

Vol. 3, No. 11 Published by TRANSCONTINENTAL & WESTERN AIR, INC. AUGUST, 1939 52% JULY REVENUE ABOVE 1938 I AIRPORT AT PITTSBURGH-HUGE AND MODERN N I !e�s�� m c v l uly b u o e L travel, so that passenger traffic normal decline in commercial��o�� ��� ���!�! over TWA's system showed little change as compared to the previous month. Compared with a year ago, however, a gain of over 52 o/0 has been recorded. July revenue passenger miles exceeded both May and June of this year, which means that for five consecutiv_e months TWA has shown passenger revenue increases. Early figures reported by the four major airlines ·indicate that revenue passenger miles show an increase of less than 2% over June and of approximately 57o/0 over July of last year. ======• NEW FLIGHTS POPULAR The newly inaugurated Prairie Chief flights are holding their AU T0 R AC E R IN 0 E R8 Y I own and are rapidly becoming I more popular as the service be- . William Shaw, winner of the 500- comes known. There is more · mile automobile classic on May 30th evidence of ��through" travel, of this year, announced that he would which can no doubt be attributed enter the transcontinental event of the to the publicity and ad-vertising National Air Races to be held at being done to solicit the travel Cleveland on September 2. between both fairs. Other indica­ One of the strangest and yet most +.ions point to the fact that there commonplace remarks made by 1939's is also a marked gain in the ac­ Champion Auto Racer has much _ceptance1 of air transportation by WITHIN A 25-MILE CLEAR APPROACHES !N ALL DIRECTIONS, NO HIGHER TERRAIN value for those of us in aviation if we f,usiness houses formerly barring radius, solia roc -runways and new facilities and improvements make Pittsburgh's airport one of America1s out­ but stop to analyze it. standing air centers. Longest runway is 5,740 feet in length. Field used by Army and commercial planes. New air travel for their. men. ticket offices, hotel accommodations, barber shop and restaurant plus recent station and field improvements bring ��Two men who have a very fast total cost to over $6,000,000.00. plane approached me several months NEW RECORDS SEEN ago and asked me if I would fly it," If the sixteen lines which re­ Shaw said. He declined to identify port to the Air Transport Asso­ NEWLY APPOINTED his backers. ciation of America had the same PLAN EMPLOYEES SUGGESTION Shaw had rejected a rubber com­ experience as the four major TWA TREASURER companies, it would indicate that WINNERS FOR JUNE pany's offer for a car tour of the country. ��1 don't feel safe more than 65,000,000 revenue First Award ...... No. 650 $10.00 No Points on the roads," he explained. passenger miles were :flown in No. 2219 10.00 25 Points TA LMAN SUCCEE DS WI LSON Second Award ...... July-an all-time monthly rec­ Third Award ...... No. 134 5.00 20 Points It is this last remark which is so amazing. The winner of ord. June, the best previous Fourth Award ...... No. 2087 15 Points Although Mr. E. Lee Talman one of the most dangerous events in month, had a total of 63,576,325 of Chicago has been Treasurer the history Fifth Award ...... No. 16 10 Points of automobile racing finds the high­ and July of last year, 42,273,067. of TWA since the first of last Sixth Award ...... No. 377 5 Points ways ��unsafe." No�, we know one has Thus TWA and all air trans­ month, TWA employees who (See page 8, col. 2, for more awards.) to use care in driving today just as portation holds its own even have not had the pleasure of May winners' names cannot be announced because they have not you would in flying, but we have against expected seasonal de­ sent their names and stubs in. Who is No. 727? Look at your stubs­ meeting him will be glad to be­ often wondered why some people will cline. send them to the Personnel Department at once, please. come a c q u a i n t e d . with him burn up the highways in their cars, through these columns. and yet hesitate to fly! THIS IS TWA'S YEAR! OH YE AH! LOOK AT THIS ONE! 1938 "QUEEN'' NEW STAR

Mr. Talman is 34, and a grad­ uate of Northwestern, class of 1926. He comes to us from In­ dustrial Supplies, Inc., affiliated comp�ny of Calloway Mills, La TWO "TACKLE BUSTERS" AND TWO FISHERMEN FRESH OUT Grange, Ga., where he was presi­ MISS DOROTHY QUACKEN,BUSH, 1938 "MISS AMERICAN of New Mexico's sparkling waters during a Grantland Rice Sportlight film­ dent. In assuming his new post, Aviation" and TWA Queen, has signed a contract with Paramount. Her ing. A. D. Smith, TWA Mountain Region Supt., and Bob Edge, CBS Rod film name is Wanda McKay. With her are, left to right, Capt. H. W. and Gun Editor, vie for honors and biggest trout. (Continued on page 8) Truesdale, First Officer, L. Jackson and Captain LaMar Nelson. 2 THE SKYLINER MANAGER OF FOREIGN THE SKYLINER STATIO . DE ICATIO SEPT. 23 PUBLISHED MONTHLY IN -KANSAS CITY N D N AND AGENCY DEPT. Edio .•••.•.••••••.••••••••••••••J. C. Roberts Y . .. t r News Editor, N...... Leo Baron Associate Editor ...... E. E. Rose News Editor, Chicago ...... William Westlake News Bureau Editor, K. C...... Theon Wright News Editor, Los Angeles ...... C. W. Dayhoff Issued between 1st and lOth of each month. Colltrlbutlons should be in the hands of the editor not NE W N TO STE WART later than the 20th of the month preceding publication. Address all contributions to the Skyliner, Kansas City, Missouri. . Officers and Directors of Transcontinental .& Western Air, Inc. T. B. Wilson ...... •...... Chairman of the Board and Director Jack Frye ...... President and Director P. E. Richter ...... Executive Vice-Pres. and Director F. G. Wilson ...... Vice-President L. G. Fritz...... Vice-Pres. in Charge of Operations Directors LaMotte T. Cohu ...... Cohu Brothers, New York City J. L. Eysmans ...... Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia, Pa. Nelson S. Talbott ...... Talbott Estate. Dayton, Ohio Leland Hayward ...... Beverly Hills, California R. C. Kramer ...... Postal Telegraph & Cable Corp., New York City Sidney Maestre ...... Mississippi Valley Trust Co., St. Louis, Missouri . · Dietrich ...... Hughes Tool Co., Houston , Texas

'lfcut.'ll.e a Paid o/ TWA

YOU-every employee of TWA-are a part MAYOR BRYCE SMITH WILL OFFICIATE AT THE OPENIN'G of the TWA picture. Your position may and dedication of the newly completed airport station at Kansas City, Sep­ Arthur Lindsay Stewart not he as colorful as that of a hostess or tember 23. Special exhibition flying by army and navy planes, air races and other 'entertainment are scheduled for this gala occasion. (Carnes photo.) "Art" Stewart, whose birth certifi­ pilot. Passengers may never see you. You cate reads Hurley, Wisconsin, August may not know an aileron from an alti­ 9, 1889, has had an interesting meter. But� whatever your position is� N E RTY career. His first was in San 15 NEW SERVICE P INS CO QUISTAD OR S PA Francisco with the Zellerbach Paper you have a definite part in making TWA Company. Joined the navy to see America's outstanding airline. You are a VALLEJO RANCH, SEPT. 14-18 the world, but found it impractical to part of TWA. open a submarine porthole for that Red Grange was a great football star, 100 YE ARS RE PRESE NTE D purpose. Served until 1919, then but in every game that he played there joined the Yosemite National Park The wonderful success of the Co. . . . took care of transportation were ten other men on his team. Any Every month sees new names big Dude Ranch party held last in the summer and contacted agents man on the team could have lost the game. Johnny Vander added- to TWA's honor. roll of year will be repeated on an even all over the country during the other Meer is a great pitcher, but he has lost games because an seasons. In 1928-29, honest and genial SERVICE. In July, ten 5-year larger scale this year on Septem­ Art operated the "crookedest railroad or a hatter failed to come through infielder made a wild throw pins were awarded to the follow­ ber 14-18, when 75 guests will be in the world"-the Mt. Tamalpais run on third. Vander Meer is with a hit with the winning ing for their achievement: flown to Albuquerque. and Muir Woods Railway (to relieve credited with the losses-but if Cincinnati fails to end the any doubts ). Art used motive power Leslie R. Eichem, Ralph E. Special invitations and mem­ season in front, it will be the team that loses the pennant. in only one direction-up. Gravity Evans, Ralph C. Swain, all Me­ got the customers off the mountain! now numbers fourteen hundred and fif­ bership bids are being issued for The TWA personnel chanics based in Kansas City ; No coal dealers rode his line, they say. passengers come in contact with only a small portion this unique five-day outing. All ty. Our Frank H. Gilbert, Inspector From 1929 to 1933 he was Man­ of us, but t,.he good trip the passenger enjoys is the result of guests and company officials will ager of the Tour Dept. of Southern (KC) ; Lawrence R. Geschwind, our combined efforts. His impressions are formed according pay one hundred and ten dollars Pacific Motor Transport Company Chief Passenger Agent ( CG) ; (now part of Pacific Greyhound the service he receives and the attentions accorded him­ each, which will cover all ex­ to Lines) and also operated the Apache who are G.· M u t·c h, Passenger but any reflection on TWA is a reflection on all of us penses except the actual trans­ Trail and Redwood Tours plus the TWA. Whether the reflection is good or bad depends upon Agent (HX) ; R a y m o n d L. portation charges. popular California Parlor Car Tours. Hodges and Russell F. Kraemer, you and me and 1,448 others and how well we do our jobs. Vallejo Ranch will be reached Then Alaska called and Art went People notice and appreciate teamwork. If you doubt this, Accounting Clerks (KC) ; Rich­ over to the Alaska Line with head­ by car or DC-2 shuttle service quarters in Los Angeles and San the many similar ard A. Heideman, Captain read the following extracts from a few of from Albuquerque to Raton, thus Francisco. His annual swin�round letters received by TWA: (NK) ; and Herman H. Stoltz­ providing a maximum of time to the nation need little mention among "I admired and appreciated the courteous and efficient serv­ fus, Maintenance Clerk (KC). enjoy the thrills of the West, travel men, but they are famous. ice rendered by your personnel. I assure you that my enthu­ Five 10-year pins were awarded On July 1st, Art became Manager siastic comments on the trip gave good publicity to air travel. whether it be fishing, hunting, of the Foreign and Agency Depart­ Many priests, seminarians, and the 200 students of this sum­ to these men : rodeos, or just having a good ment, a new position which is al­ mer college know of the trip." Thomas R. Cain, Crew Chief time. most perfect for his background of Rev. Emil Brun, O.F.M., St. Francis Seminary. ( CG) ; William J. Grogan, Me­ experience. From beneath the waves, "Durino- a recent visit to the United States, my wife and I Many of last year's members to the land and hills, he now takes travelled : considerable distance by TWA. We wish to say that chanic (BU) ; Cornelius G. Leary, will attend, and it is expected to the air. Boats, busses, railroads we were greatly impressed by the efficiency with which your Crew Chief (BU) ; Fritz E. that many outstanding business and planes-he knows them all. and flio-hts are conducted, including the ground organization Wolf, Mechanic (CO) ; L. J. men of the country will be on His many friends on the west coast safety precautions. We also appreciated the point that on gave him a gala farewell dinner s. Woodward, Radioman (SF). TWA, passengers can reserve their seating accommodatio� hand this year to be initiated as party. Members of the Nomads, air lines, and also In "I have flown with most European Congratulations to all of you! Conquistadores. (Continued on page 5) Africa, and I consider that from the point of view of the pas­ senger's comfort-(free meals, endless supplie� of coffee, news­ papers, and especially, a trained nurse as hostess)-American Civil Flying is years in advance of most air lines this side of YOUNGSTERS FIND COOL SPOT HERE! the Atlantic." A. S. Hoseason, M.D., England. Many letters mention individuals by name, but if the "team" had failed these letters would not have been writ­ ten. Do your job to the best of your ability regardless of how small or insignificant it may seem-you are building aood will among TWA passengers now and for the future. As ;ou build the future of TWA, so are you building your own. ��cAL��

EMPLOYEES' SUGGESTION PLAN This is YOUR plan. It was adopted at YOUR suggestion. It is intended to promote safety, increase business, improve methods, promote efficiency, better working conditions, and reduce costs. Four months have passed with eight left in which to prove how effective you can rriake YOUR plan. In the four months of its operation a total of 185 sug­ gestions have been received. Of these, 1 t'O ideas have been accepted and 276 credits awarded. $70.00 in cash has been paid to the winners. No .one has won the grand prize, and the competition for the annual awards is still open to every­ one. Look around you, think of something you'd like to see put in practice. Make some suggestion to get your name on the award list. Many employees have received credit awards-others have ttcashed in" with money prizes. This idea is too good to be dropped. If you've got a suggestion in mind, sit down NOW, write it out and send it in. Make it pay you! HITCHIN' .ON THE BACK OF ICE WAGONS IS OLD STUFF THESE DAYS. MODERN YOUNGSTERS near Kansas City's airport get their cool breezes straight from the ccfactory"-one of TWA's Air Conditioners that keeps the TWA Giants cool when they're on the ground. (TWA photo.) THE SKYLINER 3


has been added to the Chicago staff and little blue slips bear . the letters ' ' PICNIC PANICKER ttMAU"-standing for Mary A. Ull­ man, our new switchboard operator. AIN TIT TH E TRUTH'' Then there are two new reservations men, i-Ioward Wheeler and Norman Bowman, and a new courier, John Collins-take your Skyliner bows. CHICAGO Robert Simrall was up for a while but has gone' back to Kansas City. Maintenance Vacation time is with us-"Shippy" The maintenance column from Shipman spent part of his in Kansas Chicago has been among the missing City and the rest in Los Angeles ; of late. Last month ole debbil sore Dick Hannagan is heading south to t h r o a t h a d y o u r correspondent find HMexicalli Rose" but Mrs. H. (Bloomer please note). Since our last will go along-Dick wants the little column, J. A. Collings left Chicago as woman at his elbow when he inves­ Eastern Division Superintendent, for tigates how the Mexicans hold their Kansas City, to take up his n�w duties tequila ; Glen Wise spent his visiting as Superintendent of Operattons. We the home folks in Kansas City, Kas., were all sorry to see Mr. Collings go but found time to visit Lake Quivera and hope those in Kansas City enj�y and stop in at the home office. Tom working with him as much as we did. Crane came back from his looking In his place is Mr. J. S. Bartles, who like a million-asked what he had is not new at this station, having been done, Tom said : ttNuthin' "-and our a dispatcher up here for some time. genial Southerner had done just that We're all going to give Mr. Bartles -stayed in Chicago and done nuthin' all of the cooperation possible because but take things easy! Bill Westlake we want to and because we know that NO "MAN, OR MONKEY" JOKES reported at Camp Skeel, Oscoda, cooperation plus is what we will get here! Believe it or not, Al Clearman Mich., for his vacation and spent two from him. Mr. Bartles, greetings ! . is just trying to get away from weeks getting up at four AM, flying Don Williamson is going about chiggers ! (Bill Sumits photo.) and doing other military chores until these days a bit puffed up about son eight PM. The officers really indulged , who was born May �5,. 193,?. in excesses-twice they went to a near­ Ann Ganzer is now vacatiOning In The offices are really very nice and by town and had . . . chocolate sodas! HBaaston." Ann, we don't mind if everyone has plenty of room. The The ladies are finding diversified you come back in love again, but the street men no longer have to sit on interests to take their minds off our eastern dialect is out. each other's laps, since each one now hot weather-Barbara Buell to the By the time this is in print, Lillian has a desk. The only thing yours country club where she claims she Doody will probably be OK for serv­ truly can't quite get accustomed to­ broke 100 the other day (no, no one ice after ttsunburn with complica­ being a long time Hupstairser"-is from TWA witnessed it) ; Virgie tions." Old world-traveler Cain is the open windows facing on the alley. Scherer on a lake steamer to Milwau­ back from his vacation. We under­ Just now a very friendly, albeit sad­ kee or swimming on Bryn Mawr stand he spent three days getting eyed, white horse is nozzling the grill Beach; Eunice Morrill to Arlington from Kansas City to St. Louis. He on one of the windows. But I like to watch the bang-tails; and after six sure came back with a lot of new white horses and it's lucky to wish years I am once again lending my ear "DADDY HASN'T TIME TO READ YOU ANY MORE OF THIS angles. when you see one-so I made a big to the goddess of golf but I ain't nonsense. Daddy has a plane to fly to Los Angeles tonight." Gaffer "Joe" Seliger is now on his one for the entire Chicago LaSalle asaying as yet. vacation on the coast. At least, that's Street staff that sooner or later every­ Finally discovered why Elmer Blatt Columbus echanic's helper now in McDonald is sporting a H38" Plym­ where he started for, but with the one on the line will have occasion to is such a prolific reader-seems Elmer � Chicago, and Dorothy Hanna since outh, Dw�ght Eddy a H33" Ford, way things are now, these Los Angeles drop in and see us. is a commuter and he guarantees to July 8. It was a lovely wedding. "Beef" Fuhrman a H37" Ford, Ray v a c a t i o n s often end up rather The Air Traffic Conference was read any full length novel in two The bride, dressed in blue, walked Lowthar a new tt39" Ford and even ((bumpy." A vacation is still OK, perfectly timed for our opening and round trips. gracefully down the aisle and her L. A. , better known as ttDaniel though, if one can ttget out of town." with other TWA-ers in town, our Milly Anderson. husband-to-be limped alongside be­ Boone," has a H33" Chevrolet. Ed Bonham. TWA guest list included Messrs. Con­ cause of a smashed toe (poor boy). Charlie DeVoe is wavering between roy, Graves, Gallo, Austin, McCollum, They are honeymooning in New York a new Graham and fixing up the old Clemson, Russ, Montgomery, and ttAnnouncing our new office at 37 and will make their home in Chicago. bus. Looks like the latter will win Arthur Lindsay Stewart (whom all of South LaSalle Street, Chicago. You Congratulations and the best of luck out. us except Paul Pearson met for the are cordially invited to visit our new to both of them. Charlie Page is ru­ The new restaurant at the airport first time). Mr. Richter was in town office ... " mored to be .ready to ttmiddle aisle" is going over in a big way, so I guess but unfortunately the A TC demanded -and so they came from near and it soon, too. people are still eating. Ben Shea, a far - flowers -good wishes - and too much of his time but the same COLUMBUS FLASH! Radio progresses. "Bugs" Columbus boy, has been with us since friends-on Wednesday, July 12. welcome will always be waiting for Bauer has been getting a lot of DX July 1 as stock clerk. Bob Cahill was Open house was held at the LaSalle him when he gets in. Columbus, like all other stations on his Hham set" at home. promoted to field clerk, and so earns Hotel. A portion of the Greek alphabet along the line, has been going to May bonus money booms auto­ our congratulations. , town this spring and summer of mobile business in Columbus! Mr. Can anyone answer the query of ttTWA's year." L. A. "Lou" McDon­ the month? Why does Dease visit ald completed his sixth year with Camden so frequently? Could it be HOS·TESS TA KES SC REEN TEST TWA on July 16, so congratulations, Miss Havely? Lou. TWIN SISTE RS? We are attaching a very interesting Bang! Bang ! Tegerdine, all set to picture of the wife and daughter of become an outdoor man, has been L. A. McDonald (picture purloined spending the greater part of his spare from Mr. M c Dona 1 d's desk). time cleaning up the old musket. Daughter Claire recently graduated Here's fair warning to all wild game, from North High School here. he's going north. Y e scribe is look­ Paul Strahm. ing forward to his vacation which will largely be spent in the various swimming pools at Kansas City. And speaking of vacations, we find that John Beck visited relatives and the New York Fair. Connie Butler, me­ chanic's helper, also went to New York and Fritz. Wolf, chief mechanic, has returned from the Wolf ranch FRESNO · not far from here. Flash ! Mr. Dease, operator of the We've been having regular old Columbus TWA used car lot, offers Chamber of Commerce weather out several 19th century models but this way the past few weeks, but realizes that unless they have fi�ed along with those cloudless skies the bridge across the Missouri to the comes warm weather for the valley. airport at Kansas City that he can't So far the top in temperature is 108. expect to find any prospects there. We're running the boys out in the Visitors this time included Mr. desert a close second, but it does cool Roberts and Mr. King. At the airport OFTEN TAKEN FOR SISTERS off in the evening so we can sleep. WE DON'T KNOW WHETHER IT'S "OFFICIAL" OR NOT BUT were Mr. Metcalf, Joe Bartles and are Mrs. L. A. McDonald and daugh­ Winslow has its Clear Creek, Boul­ here is Hostess Bethlea Rutherford looking mighty sweet and pretty for the Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sigvaldson. ter Claire. The other third of the der City its Lake, but we have the San movie cameraman at Chicago Airport. Sure �mght to bring in some fan Wedding bells have been ringing family is Columbus D. T. M. Mc­ Joaquin River for our swimming. mail with all this publicity. (TWA photo.) out music for Jack Karreman, former Donald himself! (Photo by ---?) And nearly every evening finds one 4 THE SKYLINER


J. I. Greenwald : ...... 26 Points Vernon L. Gunn ...... 20 Points E. V. Doherty.. . .15 Points W . .A.. Dixon...... 10 Points G. R. Parkinson . . 6 Points H. E. McKee . . 3 Points R. L. Ritter . 2 Points Walter Schanke . . . . 2 Points J. Burlington 2 Points August Bartsch . . . 2 Points Dorothea Allison . 1 Point E. L. Booth.. . 1 Point R. C. Mansberger . . . 1 Point W. T. Carnes . 1 Point Harry Davis . . 1 Point D. C. Hightower.. 1 Point . 1 Point "WELL, I' M GOING! TOM Roys C. Jones and I talked it over last night, and G. E. Meyers . 1 Point he finally said I could take a vaca­ G. J. Bruns . 1 Point tion, so I'm on my way. Wish that J. M. Crowl. 1 Point plane would get here." (Carnes photo.) You will note this list has not been changed since last month. FORTY MEMBERS OF THE TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT SAT DOWN TO A DELIGHTFUL DINNER AT The reason-YOU are the only the Hyde Park Hotel on June 23 in honor of Assistant to 'Vice-President in Charge of Traffic Sales, Earl A. one who can tell the committee Hecker, and his bride. Here they are, receiving an electri c cooker, gift of the Traffic Dept. employees, which was which is your suggestion. Please Sales. From left to right, those at the head table are: presented by Mr. V. P. Conroy, Vice-Pres . ..,f Traffic your name and stub at Mr. Charles Gallo, Mgr. Reservations, Rates & Schedules; Mr. John C. Graves, Sales Manager; Mr. and Mrs. Hecker send in and Mr. V. P. Conroy, Vice-President. (TWA Photo.) once.

they indicate they appreciate and en­ joy their vacations to the fullest ex­ SM ILING DICK CRANE tent and also the pay check which is there on the home stretch. G e o r g e Bruns said, "Clarence, you'd better leave me out of the Skyliner this month. You've had me in every issue." So, okay, George, this time I won't even mention it. "Say, Bill, how do these hostesses keep so doggoned clean and pretty this hot weather?" "Well, John, if you had to pay their cosmetic and cleaning bill for a month, ·1 expect you'd know." We hear that a new airline has been started in the East between Pittsburgh and Newark. It is known as the Calhoun Carrothers airline and it uses one TWA DC-2 for flying equipment. When John Spillman asked High Carrothers how they handled their airplane and engine checks on the short line shuttle, High said, "Well, I send plane to Cal and Cal just turns around and sends her '''SHUCK S-'BUMP'ED' BEFORE ALONG THE LINE right back, but she gets checked all I start! And I thought that P. A. (Continued /rom page 3) right, when either of us can keep liked me. This air business is getting or more of the local station families her down long enough." too crowded anyway . . . chases all the mice off the field." out dunking at Lanes Bridge. Good When it comes to rackets, ask Doc froggin' and fishin' country, too. Gideon, as we hear he really got a THERE'S GOOD REASON FOR Tommy "W. C." Thompson busy trimming recently and it wasn't a tanks full. Coca-Cola machine pays the happy smile on Dick Crane's face, moving to a new house, so guess his slicker who did it, either. Doc argued off twelve for a nickel. Mechanic in spite of the fact that he is shown hamming will have to wait until he a lot but lost his point and now he's finds his lost tool. Jack Frye visits the here leaving the office for the last gets his rig together again. He is sore about the whole thing. hangar. No one rings the store room time as a bachelor. Dick and Miss setting it up in half of his garage bell. Mechanic comes to work late Alma Oakson of Kansas City were (which is a double), so will be pretty "Occasional Thrills of the Hangar" · .but time clock stopped, so he can married June 29th and left for a com­ nice. Mechanic reminds four bosses not punch in on time. bineq honeymoon and vacation trip to H. A. "Herb" Stancil went fishing to group up for it looks bad. Hostess Bill Max field carries a winning Albuquerque and Richmond, In­ again. Caughts lots of fish of the actually speaks to a mechanic. Edgar smile and drives a new Buick. diana. If you want to know how the EX-HOSTESS KATHERINE striped bass variety but, doggone it, Allen Poe keeps up with his broom. Jay Robins has returned to work news ''broke," ask Dick to tell you Shotts, now Mrs. B. B. Southworth, there was only one keeper out of the Co-eds stepping into planes. Ted after being off ill for several months. the story of the twelve· shirts. (Bill and daughter, Diana, aged eight whole bunch. Better luck next time, Weed finds entire floor and stands Jay really had us worried for a while, Dixon photo.) months. (Whitmer photo. ) Herb. clean. Crew Chief does not have to and according to Jay and his doctor, As a closing flash, I must mention answer telephone. Gas trucks have all he would have passed away had it not that the Stancil family are expecting been for the prompt services of the "THR.OUGH TH-ESE PORTALS" some time the latter part of August. pulmotor and medical attendants. Now, don't get all worked up, it's HE LLO GIR L No.2 No one hit Chuck Miller in the "Mickey," their Spaniel! With that mug. He was in Research Hospital we close-hope Jimmy Harris gets for a rather delicate operation of the up this way pretty soon so that we nose and he came back to work wear­ those two weeks up in the ing part of the hospital on his face. Roy Spengler puffs a cigar in the George Harper. hangar but there's no light on it. Says Roy, "There's no time to go outside and puff when we're giving vacations, 45 engine changes a month, nearly twice as many operations­ more business than we have ever seen before." Ray Christian was so busy paint­ KA NSAS CITY ing that he and neighboring mechan- (Continued on page 5, Col. 2) Charlie Dean lands a 5 pound bass. It had a mouth so big that Charlie could stick his fist in. Who knows, maybe that's how he caught NO TICE it ! It came from the buttonwood dis­ trict near Monegaw Springs and just Please send in your Employee three miles from the James Boys' Suggestion Plan stubs if your hide-out cave near the Osage River. number has been published. Charlie caught this bass on a plug, The committee wants to give he says. Did he mean a horse? MARGUERITE H U G 0, W H 0 you credit, but without your Charlie has the head stretched and takes care of the reception lobby and name and number they have no dried for evidence. RUMOR HAT'H IT THAT FRED BETTS, GENIAL BACHE,LOR switchboard at Kansas City with Ruby way of knowing who has won TWA Purchasing Agent, plays a winning game of pat-a-cake. This candid Men from the shops and hangar McCully, flips a key between "Good the awards. Check your stubs. photo shows he enjoys it, win or lose, .and the girls seem to have liked it who have returned from vacations morning, TWA's," so she can smile Send them in, now! too! "They always win," says Fred, who is reported ready to try again. have reported wonderful trips and for Bill Carnes, photographer. THE SKYLINER 5

ALONG THE LINE FIRST PLANE RIDE (Continued from 'page 4) ics didn't even have time to speak NO RAIN CHECKS NEEDED HER E AT TEN DAYS OLD to each other. Ray removed the Second youngest TWA ·pas­ drawers from a food cabinet in order to speed up the paint job and senger is 10-day-old Charles when they were painted, Ray Dennis, son · of Richard Jones, col!ldn't get the drawers to fit back Kansas City Reservations, who into the cabinet. So Ray called moved his family from Chicago Mechanic Morris to help solve the situation. Morris tried a while, then Business in Oakland is going along here. Youngest passenger is a Ray called on Mechanic Baldwin and very nicely and our goal is to wind 11Baldy" battled it a round but was up the year with a big report of in­ saved by the bell. Roy Kibler then creased revenue. appeared on the scene and discovered The new administration building at that the drawers were all right side our swell airport is coming along in up but the cabinet was upside down. fine shape and we eagerly await its I expect all the boys except Kibler completion (probably around Octo­ had been breathing too many paint ber first). fumes and were kind of dizzy. Had a nice visit with Ed Kammerer Miss Harbaugh slipped into the from KC vacationing out here. He hangar one evening and up to the and Norm Goodrich came over to the Commissary neatly dressed in blue house after a torrid battle on the slacks and waist to match. A group tennis court with hostesses Zanover of mail boys noticed the costume arid and Wilson. Never did hear much one said, 11Now don't tell me that is about the score and have been won· one of the new uniforms you are dering if the fellows took a good wearing." Miss Harbaugh answered seriously, tty es, it is." Believe her or shellacking. Wouldn't be at all sur­ not but she did look good. The truth prised if they did. (How about it, is, she'd look good in anything, even boys?) in a bathing suit. A very nice party was staged the Clarence Melton. other night at the Willows, just a short distance from Metropolitan Oak­ land, in conjunction with the twelfth baby girl, one day old, who flew anniversary of Ernie Smith's flight to from York, Pennsylvania, to St. H ono l u 1 u. The idea was Frank Louis. Hostess Dorothy Ander­ Donant's (he has lots of them) and son and his proud mother are a very good roast beef dinner was enjoyed by fourteen of us, including trying to bribe him to smile Ernie and Mrs. Smith, Bob and Mrs. :about it all. (TWA photo.) NEW YORK McCormick, Elmer Burgman and "Woody" Woodward and their wives. Whenever any of you get out into I got a big kick out of the story this part of the 'country be sure to of the young fellah fresh .out of one SE AG OING BI CY CL E drop in at the Traffic Office in the of the eastern colleges that didn't Leamington Hotel to say hello. We'll think he'd be able to work for the be glad to see you. airlines because of insufficient re­ muneration. This prompted me to check and see what we had here in JUDGE LANDIS, B�EBALL CZAR, ARRIVING FOR THE AMERI· New York from ye olde schools of VACATIO N TROP HY can Association All-Star game between the Kansas City Blues and the All higher learning. This is what I · Stars team picked from the other teams making up the Association. found: '------� 11Memphis" Cole passes out the Chamberlain accoutrements as a precaution Hudson Tourtelott-Vniversity of against the heavy dew, California style. (TWA photo.) Michigan. James De Revere-Lafayette. Pikeville, Tennessee • . . his home E." Montgomery (DM) just walked James Carpenter-Dartmouth and town in the heart of the feudin' in with another addition who answers Harvard Business. country. Dick Henry went to Boulder to the name of "Bob" Little. In A ian Smith-Lehigh. earlier in the season, and Yours Truly Operations we find two new clerks Harry Flynn-Manhattan. spent two weeks in his old home town, in "Temp" Templeton's (STA MGR) Henry Low-Harvard. Rose Valley, Pennsylvania. Ted Dan­ office, "Chuck" Connor and "Red" Btll Love-Southern California. ser, Luc Beriswill and Roger Scholl Davis, both of whom are going great I think that's a darned fine repre­ still have the 2 out of 52 to look guns. Can you imagine, 11Temp" just sentation. A few more and we can forward to. called and said to include "Junior'' hold the reunions right here in By the next issue we hope to give Cain in the list of new arrivals. Wow, traffic. you a story with pictures of the new how our Pittsburgh Family grows. We Charlie Gallo blew into town the Philadelphia Airport, due to open purposely held the best till last; now otlier day. Why doesn't he stick LARRY' FRITZ ABOARD THE late in the fall. A reliable source we welcome Miss (Rose among around long enough for the gang to "galloping gherkins" out at Lou Hol­ told us (July 20) that there wasn't an thorns) Coleman, who handles in­ get to know him? land's summer home on Lake Lota­ airport in the country offering any formation. and reservations at the We've been trying for a long time wana. This two manpower. water hack better approaches or landing facili­ Field Office. Welcome to each of to get something of interest on is making plenty of steam under ties. The terminal building is well you! friend Ray Washburne, but he man­ Larry's fierce attack. (Holland.) under way and the runways are com­ We understand "Nick" Kalos liked ages to keep out of trouble pretty pleted, each being a full mile long. KC so well that he spent days there well. Looks like we' have something Famous personalities: David An­ -or could the reason be that there MGR. OF FOREIGN D'EPT. now. Will report next issue. drew Gordon "Dag" Mutch and Mrs. was no space on the westbound (Continued from page 2) We thought we had Ted Ashford ttDag" left today for a west-coaster flights? "Hank" Werner spent all his fixed up swell when we shot that fire­ Foreign Travel Club, the Travellar­ of two weeks. C. A'. Williams and time taking sun baths and now his cracker off under him, but he sure ians, and the Passenger Club all ttThe Colonel" Clemson did us honor cohorts call him «Hot-nose llank." joined to congratulate and. wish him has the last laugh now. !>lease, Ted, last week. Luc Beriswill is still thank­ Henry Nelf is blessed eventing again. the best of luck. So we say, 11Wel­ return the key to the little boys' room ful for the visit of Frances Poach, (Yes, again, because Henry already •Come, Art," and may your new posi­ -it's the only one we have and we ARNOLD WILLIAMSON SAYS who eased much of the work on the has a bouncing child calling him tion be one of long enjoyment and can't wait much longer. it's a 20 lb. 3 oz. Great Northern pike. local ttpassenger record system." 11dada"). "Swish" Swartwood is ailing Teward. Hollywood NY. but the back of the picture says 14 Flash-Ted Danser makes calls in these days with a 11heartache." Was it lbs! No matter how much it weighs, some sections of Philadelphia not in­ (Continued on page 6, Col. 2) Arnold, we'd like to have been in habited by Drexels and Biddies. While J>ark Rapids, Minn., to see you catch in a drug store ·he observed two men WATER SPOR TS WITH DAD it and, of course, to try our luck, too. playing with a slot machine who (Williamson Photo.) looked as though they were about to WO RKING WAY? hold up the store. Sensing excitement, Believe it or not, one day when Danser waited and watched. The two Flight 25 was slightly delayed by 11gunmen" walked to the counter, one strong head winds someone asked pushed the proprietor into a corner, ttwhy didn't they start a little earlier the other telephoned the police. Soon when they knew the wind was blow­ the Iron Bar Buggy backed up to ing hard?" the front of the store and made off R. P. Levering. with the slot machine. Just two Philadelphia policemen getting evi­ dence and staging a raid! Four years ago your scribe reported to Kansas City for duty, which al­ lows one to feel like a veteran, until compared to the time put in by our C. E. McCollum, who went to Chicago the other week for his 10-year pin. Congratulations, Mac, from us all. Thanks for listening to quakes from the Quaker City. ·It's an old thrill for most of you Lou Marechal. fellows, but the recent addition of DC-3's through Camden Airport is sure good news for the Philadelphia sales force. We extend an invitation to you to visit Philadelphia and promise an in­ teresting close-up roof-top view of the flight of the autogyro which oper­ ates five round trips daily between our main post office and Camden HO'STESS MABEL HYDE Airport if you'll , drop in. Eastern Pittsburgh extends welcoming arms brightens up the Commissary (and PAUL RICHTER, JUNIOR AND SENIOR, HAVE GREAT TIMES Airlines just started this service with and unequalled opportunity to "Les" the Beetleware dish) as part of her together. Here is the young man taking his turn on the aquaplane while a Kellett gyro. Nauert, "Bill" Graham and "Simm" 11knowledge first-hand" activities • . • his father runs the outboard motor of the boat that tows him. Next thing Mac McCollum returned recently Simrell who have been awarded their and kitchen police used to be a pun­ you'll see him 11taking off" in a different kind of plane. from a fishing vacation frolic at tenderfoot badge and-hold it-"R. ishment! (Carnes photo.) 6 THE SKYLINER HOBBY HALL TW A TR APSHOOTERS LE AGUE GO SLOW- - MEN AT WORK !


Our hobbyists are once a· g a i n brought to light as we view the initial test hop of a new and highly stream­ lined 7Y2-foot model monoplane. The designer and builder, Inspector Web­ ster of NK (yes, it's his own design), has combined in the construction of this model, not one, gentlemen, but three individual and distinctive hob­ bies. In chronological order, t h e y are: Airplanes (models ), Photogra­ phy and Radio ; each one tying with the others for first place in the inter­ est of our nimble-fingered Inspector. This is not Webster's first attempt at ··airplane construction, since he rE�.cent­ ly completed a model, which, due to its ((diving tendencies" and uground contacts," kept him busy almost a year completing several ((major re­ pairs." However, this new model has all indications of being ujust what the doctor ordered" (spin-proof to

Webster) , and · was designed to per­ form as follows : At f u 11 throttle, LADIE S AND G'ENT,LE:MEN, IN THI S CORNE.R WE HAVE CARL using maximum power ( Y4 horse ), Hinkle and L ster Kelso, Upholstery Dept. ; Charley Tidd, Carpenter ; H. J. take-off in six feet-without the aid � THE' SE MODERN MU SKETEER S ARE WELL KNOWN IN ALL THE Wagner, Fabnc Man, all so busy that they didn't know their picture was of a catapult-climb to altitude of . local and neighboring skeet and trapshooting circles as marksmen of the being taken. These men are part of the crew you rarely see but whose work 250 feet in ten seconds, and cruise ' highest order. Left to right are ((Doc" Mesker, Ted Hereford, ((Spike" is very evident in the plane interiors. (Carnes photo.) for ten minutes or longer in which­ Poquette, Mrs. Otis Bryan and the Chief Pilot himself. Mrs. Bryan is one of ever direction or altitude is desired. the best woman shots in the field, according to reports. (Mesker photo. ) The maneuverability of t h e plane without a doubt far surpasses any­ TWA ''S CC SS'' ST RI S ALONG THE LINE thing manufactured to date in its U E O E (Continued from page 5) weight class. In fact, its operation in DID YO U KN OW? flight was such that we j u s t com­ blond or brunette? "Hi" Crowthers mented, ((There ain't no such ani­ So many applications for the Hall of Fame are being sent in is up on his toes and everybody mal." The most interesting feature that actually come under the head of extra · fine work rather than That there are one hundred else's to see all twenty-three of our in the entire unit is in the fact that the � unus al" which brands it a ��Hall of Fame" happening, that and seventy-one pilots on TWA's daily departures leave on schedule. the plane is completely radio con­ � � Can you imagine that? A TWA we will prmt several of these stories under this ��suCCESS" head. payroll? All of these pilots have trolled, and each movement is guided Skyliner, Skysleeper or Skydub land­ by the ground controls. After t h e It is extremely interesting to note how many of these are for reached and hold their positions ing or departing the Pittsburgh Air­ plane has bee'n. darting around awhile, unusually good service-service that is not only unexpected but so by virtue of physical fitness and port practically every half hour! friend Webster cuts the switch and a far beyond the usual requirements that those who have been mental alertness. "Hubertn Didlake (the Don Juan) miniature camera (cleverly installed has departed for Eastern points. It served .are so impressed that they want to show their appreciation. It is an interesting speculation looks like you will have to see us �enerally, this takes form of a letter to the company compliment­ as to how many of these men again soon, ((Hubert." Mrs. Hart and mg both the personnel and the service rendered. came from military service and husband "Ken," congenial Asst. Sta. Their letters are an inspiration to all of us-they make you proud what percent are commercially Mgr ., spent their two weeks along the California Coast. "Temp" Templeton of your company and its service. Here are a few of the ��success'' trained. Many of them are well and family spent his well-earned time stories: k n o w n, even famous, in both off in the Canadian wilds and re­ On Sunday, March 5th, Mr.•. ------­ fields, yet their basic training turned brown as a berry. In the mean­ Alfred Allin, of Lynbrook, New due there at 2:00 p. m. and was puts them in one or the other time, "BiW' Barth (Chief PA) moved - up to assume the duties of the above York, telephoned our reserva- on- time. TWA's Flight Three class. vacationers. ((Bill' repcrts everything in the cabin) pokes out its nose and tion office and advised that his was already on the ground at From the records we find that going nicely and is catching up on snaps a photograph of the surround- three children had pneumonia, Winslow, for scheduled depar- 101, or over sixty-four per cent, his own work now. ••Bill" Meszar is ing terrain. The plane then proceeds to make a perfect ((instrument ap- and their nurse was en route Los ture at 1:55 P· m. were service trained. Twenty­ gaining so much poundage, he should ro ch," followed by ((spot lan At this moment Harry Hatch be measured for new uniforms. Is � a d- Angeles New York Grey- · - �, to via three were in navy, sixty seven tng, so accurate as to make the av- · · 1 1 ••Johnny" Gelm's new title ttpA in h ound bus. Mr. Allin was very pic ke d up h IS te eph one to earn from army, and eleven from ma­ charge of Night Operations and erage pilot turn green with envy. anxious to get the nurse to New from Miss Frances Evans, of the rine. Fifty-six were commercially stuff"? (SUGGESTION ·coMMITTEE, PLEASE NOTE : It is suggested that York just as quickly as possible. Ambassador Hotel's Foster Serv- trained. ••charley" Cummiskey, veteran Radioman, has become widely known Webster be contacted to learn if it Mr. Hollywood, who talked to ice, that a su�den death emer- Each airline has almost this for his imitation of Hitler. Really, it's is possible to attach a broom to the this gentleman, checked the posi- gency m a ed it imperative for same percentage of m i 1 i t a r y tops. Chief Radioman Bache is sick plane and turn it loose in the hangar tion of the bus through the Grey- Burke to be taken from the train trained pilots in addition to their with flu, so ••smithy" Smith has -t'would save considerable-yessir.) Anyway, there is only one ttcatch" in hound in New York, found at Winslow and placed aboard commercial brothers. This whole taken over for the time being. ••Ron office Major is gunning for the title ttbest­ the proceedings at the present time. that it was due to arrive in Albu- Flight Three. group would be a valuable ad­ Our ((photographic-radio controlled- 1 dressed man in town" with a swell new querque that afternoon, and then H ate h cal ed LaMar Nelson, junct of our new military aviation sports outfit. Maybe it's because of streamliner" cannot be operated until wired Albuquerque advising them dispatcher on duty. Nelson program. Their experience and that gal ttJune." How about it, RO? Mr. Federal Communications makes some provisions in ·the regulations to to contact the bus on arrival agreed to hold Flight Three knowledge alone as instructors Irving Cobb's new competition is ••Jimn Campbell, that super Radio­ provide for these new-fangled con- have the nurse taken off the�; twenty minutes. Hatch then would play a valuable part in any traptions. In the meantime, our hob- man billed as HThe Palooka from and sent to 'New York on the ca 11 e d T · S. Peterson, general plan for national defense. Paducah." byist will continue undauntedly just passenger agent the Santa Fe flying 'em and taking snapshots until next available plane. He then of Mr. F. C. C. gives a long-waited-for called Mr. Allin again, advised in Los Angeles. Peterson tele- w· 1 Okay. When he does, we want to be hIm. o f t h e a b ove arrangements, P h �ne d Ins ow, ha d B ur k e on hand to witness the performance notified of the emergency, and, HO LLYWOOD'S RADIO CITY -for another interesting afternoon. and arranged with the Western . Union to pick up a check from on arrival at Winslow, rushed . him to the airport. ALONG THE ·LINE Mr. Allin covering the nurse's transportation. Within five minutes from the A word from our busy Traffic original telephone call from Miss Office finds ••Len" Koster (Res MGR) Mr. Robert Totten, Passenger vans th Am , WA, working his way out thru a heap Agent at Pittsburgh, is another � �t � �assador '! of ttblue slips" generously given by ��success" winner. m conJunctiOn with splendid co- all stations. Perhaps C. L. Gallo is o ration from the Santa Fe, had On March 7 one Mr. � responsible for some of those, ((Len." gamed a revenue passenger, disembarked from PCA Trip 19 ••Jake" Jacox did not choose a earned the deep gra Itude_ of pas­ ttbusman's" vacation, so he and Mrs. at Pittsburgh because, due to � senger Burke and Impressed all Jacox are spending their two weeks headwinds he was sure to miss a - pa� Ies. to the t ansaction with its down on the farm. Anabelle Moore connection with United Air Lines � � chose California, to show the West­ abdity t provid unusual quick at Cleveland and with the Santa � � erners how to dive. and effiCient service. ••Dick" Holabird (RES) and Fe Super Chief at Chicago. Mr. ••R. E." Montgomery have quite a Adams had tickets on PCA and DESERT VOICE feud on because of certain claims U AL to Chicago and all tickets A made by each other about their sup­ and reservations on the Santa Fe way from your clamorous cities! posedly professional golf game. Now Away from your clatter and roar! both refuse to disclose the scores of Super Chief from Chicago to Los There's peace in our wide open spaces their matches. Angeles. Such as you ne'er had before. ••Trux" Truxal has just recovered Mr. Totten succeeded in Now travel the trails 'cross the prairie from a case of measles. Imagine smoothin�2: him out and sold hi·m Worn there by heroes of old. that! a TWA ticket and berth on our Seeking to carve a new nation­ May we welcome all TWA vaca­ Frantic in searching for gold! tionists to stop in and view our fair ��sky Chief" from Pittsburgh to city. We'll be g ad to show each and Los Angeles leaving Pittsburgh And gold in abundance they found all of you how to load tn'O hundred at 6:40 p. m. here- ANOTHER ATTRACTION FOR CALIFORNIA VI S ITORS-The passengers a day. Bidders for Pitts­ Last month Harold Burke, a Golden sand, golden sun, in their burgh positions please note! National Broadcasting ' Company's new Hollywood Radio City will welcome westbound passenger on Santa Fe quest TWA travelers to California. From here emanates such well-known programs So follow their path to the sunshine Edward J. Reidercr. as the Jello Show, Burns and Allen, 'n' Andy, the Kraft Music Hall Train No. l . was approaching Deep in the heart of the West. and others. (Continued on page 8, Col. 3) Winslow, Arizona. The train was Bud James. THE SKYLINER 7

MRS. VAN ALAN'S SKYW AY SALLY SHOT (Hostess Column) A "FIV E TO ONE" AVIATION LUNCHEON By DOTTIE MEAGHER Miss Clark and Miss Canaday have Doyne Hillhouse White and Ruth been doing a little flying on the West Cook Hanwell are spending much Coast and are they having fun­ of their time this hot weather on a anyway, the swimming at the beach lake near Newark. Margaret Peil makes up for the rough treatment Johnson of Washington, D. C., spent they get between AB and BU. Ask several days with them recently. · Miss Clark how it feels to make a Remember Miss Gielow? She is dent in the ceiling of an airplane? working in a hospital at South Bend, She will show you! Ind. Did you know that the hostesses Lake Tapawingo seems to be a at the ��BROWNHARDT" are travel­ popular resort for the K. C. hostesses. ing in style to and from the airport Misses Entrekin, Peak, Rishel, Foley, these days? Yes, they bought them­ Reynolds, all resemble ��Brownies." selves a ritzy little car. Incidentally, Penny Eifert. It is rumored that you should you find yourself in K. C. would like all flights to operate non­ and short of cab fare, just dial LO. stop-NK to BU. 6160. Don't let anyone know that I told you. Pardon me, I forgot to mention that their insurance does not cover Hpickups." And the drivers are gaining experience. Winnie, did I MAYBE IT ONLY TAKE'S . ONE MAN FOR "THE" PHOTO BUT see you out on Armour taking a in t is case five others took part in posing with President Jack Fry for a water plug for a ride? Lucky the � � candtd camera scene showing Bill Sumits and Earl Colgrove, TWA photog­ Crown Drug Store boys were handy IT WAS W I T H G E N ·U I N E raphers, watchmg. Harold Hahn, Commercial Photo Artist and helper line to help a lady in distress. ' ' pleasure that TWA lent the ashtrays up next scene as Cliff Roberts looks on. (Carnes photo. ) · shown here. Credit goes to "Stick" Charlie McCarthy had quite a trip Randall for furnishing the aviation with Miss Noll recently. Remember atmosphere at Mrs. Van Alan's lunch­ the Sun_4ay that Charlie broadcast eon recently given in New York. about his airplane trip? Well, the BIG COM PANY . PICNIC AU G. 22 Strangest of all, however, is the fact story goes something like this­ Charlie had retired early to get some that the guests liked them so much ��one-tenth of a ton of hot dogs, 1400 buns, 240 pounds that when they found the trays could much needed rest because Mr. Bergen be purchased for only $2 each, they had been dragging him all over New of pork and beans, ten gallons of pickles, five gallons of took the whole lot. A larger picture York and he was worn out. But that excuse was no good to the kids at would give you a better idea of the mustard, 70 0 ice cream cups, etc." Not an order for the AB. They wanted to see Charlie and beautiful floral centerpiece which was when Edgar got off without him, they CCC boys but part of the food order placed by Dorothea made in reproduction ·of the Sky did not like it. They yelled for Chief. Mrs. Van Alan· even used Allison for the TWA Company picnic to be held Tuesday Charlie. B e r g e n explained that TWA literature and small airplanes Charlie was sleeping but did not get afternoon, August 22nd, at Ivanhoe Country Club, 86th at each place, to further carry out the anywhere with this excuse. Finally, HOSTESSES SEAY, SWEIGER�·, idea. and Holmes, Kansas City. Edgar gave up and walked over to Stolfus - all looking exceptionally the baggage compartment and said: happy after just emerging from a Activity Committee Chairman G. R. Parkinson announced Hostess meeting at Burbank. A couple ��charlie, there are some friends out that plans were well under way for the largest picnic ever THE RO SE OF TWA here to see you." Charlie replied, of merits must have been thrown their HI'm sorry, Bergen, but I'm in my way-or are merits ��thrown"? These held by the Company. The general offices will be closed at pajamas and am afraid I might catch merits are handed out very cautiously, cold, you say �hello' for me." too-as they should be. (Judd.) 3 p. m. and activities will be in full swing by 3:30. Bill Mitchell, Transportation Chair-• ll o � � � ; HICKLIN HEADS 0. P. A. ! ::��o:! g�:s ;:, :� h:� ��u! ; SHEET MET AL CLASS DISPLAY Club, where activities will be in charge of Bill Pearce, Ralph Oursler and In the recent election of the As part of their work in the ' Bert Thompson. These men are in Office Personnel Association F. charge of all sports, which will in­ class in Sheet Metal Working M. Hicklin, KC, Chief Time­ clude the feature attraction of a keeper, was elected to the presi­ and Drafting, thirty-five mem­ baseball game between the "fats" dency. Other officers elected bers of the class drew scale plans and the "leans." A few of the stars were of the models shown here, which are "Dizzy Dean" Hecker, ��Flash" : L. C. Cole, Vice-President. they later followed in fabricat­ Davis, ��Home Run" Spengler, HDi- Mag" Fritz, HLow Ceiling" Minser, Homer Stoltzfus, Secretary. ing the pieces out of a flat sheet. all with the ��fats" ; while ��Doc" Dave Williams, Treasurer. Not having all the necessary Mesker, ��Rabbit" H e r r e, ��slim" S • B • H ami 1ton, Board of Ad- equipment at the school itself, Chambers head up the list of Hleans." justments. these models are made out of Umpires are HWee Willie" Price, Those elected to the Grievance paper, and have been coated (giant killer) HJ eff" McKeever and Committee were: Dave High- with aluminum so as to represent ��ceilil.lg Jack" Decker. tower, Traffic ; Mark Stocklin, the actual metal. Dorothea Allison has charge of the Accounting; E. G. Lovejoy, The course of instruction was ��eats," which will be served at 6:30. m. in Maintenance·; Walter Brown, given by three of the crew in the Dancing will start about 8 p. Rose Hug Leahy the "Barn," with Orville Olson head- Operations; and H. W. Horton, Sheet Metal Dept., who were se­ ing the committee. Purchasing and Stores Dept. She did it ! New. York's office dar­ lected as instructors. One night The large number of ballots ling, and now she's Mrs. Bill Leahy, each week for about three Prizes will be awarded for swim- wife of Assistant City Prosecutor in ming, golf, tennis, races and baseball. cast and the enthusiasm being Kansas City. months the thirty-five men gave No charge for employees-only 25 shown among the members point And of course there had to be pres­ their own time to better equip­ to a good year for the associa- ents-beautiful silverware selected as ping themselves in their work by edge and its application to prac- cents for wives, husbands or dates- and lOc per youngster. tion. the gift from all by Mary Edgar. gaining more theoretical knowl- tical problems. (Saunders photo.) uStick" Randall eloquently read the poem which had been printed by Ellen Salonius, whose artistry also added much to the occasion. FOR GU ESTS Festivities by Col. Clemson revealed WEDDING CAKE unsuspected talents as a maitre d'hotel-every detail was perfect from cocktail to frozen Bavarian pie-at the Belmont Plaza Roof, no less. Dancing completed the evening. Like the queen she was, she ruled her flock In her gracious sort of way, And when someone needed cheering up She knew just what to say.

It was money, money, money­ For the boys were always broke; But Rose knew all the answers, And knew it was no joke.

She was like the mighty Casey, In the way she went to bat For · each and every one of us­ And you don't find many like that!

So when we heard she fell in love, And the lucky guy was Bill, It· was pretty hard to take at first­ Though love a lassie will. HERE I'S LES REED PUTTI1NG N·OW DON'T GET EXCITED­ But wish her Godspeed-that -Ralph Oursler Hsquitching," in a Isleta is a town near AB, not a girl's must- MR. AND MRS. WM. (BILL ) SUMITS ARE SEEN PASSIN·G Hgrudge match" that turned out to be name. Vince Stolt, relief mechanic In an atmosphere of cheer, pieces of their wedding cake to guests attending the ceremony, August 5th. Bill Pearce and Reed vs. Oursler and and station manager, visits Indian So-bonnie, lucky, lovely Rose At left is Mrs. Rosa Sumits, mother of the groom, while Homer Hale on Russell. Pearce and Reed won 8 up. village on first Western trip. (Taylor ' BON VOYAGE, MY DEAR! extreme right, receives his reward as photographer. (McCormick photo.) photo.) 8 THE SKYLINER

EASTE RN BEAUTY ,_S_T_AR_S_O_N_W_AY_· _TO_LA_B _O_R _H_E_AR_I N_G� � :�:: � ��:��tl T. m hl y by his name. As traffic representative of � one Boston-Maine Airways, he's of TWA's most loyal boosters.

-If a man answers, DON'T hang up ! It will be Wm. (Bill) McCanles -new phone operator, on duty at KC from 4:30 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. Welcome, Bill ! ---- Olive Trees sends her best to all from Dayton. That streamlined bag­ gage, gift of the girls in the Account­ ing Dept., now feels at home in the fine old setting of her house (built in 1860). Old friends for sure!

Newest service for visitors-Official guides on duty at KC base from 8:30 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. on week days and N E WAR K' S OWN JUNE 2 p. m. to 10 p. m. on Sundays. Geiger, of the Operations Dept., would be a leading contender m_ any Tennis finals. at Rockhill Tennis beauty contest. (Whitmer photo.) Club on August 25th. Winners of Jack Franklin-Ralph Oursler and Bruce Obermiller-Standke semi-final HALL OF FAME matches will star. Golf tournament is well under way, We've had Operations, Main­ according to Bill Pearce. Spengler, tenance, Traffic, Sales and Ac­ Hassen, Pflug, Talbott and Pearce all counting candidates for this high won their final matches in the Cham­ pionship Flight. honor. It is seldom that one hears ----- about the Sales Record Depart­ Earl Colgrove has resigned as com­ it is one of the pany photographer to go into Walt ment even though Disney Studios. Bill Sumits takes most important branches of our charge. service. This month we nominate one o,£ its members for unusual HOLLYWOOD FILM ACTORS EN ROUTE TO ATLANTIC CITY FRO·M LOS AN'GE.LES TO ATTEND The Grantland Rice Sportlight is the AFL Executive Committee hearing. Front row, from left: Edward Arnold, Jean Muir, Henry Hull, Wayne completed. Lake Mead, Andy Devine,. and outstanding work that is not Morris, Mischa Auer. On steps: Larry Steers and Frank Morgan. (TWA photo.) ccBob" Edge and several TW Aites star included in her regular duties­ in the production. ----- Miss Ellen Salonius. ALONG THE LINE President Jack Frye is back from Miss Salonius is the Sales Rec­ MORE "PLAN" AWARDS rcontinued from page 6) the hospital, convalescing at home ord Clerk in New York. The ter­ I• EDIT 0 RIA L CH ANG E after a painful seige of sinus trouble. ritory is large and her work P--___-___--____---__-- If you have had your number .. Charley Gallo, on vacation, reports: heavy enough to keep her undi­ � � y �, published in any one of the pre­ \, Beginning with the September issue catching fish so big he has to throw yet she is always & · them back as no one will believe him vided attention, W� � __ Ji. the Skyliner will be published by the vious issues, please send in your ( �t]� anyway. on the lookout for new business. stubs at once-THIS IS IM­ , :/'fA.. News Bureau. The Advertising De­ partment has edited the Skyliner since Two specific examples give you Mr. John North (short) meets Mr. PORTANT. If you don't send June, 1938. an idea of how she and the sales ST. L 0 U IS John North (medium) in Newark. them in, the committee cannot At ·times there were certain im­ representatives cooperate to get If Flight 1 operates on time (wind Ed Doherty nearly passed out when give you credit. Check and send portant items that of necessity were the Bridgeport, Conn., North finished increases. and weather permitting) we will make included at the sacrifice of some of your stubs in now! this issue. signing in and the New York North F. A. Hunter of Chapman Valve the submitted material. We can only stepped up and said, ccl'm Mr� Mfg. Co., Indian Orchard, Mass., made In addition to awards an­ Mary Brush really does cccommute'' say, we put in everything we could North." Ask Ed about it! a flight between Kansas City and St. nounced on page 1, numbers to and · from the office! She had the and have tried to satisfy everyone. Louis (new passenger ). She made out 2469, 301, 2467, 51 and 253 each gang out to her new home at Hoene We have recently shifted the print­ a white card, forwarded it to Byron Springs one Sunday not long ago, ing schedule so that the current NEW TWA TREASURER Skillin, who sold an air travel account received two points. Numbers and believe me, without that lengthy month's issue will reach you within (Continued from page -even though American Airlines had 656, 1502, 2212, 1486, 700, 1604, sheet of instructions, it would have the month. In other words, the 1) solicited the account. 1207, 809, 6581, 2213, 4063, been a lonely day for the Brushes. As August issue will be distributed to you Talman brings with him six Again Miss Salonius noticed a Mr. 1759, 1489,' 1208 and 1411 each it was, a few of us ended up off the during August rather than in Sep­ years of aviation experience with D. P. Cummings of Mathew Cum· beam, due to a shuffling of right and tember as formerly. the Bendix Aviation Corp., hav­ mings Co. of Boston, made three NK receive one point. left turns. To earn our ccboard," a Two months ago Mr. Richter agreed ing served as Asst. Treasurer of to PT trips and that this company had Suggestions already in effect lawnmower was waiting so that each to add more money to the budget so this company from 1929 until no scrip account. Result-after receiv­ or contemplated are: Nos. 808, could take a run up and down the we could furnish more pictures and ing this in£ ormation Mr. Skillin sold half-acre Hfront yard." Not much we think you'll agree that the last two 1937. From the time of . his 1410, 44'4, 1419, 1606, 1200, the account in fifteen minutes flat. was cut, except huge TWA initials in issues have been considerably im­ graduation in 1926 he was asso­ If all TWA employees would 1648, 2698, 812, 660, 2367, 1193, front of the house. Lots of good proved by the change. ciated with J. L. Jacobs & Com-· consistently maintain the vigi­ 1507, 2566, 4055, 254 and 2760. food, some snappy candid camera­ Most important of all is the fine ing, and a rehash of what took place pany of Chicago until going with. lance shown by Miss Salonius in Suggestions rejected follow: 1493, support the contributors have given. when Russ Petitte and Brad Brush Bendix. 2216, 2218, 1421, 2617, 4054, 1415, ' These loyal workers do much to aid these two cases, the aggregate re­ got up at 3 a. m. to go fishing, 1424, 1422, 2376, 304, 661, 2371, us, and we are sincerely grateful for Talman succeeds Frank G. Wil­ sult would be a powerful force in 305� 4053, 81� 2864, 4015, 811, 653, rounded out a swell day. their unselfish assistance. son, f o r m e r Vice-President, making 1939 TWA's year. 1413, 2809, 1485, 1387, 1198, 2567. R. C. Bryant and Senator Craden Please continue to send in your have recently returned from their items to Skyliner Editor, Kansas City. Treasurer and Secretary, who re­ vacations. Russ Bryant, wife, and son Next deadline-August 20th. signed as Secretary-Treasurer,. Terry tripped east to PT and NK, The Editors. remaining as Vice-President. spending a few busy days seeing the MONOGRAMMED PLANE FOR TOMMY many sights at the Fa1r, and making TWA acquaintances enroute. Russ I says all went great, but that they must EVER YON E EN JOYS A PICN IC use different money there, as his didn't last as long as it should. Our Senator went to the Ozarks, right next to nature, fishing, relaxing, and acquiring that outdoor look. Believe he would like to move his desk and phone down there, as his operating base for a while. His comments were, ccGood fish, no catch." Bill Lonsdale is hard to keep up with-sort of slips in when we aren't looking, and is right at the desk be­ fore you know it. He likes the new TWX, especially when the teletype to operations rings in, along with a phone or two. Bob Jeffery and R. Petitte are will­ ing to sell some good golf clubs cheap, and we mean cheap-drop a letter for estimates. The last few scores have been responsible. Jim Owen, coming here from New York for a couple of weeks, pitched in with the rest of us and did a swell job. Don't know for sure what he did with them, but he almost al­ ways had an cc0-29" ticket in his SOME PEOPLE ARE FOR:TlJNATE ENOUGH TO CHARTER A hand, or a few manifests which he giant Douglas plane, but Tommy William Armstrong, son of ccArmy" Arm­ busied himself with. JUST JtS ANN HARNING, AL CLEARMAN, HELE.N WILSON AND strong, Chief Ticket Sales Representative in Chicago, flew to Philadelphia to So, off for that race with the dead- Marcelyn Flynn were having fun at the K. C. Traffic picnic, so will you en­ visit his grandparents in a Skyclub with his monogram on it. From left: line. Come in, Flight I, we're off for joy -the big event set for August 22nd. Eats, dancing, games, swimming and· Capt. R. W. Wells, Tommy, ccArmy" and Mrs. Armstrong. (TWA photo.) KC. R. R. Jeffery. all sorts of plans for more fun await you. (Bill Sumits photo.)

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