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Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Fillinger, M.J. Title: Two-Prover Bit-Commitments: Classical, Quantum and Non-Signaling Issue Date: 2019-03-19 Bibliography [AK15a] Emily Adlam and Adrian Kent. Deterministic relativistic quantum bit commitment. International Journal of Quantum Information, 13(05):1550029, aug 2015. [AK15b] Emily Adlam and Adrian Kent. Device-independent relativistic quantum bit commitment. Physical Review A, 92:022315, Aug 2015. [AK16] Emily Adlam and Adrian Kent. Quantum paradox of choice: More freedom makes summoning a quantum state harder. Physical Re- view A, 93:062327, Jun 2016. [BB84] Charles Bennet and Gilles Brassard. Quantum cryptography: Public key distribution and coin tossing. In IEEE International Conference on Computers, Systems and Signal Processing, vol- ume 1, pages 175–179, 1984. [BC96] Gilles Brassard and Claude Crépeau. 25 years of quantum cryp- tography. SIGACT News, 27(3):13–24, 1996. 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