St. Michael’s 715 Creighton Avenue ~ Hastings, NE 68901 Parish Office Phone: 402-463-1023      

CǜǕǢǗǩ: Pastor……...... Fr. Jeremy L. Hazuka Rectory Phone:………...... 4024631023 PǑǢǙǣǘ SǤǑǖǖ ̂ CǟǞǤǑǓǤǣ: Office and Bookkeeping…………Ryan Hall [email protected] Bulletin …[email protected] Parish Website Mgr.…...... Robin Lindauer Custodian……………...Matthew Fehringer OǖǖǙǓǕ HǟǥǢǣ: MondayThursday: 8:00am3:00pm Closed on Fridays, Holidays & Holy Days BǥǜǜǕǤǙǞ IǤǕǝǣ:  Please submit all bulletin items 1 week prior to publication date. Items are required to be submitted in writing or via parish email at: [email protected] PǑǢǙǣǘ WǕǒǣǙǤǕ: Hǟǜǩ SǑǓǢǑǝǕǞǤǣ:  Baptismal Preparation: Please call the Parish Office to schedule a baptism.  Marriage Preparation: Persons seeking to be married at Saint Michael’s need to be registered six months prior to initial contact. The parish office must be contacted six months prior to the  March 1st, 2020 anticipated wedding date.

 Communion to the Homebound: Please contact the church to arrange for Communion to be brought to you on Sundays and/or

First Fridays if you are homebound.  Anointing of the Sick:  Please contact the one of the priests to  receive this sacrament. The elderly may be anointed if they have become notably  weakened even though no serious Prayer to Saint Michael ~ Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in illness is present. Anyone preparing for bale; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May surgery due to serious illness should God rebuke him, We humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly receive this  host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits sacrament. who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen. M  I`7`J`: F. J77_1 H 6 W ~ P  

 Dear parishioners of Saint Michael’s, Mon / March 02 :     7:30 am…………….…...…..…Frederick Rose  I shared this article a couple years ago, but I want to get the message out again before the weather starts getting warmer. 8:10 am ..…..………………….....Grace Adler It is from an issue of “Mother Love”, the newsletter from the   of Christian Mothers. I share it again Tues / March 03:  because spring is less than a month away and summertime is  drawing closer too M at least I’d like to think it is! While the  7:30 am…....……888888888888…+Lenn Woods article was written for women, many of the same principles can 8:10 am ……...... 8888...... +Ed Zach be applied to men too.      Wed / March 04: Modesty Mirrors a Woman’s Heart: What Should I Wear Today?  By Paula A. Calabrese, Ph.D.  7:30am……………...... +Cherrie Mooers Spring 2017, 8:10 am……………………….....Berdon Bullard    The Baltimore Catechism of days gone by was practically silent on the topic   Thurs / March 05:  of modesty. Maybe because it was the fifties and mothers instinctively taught their  daughters to cover up and demonstrated it in their own dress and clothing choices.  7:30 am…...Int. of Deb and Sco Bonham The fifties are long gone and so it seems are the family standards and expectations for 8:10 am...... STATIONS OF THE CROSS the modesty of their daughters.   In 2017, modesty is not on the mind of or in the vocabulary of most families. .. Such language is so old fashioned and reminiscent of days gone by. It is seemingly Fri / March 06: irrelevant in today’s culture. Today’s dress and clothing standards are typically  expressed in the assertion, “If you have it, flaunt it.” And flaunting is fueled by the  7:30 am.+Gene and Germaine Hemberger warmth of the summer months. Modesty is not in fashion today and certainly not in  8:10 am……888888888888…NO SCHOOL MASS the language of the day. That thinking forgets that when a woman flaunts “It,” others  5:30 pm ………….STATIONS OF THE CROSS tend to focus on “It,” rather than her entire human person.   Unlike the old Baltimore Catechism, modesty is addressed in the language of   Sat / March 07: the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). Here are just a few relevant examples:   8:00 am...... 888…+Doug Pawloski Section 2521: Purity requires modesty, an integral part of temperance. Modesty protects the intimate center of the person. It means refusing to unveil what N70 W77W7`3  should remain hidden. Section 2522: Modesty protects the mystery of persons and their love. Modesty is M  I`7`J`: decency. It is discreet. Section 2523: There is a modesty of feeling as well as of the body. Modesty  inspires a way of life that makes it possible to resist the allurements of  fashion and the pressures of prevailing ideologies. Saturday / March 07 :    The language of the CCC reminds us that there is a language of clothing.  5:00 pm..…...... Sco and Deb Bonham Women’s clothing speaks to others. Women communicate who they are by the way  they dress. What does your mode of dress say about you? Naturally, women are Sunday / March 08: influenced by current styles, but they must resist inappropriate dress understanding  that modesty is the prudence of chastity. Modesty underpins chastity.  7:30 am...... Donna Hawkinson+  How might modesty be judged? Not according to the estimation of a morally  9:00 am.....888888...... People of the Parish  corrupt society, but according to a society that aspires to and recognizes the dignity 11:00 am….…...... 88888888....+Gordon SIdlo of women. Consequently, provocative garments … “unveil what should remain  7:30 pm88888Intenons of the Celebrant hidden.” (CCC 2521)  Women might conduct a personal assessment of what their dress says to others by  asking themselves these questions as they prepare for school, work or recreation: 

  M What does my dress communicate to others? Is that really what I want to say? S `3 1 S `JG M : M Do I dress to expose or to conceal my body? How can I be current and modest  1:00 pm88888888888888888St. Cecilia’s Church at the same time?  M Does my dress arouse or inspire others? What type of dress would inspire C GYJ- M  ` KSNBRTV: others to follow my lead?  Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am M Do I dress with simplicity and discreet modesty? Am I a slave to fashion or my

  own person? M Do I respect my body as a temple of God? Do others recognize that I respect myself?      (con’t. next page…)


March 1, 2020 2   1st Sunday of Lent C7Y7, J` MJ`J7: A M -G 07  8, 2019:

Servers  Acolytes 3rd Minister to Ushers Lectors

Brent Hoops  Jordan Faimon Robert Dubas Zack Landgren Scott Rosno Samuel Hoops Doug Hollister Saturday, Mar 7, 5:00 PM Robert Kober (Vigil Mass) Colleen Kober Dennis Krienert Winston Broce  Nolan Albers Micki Schamens Carrie Rasmussen Roger Edgington Clay Rasmussen Scott Schneider Sunday, Mar 8, 7:30 AM Ronald Thompson Rod Willmes Ron Willnerd Paul Rodriguez Larry Consbruck Nick Faber Tyler Fitzke Russell Batenhorst Pat Wahlmeier NOT FILLED Joe Frink Sunday, Mar 8, 9:00 AM Larry Kort Doug Schwenka Larry Zabloudil Scott Bonham  Jacob Brouillette Mike Carey Matthew Phillips Tim Cook Marcus Phillips Jon Jackson Sunday, Mar 8, 11:00 AM Dale Mousel Scott Peshek John Plein


AcolytesRAltar ServersRLectors: Knights of Columbus:   Parish Office……………..…...402R463R1023 Kurt Heideman…..…………..402R984R6343 Prayer Chain:  St. Michael’s Altar Society: Natural Family Planning: Cathy Krebsbach…………....402R462R8814  Connie Consbruck, Pres....402R751R2368  Norma Theisen……………….402R462R2085 Denise Benal…………………..402R303R0478  CCD Program: hp:// St. Cecilia Middle/High School: Greg Schultz……...…………...402R463R2502 familyRplanningRnfp/introductoryRsessions ………………………………………402R462R2105 Caryn Sco………………...…..402R462R6446 RforRnfp.  St. Michael’s ProRLife Commiee: Catholic Daughters: Outreach Ministry: ………..Connie Consbruck, 402R751R2368 Peg Welch.....………...... 402R463R2884 Gale & Judy Bullard ……….402R463R9111  St. Michael Elementary School: Catholic Social Services: Perpetual Adoraon ……………………………………….402R462R6310 ………………..………………….....402R463R2112 Mary Rose……………...………402R469R0780 St. Michael PreRSchool: God Teen Program: Kari O’Grady…….………….….402R469R7778 ………………………..……………402R463R6310 Greg & Dayna Harhay……..402R705R0152  Shelly Wright, Director…...402R984R2583   Wellspring Pregnancy/Health Center:

F. J77_1 H 6 W ~ P  N7 (C`J` 73 A_ P B7 2) 

  Modesty is certainly not all about the hemline. Modesty is one of the twelve L B7 VJ*7 C `3Y7

Fruits of the Holy Spirit. It is the virtue that regulates women’s action and exterior dress.  Modesty is primarily about the heart. The modest heart recognizes the body as a beauti- This Week: ful creation that should not be offered for exploitation and indecency. Modesty is about For Our Country; STM Parish; World motivation. Modesty inspires women to adorn themselves in a respectable manner, de- Peace; The Sick of the Parish; tached from the world’s definition of beauty and worth and motivated by hatred of sin and desire to draw attention to God. Modesty mirrors a woman’s heart; her heart re- BK Family; D&B Small Family; flects her soul; and her soul is the heart of the matter. Adler Family; Shi Adler; Jim  H.; Al M., R. Kraning;A.  M Father Jeremy Hazuka Kraning; Joe & Marcy Janovec; M. Zoucha; M. Stoural; D. Kemp; Jean P. 

March 1, 2020 3      1st Sunday of Lent  Announcements:  Catholic Daughters Meeting: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 7pm Mass at St. Michael's Church. Meeting to follow in Theisen Hall. Program will about the High School Mission trip to Gallup, New Mexico   Weekly High School Holy Hour: Wednesdays from 9:00PM to 10:00PM All middle and high school students are invited to join in on the weekly Student Holy Hour from 9:00PM to 10:00PM at St. Cecilia’s Church. Students from any school are welcome. Confessions are available during Holy Hour.  Informational Meeting regarding Mission Outreach 2020 to Gallup, New Mexico: All high school students who have or will have completed 9th grade are eligible for the summer mission trip to Gallup, NM, and work with the Missionaries of Charity in a summer camp for children and a soup kitchen in the evenings. An informational meeting to learn more about the experience, how to sign up, and to meet other students will be held Sunday, March 15th or Sunday, March 22nd from 3 to 4PM in the St. Michael’s family room. Parents must attend. For more information, contact Mary Koch at (402) 9846624 or visit  Knights of Columbus TV Mass: Please turn in the envelope for donations for the Knights of Columbus TV mass are included in last week’s bulletin. This weekly broadcast is organized and supported by over 40 Councils of the Knights of Columbus and your generous support in the past has allowed this ministry to stay on the air for 45 years. Any help you can be to help defray our costs will be greatly appreciated by the Knights and those unable to get to church and who depend on the televised Mass every week, Thanks for your support! 

Knights of Columbus Knights of Open Invitation for Columbus   Membership: Everyone is Welcome!!  The Hastings area Knights of Columbus are When: Every Friday during Lent ( Except conducting a Major Degree Exemplification for new Good Friday) members on Sunday, March 15, 2020 at St. Time: 5:00 pm  7:00pm  Michael’s Catholic Church, 715 Creighton Avenue Where: Centennial HallM 7th and Colorado in Hastings beginning at 10:30 a.m.   Hastings, NE Pius XII Council #1123 is hosting the All You Can Eat!! exemplification for any practical Catholic man over Adults $10.00 ~ Seniors $8.00 the age of 18 who wishes to join the Knights of 12 and Under $5.00 ~ 3 and under FREE~ Columbus. All area parish councils are welcome and Religious Free ~  invited to participate. Family max price $35.00  For candidate application and registration, please  contact Pius XII Council #1123 Grand Knight Kurt Take outs available upon request Heideman at 4029846343 or Financial Secretary Served by the Knights of Columbus Alan Aschoff at 402.460.7642 to have your Council #11823 candidate’s name placed on the scroll. Information call 4022166152  

March 1, 2019 4 First Sunday of Lent  C Y7`3  A E*7`: O  L 31 A G3 C `7Y R77  H 7

Sun / March 1 : “Come away by yourselves to a quiet place   COFFEE AND ROLLS: and rest awhile.” ~~ Mark 6:31. After 7:30AM & 9:00 a.m. Masses Mar. 68 8:00pm Men or Women  ADORATION: Biblical Prayer and its Benefits with Fr. Joseph Faulkner After 11AM Mass   VESPERS AND BENEDICTION   INFORMATION & REGISTER: 402R786R2705 or  5:00 p.m.   OUTREACH COMMITTEE5pm  Mon / March 2: “I have now brought you the first fruits of the  CHOIR PRACTICE:  products of the soil which you, O Lord, have given to me.” (Deuteronomy 26:10) 7:30 pm ~ Church    Tues / March 3: This line from the Old Testament offers two challenges. First, do you  KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS T4TH give to God from your “first fruits”, the best that you have to offer, or DEGREE do you give from what is leftover? Second, do you recognize that  everything you have has been given to you by God? Ask God for a Wed / March 4: grateful and generous heart, every day, in all circumstances.  QUILTING GROUP: 8:00 am ~ Basement  MOTHERS EVENING GROUP: Y `B M7` I` R7YJBJ  F_ J`: 7:00 pm ~ Library  FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY:  7:00 pm  Rev. Mr. Robert Froeschi ~ Theology 4 ~Mount St.  CCD ~ 7PM  Mary Seminary   7:45pm ~ CCD Stations of the Home Parish ~ St. Peter & Paul, Falls City, NE.   Cross Please continue to pray for all men and women in religious   formation along with praying for all our ordained priests. Thurs / March 5:   MOTHERS GROUP: BOX TOPS FOR  8:00 am ~ Family Room O  R7 `  G7 L3: EDUCATION  ADULT EDUCATION: Hastings Catholic Schools    7:00pm ~ Family Room  collects Box Tops year round!  February 23, 2020  OA STEP STUDY:   7:30 pm ~ Library Adult Giving…………………...…………$ 10,428.00  Lenten Study:  10:00 a.m. ~ Family room ERTithe………………………………………….$ 9010.17 Healing Mass  Plate ……………………………...... $ 393.00  Youth..….………...……………………………...$ 21.00 Fri / March 6: Sacred Heart Church, Building/Maint. Fund...... $ 70.00  STATION OF THE CROSS:  Southern Nebraska Register…………..$ 135.00 Lawrence, NE 5:30 PM ~ Church  Wednesday March 13,   2019 Sat / March 7: THANK YOU FOR YOUR  Who should come?  OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS:  STEWARDSHIP! Persons of all ages who 8:30 am ~ Basement need physical, spiritual,  Sun / March 8 : and/or emotional healing  ADORATION (which is all of us) After 11:00 a.m. Mass Confessions begin at  VESPERS AND BENEDICTION  5:45pm with extra priests 5:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet at  St. Michael  6:00pm  Holy Mass at 6:30pm

the Cry Room. For more information call March 1, 2019 5   First Sunday of Lent Shelly Wright/Director  SǙǗǞ UǠ TǟǔǑǩ!!  Use this link to designate Saint Michael’s as your  AmazonSmile Charity: ch/470461382  Your purchases on Amazon Supports Saint Michael's Good Angel Fund.

 Camp Kateri: Summer Camp Registraon A FǢǕǕ CǟǞǓǕǢǤ Registraon is now open for SKY Camp (rising  grades 5thR9th), Catholic Adven- Sunday, March 15 @7PM at  ture Camp (rising grades 4thR6th) Resurrection Catholic Church  and Leadership Camp (rising 4131 Cannon Road grades 6thR9th). For more infor- Grand Island, Nebraska maon, or to register for these  camps, go Donna Cori presents   The Way of the Cross SKY Camp & Leadership Camp Volunteer Counse-  lors Needed Make the stations of the cross like you Camp Kateri is now accepng applicaons for high school volunteer counselors for SKY and Leader- have never seen them before. Each ship Camp. For more informaon, or to download meditation on the 14 stations is in song an applicaon, please go  and video form. Inviting you to respond with the heart, this presentation helps This Week’s  us to really enter in and learn from the Blue Hawk Calendar  Master with lush arrangements and Winners: powerful vocals.     Resurrection Altar Society and Knights 03/1/2020 Andrew Schwartz $30.00 will be serving dinner from 5:30 to 6:30 03/2/2020 James Fox $30.00 ($6) before the concert.  03/3/2020 Pat Mailander $30.00  03/4/2020 Jackie Waits $30.00 For more info, visit 03/5/2020 Claire Phillips $30.00 03/6/2020 Dave Kyle $75.00 Or call (308) 3828644 03/7/2020 Nick Brouillette $30.00 03/8/2020 Frank and Kim Musalek $30.00 

March 1, 20120 6 First Sunday of Lent March 1, 2019 7 First Sunday of Lent  • New Homes • Keeping Your Feet • Additions • • Concrete Work • Happy Since 1970 • Basement Wall • • Replacement • Mon-Wed, Fri: 8-5:30 • Thurs: 8-6 • Sat: 8-12 Your Hastings • Remodeling • Highway 6 & Marian Road 402.463.9805 STEVE MANGERS Hastings 1247 N. Burlington Ave. DRYWALL • PAINTING 402-462-4444 Premier Footwear 1910 Kansas Ave. • Hastings, NE 68901 Ph.402-462-2942 [email protected] ROOFING • SIDING • CONCRETE Email: [email protected] Fax: 402-462-2978 24 HOUR EMERGENCY CALL DAY OR NIGHT 1 John 2:25 Company CONSTRUCTION HEIS AUTO CARE BUILDING TRADITIONAL LIFESTYLES 302 N Denver Ave 402-462-9311 402-462-8573 J 600 W 2nd Ave • Hastings Complete Auto Care Certified Mechanics 2618 West Second Street BYRON G. JORGENSEN - OWNER We Proudly Support St. Michael’s Mike Ptacnik - Owner 402-462-2179 402-463-2155

MARK A. BECK SULLIVAN SNOW’S CAR CLINIC Attorney At Law entral 836 S Burlington Ave • 402-462-6490 C SHOEMAKER Doug & Denise Snow - Owners Beck Law Office, P.C. L.L.O. ental Complete Automotive Repair D P.C., L.L.O. Domestic & Import | Tune-Ups & Brakes 410 West 4th Street • Hastings, NE 68901 Engine Overhaul | A/C Repair roup Computerized Diagnostics 402.463.4500 G Attorney’s at Law Ann M. Heckman, D.D.S. • Mike Sullivan 515 West 9th Street Knights of • Michelle Oldham Columbus Hastings, NE • Bob Sullivan Morally responsible investing in-line with Catholic doctrine Brian Almond, FIC (last names A-K) Phone: 402-462-0300 402- 831-0320 - Parishioner (402) 463-0625 Larry Havranek, FICF (last names L-Z) E-Mail: [email protected] 402-469-1519 - Parishioner

Livingston | Butler | Volland Insurance & Financial Services Funeral Home & Cremation Center 715 South Burlington Jackie Waits & Adam Engel 402-461-4465 402-462-2147 | 1225 N Elm Ave | Central Nebraska T&M Automotive Repair Service Specializing in all areas of auto repair Self Storage 1611 N Hastings Ave Richard J. Arneson, O.D. 204 S Baltimore • 402-462-6330 402-462-8084 Eric D. Arneson, O.D. Maureen Mohlman Robert Albers - Owner 402-462-8816 • Frank Musalek Auto | Home | Life 402-463-0631 Call today to see how I make Tom Wissing - Owner 630 W. 2nd St. insurance simple and can help Hastings, NE 68901 you protect what matters now. 314 W. 2nd St. • Hastings, NE 68901 [email protected] Phone: 402.463.6061 • Fax: 402.463.6061 Martin Demuth 813 W. 2nd • Hastings (402) 463-2111

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Gary L. Wyeno Bus: 402-463-7377 Home: 402-756-2272 Doctor of Edward Lockwood, DDS, MS Audiology Jessica Meeske, DDS, MS JEFF SMITH PLUMBING Holly Portwood, DDS, MS Complete Hearing Care and Hearing Aids Gary Lehn, DDS Commercial • Residential 2115 N. Kansas Ave • 402-463-2431 601 N. St. Joseph Ave. • 402-462-6557 Remodeling • Repair *All Doctors are Board Certified Pediatric Dentists* P.O. Box 146 • Hastings, NE 68902

Carey’s Pest Control Pest & Termite Control Termite Inspection 402-463-9416

Mike Carey Dave Ryan Comprehensive Sean M Daly, D.D.S. family care 2217 West 12th Street Suite 1 Logan A. Pritchard, D.O. 1021 West 14th Street • Hastings, NE 402-463-6664 Contact Andrew Thompson • [email protected] • (800) 950-9952 x2632 402-463-2423

Adams Land Title Company Proudly serving South Central Nebraska for 3 generations Title Insurance - Abstracting 1031 Exchanges - Escrow Closings If you are looking to buy/sell/refinance or any Lighting • Plumbing other title needs WE DO IT ALL!!!!! Cabinets Countertops Residential - Commercial - Agricultural Windows • Doors 422 N. Hastings Ave, Suite 102, Hastings, NE 68901 Fireplaces Kim’s Nail Spa Closet Systems (402) 463-4198 | 3100 Osborne Dr 501 West 1st St. • Hastings, NE Residential and Commercial Our goal is not to be the biggest, 402-461-0333 402-460-4606 Tom Krikac, Owner | 402-463-6517 instead we strive to be the BEST!! Full Service Nail Salon Ask About St. Michael’s Specials Michael Kassebaum Dusty McKenna 10% Off for students A DIVISION OF DUTTON-LAINSON COMPANY For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Hastings, NE A 4C 05-0546