" Srn,*-My a.ttention has beelr callerl to ll'er fn'ct tl,ai--it l*" tito inl;orrtiol rf l;ho Oor''ora.i,iotr of lfu"itr.t,t"ii 1,, borrow l,lro $ullr of fottr-ltrtlrrlrer"l ;;;;";G (S4OO) for t,he plrpos.e of la.yirrg tc'tris ;;;i;" urta l."c1uet grou^cls irr t6c ret:ieatiotr'ttt l-vont,drc t;ol,lrirrli thal; sur:h &n o:r[)t]trdi- iirrn"t"i,ii.t.-'- for such plezr,sure, wlrich a,L the pl'eselrt rs pro- for, is quif,o unnecesrjary. $urelv ttr -rrc are ;i,i;;;"iil*,i .;'bj.;;d'a'i.l nrolc nn"it.v. .J *,ilt tlent;iott ()16r, \;'lz., gpntmllnicaticltt tretn'eett $rnn,lIhy.t,ho'ron,rl ;;;irl Lriigli (irc'cn-ronrl, rvhich hns ln,id on trto ;hr.lf u'i,lt,g t'irtre" 1l'o 'ofgrtt' frotn ntto poittt; {rr t'lttr r:tht'r *nr'o,ift a, cire*it t,wo or tl)()rc nrilas' I a nr ioiii l,h*r" is a, grea,t clenrand for Souses irr this cirarttring neigh[,lrrhood. a'rl if l,h.is,conl'n*nca- [i;; *oiii ntrclu worrlcl it nob be nn indrrc;ernonf to *ot ttrisi want srrpplied anrl so benefit ttot a ferv, irut, ma'y ?'-Yours fait,hf rrlly, LOOKEI1-Oi\i. Terrterden, Januar.v Bth. cl .€ | O r{ - LIBERAL FETE AT TENTERDEIN-(ToP) Decorated d.olle' pra,m pdrade' (Botton) Girls' skipping race. [Ifepct on pa,go 2J. I{entish E*trcss lltotos

BOROtJ Cll FIRE tsRICAIE Telephone -Tenterden 95'

Chief Offi6s1-\\'r. FI. Ctitr Engineer*I{. Brunger Second Officer-G. Curtsis 2nd. Engineer*G. Dunster Forenran- N. Tickner Iriremen \/inall, W. P. 'lickner, C. Brunger -\\/. R. gullgl,Hadfield Trailer Pump, EQUI PIIE,NT-One ?7 5 One 6o h.p. llolls RoYce I\{otor Tractor, 2oooft of Flose, One 3oft. Ladder. .Ihe Fire Station is sibuate at 78 HIGH STREET. llhe Electric.Fire Alarm is fi>red to the "Fire Station hor-rses of the Firetllen. rvhich colnmLlnicates u'itlt the "tasurcl^ MIt. R. VELVICI(-MRS. M. SHARPE t?GJ n3g_ | rTrIIE werldilrq tooli place at Ash-, ]\'[rs. Sharpe, a rvitlorv 'gGJrvit;h ono t lr]nntlget'ess , foll llegiitry Offica, lnst \Ve,t- | son,_rvl.to ltns .lreen -of I oi-"itit. trturiit sfiarpe,-8. I the Jlmbassv cinema' 'r'enterrlctr frtr ""*,t""lt' lrt".-and I\[rs. C. I the last three yei[r's.,.hns-a t'etired. l.iiirgiiter-of & I iliriit"ii of .3,3, bi,to*ti Squnre, _lfeq- ItIr, Velvick, rvitlorver u'ith -rtij. | is. t^rrcll-hnolvn I i;;i;; ;;,t liesiiriattl v'elvick I lgn .orrtl tln.ughter', ;;i'[;lriiroia-id.,Tdi,teiclen. l'"l'enterden ltorist and fruiterer. # l\uG TENTE,rIDEI\T. ,g6q CONRN$PONDENOIN. -*"_o CnrcKET.*The conclucling match of the [senson of raNrEnDaN cnrcriur. lSgl the Tentcrden Mutual Crickct Club took pla,ce ou NOv C. Barden Weclnesdn.y lnst. 'I'he rnslnbers n,s usunl invited the To thc EditorcI ,hItftfiislv Er4tress." jojrt $rn,*9,*ring tlrat yott have takeh up tlre question of trlldc of the town to thern'in the uratch. 'l'he tho 'l'cnterr,lon 'Crickot Glub irr corurectir:n rviilr llf r. nurnber of those who nvniled.' thernselves of the oppor- Pourfret's lato speech of Lydd, I vtrntrrre to trospa$s on your Bpace. Althougtr a stroug political opponent of tunity ennblecl sides of sixteen onch to be chosen, ,the hlr. Pomfret, I most cordially ontlorgs his rerrsrks on rr.,rrriecl formit g one party nnd the single the other. sport abovs rofcrrcd to ; but, boing rnindful of lIr. Porpfret's well-knowu charocter for inrpartiality arrd 'Ihe g&me begnil at eleveri,.o'clock, nnd'it was'playcd. strcightforwerctness, I venturs ,to dernur to your rvith- rnuch spirit throughout. tI he i bntting . of I\[r. implied suggesbiou, that be could huve hatl the ense of tbe two Teirterdon Crichet Clubs irr his mirrrl ab the Nervmnn ou tlc pnrt of tf,e single rvst,s drently ntlmired; timq or elso he could not have boon awaro of all tho ho mnde 42 I'uns and can'ietl out his but. 'I\[r. Jatncs facts under which tho Park Oriqkot Clrrb wos rtartecl, or he rvoukl lrartlly lrnve nllied hirnsslf so pronrinontly I]uttou on thc pnrb of ths llencdicts, being n gootl wi$h thab clttb, tho supportcrs of which woro the ttrlt to introduco politictl plnyer, rne&ut to hnvs dono equnll.y well tho wickcts ; tho oloment, by flrnt out-voting _at ths luembers of 0he club by an irnportation of thirty Ijut both of his innings wcre spoilccl-in the first onc fnggol voters (non'pla3'ers) from lho local (hnsorvativo Dealer in Welsh Horsss his stumps n'ent don'n n,t the bnll; aud .wheu thc Assoclalion, aud imurediately aftcnvardrr etarting tlre of all sizoo and Cattle, lirst n$w club. l0 ie gleatly to bo doplored, &B you say, borvlcr rnncle the first delivery to him iu the seconcl tbat, in tho room of one gootl club, ilrero shoultl be he t,he ball n, blow, qr,ncl it per- two weak onos, antl I for one choukl be only too glod innings struek spitcful if n nroriut opernndf coultt be tlevisod by wlrich tho TTI'ITERDEII, l(Tt{T versely went up in tho nir nnd lyo,s oaught, so, tlnt existiug stnto of tbings Could be rer:retliod ; hrrt,unloss 'lv{l,s osclr clnb rvlll consout to etfrlpo itrolf, nrul tlro Phone --79 his iritention of giving the scorcrs trciublo thus ruyrporbcrs of the good oltl gnmo frorn both clrrbl ilgreo il baffied. I'ho daf rvas fino, brrt the , cotnp&ny on the to start'on quito $ now plalr," I tlo not rluite seo how I it con be dono. I snclose rny cord, . ancl rernain, yours ground to rvitness the g&me w&s not so numerous tl,s falthfully, llacl been expected. Yictory crolynctl .tho'plcy of ths AN OLI} MEITBEN OT THE OLD CLUB. 'TenUerden, NoY. 12, 18b7. bnchelors, olilrotrgh it w{Ls not easill' 'wor; A.fter ttre I ma,t,ch, the prurb5' a,nrl & number of frieuds repnired to IJen Gnrnhnrn's-hostelry, rvhere they snt dorvn to n sttb- A. E. FILMER stnntinl diuner, provicled in tho adrnirable style which TIINTENDtrN CRICKET invnriu,bly chnr:r,Cterises tho. purveyittg nt the Woolpnck. Ifr. Wnlter'l'hompson filled the chair, aud 1\[r. Willinm CIJUR Hylnnd the vice-Chair. 'Ihe after dinner. prpceedings lvere joyous nnd u,gree&blo, tonsts nud, singing going PABK CIUB WOUND UP. merrily round. When the pa,rty brolco up they nll felt tt'.* thnt scnson's crickct hnd linishcd ndruirnbly. 'Iho annuul meeting of tho 'l'entertlcn I'nrk .ttro Cricket Club u'as hcrkl on }\rctlncnrlay nt tlro IIa*nrED'' lVoolpaqJr flot

rfi x-_t ilo f .miiv 4 ilitftnN:=nTootr*"1--- tol F U N E RAL took at .,,:\brrey our renrarks last J- Ifreo Da,;s otl , lllace We &ro slad to Eeo that nltd Commorcial. llouse.'lBB-1. 'Park Cemeter'.y,.IIelen .l,ontlorr, on Ilon- position f sineosinco 1881. Sgra' wcek .,pott Thu preserrt uusatisfa-cte1Y drauchi'. Samo arnilv'nl 'dn.y of l\lrg. Jirrtlr I(ing, of Tentirden cridket have callcd forth & comtnu' ct0us)tolls tior&!{o'G nragcl. utr'r$Ca,rs &tn'a'y8lvays onolL IIi'fl,t!'ti' rr:. 46, I3eitcon tr.ll^ - 'of Orrl<-r'ourl, who rlidrl nication from a mentber of one of the clubs. "iu,to"iiiouu-- 34 T.'o'terclen. Il,rn'6,1irarters Gartlotr. Iast week, lgetl 00. Slre was the Ioot'trnll, Now that this ptaver, rvho is eviclently earnest ;;' floeie[y. -!:{-c!g-t .--ntrd .Gc'aI , rvirlorv of r\l r'. George tr. ltilrg. in his $'ish to bi'ini about a harmonious feeling i{,,nning Clirhg. rL. II. RIliIlOP, I}ropticttor' rt'ho tlied irr I919, nrrcl lriul li vetl bctween thc two pir,rties, has t+ken the initiative clne8 oI Atlvertiso-' ' iu tho toln t,ur urany hoped snecicl 'I'r:rrns for this- yea,rs. stcp torvards thirt oFj*q-tt it is to be tro- cii,tn[r,e,l I\Ienuger, Kent'ish' Al0 V l?6W by rvhich *Jtit"'Io of tlrat t nrctl.rw operandi"wili tre devised ExPrhss' Astrford' ure exisrl?gtt r"j jTT:j"" bcp&medicd. -In-as ==-*:=':-r BOORMAT{S CHtrMIST'S @ STATIONI,ITS DIspEN.srNc & cHEMicdt' DEPARTMENT- -l1lALfJ." 7 iutty qualilied Chemlsr (,SiI ver Mcdaltisr) in "TFIII S'a''Oltfll OIi'' TIIE -o,niige. Presariptions carefully dlspensed Deprlrtments Insulip. Oxl,Ben, Surgical ancl ltledical oplrliances a,lways in stock. - Ir'rfont footla onrl Vitnnlen Prefnrat,iorre of nll roliilblo ttrn,licrs'* liioot es-I{alibut Oil, tlnliverol, llatliorttnlt, Detrtar. SCInrt,l,ogen el,c. GHocEItY, PnovISroNS, Ir'nurrs, \VrxHs patent'Iyetlicines Our daily elolivery fr'o11, Ir-ondon ensllres irestr coriniiion. . , Ovor 1.000 alrvat's in stoek' HOUSTIIIOT,D LTxDNS & SOtt Ii'UlttlISIIING, Veterina,ry l\Iedicirres nnd Applinuces. Full atocli of Bob ltfartin, $jhirley nnd Cooper Dog Preparntione. FasHIoNS, IIrlLINIitly, Foo'rtvJlAll, Mnxts 1Vr.;nn Foot Rot Ointrnont,s, Cotv Snlves, lhcep Dips. Fluke Rctuecly. etc' llousn [ruttyISrrING, CnINA ancl Gr,ass. Wareh lor our anflatrneoments in tha'Weekly Adverllser,' they will repay raadinC 2OOO Boohs always In sloak lor your lnspaotlon tsARGAIN BASEMENT. I'lction, Poetr),. Dratna. Seientiffc. Devotionnl & Child.ren's l'lditions de Luxe' nt greotly reduced $TATIOt{ENY puces. Newspnllors nntl trfagtzines l)rontptll' delivored. Noto Pnpers,. Aecouttt lSoolts, Dinrios, Coffee Roasted DailY Al'lD BOOI($ f,ocnl Vie.w Onrtls ntttl llbchinfls, trIrt,ps. r\gcnis for - Sttnn, l'nrlior. Conwny Stervnrt Boorman's Bonus Tea onrl oll lending Fouutnitt Pens. u Gifl,s in exclusive Colclottgh PotterJ', " H einz" H igh-class Prod cts Lca,ther Goods, O I Iilwells llribish Colourecl Glnsswaro, Chocolates and Confectionery FA}ICY Reol Anrber Jervellery froru tlre Baltic, 1.'lo P Jncks, I,{nir Brushes, DTPARTME}IT Porvcler llotvls, il I]mrrlolnsto \\'are ctc. HI G I{.CLAS,S GROCEI?,5 SINCE 18T9, Best Value$ AlwaYs Lowest Prices BOORIVI AN5, ('Lerrtertlen) L'fl) II. BOOIt['[.\N ,t CO. LOUC[l RA[{

Weddin{s, Group-Work Developln$ and Prlntlng! TENTEIrDEN {lr r'At Home" Portralturo Ior the Amateur. tllake rin fl,ppointment for us We maintain a TWEL'VE EOUR at your own ltonte. SERVICE tbroughout t,hs seaeon. lilIINE & SPtrRIT STORES to coll lil (G. Plrone-22. Prior) Agents to Iioilak & Selo Filnte & Supplies. Arnateurs gct l'our &ccessories frorn us. I,'irresb \\rhitesal"'s Oi tl er. ,l Ct"ate containing 4 qts. \\'ines & Spirits of best Pl,le ;\ le 3/"1, ol' "l gts. Artistic Frames in Stock & Frames Made to 0rder rlttitliby only at los'esb Stoub 4l-, delivered at possible lrrices. )'our dool'.

J. \Ylrll

llinister*ffsv. WALTFIR WAITSH. ' . , ,. ,,i The Old trleeting B,ouse which is situato at the north enst end of Che town, on tho Ashforrl road, is tho oldest non-conformist place of worsbip in thti die6iqt'. Tho Congregation dates f rom the nassing of the Acb ot Uniformity, 1662.. Its firsb l\Iinister rv&s tbe Rev. Georgg Harves, Vicar of Tonterd-on, IIis successor wa,s the Rev. Joseph Oshorn, Yicar of Benendon, both of whom were ejegted _from their livings owing to their rrfusal to comply with the Act of Uniformity. I)r. Prieetly preacbecl bero in L77T arrd Dr. Ben jamin Franklin of America worshiPPed here. In 1931 tbe l\teetirrg Houee wes rcnovated rtnd the oak pillars uncovered wbich gives il more dignified sppeerence. In 1936 tbe frorrt pews were trken Bwey and the front of bbo pulpit opened ngain to its 6ld original position. ihore is e firre Pr,rlinment Clock, presonted to t,he cougregat,ion in l?44, which dates 1740 nrrd was placeil there by Tbomas That,cher. Ths fine inlaid Jacobeen Sourtding B.tard is of exc rllorrt rvork-manslrip. .The Cbipprrrdale 0bairs and Frrrrriture were gifrs by various members of \ tbe congregation itr tho P*st. T[e Old l\feebing Eouse is openod each tloy for privabe praysr nnd for tboss rvho wish to rest owbils in t,be Uouuo of God. I'HIi METI{ODIST CI{URCI-I. Tbs Echoolroom w88 built in 1838. Suxnrr Sprvlcus-Il l.m. & 6.30 p.m. School 2-90 iWinister-Rev. \,V. J. PeneuNE Fnosr. ,, P.m. , Igarriages Solomnized, Christenings 2ttd. Sunday in esch month. Weekday .Activitiee-IJibrary from October to l\farcb, Frirlay 4-5, Thit Chapel was erecteil 1885, upon the site of tbe former at West Wonren's Lreague meets 2nd. nnd 4th. Tuesdays, in montb. Cross. Itr etyle is fifteenth Century Gothic, wibh stone trncery rvindorvs The OlcI }leeting Elouse Sunday Scho-ol pt-oduces a series of children's plays durin8 and tinted Catheclral glass. The Schools ancl Class rooms at the reor of tbe Winter. tbe Chapel are commodiou sartd convenieut with entrances on either side. ,,!j1 39,, _ The whole of the buildings &re fitted with Electricity & Central lleating.

Drvrnr Wonsutt-11 ond 6-30 CnrunnATIoN or Hor,x CorrrlrruNroN (as announccd) Sunnly Scnoor,-10-15 nntl 3. f unspex-Wom€n's IUeeLing 3. Wroxrsprx*Wealey Guild, 7-30. Fnrner-Choir Rebearsal 7 -45.

The Church is trow incorporated rvith ths l(ent l[ission, bhe hendquarters of rvhich are ab Ashford. t?38 Trinity Church. (FREE CTIURCE Or ENGIJAND.) Ashford RoEd, TENTERDEN. Zion Baptist Ghurch. Pearor-Rev. n. C. KEII. fncumbont-.Rev. J. C. LLLIAI\IB. Snnvlcrr, ETe. 'Worahip Sunday*Public - at I rnd 0.30. Holy Communion on lst. $undays Snnvrcns Bundays 1l a.m. and 6-30 p.m. I at 19.15 and 10 1.80 Iloly Commu-nion 7,45 alternately. School at and lst. & 3rd. Surrday in t,ho month 12 noon. frlanday*Prayer Meeting p.m. Sunday School 9-4b ar.m. ?-1S &-2.90 p.ffi. Slato Club 8 p.m. This Church w-&g opened cn Oc[ober l?th. 1928, havirrg beerr built to Tucsdoy-Youngltferrt bruU (ZiIy") ?-30 p.m. (Winter t,ime.) :.uptly 1 long felt need for & definite Evnrrgelical l\finistry, upholding Thurday-Womerrs'. If{.eeting 3 p.B. tbe Protegtant.principals- of bhe Church ol dngland as uxprlir*d irr rh; Young Women's Club, ?.30 p.B, (Winter t,ime) Tlirty'ninq erticles. Its ailn is to provide definite $cripiural Teachirrg, The Church is in the centrc of the Town and frontg tho B.igh Stroct. absol_utgly fr-ee from l\Iodernism andi Ritualism coupldd wibir & plairi but digliryd. Liturg.ical Service. It is sgpported entirely bi tho Tbe Church was formed about 1787 in Bell'e Lane, in & building froe-will olloringa of tbe congregation. whiob was, later, convorted into cottagea. Iu 1835 premiees were erected on part of the presentsite, these were enlarged in 186l aud in 188?. All reats tre frle. Prnyer and Hymn Books provided ,q3g Jireh Chapel (Particular Baptist). of St AndreW. !{1p1s1'Bi- , ASHtrORD ROAD. This Chnpel is in the District of $t. lf irlhaels, on the Ashford road, about a milo fron the Town of Tenterden. It has a large congregetion and ' lst. and 3rd. SUNDAYS 0F M0I{TH, r Sunday Scbool, with the Burial Ground on either side of the building. Holy Mass B-r5 and r r a.m. This Congregation has erperienced several moves sinco 1841-First t o a builthng at Golden $quare, then to Hourewood, af$erwards to tbe 2nd,, T!h: & sth. ,, ,, present Institute of Sb. IUichaels, and from bbsro to tho present com- I{oly Communion 8-r5 a.m. modiour chapel in 1869. Holy [{ass rr a.m, Scrudcar-Sunday llorning 10.S0. Afternoon*suntmer 1.45, Winter 1.80. School-Morning 9.15. Itosary, and Benediction 6-Jo p.m. 'IV'ednesday-Prayer lf eeting 7 p... (Except on rst. Sundays of month.) m3 floLtDAY$ 0F 0BHCAT|0I{. Holy l\Iass 8 a.m. Benediction 6-3o p.nl IVEEK.DAY$, Mass (Except 'lhursdaysi 8 a.nr. IVEST CROSS NURSERIES . for CIoNFES$t0N$, Florvers, Tomatoes, Slrrubs, Redding Plar:ts, Saturdays 6-3o-7-30 and before Services \VREATHS, CROSSES & BOUQU IITS, Cut Chrysanthemun"ls. Ilev. I'I. P. CURIIIE, TENTb,RDEN Tel .229. Capt. O. f{. Brooks Tel.*185. 4r, Ashord lload, I'enterden. lq3fr _l