demands of which particulars shall have been Kennedy Street, Londonderry, in the said Division, received. Company Secretary, intends to apply to the London- Dated the 6th day of October, 1970. derry Recorder's Court sitting at Courthouse, Lon- donderry for the above division commencing on the John Boston & Co., Solicitors for the Personal 2nd day of November, 1970, for the transfer to her Representatives, 14 Mayfair, Arthur Square, of a licence at present held by Geoffrey Watt of 33 Belfast, BT1 4FN. Shipquay Street, Londonderry aforesaid, as nominee on behalf of Iriscot Limited authorising the sale by retail of Spirits Beer and Cider for consumption either on or off the premises at 33 Shipquay Street, In the Estate of Joseph John Magee, late of Clintna- Londonderry in the said division. gooland, Ballynahinch, County Down, Farmer, deceased. The said application is being made by reason of the death of the said Geoffrey Watt. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 28 of the Trustee Act (Northern ) 1958, that all persons The owner of the permises is Iriscot Limited, of claiming to be creditors of the above-named deceased 33 Shipquay Street, Londonderry. or having any claim against or interest in the A receipt issued in the name of the Ministry of property of the deceased who died on the 7th March, Finance for the Claims Fund Charge payable in 1970 are hereby required to send on or before the respect of the period during which the licence is 19th December, 1970 the particulars of such claims valid will be produced to the Court in accordance or interests to the undersigned Solicitors for the with section 16 of the Finance Act (Northern Ire- personal representatives of the deceased. land) 1967. And Notice is hereby further given that after the Dated this 30th day of September, 1970. said 19th December, 1970 the said personal repre- Dickson & McNulty, Solicitors for Applicant, sentatives will proceed to convey or distribute the 8 Shipquay Street, Londonderry. property of the said deceased amongst the parties To: The Chief Superintendent of the Royal Ulster entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and Constabulary for the division of Londonderry; demands of which particulars shall have been The Clerk of the Crown and Peace, Court- received. house, Londonderry, Dated this 1st day of October, 1970. and the Clerk of Petty Sessions, Courthouse, James F. Fitzpatfick & Co., Solicitors for the Londonderry. Personal Representatives, Market Street, , County Down. NOTICE OF LICENSING APPLICATION PARTNERSHIPS In the County Court for the County of Tyrone Notice is hereby given .that the Partnership lately DIVISION OF subsisting between us the undersigned James Carson Take Notice that I Margaret Mary Mulholland of. and Victor Grattan trading as "Craigavon Develop- 64 , Dungannon in the County of ment Company" at Windsor Avenue, was on Tyrone intend to apply under Section 9(b) of the the 22nd day of May, 1970 dissolved by mutual Intoxicating Liquor Act ( 1923 to consent. All debts due to and all claims, if any, the County Court sitting at Dungannon for the above against the said late firm should be paid and Division commencing on the 2nd day of November, furnished to E. W. Best, Accountant, Queen Street, 1970 for the grant to me of a new licence for the Lurgan, Co. . sale by retail of spirits for consumption either on or Dated this 28th day of September, 1970. off the premises at 34, Market Square, Dungannon, , alternatively I intend to apply under Witness: Section 1 of the Licensing Act (Northern Ireland) B. R. Parker 1963 to the said County Court for an Order authoris- Solicitor at ing the removal of the licence for the sale of intoxi- Messrs. Pollards, Signed: James Carson cating liquor now held by me in respect of premises 397a, Shenley Road, situate at Ranfurly Bar, Market Square, Dungannon, Boreham Wood, Herts. County Tyrone, to new premises situate at 34, Mar- ket Square, Dungannon aforesaid. Witness-. The owner of the premises is Patrick A. Duffy, Sydney Lomas, ] Esq., Market Square, Dungannon. Solicitor, \ Signed: N. Grattan A Receipt issued in the name of the Ministry of Lurgan. I Finance for the Claims Fund charge payable in Hugh Hayes & Son, Solicitors, 13 High Street, respect of the period during which the licence is valid Lurgan, Co. Armagh. will be produced to the Court in accordance with Section 16 of the Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1967. CHANGE OF NAME Dated this 6th day of October, 1970. Margaret M. Mulholland, Applicant. Take Notice that by a deed poll dated the 14th day of September, 1970, Patricia Joann McCarthy of 13 John Hoy, Son & Murphy, Solicitors for the Coolfin Street, Belfast, spinster, a natural born Applicant, Dungannon. British subject assumed and took the surname of To: The Chief Inspector of the Royal Ulster Con- McMullan in lieu of the surname of McCarthy as stabulary for the District of Dungannon. her last and principal surname. The Clerk of the Crown and Peace for the Dated the 6th day of October, 1970. Division of Dungannon and County of Tyrone. Bernard Campbell & Co., Solicitors, 65 The Clerk of Petty Sessions for the District Chichester Street, Belfast. of Dungannon.

LICENSING ACTS (NORTHERN IRELAND) SEIZURE NOTICE THE IMPORTED LIVESTOCK ORDER, 1958 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE TRANSFER OF AN EXISTING RETAIL I, John Edward Forbes (Constable), being an autho- ON-LICENCE rised officer for the purpose of the Imported Live- stock Order, 1958, hereby give notice that on the In the Londonderry Recorder's Court 28th day of September, 1970 at or in the vicinity of Ballywholan, Clogher, Co. Tyrone, the under- DIVISION OF THE CbUN TY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY mentioned ten livestock were seized in accordance Take Notice that Olive Gwendoline Kitson, of 6 with the provisions of the said Order.