
Anale. Seria Informatic. Vol. VI fasc. I - 2008 Annals. Series. 6th Tome 1st Fasc. - 2008

On the of Partial

Dr. Emil Schwab, Professor ‚Tibiscus“ University of Timisoara, Romania

ABSTRACT. Categories of partial functions have become increasingly important principally because of their applications in theoretical computer science. In this note we prove that the category of partial bijections between sets as an inverse-Baer*- category with closed projections and in which the idempotents split is an exact category. Finally the Noether isomorphism are given for this exact category.

1 The inverse-Baer*-category of partial bijections

Let X and Y be any two sets. A partial from X to Y is a function from a of X called the domain of f (which we denote by Dom(f)) to a subset of Y. The of f is the subset Im(f)=f(Dom(f)). For any subset A of X the 1A on A is a partial function from X to itself. W e call such partial functions partial identities. The empty partial function from X to Y is denoted by 0X,Y. The composition g è f of two partial functions f:XçY and g:YçZ is given by

(g A f )(x) = g( f (x)) with Dom(g A f ) = {x ≠ X | f (x) ≠ Dom(g)}

If Imf¶Domg=f then g è f = 0X,Z. A partial function f which induce a between Def(f) and Im(f) is called a partial bijection. If f:XçY is a partial bijection then the partial bijection f-1:YçX given by

Dom( f -1) = Im( f ) ; Im( f -1) = Dom( f ) ; f -1(y) = x iff f (x) = y


Anale. Seria Informatic. Vol. VI fasc. I - 2008 Annals. Computer Science Series. 6th Tome 1st Fasc. - 2008

the inverse of f. The basic properties of partial bijections are listed in the following : Proposition 1.1 (i) The composition of partial bijections is again a partial bijection;

(ii) If f:XçY and g:YçZ are partial bijections then

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 f A f = 1Dom( f ) ; f A f = 1Im( f ) ; ( f ) = f ; (g A f ) = f A g .

(iii) The of all partial bijections from a set X to itself, denoted I(X), is an inverse (called the symmetric inverse monoid on X)

(iv) The idempotents of I(X) are precisely the partial identities on X.

(v) If 1A,1B≠E(I(X)) (where E(I(X)) denote the set of idempotents of I(X)) then

1A A1B = 1A¶B = 1B A1A .

(vi) An inverse is isomorphic with an inverse subsemigroup of the symmetric inverse monoid I(S) of all patial bijections of S.  A category C is called an inverse category provided that for each a of C there exists a unique morphism b of C, called the inverse of a, such that

a ∂ b ∂a = a and b ∂a ∂ b = b

A great number of results about inverse can be expressed for the inverse categories. W e shall verify that a regular category (i.e. a category provided that for each morphism a there exists a morphism b such that a∂b∂a=a) with the commuting idempotents is an inverse category:

a ∂ b ∂a = a Ω a ∂a'∂a = a, a'∂a ∂a'= a' hold for a'= b ∂a ∂ b

If aÅÅ also satisfies

a ∂a"∂a = a and a"∂a ∂a"= a" , then (note that a ∂a',a ∂a",a'∂a,a"∂a are idempotents):


Anale. Seria Informatic. Vol. VI fasc. I - 2008 Annals. Computer Science Series. 6th Tome 1st Fasc. - 2008

a'= a'∂a ∂a'= a'∂a ∂a"∂a ∂a'= a"∂a ∂a'∂a ∂a'= a"∂a ∂a' and

a"= a"∂a ∂a"= a"∂a ∂a'∂a ∂a"= a"∂a ∂a"∂a ∂a'= a"∂a ∂a' and therefore a'= a". As well as inverse , the inverse categories are described by subcategories of the category B of partial bijections between sets. Ob(B) is the class of all sets. If X and Y are sets, HomB(X,Y) is the set of all partial bijections from X to Y. The composition of is the composition of partial bijections. Since for any partial bijection f,

-1 f A f A f = f is defined and holds true, the category B is a regular category. Note that

HomB (X , X ) = I(X ) and by Proposition 1.1 (v), the idempotents of B commute. Hence Proposition 1.2 The category B of partial bijections between sets is an inverse category.  As well as the of inverse category, the concept of Baer*- category arises if we apply a basic of Baer*-semigroups (see [ ]) to morphisms of a category with zero. If C is a category, a contravariant endofunctor * on C identical on objects and involutory on morphisms (that is (b∂a)*=a*∂b* if the composition b∂a makes sense, and (a*)*=a for any morphism a of C) is called an involution on C. An idempotent morphism e of a category C with involution * is called projection if e*=e. A category C with involution * and with zero object is called a Baer*-category provided that for each morphism a≠HomC(A,B) there exists (a necessarily unique) projection aÅ≠HomC(A,A) such that

{b ≠ MorC | a ∂ b = 0} = a'∂C, where aÅ∂C denotes the class of all morphisms of the form aÅ∂g (g≠MorC) such that the composition aÅ∂g makes sense. A projection e of a Baer*- category is called closed projection if eÅÅ=e. Proposition 1.3 The category B of partial bijections between sets is a Baer*-category with closed projections (any projection is closed projecton).


Anale. Seria Informatic. Vol. VI fasc. I - 2008 Annals. Computer Science Series. 6th Tome 1st Fasc. - 2008

Proof. The category B is provided with a canonical involution, namely f*=f- 1. Now, let f :XçY be a partial bijection. W e shall verify that

{g ≠ HomB (ñ, X ) | f A g = 0ñ,Y } = 1X -Def ( f ) A B (1X -Def ( f ) ≠ HomB (X , X ))

If g≠Hom(ñ,X) such that f è g =0ñ,Y then Im(g)¨X-Def(f) and therefore g=1X-Def(f) è g. Now, for any morphism h≠1X-Def(f) è B we have f è h=0ñ,Y because f è 1X-Def(f)=0X,Y. Since the idempotents of B are partial identities, it follows that any idempotent of B is closed projection.  If C is an inverse category then we denote the inverse of a by a-1. The inverse category C is provided with the canonical involution œ1. W e say that C is an inverse -Baer*-category if C is an inverse and a Baer*-category with * = -1. W e have: 1.4 An inverse- Baer*-category with closed projections in which every idempotent has a mono-epi factorization is an exact category (in the sense of Mitchell [MIT65 ]). Proof. An exact category is a normal and conormal category with kernels and cokernels in which any morphism has a mono-epi factorization. Now, let C be an inverse Baer*-category with closed projections in which any idempotent has a mono-epi factorization. W e shall verify that C is an exact category. If a is a morphism of C and aÅ=p1∂q1 is a mono-epi factorization of aÅ then a∂aÅ=0 and therefore a∂p1=0. Let a∂b=0 for some b≠MorC. Then b≠aÅ∂C, that is b=p1∂(q1∂g) for some morphism g≠MorC. It follows -1 p1=ker(f). Hence C is a category with kernels. Now, if (a )Å=p2∂q2 is a -1 mono-epi factorization of (a )Å then q2=coker(a). Hence C is a category with kernels and cokernels. To show that C is normal and conormal let a be a monorphism in C and b an epimorphism in C. It is straightforward to check that a=ker(a-1)Å and b=coker(bÅ). Hence C is a normal and conormal category. To show that any morphism a of C has a mono-epi facotization, let a∂a-1=p∂q be a mono-epi factorization of the idempotent a∂a-1. Then,

a = a ∂a -1 ∂a = p ∂ (q ∂a -1 ∂a) = p ∂ b, where b=q∂a-1∂a. Note that,

a ∂a -1 ∂ p ∂ q = a ∂a -1 ∂a ∂a -1 = a ∂a -1 = p ∂ q


Anale. Seria Informatic. Vol. VI fasc. I - 2008 Annals. Computer Science Series. 6th Tome 1st Fasc. - 2008

and therefore

a ∂a -1 ∂ p = p.

It follows

p = a ∂a -1 ∂ p = p ∂ b ∂a -1 ∂ p, that is:

1 = b ∂a -1 ∂ p

Thus b is an epimorhism and a=p∂b is a mono-epi factorization of a.  Corollary 1.5 The category B of partial bijections between sets is an exact category Proof. To show that the category B of partial bijections between sets is an exact category it is enough by Theorem 1.4 to show that any idempotent of B has a mono-epi factorization. It is straightforward to check that a morphism f≠HomB(X,Y) is a monomorphism if and only if Def(f)=X, and it is an epimorphism if and only if Im(f)=Y. Thus if 1A≠HomB(X,X) is an idempotent (Dom(1A)=A¨X) then

1 X A X

f A g is a mono-epi factorization of 1A (1A=g è f), where the partial bijections f:XçA and g:AçX are given by:

Def ( f ) = A; f (x) = x and Def (g) = A; g(x) = x . 

2 The Noether isomorphism theorems for the category of partial bijections

Let C be an exact category. The of morphisms in C:

0 ùùçU ùùa çV ùùb çW ùùç0 is an exact sequence (called a short exact sequence) if and only if:


Anale. Seria Informatic. Vol. VI fasc. I - 2008 Annals. Computer Science Series. 6th Tome 1st Fasc. - 2008

Àa is a monomrphism and a = ker(b), (or equivalently, b = coker(a)) and Ã Õ b is an epimorphism

In the case of short exact sequence it is frequently denote W by V/U. The undesignated morphism VçV/U in the short exact sequence

0 ùùçU ùùa çV ùùçV /U ùùç0, will be understood to be b=coker(a). The following statement is true in an exact category C: Proposition 2.1 (The 3ì3 Lemma) A commutative diagram in an exact category

0 0 0 é é é 0 ç U ' ç U ç U" ç 0 é é é 0 ç V ' ç V ç V" ç 0 é é é W ' W W" é é é 0 0 0 where all the rows and columns are exact, can be completed by an exact sequence

0 ùùçW ' ùùçW ùùçW"ùùç0 .

In what follows the notation U¨V signifies a fixed monomorphism UçV, hence an exact sequence

0 ùùçU ùùçV ùùçV /U ùùç0.

Let U¨V¨W . Hence the diagram


Anale. Seria Informatic. Vol. VI fasc. I - 2008 Annals. Computer Science Series. 6th Tome 1st Fasc. - 2008

0 0 0 é é é 0 ç U Ω U ç 0 ç 0 é é é 0 ç V ç W ç W /V ç 0 é é æ V /U W /U W /V é é é 0 0 0

(where Ω is the identity morphism) is a commutative diagram where all the rows and columns are exact. By Proposition 2.1 it follows: Theorem 2.2 (First Noether isomorphism theorem for exact category) Let U¨V¨W in an exact category. Then

V /U ¨ W /U and (W /U )/(V /U ) @ W /V. 

The second Noether isomorphism theorem for exact category is given by Theorem 2.3 (Second Noether isomorphism theorem for exact category) Let U¨W and V¨W in an exact category. Then

V /U ¶V @ U ßV /V. 

The purpose of this section is to find the Noether set-theoretical identities that is an illustration of the last two theorems in a non- namely in the exact (and balanced) category B of partial bijections between sets. Since a morphism f≠HomB(X,Y) is a monomorphism (epimorphism) if and only if Def(f)=X (Imf=Y), it follows that if f is an isomorphism than card(X)=card(Y). So, the of an object X≠Ob(B) are the of the set X. The notation X1¨X is suggestive for a of X. If the sequence

0 ùùç X1 ùùç X ùùçY ùùç0 is exact in B, then card(Y)=card(X-X1). Thus the quotient object Y of X will be understood to be X-X1. The short exact in B are the sequences

0 ùùç X1 ùùç X ùùç X - X1 ùùç0 with X1 subset of X.


Anale. Seria Informatic. Vol. VI fasc. I - 2008 Annals. Computer Science Series. 6th Tome 1st Fasc. - 2008

The Noether isomorphism theorems for the category B of partial bijections between sets becomes: Theorem 2.4 ( First Noether isomorphism theorem for the category of partial bijections between sets) Let X1¨X2¨X. Then

X 2 - X1 ¨ X - X1 and (X - X1) - (X 2 - X1) ô X - X 2 

Theorem 2.5 (Second Noether isomorphism theorem for the category of partial bijections between sets) Let X1,X2¨X. Then

X 2 - (X1 ¶ X 2 ) ô (X1 ß X 2 ) - X1. 


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