. - BaltimoreSymphonyin 57 year

by A.E. Baker The Baltimore He made recordings with the under Schelling's guidance gi ven the chance to hear the Orchestra began its 57th Haifa Symphony, the that youth programs became Symphony as tour schedules season on October 6th under Stockholm Philharmonic, an integral part of the ac­ were greatly expanded. the direction of Sergui Israli Chamber Orchestra and tivities of the Baltimore public In 1959 Mr. Freccia returned Comissiona. the Orchestra Swisse school system. to Italy and Czech-born Peter They Symphony's 1971-72 Promonde. In 1937 Mr. Schelling was Herman Adler became season is made up of 3 series Mr, Comissiona presently succeeded by Weiner ·Janssen. Director. Dr. Adler is best and a large number of com­ serves a.s Music Advisor of the The next two seasons were so known in this country as the munity concerts. One of these Goteberg Symphony Or­ successful that the Symphony founder and director of the concerts will be given here on chestra, Musical Director and was crftiCized because tax National Broadcasting' October 19, admission is free. Conductor of the Baltimore payers could not get tickets to Television Theatre. Student tickets may be pur­ Symphony Orchestra, as well their tax supported orchestra, At the end of the 1966-67 'chased with presentation of a as performing concerts in Janseen was succeded by season Dr. Adler became valid I.D. Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Howard Barlow. Music Consultant to NET. At On Wednesday and Thursday Helsinki, Oslo, and During World War II and the same time it was an­ nights the same classical Barcelona. until 1952 Dr. Reginald Stewert nounced that Sergiu program is presented. Sub­ served as Music Director and Comissiona would be the new scriptions for these series (16 Rainer Miedel, appointed Director of Peabody Con­ Director but that becaus~ of a concerts each) are $20 a piece. assistant conductor of the servatory. full schedule would not assume Although one concert has been Symphony by Mr. Comissiona, Under Dr. Stewert's his post until fall 1969. Brian gi ven subscriptions are still was born in Regensburg, direction the Symphony sur­ Priestman, now Director of the being sold. ... 4'1A Germany in 1937. Mr. Miedel vi ved the war years a'nd went Denver Symphony, served as Single tickets for the ~ was principal cellest of the on to become known as one of resident conductor during the the prize winner at the ..In­ Stolkholm Philharmonic Thursday night series only are the finest ensembles in the interim. available at 50% of the price ternational Competition for before his debut in country. It was during this . Under Mr. Comissiona's during the week before .or. the Young Conductors in i96i. He is Music Director for time that the Orchestra per­ direction the Symphony has . night of the concert. .All pur­ Besaacon, . the Galevborg Symphony. formed for the first time in grown and it was with pleasure chases must be made in person During this time the Com­ Orchestra and makes many Carnegie Hall. that the Symphony an­ at the Box Office, 120 West Mt. missiona's became aware of European and Scandinavian When Dr. Stewert retired nounced last winter that his Royal Avenue. how little control they had on appearances. , former contract was extended through The 3rd series is the their Ii ves and decided to go to The Baltimore Symphony conductor of the New Orleans the 1974-75 season, further Saturday .Evening Pop Con­ . was founded in 1914 by a grant Philharmonic, became Musical insuring the continuity and certs. These concerts are The day after they applied from Baltimore City. It was the Director. New audiences were high quality of the symphony. divided into 2 sets. Student for their visas they were pulled first orchestra in America to subscriptions {or the series are out of the middle of a per- be supported with public funds. ----..:.-..---.-:------$l5each·. . . formance and over the The first season in 1916 was This year a variety of artists loudspeakers were denounced made up of 3 concerts under will perform with the sym­ as traitors. During the 8 the djrection of Gustave phony. Arthur Fiedler, Dave months they waited for their Strube. Mr. Strube was a Brubeck, Odetta, Theodore visas to be approved the faculty member of the ------Com missionas had to sell symphony and a former ------Bikel, and Ferente and Tiecher Wednesday, October 20 are a few of the "pop's" guest everything they owned, even assistant conductor of the artists. Mr. Comissiona's violin. Boston sy.wphony. 1 :00 P.M.-- Women's Forum---f 104 Further information about After arriving in Israel in The symphony expanded 1:00 P'.M.--Pre-Med Society Meeting--c 104 tickets and concerts can be 1959 Mr, Comissiona organized under Strube's leadership. In - .. the Israel Chamber Orchestra obtained by contacting the 1924 the' first children's con­ Friday, October 22 Symphony Box Office at-727- and toured Europe and certs were given and in 1926 the America in 1963. first radio broadcasts were 7300. 1:00 P.M.--Geography Council of Majors---a 114 -ltt,"th e fall In the following years he was aired. made the Music Director of the Strube was followed in 1930 by 4:00 P.M.--Film Study Series---Chem-Physics Lecture Hall;...-­ In the Fall of 1969 Sergiu --FREE--(Repeated Sunday at 8:00 P.M. Comissiona became Music Goteberg Symphony and George Siemon, who was the Northern Ireland Orchestras. first to schedule world-famed 8:00 P.M.--Folk Collage--Old Cafeteria--FREE to UMBC Director and appointed Rainer Students, Guests 5 $.50 Miedal as his assistant con­ guest artists in sol'o per­ ductor. -was 'formances. born in , Rumania in S1emon's successor in 1935 Saturday, October 23 1928 ~ In 1946 while a violinist SGA recall was , who had with the Bucharest Radio been a frequent quest con­ 8:00 P.M.--Rock Collage,'Euclid McPherson,'-Student ductor and Director of Activities Building---UMBC Students $.50--­ Quartets he made his con- Continued from Page 1 ducting debut. . Children's Concerts for the Guests,$1.50 In 1950 he was made Music their peace plan to the President . It was Director of the Rumanian and the American people. . Sunday, October 24 State Ensemble. It was during '.'On October 26, when Nixon this time that he met and fails to answer his call, we will the Establishment 1 :00 P.M.--Walk for Hunger-Staging Area, Residents' Hall married a ballerina with the serve him an eviction notice." (that needs no chan!(ing) Parking Lot same company. They were a "Brien; wtio spOKe j first, 8:00 P.M.---SGA Concert Series,'Flying Burrito Brothers'--­ sent on many government said that the Federal govern~ UMBC Stude_nt~ ~.i.So, Guests S3.00--GYm. tours but she was only allowed ment was being forced to in­ SORRENTO to tour the eastern countries. crease their power to "repress ,5401 ~ East Dr. ' Between 1955-59 Mr. the people." Arbutus Monday, October 2S - '-1}bri Comissionawas the principal "There were forty trials this • 1Y. 242-6474 I,' conductor of the Rumania State year," he noted. " And the 5:00-10:00 P.M.-..:~Black Theatre---UMBC Opera, his wife again per­ number is increasing." SORRENTO forming in the samEU:~l!1pany.' . He also said that part of the 5:00-10:00 P.M.--Black Theatre-UMBC Theater, Student I,n 195~ Mr. Comissiona was, government's strategy was WEST Activities Building--FREE-- 9 "phony drug busts." He gave 6104 Balto. Natl. Pike the bust at Mother Jones On 'Wednesday, October 27, at 1 p~ni. place to Peace plan commune las't year as an Catonsville bf' announced. there will be an informal question exam~. . 744-2600 and answer session concerning the draft. Draft .... cwstiiL ... cw>'W''W' ...... 'WP ... tIte ,rooYiest counselors from UMBC and the Baltimore Draft . Continued from Page 1 C'1f'aring House will be here to discuss student S."s-Pizza-'rfHIs,ed "icleen df'ff'rments, the new law. lottery. etc. It is open desire -for structure as a drive B4BTLEBY for powel. Lit era r y ' Magazme to thf' whole University community. COLLEGE SKI HOLIDAY . 3. A belief that 1300 names on 'ART-GRAPHICS-POETRY the Petitions mean the UMBC Jan. 9-19 FIELD EXPERIENCE - Winter 1972 Application Orig'ina'- work WELCOME 7 nights in LeU Am See, 'deadline is November 15. Contact the Division of 'community has issued a . from all eircles mandate for recall. Austria Education Room 310 Bartleby "If the people want a recall " with two meals daily People's Party member Kar~n C/ 0 Humanities Division All stUdents who would be interested in planning plus two nights in Munich and sf'tting up the 1971-72 Forums on Human Morrison said· at the meeting Residence Hall Two Complete package'. - "We should give them ~ University of Maryland Sf'xuality -no experience or special recall. " 5401 Wilkens Avenue 'including airf~re- $327 ql~alifications nece.ssary - just come to the 4. An "all for one ami one for ·Club meets Mons.; 1-2 ' p.m. Singer Travel Agency ,meeting on MONDAY, OCTOBER 25th at the ~n committement. ;', . S'o-rne Dorm 2 - Room 222 ' 9118 Liberty Road Office of Counseling and Placement at 3:30 p.m. or) call Susan Radcliffe at 455-2459. -.- members feel· they won the' 655-1000 ~lection as' a unit. ---- . --....:;,.--- ~ -- '