Girling Walter, news agent, 35 High road 1 Hamilton Alfred, sub-divisional inspector of ~etropoli- Gla:r.e Albert H. district supt. & Manchester tan police, Station, 40 High road Industrial Assurance Co. Limited, 63 Richmond road Hamilton Gavin M.A. private school, 6 Cranbrook park. Glt>ish J. F. &; Co. fancy goods dealers, 29 Cranbrook td Hamilton William Claude, teacher of sin~ing, 49 Glickman Jack, ironmonger,4 Broadway market,Ilford la The Drive Goddard's Gem Appliance Co. Limited, portable build- Hamlin George, builder, Malvern house. Perkins road,. ing manufacturers, Vicarage lane & 7 Oakfield road Newbury Park Godfrey Alfred. boot repairer, 6 The Promenade, High Hammond & Miles Limited, builders, 3 Scrafton road· road, Harnmond Ethel (Miss), teacher of music, 5 Scrafton rcf Godfrey Alfd. John, cycle ma. 546 High rd. Goodmayes Hammond George, land.,cape gardener, q. Clement's nf Godfrey Robt. confectnr. 2b, Goodmayes rd. Goodmayes Hammond John, butcher, 39 Mend's lane, Seven King~~< Gold W.k Sons,jobbing gardeners.rPercy rd.Goodmayes Hancock Hubt-rt Wilson, beer retailer, Green lane Golding Ellen Susannah (Mrs.), White Horse P.H. 93 Handley A. L. (Mrs.). nurse, 133 Ilford lane High road Handley Waiter J. fishmonger, 72 &; 74 High road Golding Miss, nursP, 251 Lev street " Hanliinson's Limited, chemists, 223 Ilford lane &; 5 Goldsmith James, cutler, so ·nford lane South Park parade, Green lanl' Goodchild Alfred, butcher, 125 Woodlands road Hanks • Arthnr, greengrocPr, 5 Aldborongh pa¥ement,. Goodeve Frederick, laundry, 3 The Promenade, High High road. Seven Kings . • road, Seven Kings Hanks Charles M.B. & B.S. physician & surgeon, y~ Goodingha.m Frank F.S.A.A. accountant & auditor, 13 Belgrave road Cranbrook road Harcourt Leslie J a.mes, insurance agent, q. Scrafton ra Goodmayes Recreation Grounds, Green lane. Goodmayer. Harding William, tobacconist, 4 Aldborongh pavemerlt,.. Goodridge Anne (Miss), dress maker, 159 Balfour road High road, Seven Kings Goody Marie (Mrs.), dress maker, 128 St. )'lary's road Hardwick Ada M. (Mrs.), dress malil'r, -t Khartoum Goslin Henry Charles, nurseryman. Cameron road, parade, Ilford lane Seven Kings &; 3 Seven Kings Cottages yard Hardy Lena (Miss), ladies' school, 7 Balfour road Gosling Henry Frank, teacher of music, 13 Cranbrool; Harper-Bourne Ernest, 1adies' !:ailor, 133 High road; k. road & 57 Kingston road at High road, Woodford Gosling Kathleen \Miss), dress maker, 105 Stanlt>y road Harries Thomas Henry & Co. drapers, 129 &. 131 High Gostling & Hosegood, dairy, 520 High rd. Goodmayu road. •r ~ 5-+S Ilford Gott James Godfrey, deputy clerk to Ilford Urban Dis- Harriman Albt.Llewellyn,accountunt,1>9 Kemington gdns: trict Council & clHk t(} Ilford Local Pension Corn- Harrington Arthur Ho-w-ard M.P.S. chemist, 137 Wood- mitteP, Town hall, High road lands road Gongh John, coffee stall keeper, High road Harris Frank, master mariner. 97 Mayfair avenue Gourlay Alexander, plumber, 2 Grange road Harris John, accountant, 72 Park road Gowan Gilbert, electrical engineer, 4 Salisbury road Harris Richard, commercial traveller, 44 Dudley roarf Gowan Jn. Grave, treas. & supt. assistant owrs~>er to Harris W. (Mrs.), ladies' tailor, 24 Balfour road lliord Urban Distri.ctCouncil ; offices, Town hall,High 1·d Harrison Alfred, oilman, 2 Royal parade, Green lane Graham Robert, shopkeeper, 92 Spencer :rd. Seven King~ Harrison Frederick B. builder, 166 Balfour road Grantharn & Co. grocers, 319 High road Harrison John Allt>n, farm bailiff to Mr. Waiter Mills~ Graves Frederick Allen &i Sons. surgical instrument farm, Loxford lane makers, II4 Mead's lane, Seven Kings Harrison Thomas Arthur. chemist &; photo~raphic Gray & Co. outfitters, 225 & 227 High road material dealer, 5'H High road, Goodrnayes &: !). Gray John, nurseryman, Grove nursery, High road Broomhill market, Green lane, Goodmayes Gray William Shaw, fancy stationer & post office, 55:.1 flarrison Waiter, boot maker, 97 Stanley road High road, Goodmayes Harrison Waiter M.A., Mus.Bac. professor of music, 34- Great Eastern Direct Coal Supply Co. Station approach. Toronto road York rd. & Railway station, Goodmayes rd.Goodrnayes Hart Ernest Frank, jobmaster, Elfrida mews, Ilford lane­ Great Eastern Railway Goods Yard (John Francis Hurt Jane (Mrs.), shopkePper, Horns road, Newbury pk McCarthy, goods agent), 409 High road Harwy Lionel Edward, manager & enginePr to Ilfora Great Ilford Parochial Reading Room, High road Crban Council Tramways, Ley street Greatorex By. Philip, grocer, Post office, 79 .St. Mary's rd Harvey Percy William, dining rooms, 79 High road Green Arthur William, grocer, 86 High road & 126 Harvey-George Kenneth, builder, Kingsfield estate office-.. Cranbrook road; & ro Broomhill market, Goodmaves Jersey road k grocer, & post office, r South Park parade, Green Haselgrove Albert B. electrical enginePr, 23 Water la lane,. Seven Kings Hatch William Seth, leather seller, 225 Ilford lane Green Edward, nurseryman, Perryman's Farm road, Hatcher Robert, motor engineer, Cecil parade, High rd" Newbury park Hatfield George Henry & Son, estate agents, 7 Moot- Green Harry, confectioner, 2 St. Mary's parade, High rd rose terrace, Green lane Green Jsph.H. bookbinder,87 Kingswood rd. Goodmaye• Hatfield Beatrice Laura (Miss), milliner, 7 Montrose ter- Green Thomas James L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon- race, Green lane dentist, 49 Cranbrook road & 22 Holcombe road, Hatfield Octavius Orrin, estate agent, see Hatfield: Uford Garden Suburb George Henry & Son Clregory Waiter, grocer, 337 Ley street Jiatton William, plumber, 17 Madras road Grey Waiter M.R.O.V.S.veterinary surgeon,148 High rd Hawes Henry, sen. undertaker, 280 High road Grigg Alfred Richard, baker, 333 Ley street Hawes Henry Lambert, undertaker, 70 llford lane Ctriggs William Peter k Co. Limited, estate owners, 7 Hawkins Henry, photographer, 21 York road The Drive Hawley William, hair dresser, II7 Ley street Grimwood William, fancy draper, 53 Green lane Hayday George, te:~cher of dancing, 25 Albert road Grosse Otto (Madame), corset &; belt maker, 3 Cran- Hayden Edwd. & Son, ophthalmic opticians,163High r