Simple and Efficient Multiple Kernel Learning by Group Lasso

Zenglin Xu [email protected] Cluster of Excellence MMCI, Saarland University and MPI Informatics, Saarbruecken, Germany

Rong Jin [email protected] Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA

Haiqin Yang, Irwin King, Michael R. Lyu {HQYANG, KING, LYU}@CSE.CUHK.EDU.HK Department of Computer Science & Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

Abstract 2004b; Ongetal., 2005). It has been regarded as a promising technique for identifying the combina- We consider the problem of how to improve tion of multiple data sources or feature subsets and the efficiency of Multiple Kernel Learning been applied in a number of domains, such as (MKL). In literature, MKL is often solved by genome fusion (Lanckrietet al., 2004a), splice site an alternating approach: (1) the minimization detection (Sonnenburg et al., 2006), image annotation of the kernel weights is solved by compli- (Harchaoui & Bach, 2007) and so on. cated techniques, such as Semi-infinite Lin- ear Programming, , or Level Multiple kernel learning searches for a combination of method; (2) the maximization of SVM dual base kernel functions/matrices that maximizes a gener- variables can be solved by standard SVM alized performance measure. Typical measures studied solvers. However, the minimization step in for multiple kernel learning, include maximum margin these methods is usually dependent on its classification errors (Lanckriet et al., 2004b; Bach et al., solving techniques or commercial softwares, 2004; Argyriou et al., 2006; Zien & Ong, 2007), kernel- which therefore limits the efficiency and ap- target alignment (Cristianini et al., 2001), Fisher dis- plicability. In this paper, we formulate a criminative analysis (Ye et al., 2007), etc. closed-form solution for optimizing the ker- There are two active research directions in multiple nel weights based on the equivalence between kernel learning. One is to improve the efficiency of group-lasso and MKL. Although this equiva- MKL algorithms. Following the Semi-Definite Program- lence is not our invention, our derived variant ming (SDP) algorithm proposed in the seminal work equivalence not only leads to an efficient algo- of (Lanckrietet al., 2004b), in (Bach etal., 2004), a rithm for MKL, but also generalizes to the case block-norm regularization method based on Second Or- for L -MKL (p ≥ 1 and denoting the L -norm p p der Cone Programming(SOCP) was proposed in order to of kernel weights). Therefore, our proposed al- solve medium-scale problems. Due to the high compu- gorithm provides a unified solution for the en- tation cost of SDP and SOCP, these methods cannot pro- tire family of L -MKL models. Experiments p cess more kernels and more training data. Recent studies on multiple data sets show the promising per- suggest that alternating approaches (Sonnenburg et al., formance of the proposed technique compared 2006; Rakotomamonjy et al., 2008; Xu et al., 2009a) are with other competitive methods. more efficient. These approaches alternate between the optimization of kernel weights and the optimiza- tion of SVM classifiers. In each step, given the cur- 1. Introduction rent solution of kernel weights, it solves a classical Multiple kernel learning (MKL) has been an at- SVM with the combined kernel; then a specific pro- tractive topic in (Lanckrietet al., cedure is used to update the kernel weights. The ad- vantage of the alternating scheme is that SVM solvers Appearing in Proceedings of the 27 th International Conference can be very efficient due to recent advances in large on Machine Learning, Haifa, Israel, 2010. Copyright 2010 by the scale optimization (Bottou & Lin, 2007). However, the author(s)/owner(s). current approaches for updating the kernel weights are still time consuming and most of them depend on solves the related optimization problem without a Tay- commercial softwares. For example, the well-known lor approximation. Experimental results on multiple data Shogun ( toolbox of sets show the promising performanceof the proposed op- MKL employs CPLEX for solving the linear program- timization method. ming problem. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section The second direction is to improve the accuracy of MKL 2 presents the related work on multiple kernel learning. by exploring the possible combination ways of base ker- Section 3 first presents the variational equivalence be- nels. L1-norm of the kernel weights, also known as tween MKL and group lasso, followed by the optimiza- the simplex constraint, is mostly used in MKL meth- tion method and its generalization to Lp-norm MKL. ods. The advantage of the simplex constraint is that Section 4 shows the experimental results and Section 5 it leads to a sparse solution, i.e., only a few base ker- concludes this paper. nels among manys carry significant weights. However, as argued in (Kloft et al., 2008), the simplex constraint 2. Related Work may discard complementary information when base ker- n×d nels encodes orthogonal information, leading to subop- Let X = (x1,..., xn) ∈ R denote the collection timal performance. To improve the accuracy in this of n training samples that are in a d-dimensional space. n scenario, an L2-norm of the kernel weights, known as Let y = (y1,y2,...,yn) ∈ {−1, +1} denote the bi- a ball constraint, is introduced in their work. A nat- nary class labels for the data points in X. Multiple ker- ural extension to the L2-norm is the Lp-norm, which nel learning is often cast into the following optimization is approximated by the second order Taylor expansion problem: and therefore leads to a convex optimization problem n (Kloft et al., 2009). Another possible extension is to ex- 1 2 min kfkHγ + C `(yif(xi)), (1) f∈Hγ 2 plore the grouping property or the mixed-norm combi- i=1 nation, which is helpful when there are principle com- X ponents among the base kernels (Saketha Nath et al., where Hγ is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space parame- terized by γ and `(·) is a loss function. Hγ is endowed 2009; Szafranski et al., 2008). Other researchers also m study the possibility of non-linear combination of kernels with kernel function κ(·, ·; γ)= j=1 γj κj (·, ·). (Varma & Babu, 2009; Cortes et al., 2009b). Although When the Hinge loss is employed,P the dual problem of the solution space has been enlarged, the non-linear com- MKL (Lanckriet et al., 2004b) is equivalent to: bination usually results in non-convex optimization prob- lem, leading to even higher computational cost. More- m > 1 > over, the solution of nonlinear combination is difficult to min max 1 α − (α ◦ y) γj Kj (α ◦ y), (2) γ∈∆ α∈Q 2   j=1 interpret. It is important to note that the choice of com- X bination usually depends on the composition of base ker-   where ∆ is the domain of γ and Q is the domain of α. 1 nels and it is not the case that a non-linear combination m is a vector of all ones, {Kj}j=1 is a group of base kernel is superior than the traditional L1-norm combination. 0 matrices associated with Hj , and ◦ defines the element- To this end, we first derive a variation of the equiv- wise product between two vectors. The domain Q is usu- alence between MKL and group lasso (Yuan& Lin, ally defined as: 2006). Based on the equivalence, we transform the re- Rn > lated convex-concave optimization of MKL into a joint- Q = {α ∈ : α y =0, 0 ≤ α ≤ C}. (3) minimization problem. We further obtain a closed-form solution for the kernel weights, which therefore greatly It is interesting to discuss the domain of γ. When γ ∈ ∆ Rm m improves the computational efficiency. It should be lies in a simplex, i.e., ∆ = {γ ∈ + : j=1 γj = noted that although the consistency between MKL and 1, γj ≥ 0}, we call it L1-norm of kernel weights. Most P group lasso is discussed in (Rakotomamonjy et al., 2008; MKL methods fall in this category. Correspondingly, Rm Bach, 2008), our obtained variational equivalence leads when ∆ = {γ ∈ + : kγkp ≤ 1, γj ≥ 0}, we call to a stable optimization algorithm. On the other hand, the it Lp-norm of kernel weights and the resulting model proposed optimization algorithm could also be instruc- Lp-MKL. A special case is L2-MKL (Kloft et al., 2008; tive to the optimization of group-lasso. We further show Cortes et al., 2009a). that Lp-norm formulation for MKL is also equivalent to It is easy to verify that the overall optimization problem an optimization function with a different group regular- (2) is convex on γ and concave on α. Thus the above op- izer, which does not appear in literature. Compared to timization problem can be regarded as a convex-concave the approach in (Kloft et al., 2009), our approachdirectly problem. Based on the convex-concave nature of the above prob- tween MKL and group lasso is not our invention (Bach, lem, a number of algorithms have been proposed, which 2008), the variational formulation derived in this work alternate between the optimization of kernel weights and is more effective in motivating an efficient optimization the optimization of the SVM classifier. In each step, algorithm for MKL. Furthermore, the alternative formu- given the current solution of kernel weights, they solve lation will lead to the equivalence between Lp-MKL a classical SVM with the combined kernel; then a spe- (p ≥ 1) and group regularizer. cific procedure is used to update the kernel weights. For example, the Semi-Infinite Linear Programming 3.1. Connection between MKL and Group Lasso (SILP) approach, developed in (Sonnenburg et al., 2006; Kloft et al., 2009), constructs a cutting plane model for For convenience of presentation, we first start from the the objective function and updates the kernel weights by setting of L1-norm for kernel weights. To show the con- solving a corresponding linear programming problem. nection between MKL and group lasso, we first trans- Although the SILP approach can be employed for large form (1) by Theorem 1. scale MKL problems, it often suffers from slow con- Theorem 1. The optimization problem of (1) is equiva- vergence. In (Rakotomamonjy et al., 2008), the authors lent to the following optimization problem (4): address the MKL problem by a simple Subgradient De- m scent (SD) method, which is also known as simpleMKL. 1 2 min min γj kfjk m Hj γ∈∆ {fj ∈Hj } 2 However, since the SD method is memoryless, it does j=1 j=1 not utilize the gradients computed in previous iterations, X n m which could be very useful in boosting the efficiency of + C ` yiγj fj(xi) . (4) the search. More recently, a level set method has been   i=1 j=1 proposedin (Xu et al., 2009a;b) to combine cutting plane X X   models and a regularization method based on a projec- Proof. It is important to note that problem in (4) is non- tion to level sets. Most alternating methods for MKL can convex, and therefore we cannot deploy the standard ap- be summarized in Algorithm 1. proach to convert the problem in (4) into its dual form. To transform (4) into (1), first, we rewrite C`(z) = Algorithm 1 Alternating approach for solving MKL max α(1 − z). Then the optimization problem (4) can 1: Initialize a valid solution γ0 ∈ ∆ and t = 0 α∈[0,C] 2: repeat be transformed as follows m K = tK m 3: Solve the dual of SVM with kernel j=1 γj j t 1 2 and obtain optimal solution α min min max γj kfjk m n Hj P γ∈∆ {fj ∈Hj } α∈[0,C] 2 4: Update kernel weights via cutting plane methods, sub- j=1 j=1 gradient descent or level set projection. X 5: Update t = t + 1 n m 6: until Convergence + αi 1 − yiγj fj (xi) .   i=1 j=1 X X   Since the problem is convex in and concave in , we Despite the success of the alternating algorithms in a fj α can then switch the minimization of with the maxi- number of applications, they are usually inefficient in fj mization of α, i.e., updating kernel weights. More specifically, these meth- ods require solving a sub-problem of linear program- n min max min αi ming that usually resorts to commercial softwares, such n m γ∈∆ α∈[0,C] {fj ∈Hj } as CPLEX and MOSEK, which limits their applications. j=1 i=1 m X n To alleviate the dependency on the commercial softwares 1 2 + γj kfjk − αiyifj(xi) . and to further accelerate the optimization, in the follow- 2 Hj j=1 i=1 ! ing section, we will present an alternative procedure for X X updating kernel weights. By taking the minimization of fj, we have

n 3. Efficient MKL Algorithms fj(x)= αiyiκj(xi, x). (5) i=1 Instead of casting the optimization ofs kernel weight into X a complex linear programming problem, we derive a Then the resulting optimization problem becomes closed-form solution for updating kernel weights based m on an alternative formulation of MKL using group lasso. > 1 > min max 1 α − γj (α ◦ y) Kj (α ◦ y), γ∈∆ α∈[0,C]n 2 It is important to note that although the equivalence be- j=1 X which is exactly the same dual problem of (1) as shown and optimize f˜j , j = 1,...,m with fixed γ. It is impor-

in (2). tant to note that the calculation of kfjkHj has the same computational complexity as the subgradient calculation To further show the connection between group lasso as used in the simpleMKL (Rakotomamonjy et al., 2008) and MKL, we need to decouple the interaction between and Shogun (Sonnenburg et al., 2006) toolboxes. There- weights γ and classification functions fj , j =1,...,m. fore, due to the closed-form solution to γj , the overall optimization could be very efficient compared with the Based on the result of Theorem 1, we define complicated semi-infinite programming and subgradient descent in these toolboxes. f˜j = γj fj . (6) We summarize the alternating optimization discussed in We then have the problem in (4) rewritten as the above into Algorithm 2. It is important to note that the optimization problem (7) is joint-convex in γ and f˜j, m 1 1 which continuously decreases the objective. Therefore min min kf˜ k2 j Hj Algorithm 2 ensures that the final solution converges to γ∈∆ {f˜ ∈H }m 2 γj j j j=1 j=1 X the global one. Since the dual problem is convex, the n m optimality of the solution can be guaranteed. + C ` yi f˜j(xi) . (7)   Remark 3. Joint minimization techniques are also used i=1 j=1 X X in feature scaling (Grandvalet & Canu, 2002). As dis-   By taking the minimization over γ, we obtain: cussed in (Rakotomamonjy et al., 2008), the minimiza- tion over the scaling vector (similar to the kernel weights kf˜jk in our context) may suffer from instability especially Hj (8) γj = m , j =1,...,m. when some elements approach 0. We however argue that kf˜j kH j=1 j this is not the case for Algorithm 2. This is because al- P ˜ though 1/γj appears in (7), which could lead to singu- Based on the equations (5) and (6), kfjkHj can be calcu- lated as: larity when γj approaches 0, γj is updated by (8), which does not have any source of singularity. This is further ˜ 2 2 y >K y confirmed by our empirical study. kfjkHj = γj (α ◦ ) j (α ◦ ). (9) Algorithm 2 The Group-Lasso Minimization for Multi- The following theorem below allows us to rewrite (4) in ple Kernel Learning another form that is clearly related to group lasso. 1: Initialize γ0 = 1/m Theorem 2. The optimization problem in (4) is equiva- 2: repeat lent to the following optimization problem 3: Solve the dual problem of SVM with K = m 2 j=1 γj Kj to obtain the optimal solution α m n m 1 4: Calculate kfjkHj and γj according to (9) and (8), min kfjk + C ` yi fj(xi) , P m Hj respectively {fj } 2     j=1 j=1 i=1 j=1 X X X 5: until Convergence     where fj ∈ Hj for j =1,...,m.

3.2. Generalization to Lp-MKL The above theorem can be easily obtained by substituting the equation (8) into the optimization problem (7). Given the equivalence between group-lasso and L1- MKL, we then generalize the formulation of MKL by Remark 1. The regularizer in the above can be regarded m m p replacing γj ≤ 1 with γ ≤ 1 with p> 0. as a group-lasso regularizer for f (Bach, 2008). Theorem j=1 j=1 j Theorem 3. The MKL problem with the general con- 2 states that the classical formulation of MKL essentially P P uses a group-lasso type regularizer, which is not obvious straint kγkp ≤ 1, where p ≥ 1, i.e., n from the optimization problem in (1). 1 2 x min min kfkHγ + C `(yif( i)), kγkp≤1 f∈Hγ 2 Remark 2. The formulation in (7) provides an alterna- i=1 tive approach for solving MKL. Unlike the typical for- X is equivalent to the following optimization problem mulation that cast MKL into a convex-concaveoptimiza- 2 tion problem, (7) cast MKL into a simple minimization m q n m 1 q problem. As a result, we could solve (7) by alternating min kfj k +C ` yifj (xi) , m Hj {fj ∈Hj } 2     optimization: optimize γ with fixed f˜j , j = 1,...,m j=1 j=1 i=1 j=1 X X X     2p with q = 1+p . with several state-of-the-art efficient MKL algo- rithms including: Semi-infinite Programming (SIP) Proof. Similar to the proofof Theorem 1, we can rewrite (Kloft et al., 2009; Sonnenburget al., 2006), the sub- the generalized MKL, which is originally in the form of gradient descent approach used in the SimpleMKL toolbox (Rakotomamonjyet al., 2008), and the level n 1 2 x method (Xuetal., 2009a). It is important to note min min kfkHγ + C `(yif( i)), kγkp≤1 f∈Hγ 2 that the SIP involves sub-problems of linear program- i=1 X ming (for L1-MKL) or sub-problems of second order into the following form cone programming (for Lp-MKL and p ≥ 2) and m the level method involves sub-problems of quadratic 1 1 2 min min kfjk programming. For all the above convex programming m Hj kγkp≤1 {fj ∈Hj } 2 γj j=1 j=1 problems, we adopt two implementations: the CVX X package ( boyd/cvx) and n m ˜ the MOSEK package ( + C ` yifj(xi) .(10)   i=1 j=1 X X 4.1. Comparison with SimpleMKL   By taking the minimization over γ, we have We randomly select four UCI datasets, i.e., “iono”, 2 1+p “breast”, “sonar”, and “pima”, to evaluate the efficiency kfjk Hj of the proposed MKL algorithm. We adopt the follow- γj = 1 , (11) 2p p m 1+p ing settings in (Rakotomamonjy et al., 2008; Xu et al., kfkk k=1 Hκk 2009a) to construct the base kernel matrices, i.e.,   P and • Gaussian kernels with 10 different widths ( −3 −2 6 ) on all features and on 1 {2 , 2 ,..., 2 } p m 2 m 2p m 2p kfjkH each single feature j = kf k 1+p kf k 1+p k Hκ j Hj • Polynomial kernels of degree 1 to 3 on all features γj k j=1 k=1 ! j=1 and on each single feature. X X p+1X p m 2p 1+p Each base kernel matrix is normalized to unit trace. We = kfkk . Hκk repeat all the algorithms 20 times for each data set. In k ! X=1 each run, 80% of the examples are randomly selected 2p as the training data and the remaining data are used Define q = 1+p with the constraint q ≤ 2, we have q for testing. The training data are normalized to have m q 2 the regularizer kfkk , which leads to the zero mean and unit variance, and the test data are then k=1 Hκk result in the theorem. normalized using the mean and variance of the train- P  ing data. The regularization parameter C in SVM is It is important to note when mapping the original MKL chosen by cross-validation. The duality gap defined in formulation to an Lq regularizer, q is in the range be- (Rakotomamonjy et al., 2008) is used as the stopping cri- tween 1 and 2. However, using the regularizer frame- terion for all algorithms. Other settings are the same as work, q is allowed to have any value larger or equal to the simpleMKL toolbox. 1. The Lp-MKL can also be similarly solved by Algo- We report the results of simpleMKL and MKLGL in Ta- rithm 2. ble 1. It can be observed that MKLGL greatly improves the computational time of simpleMKL. It is important 4. Experiments to note that we omit the results of SIP and Level meth- ods since both of them significantly slower than MKLGL In this section, we conduct experiments with two objec- no matter what optimization package, either MOSEK or tives: (1) to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed MKL CVX, is employed. Generally, the MOSEK implementa- algorithm, and (2) to evaluate the effectiveness of the Lp- tion is more efficient than the CVX implementation for MKL when varying the value of p. It is important to note both algorithms. Take the “Iono” dataset as an exam- that although the algorithm scalability is also our con- ple, under the MOSEK implementation, the SIP method cern, we will not focus on this perspective in the current spends 12 times of training time of MKLGL; and un- version of this paper. der the CVX implementation, the number is 20. For We denote by MKLGL our proposed MKL algo- the level method, its computational cost is 2 times of rithm based on group lasso. We compare MKLGL MKLGL’s under the MOSEK implementation; and more Table 1. The performance comparison of simpleMKL and Table 2. The performance comparison of Lp-MKL algorithm MKLGL algorithms. Here n and m denote the size of train- on the simulation data. ing samples and the number of kernels, respectively. Norm Algo. Accuracy (%) Time(s) Acc. (%) Time(s) #SVM sumKer 80.4±2.8 1.9±0.1 p=1 SimpleMKL 83.4±2.0 9.2±3.6 Iono n = 280 m = 442 p=2 MKLGL 89.7±1.2 3.1±0.5 SimpleMKL 91.5±3.0 79.9±13.8 826.8±220.9 MKLSIP 89.7±1.3 42.2±4.8 MKLGL 92.0±2.9 12.0±2.2 72.1±19.4 p=3 MKLGL 91.1±1.6 2.1±0.2 Breast n = 546 m = 117 MKLSIP 91.1±1.5 27.3±3.7 SimpleMKL 96.5±1.2 110.5±18.6 542.0±131.1 p=4 MKLGL 91.4±1.8 1.8±0.2 MKLSIP 91.4±1.8 28.4±2.1 MKLGL 96.6±1.2 14.1±1.9 40.0±8.2 p=10 MKLGL 92.2±1.6 1.4 ±0.1 Sonar n = 166 m = 793 MKLSIP 92.2±1.4 17.2±1.6 SimpleMKL 82.0±6.5 57.0±4.6 687.6±135.4 p=100 MKLGL 92.6±1.8 1.1±0.1 MKLGL 82.0±6.8 5.7±1.1 53.6±16.1 MKLSIP 92.6±1.9 13.1±0.8 Pima n = 614 m = 117 p=1000 MKLGL 92.8±2.0 0.8±0.0 ± ± SimpleMKL 73.4±2.3 94.5±18.1 294.3±67.4 MKLSIP 92.8 2.0 6.8 0.1 MKLGL 73.5±2.5 15.1±1.9 15.1±1.9

For kernel composition, each kernel matrix is defined as than 5 times under the CVX implementation. a linear kernel on a single feature. Therefore, the kernels To better understand the properties of the algorithms, we are complementary with each other. The other settings plot the evolution of the objective value and the kernel are similar to the previous experiments. weights into Figure 1 and Figure 4.1, respectively. First, To see how the value of p affects the classification accu- from Figure 1, we observe that the MKLGL algorithm racy, we vary the value of p from 2 to 1000. We show converges overwhelmingly faster than simpleMKL. This the accuracy and computational time in Table 2. We also is because that MKLGL uses a closed-form to update the show the results of Lp-MKL with the SIP implementa- kernel weights, which has the same cost as the gradi- tion, noted as MKLSIP, and the result of L1-MKL with ent computation in simpleMKL. However, simpleMKL the simpleMKL implementation. As a baseline, the re- additionally requires a large number of function evalua- sult of SVM using the summation of the base kernels, tions in order to compute the optimal stepsize via a line denoted by sumKer, is also reported. search. Note that every function evaluation in the line search of simpleMKL requires solving an SVM prob- It can be observed that a larger p leads to a better ac- lem. This phenomenon can also be observed from the curacy since the kernels are all complementary to each 4-th column of Table 1. Second, to understand the evo- other. On the other hand, although MKLSIP achieves al- lution of kernel weights (i.e., γ), we plot the evolution most the same accuracy, it takes significantly more com- curvesof the five largest kernel weights in Figure 4.1. We putational time than MKLGL. This experiment suggests observe that the values of γ computed by simpleMKL that our proposed MKLGL algorithm with Lp-norm can fluctuates significantly through iterations. In contrast, for be both effective and efficient for the scenario that the the proposed MKLGL algorithm, the values of γ change base kernels are complementary to each other. smoothly through iterations. The instability phenomenon We further evaluate the proposed algorithm for discussed in (Rakotomamonjy et al., 2008) does not ap- Lp-MKL on three real-world datasets, i.e., “Bci”, pear in our case. “Usps”, and “Coil”, from the benchmark repository ( 4.2. Experiment on Lp-MKL Here the datasets of “Usps” and “Coil” are both with 1500 instances and 241 features, and “Bci” has 400 In this section, we examinethe scenarios where L -MKL p instances and 117 features. For kernel formation, we is more effective than L -MKL. Though L -MKL usu- 1 p only adopt the base kernels which are calculated on all ally discards the sparse property when p ≥ 2, it helps features. For each dataset, 50% of the data are used for keep the complementary information among base ker- training and the remaining are used for testing. Each nels. kernel matrix is normalized with its trace being 1. Other To see this, we design a synthesized dataset with 400 settings are the same as in previous experiments. We data points and 34 features satisfying that y = sign(X¯ ) report the accuracy of Lp-MKL for different settings of where X¯ is the mean of randomly generated data X. We p in Table 3. For comparison, we also show the result employ 50% of data for training and the rest for testing. of the summation of all base kernels. Note that due to Evolution of objective values with time Evolution of objective values with time Evolution of objective values with time Evolution of objective values with time 4.2 3.96 4.2 4.58 simpleMKL simpleMKL simpleMKL simpleMKL MKLGL 3.94 MKLGL 4.57 4.15 MKLGL 4.15 MKLGL 3.92 4.56 4.1 4.1 3.9 4.55 4.05 4.05 3.88 4.54 4 3.86 4 4.53 3.84 3.95 3.95 log of objective log of objective log of objective log of objective 4.52 3.82 3.9 3.9 4.51 3.8

3.85 3.85 3.78 4.5

3.8 3.76 3.8 4.49 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 time (s) time (s) time (s) time (s) (a) Iono (b) Breast (c) sonar (d) Pima

Figure 1. Evolution of objective values over time (seconds) for datasets “Iono”, “Breast”, “Sonar” , and “Pima”. The objective values are plotted on a logarithm scale (base 10) for better comparison.

Evolution of the kernel weight values in simpleMKL Evolution of the kernel weight values in MKLGL Evolution of the kernel weight values in simpleMKL Evolution of the kernel weight values in MKLGL 1 1 1 1

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 values values values values γ γ γ 0.4 0.4 γ 0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

0 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 iteration iteration iteration iteration (a) Iono/SimpleMKL (b) Iono/MKLGL (c) Breast/SimpleMKL (d) Breast/MKLGL

Evolution of the kernel weight values in simpleMKL Evolution of the kernel weight values in MKLGL Evolution of the kernel weight values in simpleMKL Evolution of the kernel weight values in MKLGL 1 1 1 1

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 values values values values γ γ γ 0.4 0.4 γ 0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

0 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 iteration iteration iteration iteration (e) sonar/SimpleMKL (f) sonar/MKLGL (g) Breast/SimpleMKL (h) Breast/MKLGL

Figure 2. The evolution curves of the five largest kernel weights for datasets “Iono”, “Breast”, “Sonar” and “Pima” computed by the two MKL algorithms

rithm for solving L -MKL that usually leads to better Table 3. The accuracy of the MKLGL algorithm when varying p performance than L -MKL. the value of p for real-world datasets. 1 Algo. Bci Usps Coil SumKer 52.9±3.8 80.5±1.1 78.1±2.1 5. Conclusion SimpleMKL 55.1±5.8 87.2±1.3 84.8±1.5 MKLGL In this paper, we have presented an efficient algorithm p=2 66.4±3.6 90.2±0.9 88.9±1.2 for multiple kernel learning by discussing the connec- ± ± ± p=3 68.0 3.0 91.8 0.7 90.8 1.3 tion between MKL and group-lasso regularizer. We cal- p=4 68.6±3.0 92.3±0.7 91.6±1.3 p=10 69.4±3.2 93.3±0.6 93.2±1.1 culate the kernel weights by a closed-form formulation, p=100 70.0±3.4 93.7±0.6 94.2±1.2 which therefore leverages the dependency of previous al- p=1000 70.1±3.4 93.7±0.6 94.3±1.2 gorithms on employing complicated or commercial op- timization softwares. Moreover, in order to improve the accuracy of traditional MKL methods, we naturally space limit, we do not include the result of MKLSIP, as generalize MKL to Lp-MKL that constrains the p-norm it obtains almost the same result as MKLGL but takes (p ≥ 1) the kernel weights. We show that our algorithm can be applied to the whole family of Lp-MKL models more time. From Table 3, we observe that Lp-MKL (p ≥ 2) improves the classification accuracy when for all p ≥ 1 without extra Taylor approximation. Ex- perimental results on a number of benchmark datasets compared to L1-MKL. Similar to the toy experiment, we find that the larger p corresponds the better classification indicate the promising results of the proposed algorithm. accuracy. 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