COMMUNITY TRANSPORT Citywide Random Needs Survey Report Community Transport Services Needs Survey

Report on a City-Wide Survey

Consultation Research and Intelligence Team

May 2012

Page 1 of 24 | 1 | CONTENTS

Summary 3 - 6

Introduction 7

Methodology 7

Response Rate and Demography 7 - 9

Main Findings 9 - 24

Modes of Transport used 9 - 11

Membership of related organisations 12

Awareness of community transport provision 13 - 14

Able to meet household’s travel needs 15 - 17

Types of problematic journeys 18 -19

Barriers to making problematic journeys 20 - 21

Barriers to accessing conventional bus services 22 - 23

Analysis by Equality Groups 24


A Background: Ward Map details, City deprivation and elderly support profiles by ward and Free text ‘other’ listings for Q2 and Q6 B Types of problematic journeys by ward (where needs not met) C Barriers to making journeys by ward (where needs not met) D Barriers to accessing conventional bus services by ward (All respondents). E Free text analysis of responses to Q7 & Q8 F Case Studies: , Eastville and Easton G Location of Community Transport Organisations Map H Questionnaire

Page 2 of 24 | 2 | Summary

The survey achieved a response rate comparable with the annual City Council Quality of Life survey (19.2%, n = 3,843) and enabled analysis by wards and equalities groups. It was possible to show statistically significant difference between wards and groups for some indicators and these are summarised below. The reader is referred to Appendices B, C and D for ward profiles.

Modes of Transport Used

1. Approx 2 in 3 used their Own Car, Bus and Walking. Higher than usually reported levels of walking and cycling (probably explained by noting that the question asked if mode used and not frequently of use)

2. More likely to use public transport in Bishopston, than in or Southville. Lower than average in Lawrence Hill, Southville and Kingsweston

3. Greater than average use of Community Transport in Lawrence Hill, East, Kingsweston, Windmill Hill, Whitchurch Park, and .

Aware of Community Transport Provision in

1. Two thirds were unaware of Community Transport provision 2. Below average awareness in , Easton, , Kingsweston, Bishopsworth, Hartcliffe and Whitchurch Park

3. Awareness rises with age group. Less than half the over 64’s were unaware

4. No significant difference in awareness between White and BME groups

Able to Find Transport to Meet Household’s Needs

1. Most respondents (approx three quarters) were able to meet their households transport needs but a significant minority (1 in 5) were not

2. Respondents who were aware of Community Transport service provision in Bristol were significantly more likely to find transport services to meet their household’s travel needs than those who were unaware (aware: 35.8% unaware: 28.9%)

3. Significant difference between the wards with the most unmet need (Bishopsworth and Southville) and those with least unmet need (Clifton East and Westbury on Trym). Below average in Easton, Southville and Bishopsworth.

Page 3 of 24 | 3 | Types of problematic journeys for those with unmet travel needs

1. Approx 1 in 3 had difficulty with ‘Shopping in City centre’, ‘Shopping in local supermarket’ and ‘General shopping’

2. Approx 1 in 3 had difficulty with ‘Visiting friends and family’ and ‘Reaching a transport hub’

3. Approx 1 in 4 had difficulty getting to work

4. Social and leisure activities were less problematical

5. Of those over 64 years of age 10% reported having difficulties with ‘Business reasons’ eg pensions). Overall this was lower at 6.2%

6. The most frequently mentioned problems were ‘Visiting family/friends’ and ‘Shopping in local supermarket’

7. Eastville, Horfield, Bishopsworth, and have more unmet need for transport trips compared to other wards.

8. Most ward graphs and maps show differences that are not statistically significant. However there is a tendency for some wards to have above average unmet need (in addition to those above) and these include: Bishopston, , Filwood, Hartcliffe, , , Southmead, and Windmill Hill

Barriers to making the problematic journeys for those with unmet travel needs

1. ‘Lack of public transport options’ was the most frequently cited barrier followed by ‘Inability to carry heavy shopping’ (both approx 4 in 10) and ‘difficulty walking’ (1 in 3)

2. Approx 1 in 8 respondents identified ‘Inability to use conventional bus services’

3. Approx 1 in 8 identified ‘Assistance needed to travel’

4. Approx 1 in 4 could not drive and 1 in 5 had no access to a car

5. Easton, Eastville, Southmead and Ashley have more unmet need due to transport barriers compared to other wards

6. Most ward graphs and maps show differences that are not statistically significant. However there is a tendency for some wards to have above average unmet need (in addition to those above) and these include: Avonmouth, Filwood, and

Page 4 of 24 | 4 | Barriers to accessing conventional bus services

1. Unmet travel needs group report higher incidence of barriers. Are all higher, some very noticeably so, particularly: ‘Routes not going where needed’, ‘Reliability’, ‘Uncomfortable waiting conditions’ and ‘Being tired for return journey’

2. Approx 1 in 2 identified ‘Routes not going where needed’

3. Approx 1 in 3 identified ‘Inadequate frequency’, ‘Too expensive’, ‘Reliability’ and ‘Lack of direct routes’

4. Approx 1 in 4 identified ‘Uncomfortable waiting conditions’, ‘Lack of information’ and ‘Buses running at wrong time’

5. 1 in 10 identified ‘Assistance in travelling’

6. Lack of space for wheelchairs was identified by 1 in 20 but this figure rose to 1 in 10 for those who ‘considered themselves disabled’

7. Approx 4 in 10 (230/523) of those saying they were disabled said they could not meet their household’s travel needs

8. Significantly more residents in the wards of Ashley, Bishopston, Bishopsworth, Cabot, Cotham, Filwood, Redland, Southmead, Southville, Stoke Bishop and Windmill Hill have barriers to accessing conventional bus services. Most of these residents have barriers related to public transport expense, reliability, lack of information, waiting conditions and no direct routes/routes not going where required

9. Southmead residents are slightly different as they have a high proportion of residents who need assistance to travel.

Page 5 of 24 | 5 | Analysis by Equality Groups

Those differences in responses that may be significant. Refer to Appendix H for Questionnaire a) Aware of Community Transport provision:

1. Older age groups (50+) are more likely to be aware and awareness increases with age 24.2 % under 50’s vs 40.8% for over 50’s (significant)

2. Disabled respondents were more aware of Community Transport provision than were non-disabled respondents 38.7% vs 33.1% (significant)

3. No difference between White and BME groups on awareness of Community Transport provision 34.4% vs 33.3%

4. Those respondents indicating no religion were less aware than those with a religion/belief 38% vs 27.6% (significant). Also some religious groups were less aware of CT provision (eg 38% Christian vs 14% Jewish) (significant) b) Able to meet household’s travel needs:

1. White respondents are more likely to have their transport needs met than were BME respondents 79% vs 69% (significant)

2. Females are less likely to have their transport needs met 77% vs 82% (significant)

3. The ‘75’s and over’ are less likely to have their transport needs met 67% vs 80-82% for other age groups (significant)

4. Disabled respondents are less likely to have their transport needs met 84% vs 56% (significant)

5. Bisexual respondents were less likely to have their transport needs met 61% vs 75%-90% for other sexual orientations (significant)

6. Those respondents stating ‘Sikh’ or ‘Any other religion or belief’ are less likely to have their transport needs met 62% vs 72-82% (significant)

Page 6 of 24 | 6 | Introduction

The survey was commissioned by the Passenger Transport Team (Neighbourhoods and City Development). It was undertaken by the Consultation, Research and Intelligence Team.


The study adopted the approach used in the established Bristol Quality of Life Survey, a survey with a robust and proven methodology gained over 10 years.

20,000 addresses were randomly selected from the Postal Address File (a list of all postal addresses in the city totalling over 180,000 households) and each issued with a pack containing a letter of explanation, a leaflet on community transport service providers and the questionnaire. The survey was addressed to households and not individuals.

The sample size for each ward was adjusted to reflect the population of the ward. Previous experience demonstrates that a sample of 20,000 would attract a response rate greater than 15%, the rate required to enable the findings to be mapped by electoral ward and confidence intervals to be reported. It is therefore possible to show statistically significant differences between wards for some indicators. Note: the relatively low numbers of respondents with ‘unmet household travel needs’ results in wide confidence intervals on responses for certain questions for this sub group, making statistical testing unreliable.

The survey was issued in the first week of February 2012 and was open for nine and a half weeks. Participants were asked to complete the questionnaire on-line as a preference although paper copies and a Freepost return envelope were also supplied.

Response Rate

3,843 questionnaires were returned giving an overall response rate of 19.2%. 13.3% (n=501) of the returns were online. The responses by location are shown in the ward map below:

Map 1 Response by Ward (numbers)

ory 62 to 78 79 to 96 97 to 113 114 to 130 131 to 148 149 to 166

Page 7 of 24 | 7 | The numbers issued and response rates (both overall and by ward) are shown below in Table 1.

Table 1: Response Rates by Ward and Overall Ward Number Number Percentage Percentage Issued Returned Response Response of by Ward Overall Issue Ashley 796 129 16.2 3.4 Avonmouth 626 110 17.6 2.9 Bedminster 626 126 20.1 3.3 Bishopston 563 145 25.8 3.8 Bishopsworth 504 78 15.5 2.0 543 111 20.4 2.9 Brislington West 510 100 19.6 2.6 Cabot 1132 171 15.1 4.4 Clifton 586 146 24.9 3.8 Clifton East 535 107 20.0 2.8 Cotham 563 113 20.1 2.9 Easton 630 111 17.6 2.9 Eastville 567 115 20.3 3.0 Filwood 495 62 12.5 1.6 Frome Vale 544 119 21.9 3.1 Hartcliffe 498 86 17.3 2.2 488 100 20.5 2.6 Hengrove 515 86 16.7 2.2 Henleaze 451 147 32.6 3.8 Hillfields 593 116 19.6 3.0 Horfield 564 109 19.3 2.8 Kingsweston 455 89 19.6 2.3 Knowle 474 93 19.6 2.4 Lawrence Hill 1080 103 9.5 2.7 Lockleaze 493 82 16.6 2.1 Redland 509 130 25.5 3.4 Southmead 494 86 17.4 2.2 Southville 662 120 18.1 3.1 563 107 19.0 2.8 589 94 16.0 2.4 Stockwood 458 88 19.2 2.3 Stoke Bishop 344 117 34.0 3.0 Westbury-on-Trym 471 159 33.8 4.1 Whitchurch Park 463 79 17.1 2.1 Windmill Hill 615 104 16.9 2.7 Unknown (removed) - 5 - .1 Total 19999 3843 19.2 100.0

Page 8 of 24 | 8 | Response Demography

Table 2. Age Profile of Respondents

40.0 34.8 35.0

30.0 25.6 25.0 20.0 17.9 18.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 2.6 0.1 0.9 0.0 15 or 16 - 24 25 - 49 50 - 64 65-74 75 and Prefer not under over to say

Table 3. Age Profile of Whole City

2010 Population Estimates by Broad Age Band

45.0 40.5 40.0 Bristol % 34.6 35.0 & Wales % 30.0 25.0 18.7 18.1 20.0 16.6 16.3 14.1 15.0 12.0

% of total population % of total 8.7 7.9 10.0 6.2 6.3 5.0 0.0 0-15 16-24 25-49 50-64 65-74 75 and over75 and Age

• Compared to the population profile of the city, a greater proportion of older people responded to the random community transport survey

Response by Ethnicity • A low proportion of BME people responded (6.4% v 12.9% for city). The questionnaire was based on responses for each household rather than individuals, so this comparison may not accurately show the BME response

Response by Disability • A high proportion of respondents considered themselves as disabled (16.5% vs 7.2% of 16 - 64 yrs city population) Note: 21% of 16yrs and older city population have limiting long term illness disability 2001 census. No city-wide definitive figure available

Page 9 of 24 | 9 | Main Findings

The findings for each question are presented in tabular form with bulleted highlights shown underneath. Where possible differences in ward responses are also bulleted and ward profiles charted and mapped for the most frequent responses. A short summary of observed ward patterns is also given.

Note: Missing responses are excluded in all tables. The base figure is given below each table

Modes of Transport Used Table 4 shows the extent to which respondents use the various modes of transport.

Table 4 Mode of Transport Currently Used

Yes No Number Percentage Number Percentage Own private car 2621 68.2% 1222 31.8% Lifts by car 1384 36.0% 2459 64.0% (friends/family) Bus (Public Transport) 2587 67.3% 1256 32.7% Taxi 1321 34.4% 2522 65.6% Bicycle 921 24.0% 2922 76.0% Walking 2627 68.4% 1216 31.6% Community Transport 95 2.5% 3748 97.5% Car Club 11 .3% 3832 99.7% Train 1270 33.0% 2573 67.0% None 15 .4% 3828 99.6% Base: 3843 Observations • Similar use of Own Car, Bus and Walking. All used by approx 2 in 3 • Higher than usually reported levels of walking and cycling • High levels of train and taxi use as observed in the Quality of Life survey • Note: question did not ask about frequency of use so all frequencies captured. This probably explains the high reported use of some modes.

Note: A list of ‘other’ modes of transport free text responses to Q2 are included in Appendix A

Page 10 of 24 | 10 | Ward observations on the mode used (see charts below):

• More likely to use public transport in Bishopston and Whitchurch Park than in Kingsweston or Southville. Wide confidence intervals means unable to speak with confidence about differences between other wards. Lower than average in Lawrence Hill, Southville and Kingsweston. • More likely to use Community Transport in Hartcliffe than in Redland or Ashley. Very wide confidence intervals means unable to speak with confidence about differences between other wards. Greater than average use in Lawrence Hill, Brislington East, Kingsweston, Windmill Hill, Whitchurch Park, Bishopsworth and Hartcliffe.

Chart 1 Use Public Transport by Ward Chart 2 Use Community Transport by Ward

Bishopston Hartcliffe Whitchurch Park Bishopsw orth Lockleaze Whitchurch Park Avonmouth Windmill Hill Eas ton Kingsw eston Brislington East Brislington East Brislington West Law rence Hill Bishopsw orth Hillf ields Hengrove Stockw ood Southmead Frome Vale Horf ield Filw ood St George East Lockleaze Eastville Bedminster Bedminster Know le Windmill Hill Henbury Know le St George East Henbury Avonmouth Frome Vale Easton Clif ton Cotham Cabot Southville Westbury-on-Trym Henleaze Clifton East Clifton Stockw ood Westbury-on-Trym Redland Cabot Henleaze Hengrove Ashley Southmead Hillf ields St George West Stoke Bishop Brislington West Hartc lif f e Clifton East St George West Horf ield Cotham Eastville Filw ood Ashley Law rence Hill Redland Southville Bishopston Kingsw eston Stoke Bishop

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 5 10 15 20 25

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Page 11 of 24 | 11 | Membership of Community Transport Organisations

Table 5 shows the membership of the various related organisations. For locations of Community Organisation bases refer to Appendix G

Table 5 Member of Organisation

Yes No Number Percentage Number Percentage BCT (Bristol Community 32 .8% 3811 99.2% Transport) Bristol Dial a Ride 134 3.5% 3709 96.5% CATT 34 .9% 3809 99.1% Lawrence Weston 11 .3% 3832 99.7% Community Transport The Mede Sprint 12 .3% 3831 99.7% St Philips, St Anne's Barton 4 .1% 3839 99.9% Hill Taxi Scheme Base: 3843

Observations • 227 respondents were members of the organisations

Page 12 of 24 | 12 | Already Aware of Community Transport Provision in Bristol Table 6 shows the extent of awareness of community transport provision. Table 6 Aware of Community Transport Provision in Bristol

Yes No Number Percentage Number Percentage 1302 34.2% 2502 65.8% Base: 3804 Observations • Two thirds were unaware of Community Transport provision in Bristol • 1 in 3 respondents were aware • Awareness loosely correlates with proximity to provider depot/office locations Ward observations • Large inter ward variation. • Below average awareness in Avonmouth, Easton, Filwood, Kingsweston, Bishopsworth, Hartcliffe and Whitchurch Park.

Chart 3 Aware of Community Transport Provision in Bristol by Ward

Cotham Clifton East Stoke Bishop Clif ton Redland Cabot Brislington West Henbury Southville Southmead Bishopston Horfield Brislington East Westbury-on- Bedminster St George West Henleaze Ashley Lockleaze Law rence Hill St George East Stockw ood Know le Windmill Hill Eastville Hillf ields Frome Vale Hengrove Avonmouth Easton Filw ood Kingsw eston Bishopsw orth Hartc lif f e Whitchurch Park

0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100

Page 13 of 24 | 13 | Table 7. Awareness by Age Group

Aware of CT provision in Bristol before receiving questionnaire Yes No Age group 15 or under number 0 2 % .0% 100.0% 16 - 24 number 14 83 % 14.4% 85.6% 25 - 49 number 325 975 % 25.0% 75.0% 50 - 64 number 339 607 % 35.8% 64.2% 65 - 74 number 294 367 % 44.5% 55.5% 75 and over number 293 370 % 44.2% 55.8% Prefer not to say number 10 24 % 29.4% 70.6% Total number 1275 2428 % 34.4% 65.6% Observations • Awareness rose with age group • Less than half the over 64’s were unaware

Table 8. Awareness by Ethnicity

Aware of CT provision in Bristol before receiving questionnaire Yes No English/Welsh/Scottish/ Count 1183 2260 NI/British % within British or BME 34.4% 65.6% BME Count 77 154 % within British or BME 33.3% 66.7% Total Count 1260 2414 % within British or BME 34.3% 65.7%

• No significant difference between White and BME groups

Page 14 of 24 | 14 | Ability to Find Transport to Meet Household’s Needs

Table 9 shows respondents ability to find transport to meet their household’s needs.

Table 9

Able to Meet Households Travel Needs

Yes No Number Percentage Number Percentage 2831 78.2% 790 21.8% Base: 3621 Observations • Most (approx three quarters) were able to meet their households transport needs but a significant minority (one in five) were not able to. • 1 in 5 said they did not have transport services to meet their needs • Note: Respondents who were aware of Community Transport service provision in Bristol were significantly more likely to find transport services to meet their household’s travel needs than those who were unaware (35.8% vs 28.9%)

Ward observations: (see map below)

• Significant difference between the wards with the most unmet need (Bishopsworth and Southville) and those with least unmet need (Clifton East and Westbury on Trym). • All remaining wards have overlapping and wide confidence intervals so unable to speak with confidence about differences between other wards. Below average in Easton, Southville and Bishopsworth

% Are you able to find transport services to meet


% 62.3 to 66.9

67 to 71.6

71.7 to 76.3

76.4 to 81.1

81.1 to 85.8

Source: Community Transport Random survey

Page 15 of 24 | 15 | Chart 4. Able to find transport to meet your household’s travel needs

Clifton East Westbury-on- Clifton Cabot Ashley St George West Bishopston Eastville Henleaze Cotham Stockw ood Redland Horfield Hengrove Frome Vale Windmill Hill Brislington West Henbury Stoke Bishop Know le Avonmouth Hartcliffe Lockleaze St George East Whitchurch Park Brislington East Bedminster Hillfields Law rence Hill Southmead Filw ood Easton Southville Kingsw eston Bishopsw orth

0 20 40 60 80 100

Page 16 of 24 | 16 | Chart 5. Household’s unable to find transport to meet travel needs by ward

Bishopsw orth Southville Easton Kingsw eston Southmead Bedminster Whitchurch Park St George East Brislington East Stoke Bishop Law rence Hill Henbury Filw ood Lockleaze Windmill Hill Stockw ood Cotham Brislington West Henleaze Hengrove Bishopston Ashley Know le Eastville Redland Hillfields Cabot Hartcliffe Avonmouth Horfield Frome Vale St George West Clifton Westbury-on- Clifton East

0 10 20 30 40 50

% Are you able to find transport services to meet


% 10.4 to 15

15.1 to 19.7

19.8 to 24.3

24.4 to 29.1

29.1 to 33.8

Source: Community Transport Random survey

Page 17 of 24 | 17 | The types of problematic journeys for those household’s where travel needs are not met are shown below in Table 10.

Table 10

Do not experience Type of Journey Experience Difficulty difficulty Number Percentage Number Percentage Shopping in City Centre 240 30.4% 550 69.6% Shopping in Local 232 29.4% 558 70.6% Supermarket General shopping 221 28.0% 569 72.0% Health Appointments 91 11.5% 699 88.5% Other Appointments 165 20.9% 625 79.1% Visiting family or Friends 250 31.6% 540 68.4% Social Activity (eg lunch 116 14.7% 674 85.3% club, scouts) Leisure Activity (eg 156 19.7% 634 80.3% swimming) To reach a transport 233 29.5% 557 70.5% interchange (eg bus or rail station) To attend work 203 25.7% 587 74.3% To attend training 68 8.6% 722 91.4% /education session To attend a volunteering 58 7.3% 732 92.7% opportunity To get to a place of worship 73 9.2% 717 90.8% For business reasons (eg 49 6.2% 741 93.8% collect a pension) To visit a council service (eg 2 .3% 669 99.7% library, housing office) Base: 790

Note: A list of ‘other’ responses to Q6 is included as Appendix A

Observations for respondents who had unmet needs

• Approx 1 in 3 had difficulty with shopping in City centre, local supermarket and general shopping • Approx 1 in 3 had difficulty with visiting friends and family and reaching a transport hub • Approx 1 in 4 had difficulty getting to work • Social and leisure activities were less problematical

Page 18 of 24 | 18 | • Of those over 64 years of age 10% reported having difficulties with ‘business reasons eg pensions). Overall this was lower at 6.2%

Ward observations (refer to Appendix B for related ward maps)

Response of 790 individuals. This low sample size results in wide confidence intervals. Because of this the majority of indicators show minimal difference between wards. Bullet points refer to findings that are statistically significant at ward level: • Horfield and Bishopsworth residents have significantly higher unmet need in finding transport to the city centre • Eastville residents have significantly higher unmet need in finding transport to a transport interchange (e.g. bus or rail station) • Lockleaze, Eastville and Ashley residents have significantly higher unmet need in finding transport to a place of worship


Eastville, Horfield, Bishopsworth, Lockleaze and Ashley have more unmet need for transport trips compared to other wards.

Most ward graphs and maps show differences that are not statistically significant. However there is a tendency for some wards to have above average unmet need (in addition to those above) and these include: Bishopston, Brislington West, Filwood, Hartcliffe, Henleaze, Hengrove, Southmead, Stockwood and Windmill Hill

Page 19 of 24 | 19 | Barriers to making the problematic journeys

The barriers to making the problematic journeys are shown below in Table 11:

Table 11

Barriers To Making Journeys

Yes No Barrier Number Percentage Number Percentage No access to car 170 21.5% 620 78.5% Unable to drive 219 27.7% 571 72.3% No public transport option 317 40.1% 473 59.9% available Cannot use conventional 109 13.8% 681 86.2% bus services Need assistance to travel 108 13.7% 682 86.3% Personal safety concerns 119 15.1% 671 84.9% Difficulty walking 247 31.3% 543 68.7% Unable to carry heavy 305 38.6% 485 61.4% things/shopping Cannot afford a taxi 231 29.2% 559 70.8% Base: 790


• Lack of public transport options was the most frequently cited barrier followed by inability to carry heavy shopping (both approx 4 in 10) and difficulty walking (1 in 3) • Inability to use conventional bus services identified by approx 1in 8 • Assistance needed to travel identified by approx 1 in 8 • Approx 1 in 4 could not drive and 1 in 5 had no access to a car

Ward observations (refer to Appendix C for related ward maps):

Response of 790 individuals. This low sample size results in wide confidence intervals. Because of this the majority of indicators show minimal difference between wards. Bullet points refer to findings that are statistically significant at ward level: • Ashley residents have significantly higher unmet transport need for ‘no transport option available’ • Southmead residents have significantly higher unmet transport need for ‘cannot use conventional bus service’. • Southmead residents have significantly higher unmet transport need due to ‘need assistance to travel’.

Page 20 of 24 | 20 | • Eastville residents have significantly higher unmet transport need for ‘personal safety reasons’. • Easton residents have significantly higher unmet transport need due to ‘difficulty walking. • Eastville and Easton residents have significantly higher unmet transport need due to ‘cannot afford a taxi’.


Easton, Eastville, Southmead and Ashley have more unmet need due to transport barriers compared to other wards.

Most ward graphs and maps show differences that are not statistically significant. However there is a tendency for some wards to have above average unmet need (in addition to those above) and these include: Avonmouth, Filwood, Frome Vale and Stoke Bishop.

Page 21 of 24 | 21 | Barriers to accessing conventional bus services

Table 12 displays the barriers to accessing conventional bus services by respondents with met and unmet household travel needs

Table 12

Barriers To Accessing Conventional Bus Services by Household’s Travel Needs Not Met or Met

Household’s travel Household’s travel needs NOT met needs met (Base 790) (Base 2831) Number Percentage Number Percentage Inadequate frequency 271 34.3% 563 19.9% Too expensive 289 36.6% 1001 35.4% Live to far from the nearest 123 15.6% 88 3.1% stop Physical difficulty with 131 16.6% 114 4.0% getting on the bus Not considered reliable 248 31.4% 588 20.8% enough Need for short/direct route 235 29.7% 294 10.4% Need assistance to travel 89 11.3% 50 1.8% Concerned that you will not 108 13.7% 136 4.8% get a seat on the way home Not enough space for 38 4.8% 46 1.6% wheelchairs on the bus Personal safety concerns 115 14.6% 146 5.2% Routes do not go where I 377 47.7% 452 16.0% want to go Uncomfortable waiting 199 25.2% 393 13.9% conditions Don't run when I want to 157 19.9% 172 6.1% travel Don't run at the right time of 142 18.0% 131 4.6% day Lack of information about 161 20.4% 315 11.1% network Concerned that you will be 109 13.8% 77 2.7% too tired to return by bus on the way home None 20 2.5% 543 19.2%

Page 22 of 24 | 22 | Observations

• Those with unmet travel needs report higher incidence of barriers. Percentages are all higher, some very noticeably so, particularly: ‘routes not going where needed’, ‘reliability, uncomfortable waiting conditions’ and ‘being tired for return journey’ • Routes not going where needed was identified by approx 1 in 2 • Inadequate frequency, too expensive, reliability and lack of direct routes were identified by approx 1 in 3 • Uncomfortable waiting conditions, lack of information and buses running at wrong time were identified by approx 1 in 4 • Assistance in travelling was identified by 1 in 10 • Lack of space for wheelchairs was identified by 1 in 20 but this figure rose to 1 in 10 (n=22) in those who ‘considered themselves disabled’ (225 respondents identified themselves as disabled and unable to meet household travel needs

Ward observations (refer to Appendix D for related ward maps) Based on 3843 responses. Bullet points refer to findings that are statistically significant:

• Significantly more residents in Ashley, Bishopston, Cotham and Windmill Hill say public transport is too expensive • Significantly more residents in Stoke Bishop and Cotham say public transport is not considered reliable enough • Significantly more residents in Southville have a need for a short direct route using public transport • Significantly more residents in Southmead need assistance to travel • Significantly more residents in Southville and Ashley say public transport routes do not go where they want them to go. • Significantly more residents in Bishopsworth and Filwood say they have uncomfortable waiting conditions • Significantly more residents in Cabot say conventional buses don’t run when they want to travel • Significantly more residents in Redland and Cotham say there is a lack of information about the transport network

Conclusion Significantly more residents in the wards of Ashley, Bishopston, Bishopsworth, Cabot, Cotham, Filwood, Redland, Southmead, Southville, Stoke Bishop and Windmill Hill have barriers to accessing conventional bus services

Most of these residents have barriers related to public transport expense, reliability, lack of information, waiting conditions and no direct routes/routes not going where required

Southmead residents are slightly different as they have a high proportion of residents who need assistance to travel.

Page 23 of 24 | 23 | Analysis by Equality Groups

Able to meet household’s travel needs:

1. White respondents are more likely to have their transport needs met than were BME respondents 79% vs 69% (significant)

2. Females are less likely to have their transport needs met 77% vs 82% (significant)

3. The ‘75’s and over’ are less likely to have their transport needs met 67% vs 80-82% (significant)

4. Disabled respondents are less likely to have their transport needs met 84% vs 56% (significant)

5. Bisexual respondents were less likely to have their transport needs met 61% vs 75% –90% (significant)

6. Those respondents stating ‘Sikh’ or ‘Any other religion or belief’ are less likely to have their transport needs met 62% vs 72-82% (significant)

Aware of Community Transport provision:

1. Older age groups (50+) are more likely to be aware and awareness increases with age 24.2 % under 50’s vs 40.8% for over 50’s (significant)

2. Disabled respondents were more aware of Community Transport provision than were non-disabled respondents 38.7% vs 33.1% (significant)

3. No difference between White and BME groups on awareness of Community Transport provision 34.4% vs 33.3% (not significant)

4. Those respondents indicating no religion were less aware than those with a religion/belief 38% vs 27.6% (significant). Some religious groups were less aware of CT provision (e.g. 38% Christian vs 14% Jewish) (significant)



Ward Map – Ward Name/Location Key for Analysis Maps


Bristol’s elderly population reliant on state support

The map below is based on Mosaic (experian) household segmentation data and is modelled for Bristol. It indicates where an elderly population reliant on state support is likely to live. • The map shows a greater concentration of Group M in the peripheral neighbourhoods that have also been identified in this analysis as occupied by residents with ‘unmet need’.

Health and disability Deprivation


Health Deprivation and Disability The map below indicates the areas of the city where residents have a lower life expectancy and disability. It is part of the Index of Multiple Deprivation (2010) and is based on the indicators: • Years of potential life lost (ie premature death) • Comparative illness and disability ratio (based on Disability Living Allowance, Attendance allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance and disability premium of Income Support). • Acute morbidity (ie emergency admissions to hospital) • Mood anxiety disorders

• The map shows a greater concentration of deprivation in neighbourhoods also been identified in this analysis as occupied by residents with ‘unmet need’.


Other deprivation maps:



Free text responses to Question 2 - Other modes of transport used

1. ?"Other" is not on the 39. Disabled, cannot list! drive. 2. 2 40. Disabled, wheelchair 3. 2, 3, 4, 6, 9. and scooter. 4. 400 CC SCOOTER - 41. Drive infirm to why ignore scooters/motorbikes doctor's surgery. in your survey..... it's 'car-ist' 42. Electric invalid 5. 90% Bicycle in the scooter city 43. Electric scooter 6. Aeroplane mobility 7. Aeroplane, Monorail 44. Family 8. ALSO RIDE A 45. Family look after our MOTORCYCLE needs at this stage. 9. and motorcycle 46. FERRY 10. As far as I can 47. Ferry (cross harbour). 11. Bristol Dial a Ride 48. H U B S 12. Bristol dial a ride. 49. Hire car 13. Bus and walking 50. Hire car for any long 14. Bus pass distance 15. Bus provided by my 51. Hire car volunteer employer 52. Hospital bus 16. Bus public transport 53. Hospital bus (not very 17. Bus rare, train often) occasionally & coach. 54. I am 91 years of age 18. By walk. and housebound. 19. Car club at work 55. I am at present (AWP) "medically unfit to drive". Wife 20. Car is hired by drives me in our own private Motobility. car. Not always convenient. 21. CATT for Morrison 56. I am reliant on a 22. Coach friend to give me a lift as I am 23. Coach. elderly. 24. Company car 57. I have a mobility 25. Company van scooter 26. Company van. 58. I like to use bus, but 27. Council run bus - the step too high Wessex Connect. 59. I mainly use public 28. Cross harbour ferry transport, which is quite 29. Cycle sufficient for my needs (very 30. Daughter if well elderly pensioner) enough, Beverley 60. I own a small van, not 31. Daughter who drives. a car. 32. Day centre's mini-bus 61. I use a mobility picks me up twice a week scooter 33. Dial a ride 62. I use the 503 34. Dial a ride. Windmill Hill bus which is 35. Dial-a-ride invaluable to get to Bedminster 36. Did have own car - shops. now scrapped 63. Intending to join BCT 37. Disabled car. this spring for charity I belong to 38. Disabled scooter. 64. Kayak-canoe.


65. Mini bus on site 103. School mini bus shopping only 104. Scooter 66. Mobility car 105. Scooter (non 67. Mobility car and motorised - the ones which hospital transport were a xmas favourite a few 68. Mobility car. years ago) 69. Mobility scooter 106. Semi disabled, would 70. Mobility scooter. like a bus pass 71. moped 107. Skateboard. 72. Moped 108. Smart car at work 73. Motability only 74. Motability car 109. Sometime family. 75. Motobility 110. Taxi from Bus station 76. Motobility lease hire, after distance journeys. motor car 111. There is nothing else 77. MOTOR CYCLE in Brislington 78. Motorbike 112. Train only for long 79. Motorbike. distance. 80. Motorbike. I would 113. Transport to hospital like to point out that I am not 114. Unable to leave home disabled for the purpose of this through ill health now. survey 115. Use a car for those 81. Motorbikes journeys which inaccessible by 82. MOTORBIKES walking or bus - due to lack of 83. Motorbility time/direct route. 84. motorcycle 116. Use hire car through 85. Motorcycle motability. 86. MOTORCYCLE 117. Used park & ride 87. Motorcycle. 2004 when unable to use the 88. Motorscooter bus 89. moyobility 118. Used to be own car 90. Mum drives me as I but only recently had to sell car. am disabled. 119. Walking into town. 91. My husband takes the Walk with a stick. car to work but I don't drive 120. Walking only a short 92. N/A distance. 93. Not often. Can't park 121. We would like the 25 near. I can't walk. bus passed our area, so we 94. Only if driven by my don't have to walk very far for it, family so when we catch up the top of 95. Partner's private car our road and we don't have to 96. Please bring back the walk very far because I got pain 500 bus. in my back legs and feet. I'm 97. Pogo under the doctor and on very 98. Pogo stick, roller strong painkiller tablets skates, aeroplanes. 122. Wheelchair 99. Power chair. 123. Wheelchair 100. Powered wheelchair dependent,(not even a 101. Run considered option!) 102. Running


124. When, we can afford 128. WORK VAN TO & the petrol - car. FROM WORK AND MY 125. Why is there no GIRLFRIEND AND I SHARE A tube/metro express? LEASE CAR 126. Work provided bus 129. Works vehicle 127. Work van

Free text responses to Question 6 - Other types of problematic journeys

1. 1, Difficulty accessing my 13. Any journey requiring more local bus stop safely. 2, than 1/2 to 3/4 mile walk at Public transport is too most esp. if anything to expensive. carry. 2. 2 14. Any that entail taking my 3. Accessing other suburban disabled mother also my locations which used to be younger grandchild to served by a direct bus route preschool, convience & time that has now been elements discontinued, making the 15. Anything not on a bus route journey much more costly or easily bikeable and time consuming. 16. Anything that involves 4. Activities on offer by Bristol crossing town rather than Autism Project going into Centre - no public 5. All as I have spondilosis of transport that does this well the neck. Public transport is (Avon Valley is of some, too bumpy and I do not go limited use). Generally out evenings too frightening. design of road system is 6. All journeys are a problem terrible, one snarl up blocks when unable to walk whole centre. 7. All journeys rely on wife 17. Appointment for hospitals driving other than local ones. 8. ALL OF THESE JOURNEYS 18. Bank WOULD BE A PROBLEM 19. Being able to drive through WITHOUT A PRIVATE Bristol to conduct my CAR. IT WOULD BE business IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO 20. Belland Drive bus stop has CONDUCT THE ROLE & been moved so it is difficult RESPONSIBILITIES to get to the bus stop from NECESSARY FOR MY JOB my house. 9. All ok as I drive, walk or 21. Better to use buses for cycle central city journeys. Bristol 10. Almondsbury Garden Centre needs trams - not this silly - car boot sale Sundays rapid transit 'con' Easter Compton - no bus 22. Better, cheaper buses that route so no pleasure don't take so long. Biggest activities. problem is getting to Temple 11. Also hospital appointments. Meads in good time - 12. Any journey out of my home


quicker & easier to take the 36. Children going to school & car but parking is expensive. college. 23. Bus 41 goes to Whiteladies 37. Children play places: Bristol Road, what happened to 40 Zoo, Soft Plays, City Farms going that way. 38. Coming back home after 24. Bus direct to Temple Meads night out - after mid night or Bristol Parkway for from town onwards travel 39. Coming home late at night, 25. Bus no longer runs to no buses running. Gloucester Rd. Other buses 40. Cross city bus journeys can also removed. be a problem. 26. Bus service non existent in 41. Crossing town this area. 42. Dial a ride are not often 27. Bus service required from available Stockwood to 43. Difficult in getting to hospital High Street for check-ups (IE) 28. Bus service to Headley Park Southmead Hospital would be most welcome 44. Difficult to get from Clifton 29. Buses are irregular, Village to the BRI by unreliable and VERY public/community transport expensive. 45. Difficulty getting dial a ride 30. Buses late or don't turn up, when I use one a week for one taken off on 20 regi my social community place 31. Buses only one bus 90. which I look forward to very 32. Buses that don't come when much. expected and the 46. Disabled access buses and infrequency of Sunday taxis to all areas of Bristol buses. Also particularly to Cribbs Causeway and Hospital. nothing direct. I purchased 47. Doctors my daughter a car because 48. Doesn't apply to me she could not get to JL on 49. Doubt the service goes past time for her work on a nursery, then be in time to Sunday morning and I continue journey 10 mins ended up taking her as later. colleagues did not always 50. Due to age - we find we go. It was a complete cannot use the bus - difficult nightmare and I am anti to get on and off. driving!! 51. Due to arthritic/brittle bones, 33. Car parking is a problem in I can only travel many area's. independently in good 34. CATT bus very good weather. 35. Centre and certain parts of 52. Excellent bus services not covered by 53. Finding car parking!! bus 506 but was when we 54. First bus leaving the Mall had the 500 bus Baltic 9.30am. Visits to Frenchay Wharf loop. Also the BRI Hospital appointment time eye hospital was covered by usually 9.30am. the bus 500. 55. First buses are way too expensive, they do not


encourage people to bus possible but for how much instead of car, they simply longer. want profit. 74. I am only able to walk very 56. For recreational purposes. short distances owing to ill And I still don't find it health remotely easy to discover 75. I can drive to work but no which bus goes where, or direct bus which bus to use to get to 76. I can only walk short where I'd like to go. distances, so I keep to 57. From Easton to St Pauls for known destinations shopping, courses. 77. I cannot get to Gloucester 58. Getting from Knowle, Road by bus and I would like Broadwalk to East to support Bishopston's Street/North Street petition to get their bus Bedminster. going from Bishopston to 59. Getting on bus with a pram Clifton Village. and other children. 78. I cycle to work regularly and 60. Getting out into the would like to see some real countryside - camping, arterial cycle routes into the walking etc city centre to facilitate cycle 61. Getting there is ok getting commuting instead of the back is the problem disjointed bit and peices 62. Getting to & from hospital is making up the current difficult if you are having layout. PS I'm not a cycling treatment & can't drive back fanatic just a normal person yourself or get a lift thats converted to cycling 63. Getting to and from round the city. Frenchay Hospital for 79. I don't drive so often need a treatment. lift from other family 64. Getting to local dogging members/friends. venues 80. I find dial a ride always 65. Getting to the local airport in booked up whenever I have its obscure rural location - tried to book them, as you Heathrow is a surer/more can only book day before. Its reliable proposition only for hospitals I try, as I 66. Getting to the University of drive myself most places Bristol - more regular buses local. needed. 81. I go everywhere by public 67. Going for a walk in the green transport but sometimes on weekends. There's no hours bus going down Gloucester 82. I go to a day centre, I am Road to Temple Meads. provided transport 68. Hospital & Eye Hospital 83. I had 2 knee replacements 69. Hospital parking fees and found the steps too high 70. Hospitals provide transport if they stop ine road 71. HSBC Bank 84. I had problems getting my 72. I always get the bus or taxi kids to school 73. I am a mobile 92 and use 85. I have 2 year old twins, so bike and legs as much as using public transport is a pain in the arse when you


have a double buggy, so I by using a desk booking prefer to walk. system and excluding all 86. I have my own car. staff within 2 miles from car 87. I have to use a car, walk or parks. Staff then pay £1.50 cycle because transport per day at B&Q (illegally for links are insuffieient and b&q?) or misuse the old unreliable - it is a real woolworths/tj hughes car embarrassment for a city like park, or park in the road. Bristol that public transport Better and cheaper buses or is so inefficient for even the sdtop the stupid planning simplest journeys. rules about car parks, which 88. I have to use car for most give employers an excuse trip as buses are infrequent, not to provide... unreliable, dirty & take too 97. I would like to catch the long. Bristol need a tube! or Coombe Lane BS9. bus 41 metro express. Why are you on a Sunday day time and wasting my money on bike evenings, but it does not lanes? run. 89. I NEED TO TRAVEL 98. I would prefer to use puiblic OFTEN TO CHELTENHAM transport for more activities, 90. I rely on my neighbours for but the price and quality everything makes it less attractive than 91. I resent having to change driving a car buses in the Centre when 99. I would really appreciate a travelling across Bristol. means of getting to 92. I use my bicycle wherever Gloucester Road for social, possible but when I need to recreational and work use the car, I find parking needs. There are no buses very expensive + feel it that go across the St Philips would help traders compete causeway (A4320). You're against supermarkets if also not allowed to walk and there was a credit to parking if you do walk you have to scheme. go a very long way around. 93. I used D-A-R for shopping Even if the bus just went as up to 2 yrs ago, but I had a far as the M32, Im sure it fall, but I'm well now & would would benefit a lot of people. like to regain. At the moment, you have to 94. I was born in go to the centre and then a 1939, we always had a bus separate bus up the service to Broadwalk and to gloucester road. Old Market. 100. I would use buses 95. I wizz around on the bus. more but find the timetabling 96. I work in mod abbey wood - difficult to follow. it's 2 buses or park in the 101. I would use the No.1. road in unsuitable places bus service more often if with the car - this is because there were more frequent of council planning rules buses. about the size of car parks... 102. I've never considered which then don't work as the using it for myself, so I've employer overloads the site not investigated if it meets


my needs. Unlikely to as I 115. My own car have a husband & 4 teenage 116. N/A children so we run to quite a 117. Need a car most of tight timetable, esp. in the the time. Bus unreliable and evenings. In the day, I does not go in direction I would have too much need. New road systems (shopping) to carry for public are a NIGHTMARE for transport. everybody I know. What will 103. If I didn't have a car happen when an almost all of the above ambulance/fire engine has would be a problem. to go quickly down 104. In Bristol there's no Whiteladies Road - now no provision for wheelchair room to overtake - dreadful. dependants (you did spend 118. Need bus to Bristol lots of cash putting in Temple Meads from disability ramps at Bus stops Gloucester Road = wasted cash). 119. No 105. Irregular times I need 120. No bus near us to try to catch a bus. 121. No bus to go up the 106. It's about time BCC hill to supermarket, bank, stopped discriminating library etc (Henleaze) against car journeys! Oh and Downs etc. by the way, you've turned 122. No bus to Westbury- one of the busiest cycling on-Trym from here. routes in the city into a death 123. No bus Westbury to run - Whiteladies Road! Henleaze Road. No bus to 107. Lack of bus routes M Shed between Gloucester Road 124. No buses early and Clifton (University of mornings and evenings Bristol). weekdays. Last bus into 108. Lack of frequent Bristol 2.45pm, no bus buses service at weekends. 109. Long walk for bus to 125. No comments. N/A to Parkway! me. 110. Lots of amenities in 126. No direct bus from Hengrove/ this location to Imperial that are not accessible to Park. At present need bus teenagers as no bus service. to Bedminster and then bus Reliant on parents with cars! to Imperial Park. 111. Mobile scooter, can't 127. No direct bus use on buses, have a Rd to Temple wheelchair but no-one to Meads Station. take me. 128. No direct bus to 112. MP. airport or Temple Meads 113. Museum, train station. Hippodrome, Art Galleries, 129. No direct service from Watershed, Cabot Circus Stoke Bishop to Clifton 114. My family & friends 130. No journey problems help me with journeys I have 131. No journey problems to make at all.


132. No problem! 149. Parking is a problem 133. No problems in the central & Clifton 134. No problems. areas. 135. No provision made for 150. Parking useless musicians working at city 151. Poor connectivity centre venues for loading/off between rail stations & bus loading equipment due to routes, particularly journeys over-zelous parking from Temple Meads to BS3 attendants and road postcode. closures (e.g. Mr Wolfs as 152. Portway impossible well as many others). on return Strugling down an NPC car 153. Problem is that buses park with a double bass is are not on time ever. not practical. 154. Rail fares too high, 136. nO PUBLIC otherwise just use my bike TRANSPORT FROM for everything. EASTVILL TO 155. Reaching the job 137. No public transport to centre. new S/Bristol hospital from 156. Redland train Service Southville into Temple Meads WOULD 138. No transport from be fantastic IF it was more Stockwood to new hospital frequent. in Hengrove when open 157. Salvation Army 139. None 158. Shop in Morrisons in 140. None as I use my . private car. 159. Shopping no problem 141. None very satisfied going but BIG PROBLEM with bus/train coming back! Please bring 142. Not enough back No.500 bus service information about how to 160. Shopping on Glos Rd, reach drs by bus prefer not to ride but no bus 143. Not possible to use available to return with public transport after certain heavy bags time during the evening - 161. Since the bus service does not exist. has been taken away in 144. Note tick made in Manor Farm there is no bus error no problems re above. now in Bishopthorpe Road 145. Often as not 51 off for Eastville, Fishponds and half hour wait moving buses opposite way Tesco from Bellard Drive. supermarket. Very bad for 146. Only bus service to us elderly. train station is 506 which 162. Some areas of has been unreliable so trains interest not covered by to work missed. If bus public transport doesn't arrive have to call for 163. Southmead Hospital taxi otherwise late for work. 164. St Philips Household 147. Out of town retail Waste Recycling Centre parks 165. Sunday leisure 148. Own car so no (buses start later & fewer problem routes)


166. Takes too long to get 176. There is a bus service to work. Would like to use a but it's not reliable so I don't Park & Ride but nothing use it anymore. available within convenient 177. There is no direct bus reach. from Clifton Town to the 167. TAKING CHILDREN BRI, there is no bus direct TO NURSERY across N Bristol to get to 168. The bus network is Gloucester Road area, all bad & extremely expensive journeys require going into 169. The bus service in city centre then back out, Bristol is the worse in the buses to N - S, but not E - country. W. 170. The bus service in my 178. There is no straight area is quite regular and through service from bus adequate for my needs. station, Eastville to Bristol 171. The bus services are Temple Meads, regular ie, expensive, infrequent and less than hour travel. do not connect to sensible 179. These apply if I did places - eg. station/centre of not have a car. town but parking is 180. This form would have expensive I walk where I can been better if the target with a pram but don't go audience were those in the where I can't walk. We need community who may a London bus/oyster type appreciate this service, such system 1 pound any journey as the disabled, elderly, 172. The city provides young persons, those good service requiring regular medical 173. The freedom we had treatment. I have filled out with the 510 has been the above from what I have removed, this service experienced/been told by covered 2 areas, Hotwells the elderly in the community. as well as Bedminster 181. To Bristol South Down, no more visits to "The Crematorium, Bedminster, Cottage" on Waterfront. Avon Mead, Brislington 174. There are plenty of 182. To fulfill caring dangerous/hard to responsibilities. Bus start navigate/lack of equality times outward from the cycling hazards. Centre make it difficult 175. There does not seem (impossible at weekends) to to be a direct service from reach the outer suburbs for South West about 08:00 a.m. Bristol/Bedminster etc. to Fortunately, I am able to Temple Meads station. The walk the 3 miles, but it would nearest point is Redcliffe be good to have an Hill. This can be difficult if alternative option when the you intend to do a train weather is not good. journey or if the weather is 183. To get anywhere - no wet! bus service on my road 184. To get to alternative places of shopping (Co-op


has a monopoly here - poor Road is like a tip, we need service) more waste bins, they are 185. To get to shopping always full. The new bus area's where bus services stops have all rubbish on are not available them, big tubs from burger 186. To go to hospital's shops, no where to sit. 187. To help friends 205. We use the car. We 188. To hospital. are both invalids and cannot 189. To move heavy walk more than 50 yards. objects 206. Well I do have a 190. To take child to mobility scooter as I can nursery. hardly walk. What's all 191. To Temple Meads. these personal questions got 192. Too many bicycles. to do with transport. 193. Transport from 207. When catching 2 Broomhill to Keynsham not buses don't run within 1/2 available. hours time slot, waiting too 194. Transporting goods. long 195. TRAVELLING HOME 208. Without a car no local FROM SCHOOL AND bus service WORK AND SOCIAL EVENTS AFTER 18:30 AS OUR LAST BUS FINISHED TOO EARLY 196. U. bus used to take me and family to Eastgate shopping from Barton Hill. 197. Unable to use public transport for above 198. Use private car 199. Visit to hospital. 200. Visiting Bristol South crem & CIS / Bridgewater Road 201. Visiting hospital. 202. Visits to Dr's have to use car no transport that goes near Dr's or BRI, which involves a long walk 203. We are both disabled - we are 80 yrs old - we have a bus pass which we do not use because shopping etc. is difficult without a car, we cannot walk far or carry packages. Our family help us. 204. We have a big student problem after weekend Oldbury Court


Blank Page

A16 | A16 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY – APPENDIX B Household Travel Needs Not Met

Types of Problematic Journeys by Ward Note: Response of 790 individuals. This low sample size results in wide confidence intervals. Because of this the majority of indicators show minimal difference between wards. Bullet points refer to findings that are statistically significant at ward level.

Shopping in City Centre Shopping in Local Supermarket

Horfield Hartcliffe Bishopsw orth Hengrove Southmead Frome Vale Westbury-on-Trym Horfield Cabot Ashley Bedminster Bishopsw orth Cotham Kingsw eston Avonmouth Lockleaze Lockleaze Know le Kingsw eston Brislington West Eastville Clifton East Henleaze Hillfields Hengrove Filw ood Whitchurch Park Avonmouth Stoke Bishop Bedminster Redland Cotham Henbury Law rence Hill Southville Westbury-on-Trym Clifton Brislington East Frome Vale Henleaze Hartcliffe Southmead Ashley Clifton St George East Whitchurch Park Filw ood Eas ton Brislington West Cabot Eas ton St George East Law rence Hill Stoke Bishop Clifton East Bishopston Hillfields Redland Windmill Hill Henbury Brislington East Windmill Hill Bishopston Southville St George West Eastville Know le Stockw ood Stockw ood St George West

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Shopping in the City Centre Shopping at a local supermarket

% % 11.1 to 22.1 7.1 to 16.2

22.2 to 33.2 16.3 to 25.5

33.3 to 44.4 25.6 to 34.7

44.5 to 55.6 34.8 to 44.1

55.6 to 66.7 44.1 to 53.3

Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

• Horfield and Bishopsworth residents have significantly higher unmet need in finding transport to the city centre.


General Shopping Health Appointments

Horf ield Hartclif f e Southmead Horf ield Avonmouth Kingsw eston Hengrove Eastville Frome Vale Bishopsw orth Lockleaze Bedminster Kingsw eston Eas ton Clifton East Brislington East Cabot Henleaze Henleaze Brislington West Henbury Hillf ields Brislington West Southmead Ashley Clif ton Cotham Frome Vale Bedminster Lockleaze Clif ton St George East Whitchurch Park Law rence Hill Westbury-on-Trym Westbury-on-Trym Filw ood Filw ood Redland Cabot Know le Hengrove Eas ton Ashley Hillf ields Avonmouth Southville Stockw ood Bishopsw orth Clifton East Law rence Hill St George West Windmill Hill Whitchurch Park St George East Know le Stockw ood Stoke Bishop Bishopston Southville St George West Henbury Hartclif f e Cotham Eastville Bishopston Stoke Bishop Windmill Hill Brislington East Redland

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

General shopping Health Appointments (eg GP, Physio)

% 3.6 to 12.8 % 20 to 30.6 12.9 to 22.1 30.7 to 41.2 22.2 to 31.3 41.3 to 51.9 31.4 to 40.7 52 to 62.6 40.7 to 50 62.6 to 73.3 Source: Community Transport Source: Random survey Community Transport Random survey


Other Appointments Visiting Family/Friends

Filw ood Hengrove Avonmouth Ashley Bishopsw orth Know le Eastville Southville Hengrove Cabot Bedminster Clifton East Horfield Bishopsw orth Stockw ood Brislington West Hillfields Cotham Southmead Kingsw eston Cotham Eastville Kingsw eston Windmill Hill Henleaze Bedminster Easton Redland Redland Easton Cabot Avonmouth Frome Vale Hartc lif f e Ashley Brislington East Hartc lif f e Clif ton Law rence Hill Law rence Hill Clifton East Bishopston Lockleaze St George West Brislington West Horfield St George East Lockleaze Stoke Bishop Southmead Westbury-on-Trym Henleaze Brislington East Frome Vale St George West St George East Southville Filw ood Know le Westbury-on-Trym Bishopston Stoke Bishop Clif ton Hillfields Whitchurch Park Henbury Windmill Hill Stockw ood Henbury Whitchurch Park

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Other Appointments Visiting Friends and Family

% % 4.5 to 12.1 5 to 15.7

12.2 to 19.8 15.8 to 26.4

19.9 to 27.4 26.5 to 37.2

27.5 to 35.2 37.3 to 48

35.2 to 42.9 48 to 58.8

Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey


Social Activity Leisure Activity

Clif ton East Windmill Hill Ashley Stockw ood Lockleaze Southmead Southville Ashley Henleaze Southville Hengrove St George East Bishopsw orth Brislington East Cabot Filw ood Avonmouth Avonmouth Cotham Clif ton East Hartc lif f e Bishopsw orth Southmead Cabot Bishopston Kingsw eston Brislington East Hengrove Redland Horfield Stoke Bishop Lockleaze Hillf ields Cotham Bedminster Brislington West St George East Hartc lif f e Stockw ood Redland Easton Law rence Hill Clif ton Eastville Westbury-on-Trym Henleaze Henbury Clif ton Kingsw eston Stoke Bishop St George West Westbury-on-Trym Frome Vale Easton Horfield Frome Vale Know le Know le Brislington West Bishopston Whitchurch Park Bedminster Law rence Hill Whitchurch Park Eastville Henbury Windmill Hill Hillf ields Filw ood St George West

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Social Activity (e.g. lunch club, scout meeting) Leisure Activity (e.g. swimming)

% % 0 to 7.2 0 to 7.2

7.3 to 14.5 7.3 to 14.5

14.6 to 21.7 14.6 to 21.7

21.8 to 29.1 21.8 to 29.1

29.1 to 36.4 29.1 to 36.4

Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey


To Reach Transport Interchange Attend Work

Eastville Bishopston Ashley Brislington West Cotham St George East Westbury-on-Trym Stoke Bishop Clif ton East Hillf ields Clif ton Southville Redland Redland Southville Cabot Bishopston Hengrove Frome Vale Henleaze Lockleaze Cotham Filw ood Brislington East Easton Frome Vale Hartc lif f e Clif ton Southmead Law rence Hill Bishopsw orth Henbury Stockw ood Southmead Kingsw eston Windmill Hill Brislington East Avonmouth Henleaze Horfield Bedminster Lockleaze Hengrove Ashley Henbury Filw ood Hillf ields St George West Cabot Bedminster Horfield Easton Know le Know le St George East Stockw ood Stoke Bishop Bishopsw orth Law rence Hill Whitchurch Park Windmill Hill Westbury-on-Trym Avonmouth Hartc lif f e Brislington West Kingsw eston Whitchurch Park Clif ton East St George West Eastville

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

To reach a transport interchange (e.g. bus or rail station) To attend work

% 0 to 10.8 % 9.1 to 16.5 10.9 to 21.7 16.6 to 23.9 21.8 to 32.6 24 to 31.4 32.7 to 43.6 31.5 to 38.9 43.6 to 54.5 38.9 to 46.4 Source: Community Transport Source: Random survey Community Transport Random survey

• Eastville residents have significantly higher unmet need in finding transport to a transport interchange (e.g. bus or rail station). Page B5 | B5 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY – APPENDIX B

Attend Training Attend Volunteering

Southmead Southmead Ashley Henleaze Cotham Westbury-on-Trym Avonmouth Hengrove Cabot Bishopsw orth Redland St George East Bishopston Stockw ood Eastville Easton Hillfields Cabot Kingsw eston Law rence Hill Southville Clifton East Hengrove Hillfields St George East Southville Brislington East Ashley Easton Redland Westbury-on-Trym Bishopston Clifton East Brislington East Filw ood Filw ood Bedminster Avonmouth Frome Vale Horfield Horfield Know le Lockleaze Lockleaze Stockw ood Clif ton Clif ton Eastville Whitchurch Park Henbury Law rence Hill Cotham Windmill Hill Kingsw eston Bishopsw orth Stoke Bishop Stoke Bishop Bedminster Brislington West Brislington West Hartc lif f e Frome Vale Henbury Hartc lif f e Henleaze St George West Know le Whitchurch Park St George West Windmill Hill

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

To attend training/education To attend a volunteering opportunity

% 0 to 3.5 % 0 to 4.4 3.6 to 7.2 4.5 to 9 7.3 to 10.8 9.1 to 13.5 10.9 to 14.6 13.6 to 18.2 14.6 to 18.2 18.2 to 22.7 Source: Community Transport Source: Random survey Community Transport Random survey

Page B6 | B6 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY – APPENDIX B Get to Place off Worship Business Reason

Lockleaze Clif ton East Clifton East Southmead Eastville Bishopston Ashley Cabot Bishopsw orth Westbury-on-Trym Westbury-on-Trym Hillf ields Hengrove Hengrove Law rence Hill Know le Brislington East Ashley Henbury Bishopsw orth Southmead Stoke Bishop Hartclif f e Brislington East Southville Filw ood Horf ield Southville Hillf ields Frome Vale Cotham Horfield Kingsw eston Brislington West Redland Clif ton Filw ood Whitchurch Park Stockw ood Law rence Hill Brislington West Eastville Clif ton Cotham Whitchurch Park Kingsw eston Windmill Hill St George East Stoke Bishop Henleaze Bishopston Easton Henleaze Avonmouth Easton Bedminster Cabot Hartc lif f e Bedminster Henbury Avonmouth Lockleaze Frome Vale Redland Know le St George West St George East Stockw ood St George West Windmill Hill

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

To get to a place of worship For business reasons (e.g. collect pension)

% % 0 to 5.5 0 to 3.5

5.6 to 11 3.6 to 7.2

11.1 to 16.6 7.3 to 10.8

16.7 to 22.2 10.9 to 14.6

22.2 to 27.8 14.6 to 18.2

Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

• Lockleaze, Eastville and Ashley residents have significantly higher unmet need in finding transport to a place of worship.

Page B7 | B7 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY – APPENDIX B Visit Council Service

Southmead Law rence Hill Lockleaze Bishopsw orth Ashley Cotham Hengrove Horfield Brislington West Cabot Westbury-on-Trym Stoke Bishop Brislington East Frome Vale Kingsw eston St George East Filw ood Eastville Hartcliffe Southville Redland Bishopston Henleaze Eas ton Clif ton Whitchurch Park Clifton East Henbury Hillfields Windmill Hill Bedminster St George West Avonmouth Know le Stockw ood

0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100

To visit a Council service (e.g. library, housing office)

% 5.6 to 10.7

10.8 to 16

16.1 to 21.2

21.3 to 26.6

26.6 to 31.8

Source: Community Transport Random survey

Conclusion: • Eastville, Horfield, Bishopsworth, Lockleaze and Ashley have more unmet need for transport trips compared to other wards. • Most ward graphs and maps show differences that are not statistically significant. However there is a tendency for some wards to have above average unmet need (in addition to those above) and these include: Bishopston, Brislington West, Filwood, Hartcliffe, Henleaze, Hengrove, Southmead, Stockwood and Windmill Hill.

Page B8 | B8 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY - APPENDIX C Household Travel Needs Not Met Barriers to Making Journeys Note: Response of 790 individuals. This low sample size results in wide confidence intervals. Because of this the majority of indicators show minimal difference between wards. Bullet points refer to findings that are statistically significant at ward level.

No Access to Car Unable to Drive

Frome Vale Law rence Hill Law rence Hill Avonmouth Eas ton Southmead Eastville Brislington West Brislington East Clifton East Horfield Ashley Lockleaze St George West Clifton East Eas ton Southmead Kingsw eston Hartcliffe Hengrove Brislington West Whitchurch Park Ashley Hartcliffe Cabot Lockleaze Westbury-on-Trym Stockw ood Hengrove Westbury-on-Trym Windmill Hill Bedminster Know le Brislington East Cotham Bishopsw orth Clifton St George East Redland Henleaze Henbury Horf ield Southville Know le Bishopston Cabot Avonmouth Eastville Kingsw eston Hillfields Stockw ood Redland Bishopsw orth Henbury Bedminster Southville St George East Frome Vale Filw ood Stoke Bishop St George West Bishopston Henleaze Clifton Whitchurch Park Windmill Hill Hillfields Filw ood Stoke Bishop Cotham

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Unable to drive No access to a car

% % 0 to 10.4 7.4 to 14.7 10.5 to 20.9 14.8 to 22.1 21 to 31.3 22.2 to 29.5 31.4 to 41.9 29.6 to 37 41.9 to 52.4 37 to 44.4

Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

Page C1 | C1 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY - APPENDIX C No Public Transport Location Cannot Use Conventional Bus

Ashley Ashley Stoke Bishop Stoke Bishop Southville Southville Bishopston Bishopston Redland Redland Cabot Cabot Clif ton Clif ton Eastville Eastville Frome Vale Frome Vale St George East St George East Hengrove Hengrove Hartc lif f e Hartcliffe Windmill Hill Windmill Hill Cotham Cotham Henleaze Henleaze Hillfields Hillf ields Lockleaze Lockleaze Bishopsw orth Bishopsw orth Southmead Southmead Filw ood Filw ood Law rence Hill Law rence Hill Stockw ood Stockw ood Bedminster Bedminster Brislington East Brislington East Easton Easton Kingsw eston Kingsw eston Westbury-on-Trym Westbury-on-Trym Clifton East Clifton East Brislington West Brislington West Whitchurch Park Whitchurch Park Henbury Henbury Avonmouth Avonmouth Horfield Horfield Know le Know le St George West St George West

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

No public transport option available Cannot use conventional bus services

% % 3.7 to 10.1 14.3 to 26.1 10.2 to 16.7 26.2 to 38 16.8 to 23.2 38.1 to 50 23.3 to 29.9 50.1 to 62 29.9 to 36.4 62 to 73.9 Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

• Ashley residents have significantly higher unmet transport need for ‘no transport option available’ • Southmead residents have significantly higher unmet transport need for ‘cannot use conventional bus service’.

Page C2 | C2 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY - APPENDIX C Need Assistance to Travel Personal Safety Concerns

Avonmouth Eastville Southmead Hengrove Kingsw eston Easton Easton Filw ood Law rence Hill Frome Vale Westbury-on-Trym Southmead Hillfields Bishopsw orth Horfield Redland Bishopsw orth Avonmouth Windmill Hill Kingsw eston Bedminster Hillfields Brislington East Windmill Hill Hengrove Bedminster Frome Vale Henleaze Lockleaze Ashley Whitchurch Park Horfield Henleaze Lockleaze St George West Stockw ood Eastville Bishopston Know le Hartc lif f e Bishopston Cabot Brislington West Brislington West Clif ton Whitchurch Park Clifton East Law rence Hill Henbury Clifton East Ashley Brislington East Filw ood St George West Hartc lif f e Know le Cabot Clif ton Cotham Westbury-on-Trym Redland Cotham St George East St George East Stoke Bishop Stoke Bishop Southville Southville Stockw ood Henbury

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Need assistance to travel Personal safety concerns

% % 0 to 6.6 0 to 7.2

6.7 to 13.2 7.3 to 14.5

13.3 to 19.9 14.6 to 21.7

20 to 26.6 21.8 to 29.1

26.6 to 33.3 29.1 to 36.4

Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

• Southmead residents have significantly higher unmet transport need due to ‘need assistance to travel’. • Eastville residents have significantly higher unmet transport need for ‘personal safety reasons’.

Page C3 | C3 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY - APPENDIX C Difficulty Walking Unable to Carry Heavy Things

Eas ton Filw ood Southmead Southmead Bedminster Hengrove Eastville Eas ton Henbury Lockleaze Whitchurch Park Bedminster Avonmouth Hartcliffe Frome Vale Avonmouth Lockleaze Bishopsw orth Westbury-on-Trym Horfield Filw ood Eastville Bishopsw orth Clif ton Clifton Whitchurch Park Kingsw eston Cotham Know le Law rence Hill Law rence Hill Westbury-on-Trym St George East Kingsw eston Hillfields Henleaze Ashley Ashley Hengrove Brislington West Henleaze Clifton East St George West Henbury Horfield St George West Hartcliffe Southville Brislington West St George East Stockw ood Brislington East Cotham Hillf ields Bishopston Windmill Hill Brislington East Frome Vale Clifton East Cabot Cabot Bishopston Redland Know le Southville Stockw ood Stoke Bishop Redland Windmill Hill Stoke Bishop

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Difficulty walking Unable to carry heavy things/shopping

% % 13.6 to 21.8 11.1 to 21.6 21.9 to 30.1 21.7 to 32.3 30.2 to 38.5 32.4 to 42.9 38.6 to 46.9 43 to 53.7 46.9 to 55.2 53.7 to 64.3 Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

• Easton residents have significantly higher unmet transport need due to ‘difficulty walking.

Page C4 | C4 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY - APPENDIX C Cannot afford a taxi

Avonmouth Easton Eastville Ashley Filw ood Cannot afford a taxi Windmill Hill Know le Law rence Hill Hengrove Bishopsw orth Hartc lif f e Westbury-on-Trym Brislington West Cotham % Clif ton 11.1 to 19.9 St George East 20 to 28.8 Kingsw eston 28.9 to 37.7 Bishopston Brislington East 37.8 to 46.7 Horfield 46.7 to 55.6 Henbury Source: Southmead Community Transport Bedminster Random survey Cabot Henleaze Lockleaze Southville Whitchurch Park Clifton East Frome Vale Stockw ood St George West Hillfields Redland Stoke Bishop

0 20 40 60 80 100

City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100

• Eastville and Easton residents have significantly higher unmet transport need due to ‘cannot afford a taxi’.

Conclusion: • Easton, Eastville, Southmead and Ashley have more unmet need due to transport barriers compared to other wards.

• Most ward graphs and maps show differences that are not statistically significant. However there is a tendency for some wards to have above average unmet need (in addition to those above) and these include: Avonmouth, Filwood, Frome Vale and stoke Bishop.


Barriers to Accessing Conventional Bus Services

Note: Based on 3843 responses. Bullet points refer to findings that are statistically significant.

Inadequate Frequency Too Expensive

Redland Stoke Bishop Windmill Hill Ashley Cotham Cotham Kingsw eston Bishopston Bishopston Southville Windmill Hill Know le Brislington East Redland Southville Brislington West Cabot Cabot Ashley St George West Clifton East Eastville Bishopsw orth Law rence Hill Eastville Clifton East Westbury-on- Eas ton Frome Vale Henbury Brislington West Horf ield Hengrove Southmead Filw ood Lockleaze Clif ton St George East Hillfields Kingsw eston Know le Hengrove Henbury Bedminster Avonmouth Henleaze Southmead Stoke Bishop Stockw ood Brislington East Henleaze Frome Vale Easton Westbury-on-Trym St George East Hartcliffe Whitchurch Park Clif ton Law rence Hill Avonmouth Horf ield Filw ood St George West Hillfields Lockleaze Stockw ood Bedminster Whitchurch Park Hartclif f e Bishopsw orth

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

% Inadequate frequency % Too expensive

Inadequate frequency Too expensive

% % 10.5 to 14.8 18.2 to 25.1

14.9 to 19.1 25.2 to 32.2

19.2 to 23.5 32.3 to 39.2

23.6 to 27.9 39.3 to 46.4

27.9 to 32.3 46.4 to 53.4

Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

• Significantly more residents in Ashley, Bishopston, Cotham and Windmill Hill say public transport is too expensive. Page D1 | D1 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY – APPENDIX D

Live too Far From nearest Stop Physical Difficulty Getting on Bus

Bishopsw orth Hengrove Whitchurch Bedminster Kingsw eston Southmead Henbury Hartc lif f e Brislington West Law rence Hill Hartc lif f e Easton Stoke Bishop Kingsw eston Southville Bishopsw orth Horf ield Whitchurch Park Southmead Stockw ood Filw ood Brislington West Clif ton Hillfields Hengrove Frome Vale Westbury-on- Southville Law rence Hill Avonmouth Windmill Hill Lockleaze Eastville St George West Hillfields Henleaze Easton Brislington East Brislington East Know le Cabot Westbury-on-Trym Frome Vale Horf ield Lockleaze Eastville Stockw ood Henbury Bedminster Windmill Hill St George East Filw ood Cotham St George East Henleaze Stoke Bishop Redland Cotham Avonmouth Cabot Ashley Bishopston St George West Redland Bishopston Clifton East Clifton East Clifton Know le Ashley

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

% Physical difficulty with getting on the bus % Live too far from the nearest stop

Physical difficulty with getting on the bus Live too far from the nearest stop

% % 1.6 to 4.2 1.1 to 3.1 4.3 to 7 3.2 to 5.2 7.1 to 9.7 5.3 to 7.4 9.8 to 12.6 7.5 to 9.6 12.6 to 15.3 9.6 to 11.7 Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey


Not Considered Reliable Enough Need for Direct Route

Cotham Southville Stoke Bishop Cotham Windmill Hill Redland Southville Know le Redland Clifton East Ashley Lockleaze Frome Vale Bishopston Hillfields Kingsw eston Kingsw eston Eastville Filw ood Henleaze Westbury-on-Trym Southmead Eastville Brislington East Brislington East Ashley Clifton East Stockw ood St George West Hillfields Brislington West Clifton Henbury Cabot Cabot Windmill Hill Know le Brislington West Bedminster Henbury Bishopsw orth Stoke Bishop Bishopston Filw ood Clifton Easton Hengrove Avonmouth Avonmouth Hengrove Henleaze Bishopsw orth Whitchurch Park Whitchurch Park Horfield Hartcliffe St George East Frome Vale Law rence Hill Law rence Hill Southmead Westbury-on-Trym Stockw ood Horfield Lockleaze Bedminster Easton St George West Hartcliffe St George East

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

% Need for short/direct route % Not considered reliable enough Need for short/direct route Not considered reliable enough

% % 4.8 to 8.5 12.8 to 16.9 8.6 to 12.3 17 to 21.1 12.4 to 16 21.2 to 25.4 16.1 to 19.9 25.5 to 29.7 19.9 to 23.7 29.7 to 33.9 Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

• Significantly more residents in Stoke Bishop and Cotham say public transport is not considered reliable enough. • Significantly more residents in Southville have a need for a short direct route using public transport.


Need Assistance to Travel Concerned Will Not Get Seat on Way Home

Southmead Filw ood Avonmouth Whitchurch Easton Hengrove Kingsw eston Southmead Bishopsw orth Hillf ields Lockleaze Hartcliffe Law rence Hill St George West Horf ield Eastville Bedminster Avonmouth Brislington East Bedminster Whitchurch Park St George East Hillfields Eas ton Brislington West Henbury Windmill Hill Bishopsw orth Hartcliffe Windmill Hill Westbury-on- Know le Hengrove Brislington West Eastville Law rence Hill Henleaze Frome Vale Frome Vale Stockw ood Filw ood Horfield Know le Lockleaze St George West Kingsw eston Henbury Henleaze Bishopston Brislington East Cotham Stoke Bishop Southville Bishopston Ashley Southville Clif ton Ashley Cabot Westbury-on- St George East Cabot Clifton East Clifton East Stoke Bishop Cotham Redland Redland Stockw ood Clif ton

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

% Concerned that you will not get a seat on the way home % Need assistance to travel

Concerned that you will not get a seat on the way Need assistance to travel home

% % 1.4 to 4.2 0 to 2.3 4.3 to 7.2 2.4 to 4.6 7.3 to 10.1 4.7 to 7 10.2 to 13.2 7.1 to 9.4 13.2 to 16.1 9.4 to 11.8 Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

• Significantly more residents in Southmead need assistance to travel


Not Enough Wheelchair Space Personal Safety

Law rence Hill Southmead Whitchurch Eas ton Hengrove Bishopsw orth Southmead Eastville Hillf ields Filw ood Frome Vale Hengrove Kingsw eston Windmill Hill Know le Kingsw eston Brislington West Bedminster Bedminster Avonmouth Hartcliffe St George West Henbury Hillf ields Windmill Hill Frome Vale St George East Law rence Hill Bishopsw orth Redland Lockleaze Henleaze St George West Brislington West Clif ton Ashley Horfield Whitchurch Park Avonmouth Lockleaze Cotham Hartcliffe Eastville Stockw ood Southville Horfield Filw ood Bishopston Redland Brislington East Westbury-on- Cabot Easton Know le Brislington East St George East Ashley Cotham Bishopston Southville Henleaze Westbury-on-Trym Cabot Clifton East Clifton East Stoke Bishop Stockw ood Clif ton Stoke Bishop Henbury

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

% Not enough space for wheelchairs on the buses % Personal safety concerns

Not enough space for wheelchairs on the buses Personal safety concerns

% % 0 to 1.5 0 to 2

1.6 to 3.1 2.1 to 4.1 4.2 to 6.3 3.2 to 4.7 6.4 to 8.5 4.8 to 6.4 8.5 to 10.6 6.4 to 8 Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey


Routes Don’t Go Where Want Uncomfortable waiting

Ashley Bishopsw orth Southville Filw ood Redland Whitchurch Park Bishopsw orth Southmead Bishopston Hengrove Lockleaze Cabot Eastville Ashley Windmill Hill Windmill Hill Clifton Easton Cotham Law rence Hill Hengrove Kingsw eston Filw ood Henbury Kingsw eston Brislington East Brislington East Avonmouth Hillfields Frome Vale Stoke Bishop Hillfields Hartcliffe Brislington West Stockw ood Lockleaze Frome Vale Bedminster St George West Cotham Henleaze Hartcliffe Cabot Southville Know le Eastville Brislington West Horfield Easton Henleaze Westbury-on- Redland St George East Stockw ood Clifton East St George West Bedminster St George East Avonmouth Clifton East Southmead Westbury-on-Trym Law rence Hill Know le Whitchurch Park Stoke Bishop Henbury Clifton Horfield Bishopston

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

% Routes do not go where I want to go % Uncomfortable waiting conditions Routes do not go where I want to go Uncomfortable waiting conditions

% % 14 to 18.5 8.3 to 13 18.6 to 23.1 13.1 to 17.9 23.2 to 27.8 18 to 22.7 27.9 to 32.5 22.8 to 27.7

32.5 to 37.1 27.7 to 32.5

Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

• Significantly more residents in Southville and Ashley say public transport routes do not go where they want them to go. • Significantly more residents in Bishopsworth and Filwood say they have uncomfortable waiting conditions. Page D6 | D6 | CITYWIDE RANDOM SURVEY – APPENDIX D

Don’t Run When I Want To Travel Don’t Run at Right Time of day

Cabot Bishopsw orth Bishopsw orth Cabot Cotham Horfield Hillf ields Bishopston Redland Hillf ields Frome Vale Kingsw eston Law rence Hill Southville St George Filw ood Eastville Stoke Bishop Ashley Stockw ood Stoke Bishop Eastville Southville Easton Bishopston Brislington West Filw ood Ashley Stockw ood Cotham Brislington Whitchurch Brislington East Frome Vale St George East Avonmouth Lockleaze Brislington East Westbury-on- Westbury-on- Avonmouth Law rence Hill Windmill Hill Henleaze Henbury Redland Henleaze St George West Kingsw eston Clif ton Whitchurch Windmill Hill Hartcliffe St George East Clif ton Henbury Eas ton Lockleaze Know le Southmead Clifton East Know le Hengrove Clifton East Southmead Hengrove Bedminster Bedminster Horfield Hartcliffe

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

% Don’t run when I want to travel % Don’t run at the right time of day Don’t run when I want to travel Don’t run at the right time of day

% 3.7 to 6.4 % 2.3 to 4.6 6.5 to 9.2 4.7 to 7 9.3 to 11.9 7.1 to 9.4 12 to 14.8 9.5 to 11.9 14.8 to 17.6 11.9 to 14.3 Source: Community Transport Source: Random survey Community Transport Random survey

• Significantly more residents in Cabot say conventional buses don’t run when they want to travel


Lack of Network Information Too Tired for return Journey

Cotham Lockleaze Redland Hartcliffe Clifton East St George East Ashley Easton Law rence Hill Filw ood Southville Law rence Hill Windmill Hill Whitchurch Park Cabot Hillfields Stoke Bishop Frome Vale Eastville St George West Easton Hengrove Lockleaze Southmead Frome Vale Eastville Southmead Henleaze St George East Horfield Clifton Know le Avonmouth Brislington West Bishopston Southville Henleaze Bedminster Kingsw eston Bishopston Henbury Windmill Hill Bishopsw orth Clifton East Westbury-on-Trym Stockw ood Filw ood Kingsw eston Hillfields Stoke Bishop Know le Ashley Whitchurch Park Bishopsw orth Horfield Avonmouth Brislington East Brislington East Bedminster Henbury Brislington West Cotham Stockw ood Cabot St George West Redland Hengrove Clifton Hartcliffe Westbury-on-Trym

0 10 20 30 40 0 5 10 15 20 25

City Average City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

% Lack of information about network % Concerned that you will be too tired to return by bus on the way home

Lack of information about network Concerned that you will be too tired to return by bus on the way home

% % 4.7 to 9 1.9 to 3.6

9.1 to 13.4 3.7 to 5.4

13.5 to 17.9 5.5 to 7.3

18 to 22.4 7.4 to 9.2

22.4 to 26.8 9.2 to 11 Source: Source: Community Transport Community Transport Random survey Random survey

• Significantly more residents in Redland and Cotham say there is a lack of information about the transport network.



Law rence Hill Southmead Frome Vale Bishopsw orth Hengrove Stockw ood % None Know le St George East None Horf ield Avonmouth Cabot Ashley Bedminster Bishopston Brislington East Brislington West Clif ton Clifton East % Cotham 0 to 0.5 Eas ton Eastville 0.6 to 1.1 Filw ood 1.2 to 1.7 Hartc lif f e Henbury 1.8 to 2.4 Henleaze 2.4 to 3 Hillf ields Kingsw eston Source: Community Transport Lockleaze Random survey Redland Southville St George West Stoke Bishop Westbury-on-Trym Whitchurch Park Windmill Hill


City Average

0 20 40 60 80 100


• Significantly more residents in the wards of Ashley, Bishopston, Bishopsworth, Cabot, Cotham, Filwood, Redland, Southmead, Southville, Stoke Bishop and Windmill Hill have barriers to accessing conventional bus services. • Most of these residents have barriers related to public transport expense, reliability, lack of information, waiting conditions and no direct routes/routes not going where required. • Southmead residents are slightly different as they have a high proportion of residents who need assistance to travel.


Community Transport Random Survey Analysis of Free Text Responses to Question 7 and 8

(What are the barriers to you making these types of journeys?) I have an impairment that limits my Blind, partially-sighted or other eye disorders (e.g. Glaucoma) 15 Cancer 1 Cardiovascular disorders (e.g. Atherosclerosis, Angina, other heart condition) 9 Deaf or hard of hearing 2 Financial restrictions 4 Genitourinary disorders (e.g. kidney condition) 1 Immune disorders (e.g. Diabetes) 1 Mental health problems (e.g. Agoraphobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) 5 Musculoskeletal disorders (e.g. Amputee, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, 78 Neurological disorders (e.g. Epilepsy, Stroke, Parkinsons, Vascular Dementia, Alzheimer, Cebebral Palsy, 22 Respiratory disorders (e.g. Bronchiectasis/asbestosis/Emphysema/COPD/Pulmonary Fibrosis) 39 Old age or unspecified disability or health problem 15 Use walking frame or stick/s 10 Wheelchair or mobility scooter user 11 Total 213 (What are the barriers to you making these types of journeys?) Other barrier: Affordability or reliability of taxis 4 Blind or partially-sighted 3 Car parking difficulties/expense or traffic congestion 24 Deaf or hard of hearing 2 Dependent on good weather 2 Expensive public transport 32 Reliant on family or carer help 3 Fuel costs 1 Lack of cycle routes 4 Mental health problems 3 Mobility problems due to old age or disability 6 Other responsibilities (e.g. work or children) 11 Physical Illness or health condition 20 Regularity of appointment 1 Unreliable, infrequent, inconvenient public transport 105 Unsafe or too far to walk 4 Wheelchair or mobility scooter user 5 Total 230 What barriers (if any) do you have in accessing conventional bus services? Blind or partially-sighted 3 Buses are unpleasant (e.g. dirty or over-crowded) 35 Car is more convenient/cheaper 23 Driver's are rude and inconsiderate 22 Feel unsafe due to antisocial behaviour of other passengers 4 Happy with the bus service 36 Mobility problems due to illness, old age or disability 27 No bus shelter 6 No or too few buses serving route I need to take 77 Poorly communicated timetable or route planner 24 Too difficult with pushchairs, children, shopping or bike 54 Too expensive 48 Unreliable, too infrequent or takes too long 89 Unsafe or too far to walk to bus stop 26 Walk or cycle instead 26 Wheelchair or mobility scooter user 7 Total 507


Example Case Studies – Wards with high unmet need

Southmead Significantly more residents in this ward need assistance to travel and say they cannot use conventional bus services. There is also a tendency for an above average proportion of residents to have difficulty walking, carrying heavy things as well as having problematic trips to attend training, volunteering, business reasons and to visit a council office.

This ward experiences above average multiple deprivation, with one small neighbourhood (LSOA) in the most deprived 1% of England LSOAs. The ward experiences above average deprivation specifically for health and disability. The ward is also occupied by a high proportion of ‘elderly people reliant on state support’.

Eastville Residents in this ward have significantly high unmet need for problematic journeys including – getting to a place of worship, getting to a bus or rail station. A high proportion of residents compared to the city average, say they can’t afford a taxi and some trips are problematic due to personal safety reasons.

Deprivation in Eastville tends to be above average and there are pockets of ‘elderly people reliant on state support’. Crime levels are average for the city. The ward has a high proportion of people from Black and Minority ethnic groups at 17.6% (city average of 8.2% 2001 Census).

Easton A significantly high proportion of residents in Easton have unmet travel needs due to difficulty walking and they cannot use the conventional bus service. There is also a tendency for a high proportion of residents to have personal safety concerns when travelling.

The population age profile is fairly average for the city, but life expectancy is low at 77 years (city average = 79 years) and a high proportion of pensioners have health and social care needs.

Multiple deprivation is above average in this ward (particularly ‘crime’ deprivation) and an above average proportion of residents have no access to a car. The ward has a high proportion of people from Black and Minority ethnic groups at 24.9% (city average of 8.2% 2001 Census). There are some low levels of community cohesion and feeling safe in the neighbourhood (Quality of Life survey).

Page F1 | F1 | Lawrence Weston Community Transport (LWCT)


Bristol Community Transport (BCT)

St Philips, St Annes and Barton Hill Taxi Sharing Scheme

Mede Sprint

Catt Bus (HWCP) Community Transport Services Needs Survey

Please answer all questions by ticking the appropriate box or writing in the space provided. 1. What is your postcode? Please remember your answers will be treated in strictest confidence. You will not be identified in any reports. We ask for the postcode so we can analyse the results by electoral ward.

2. Which of the following modes of transport do you use? (Please tick all that apply) Own private car 1 Bicycle 5 Train 9 Lifts by car from others (friends/family) 2 Walking 6 None 10 Bus (Public Transport) 3 Community Transport 7 BRISTOLTaxi DIAL-A-RIDE 4 Car Club 8 If other please describe 11

3. Are you a member of any of the following organisations? (Please tick all that apply) BCT (Bristol Community Transport) 1 Bristol Dial-a-Ride 2 CATT bus (provided by Hartcliffe and Withywood Community Partnership) 3 Lawrence Weston Community Transport 4 The Mede Sprint 5 St Philip’s, St Anne’s and Barton Hill Taxi Sharing Scheme 6

4. Before receiving this questionnaire were you aware of the Community Transport provision available in Bristol? Yes 1 No 2 5. Are you able to find transport services to meet your household’s travel needs? Yes 1 GO TO QUESTION 8 No 2 GO TO QUESTION 6 6. If no – What type of journeys are a problem? (Please tick all that apply) Shopping in the City Centre 1 To attend work 1 Shopping at a local supermarket 1 To attend training/education session 1 General shopping 1 To attend a volunteering opportunity 1 1 Health Appointments To get to a place of worship 1 1 Other Appointments For business reasons (e.g. collect pension) 1 Visiting Friends and Family 1 To visit a Council service (e.g. library, 1 Social Activity (e.g. lunch club, 1 housing office) scout meeting) Other – Please describe 1 Leisure Activity (e.g. swimming) 1 To reach a transport interchange 1 (e.g. bus or rail station) 7. What are the barriers to you making these types of journeys? (Please tick all that apply) No access to a car 1 Unable to drive 1 No public transport option available 1 Cannot use conventional bus services 1 Need assistance to travel 1 Personal safety concerns 1 Difficulty walking 1 Unable to carry heavy things/shopping 1 Cannot afford a taxi 1 I have an impairment that limits my transport options (please explain in the box below)

Other – please describe

8. What barriers (if any) do you have in accessing conventional bus services? (Please tick all that apply)

Inadequate frequency 1 Not enough space for wheelchairs on the buses 1

Too expensive 1 Personal safety concerns 1

Live too far from the nearest stop 1 Routes do not go where I want to go 1

Physical difficulty with getting on the bus 1 Uncomfortable waiting conditions 1

Not considered reliable enough 1 Don’t run when I want to travel 1

Need for short/direct route 1 Don’t run at the right time of day 1

Need assistance to travel 1 Lack of information about network 1

Concerned that you will not get a seat 1 Concerned that you will be too tired to 1 on the way home return by bus on the way home None 1

If Other, please describe

9. How did you get to receive this survey: By post direct from Council 1 From a friend or neighbour 4 Through Neighbourhood Partnership/forum 2 From the local library 5 Other 3 6 Via an Equality group or forum please describe Equalities Monitoring Equalities monitoring enables the Council to check that everyone in the city is accessing the services to which they are entitled and that no-one is discriminated against unlawfully. Information provided will be treated confidentially and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and only used to ensure that everyone is treated fairly. All questions are voluntary and it will not make any difference to the service you receive if you do not answer them. However, by answering the questions you will help us to ensure that our services are fair and accessible to all.

10. How would you describe your ethnic origin? White 1 Black / African / Caribbean / Black British 4 Mixed / multiple ethnic groups 2 Other ethnic groups 5 Asian / Asian British 3

11. If White English / Welsh / 1 Gypsy (including 3 Eastern European 4 Scottish / Northern English, Scottish and Irish / British Roma Gypsy) or Irish Any other White background 5 Irish 2 Traveller

12. If Mixed / multiple ethnic groups White and Black Caribbean 1 White and Asian 3 Any other Mixed/multiple 4 ethnic background White and Black African 2 (non Somali)

13. If Asian / Asian British Indian 1 Bangladeshi 3 Any other Asian 5 background Pakistani 2 Chinese 4

14. If Black / African / Caribbean / Black British

African (non 1 Somali 2 Any other Black / African / 4 Somali) Caribbean background Caribbean 3

15. If Other ethnic groups 1 Arab 4 Turkish Any other ethnic group 6 Iranian 2 5 7 Iraqi 3 Kurdish Prefer not to say

16. What is your gender? Female 1 Male 2 Prefer not to say 3 17. Are you transgender? (Is your gender identity different from the gender you were assigned at birth?)

Yes 1 No 2 Prefer not to say 3

18. What is your age group?

15 or under 1 50 - 64 4 Prefer not to say 7 16 - 24 2 65-74 5 25 - 49 3 75 and over 6

19. Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person? Yes 1 No 2 Prefer not to say 3

20. It helps us to know whether we are reaching all disabled people. Please can you tick the relevant impairment (disability) group below, you are welcome to tick more than one box if appropriate.

Physical impairment 1 Learning difficulties 5 A health condition e.g. 8 HIV, multiple sclerosis, Visual impairment 2 Specific learning 6 difficulties like dyslexia cancer Hearing impairment 3 Mental and emotional distress 7 Prefer not to say 9 Deaf BSL user 4

21. Please say how you would usually describe your sexual orientation. Lesbian 1 Bisexual 3 Prefer not to say 5 Gay 2 Heterosexual (straight) 4

22. What is your religion? (Each category includes all denominations and sects) No religion 1 Hindu 4 Sikh 7 Christian 2 Jewish 5 Any other religion or belief 8 Buddhist 3 Muslim 6 Prefer not to say 9

Data Protection All the data you supply on this form will be held and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Purpose: The information you provide on this form will be considered by the council as part of its consultation on Community Transport services. Any personal information you supply on the form is confidential. The council will only publish aggregate or summary results from the consultation which will not identify individuals. Storage: The information will be stored securely in a database and only accessed by members of the council's Consultation & Research and City Development teams. Time: The information will be stored for 2 years after the consultation closes and will then be deleted.


PRINTED BY BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL ON RECYCLED PAPER Designed by Bristol City Council, Bristol Design BD3615 January 2013