T. JAME.'- .:\lo.sROE 5- TAMF.S MADISOX 2. GEoRGF. W.-\SHl::',;GTOS 6. ·HE:--Rv {L1ght Horse Harry) LEE 3. ROBT. E. LEE i· FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT LEE -l RICHARD HE~RY LEE

Westmoreland County


A Short Chapter and Bright Day in I ts History Addresses Delivered by Lawrence ~ashington, Esq., Rev. Randolph Harrison 1'.:fcKim, D. D., LL. D , aF1d Rev. George Wm. Beale, D. D. ~ at • Montross, Va., May 3, 1910 .

.And Ju said, 'IJraw not nigh hither: put o.D thy jhou from ofj thy feet; for the plau rwlur,on thou j/andut is holy ground. -Exodus, Chap. iii, v. 5.




llu symj>!w,ry of ,1 ~rand past is· i-,ufr,:d luard wl,,·n tit,- hand of 11u11tQry s-:,,aps ,i-:•,·r ~·u,·l, _,:,1/d,:n s·tri,t£J.".


"The history of a people is, often:- best preserved by their laws nnd civic institutions; and nothing adds more to the true glory of a nation than narratives of its wise and impartial administration of justice. The fame of the Areopagus survived the military glory of _.\thens; and while the battle of ~Iarathon~ the passage of the Hellespont and the victory of Salamis ,vere treated as fables at

Rome.* the memorv., of the Grecian Laws sfill lived in the twel~e tables of t_he Capital of the Universe.''t-Preface to fourth 1:olume Call's (Va.) Reports.

* Liv. lib. 28, 43; Juv. sat. XI.. 17 4 etc. + Ada:ns's Antiq: :G~ ~ 5 Giob. Rom. Emp. 308.

Frompainti11gby Col. Trumbull.


Westmoreland County, Virginia.

I. Westmoreland Call~d "The Athens of Virginia."

A PLE~.\S.:\NT AND NOTED DAY AT l\il05TROSS, THE COUNTY SEAT. BRILLL\XT .ADDRESSES BY LA ,vnENCE \VASIIIXGTON, REV. HAxnoLPII HA1unsox ~1cl~i:u, D. D.. Ll... D., AND REv. GEoRaE ,v~r. BEALE, D. D. \Yestmoreland county, "Vjrginia, was taken fron1 the older colony of N orthu n1 berland by an ...\ct of the .;'Grand .Assembly/' July, 1653.

\Vestmoreland has been called ,.:rrhe A.thens of v·irginia:·<. Somt\ of the n1ost renowned 1nen of this country have been born within her borders. An1011g these n1ay be inentioned \Yashington~ Richard 1-Ienry Lee, and hi!5 three brothers-Thon1as, Francis and Arthur~ General Henry Lee. :\Ionroe, and the late Bushrod \Yashington. President ~Ionroe was born at the head of Jionroe's Creek. Chantilly, situated upon the Potomac, now in ruins, was once tlw residence of Richard Henry Lee. Upon the same strean1, a few miles up:- js Stratford~ the f an1il_y seat of the Lees for n1any gene­ ration~. rrhe birthpl,1c-e of ,vashington was destro_,.(lred l,~, the ~triped "Virginia c·loth, anciently much used. The portrait of \Y,1~h-­ ington. which we gjve .. is engraved fron1 the original painting hy his aid. Colonel .John Trumbull. \Vhen Lafayettfl wa~ on his visit to this country he pronounee·d it the b(•st likene~~ of \Va~hin_gton he had seen. It was taken at the tjn1p of lift> \\·hen thP,. wPre hoth to~ether in the army of the Re\·olution.-ldem. pagP .:;o~. 10 lfESTJJOREL.4.ND COUX1'1', VIRGINIA

We clip from the lv""orthern Neck News, Warsaw, Va., Friday, llay 20, 1910:- the following extract from its correspondent:

BIG DAY AT l!ONTROSS. Brilliant Speakers and Distingui.shed A.sse·,nblage. Tue~day, llay 3rd, at 1 P. 1\L, was the occasion at ~lontross of presenting and aeeepting the portraits, tablets and statues so gen­ erously given to \V l'Stlnoreland county, and in public recognition of the gifts. After a delightful luncheon bv the ladies of ,vesbnoreland. ~ ~ . Hev. Dr. H. H. )IcK.i1n, of \Vashington, 1). C.; Rev. Dr. G. ,v. Beale, of "\Yestiuoreland; Lawrence \Vashington, Library of Con­ g-ress; Hon. \Villia1n :i\layo, and Hon. C. Conway Baker delivered. patriotic and striking addresses. They were 1net by the honorable Board of Supervisors. the \Vashington and Lee Chapter of the United Dauglifers of the Con­ federacy, the members of the Westmoreland Camp Confederate ·veterans:- the patriotic order of Sons of America, the officers, teachers and scholars of public and private schools, and patriotic citizens generally. rrhe occasion was a pleasant one, and full of intense historical interest to \Vestmoreland people. The flower and chivalry of the county assembled there. rrhe brave and patriotic manhood and the presence and grace of cultured and lovely woman­ hood made it brilliant. .All felt the silent and potent influence of the Washington and Lee Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (l\f r~. George W. lilurphy, president~ and l\f rf:. n. H. Atwill~ secretary). as they came in the court room in a body. They gaYe h·laf an(l th1 light to the pagrantry an

l-'i1r-1imile of tl,e entry of the birth of Wa,ldngton in tl,e Dible of hi, tnotl,er.

~ ~ r;,, a evui~1t,, 2 .f:4o(- }t,,tl ~r.,,<71_~/vt fo £ul ~ ~ll-?L a+ /41.,~, }>7 1/11/1 a.-,J tU/>hv!,J /Nie,/ r /i) C/~fA/71,, flha4v a 0---r'. a ,1, ,,, .& .. u Q. 9---, ;:v-J,,4'-· ~ 9nu vV!f«/' · {T~A,/ ·

.A'i' Q Y · t/4~,ut 176 2

Fac-,i"}ile of the writi7lg of Wa,hington:

lVESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA.. 11 for good roads and development along industrial, educational and agricultural lines as any man in the State, and has the confidence and esteem of all his people. He is an easy, forceful, fluent ~peaker. The Judge of the Court made the fallowing report : I have the honor to report and turn over to you- 1. General George Washington, hero of Yorktown, ''Father of his Country,'' of whom Governor Henry Lee (Light Horse Harry), appointed by Congress to pronounce the eulogy on his death, said: "First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his country­ men''; first President of the United States; painted after Harding, and donated and painted by ( l\tlrs. John S. Bonebrake) l\iliss M. B. Snsder. 2. James l-Ionroe, fifth President of the United States, author of the great ~ionroe Doctrine, the foundation of our foreign policy; painted by \Villis Pepoon, Richmond, Va., after Vanderlyn-color­ ing after Stuart-and donated by l\Ir. P. H. Mayo, Richmond, Va. 3. ,villiam Pitt, Lord Chatham, donated in 1768 by: Edmond Jennings, Esq., of London, England, to the gentlemen of the county of Westmoreland; figure full lengtli, addressing the British Parlia- 1nent. This historic painting once embellished the hall of the House {)f Delegates, Richmond, Va. ( See Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, 1901-1902, page 676.) 4. General R. E. Lee, of Stratford, the "brightest star in the galaxy of Anglo-Saxon greatness,'' in full uniform, figure full length; painted by E. F. Andrews, and donated by Colonel R. E. Lee, Jr., Fairfax county, his grandson. 5. Judge Bushrod Washington, favorite nephew of General Washington, devisee of Mount Vernon, his books and library ; As­ sociate Justice Supreme Court of the United States; painted by Estella Gross, Washington, D. C., after Harding, and donated by the Mount Vernon Washingtons through Major R. W. Hunter, sec­ retary of Confederate Records, who married Miss Lila Washington. 6. General Thomas Stuart Garnett ( of Chancellorsville fame)~ Confederate States .A.rmy; painted and donated by Mrs. Roberta Garnett Morris, Fredericksburg, Va., his sister. 7. Colone.I Henry T. Garnett; painted and donated by J[r~. Roberta Garnett Morris, Fredericksburg, Va., his daughter. 8. General R. L. T. Beale, the gallant and dashing Brigadier of Cavalry, Confederate States Army.. and memb~r of United States ll.ESTJIORELA.ND COUNTY, l"IRGINI..4.

Congress before and after the War Between the States; donated by his family. 9. Judge Richard Parker, Supreme Court of Appeals of Vir­ ginia; donated by James R. Keene, New York; pai~ted by Charles S. Forbes, Boston, now Pari$, France. 10. Judge John Critcher, Colonel, Confederate States Army, member of Congress and Circuit Judge; painted by Miss Cathe­ rine Carter Critcher, Paris School of ...t\..rts, and donated by ~Irs. Nannie C. Gatewood. \Ya:--hington:- D. C., and herself. 11. GoYernor IIenry ( Light IT nrsc llarry) Lee. Governor of 1 , irginia; General united State~ .\nny~ and n1cn1bcr of Congress ( eulogist on the death of \Vashington), ancl "the Rupert of the ReYolution,'' father of General R. E. Lee; painted by B. West Clinedinst, Pawlin~, l)uchess county:- Kew York. after Stuart. and donated by General G. \V. Custis Lee, his grandson. 12. Francis Lightfoot Lee of Stratford:- member of Congress and signer of Dec-laration of Independence; painted by Willis Pe poon~ Richmond. v· a .. after Peale:- and donated by Dr. Richard H. Stuart, of Stratford. 1 :3. Richard IIenry Lee of Chantilly ( born at Stratford L n1em her of the first Cong-r~ss at Philadelphia, Septen1ber .5, 1774, "the Cicero of the Hou~e'·: author and mover of the famous "Westmore­ land Resolutions'' at Leedstown, ,~ a., February 27. 1766 ( .Tudge Richard Parker pre~iding). passed by the patriot:=; of Westmorelanrl protesting against the 8ta1np Act. and signer of the Declaration of Independence; author of ''The Co1nmittee of Correspondence,'' from which sprung the lTnion of the Colonies; and mover, on the 7th day .of June. 1776. in the Continental Congress, "that these united Colonie~ arc and ought to be free and independent States''~ painted by l\Ir~. -:\Iontag-ue ( nee Taliaferro). after Peale. and donated by Joseph Bryan, Richmond, , .... a. 14. ,villiam Lt.·e • .of Stratford. Lord l\Iayor of London. Eng­ land .. and United States Commissioner to 'the Court of Berlin, and United States representative to Holland; painted by Charles S. Forbc·s. Boston~ now Puri~. France; donated hy .J an1es R. Keene, Ne,v York. 15. A.rthur Lee. of Stratford, member of Congress, United States ~Iinister to the Court of v..,. ersailles; the scholar, the writer, the philosopher. and the negotiator of the treaty of commerce and alliance with the French Court; painted by 'Harreotte Lee 1\{onta­ g-iw ( nPe Talia-Serro). Ri~hmond, Va.; donated by William H. Lee, :-" < :.:.l rn ::J 0 ::r::

'· ..,, 'I - I 't' ~\.. --~~-- . ~ - . ... - ""-... . ___ "\..:.-

1FBS7'JJORELA-SD CODNTY, 1·1RGLXLt. 13 president of the l\Ierchants' -Laclede National Bank: St. Louis:- ~Io.; Blair Lee and John F. L-ee, his brother. 16. l\Iural tablet (polished Italian marble=- letters black and gold) to Taliaferro Hunter, Superintendent of Schools of West­ moreland county, and educator; di0nated by the citizens of West­ moreland county through Miss Lizzie Baker. 17. l\Iural tablet, polished Italian marble, letters black and gold, richly engraYed by Gaddess Brothers Con1pany, Baltimore, Jld.:- to Joseph Christopher \Vheelwright and Sa1nuel Francis At­ will, \"irginia ~Iilitarv Institute ca

llr. liayo then introduced La,vrence Washington, LibrarJ of Congress, and late of Mt. Vernon. l\Ir. l\'Iayo was very happy in presenting his old schoolmate to present Justice Bushrod Washing­ ton's portrait, Supreme Court United States. l\Ir. Lawrence Wash­ ing-ton is a very cultured and refined looking gentleman-cleanly shaved:- trim in figure and dre5s, strong:- handsome face and eyes. 1-Ii~ address was a finish€d one and very strong and eloquent. Judge \Vashington was a very much more distinguished man in his day than is nQw generally apprehended, and this address, which will be published. will be an interesting chapter in the literature of the history of the country. :!:t was a matter of regret that his son, Richard B. ,v ashington .. a rising and distinguished :voung attorney of Alexandria, with him, and who has just returned from a two years~ service at \.,..ice-Consul to Planca in Germany, had to leave for the steamer before he could be pressed into service for the oc­ ~as1on. 14 w·EsTJIORELAND COUNTY, rJRGIXIA.

Hon. C. Conway Baker then introduced Rev. Dr. Randolph Har.. rison l\,IcKim, Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D. C., to pre~ sent thz entire gallery. }Ir. Baker, at all times fluent and pleasing, never made a happier or more delightful speech in his life. It was generally oonceded that it was a gem in delivery and oratory, and adds another laurel to his fame and delight to his friends. Dr. llcKim's address was a masterpiece. It was one of the grandest tributes to Westmoreland ever delivered, and one of the brightest chapters in her glorious history. The speech of Lord Brougham on Washington was ad.opted in the history of Westmore­ Jnnd by the historian Howe in his "History oE Virginia.'' This tribute· of Dr. i\fcKim to \V cstrnoreland's \Vashing-ton,_ and other heroes may well be treasured like Lord Brougham's in its history. Dr. ~r c I(im is a brilliant and eloquent speaker. ...A.. man of the mo~t imposing and distinguished presence, charming personality, voice clear~ resonant, attractive in volume and tone, he simply thrilled us as he rang out. We feel prouder than ever of Westmore­ land. 1\Ir. j\fay.o then, in a happy manner, presented Dr. Beale to ac­ cept. Dr. Brale, a son of \Vestmoreland, truly exalted his county and prople~ their achievements and memories. He 11rged them to keep rekindled the fires of patriotism on the altars of thrir country. He was truly eloquent:- and his appeals fl'lom a fine exordium to per­ oration t()11chC1d us and ,von us. As a brilliant historian:- scholar :?nd learned divine. we always wish to hear from him. I am told that the Board ,)f Supervisor~ will t~ndea\·or to 1>rint al} these addresses in pamphlet form for distribution.

As the choir were

and c0i:-diaL, and at Stratford n~-- and ... l\Irs. Stuart \Vere al~o verv., polite snd cordial. After vi ;11ing- these conse~rated shrines he reache,1 J"ee~i=town a 1itUe after 8 P. M., and after a nice f..Upper at }fr. Baxter's and cordial entertainment as a gue~L took the i::tr:nnc>r. Thi~ ended his visit to the Northern N eek. wl1erP- this brilliant man ban flashed through its classic section like a bri!liant mrteor in the clear heavens. leaving behind with i:ho~e pPople the most delig-htful memories of himself. The trip wa~ a strenuous one for a man seeking- to recruit him~elf from recent i!lnesi:::. Dur­ in~ th() few da~·s of his visit he preached two beautiful ~Prmons­ one at Rt. John's. Warsaw., the other at St. John's Tap-pahannock. He delivered two brilliant addresses--one at Warsaw.. the other at Montross. lVESTJJOREL.4.XD COUNTY, l'IRUJ);rA. 15

While resting on the steamer that night in the little quiet town of Leedstown, it was recalled that there, in February, 1766, after Richard Henry Lee had organized the "Westpioreland Association'' of patriots, that he wrote there ( the famous Westmoreland resolu­ tions) a direct protest against the Stamp .A.ct, Judge Richard Parker presiding over the n1eefing. ...i\..lthough North Carolina claims the glory to have shed the first blood for Colonial liberty at Alamance in 1771, and boasts of the l\Iecklenburg,_ resolutions (l!ay 20, 1775) which ante-date the Declaration of Independence; yet it mu~t be remembered to the glory of old ,v cstmorcland that 111orc than nine years before the l\Iecklcuburg resolutions, and more than ten years before the Declaration or Independence, and one hundred years after Nathaniel Bacon, these patriots of old \Vest­ moreland at Lce

and devotion to wife., fan1ilv., and hon1e are dearer and ~weeter than earthly honors-a. virtue the high(lst. sublin1Pst and· supre1nest known to mankind.-Corresponde·nt 1Vorthern 1Y eek News. ~O. Since the above report or the contributions to the gallery of tlw court room. a costlv and beautiful tablet in letters of black and goI,l has been _g-iven· by }!rs. En1ily Steehnan Fisher, a daugh­ tl'r of tlw .:\1nf'ric-an Revolution. General Lafayette Chapter, At­ l.1n tic Cit v. X. ~J. 'J'he tah lPt gives the full text of ··\Ve~bnoreland •' . Artide~ .. offered by Richard HPnry I.Re at Leedstown, "\7 a .. anrl passed by the patriots of " .. estrnorcland on 27th of February, 1766. "A signal gun of ,varning an

Hot Springs, ..A.rkansas, a son of ,v estm.oreland and brother of General Thon1as S. Garnett, a dashing officer killed at Chancellors­ ville. These two tablets ,vere unveiled at liontross May 9, 1911. 22. Replica of the statue of Chief Justice 11:arshall from the <.\riginal in n1arble in the Boston Athenaeum; donated by Bush \\'"ilkins~ Esq. ·virginia gave \V ashington, who with the sword led the arn1ies of the Revolution, and l\larshall with the pen expounded t.he Constitution of this great Republic. Colonel Thomas l\larshall: the fathPr of the Chief .Justice. was Lorn in """cstmorcland, and the h i:::torie t:ounty i~. therefore~ the grandrnother of .John )Iarshall. ~:L Statue .of R. E. Lee (P. P. Caproni & Bro., sculptors, Bo~­ tnn. 1Iass .. ). donated by Bushrod \Vashington Pomeroy, Esq.

·• .-\n ·s angel~ hearL an angers,_ mouth., .X ot lion1er·s c-ould alone for me If Yn1n ,vell the great Confederate South. ... '-..... , ,-irginia first. and Lee.=-· L ,


Lic-utenant-Goi·ernor Ellyson Presides O ccr Interesting Exercises. lloXTROSS, ·vA .., Jlay 9, 1911. Two tablet~. con1n1cn1orating historical events~ were dedicated h(:re to-day with intere~ting exercises.

rrhe exercises be~an,_ in the earlv~ afternoon when William llayo, chairman of the Roard of Supervisors, called the meeting to order and designated .J. Taylor Ellyson. Lieutenant-Governor of \?irginia_ to preside. )fr. Elly~on_ acc·on1panied hy his wife.. who is the president of the .\~soc-iation for the Pre~rvation of Virginia Antiquities, ar­ ri,·t.>cl lwrP early this morning on the Commodore ]faury_, flagship nf the Yirg-inia oy~ter navy. ~Ir. Ellyson expressed his pleasure at hei n~ prt:~ent and being permitted to preside over the meeting, a duty ,vhic·h hP performed with _27ace and dignity. T. R. B. ,vrig-ht. juc1ge of the judicial circuit, then presented the tahlet~ to the county of Westmoreland in a ringing speech~ whic.-h c-reatecl ~..rreat enthusiasm. n·EsTJJOREL.-tND COUNTY, VIRGINIA 17

.As the portraits were unveil_ed the audience arose and sang ''America.'' Historical addresses were c}elivered by Frank P. Brent ancl Walter E. Hathaway, of Lancaster county, which brought the exer­ <:ises to a close. Judge ,vright, accon1panied by :O.Ir. and ~Irs. Ellyson and Mrs. \Vright, visited Stratford, the birthplace of the Lees, and other historical places in the vicinity this afternoon. On one of the tablets is the text ofl the iam.ous "Westmoreland H~olutions." offered by Richard Henry Lee~ and passed by the patriots of that clay ~t Leedstown, February 27, 1766, thus outdat­ i11g by nine years thr )fec-klenbnrg, N. r., resolutions~ and by ten year~ the Declaration of Independence. The -other tablrt hears the resolutions of Richard Henry Lee, JJas~ed at the Wesbnoreland county court house June 22, 1774, ex­ pressing sy1npathy ,vith and tenderin!! aid to Boston because of the locking up of that harbor. Also on this tablet appear the resolu­ ti.ons of the ,restmoreland County Committee of Safety, passed lfay 23. 17 44. dcnounc-ing Lord Dunmore, the Governor, for seizing the po,vdt·r in th~ 1nagazine of \,Villiamsburg-~ \'a.-The Times­ J)i.~palf·h. Rirhmond. \; a.


TABLETS lTxvEILl·:D IN J!El!ORY OF ,VEST:\IORELAND PATRIOTS. (; IFT TO \""'IRGINIA COUNTY. J!onfross CelclJrrrics Drafting of Resolutions OJ/ Richard Henry Lrc-L1"c11tenant-Go,;,:crnor JJresidcs.

)!OXTROSS_ VA.y .Jfay 9, 1911. ,vjth in1posing c-ere111onies and in the presence of a distinguished assemblage, two large and costly tablets commemorating important Pvents in the enrlv historv of Westmoreland <>ountv were unveiled • •' -1 jn the courthon~e h0re this afternoon. These tablets· were secured through the aid of .Judge T. R. B. ,vrig-ht. who for several years has urged the practice of adorning- the walls of the court rooms in his c·ireuits with the portraits of prominent men .of each county and wiil1 tablets connnemorating notable historic event:: . •T. Taylor E1ly~on_ Lieutenant-Governor of Virg-inia, accom­ pan i(',1 by )Irs. E11y~on. the president of th0 A~~ociafion for the Prest1rYation of v... irginia .A.ntiquities~ pre~idecl at the exercises . .lndg-(l 'T. R. B. '\Yright presented the tablets. 18 lVBSTJIORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA

Historical addresses were delivered by Frank P. Brent and Wal­ ter E. Hathaway, of Lancaster, and by Dr. George \V. Beale, of \Vestmoreland. The tablets were received in an address by Conway Baker, Commonwealth's Attorney of Westmoreland.

,vRITTEN BY RICHARD HENRY LEE. The first tablet commemorates the forn1ation of the \Vestn1ore­ land Association of Patriots at Leedstown, on February 27, 1766: and the resolutions adopted by them at that time. These resolu­ tions denounce the Stamp Act as a violati,on of the natural and chartered rights of _British America, pledge the n1e1nbership of the 1\~;;ociation to resist its execution and bind them to defend each other with their lives and fortunes. · These famous resoluti-0ns, written by Richard Henry Lee, were f.,und in 1847 among the papers of ~Ir. Henry Lee, at one time Consul-General to Algiers, by Dr. John Samuel Carr, of South Carolina, then residing in Maryland, by whom they were delivered to John Y. Mason, Secretary of the Navy in the Cabinet of Presi­ dent Polk, who transmitted them to ,villiam Cabell Rives, presi­ dent of the Virginia Historical Society, in whose archives they are still preserved. They are belie·red to be the first resolutions adopted by any local a~sociation in the American colonies against the Stamp Act. 'The tablet is a present to the county of Westmoreland from llrs. Emily Steelman Fisher~ a native of New .Jersey~ but now re~iuing at Reedville. 11rs. Fisher is a member of the General Lafayette Chapter of the Daughters of the A.merican Revolution, at .Atlantic City.

FIERY RESOLUTIONS PASSED. The other tablet commemorates the acts and resolves of the ,v estmoreland patriots at their meetings held at the Courthouse on June 22, 177 4, and January 31, 1775, and the resolutions of the \Vestmoreland Committee of Safety, on May 23, 177 5. These reso­ lutions as-sert the right of inhabitants of the American colonies to be taxed solely by their Colonial assemblies, composed of members of their own choosing: reprobate the act of Parliament closing Bos­ ton harbor; pledge the citizens of the county not to use any article imported into the colony from England and to export no pro­ ducts from the colony to England ; denounce the action of Lord Dunmore, the Colonial Governor, in seizing the powder in the magazine at Williamsburg; and in appointing Richard Henry Lee lJlESTJlORELA.. VD COU"f,;-TY, l'IR-GINIA 19 and Richard Lee deputies to the convention soon thereafter to as­ semble in Richmond instruct them to inform the convention that the patriots of Westmoreland are firm in their determination to stand or fall with the liberties of their country. The tablet commemorating these events in the history of West­ moreland is a present from Dr. Algernon S. Garnett, a native of this county, but now a prominent physician in Arkansas. Dr. Gar­ nett was a surgeon in the Confederate Navy, and his· br,other, Gen­ eral 'rhomas Stuart Garnett, "·as killed at the battle of Chancel­ lorsville. 'rhe walls of the court room here are covered with the portraits of the great men that ,-r e-5tmoreland has produced. In less than one hundred years this county produced George Washington, Rich­ ard Henry Lee, Thomas Ludwell Lee, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Rich­ ard Lee~ Arthur Lee:- James l\'Ionroe, and Robert E. L-ee, while James l\Iadison was born just across the border, at Port Conway, in I(ing George county, which was carved from Westmoreland.­ Correspondent Baltimore Sun.

TABLETS TO THE P~\TRIOTS OF HISTORIC '\VESTMORELAND. "Westmoreland county contains more historic ground than many an entire State,'' an old resident of Baltimore who was 7 familiar with his native "\ ircinia....., often remarked. The tablets just placed in the Westmoreland Courthouse~ which ,vere unveiled with due ceremony on Tuesday, direct attention anew to the county that was the birthplace of Washington and the home of the Lees. As early as 1766 an association of patriots ,vas formed at Leedstown to resist the imposition of the Stamp Tax; and resolu­ tions. written by Richard Henry Lee, were adopted, denouncing the Stamp Act of the British Parliament, pled,.cing the members to resist its enforcement, and binding them to defend each other with their lives and fortunes. This was the same spirit that burst into full flower in later years in the Declaration of Independence penned by the great Virginian. These resolutions are in the posses­ si.on of the Society of Virginia .i\.ntiquities. and comprise one of the most precious documents of our early history. The Westmoreland patriots never relaxed their activit!· until the Revolution was ended and the colonies firmly established as an independent nation. At meetings in the Courth,ouse on June 22, 1774, on January 31, 1775, and on May 23rd of the same year the rights of the colonists ,vere asserted in term5: little less vigorous than in the Declaration of Independence itself. 20 ll7ESTMOREL.4.ND COUNTY, VIRGINIA.

One of the tablets commemorates the events of 1766, and the other the action of the colonists just preceding the Revolution. They stand as a memorial to men who were not only leaders in the patriotic cause in Virginia, but bore a great part in winning the independence of all the colonists. If they had been blessed with chroniclers as industrious as the Massachusetts historians, the West­ moreland resolutions would be as familiar to everv., school child as the Boston Tea Party. "Virginia has been tardy in giving recogni- tion to many of its heroes, but perhaps one reason is that the ~tate, Hke )Iaryland~ is so full of historic spots, so much richer in his­ tory than in historians and sculptors, that it has required more than one hundred and twentv..i.fiye., .,Years to mark them all. The "}!other of Presidents'' has produced so many illustrious men that they overcro,vd her hall of fame.-Editorial Balti-more Sun.


THE LIBRARY OF COXGRESS, In Presenting on 1'1 a.y 3, 1910, at JIontross, Va., the Portrait of Judge Bushrod lrashington., Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. In appearing before you on behalf of the family of the late Colonel John A.ugustine Washington, of the Confederate States Army, to beg the acceptance by Westmoreland county of this por­ trait of Judge Bushrod Washington: the task of preparing a brief $ketch of his life to be used on this occasion has been assigned me,

and I have consented to it, .. from a sense of filial dutv., and not from any conceit of my special fitness to perform it. The difficuity that confronts a layman in an attempt to portray the life of one whose reputation rests on professional achievement is so generallv understood that I undertake it with much diffi- ..., ~ dence~ trusting to your very indulgent judgrnent of my effort, and promise to confine myself to a plain statement of unornamented fact, much of which I have taken from the writings of Judge Bin­ ney, Judg-e Hopkinson and Jud~e Story, who knew Judge Wash­ incton intimatelv.. having been c1osely associated with him durinsz ~- .. ,,, '-- .. '-'" the thirty-one Jears he sat on the bench, and esteemed his character fit subject for their literary efforts.

Born at Bushfield. near the mouth of N omini. in this countv., , . on the 5th of June. 1762, Bushrod Washington was the oldest son ....- -0 -....~ .-- -'Jl ...... ,,,-... ,..... QJ C - ~ - . if'. 'J:. -- - -:£ ~ ~ ~ - - <- --r.r. -< - ,..,..- % - ._ % -0 - ---: I'-\ "".... -,...., u-0 ._ ...... _:; -..._


WES'11JlOREL..!~D COUN1.'Y, VIRGINIA. 21 of that Colonel John Augustine Washington whose wife was the dau ....!!hter _ of Colonel John Bushrod. His ancestors on both sides of the house had taken part in the councils of the Colony and of the Church in the Colony fr.om the beginning of their history, and though perhaps not wealthy, he enjoyed from infancy every adva~­ tage that social and political prestige could give; and, what stood l.im in better stead than either or both, the careful training of pious, intellectual parents. Hi~ early tutelage was :.fir1n, if not severe. The dominant purpose of parental authority in that day was the inculcation of a spirit of reverence. His duty to God, his duty to his neighbor, and veneration for his parents held higher place in the curriculum of the school in ·which he was reared than the softer policy of obedience from love, and whatever n1odern critics may say of it, its vindication seems secure in the characters it produced. In the only letter written by Bushrod \Vashington to his parents that I have seen, he addresses them as "Honored Sir and l\Iadam·\ signs himself.. "Your most dutiful. obedient ser- ,,, '-- .. , ,anf\ and the whole tone of this letter:- written when he was about sixteen, is deferential in the extreme. The schoolmaster, too:- was a s~rious propositi,on. Solomon's admonition as to the use of the rod was as strictly followed in the private schools, conducted in the homes in the neighborhood: as it wa5 at a later period in the public academies.:- and it was under tho~e conditions that young ,v ashington was prepared for a course in ,villiam and l\Iarv Colle!!e. where he finished his classical ~ ..... , education. General ,v ashington ·s influence secured him a position in the law office .of )Ir. James ,vilson, one of Philadelphia's most distinguished lawyers. ,vhere he was carefully and thoroughly pre­ pared for his chosen profression. and it may not be uninteresting to note that it was this lfr. Wilson who was later appointed an associate justice:- and whom Judge ,vashington succeeded on the bench. On the completion of his law course. Bushrod Washington prac­ ticed several years in Westmoreland, which he represented in the General _i\ssemblY and in the Convention that ratified the Federal Constitutjon, though in neither body did he take a ,er~~ prominent part in debate. Neither does his law practice seem to have been altog-ether satisfactorv. as we find a letter from him to the Presi­ dent intimating a desire to be appointed attorney in the Federal Court; but the reply he received was sufficient to convince him that nepotism was not one of his uncle's redeeming vices, and he short Iv afterwards removed to Alexandria.. where he ,vas no more ~ . encouraged- than he had been in his native county. 22 lVESTJJORELA.ND COFNTY, YIRGINIA

\Vhether this apparent lack of success was only such as most young law~·ers experience, or was due to the great draught on his time, occasioned by a close attention to the private affairs of Gen­ eral ,v ashington, whose public duties obliged him to rely on him more and more as the cares of State increased, does not appear; but his stay in ...t\.lexandria ,vas short, and he m-oved on to Rich­ mond, where he quickly came into lucrative and success£ ul prac­ tice, was soon recognizecl as one of the ablest lawyers in the State; and was engaged in the most important cases argued before the Appellate Court. }le had been 1narricd, before leaYing \\\,stmore­ land, to ~li~s Anne Blackburn. a daughter.._, of Colonel Thomas Blackburn:- of Print:c \ri lli~un county, who had servccl on the staff thi~ l:1d-. of General \Vashington'--' in the Revolution. The health of was never robust, and ·was greatly impaired shortly after her n1ar- riage by a shock occasioned by the sudden death of her sister under peculiarly distressing circumstances, a shock fr.om which she never entirely recovered, and which rendered her so dependent on her husband that he took little part in the social functions for ,vhich Richmond was as celebrated then, as now. His whole time was

death clain1ed hin1 .,.. and which caused hirn to be cited hY., his farnilv... .,,.. even in mv recollection .. as a m,odel of what a husband ought be. . . ~ to Though an ardent Federalist, he had taken liitle part in poli- tics, and it was with n1uch reluctance that_ he consented to be­ come a candidate for Congress. Politics in v.... irginia were running high .. the Federal party was on its down,vard road to defeat and ~acrifice::; had t.o be made. He entered the canvass with all his energy and had a fair prospect of election, when he received his appointment to the Supreme Bench, which of courfe ,vithdre,v him from the field. .At the ti111e of his clcn1tion to the lwnc-h. ,va.sh­ ington was only thirty-seven, and it is not unnatural that his selec­ ti.on at so early an age for so hi.gh an office, should be attributed~ at least in part, to his relation_ship to his great kin~n1an, and I have searched most diligent!~ for some word or expression from General ,v ashington that might be construed as indicative of a desire for his nephew's advancement. General Washington's let­ ters have been so carefully preserved and so generally published! it seems impossible that such wish, if ever written, should remain concealed. ~ ot only so, but the writings of every man who was in a position to be of service in procuring- his appointment have been very carefully collected and published; but in none of them is found even a remote reference to such influence. WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIR"GINTA. 23·

President .Adams, who made the appointment, seems to have considered the question purely with reference to the public interest. 1',f any eminent and distinguished men were urged for the position, c?nd the claims and merit of each were carefully considered and frankly disc11ssed, but }Ir. Adams' mind soon became ifixed on two men, John l\[arshall and Bushrod Washington; and however men n1ay have viewed it then, certainly few men will now consider it disparagement to be rated s~cond to John l\'IarshalL In_ writing t.o 1\[r. Pickt1 ring, Secretary of State, Mr. ~i\dams says: "General Jfar~hall or Bushrod ,vashington will succeed Judge \Vilson. l\Iar~hall js fir:-:t in age, rank and public service~ probably not ~cc-on

~hows them the learning of his mind in regard to the facts, and directs them in matter of law. :\nd nevertheless, it was in these two departments or provinces-commercial law and Nisi Prius practice and administration, particularly the latter-that he was (:minent from the outset, and in a short time became, in my appre­ hension, as accomplished Nisi Prius judge as ever lived. I have never seen a judge ,vho in this specialty equalled him. I cannot conceive a better. Judging_ of Lord l\Iansfield's great powers at Nisi Prius., by the accounts which have ~en transmitted to us, I do not believe that even he surpassed Judge Washington. "One fundarnental faculty for a ~risi T)rius judge he possessed in absolute perfection. it was attention. Attention sprang from his head, full grown, at least as truly as Minerva from Jupiter's, or he had trained it up in infancy in some way of his own. He pos­ sesseJ the power, as I ha·ve said before, in absolute perfection. "In addition to this, he had great quickness and accuracy of apprehension. Washington never interrogated a witness, nor asked counsel to repeat what he had said, and but rarely called for docu­ ments after they had been read to him. He caught the important parts in a momrnt. and made a reliable note of themJ before the counsel was ready to proceed with further testimony. ''Ile had a most ready command of precise and expressive lan­ guage., to narrate facts or to communicate thoughts, and a power of logical arrangernent in his statements and reasonings. which presented everything to the jury in the very terms and order that were fittest, both for the jury and for the counsel. to exhibit the whole case. A jury never came back to ask what he meant. and counsel were never at a loss to state the very point of their objection to his opinion or charge. if they had an~r objection to make_:-, "Few, very few men~· .. says Judge Hopkinson~ ''who have been distin~ished on the judgment ::eat of the la,v. have possessed higher quali1fications. natural and acqnirPd. for the station~ than .Tud~e Waf:hington. And ,:thi~ is equally true .. whether we look to the illustrious individual~ who haYe ~aced the courts of the TJnited States. or ext(lnd the ,·ie\\· to the c-onntr,· from which so much of our judicial knowledge has been deri,·ed. He was wise, as well as learned; sagacious and. searching in the pursuit and discovery of truth. and faithful to it be~·ono the touch of corrup­ tion. or the diffidence of fear; he was cautious. ronsiderate and ~low in forming a judgmf•nt. anrl ~tea

C'opied in full, but the paragraphs dealing ,vith this particular phase of the question will, I hope, prove interesting. After show­ ing how, by the purchase of a number of those negroes, to prevent ihe separation of families, the sale had resulted in little profit to him; he says: '· I had struggled for about twenty years to pay the expenses of my fnrm and to afford a comfortable support for those who culti­ vated it, from the produce o_f their labor. In this way to have Lalanced that account would have satisfied me, but I always had to draw upon my other resources for those objects, and I would ~tate upon 1ny best judgment that the produce of the farm has in general fallen short of its sup.port f ro111 $500 to $1,000 annually. To the best of my recollccti.on I have during the above period (two years excepted) had to buy corn for the negroes, for which I have ~ometimes paid five, six and seven dollars a barrel. Last year I commenced the purchase of this article for ninety negroes in the rn-onth of l\iay and so continued to the end of it. "The insubordination of my negroes and their total disregard of all authority, rendered them more than useless to me. Southern gentlemen understand, and well know how to appreciate the force of this motive, and I, therefore, forbear to enlarge upon it. "But if it should be asked, as it well may be, why this temper was more observable at ~fount Vernon than upon other plantations in the neighborhood, I answer that, that place has at times been visited by some unworthy persons, who have condescended to hold conversations with my negroes and to impress upon their minds the belief that as the nephew of General Washington, or as President of the Colonization Society, or, for other reasons, I could not hold them in bondage, and particularly that they would be free at my death. That such conversations have passed I have evidence en­ tirelv :::atisfaciory to myself; and that s11ch in1pressions had hecn made on the minds of the neg-roes was imparted to me by a friend, who had no reason to doubt the fact. In consequence of informa­ tion so truly alarming. I called the neg-roes to_g-ether in l\farch last, and, after stating- to them what I had heard~ ancl that they had heen deceived by those who had neither their or my good in view: I assured them most solemnlv.· that I had no intention to .!rive freed om to any of them, and that nothing but a voluntary act of mine could make them so. That disappointment caused by this declaration should lead to consequences which fo1lowed was to be expected." There remained then .. no alternative. however distasteful. but t.he sale of his neg-roe$. Emancipation without deportation was 28 WESTMORELAND COUNT}~, VJROINrA. n.ot to be thought of_. and he had already gone as far in that direc­ tion as prudence permitted, and was at that tin1e contributing to the support of the 1nost promising of his servants whom he had liberated and sent to Liberia. Judge ,vashington's connection with the Colonization Society deserves more notice than it is possible to give it in a sketch of this character. He was its first president, and whatever .of success it enjoyed, was due in no small measure to his labor and interest and to the assistance and confidence which his connection with it secured. \"\7bat the work of th is societv would have an1ounted to but for the Civil \Var~ is a 1nattt•r of speculation; what it has amounted to is best told perhaps by C. IL ~T ..Taylor. who was appointed by Presicient Cleveland ~Iinister to that countrY. and ,vho on his re­ turn tn the United States. painted a paihetic picture of reversion to typt-. · .J ud:.!e and ~Irs. \Vashington had no children. and the condition . ~ of her health rendered impossible a continuance of the hospitality that had made l\Ionnt ,~ ernon famous during the life of its pre­ Yious owner. .A dinner now and then to members .of the Supreme CourL and that informal visiting that constituted one of the charms of v·irginia society, was all that l\'Irs. Washin_gton·s strength per­ mitted, and even that was much interrupted by their frequent absences on acconnt .of official duties. Mrs. Washington always accompanied her hnshan


Cnuucu OF TI-IE EPIPHANY., WASHINGTON, D. C., In Present-ing the Gallery to Westmoreland County at the Same Time and Place. The genius of Sir \Valter Scott has imm.ortalized the old Scotch­ man, Robert Patterson, \vho passed his life restoring the grave ~tones of the Covenanters. Those pious labors of "Old ~[ortality'' 1:find an interesting par­ allel in the work which was initiated some years ago by your erni­ ncnt fellow citizen. Judge \Vright, whom I am proud tp call 111_y friend-a friend of my early years, when we were both students at J cffer::on~s great university. I refer. of course, to his admir.1b :c entcrprife of making the county courthouses hist-0rical museums, where the people may see portrayed by the painter or the scu]pt•)r the form~ and features of the distinguished men whose name:; have :!1l0rnecl their annals. I am not surprised to learn that the plan has appealed to the J!ri,1e and patrioti~m of the people. It is natural that these county picture g-a1leries should foster self-respect and a sense of dignity: ~rnong- the citizen_-::, who are thus constantly reminded of the liYes and talents and achievements of their ancestors-or.. at lea-;t, of th,~ g-reat men who were the fe1lo,v citizens and representatives of th~ir ancestors. But they should do more. I think you may expect that they 30

,vil1 awake in the breasts of your young men the laudable ambition to emulate the example -0f the illustrious men who sprang from the ~acred soil of ViT estmoreland. Well may these historical mu~eurns he instrumental in kindling the resolve of your young men to be worthy of their sires-to rise to the same lofty plane of endeavor on which they lived and labored-to serve their country and their fellow citizens as they did-to count for something in the making of the future history of the Old Dominion. We read in Holv., Writ that the funeral rites of a certain man of Israel were rudely interrupted by the approach of a band of l\Ioabite invaders; and that, in consequenc>e. the corpse ,vas cast in haste into the sepulchre of the prophet Elisha, whereupon an amazing thing occurred, viz., this: ''When the dead man was let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood up on his feet.'' · This, my fello,v citizens, is to me a parable of what may be anticipated when a young man in whose breast noble ambition is dead, patriotism is dead. the sense of responsibility for the better­ ment of the world is dead-and, alas! there are such young men: clead while they live, dead to the solemn issues and the splendid opportunities of life-I say, when such a young man is brought into contact with even .. so to speak, the bones of those great men of old \ 7 irg-inia: ,vith the memories of what they were; with the story \..., ., .

of their lives:✓ with even a feeble outline of their achievements .., we 1nay expect, in some cases:- at least, a similar resurrection. He will awake to a new life. Ambition will stir within his breast to play worthily his part on the stage of life. He will say to himself, "Why should not my lifP count ior something in the land of my birth? Wh~- should not I achieYe something worthy the n~me I bear­ ,vorthy of the great State of which I am a citizen? Why not? rrhe ~an1e bloorl flows in my veins. The same noble line of ances­ tor~ incite me to be worthy of my birth-worthy of my name." lI:v fellow citizens .. ,vhy should we think the old noblesse of this n ncient commonwealth incapable of a new .outburst of genius and f orc-e when the times shall require it? It di

illustrious familv.. of the Lees., which has '-given so manv., notable 1nen to history, from Colonel Richard Henry Lee. ,vho dared to chalJenge the power of the n1ighty Cromwell. and only at last lVESTMORELAND COU.KTY, l71RGTNT.A. acknowledged his authority on condition that the Old Dominion should never bear taxation without representation, down to the last and greatest of the name. Grand old Stratford House has a history unequaled by any other mansion in American history. There lived Governor Thomas Lee, whose ,vorth was so much ap­ preciatec.1 j n the mother country that Queen Caroline contributed, unsolicited. a large sum fr-0n1 the Privy Purse to help rebuild it, when it, had been destroyed by fire. There, in the same chamber, were horn two of the signers of the Declaration par nobile fratrum, Francis Lightfoot Lee and Richard Henry Lee. the Cicero of the Continental Congress, scholar ('Virt says he was by far the Inost elegant scholar in the I-louse). c.1ebater:- statesman:- patriot, orator, "the smooth tongued chief, from whose persuasive lips, s,veeter than honey:- fl-0,ved the stream of speech''-the man who t1ared to propose the resolution that "these Colonies are and by right ought to be free and independent States''--the man who was unanin1ously elected President of the .A.merican Congress and afterwards one of Virg-inia:-s first representatives in the United S!ate~ S(•nate-the man ,vho would haYe been charged with the duty of ,vriting the Declaration of Independence. but ihat he an­ ~wered the call to haslen to the bedside of his sick wife. It was he who wrote the ~Iemorial of Congress to the people of Briti~h An1erica. His hand al~o produced the Address of Congress to the People of GrPat Eritain. productions which l\{r. Wirt says were ''unsnrpn~se

whom ·Yi:::connt T...ord Wo1se1ev~ ha~ ~aid that he wonld be recognized,_ a~ the .27eatest .American of the ninete<:nth c-rnturv.., . and of whom Freeman the hi~torian said .. that he was worth~· to occupy in his-- tory a place side by 1side with Washing-ton himself; and I may re. mind you that Lord Brougham ar-clain1ed Washington as the .!!Teat.

est man of our own or an..,.., other ag--"·L.


Yes, my fellow citizens, this old county of ""estmoreland wa1 the mother of both these peerless heroes-Washington, whose brow :Fortune crowned with the laurel of success in his great Rebellion against the mother country; and Lee, foredoomed by Fate to fail in his Titanic effort to establish the Southern Confederacy, but in ~pite of failure-yes, by reason of his failure, rising to a height of 1noral grandeur never rl!ached by any other .American. . History tells us that seven cities contended for the honor of being the birthplace of Homer, but Westmoreland has the undis­ puted title of having been the birthplace of these two greatest .\rneric-ans. X o wonder this ancient county has been called the .\thens of Yirginia, f o:r the "·worth, the talents and the patriot­ isrn th~1t once adorned it:: No ,vonder it has been celebrated above all other conntie5 in "\;""irginia as the birthplace 0£ genius and lib­ erty. The great ~\thenian orator, Pericles~ once exclaimed., "The whole earth is the sepulchre of illustrious men," because their greatness has gi,=en them a claim upon all the world. But the city or the county that gin.1s birth to a great man receives the homage of the world as the benefactor of mankind. Such i~ the ho1nage which is due to this "\7 irginia \Vestmore- ~- ~ land for the patriots, the orators, the soldiers, tlie jurists, the

~r:1tes111en., she has '-giYen to America and to mankind. T 1w n,liions of the world to-day acclai1n this great Hcpublic of r hr \Y,.-~l- They recognize her as the rnightiest power on earth. They do honor to her flag in every land and on every sea. But it n1.1y b._• truh· $aid. that but for the rnen of zenius and dev.oted . . '- p:.1i riotj~rn \Yho sprang fron1 your soil. n1y fellow citizens~ the thir- 1een c-o1onies would never have achieved their independence and the l-:-nitearker. to denounce and upro:-:e t hci Stan1 p _.\c-t, ten years before the Declaration of Inde­ pc,n


OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY., VA., In Accepting the Gallery at the Same Time and Place.

}?our IIonor, Ladies and Gentlemen,-The interest and pleas- 11re which I feel in accepting in behalf of the people of this county, this elegant statue and these .portraits of her distingui1shed sons, spring from a variety of sources. One of these, and it is one which all present must have greatly enjoyed, i:s the exceedingly graceful and felicit.ous n1annrr in ,vhich these memorials were presented by the distinguished gentlenian who has just spoken (Dr. ~icKim). It is a plea1sing cause of felicitation to us all that among the men represented in these portraits there are so many names eminent in our history and embalmed in the hearts of all our countrymen. It is also a source of happy reflection that the merits and virtues of these worthy. men are not s1nking and fading from the minds of their posterity. but are receiving ever fresh and significant tokens of a growing appreciation and esteem. It i1s, moreover, a matter of hearty congratulation that it cannot oe so truly said as once it was. that as a people we are too intent and busy in making history to care for its records or the perpetuation of its memorial:s. Now, happil)~:- it would seem if our g-aze be on the future and ''Forward'' be our motto, and our. hands eagerly grapple with the Etrenuous present, we still can pause to glance backward at the !ights which have illumined our path,vay:- and to give attentive heed to the voice:s which call to us from the past in mingled ac­ cents of virtue. of manly honor, of love of country, and of un­ seMish and oft tin1es heroic devotion to duty. For one, at least, I ~ay thrice welcome the day when the eager present clasps hands with the past. and the g-rateful children gather reverently:' as it were: at the feet of the fathers. to crown their brows with the chaplets of their veneration and love. The patriots and heroes represented in these portraits claim our devout and admiring contemplation not merel~· because of their high character~. but by reason of the in1portant positions which thev held. the high arenas on which thev acted. and the noble ser­ ,ices which they ~renderec. One of the~-Colonel Thomas Lee­ was acting GoYernor of Virginia when she ,vas as yet a colonial dependence of Great Britain. Another-William Lee-havinl? made hi~ residence in Eng-Jand., became Lord 1-Iayor of London and Jfiddlesex. Another-Richard Henry Lee-as a member of the Continental Congress of 1776, offered the memorable resolu- 36 WESTMORELA."!rD COUNTY, VIRGINIA tion for Independence which unsheathed the sword of the Revolu­ tion. ....\.nother-George Washington-led the colonial armies to victory in that great conflict. Two of them ( \Vashington and Mon­ roe) were elevated to the chief magistracy of the nation. Three· of them ( William Lee, Arthur Lee~ and J amcs }Ionroe) served effi­ ciently as diplon1atic agents at the leading courts of Europe; two of them ( Charles Lee and James lionroe) serYed as United States cabinet officers; two -of them (Henry Lee, son by adoption~ and '-Tames lfonroe) were Governors of Virginia; one (Bushrod ,,·ash­ :ington) ,-ras a justice of the United States Supreme Court~ one (Richard E. Parker) was a Justiec of the ·virginia Court of Ap­ peals; hvo ( Richard Parker and John Critcher) were judges of Vir­ ginia circuits.'.' and eight at least (R. H. Lee. Francis L. Lee . .:\.rthur Lee, IIenry Lee:- an adopted son, .John P. Ilungerford. ,villoughby N e,vton~ R. L. T. Beale, and R. l\L l\fayo) held scats in Congress . .And amongst these all-conspicuous and comn1an

n1anry, their country's strength an

The Famou.s .Articles of •· l'he Association· of lVest,noreland'' Of- fered by lticharcl llenr!J Lee and l'asscd by the [>atriots of lt'c~lmorda11,L Jlore Than .;,.\'inc 1·ears Bcfure the Jlecklen­ b11rg ( ..:Y. C.) lte~olut-iu11s and 11/vrc Tha11 Ten J"i:ars Bcfori~ the l)eclaralion of Independence .. Few people realize that the little sett!erncnt in '\Vestmoreland county on the Happahannock river. where the large steamers fron1 Fredcrieksburg to Baltimore t iP up for the night. i:-: one of the his­ toric places in ihis country:- and the 1nan_v travelcr5 and touri:-:t:,;. passengers on thPse elegant ~tPamcrs, never think. as they look out at the three or four house~~ that this \Va~ once an i1nportant port. ::ind that ve~sel-;; di rc-ct frotn England landed h1_•re and di~charge 1na~si\·e sih'er. and the 0legant dresses that adorned the fiomes and the J>L'r5ons of tho~e .~rcat \Vestmoreland f.unilie~, such as the Waishi ngton~:- I.cc~. ~lonroes. and others who lived here in colonial days; thnt lwre s:hipJ.oads of tobacco and other prod net~ of the soil WP re load eel for foreign countries. ln 1(i08. "·hen Captain John Smith allll hi:; pa1:ty first explored the Rappahannock rin~r. T.••<~dstown was then an Indian town of rnueh c-onscqnence. flH· hotne of I~ing Pas~a~~ac;k. of the Rappa­ hannock trih0. Captain Smith\; parly wa~ attac-k,-«l hy these Rap­ pahannock~. an;1th an«l burial of a white n1an in thi~ ~ect ion. l.eed~town was scttlC'rl in 168:3_ and nanwr LePd~~ in Eng­ land. J"rom the ,·erY. first. the white .settl<·r, wPrf• c-,rn~tantlv. at- tacked hy tlw Indian~. with thP rP~ult that n u1ilitary .spirit gre\v up anion.~ the pc-opli-•. and we finil among t hr_• 1n i] itar~· leaners ,i~ainst flu, In,lian:-: tlw~~ fan1iliar narnf':-:: Captain .Tolin LeP. Cap­ tain John \ra~hington. Captnin Cc•or.~•'. l\L1:-:,:n and ('aptain Rrent. ]n fact, it wns the terrible retaliation upon the· f ndians hy Captains llason and Brent that brought on the ~eneral upri5in~ that finally resulted in "Baron·~ RPhe1lion." WESTMOREL.;lXD COUN'l'l', flRGIXIA.. 41

LEEDSTOWN AXD THE STAl\lP ACT. In 1764, when the British Parlia1nent passed the odious Stamp Act, it was violently opposed by the people of this section. The justices of ,vestn1oreland county promptly notified the ..A .. ssembly that they would not act after N-ovember, 1765, because ''irom that period, the .. A.cts for establishing stamps in America commences, which Act will impose on us t~e necessity of either not conforming to its direction, or, by so doing:- fo become instrnn10nt~ in the de­ ~truction of the most -r~sential rights and lib0rti(~:=: of our coun­ trv.'~ In facL in 17t.,G. n1ore than ten years before the l)L'claration .J ~ • ... of IndepcndL'nC(\ rrhon1a=' Lu· th~ firinest ties that r<1ligion nn1l ,·irtne <>an fran1e mo~t sacredly an·· by n~ing- stamp paper. or by any other mean~. W(l wilL with the utn1ri:::t Pxp~dition. con­ vin<'e all sucli proflig-ate~ that i mrr1ediate oan~<·r an,l rl i~.!!'rac<' ~hall attend their prroflig-ate purpo~:)' 42 \\"E1S1'JJORELASD COCSTr, l ·1RGISIA.

This paper, adop~d Febn1ary 27, 1766~-is known in history as the '·,Vestmorelan

Here., at Leedstown,. you~ can still see the ruins of one of the first three churches built in this country, and was known as Leeds, or Brays Churc11.. In 1S57 Bishop Meade wrote Cv-ol. II, p. 164).: "This church stood on the Rappahannock, at the outskirts of the place called Leeds. It was of brick. The ruins of it are yet to be seen:- apparently hanging on the bank of the river. It has under­ gone n1any changes of late years, since it ,vas deserted· as a house of worship., having beL1 n used as a tavern, a stable or barn. and having been altered to suit the different purposes to which it has been applied. '"Leeds was once a place of note in this part of Virginia. It "·as. doubtless, named by the Fairiaxes or Washing-tons. a.itcr the town of Leeds. in Yorkshire, near which both of their ancestral families 1iYed. This. in , 1irginia, was a place of much trade in tobacco and other things. Its shipping ,vas very considerable at one time., and it gave promise of being a. town of no sma1l impor­ tance, but, like many other such places in "Virginia. as Dumfries, Colchester. \Yarren. Warminster:- it failed to fulfill the expecta­ tion 0xcitc

,vhy should not a suitable monument be erected here to com­ memorate the great event, and let the world know the truth, that proper credit may be given this ancient hamlet and the patriotic citizens of this county ?-F. W. ALEX.\NDER, in Colonial Beach Record, January 24, 1910.

\Ye give the full text below. of the famous A.rticles (sometimes referred to as resolutions) of "the Association in Westmoreland." They were prepared and offered by Richard Henry Lee at Leeds­ town, "Va., February 27, 1766 (Judge Richard Parker presiding), and passed by the patriots of \Vestmoreland, one hundred and fif­ t1:en in number. rrhey are taken :from The Virginia Historical Heg-i,ster and Literary Advertiser., edited by William Maxwell, Vol. II (1849), pages 14-18. . The original manuscript document is in the Virginia Histori­ cal Society, Richmond, Va., found among the papers of the late Major llenry Lee, eldest son of General Henry Lee (by Matilda Lee, of Stratford)., Consul-General to .Algiers during Jackson's administration.

THE .:\.SSOCIA'rION IN \VBSTMOREL.AND. At the late annual meeting of the ·virginia Historical Society~ on the 14th ult., the President of the Society, the Hon. William C. Rives, of _.\.lbemarle, submitted a very interesting document illus­ trative of the patriotic spirit that prevailed in ·virginia, and par­ ticularly in the county of \Vestmoreland, about the time of the passa.ie of the Stamp Act, in 1765; which he had received from the llon. John Y. ~Iason, Secretary of the Navy, together with a letter fron1 that gentleman, which was read, and is as follows:

Copy of a letter from the Ron. John Y. l\:Iason, Secretary of the ~ avv~ to the Hon. ·'\Villiam C. Rives.. President of the Historical Society of "\rirginia.

,vAsI-IINGTON CITY_. Decemb~r 13, 1848. Sir,-In the year 184'7, Dr. Carr, now deceased, placed in my hands an original l\Ianuscript Document, dated in 176G, which ap­ pears to me S-O interesting in the Colonial History of "Virginia, that I venture to transmit it to you, for such disposition as the Histori­ cal Society may think proper to make of it. It was signed by the patriots of that day:- s-oon after the passage of the British Stamp 44 ll'ESTJIORRLA_"')...,.D cocxrr, ) IRUIXr.l.

Act of 1765 was known in the Colonv-and it asserts in bold lan­ guage, the rights, essential to Civil' Libert>·· which were sub~e­ quently maintained by the American Revolufion. I have the honor to be ·very respectfully your .ob ·t sen·· t. J. Y. }L-\SO~.

To the President of the Historical Society of a. ~ ·r

The docun1ent referred to in the foregoing letter: i:3 nO\\" lodged in the archives of the Society. and is encl0~e(l in a papc·r which has an indorsement upon it in these woro=':

'l'h !~ remarkable docu1nent, illusirati ve of the early patriotism of Virginia gentlemen, was found among the papers of the late Henry Lee, Esq., Consul Gen'l to Algiers. In vie,v to its better preservation for the honor of "Virginia and the nu1nerous descendants of the illustrious men who signed it, it is now corufided to the care of the Hon. J o't1n Y. ~Iason., an eminent son of Virginia. whose appreciation or its 11nportance will secure it perpetual safety., by S_\.lt:'L J NO. CARR., Of So. Carolina. now residinz in ~Iarvland. '· Baltimore, 184 7 ~

(Now inscribC'cl on tablet at l\{ontros::::. 'Yn .. ·an'1 in Ci rc-u it Court Order Book.) ''R,oused by danger. and alarmed at atten1pts~ foreign and dome::-tic~ to reduc-e the p€Ople of this countr-'· to a state of abject and Gttestable slan~ry. hy destroying that fn·e and happy constitu­ tion of govermnent. under ,vhich theY haYe hitherto lived.-We. ~~ - ~ who subscribe this paper. have ass-ociated. and do bind ourselves to each other. to God. and to our country, by· the firmest fies that religion and virtue can fran1e~ mo~t ~arreiH-'· and punctual1:v to stand by, and with onr lin:ls and fortune:::. to ~npport, maintain. and defend each other in the obser1;anc-e and exrrution of the~e following- articles : First. W c dC'c-lare all due allegiance and obe

- r(!·t I ii . ' . ~ . . I r r . 'l J ,, r,r~r ~. nn,, r rJi .r''n'' :t ,. lf "'l · : . , ·. ,. •

f rrn rr~ I JJ . _ ...... l!,4' . _ ,. ,. . ,. . ~

-~ . . . .


Secondly. As we know it to be the Birthright privilege -0f every British subject ( and of tbe people of Virginia as being such) . founded on Reason, Law, and Cor..::.pact; that he cannot be legally tried, but by his peers; and that he cannot be taxed, but by consent of a Parliament, in which he is represented by persons chosen by the people, and who themselves pay a part of the tax they impose ,~n others. If therefore, any person or persons shall attempt, by any action or proceeding, to deprive this Colony of those funda­ mental rights, we will immediately regard him or them, as the most dangerous enemy of the comn1unity; and we will go to any <:xtrcmity, not only to prevent th~ success of such attempts, but to ~tigrnatize and punish the offender. Thirdly. A.s the Stamp .A.ct doas absolutely direct the property of the people to be taken from them without their consent ex­ pressed by their representatives, and· as in many cases it depriv-es the British .American Subject -of his right to trial by jury; we do ,1etermine, af e,·ery hazard, and, paying no regard to danger or to death~ ,Ye wjL. exert every faculty, to prevent the execution of the ~aid St:imp Act in any instance whatsoever within this Colony. ..-\nd everv abandoned wretcli who shall be so lost t.o virtue and ~ . r-,ublic g·ood:- as wickedly to contribute to the jntroduction or fix- ture of the Stamp Act jn this Colony, by using stampt paper, or by any other means:- we ,vill, with the utmost expedition, convince all snch profligates th;.1t jmmediate danger and disgrace shall at­ trn

:-rdion as mav., be . Fifthly. Each associator shall clo his true endeavor to obtain as nianY signers to this association. a1s he possibly can. Sixthly. If any attempt shall be made on the ]iberty or pro­ perty of an:v associator for any a!ction or thing- to be done in con­ ~cquence of this agreement. we do most solemnly bind ourselves by the ,sarrL"'<1 en(Tag-ements above entered into. at the risk of our lives and fortunes/t~ restore such associate to his liberty, and to protect him in the enjoyment of his property. In testimonv of the 2'00d faith ,vith which we resolve to execute this association· we ha,~ thfa 27th day of February~ 1766, in Vir­ ~inia. p·1t our bands and seals hereto. 4G l\'BSTJJORBLAND COUXTr, r1RGINIA.

Richard Henry Lee John S. Woodcock \Vill. Robinson Uobt. \Vormeley Carter Lewis \Villis .John Blackwell Thos. Lud. Lee \Yinder S. Kenner Samuel \Y ashingtun \Y 111. Bronaugh Charles Washington \V1n. Peirce Moore Fauntlerov., John Berryman Francis Lightfoot I .~e .John Dickson Thomas Jones John Broone Rodham Kenner Ed,vd. Sanford Spencer )I. Ball Charles Chilton Richard l\Iitchell Edward Sanford Joseph l\,lurdock Daniel nlcCarty Richd. Parker Jer. Rush Spence l\[onroe Edwd. Ransdell John '\Vatts 'rownshend Dade Bobt. Lovell John A.shton John Blagge \V. Brent Charles \Veeks Francis Foushee Willm. Booth John Smith jour. Geo. rrurbervil le Wm. Ball Alvin }loxley Thos. Barnes \Vm. Flood ,T os. Blackwell J onn Ballatinc~ junr. Reuben ~Ieriwether William Lee Eaw. Mountjoy Thos. Chilton Wm. J. 1\1:ountjoy Richard Buckner Thos. l\iountjoy Jos. Pierce .John Mountjoy \Vifi. Chilton Gilbt. Campbell J obn Williams Jos. Lane \Villiam Svdnor., John Beale junr. .T ohn ~Ion roe ,John Newton William Cocke \VilL Beale junr. Wifim. Grayson Chs. }I.ortimer Wm. Brockenbrough John Edmondson jr. Sarni. Selden Charles Beale Richd. J:(le Peter Grant Daniel Tibbs Thompson Mason Francis Thornton, jnnr. .Jona. Beckwith Peter Rust .J 3JS. Sanford .,,,-- John Lee jr. ,John Belfield Francis Waring W. Smith John Upshaw ~Tohn _-\.ugt. Washington \Vt,'S1'Jl0REL.1ND COUN'l1l", VIRGIXI.:!. 41

~f eri wether Smith Thos. Belfield Thos. Roane Edgcomb Suggett J as. Edmondson Henry Francks J as. ,vehb junr John Bland junr. ,John Ed1nondso11 J as. E1nerson Jas. Banks Thos. Logan

Smith Young'-' Jo. Milliken Laur. \Vashington Ebenezer Fisher \V. Roane Hancock Eustace Rich. H.odge : . John Richards J as. Tj pshaw· Thos. Jett Jas. Booker Thos. Douglas .A. 1Iontague l\fax Robinson Rich' d. Jeffries John Orr.'~ John Suggett._._, Tlte l7irg£nia Jf,£storical Register and Literary Advertiser, edited by Willia1n ~Iaxwell. ·vol. II (1849), pages 14:-18.

Carefully c-0111 pared and corrected by


In 17'64, when the liberties of the American people ,vere men­ ac-ed by a Stamp Ta.x, Virginia was among the first of the colonies to memorialize the King in opposition, and the only one to address to the House of Commons a re1nonstranee against the right of that body to enact such legislation.-Ilisto:ry of the United States, Bancroft, Vol. III., page 93. The Stamp A.ct caused great opposition throug-hout _\merica. ,.:But,:, says John Fis"ke: ,.:formal defiance came first from ·v·ir­ ginia.'=--The American Revolution, Fiske, V-01. I., page 18. ~-The Assen1bly of ·virginia/' says J. R.. Green, ''was the first to formallv., denv., the right'- of the British Parliament to meddle with internal taxation and to demand the repeal of the ~-\ct.'~-A. Short History of the English People, .J. R. Gref•n. 1883. page 73;i. ''Thus," says Mr. Bancroft. ''Virginia rang the alarm bell for the continent." III.

Famous Resolutions Passed by the Patriots of Westmoreland.

AT THE COlJRTIIOUSE, JUNE 22, 17",4~ CLA.I:MIXG AS .:\. RIGHT TO BE TAXED SOLELY r~ Oen PnoYIXCL\L ..:-\.ssE~IBLY BY REP­ HESEXTX1Tv1-..s FREELY CIIOSEX BY THE PEOPLE. l\"/1c11 11,e Port of lJoslon zca.-, Shut UfJ iy Act of Parliament and i!} a lloslile l~1 nglish l·~lcel_. the Jlunijiccnce and Bounty of One JJeople to Another-Virginia to Jlassachusettes. The J?a.nious Rcsol-utions of the lrestmoreland County Co1nmit­ tee of Safety at the Courthouse, Jlay 23, 1775, Denouncing Lorr..l Dunmore, Go1.:ernor, for Seizing the J>owder in the Jlaqazine at lrilZ.ianisburg_. lla._. and Lodging it on Board a Jlan-of-lrar. Benutiful triLute of Senator George F. Hoar~ of :\Iassachusetts, to Yir~inia-The.__, two oldest .A.merican States: ·"~\-1do11z dir·i,frll in opinion~nei:er in affection."


..:\ t a respectable :\Ieeting of the Frcehol?-(•rs and other Inhabi­ tants of the County of " ... es1moreland, assc-n1bleth. It fa the opinion of this meeting that the gentlen1en of the ]av. should not ( as long as the non-exportation agreement sub­ ~i5ts) bring any writ for the recovery of debt. or to push to a eonc! usion any 1such suit already brought, it being utterly incon­ ~i~tent wrth a non-exportation plan that judg1nent should be given ug-ainst those who are deprived of means of paying. Gth. That so soon as the non-exportation agreen1ent begins, we will, every man of us, keep our produce, whether tobacco, corn, wheat, or anything else, unsold, on our own respectiYe plantations, and not carry, or suffer them to l>e carried .. to any public ware­ liou~e or landing- place, except of grain; where the same be so Jone~ an oath being first n1ade that such grain is for the use of, or c-onsun1ption of, this or any other Colony in North America, and 50 lVESTMORELAND COUXT"Y, VIRGINIA not for exportation :from the Continent whilst the said agreement subsists. ....\.nd this is the more necessary to prevent a few design­ ing persons from engrossing and buying up our tobacco, grain, &c., when they are lo,v in value:- in order to avail themselves of the very high price that those articles must bear when the ports are open, and f-0reign markets empty. 7th. 'rhis meeting do heartily concur wit11 the late Representa­ tive body of this country fo disuse tea, and not purchase any other commodity of the East Indies, exeept saltpetre, until the grievances of .America are redressed. 8th. \Ye do n1ost heartily concur in these pre:ceding Re~olves, and will. to the utinost of our power, take care that they an~ ear­ ried into execution; and that ,ve will regard every man as in­ famous \V ho now agree to, and shall hereafter make a breach of, all -0r any of them, subject, however to such future alterations as $hall be judged expedient, at a general meeting of Deputies from the several parts of this Colony, or a general Congress of all the Colonies. 9th. We do appoint Richard Henry Lee, and Richard Lee, esquires, the late representatives of this county, to attend the gen­ eral meeting of Deputies from all the ;counties; and we desire that they do exert their best abilities to get these our earnest desires, for ihe security of public liberty, assent~d to. 10th. .:\nd a,s it n1ay happen that the Assen1bl:v now called to meet on the 11th of August n1ay be porogued to a future day, and many of the Deputies appointed to meet on the 1st of August, trusting to the certainty of meeting in Assembly on the 11th, may fail to attend on the 1st. by which means decisive injury may arise to the c01nmon cause of !ibertv. bv the g-cneral ·sense of the countrv .., ,,. .1 '--' -1 not being earlv known at this dangerous crisis of .Americnn free- ,_ ~ '-·


\\~1-:~TlIOUELAXD COUXTY ("\~IRGI~I.A.) COMMITTEE. _-\.t a Jleeting of the Freehohll·r:::-~ after Llue notice, at Westrnore­ 'arH.1 Court llou~e, on Tue~uay, tlw :Jl~t Jay of J·anuary, 1,75, Hid1aru lienry Lee and Richard Lee. Esquires:- were unanimously d10~en Delegates to represent this County in Colony Convention, at the Town of Richn1ond, in Henrico County, on the 20th of )lareh next. _\ ftL·r they were thosen, the ·following Instructions were pub­ liekly read to the1n by the desire of the people: To 1-~ichard I1enry Lee and RicharL1 Lee, E:Squircs: ThL· Freeholders of \Y esnnordancl County ha-ring often cxpcri­ t·nc.:ed n.nir iidelit-r. abilities. and firn1 attachn1ent to the cause of ~ w - liberty. ha,·e no,,· UJ!pointed JOU to represent tf1em in a Colony L'onn·ntion propo5eu to be held at the To\vn of Richmond, on the ~0th or )lar<:h next; and a::; we are convinlce

The above is a true copy of what is printed on page 1203 of American .Archives, Fourth Series, Vol. I. H. R. }IcILw.A.INE, Librarian 1✓·irginia State Library. July 16, 1910.

\VES'l'lIORELAKD COUNTY (VIRGIXIA) CO:lI:lIITTEE. At a ~Ieeting held for \Vestmoreland County, February 8, 1775, Ordered, That every itinerant or casual ,.ender of Goods, who ~hall be found selling Goods in the County. be obliged to produce proof to the Committee, that the said Goods were imported into ~orth America before the first day of February, 17,5, according ro the directions of the Continental Congress...., . JAMES D.\.YEXPORT. Clcrlt. The above is a true copy of ,vhat is printed on page 1222 of American Archives., Fourth Series, ·vol. 1. H. R. ::\IcIL"·Ar:xE., Librarian rirginia State Lib1·ary. J uh· 16. 1910.

\VESTMORELAND COUNTY ( \ 1IRGINI.A) CO:\I:\IITTEE. At a meeting of the Committee of \Vestmoreland County, held at the Court-Hou8: the 23d of l\Iay. 1,75, present the Rev. rrhomas ::;mith. Chairman, and fifteen other members of said Com1nittee. rrhis Committee having taken into consideration the .A.ddress of the citizens of \Villiamsburgh, presented to his E:xcellencv the Gov­ ernour. on the 21st of Apll"il last. and his Excellency's verbal an­ ~wer thereto, as also his Lordship·s Speech to the Council. the 2d of l[ay. and the Procla1nation issued the nrxt day. in consequence ,,f the advice given him by a majorit_v of the ~aid CounciL look Ppon then1selves a~ indespen~abl_y bound to

,rilliarn~burgh. he has tacitly acknowledged the powder to belong to the Country, by agreeing to d()liver it up: that is, the same vowder they den1an

5th. That the thanks of this Committee are justly due to the Delegates of the late Continental Congress, and to the Delegates from this Colony particularly, for their prudent, \vise, and active conduct, in asserting the liberties of America; and that design of Government which, in some instances, we are informed, has already been carried into execution, to deprive them of all offices, civil and military, tends 1nanifestly to disturb the minds of the people in general; and that we consider every person advising such a measure, or who shall accept of any office or preferment, of which any of the noble asserters of ..:\.n1eric:an liberty have been deprived, as an ene1nv to this Countrv. ~ - Ordered, That the Clerk transn1it a copy of the foregoing Reso- lutions to the Printer as soon as convenientlv rnav be. in order "' "' that the same n1ay be published in the Gazette. JAMES DAVENPORT_. Clerk Oom··tee.

At a comn1ittee held for \Vestn1oreland County, l\Iay 23, 177'5,

Resolved7 'l,hat every l\ferchant or Factor who shall import European Goods into this County from any other Colony or Dis­ tric:t shall, before he be perrnitted to sell such Goods:- produce to the Chairman:- -0r any one of the Committee, a certi.tfi.cate from the Con1mittee of the Colony, County, or District from ,vhence such Goods were purchased:- of their having been imported agreeable to the terms of the Association of the Continental Congress. J A.~IES DAVENPORT, Clerk.

The above i~ a true copy of what appears in American A.rchives, Fourth Series. ,-:-ol. II., p. 682. I-I. R. )lcILwAINE_. Librarian of the rirgi11ia State Library.

,Julv.., 16., 1910. 191 O. October 18th_ Hecei,·ed and truh· entered. , . - )f. L. llt:TT. Clerl· of the Circuit Court of lresfmoreland Co., Va.

We give the text of the brilliant address of Senator George F. Hoar~ o-f M assachuset.ts_ before the Virginia Bar Association at Old Point_ Julv. 1898: I an1 ~ot v~~n t•no11~ h to take this ~ nvitation fron1 tltc :! amons Rar of your fnn1011:-: Co1nn1onwr>alth a~ a mere per:::onal compliment. 55

I like better to think of it as a token of the willingness of Vir­ ginia to renew the old relations of esteem and honor which bound your people to those of ~Ias$achusetts ,vhen the two were the leaders in the struggle for independence, when J o~in Adams and Sam Adan1s sat in Council with Jefferson and Henry and Lee; when the voice of liassachusetts sumn1oned \Yashington to the head of the armies:- and l\Iarshall to the judgment seat; when Morgan's riflemen marched from Winchester to Cambridge in t,venty-one

Bav/'... ,, wa5 Pnacted bv.,, the British Parliament in l\Iarch.,, 1774. It was meant to punish the people of Boston for their unlawful re- ~istance to the tea tax and to compel the province to submission. ''If you pass this :1ct with tolerable unanimity_=-:- said Lord l\Ian~­ fiel

But they did not leave Boston to fast. l!eetings were held all over the Old Dominion. In Fairfax county George Washington was chairman and headed the subscription with £50. The Conven­ tion over which he presided recommended subscriptions in every county in Virginia. Mason ordered his children to keep the day strictly and to attend church clad in mourning. In Westmoreland county John i\.ugustine "\Vashington was chairman. He enclosed in his letter a bill of lading f9r 1,092 bushels of grain. The gen­ erous flame spread among the backwoodsmen. Not only from tide­ water, but from over the mountains, where the roads were little 'better than Indian trails, the farn1ers denied themselves to make their generous gifts. Their ·wagons thronged all the roads, as they l,rought their gifts of corn and grain to tide,vater. Among the committees by which they were f.orwarded are the renowned Vir­ ginia names-some of them renowned in every generation-Upshaw and Beverley and Ritchie and Lee and Randolph and Watkins and Carey and A.rcher. But for this relief, in ,vhich Virginia was the leader and example to the other Colonies, Boston, as Sam Adams declared, must have been starved and have submitted to degrading conditions. The Norfolk con1n1ittee say in their letter: "It is with pleasure we can inform you of the cheerful accession of the trading in­ terest of this Colony to the association of the Continental Congress. We wish you perseverance, moderation, firmness, and success in this grand contest:- which we view as our own in every respect.': ·virg-inia and Mas~achusetts have moved across the continent in parallel lines. Each has learned much from the other. What each has learned and what each has originated have been taught to many new comn1onwealths as to docile pupils. I will not under­ take to discuss to which, in this lofty and generous rivalry, should be awarded the pre-eminence. Indeed, it would be bard to settle that que~tion unless we could settle the question. impossible of solution~ ,vhich owes most to the other. But I am frank to confess that, what.ever natural partiality may lead her sons to claim for liassachusetts, the world will be very slow to admit that among the men who have been founders of States in Christian libertv and ol law, there will be found anywhere the equals to the four names of Jefferson, l{arshall, Madison, and Henry, to say nothing of the supreme name of Washington. As the old monk said of King Arthur: ''The old world knows not his peer; nor will the future show us his equal ; he alone towers over other kings, better than the past ones and greater than those that are to be." No man, ,v hen he utters his admiration for the excellence of woman, brings his own 1nother into the comparison. It would be singularly unbeco1ning for any son of }Iassachusetts to be speak­ ing or thinking of the rank which belongs to her in history on an occasion like this. But saving. therefore. 1ny allegiance to her, I affirm without hesitation that the history of no other civilized com- 1nunity on earth of like numbers, since ..:\.thens. for a like period, can be compared with that of Virginia fro1n 1 ,65 or 1770 down 1825. to ,vhat her -._;gallant :-:oldi0r. I-Ienrv•• Lee.I said of her most 11lustrious son n1ay well hP :=aid of her: First in war, Srst in peace. What a constc1lation then rose upon 1he ~ky ! The list of her great names of that wonderful pt•riod is like a catalogue of the fixed :-:1 ;irs. For all tinw the _\1ncrican ..,Youth who would learn the principle~ of liberty protected by la,v; ,vho would learn ho,v to frame constitutions an

Other races have furnished great law givers, great writers on jurisprudence and a fe,v great judges. But the sense of the obli­ g-ation of law as that upon which depends individual right, the feeling that life, liberty, property are not privileges but rights whose security to the individual depends upon his own respect for them as of right belonging to other men also. a sense pervading all classes in the State, is peculiar to the Engli~hman and the American alone. It is this ~hich is the security of our mighty mother and of her n1ighty daughter against the decav which has '-,_...: .. ,._, -....,,, ... attend€d alike the en1pircs and the republics of the past. It is i'or this that EnglanJ \Yill be remembered if she shall perish. \Vhatever harmonies of law The growing world assun1c, Thy work is thine; the single note Of that deep chord which Hampton s1note Shall vibrate to the doom. The people of ,:--irginiu haYc eYer been reno,vncd for tlro qual­ ities-marks of a ~reat and noble nature-hospitality and courage. Now, this virtnc of hospitality=- and this virtue of courage as pro­ duced by men of generous nature, mean something more than a p-Tovision for physical wants or than a readiness for physical en­ counter with an antagonist. The true hospitality to a man is a hospitality to his tho1ight; and the highest courage is a readiness for an encounter of thoughts."-The Reports Virginia State Bar .·1.~.~ociation. ,,ol. XI.. 1898, pp. 247-.

'rhe writer of this little booklet. in reading the above address of Senator Hoar. cannot help feeling and believing that the comity and affection between these ancient corr1monwealth$ haYe been kept up and beautifully recognized in the brilliant speech of Senator Lodge of ~Iassarhu~etts in February_ 1911. in the United States ' - ... ~ Senate on the death of Senator Daniel oi v... irginia:

He loved his countr~~ and he loved her history. He cherished with reverence her institutions and her traditions. It could not be otherwise, for he was a Virginian, and the history and traditions of his own State outran all the rest. Others may disregard the past or speak lightly of it. but no v... irginian ever can, and Senator Daniel was a ,'.""irginian of , 7irginians. He believed. as I am sure most thoughtful men believe, that the nation or the peop-le who cared naught for their past would th(lrn~<·lves leaYe nothing for their posterity to en1ulate or to re- GO lVESTJJORELAND CO"CXTY, l"IRGISIA. member. He had a great tradition to sustain. He represented the State where the first pern1anent English settlement was founded. He represented tli.e State of George ,v ashington. I will repeat here what I have said elsewhere, that, except in the golden age of ~.\thens, I do not think that any community of equal size, only a few thousands in reality, bas produced in an equally brief tin1e as much ability as was produced by the Vir­ ginian planters at the period of the A.merican Revolution. Wash­ ington and l\Iarshafl, Jefferson and l\Iadison, Patrick Henry, the Lees and the Randolphs, )Iasons and ,vythe-what a list it is of soldiers and ~tatesmen, of orators and lawyer~. The responsibility of representing such a past and such a tradition is as great as the honor. Senator Daniel never forgot either the honor or the re­ sponsibility. Can more be said in his praise than' that he worthily guarded the one and sustained the other? The Civil \Var brought many tragedies to North and South alike. None greater, certainly, than the division of Virginia. To a State with such a history, with such memories and such tradi­ tions., there was a peculiar cruelty in such a fate. Virginia alone among"--' the States has so suffered. Other wounds have healed. The land that was rent in twain is one a.gain. The old enmities have grown cold; the old friendships and affections are once more warm and strong as ihey were at the beginning. But the ,vound which the war dealt to \ 7 irg-ini.1 can nrrClr be healed. 'l,hcre and there '· alone ihe past can not be restored. One bows to the inevitable, but as a lover of n1y country and 111y country's past I have felt a deep pride in the history of Virginia, in which I:- as an American, had a right to share, and I have always sorrowed that an inexorable destiny had severed that land ,vhere so n1any brave and shining memories were garnered up. That fliought was often in my mind as I looked at Senator Daniel in this Chamber. Not onlv., did he fitly and highly represent the great past:- with all its memories and traditions, but he also represented the tragedy, as great as the his­ tor~·- which had fallen upon Virginia to the cause in which she belie\·ed and to which in her devotion she had given her all, even a part of hcrsel f. The maimed soldier with scars which com­ manded the admiration of the world finely typined his great State in her ~arrows and her losses as in her glories and her pride.-Con­ gressional Record. Glst Congress~ 3rd Session~ p. 3111. IV. Tribute to Washington by Lord Brougham and Lord Byron.

Some of the Sayings of lV~hington-His Anti-;:Jlavery Senti- 1nents-Some ll'itticisms Concerning Him-lVashington and Lee; the Castor and Pollux, the Two Twin Stars.

In this little booklet of res disjecta 1netnbra we haYc not the space, if ·we so desired, to give the names of the great men of ,v estmoreland, much less their biographical sketches, who have en1bellished her history. In the words of Senator Hoar; of l\Iassachusetts: '''Vhat a •constellation then arose upon the sky! The list of her great names of that wonderful period js like a catalogue of fixed stars.'' We can not even give full sketches of Washington and Lee, two of the greatest fig­ ures in .A1nerican history, and two of the greatest soldiers in the history of the English speaking people. The reader is fa mi liar with the events of their liYes. '\Ve shall only insert extracts :from the n1o~t distinguished sources. W ashingion and Lee-the Castor and Pollux of the gallery-the two twin stars that brilliantly shine in the firn1an1ent and the 1nost exalted figures of the world's his­ tory. Safe comes the ship to haven, Through billows and through gales~ If once the Great Twin Bretbren~ Sit shining on the sails. Jlacaulay's Lay.~ of Anc£ent Rom,e.

W.ASHINGTON. The grandest tributes ever paid to mortal man have been ren­ dered by England's most illustrious representatives to Washington and echoed by the most eminent men in every other civilized land. First read the grand tributes of Napoleon l3onaparte, of Talley­ rand as l\Iinister of Foreign Affairs for France, of Gladstone, M. Guizot, and others. Even China called him "peerless." But the proudest tribute is that of .A.mericans who cherish the ~plendid character and imn1ortal oeeds of ':The Father of His 62 lVES'l'JlORELA.)iD COUN11 l·, VIRGIXIA.

Country." How exquisite ancr touchingly eloquent Governor Henry Lee on the death of Washington, Rufus Choate on the birthday of \Vashington, George Wm. Curtis on the value of Washington, and Chauncey ~L Depe,v on the majestic en1inence of Washington. Then the opinions of A.lbert Barnes_ D. D._ William E. Channing, and George ,v. P. Custis. Then fhe histories by Chief Justice llarshall, .Jared Sparks, tlie Fords, and sti11 later the histories of Henry Cabot Lodge, the present brilliant Senator from l\t!assa­ chusetts., and \Voodrow Wilson, late of Princeton, and now Governor of X ew Jersey, the rising star of A.mcrican statesmanship, bringing u~ in closer touch with the true \Vashington. \Ve insert the tribute paid fo the cbaracter of Washington by Lord Brougham, Lord Chancellor of England, where he contrasts him with Napoleon: Ho\v grateful the relief which the friend of mankind, the lover of virtue experiences when, turning from Hie contemplation of ~nch a chara(•tt·r=- his t•yc res!~ upon the greate~t 1nan of our own or anv other age. . In \Vashington we .trulv behold a mar- .. '- "-,,i ,.) vellous contrast to almost every one of the endowments and the vices whic:h we have been contemplating; and which are so well fitted to excite a mingled admiration, and sorrow, and abhorrence. \Yith none of that brilliant genius which dazzle~ ordinary 11tinus; with not even any remarkable quickness of apprehension; \vith knowledge less than almost all persons in ihe midnle ranks. and many well educated of the humbler class pos~ess, this eminent per~on is presented to our observation clothed with attrioutes as modest, as unpretending_ as little calculated to strike~ or astonish, as if he had passed through some secluded region of private life. But he had a judgrnent sure and sound; a steadiness of mind which never 8uffered any passion, or even any Ieeling- to ruffle its calm; a strength of understanding- work~d. rather than :forced its wav ~ ' V through all obstacles-remoYing or avoiding rather than overleap- ing- them. His courage:- whether in battle or in council, was as perfect as might be expected from this pure and steady temper of soul. A. '2erfect1y just man, with a thoroughly firm resolution never to be misled by others, any more th"1n by others to be over­ awed: never to be seduced!' or betrayed, or hurried a,vay by his own weakness, or self-delusions .. any more than by other men·s ar~; nor even to be disheartened by the most complicated difficulti~:­ any more than be spoilt on The giddy heights of fortune-such was this great man-whether we regara him alone sustaining the who1e weight of campaigns all but desperate. or gloriously terminating a ;: ') ~'~:: -:.·: '._· ... :--~:,. ·.~: ::~;~ h \-~,:~~: (~.• ~ ',. ,.;: .::>~':' .. ..,, :~;·'·'. ;,.

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WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA. 63 just warfare by his resources ana his courage; presiding over the jarring elements of his political council, alike deaf to the storms of all extremes-or directing the formation of a new government for a great people, the first time so vast an experiment had been tried by man; or :finally retiring from tffe supren1e power to which his virtue had raised him over the nation he had created and whose destinies he had guided as long as his aid was required-retired with the veneration of -all parties, of all nations, of all mankind, in order that the rignts of men· might be preserved, and that his example might never be appealed t

Byron pays homage to Washington repeatedly in his poems, and wrote of him that "To be the first n1an ( not the Dictator), not the Scylla, but the Washington, or .A.ristides, the leader in talent and truth: is to be next to ihe Divinity." We have not space to quote from the fourth canto of "Childe Harold,'' ''The Age of Bronze," ''Don Juan,'' Canto VIII., 5, nor Canto IX. of "Don Juan," but we give the last stanza in his "Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte": 64 WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA.

''Where may the weariea eye repose When gazing on the great, Where neither guilty glory glows, Nor despicable state? Yes, one-the first-the last-the best­ The Cincinnatus of the West, Whom envy dare not hate, Bequeath the name of Washington, To make man blush there was but one!''

THE .ANTI-SLAVERY SE~Tll\[ENTS OF GEORGE \VASHINGTON. George \Vashington, ,vriting in 1786, to Robert Morris, of Phil­ adelphia, after alluding to an Anti-Slavery Society of Quakers in that city and suggesting that unless their practices were discon­ tinued, "None of those whose misfortune it is to have slaves as attendants will visit the city if they can possibly avoid it," con­ tinues: ''I hope it will not be conceived fron1 the~e observations that it is my wish to hold the unhappy people. who are the suhjects of this letter in slavery. I can only say that there is not a man living \vho wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of it. But there is only one proper and effectual mode by which it can be accomplished, and that is by legislative authority; and this, as far as my suffrage will go shall never be wanting." . ,vriting in the $Un1e year to John F. :Oiercer, he said: ''I never mean. unless some particular circu1nstance shall con1- pel me to it. to possess another slave by purchase. it being among 1n:v fir~t wishes to see some plan adopted by whi:ch slavery in thi~ country may he abolished by 1aw.,'-Virginia's Attitude Toward 8lai1ery and Scce.~.~ion. }lunford. p. 83. The lVritings of Wash­ ington. l\larsha1l. ·vol. IX., p. 159.

Extract fro1n the will of George Washington. dated Julv 9. l 799~ recorded in the clerk's office ~f Fairfax 'county: ., "Upon the decease of my wife, it is my will and desire that all the slaves whom I hold in mv., own right' shall receive their freedom . rro emancipate them during her lifetin1e ,vould, though earnestly wished by me!' be attended with such insuperable difficulties on ac­ count of their intermixtnre bv marriage with the dower negroes as . ' ~ to excite the mo~t painful sensations. ii not disagreeable conse- lFESTJIORf.'J.J.lXD COCXTr. l'JRGJXl.-1 quPn<•(•:,; to th(• latt<•r. while both

Her<' HTC' ~ome of th() $aying~ of \Va!'hington. They ~till flnat ~1 rouncl .1~ other Joca l tr<1cl it ion~. Like 1110~t t.om my-rot an:-:tnut~. thPy are frequently tolcl with great gu~to. For a long timf1 the popular c-onC'<·ption of the n1an ,va~ ha~ed npon the story oi hi..: lire a~ portrayed by Rev. C. L. \Vec1ns. 1828, who~c hook p:r:-:~c•hPr }1_-r profP~!'ion nn~. Plea~e ~pare u~ th(• mendacity and unrc­ l:ability of these ~ayings. Thr planting the flag upon the n1ountains of ,ve~t Augusta has l1c,en an l'OU N7'l·_. l"l RG/Xl:1 tlw JOtnt 1nPeting- of the American Bar 1\s&o~iation anJ the Vir­ :-,!'i n ia Bar ..Association. use this flag incident anJ saying of \Vash­ i ngton. and it aetually niade the a~sen1bly go wild . .-\t the tinw Tarlt>ton drove the L0gi::-lature fron1 Charlottesville to Staunton. tlw stillnes~ of the Sabbath eve wa.:;; broken in the latter town by the beat of the drun1 and Yolunteers were called for to prcv0nt the pas:3age of the British through the n1ountains. l\lr:-:. Colonel \Villia111 Lewi::-. with the tirmnt•s:- of a Hornan 111atron, gave up to lwr country all ht\r boys of tender years to keep back the foot of the inn1der front the :3oil of Augusta. \Yhen this incident was n•latPd to \Yashi ngton ~hort l y a f tt·r it~ ncl'U ITL'lll'l'. he t\n t husias­ t i t·a 11y exelain1<'d: •.;I.Pan• 11w but a Lannl'r tn plant upon the 111ountain~ of ..:\ugnsta, and I \vi11 rally around me the n1en who \\·ill rai~e our bleeding eountrv frotn the dust and set her free.''- , w 11 uu:r ·s I I i:•dory. page 18:). lion. Rrnson ,l. Lo:-=sing. author of ··Life of ,va.::;hing-ton'· and

h Pic·torial Field Rook of the !~evolution.'' and· other hi~torians ha\'e gin•n their \"l'rsion. but the better and 1no~t corrl'Ct vr•rsion ,·f to-day i~ takt•n fron1 one of the addrc~ses of Dr. J)pnny. pn.. !',i­ '1t1nt of \Yashing-ton and Lee lfnivcr5ity: "Give n1c but a banner to plant upon the n1ountain~ of ,vest Augusta~ and 1 will rally :1hout it tlw n1en who will lift our bleeding country fron1 the Just, :1n,l ~<·t lwr free:· A not her YPr:"ion i~ that in the darkest hour of the struggle' for . \ nwrit·a n I n

;~tatP that tlll' rlH•tnric·al dt"'<1laration ahout \\\):-:t :\ugu~ta.•. attrihuted l•) \Va~hin~rton at a dark day

Rc•low are ~omp of the witticisn1~ on \Vashington: \Vashington would not tell a li("'. All haY(} lwarcl or \Ya~hing- 1on and the little l1ateht"t and tlw cherrv tree from Par~on \Veern:;, \\·hi,-h WP will not rPpeat. 67

.:\t a banquet in Philadelphia, General Fitzhugh Lee, Governor fif ·virginia, is reported to have said: ''It is a tradition in Fred­ t·rie;ksburg that the n1other of \Vashington once had her servant women in her back yard in Fredericksburg making soap. The women reported that the soap would not come, when, upon exami­ nation she found that they were trying to make soap with the ashes of thP ehcrry tree, and there was no LYE in it." \Vhc•n the Taft party visited the Philippines they went into a .Japanese shop to make some p·urchases:- and a Japanese 1nerchant nffprew him well. ·\Y<.) ha,l no hoy here­ abouts that could con1e near him.~ Then") "'a~ a young Langhorn nade .. of ,v e~tmort")lanF LoRo CoRX\L\LLI:=.


Anti-Slavery Sentiment of Robert E. Lee.

Ou!ned So Slaves at Time of the lfar.-Declares Disunion an Aggra.ratio.n of the Ills of the 8outh.-Denies Constituti:on­ ality of Secession.-Denies Ethical Right of Coercion.-Hi.-: Sorro-w at J).z:.;;1111t~o11.-Jnfi-.(.,'lrtrPry 8e11tim<'11f.,;. of Richard llenry Lee . .James J[onroe . .James Jladi:;on. Robert C'arler of _\~omony., and Bushrod lrashinglon.

Hobert E. Lee~ writing in December. 1856, said: '.;In this enlightened age there are few, I belie,·e, but wi 11 ~cknowledge that a£ an institution, :3lavery is a moral and political L·vil in any country. It i5 usele~5 to expatiate on its di5advantage5.

I think..,,. it... howeYer.,,, a ~g-reater evil to the white than to the black race:- and while my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf ·of the !atter. 1ny syn1pathie~ are strongly for the former. ·-\Vhile we see the 1eour~e of the final abolition of slavery_ i:; onward. and we give it the aid of our prayers and all justifiabl:• means in -0ur power, ,ve n1ust leave the progres:s as well as thP result in Hi~ hand~. who ~ees the end an

ROBEHT E. LEE DECLARES l)ISFXIO~ AX .AGGRAYATIO~ OF THE ILLS OF THE SOUTH. Hobert E. Lee, referring to the same subject, wrote: ··The South, in my opinion. ha~ been ag~rieved by the acts of the X orth. as you say. I fec)l the aggre5sion and am willing- to take every proper step for redress . . . But I can anticipate no greater calan1ity than a di~$o]ution of the lJ nion. It would be an accun1 ulation of all the evils we complain of, and I am willing to sacrifice everything. but honor. for its pre~ervation."-/dem., p. 227. .,.lf emoir.i; of Robert E. Lee by Long~ p. 88. ROBERT E. LEE DENIES COXSTITUTIOXALITY OF SECESSION., A~D DEXIES ETHICAL RIGHT O:F COERCIOX. R.obert E. Lee:- writing on 2:3rd of ,Tanuary, 1861, said: ·'Secession is nothing but reYolution. The framers of onr Constitution never exhaustet1 so n1uch labor. ,visdon1 and forbear­ anlce in its formation and ~urrouncled it with so many guards and securities if it wa:-- inh·ndPd to l>P brokPn l)\· eYer\· 1nen1 her of the Confederacy at will. . . . · · ''Still a Union that can only be 1naintained by swords and bayonets:- and in which strife and ciYil war are to take the pla<·t> of brotherly love and kindne~:::. has no clwr111 for me. If tlw Fuit~n i~ dis5olve

His Sonno,Y AT D1sux 1ox. Hohert E. Lee:- anticipating the event in J anuar_y~ 1861, wrote: ""I shall n1ourn for n1y country and for the welfare and pro­ gress of nwnkind. If the l~nion is dissoh·ed and the G0Yl•rnn1cn: disrupted. I shall return to my native State and share the 1uiseries of n1y people. and, save in defense, will draw ID.)' sword on none.,. -Iden,, p. 302. Jlemoirs of Robe-rt E. Lee, Long. p. 88.

Hie:haru IIenry Lee, speaking in the v·irginia House of Bur­ gesse::.. 17,2. in support of a bill prohibiting the slave trade. said: ''X or, ~ir, are these the only reasons to he urged against Hw i1nportation. In n1y opinion not the cruelties practised in the con­ quest of South Amerilca, not the sa \·age barbarity of a Saracen. can be n1ore big with atrocity than our cruel trade to Africa. There we encourage those poor, ignorant Eeople to wage eternal war again~t each other; . that by war, stealth or sur- . pri:--t\ we Christians n1ay be furnished with our fello\v creature~. who are no longer to be considered as created in the image of God as well as ourselves and equally entitled to lioerty and freP­ don1 by the great law of Nature, but they are to be deprived for­ ever of all the comforts of life and to be made the most wretched of the hun1an kind.''--Firginia's Attitude Toward Slavery and Secession, l\Iunford, p. 82. Life of R. II. Lee_. lA.1e, v· ol. I., p. 18.

James l\Ionroe, speaking jn the Virginia Constitutional Con­ , ention on the 2nd of November, 1829, said: "\Vhat has been the leading spirit of this State ever since our independence ,vas obtained? She has always declared herself in l'/ESTJJORELAND OODNTY, YJRG-LVIA. favor of the equal rig-hts of man. The Revolution was conducted on that principle. Yet there was at that time a slavish population in Virginia. We hold it in the condition in which the Revolution found it, and what can be done with this population? . . . As to the practicability of emancipating them, it can never l1(' done by the State itself, nor without the aid of the Uni,on. . . _ "Sir, what brought us together in the Revolutiouary War? It was the doctrine of equal rights. Each part of the country en­ ·couraged and supported every other part. None took advantage of the other's distresses. And if we find that this evil has preyed upon the vitals of the Union and has been prejudicial to all the Staks where it existed~ and is likewise repugnant to their several State Constitutions and Bills of Righ~s, why may we not expect that they will unite with us in accomplishing its removal."-Vir­ ginia's Attitude Toward Slavery and Secession, Munford. De­ brzf ,,s of V,frg·inia Convention, 1829-'30, page 149 .

.J ~mes Madison., in 1831, wrote concerning slavery and the American Colonization Society: "Jfany circumstances of the present moment seem to concur in brightening the prospects of the Society and cherishing the hope that the time will come when the dreadful calamity which ha~ so Jong afflicted our country and filled so many with despair, will be gradually removed .. and by means consistent with justict:i:­ pear.e and general satisfa:ction; tnus giving to our country the full <·njoyment of the blessin~s of liberty, and to the world the fu Tl henefit of its great example.''-ldem, p. 90. Life of James ]fadi­ .i:on, I-I unt:- p. 369. Extraet~ from deeds of Robert Carter, of Westmorelan<1 eouni_v each dated the 1st day of January, 1793: '·\VhPrea~ the General .A.ssemb1y of the Con1monwealth of ,:--ir­ ginia

On the 1st of J"anuarv.. .. 1817. llr... Justice Bushrod Washing--. ton was made 'first President of the American Colonization So­

e:ietY.-Virginia·s A ttitufk Toward Slavery and Sece,~sion 7 ll un­ ford. p. 62. YI. Beautiful Tributes to General Robert E. Lee. Sparkling Gems From Every Part of the World.

ROBERT E. LEE. The nanic of Robert E. Lee symbolizes and en1bodies not only th0. n1ilitary genius, ·hut the best personal ehararteri::-ti(:S and priYatc virturs of the n1en of the South. His \Vas the culmina­ tion of the South's growth and civilization. Georgia's gifted orator, Senator Benjamin IL Hill, has epitom­ ized his virtues and greatnes~: ''He was a foe without hate:.- a

friend without treacherv... # a sol. and esp(lcial1y of thi~ Confederate ,Yar. and with a . full knowlcdgP of th<' battle~ fought during its progress,'' repeating hi~ judp11ent that General Lee was "the g-reate~t of all n1odern lPad(.. r~:· compare~ hi~ c-ampaign of 1862 with that of Xapoleon·:: of 17!lfi._ Speaking- of hi~ vi~it to General Let•. hP ~ay:::.: ''I have takPn no ~perial trouble to remen1her a11 he ~aid to n1e then ( 18G2) anti during- suh~equent eonver~ations, and yet it i:;; still fresh in n1v recoll(\ction. But it i~ natural that it should be ~o, for he wa~ th.<· abk~t Gen('ral. ancl to rne se(•med the greatest 1nan I en~r con­ YPr!=ed with: and yet I ha\·e had the privilege of meeting ·v on ~f oltkP and Prince Ri~1narek .. and at least on one occa5ion ha,l :1 vrry long and inten;Pl_v inh·resting- conver~ation with the latter.

lJ,'ES'l'JJONf.,'L.-1 X D COC .\"'I' l'~ F/ JU;J .VIA. r-,;3' . General Lee was one of the few men who eYer 5eriously in1pressed me, and awed me, with their natural and inherent greatne:;s. Forty years have come and gone since our meeting, and yet the majesty of his 1nanly bearing, the genial, winning grace. the sweetness of his smile. and the impressive dignity of his o1d fasiuoned style of address. ·come back to n1e amongst the most cherished of m v ~ . recollections. His greatness made n1e hun1ble_. and I never felt my own individual insignificance more keenly than I did in his presence. His was indeed a beautiful character. and of him it might truthfully be written: ·In righte-<>U~JlL•:-::,,; he did judgL' and make war... _.. Says Lord \Yolsclcy again: '·I de~irc to 1nake known to the c(\aders- not only the renowned soldier, whorn I believe to have been the greatest of his age, but to give sorne insight into the char­ acter of one who1n I ha\·e always considered the 1no~t perfect man I ever 1net;·' __ -----·-- His judgn1ent is that of ~uch n1ilitary writer~ and critics as Chesney~ Lawler, and of the higher prcs5~ ~ orthern a5 well as foreign. Colonel Lawler. an English soldier. said: "But, after all, the one nan1e, which-1n connection with th1• g-reat Arncrican Ci Yi I \Ya r 1w~-:frr£.-: 1tta rraf 11111 at q llf' f rad if II m su prr­ ~.tes erit~ is the name of Hobert Edward Lee.~'

And Colon(•} Che:--ne\·.. another Enzli~h. ~ol ahovL' all others the name of the great c.-hief of whon1 we l1a,·e written (Lee). In ~trategy. mighty; in battle. tr•rrihlr: in afh·ersity nnillll'r of ., men. ------·- ,~ on l\f oltke plac•c::; Gener<1 I ];t'C aho,·1: \Yell ington. Dr. Hunter l\IcGuirP. .J ack~on \; staff, 5ays: "Therefore. it i~ with :.:welling- henrt and cleep thankfnlne~~ that I recentlv heard ~on1c.• of tht> fir~t solcliPr:- and militan· stu­ oent:~ of Engl~nd declare. that \\·1thin fhe pa~t two hundred° year~ the English-speaking rac>P ha:.: proiluc·r ~oldiE>r~ of fir~t rank-l[arlhorough. \Va~hington .. \Yellinµ-ton. Rol~rt E. Lee~ and Stonewall Jackson. . ·You wiIJ not he surpri~ed to hear of my telling th{~m that of the:.:e ·fin~. thu:-: ov<'rtopping a!l tht• re~t. three were born in the State of ,~irg-inia: nor wonder that I reverentlv. remem her that two of them lie side bY. side jG Lex- ,r1-:ST.llONf.'L.-tSD CO(· s~r. \1RGJ)l[A. ington. while one is sleeping- by the great river, there to sleep till time ~hall be no more-the three consecrating in death the soil of ·virginia, a~ in life they stamped their mother State as the natiYe home of 1nen who living- n~ th(i:V liYed. shall h£l fit io go on quest for the lloly Grail.'' ------And two of the~e were born on the con~ec·rated soil of \Vcst­ u10rrland.

Dr. Ran«lolph llarrison }IcKim~ at the Reunion United Con­ f(•

The lah• Pre~i

As to rank and file, General Hooker. of the Union army, has

:-:aid that ''for ~teadiness and efficiencv•' .., '' Lee's armv was unsur- 75 passed in ancient or modern tin1es,-.;'we have not been able to rival it.~· And General Chas. A. Whittier. of liassalChusetts, has said, "The a.rmy of Northern , 7irginia will deservedly rank as the best arn1y which has existed on this continent, suffering priva­ tions unknown to its opponent. The North sent no such arrnv to the field.''

Colonel Charles :Frands .~\.dams, of )Iassachusetts, President 1-Iist.orical Society of }Iassachnsetts. at Lee Centennial, Washing­ ton and Lee Unh·ersity, 1907', said: ''Robert E. Lee wa~ thP ernbodi1nent of those conditions, the <·reature of that environrnent,-a ·virginian of Virginians. Hi$ father ,vas "Light Horse Harry· Lee, a devoted follower of Wash­ ington; but in January. 1792, 'Light llorse llarry' wrote to l\Ir. l!adison: 'No consideration on earth could induce me to act a part, however gratifying to 1ne. which icould be construed into dis­ regard of, or faithle~sne~:-3 to. this co1n111onwealth'; and later, when in 1798 the v.,,irginia and Kentucky resolutions were under dis­ cussion, 'Light Horse Harry' exclaimed in debate, 'Virginia is my rountry; her will I obey, however lamentable the fate to which it 1nay subject me." Born in this environment, nurtured in these traditions, to ask Lee to raise his han'1 again~t , 7 ir:~inia ,vas likP asking Montrose, or the 1t1IacCallum }fore to head a force designeertain of tho~c from whom I not unproudly claim de­ ~rent. Thev wc>TP onl~ and all. in the ~en~e referred to. fal~e to thflir oatl1::-· forsworn. As to Robert E. Lee. individuaJly, I can only repeat whnt I han~ alr(l:tdy said=--if in a1I respects similarly 7G 11·1-.:STJIORf,'f-1:l:\" [) COUNTY, l1 I RG1~·1A circumstanced. I hope I should have been filial and unselfish enough to have done as Lee did. Such an utterance on my part n1av he 'traitorous.' but I here render that homage. . ~ "In l\ilassachusetts. however, I could not even in 1861 have been so placed; for be it because of better or worse. l\[a:::saehusetts was not \~irginia. ;-no n1ore v,,.irginia than England once was Scotland, or the Lowland:;; the Highlands. The enYiron1nenL the i

'•)'fy lwart doth j-0y that yet in all my life I found no 1nan hut he was true to n1e

I shall h.n·0 r-,trlorv "' bv., this losin

.... Final!y~ one who knew hin1 well has written of him: 'He had the quiet hearing of a powerful yet harmonious nature. An unrufflc_:icl calrn upon hi~ c-ountenanc-e bet-0kened the concentration antl c-ontrol of the whole being within. He. was a kingly man whon1 all n1f'n who can1c into his presence expected to obey.' 'l,hat hP wm: .!!ift(l-(l in a prominent degree with the mf'ns aequn in ardu~ of the R-oman pof't. none deny

:\ not her ha~ ~a irl : · "LPt our thong-ht~ now turn to our dead. and first in our affec­ tions should hho~c hin1-why? Rerausp he ,va$ the first amongst ni=:. To us anrl to our icau~e he devoted his great ability. For us he lived~ fought. anrl :::uffered, and dying~ has bequeathed to us an exan1ple of pure patriotism~ consistent statesmanship, forti­ tude in suffering and absolute devotion t.o Truth and Dut~·- To us his memory i5 touchingly sacred and hi~tory will rank hin1 among the good and great of the earth. '"N' ext comes Robert E. Lee. The glory and pathos of hi5 lift· are like the sun as it rises and $ets. The hi~torian and writer l'fESTJJORELA.SD COU:.VIT, l' IRUl.\"'I~-l 77 have tried to describe him~ and have found that he is beyond de­ scription. ''After hin1 another: Stonewall J ack~on~ the genius of the - '--' war, the exemplar of all the principles of true religion in its highest development, unique in manner, pure in thought, wor

Rev. E. C. De Lal\iloriniere, at Confederate Reunion, l\Iobile, _t.\.la., 1910, said: ''We offer our homage next to him whose story and memory are linked with all the hopes and triumphs, the exultation and despair which of those four bitter, bloody, torturing years made an endless century. "He was to us the incarnation of his cause, of what in it was noblest and knight1iest, the Christian Chevalier whose white plume waves bcfore us wherever we cast our eyes. No tongue, however gifted, can picture the lofty soul of the man who drew his sword, never in wrath, but for the principle ingrained in the core and fiber of his loyal nature, that his supreme allegiance was due to his mother State. He loved the flag he had borne with an ecstasy of devotion, and yet with absolute recognition of the hardships to be undergone, and the likelihood of d,efeat in the undertaking to be begun, with speechless grief for the evil days on which his country tad fallen, he wended hi~ way across the bridge of the land that gave him birth, looked with sadness on the beautiful home on the hanks of the riYer that had sheltered his young manhood, and came to Richmond to offer his sword to the new born Confederacy. ''upon the point of that sword he bore for four years the hopes of his people. baffiin~ the chosen leaders of the enemy, beating hack their hosts from· field to field and securing the safety of the Capital which sat shaking under their guns.'' "I speak of the man who, when the contest closed, and the curtains fell, was still the Christian knight, whose plume did not io down; the ·peerless citizen from whose lips no word of murmnr ever came. whose pen never wrote a line in self-d,efence; who, wh~n he had off~rt>d hi~ sword to the conqueror too noble to accept jt, lrBST.llOJlf,'L.-lS D COL"S1'Y, rlRGI SIA. called about him his war-worn veterans, his old guard, the com­ panions of his toils, his feelings and his fame, delivered to them his 1final order, confided them to the keeping of his God and theirs, and turning from those fatal fields forever, went to the poverty and obscurity of the coming years, 1content if he might light with the splendid sunset of his heroic life the minds of "\Tirginian boys and inspire their young hearts with the love of a reunited country. I speak of him who ( in the words of Theodore Roosevelt) rank~ the very greatest of all the great captains that the English speak­ ing- peoples have brought forth, the full equal of l\Iarlborough and \Yelling-ton; of him than whom Cicero in the Ro1nan Forun1 plead­ ir1g for virtue and patriotis111, Plato in the .\cade1nic n ro\·es teach­ ing the Joung _.\.thcnians lessons of wisdo1n~ hold no higher plac(). ''I speak of hin1 whose dying words were: 'Let the tent be :-:truck: Forward!' and passed to the front above. I speak of hint

whose body.., rests amongL the hills of Virginia'--' he loved so well.,, but whrn~e grave is vour hearts and u1ine .. and ,vhose fame is sounded ~ . louder and louder every Jear fr-on1 the trun1pet of the wi::;e and good throughout the wide world. . " "_.\. country which has giYen birth to that n1<1n and those who followed him. rnay look the chivalry of Europe in the fa,ce without ~han1t.1: for the fatherlands of Sidney and Bayard never produced a nobler... soldier~ gentlen1an~ and Christian than Robert Edward ] .ee:'

The great scholar. Georg-e Long, Professor of Latin in the Uni­ \·ersi ty of London .. and the first Professor of .Ancient Languages in the 1-niversity of "\-:--irginia, has the following note in his .;Transla­ tion of the Thoughts of the Roman En1peror )Iarcus Aurelius Antonin us.·· '·I havl1 np,·er c1etli("aterl a hook to an\·., 1nan.- and if I de book to any man. I would dedicate it to hi1n who lee] the Confederate armies a~ainst the powerful invadl·r. ancl retired from an unequal contest defeated~ but not di~honon·d: to the noble "\'ir~inian soldier who$e talents and virtues place him ll\· the ~ide of the h()st and wisest man who sat on the throne of the irn1wrial Ca.>~ars.='' lVBSTJIORBJ,. t .\' /) cot'.\' T F, ~· J Ra/ .VI A.

Philip Stanhope \Vorsley, a brilliant scholar of Corpus Chri~t i College, Oxford, who dic1 d young. translated the Iliad into Spen­ st1rian stanza, and sent a copy to General Robert F.. I..ee, with the following inscription: '"ro General R. E. Lee, the m-ost stainless. of living com­ u1anders, and, eX!cept in fortune, the greatest, this volume i~ ·pn.'­ ~ented with the writer·s earnest sy1npathy and rc•5pectful adrnir::­ uon. ,, ' • • • O!U~ rrLp epuc-:o" "I).wu .. , E~-: wp, ,. --Iliad vi, 103. 1. ··Tlil' grand ol

·!. ··Thy Troy i~ fc1Ilen. thy dear land 1 :-:: 1n,1 rred he1wath the ~poi Ier\.: lH·l·l. <·annot tru~t n1y trernhling h<1nd To write the thing5 I feel.

:;_ -~ .\h. rL•alm of ton1h:;;; ! hut let her hear Thi~ hlc1zon to the last of ti1ne~; Xo nation ro~e ~o white and fair. Or fell 5:0 pure of c.·rin1r~.

-1. ~-T hL· widow\; n10~1n. the orpht1n \: wa i 1.

Come round thee:. .Yet in truth b0 ~trong,_ ~ Eten1al right, though all else fail, Can never he 1na

T>. '' An angel':; heart. an angel\, n1outh. N" ot Homer·~. could alone for rne Hvrnn. we11 the .great Confederate South- "'t....,, 1rg1n1a • • fi r~ t .-and I.... e c. "

l\tf EMORL.\E SACRUM. \Vhen the effigv of Washing-ton In its br~~ze was rear~d on high ·Twas mine. with others. now long gone .. Beneath a stormy ~ky, To utter to the n1ultitude His nanH? that cannot die. 80

Antl here to-da_y, my country1nen~ I tell you Lee shall ride \\"ith that great "rebel" do,vn the Years- ~. ~ Twin '.;rebels'' side by side- 4\nt1 c·on fronting~- suc:h a vision _\ ll our ~rief give~ place to pritle.

Th<•~(' two shal1 ride in1mortal .\ tH1 $hall ride abreast of time, ~hall light up ~tately hi~tory .\n,1 blaz<.' in Epic· Hhy1nP ! B(lth patriot~. hoth \~ir~inian~ tnw. Beith ··rdwl~.~· both ~nhli1nP.

Our r,,l,t i:-: full of glorv. ' .., . lt i~ a shut-in ~ea. Th(' pi I Im·~ overlooking it ~\r<) \Va5hington and J...ee ;­ .:\ ntl n futnrr snrrad~ hf\fore 11~ X ot unworthy of the fre0.

:\1Hl lwre ant 11~ f l'


Speeches That Have Made Two Virginians Famous. 'The Sword of Lee by Father Ryan.

The G rcat Oration of Senator Daniel on General Lee at lV ashing­ ton and Lee Uni-versity-uThe Sword of Lee,'' by Failier Ryan-Judge Critche1· -iii l]n-itcd States Congress in Reply to Senator JI oar~ uf Jlassach-u.'5cti.-.:, on lVest1noreland's Illus­ trious .:.lien. Bclo,v we give an extract from the great oration of Senator John \V. Daniel on General R. E. Lee at \Vashington and Lee Uni­ versity, June 28, 1883, at the unveiling of the recumbent figure.

"'UNDER WHICH FLAG." "On the other hand stands the forem.ost and most powerful Republic of the earth:- rich in all that handiwork can fashion or that gold can buy." * * * * '',.A. messenger comes fron1 its President and from General Scott, Commander-in-Chief of its A.rmy, to tender him supreme command of its forces. Did he accept it, and did he succeed, the conqueror's crown awaits hin1, and win or lo5e, he will remain the foremost man of a great established nation, with all honor and glory that riches and office and power and public applause can supply. "Since the Son of }Ian stood upon the Mount, and saw 'all the kingdon1s of the earth and the glory thereof' stretched before Him, and turned away fron1 them to the agony and bloody sweat of Geth­ H11nane;" and to the cross of Calvary beyond, no follower of the meek and lowly Saviour can have undergone 1nore trying ordeal, or 1net it with higher spirit of heroic sacritfice.

"'There was naug-ht._, on earth that could swerve Robert E. Lee f ron1 the path where:- to his clear comprehension, honor and duty Jay. To the statesman, }Ir. Francis Preston Blair, who brought him the tender of supreme command, he answered: 'Mr. Blair, I look upon secession as anarchy. If I owned the four millions of slaves in the South, I would sacrifice them all to the Union. But how can I draw my sword against Virginia?' ,.:Draw his sw.ord against Virginia? Peri~h the thought! Over an the voices that called him he heard the still small voice that ever whispers to the soul of the spot that ...gave it birth, and of her who gave it suck; and over every ambitious drean1 tl1ere rose the face of the angel that guards the door of home.' 82 lVBSTJIORBL.4.3lD VOUNTY, rIRGINIA.

"LEE DEVOTES His SwoRn TO Hrs °XATIVE ST~\TE.'' ''General Lee thus answered: ··_lJ r. President and Gentlenien of the Conrention: '·Profoundly inJpressed with the solemnity of the occasion, for which I must say I was not prepared, I accept the position assigned 1ne by your partiality. I would have preferred had your choice fallen upon an abler 1nan. Trusting in ..:\lmighty God, an approv­ ing conscience, and the aid of my fellow ;citizens, I devote 1nyself to the service of mvw native State.. in whose behalf alone ,vill I ever again draw 1ny sword.'' "Thus can1c Robert E. Lee to the State of his birth and to the people of his blood in their hour of need! Thus. with as chaste a h~art as ever plighted its faith until death. for better or for worse, he came to do, to suffer, and to die for us, who to-day are _gathered in awful reverence, and in sorrow unspeakable, to weep our hk~s­ ;ngs upon his ton1b.''

"THE HEL_\Troxs BET,YEEN LEE Axn 1-Irs )!Ex.'' '''Vhcn J ack~on fell. Lc,c wrote to hi1n : ·You arc better off than I am. for while You haYc lost vour left arn1~ I haYe lo~t m,· ri~ht .. , .., . ' arm.' Ano .Ta.ckson ~aid of him: 'Lee is a phcno1nenon. Ile i~ the c1 nly man I would follow blindfold.:-,.

".:\[EDITATIOXS OF DGTY.'' ·'And now when an English noblernan presented him a~ a re­ treat a splendid country seat in England. with a handsome annuity to corre$pond~ he answered: 'I an1 deeply grateful. hut I cannot consent to desert n1v. nati Y.C State in t hf\ hour of her adver~itv... I must abide her fortune~ and share her fate.· ,.

TnE FATE oi.: ,r .1n. "When he crossed the Penn~ylvania line. he ha

"PRESIDEXT OF W.ASIII~GTOX COLLEGE." "On the eve of acceptance, hvo propositions were made to Gen­ t:ral Lee: one to bceome president of a large corporation, with a salary of $10,000 per annun1; another to take the like office in an­ other corporation, with a salary of $50,000. But he made up his mind to come here, and this is what he said to a friend who brought him the last munifi-cent offer: '' 'I have a self-imposed task which I must accomplish. I have lead the young men of the South in batfle; I have seen many of them fall under my standard. I shall devote my life now to train­ ing young men to do their duty in life.'"

"THE L.\ST DAYS OF GENERAL LEE.-'' ''He was borne to his chamber, and skilled physicians and lov­ ing hands did all that man could do for nearly a fortnight. "'T\vixt night and morn upon the horizon verge, Between two worlds life hovered like a star.' And thus on the morning of October 12th, the star of the morning sank into the sunrise of immortali(v, and Robert Lee passed hence io 'where beyond these voices there is peace.· ,. 'Tell A. P. Hill to prepare for action.' wa~ amongst the last words of Stonewall J a~ckson. 'Tell Hill he :\!UST con1e up,' were the last words of Lee. Their brave Lieutenant, who rests under the 7reen turf of Hollvwood, seems to have been latest in the minds of his great commanders, while their spirits yet in martial fancy, roamed again the .fields of conflict, and ere they passed to where the ~oldier dreams of battlefields no more.''


''No. He saw hi~ everv., forebodin~z<~ of evil Yerified. He came to ~hare the miseries of his people. He shared them, drinking every drop of sorrow~s cup. His cause was lost, and the land for which he fought lives not amongst the nations. But the voice of history echoes the poet's song: 84 nTESTMORELAND voDNTI', VIRGINIA

'' '.Ah! realm of tombs! but let it bear This blazon to the last of times ; No nation rose so white and fair, Or fell so pure from crimes.'

And he, its type, lived and died, teaching life's greatest lesson, 'to suffer and be strong,' and that 'misfortune nobly borne is good for­ tune.' :, There is a rare exotic that blooms but once in a century, and then it fills the light with b€auty and the air with fragrance. In each of the two centuries of Virginia's Statehood, there has sprung from the loins of her heroic race a son whose name and deeds will bloom throughout the ages. Each fought for Liberty and Inde­ pendence; each against a people of his own race; each against the forms of established power. George ,v ashington won against a kingdom whose seat was three thousand miles away, whose soldiers had to sail in ships across the deep, and he found in the boundless areas of his own land its strongest fortirfications. August, beyond the reach of detraction, is the glory of his name. Robert Edward Lee made fiercer and bloodier fight against greater odds, and at greater sacrifice. and lost-against the greatest nation of modern :1istory, armed with steam and electricity, and all the appliances of modern science; a nation which mustered its hosts at the very threshold of his door. But his life teaches the grandest lesson how 1nanhood can rise transcendent over Adversitv. and is in itself '" , alone:- under God, pre-eminent-the grander le-sson, because as ~orrow and misfortune are sooner or later the common lot-even that of him who is to-day the conqueror-he who bears them best is made of sterner stuff~ and is the most useful and universal, and he is the greatest and nobl€st exen1p1ar . ....\.nd now he has vanished from us forever. And is this all that is left of him-this handful of dust beneath the marble stone? ~ o. the A!!es answer as thcv rise from the gulfs of time. where , '-- "' '"·- 1a y the wrecks of ki~gdoms and estates. holding up in their hands as their only trophies, the names of those who have wrought for man in the love and fear of God:- and in love unfearing for their fellowmen. No ! the present answers, bending by his tomb. No! the future answers:- as the breath of the morning fans its radiant brow, and its soul drinks in sweet inspirations from the lovely life of Lee. :N" o, methinks the very heavens echo, a.s melt into their depths the words of reverent !ove that voice the hearts of men to the tingling stars. WESTMORELAND COUl•fTi', VIRGINIA 85

CONCLUSION. Come we then to-day in loyal love to sanctify our memories, to purify our hopes, to make strong all good intent by communion with spirit of him who, being dead, yef speaketh. Come, child, in thy spotless innocence; come, woman, in thy purity; come, youth, in thy prime; come, manhood, in thy strength; come, age, in thy ripe wisdom; ·come citiz~n, come soldier, let us strew the roses and lilies of June around bis tomb, for he, like them, ex­ haled in his life Nature's beneficence, and the grave has conse­ crated that_ life, and given it to us all; let us crown his tomb with the oak~ the emblem of his strength, and with the laurel, the emblem of his glory, and let these guns, whose voices he knew of old, awake the echoes of the mountains that Nature herself may join in his solemn requiem. Come, for here he rests, aBd- " On this green bank, by this fair stream, We set to-day a native stone, 'rhaj; memory may his deeds redeem. When, like our sires, our sons are gone.''

Come, for here the genius of loftiest poesy in the artist's dream, and through the sculptor~s touch, has restored his form and features-a Valentine has lifted the marble veil and disclosed him to us as we would love to look upon him-lying, the flower of knighthood in ''Joyous Gard." His sword beside him is sheathed forever. But honor's seal is on his brow:' and valor's star is on his breast: and the peace that passeth all understanding descends upon him. Here. not in the hour of his p-andest triumph of earth, a.s when mid the battle roar, shouting battalions followed his trenchant sword, and bleeding veterans forgot their wounds to leap between him and his enemies-but here in victory, supreme over earth it­ self, and over death, its conqueror, he rests, his warfare done. And as we seem to gaze once more on him we loved and hailed as chief:- in his sweet, dreamless sleep, the tranquil face is clothed with heaven's light, and the mute lips seem eloquent with the message that in life he spoke :


A.fter the conclusion of Major Daniel's oration, Father Ryan, at the request of General Early, recited his celebrated poem TnE S ,voRn OF LEE. Forth from its scabbard. pure and bright, Flashed the sword of Lee ! Far in the front of the deadly fight, High o'er the brave in the cause of right, I ts stainless sheen, like a beacon-light, Led us to victorv., . Out of its scabbard, where full long, It slumbered peacefully- Roused from its rest by the battle-song, Shielding the feeble, s1niting the strong, Guarding the right, and avenging the wrong- G learned the sword of Lee ! Forth from its scabbard, high in air, Beneath Virginia's sky- And they who saw it gleaming there, And knew who bore it knelt to swear That where that sword led th~v would dare To follow and to die. Out of its scabbard! Never hand \Vaved sword from stain as free, Nor purer sword led braver band .. Nor braver bled for a bri~hter land, Nor brighter ]and had a rau~P a~ grand~ Nor cause. a chief like Lee! Forth from its scabbard! how we prayed

That sword might,_ victor be ! A.nd when our triumph was delayed~ And many a heart grew sore afraid. \Ve still hoped on. while gieamed the blade Of noble Robert Lee! Forth from its scabbard! all in vain! Forth flashed the sword of Lee ! It sleeps the sleep of our noble slain, Defeated, yet without a sfain, Proudly and peacefully. 'Tis shrouded now in its sheath again .. WESTMORELA.ND COUN7'Y, YIRGISIA 87

From the Rappahannock Ti,mes, _.\pril 17. 189G.

PORTRAIT 1.TNVEILI:XG. There will be an unveiling of portraits of

''225 DEL.A"WAUE .A.VE._. ,VASIII~GTON, D. C. "Dear Jliss Critcher: "I take pleasure in notifying you that at the meeting on l\Iarch 10th, you were unanimously elected a member of the Society of \V ashington ~.\rtists. ''Very truly yours:- W. B. CnILTOX. Secretary." 88 l\'J-,'STJJ{)J:f'J.. LYD C01 S'i'T. l !J?f;/S/.t

)l i~s Critc-ht·r. of .\ !,·xandria, l\[i~s Tliu111 pso11 and )li~s Perril', of \Vashington, are the only ladies who haYe ever been elected 111en1bers of this society.

Beside the honor to be done him as a distinguished Judge, the following incident fires the heart of every "Virginian and Southern man, and thrill~ us with ad1niration and pride. ,vhcn a member of the Forty-second Congress, he uttered the following ,rords, that 1nade him fa1nous. An appropriation, in proportion to illiteracy, being the subject und('r consideration, l\1Ir. lloar, from }Iassachusetts in the course of his remarks said: ''The influence of slavery was not so observ­ able in the degradation of the slave as in the depravity of the nwster." 1\ilr. Critcher~ from Virginia, in reply, begged leaYe to illustrate the depravity of the master by reminding the I-louse that every ~igner of the Declaration of Independence was a slave holder, ex­ cept those fron1 1\1:as.sachussetts. and perhaps one or two others. l t n1ight be deemed extravagant, but he would venture a bold assertion. He would venture to say, that he could name more eminent 1nen fron1 the Parish of his residence than the gentleman could name frorn the Commonwealth of l\'Iassachusetts. He would proceed to name them, and then yield the floor. that the gentleman might match them, if he could. On one side of his estate is Wakefield. the birthplace of Wash­ ington. On the other side is Stratford. the residence of Light Horse Harry Lee, of glorious revolutionary memory. ....\.djoining Stratford is Chantilly. the residence of Richard Henry Lee, the 1nover of the Declaration of Independence. and the Cicero of the American Revolution. There, too, lived Francis Lightfoot Lee, a signer of the Declaration of Independence; Charles Lee, at one time Attorney-General, and Arthur Lee. onl" of the accomplished negotiators of the treaty of commerce and alliance hetween these Colonies and France in 1777. Returning yon C'< ► llH'. a~ said before, first to the birthplace of ,vashincton. .\nother hour·s drive will bring you to the birthp1ace of !Ionroc-. ..\nothc?r hour's drive to ~he birthplace of }Iadison. A.nd. if the g-entlen1an ~upposes that the present generation is unworthy of their illustrious ancestors. he has but to stand on the same estate to ~ee tht~ mas~ive chimney:; of the baronial mansion that witnessed the hirth of Robert E. I~ee. WESTJIOREL.:1XD C01IN'l'Y, VIRGINIA. 89

These are some of the eminent men from the Parish of his resi­ dence, and he now yielded the floor to the gentleman to match them if he could from the Commonwealth of :M~assachusetts . .At the time of this incident there was the most intense feeling between the sections, and the remarks were copied from the Sus­ quehannah to the Gulf. The ;challenge somewhat startled the

House. James G. Blaine was in the Speaker's chair1 and he leaned over his desk to hear every wqrd. Hon. Dan Voorhees was sitting by Judge Critcher, and told him afterwards that when he n1ade the assertion, s,veat came out upon his forehead~ fearing that he would name some local celebrities and be covered ,Yi th confusion l.,y so dexterous a debater as Iloar. Ile said, too, it was the only ,peech he ever heard and afterwards read, for he -could not believe his own ears. Mr. Hoar's reply was too indelicate for publication, but Judge Critcher instantly stopped hin1, saying, "I yielded the floor that you might name the en1inent men of your Commonwealth, not to give you an opportunity to indulge in the more congenial task of defaming other people.'' ['Ext:rnct fr01n speech of Hon. John Critcher., Forty-second Con- 6ress United States~ in debate with l\Ir. Hoar ( afterwards Senator), or l\![assachusetts ( $Ce Congressional Globe, pp. 800, 801:]

From the decks of the steamer as we sail up the beautiful Yeo­ romico River to Kinsale, on the left on an elevafa:d plateau or hil!, we see a picturesque grove where Midshipman Sigourney was buried. }.,rom this point the view of the landscape and the expanse of the waters as they flow towards the Potomac are exquisite. ''I send herewith the superscription on the slab over the grave of Sigourney. After the enemy had left his body was prepared for burial and interred in the Bailey family burying ground by the ancestors of the family now occupying the premises~ entirely at their expense. When I first saw this spot of ground the g-rave with the slab was entirely covered with briers and underg-rowth. Since then these have been removed .. and at this time the vi~itor beholds a spot kept in loving remembrance. This tran~formation was wrought by l\fiss Fannie Bailey:- who still keeps careful watch over one of this nation's heroes, forgotten by all but her. Your$ sincerely:- S. B. HARDWICK. 90 lr}.,'S1'JIURELA.SD CUU.\'Tl'~ l'JRGI~VI.4.




a Xative of Boston, ~la5Su ...lged 23 Y ear:S:

\Yho fell in o°·allantl\· v defen

Go gallant youth, obey the call of heaven, Your sins were few=- we trust they are forgiven; But then, oh what can paint the parenfs woe, Your Country will punish the hand that gave the blow.

\Ve no\v insert notices drawn from various public sources, of some of the other distinguished 1nen of ,v estmoreland: '- Richard Henry Lee, a signer of the Declarati9n of Independence, was born at Stratford, January 20, 1732. He spent several years in an academy in England, from which he returned to his native country in his nineteenth year. IIis fortune being ample, he de­ voted his time principally to the elegant pursuits of literature. In 17 55 he offered his ~ervices as a captain of provincials to Brad­ dock; but he refused to accept any more assistance from the pro­ vincials than he ,vas obliged to. In his twenty-fifth year, Lee was uppointed a ju~t:ee of the peace, and was shortly after first chosen a U(llegate to the House of Burgesses, where he soon acquired distinc­ tion in debate, and his voice was always raised in support of repub­ lican principlc-s. In all the questions of controversy that came up between the mother countrv and her colonies .. l\Ir. Lee took an active ~ , :part. He was appointed on the most important committees of the House of Burgesses, and drew up some of the most important papers, ,vhich "'contained the genuine principles of 'the revolution, a.nd abounded in the firm and eloquent sentin1ents of freemen." J t is stated that the celebrated plan of corresponding committees ll7ESTJJORELA.XD COUXfPr~ rJRUI~..,[.4. 91 between the different colonies. adopted in 1,7:3 by the House of Burgesses, originated with l\{r. Lee. The same idea had, about the same time, been conceived by Mr. Samuel ~/'.\dams of llassachusetts, which circumstance has occasioned much dispute. )Ir. Lee doubt­ less followed the suggestions of his o,vn mind:- as he had, five years p_reviously, reqnested ~Ir. Dickinson of Pennsylvania. in a letter, to bestow his consideration upon the adYantage of plans which he t:Ommunicated to him of the sa_1ne purport. Wirt, in describing him at this time, says: "Richard Henry Lee was the Cicero of the house. His face itself was on the Roman model; his nose Cresarean; the port and carriage of his head, lean­ ing persuasively a.ncl gracefuTiy forward; and the ,vhole contour noble and fine. lir. Lee was by far the most elegant scholar in the house. He had studied the classics in the true spirit of criticism. His taste had -that delicate touch which seized with intuitive cer­ tainty every beauty of an author:- and his genius that native affini(y which combined them without an effort. Into every ,valk of litera­ ture and ·science he had carried this mind of exquisite selection, and brought it back to the business of life, crowned with every light of learning, and decked with every wreath that all the l\{uses and all the Graces could enhvine. Nor did those light decorations consti­ tute the whole value of his freight. He posse~sed a rich -store of his­ torical and political knowledge, with an activity of observation, and a certainty of judgment that turned that knowledge to the very best account. He was not a lawyer by profession, but he under­ stood thoroughly the constitution both of the mother country and of her colonies. and the elements also:- of the civil and municipal Jaw. Thus, ,vhile his eloquence was free from those stiff and tech­ nical restraints which the habits of forensic speaking are so apt to generate. he had all the legal learning which is necessary to a stateS­ man. He reasoned well, and declaimed freely and splendidly. The note of his \"Oice was deeper and more melodious than that of llr. Pendleton. It was the canorous voice of Cicero. He had Jost the use of one of his hand~, ,vhich he kept constantly covered with a black silk bandage neatly fitted to the paln1 of his hand~ but leaving J1is thumb free; yet., notwithstanding this disadvantage, his gc:=:tur 1 \\ as so ,.....v-aceful and so high]v' . finished. that it was said he had ac- tluired it by practising before a mirror. Such was his promptitude that he required no preparation for debate. He was ready for any subject as soon as it was announced; and his speech was so copious= so rich. so mellifluous:- set off with such be,vitching cadence of \"Oice. and such captivating grace of action, that while you listened to him you desired to hear nothing superior, and indeed thought him per- 92 lrBSTMORELA.ND

His stvle. bore a striking~ resemblance to that of Herodotus~. as de- srribed by the Roman orator: 'he flowed on~ like a quiet and piacid riYer~ without a ripple.' He flowed, too. through banks ccvered with all the fresh verdue and variegated bloom of the spring; but his conr:::e was too subdued. and too beautifulh·. regular. l\ cata- ract. ]ike that of ~iagarn. cro,vned with oYerhanging--~ :rocks and ~ '--- '~ '· mountains~ in all the rude and awful grandeur of nature. would ha;re broug-ht. him nearer to the standard of Hon1er and of Henrv."•'

In 1774.,, he was a member of the first '--general Cong-ress.'---' , wl:ere he ;1t onc-e took a prominent stand. and was on all the leading con1- m ittees. From his pen proceeded the memorial of Congress to the p

Francis Lightfoot Lee, a signer of the Declaration of Independ­ ence, ,vas born October 10, 1734. His education was directed by a private tutor, and he inherited a fortune. In 1765 he became a me1n her of the House of Burgesses, and continued in that body until 1775, when the convention of Virginia chose him a member of the Continental Congress, in which he remained until 1779, when he entered the legislature of Virginia. He died in Richmond in 1797.

Henry Lee, a Governor of Virginia and a distinguished officer of the Revolution, was born January 29, 1756. His family was one of high respectability and distinction. A.t eighteen years of age he graduated at Princeton College. In 1776, when but twenty years of age, he was appointed captain of .one of th~ six companies of cavalry composing the regiment of Colonel Theodorick Bland. In September, 1777, Captain Lee, with his company, joined the main army. He introduced excellent discipline into his corps, and ren­ dered most effectual service, in attacking light parties of the enemy, in procuring information, and in ioraging. As Captain Lee, in general. lay near the British lines, a plan was formed in the latter part of .January, 1778, to cut off both him and his troop. A body of two hundred cavalry made an extensive l't'ESTMORBLA.XD COUYTY, VIRGINIA. c·ircu:it, and seizing four of his patrols, came unexpectedly upon him in his quarters, a stone house. He had then with him only ten men; yet with these he made so desperate a defence, that the enemy were beaten off with a loss of four killed, and an officer and three privates wounded. His heroism in this affair drew forth from Washington a complimentary letter, and he was soon after raised to the rank of a major, with the command of an independent partisan corps of two companies of horse, which afterwards was enlarged to three, and a body oi infantry. On the 19th of July, 1779, }Iajor Lee, at the head of about three hundred men, completely surprised the British garrison at Powles' Hook-no,v Jersey City-and after taking one hundred and sixty prisoners:- retreated with the loss of hut two men killed. and three wounded. For his ';prudence:- ad­ dress, and bravery/' in this affair, Congress voted him a gold medal. In the commencement of the year 1780, he joined, with his legion, the army of the south, having been previously promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In the celebrated retreat of Greene before Cornwallis, Lee's legion formed the rear guard of the army. So hot was the pursuit, that Colonel Lee at one time came in con­ tact with Tarleton's corps, and, in a successful charge. killed eigh­ teen of them, and n1ade a captain and several privates prisoners. Shortly after, Lee ,vith his legion, and Colonel Pickens with some militia, attacked a party of four hundred loyalist n1ilitia under Colonel Pyle, killed ninety, and wounded many others. 1\.t the bat­ tle of Guilford:- Lee's legion distinguished itself; previous to the action, it drove back Tarleton's dragoons with loss. and afterwards maintained a ,sharp and separate conflict until the retreat of the main army. A.fter this, Greene, in pursuance of the advice of Lee, detern1ined to advance at once irito South Carolina. and endeavor to reannex to the Union that and its si::ter state of Georgia, instead of ,vatching the motions of Cornwallis. The results were as for­ tunate as the design was bold and judicious. In pursuance of this plan. Greene advanced southward, having previously detached Lee, with the legion, to join the militia under llarion. and. in co-opera­ tion with hin1, to attempt the minor posts of the enemy. By a series of bold and vigorous operations. Forts Watson, l\lotte. and Granby. speedil~- surrendered; after which, the legion was ordered to join General Pickens, and attempt to gain possession of A.ugust.a. On the way, I.Jee ~urprised and took fort Galphin. The defences of A.ugusta consisted in two forts-Fort Cornwallis and Fort Grier­ son; the latter was taken by assault:- the former after a siege of six­ teen days. In the unfortunate assault upon ::Kinety-Six, Lee was completely successful in the part of the attack intrusted to his care. 1VESTJJOREL_-t1~D COUXTY, V'IRGIN/.:1 95

In the battle of Eutaw Springs, his exertions contributed much to the successful issue of the day. ...-\fter the surrender of Yorktown, Lee retired from the army, carrying with him, however, the esteem and affection of Greene, and the acknowledgment that his services had been greater than those of any one man attached to the southern army. Soon after his return to \ 7irginia, he married a daughter of Philip Ludwell Lee, and settled at Stratford in this county. In 1786, he was a delegate to Congress; in 1788, a member of the Vir­ ginia convention to ratify the constitution, in defence of which he greatly distinguished hini:sclf. From 1792 to 1795, he was Gov­ ernor of Virginia. On the breaking out of the \vl1iskey Insurrec­ tion=- in 1755, he was appointed by ,vashington to the conunand of the forces ordered against the insurgents, and received great credit for his conduct. In 1799 he was again a delegate in Congress, and upon the death of \Vashington, he was appointed to pronounce his eulogium. It was upon this occasion he originated the celebrated sentence: ''First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his conntryn1en.'' On tne election of J efierson he retired to private life. His lm~t years were clouded by pecuniary trouble:;. The hos­ pitable and profuse style of living so common in Virginia, ruined his estate. and even abridged his personal liberty. It was in 1809, while confined for debt, that he composed his elegantly ,vritten l[emoirs of the Southern Campaign. General Lee was in Baltimore in 1812. at the ti me of the riot occasioned by the publication of some ·strictures on the war in the Federal Republican_, an anti-war paper. After the destruction of the printing office, an attack on the dwelling of the editor was ap­ prehended. Lee, from motives of prrsonal friendship to the editor, with a number of others, assembled for the purpose of protecting

it. On being,_ attacked. two of the assailants were killed. and a number wounded. Thfl militarv arriving soon after. effected a •' ' , compromise with the moh, and conveyed the inmates of the house to the city jail for their greater s·afety. In the night the mob rPassem bled in greater force. broke open the jail, killed, and man­ gled its inmates in a shocking- manner. From injuries then re­ ceiveiL I.ee never recovered. He went to the West Indies for his health. His hopes proved futile. He returned in 1818 to Georgia, where he died. General Lee was about five feet nine inches, well-proportioned, of an open, pleasant countenance, and a dark complexion. His manners were frank and engaging; his disposition generous and 96 WESTMORELAND COUNTY: VIRGIXJA. hospitable. By his first wife, he had a son and a daughter; by his second (a daughter of Charles Carter, of Shirley):- he had three :::-ons and two daughters. ·

.Arthur Lee, l\L D., minister of the United States to the court of Versailles, was a native of Virginia, and the brother of Richard Henry Lee. He was educated at the University of Edinburgh, ,~·here he also pursued for some time the study of medicine. On his return to this country, he practised physic four or rfive years in Wil­ liamsburg. He then went to London, and c0mn1enced the study of tlie law in the Temple. During his residence in England he kept hi~ eye on the measures of government, and rendered the most im­ P•Jrtant ferYices to his country, by sending to ..:\.merica the earliest rntelligenc-e of the plans of the ministry. \Vhen the instructions to Governor Bernard were sent over. he at the same time communi­ c::it~

Bushrod \Vashinf_ri:on ,vas born in this county, and educated at \Villiam and l\fnr_v. He $tudied law in Philadelphia, and com­ menced its practice with ~reat success in this countv. He was a ~ ~ memher of the House of Delegates in 1781. He afterwards re- rnoYcrl to _,\lexandria~ and thence to Richmond, where he published two volumes of the decisions of the supreme court of Virginia. He wa~ appointed=- in 1798=- an associate-justice of the supreme court nf the United States, and continued to hold this situation until his ,ic~th. in ~ovember. 1829. He was the favorite nephew of General \rashintrton~ and was the devisee of Mount Vernon. He was noted for ~ou1\a j~

LEE F.DIILY I. R. £. LEE 6. R1cH,\RD HExRY LEE ~ RICHARD LEE 7. THO:\IAS LEE :;. HE!l:RV (Light Horse Harry) LEE 8. FRA:-iCIS LIGHTFOOT L t-:E 4- CHAS- Le:E 9- \V:\t. LEE s. S!\!ITH LEE ro. ARTHt·R LEE



Westmoreland, the Plant-bed of an Ancient Civil­ ization is Still the Cradle of the New--Her Efficient Board of Supervisors---The Sand- Clay System of Good Roads. lrcstmoreland County of To-day (1912). The ~l\"!'ew ll'estmoreland., II er Present Condit·ions, JI er Progress., II er Climate and Soil. Her Agricultural, Industria.l, and Commercial Re­ so·urces and Assets. Her Efficient Board of Supervisors Standing for the ''Economy of Good Roads"-the Slogan of Common Sense. The future historian will write the glorious history of West­ moreland. This is no history-only a brief chapter, Job said: "Behold my desire is that mine adversary had written a book." This, in former days, passed for as sore an evil as a good man could think of wishing to his worst enemy. ,Vhether any of my enemies (I hope I have none) ever wished me so great an evil, I know not. But certain it is, I never dreamed of writing a book. The humble writer, with the burden of other duties, assumes no such task, and aspires to accomplish no such purpose. The original scope and purpose of this short chapter was to have no Part I., and no Part II., but it was intended only to refer to the historical features of Westmoreland and her magnificent memo­ rials, and to print the eloquent tributes to her name and fame­ her great men and the richer trophies of their brilliant deeds ; and not to present even in brief review her present conditions~ her pro­ gress~ her climate and ,;oil, and her agricultural, industrial and commercial resources and assets. But we have been beguiled into speaking of these present conditions so attractive to the home­ seeker and so inviting for agricultural development, .remunerative investment, grand enterprise and splendid opportunity. and have adopted Part I. and Part II-the old and the new W~stmoreland. When Bishop }.{eade:- after exclaiming- "Fuit Ilium, et ·ingens gloria Dardanidum/' uttered the following prophetic words, "We trust there await~ for Westmoreland a greater glor_v than the former,'' no one realized that in a few decades that Dr. McKim, ·~tanding upon its sacred soil, could, and would utter the fulfil­ m()nt of the prophery. and would proclaim-Dr. Reale voicing the 102 WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VJRGI"Sl.A. universal sentiment-that ''to-day a greater glory does indeed he­ long to Westmoreland than when the noble Bishop contemplated her fallen grandeur.'~ Westmoreland county of to-day, with all her proud tradition of the past:- not unlike her mother, the Old Dominion, ''has yet to reach her zenith. The years that have been put behind her are the years of a formative period ; the decades that are to come will mark the fruition of her hopes. Henceforth:- industry, as exemplified in a hundred forms, will be her gracious helpmeet. Nor must the v·irginian of future years walk in a narrow path, for he has many .fields of user ulness in which he may expand. Xever did any coun­ try under the sun offer more diversity of opportunity:- or finer chances for founding of fortunes than does this State." "The time-honored Commonwealth, indeed, now walks with quickened step, despite the lapse of nearly three centuries. Her tlasticity is the child of prosperity." Westmoreland, the birthplace and plant bed of an ancient ci\"­ ilization, is· still the cradle of a new. While her landscape is glori­ ous with the sheen of golden harvests, she, too, is gathering th~ ripe fruitage of her rich vintage. Her waste places are being rc­ Etored, and blossoming as the rose. Her soil is supporting an en­ terprising people, and still invites the stranger:- honest and bona fide, by ''benevolent assimilation'' to swell a still more teemjng population. Her churches are being restored and rebuilt. Her people are animated by a spirit worthy of her great past. Her young men are fired with a noble ambition to e_mulate the patriot­ ism and virtues of her heroes of former days. Her men of intel­ lectual and moral stature worthy of Westmoreland's splendid his­ tory~ are at hand to represent her in the councils of the State and 11ation. Her women are lovely, gentle. and queenly. When .Alexi~ de Tocqueville, whom }Ir. Gladstone termed ''the Burke of his age/' visited A.merica in the last century and wrote his ''Democracy in America.:' he said: "If I were asked to what I attributed the ~eatness and p€ace of ~t\.merica, I should say to the sanctity of home and to the purity of the women." And the Hon. James Bryce, Minister Plenipotentiary to this country representing: the Court of St.. James. savs in "The American Commonwealth": ''I have heard keen American observers predict that these Southern States will be the chief nursery ground of statesmen in the future, and will thus assert an ascendencv which thev can not vet obtain bv their votes!' because population grows more slowly in the South than in Eastern cities, or in Western prairies.'' Mr. Gladstone, in his "Kin Beyond the Sea," page 204. said of America: ''She will probably become what we are now, the head Al~ i

·.,' ..-~ , , "'· :i,.,~' :•·, .,·.; . ,"'. '! ' ;i.· ,,

Hu:-:. WM. MAYO. Chairman, Ex-State Senator W,1. H. S.\XFORD

WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA 103 servant in the great household of the world, the employer of all employed, because her service will be most and ablest." He also said: ''No hardier republicanism wa-s generated in New England than in the slave States of the South~ which produced so many of the great statesmen of ...i\.merica."-Life of Gladstone, by D-r. J. L . .ld. Gurry, page 214. What has Westmoreland done since the war, and what is she doing to-day in the ma:r:ch of progress and civilization, in energy and the activities of life? The efficient Board of Supervisors of ,v estn1oreland stand for the economy of· good roads. They advocate the economical aspect of good roads reform. 'I1hey have adopted, with the State's aid and the State Highway Commission, the sand-clay system, and are actively projecting the same. Good roads are the cheapest. This is the slogan of common sense. We clip from a contemporary on the "Economy of Good Roads.'" It says:

''The plea that good roads are 'too costly' belongs only to the e:heap sta.tesn1an~ the mossback, and old-fashioned publications. It has no place in the consideration of the problem of modern road building. ''The primary purpose in securing good roads is to eliminate the enormous and everlasting cost of had road5. 1\-Iodern country roads bear the same relation to the rural districts as paved streets bear to the cities. Paved streets for municipalities are first of all, a business proposition. The comfort and ,convenience afforded by them is ,a matter of secondary consideration. No city could be built on mud streets. Neither can agricultural communities be de­ veloped on mud roads. And any condition that retards the fullest development of country life is an expense that spells ruin and bank­ ruptcy in the end. "The old wooden plow could be purchased for less than the modern implements used to break the soil. But no farmer could maintain his farm with a wooden plow. It would prove too -costly an experiment. The ox team could be purchased for less money than the draft horses cost, but the ox team has been abandoned as an expense that no modem farmer could stand. ''Mud roads retain the same relation to modern progress as the wooden plow and the ox team. Virginia wastes $1,000,000 every year on mud roads. It is a system of 'throwing good money after bad money' in an attempt to 'improve' roads that need to be rebuilt, and after millions have been wasted in this manner the same old mud roads exist. Nothing is left to show for all the expense. "The $10,000.000 , 7ir~inia has lost in the mud holes of it:~ 104 c·ountry roa

TIIE GHE.\T HEFOR:M. Interest in goo· workr'1 up ahont good roa,1~. ~1n~~ of the State than this n1atter of good roads. It i~ a phy~ic·al impos~ihilit_v for any people to advance· rapidly either intellPctually or materiall~- without the 1neans of interconununic-ation. and -the hettcr the mc•ans the more rapid the advance. If the children of the State are to be educated and are to reap the hcnefits that come by reason of contact with the forces and influPnre~ that make for advancement, this end niust be accomplishPd throng-h the construction of good roads. If the lVgS'J'JlOIU:)L.:lXD COVN1'l', TIRGIXIA. 105 farmers of .Alaba111a arc to prosper, are to get the f nllest returns upon the labor they expend upon the soil, they n1ust be brought into close touch with the consun1ers. an end impossible without good roads. If the people as a whole arc to advance in proportion to their opportunties it n1u.st inevitably be through the construction of improved highwa:.:,s.'' 'rhe name being changed, this applies with equal force to ·vir­ guna. The issue is li\·e. lt vitally concerns fhc WL•lfare of the people, their coin fort., their happiness, their pro;:;peri ty. It is a great reforn1, and too n1u~h cannot be said in it::: favor.

Another c·ontcn1porary on the ''\~aluc of Good Ho1.u1~~·:- says: For a part of this week the Alabama Good Roads Association has been in session at Birmingham, and powerful interest has been n1anifested in this far-reaching reforrn. President .John Craft haractical l?cornonic Problems Confront·ing the People:. .ill ore I>opulation of Energetic, llobust and Frugal llen, and Quicker Travel and Transportation. Besides what Nature has done, and its natural potentialities; besides men of muscular energy and brains, men of lofty ideals and high standards, men of human endeavor, 1nen who teach with pure lives the tenets of our holy religion, there is a progres::;ive spirit abroad= The p€ople are industrious and progressive. Be­ ~ides her comn1ercial activity, Westmoreland shows civic improve­ ment, and educational advauc-ement. 8he can point to a large num·ber of high schools and high school buildings second to none in the rural districts; to teachers in these $Chools who are special­ ists in their line and the best instruction given. New and hand­ some homes are going up, and charm us as we pa5s by. Altogether. a spirit of public improvement. The tide of population must and will turn from the over-crowded cities, and the natural gravitation to these attractive homes is inevitable. There has been a marked progress in the improved system of good roads, and for the better­ ment of all conditions along educational. industrial and agricul­ tural lines. Here, speaking of this, it is no longer a postulate, but an axiom; not an experiment, but a demonstration, that eclu­ cation is the hope of a Republic, and a menace and death itself to a monarchy. Popular education in our country is the idol of the people" and its pride. We are beguiled into giving an <\xt ract from Lord Brougham, whose beautiful tribute to the im1nortal \Vashington is published elsewhere in this booklet. \Ve publish the extract becau~e thev., are the famous words of one of the ·ruinous 1nen of the world. ,v e do not publish it to 1ninimize the soldier:­ but to exalt the schoolmaster. These burning words are perhaps one of the first and greatest tributes t.o the pub1ic education of the masses, and has done as much for public schools as anything ever said. In his speech in the House of Commons on January 28, 1828. on t_hc address from the Crown~ Brougham severely re- WESTMORELAND COUNTY, llRGIXIA 107 ferred to the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, the Duke of Wellington, who was also the Pr.tme Minister and the head of the government. While he seemed to con.sider the presence of the conqueror of Napoleon at Waterloo in the chief councils of the King a harmless state of affairs, Brougham nevertheless argued against the practiiee of putting military men in the high civic places in the government. This objection, in substance, was the theme of the speech and the. quoted paragraph below, which a current report said was received with cheers and laughter, was a very ifitting climax to Brougham's notable effort : "The country sometimes heard with dismay that the soldier was abroad. Now there is another person abroad-a less important person-in the eyes of some insignificant person-whose labors had tended to produce this state of things. The schoolmaster fa abroad! And I trust more to the schoolmaster, armed with his primer, than to the soldier in full military array, for upholding and extending the liberties of 1ny country." Two practical economic problems still seem to confront our people: 1. Nature has lavished her treasures on them in magnificent waterways, estuaries and arms of the sea. They desire, however, quicker transit and travel by rail, and transportation of their pro­ ducts. Like Rasselas, King of Abyssinia., who yearned to see be­ yond his lovely mountain home and environment, they are restless to reach beyond their sea-girt horizon. 2. They need a larger population-say 50,000 more of robust~ energetic, frugal men-to cut up and divide the large landed estates and holdings, and to develop the latent natural resources, food supplies and 1naterials for industry. Give them 50,000 more of population, and the problems are solved. Roads---steam and electric-and good roads for automobiles and every appliance for travel and transportation will be assured and complete. Which will come first? Which will be the one to bring the other? The people desire both, and both will come. The people of Westmore­ land are unlike good old Doctor Johnson~ author of "Ra~selas,'' who took a gloomy view of life~ and wrote "of an age that melts jn unperceived decay.'' They are optimists and not idle drean1er~. ,v e wish for an Irving to picture the peac·e of ihe people. Just as this booklet goes to press the re-turn survey of the new railroad from Doswell to the deep waters of the great Wicomico js nearly con1pleted. Channing lL \\1 ar

Westmoreland, With Her Diversified Farm Pro­ ducts, Thriving Industries and Plants, Points to Her Excellent Financial Condition and Lo,v Rate of Taxation.

lrhat lVcslmoreland of Tu-day i.-.; /)uing.-J[r,r Excellent Financial Cundill()11s, Prugre::;s in 1 m pruced Buildings and Low ]late of Taxation.-] [ er Di1.xr.,i/ied 1·\trm Products:, Th.riving Industries and J>fonts.-ncautiful ~Honuments to Iler Sol­ d-iers.-lrcstmorcland Camp, C. l'._. J>cnsion lloard, and lrashington and Lee Chapter l]. D. C.

'\\"" estmore]and county can point with pride to her excellent financial condition_ progress in i n1proved hu ilr. Lands enhancing- in value and more and 1nore in de1nancl "·ith rising prices; riparian pri Yilegrs; splendid op port unities for the home seeker and investor. The most ca5ual ohser,·er does not fail to ~ee the progress, energy and activities of the people. •~ beautiful 1narble shaft ... erected bv.. the l,... nitrd States Govern- ment. now marks ,v akeifield:- the birthplace of ,Y ashington; an

XI. Stratford to Be Dedicated to. Virginia as a Memorial of the J_,ees---Old Y ecomico Church to Be Re­ habilitated Under Control of the Diocesan Board of Trustees. The Lee Birthplace .J.lf emorial Committee of the Yirginia State Camp, Patriotic Order of America, has an Option on Strat­ ford as a Jle1norial to the Lees, to be Dedicated to l"ir­ ginia.

The Lee Birthplace Memorial Committee of the ·virginia State Camp, Patriotic Order Sons of America, passed a resolution taking up the patriotic work of purchasing Stratford, Septe1nber 10, 1907 : endorsed by the National Camp of the order, September 25, 1907' ; the State Camp of Maryland, August 12, 1908; New Jersey, .Au­ gust 19, 1908; Delaware, August 25, 1908, and Pennsylvania, Au­ gust 27, 1908. Stratford will be a memorial to the Lees, and a room dedicated to each one.. After the work is done, it is proposed to present the property to the State of Virginia, to be perpetual for all tin1e a~ a memorial to the great men born under its roof or connected with its history. The committee at present hold~ an option on the pro­ perty.

EXTRACT FROM: RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, That it is the purpose of this comn1ittee to have Stratford purchased by the people, and remain forever the prop­ erty of the people, to refurnish it in the style of the period when these great men were born~ to build a wharf and make it a place where patriotic citizens may gather and refresh their memory with !he great deeds performed by these heroes of the past.

On July 15, 1906, a 111ovement was inaugurated by Re,. John Poyntz Tyler, Archdeacon of Virginia, an honored son of West- 1noreland and an accomplished preacher, by a bi-centennial cele­ bration to raise a memorial f unct for the preservation of old Yeo­ comico Church, in Cop1e Parish, Westmoreland county. Right 112 l'7ES1'JJOR.EL.4.ND COUNTY, VIR"Gl)lTA.

Rev. Robert A. Gibson. Bi:::hop of \ 7 irginia, connnended the work of endowing this colonial church. built in 170G ( the first one be­ fore 1655). In his striking appeal he call::; it '~a historic land­ mark of the Yery highest interest,'' and says ··it has a ron1antic ~:tory and one which is in many of ib aspects path.etic.'~ The present n1embers of the congregation of Cople Pari:-:h earn­ estly went to work to see that this sacred edifice, once the worship­ ping place of so many whose :names are inclelibl_y associated with the leading e,·ents of ·v·irginia's history, should be presl'rved from decay. The faithful comn1ittee, composed of ,var ri'yler Jiayo, S. Downing Cox. and \Valter R. Crabbe, appointee} by them anu aided kindly by Rev. G0orge \Vin. Beale, D. D., ,vith hi::; hi~toric:.:al data, prepared and published an attractive and charn1ing ~ketch of the church and the people who have worshipped ,vithin its wall~. I~ind and g-enerou~ friend~ ha,·e responded to tlw call to contribute. an1ong whorn notably is P. II. l\layo. E.sq., Hiclnnond, \ 7 a.; and Hon. \Vin. P. llubhard, n1en1ber of Congress fron1 the \Vheeling Distric:t,·,v. ·va. Russell Hubbard and l\lrs. Joseph Brady haYe generously contributed to erect a me1norial to their sister. l\lrs. •Tulia Hubbard Tyler, wife of ,vat H. Tyler~ \Vestnioreland county~ ,~ a. The fund is placed under control of the Diocesan Board of Trustees, to be p,ern1anently invested, and the proceeds used to keep the old building and enclosure in repair. Ainong those ,vho wor­ ~hi pped at Yeocomico were Colonel George Eskridge, an crninent lawyer, after whom George Washington was nan1ed:- and to whom was con1mitted the care and tutelage of l\Iary Ball. the mother of General ,vashin.~ton. when ~he was about thirtceR years of age-a ~acred duty by the young girl's mother in her last will ancl testa­ ment. and one which Colonel Eskridge sacredly kPpt; .John Bush­ rod. one of the Burges~es of W estn1oreland. whose f amil:v name be­ came distinguished by his granason. the Hon. Bushrod ,v ashington of the Supreme Court of the l:nited States, born at Bushfield, in ,,Testmorelancl. and a favorite nephew of General ,vashin~ton: and .T ohn Rochester:- who was a vestryman of Y eocomico in 1 785. who !:=ubsequently removed to and settled in New York. Colonel Na­ thaniel Rochester, after whom the great city of Rochester. N. Y.~ was named, was born in 17 52 on a plantation in Cop le Parish. ":- l'='t­ moreland county. on which his father;' grandfather and great-grand­ f ather had lived. Rev. Thomas Smith was minister here 1773-1776. He was a very picturesque character, and a man of force and patriotism. W< 0 ~ce him presiding over the Committee of Safety at Westmorelancl Courthouse, with its famous resolutions on .June 22. 177-1:, and _, ·­ ,.....-

lVESTJJORELAND COCN'Il.', VIRGINIA. 113 liay 23, 17' 75-the first time when the Boston Harbor was blocked up, and the second time when Lord Dunmore seized the powder in the magazine at \Villiamsburg, Va. Row many more names coula the writer.record if the limits and space of this ·little chapter would permit! \Vhen the pilgrim and stranger treads this sacred spot so full of sadness, yet of the sweetest memories and associations, and sees the graves-many neglected-that eontain the ashes of a grand people and noble race, he feels around hin1 the spirit oi \Vestminster Abbey. But we must add the name of Bishop John Brockenbrougli ~ ewton, son of I-Ion. \Villoughby Ne,vton, n1ember of Congres~~ and grandson of Judge \Villiam Brockenbrough, ~upren1e Court of .A.ppeals of Virginia, who worshipped here. He was a Bi:;hoJJ that the clergy loved, and one whom in the Diocesan Council ( ·virginia that appointed him, The laity ,clamored for, claimed and elected as their favorite. He had all that birth, blood and heredity could give. Nature had given hjm, besides mental endowment and a luminous intellect, robust common sense; but the best thing that can be said about hirn is that he made the world brighter as he passed through it. and it has .been told that the man who sheds a little sunshine on his course, is himself lighted into the great Unknown. Bishop Pay11e, late Bishop of Africa, is claimed by Westmore­ land, too. He lived and died near by in "\Vashington Parish. After spending all in Africa, wHh failing health he came back to West­ moreland to die. He named his home Cavalla:- and there died with harness on hin1. ,vhen I think of grand old Bishop Payne and his coming home to die, the thrilling words of Goldsmith's "De­ serted ·village:' fill 1ne with pathos: ''In all n1 y wanderings round this world of care, In all my griefs-and God has gi,·en my share­ I still had nopes, my Tatest hours to crown, .Amidst these hu1nble bowers to lay me down; To husband out life's taper at the -close:- .And keep the flame from wasting by repose : I still had hopes:- for pride attends us sti1l, .. An1idst the swains to show my book-learned skill, A.round my fire an evening group to draw, And tell of all I felt, and all I saw; ...i\.nd as a hare, whom hounds and horns p~7sue, Pants to the place from whence at rfirst he flew, I still had hopes, my long vexations past, Here to return-and die at home at last.:-' 114 WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA.

There is something more than a romance and a tradition still in Westmoreland that is treasured by its votaries like the perfume of sweet incense, and ihrows a halo around its people. It is this: that there is an unseen crimson thread of blood and kinship be­ tween the Campbells, Patrick Henry and Lord Brougham Bishop ~Ieade and other cultured writers state that Parson Campbell (Rev. A.rchibald Campbell, minister of Washington Par­ ish,) was from Scotland; was related to the Stuart and Argy!c families of that country, and an uncle of Thomas Campbell, the poet. That lawyer Campbell, a most eloquent man, a brother of the poet, married a daughter of Patrick Henry=- and that Pa.trick lienry, on his n1other's side. from the stock of Robertson the his­ torian, was in that way a relative of Lord Brougham, so that his descendants are connected ,vith the poet Campbell, thus showing a connection between our great orator and one of the greatest poli­ ticians and one of the sweetest poets of the age. Lastly, the }Iayos worshipped at the old Y oocomico Church, and the graveyard c-ontains the ashes of some of them. Judge Rob­ ert l\Iayo married l\Iiss Campbell of this distinguished family. He was erudite and strong. His two sons~ Colonel Robert l\L, mem­ ber of Congress, and Colonel Joseph, distinguished in journalism and literature, both came to the Bar splendidly equipped by edu­ cation. and both full of honors and distinction a-s officers in the \Var Between the States. ....\.t the Bar they attained distinction, earning for themselves the appellation applied by the holy evan­ ~elist to Joseph of _.\.rimathea. ''an honorable counsellor.~, A sweet f1agrance' lingers'- around their na1nes. "rm. l\Iavo..., ., another son, ex-State Senator:- and at present chairman Board of Supervisors, of fine character and mental endowment, is one of the most pro­ gressive and leading citizens of this county. The question may be asked by some hypercritical and super­ ~ensi ti ve person why reference has not been made in this booklet to other churches. The answer is readv:., because it is not a volume of churches~ families and biographies, and is limited in space.

There is no class~, caste~,- degree.'- ; nor denomination. church.r nor fan1il_v to be served in this booklet. The manuscript ha~ been with- held from the publisher by the writer to take in conference and ronfidence the representatives of all the churches to get their ·wis­ dom and judgm€nt on this very point and ·question. Yeocomico has been treated because of the early and historic character of the t:.hurch alone. The sweetest and most hallowed memories c1uster around the other churches. its g-raves and cemeteries as well as - ..J Y eocomico. The greatest and grandest men of Westmoreland ,vere ll7ESTJJORELA.. ND l'Oi,'.Y'J'}.: l'lll

What the Most Distinguished and Highest Authorities Say of Westmoreland.

But we must abbreviate this short chapter, and write FINIS. \Ve must, however, give a few extracts from the highest authority as to th~ p1esent condition of this great county-its 1naterial pro­ gress-what the Iland-Book of Virginia, The 1llanufacturer's Record, Baltimore, l\Id., and Governor 1Iann of Virginia say of progressive Virginia.

\VESTllOREL. .\ND COUNTY. ,v estmoreland was formed in 1653 from Northun1berlan

twentv-fiveol bushel~. of wheat ten bushels., and of hav., one and a half to two tons. Fruits of the various varieties. such as apples. peaches, pearf. plun1s. strawberrie~. etc .. grow well. and severnl cannerie:-; are located in the county. The -elinu1te and ~oil i~ especially 2dapted to the raising of vegetables~ and trucking is becon1ing quite an important industry. The nnn1erous creeks and inlets along the Potomac boundary abound in the finest fish. oysters and wild fowl. There are large natural ovster beds on these ti


Since the abon~ ,n1s published Colonial Bea~h looms up in t!1t:· lin1elight as "the Atlantic City of ,v ashington." "Historically marked, and an ideal resort for rest and recreation"-"the l\1ecca of the people of Washington.'' Its attractive little Hand-Book, just out, beautifully illustrated, bas a prospectus of its progress, and represents the population dur­ ing the summer months about 15:-000. ''The Potomac River is one of the most historic and beautiful in the ,vorld. It has not the '-zrandeur of the Iludson or the St. Lawrence, but its forest-crowned hi1ls, n1irrore

ALFALFA, FRUIT GROW'IXG AND COMMERCIAL ORCHARDING. The Farmers' Bulletin, Department of Agriculture and Immi­ ;;rration, Virginia, No. 8. 1910. designates alfalfa growing a~ the "2Teat money crop,'' and in it Capt .•J. F. Jack write~:· "I am thoroughly convinced that alfalfa can be successfully grown in Vir~nia for commercial purpose~ in quantitie~ large enough to make it a profitable investment. Thi5 i5 not a theory. but a fact which has been demonstrated on Belle Grove and Walsingham·- estates (Port Conway, Va.)," just acro5s the county line. Farmers' Bulletin, No. 2. 1904, is enthusiastic on fruit grow­ ing, commercial orcharding-. high flavor and keeping quality of ap .. ples., also peaches, pears and cherries. WESTMOREL_1.ND COUNTY, l"iRUISJA 119

,-IRGINL\. As SHE ,v AS AND As SHE Is. 7 \ irginia, .:~the land of s1-;.nshine"-''the gen1 of the Sunny South''-has been called the _.\rcadia of A.merica. Some three hundred years ago:- when the quaint little ships, Susan Constant, lJiscovery, and Godspeed, sailed up James River one sunny April day in the year 1607!' from the terrors of the raging seas in this unexplored country, and founded on its banks J arnestown, the first permanent English settlement on the American continent, it is said this Arcadian land sent its perf urned breath far out to the ocean long before these pioneers in Ang-lo-Saxon civilization reached the border~ of the Old Do1ninion. Then 1hcy lookL'd upon the ~hores carpeted with grass and flowers, and cool groves of stately trees. The grand old Con1monwcalth has been called the ''nfother of Presidents:- States~ and! States111en.'' She has been called the ''Athens of America" for her culture and learning. She has been '-' called the "Flanders of the South" by reason of her border posi- tion, and because more than six hundred battles were fought within her borders. ,vithin thos-e borders, too, was the capital of the

Southern Confederacv.~ , the storm cradled nation which fell. but which made the nan1e of A.n1erica respected by all the peoples of the world. Virginia has been called the "Netherlands of America'' because the seat of one of the foremost commonwealths of modern iirnes. She has been called the "Switzerland of America" for pic­ turesque landscape, mountains and sky. And to-day she is called the "Venice of Atnerica'' because this part has such majestic rivers, beautiful arms of the sea, and waterways. Washington called it the ''Garden of A.merica." Basking in the ·sunshine of God's mercy and in the plenitude of His forgiveness:- a~ a , 7 irginian I utter the beautiful lines of l>r. Henry ,ran Dyke:

"These are the things I prize And hold of dearest worth : Light of the sapphire skies~ Peace of the silent hills. Shelter of forests:- comfort of gra~s, ~Iusic of birds, murmur of little rills, Shadows of cloud~ that s,viftly pass, And after showers, The smell of flowers . .And. be$t of all, along the way, friendship mirth_,. 120 WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA

GEXER.:\L DESCRIPTION OF \~IHGIXI ..:\. No State in the Union offers n1ore attractive inducements and extends a more inviting hand to the hon1eseeker than ·virginia. In climate, diversity of soils. fruits~ forests~ water supply, n1ineral cleposits and variety of landscape:- including mountain and valley, hill and dale:- she offer~ advantages that are unsurpassed. Truly did Captain John Sn1ith. the adventur-ous and dauntless father of Virginia, suggest that ··Heaven and earth never agreed better to frame a place for 1nan ·~ habitation_,:-_JJand-Book of Yirginia, 1910~ page 15.

PROGitESSIVE VIRGINL\... \Vhat \ 7 irginia is to be is, perhaps, indicated by what Yirginia has become in one generation. * * * * * * * Between 1900 and 1904 the capital invested in "\1irginia factoriPs increased from $92,299,000 to $147:-989,000. and the value of factory products fro1n $108,644:-000 to $148.856,000. It is fair to estin1ate the capital at present invested in all 1nanuracturing enterprises in the State at $175,000,000, and the value of iheir products at $180,000,000. The aggregate annual ouiput of ··virg·inia ·s farms. factorie~, mines and fisheries is at least $320:-000,000. an incrPa~e of nearly $100.000,000 since the turn of the century. .And yet V'irginia has hardly begun to realize upon its natural potentialities. Its -10,000 square miles support a population of only 2.050,000. or about fifty persons to the square mile, while there are nearlJ 400 persons to each of the 8.000 square n1ilcs of that other .American commonwealth, Massachuseits. Its popub­ tion of 3,200!'000:- have practically nothing of the advanta.!!e that Virginia nos~esses. either as to latent natural resourcP~ ·within it­ self. or as to clo~eness to food supplies and material~ for industry. With the density of -population equal to that of )Iassachusetts, Vir­ ~inia would have 12.000.000 inhabitants. It is capable of making that number of people happy as citizens.-Richard. Tl. Edrnonds, Editor Jfanufacturers~ Record_. Baltimore_. .Jld., in IIand-Book of ltirgini.a_. 1910. JANUARY 27. 1911. What Governor Mann says. It was handed direct to the writer for this booklet: Virginia is steadily and rapidly progressing along all lines. Her manufacturing, commercial, industriat and mining interests are lVESTMOREL_-1-)lD COUN1·T, VIRGINIA 121

:yearly growing in the efficiency with which they are pressed and the products which they yield. Her transportaiion fa-cilities extend to almost every section, and those not now reached are being looked after, and will shortly have all of the advantages of the most favored localities. I am writing my real Yiews_ when I say that the apple lands oi this State cannot be surpassed in any other state or country. \\'re produce fruit excelling in beauty and flavor~ and improved methods have demonstrated that we cari produce it at a wonderful profit. I can show single trees which have yielded as n1uch as thirty barrels 0f the finest fruit. Few, if any, States produce more or better potatoes, round or $Weet, and we are raising in our mountains the seed for our crops in the eastern part of the State. Our waters are full of the finest oysters, fish~ crab, and clams, and abound in wild fowl. Our climate is delightful, our people intelligent, law abiding, and hospitable, and in every section springs and streams are plenti­ ful, and their waters pure and delightful. In many of our counties blue grass is natural to the soil and comes without seeding as soon as opportunity and conditions are afforded, and as fine cattle, many of them for export, as can be raised anywhere, are the product of the blue grass section. , 7irginia embraces twenty-five millions of acres of land, of '"·hich less than four millions are under cultivation, and making due allowance for mountain~:- swamps, and waste land of every de­ scription, it is safe to say ·we have ten millions of acres of arable land lying idle. Immediately after my inauguration as Governor, I:- with others interested, took steps to secure the co-ordination of all the agricultural agencies of the State with the United States Department of Agriculture for the purpose of encouraging and pro­ moting the adoption of scientific methods of agriculture, and these efforts, I am glad to say, have produced the most satisfactory re­ sults. To demonstrate the value and results of scientific methods of agriculture, Boys' Corn Clubs, in connection with our public schools, have been organized in many counties of the State, and each boy required to cultivate an acre of land and keep a complete record of his method and time of cultivation, kind. quantity and cost of all fertilizers used, kind of seed, and, indeed, a complete history of the crop. All done under the direction of the United Agricultural Board of Virginia and the United States Department of Agricul­ ture. The interest, enthusiasm and results have been simply won­ derful and have stirred up the farmers all over the State. •. 122 lVESTlJJOREL--1.SD COUS'I'Y, f/R(i/SLi

One boy in Dinwiddie county, sixteen years old, on land undt''" usual methods not producing over twenty-five or thirty bushels of corn to the acre, made 167 7 /9 bushels of shelled corn on one acre, netting him over fifty-nine dollars, after paying rent for the land and not crediting its improved value, fron1 which three crops can be made with very little expense. On land which, ten or fifteen years ago was thought to be unfit for grass, as much as six tons of hay to the acre has been n1ade, and one of our farmers on one hundred and fiftv., acres made thirtv-., five thousand dollars worth of alfalfa. To sum up. in 1900 the total Yaluc of our agricultural products was $129,000:000; in 1910 they an1ountccl to $:~:3G~000:000. In the eastern part of the 8tate where the climate is tempered by the water, trucks and srnal1 fruits of all kinds and in great variety are bountifully and profitably produced. ,v e have constructed under State control since 1907, five hun­ dred and eighty miles of permanent highways. and since 1906 have built three hundred and eight high schools. elevated our standard ~.nd increased the value of school property $3,513,000. We are using the stored energy of generations to push old Vir­ ginia forward. We revere the memories and traditions of the past, and remembering what has been done by her sons:- we are deter­ mined that our State, of history and tradition_ shall be in the front rank of moral, educational and material progress. WM. IIoDGES l\l.-\XX, Governor. XIII. What Poets Sing and Pilgrims and Shriners Say of W e_stmoreland.

We give below the tributes of those who have recently made pil­ grimages to her historic and holy shrines-some f ro1n strangers­ others from natives of her consecrated soil. ,vhen we read them we ahvays feel that there is a charn1 and halo around \Vestmore­ land, and when we tread its soil we feel that Wl· are treading upon holy ground: VISIT TO \YAKE:FIELD A.nd Other Historic Places by a Party from, Tappahannock-A Glimpse at the Various Places of Interest. Dear ]Ir. EditorJ-Not numbering you in our party as we had hoped on the excursion to \Vakefield and Stratford la.st Thursday, I think perhaps you will be glad to hear something of this very pleasant and interesting trip. Our party, which consisted of l\Iisses Dora lfason, Lewisburg, W. Va.; Beulah Gresham, Galveston:- Texas; Genevieve Gre~ham, Jeannette and Charlotte Wright, and }Irs. T. R. B. Wright, boarded the steamer Caroline at Tappahannock. At Layton's our numbers were augmented bJ l\{r. Ritchie Sale. .At Leedstown we left the steamer and took vehicles to Wakefield monument-a drive of fourteen miles, but with fine horses we made the distance in less than two hours. One feels impressed as the shaft erected by the l;nited States Government to mark the birthplace of Georg-e ,,ashington comes in sight, rising tall and white jn the green '.fields surrounding it; and I fancy even the gay young people felt the thrill of association of ideas. We were soon ali~hting:- and looking-not at the monument­ but for water. The drive had been horribly dust~r:o and our throats were parched and dry. Pope's Creek flowin~ at our feet and the bright waters of the Potomac flashing in the near distance­ veritable Tantalus cups-''Water, water:- everywhere and not a drop for me," quoted dolorously by more than one of our thirsty party. HoweYer, tea from our lunch basket washed some of the dust from our throats. The monument is a four-sided, severely plain marble shaft~ I suppose between sixty and seventy feet high, with no carving. no inscription:- simply: "The Birthplace of George Washington. 124 lVESTMORELA.ND CUVX1'Y, l"JRGIYIA.

Erected by the l~. S. Government:· It is enc:losed by a ten-foot, black, iron railing. 'l'he turf is beautifully kept. .After lunch under a tree (cherry) ~ and stroll along Pope ·s Creek, and little time spent in gathering leaves and grasses for pressing, we drove to ~Ir. John \Vilson:-s, who owns the \Vakefield property, where we were 1nost graciously received and delightfully entertained by llr. and )lrs. ,vil~on and their

% !'V --: - ~ :,; ::::: ' ,_,I.. -_, ::::: ._

"f. ;.:.: :,; -:., 3: c-:: =.. ,..... -.- :::::- --;..

l1iEST.110Rf.:L.-t"XD COCX'J' > ~ rJR(;J")."''f.4. 125


LEE IN BRONZE. Unveiling of the Lee "llf onunient in Richmond };Jay 29, 1892. There he stood in bronze, our hero, 'Neath the blue Virginian sky, Gazing o'er the ma:p.y thousands, With a calm and tranquil eye. On his war horse, proud and stately, God-like, in his kingly pose, Sat he, calmly and unshaken, As a mighty sound uprose. Hark ! that sound was like the roarings Of some fast approaching storm: Cheer on cheer came fast outpouring, Ninety thousand hearts were warn1. A.h ! it seemed the very heaven Had been rent in that wild r-0ar; That the grave, our Lee had given, To review his troops once more. \Var-scarred veterans, old and hoary, \Vept like babes, that f.orm to see ; \Vhile thev., told anew the storv., Of the deathless fa1nc of Lee: How he turned him in the hour. When by putting forth his hand. He could grasp all weal th or power, Or ambition could command. When he heard his people call him~ How he turned to share their woe:-, And through ,veary years of sorrow, Kept at ha>· their n1ig11ty foes. And he bore defeat so nobly, That some day.. the world will see, That the grandest name in story, Is the name of Robert Lee. •

There he"ll stand, in br-0nze, our leader1 'Neath the blue Virginian sky; .A.nd his fame will still grow greater, _L\s the years glide swiftly by. 12G \rESTJJORELASD COFSTr, l"JRGINIA.

On his war horse, proud and stately,. He will watch through coming tin1e, O'er the hopes that sadly perished- In his majesty sublime. -C. Co·nway Baker, of 1-V' estmoreland Co., Va., in Baltimore Sun.

II.AIL! WESTMORELAND. Oh. a fertile land and fair I~ Old ,v estmoreland~ llallowed ground and balmy air I-Ia~ Old ,v estmoreland. And the plea::;ant times I've had Are but memories sweetly glad \Vith an under-tone half sad In O Id " 7 estmoreland. There are fields of waving grain In O Id ,v estmoreland, And manv., a fern-lined lane In Old \Vestmoreland. ~.\nd the Pearly-pink wild rose In tangled beauty blows_ Where the fragrant wood-bine grows In Old ,v estmorcland. There are tinkling springs and rills In Old ,v estmoreland, .And balmy pine-clad hills In Old ,v estmoreland. There are noble water-wavs ol .A.nd golden drean1y days That fade in silvery haze, In Old Westmoreland. JTis a land where great men trod In Old Westmoreland, ~Tis a n1emorv-hallowed sod ~ In Old "~estmoreland. And the ~ent1e shade of Lee~ ~ , It always seems to me, The Patron Saint to be. Of Old ,v estmoreland. lVESTJJORELAXD COC):Tr, 1 LRGJ.VIA 121

There's a canny fireside cheer, In Old \Vestmoreland, Which nowhere doth appear But in Westmoreland. The shrine there is the home, And, I fancy, though they roam, Her sons must long to come Back to Westmoreland.

Heaven: s canopy of blue Shines on \Vestmoreland, And the guardian stars peep through At Old \V estmoreland. Oh, keep the loved ones there, Their loyal hearts from care, Is mine, an alien's prayer For Old Westmoreland. -Alys B. Ba-ines., in Times-Dispatch .


By Alys B. Baines., Charleston., W. Va.

There's a tart and winey flavor In the mornjng breeze these days, .A.nd the gold and reddening forests )lark the parting of the ways. 'Twixt the summer-time and winter, And the Harvest-time, the Fall, I seem to catch the "wander-lust'' And hear the Home-land's call.

There are tangled wild-rose hedges there, Where honev-suckles., twine. And shake their crvsta1., chalices With fragrance near divine. Their incense wafts a message To the lonely, hungry heart Which· says, ''Come back amon.2: us, And in our life take part." 128 WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA.

The zephyrs from the South Land Caress the pine-crowned knolls, And wake sweet ferny odors From deep-hid woodland holes. And freighted with the fragrance Of herb, and balm, and flowers, They breathe, "Come back among us, Cast in .,vour lot with ours::-' There's a tinkling invitation In the message o.f the bell, Saying, ''Come to Old Westmoreland, Your journey shall be well. Come hear our rustic ministers ; And loiter 'mongst the stones, That ma:rk the sacred resting place Of many a great man's bones.'' In the silence of blue distances That stretch away to sea There's a restful, peace£ ul message In their vast immensitv., . I think of our forefathers Who trod that hallowed sod, Who've long since settled up in full Their final bill with God. Where the radiant day is dying And the sun sets like a flame, There's an aftermath of stillness, Solen1n stillness, none can name. Night drops her splendid curtain, Dia.m,ond-sprinkled:- royal blue, But still I hear that ''Far Cry/' That says, "I'm calling you." Oh, is it any wonder!, That I long to go each year, To tliat fair land that lies so far, Yet to my heart, so near.

That there mav., I.,;' near Nature·s heart, In solitude sublime, Catch the whi.5pers of eternity, Acro5s the sea of Time. -Greenbrier Independent. lVESTJJORJ-.'L.:LY/J COD~, 1"1, i·1uu1.VJA 129

DAVIS. Secretary Proctor being asked ·what course the Department would pursue in regard to l\Ir. Davis' death, said: "I see no occasion for anv.., action whatever . It is brtter to let the n1atter re:sl in oblivious sleep., ·if it ·will., and relegate it t,> the past.'' Can ·~t hold in thine hand the great restless ocean! '-- \Vh en winds shriek loudest~ can'st still its commotion? Can'st grasp the fork'd lightning or bind it with chain, Can:-st thou the hoarse roar of the thunclcr re:::train? ..:\s ,n•ll n1i~·h\::t thou tn·. a~ io render the nanie '· . Of Davis. onr lwro. oblivious to fame. One heart sway~ ~1 natinn-this fair Southern land­ To honor, to reverPne{·. tl1c hrroic bancl: .T efi Davis, bn1ve .T ackson. and Hobert E. Lee, Our glorious chieftain~, fan1ed eternally. -Eleanor Griffith F'airfax~ Fl ague, Va.

L.EE TO TIIE HE.AH. Dawn of a plea~ant n10rning in ~lay Broke t hro' the \\~i Idernc:ss. cool and gray, ,vhilc. 1wn·he

Little hv.. , little did rnorning,_ reveal Two Ion~. glittPring lirw~ of ~teel ! ' ~# ' \Vhere two hundre<1 th

Down on the left of the rebel lines, Where a breastwork stands in a copse of pines, Before the rebels their ranks can form, The Yankees have carried the place by storm. Stars and stripes o'er the salient wave, Where many a hero has found a grave, And the gallant Confederates strive in vain The ground they have drenched with their blood to regain. Yet louder the thunder of battle roared- Y et a deadlier fire on their columns poured­ Slaughter, infernal, rode with Despair, Furies twain, through the smoky air. Not far off in the saddle there sat 1\ grey-bearded man with black slouch hat; Not much moved by the ,fire was he­ Calm and resolute Robert Lee. Quick and watchful, he kept his eye On two bold rebel brigades close by- Re~erves that were standing ( and dying) at ease Where the ten1pest of wrath toppled over the trees. For still with their loud, bull dog bay The Yankee batteries blazed away, And with every murderous second that sped A dozen brave fellows, alas! fell dead. The grand old beard rode to the space ,vhere Death and his victims stood face to face, And silentlv., waves his old slouch hat- A world of meaning there was in that! ''Follow me! Steady! We'll save the day! This was what he seemed to say; And to the light of his glorious eye The bold brigades thus made the reply:

Turning.___ his hrid1e ... Robert Lee Rode to the rear. Like the waves of the sea Bursting the dykes in their overflow, !1adlv his veterans da~hed on the foe: ~ . . " ' .\ \ -{1\111 ·,' t' ·>c1\ :; r \,\\ ~. : i ·Q;_~•. - . -~·~'.\· -~I f:'" ;_\ ·, 'j ' •. ' .. :, r ~ ,... ,, '


And backward in terror that foe ,vas driven, Their banners rent and their columns riven Wherever the tide of battle rolled, Over the Wilderness, wood, and wold. Sunset o~t of a crimson sky, Streamed o'er a field of a ruddier dye, And the brook ran on with a purple stain From the blood of ten thousand f oemen slain. Seasons have passed since that day and year, Again o'er the pebbles the brook runs clear, And the field in a richer green is drest Where the dead of the terrible conflict rest. Hushed is the roll of the rebel drum ; The sabres are sheathed, and the cannon are dumb; And Fate, with pitiless hand, has furled The :flag that once challenged the gaze of the world. But the fame of the Wilderness fight abides, And down into the history grandly rides, Calm and unmoved, as in battle he sat, The grey-bearded man in the black slouch hat. -John R. Thompson. XIV. Westmoreland Is a Classic Spot, and Nature Has Lavished Her Gifts.

Iler Pcop_lc Jlust Feel That 11fter All ··Jfonest Blood is Loyal Blood, and lllanhood is the Only J>atent of J.l ability." lFestmorcland and Virginia Cannot be the Grecdest Unless Thrir Jlen and lromen arc Goud and llon,-,.,;f 1Jnd the Jlen _1/anly.

This short, imperfect story, has been told and i~ now cndL)d of \Yestmorelund ns the rnost classic spot on the face of the earth; yes, a ''good land," too-··a land of wheat and barley. and vine~ and fig trees and pomegranates; a land of oliYc trees and honey; a land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness.~' \:irginia in her civilization-the old and the new-stands for the best traditions in t.he Union of the State~ of this great Republic bcc:au~~ her pa~t and present are glorious-a blessed heritage. She~ too. is -=•a land of i,ro-0ks of water. of fountains and springs. flowing forth in valley~ and hill~-a land where stones arc iron and out of who~e hill~ thou rnayest dig copper-where 'the oceans se!ld their n1ists into the mountains. and the strcan1s descend into the Yulley:::·-a land that reacheth ajar. a place of broau river~ and ~trean1:-:-rhe Paradi:-:e throu,!.dl whic-h the~c rivers flow. and the hnrve:--t fi0hl i~ rL·ady.'· But all this doe~ not after al1, dear friend:-:. 1nake· the people of \Ve~tmoreland and Yirgini:1 the greate~t. unle~s their n1en an

"'There is neither East nor ,vest- Border. nor breed,. nor birth- \Vhen two strong men stand face to face, Thong-h th<:Y come fron1 the ends of the eartl1." . •'

Jlay all of n~ he able to say forever, -~so they helped every one his neighbor and every one said to his brother, "Be .of good cour­ age.'' So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that sn10teth with thr hammer him that smote the anvil. "Bear ye one another's burdens.·~ j\t the opc.·ning of the se:.-:sion of the Confcrenc:c Dr. Edward Everett I--Iale. chaplajn

''Bless us now in to-day's service and those that are to follow, and may Thy servants return to their homes alive in that light, clad in the Holy Spirit, willing to enter into Thy work, and go about our Father's business. "Join me audibly in the Lord's Prayer. ''Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into tempta­ tion but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.,., APPENDIX.

CoPLE.-This should correctly be written Copple. The word is common in Cornwall and in the mining counties of England, and means a vessel used in refining metals. It was common three hun­ dred years ago to name taverns after instruments, as, the "~Iortar and Pestle," the "Bell," etc. But I know of no place in England so called. If there were any mines in \Vestmoreland, the title would be appropriate enough. \VESTM.OJiELAND.-'l'his county was created between the years 1648 and 1653, near a century before any of its Revolutionary men were born; so the Northern writer cannot say properly that it was so called from its having produced so many great men in Virginia. 'fhe true meaning of Moreland is "greater land,'' from the com­ parative "more,'' which is used in the sense of great by Gower, Chaucer, and even as late as Shakespeare, who says in "King John,'' Act II, 5th scene, "a more requital." But, if moreland is derived from the Celtic word "more," then moreland signifies great land, or high land; as, liaccullum }lore is the Great lfaccullum. ''Gil­ more" means the henchman of the more or great man. The name of Westmoreland was given originally without doubt to a scene of high land or a great stretch of land of some kind, and never had allusion to the men who were born or died in any place so called. HUGH BLAIR GRIGSBY.

Cople Parish derived its name from Cople in Bedfordshire, England, the residence of the Spencer family, a distinguished 1nember of which, Colonel Nicholas Spencer, resided in W estmorP land at the era of its settlement. He became Se:cretary of Vir­ ginia, and acting Governor in 1683. GEORGE WM. BEALE.

There is a Virginia of the past resplendent with the heroie achievements of a great and glorious people; there is a Virginia of the present crowned with possibilities that can surpass the splen­ dors of the proud past and make all that has gone before in her history:, but the prelude to a greater destiny. No State in this 136 WESTMORELAXD COUKTY, l?RGINIA

Union has richer or n1ore Yaried resources than ·virginia.-lnau­ gural Address of Governor Claude A. Su:anson bef-o-re the Legi.~la­ ture., Februay 1, 1906.

"Sirs, in eonclusion, while we surycy with pride ·\"ir~nia'.s ~uperb past, let us face the future with hope and confidence. Never were the ski€s of ·virginia illumined ,vith brighter prospo.~ts. section the n1arvellous Every. of State is thrilling' with a indu~trial clevelopn1cnt blessed with an a n1azi ng inc-rcasc of ,,·ca 1th. Tn ert'I"Y direction~ \~irginia is nwkin_g a rapi(l anll pernianent ~Ht\·an(·i·. The future beckons her to a higher. no1)lcr

LEEDSTO\YX. By .1.1/i-.:g .111. 1?. fl 11n_qerford ( nom dr, plume. "Shirleyn.) Although Le0c1~town of to-day occupies the sn1a11e~t aren_ and perhaps hu~ the least popn lat ion of all the villa.!!'rs of ,v estmorE>­ land ronnt_v. it can hoa~t of an intrre::5ting and hj::;tori,c past. WestmorPland has been cal1('d the '~..\then~ of Y'ir.~inia.='' Some oi the most r0nowned men of th(• rountrv have been horn within her borders. It is one of the oldest settled· counties in the State. and in colonial days it was the home of wealth and influence. the immi­ grants to the county from England comprising many of the rich and aristocratic families of the Old Country. In 1667, or thereabouts, John Washington (the grandfather 137 of the illustrious George) and others ma

of 1S12-14. a:-: following... extract fron1 an o1d letter shows: ''R(l- ceived advices from Frederid.;:~hur!! saYing-. 'At thi~ time. there i;-; l .. 4 , not a corn purchaser in town-p..1cke1ts nre expccte1c1 frorn Europe shortly whi-ch would decide the probable pric-~ of grain. when ~hip­ ment would hP 1na<1e and of course. purc·lrn~ciri:= "·ouIJ then be in the n1arket. · ·· Leec1stown was lajd out on the ~nme clay a;-; Phila

Creek was called the ''Central Parish Church.," we may suppose that it was so called because it was equi-distant between Leedstown and Church P.oint, on the Potomac. The outline of a brick foun­ dation at the latter place may still be traced., though now under water. Those who drove to the chureh at Leedstown in carriages or gigs, or who rode on horseback, we.re followed by their servants earrying their Prayer Book ( of which I have a copy) measuring 18x10 inches, at least two inches thick, and containing the service of the Episcopal Church for all occasions, and the Book of Psalms. \Ve have no record of the rector or rectors, though it is not im­ vrobable '·Parson Campbell'' ofliciated here al:3o. The follo,ving names are given as mc1nber~ of the vestry af iL)r 1780: Francis Thornton, Lawrence ,vashington, ,John Washington, Robert Washington, Thomas Pratt, John T. Washington, Samuel Washington, Henry T. Washington.

There is no trace of the church above ground, but by digging a foot or two below the surface, portions of the brick foundation may be found. \Vhen true structure became a mass of ruins, twenty.Jfi.ve flag-stones, 16x16 inches were removed from the floor of the vestibule, and are now guarding the entrance to one of the hospitable homes on the "Ridge''. It is rumored arrangements are being made to have t!iem incorporated in the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul at 1\1:t. ·st. Albans, Washington, .D. C. ".As Boston was the Northern, so Leedstown was the Southern Cradle of American Independence," "for ten years previous to the Declaration of Independence Thomas L. Lee, of Stafford, re­ quested his brother, R. H. Lee, of Chantilly/' to meet him, and a number of others, at Leedstown~ to a conference to protest against the Stamp Act. One hundred and fifteen fearless men subs-cribed to a paper which said: "\Ve bind ourselves to each other, to God, and to our country by the firmest ties that religion and virtue can frame, most sacredly and punctually to stand by and, with our lives, and our fortunes, to support:- maintain and defend each other jn the observance and execution of several articles,'' among which in part is this: ''At every hazard, and paying no regard to danger or to death, we will exert every faculty to prevent the execution of said Stamp Act in any instance whatsoever in this Colony." This meeting took place on the 27th of February, 1766, and was one of the first public meetings, in behalf of American rights, as en­ dangered by the famous Stamp Act, within the thirteen ancient Colonies, and the agreement and protest which were then adopted, WESTMORELA.N_D COUN'l.'Y, VIRGINIA 139 clearly set forth the great issue involved in the dispute with the "Mother Country.'' ''This issue was never afterwards more plainly or boldly de­ clared than in this instrument." ''This action, taken ten years before the Revolution began, seems to have been a signal gun of warning and preparation whose clear, reverberating echoes heralded the Declaration of Independ­ ence and was a prelude to ~11 the patriotic guns from Lexington to Yorktown." rrhe colonists living at Leedstown and vicinity rallied to a man to fight the invading foe; many of those who were children when the war began were from sixteen to twenty before it closed. I know of two instances where youths entered at sixteen-one be­ came a lieutenant and the other a captain at twenty. One was wounded at Morris' Heights, ten miles above New York City, but returned safely and lived at Leedstown until May, 1803; the other marC'hed from Leedstown to the "Siege of York"; was present at the surrender:- after which he and his command were formally discharged and returned to their respective homes at Leedstown. He immediately raised a company of grenadiers, which was at­ tached to the \Vestmoreland militia. This brave man took an active part in the \Var of 1812-14; represented his county several sessions in the Virginia Legislature, after which he was a member of Congress until 1817. ,, =- After the War of the Revolution and the War of 1812-14 wuh Great Britain were over, many of those who went from Leedstown and were fortunate enough to return to their homes, enlarged their borders by extending their estates up to, and in many cases, over the "Ridge'' towards the Potomac River, as extract from a letter written January 15, 1837, will show: "Having been unusu­ ally late in securing my crop of corn this winter, my whole time, when able to ride, has been devoted to that bu£:iness; one day on the Rappahannock 'flats,' and the next on the Potoma-c." Others came in and bought houses (many of which were becoming dilapi­ dated) and lands along the banks of the Rappahannock, about Leedstown, razing the houses and extending- their fields towards the river, until there is little more than a roadway and a few small dwellings above high water mark. It is hard to believe the quiet little village was ever the ren­ dezvous for huntsmen, with their packs of hounds~ and others who engaged in games, bets, etc., etc. I copy the following found in an old book, dated 1749: "At Leedstown in ·v·irginia on Wednesday 17th day of Sep- 140 lVES1'JIOREL.-cr D ('0/"XT}', VIRGIN /.4. tembcr, a race to be run for a pur~e of £;1.j_ and on the 18th, a plate for one of a £100 Yalne.~· '"Leedsto,vn. April 3n11~;20. ]c-ick·~ 18 in. long. :=:outh :-:ide of the hons<: at 12 o'.elock and snow three inches deep on tliP '-"ren­ iug of the 2nd.H 8igncJ by four pro1ninent 111en. :Extract from a lett(•r written fro1n Lcc(htown in )Iarc-h. l~l:_i: "Drove to vour fnrn1 YL·stL•rda\· fonnd tlw sern1nt~ wel}-the <:rops well hou;ed-but ,11;1 sorry· to inform you t:!3t the woli-es are playing havoc with your shcL•p... . Also the follo,Ying on a n1ore exei ting· subject: •· ·Pinc' Farin.' near Let'(btown. FelJruary ~ l~t, lt,l-L \Ye arL.: hourly cxpec-ting to hear that our /riends ( ?) the British. are in the rin.~r. \Ye calenlate on wanu work ,rhen warrn weather set:5- in. I hope. n1ect then1 when we rnay., that our anns 1na_v he reno­ vated and our hearts ~tcelecl-to give thern 'Old V'irginia Play."·· In ad

-:a}·,.__ ~ . '~\re lwd on thl' fourth quill• a g.da day .it o!tl Ll't'd:-:. Tliv l)l·c·laration or lndept•1Hle11c·t' ,ra:-: read by .J. Tayio~• \Y:1~hi11_~Ton :1nd a very appropriate oration wa~ Jc!iYered hy ~Iajor 1-Irnry T. Garnett. 'rh1_• rt>a:-::t wa~ given ii_Y tlw 'Hiftr Blue:-:~· Tho~. narnert captain . •J no. \Y. 1-l u n~c•rf or and FrPd­ crick~burg. for 1norc• than ~en~nh·-fiye. .Year~. The fi r~t 10 niake the trip wa~ the Jlar.11 1rashinglo11. a vt•ry <:on1for.table boat in lwr tirne. ln1t nothing- to c0111pare in ~izc and appointment:-: tn tho:-:(• of the \Yel•m~ Line of to-day. The Cambridf/l',. later on the line. wa:-­ burneJ to the. water·~ ed&re below Tappahannoc.-k. \f i th t 1w stca1n­ <.'r~ to Baltin1ore and to Frederirksburg- and a c1 i rect 1inc to Rich- 1nonc·rs are interred ~ ~ within. From ha ring been the po:-c:~e:-::-=or:-- or broad ,H:re:::; i'or 111 i h,~ arouud ihi:-= hi:,tori<.; ~poL ~-uod':, .\~n,·· alonv i:-; their:-:. The in­ ~cri µt ion~ on two of the ~labs are

1 •• .rl"'\\"Il·'Ol!I)_.••• ·1/ f,1/1•· •'1 .).,.-f/1 l"'·,._n,),-,.-.:.! ~-1 nercl'ive the Sub. Treasun· Bill :--till linger~ in the ~enatc ~ ~ . ftnd I ~incerely hope that there it niny lin~t>r until it falls to rise no rnore. I wi~h its annihilation to lw perft•(·t and complete frotn the hotton1 of nn· soul. f ,ri:-:11 it fir~t. for ihe good of mY ., ' - . -eountry. an

"If by the rash experiment sought to be made on the settled policy of the country, a change in rulers -shall take place, Mr. Clay no doubt will be at the head. Then look for high tariffs, in­ ternal improvements without limit, the resurrection of the odious U. S. Bank and last, though not least, the triumph of the abolitio11- ists; and lastly, in the back ground, I behold a dark-a growing !:hadow stalking abroad-anon, assuming the form and shape of substance-and advocating a policy in regard to abolition which can only be dispelled by opposing battlements and bristling bayo­ nets-"The shrill trumpet and the cannons roar'' and "all the cir­ cumstanee of glorious war"-State against State~ brother against brother. ..:-\II this and more me thinks I see in the far distance. May heaven deign to avert such a -calamity fro1n our beloved Coun­ try ! I know you differ with me, and I regret it much, but time, the discloser of the wisdom or folly of human actions, will test the correctness of our judgments." Your affectionate brother, J. \V. H.

THE FIRST MENTION OF WESTl10RELAND IN ITS HISTORY. It is ordered by this present Grand Assembly that the bounds of the County of Westmoreland be as followeth ( vizt) ffrom ~fa­ choactoke river where }Ir. Cole lives; And so vpwards to the ffalls of the great river of Pawtomake above the Necostins towne.­ (Rand. }IS.) llenning's Statutes at Large, Vol. I., p. 381. July, 1653, 4th of the Commonwealth. Note by same: This is the .first time the County of Westmore­ land has been mentioned.

WHO ,v.As GOVERXOR AT THAT Tr:ME. Sir William Berkley~ after that. continued Governor till the spring of 1652, and then Richard Bennett, Esq., was GoYernor. Richard Bennett continued till 1655, and then Edward Digges. Esq., was made Governor.-Idem, p. 5.

WHAT THACKERAY SAID OF WASHINGTON. In The Virginians, by Thae;keray, the narrative and plot of the preparations for blood and the duel between the Warrington twin brothers and George ,v ashington, a supposed lover of Lady Rachel Warrington of Castlewood, their mother and a step father WESTMORELAND COuNTY, V lltGINIA. 143 in prospect, which duel was averted, is thrilling. And the tribute and apostrophe to Washington is one of the most brilliant pas­ sages ever paid him by any author: ''It was strange that in a savage forest of Pennsylvania, a young Virginian officer should fire a shot, and waken up a war which was to last for sixty years; which was to cover his own country, and pass into Europe, to cost France her American colo­ nies, t-0 sever ours from us, and -create the great Western republic ; to wage over the old world when extinguished in the new; and, of all the myriads engaged in the vast contest to leave the pri2.e of the greatest fame with him who struck the first blow."

From New York Sun, August 31, 1911:

THE PROSPEROUS SOUTH. Its Remarkable Industrial and Agricultural Development. To the Editor of The Sun: Sir,-Though much has been published about the material de­ velopment of the Southern States, there are yet many who do noi fully understand how great has been the industrial and agricul­ tural progress of that section in the last ten years. At the present time the sixteen Southern States, lfissouri and Oklahoma included, have $3,000,000,000 capital invested in manu­ facturin?, compared with a total of $2,790,000,000 for the entire country in 1880. The value of the agricultural output of these States was last year $2.975,000,000, against a total value of the farm -crops of the United States of $2,460,000,000 in 1890. In 1900 the total value of the farm property in these States was $3,233,000,000, whereas the census figures recently issued show that in 1909 the value of farm property in these States was $7,293,000.000, a gain of over $-!,000,000,000 in that decade. This is four times as great as the aggregate national banking capi­ tal of the United States. These fi;~res indic-ate something of the marvelous ·change which has come about in the agricultural interests of the South. ~ This gain of $-!,000,0G0.000 or 125 per cent., showed an increase in the rate of agricultural wealth seven times as great as the rate of increase in population. To a considerable extent this wonderful change is due to the higher prices of cotton in the la:::t ten years. but this is not by any means the only reason. Notwithstanding the better prices of cot- 1-1:-:1: ton of late years, Saµthern farmers are giving more and more at­ tention to diversified agriculture, and in this respect are return­ ing to the system that prevailed before 1860, when the production of grain and live stock was relatively far greater in proportion to population than it is to-day even after all the advance of the last ten years. The cotton crop of 1898-99 of 11~2~ -1::-000 bales was worth, seeJ. included. about $3:30,000:'000. rrhe crop of 1909-10 of about 11,500:-000- bales was worth to Southern far1ncrs $~G3,000:-000. The difference strikingly illu~trates the i1n portancc to the South n r ~oocl prices for cot ton a:-; co1nparc<1 with the sb.1 n·a ti nn ligu n•s ,,f the low price perioJ front 18~)2 to l~JOl. The Southern farmer is no longer l:On1pellec.l to concentrate on cotton growing; he finds in din:rsifiecl a_!.!Ticulturl', d11e to ·tlh· developn1<:nt in part of the ho1ne 1narket thrlHtgh the growth of 111.inufacturing interests and c:ities and i.o the enormou~ incrca.3c in the de1nand from tlw Xorih and \Yest for ear!v. rruits and n:~t•-. tables. su-ch profitable opportunitie~ that it n1ay 5al'dy lw ~aid this section will not for niany ye.1rs. if ever, except pcrhap~ in an occa­ sional year of unu5ually favorable crop condition=', intrl'a~c it:-: pro­ duction of cotton to 5uch an extent as to injnrL\ it~ agricultural prosperity by bringing an era of lo\\. price5. Indicative of the increasing- prosperity of the fnrnH:r~ of tlH\ South during this ten year period wa~ the ach·anec in the value of fann bnildin~·s' fron1 ~883.000.000 to $1.G:~?.000.000.. . . a '-gain of nearIv $S00.000.000. •' Xotwith~tanding the great increase in the Yalne of the South'.:; agricu!tnral ontpu( ihe ;.levelopment of it~ indu~tri ..11 an Cnited State~ ori.ginatr·

A WREATH ON LEE's MONUMENT. A splendid and graceful tribute was paid yesterday to genius and virtue as embodied in the greatest of all Virginians, when the famed Fifth R-egiment, of ~Iaryland, formed about the statue of Lee and presented arms, while its -colonel, with head uncovered, laid a wreath at the base of the monument. Virginia has manv titles to glory; but one of the most endur­ ing will be the fact that she gave birth to this illustrious soldier whose genius and courage combined with his lofty character as a 1nan to make him the verv., fruit and flower of his race . His fame grows greater as the years pa$S by, and will not be dirnn1ed by the centuries to come. Throughout future ages brave men and strong men and great men will continue to pay tributes of respect to this man who was brave, strong and great.-Edmund Pendleton, Editor, in N ew:s­ Leader, October 13, 1911.

WOMAN-THEN AND No--w. Then.-N ot so much on the field of battle were the victories of the Revolution, but rather at the fireside where the mother trained her sons for deeds of valor and patriotism. It has been said of the work of the women aiding the Conti­ nental Army: "The women of l'.lassachusetts have made us a nation of -coffee drinkers because they would not. serve English tea to .....\merican soldiers." This was the origin of that distinctive class of ''Tea party'' in our Yernacular dialect. N ow.-In the great work -0f reconciliation and peace betweP11 the sections; in the union of the Blue and Gray in perpetuation of the era of good feeling and fellowship in the great work of general amnesty to rehabilitate a common -country under a common flag and a common destiny, recently it has been the custom of the Camps and Army Posts of Northern veterans to invite the South­ ern Camps and Confederate Associations North to the banq_uet table of a common hospitality and God-given patriotism. Recently one of these reunions took place at the N-orth. and a sour. censoriou8, bitter old New England spinster became offended and inflamed, and sent in a vicious protest to the chairman of the Committee of Invitation-who was Commander of the Camp­ against this mixing up and meeting of Southern veterans. The Commander read it. and was stung and stirred by the tone and

ll'£'S1'JJOREL~i-XD COCX1'Y, l"I RGI'Sl.:1 147 language used. He turned to his wife and said: ''\Vife, how shall I answer this?" The wife replied: "Husband, I reclcon you know how to rep__ly to it.'' So the next morning the Commander sent this reply: "Dear l\'Iiss, there are Confederate soldiers in Heaven. If you do not wish to meet them and to avoid them go to hell.'' These last words are not profane, and if the most fastidious think so, it can be truly said it is the least profane way in whi-ch they were ever used, and -0h ! the genuine satisfaction in uttering them. The true New England woman-gentlewoman-does not feel like this old bitter spinster. Whether I arn in a banquet hall or at a Confederate Reunion, I never forget the won1en. and I never fail to refer to the artless little Alabama girl. It is a part of my religion to do so. The artless little Alabama girl who was guiding General Forrest along a dangerous path, when the enemy fired a volley upon him, and who instinctively spread her skirts and cried: "Get behind me!" had a spirit as high as that which filled the boson1 of Joan of Arc -0r Charlotte Corday. God ble5s her-the queen of a Southern home. Major Daniel:- in his oration on General Lee said: "Amongst the quiet, nan1eless workers of the world-in the stubble field and by the forge, bending over a sick child:-s bed or smoothing an out­ casf's pillow·, is many a hero and heroine truer, nobler than those o,er whose brows han_2' plumes and laurels." "A.t the bottom of all true heroism is unselifishness. Its crown­ ing expression is sacrifice. The world is suspicious of vaunted heroes. They are so easily manufactured. So many feet are cut and trimmed to fit Cinderilla's slippers that we hesitate long be­ fore we hail the Princess. But when the true hero has come, and we know thrat here he is, in verity, .Ah! how the hearts of men leap forth to greet him-how w-0rshipfully we welcome God's noblest work-the strong. honest, fearless, upright man." Such was R. E. Lee. It is told that a banquet wa.s given in Tidewater Virginia to President Tyler, one of the most eloquent after-dinner speakers that the world has :known. The President responded in a brilliant way-thrilling, but as the time came for the last impromptu toast, old Dr. Shultice from the south side of the Rappahann-0ck, State Senator, arose and asked to offer the toast: "To the women-God bless them, we can n-0t get along with them, and we can not get along without them.'' It captured the assembly as the sprightliest gem of the evenin~. Now the conclusion of the whole matter, told in plain, rugged Anglo-Saxon, IS:- that we are left to but one 148 WESTMORELAND (Xf[JNTY, VIRGINIA. alternative after all, and that one alternative is that we -can not get along without them. If it was not for woman we would have no country to protect us, no church to comfort and save us, and no home to shelter us. We w-0uld have nothing and be lost. God bless the women of Virginia and the women of Westmore­ land.


SOME \VILL RIVAL THEIR .ANCIE~T COLO~l.A.L GRA.NDEUR. All of us must believe that the progressive men of to-day, rep­ resentative of the progress and development of the age in which we live-men the acknowledged leaders of life and thought of to­ day-are in truth the founders, makers, and builders of our great Republic along all lines of human endeavor in the social, indus­ trial, commercial, and agricultural development of our Comrnon­ v.ealth. ,v e welcome those who come am.angst us with their energy and capital to v.... irginia. \Ve welcome them to Westmoreland. \V c till rejoice to see them buy and build up the old historic places of Westmoreland so they may rival the ancient grandeur of these colonial homes of colonial days. I wish I had space to refer to all the old colonial homes of Westmoreland with traditions and men1ories, and to the noble race of gentle folks who owned them. I feel like I am guilty of sacrilege to leave any unnoticed:- but I can only refer to those that have passed into new hands, and to new comers, who ha,·e brought their wealth, energy. culture and social refinement with them to live amongst us. The f o1lowing is intended distinctly f.or the class of new comers and the homes they have purchased: Hon. John R. Dos Passos, a distinguished and brilliant mem­ ber of the New York Bar, bought ''Sandy Point," the colonial plantation and hon1e of Colonel George Eskridge, guardian of l\Iary Ba1L the m,other of Washington; more recently the home of the late Colonel Gordon F. Forbes. He bought also ''Hominy Hall,'' the birthplace of Hon. Richard Henry Lee's .first wife. Here, about the middle of the last century, lived Colonel James Steptoe, whose eldest daughter, by his first marriage, became the wife of Philip LudweU I~ee, pf Stratford, and mother of his daughters-}Iatilda and Flora-the noted belles of that famous home of the era of the Revolution; also "Water View," home of the Temple family of the last century, and the birthplace of Hon. John Critcher, who made lVESTMORELA.ND COUNTY, VIRGINIA 149 himself famous in his debate with Hon. George F. Hoar, of 11as­ sachusetts, in the Congress of the United States when the latter charged the depravity of the Southern slave holder; also "Pecka­ tone,'' the early home of the Corbins, Turbervilles, Taliaferros, Browns, and lviurphys; also "Bonums'' and "Springfield," the latter formerly the home of General r\.lexander Parker, a bra'\'e Revolutionary soldier and important ally of General Wayne in his Indian campaign. Under th~ shores of this estate the naval con1- bat took place in 1813, in which ~Iidshipman Sigourney. of Bostori~ nf ass .. lost his life while brave1y defending his Yesscl, the u nitcd States schooner Asp, against the British. A slab in the Bailey burial ground, near I(insalc, marks his grave and commemorates this event. .All these colonial ho1nes were once owned by people c,f a noble race. The$e lands of lfr. Dos Passos now amount to between 5,000 and 10,000 acres, covering a water front of some twelve n1iles on the majestic Potomac. He has not only made large investments in the purchases of these estates~ but has beautified the same by roadways, buildings, and cultivation. His investment has added n large contribution to labor, taxes, and material wealth. and has increased the volume of the same in \Vestmoreland. They are verv., valuable . Robert B. Cason, Esq., a progressive citjzen of Cle,·eland~ Ohio. l1as bought "Bushfield." home of .T ohn A. Washington. brother of '-- , ' - ~ General Washjngton. It is the birthplace of Judge Bushrod Wash- ington~ Assocjate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He is now building jn colonial style, and addin~ the old colonial pillars so stately and majestic. It is said that he i$ much interested in the oyster industry. too. ~lore recently he has pur­ chased ''Beale's Wharf" and the "'Valnut Farm'' and "Wood Yard,'' in all, making him the owner of much of the most valuable pro­ perty on N omini River. C. Boyd, Esq., or St. Louis, }Io.. another progressive citizen, has bought "Wilton," built before the Revolution and still beau­ tiful and in thoroug-h repair, once illuminated with charm and lavish hospitality by· Dr. Wat H. Tyler~ then James D ..Arnest, and lastly by the late Georg-e F. Brown:- and more recently by }!rs. Brown, hfa wife. 1\frs. Brown has bought "Spring Grove." the old l{urphy home. near Mt. Holly, and will reside there. A. contem­ porary says: "l\i!r. Boyd is a retired business man, and brinrrs ·with him a family whose refinement and culture make them a di~tinct acquisition to {)Ur community.'' Tra Cortri~l1t Wetherill. Esq., of Philadelphia. has hought the 150 V.-"BSTJJOREI.d.SD COUNTY, VIRGINIA.

"Old Glebe." He belongs to a wealthy and prominent family, and resides there. He has spent thousands in rehabilitating the house and surroundings, and has made it a beautiful and attractive home. On the shore of the Lower ::\Iachodoc Creek is the '.;Glebe,'' long the residence of the rectors of Cople Parish during the colonial period. Here lived the Roses, Smiths, and Elliotts in this com­ fortable brick n1ansion in fine and appropriate keeping with the hon1es of the wealthy parishioners of the cornn1unity. Of these rectors the Rev. Thomas Sn1ith comes d-0wn to us in history as a remarkable man of those days-a man of great force of character:­ ctnd an ardent and n1ost pronounced patriot. I-Ie presided on!r the rn~ting as l\Ioderator at \Vestmoreland Courthouse, 22nd ,lune, 17'7-1; also .over the meeting of the \Vestmoreland Committee of Safety, l\Iay 23, 1775, at the same place, when the rfiery resolu­ tions, already published in this pamphlet, were passed. Surely he was not one of the King's anointed, and no Tory. Dr. John .A.ugustine Smith. while his father was ree;tor of \...; . N 01nini and Y eocomico Churches, was born here. Dr. Smith 1narried Lettice, daughter of "Squire" Lee of ''Lee Ilall,'' and be­ ca1ne President of \Villiam and ~Iary Colleg-e in 1815, and subse­ quently professor in the University of New York. Here, too. was the home of that prominent fa1nily of Chandler, whose members in l\Iaryland:- Virginia, A.labama~ and Texas, point with pride to the traditions and happy memories .of the old home. HO'w we wish we had space to give graphic sketches and remi­ niscence~ of these homesteads and historic homes and famous fam­ ilies of \Ve5tmoreland. The truth is that we have not the space. \Ve would like to dwell on "Cabin Point" now .owned bv \V. II. Calhoun. late of South Carolina, n1ore recenth· a broker in New York-a cnltnred and refined fan1ily-once the property of the iate Colonel H.obert J. \Vashington, ex-State Senator fro1n ,vest­ moreland. a bright and strong n1an. Sweet n1emories cluster around . ~ his name. It wa~ once the residence. too~ of Rig-ht Rev. John B. Newton. Bi~hop Coadjutor of the Dioces.e of V'irginia. He em­ bellishecL as peer of any, the line of the noble ·Bishops of Virginia. \Ve would ]ike to speak of "King Copsico, ~, once the property of the Bernard family, valuable for and rich in a~ricultural pro­ ducts; also the residence of Major .A.lbert G. Dade. the efficient commissariat of General W. H. F. Lee's cavalry division-an open home .. kind, hospitable and the prince of caterers in turtle soup. Next comes Coles Point-now owned bv Hon. William JlaYo- ~ . home of Richard Cole, one of the earliest settlers in Westmoreland. who obtained his patent near the mouth of llachodoc Creek in WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA. 151

1650. Once the residence of the estimable Bowie familv, a son of whom, Edwin Bowie, still lives in the vicinity-a ga.,llant Con­ federate soldier, a man of grari..ite character.:- and fine type of citi­ zen. Next comes Fauntleroys (properly it belongs to N orthumber­ land), now owned by A. ltL Byers, president Farmer's Bank, A.ledo, Illinois; a fine estate lately owned by the late Rev. W. W. Walker, the silver-tongued orator of Virginia; formerly the home of George Fairfax Lee, who represented the eld€st line .of the dis­ tinguished family, having been the son of Geor~e F. Lee, Burgess of \Vestm-oreland. George F. Lee was son of Hannah, daughter of \Villiam Fairfax~ and sister to l\1rs. Lawrence Washington, the first matron of lVIount ·v ern.on. One more must be mentioned-probably the tfinest in colonial days in all this section. It is N omony Hall, the home of Coun­ cillor Carter. The colonial buildings were destr.oyed by fire more 1han a half century ago. A modern building stands near the spot of the old mansion. rrhe stately poplars are still there, lining the avenue for two centuries. It is the historic home of Thomas M. .l\.rnest, Esq., a progressive, strenuous, successful, up-to-date farmer, and son of Westmoreland county-a man of great en­ deavor, who farms and manages intelligently, and husbands well his resources. He is one of the builders of his country, and leader of life and thought of to-day a.Long agricultural and commercial development of his community and State. ~fay the prophecy of our venerable Bishop l\f eade be speedily fulfilled. I believe it will be. , ''Airfield/' once the home of l\'Ir. Ballantine. the old Scotch merchant, and more recently of the late George \V. l\lurphy, de­ S(lrves mention~ and is full of historic interest. Also "Lee Hall," the home of "Squire'' Henry Lee, now owned by Dr. Walter N.

Chinn.~ and "Chantillv.''... ,,, the home of Richard Henrv.,, Lee ,,,,.. and ''Stratford,'' the birth place of General Robert Edward Lee. As 1o the last three, their history and owners~ let the reader consult the fine and complete volume, "Lee of Virginia,~, by Edmund Jen­ ning-s Lee, lL D ... an accomplished writer, now of Phfladelphia. a member of the Historical Societies of Pennsvlvania and Virginia.. who has illuminated the Lee family and W ;stmoreland. "Strat~ ford" is now· the home of Dr. R. H. Stuart, the popular Treasurer of Westmoreland county and President of the Bank of Montross. who alwavs extends a cordial welcome to visitors and shrine seekers. In upper"' \Vestmoreland is "Chatham/' where the old Courthouse stood. '"The Cottage/' the old home of the :l\Iaryes. "Claymont'" ·- , . .. 152 WEST.MORELAND COU-STl~, 1-*IR(}IXI.4.

(Judge George ,r. Lewis). "Campbellton" (nlr. Lawrence \Va~lt­ ington, Sr.~ and 111ore recently Colonel R. J. \Vashington). ...;Aud­ iey•: (Judge John Critcher), now owned by Charles ln:5CO \Vil­ liams, an accomplished artist. "Paynes Point" ( the Bartons) . •:Exeter'' (Dr. F. D. Wheelwright). "Walnut Hill" (Charles C. Jett). "Cedar Hill" (John T. Mastin). "Bunker Hill," "Mont­ rose,'' and "Riverside'' ( the Taylors). ''Blenheim" ( Philip Contee Hungerford). "New Blenheim'' (Lawrence Washington, Jr.). ''Wakefield,'' the birthplace of Washington (John E. Wilson). The birthplace of President l\fonroc overlooks )fonroe Creek. and the Potornac HiYcr. On this site no hou~<' now ~tand~. an1l is marked onlv bv one s()litarv tree. There i:,; another nlscen

arms at Gettysburg..I and the fame of the great• drama~.,. there is a .J ... _ thrill of S€ntiment and pride that the birthplace of the immortal Hobert Edward Lee is also the home of the first Pickett as well as l\.farshall. "Roxbury" (Dabney Carr ,virt). now F. W. Alexander. attorney-at-law and editor of the lVestmoreland Enquirer and Colonial Bea-ch Record. ''Ingleside" ( formerly Washington Acad­ e1ny) (CoJonel Henry T. Garnett). now the home of John A. Fl(lmer. an accomplished citizen, recentlv in lT. S. Survev and Government emplov in Alaska. · ~ "Twiford" (Colonel John W. Hun!!erford). now the home of . , David H. Griffith, a model and l)rogressiYr farmer and citizen; an efficient member of the Board of Supervi~ors~ and president of the Potomac and Ral)l)ahannock Telephone Company. "Wirlland" (Dr. William Wirt), now WiHiam D. Wirt, grand­ son of William Wirt. Attorney-General United States. A beautiful and ideal home. with a charm of the ma~ter and mi~tre~s who pre­ .:;ide. and one of the finest home schools for ~rls in the countrv. All these, and others, I wish I could mention, have made West­ moreland famous for hospitality, culture, and social charm~. WESTMOREf;AND COUNT}', VJRGINIA. 153

John L. Beale (whose nom de plume is "Seldom''), in the News; Dr. George C. Mann, the Montross corre­ spondent of the same paper; Eon. Thomas Brown ( whose nom de plume is "Cople''), in the Westmoreland Enquirer and Colonial Beach Record; J. C. Ninde, local editor of the same paper, F. W. Alexander, its editor; and Charles Insco Williams, secretary "West­ moreland Historical Association,'' "Aud1ey,'' Oak Grove, \Vest­ moreland county, Va., lately incorporated, can better write these up with interest and a charm. The trenchant pen of Dr. George Wm. Beale is always interesting. We welcome all who will come among us to restore and rehabili­ tate these old homes and help make then1 rival their ancient grandeur. I. The roses nowhere bloom so white As in Virginia; The sunshine nowhere shines so bright As in Virginia. The birds nowhere sing quite so sweet, And nowhere hearts so lightly beat, For heaven and earth both seem to meet Down in Virginia.

II. The days are nowhere quite so long As in Virginia; Nor quite so filled with happy song~ As in Virginia. And when my time has come to die, Just take me back and let me lie Close where the James goes rolling by, Down in Virginia.

III. There i:; nowhere a land so fair, As in Virginia; So full of sonQ"; so free of care, As in Virginia. Anct I believe that Happy Land The Lord's prepared for mortal man, Is built exactly on the plan Of Old Virginia.


A. Arnest, Thomas ll., 151. Airfield, 151. ••Athens (The) of Virginia./' 9, 119. Audley, 152, 153. Atwill, Mrs. H. B., Sec'y, 10. Atwill, Misses, 10. B . .Andrews, E. .lf ., artist, IL .American Eagle, 13. Burnett, Richarll, 142 . Atwill, Samuel ]francis, at New Ball, Mary, 112, 148. }.larket, 13, 109, 115. Berkley, Sir William, 142. Alamance ( North Carolina), 15. B1·owns, 149. American Revolution, 15, 60. Bonums, 149 .. America, 17. Bailey, 149. Adams, President, 23, 31, 55, 56. Beales, 149. American Colonization Society, 26, Bovd, C.. 149. 9_,, .. 9.. 8 , ...' 1 . Brown, Goo. F., 149. Aeneas, 38. Brown, Mrs. Geo. F., 149. Anchises, 38. Beale's Wharf, 149. Achilles, 38, 67, '12. Bernard. 150. Alexanaer, F. \V., 43. 152. 153. Bowie, Edwin, 151. Ashton, John, 46, 51. · Byers, A. M., 151. American Archives. 50. 51. 52. 54. Ballantine, Mr., 151. Ashton, Burdette, 51. - · · Bartons, 152. Ash ton, John, Jr., 51. Bunker's Hill, 152. Adams, John, 55, 56. Blenheim, 152. Adams, Samuel, 55, 91. Blenheim. New, 152. A.sp. U. S'. Schooner, 90, 149. Beale. Jobn L .• 153. Archer, 57. Brown, Hon. Thos., 153. Arthur, King, 57. Bassett, Geo. W. ( owner of Wash­ Aristides, 63. ington's Bible). 9. Athens, Golden Age of, 60. "Beale, Rev. Dr. G. W., 10, 14, 35; Age (Th~) of Bronze, 64. (address), 18, 101, 112, 114, 115. Anti-Slavery Society of Quakers, 64. 135, 153. Annals of Augusta County, 66. Bonebrake. 1tfrs. John S., II. Augusta County, 66. Bryan, Joseph. 12. Augusta West, 66. Baker, Miss Lizzie, 13. Alfred the Great, 7 4. tlaker, Hon. C. Conway, 10, 14, l S. Antoninus. Marcus Aurelius, 78. 125. Adams, Col. Chas. Francis, Presi- Baxter.. John S .. 14. dent Historical Society of Massa­ BrPnt. Prof. Frank P., 17, 18 (His­ chusetts (Address on General tori<>al Address). Lee), 75. Briti~h Amerim, 18, 32. Athenians. 78. Baltimore Bun (editorial), 19, 20. A.. lezq.ndria Gazette. 87. 125. Ar~le, 114. · Board of Supervisors, 10, 14. 16. Alfalfa. IS. 101. 103. 152. Atlantic City of Washington, 118. Bushfield. the Birthplace of ,Judge A rc-adia of AmeriC'3., 119. · Bushrod Washin~on, 20, 149. Athens of America., 119. Binney. Jnd!!e. 20. 24. Appendix, 135. Rushrod, Col. John, 21, 112. Arnest. ,James D .. 149. , Rlackburn. Col. Thomas. 22 . .-\lahama f;irl. 147. Blackburn. ~fiss Anne. 22. 11

Brougham, Lord ( 61, Tribute to Blair, Francis Preston, 81. \Vashington, 14, 32, 61, 62, 106, Blakey, Judge, 87. 107, 112, 114. Blaine, James G., 89. Brent, Captain, 40. Bailey, :Miss .Fannie, 89 . .uacon's Rebellion, 40. Braddock, 90. British Parliament, 11, 19, 41, 109. Btand, Col. Theodorick, 93. Bray's Church, 42. .Bernard, Governor, 9u. Beale, Gen. R. L. T., 11, 36, 114. ! Boyden, :Miss, 124. Bacon, ~athaniel, 15. Hayne, l\fr., 124. Boston Harbor, 15, 18, 42, 49, 57, Bedfordshire, 135. 112, 138. Bennett, Richard, Governor, 142. Boston Athenaeum, 16. Bryce. Hon. Jame~, Hr2. Hoston Tea Party, 20. Birmingham Xe1rs. 105. Brown, DaYi1agge, .John, 4G. Bank of l\Iontross, l 08, 151. Booth. \Villiam, 46. Brady, l\Irs. Joseph, 112. Ba Han tine, John, Jr., 46. Burgesses of \Vestmorcland. 112. Buckner. Richard, 46, 51. Brown, Goveror Thomas, 114. .t:Sro<·kcnbrough, Judge William, 46. Bakers, l 15. 113. Beale, Judge Robert, 115. Blackw£>ll, John, 46. Beale, Rev. Dr. Frank B .. 115, 135. Bronaugh, \Villiam, 46. Baines, Alys B., 127, 128. Berryman. John. 46. Ba 11, Mary, 112. Rroone, .T ohn. 46. Brent. \V., 46. C. Ball. \Villiam, 46. Barnes, Thomas, 46. C'hantillv. residence of Richard Blackwell, Joseph. 46. Henrv"' Lee. 9, 33, 41. 88, 151. Beale, John, Jr., 46. Crutchfield. ~Ir~. Lee, 10. Beale. \Vill. Jr., 46. Critcher, Judge John, 12, 36, 87; Beale, Charles. 46. ( Address in Congress) , 88, 89, Beckwith. Jona .. 46. 115. 148, 152. Belfic>ld. ~Tohn, 46. Colonial Heroes Honored, 17. Banks, James, 4 7. Critcher, ·M:iss Catherine Carter, 12, Bancroft (historian), 47. 87. Booker. James, 47. Clinedinst, B. West, 12. Belfield. Thomas, 47. Commodore Maury. Flagship of the Bland.. John, Jr.. 47. Virginia Oyster Navy, 16. Bernard. Wm.. 51. Caproni, P. P. & Bro.. 13. 16. Butler, Beckwith. 51. Carr, Dr. John S'amuel, 18, 44. Bankhead, \Vm., 51. Cleveland, President, 28. Berryman, \v m.. 51. Caroline. Queen, 32. Boston Port Bill. 56. Cromwell. 31. 75. .Be"\"erley. 57. Carnillas, 38 . Bar Ass:ociation (Va.) . 58. Continental Cong-ress ( Resolution. Byron, Lord. 61. 63, 64 (Tribute to "That these united Colonies are. Washington) . and ought to be. free and inde­ Bonaparte. Napoleon. 61. 62. G4. 7:?. pendent State~." introduced by R. Barnes, Albert. 62. H. Lee> , 35. 42, 51. 93. Braxton. Hon. Caperton, 65. Colchester, 42. Bismarck. Prince. 72. 1 Continental Army, 42. Benton, Hon. Thomas H. (by Roose­ Colonial Beach Record. 43. velt), i4. Chilton, Thomas, 46, 51. Bayard, 78. Chilton. Wm.. 46. INDEX 111 Cocke, Wm., 46. Carter, Robert Wormeley, 46. ! Corbins. 149. Chilton, Charles, 46. \ Cason, Robert B., 149. Campbell, Gilbert, 46. i Cabin Point, 150. Cox, Fleet, 51. : lJalhoun, \V. H., 150. Cambridge, 54. : Cole~s Point, 150. Carey, 57. :· Cole, Richard, 150. Cavalier, 58. ! chandler, 150.. Churchman, 58. Carter, Councillor, 151. Congressional Record, 60. I Chinn, Dr. Walter N., 151. Castor and Pollux, 61. j Chatham, 151. China, 61. 1 The C-Ottage!. 151. Choate, Rufus, 62. ; Claymont, l.>l. Curtis, Geo. Wm., 62. i Campbellton, 152. Channing, \Vm, E .. 62. i Cedar Hill, 152. Custis, Geo. \V. P., 62. i '"Colonial Families of the Southern Childe Harold, 63. l States of America,'' 152. Cincinnatus of the West, 64. Carter, Robert (Westmoreland Co.) D. Nomony, 71. Cresar, 72, 78. Dunmore, Lord, 15, 17, 18, 41, 112. Cicero, 78~ 88, 91. Declaration of Independence, 15, 17, Chesney, Col., 73. 32, 33, 19, 41, 88, 90, 93, 138. Congressional Globe, S7. Dido, 38. Chilton, W. B., 88. Dumfries, 42. Cornwallis, 94. Dade Townshend, 46. Carter, Chas. (Shirley), 96. Dickson, John, 46. Cavalla. 113. Douglas, Thomas, 47. Cople, 135. Davenport, James, 51, 54. CornwalL l :15~ 150, 153. llaniel, Senator John W., 59, 60, 147. Curry, Dr. J. L. M., 103. Craft, President John. 106. Daniel, Senator John W., Oration on Lee, 81, 82. Company Rolls and Rosters, 108. Cox, S. Downing, 112. Depew, Chauncey M., 62. 64. t ·rahhe! \Valter R., 112. !Jon Juan, Denny. Dr., 66. Committee of Safety. 42, 112. Dade!' Langhorn, 67, 68. _ Campbell, Rev. Archibald, 114. \:ampbell, Thomas, 114. Debates in Virginia Convention ( 29- Varnpbell, lfiss, 114. 30), 71. Claybrook, Col. Richard, 115. Deed and \Vill Book (Westmore­ Cox~ 115. land), 7L < 'c •Ionia} Beach, 118. Davis. President Jefferson, 76, 129. Colonial Beach Company. 118. D<' Lalloriniere, Rev. E. C. (Ad- dress at Mobile), 77. Colonial Real Com- Beac-h Estate Dan Voorhees, 89. pany (Incorporated), 118. Classic Snore, I 18. Dickinson, 91. Deane, Mr., 96. Colonial Beach and Pope~s Creek Steam·boat Company~ lfS. De Tocqueville. Alexis, 102. Steamboat Company, 11&. "Deserted Village'' (Goldsmith), Chaucer, 135·. 113. Clay, Henry, 142. Davises, 115. Cole, Mr., 142. Discovery, 119. Charlotte Corday, 14i. , Digges. Ed., 142. ( "indere11a's Slipper, 1-1·1. / Dos Passos, Hon. John R .. 148, 149. . Dade, llajor Albert G., 150. lV INDEX

E. Fifth Maryland Regiment ( wreath on Lee's Monument), 146. : .· ~Hyson, J. Taylor, Lieutenant-Gov­ Forrest, General, 147. ernor, 16, 17. Flemer, John A., 152. Ellyson, Mrs. J. Taylor, President of Association for Preservation of G. Virginia Antiquities, 16, 17. Grand Assembly, Act July, 1653, Edmondson, John Jr., 46. creating Westmoreland Co., 9, Edmondson, James, 4 7. 142. Edmondson, John, 4 7. General Assembly, 11. ~merson, James, 47. Garnett, Gen. Thomas Stuart, 11, Eustice, Hancock, 47. 16, 19, 115. Early, General, 83, 86. Garnett, Dr. Algernon S., 15, 19, Eskridge, Colonel Geo., 112, 148. 115. Edmonds, Richard H .• Editor M.an- Garnett, Co1. Henry T., 11, 140, 14:l, ufactrer's Record, 120, 145. 152. Egerton, Miss, 124. Garnett, ~Iajor John, 115. Elliotts, 149. Gross, Estella, 11. Exeter, 152. Uatewood. :Mrs. Nannie C., 12. liaddess Bros. Company, 12. F. General Lafayette Chapter D. A. R., Forbes, Chas S., 12. 15, 18. Flood, Wm., 46. Grasmere, 31. .,..-a1r1axes,... - 4-.9 Grayson, Wm., 46 . Francks Henry. 4 7. Urant, Peter, 46. Fiske, John (Historian), 47. Green, J. R., 47. Fre;:an,_ John (Historian), 32, 71, Gladstone, 61, 102 ( Life of, by Dr. J. L. 1\1. vurry), 103. Frenchman, 58. Uuizot, 1\1., 61. Frederick, 72. Urant, Gen., 78, 129. Forbes, Gordon F., 148. Gordon, General, 83. Fauntleroys, 151. Grayson, Mr., 93. Fairfa.~, Wm., 151. Green, Gen. 94. F:tirfax, Eleanor Griffith, 129. (}erard, Monsieur, 97. Fisher, Mrs. Emily Steelman 15 Guihord, 94. 18. ' ' Gordon, Armistead C. (poet) , 109. Featherstone. Richard, 40. Gibson·, Bishop Robert .A., 111. Fauntleroy, Moore, 46. Godspeed, l 19. Foushee, Francis. 46. Garden of .nmerica, 119. Fisher, Ebenezer~ 47. Gresham, Miss Beulah. 123 Fox, Joseph, 51. Gresham, Miss Geneviev·e, 123. Fitzhugh, Daniel, 51. Greent>rier Independent, 128. Fitzhugh, John, 67, 68. Grigsby. Hugh Blair, 135. Fisher, Thomas. 51. Guwer, 135. Faneuil Hall. 55. ~ilrnore, 135. Fairfax County, 57, 64. God's Acre, 141. .l'Orus. 62. &rand Association, 142. 1'ederal .Republican, 95. Glebe ( oiu), 150. Franklin, Dr., 96. Griffith, David H., 152.

Farmer's Bu,letin (Virginia A!!ri­0 cultural Department). I 18. H. Flanders of the South, 119. Harris, l\{r~. C. W., 10. Folk, Governor, 132. Harding, 11. V

Hunter, :MaJ. R. W., 11. Hungerford, Philip Contee, 152. Hunter, Taliaferro, 13. Hardy, Stella. Pickett, 152. Historical Events Commemorated ( Historical Address), 16. I. Hathaway, Walter E. (Historical Irving, 65, 107. Address) 17, 18. Ingleside (Washington Academy) , Hopkinson, Judge, 20, 25. 152. Holt, Justice, 23, 25, 32. Homer, 16, 33, 37, 38, 79, 92. J. Hungerford, John P., 36, 114. Jennings, Edmond, London, Eng· Hector, 38. land, 11. Hodges, Richard, 47. .Jetrriu,;, .!\..chard, 47. Hoar, Senator George F. (Address Jett, Thomas, 4 7. at v1d Point), 48, 54, 55, 58, 59, .Jdrer~on, President Thos., 29, 55. 88, 89, 149. tiO. Ut, U5_, U6. Hutt, 1"1. L., Clerk, 54. Jamestown, 55, 5S, 119. Henry, .Pa.,rick, 55, 60, 92, 114. Japanese Merchant, 67. Hampton, 58. Jackson, Stonewall, 72, 73, 7 4, 76. Homestead, Hot Springs, Va. S2. 83, 152. ( American Bar and Virginia. Bar Johnston, Albert Sidney, 74. Associations) , 65. ··Joyous Guard," 85. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 67. Johnson, Dr., 107. Hill, Senator Benjamin H., 72. .Jac·k, Capt, J. F., 118. Holy Grail, i 4. Jetts, 141. Hooker, General, 7 4. Joan of Arc, 147 . .Hampden, John, 75. JQnes, Thomas. 4ti. Hope, Capt. James Barron (Memo- ,. , . Charles C., 152. riae Sacrum) , 80. Judge of the Cour~Report of Por­ Hill, Gen. A. P ., 83. traits and Tablets, 11, 12. Harawiek, S. B., 89. nouse of Burgesses, 56, 90, 91, 93. K. rterodotus, 92. Howe's History of Virginia, 14, 66, Keene, James R., 12. 9t), 97. Kenner, Rodham, 46. Highway Commission, 103. Kenner. \\,?inder S., 46. Homes, Handsome and High Schools, h.endel, Wofl'endel, 51. 106. :K.ing Arthur, 57. House of Commons, 106. Koiner, treo. \V., 117. Hubba.rd, Hon. Wm. P., 112. Kipling, Rudyard. 132. Hubbard, Russell, 112. King Copsico, 150. Hutt, William, 115. King John, 135. Hutt. J. Warren, 115. Ki: sale. 149. Hand Book of Virginia, 116, 117. 120. L. "Hail! Westmoreland" (poem) , Logan, Thomas, 47. 127. Lee, Richard Henry, 9, 12, 14, 15, Hale, Rev. Edward Everett, 133. 17, 18, 19, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 42, Hungerford, :}.fiss l\l E., 136, 137. 46, 48, 51, 55, 60; (against the 138, 140. 141, 142. slave trade), 70, 88; ( sketch of), Hungerford, John W .• 140, 152. 90, 91, 96, 138, 148, 151, 11, 19; Henning's Statutes, 142. ( who dared to propose the resolu­ Harvey, 140. tion, "That these colonies are and Hun~erfords. 141. by right ou~ht to be free and in­ Hominy Hall, 148 dependent States"), 32. INDEX

Lee, Life of, 70. Lee to the rear, 129, 130, 131. Lee, Gen. Henry, 9, 12, 32, 33, 36, Lee, Philip Ludwell, 148. 61. 62, 7 5, 88; ( sketch of), 93, Lee, Matilda, 148. Lee, Flora, 148. 124. Lee, 4 'Squire'' Henry, 150, 151. Lee, Col. R. E., Jr., 11. Lee Hall, 150, 151. Lee, Thomas Ludwell, 19, 41, 46, Lee, Gen. '\V. H. F., 150. 138. LeeJ George Fairfax, 151. Lee, Thomas, Gov., 9, 32, 35. Lee, George, 151. Lee, Wm., 12, 35, 36, 46, 96. Lee, Dr. Edmond Jennings, 151. Lee, Francis,, 9. Lee, Gen. G. W. Custis, 12, 69. Lee, Arthur, 9, 12, 19, 32, 36, 88; Lee, Major Henry, Consul to Al- ( sketch of) , 96. giers, 18, 43. Lee, \Vm. H., 12. ..uexington, 15. Lee, Blair, 13. l.JOvell. Robert, 46. Lee, John F., 13. Lane, Joseph, 46. Lee, Chas., 36, 88. Lodge, Senator Henry Ca.bot (Ad­ Lee, Capt. John, 40. dress in U. S. Congress on Sena­ Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 12, 19, 32, tor Daniel), 59, 60, 62. 36, 46 ; ( sketch of) , 93. Lewis, Col. Wm., &6. Lee, Matilda, of Stratford, 43. Lewis, Mrs. Wm., 66. Lee, Richard, 19, 46, 50, 51. Lewi-:~ .Judge Geo. W., 115, 152. Lee, John, Jr., 46. Lancaster (steamer), 124. Lee, Go.vernor Fitzhugh, 67. L'ltan~ 1\-liss Janet, 124. Lee, Philip Ludwell, 95, 148. .Leedsto,vn, 14, 15, 19, 33, 124, 138, Lee, Gen. R. E., 11, 12, 16, 19, 29, 139, 140. 32, 33, 36. Southern Cradle of American Inde- Life of, by Fitzhugh Lee, 69. pendence, 18, 33, 40, 41, 42. :Memoirs by Long, 69, 70. Leeds Church, 33, 40, 42. Anti-Slavery sentiments of, 69. Lafayette, 9. Disunion an aggravation, 69. Lane, Jo., 4o. Denies Constitutionality of Seces- Lawler, Col., , 3. sion, 70. Long, Prof. George ( Tribute to Gen. Denies ethical right of coercion, Lee), 78. 70. Lossing. Hon. Benson J. ( Life of His sorrow at disunion, 70. Wa~hington and Pictorial Field Beautiful tributes to, 72, 73, 75, nook of the Revolution) , 66. 79, 80, 109, 116, 124, 147, 151. Devotes his sword to his native M. State, 82. Under which flag, 81. )1onroe, President, 9, 11, 19, 31, 36; Relations between him and bis (oppo~ed to slavery), 71, 88, 117, men, 82. 152, 153. Meditations of duty, 82. :Monroe's Creek, his birthplace, 9, The fate of war, 82. 152. President Washington College, 83. Jiontross c·ounty Seat, 10, 14, 16. Did he save his country? 83. Tablets unveiled commemorating Lee Birthplace Memorial Committee H·istorical events at, IO, 16. of the Va. State Camp, Patri­ Tablets unveiled honoring Colo­ otic Order Sons of America, nial Her()()s, IO, 11, 17. 111. McKim, Rev. Dr. R. H., 10, 13, 14. Resolutions to buy Stratford, 111, 29: ( Historical Address) , 35, 7 4, 147. 101. Lee in bronze, 125. Mayo, Hon. Wm., 10, 13., 14, 16, 114, The last days of, 83. 150. INDEX Vll llurphy, )lrs. G. \V., President. U. :Marrnorough, 72, 73, 74, 78. D. C., IO. .McGuire, Dr. Hunter, 73• .:Morris, .:Mrs. Roberta Garnett, 11. Montrose, 75,·152 . .Mayo, P. H., ll, 12. )lore (The), MacCallum, 7 5, 135" · llontague, :Mrs. Harrcotte, 12. ~u.acgregor, 76. llarylanu, Delaware & Va. Railway .Mars, The Field of, 77.

. , Co., 13. Micou, James Roy, 87. .... , . :Mecklenburg Resolutions (N. C.), )licou, Prof. James Roy, Jr., 87. 15, 17, 33. Marion, General,· 94. jfassachusetts Bay, 15. :Memoirs of a Southern Cam·paigi;i .by .,1arshall, Chief Justice, 16, 23, 26, General H. Lee,. 95. ., · 31, 56, cm, 62, 64, 152. :Monuments at Wakefield (U.. S.) ~lary land, iO; ( Fifth Regiment), and at )Iontross ( C. S.),. 108, .123. 146. llayo, \Vat Tvler, 112. Marshall, Col. Thomas, 16, 31. Mayo, Judge ~Robert, 114. .Mason, John. Y., Secretary Navy, 18, Mayo, Col. Joseph, 114. _ 43, 44. . Mayo, Col. Robert M., 114. Madison, President,· 19, 31; (anti­ ManufactJJ,rer's Record, . 116; '·120, slavery sentiments), 60~ 71, 75, 145. . 88; (Life of, by Hunt), 71. 11. Murphy, 115. "}!other of Presidents," 20, 60, 119. Malin, Voveroor, 116, 121, ·122. · -. ::Mansfield, Lord, 23, 25. Mason, l_lon .. George (~rest.) , t_l8~ · Mt. Vernon, 26, 27, 28, 97. Mason, Miss Dora, 123. , · , . . ~leade, Bishop, 34, 42, 101, 114, 151. ..Message from_ Westmoreland'' Mason, Capt. Geo., 40. · {poem),. 127, 128. · M~xwell, Wm., 43, 47. .Mann, Dr. George C., 153. Mitchell, Richard, 46. Moreland, 135. Murdock, Joseph, 46. lHastins, 141. · .Monroe, Spence, 46. Machoactoke (l\,Iachodoc), 142, 150. :Moxley, Alvin, 46. Murphys, 149. · )lotiroe, John, 46. , Murphy, (}eo. W., 151. .A1cCartv, Daniel, 46, 51. Maryes, 15.1 . :Meriwether, Reuben, 46. Mastin, John T., 152. }Iountjoy, Edw., 46. · Marshall, .Rev. Wm., 152. l!ountjoy, Thomas, 46. McClellan, Gen. Geo. B., .152 .. ,. Mountjoy, John, 46. l-lountjoy, Wm. J., 46. N. ~lortimer, Cha.s., 46. llason, Thompson, 46. Northumberland, the older eolQny,. #-.1ontague, A., 4 7. 9, 116...... _ :\,.iiJ.Jiken, Jo., 47. Northern Neck New8, · n;ewspaper·~at :Mcllwaine, Dr. H. R. (Librarian Va. Warsaw, Va., 9, 10, 15, .153! : . State), 50, 51, 52, 54. Xiles Register, 26. - lliddleton, Benedict, 51. Newton, Hon. \Villoua-hb,vi::, J1 36• l}">.,,, lfiddleton, John, 51. 115, 150. Martin~ John, 51. Xorseman, 58. . :lforgan's Riflemen, 55. ~ewton, Bishop _.John B., 113,. UiO. Massachusetts, 15, 51, 55, 56, 61, 88. Newton, CapL Wm., 115. Mayflower, 55. ~ ewton, John, 46. l\'JaSOn, George, 57, 60, 63. Nelson, ,Villiam, 51. Macaulay's Lays; 61. · Niagara, 55. Morris, Robert, 64. Nomini H'ali, 33~ Merctr, John F .• "64~ Napole(?~, 6~, 63; (ode to),:12.;. fat .... ary, the mother of Washington, \Yaterloo), 107. 67. New· :Market, 109. Vlll INDEX

N etberTands of America, l l9. Pendleton, Edmund ( N ews-LeaderQ, 1'anzaticoes, 137. 146. i'tecoatin's Towne, 142. Peckatone, 14~. New York Bun, 143. Parker. Gen. Alexander, 149. Neu::s-Leader, 146. J.'ayne's Point, 152. N omony Hall, 151. .r1c.Kett, George, 152. Ninde, J. C., 153. ,- 1c-kPtt, Wm., 152. PicKett, Mary Ann. 152. 0. Pickett, Uen. Geo. E., 152. Owen, Evan, 118. ~otomac & Rappahannock Telephone Old Mortality, 29. Company, 152. Qrr, John, 47. Pomeroy. Bushrod \Vashington, 16, ( ,1.1 Glebe, 150. R. P. Potomac, 9 . Rives, \Vm. Cabell ( Prest. Va. His- torical Society), 18, 43. .Pope's Creek, 9. . .. atriotic Sons of America, 10. Round Hill, 33• Kobinson, Will, 46. t'1tt. Wm., Lord Chat.ham, 11. Rush, Jeremiah, 46. I '(\.ale, 12. . ·t Parker, Judge Richard ( C1rcu1 Rust, Peter, 46. Court), 12, 15, 33, 36, 46. Roane, W., 47. Polk, President, 18. .ttansdell, Edward. 46. Richards, John, 4 7. Pickering, Mr-, 23. Parker, Judge Richard E. ( Supreme Roane, Thomas, 47. Robinson, liax, 4 7. ( \'a.) Court) , 36. Pepoon, \Villis, 11, 12. Rust, Samuel, 51. Portraits unveiled, 17. Ritchie, 57. Pericles, 33. Randolph, 57, 60. Roundhead, 58. Patterson. Robert. the old Scot~h­ man who spent his lite restoring Roosevelt. President, 7 4, 78, 109. the grave stones of the Covenan­ Roman Vestal, 72. tcrs, 20. Ryan, Father ( Sword of Lee), 86. Pope's· Creek, 33, 38, 138. Rappahannock Times, 87. Pallas, 38. Ra~selas. King of Abyssinia, 107. Pa.ssa.ssack ( King Rappahannocks) . Roads, Good, IOI, 104, 105. 40. Roads, Sand Clay System, 10:s. Pierce, Joseph, 46, 51. Rochest.E'r, Col. Nathaniel, 112. .t'ieree, William. 46. 51. Rochester, John, 112 . Plymouth, 55. Robert5:0n, I 14. t'mit:an .. 58. Ra ppahannocks, J 37. Plato, 78. Roses, 149. .-.errie., Miss. 88. Ri versidP.. 152 . Pendleton. 91, 92. Koxbury. 152. Pickens, Col., 94. Ritchie, Thoma~ (Father). 87. Pyl~ Col.. 94. i-ension Board. 110. s. Patriotic Order Sons of America. Stratford. Familv Seat of the Lees. III. 9. 11, 14. 11. ·ao. 31, 32, 34, 41, Pa~e. Bishop, 113. 88, 90. 108, 148. Proctor, Secretary. 129. Stuart, 11. Pra"7 Thomas, 138. Stuart, Dr. R. H .• 12, 14, 124, 151. Pawtomake (Potomac}. 141.. Stuart, Mrs. R. H., 14, 124. . INDEX lX

St. John·s, Tappahannock, 14. Springfl~ld, 149. Stamp Act ( l 765), 15, 18, 33, 40, S'pring urove, 149. 41, 43. Smiths, 149. Stamp Act-Virginia first of the State Highway Commission, 103. . .Colon!e~ to memorialize King in Sand Clay ::System, l 03. oppos1t10n, 47. s·mith, Dr. John Augustine, 150. "The only one to address to the · House of Commons a remon­ T. strance (Bancroft) , 4 7. ~tamp Act-formal defiance came Trumbull, Col. John (Washington's first from Va. (John Fiske) ,. portrait),. 9. 47. Tabl~ts unveiled, 17, 19. Stamp Act-the Assembly of Vir­ 1.'imes-Dispatch, Richmond, Va., 17, 104; Roads ( the reform) ginia hrst to demand repeal (J. great 1 R. Green), 18, 19, 47. 127. Taylor, C.H. J., Minister to Liberia Virginia rang the alarm bell for 28. , the continent ( Baneroft), 41. Society of Virginia Antiquities, 19. The _Virginia Historical Regi,sfer and Story, Judge, 20, 23, 31. Literary Advertiser, 43, 47. 46 51. Scott, Sir Walter, 29. Turberville, .George, 7 Smith, Capt. John, 40. Tibbs, Daniel, 46, 51. Sydnor, William, 46. Thornton, Francis, Jr., 46. Selden, Sam, 46. 'l'own of Richmond, 51. :=;anford. Edward, 46, 51. Turberville, John, 51. Smith, John, Jr., 46. ·,._roy, 79. Sanford. James, 46. Thompson, 88. Smith, W ., 46. TaUeyrand, 61. Smith, Meriwether, 47. The Writings of Washington (Mar- Suggett, John, 47. shall), 64. Suggett, Edgcomb, 47. ·.l'ar I ton, 66, 94. Smith. Rev. Thomas (Moderator), ·1 aft party in the Philippines. 67. 48. 51. 52. 112. 150. Tappahannock, 87, 141. Smith, J>hilip, 5i. Taxation-low rate, 127. Steptoe, George, 51. Thackeray, 109, 142. Sparks, .Jared, 62. Tyler, Rev. John Poyntz (Areh Spaniard, 58. Deacon of Virginia)., Ill. Scylla. 63. Tyler, Wat. H., 112. Socrates, 72. · Tyler, lfrs. Julia Ht:bbard, 112. 8idney, 78. Tayloe, 115. ...,cott. General, 81. Tideteater Democrat, 124• Southworth. Harrison, 87. Thompson, John R., 131. Sigourney. :Midshipman, 89, 90, 149. Thornton, Francis, 138. ~tuart. 114. Taylors, 141, 152. Sm~an .Constant. 119. Turners. 141. Switzerland of America, 119. Tyler. Pres,uent, 147. Smith. Capt. John, 120. Temple, 148. Sale. Ritchie, 123.. Turbervilles, 149. Steamer Caroline, 123. Taliaferros,. 149. 'Shakespeare, 135 .. Tyler, Dr. Wat. H., 149. Spencer, Col. Nie-bolas. 135. Twiford, 152. Swanson. r-..overnor, 136. Shu]tiee. Dr., 147. u. ~andy Point, 148. "Llswafer. 31. Steptoe. C-01. .Jam~. 148. Upshaw.• John, 46, 57. X lXDEX

Upshaw, James, 47, 57. ginia as a memorial of the I,ees : , 29. old Yeocomico Church to be re­ Urbanna, 97. nabilitated under control of the Y. Diocesan Board of Trustees, l l_l. \Vhat the most distinguished and Yan~erlyn, 11. higher authorities say of West­ .. Virginia first and Lee'' (Worsley, moreland, 116. Philip Stanhope), 16, 79. What pilgrims and shriners and Virginia, Mother of Presidents, 119. poets say of Westmoreland, 123. Virgil, 38. S'he is a classic spot, and nature Virginia Historical Society, 43, 66. has lavished her gifts, yet her Virg'bnia Historical Register, 147. people must feel after all that Virg~nia's Attitude Towards Slavery "honest blood is !oval blood, and and Secession ( ~lunford), 64, 65, manhood is the only patent of 69. 70, 71. nobility... \Ye:--tmorc-land and. Virginia Bar As~ociation, 59, 6G. Yirginia cannot be greatest un­ Von l\foltke, ,2, 73. less their men and women are \:irginia and Kentucky Resolution:-;, good and honest, and the men 75. manly," 132. Vane. Sir Harrv. 75. \Vestmoreland Camp~ C. V .. 10. I0s. Voorhees, Senator Daniel, 89. \Yestmoreland Association. 1;;. IS, Venice of America, 119. 43. Van Dyke. Dr. Henry, 119. "~estmoreland Resolutions. Hi. 17. Valentine -C seulptor), 85. Van Buren, President, 141. 18, 42, 43 : (full text), 44, 4S. The Virginians (Thackeray), 142. \Vestmoreland Committee of Safety. Virginia-"The ro~es nowhere so 15~ 17, 18; ( fiery resolutions. 1775), 18, 51; (fiery resolu­ . white ag in Virf!inia," 153. .. Virginia as she was and as she is:· tions, 177 4), 18, 4S, 49~ 50, 51. l 19. 52. 53, 54; ( fiery resolution~. 17 75) , Lord Dunmore :-;eizing ,v. powder at \Villiamsburg, Va. Westmoreland, "The Athens of Vir: lVestmord.'lnd Enquirer and Colonial ginia," 9, 13, 33. Beach Record (newspaper), 108. From the older colony of North­ 152, 153. . umberland ( 1653), 9. \Vestmoreland Historical Associa­ The plant bed of an ancient civili­ tion, 153. zation is still the cradle of a \Vashington, General George, 9, 11, new, 102. 12, 16. 19. 22, 31. 32, 33, 36, Her efficient Board of Supervisors, 39. 42. 56, 60, 109~ 112, 116. 102. 117, 124, 142. The sand clay system of good Houdon statue of. 13. roads. 102. · Family Bible of. 9. With what nature bas done, she Fae simile of the record of his stands for civic improvement birth, 9. and educational ad\"'ancement The writings of (Marshall) • 64. and the betterment of all condi­ Anti-slaYery. l--entiments of, 64, 72. tions, 106. · 73, i4, 75, 79, 84. . With diversified farm products, The Life of ( Irdng), 64. thriving industries · and plants, Washington. Lawrence. 9, 13, 20; she points to her excellent finan­ (Historical Address), 47. cial conditions and low rate of Washin~on, Bushrod, 9. 11, 13, 19, taxation, I 08. 20, 23. 31. 36. The passing of old homes into new First President American Coloni­ hands, 148. zation Society, 71. Stratford to be dedicated to Vir- (Sketch). 97, 112, 149. INDEX Xl

\Y ashington and Lee Chapter r. D. \Virt, Dabney Carr, Li2. c., 10, 110. \Virtland, 152. \\" ashington, Miss Lila, 11. \Virt, Dr. \Villiam, 152. \Vashington, Lloyd, 13, 115. \Virt, \Villiam D.. 152. \Vashington, Richard B., 13. \Volseley, Viscount Lord, 32, 72, 73, \Vashington, Col. John Augustine, 74. 20, 21, 46, 51, 57, 150. \Varren, 42. \Vashington, Capt. John, 40. \Varminster, 42. \Vashington, Samuel, 46. \\"illis, Lewis, 46. \\.ashington, Charles, 46 \Vatts, John, 46. \Vashington, Laur.. 47. \Yeeks, Charles, 46. \Yashington and Lee ( The Castor \Villiams, John. 46. and Pollux-the two twin stars), \Varing, Francis. 46. 61. \\"oo

\\·ashing-ton, Samuel. 138. '1 \Vilson, \Voodrow ( son of Yirginia), \\·ashington, Lawrence, 13S. Governor New .Jersey, 62. \\·a~hington. l\frs. L:n\'"rence ( first I \\~illis, Col. Lewis. GS. matron of 1ft. Yernon). 151. \Veems' Life of \Vashington. 68. \\"a~hington, Robert. 13S. \Vellington. 72, 73, 7 4, 78, 106. \Vashington, .John T .. 13S. ";-bittier. Gen. Chas. A., 75. \Yashington. Henry T .. 138. \l'illiarn of Orange, 7 5. \\·ashington, J. Tayloe. 140. \Vorseley. Philip Stanhope (poem to \Vashington, l\fary, 140. General Lee-'~Virginia first and \Vashington, John A .. 149. Lee"), 78. \\"ashing-ton, Law., Sr.. 152. \Vright. .Judge Selden S., 87. \\·ashington, Law... Tr .. 152. . \Vhiskey Insurrection, 95. \\ 11N>lwright. .Jo:;eph Christopher. i \Vest Indies, 9;'). 1:J. l O!l. 115. \Vard. Channing- )f.. 107. \VhPelwright, .J. H .. 1 :J. l l;'i. \Yreath on I.ee':-; ::\fonurnent. 146. \Vlwelwright, Dr., F. D .. 1 ;;2_ 1 \Vaterview. 14S. · \VakPfiPld. birthplac-e of \Vashing- \Villiarns. -Cha:; .. In~. C'o .. 152. 153. 1 ton. !l. 14. 30. 33. 34. 88. 1 OS. 12:3. ' \Valnut Hill. 152. 124. 152. \Varring-ton. Rachel, 142. \Yari;:aw. 14. 1 \\·ornan--then and now. 146. 147. \Yil~on ..Tohn E .. 124. l:i2. I ,va.rne. GenPral. 149. \Vilson. :\Irs.. John E .. 14. 124. \Y'alnut Fann. 149. \Vilson. :Miss Etta. 14. 124. \Voodyard. 149. \Yilkin~. Bush. 16. ' \Vilton. 14!)_

"·rig-ht. T. R. B .. l 6. 17. 2!l. I \YPtl1erill. r ra Co;·t right. ] 4~. \Vrig-ht. l-frs. T. R. B .. 17. 123. \Vaterloo Churc-h. llO. "'right. ~fiss .Jeannette~ 123. ,v~tminster Abhev, 113. \Yri!!ht. lfiss Charlotte. 123. \YalkPr. \V. \Y. 115. 151. \Vil1iarnsburg. powder in rnag-azine nt. 17. lS. Y. \Vilson ..Jame~. 21. 23. \\:-illiam and ~lary College. 21. ' Yonaown. 1 :i. !l;i. Windermere, 31. 1 Young, Smith, 47. \Yirt. William. Attornev General r. Yeoc·ornico River. S!l. ~-- 32. l 52. . YPocomic>o Chnrc-h. 111. 112. 114.