Geological investigations mountain. A sample from one of these parasitic domes has been dated at 1.15 million years (Armstrong 1978). Younger basanite of volcanic rocks cinder cones and lava flows form two north-northeast trending at Mount Discovery, Mount Morning, ridges on the northeast side of Mount Morning, which are interpreted as being aligned along fracture zones parallel to the and Mason Spur, McMurdo Sound range front on the Royal Society Range located 30 kilometers to the northwest. Older trachytic rocks crop out at the lower end of both ridges. Detailed mapping of the trachyte outcrops on the A.C. WRIGHT, P.R. KYLE, J.A. MORE, and K. MEEKER western ridge confirms the similarity of this area to the trachyte outcrops on the eastern ridge, which has been mapped pre- Department of Geoscience, viously by Muncy (1979). Rocks intermediate in age between New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology the older trachytes and the young basanites, comprise tra- Socorro, New Mexico 87801 chybasalt to trachyandesite flows and domes on the lower end of the western ridge. Description of five geologic sections at Mason Spur has provided a more detailed understanding of the older trachytic Between November 1985 and January 1986, we examined volcanic complex, which is now dated at 11.5 to 12.8 million rocks of the McMurdo Volcanic Group in the southern McMur- years (unpublished argon-40/argon-39 age determinations by do Sound area and at Mount Discovery, Mount Morning, and D. Lux, University of Maine) and is divided into seven mapped Mason Spur. This work is a continuation of field work carried units. Eruption occurred at numerous small vents and at a large out in the 1983-1984 field season, (Wright et al. 1984) and composite volcano, which was centered near the central part of includes mapping of volcanic geology, description of geologic the bluff. Although eruption took place under subaerial condi- sections, and collection of samples for geochemical analysis and tions, a significant hyaloclastite deposit is present in the upper potassium-argon dating. portion of the trachyte sequence and suggests higher levels of Reconnaissance mapping of Mount Discovery was com- Ross Ice Shelf at a time a little younger than 11.5 million years. pleted and shows that this 2,681-meter-high composite volcano The older trachyte complex is unconformably overlain by a comprises a core of plagioclase-phyric nepheline-benmoreite basaltic to trachytic sequence erupted from numerous vents, flows, lahars, and volcanoclastic fluviatile sediments, which are many of which can be recognized geomorphologically. thought to be the unit dated at 5.44 million years by Armstrong This research was supported by National Science Foundation (1978). These are capped by anorthoclase phonolite flows, with grant DPP 82-18493. minor lahar and pyroclastic deposits. The phonolite sequence was not only erupted from the central vent but also from small parasitic domes at the base of the summit cone on the northern References side of the mountain. Younger basanite to nepheline-hawaiite lavas were erupted from numerous small vents along fissure Armstrong, R. L. 1978. K-Ar dating: Late Cenozoic McMurdo Volcanic zones on the northeast to southeast and northwest to western Group and dry valley glacial history, Victoria Land, . New flanks of Mount Discovery. These vents occur at all altitudes but Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 21, 683-698. are more numerous below 2,000 meters. Muncy, H.L. 1979. Geological history and petrogenesis of alkaline volcanic rocks, Mt. Morning, Antarctica. (Master of Science thesis, Ohio State Reconnaissance mapping of Mount Morning shows that this University.) is a young volcano principally composed of kaersutite-bearing Wright, AC., P.R. Kyle, W.R. McIntosh, and I. Klich. 1984. Geological phonolite flows erupted both from the summit crater and from field investigations of volcanic rocks at Mount Discovery and Mason small parasitic domes on the upper northern slopes of the Spur, McMurdo Sound. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 19(5), 20-21.

Unusual magnesium- and iron-bearing Land (Keyes and Williams 1981; Gibson, Wentworth, and McKay 1983; Hodenberg and Miotke 1983), Enderby Land (Mac- salts from Namara and Usselman 1972), the Prince Olav Coast (Hirabayashi and Ossaka 1976), the Vestfold Hills (McLeod 1964) and Bungers Oasis (Ausyuk, Markov, and Shumskii W. VENNUM 1956). Calcite, gypsum, aragonite, halite, mirabilite (Na2SO4. 10H20) and thenardire (Na2SO4) are the most abun- Geology Department dant minerals in these deposits, but numerous more complex or Sonoma State University rarer species have been reported. These include epsomite, Rohnert Park, California 94928 (MgSO 4 7H 2O), bloedite [Na 2Mg(SO 4) 2 2H 2O1, trona [Na3H(CO3)2•2H20], antarctite (CaC12 6H20), sylvite (KC1), hex- ahydrite (MgSO4.6H20), soda-nitre (NaNO3) and several other White salts occurring as efflorescences, crusts, and thick carbonates, chlorides, nitrates, sulfates, and iodates. stratified deposits have been reported from numerous locations Reports of salt efflorescences and crusts from the interior of along the antarctic coast: the dry valleys of southern Victoria Antarctica indicate that these deposits are progressively less

1986 REVIEW 55 extensively developed and contain simpler mineral as- semblages inland from the coast. Gypsum, calcite, gypsum- calcite mixtures, and lesse amounts of mirabilite, thenardite, and aragonite are the only minerals commonly reported (Bockheim and Leide 1980; Vennum 1980; Vennum and Nishi in press). Single occurrences of hexahydrite from the Ohio Ran of the (Tasch and Angino 1968) and soda niter from the Ellsworth Mountains (Bockheim and Lei (i 1980) are the only more exotic salts so far reported from ti antarctic interior. During the 1983-1984 austral summer, I collected white salts from 62 widely scattered localities in the , along the Ellsworth Mountains/Thiel Mountains Ridge (the Hart, Martin, Nash, Pirrit, and Stewart Hills; Mounts Johns, Moor and Woollard; Pagano and Sonntag Nunataks; Whitmo Mountains) and in the western Patuxent Mountains. All impo tant localities mentioned in the text are shown in figure 1. X-r diffraction studies indicate that all but four samples are gyp sum, calcite, or gypsum-calcite mixtures. Two of these foui samples are from the (83°43S 89°05W), one is from Mount Moore (80°25S 97°45W), one is from an unnamed Figure 2. Scanning electron microscope photograph of bloedite nunatak in the western Patuxent Mountains (84°50S 68°45W). crystals from the Hart Hills. Magnification is 710x. The Hart Hills are underlain by a sequence of deformed quartz-mica phyllite and subarkosic sandstone which is intrud- Mount Moore in more detail. Cleavage surfaces in slate are ed by a metamorphosed quartz-bearing gabbro sill. Webers et coated with 3-5 millimeters thick crusts of nesquehonite al. (1983) and Storey and Dalziel (in press) describe the geology (MgCO3.3H20). of the Hart Hills in more detail. Frost-shattered gabbro ranging Vennum (1980) has shown that similar salts found in the from sand-size fragments to cobbles 30 centimeters in diameter Orville Coast form as follows: melting snow dissolves soluble is the only exposed rock type on a gently undulating football- ions from fractured rock as it percolates into cracks. These salt- field-sized surface in the west central Hart Hills. The gabbro bearing solutions later return to rock surfaces by capillary action detritus is only a few centimeters thick and directly overlies with the salt crusts forming when the solutions evaporate. A permafrost. Abundant white salts are intergrown with the un- similar process is believed to be responsible for the origin of the consolidated finer grained detritus, coat lower surfaces of most bloedite crystals described above. Magnesium salts are com- cobbles and occur as 3-5 centimeter bulbous masses lying di- monly found growing on mafic igneous rocks in the dry valleys rectly under the cobbles. Bloedite (figure 2) occurs as dissemi- (Keys and Williams 1981). Slate, however, is not especially rich nated flecks and granules within the unconsolidated detritus in magnesium, and the ultimate source of the magnesium in the and pickeringite [MgAl2(SO4)4.22H20, figure 31 coats the cob- Mount Moore nesquehonite might be marine aerosols deposi- bles and comprises the bulbous masses. Mount Moore is under- ted in snow (Wilson 1979). lain by a deformed sequence of interbedded sandstone and Pickeringite most commonly forms as a weathering product slate. Storey and Dalziel (in press) describe the geology of of pyrite and/or aluminum-rich rocks and is usually found in

e 00 Prince Olav Coast

Antarctic Al Peninsula

Ronne Enderby ice Shelf- Patuxent Land - - rvill n s ) Coast"Ellsworth Mt S Mtns •/Thl ci Mtns Vestfold SOUTH Hills go o Mt _L- 90° : + POLE Moore / Bun9ersJ Hart Oasis Hills Ohio Range


Dry Valleys 0 1000 2000KM I I I

Figure 1. Map of Antarctica showing location of important salt oc- Figure 3. Scanning electron microscope photograph of pickeringite currences mentioned in text. crystals from the Hart Hills. Magnification is 990x.

56 ANTARCTIC JOURNAL arid climates. Examination of the pickeringite crystals with a Gibson, E.K., S.J. Wentworth, and D.S. McKay. 1983. Chemical scanning electron microscope equipped with qualitative analy- weathering and diagenesis of a cold desert soil from Wright Valley, sis capabilities indicates that a small amount of iron is substitut- Antarctica: An analog of Martian weathering processes. Journal of ing for magnesium. Although a complete solid-solution series Geophysical Research, 88A, A912-938. is thought to exist between pickeringite and halotrichite Hirabayashi, J. , and J. Ossaka. 1976. The X-ray diffraction patterns and [FeAl2(SO4)4 .22H20], most published analyses are close to pure their mineral components of evaporites at Prince Olav Coast, Ant- arctica. In Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition Report, Vol. end-member compositions (Palache, Berman, and Frondel 32. Hodenberg, R., and F.D. Miotke. 1983. Some special salt crystal forma- 1951). Th Hart Hills gabbro has a very low pyrite content (less tions in southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, and first results of an than 0.25 percent), does not have a particularly high Al203 investigation of a new mineral, a sodium-calcium double sulfate. Kali content (13.3-15.0 percent), and its dominant mafic mineral is und Steinsalz, 8(11), 374-383. (In German) an aluminum-poor (1.8-2.2 percent) clinopyroxene (Vennum Jones, L.M., G. Faure, K.S. Taylor, and C.E. Corbato. 1983. The origin of and Storey in press). These features suggest that the pick- salts on Mount Erebus and along the coast of Ross Island, Antarctica. eringite is forming by a complex reaction between weathering Isotope Geoscience, 1, 57-64. products produced from both the clinopyroxenes and the fel- Keyes, JR., and K. Williams. 1981. Origin of crystalline cold desert salts dspar and/or phyllosilicates in the gabbro. Stewart (1964) does in the McMurdo Region, Antarctica. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, not include nesquehonite or pickeringite in a list of antarctic 45, 2299-2309. MacNamara, E.E., and T. Usselman. 1972. Salt minerals in soil profiles minerals and a literature search has shown that these two min- and as surficial crusts and efflorescences, coastal Enderby Land, erals have not previously been reported from Antarctica. Antarctica. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 83, 3145-3150. Disseminated pyrite grains in a Cambrian limestone exposed McLeod, I.R. 1964. The saline lakes of the Vestfold Hills, Princess in the western Patuxent Mountains have oxidized to a mixture Elizabeth Land. In R.J. Adie (Ed.), Antarctic geology. New York: John of gypsum and fibroferrite [Fe(50 4)(OH)5H20]. This is the Wiky and Sons. third reported occurrence of fibroferrite from Antarctica (Ven- Palache, C., H. Berman, and C. Frondel. 1951. Danas system of miner- num 1980; Vennum and Nishi in press). In all three cases, pyrite alogy (7th ed., Vol. 2.). New York: John Wiley and Sons. has oxidized directly to ferric sulfate without passing through a Stewart, D. 1964. Antarctic mineralogy. In R.J. Adie (Ed.), Antarctic ferrous sulfate stage. This suggests that the most commonly geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons. developed oxidation products of iron sulfide minerals in the Storey, B.C., and I.W.D. Daiziel. In press. Aspects of the structural and tectonic history of the Ellsworth Mountains-Thiel Mountains Ridge, cold, dry will be fibroferrite and/or natro- West Antarctica. In D.H. Elliot (Ed.). Symposium volume 6th interna- jarosite [NaFe3(SO4)2(OH)61 (Jones et al. 1983). tional Gondwana Conference. I thank Monty Hampton of the U.S. Geological Survey for his Tasch, P., and E.E. Angino. 1968. Sulphate and carbonate salt efflores- help with the scanning electron microscopy and David Fowler cences from the antarctic interior. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 3(5), of Sonoma State University for drafting the antarctic locality 239-241. map. Vennum, W.R. 1980. Evaporite encrustations and sulphite oxidation This research was financed by National Science Foundation products from the southern . New Zealand Journal grant DPP 82-13798 to Ian W.D. Dalziel of Lamont-Doherty Geo- of Geology and Geophysics, 23, 499-505. logical Observatory. Vennum, W.R., and J. Nishi. In press. Chemical weathering of Cu, Fe and Pb sulfides. In G.F. Webers, C. Craddock, and J. Splettstoesser (Eds.), Geology of the Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica. (Geological So- ciety of America Memoir.) References Vennum, W.R., and B.C. Storey. In press. Correlation of gabbroic and diabasic rocks from the Ellsworth Mountains, Hart Hills and Thiel Mountains. In D.H. Elliot (Ed.), Symposium volume 6th International Ausyuk, G.A., K.K. Markov, and P.A. Shumskii. 1956. Geographical Gondwana Conference. observations in an Antarctic "Oasis." (U.S. Department of Commerce, Webers, G.E, C. Craddock, M.A. Rogers, and J.J. Anderson. 1983. Office of Technical Services, Science Program Translation Catalog 6.) Geology of Pagano Nunatak and the Hart Hills. In R.L. Oliver, P.R. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. James, and J. B. Jago (Eds.), Antarctic geoscience. Canberra: Australian Bockheim, J.G., and J.E. Leide. 1980. Soil development and rock Academy of Science. weathering in the Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica. Antarctic Journal Wilson, A.T. 1979. Geochemical problems of the Antarctic dry areas. of the U.S. 15(5), 33-34. Nature, 280, 205-208.

1986 REVIEW 57