Town Centre Forum

Wednesday, 27 September 2006

Present: Councillor Mrs Marie Gray (Chairman) and Councillors Anthony Gee, Peter Malpas, Mr M Allen (Malcolms Musicland Town Centre Trader), Mr C Ball (Market Trader), Mr S Bamber (Townsend Records), Police Constable J Brady ( Constabulary), Mr Brown (Browns Butchers), Mr P Duckett (Centre Manager Market Walk Shopping Centre), Mr D Hamer (Publican Fox & Grape Public House), Mrs S J Hampson (Secretary & District Chamber of Trade), Ms R Morganroth (Morgan Lighting of Chorley), Ms D Rowe (Well Women's Centre), Mrs H Yates (Chorley Civic Trust) and Robert Yates (Chorley Partnership) and other Town Centre/Market Traders.

Also in attendance: Councillor Peter Goldsworthy (Executive Leader), Donna Hall (Chief Executive), Jane Meek (Director of Development and Regeneration), Keith Allen, Chris Mellor (Cultural Services Manager), Wayne Andrews (Market Manager), Irene Riding (Economic Development Assistant) and Tony Uren (Democratic Services Officer).


The Chair (Councillor Mrs M Gray) welcomed everyone present to the Town Centre Forum meeting.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor M Lowe, Councillor M Perks, Councillor R Snape, Mr R Handscombe (Director of Property Services), Ms M Clemence (Economic Regeneration and Conservation Manager), Mr A Capstick (Lancashire County Council), Inspector I Roberts (Chorley Police), Mr P Wilding (Chorley and District Chamber of Trade), Mr C Livesey (Chorley and District Chamber of Trade), Mr J Clark (Chorley Health Food Store Limited), Mr S Penlington () and Mr M Waterhouse (Shopmobility).


There were no declarations of interest by any of the Council Members in any of the agenda items.


The minutes of the meeting of the Town Centre Forum held on 5 July 2006 were confirmed as a correct record, subject to the correction of minute 06.TC.12(b)(iii) (Promotions/Publicity) by the substitution of ‘South Lancashire Arts Partnership’ for ‘Lancashire County Council’ in the text of the minute.


Jane Meek reminded the Forum that, at its last meeting on 5 July, the Forum Members had agreed to broaden the membership and remit of the Town Centre Forum. The expanded and more extensively publicised body would be more accessible to a wide range of people with an interest in the town centre and would serve as a more effective consultative and advisory body.

It was, therefore, proposed to revise the format and structure of the Forum, in order to make the body more inclusive and effective. It was intended that two or three special

Town Centre Forum 1 Public Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday, 27 September 2006 town centre workshops would be held over the year, to which representatives of all town centre organisations and shoppers with an interest in the town centre would be invited to discuss specific issues, proposed ideas and plans affecting the town centre. The views emerging from the workshops could be relayed back to the Council.

In this way, the Forum and all persons with either a business or retail interest in the town centre could play a more proactive and influential role in both the formulation of town centre strategies and policies and the implementation of action plans.

The regular publication of the town centre newsletter could also be used more extensively to promote and market town centre activities and plans.


Jane Meek gave a short presentation on the content of the draft Chorley Town Centre Strategy which was being submitted for approval to the Council’s Executive Cabinet on 5 October 2006.

The principal objectives of the 10 year strategy were to realise the potential of the town centre and improve its vitality and viability. The strategy aimed to provide a co- ordinated framework for policies and actions that would build on the town’s strengths and attract investment through a greater range of quality outlets.

The Strategy identified four key elements (ie Town Centre Diversification; Environmental enhancement; accessibility and movement; and business promotion and support), under each of which initial targets and action plans to implement the strategy had been compiled.

In response to a members’ query, Jane explained that the Strategy sought to attract a number of mid-range national multiples to Chorley as an incentive to bring in shoppers who did not currently shop in the town. This would, in turn, assist the achievement of another element of the Strategy to encourage and support the establishment of smaller, more specialised shops. The Officers agreed with the Forum’s opinion that it was important to recognise and retain the unique characteristics of Chorley as a ‘Contemporary Market Town’, which could only be achieved when each of the two elements balanced and complemented the other.

The Chair thanked Jane for her presentation and the Forum members for their views at the conclusion of Jane’s address.


Chris Mellor thanked all the town centre business and markets traders who had supported the recent Midsummer Festival. The festival had extended over 8 weeks and had attracted over 40,000 people to the town centre. More half-term and bonfire activities were being planned.

Plans were also being developed for the 2006 Christmas lights switch-on ceremony on 24 November 2006 with the aim of the family orientated event achieving the same level of success as past years. The event would also coincide with the launch of the Chorley FM radio station and the operation of a 3 day Continental Market, which may also be extended beyond Market Street to the Flat Iron Market. In order to raise the profile of Chorley and promote its unique character, a 4 week promotional programme of events and activities was being planned to take place over the Christmas period in conjunction with Market Walk.

Chris indicated that, whilst it was not envisaged that the Christmas lighting would be extended this year, it was likely that a number of blue lights would be added to the display.

Town Centre Forum 2 Public Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday, 27 September 2006

Irene Riding also drew attention to an offer from a private company to provide, install and maintain 6ft – 8ft Christmas trees and lights on shops at a cost of £75 per tree, provided the trader entered into a 2-3 year contract for the service. Details of the offer had been given to the Chamber of Trade for its members’ consideration.

Councillor Malpas (Executive Member for Economic Development and Regeneration) intimated that it was likely that the Council would continue its past practice of allowing free parking on the town centre car parks after 4.00pm on Thursdays and Fridays during the lead-up to Christmas.


(a) Market Street - Suggested change of loading restrictions to permit short stay parking

Mrs Hampson reported that, in response to the Chamber of Trade’s pleas for limited waiting to be allowed on the Market Street loading bays, the Lancashire County Council had requested the provision of evidence that the proposal was warranted. Subsequently, 35 traders had indicated their support of the proposition, in addition to a 600 signature petition. This evidence would now be passed on to the County Council.

There were conflicting views expressed by the Forum members as to the most beneficial use of the loading bays on High Street. Keith intimated that he would not oppose requests for the alteration of the status of the loading bays on Market Street, but pointed out the need to comply with the statutory regulations to implement any changes.

Keith offered to arrange a meeting between County Council Officers and the Chamber of Trade to view the situation on Market Street at first hand.

The Chair also drew attention to the recommendations contained in the recent report on the Customer Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s inquiry into the decriminalisation of parking enforcement, which were aimed at achieving improvements in the services.

(b) Pedestrianised Area - Request for Loading/Unloading Permits

Mr M Allen drew attention to the problems caused by the speed of traffic travelling the wrong way on Market Street, which he claimed was aggravated by a lack of directional signs. He also requested the Officer to consider the issue of loading/unloading permits. In addition, Mr Allen queried the completion date of the third phase of the Chapel Street Environmental Improvement Scheme.

In response, Keith Allen confirmed that the Borough Council was well aware of the problems created on Market Street and clarified that permits were currently only issued to allow parking within specified periods. Keith did, however, offer to arrange a meeting between the Police, County Council and Mr Allen to discuss the pedestrian area signage issues.

Keith explained that the delays in the completion of the Chapel Street Enhancement Scheme had been caused by a shortage of materials, but the Council were taking steps to ensure the early delivery of the materials required to complete the scheme.

In this context, a number of complaints and views on the practical operation of the Parkwise Scheme were expressed by the Forum members, many members

Town Centre Forum 3 Public Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday, 27 September 2006 referring to the perceived intimidating nature of the Wardens. Keith reminded the Forum that the number of penalty tickets issued in Chorley was the lowest in the County.

Keith offered to facilitate a meeting between NCP and selected traders to discuss the parking enforcement issues and concerns raised at the meeting.

(c) Any other parking/highway issues raised by members or officers

Keith Allen reported that, at the request of the Executive Leader (Councillor P Goldsworthy), the Council’s officers were currently examining a number of alternative options to improve the current pay and display system used to regulate parking on the town centre car parks.

Initial investigations would appear to indicate that the cost of constructing barriers required for a ‘pay on exit’ system would be too prohibitive, but the proposal could be assessed along with a range of other possible schemes. These included more effective use of promotional material and signage; the issue of reminders of the expiration of parking time limits; transferable tickets; the allowance of longer parking times during specified periods; revision of the tariff structure; the allowance of time in lieu of change; shopping incentives on tickets; commercial advertising on tickets, etc.

Keith intimated that he would be willing to meet and discuss with the Chamber of Trade the various optional schemes being examined.

Mr R Yates reiterated his request for consideration of the provision of a disabled person’s parking space close to the Town Hall.


In response to the comments and concerns expressed by a number of Markets’ traders and retailers at the Council’s exploration of the outsourcing of the Markets function, Donna Hall confirmed that the Council was presently in negotiation with a French based company, with a view to their selection as the preferred bidder for the operation and management of the Markets, with the Council retaining the ownership of the Market ground.

Donna explained that the aim of the exercise was to reinvigorate and revitalise the Market in order to meet the aspirations of the public, as evidenced in recent surveys.

Donna also emphasised the fact that the proposal was still currently under negotiation and that no firm decisions had yet been taken. The Officers undertook to report progress and, hopefully, make a presentation on the expected plans for the Markets to the next Forum meeting.

Wayne Andrews also drew attention to the need to take account of the Markets’ traders’ ability to attend meetings if the former Markets’ Liaison Group was to be incorporated into the Town Centre Forum.


Keith Allen advised the Forum that, at its first attempt in the North West in Bloom competition, Chorley Council had been awarded the Best Newcomer prize, the second runner-up prize in the Best Large Town category; and the Environmental Award for Local Authorities for the cleanliness of the Borough’s streets.

Town Centre Forum 4 Public Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday, 27 September 2006 Keith thanked the Chamber of Trade and all the traders for their contribution to the town’s success in the 2006 competition and expressed the hope that the Council could rely on their assistance in future years.


The Forum noted that the next meeting of the Town Centre Forum was scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 13 December 2006 at 5.45pm.

The members would, however, be notified if it was necessary to alter the date and provided with a note to explain the restructure of the Forum and how it would operate in the future.


Town Centre Forum 5 Public Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday, 27 September 2006