Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Taxonomists. All rights reserved. subgen. # Botany Systematic h w are h eiapuwrsi narc, section an included (1984) in Tuberosa Yeo upwards out. seed mericarp the seed- the throwing the carries of of awn recurvature explosive the fruit the which by 10 in type, characterized least ejection at is in It grouped sections. 370 over comprises subgen. subgen. subgenera: Yeo, (Picard) three 1984), in currently into the (Yeo found divided to be According classification b). can accepted (1998a, sections al. and et key Aedo subgenera a and (1996), the and Aedo in to found delimitation be description can a generic the as of the well as of mountains classification, 1998a). al. infrageneric history et tropical brief (Aedo world A and the of areas most throughout temperate in hrcesse ospotteie htsect. that idea the support to seem seed fruit the important characters These retaining interval. for pre-explosive structure the (with no in awn is there the columella, (2) the (1) and from ways: away model falls two general mericarps) in attached the subgenus from this differs of it that indicating oyih 07b h mrcnSceyo ln Taxonomists Plant of Society American the by 2007 Copyright h genus The aooi eiinof Revision Taxonomic eensetelsqes incluye se que las entre perennes sect. ihteprnil,i which in perennials, the with chloroplastic sect. of that suggest analyses Bayesian and parsimony Maximum presented. ema de ed,admrcrswr netgtdb E.Anwkyi rvdd swel as provided, is key new A SEM. kurdicum by investigated were species. these mericarps of and identification seeds, the for useful characters quantitative aauad a seisys lgnoc lecto once eligen se y especies las de ası clave, una nueva cada una presenta Se mericarpo. identificacio morfome etr uoeadnrhetr fia ncnrs otecretlitera current the to contrast In f Africa. with Iran, northwestern ibericum and Turkey and of Europe areas neighbouring western and Caucasus the in located is ma sui consideramos estudio ´ K R A 1 iacncnoepce ende especies cinco con rica s elJardı Real 2 ESUMEN EYWORDS BSTRACT eatmnod Biologı de Departamento Mediterranea Geranium ´ C iaprioi aeinsd a einsISriboso ITS regiones las de bayesianos y parsimonia xima Bis)Rih nsubgenus in Reiche (Boiss.) ARLOS ´ subsp. 20) 21:p.93–128 pp. 32(1): (2007), rc permitio trico Geranium ´ . .S netgrntambie investigaron Se n. . : ´ Geranium Geranium Bota n jubatum igorpy T,mrhlg,pyoey aooi revision, taxonomic phylogeny, morphology, ITS, biogeography, A Subgen. . Mediterranea smonofile es EDO shr lutae o h is ie lvnlcoye r designated, are lectotypes Eleven time. first the for illustrated here is Robertium ´ .cmrssc.40species 400 ca. comprises L. ´ io osj ueird netgcoe Cientı Investigaciones de Superior Consejo nico, .montanum, G. , subsect. ob yoysof synonyms be to 1,3 vla o aatrscatttvsyslcinrlsma los seleccionar y cuantitativos caracteres los evaluar subsect. 3 M uhrfrcrepnec ([email protected]) correspondence for Author ´ Geranium ia ercprndscao rniae,uocnlsepce nae o y anuales especies las con uno principales, clados dos recuperan Se tica. smnpyei.Tocae r eoee,oeicuigteana speci annual the including one recovered, are clades Two monophyletic. is .tuberosum G. IGUEL ´ omnctn dtr rgr .Plunkett M. Gregory Editor: Communicating ia,pr luaacnaicuoe et eErp oosed A de noroeste y Europa de oeste el incluso alcanza alguna pero micas, Mediterranea Mediterranea Pcr)Ru,and Rouy, (Picard) ´ .tuberosum G. eea I autdd amca nvria Complutense, Universidad Farmacia, de Facultad II, Vegetal a ´ a caracterı las n y Geranium A ´ h largest, the , .ibericum G. Geranium .G n C and (subsect. ´ Geranium .ibericum G. Erodioidea oonea ealdsdsrpinsympsd distribucio de mapas y descripciones detalladas y nuevas como 81 ard Spain; Madrid, 28014 84 ard Spain Madrid, 28040 ARCI ´ Grnaee esta () Grnaee ossso e pce.Tehgetdvriyo h group the of diversity highest The species. ten of consists (Geraniaceae) tipos. (subsect. ARMEN ´ A ´ Tuberosa tcsmicromorfolo sticas eaimkurdicum Geranium , subsp. 1 is nvraemrhmti td eeldsm valuable some revealed study morphometric univariate A . , M Subsect. 93 Tuberosa ARI eann pce eecasfe nsubsect. in classified were Mediterranea species remaining and groups. consid- different gracile now several um to species belong annual to of ered aggregate an was sect. in included groups. different subsect. four of in that species at the available classified material time, limited the on based was 1984). (Yeo features these of both subsect. palmati- and and leaves, subsect. rootstock sect tuberose differentiated: with Yeo, be (Boiss.) can groups Tuberosa cum atfaue,icuigifoecne eas fruits, impor- petals, inflorescence, some including features, lacked tant descriptions was and treatment of taxonomic incomplete the consequence material, unavoidable of scarcity an a As decision. this bohemicum sect. synonymized in (1912) classified Knuth currently are species N mre ihnaprpyei subsect. paraphyletic a within emerges ) jubatum ´ ´ nt’ 11)mngahof monograph (1912) Knuth’s iancery nuclear mica AVARRO A ´ omd o izepce.E Ca El especies. diez por formada os.and Boiss. .kurdicum G. .A L. etod n subsect. una de dentro ) irmrhlgclfaue fple,stigmas, pollen, of features Micromorphological oosino como santrlgop nwihtosub- two which in group, natural a is Mediterranea LARCO ´ trnL-trnF u i o rvd n xlnto for explanation any provide not did but , saquı es ia e oe,e sim,l eil el y semilla la estigma, el polen, del gicas a nlddi sect. in included was 2 nwihh loincluded also he which in , v nei pce.Ohrseisreach species Other species. endemic ive ue econsider we ture, trnL-trnF .psilostemon G. ´ ´ ´ N io de nimos iuaoprpieavz Ana vez. primera por dibujado snwaddtie descriptions. detailed and new as l nsect. in ´ Columbina n iooa ula T regions ITS nuclear ribosomal and , ia,Paad uil 2, Murillo de Plaza ficas, trnL-trnF 1 ´ dcao aal lv de clave la para adecuados s J UAN cloropla n itiuinmp are maps distribution and Mediterranea eaimbohemicum Geranium Sanguinea Mediterranea .ibericum G. . .A J. (Geraniaceae) ´ .D .Kc,which Koch, J. D. W. .montanum G. .lanuginosum G. ee.Teetolast two These Ledeb. tc uirnqela que sugieren stica ´ LDASORO cs sl regio la es ucaso Striata Geranium ´ Mediterranea nana Un . rc.E este En frica. .Kuh The Knuth. R. sadother and es parafile hc lacks which , r o las con tro Mediterranea ´ , and .Knuth, R. para n .atlanti- G. Geranium 1 ´ ´ ´ Tuberosa tica. which , lisis lisis Gerani- ´ G. . n to was G. . Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. rbes agsaeicue nbakt nteky The and key. percentiles by these the done in avoid are values brackets To useful in and use. frequent included their most are for ranges difficulties variabil- problems, some of ranges causing broad ity most have the characters box-plots. and interesting being from Several key, inferred Quantitative the characters in quantitative package. discriminant used were sofware characters Statistica qualitative species, To the prepared within were caliper. percentiles descriptor using and digital each medians containing of CD-15CD box-plots variability Mitutoyo the a represent using recorded pollen of anther number one the during of (i.e., grains P/O ovules degenerate ratio viable five the the only calculated but have considering we ovules, Thus, ten development. flower has initially of number ovary four The was 1977). least in P/O ovules (1976, at and viable Cruden species for to each electron according counted in anthers) calculated scanning was 15 to Pollen T330A (eight kV. specimens and 15 JEOL-TSM gold, at nm a microscope 40–50 with with coated examined stubs, aluminium to glued the Names’’ ‘‘Excluded on the in based included are section. was are opinion names type obtained reliable these no no or Where found, which authors. located previous for of be names opinions of could dispositions material The the send types. of not kindly some could any LY or find and herbaria, not LJM, their did them. in they KWAH, specimens but KSU, requested petition, GH, Curators our UPS. and GB, answered LINN, G, CL, http:// have FI, data B, from at other from and examined available been photographs, also digital is comprehen- slides, SEV, color specimens (A fiche, S, Z studied Micro- PR, and WU, P, of WAG, O, list WA, NMW, LE, W, LD, sive MPU, L, V, MO, KRA, E, UPA, K, MAF, C, SOM, JE, MA, JACA, BR, ISTE, M, BM, HBG, H, LISE, BC, GOET, herbaria: G, FI, following F, the from specimens 98,20,20,20) n ihtega of goal subsection we of the revision genus, a with here the present and monographing 2005), comprehensively 2003, 2002, 1998b, of of synonyms as considered are ibericum taxa these jubatum considered (1967) Davis and sus, Scho cepted and (1949) Bobrov ibericum for G. treatments different provided Caucasus the and were were drawings provided. no and distributions maps) glandulosi’’). (without (1912) preliminary ‘‘Pedicelli Knuth’s having Additionally, as some identified has are key (e.g., Knuth’s leads ambiguous Thus, indumentum. and 94 it-ee uniaiecaatr eemaue and measured were characters quantitative Fifty-seven were samples (SEM), microscopy electron scanning For of loans obtaining in difficulties had we Unfortunately, herbarium 650 than more on based is revision This olwn u eetrvsoso eea sections several of revisions recent our Following area Mediterranean eastern the of floras Major Geranium .montanum G. sedmcfo h lc e ra Here, area. Sea Black the from endemic as sebelow). (see M Ad 96 01 03 eoe al. et Aedo 2003; 2001, 1996, (Aedo n eae pce.Frinstance, For species. related and Geranium TRASAND ATERIALS 3 0ates5ovules). anthers/5 10 sedmcfo h Cauca- the from endemic as sfv,oefrec eiap Each mericarp. each for one five, is .gymnocaulon G. ¨ bc-eey(90 ac- (1970) nbeck-Temesy M ETHODS .ibericum G. Mediterranea and YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC .libani G. subsp. G. . rmGnakwr sdi l nlss hs orspecies available four and Turcz., These species analyses. additional all in Doraville, ( four used were of (Omega-Biotech, GenBank from from sequences the Kit tissue ITS were followed MiniPrep leaf USA). samples extractions Plant of DNA DNA E.Z.N.A. mg All 20 specimens. 1. approximately herbarium Appendix from in obtained listed are 1. Fig. study in illustrated are fruit and to lamina used leaf approaches describe Standarized brackets. without shown are 04 a sdfrplmrs hi ecin(PCR) amplify reaction To from region. chain region ITS ITS-2 the polymerase the of for sequencing and used amplification was 2004) subsect. of monophyly the test to of sequence (subgen. ITS considered L. an be obtained we should Additionally, Australia of and specimens Zealand the (2005), of subg. egh .simtcrmislnt;L eiaplnt;M. apex length; narrowed mericarp L. rostrum length; width. J. remains mericarp length; stigmatic H. rostrum K. sinus base. the length; secondary I. at width E. length; C. segment length; G. fruit width; width; sinus lamina maximum B. F. main length; length; D. lamina length; A. segment fruit. the and lamina .retrorsum G. oce nomto o h ape sdi h molecular the in used samples the for information Voucher h rmrpi 8 80o n 6 0e Ncrn tal. et (Nickrent 40rev 26S and 1830for 18S pair primer The F Geranium IG. Geranium .Darmo hrcesue odsrb h leaf the describe to used characters of Diagram 1. Robertium .brevicaule G. L’He subgen. hs ape eeslce steoutgroup the as selected were samples these , ´ .e DC., ex r. ,adtgte ihtefu pce of species four the with together and ), Geranium .bohemicum, G. ok . eogt ifrn sections different to belong f.) Hook. .sessiliflorum G. .solanderi G. codn oAd tal. et Aedo to According . Mediterranea nenlpiesITS2 primers internal Carolin, New from Cav. . .robertianum G. Vlm 32 [Volume .brevicaule G. .homeanum G. . Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. isof cies sd h C mlfcto fthe were region, of S 5.8 amplification the intron, PCR at located The 1990), al. used. et (White ITS3 and 2007] yln aaeesfrISapiiain ee5mna 94 94 at at min cycles 40 5 by were followed amplifications The ITS in Biosciences). for (Amersham parameters described we cycling Beads reactions, PCR amplification primers PCR Ready-to-Go the the used For (1991). using al. et accomplished Taberlet was gene) o i,adafnletnina 72 at 94 extension at cycles final 5 by followed a and for Parameters min, 1 for o i,3 ylsa 94 at cycles 33 min, 1 for an,ad()Ebr onan.(i.2). moun- (Fig. Kurdistan mountains. Elburz (f) (g) of mountains, and Lebanon areas tains, (e) Seven Peninsula, Caucasus, Balkan areas. Southern (d) (b) (c) three Europe, Mediterranean, Northern Western of and Central (a) maximum considered: constrained is a were We endemism vicariance to speciation. but search of step, mode our one default DIVA, as In the counted 1997). considered are Ronquist events 1.1; version dispersal (DIVA analysis trees iance remaining 9,001 the from PAUP*. calculated using of were probability dis- the nodes posterior Both the were the reached. and was trees tree posterior stationarity consensus of 1,000 majority-rule before the burn-in point initial as examining The The carded by run. distribution. determined 1,000,000-generation probability on was based the are of stationarity here reported chains results the The lengths. branch topology showed and parameters, runs substitution-model chains Both of generations. parallel estimates 100 four similar every second with sampled a both trees and generations, and generations 1,000,000 probability executed; 300,000 of were of posterior one runs analysis Information the independent preliminary two a Akaike determine trees, the of To distribution to (AIC). according maximum Criterion 1998) the (Posada 3.06 by Crandall ModelTest by and determined GTR implemented test was the ratio as likelihood assuming performed model were substitution were analyses Huelsenbeck analyses and The Bayesian (Ronquist heuristic 2003). 3.0b4 PAUP*. full MrBayes in by using a replicates conducted estimated with 100 of 1985) was search (Felsenstein robustness analyses TBR 4.0b10 Branch bootstrap PAUP* with 2002). in searches options maxi- (Swofford heuristic MULPARS with using and constructed branch-swapping (MP) were parsimony trees mum Fitch length Minimum data number The (study TreeBASE 1). in Appendix deposited S1667). been in have provided Database matrices Sequence numbers 1993) Nucleotide EMBL (Gilbert (accession the to SeqApp Se- submitted and into been ITS sequences. The imported manually. contiguous aligned then and assemble were electro- Navigator to resulting quences Sequence the and edit program to pherograms The used was SP6). Biosystems) (Applied and (T7 Cycle plasmid (Promega). specific and primers kit ITS using to cloning conducted were II reactions sequencing Easy-Vector using conducted pGEM-T light was When cloning the (Qiagen). visualized, were Kit products Extraction PCR Gel QIAquick the 72 using at extension final a and min, 1 for as nldn nes eecdda isn data. missing as coded were indels, including Gaps, gels agarose from cleaned were products Amplification neta ra eercntutduigdispersal-vicar- using reconstructed were areas Ancestral Morphology. trnL Geranium trnL 3 9 trnL-trnF exon, eino nvra rmr pcfct the to specific primers universal or region D subsect. RTO AND URATION trnL-trnF u R mlfctoswr i t94 at min 5 were amplifications u o 0s 48 s, 30 for C u o 0s 55 s, 30 for C o 0s 52 s, 30 for C ESULTS negncsae and spacer intergenic Mediterranea EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO trnL-trnF u o 0min. 10 for C trnL-trnF u u u H o 0s n 72 and s, 30 for C o 0s n 72 and s, 30 for C o 0s n 72 and s, 30 for C ABIT u Cfor10min. eune have sequences l spe- All . ein( region except trnL trnF + G. u u u u u C C C C C C vdn thg anfcto,te ilntbe only not are will they they descriptions. the magnification, since in considered high all but in at with present studied, evident are sometimes They here but 3D). species (Fig. cells, foot two bicellular a by of consisting lnua ar ( hairs cells glandular but species decussated all in or found gymnocaulon are hairs cylindric These 3C). the of (Fig. smooth, cells, consisting 2–4 with foot long, mm 0.2–1.8 hairs, on nptoe,pdnls rpdcl fall of pedicels but or 3A) (Fig. peduncles, be species can petioles, which and on long, to 4E); mm found 3C; 0.1–0.3 patent (Fig. hairs long uncinate (a1) (a2) mm 0.1–5.4 distinguished: hairs, be retrorse Two plant. can are the and of subtypes organs species all all almost ‘‘subulate’’ in on the found widespread been in have Payne included They to be type. According could 3B). these with 1979). (Fig. (1978) or are surface al. smooth which papillose hairs, et a of unicellular (Theobald all Eglandular, uniseriate (a) found, and be simple can types trichome aln nsaeopst uulyoepi,except whereas pair, one rosette, (usually opposite leaves persistent are ones Basal a cauline segments. form (3-)5–7 frequently with palmatifid, Mediterranea luzmutis aanme e raaeshown are area per number D. parentheses. Peninsula. Taxa in Balkan mountains. G. mountains. Southern Kurdistan Elburz F. mountains. C. Lebanon E. Europe. Caucasus. northern and subsect. bohemicum a ec 0c nheight. in of cm 80 species reach All can not roots. are thin subsect. that have and rootstocks tuberculated cylindric share and species horizontal perennial The . herbaceous F L I IG. NDUMENTUM EAVES .Aeso h igorpi nlssof analysis biogeographic the of Areas 2. Mediterranea Mediterranea h evsi l pce fsubsect. of species all in leaves The . , and .kurdicum G. r oyoa notie cordate, outline, in polygonal are nteseissuidhr,three here, studied species the In . .WsenMdtraen .Central B. Mediterranean. Western A. : , .lanuginosum G. 55 aeeet ef tm that stems leafy erect, have m .kurdicum G. og,sot,usually smooth, long), m and , .libani G. b Glandular (b) . r perennial are c Short (c) . Geranium 95 G. 6 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. yue ntageae ttetpo the of top the at aggregated (not only cymules perennials, or gracile the short G. Among with branches peduncles. the sometimes without of top umbels, the cymules resembling at Terminal aggregated branch. usually pedunculate primary are long the at a cymule and branching subsect. dichotomous of cies hscaatrtnst vra nams all 4d). almost (Fig. species in of discrim- pairs to overlap 34. some useful inate be to to may occasionally 5 but tends species, from character varies This segment) (central segment renardii G. gymnocaulon The both G. in 4a). deep (Fig. is division palmatisect secondary almost palmatifid divided, have deeply in species but All leaves, alternate. are leaves and gracile G. 96 ( ( hairs eglandular uncinate h eta emn ftela srobci all in rhombic is leaf the but of species, segment central The uy19,WU). 1997, July ( hair eglandular aulsn2016 Samuelsson F I IG. NFLORESCENCE .lanuginosum G. .SMpoorpssoighi ye on in found types hair showing photographs SEM 3. hc a – ar) In pairs). 2–3 has which , a oohsa ye ihsolitary with cyme, monochasial a has Fg c.Tenme flbsper lobes of number The 4c). (Fig. 6 ) .Pdclof Pedicel C. S). , err l 1550 al. & Herrero braglrin obtriangular in shallow but , .kurdicum G. h nlrsec nms spe- most in inflorescence The . Mediterranea oee,telws cauline lowest the however, , Scho ¨ setr&Tishs.n., Tribsch & nswetter A.D eie of Pedicel D. MA). , .ibericum G. h evsaemore are leaves the .platypetalum G. sdcail with dichasial, is .gracile G. .kurdicum G. .bohemicum G. hwn:()ln lnua arwt oto eustdcls n 2 pa (2) and cells, decussated of foot a with hair glandular long (1) showing: Fg 4b). (Fig. YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC 5Jl 97 U.B ails ufc fa gadlrhi of hair eglandular an of surface Papillose B. WU). 1997, July 15 .gracile G. and and Geranium hwn hr lnua ar( hair glandular short a showing .bohemicum G. in 7 platypetalum to 5 from udcm .libani in The 5 G. to accrescent. 3 kurdicum, from noticeably varies nerves they of number are annuals two subsect. of species most l pce,teptl aeanthdae and apex notched a have petals the species, petals. all bluish and petals, have purplish have section this Only of species Most platypetalum G. renardii, peloponnesiacum, G. libani, in petals patent pce Fg 4f). (Fig. species subsect. in longer lum of two- distinctly are species are bracteoles The all cymules in The flowered branching. monochasial rnhs.Fnly h w nul ( annuals and two the Finally, branches). C C rvdn odcaatrt itnus this distinguish to character good a providing , OROLLA ALYX subsect. .lanuginosum G. .gaie .kurdicum, G. gracile, G. easaesot n o crsetin accrescent not and smooth are Sepals . reetptn ntermiigspecies. remaining the in erect-patent or h lwr r cioopi,with actinomorphic, are flowers The . and , Mediterranea and .gmoaln .ieiu,G. ibericum, G. gymnocaulon, G. .gmoaln .ieiu,G. ibericum, G. gymnocaulon, G. .renardii. G. .lanuginosum G. and , aedcailcmswith cymes dichasial have ) .Pdclof Pedicel A. . Mediterranea .renardii G. .peloponnesiacum G. Scho and ¨ ial,tespl of sepals the Finally, setr&Tishs.n., Tribsch & nswetter .peloponnesiacum G. ae5nerves. 5 have .gracile G. ht ns In ones. white .bohemicum G. nyi the in Only . Mediterranea .gaie G. gracile, G. .platypeta- G. Vlm 32 [Volume and , showing .libani G. and , tent G. 15 . Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. 2007] ai eodsnsmdl emn egh .rtomxmmwidth/segmen maximum ratio C. length; segment sinus/middle second ratio emn.E egho h gadlrhiso h euce(m;F bracteo F. (mm); peduncle the of hairs eglandular the of length E. segment. F IG. .Bxpo hwn efadifoecnekyqatttv hrces A characters. quantitative key inflorescence and leaf showing plot Box 4. EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO e egh(mm). length les egh .lbsnme ftela central leaf the of number lobes D. length; t ai ansnsmi emn egh B. length; segment sinus/main main ratio . 97 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. n lmtccniin.Tecr fteflowering the of core The conditions. climatic area and extensive an on (mainly occur species These periods. and 5b). (Fig. length their with relation in narrow vl ratio. ovule Fg a.Teptl of petals The 5a). (Fig. than long) cum mm (10.4–28.4 petals longer the of in apex in pubescent the is Only petal found. is condition peloponnesiacum opposite In side. G. abaxial the libani, on glabrous and side adaxial kurdicum in whereas nosum, some However, been In margin. have detected. distribution basal indumentum in the differences on cilia some 98 F sepce,teana pce ( species annual the expected, As .gymnocaulon G. IG. .lanuginosum G. .Bxpo hwn:A ea egh(m;B ai ea it/ea lengt width/petal petal ratio B. (mm); length petal A. showing: plot Box 5. and and .bohemicum G. h easaepbseto h aeof base the on pubescent are petals the .platypetalum G. .lanuginosum G. .gmoaln .ieiu,G lanugi- G. ibericum, G. gymnocaulon, G. .bhmcm .gracile G. bohemicum, G. h ih eena pce have species perennial eight The . aemr xeddflowering extended more have ) ihmn ifrn habitats different many with ) .bohemicum G. .gracile G. ohsdsaeglabrous, are sides both , ,and 5494m long) mm (5.4–9.4 .renardii G. r remarkably are n sometimes and .bohemicum G. .bohemi- G. ,and YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC the G. G. anyi h eierna ein hc could 5a). which (Fig. differences region, phenological Mediterranean explain the in distribution, mainly southern a have exclud- species are three These introduced) ed. been has it (where Sweden lanuginosum peloponnesiacum w nul,wiein are while filaments annuals, the two of in hairs short The relatively flower. the inside subsect. of filaments nea The time. same the in However, whorl. and external those the with of beginning which successively, lengths, mature different mostly of whorls two in disposed subsect. of eidi,frms pce,btenJn and June between species, most although for August, is, period eakbylonger. remarkably S TAMENS r acoaeadbt hrsaeincluded are whorls both and lanceolate are .lanuginosum G. ,P hstedi lae fseiesfrom specimens if clearer is trend this , Mediterranea OLLEN lwrmil uigsrn.In spring. during mainly flower .C lwrn eid .LgPollen/ Log D. period; flowering C. h. .lanuginosum G. .gaie .kurdicum G. gracile, G. ohwol sal aueat mature usually whorls both , , AND .platypetalum G. N hr r e stamens ten are there ECTARIES , .libani G. nalspecies all In . .bohemicum G. Vlm 32 [Volume Mediterra- n the and , hyare they and , G. G. Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. ) .Ple raetto of ornamentation Pollen D. C). s.n. rtdi itntzns hs tga have stigmas These zones. distinct concen- cells in receptive the by trated in characterized classified be II, should group which to stigmas, (1977), grains dry According has Shivanna pollen movements. and of antrorse flower Heslop-Harrison capture the eglandular, by favor in with is dispersed could while hairy, stigma that perennials, is the hairs eight it of the annuals side in abaxial (4.3– subsection glabrous The the of mm). species 11.2 perennial the than ginosum 2007] oe(91,sm te neae pce uhas such species macrorhizum unrelated G. other some Black- (1991), and Stafford more an to grain According the outline. and irregular giving protrude reticulum may the of from that 6C, further elements size (Fig. gemmate size the bearing their D), in two in variation the great whereas show variation B), annuals 6A, little (Fig. elements is supratectal perennial in the there In as 1996). (Weber species, elements genus the supratectal of rest baculate, the gemmate distinctly or with clavate, ornamentation exine .(subg. L. F h olni hrceie ytereticulate the by characterized is pollen The G 98 E.B olnonmnainof ornamentation Pollen B. JE). 1998, , IG. YNOECIUM .SMpoorpssoigple etrsof features pollen showing photographs SEM 6. aeasotrgneim(.– mm) (3.1–4 gynoecium shorter a have Erodioidea . .(subg. L. eaimbohemicum Geranium aesmlrvariation. similar have ) Robertium .bohemicum G. EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO .libani G. and ) and ( asns.n. Hansen G ( Geranium aulsn1216, Samuelsson . .lanu- G. phaeum Geranium uy16,C). 1967, July 4 , indt subgenus to signed rwihi l pce.Tersrmhsanar- a has rostrum and The 7C) species. (Fig. smooth all are in Mericarps and brownish mericarp. size, similar the a of have twisting and mericarp the the favoring and the awn the strengthening between probably connection longitudinally is 7B), hori- mericarp (Fig. almost the compressed of faces top The orifice zontally. awn the the to consequently, attachment its and, at Instead, twisted 7A). is mericarp (Fig. the interval this out in seed falling the retaining from In interval. seed pre-explosive subsect. the the prevent during prematurely and on borne callus always are a bristles remain These subg. mericarp. wall the of of sections mericarp actively Most the is columella. Geranium the the and seed of to awn attached recurvature single The explosive a awn. the type by fruit discharged 1984). this (Yeo discharge In fruit of ejection-type’’ ‘‘seed etrshv envrfe nseiso subsect. of species in verified Mediterranea these been All adaxial magnification. have high features on at evident papillae only side, uniseriate and multicellular subsect. ) .Ple ri of grain Pollen C. S). F RUIT . Mediterranea Mediterranea aeacutro rslsa h oe end lower the at bristles of cluster a have Geranium . .Ple ri of grain Pollen A. . .bohemicum G. Geranium subsect. hr sn tutr for structure no is there , hc xiisthe exhibits which , ( Mediterranea asns.n. Hansen .renardii G. uy1967, July 4 , ( sas- is Arnold 99 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. Geranium r sal nfrl eds nalseisexcept species all in in seeds reddish The uniformly D). usually 8C, are (Fig. Only the seed-coat foveolate to B). a shows due 8A, outer (Fig. the is SEM of layers integument species, surface middle and all reticulate outer in of prominence the but 30, that of shows reticulate magnification finely a is seed-coat at The 8B). (Fig. stomata oe px(–. mln)i h perennials, the annuals. the in in present long) not feature mm a (1–6.7 apex rowed 100 ( hwn h rao ogtdnlcmrsin( compression longitudinal ( of area collector, the showing Lo aulsn2016, Samuelsson ´ F S e s.n. pez .bohemicum G. IG. EEDS .SMpoorpssoigmrcr etrsof features mericarp showing photographs SEM 7. h ed are seeds The . A238) .Tpo h eiapof mericarp the of Top B. MA-213282); , subsect. R855) .Mrcr ufc of surface Mericarp C. BR-825853); S). Mediterranea hc a ote ed (brown- seeds mottled has which , 6 .Mrcr of Mericarp A. . lisi,wt scattered with ellipsoid, .lanuginosum G. .bohemicum G. .ibericum G. YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC .libani G. unknown poieoe hyaepl re,adhv entire have the and of green, fold pale primary are They the one. in opposite lying cotyledon each of of seed-coat lanuginosum the on crystals In 1926). (Netolitzky the by crystals produced trihydric of oxalate figures calcium surface bipyramidal form coat They the seed. so- reaching the light-line, beyond protusions called (1979), small as Been extend of and crystals Boesewinkel endotesta to the According in 1988). These present integument. also outer Hypseocharis are the cells of layer crystal tannin inner and crystals the solitary in contain that cells as have one-sixth seed. the about of perimeter shorter, the is as annual long hilum two the the in Only species perimeter. seed as one-fourth the hilum as the a long in with similar usually is and size species, The ten areas). clear more with ish l eenas nytrehv encutd Both counted. been gymnocaulon have G. three only perennials, all the change. dysploid (1984b), a from Loon originated of Van number to chromosome count According Warburg’s considered mistaken. authors 2 latter found The (1984b) 48. Loon Van and (1952) Dahlgren the 2 regarding reported (1938) controversy of a number is chromosome there contrast, in By date to out carried sect. petioles, in short found and as bases, subcordate side), each on (except margins ubrfralseiso subsect. of species all for number considered b) to (1984a, assigned Loon Van be should to doubts, (1938) (2 Warburg number triploid (2 the (2002), diploids only has (2 tetraploids we ihrptllnt rgneimlength gynoecium or length petal either tween with or xenogamy associated facultative autogamy. to is to xenogamy P/O from pass A in a system. breeding decrease the to substantial related are pollen-ovule (P/O) the ratios autogamy. that observed facultative 1977) ratios (1976, suggest Cruden P/O annual petals two Log smaller the lower and In considerably 5d). Fig. both 1; species, (Table 3.19 between ratios and P/O 2.29 Log show here studied species h oyeosaeawy odpiae n half one conduplicate, always are cotyledons The Geraniaceae of seeds (1976), Corner to According mn h eann ih pce ftegroup, the of species eight remaining the Among Numbers. Chromosome hr sasgiiatpstv orlto be- correlation positive significant a is There Features. Flower and System Breeding Geranium Fg E F). 8E, (Fig. eyadOaiaee(Boesewinkel Oxalidaceae and Remy subsect. n 5 and .bohemicum G. n Batrachioidea 8 r5) while 56), or 28, 5 .ibericum G. 2(sub 42 n .platypetalum G. Mediterranea .bohemicum G. 5 .lanuginosum G. .lanuginosum G. l hoooecounts chromosome All 8.Acrigt Yeo to According 28). n .deprehesum G. Ad ta.1998b). al. et (Aedo hc a notch a has which , .ibericum G. 5 x aedpod and diploids have G. 5 2 trbtdby attributed 42) Mediterranea ehv found have we .platypetalum G. 3 4a h basic the as 14 ae2 gave Vlm 32 [Volume ihsome with magnificum Warburg . a have may ,while ), n and 5 . The n 28. G. 5 . Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. .libani G. lanuginosum G. ibericum G. gymnocaulon G. gracile G. bohemicum G. 2007] .renardii G. platypetalum G. peloponnesiacum G. ( of Seed-coat D. of Seed-coat B. Z); 1912, evsles.n., Delvosalle T F IG. ABLE .SMpoorpssoigse etrsof features seed showing photographs SEM 8. Species .Ple-vl ai of ratio Pollen-ovule 1. ue18,B) .Se-otof Seed-coat F. BR); 1884, June .lanuginosum G. .libani G. ( evsles.n., Delvosalle ihasoaa( stomata a with Geranium EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO subsect. 1707. 503.193 2.292 3.04 2.826 1560 196 1096 669 74.7 7.8 66.7 20.1 780 97.833 548.2 334.6 11 10 15 10 sma sd mean Ss ue18,B) .Se-otof Seed-coat E. BR). 1884, June .ibericum G. 1.93. 403.155 3.137 3.074 1430 1371 2.976 1185 2.333 36.9 32.1 946 26.7 216 714.89 33.3 685.5 592.5 14.6 9 8 473.11 8 107.75 9 8 aulsn2016, Samuelsson Mediterranea Geranium hwn acu xlt rsas( crystals oxalate calcium showing Pollen/anther subsect. S:Sml ie d:sadr deviation). standard sd.: size; Sample (Ss: ) .Se of Seed C. S); Mediterranea .lanuginosum G. .lanuginosum G. .Se of Seed A. . hwn acu xlt crystals oxalate calcium showing ai eg 32137 Hedge & Davis ( P/O evsles.n., Delvosalle .gracile G. ( il s.n. Rikli ue18,BR); 1884, June o P/O Log E). , 5Aug 25 , 101 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. yrd ewe ayseiso subsect. of ranea species many between hybrids in 1957, Stebbins occur 1993). 1967; Ambruster which 1955, 1970; (Baker strategies, taxa other colonizer to many related and here or selfing is Selfing annual increased size. flower an in reduction by a accompanied protan- null is or most slight dry a (1985), while flowers, Philipp protandrous of to species 1999). According perennial Hansen allog- taxa. in and expected amous are Phillip petals re- longer 1985; Consequently, with (Bell correlated genera is in size type productive Petal dichogamy. of but species all G. of specimens herbarium in observed p r P/O: Log – , length (petal P/O Log and Geranium no However, Bremner. A. namesforthesehybridsareavailableexcept by produced been have oo ld!]i sal osdrdahbi be- hybrid a UPS considered (holotype: usually tween 1960 is June slide!)] color Uppsala 17 at Garden, cultivated Sweden. Botanical [TYPE: 1961. 1. fig. hrcesadteseiiyo i ln.I our In plant. his intermediate of the sterility of the because and status characters suspected hybrid but species its parental cross not did (1961) platypetalum pno,tetp n ayseiesidentified specimens many and as type the opinion, 102 lnsietfe as identified plants of forms glandular nasnl reo 3ses(rentson.The shown). not (tree steps 83 of tree single a MP in The parsimony-informative. with analysis, were which four of data characters, only variable was 76 the analyzed with region positions, into the 983 of length incorporated total The also matrix. were GenBank of Sequences 1. robertianum Appendix seven in the indicated from sequenced species and amplified was gion recognition. glan- taxonomic from of obtained forms clones dular garden as considered of tion in subsect. demonstrated in be reported pollen. own been Tuberosa its has with characteristic infertile This be to seems Garden 4478 subsect. Aedo of species one Hybrids. Geranium hlgntcRelationships. Phylogenetic .04 yocu egh–LgPO r P/O: Log – length gynoecium 0.0064; , bohemicum G. .14.Ti scnretwt protandry with congruent is This 0.0104). (including .ibericum G. 3 G. Yo20) fat-noptblt could auto-incompatibility If 2002). (Yeo 3 magnificum M) utvtda ardBotanical Madrid at cultivated (MA)] 3 3 e 20:24 niae htartificial that indicated 214) (2002: Yeo magnificum and and wt lnua ar) Hylander hairs). glandular (with .robertianum G. magnificum magnificum .ibericum G. .ibericum G. wtotgadlrhis and hairs) glandular (without .lanuginosum G. .pusillum G. .ibericum G. Geranium .ibericum G. Geranium G. r nitnusal from indistinguishable are . Mediterranea 3 Hyl., hc ontdeserve not do which , ol egvn Thus, given. be could magnificum sotru,resulted outgroup, as and nteohrhand, other the On . n nmn other many in and e interpreta- new a , rdc ag and large produce .otie from obtained L. Lustga hc hwlack show which , The .platypetalum G. ˚ trnL-trnF rden [ .renardii G. 5 ol be could 5 YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC Mediter- ,2;p 0,822; 2 114, 42: 0,795; re- G. G. ) : ein eotie rgtbnsfrteITS-2 the for bands 5.8S-26S bright the get obtained to 18S- ITS4 We the and region. get two ITS3 to and in ITS2 region, and 5.8S ITS ITS1 primers amplified them using of parts, We some other parasites. origin, the fungal endophytic than of obtained resulting sequences we size the products, several smaller these and cloning a low After species. was of yield were the products cases all in except bohemicum species the all bohemicum for straightforward was group. the of of consideration phylogeny further subsect. the allow not of does monophyly characters the (63%). support Mediterranea value bootstrap data low polytomy These with a clade is internal clade an this both of support with topology bootstrap The moderate (74%). with clade resolved h w pce r nysmarci h Iberian the in sympatric only are latitudinally. species annual km two 1000 of other The and longitudinally range the km latitudinal 3000 of a ( distribution species and The km km. 4200 2400 of range one cum second BS). a 58% and and BPP weakly BS, (0.67 only supported but 100% species, perennial and the all two including BPP the 1.0 including with ( one species recovered, annual were groups (subsect. subsect. of species of relationship Chilensia phylogenetic Zealand first the retrorsum New The from shows respectively. species and 1.00, four comprises and clade 100% of (BPP) probability values boot- posterior Bayesian with and arise (BS) strap groups is monophyletic analysis Using two Bayesian 9. group, Fig. the in from topology. illustrated resulting Bayesian identical tree the showed The and trees consensus majority-rule strict parsimony ITS (length trees the optimal CI of 72 in analysis resulted matrix MP were 124 informative. and variable parsimony were 180 which ITS1 of positions, the Therefore, failed. of also primer region 3 primers a the other amplify indicating 3 to the Attempts ITS-1, gene. at for problem not hybridization but region pce fsubsect. of species T mlfcto sn 80 n 0 primers 40r and 1830f using amplification ITS aia n Biogeography. and Habitat 677 was matrix ITS the of length aligned The 5 sbodydsrbtdars longitudinal a across distributed broadly is .3;RI 0.830; .lanuginosum G. Tuberosa .bohemicum G. .Kuh h te ld nldsall includes clade other The Knuth. R. .libani G. pt i ifrn cesosof accessions different six to Up . and eeetatdadPRapiid but PCR-amplified, and extracted were u h o ubro informative of number low the but , .solanderi G. .lanuginosum G. 5 .Wti hscae w internal two clade, this Within ). and Mediterranea .07 rentson.The shown). not tree 0.9097; Mediterranea .peloponnesiacum G. a oe smsigdata. missing as coded was snts ag,ranging large, so not is ) ohpae nsect. in placed both , .robertianum G. and and 9 9 eaimbohemi- Geranium rs na un- an in arise n f1Swith 18S of end n fte18S the of end .tuberosum G. .bohemicum G. Vlm 32 [Volume lcdin placed sout- as 5 257; G. G. G. L. ) Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. aen nomto bu h usrtsfor substrates the about gracile information no have while rocks, peloponnesiacum acidic on growing caulon elevations. higher at while m. elevations, intermediate 3500 at to 500 from them, Among forests montane or meadows ( areas bouring ( Iraq and ( Greece to endemic annual bohemicum and the G. and Turkey perennials endemic of five where areas Iran, neighbouring and and rocks, Caucasus acidic sites. and burned recently limestone on generally on m, 1800 Both lanuginosum France. and Peninsula 2007] olwdb h otta au rmteM nlssare analysis MP the from branches. probabilities the value on Posterior bootstrap indicated the analysis. by inference followed Bayesian a from hlgntcte Fg )rsle nasingle dispersal a 13 in requiring resulted reconstruction 9) (Fig. optimal tree phylogenetic ru sacmoiefre yalaesof areas all by formed entire composite the for a endemism. area is ancestral The group 10). (Fig. events F h ru ece t ihs iest nthe in diversity highest its reaches group The h igorpi nlssuigDV n the and DIVA using analysis biogeographic The IG. .Mjrt-uecnesste ae n900trees 9,000 on based tree consensus Majority-rule 9. , ,and .kurdicum G. .kurdicum G. rwi oet,fo h e ee to level sea the from forests, in grow .platypetalum G. rw h te he eenasare perennials three other The grow. .libani G. rwo ietn usrts We substrates. limestone on grow .libani G. or .peloponnesiacum G. eaimibericum Geranium .renardii G. and ,adLbnnadneigh- and Lebanon and ), .Te rwo alpine on grow They ). .peloponnesiacum G. .bohemicum G. EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO r sal found usually are . .kurdicum G. .libani G. ,S Turkey SE ), , .gymno- G. and and grows occur G. G. G. rsneo ueoerosok n palmatisect and rootstocks tuberose of presence fteboegahcaayi sefg ) .Western a. Southern 3): c. fig. Europe; (see northern and analysis Central b. biogeographic Mediterranean; the of sect. aknPnnua .Cuau;e eao onan;f. mountains; Lebanon mountains. e. Elburz g. Caucasus; mountains; Kurdistan d. Peninsula; Balkan hticuesqecsfo te pce of subsection species of other phyly from sequences subsect. include analyses molecular that Further paraphyletic. latter the subsect. of species perennial the reticulate unresolved. tuberosum to left its relationship is its species by perennial but other petals, species white a and leaves as characterized tree. well molecular the in together to relationship. related closely this support Morphologically, that morphological any found synapomorphies not have we study, this in gracile. G. between relationship a indicates with relationship its clarify of specimens tional of accession only the gymnocaulon includes the also for which except clade, species, popula- same different the by of tions formed are clades supported bohemicum under of (discussed G. mericarps number blackish sepals, and a monochasial branches with accrescent cymes by dichasial as in supported inflorescences characters, also is morphological subsect. group of distinctive species This a the form within species group annual the that indicate F D h w ancae eovdwt h T data ITS the with resolved clades main two The IG. SUSO ON ISCUSSION Mediterranea 0 igorpi eosrcinof reconstruction Biogeographic 10. Tuberosa oee,aogtecaatr analyzed characters the among However, (subsect. htwsscesul mlfe.Addi- amplified. successfully was that .Aogteprnilseis well species, perennial the Among ). sn IAo h hlgntcte.Areas tree. phylogenetic the on DIVA using .ibericum G. r eddt lcdt h mono- the elucidate to needed are P .platypelalum G. YOEYAND HYLOGENY Tuberosa .gymnocaulon G. Tuberosa .ibericum G. u hyaentplaced not are they but , sicue ihnthe within included is ) Mediterranea tef tews,the Otherwise, itself. eaimrenardii Geranium .platypetalum G. per ob more be to appears B IOGEOGRAPHY r eddto needed are h realso tree The . Mediterranea Geranium rendering , .ibericum G. Geranium and sub- 103 G. is . Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. .Pat perennial Plants 1. annual Plants 1. G after Caucasus. occurred the have around dispersals several could and Mediterranean it western the in but extinction explain, not is to pattern Caucasus This easy the Mediterranean. Eastern to the close in or ranges mountain in located kurdicum by (composed clade taxa this terminal of The area. Caucasus the to assigned are areas. large over spread in in can specialized habitats, and annuals, disturbed autogamous 1967) or 1955, facultative Baker other 1970; several to 1957, angiosperms of endemic (Stebbins groups many perennials in As are areas. are narrower tree, The species area. this geographic remaining large in a across clade spread annuals earliest-diverging the are habitats. drier to adaptation an as times several independently arisen have may leaves 104 ERANIUM h netr ftecnrlsbld ftetree the of subclade central the of ancestors The bohemicum Geranium .Lae ihu eiuaenervation reticulate without Leaves . ape reticulate the 3. Leaves at glabrous petals 3. entire; cotyledons reddish; wi uniformly petals side; Seeds each on notch 2. a with cotyledons mottled; brownish, Seeds 2. yYo18:12). 1984: 1912.—TYPE: Yeo by 107. 53: platypetalum Pflanzenr. Engl., .Pdcl ern nyelnua ar . . . hairs eglandular only bearing Pedicels 4. .Pdcl ern lnua n gadlrhairs eglandular and glandular bearing Pedicels 4. ar ttetop the at hairs and , .Lae o epyplaii rtomi iu/ansgetlength segment sinus/main main [ratio palmatifid deeply not Leaves 5. .Lae epyplaii rtomi iu/ansgetlength segment sinus/main main [ratio palmatifid deeply Leaves 5. .Lae ihsotscnaylbs(ai eodsnsmdl emn l segment sinus/middle second (ratio lobes secondary short with Leaves 8. .Lae ihdee eodr oe rtoscn iu/idesegment sinus/middle second (ratio lobes secondary deeper with Leaves 8. usc.M subsect. .Pdnlswt niaeelnua ar .–. mln n aetegl patent and long mm 0.1–0.3 hairs long eglandular without uncinate long, mm with 0.1–0.3 Peduncles hairs eglandular uncinate with 6. Peduncles 6. .Pdnlswt aetelnua ar 1233148 mln;petal long; mm (1)2.3–3.1(4.8) hair hairs petals eglandular patent long; with mm Peduncles 0.6–1(1.2) hairs 9. eglandular patent with Peduncles 9. T Geranium eilsuulyhairy usually petioles hairs eglandular sparse with or glabrous rtoptlwdhptllength width/petal petal (ratio rtoptlwdhptllength width/petal petal (ratio AXONOMIC .peloponnesiacum G. .Pdnlswt aetelnua ar .–.(.)m og eas(1 petals long; mm 0.4–0.7(0.8) hairs eglandular patent with Peduncles 7. .Pdnlswt aetelnua ar 1212533 mln;petal long; mm (1)2.1–2.5(3.3) hairs eglandular patent with Peduncles 7. 0 anla emn braglr[ai aiu it/emn length width/segment maximum [ratio obtriangular segment leaf Main 10. 0 anla emn hmi rtomxmmwdhsgetlength width/segment maximum [ratio rhombic segment leaf Main 10...... ic.&CA e.(designated Mey. C.A. & Fisch. long h aa agn. margin margin basal basal the the on ciliate side, adaxial the on glabrous ...... efcnrlsgetwt 1)62(9 lobes (14)16–24(39) with segment central leaf lobes (8)9–13(16) with segment central leaf rcels(.).–411.)m egh.. . length mm (8.4)9.6–14.1(18.8) bracteoles length mm (3.2)5.2–6.4(8.2) bracteoles K ...... 1...... EDITERRANEA and YT THE TO EY aa(nulse data), (unpublished taxa T .tbrsm .lbn,G. libani, G. tuberosum, G. REATMENT .lanuginosum G. S r endemics are ) ...... 6 ...... 10 ...... EISOF PECIES .Kuhin Knuth R...... 4 ...... 5 5 YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC which , 0.30–0.45) 0.56–0.86) G ERANIUM ...... 5 ...... G...... 10...... 8 ...... 3...... 9 ...... ihu hc lsyroots. turnip-shaped, fleshy usually thick tuberculate, without not species) Geranium crseto o,3–7-nerved. not, leaf. or accrescent subtending together peduncle the and pedicel overtopping branch; each the at of aggregates top in or solitary 2-flowered, cymules free. stipules cence opposite; or cauline alternate segments; leaves rhombic (3)5–7 with palmatifid, herbaceous. Geranium hairy. to exserted. not anthers, purplish bearing white. claw, sometimes without bluish, emarginate, patent, rnotched. prong. perimeter. or the as and hilum long reddish; as callus, or 1/6–1/4 brownish basal foveolate, to beak, reticulate longitudinal basal lacking rib, apex, at compressed smooth, ...... 5...... S Herbs UBSECTION ac 9 5 1993.—TYPE: 95. 29: Vasc. l rne4 7 1897.—TYPE: Lam. 87. 4: France Fl...... 8...... 6...... namncailo ihsa yewith cyme dichasial or monochasial a in ...... 5...... Fruit nulo perennial. or annual sect. sect. ;ncaisglabrous nectaries x; ...... 7...... Leaves hcla tteae;ncaiswt utof tuft a with nectaries apex; the at ciliae th M fse-jcintp;mericarps type; seed-ejection of Lanuginosa Bohemica EDITERRANEA 5 .108(.);sesadpetioles and stems 0.71–0.84(0.9)]; oyoa notie cordate, outline, in polygonal 5 length lboso ohsds iit on ciliate sides, both on glabrous s ength 04).506(.6] tmand stem (0.49)0.55–0.65(0.76)]; 1.)952.(84 mlong; mm (15.4)19.5–24.9(28.4) s ntebs faailside, abaxial of base the on y aethis9. hairs patent zee nNv yt Pl. Syst. Nov. in Tzvelev .)291.(83 mlong; mm 0.4)12.9–16.9(18.3) 5 5 Stamens oyi oy&Fouc., & Rouy in Rouy nua ar .–. mm 0.4–3.3 hairs andular .503) easbroader petals 0.15–0.35); .400) easnarrow petals 0.04–0.09); 5 5 Rootstock Petals ..2. .... Nectaries (0.58)0.61–0.68(0.74)]; (0.75)0.76–0.79(0.84)]; ...... 2 ...... Stem .bohemicum G...... 3 ...... Cotyledons 0 ohwhorls both 10, .peloponnesiacum G. .lanuginosum G. Sepals aett erect- to patent .4...... 7 ...... rc,leafy, erect, i perennial (in .gymnocaulon G. .platypetalum G. .lanuginosum G. Vlm 32 [Volume lbosor glabrous .bohemicum G. .kurdicum G. .ibericum G. ibericum G. .renardii G. smooth, Inflores- .gracile G. .libani G. entire L. Seeds Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. . mln,adptn,gadlrhis0.4– hairs glandular patent, 1.8– long. and hairs mm 0.1– 0.7 eglandular long, margins patent, mm with 2.6 scarious wide, with mm 0.2 long, mm patent 1.1–3.4 long. and mm 3 long 0.3–0.6 hairs mm 1.6–2.6 glandular margin, patent hairs with long, the mm long, eglandular 0.1–0.3 on cm hairs 0.4–3 eglandular and uncinate pedicels surface adaxially; abaxial glabrous on eglandular usually hairs with linear-lanceolate, 1.4–5.5 mm, bracteoles 0.8 glandu- long; mm patent 0.3–0.6 and hairs long lar mm patent 2–3 long, hairs mm eglandular 0.1–0.3 2- hairs with eglandular cymules long, uncinate cm 1.1–6.8 branches; peduncles solitary; monochasial flowered, with the cyme on and adaxially. surface glabrous abaxial margin, on hairs stipules glandular and and long; mm long, 0.4–1.2 5.8–11.5 mm hairs 1.4–2.7 glandular long, hairs patent mm 0.1–0.3 eglandular long, hairs patent cm eglandular 15 to uncinate petioles with opposite; upper (1–3), nate 2007] uto ar ttetp oslyglabrous. dorsally 4.9–6.1 top, mericarps the long; mm at 29.9 hairs of Gynoecium tuft a length width/petal petal (ratio length/middle- second-sinus length (ratio segment half 7–27-lobed distal base, the in at wide mm 4–11.4 0.70(0.71)], not length maximum reticulate, [ratio width/middle-segment rhombic not 5–7, segments hairs, projected; appressed sometimes (and glandular), eglandular with pilose, length 0.47–0.57), 0.5– length/middle-segment hairs main-sinus 2.2–6.8 glandular lamina patent 1.2– long. and mm hairs 0.8 long eglandular mm patent 2.9 with herbaceous, .G 1. px lcih otu 732. mln,with- long, the mm at 17.3–23.2 long rostrum mm blackish; 0.4–0.8 apex, hairs glandular some and with yellow. 0.7–1.3 pollen anthers yellow; proximal long; mm, the mm 0.6–0.8 0.4–1 on hairs ciliate with side, half, abaxial the on pilose bluish. margin, apical and abaxial Staminal basal the the on on glabrous ciliate side, side, adaxial of hairy base deep), the mm on 0.6–1.9 (notch emarginate patent, Herbs .–. m crset -evd ihmucro with 5-nerved, accrescent, mm, 2.2–6.9 RNU BOHEMICUM ERANIUM ooeoa19:10 IN556 colour 585.69 LINN 11. Fig. 150, slide!). 1998: Novoselova REPUBLIC. Bohemia, CZECH illeg.—TYPE: nom. 1794, caeruleum Geranium 6 aet gadlrhis1224m long, mm 1.2–2.4 hairs eglandular patent, 3 nul 07 mtall. cm 20–73 annual, iaet .–. mln,lanceolate, long, mm 2.8–4.7 filaments .–. m acoae iheglandular with lanceolate, mm, 0.7–2.4 – mln,purplish. long, mm 3–4 aa leaves Basal Petals ilrs.n. Miller 5 3 .502) aln evsalter- leaves cauline 0.15–0.21); .–. m amtfd(ratio palmatifid cm, 3.1–8.8 (5.5)5.8–7.7(11.4) onh ehds 284. Methodus: Moench, lcoye eintdby designated (lectotype: na in . et l I 5 1756. 25. II: Pl. Cent. L., Inflorescence EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO 6 5 Stem essetrosette; persistent .507) erect- 0.55–0.79), 3 5 Sepals Nectaries 3 .–. mm, 1.7–2.9 rc,leafy, erect, (0.59)0.64– dichasial a Fruit .– mm 3.5–9 5.2–12.4 3 with 0.3– 24– 5 3 lr ie ui 40 Kuci, fines ultra yisctldn,wihaenthdo ahside, each on notched are which cotyledons, its by IA aaPl,43 Bara-Pale, 1901, VINA: Apr 53 Minsk, 11 BELORUSSIYA: W). MO, G, (BM, 14 42 monaster, 1939, supra Rila, BULGARIA: (LD). Bbo 99 9.Ufruaey thsbeen supporting has specimens it the examine Unfortunately, to 59). impossible 1949: (Bobrov (Soo Hungary sites, 949), burned 12). (Fig. recently m cum 1800 on and 20 usually between Asia rocks, western acidic of and Picea areas Abies, open Greece), Fagus, Turkey); and N and Spain (Caucasus to land November. 0.3– long, hairs mm 0.8–2.2 lobes. glandular hairy remains 5 patent with stigmatic long; and mm 0.7 0.5– long, eglandular patent, mm with 1.7 apex, narrowed a out hs eod.Adtoa as esle l (1978: Hulte al. 261); et Meusel maps: Additional records. these 60 1;VnLo 94:294). 1984b: Loon Van 315; fig.2);Reichenbach(1841,tab.188);Gams(1924:1697). as long perimeter. as the 1/6 hilum mottled; brownish, reticulate, 41 rbr,47 Friburg, des Pic au Var, 2021 du Villars 43 Quatre-Cantons, de environs Alpes-Maritimes, lrns t oti r aohro,40 Vatochorion, pr. Boutsi, mt. Florinis, ei,Gme,46 Gummer, media, 1981, AEOI:Srn l,42 pl., Strmno MACEDONIA: ne neog 59 Ingeborg, under Forma tinss.n. Steilnes it.Mhdni nslamni arpii,p.Vı pr. Macropriciu, montis 45 silva in Mehedinti, distr. 4 vnea,Sjo Svennevad, 1948, 42 Jun Fornillo, W, del barranco Galende, 46 Ribadelago, Millerovo, Rostov, RUSSIA: Z). 30 W, S, O, MAF, jlmr s.n. Kjellmert ui osa iudg,40 Giaurdagh, Tossia, buli, 46 Pensec, et 1879, Vercorin entre viers, UOLVA otngo mEo oa,42 Rozaj, of E 11 km 8 Montenegro, YUGOSLAVIA: 44 Tauria, 4863 Sintenis 9 9 u u u 9 9 Discussion. Examined. Specimens Representative itiuinadHabitat. and Distribution Phenology. Number. Chromosome Illustrations. Additional ,4Ag1937, Aug 4 E, ,12 N, ,1 e 1972, Sep 10 E, 18 9 ,2 u 1939, Jun 20 E, 40 ´ F P,Z.GOGA ausaaolt,41 oblats, Batumskaya GEORGIA: Z). MPU, (F, 9 a enrcre rmAsra(ace 1959: (Janchen Austria from recorded been has idegs.n. Lindberg unts.n. Burnat e s.n. nek 9 ti l 18843 al. & Strid 9 ,21 N, ,22 N, ,1911, E, u u 52 C.PLN:Balw rdizi 49 Grodziszki, Braslaw, POLAND: (C). u ´ 34 9 u u n re 18:633). (1986: Fries and n M) WTELN:Vli,valle Valais, SWITZERLAND: (MA). 59 P) OWY ukrd igrk,Stubal, Ringerike, Buskerud, NORWAY: (PR). B,F,G E D ,P,S ) UKRAINA: Z). S, PR, P, LD, JE, G, FI, (BM, ,(B) ILN:AoSagr,Vijshront, Skargard, Abo FINLAND: (HBG). E, oterts.n. Montserrat ¨ 21 9 36 ud,59 lunda, odiosis.n. Bordzilowski 9 ,34 N, 9 F) UKY ahgna iae Kastam- Wilajet Paphagonia, TURKEY: (FI). 9 Cotyledons ,1 u 1948, Jul 17 E, H D.CEHRPBI:Crsa,50 Carlsbad, REPUBLIC: CZECH LD). (H, ,7 N, lwrn pcmn rmArlto April from specimens Flowering ooo 4388 Woronow ,4Jl1967, Jul 4 E, u eaimbohemicum Geranium u u uknn8616 Kukkonen akwk s.n. Dabkowska u 52 39 58 u 48 ulukns.n. Nurljuskin u 9 or Seeds 9 u ´ 9 30 ,9 N, 9 11 ,20 N, u ,7 N, B ) TL:Trlameridionali Tirolia ITALY: G). (B, 50 ,18 N, 9 96 8) n atcstates Baltic and 580), 1966: Pinus 2 9 9 9 ,11 N, u u ,3 u 1906, Jun 31 E, u ,15 N, 52 2.8–4.4 ,Jl19 MU.GREECE: (MPU). 1891 Jul E, C ,M) WDN Na SWEDEN: MA). G, (C, u 54 ihantho ahside. each on notch a with 4 u u 49 9 2 9 33 9 oai s.n. Morariu ,2 u 1988, Aug 28 E, n 0 aails(77 a.81 tab. (1787, Cavanilles ,2 u 1909, Jun 29 E, L) BOSNIA-HERZEGO- (LE). oet nlmsoeor limestone on forest, 9 u asns.n. Hansen ,33 N, 9 L) EMN:Baden, GERMANY: (LE). 9 u H PR). (H, u ,2 u 1900, Jul 25 E, 5 F.RMNA Oltenia, ROMANIA: (F). ,20 N, ,2 u 1907, Aug 25 E, 30 23 15 L) PI:Zamora, SPAIN: (LE). uoe(rmFin- (from Europe 3 9 8(alrn1952: (Dahlgren 28 9 9 u u ,7Ag1950, Aug 7 E, E, eaimbohemi- Geranium ,7 N, 42 .– m finely mm, 1.5–2 u 53 LAI:Greca ALBANIA: 9 51 u mrs s.n. Ambrosi u 9 ,21 N, srecognised is u 54 C ,H E M, JE, H, G, (C, ug s.n. Junge 8 9 ,2 u 1892, Jul 29 E, C.FRANCE: (C). 9 32 9 u ,Ag1899, Aug E, ,23 N, nesjn& Engelskjon ,27 N, rqe al. & Briquet 9 6 u u u u adc 211 Baldaci 9 ´ ,1 Aug 10 E, 52 Quercus 39 d’Anni- e 8 42 ˆ ,6 N, rciorova, ays.n. Maly 9 u 9 9 9 u ,9Jul 9 E, u ,20 N, ,40 N, 38 ,19 N, 21 34 Go (LE). ¨ u 105 9 rke, ¨ 9 (E). 9 40 sta N, E, E, u u u u 9 , Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. 122;k-m: 213282); iaet .Fut –.Mrcr;j Seed. c: j. b, Mericarp; 359961); h–i. Fruit; g. filament; 106 F IG. 11. eaimbohemicum Geranium eo2440 Aedo oterts.n. Montserrat M-385;d ,f: e, d, (MA-534865); B 94) n: 99741); (BC .a ai;b oyeos .Idmnu ftepdnl;d ea;e Peta e. Sepal; d. peduncle; the of Indumentum c. Cotyledons; b. Habit; a. L. .lanuginosum G. ots&a.1115 al. & Fontes Sese ´ 198.1312 YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC a.k oyeos .La;m ea;n ed [a: Seed. n. Petal; m. Leaf; l. Cotyledons; k. Lam. JC-322;g: (JACA-131292); (LISE-17735)]. oterts.n. Montserrat M-542;h–j: (MA-252442); oterts.n. Montserrat Lo Vlm 32 [Volume ´ ;f Staminal f. l; e s.n. pez (MA- (MA- Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. aua oetfrsta a cu fe ogtime long after occur may that fires forest natural Thus, labels. species be herbarium bohemicum can This many as from fires, germinate. forest confirmed easily after suddenly time not appears often heat, do long to subjected seeds over not If the viable years). 129 remain least (at periods seeds perennial the the (1994), in is as remains glabrous, stigmatic of the species. of instead side hairy abaxial rostra, the the in and are apices fruits narrowed The without section. shorter, also the than of gymnoecia species perennials and the anthers, petals, blackish filaments, shorter and staminal have they branches, Additionally, dichasial monochasial mericarps. in with inflorescence cyme sepals, accrescent with remaining subsect. the of in present species not states in character some than of longer hairs are eglandular pedicels the lanuginosum and and lower), peduncles are length/middle-segment length second-sinus length/middle-segment and main-sinus length, the ratios at (the in ciliae Additionally, nectaries. bohemicum without uniformly glabrous and petals cotyledons, apex, its entire seeds, has and considered reddish species been margin, usually latter to apical has related the petals It closely its nectaries. on areas, hairy clearer ciliae with with seeds brownish its 2007] as hscudprilyepanisscattered its some in explain disappearance localities. temporal partially and could distribution This lags. and F codn oDhge 15)adMilberg and (1952) Dahlgren to According bohemicum Geranium IG. .lanuginosum G. 2 rao itiuinof distribution of Area 12. em ob elaatdt occasional to adapted well be to seems h evsaenta epydivided deeply as not are leaves the . (triangles). Mediterranea lanuginosum G. hrswith shares eaimbohemicum Geranium EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO ohaeannuals, are Both . oee,the However, . .lanuginosum G. (dots) G. G. G. eaimperreymondii Geranium eaimbohemicum Geranium .G 2. ebcos ihptn gadlrhis1.2– hairs eglandular patent with herbaceous, . mln n aetgadlrhis0.2– hairs glandular patent long. and mm 0.9 long mm 2.1 ntemri,garu adaxially. glabrous margin, and the surface abaxial on on hairs eglandular stipules with lobed, long; mm 0.3–0.7 5.3–13.9 hairs and long glandular mm mm 0.1–0.3 1.1–2.2 patent hairs hairs eglandular cm patent eglandular 20 long, to uncinate petioles with opposite; long, upper (1–3), alternate maxi- length [ratio reticulate, width/middle-segment rhombic mum 5–7, not segments hairs, projected; eglandular not glandular) appressed, sometimes with (and pilose, length 0.58–0.68), length/middle-segment main-sinus 3.2–8.6 lamina rtoptlwdhptllength width/petal petal 0.6– (ratio hairs hairs long. glandular mm eglandular patent, 1 and margins patent, long, scarious mm with 0.9–3.3 with wide, long, mm 0.1–0.2 mm 0.9–2.5 mucro long. mm 0.4–0.7 9.9 hairs and long, glandular mm mm 0.1–0.3 patent 0.2–1.6 hairs hairs cm eglandular the 0.3–2.4 eglandular patent long, uncinate on pedicels with and adaxially; long, surface glabrous abaxial margin, on hairs eglandular bracteoles long; mm 1.8–4.7 and 0.4–0.6 long hairs mm mm glandular 0.1–0.3 0.3–1.9 patent hairs cm hairs eglandular 0.4–5.9 patent eglandular long, peduncles uncinate with solitary; long, cym- 2-flowered, branches; monochasial ules with cyme dichasial length/ second-sinus 10–18- (ratio base, half length the middle-segment distal at in wide lobed mm 3.3–8.1 0.75(0.76)], Herbs RNU LANUGINOSUM ERANIUM d !.Fg 11. ALGERIA. Fig. P!). 1974.—TYPE: ed, 81. 38: Numidie, Nat. Hist. Bolo O. (Lam.) 1788. 95—YE WDN dEvkprope Ekvik 765. Ad 7: Segersga Isles SWEDEN. Brit. Club 1A, 1925.—TYPE: Exch. fig. Soc. Bot. 411, Lindm., 10: 1916. Tidskr. 2b. Bot. Svensk Almq., Z!). G! FI! 139. isoneotypes: 1880: Prov. 1873, Hort. Collobrie Bot. FRANCE. 1880.—TYPE: Soc. Bull. Roux, o.Tdk.1:2fg 1A). fig. 2 10: Tidskr. Bot. s.n. quist 3 .–. m crset -evd with 5-nerved, accrescent, mm, 1.9–5.4 3 3 nul 96 mtall. cm 29–61 annual, uts.n. Huet eaimbohemicum Geranium –. m ierlnelt,sometimes linear-lanceolate, mm, 1–2.1 .–. m ierlnelt,with linear-lanceolate, mm, 0.4–0.9 ¨ Petals d aoca ot Smolandiae, Lofta paroeciae rde aa leaves Basal lcoye eedsgae,Svensk designated, here (lectotype: eaimdeprehensum Geranium orts.n. Poiret 3 ` noye eedsgae,BC!; designated, here (neotype: io ul.Is.Catalana Inst. Butll. Vigo, & s (5.4)6.3–6.9(8.3) .–05c,plaii (ratio palmatifid cm, 3.8–10.5 htlwrh&He nH. in Huet & Shuttleworth subsp. 5 lcoye eedesignat- here (lectotype: na in .103) aln leaves cauline 0.21–0.36); a. nyl :655. 2: Encycl. Lam., 6 depraehensum subsp. 5 Stem essetrosette; persistent .207) erect- 0.52–0.74), Inflorescence 3 5 EG Almq.) (E.G. ` e,1 May 14 res, lanuginosum rc,leafy, erect, .–. mm 3.1–6.1 (0.66)0.68– Sepals Alm- E.G. 107 5– in 5 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. 108 ilvleog,41 Villavallelonga, Pindi s.n. m. Heldreich inferiori Koro regione monasterium in circa Agrapha, Thessalia, GREECE: 42 Casta, 54 s.n. oelt,uiomyrdih iu / sln as long perimeter. as 1/6 the hilum reddish; uniformly foveolate, its of 0.6–1.1 anthers all long; on 3 mm ciliate 0.5–1.3 side, hairs with abaxial length, margin, the basal on pilose the late, on ciliate sides, gla- bluish. both deep), on mm 0.4–1.2 brous (notch emarginate patent, and adga epo ot ibro 40 Limbardo, Monte Tempio, Sardegna, 36 d’Azazga, Tamgout hsrcr.Adtoa as esle l (1978: al. et been Meusel Hulte supporting 261); maps: has specimen Additional it the record. but this examine 209), m to 1600 1992: impossible (Qosja and recently Albania level from on sea usually 12). between (Fig. rocks, sites, acidic burned or limestone of open Sweden); areas in (introduced Africa northwestern September. 2 281); 1984b: 142). 1938: Loon Van 316; 292). (1901: long, 0.5– mm lobes. hairs 1–1.8 hairy remains glandular 5 stigmatic with patent long; and mm 0.8 0.2– long, eglandular patent, mm with with- 0.9 apex, long, the narrowed mm a at 12.1–20.5 out long rostrum mm blackish; 0.4–0.9 apex, hairs glandular some and with 4.1–5.5 mericarps long; mm 18–29.5 glabrous. tat iao eaa 34 Ketama, 37 rifano, Atlante Cerro, di 13 Gungo N, Godrano, Ficuzza, Palermo, Sicilia, 1882, May WDN mln,Lfa ki,p.vla eesad,57 Segersgarde, villam 51 pr. Ekvik, Lofta, Smaland, SWEDEN: 41 Varzea, da ponte da prox. Cabril, do vale s.n. aku,41 Lazkeuy, s.n. Murbeck Aı TUNISIA: 37 1945, Jun 15 aiodlCreo,e aSer ioa,sbeMataro sobre Litoral, Sierra la en Corredor, del Macizo 9 9 9 Discussion. Examined. Specimens Representative itiuinadHabitat. and Distribution Phenology. Number. Chromosome Illustrations. Additional ,16 N, MU.FAC:ApsMrtms rse 43 Grasse, Maritimes, Alpes FRANCE: (MPU). ,1 u 1923, Jun 19 E, .–. m elw olnyellow. pollen yellow; mm, 0.4–0.9 ,2 N, MU.PRUA:Mno ot aBra Lindoso, Barca, da Ponte Minho, PORTUGAL: (MPU). .bohemicum G. u 6 25 u u Staminal u 9 aet gadlrhis1528m long, mm 1.5–2.8 hairs eglandular patent, 32 eeco 253 Reverchon 28 40 eaimlanuginosum Geranium ,1 u 1960, Jun 11 E, atna Corylus Castanea, Gynoecium u ´ 9 ¨ L) UKY osatnpe udsosde dessous au Constantinople, TURKEY: (LD). n re 18:634). (1986: Fries and n 9 6 9 -rhm 36 n-Draham, ,1 u 1926, Jun 19 E, ots&a.1115 al. & Fontes E E D ) TL:Arzo Acquaro, Abruzzo, ITALY: W). LD, JE, (E, 9 ,5Dc1951, Dec 5 E, ,9 N, ,28 N, Cotyledons lwrn pcmn rmMrhto March from specimens Flowering ifrne between Differences u u iaet .– mln,lanceo- long, mm 3.1–4 filaments 52 Rodie u 12 r drse ntediscussion the in addressed are 9 u 54 ´ a 39 na, ,13 N, 9 43 .– mln,purplish. long, mm 3.1–4 ´ B,B,EJ,K D P,P,Z); PR, MPU, LD, K, E,JE, BR, (BM, 9 Seeds u ,1 u 1956, Jul 16 E, ,1 u 1893, Jun 11 E, s.n. 9 54 u eebr 11660 Segelberg ,4 E, 9 lqit1112 Almquist u 45 u entire. ,4 N, MU;Cre m2 van 2W km 3 Corse, (MPU); 2 37 18 oterts.n. Montserrat 9 u n 2.5–3.4 LS) PI:Barcelona, SPAIN: (LISE). 9 or 9 21 ,8 N, u 5 ,21 N, otenErp and Europe Southern ,1 1904, 11 E, 33 9 n ir n Paoletti and Fiori ,2 a 1952, May 21 E, Quercus 8(alrn1952: (Dahlgren 48 9 a enrecorded been has u ,1 u 1929, Jun 15 W, 5 u u 45 zaor503b Aznavour 47 ea 289 Segal 51 3 LEI:Alger, ALGERIA: .lanuginosum G. 3 9 u 2 (Warburg 42? B,C ,G H). G, F, C, (BM, S.MOROCCO: (S). 9 9 51 ,8Jn1903, Jun 8 E, ,2 u 1895, Jun 20 E, .–. mm, 1.3–2.1 .–. mm, 1.5–2.6 ,9 N, ir s.n. Fiori 9 BN MA). (BCN, ,8 N, oet on forest, u Nectaries u YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC 40 9 u (WAG). 9 9 11 Faurel Fruit Maire ´ ,16 E, ,6 N, u ,41 9 (FI); (G). 51 W, u u u 9 .400) aln evsopst 23pairs); (2–3 opposite leaves cauline length 0.04–0.09); (ratio length/middle-segment half distal in second-sinus (14)20–23(34)-lobed base, the at width/middle-segment (3)5, length maximum segments [ratio projected; eglandular not rhombic appressed, reticulate, not with hairs, pilose, 0.69–0.78), length length/middle-segment main-sinus (ratio eglandular 3.3–13.1 lamina retrorse rosette; long. to mm 0.3–1.7 patent hairs with herbaceous, diam, mm 9.7 trilobum Geranium gracile Geranium lnua ar ntemrcr r etitdto in restricted as are well as mericarp apex the the that on note to hairs interesting is glandular It species. latter the under na lutain tsol eidctdthat (labelled indicated Almquist be ‘‘ by as himself should by later It collected illustration. specimens an on depraehensum (1847) Godron’s the to of reference description by 1880) (Roux renardii G. rne u hr sn vdneo sympatric G 3. of evidence no is there populations. southern but and species Peninsula France, both Iberian the of in only ranges overlap The features. germination ed r iia otoeof those to similar are seeds lanuginosum be then must which neotype. a type, be has to (1880) as considered Roux selected by mentioned been traced. specimen been a has specimens Thus, the those of among Unfortu- one (1847). not selected nately, Godron be by should mentioned type specimens the 7.7), (art. Herbs eaimperreymondii Geranium codn oDhge (1952), Dahlgren to According of material original no Since RNU GRACILE ERANIUM i,m wr,1894, Kwira, m. lia, Mingre- GEORGIA. 1895.—TYPE: 45. Colchic.: lcoye eedsgae,LE!). in designated, 1836, here et Imeretia), (lectotype: (in Radscha Nakarala In monte GEORGIA. 1867.—TYPE: 1800; var. Thunb. non illeg., nom. located). material LE!; 155, 13. 1998: Fig. H!). Novoselova isolectotype: by designated eig Hirtscha, dem Gebirge auf Awhasien, GEORGIA. Saint-Pe 1837.—TYPE: Sci. Imp. Acad. 5 trilobum eena,1–0c al ottc 5.1– Rootstock tall. cm 19–80 perennial, . 04).405(.0] .–67m wide mm 6.7–26.7 (0.48)0.54–0.57(0.70)], . a oae,ti aewstypified was name this located, was .bohemicum G. depraehensum var. 6 K oh os. l ret :876. 1: Orient. Fl. Boiss., Koch) (K. .Kc,Lnaa1:76 1841, 716. 15: Linnaea Koch, K. horizontal. glabriusculum ee.i od. ul Sci. Bull. Nordm., in Ledeb. .bohemicum G. aa leaves Basal odans.n. Nordmann 3 a ail published validly was lo s.n. Albov codn oteCode the to According . .–01c,palmatifid cm, 4.5–20.1 ’ r unequivocally are ’’) ´ esor (0:314. 2(20): tersbourg .bohemicum G. Stem .bohemicum G. lo,Por Fl. Prodr. Albov, eaimgracile Geranium .lanuginosum G. , nadeciduous a in .gracile G. rc,leafy, erect, n original (no Vlm 32 [Volume (lectotype: oh970 Koch subsp. and , G. in 5 5 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. eilst 75c og ihptn oretrorse to patent with long, cm 27.5 to petioles 2007] ohsrae n ntemargin. the on and surfaces both 6.7–20.2 stipules 3 long; mm 0.5–1.6 hairs eglandular h eie;f lwr .Spl .Ptl –.Saia iaet;k Fru k. filaments; Staminal i–j. Petal; h. Sepal; g. Flower; f. pedicel; the M) b: (MA); F .–. m acoae ihelnua ar on hairs eglandular with lanceolate, mm, 1.6–4.4 IG. 13. Scho eaimgracile Geranium ¨ setr&Tishs.n., Tribsch & nswetter ee.a ai;b nlrsec;c rcels .Idmnu fteped the of Indumentum d. Bracteoles; c. Inflorescence; b. Habit; a. Ledeb. EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO 5Jl 97(U;g k–m: g, (WU); 1997 July 15 Inflorescence in .–. mln n aetgadlrhis0.2– hairs glandular patent and long hairs eglandular mm patent 0.5–1.1 egland- long, mm uncinate 0.1–0.3 with hairs ular long, solitary; cm 2.4–8.4 2-flowered, peduncles cymules cyme; monochasial oe 1292 Tobey t .Mrcr;m ed[,cf h–j: c–f, [a, Seed m. Mericarp; l. it; (E)]. nl;e nuetmof Indumentum e. uncle; Valca ´ cl&a.370VV01 al. & rcel 109 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. i,Gduy r au iz,43 Ritza, lacum pr. Gudauty, zia, aet gadlrhis1229m og and long. mm long, 0.3–0.65 mm (13.6)17.7–20.5(27.3) hairs 1.2–2.9 glandular hairs patent, with wide, eglandular mm patent, 0.07–0.2 0.2– margins scarious long, hairs mm with 1–2.6 mucro glandular with 3–5-nerved, patent accrescent, long. and 1.5– mm 0.5 long, pedicels margin; mm 0.3 the with long, on cm 3.8 and surfaces on hairs both eglandular (2.5)3.5–4.3(6.1) with linear-lanceolate, bracteoles mm, 3.5 long; mm 0.5 110 ue o rsn nohrseiso subsect. of species other in present Mediterranea not tures e,Cuau,adnrhr rn oet of forests Iran; Picea northern and Caucasus, key, October. (1996). Mobayen perimeter. the as long as 1/4 lobes. glabrous 5 patent 3.3 with long, and remains mm stigmatic 1.9–3.6 long, long; mm 0.3–0.7 mm hairs 0.1–1.9 with glandular with hairs long, long, mm eglandular mm 1.8–4.4 22–35 apex the narrowed at rostrum a long mm brownish; 0.1–0.5 apex, hairs glandular some and 3.7–5.9 mericarps with long; mm 44.3 1.1–2.1 yellow. anthers Gynoecium pollen yellow; long; with mm, half, 1.3 mm proximal 0.1–1.7 the on on hairs ciliate pilose purplish. side, lanceolate, abaxial margin, long, the basal mm side, 7.8–11.9 abaxial the filaments the on on glabrous the ciliate side, on adaxial hairy of deep), base mm 0.8–4.2 (notch emarginate length width/petal 1Jn1975, Jun 21 s.n. ewe 0 n 30m(i.1) diinlmap: 4). Additional map 14). (1962, (Fig. Grossheim m 2360 and 700 between 51 36 Rudbar, of Damesh-east above mountain 1923, Jul 42 Okhachkuye, 3219 Kolakovsky ah,36 Dasht, UKY rei ucc,Spkrah drpsSzadagh- ripas 39 Szadagh, ad pr. Sipikordagh, tschai turcica, Armenia TURKEY: 2514b Hamsiko 37 N, 1969, Jul u Discussion. Examined. Specimens Representative itiuinadHabitat. and Distribution Phenology. Number. Chromosome Illustrations. Additional M) ils oi r auin,41 Bakuriani, pr. Gori, Tiflis, (MA); 18 3 u L) ieu,3k OKu SO km 3 Giresun, (LD); 9 6 58 or .–. m ieyrtclt,rdih hilum reddish; reticulate, finely mm, 1.5–2.1 ,3 a 1938, May 31 E, ¨ ,40 y, ogr69-27-24b Sorger u 9 aetelnua ar .–. mlong, mm 0.5–1.2 hairs eglandular patent olwk 188 Kozlowsky 34 ,1 u 1965, Jul 14 E, Abies edlo&Aa18170 Ala & Wendelbo 9 .–08m og purplish. long, mm 7.8–10.8 u ,51 N, hstxnuulyhsmr than more has usually taxon This . 41 u 9 C ,KA ,W A;Smgea M. Samegrela, WA); W, S, KRA, H, (C, rsrbadwith scrubland or , 46 lwrn pcmn rmMyto May from specimens Flowering Sepals ,39 N, eaimgracile Geranium u 9 ,41 N, 15 6 u 52 9 u niaeelnua ar 0.1– hairs eglandular uncinate ,3 a 1938, May 30 E, ab 1454 Gauba 28 9 L,L,P,S ) RN Gilan, IRAN: Z). S, PR, LE, (LD, 3 W;Od,blwCmai 40 Cambasi, below Ordu, (W); oe 1292 Tobey u 5 ,39 N, 6.2–8.3 9 55 ,2 u 1972, Aug 23 E, .–06m rtopetal (ratio mm 5.4–10.6 9 .004) erect-patent, 0.30–0.45), ,7Ag1959, Aug 7 E, Unknown. u ¨ u bt 40 mbet, 35 E ) advn 36 Kandavan, W); (E, 27 rshi 16:13); (1962: Grossheim 9 Cotyledons 9 3 B;Mznea,Kalar Mazanderan, (B); ,1 u 1890, Aug 19 E, E;Tazn mSof S km 2 Trabzon, (E); ,40 N, otesenTur- Northeastern Nectaries u hw oefea- some shows .–. m not mm, 2.5–4.7 ab 1225-b K Gauba 45 u ERI:Abcha- GEORGIA: u 3 33 u 9 32 Rhododendron oia19724 Uotila 48 ,43 N, 9 9 euai al. & Kemularia .–. mm, 1.8–2.4 ,38 N, 9 ,4Sp1936, Sep 4 E, Fruit ,49 N, entire. Seeds glabrous. 6 u Staminal YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC 3 u 33 3 patent Sintenis 25 Fagus, u Petals 9 u 29.7– 22 9 ,11 E, 8 0.6– 0.5– 2.8– u (W). (H). 9 ,7 E, 9 39 N, 6 E, 9 , ae rjce nteaailsd,sne adaxi- sunken side, abaxial the on beneath, projected sericeous late, and above with pilose 0.26–0.59), length length/middle-segment main-sinus (ratio 2.3–7.2 eglandular lamina retrorse rosette; long. to mm 0.3–0.8 patent hairs with herbaceous, diam, mm 14.2 yue r oiay(o nageae ttetop the the the and at stem, aggregates cyme, in the (not monochasial solitary on are a leaves cymules is opposite of inflorescence pair one pce.Kuh(92 includes be (1912) both could of Knuth habitat similarity forestry species. analogous this the with that related Yeo and suggested rhombic divisions. base, secondary (2002) the marked divided near deeply have part less with wider species the with both segments, form. of leaf in Leaves particularly and appearance flower inflores- in the on hairs glandular cence. of presence perennial the platypetalum the G. Among peloponnesiacum, the group. are the petals species, its of Additionally, narrowest branches). the of nodosum .G 4. approaches unequivocally gracile G. structure fruit that fact Herbs Superficially, RNU RENARDII ERANIUM nt 92 1,L! slcoye:B!G! BM! isolectotypes: 15. LE!; Fig. H!). 110, 1912: Knuth 215 Brotherus V.F. 1881, & July 16 Liachva, Didi Brutsabseli, fl. alpe ad in 1882.— Ossetia, 5. Nov.: GEORGIA. Pl. TYPE: Decas Winkl., C. & Maxim. 6 F IG. aetelnua ar,nrainreticu- nervation hairs, eglandular patent eena,1–5c al ottc 7.6– Rootstock tall. cm 14–35 perennial, nsect. in .gracile G. 4 rao itiuinof distribution of Area 14. fsubsect. of .gracile G. Striata 6 horizontal. hrswith shares Mediterranea aa leaves Basal ruv nTat. Regel, Trautv., in Trautv. .Kuh vrokn the overlooking Knuth, R. 3 ssmlrto similar is lcoye eintdby designated (lectotype: .–. m palmatifid cm, 2.6–8.5 Stem and , .gracile G. eaimgracile Geranium . na in .ibericum G. ..Brotherus A.H. .nodosum G. 6 rc,leafy, erect, Vlm 32 [Volume .renardii G. persistent and . , G. G. L. 5 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. 2007] .Batoe;f nuetmo h eie;g lwrwtotptl n s and [a–j: petals without Seed Flower m. g. Mericarp; pedicel; the l. of Indumentum f. Bracteoles; e. F IG. 15. eaimrenardii Geranium uc s.n., Busch ruv .Hbt .La;c ealo h efaailsd;d ealo th of Detail d. side; adaxial leaf the of Detail c. Leaf; b. Habit; a. Trautv. EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO a 97(E;k–m: (LE); 1907 May uc 775 Busch (LE)]. pl;h ea;i ea;j tmnlflmns .Fruit; k. filaments; Staminal j. Petal; i. Sepal; h. epals; efaailside; abaxial leaf e 111 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. 30m(i.1) diinlmp Grossheim map: Additional 8). map 16). (1962, (Fig. m 3300 lwrd oiayo nageae ttetpof top the at aggregates in or solitary the flowered, on and surfaces both margin. on hairs eglandular with acss liemaoso culn with scrubland or meadows Rhododendron alpine Caucasus; August. 38). photograph (2002, Yeo 15); (1962: Grossheim perimeter. long the as 1/4 as hilum reddish; reticulate, finely mm, 2.1 0.3– hairs glandular long. patent, mm usually 0.9 and long, mm with 0.1–0.2 wide, margins scarious patent with long, mm mucro usually 0.6–1.4 with 5–7-nerved, accrescent, and not mm, long. 3.2–5.1 long, mm 0.2–0.9 mm hairs 0.6–1.5 glandular uncinate hairs eglandu- patent with long, lar mm long, 0.1–0.3 hairs cm the eglandular 0.6–2.3 on and pedicels surfaces both margin; on hairs eglandular rarely with and bracteoles long; (3.4)4.7–6.1(10.4) mm long, 0.2–0.4 hairs mm glandular 0.4–1.2 patent, patent hairs with long, mm long, eglandular 0.1–0.3 cm hairs (0)0.5–6.2 eglandular uncinate peduncles branch; each og ih5garu lobes. mm 1.4–3.1 glabrous 5 remains with stigmatic long, long; hairs glandular mm patent 0.3–0.7 rarely and long, mm 0.5–2.4 the with on white veins. margin, glabrous basal violet side, the on abaxial ciliate of deep), side, adaxial base mm the 1–5.5 on (notch hairy length emarginate width/petal patent, petal 0.73), (ratio mm 14.8 mm 0.3–0.6 hairs 6.2–11.1 with eglandular stipules long, retrorse cm long; 22 to to petioles patent opposite; leaves line ar .–. mln tteae,brownish; apex narrowed with apex, a long, the with mm 3.4–5.2 long, at mm 15.9–26 long glandular rostrum scattered mm 0.4–0.8 sometimes and hairs long, mm 1.8 with mm, 2.8 Fruit anthers long; taries mm 1–2.8 hairs the 1.9–3.3 on with ciliate half, side, abaxial proximal the on pilose lanceolate, second-sinus (ratio (12)16– half base, length distal the length/middle-segment at in wide 21(29)-lobed mm 5.6–23 0.77(0.80)], length width/middle-segment 5–7, segments ally; 112 itiuinadHabitat. and Distribution Phenology. Number. Chromosome Illustrations. Additional glabrous. 33. mln;mrcrs5–6.6 mericarps long; mm 23–34.5 3 Inflorescence .–. m elw olnyellow. pollen yellow; mm, 0.8–1.3 6 Staminal aetelnua ar 03134mm (0.3)1–3.4 hairs eglandular patent and Gynoecium lwrn pcmn rmMyto May from specimens Flowering Petals 6 Cotyledons 3 6 aetelnua ar 0.8– hairs eglandular patent Juniperus .–. m linear-lanceolate, mm, 0.7–1.9 ndcailcm;cmls2- cymules cyme; dichasial in braglr[ai maximum [ratio obtriangular iaet .–29m long, mm 7.2–12.9 filaments (15.1)16.8–20.3(23) 6 3 .–. mln,pinkish. long, mm 5.8–9.9 Unknown. aetelnua hairs eglandular patent .–. m lanceolate, mm, 1.3–4.2 entire. orv(99 lt 1); plate (1949, Bobrov ewe 00and 2000 between , etr n central and Western Seeds 5 Sepals .702) cau- 0.07–0.20); 5 3–3.6 (0.65)0.70– 7.4–10.9 YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC 5 3 3 3 0.57– Nec- 1.4– 10– 2– 3 u,G eoonsau,G iai .gymnocaulon G. libani, G. and peloponnesiacum, G. of lum, species type following subsect. the This of with shared umbels. is resembling inflorescence of top branches, the at the peduncles) without or short (some- fork. with aggregates main times in the usually are at cymules cymule Terminal pedunculate long a with them. between surface on sunken patent, the both and a is nerves which with the beneath on covered (mainly indumentum densely side sericeous and abaxial the nerves), on the pilose but lamina have leaf green the The is adaxially. They on sunken projected and state. side, nervation abaxial reticulate vegetative noticeable in a even guished permitting distinctive, i nvlefuii lushifajgmKuhr 43 Klukhor, jugum infra Kliutseh fluminis valle in sia ie n ntebslmri,bti exceptional in but margin, abaxial basal of the peduncles. base on the on and on hairy side, observed are Petals present. be hairs eglandular are in only can specimens and some in cases sepals, However, and few pedicels a to restricted usually renardii 41 M) ie hraa rgi ilg aukei 42 Bakurkhevi, village Aragvi, Chernaya, river (MA); 42 Tsckhra?ya, riv. part ndciiu utoocdnaiu otsCee,43 Cheget, montis austro-occidentalibus declivibus in 42 1958, Fidar-khokh, mount Ermani, 44 i .Mli aiaa 43 Jatipara, zapoved- Malaia g. Teberdinskiy nik Kavkaz, Zapadnuiy Cherkasskaiya, 41 4Jl1974, 43 Jul pereval, 14 Cucjurskiy sapovedni, gos. kiy s.n. u u u h nlrsec sdcooosybranched dichotomously is inflorescence The ersnaieSeiesExamined. Specimens Representative h nuetmsossm aiblt in variability some shows indumentum The Discussion. 52 M,MU;Sarpl tvoovkjka. Teberdins- kray., Stavropolvskij Stavropol, MPU); (MA, 47 16 .kurdicum) G. ohn s.n. Gochina 9 F 9 7Ag1890, Aug 27 , 9 IG. ,2 u 1973, Jul 20 E, nteifoecne lnua ar are hairs glandular inflorescence, the On . ,1 u 1978, Aug 15 E, 6 rao itiuinof distribution of Area 16. ardn&Krmns.n. Kirjman & Makridin eierna(.ieiu,G platypeta- G. ibericum, (G. Mediterranea L) USA aadn-akra Baksan, Kabardino-Balkaria, RUSSIA: (LE). h evso hsseisare species this of leaves The . ome eirs.n. Levier & Sommier u 30 u eisys.n. Menitsky 22 9 ,43 Vasa 9 .renardii G. ,41 N, u ´ 0,2 u 1966, Jul 22 30’, s.n. k u 28 u (G). 9 42 ,44 N, eaimrenardii Geranium 9 W) Karachayevo- (WU); L) ot Ossetia, South (LE); ,2Jl1963, Jul 2 E, ERI:Abkha- GEORGIA: u F) ah,upper Racha, (FI); u 22 ob distin- be to 14 9 Vlm 32 [Volume ,41 N, andes.n. Gagnidze 9 ,2 Aug 25 E, u u u u Pavlov 28 14 28 42 . 9 9 9 9 G. N, N, N, E, , Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. eaimibericum Geranium montanum Geranium eaimjubatum Geranium ibericum Geranium ibericum Geranium .G 5. margin, entire notch. the the all to present base the be from can they cases, 2007] .303) aln evsopst;ptoe to petioles opposite; leaves (ratio cauline half length 0.23–0.35); distal length/middle-segment the in second-sinus at (14)16–24(39)-lobed wide base, mm length 5.4–13.7 [ratio rhombic (0.58)0.61–0.68(0.74)], width/middle-segment 5–7, segments maximum projected; reticu- not not nervation late, hairs, glandular) (and eglandular sometimes appressed, with pilose, 0.50–0.68), length length/middle-segment main-sinus (ratio hairs 4.7–8.6 glandular lamina rosette; patent long. 0.2– rarely, mm hairs and, 0.3–0.4 long eglandular mm patent 3.6 with herbaceous, diam, mm 11.5 mln n,rrl,ptn lnua hairs glandular 0.2– patent 6.6–17.1 hairs stipules rarely, long; eglandular and, mm 0.2–0.3 patent long with mm 3 long, cm 25 Herbs RNU IBERICUM ERANIUM yAd 20) A664!.Fg 17. Fig. MA-626647!). (2005), Aedo by 918 1997, Nakhutsrishvili Aug. & 10 Gagnidze Tskaro, Tskhra Bakuriani, GIA. 98 5,LE!). 157, Aug., 1998: Samamisius, alpib. s.n. In IRAN. heb :5.1784. 51. 4: chreib. Nord.Beytr.Phys.Geogr.Erd-Vo 1787. 1. fig. rbbycliae n rgnlmtra lo- material original cated). 1900.—TYPE: (no 640. cultivated Hort.: probably Amer. Cycl. Bailey, LE!). designated, 1897, here (lectotype: Aug. m. procul 3 haud Bolo-band, Sangada Baku, rivulum ad Gub. 3(7): Talysch, Crit. AZERBAIJAN. Cauc. 1908.—TYPE: Fl. Fomin, 31. & Busch N. Kusn., material original several (no found). from specimens described Caucasian 1869.—TYPE: Pe 269. Saint Sci. Imp. Acad. s.Hfu.2:10 a.9Fg .1909. 2. Fig. 9 Taf. 160, 23: Hofmus. ist. eaimibericum Geranium slcoye MA!). isolectotype: 1907, 1129 Gard. Jul TURKEY. Mazzetti 15 Bot. 1955.—TYPE: Dagh, Aladja Roy. 24. Trapezunti, Notes 22: Davis, Edinburgh P.H. Mazz.) eena,1–8c al ottc 6.8– Rootstock tall. cm 18–48 perennial, lcoye eintdb Novoselova by designated (lectotype: 6 cons. nom. ad-az,An ..Naturh- K.K. Ann. Hand.-Mazz., var. lcoye eedsgae,W!; designated, here (lectotype: aa leaves Basal var. horizontal. var. subglandulosum a. is :29 a.124 tab. 209, 4: Diss. Cav., alt xPl. Neue Pall., ex Hablitz 3 subsp. album hyrcanum o.rj prop rej. nom. .–05c,palmatifid cm, 5.6–10.5 ´ esor e.7 15(2): 7, ser. tersbourg EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO h lxek 7347 Alexeenko Th. na in Stem amni L.H. in Lauman jubatum TP:GEOR- —TYPE: ( 3 yecn.prop. cons. type ooo in Woronow 6 ur,Me Rupr., rc,leafy, erect, .–. mm, 1.3–4.8 persistent ¨ .—TYPE: lkerbes- (Hand.- Handel- Hablizl ´ m. 5 5 5 u 1972, Aug 40 8 Tamdzhagiran, s. rajon, Kirovakaiskj (G); a,p.Chazr 40 Cahkadzor, pr. van, . mde) lboso ohsds iit nthe on ciliate sides, both on glabrous deep), mm 3.5 patent length sometimes eglandular long. 24.9(28.4) and mm patent 0.5–1.6 long, hairs with glandular mm 1.6–3.8 mar- wide, scarious hairs mm with 0.1–0.5 long, mm gins 1.4–3.3 mucro with long. mm 0.3–1.1 13.3 hairs sometimes, and, glandular long patent mm patent 1.2–3.5 long, with hairs mm eglandular long, 0.1–0.3 cm hairs 0.6–1.9 surfaces eglandular pedicels both uncinate margin; on the on hairs and glandular sometimes and (3.2)5.2–6.4(8.2) bracteoles long; 3 mm (1)2.1– 0.2–1.5 glandular patent hairs hairs sometimes, and, eglandular long mm patent 2.5(3.3) hairs long, eglandular mm peduncles uncinate 0.1–0.3 branch; with each long, of cm top (0)0.4–6.3 or the at solitary aggregates 2-flowered, in cymules cyme; dichasial adaxially. in glabrous margin, the on surface abaxial and on hairs eglandular with lanceolate, 10m(i.1) diinlmp Grossheim map: Additional and 6). map 1500 18). (1962, between (Fig. rocks, m igneous 3100 or alpine schistose among Canada); on and and slopes, in rocky USA, meadows, (introduced Britain, Iran Great northern France, and Caucasus, key, September. 144). 1938: 4.8–6.5 mericarps purplish. long; dark mm 39.4 long, mm 6.1–10.6 0.2– bluish. hairs pollen 2.2–3.3 abaxial with black; anthers half, the long; proximal mm on the 3.2 pilose on ciliate lanceolate, side, long, mm bluish. 11.4 margin, basal 94:26;2 266); 1984a: 36). photograph (2002, Yeo perimeter. 84); tab. the (1821, Sweet as long as 1/4 Cotyledons lobes. hilum glabrous reddish; 5 with rarely long, Seeds stigmatic mm and long; 2.4–4.4 mm remains long, 0.3–0.4 hairs mm glandular 0.8–2.3 patent, with with hairs long, mm long, eglandular 2.6–6.7 mm apex 22.2–33 narrowed a rostrum mm brownish; 0.3–0.9 hairs long, glandular patent, sometimes and with ersnaieSeiesExamined. Specimens Representative itiuinadHabitat. and Distribution Phenology. hoooeNumber. Chromosome Illustrations. Additional .–. m ierlnelt,wt eglandular with linear-lanceolate, mm, 0.6–1.4 3 6 3.3–4.2 5 aet gadlrhis0228m long, mm 0.2–2.8 hairs eglandular patent, .–. m o crset 5–7-nerved, accrescent, not mm, 3.7–6.7 .207) aet mriae(oc 1.1– (notch emarginate patent, 0.62–0.79), 3 vms s.n. Avemus? entire. 212. m(ai ea width/petal petal (ratio mm 12.1–22.5 n lwrn pcmn rmMyto May from specimens Flowering 3 5 6(agr13:59 Warburg 529; 1937: (Gauger 56 u .–. m ieyreticulate, finely mm, 1.7–2.2 10 Nectaries M) r o,40 Zod, pr. (MA); 9 ,44 N, Staminal u 2 30 is(81 a.1386); tab. (1811, Sims n 3 glabrous. 9 ,2 u 1984, Jul 27 E, otesenTur- Northeastern 5 .–. m blue- mm, 0.7–1.9 Petals iaet 8.9– filaments 8(a Loon (Van 28 3 u u REI:Ere- ARMENIA: Rhododendron 12 50 .–. mm, 1.9–2.9 Fruit Inflorescence 9 9 (15.4)19.5– ,45 N, Gynoecium ,44 N, 6 Sepals ua212 Cuba patent, u u 29.7– 51 35 113 9 9 9– E, E, , Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. 114 eie;f ea;g ea;h tmnlflmn;i ri;j eiap k Mericarp; j. Fruit; i. filament; s.n., Staminal h. Scheidweiler Petal; g. Sepal; f. pedicel; F IG. 17. eaimibericum Geranium ue16 B) –:wtotcletr(BR-825853)]. collector without i–k: (BR); 1861 June ruv .Hbt .Batoe;c lwrwtotptl n eas d–e. sepals; and petals without Flower c. Bracteoles; b. Habit; a. Trautv. YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC ed[–,f–h: [a–d, Seed . eihi l s.n., al. & Menishkiy u 96(E;bc e: b–c, (LE); 1986 Aug 5 nuetmo the of Indumentum Vlm 32 [Volume Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. ZRAJN ekrn 38 Lenkoran, AZERBAIJAN: 40 Sevan, 1928, Jul 26 2007] oeitreit om.Cletoswt both with with Collections ( and extremes forms. together abundant intermediate ones, are some eglandular they with others is intermixed in hairs while glandular lacking, of the However, distribution variable.Insomespecimens,thesehairsare inflorescence. and the presence along egland- patent hairs soft, ular long, of indumentum dense tic 47 1896, Jun 695 Matveeva odnvk it. ewe ilgsBgaok and Bogdanovka villages 41 between Dzhigrasheni, distr., Bogdanovsky e 1951, Sep 1033 Yerepanov h ie ideEmn-o,42 Ermani-don, Middle river the s.n. 42 Meketi, m. Meketi, L) RA RTI:Aenn,Aedr,51 Aberdare, Abernant, BRITAIN: GREAT (LE). 41 Bakuriani, 1956, ,1 u 1974, Jun 13 E, 7 0 rv,Ebr t. aaahvle luz 35 Elburz, N valley Kaladash mts., Elburz prov., ,2Ag1956, Aug 2 E, etet ,40 N, vertiente 20570 al. & u 3477 39 Sipikordagh, turcica, 40 1550 Tamdere, above Balabandaglari 40 Giresun, Yayla, Avsar ISTE); above BM, (E, oal a bv C above dag Soganli itre ieaogBudrCek 37 Creek, Boulder along site disturbed 32137 Hedge & Davis 12 1993, Jun ¨ 9 9 tei 41 stleri, u u 9 ,4 N, Discussion. ,49 N, u 1910, Jun 2 , 46 M) ot sta h pe i iha h og of gorge the Liahva, Big upper the Osetia, South (MA); 35 M) ie matsdlOi aiGcd,40 Gecidi, dagi Ovit del antes km 4 Rize, (MA); E R ,L,P,S ) C Z); S, PR, LD, G, BR, (E, 9 F u ohn s.n. Gochina 9 IG. ,2 u 2001, Jun 28 E, 9 u ,53 N, 9 u nesn&a.200 al. & Anderson PB4520 EPOB u 50 8 rao itiuinof distribution of Area 18. ,7Jn1991, Jun 7 E, 35 atrdes.n. Zamtaradze 9 9 9 ai 28,Snei 03 ooo & Woronow 7053, Sintenis 32285, Davis 9 cekvio .Kr-uz s.n. Kara-Murza E. & Schelkovnikov E M;Gu BM); (E, u L) AAA rts ouba itra 22 Victoria, Columbia, British CANADA: (LE). ,41 N, E, ,44 N, u u 45 els.n. Pell L) ati ojm,41 Borjomi, Kartli, (LE); nnw collector unknown uhrEo 4303 Aucher-Eloy 30 u 15 9 cogl 44 McDougall eaimibericum Geranium 19 u 9 ,43 N, yaa 40 aykara, ¸ 9 u 27 M) ils oi osKct pr. Kochta mons Gori, Tiflis, (MA); ,39 N, 55 9 CL) an,BrHro,44 Harbor, Bar Maine, (COLO); u ,1928, W, B,E.UA ooao ole Co., Boulder Colorado, USA: E). (BM, ia&a.886 al. & Nisa ,43 N, 6 9 u 9 u NW;Pn lnao,Ciy,52 Cribyn, Glanrafon, Pont (NMW); htrs.n. Chater 9 ,1 u 1957, Aug 12 E, ,1 u 1970, Jul 12 E, 30 52 u ,44 N, ¨ u mu 28 9 M) tuei it.Dsei r. Dusheti, distr. Mtiuleti, (MA); 9 V;Nwonln,BahCove, Beach Newfoundland, (V); 46 u ,39 N, ,38 N, ¨ u 9 hn,pet eKostandagi, de puerto shane, 32 9 u u ,2 u 1920, Jul 22 E, 45 40 ,2 u 2001, Jun 25 E, ye605 Ayre 9 31 rh avltp,Murgul tepe, Savval oruh, ¸ 9 u u (GH). ,1 u 1960, Jul 12 E, B) UKY Armenia TURKEY: (BM). u 9 NW.IA:Gia,37 Ghilan, IRAN: (NMW). 9 B,F,W;Mazandaran W); FI, (BM, ,48 N, 35 EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO 31 ,2 u 1967, Jul 28 E, 22 ,40 N, M) rbo,Nsd of side N Trabzon, (MA); 9 9 9 u ,9Ag1890, Aug 9 E, eaimibericum Geranium vtsa l s.n. al. & Avetisian ,44 N, ,7Ag1952, Aug 7 E, 48 u a characteris- a has u ai eg 32285 Hedge & Davis u 50 9 51 G) GEORGIA: (GH). 13 ,107 N, 9 9 u 9 ,43 N, ,2 u 1931, Jul 21 E, ,4Ag1957, Aug 4 E, 11 ohedes.n. Kochreidze u u err al. & Herrero 52 9 40 vlv&S. & Cvelev KA LE); (KRA, Zanitazadze u ,1 Aug 17 E, 9 9 u 07 u ,4 N, ,52 N, 22 u Sintenis 23 9 37 ,16 W, 9 Davis 9 u . ,68 ,1 E, 9 (G). u 24 N, 3 u u u 9 9 .G 6. type. conserved a proposed have we and thus solution, simpler a suggested kindly Wiersema per ob hto ooeoa(98,who (1998), Novoselova of that be to appears and mucros, sepal than longer petals shorter bracteoles, longer has Additionally, segments. triangular uigterve ftepooa ocnev the conserve to proposal the name However, of name. review the the of during application for precise epitype an more designating a by but improved be correct, could technically it is The ‘‘type.’’ Novoselova the by as proposal plate Cavanilles the designated oet;lmn 3.6–11.2 hairs lamina 0.2– rosette; glandular long. patent hairs usually, mm 0.6–1.8 and, eglandular long mm patent 4.9 with herbaceous, diam, mm 13.8 platypetalum Geranium eta emns while segments, part central basal stem. the the on the even of present, along always are hairs hairs lar eglandular in However, patent inflorescence. of soft, indumentum the long, as well as appearance general a specimens Turkish as hairs treated glandular the with (1967) in absence Davis the and second. first the in on inflorescence hairs the glandular of presence the by distinguished ae o rjce;sget –,obtriangular 5–7, segments projected; reticu- not not nervation late, hairs, glandular) (and sometimes eglandular appressed, with pilose, 0.43–0.58), length length/middle-segment main-sinus (ratio ohtx r eecniee ssnnm o the for mentioned. synonyms above as reasons considered here are taxa Both recognized also who 32 (1949), montanum Cauc. Fl. Geranium Herb. Schelkownikow, h is fetv ettpfcto of lectotypification effective first The Herbs eaimibericum Geranium RNU PLATYPETALUM ERANIUM .18.TP:TRE.Ati,Kac kus Artvin, TURKEY. Dag 1986.—TYPE: 2. Demirkus 19. Fig. L! WU!). JE! MA! HBG! GOET! M! FI! E! BR! BM! LE!; isoneotypes: 157, 1998: Novoselova by designated type: 1834, June–July Elisabethpolytan. im Provin. Sarial montis, 1867.—TYPE: regionum altiorum 876. saxosis proclivibus 1: In Orient. AZERBAIJAN. Fl. Boiss., Mey.) 1835. ibericum 28. [1]: um Petrop. Hort. Sem. Index .ibericum G. 2635 ¸ i eenmDrs,1 u.1984, Aug. 13 Deresi, Cehennem ˘i, eena,2–7c al ottc 6.2– Rootstock tall. cm 25–57 perennial, .ibericum G. ,Dg ii eg 01:11 fig. 101, 10(1): A Derg, Bilim Doga ¸, hltp:HUB). (holotype: 6 var. Ad 05,J cel n J.H. and McNeill J. 2005), (Aedo aa leaves Basal .ibericum G. horizontal. hrswith shares platypetalum a cetdb Bobrov by accepted was .ibericum G. 3 var. a evswt rhombic with leaves has .platypetalum G. .–28c,palmatifid cm, 4.6–12.8 .platypetalum G. .ibericum G. ic.&CA Mey., C.A. & Fisch. oeakrs.n. Hohenacker . albipetalum na in Stem r o rare. not are ) .platypetalum G. subsp. .platypetalum G. Fsh C.A. & (Fisch. 6 rc,leafy, erect, hywere They . .ibericum G. persistent jubatum a ob- has glandu- rk& Erik Gerani- Demir- (neo- ¸kal 115 5 . Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. tmnlflmn;g ri;h eiap .Se [a–i: Seed i. Mericarp; h. Fruit; g. filament; Staminal rtomxmmwdhmdl-emn length width/middle-segment maximum [ratio 116 ae 91–52)lbdi itlhl rtosec- (ratio half length the length/middle-segment distal ond-sinus at in (9)17–25(29)-lobed wide base, mm 9.6–27.1 (0.75)0.76–0.79(0.84)], F IG. 19. eaimplatypetalum Geranium ruv .Hbt .Batoe;c lwrwtotptl n eas .Se d. sepals; and petals without Flower c. Bracteoles; b. Habit; a. Trautv. YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC 5 acwc s.n., Marcowicz 0.15– 5 sal,ptn lnua ar .–. mlong; mm 0.3–1.8 hairs glandular and, patent long mm mm 0.1–0.3 cm usually, 2.2–4.7 30 hairs hairs eglandular to eglandular patent long, petioles uncinate with opposite; long, leaves cauline 0.26); ue10 (MA)]. 1901 June 4 a;e ea;f. Petal; e. pal; Vlm 32 [Volume Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. .–. mln,with apex long, narrowed mm a with 3.8–5.9 long, brownish; mm long, 22.3–30.9 mm rostrum 0.40–1 hairs glandular patent 4–5.5 6 purplish. mericarps long; dark mm 38.8 long, 2.7–3.4 mm anthers 7.8–11.2 blue-black. long; with mm, half, 1.5 mm proximal 2.5–4.1 the on on hairs ciliate pilose side, lanceolate, both abaxial long, the bluish. on mm margin, 8.4–12.5 glabrous basal filaments the deep), on ciliate mm 0.5–1.9 sides, (notch ate long. length and mm width/petal 0.5–2.6 long hairs (14.7)16.7–18.7(20.9) mm 0.2–5.4 glandular hairs patent eglandular with wide, mm patent mm 0.1–0.5 margins 2–5.5 scarious mucro with long, with 5–7-nerved, accrescent, not both margin. on the hairs on glandular and and surfaces eglandular with 6.5–13 stipules 2007] rnky agzrky adndzr 38 Vardanad-zor, Zangezurskiy, grinskiy, ieyrtclt,rdih iu / sln sthe as long as 1/4 perimeter. long, hilum reddish; mm reticulate, 1.6–3.8 finely lobes. remains glabrous 5 stigmatic 0.7– with hairs long; glandular mm patent, 1 and long, mm 2.3–3.8 glandular patent and, long. mm long 0.9–2 mm hairs the 2.2–4.5 uncinate eglandu- hairs on patent with long, lar and mm long, 0.1–0.3 hairs surfaces cm eglandular 0.8–2.3 and both pedicels on eglandular margin; hairs with glandular linear-lanceolate, (8.4)9.6–14.1(18.8) mm, 0.7– bracteoles 1.6 hairs long; glandular patent mm 1.5 and, (1.9)2.5– long hairs mm eglandular 3.6(4.8) patent peduncles long, branch; hairs mm eglandular each 0.1–0.3 uncinate with of long, cm top (0)2.2–13.4 in the or at solitary aggregates 2-flowered, cymules cyme; dichasial ,47 N, s.n. Murza zo 1956, Jun acss n otenIa;frs of forest or Iran; northern and Caucasus, August. 144). 2 144); ekzi nvlespap sujnifr dm uuz 40 Kupucz, m. ad infer. Dshuljan 39 p. supra valle in Geokczai, ut. .Zaa,39 Ziarat, m. austr., ewe 20ad20 Fg 0.Additional 20). (Fig. 7). m map 2700 (1962, Grossheim and map: 1200 between ¨ 9 ,40 r, ersnaieSeiesExamined. Specimens Representative hoooeNumber. Chromosome Illustrations. Additional itiuinadHabitat. and Distribution Phenology. aet gadlrhis125m og and long, mm 1–2.5 hairs eglandular patent, ,47 N, Abies u u 4 n 19 9 u grv l 1743 al. & Egorova rapn edw,o geu rocks, igneous on meadows, alpine or , 5 9 L) ZRAJN hr u aebr 38 Kaleybar, Kuh Ahar, AZERBAIJAN: (LE). ,4Ag1968, Aug 4 E, 44 ,45 N, Cotyledons 9 2 Gue 97 2;Wrug1938: Warburg 529; 1937: (Gauger 42? ,2Ag1899, Aug 2 E, u lwrn pcmn rmMyto May from specimens Flowering 3 u 7 9 31 .–. m ral lanceolate, broadly mm, 2.2–4.6 ,1 u 1928, Aug 16 E, 9 5 ,46 N, Nectaries 3 entire. Sepals .908) aet emargin- patent, 0.59–0.86), Seeds L) r o-aae,i u.Gri- fuc. in Nor-Baiazet, pr. (LE); Treme 6 051. m(ai petal (ratio mm 10.5–18.1 u lxek s.n. Alexeenko aet gadlrhairs eglandular patent, 51 2 n ´ 9 2.8–3.5 e 20:151). (2002: Yeo 8.2–12.5 13185E EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO ,4Jl1932, Jul 4 E, 5 glabrous. otes Turkey, Northeast 3 8(abr 1938: (Warburg 28 cekvio Kara- & Schelkovnikov Inflorescence u –. m with mm, 2–2.9 58 3 W;Bk,distr. Baku, (W); REI:Me- ARMENIA: 3 9 L) Karabach (LE); .–. mm, 1.8–2.4 eua Picea Betula, ,46 N, Fruit Gynoecium –. mm, 3–5.4 ajgns.n. Karjagin Staminal u 3 3 12 Petals 31.7– 9 0.8– 0.7– u ,4 E, 27 in u 9 ou.O h te ad tL hr r oother no are there proto- LE the This at hand, to other lectotype. connected the Unio On the directly logue. the not be is in to specimen Hohenacker exsiccata) Sarial by Itineraria in Novoselova collected distributed specimens. specimen (and et the particular montibus proposed any (1998) in list ‘‘Hab. Talu not Iberiae, area, in- Somchetiae, any general subalpinis They without a publication. but dicated Hohenacker’s description, re- Meyer to full and was reference Fischer a species by with This later (1835) years description. two no Sarial,’’ published ‘‘montis with in collected but specimen a on (1833) based obtriangular Hohenacker species, clearly ones. ‘‘ published these caulinar more than discriminate show segments to they used because be should of of forms discussion glandular with fused S;Eiaeho,dsr diet 40 Adzikent, distr. Elisabethpol, (S); cekvio s.n. Schelkovnikov 6Jl1981, Jul 16 lblg tDli 38 Delhi, et Alibulagh 42 s.n. Buba, Raoeller glacier and Schon 42 1979, 1923, u 1926, Jul eed,43 Teberda, s.n. Bush Vasa 43 Gubasanty, montis pedes ad s.n. L,C ,H P,W A U.TRE:Ati,3km 3 Artvin, TURKEY: WU). WA, W, MPU, Karako H, E E, C, (LE, W;Ezrm ul ain lu 40 Oltu, nw Dagi Dutlu Erzurum, (W); u 1989, Jul Gec esn rao-a,41 Ortakoy-Cat, Hemsin, 21255 u Discussion. ii 40 ¸idi, ´ W) USA aadn-akra ndciiu iiIrik rivi declivibus in Kabardino-Balkaria, RUSSIA: (WU). F 25 s.n. k IG. aa s.n. Vasak uecu 534 Juzepczuk 9 (E). ,2 u 1893, Aug 28 E, 0 rao itiuinof distribution of Area 20. ¨ efr 428 Meffert ,41 y, C;KrcaeoCekskia Kuban Karachayevo-Cherkasskaiya, (C); W;Dc-u 43 Dych-su, (W); yegr44462 Nydegger u ice 346 Fischer u 37 M) tea 42 Utsera, (MA); 32 .platypetalum G. u 9 9 13 G ) igei,m.Lknei,42 Lekondelis, mt. Mingrelie, W); (G, ,40 N, ,41 N, B) ERI:Kzei 42 Kazbegi, GEORGIA: (BM). 9 .ibericum G. eaimplatypetalum Geranium ,42 N, L) eta 43 Mestia, (LE); L) ds,42 Edisi, (LE); u u u W) cazc,41 Achalzich, (WU); 47 52 46 u u lof507 Alboff 9 9 9 u 27 3 G;Rz,4k ne vtDagi Ovit antes km 4 Rize, (G); ,1 u 1908, Jun 11 E, ,46 N, 3 9 ,2 u 2001, Jun 28 E, u 9 9 ,40 N, u 30 ,4Ag1981, Aug 4 E, ,43 N, u 38 9 bv) aa leaves Basal above). , ic.&My nliteris’’ in Mey. & Fisch. 41 u 9 ,43 N, u 9 41 u ,43 N, u F) ah,btenvil. between Racha, (FI); ,44 N, u u 32 54 eaimplatypetalum Geranium 7 9 40 2 9 9 ,2 e 1884, Sep 20 E, 9 9 u ,1 u 1925, Jul 12 E, u ,44 N, 9 ,2Sp1952, Sep 2 E, ,42 N, ,46 .ibericum G. 43 u 30 u u uc uc s.n. Busch & Busch 4 ¨ 32 9 38 9 9 c,’btdid but sch,’’ u ,41 N, ia891 Nisa 9 ,1 u 1978, Aug 17 E, ,2Ag1928, Aug 2 E, u 9 ogr81-73-10 Sorger 21 u a econ- be can H.IRAN: (H). E 12 ,42 N, u 43 9 u 1912, Jul 9 , 39 9 ˜ 9 u ,2 Aug 20 E, alsfl. vallis , 9 ,44 ,2 Jul 28 E, 59 u u 58 uh& Bush 9 48 Knapp (MA); Davis u ,16 E, 9 (see 117 9 ,2 E, 38 N, . 9 , Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. 118 ebcos ihptn ortos eglandular retrorse long. to mm 0.2–2 patent hairs with herbaceous, diam, mm 13.3 .G 7. description. (1835), original Meyer the and fits Fischer perfectly by and nomenclatural mentioned any in area collected the avoid was it to that considering and order we disturbance in Thus, neotype lectotype. specimen as as Hohenacker’s consider choice to preferred better have a that be protologue would the to connected clearly specimens –,robc[ai aiu width/middle-seg- length segments maximum ment hairs, [ratio projected; rhombic not eglandular 5–7, reticulate, appressed, not with nervation pilose, 0.67), length length/middle-segment main-sinus 3–8.8 lamina rosette; aetelnua ar .–(.)m og and bracteoles long; long, (3.2)3.6–3.4(4.8) mm 0.3–0.5 mm hairs long, glandular 0.6–1(1.2) patent, mm hairs 0.1–0.3 eglandular hairs patent long, eglandular cm uncinate (0)1.4–10.4 peduncles with branch; each the at of aggregates gla- top in or usually solitary 2-flowered, margin, cymules the adaxially. on on brous hairs and 8.8–12.5 eglandular surface stipules with abaxial apex; lanceolate, the eglandular mm, at 1.2–2.4 retrorse hairs long glandular to patent, mm and 0.2–0.3 patent long, mm with 0.2–2.9 hairs long, cm 18 5 half length distal length/middle-segment in second-sinus (11)12–16(17)-lobed (ratio base, the at wide ar .–. mln,uulya h base. the at usually glandular (15.4)16.9–18.3(18.9) long, patent, mm and 0.2–0.5 long, hairs mm 0.4–3.7 hairs with scarious ular wide, with mm long, 0.1–0.3 mm margins 1.2–3 mucro with nerved, long. mm 0.3–0.5 Sepals hairs glandular hairs patent, mm and 0.6–1 eglandular hairs long, eglandular uncinate patent long, mm with pedicels 0.1–0.3 adaxially; long, on glabrous and cm 0.5–3.4 surface usually abaxial margin, on the hairs eglandular with ntebslmri,purplish. margin, ciliate basal side, adaxial the base the on the on on glabrous side, hairy abaxial deep), of mm 1.2–3.5 (notch ginate length width/petal ie iit ntepoia af ihhis1– hairs with half, proximal the abaxial on the on ciliate pilose side, lanceolate, long, mm 6.5–8.4 Herbs .002) aln evsopst;ptoe to petioles opposite; leaves cauline 0.20–0.29); RNU PELOPONNESIACUM ERANIUM osirdgtliae) i.21. Fig. image!). digital Boissier 1830, May GREECE. Fauche Phigaleae, 1854.—TYPE: templum 110. 1: Peloponneso, 2, ser. Orient. 7.2–10.8 eena,2–3c al ottc 5.3– Rootstock tall. cm 20–53 perennial, ` s.n. 5 3 05).906(.0] .–08mm 4.1–10.8 (0.57)0.59–0.66(0.70)], 3 6 lcoye eedsgae,G- designated, here (lectotype: .–. m o crset 3–5- accrescent, not mm, 2.2–3.9 Inflorescence .–. m linear-lanceolate, mm, 0.5–0.9 5 horizontal. 3 3 aa leaves Basal 0.56–0.75), .–0c,plaii (ratio palmatifid cm, 3.2–10 .–28m rtopetal (ratio mm 9.5–12.8 ndcailcyme; dichasial in Staminal Stem os. ig.Pl. Diagn. Boiss., 6 na in 6 aetegland- patent aet emar- patent, 6 rc,leafy, erect, persistent filaments YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC 5 Petals 0.54– 3 diinly h ea ursof cum mucros are sepal the gynoecia Additionally, and both bracteoles, in than the filaments shorter and staminal segment, per anthers, lobes fewer has hmi eta emn ntotinua sin as platypetalum obtriangular (not G. segment to central rhombic similar a more is fteaailsd ptl lboso ohsides both on glabrous base (petals the on in side hairy abaxial are the petals of and inflores- shorter, the are hairs along in hairs However, cence. eglandular patent soft, bles t lns(rmnhsvt) 37 vet.), (Erymanthos Olenos mt. 51 11132 38 Kerasovon, 1991, Ano May 16 E, 1893, oatru aat,38 Damasta, monasterium 624 37 Petros, Hajos pr. 1992, Jun 4 E, 39 Dhasohori, 38 village, 1996, the May of ESE Rouklia, Karistias, 38 Dhorvitsa, SO km 2,1 Etolia-Akarnania, G); 38 Limiko, pr. 20 14376 Pinatzi 39 Elati, SSO km 1,8 Kamvounia, Kozanis, (B); 47m og eiap 6.3 mericarps long; mm 44.7 ietn usrts ewe 5 n 50m 1500 and 550 between substrates, limestone of forests Greece; June. as 1/4 hilum perimeter. reddish; the as reticulate, lobes. long finely mm glabrous 2.3–3.2 mm, 5 2.2 remains with stigmatic long, hairs long; glandular patent mm and 0.4–0.5 long, mm with 0.5–0.6 narrowed long, hairs a mm with 2.1–2.9 long, and apex mm brown- 33.7–35.1 long, long, rostrum mm mm ish; 0.40–0.45 0.3–0.5 hairs glandular hairs patent eglandular patent, yellow. Gynoecium pollen edges; 1.8–2.7 blue with anthers long; mm 3 mosbet xmn h pcmnsupporting specimen the record. this examine to impossible recorded 205) siacum (1992: Qosja 22). (Fig. e 20,poorp 40). photograph (2002, Yeo 9 9 Discussion. Examined. Specimens Representative itiuinadHabitat. and Distribution Phenology. Number. Chromosome Illustrations. Additional .ibericum G. ,4Jn1985, Jun 4 E, ,21 N, F,S P,W;Ptitds osClihoo supra Callichromon mons Phthiotidos, W); UPS, S, (FI, r eaieysotr(sin (as shorter relatively are Hala .ibericum G. B P) vyai,22k WKkai-ifl 38 Kokkalia-Gipfel, NW km 2,2 Evrytania, UPA); (B, rmAbna notntl,i a been has it Unfortunately, Albania. from ´ u s s.n. csy 52 ngrp12847 Snogerup .–. mln,greenish. long, mm 4.4–8.6 G;m.Ii mWo alai 38 Pavliani, of W km 3 Iti, mt. (G); 9 u u iln 16830 Willing 10 52 ,3Jn1991, Jun 3 E, and iln 12111 Willing 9 B E D R ,W) tia t Parnes mt. Attica, WU); W, PR, LD, JE, (B, 9 lwrn pcmn rmArlto April from specimens Flowering utvsn9018 Gustavsson ,23 N, u ,21 N, .However, ). eaimpeloponnesiacum Geranium u 10 and 29 .platypetalum G. 9 Abies 9 .ibericum G. ,22 N, u .peloponnesiacum G. u ,21 N, 40 .ibericum G. 48 .platypetalum G. u Cotyledons 9 B;Lcna,i ot Malevo, monte in Laconiae, (B); 9 48 , ,1 p 1930, Apr 17 E, u L) rvn,17k SSW km 1,7 Grevena, (LD); ,2 a 1993, May 29 E, 15 9 Castanea u iln 14175 Willing Unknown. B;Mslniu mSof S km 1 Mesolongiou, (B); ,22 N, 27 9 u 3 ,2 p 1857, Apr 26 E, C ,LD). G, (C, oy(91 a.383); tab. (1901, Rouy 9 6 59 .peloponnesiacum G. 3 ,3My1996, May 3 E, and eta n South and Central .–. m cream mm, 0.7–1.4 9 Seeds Nectaries .ibericum G. u aeteglandular patent .Tela lamina leaf The ). ,21 N, entire. . m with mm, 2.6 30 u eas thas it because .peloponnesia- G. or .platypetalum G. REE Achaia, GREECE: 4 9 9 ,4My1958, May 4 E, uo 1159 Guiol .peloponne- G. u ,24 N, u u B;Eva ep. Evvia, (B); 3–3.1 yislong, its by Quercus Vlm 32 [Volume 50 iln 29044 Willing 32 57 Fruit eglandular u 9 9 9 glabrous. Orphanides 44 ,21 N, ,21 N, u ,1 Jun 12 E, ,while ), resem- 9 26 Nielsen 3 ,22 N, 43.6– 9 ,on (BM, u u ,8 E, 48 49 2– 6 u u 9 9 . Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. h easaemr iia nsz to size in similar more are petals the 2007] peloponnesiacum lum n eas .Spl .Ptl .Saia iaet;i ri;j Mericar j. Fruit; i. filaments; Staminal h. Petal; g. Sepal; f. sepals; and F ndyseies h efaailsd of side abaxial leaf the specimens, dry In IG. . 21. eaimpeloponnesiacum Geranium a eabtwiih smyalso may as whitish, bit a be may EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO os.a ai;b ef .Batoe;d nuetmo h eie;e Fl e. pedicel; the of Indumentum d. Bracteoles; c. Leaf; b. Habit; a. Boiss. .platypeta- G. G. lrsec,wiei h atrte r only are of apex in- they the at the latter notch on the the Additionally, hairs in eglandular. glandular while always florescence, has species in found be ;k ed[a: Seed k. p; .libani G. uo 1159 Guiol eetees h former the Nevertheless, . B) b–k: (BM); ngrp12847 Snogerup wrwtotpetals without ower (LD)]. 119 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. yue -lwrd oiayo nageae tthe at aggregates gla- in or usually solitary 2-flowered, margin, cymules the adaxially. on brous and surface abaxial 3.8–10.5 retrorse stipules to 3 long; patent mm with 0.3–0.9 long, hairs cm eglandular 18 to petioles length/middle- site; second-sinus (8)9–13(16)-lobed length (ratio base, segment half the distal at in wide width/ mm 3.7–10.3 maximum projected; length [ratio not middle-segment rhombic reticulate, 5–7, eglandular not segments appressed, nervation with hairs, pilose, 0.49–0.66), length length/middle-segment main-sinus (ratio 2.4–6.4 eglandular lamina retrorse rosette; long. to mm 0.3–0.9 patent hairs with herbaceous, diam, mm 12.7 .G 8. show also may species this gynodioecy. shorter that with suggest specimens anthers some peloponnesiacum but Geranium proterandrous, libani. in G. deeper is petals the 120 dt)and (dots) F Herbs .– m acoae ihelnua ar on hairs eglandular with lanceolate, mm, 0.8–2 IG. RNU LIBANI ERANIUM i.23. JE!). Fig. isolectotype: image!; digital June G-Boissier ed, 23 Schenk Fl. non Eden, 1854, Boiss., illeg., LEBANON. nom. Boiss.) 1867, (1840).—TYPE: ex 877. Blanche 1: Orient. C.I. subst.]. 5: & 2, [syn. (Boiss. ser. Orient. 1856 Pl. 73. Diagn. Boiss., ex Blanche 1955. 25. ponesiacum 22: Edinburgh Gard. 2 rao itiuinof distribution of Area 22. eena,1–2c al ottc 6– Rootstock tall. cm 19–52 perennial, .libani G. egse1164 Reygasse 5 (triangles). 6 var. Inflorescence .906) aln evsoppo- leaves cauline 0.49–0.66); horizontal. ..Dvs oe o.Bot. Roy. Notes Davis, P.H. libanoticum aa leaves Basal .peloponnesiacum G. 3 lcoye eedesignat- here (lectotype: 5 .–. m palmatifid cm, 3.2–8.8 (0.59)0.62–0.67(0.80)], eaimlibanoticum Geranium eaimpeloponnesiacum Geranium ndcailcyme; dichasial in Stem na in os.&C.I. & Boiss. eaimpelo- Geranium 6 rc,leafy, erect, susually is persistent YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC hnin than 5 iit ntepoia af ihhis0924mm yellow. 0.9–2.4 1.3–3 hairs anthers with half, long; side, proximal abaxial the the on on ciliate pilose lanceolate, long, mm 8.4 bluish. ciliate margin, side, basal adaxial base the the on the on on glabrous side, hairy abaxial deep), of mm 0.2–1.3 (notch ginate it/ea length width/petal (10.4)12.9–16.9(18.3) with mm wide, 1.3–2.3 mm 6 0.1–0.4 mucro margins scarious with with long, 3–5-nerved, accrescent, hairs long. eglandular patent mm and 0.5–1.1 adaxially; long mm eglandular glabrous 0.1–0.3 uncinate hairs with usually long, cm margin, 1.3–2.7 pedicels the on surface and abaxial on hairs eglandular with lanceolate, long; (1.2)2–2.6(4.7) mm long 0.4–0.7(0.8) mm bracteoles hairs 0.1–0.3 eglandular hairs patent and eglandular long, cm uncinate (0)1.4–13.7 peduncles with branch; each of top etr yi,Lbnnadnrhr sal forests Israel; of northern and Lebanon Syria, western June. purplish. long, aie,Wd ih 33 Hish, Wadi Galilea, s.n. 0 n 00m(i.2) diinlmp Meusel map: 260). Additional (1978: 22). al. (Fig. et m 2000 and 500 coccifera Quercus perimeter. 5 with reticulate,reddish;hilum1/4aslongasthe long, mm lobes. 1.4–2.2 glabrous remains mm stigmatic 1.7–4.6 23– long; apex narrowed rostrum with a brownish; long, with long, long, mm 31.2 mm 0.4–1.1 hairs 5–6.1 9Jn1910, Jun 19 B,E ,J,L,W U;Ed ais ot eQsdmous, de route Banias, de E WU); W, LD, 35 JE, G, E, (BM, Baru ,36 N, 33 ee loie 35 Alaouite, Jebel 1288 Bertschinger al pre Hakle atqi,Aı Lattaquie, B) lne 35 Slenfe, (BM); 5105 35 Samuelsson Slenfe, Ansarieh, Djebel obut2261 Gombault erSgkOu,36 Oluk, Soguk near 1943, u u ersnaieSeiesExamined. Specimens Representative itiuinadHabitat. and Distribution Phenology. Number. Chromosome Illustrations. Additional aet gadlrhis0821m long. mm 0.8–2.1 hairs eglandular patent, ˆ 9 F,H A.LBNN i aat,33 Zahalta, Ain LEBANON: MA). H, (FI, 32 Cedrus ,33 k, 9 u 9 ai 6010A Davis ,36 N, 1 ,35 N, 3 9 ,1 a 1961, May 14 E, u Nectaries ` hzr 34 Ghazir, s u .–. m with mm, 1.9–2.5 42 , ¨n u 5 Bornmu Cotyledons 6 9 9 35 Ostrya P;Wie ed,35 Beida, el Wei (P); lAramie el ,7Ar1956, Apr 7 E, ,35 N, u 9 S;Ksa,35 Kessab, (S); aet gadlrhis0206mm 0.2–0.6 hairs eglandular patent, 35 u ,1 u 1938, Jun 15 E, lwrn pcmn rmArlto April from specimens Flowering MU.SRA o eJobtBourghal, Jaoubet de col SYRIA: (MPU). 35 Seeds Fruit nlmsoesbtae,between substrates, limestone on , E.TRE:Hty ee,Kri tepe Karlik Belen, Hatay, TURKEY: (E). ¨ 9 lr11544 ller u ,36 N, 9 glabrous. u Sepals u 30 ,36 N, 43 0 or 5 ´ u 3 9 9 ,35 9 3 entire. mericarps long; mm 30.6–38 2.6–4.4 ,36 N, ,35 N, otre12421 Mouterde u 0 ,1 u 1910, Jun 15 E, u 0.45–0.71), u 12 9 .–. m lih pollen bluish; mm, 0.7–1.4 Quercus u 32 12 .–07m rtopetal (ratio mm 5.9–10.7 ao s.n. Pabot 9 6.4–9.5 ,35 N, 56 B,E ,HG ) Dschbel W); HBG, G, E, (BM, u 9 Unknown. 9 u ,6My1954, May 6 E, u 3 55 9 ,36 N, ,2Jn1956, Jun 2 E, otre6502 Mouterde 33 Gynoecium 5 Staminal oay(92 l 324). pl. (1972, Zohary ,35 N, 9 9 6 3 9 u ,35 N, ,2 p 1957, Apr 23 E, .–. m linear- mm, 0.4–0.8 u ,7My1926, May 7 E, 3 culnswith scrublands , 9 .–. m finely mm, 1.4–2.6 aeteglandular patent u otenTurkey, Southern 39 3 u G;Hson 34 Hasroun, (G); ,36 N, 12 6 9 59 u G;JblKenisse Jabal (G); 9 58 –. m not mm, 3–5.2 ,6My1935, May 6 E, 9 Bornmu u iaet 6.3– filaments SAL Upper ISRAEL: ,1 a 1933, May 18 E, aet emar- patent, ,1 p 1933, Apr 19 E, 48 u 9 ,9My1945 May 9 E, 21 Vlm 32 [Volume .–. mm 4.6–8.6 ao s.n. Pabot ao s.n. Pabot 9 G;Sie el Saidet (G); ,35 N, 9 ¨ ,1 May 15 E, lr11543 ller Naftolsky ai & Davis u Petals 54 u (G); (G); 9 15 E, ´ 9 , Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. n eas .Spl .Ptl .Saia iaet;i ri;j Mericar j. Fruit; i. filaments; Staminal h. Petal; g. Sepal; f. sepals; and 2007] 93() h–k: (G); 1953 F IG. 23. eaimlibani Geranium Bornmu ¨ lr11544 ller ..Dvs .Hbt .La;c rcels .Idmnu ftepedicel; the of Indumentum d. Bracteoles; c. Leaf; b. Habit; a. Davis. P.H. (G)]. EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO ;k ed[a–f: Seed k. p; aulsn5105 Samuelsson .Foe ihu petals without Flower e. S;g: (S); ao s.n., Pabot 5Apr. 25 121 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. niaeelnua ar .–. mln;brac- long; mm 0.1–0.3 with hairs long, of eglandular cm top (0)0.13–9.1 uncinate the peduncles at glabrous branch; aggregates each in margin, or solitary the 2-flowered, on on hairs and adaxially. eglandular surface with abaxial lanceolate, 3.9–14.1 egland- mm, stipules uncinate 2.8 long; with mm long, 0.1–0.3 hairs cm ular 18 to petioles length/middle- site; second-sinus length (ratio (11)14–15(21)-lobed segment half base, distal the at in wide width/ mm 2.8–6.6 maximum projected; length [ratio not middle-segment rhombic reticulate, 5–7, eglandular not segments appressed, nervation with hairs, pilose, length 0.56–0.76), length/middle-segment main-sinus 2.6–5.3 0.1– lamina hairs long. eglandular mm 0.3 uncinate with herbaceous, diam, mm 12.2 eaimgymnocaulon Geranium eaimgymnocaulon Geranium amethystinum Geranium .G 9. on glabrous are in they sides while both side, abaxial the of base of petals are The bracteoles. hairs in eglandular than shorter Additionally, segment. per eg 27038 Hedge 122 fta pce.Tela aiaof lamina leaf The of that species. resembles that of peloponnesiacum G. 36 u Herbs Discussion. 5 RNU GYMNOCAULON ERANIUM 9 zhl nr akrszei 5010,8 LE!). 1500-1300, designated, zweri, 1861, Samkuris Aug. Or- infra et Westomtha izchale inter Tuschetia, Caucasus orientalis, GEORGIA. 1869.—TYPE: 272. 15(2): Acad.Imp.Sci.SaintPe lcoye eedsgae,L! isolectotype: LE!; W!). 1861, designated, Aug. here (lectotype: 8 Tuschetia, talis, orien- Caucasus GEORGIA. 1869.—TYPE: Pe 272. Saint Sci. Imp. Acad. Kabuleti, s.n. mann and Guriel GEORGIA. Saint-Pe TYPE: Sci. Imp. eedsgae,GD iia mg!.Fig. image!). digital 24. G-DC designated, 1819, here GEOR- Iberia, 1867.—TYPE: 876. GIA. 1: Orient. Fl. Boiss., 1824. ,2 p 1990, Apr 27 E, eena,1–8c al ottc 4.5– Rootstock tall. cm 11–38 perennial, Inflorescence E M;Ikneu-nay,Bln 36 Belen, Iskenderun-Antakya, BM); (E, eaimibericum Geranium .ibericum G. aa leaves Basal lcoye eedsgae,H!). designated, here (lectotype: ifrne between Differences 5 .ibericum G. 3 6 .ibericum G. urce s.n. Ruprechet yegr45264 Nydegger .205) aln evsoppo- leaves cauline 0.32–0.55); r drse ntediscussion the in addressed are .–. m amtfd(ratio palmatifid cm, 2.5–6.1 horizontal. ´ f. ndcailcm;cymules cyme; dichasial in esor :34 1837.— 314. 2: tersbourg . f. grandiflorum ee. ul c.Acad. Sci. Bull. Ledeb., .libani G. na in 5 tvns.n. Steven pumilum saeteptl and petals the are as , ´ u thsfwrlobes fewer has it but , esor e.7 15(2): 7, ser. tersbourg (0.57)0.63–0.70(0.75)], C,Por :640. 1: Prodr. DC., 6 ´ var. (G). esor e.7, ser. tersbourg Stem essetrosette; persistent lcoye here (lectotype: r ar nthe on hairy are urce s.n. Ruprechet brachytrichum ur,Me Rupr., .libani G. ur,Me Rupr., rc,leafy, erect, (lectotype: .libani G. YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC u 3 Nord- 30 1.3– and ´ ´ 9 m. m. N, 5 uc s.n. Busch & els(2.3)3.7–5.2(5.7) teoles . mln,adptn gadlrhis0.4– hairs eglandular patent 0.1– and hairs long.1mm eglandular long, 0.4– uncinate mm pedicels with 0.3 adaxially; long, glabrous cm 2.4 margin, and surface the abaxial on on hairs eglandular with olate, akra gstn 43 Agashtan, Balkaria, 42 Ingur, 1890, et Hippum flumina inter 1967, Aug 9 42 iit ntepoia af ihhis0125mm 0.1–2.5 hairs 1.8–2.5 with anthers half, long; side, proximal abaxial the the on on ciliate pilose lanceolate, long, mm on bluish. 9.9 sometimes, margin, and, basal apical the the on on glabrous ciliate sides, deep), both mm 1.1–3.2 (notch length emarginate width/petal petal long, Petals mm 0.1–0.3 wide, hairs and mm eglandular 0.15–0.45 mm uncinate margins 1.9–2.8 with scarious mucro with with long, 5–7-nerved, accrescent, i,itrmne zsae isr,43 Cipsira, et 1935, Jul Dzysra montes inter sie, purplish. ies W;Milt,dsr uht,Aarsai 42 Aragristavi, Dusheti, distr. Mtiuleti, (W); 43 Guagua, montis latior, Sakeni pagi vicinitas .–. mln,bons;rsrm2.–92mm 20.8–29.2 rostrum brownish; long, mm 0.2–2.2 5.9 thsbe mosbet xmn h specimen 9). the map examine (1962, Grossheim map: to Additional record. impossible this supporting been Unfortunately, previous has 25). 9). (Fig. map it the (1962, Grossheim in m of 3100 record based border’’ and ‘‘Turkish/Soviet mentioned 474) 1700 (1967: Davis between and slopes, rocks, rocky meadows, among alpine Caucasus; August. 1948). Strelova and kaya gla- perimeter. 5 with reticulate,reddish;hilum1/4aslongasthe long, lobes. mm brous 1.8–3.2 remains with stigmatic long, mm 2.2–4.7 6 apex narrowed a with long, aona 42 Sakornia, 12092 42 Pass, 1979, Krestovyi Jul 15 E, M) rai 42 Ermani, (MA); u ersnaieSeiesExamined. Specimens Representative itiuinadHabitat. and Distribution Phenology. Number. Chromosome Illustrations. Additional aet gadlrhis0217m long; mm 0.2–1.7 hairs eglandular patent, 9 3 glabrous. 9 6 ome eirs.n. Levier & Sommier ,1 u 1893, Jul 17 E, H;Gra ag jr-mrts ahao m. Bakhmaro, Ajara-Imeretis, range Guria, (H); –. m with mm, 2–2.8 (12.1)15.4–16.7(20) oaosys.n. Kolakovsky aet gadlrhis0421m long. mm 0.4–2.1 hairs eglandular patent, Rhododendron Fruit u L,O;Ikz,Dgshas-mn 43 Doguschja-su-aman, Ilkezi, O); (LE, Cotyledons afrdes.n. Zamfaradze 22 9 Sepals aaa s.n. Mayasak Seeds Gynoecium ,44 N, u lwrn pcmn rmMyto May from specimens Flowering 973. mln;mrcrs5.2– mericarps long; mm 29.7–37.5 u 29 30 9 9 u u ,44 N, L) dai,mn hn,41 Khino, mont Adjarie, (LE); lof274 Alboff 3.1–4.2 ,44 N, 11 39 7.2–10.9 3 entire. 9 3 9 or 6 .–. m bluish. mm, 0.6–1.3 ,43 N, ,2 u 1950, Aug 23 E, u M) vntai uoLatpari jugo in Svanetia (MA); u G;Goga iiayRoad, Military Georgian (G); .–. m linear-lance- mm, 0.6–1.3 16 Empetrum .–. mln,dark long, mm 4.3–9.1 aetelnua hairs eglandular patent 27 2 F) USA Kabardino- RUSSIA: (FI). Staminal 3 9 n 5 u 3 9 rshi 16:17). (1962: Grossheim ,1 u 1939, Jul 10 E, u F,G;dsr Gulripshi, distr. G); (FI, .gymnocaulon G. 10 ,1 u 1975, Jul 13 E, 5 3 etr n central and Western .–42m (ratio mm 8.4–14.2 52 .–. m finely mm, 1.7–2.4 .708) patent, 0.57–0.85), 9 u 9 ,1 u 1925, Jul 18 E, 8 6(Sokolovs- 56 28, .–. m not mm, 2.9–5.5 ,42 N, 18 ERI:Abkha- GEORGIA: nschistose on , 9 u iaet 5.2– filaments ,40 N, 21 aiaaz s.n. Zanitaradze u u Vlm 32 [Volume 9 58 5 ,44 N, 9 9 u uoas.n. Kutora ,41 N, Kukkonen ,5Aug 5 E, 54 Nectar- u u u 9 18 46 from Busch 20 ,31 E, u 9 9 9 53 N, N, E, 9 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. R,L,S ,WA). W, S, LE, KRA, 43 Dogushja-su-algan, 43 Ilkezi, N, Karasu, Kabarda, W); (G, 43 2007] otsCee,43 Cheget, montis ihu easadspl;f ea;g ea;h tmnlflmn;i Fru i. filament; Staminal h. Petal; g. Sepal; h–k: f. (LE); sepals; and petals without F u IG. 24 u 9 24. 24 ,2 u 1925, Jul 26 E, 9 ome eirs.n., Levier & Sommier ,2 u 1925, Jul 24 E, eaimgymnocaulon Geranium u 8 9 ,43 N, uc uc s.n. Busch & Busch uc uc 2941 Busch & Busch u 17 9 u.19 (FI)]. 1890 Aug. 1 ,1 u 1978, Aug 15 E, ..Dvs .Hbt .Idmnu ftepdnl;c rcels .Flow d. Bracteoles; c. peduncle; the of Indumentum b. Habit; a. Davis. P.H. EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO S U;Baksan, WU); (S, C ,H K, H, G, (C, Vasa ´ s.n. k u 18 9 itknfrseiesof specimens for mistaken lnua ar.However, hairs. glandular hrceitcidmnu ntepeduncles the on indumentum characteristic a Discussion. t .Mrcr;k ed[a–g: Seed k. Mericarp; j. it; eaimgymnocaulon Geranium .gymnocaulon G. urcts.n., Ruprecht .ibericum G. ssometimes is r .Flower e. er; u 1861 Aug 8 without has 123 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. dt)and (dots) 0 G 10. glabrous. almost stem the the of of of part the basal specimens base at the notch Some have the deeper apex. a on having petal hairy by and are to side, opposed abaxial petals as the sides, where are both which on indumentum glabrous petal its by to distinguished similar quite of hairs, hairs eglandular uncinate ibericum patent soft, short, long, of the lacking composed pedicels and 124 erreelnua ar .–. mlong. mm to 0.1–0.3 leaves patent hairs scattered eglandular with retrorse or glabrous herbaceous, diam, mm 10.8 ar naailsraeado h margin, the on and surface adaxially. abaxial glabrous on hairs to patent stipules long; scattered 3.5–7.6 mm with 0.1–0.2 hairs or eglandular glabrous retrorse long, cm 19 half distal 5 in length length/middle-segment (5)7–10(12)-lobed second-sinus base, (ratio the at width/middle-seg- wide maximum length [ratio ment rhombic 5– segments 7, projected; not reticulate, hairs, not eglandular nervation appressed, scattered main-sinus with pilose, [ratio palmatifid length length/middle-segment deeply cm, 3.2–6.9 F Herbs IG. .806) aln evsopst;ptoe to petioles opposite; leaves cauline 0.28–0.68); 44 ye:B!J!K D !W!.Fg 26. Fig. WU!). W! B LD! K! 141, JE! BR! 1912: types: Knuth 36 by designated austro-orientalis, Riwandus, oppidi ditionis Karduchiae Helgurd Assyria, IRAQ. montis 1910.—TYPE: 82. 8: Veg. Regni RNU KURDICUM ERANIUM 5 rao itiuinof distribution of Area 25. na in u 51 3 From . eena,1–3c al ottc 3.8– Rootstock tall. cm 10–43 perennial, .kurdicum G. 9 .–. m acoae iheglandular with lanceolate, mm, 1.2–1.7 ,2 ue1893, June 26 E, 6 5 essetrste aia2.4–5.5 lamina rosette; persistent .libani G. 06).807(.7] .–. mm 0.7–5.6 (0.62)0.68–0.73(0.77)], 6 .ibericum G. (triangles). Inflorescence horizontal. wihhsa indumentum an has (which on. eet pc Nov. Spec. Repert. Bornm., onulr998 Bornmuller ,i a efurther be can it ), eaimgymnocaulon Geranium 5 ndcailcyme; dichasial in Stem .gymnocaulon G. 0.71–0.84(0.90)], rc,leafy, erect, { (lectotype: isolecto- ; .libani G. YTMTCBOTANY SYSTEMATIC u 46 Basal 9 N, G. 3 , ah 36 Dagh, og akpurplish. dark long, edw,bten20 n 50m(i.25). (Fig. alpine 260). m of (1978: 3500 al. et areas and Meusel map: moist 2300 Additional in between Iraq; meadows, northern and September. perimeter. long, lobes. reticulate,reddish;hilum1/4aslongasthe mm 1.2–1.5 glabrous 5 remains with stigmatic long; mm 1– 0.6 with apex long, narrowed a mm ros- with 2.9 long, brownish; mm long, 16.2–23.3 trum mm 0.4–1.5 hairs eglandular 4.2–4.9 mericarps tmadptoe,adsosamr dense In more pedicels. a and shows peduncles kurdicum and on on hairs petioles, indumentum eglandular and scattered with stem or species glabrous This is subsect. divisions. secondary narrow of and deep species other Mediterranea from distinguished B,K fHlodRnena em adLk,36 Lake, Sand Berma near Range Helgord of N K; (BM, 36 Helgord, in slopes iit ntepoia af ihhis0512mm yellow. 0.5–1.2 hairs 1.7–2.5 with anthers half, long; side, proximal abaxial the the on on ciliate pilose of lanceolate, long, base mm 7.6 purplish. the on margin, ciliate on basal side, abaxial the the hairy on glabrous deep), side, adaxial mm 0.9–2.5 (notch 44 h atrseisptl r eaieylne and longer relatively are in although petals narrower. side, species adaxial latter of base the the on hairs with length long. 14.1(15.2) with mm 0.8–1.5 long, with hairs wide, eglandular mm mm 0.7–2.7 0.2–0.4 margins mm mucro scarious 0.2–0.7 with hairs 3–5-nerved, eglandular glabrous retrorse long. margin, scattered to with the long, patent cm on 0.9–3.4 pedicels and adaxially; surface on hairs abaxial eglandular with linear-lanceolate, mm, hairs (1.9)2.4–3.1(4.6) 0.8 bracteoles eglandular long; retrorse mm to 0.1–0.7 long, patent cm scattered (0)1.8–10.1 peduncles with branch; each the at of aggregates top in or solitary 2-flowered, cymules a bv umz 38 Hurmuz, above Dag 23386 38 1954, Aug 1954, u u itiuinadHabitat. and Distribution Phenology. Number. Chromosome Discussion. Examined. Specimens Representative 51 15 ai 24034 Davis 9 9 B,K;Hkai ioTp,37 Tepe, Cilo Hakkari, K); (BM, ,3Sp1957, Sep 3 E, ,42 N, Sepals u 5 45 ea nuetmi iia to similar is indumentum petal , Nectaries ai 24403 Davis 3 9 u Cotyledons ,44 N, .208) rc-aet emarginate erect-patent, 0.52–0.87), 15 .–11m rtoptlwidth/petal petal (ratio mm 7.9–11.1 6.7–9.2 yisdel amtfdlae with leaves palmatifid deeply its by 9 ,2 u 1954, Jul 23 E, B,K;Kr a,37 Dag, Kara K); (BM, lwrn pcmn rmJn to June from specimens Flowering u eaimkurdicum Geranium 51 u ai24776 Rawi 45 glabrous. 9 K M;Vn aa,Kvsaa Dag, Kavussahap Satak, Van, BM); (K, 3 6 u ,2 u 1932, Jul 24 E, 9 3 17 3 ,44 N, unknown. aet gadlrhis0.2– hairs eglandular patent, .–. m with mm, 1.7–2.2 9 Seeds Fruit .–. m elw pollen yellow; mm, 0.6–1.2 –. m o accrescent, not mm, 3–4.5 ,41 N, u Unknown. ai 23217 Davis K.TRE:Bti,Kambos Bitlis, TURKEY: (K). 51 Staminal u 9 Gynoecium 3.1 ,1 u 1956, Aug 15 E, otesenTurkey Southeastern 58 343. mlong; mm 23.4–30.2 u 9 us 2905 Guest 30 ,3 u 1954, Jun 31 E, 3 u 9 42 Petals ,44 N, . m finely mm, 1.6 9 a eeasily be can RQ r Gird Arl IRAQ: iaet 5.3– filaments (BM). ,43 N, Vlm 32 [Volume u –. mm 5–7.4 K;N&W & N (K); 6 6 0 (9.8)12.8– .gracile G. 9 u ae 136 Haley ,8Aug 8 E, 42 patent, 3 patent u 9 46 Davis ,15 E, 0.5– 9 G. N, , Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. ihu easadspl;g ea;h ea;i tmnlflmns .Fr j. filaments; Staminal i. Petal; h. Sepal; g. Bornmu sepals; and petals without 2007] F IG. ¨ 26. lr998 ller eaimkurdicum Geranium (K)]. on.a ai;b ef .Batoe;d nuetmo h eie;e Fl e. pedicel; the of Indumentum d. Bracteoles; c. Leaf; b. Habit; a. Bornm. EOE L:GRNU USC.MEDITERRANEA SUBSECT. GERANIUM AL.: ET AEDO i;k eiap .Se [a–h: Seed l. Mericarp; k. uit; Bornmu ¨ lr998 ller wr .Flower f. ower; B) i–l: (BR); 125 Delivered by Publishing Technology to: CSIC - REAL JARDIN BOTANICO IP: on: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:15:57 Copyright (c) American Society for Plant Taxonomists. All rights reserved. eaimplatypetalum Geranium Geranium eaimibericum Geranium —,F M F. ———, eaimgypsum Geranium G20-07/O,adb h uoenUinthrough and Union program. 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