Taxonomy of Minnesota Name______Here are taxonomic classifications for 13 Minnesota birds: (K = kingdom, P = phylum, C = class, O = order, F = family, G = , S = )

Canada Goose Loon Green K: Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia P: Chordata Chordata Chordata Chordata C: Aves Aves Aves Aves O: Anseriformes Gaviiformes Ciconiiformes Falconiformes F: Anatidae Gavidae Ardeidae Falconidae G: Branta Gavia Butorides Falco S: canadensis immer virescens peregrines

Great horned Robin Mallard Turkey Vulture K: Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia P: Chordata Chordata Chordata Chordata C: Aves Aves Aves Aves O: Strigiformes Passeriformes Anseriformes Ciconiiformes F: Strigidae Turdidae Anatidae Cathartidae G: Bubo Turdus Anas Cathartes S: virginianus migratorius platyrhynchos aura

Red-tailed Hawk Wood Chickadee K: Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia P: Chordata Chordata Chordata Chordata C: Aves Aves Aves Aves O: Falconiformes Passeriformes Passeriformes Passeriformes F: Accipitridae Turdidae Paridae Turdidae G: Buteo Hylocichla Poecile Catharus S: jamaicensis mustelina atricapillus fuscescens

1) Make a branching tree (family tree) that shows the relationships of these birds to each other.

2) You discover another in Minnesota and look it up and it has a name of Anas discors. List the full taxonomic classification for this bird from its kingdom classification down to its species classification:

K: ______P: ______C: ______O: ______F: ______G: ______S: ______

3) At what level of (K,P,C,O,F,G, or S) in this group of do you see divergence or changes in the way the animals are classified? ______

4) What is the scientific name of the robin: ______For the veery? ______

5) You are studying the Turkey Vulture and want to know how it is related to other birds. What other bird in Minnesota is it likely most closely related to, based on its taxonomic classification:


Why did you pick this? Explain your reasoning:

6) Come up with your own way to remember the proper classification order of K, P, C, O, F, G, and S. You already learned “King Philip Came Over For Green Soup”. What is one that you can make up? MAKE SURE IT IS APPROPRIATE!!!!