Hawaiiii Projject Maunallua Bay, , Hawaiiii

This document is prepared pursuant to Chapter 343, Revised Statutes

The Applicant: Hawaii Memorial Reefs, LLC

Approving Agency: Department of Land and Natural Resources Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands


Hawaii Reef Project Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii

Prepared By: Environet, Inc. 1286 Queen Emma Street , Hawaii 96813

The Applicant: Hawaii Memorial Reefs, LLC 957A Lehua Avenue Pearl City, Hawaii 96782

Approving Agency: Department of Land and Natural Resources Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands












TABLES Table 3-1: Species Observed Within the 7-acre Project Area ...... 34 Table 3-2: Infauna Species Observed Within and in the Vicinity of the Project Area ...... 35 Table 3-3: Water Quality Measurements Summary Within and Vicinity of Project Area ...... 45 Table 3-4: Monthly Average Temperature, Rainfall, and Wind Speed ...... 50 Table 6-1: Agencies and Organizations Consulted During the Pre-Consultation Period ...... 95

FIGURES Figure 1: The Evolution of Artificial Reefs ...... 8 Figure 2: Reef Modules Overview ...... 12 Figure 3: Project Location Map ...... 15 Figure 4: Reef Module Relief Map ...... 17 Figure 5: Reef Module Layout Map ...... 19 Figure 6: Bathymetry Map ...... 29 Figure 7: Benthic Infauna Study Map ...... 39 Figure 8: Water Quality Monitoring Locations ...... 43 Figure 9: ORMA Map ...... 55

APPENDICES Appendix A: Benthic Study Report Appendix B: Resource Management and Water Quality Monitoring Plan

July 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page iii

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> less than °C degrees Celsius °F degrees Fahrenheit μg/L microgram(s) per liter μmol/L micromole(s) per liter BMP best management practice CAA Clean Air Act CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments CDUP Conservation District Use Permit CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CEQ Council on Environmental Quality CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CH4 methane CIA Cultural Impact Assessment CO carbon monoxide

CO2 carbon dioxide CZM Coastal Zone Management CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act CWA Clean Water Act CWB Clean Water Branch DAR Division of Aquatic Resources DBEDT Department of Business, Economic Development and , State of Hawai‘i DFW Division of Forestry and Wildlife DLNR Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai‘i DOBOR Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation DOH Department of Health, State of Hawai‘i EA Environmental Assessment EFH Essential Fish Habitat EPA US Environmental Protection Agency ESA Endangered Species Act FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact ft2 square foot (feet) GCRMN Global Monitoring Network GHG greenhouse gas HAR Hawai‘i Administrative Rule HMR Hawaii Memorial Reefs, LLC HRS Hawai‘i Revised Statutes GPS global positioning system lbs pound(s) LUC Land Use Commission M&E monitoring and evaluation MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act M-RAC Maunalua Bay Recreation Advisory Committee MSFCMA Magnuson-Stevens Conservation and Management Act msl mean sea level NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NFDA National Funeral Directors Association NHPA National Historic Preservation Act


NMFS National Marine Service NO nitrous oxide

NO2 nitrogen dioxide NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOx nitrogen oxides NRHP National Register of Historic Places NTU nephelometric turbidity unit

O3 ozone O&M operation and maintenance OCCL Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands OEQC Office of Environmental Quality Control ORMA Ocean Recreation Management Area PacIOOS Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System Pb lead PM particulate matter

PM10 particulate matter less than or equal to 10 microns in diameter PM2.5 particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 microns in diameter RBDG Reef Ball Development Group, Ltd. RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RHA Rivers and Harbors Act SAP Special Activity Permit SHPD State Historic Preservation Division

SO2 sulfur dioxide UH University of Hawai‘i USACE US Army Corps of Engineers U.S.C. Code USFWS US Fish and Wildlife Service USGS US Geological Survey VOC volatile organic compound WQC Water Quality Certification WRCC Western Regional Climate Center






This Environmental Assessment (EA) is prepared pursuant to Chapter 343, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes (HRS) and associated Title 11, Chapter 200, Hawai‘i Administrative Rules (HAR). The intent of this document is to ensure that systematic consideration is given to the environmental, social, and economic consequences of the Proposed Action. The Proposed Action is the establishment of an in Maunalua Bay, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i.


Project Name: Draft EA Hawaii Reef Project

Project Location: Maunalua Bay, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i

Applicant: Hawaii Memorial Reefs, LLC (HMR) 957A Lehua Avenue Pearl City, Hawai‘i 96782 Contact: Richard Filanc, President (808) 783-8859

Agent: Environet, Inc. 1286 Queen Emma Street Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813 Contact: Martine Bissonnette (808) 389-5687

Approving Agency: State of Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands Kalanimoku Building 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 131 Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813

Tax Map Keys (TMKs): Not Applicable

Land Area: 7 acres (submerged)

State Land Use District: Conservation District

City and County Zoning Designation: None

Implementation Timeframe: December, 2017 to continue as demanded


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This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared in accordance with Hawai‘i Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 343 and associated Title 11, Chapter 200, Hawai‘i Administrative Rules (HAR) to evaluate the potential environmental, social, and economic impacts associated with the proposed establishment of an artificial reef in Maunalua Bay, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i. Environmental permits and related certifications required for the proposed project are anticipated to include:

 Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) Section 10 permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE);  Conservation District Use Permit (CDUP) from the State of Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands (OCCL); and  Special Activity Permit (SAP) from DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR). Further – supporting and supplementing the regulatory permitting process – consultation, coordination, and outreach with key regulatory agencies (identified above) and other stakeholders will be conducted throughout the EA process; these additional entities may include but not be limited to:

 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA);  Hawaii State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD);  National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS);  US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS);  DLNR Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR);  Office of Planning / Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT); and  US Coast Guard.


Coral Reefs Coral reefs are one of the most ecologically significant and diverse systems found within the natural environment, providing habitats for many marine species and also supporting a variety of human needs such as subsistence, fisheries, tourism and recreation, and shoreline protection. In spite of their ecological, social, and economical value, coral reefs are in decline primarily from global climate change, impacts from unsustainable , and land-based pollution (Pockley, 2000). Because of its isolated location and exposure to large open ocean swells and strong tradewinds that have major impacts on the component and structure of the coral reefs, Hawai‘i offers coral reefs with one of the most unique but not extensive biodiversity and ecosystems with extremely high conservation value (DeMartini and Friedlander, 2004; Maragos et al., 2004). Additionally, coral reefs in Hawai‘i provide commercial, recreational, and subsistence fishing opportunities, world famous and diving locations, and are vital to the marine tourism industry in the state (Friedlander et al., 2008).


Threats to Natural Coral Reefs During recent years, Hawai‘i has experienced above average ocean temperatures which have resulted in that has adversely impacted coral species (NOAA, 2015; US News, 2015). Coral bleaching is likely caused by higher than usual ocean temperatures associated with the recent El Niño event and global climate change, during which turn white (or bleach) when microalgae living in the coral tissues – which give the coral its color – are expelled during stressful environmental conditions. Corals may take weeks to years to recover from a bleaching event or may die if unfavorable conditions persist or are too extreme and they are unable to recover. Since ocean temperatures are projected to continue to increase (EPA, 2015), and since corals are also threatened through other environmental factors such as sedimentation and disease, DLNR DAR has initiated an artificial reef program whose purpose is to enhance reef habitat, increase fish biomass, and increase species diversity (DLNR, 2015). Evolution of Engineered / Designed Artificial Reefs In order to address the decline in coral reef habitats and to create opportunities for establishing new fish or marine habitats, a variety of materials have been used in the United States to develop artificial reefs (Figure 1). The earliest recorded artificial reef was built in the 1830s off South Carolina from used logs from huts to improve fishing. Currently, over 80 percent of artificial reefs in the US have been created using secondary-use materials such as rock, shells, or trees, and man-made materials including concrete, ships, barges, and oil and gas structures, among others (Atlantic and Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commissions, 2004). Figure 1: The Evolution of Artificial Reefs Designed reefs built from concrete mixtures emerged as a new category of reef enhancement in order to overcome problems related with using secondary-use materials to construct artificial reefs such as potential corrosion of the materials and leaching of toxic chemicals into the surrounding water over time. It is also hard to predict the effects of ocean currents and activities on artificial reefs built from secondary-use materials due to the variation in sizes and weights of the materials used. Concrete designed reefs are modules that offer a more chemically and physically stable platform for establishing artificial reefs by using materials that are closer to the pH of seawater and designed to be more resistant to ocean currents and storm activities (RBDG, 2000). Concrete designed reef structures to create artificial reefs offer the advantage that they can be:

 engineered to address specific goals and objectives of an artificial reef program;  standardized to provide valuable opportunities for research monitoring;  produced readily if vendors are local; and  structured for long-term stability. One drawback of engineered structures is higher cost for design, manufacture and deployment compared to secondary-use materials (NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, 2012). HMR was founded with a mission to help create and perpetuate coral reefs in needed areas of the state by offering to dedicate cremated remains as a memorial in reef-building material, which would provide funding for


design, manufacture, and undersea establishment of the reef structures. The benefits of having a memorial artificial reef include the provision of habitat for fish and other organisms and increase in reef biomass, the potential reduction of human use of natural reefs, and contribution to the local economy through increased aquatic habitat while providing an alternative to traditional burial. Artificial reefs can also be used as a platform for research studies by local universities and other organizations; marine research specialists from the University of Hawai‘i have already expressed interest in using such artificial reefs as a platform for conducting coral and marine ecology studies, particularly in light of changing environmental conditions in Hawaiian waters.

Current Status of Engineered / Artificial Reefs The proposed project would provide funding to build, monitor, and maintain new artificial reef areas. Reef balls – modules used to establish artificial reefs – are already used in more than 60 countries, including in 17 US states (The Reef Ball Foundation, 2014). Currently there are four existing artificial reefs around O‘ahu:

 Maunalua Bay off of Kāhala, the first of which was created in 1961;  Wai‘anae, established in 1963;  Kualoa, established in 1972; and  ‘Ewa Deepwater artificial reef, established in 1986. DLNR DAR hopes to expand these existing artificial reefs as well as add a few more sites around the main Hawaiian Islands; however, this effort is currently limited by lack of available funding under the state’s artificial reef program (DLNR, 2015). In spite of providing numerous ecological and economic benefits, artificial reefs need to be designed carefully in order to avoid any potential impacts to the surrounding benthic habitats. Issues that need to be closely considered while selecting a site and designing an artificial reef include:  Proximity to existing reefs and the impacts that the artificial reef may have on the existing habitats nearby;  Keeping a low relief profile so that the artificial reef does not compete for species of other reef habitats;  Attracting or providing a habitat for invasive or coral species; and  Potential entrainment of sea turtles or marine mammals. Preliminary dive surveys were conducted at potential sites to determine suitability as artificial reef sites. The Section 2.4 provides an overview of potential artificial sites that were considered but eliminated from further evaluation.


The purpose of the Proposed Action is to help establish and perpetuate coral reefs in needed areas of the state, increasing coral generation and fish biomass as well as providing an alternative to traditional burial by offering to dedicate cremated remains as a memorial in reef building material. As mentioned above, in spite of their ecological, social, and economical value, coral reefs are in decline worldwide primarily from global climate change, impacts from unsustainable fishing, and land-based


pollution. According to the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), the single largest coral reef monitoring effort in the world, of all the reefs that are monitored worldwide, 19 percent have already been lost, and an additional 35 percent are seriously threatened with destruction mostly due to anthropogenic impacts (GCRMN, 2009). In October 2015, Hawai‘i declared the third global coral bleaching event ever on record as record ocean temperatures caused widespread coral bleaching across the state (NOAA, 2015). The Proposed Action would provide a funding mechanism to establish an artificial reef while also providing a cost-effective alternative to traditional burial, both of which would benefit the public. Cremation has become increasingly popular due to the rising cost of traditional burial. Traditional burial has been increasingly more expensive as eternal care and land has become harder to sustain. Cemetery plots are now traded like real estate in many places and are more expensive than prime property in some cases. A traditional funeral with embalming and burial can cost up to $25,000 or more (National Funeral Directors Association [NFDA], 2015). Hawai‘i is experiencing a severe shortage in available burial plots and the state’s growing elderly population is expected to tax the available space, and new cemeteries are facing significant challenges in obtaining land and permits (Honolulu Advertiser, 2007). In addition, the environmental impacts of traditional cemetery burial are considerable due to the use of various chemicals for embalming and other materials used for burial. According to the nonprofit Centre for Natural Burial, 10 acres of cemetery contains nearly 1,000 tons of casket steel, 20,000 tons of concrete for vaults, and enough wood from buried coffins to build more than 40 homes (Funeral Consumers Alliance, 2010). The Proposed Action would provide a new option to those looking for a more environmentally sustainable and cost-effective alternative to the high cost of burial. For less than a third of the cost of a full burial, the Proposed Action would provide an eternal resting place for the deceased that also helps to support reef growth and ecosystem enhancement.


As part of the HRS Chapter 343 process, all potential alternatives must be evaluated. For alternatives to be considered reasonable, they must be affordable, implementable, meet the project purpose and need, and meet the established alternative selection criteria. Alternatives considered but eliminated as viable alternatives are described below.

2.4.1 NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE Under the No Action Alternative, the proposed artificial reef would not be established. Projections indicate that the State of Hawai‘i would continue to experience declines in the numbers and health of coral species, which would result in loss of associated aquatic habitat. Further, the expansion and enhancement of existing artificial reefs initiated by the DLNR DAR would be hampered. HRS Chapter 343 requires an alternatives analysis to include a No Action Alternative. Therefore, although this alternative would not meet the project purpose and need, it is discussed throughout the document to provide the reader with a perspective of the “without-project” scenario.


2.4.2 ALTERNATIVE SITES Waianae This potential site would be located approximately one (1) mile outside of Pokai Bay, Wai‘anae and would be established as an expansion to DLNR’s existing artificial reef. Although this site is readily accessible from Wai‘anae boat harbor, it was not carried forward for further evaluation because of its remote location and distance from an available commercial area required for the manufacture of the reef modules.

Kualoa This potential site would be located approximately 1.5 miles off of Ka‘a‘awa and would be established as an expansion to DLNR’s existing artificial reef. The potential expansion of the artificial reef at this site was not carried forward for further evaluation given its distance from the reef module manufacture site, and the distance from the shore and lack of nearby accessibility for reef module deployment. ‘Ewa Deepwater This potential site would be located approximately 1.6 miles offshore of ‘Ewa and would be established as an expansion to DLNR’s existing artificial reef. The potential expansion of the artificial reef at this site was not carried forward for further evaluation due to the lack of nearby accessibility for reef module deployment.

Kahe Point This potential site is a 5-acre area located 0.5 miles offshore of Kahe Point Beach Park. The proposed project area consists of a sandy bottom area that is in close proximity to the Kahe Power Plant and the Ko Olina Marina/ Resort area consisting of the Aulani (Disney) and Ihilani (Four Seasons) hotels and the Ko Olina Beach Club (Marriott). This is an ideal location for the project as it is near an established resort/hospitality area that is in need of marine life enhancement; however, it was not carried forward for further evaluation due to the potential conflict with existing commercial activities within the area.

2.4.3 ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS As discussed earlier, artificial reefs in the United States have historically been constructed using a variety of secondary-use materials. Although the cost may be less, use of such secondary-use materials for developing an artificial reef was not carried forward due to the potential of corrosion or deterioration of the materials over time, leaching of toxic chemicals, and difficulty in predicting their effects on ocean currents as well as difficulty in predicting their suitability for coral recruitment. Concrete designed reef modules were considered to be more appropriate for the development of the proposed artificial reef because of the advantages that they provide by allowing the manufacturer to design them to be geared toward enhancing coral reef development with standardized structures that are specifically engineered to be resistant to ocean currents and storm activities. Concrete designed reef modules would also be manufactured from materials that would be close to the pH of seawater and would eliminate concerns over containing potentially hazardous materials that may leach into the surrounding water. As a solution to the relatively high cost to build the designed concrete reef modules, HMR offers to dedicate cremated remains as a memorial in reef building material, which would provide funding for the design and manufacture, as well as the development of the artificial reef.



2.5.1 DESIGN/MANUFACTURE OF THE REEF STRUCTURES Material and Design The artificial reef modules would be constructed from a mixture of cement (Type II Portland Cement), W.R. Grace’s Force 10,000 microsilica, ADVATM Flow Superplasticizer (water-reducing admixture), sand (salt free), and aggregates casted into a dome-shaped reef structure with various sizes, shapes, and patterns of holes to mimic the shape of a natural reef structure. These materials would be mixed at an appropriate ratio so that the surface pH of the casted cement would be similar to the pH of seawater and ideal for settlement by corals. Microsilica contributes to the strength and durability of the cement mixture whereas ADVATM is used to maintain a high water/cement ratio for stronger concrete that does not contain too much water and also adds about 4 percent air entrainment, which aids in microsurface texturing of the reef modules. In addition to the tiny pockets created by ADVATM, the rough texture created by the exposed aggregates on the surface of the reef modules would encourage natural settlement of larval corals. Three types of reef modules would be deployed, each varying in size from 2.5 to 4 feet wide and up to 2.9 feet height with various numbers of holes / openings. The smallest “Mini Bayball” (Figure 2) would weigh approximately 150 to 200 pounds (lbs). The medium sized “Bay Ball” would weigh approximately 375 to 750 lbs; the largest “Pallet Ball” would weigh approximately 1,500 to 2,000 lbs. The size of the openings would be designed large enough to provide fish and other organisms passage but small enough to avoid reptile (e.g., ) or marine mammal entrainment. The height of the reef structures would be limited to the maximum height of the closest existing reef in the general vicinity to deter Figure 2: Reef Modules Overview organisms from existing reefs from being attracted to the proposed artificial reef. Figure 2: Reef modules Overview Manufacture Location/Procedures The reef modules would be manufactured at HMR’s base yard located on a commercial property on O‘ahu. HMR’s base yard would be approximately 2,000 to 5,000 square feet (ft2) in area with an office building and a warehouse located on the property. The cure period for the reef modules is 30 days. Once cured, they would be stored at HMR’s base yard until deployment. Up to 100 modules would be stored at HMR’s base yard. Each reef module would be identified with a serial number and a plaque (upon request) containing information of the deceased. Funeral industry standards of security would be employed at HMR’s base yard to ensure the protection of the reef modules. Interested parties would be allowed to attend ceremonies when ashes are blended with the cement mixture.

2.5.2 TRANSPORTATION AND DEPLOYMENT Transportation Once cured, the reef modules would be transported from HMR’s base yard to Koko Marina using a flat- bed truck and placed on HMR’s deployment boat deck to be transported to the deployment site.


Transportation and deployment of the reef modules would be demand-driven. The boat deck would have a capacity of up to 30,000 lbs for transporting multiple modules at a time. HMR anticipates deploying a maximum of approximately 100 modules per month. Interested parties who attend deployment ceremonies would be referred to dive charters or other marine recreational boat charters departing from Koko Marina.1

Deployment Method and Anchoring The proposed artificial reef site would comprise a total of 7 acres approximately 0.7 miles offshore in Maunalua Bay (Figure 3). The reef modules would be deployed to depths ranging from 50 to 65 feet with a single layer of reef modules placed on the seafloor (Figure 4). Boundaries of the site would be marked with pins or buoys to prevent accidental anchoring to the artificial reef (Figure 5). Each reef module would be lowered to its specified location on the seafloor determined by global positioning system (GPS) coordinates and by using reusable bladders. A qualified dive team would escort each reef module until it reaches the seafloor at its desired location while the attached bladders are slowly deflated. This method would prevent the modules from inadvertently being placed in the wrong location and allow the reef modules to be settled slowly onto the seafloor without significantly affecting the turbidity and other natural parameters of the water column. The reef modules are designed to have greater than 50 percent of their weight at the structure base and to withstand heavy tropical without movement in as little as 20 feet of water (Reef Ball Foundation, 2014). Since the proposed project site would include a sand bottom location, which provides more stability than a hard bottom, anchoring is not anticipated to be required. If it is deemed necessary, anchoring cones may be cast monolithically to the reef modules to prevent lateral movement. In areas where hard substrate is encountered, fiberglass stakes would be driven into the seabed as necessary to anchor the reef modules.

Monitoring during Deployment Baseline water quality parameters would be determined prior to each deployment event and compared to the measurements taken during deployment of the reef modules in order to validate that the Proposed Action would not significantly impact the existing environmental conditions. Water quality measurements would be made by profiling with a multi-parameter water quality probe from the surface to the seafloor where the reef modules would be sited.

Anchoring cones on a reef module (The Reef Ball Foundation, 2014) 2.5.3 CORAL PLANTING / SEEDING / DEVELOPMENT Coral fragments would be used to plant/seed the reef modules, if necessary. The specific source as well as species of coral fragments to be used would be coordinated with coral specialists from UH and DAR.

1 Prior to deployment, interested parties would be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that the reef modules are intended as transitional resting grounds and not permanent structures, indemnifying the state for damage or loss of the reef modules to be deployed.


2.5.4 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING & EVALUATION A Resource Management and Water Quality Monitoring Plan (Appendix B) will be implemented to periodically monitor and manage the reef modules for the presence of invasive algal species that are known to occur within the project area and may potentially colonize the reef modules. In addition, the Plan will be implemented to monitor for any potential impacts to the surrounding water quality. Operation and maintenance (O&M) of the proposed artificial reef would include activities that are intended to preclude potential impacts to the surrounding environment from the placement of the reef modules in the project area; monitoring and evaluation (M&E) would be regularly performed to document the schedule and results of the O&M activities. In order to prevent the recruitment and establishment of invasive algal species on the reef modules, periodic monitoring and management of the invasive species will be conducted through a University of Hawai‘i based scientific investigation. A detailed description of the methodology to be used during monitoring and management of the invasive algal species is included in the Resource Management and Water Quality Monitoring Plan (Appendix B). In addition, periodic (monthly and quarterly-extended) water quality surveys will conducted at an array of sites within and surrounding the proposed artificial reef area to monitor the long-term effects of the reef modules on the water quality of the surrounding waters. A detailed description of the methods to be used and parameters to be measured during the periodic water quality surveys are also included in the Resource Management and Water Quality Monitoring Plan (Appendix B).

2.5.5 SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC RESEARCH The proposed artificial reef would create research opportunities for University of Hawai‘i and other marine research organizations who have already expressed interest in conducting studies on the development of artificial reefs, particularly as they relate to the changing marine environment. Some of the research topics proposed by the University of Hawai‘i include:



Area of Detail

2,500 1,250 0 2,500 762 381 0 762 Legend Feet Meters Reference: Project Site Scale: 1" = 2,500 ft Scale: 1" = 762 m ESRI, 2015



Area of Detail


Bay Ball ~3 feet

1.75 feet


Mini-Bay Ball

Pallet Ball Figure not drawn to scale.



Maunalua Bay

Area of Detail

Legend 150 75 0 150 46 23 0 46 Reef Modules Feet Meters Access Areas Scale: 1" = 46 m Scale: 1" = 150 ft Project Area


 Study of species of corals and that recruit to and colonize the reef modules (i.e., coverage during a given amount of time);  Study of species of fish/crustaceans, etc. that use the reef modules as a habitat;  Evaluation of changes (if any) of the chemistry of water inside/immediately outside of the reef modules over time and calcification rates (i.e., rate of formation of calcium carbonate [CaCO3]) for various types of coralline algal species on the reef modules; and  Evaluation of development of a “community” or ecosystem around the reef modules and production of new biota as an environmental resource.


This EA has been prepared in accordance with HRS 343 and its implementing regulations, as well as Title 11, Chapter 200 of the HAR. The Proposed Action must comply with all relevant statutes that establish standards and provide guidance on environmental and natural resource management and planning. These regulations include, but are not limited to the following:

 Chapter 343 HRS;  Chapter 226 HRS;  HAR Title 11-200;  Clean Air Act (CAA);  Clean Water Act (CWA);  Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA);  Coral Reef Conservation Act;  Endangered Species Act (ESA);  Magnuson–Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCMA);  Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA);  National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA);  Rivers and Harbors Act;  City and County of Honolulu General Plan (Amended October 3, 2002);  East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan; and  Revised Ordinances of the City and County of Honolulu 1990. Key provisions of these regulations are discussed throughout the subsequent sections and in detail in Section 4 of this EA.



Meetings and briefings will be held with community stakeholders throughout the Draft EA preparation, review, and processing stages in order to keep the public informed as well as to incorporate any input, concerns, or opinions they may have regarding the project. Pre-assessment consultation letters to gather comments to inform the preparation of this Draft EA were distributed to federal, state, and county agencies, utilities, and community organizations and leaders. Table 6-1 displays all parties consulted during the pre-consultation period. The Draft EA will be published in the State Environmental Notice in order allow public review of the EA in accordance with HRS 343.






The environmental, social, and economic setting of the project site and the probable impacts of the No Action Alternative and the Proposed Action - Preferred Alternative are described in this section of the EA. Impacts are evaluated as to whether they constitute a “significant effect” on a particular environmental setting. Impacts are described as having No Impact, Significant Adverse Impact, or Beneficial Impact to the environment. The terms “impact” and “effect” are used synonymously in this EA. Impacts may apply to the full range of natural, aesthetic, historic, cultural, and economic resources. The following subsections define key terms used throughout Section 3.

3.1.1 SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA A “significant effect” is defined by HRS Chapter 343 as “the sum of effects on the quality of the environment, including actions that irrevocably commit a natural resource, curtail the range of beneficial uses of the environment, are contrary to the State’s environmental policies or long-term environmental goals as established by law, or adversely affect the economic welfare, social welfare, or cultural practices of the community and State.”

3.1.2 DIRECT VERSUS INDIRECT IMPACTS Definitions and examples of “direct” and “indirect” impacts as used in this document are as follows:

“Primary impact” or “primary effect” or “direct impact” or “direct effect” means effects which are caused by the action and occur at the same time and place (HAR §11-200-2). For direct impacts to occur, a resource must be present in the particular study area.

“Secondary impact” or “secondary effect” or “indirect impact” or “indirect effect” means effects which are caused by the action and are later in time or farther removed in distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable. Indirect effects may include growth inducing effects and other effects related to induced changes in the pattern of land use, population density or growth rate, and related effects on air and water and other natural systems, including ecosystems (HAR §11-200-2).

3.1.3 BENEFICIAL VERSUS ADVERSE Impacts from the Preferred Alternative may also have beneficial or adverse effects to the environment. Beneficial impacts are those that would produce favorable outcomes and add value to the environment. Adverse impacts are those that would produce detrimental effects and cause harm to the environment.

3.1.4 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Cumulative impacts are two or more individual effects which, when considered together, compound or increase the overall impact. Cumulative impacts can arise from the individual effect of a single action or from the combined effects of past, present, or future actions. Thus, cumulative impacts can result from individually minor, but collectively significant actions taken over a period of time. The cumulative impacts of implementing the Preferred Alternative along with past and reasonably foreseeable future projects proposed were assessed based upon available information.


3.1.5 MITIGATIVE MEASURES Mitigative measures are defined as measures taken to avoid, reduce, or compensate for adverse impacts to a resource. Mitigative measures are provided to reduce adverse impacts when levels of impact are significant, ensuring levels of impact are reduced to a level of insignificance. Only those mitigative measures that are practical have been identified.


3.2.1 GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES DEFINITION OF RESOURCES Geological resources typically consist of surface and subsurface materials and their inherent properties. Principal geologic factors affecting the ability to support structural development on land or features on the seafloor are seismic properties (i.e., potential for subsurface shifting, faulting, or crustal disturbance), soil/sediment stability, and topography/bathymetry. The term soil, in general, refers to unconsolidated materials overlying bedrock or other parent material. Soils play a critical role in both the natural and human environment. Soil structure, elasticity, strength, shrink-swell potential, and erodibility all determine the ability for the ground to support man-made structures and facilities. Soils typically are described in terms of their complex type, slope, physical characteristics, and relative compatibility or constraining properties with regard to particular construction activities and types of land use. Sediments are unconsolidated materials produced by the processes of weathering and erosion that are transported by wind, water, or glaciers and deposited to the bottom of a water body, such as the ocean or lakes. Sediment properties are often defined by its texture (size and shape of sediment particles) and variation or distribution of the grain sizes. Topography is the change in elevation over the surface of a land area. An area’s topography is influenced by many factors, including human activity, underlying geologic material, seismic activity, climatic conditions, and erosion. A discussion of topography typically encompasses a description of surface elevations, slope, and distinct physiographic features (e.g., mountains), and their influence on human activities. Bathymetry is the underwater equivalent to topography and illustrates the seafloor relief or underwater depth of ocean floors. Natural hazards prone to the area include earthquakes and tsunamis. Earthquakes typically result from release of energy from the earth’s crust and manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground which can result in property damage. Earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity. When the epicenter of a large earthquake is located offshore, the seabed may be displaced sufficiently to cause a tsunami. A tsunami is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water. Great wave heights can be generated by large events; although the impact of tsunamis is limited to coastal areas, their destructive power can be enormous.

July 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page 26 REGULATORY SETTING The Revised Ordinances of Honolulu 14-14 describes proper permitting and inspection procedures necessary for grading, soil erosion, and sediment control during earthwork activities. All work shall be conducted in accordance with current construction standards and all local, state, and federal regulations. EXISTING CONDITIONS Geology The Hawaiian Archipelago is a chain of seamounts and islands in the North Pacific extending 1,616 miles west by northwest from the largest Island of Hawai‘i. Igneous rocks are the dominant rock type and consist of basaltic flows, caldera and dike complexes, and pyroclastics. The Island of O‘ahu was formed through the emergence and coalescence of two large shield volcanoes: the Waianae and Ko‘olau volcanoes. Eroded remnants of these volcanoes form two of O‘ahu’s four geomorphic provinces: the Waianae Range on the west and the younger Ko‘olau Range on the east. The other two provinces are the Schofield Plateau and the Coastal Plain.

Maunalua Bay is on the southern coast of O‘ahu and extends from Diamond Head to Koko Head Crater. The coast is generally low, mainly on a former coral reef about 25 to 50 feet above mean sea level (msl). Much of the shoreline of Maunalua Bay is artificial, as it consists largely of bordering residential areas. The offshore area of Maunalua Bay is characterized by one of the shallowest reefs in Hawai‘i. Local patches of sand occur on the reef as well as in a few sand-filled channels that traverse it. The largest offshore sandy area extends southwest from the Kuapā Pond end of the bay (Moberly et al., 1963). Seabed Types Found A 2008 and 2009 study conducted by the US Geological Survey (USGS) determined the dominant seabed grain size at Maunalua Bay is sand (mean = 95 percent) with a small amount of gravel (mean = 4.6 percent). The survey also found that the composition of the sediment on the seabed of Maunalua Bay is primarily bioclastic reef-derived calcium carbonate (mean = 94.6 percent) with a total inorganic carbon content of 11.4 percent and a small percentage of terrigenous material (mean = 5.4 percent) (Storlazzi et al., 2010). Seafloor Bathymetry Initial research and early consultation with the DLNR DAR determined that the most favorable site for the proposed artificial memorial reef shall have no reef or other hard substrates, and shall be located at least 250 feet away from any identified corals and hard substrates to ensure the proposed project does not impact existing reef habitat. Figure 6 shows the general bathymetry of the project area. The 7-acre project area in Maunalua Bay is dominated by a relatively uniform sandy substrate with trace amounts of algal cover, and no coral or hard substrates as observed during the benthic studies conducted at the project site. Observations of the seabed were made visually by SCUBA and towed divers during the benthic studies, and confirmed by sonar scans which detected no significant reef or relief profile (Appendix A). Earthquakes In Hawai‘i, earthquakes are generally linked to volcanic activity and occur thousands of times annually; the vast majority of which are of a very small magnitude. According to the USGS map of Hawai‘i Seismic Zone Assignments, O‘ahu lies in a seismic zone designated as Zone 2A; in which the zoning


ranges from 0 (no chance of severe ground shaking) to 4 (10 percent chance of severe shaking in a 50- year interval) (USGS, 2001). Tsunamis Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Hawai‘i is susceptible to tsunamis from earthquakes and tsunamis generated in the Pacific Rim of Fire. The project area is outside of the tsunami evacuation zone, as it is more than 1 nautical mile from the shoreline (NOAAa, 2016). APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Determination of the significance of potential impacts to geological resources is based on 1) the importance of the resource (i.e., commercial, ecological, and/or scientific); 2) the proportion of the resource that would be affected relative to its occurrence in the region; and 3) the susceptibility for deleterious effects on the resource due to the Proposed Action. Impacts to geological resources are significant if the physical structure, chemical composition, or visual aesthetic character are adversely affected over a relatively large area.



PACIFIC Area of OCEAN Detail

Legend Project Site Depth (meters) 0.87 - 2.85 2.85 - 4.27 4.27 - 5.93 5.93 - 7.99 7.99 - 10.44 10.44 - 13.05 250 125 0 250 76 38 0 76 13.05 - 15.26

Feet Meters 15.26 - 17.40 Scale: 1" = 250 ft Scale: 1" = 76 m 17.40 - 21.04


July 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page 30 POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, no change in ground surface or the seafloor is expected. No significant impacts to soil/sediment, topography/bathymetry, geological resources, susceptibility to natural hazards are expected to result from the No Action Alternative. Preferred Alternative

Reef Module Manufacture The reef modules would be manufactured at HMR’s base yard located at a suitable commercially zoned facility on O‘ahu. The base yard would comprise approximately 2,000 to 5,000 ft2, with an office building and a warehouse located on the property. Manufacturing of the reef modules would take place within the HMR facility. Disturbance of soil at the base yard that could potentially lead to negative soil impacts or topographic alterations, such as grading or excavating, are unlikely. City and County of Honolulu Construction BMPs would be employed during any needed site work to build the manufacturing facility. Additionally, it is not anticipated that the HMR base yard and its associated activities will increase the area’s susceptibility to natural hazards.

Reef Module Deployment The reef modules would be deployed in Maunalua Bay to depths ranging from 50 to 65 feet. Each reef module would be lowered to its specified location on the seafloor using reusable bladders. A qualified dive team would escort each reef module until it reaches the seafloor at its desired location while the attached bladders are slowly deflated. This method would prevent the modules from inadvertently being placed in the wrong location and allow the reef modules to settle slowly onto the seafloor without significantly affecting seismic properties, sediment stability, or bathymetry at or near the proposed project site.

Artificial Reef Operation The establishment of reef modules on the seafloor would inherently alter the existing bathymetric profile of the project area; however, the presence of reef modules is not anticipated to substantially affect seafloor bathymetry or seabed composition at the proposed site or in surrounding areas. Within the project area, the relief would only increase by a maximum of 2.9 feet (Figure 2). Furthermore, the artificial reef modules would be constructed from a mixture of cement (Type II Portland Cement), W.R. Grace’s Force 10,000 microsilica, ADVATM Flow Superplasticizer (water-reducing admixture), sand (salt free), and aggregates casted into a dome-shaped reef structure. Microsilica contributes to the strength and durability of the cement mixture whereas ADVATM is used to maintain a high water/cement ratio for stronger concrete that is less likely to degrade or leach. Therefore, modification of the seafloor composition or the project site’s bathymetry is not considered to be significant. Finally, the reef modules are designed to have greater than 50 percent of their weight at the structure base and to withstand heavy tropical storms in other areas of the US without movement in as little as 20 feet of water (Reef Ball Foundation, 2014). Since the proposed project site would include a sand bottom location, which provides more stability than a hard bottom, anchoring is not anticipated to be required. If it is deemed necessary, anchoring cones may be cast monolithically to the reef modules to prevent lateral movement. In areas where hard substrate is encountered, fiberglass stakes would be driven into the seabed as necessary to anchor the reef modules. Therefore, in the event of a natural hazard, the reef modules are unlikely to move and cause damage to nearby coral reefs. However, HMR


shall assess the damage, if any, to the reef modules following any natural disaster to ensure damage is repaired and potential destruction to neighboring areas is properly prevented.

3.2.2 PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Physical oceanography refers to the physical conditions and properties such as sea temperature, salinity, and water density as well as physical processes within the ocean, including tides, waves, currents, and circulation. Understanding the existing physical properties and processes in the water is important in predicting the impacts that a certain action may have on the surrounding environment. REGULATORY SETTING NOAA’s Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services gathers oceanographic data along the nation’s coast and is the authoritative source for accurate, reliable, and timely water-level and current measurements that support safe and efficient maritime commerce, sound coastal management, and recreation. EXISTING CONDITIONS Tides A mixed tidal cycle occurs in Hawai‘i, characterized by two high tides and two low tides in a 24 hour period that are unequal in height. Tidal currents are produced by the water moving toward and away from the shore due to the changes in tides. In addition to moving water toward and away from the shore, tidal currents cause currents that move along the shoreline. Rising tides tend to cause coastal currents to flow towards the west and falling tides towards the east in waters off of east O‘ahu (University of Hawai‘i, 2016). Surface Waves Surface waves are usually calm on the south shore of Oahu during winter since it is shielded from North Pacific waves. During summer, swells arrive from storms in the southern hemisphere. Swells are commonly well sorted and range from 3 to 9 feet high on average, rarely reaching the heights observed on the northern shore of the island during winter. The largest waves on record for the south shore of Oahu, however, reached over 20 feet high in June 1995 (PacIOOS, 2016). Temperature A baseline water quality survey was conducted within the project area and adjoining nearshore waters using a series of hydrocasts at selected locations within Maunalua Bay (Appendix A). Temperature of the water within and adjacent to the proposed project area was very uniform at all sites, ranging from a maximum of 25.3 degrees Celsius (°C) at the surface to a minimum of 25.1°C at the seafloor. Temperature differences among the sampled sites were only a few hundredths of a degree Celsius. Slightly warmer (up to 29°C) temperatures are expected during the summer months as observed elsewhere along the coast of Moanalua Bay (PacIOOS, 2016).

July 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page 32 APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Determination of the significance of potential impacts to physical oceanography is based on 1) the importance of the physical oceanographic condition/character (i.e., commercial, ecological, and/or scientific); 2) the proportion of the condition/character that would be affected relative to its occurrence in the region; and 3) the susceptibility for deleterious effects on the condition/character due to the Proposed Action. Impacts to physical oceanographic characteristics are significant if the physical structure, physical properties, or chemical composition are adversely affected over a relatively large area. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, the project site would remain unchanged and there would be no impacts to the physical oceanographic conditions within or in the vicinity of the project site. Preferred Alternative The proposed artificial reef would be placed in relatively deep water ranging from 50 to 65 feet below sea surface and kept at a low-profile to avoid competing for species of other reef habitats; therefore, impacts to surface waves would be insignificant. In addition, the proposed project site is located offshore from the shoreline where impacts to coastal currents would be negligible. The temperature profile of the water column at the proposed project site is uniform and well mixed; therefore, placement of the reef modules at the bottom of the ocean is not anticipated to result in changes to the temperature profile of the water column within the area.

3.2.3 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Biological resources include native or naturalized plants and animals and the habitats in which they occur. Sensitive biological resources are defined as those plants, animal, and marine species listed as threatened or endangered, or proposed as such, by USFWS, the NMFS, DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DFW), or the State of Hawai‘i DAR. REGULATORY SETTING The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was created in order to protect and recover imperiled species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. The ESA grants USFWS primary responsibility for terrestrial and freshwater organisms and NMFS primary responsibility for marine wildlife (USFWS, 2013a). The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972 (as amended in 1994) was enacted to protect and manage population stocks of marine mammals that are, or may be, in danger of extinction or depletion as a result of human activity. The MMPA establishes a moratorium, with certain exceptions, on the taking of marine mammals and/or their products into the United States. NOAA-Fisheries has defined levels of harassment for marine mammals in general. In the MMPA, Level A Harassment is defined as “any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which has the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild.” Level B Harassment is defined as “any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which has the potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by


causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not limited to migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCMA) mandates the use of annual catch limits and accountability measures to end overfishing, provides for widespread market- based fishery management through limited access privilege programs, and calls for increased international cooperation. The MSFCMA grants NMFS responsibility to implement both regional and national Congressionally-mandated deadlines. MSFCMA established procedures designed to identify, conserve, and enhance Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) for those species regulated under a Federal fisheries management plan (FMP). The Act requires Federal action agencies (including those with permit responsibilities) to consult with NMFS on actions that may adversely affect EFH. EO 13089, was enacted to preserve and protect the biodiversity, health, heritage, and ecological, social, and economic values of US coral reef ecosystems and the marine environment. An interagency task force, the US Coral Reef Task Force, was created in order to fulfill the EO’s protection efforts. The task force works with State, territorial, commonwealth, and local government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, the scientific community, and commercial interests to develop and implement measures to restore damaged coral reefs and to mitigate further coral reef degradation. EXISTING CONDITIONS Marine Biota Benthic surveys were conducted on December 7 through 9, 2015; February 4 through 6, 2016; and March 15, 2016 in an approximately 200-acre area within Maunalua Bay (study area) to determine the general benthic profile and topography, and to identify a smaller, suitable area with no reef or other hard substrates that could be impacted by a competing artificial reef. Survey methods included a sonar scan and towed diver (both SCUBA divers and free divers) survey of the benthic environment.

The proposed 7-acre project area, which includes relatively uniform sandy bottom where no hard substrate or corals were observed, was identified as the most suitable area. A buffer zone of 250 feet surrounding the project area, which was also void of existing reef habitat, was established to ensure that there is sufficient distance away from existing reef habitats nearby to avoid potential impacts to them and to avoid competing for species of other reef habitats. The buffer zone of 250 feet was adopted based on a recent artificial reef project implemented by the USACE Jacksonville District (USACE, 2011). Marine species observed within the 7-acre project area are presented below in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Species Observed Within the 7-acre Project Area

Taxa Scientific name Common name(s) Algae Lyngbya majuscula Stinging limu Fish Scomberiodes lysan Lai, leatherskin or spotted queen fish Echinoderm Pentaceraster cumingi Knobby Star

L. majuscule algae was observed floating within the project area with trace amounts attached to the substrate in the buffer zone. The Benthic Study results show that the 7-acre project area is a relatively flat, uniform sandy bottom with very sparse marine species present. The complete Benthic Study Report outlining the detailed methodology used during the survey and results is included as Appendix A.


Benthic Community On March 13, 2016, benthic infauna sand samples were collected to assess the existing infauna species types and diversity (Appendix A). Sampling locations were collected from areas where there were no existing reef habitat and were representative of areas where the proposed artificial reef would be placed (Figure 7). Laboratory analytical results of the sand samples revealed low species densities and diversity that included common benthic organisms reflective of a clean sandy habitat within nearshore Hawaiian waters (Table 3-2). Additional benthic sand sample collection is underway to provide a more comprehensive coverage of the entire 7-acre project area and the areas surrounding the 7-acre project area; results will be included in the final EA.

Table 3-2: Infauna Species Observed Within and in the Vicinity of the Project Area

Sample ID Major Group Taxon Organisms/Liter Polychaeta, Hesionidae Microphthalmus sp. 1.2 Polychaeta Westheidesyllis heterocirrata 8.5 MLB-001 Polychaeta, Hesionidae Oxydromus cf. pugettensis 1.2 Echinodermata, Echinoidea Euechinoidea spp. juvenile 1.2 Oligochaeta Oligochaeta spp. indet. 6.1 Oligochaeta Grania sp. 1.2 MLB-002 Polychaeta, Goniadidae Goniadidae--unknown genus and species 1.2 Polychaeta, Syllidae Westheidesyllis heterocirrata 3.6 Polychaeta Erinaceusyllis sp. 1.2 Oligochaeta Oligochaeta spp. indet. 3.6 MLB-003 Polychaeta Caulleriella sp. 1.2 Mollusca, Bivalvia Tellinidae sp. 1 2.4 Polychaeta Magelona nr. montera Mortimer et al. 2012 1.2 Polychaeta Magelona sp. 1.2 MLB-004 Cnidaria, Anthozoa Actinaria spp. indet. 1.2 Oligochaeta Oligochaeta spp. indet. 1.2

Marine Mammals / Sea Turtles Marine species of concern that are known to occur within and in the vicinity of the proposed project area include the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi), the endangered green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), and the endangered humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). None of these species was observed during the benthic studies conducted at the proposed project site. Each of these species is described in further detail below. Hawaiian Monk Seal The Hawaiian monk seal is one of the most endangered marine mammals in the world and are endemic to Hawai‘i. They are known to occur throughout the main Hawaiian Islands as well as the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Only approximately 1,100 seals are left and their overall population is in decline. They are known to dive as deep as 1,500 ft but usually dive less than 200 ft to forage on the seafloor. Their


diet generally depends on what is available and includes many types of common fishes, squid, octopus, eels, and crustaceans (crabs, shrimp, and lobster) (NOAA, 2016b). Green Sea Turtles Green sea turtles are found throughout the world, occurring primarily in tropical, and to a lesser extent, subtropical waters. The Hawaiian green sea turtle is genetically distinct from the other green sea turtle populations, with more than 90 percent of the population nesting in the of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and migrating to feed in the coastal areas of the main Hawaiian Islands. The species was in a steep decline in the 1970s because of direct harvest of both turtles and eggs by humans; however, the population has grown steadily over the last thirty years after protection began in 1978. Disease (i.e., fibropapillomatosis that causes tumor growth on the soft tissue) is considered the primary threat to green sea turtles in Hawaii. The species feed primarily on various species of seaweed and to lesser amounts, jellyfish, salps, mollusks, sponges, and tubeworms (NOAA, 2016b). Hawksbill Sea Turtles Hawksbill sea turtles can be found in tropical and sub-tropical regions throughout the world. In Hawaii, a few females nest each year on and but the majority of hawksbill nesting in the Hawaiian Islands are observed on the Big Island of Hawaii. A total of 72 nesting females have been tagged on beaches on the Big Island since 1991. Through satellite tracking, the Hamakua Coast of the Big Island has been identified as an important foraging ground for Hawaiian hawksbill sea turtles. The species feed around coral reefs and rock outcroppings, primarily consuming sponges. Their unique hooked beak is well adapted for probing into holes and crevices to find prey. Hawksbills play an important role in the health of coral reef systems by keeping certain types of sponges from taking over space and resources from corals and other organisms (NOAA, 2016b). Humpback Whale Highest population densities have been reported in the four island areas of Maui, Molokai, , , as well as on Penguin Bank, around Island and along the leeward coast of Hawaii Island, from Keahole Point north to Upolu Point. , Oahu, and the eastern and southwestern coast of Hawaii had lower densities. Few animals have been reported around the , islands, banks, and reefs of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. In 1993 it was estimated that there were 6,000 whales in the North Pacific Ocean, and that 4,000 of those came to Hawaiʻi. Through an international ban on commercial whaling and protections under the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the North Pacific humpback whale population now numbers more than 21,000. The population of humpback whales that uses Hawaiʻi's waters as their principle wintering ground is likely more than 10,000 animals. This number is based on a comprehensive research effort that occurred between 2004 and 2006 that estimated the population at approximately 10,000 animals, and the likelihood that the population is still increasing at some unknown rate (NOAA, 2014). Though hunting caused a major decline in all humpback whale populations, they are no longer endangered by that activity. However, humpback whales occur adjacent to human population centers and are affected by human activities throughout their range. Both habitat and prey are affected by human induced factors such as subsistence hunting, incidental entrapment or entanglement in fishing gear, collision with ships, and disturbance or displacement caused by noise and other factors associated with shipping, recreational boating, high-speed thrill craft, whale watching or air traffic. Introduction and/or persistence of pollutants and pathogens from waste disposal, disturbance and/or pollution from oil, gas or other mineral exploration and production, habitat degradation or loss associated with coastal development, and competition with fisheries for prey species may also impact the whales.


Invasive Algae Three species of invasive marine algae have been identified encroaching on Maunalua Bay. These species include Leather Mudweed (Avrainvillea amadelpha), Gorilla Ogo (Gracilaria salicornia), and Spiny (or Prickly) Seaweed (Acanthophera spicifera). These species flourish off of an environment created by nutrient- and sediment-rich runoff from land, and grow over and smother existing coral reef and native algal communities, leading to a decrease in habitat for fish and other marine organisms in the bay (Mālama Maunalua, 2009). None of these species was observed within the proposed project area during the benthic surveys. Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Based on recommendation provided during pre-consultation conducted with NOAA NMFS, an assessment will be conducted to identify EFHs for Management Unit Species (MUS) conserved under the MSFCMRA that may occur within or in the vicinity of the proposed project area. It is anticipated that there would be no adverse effects on EFH since the proposed artificial reef is expected to provide additional habitat for the existing marine species in the area. Existing benthic species may be displaced due to placement of the reef modules on the seafloor; however, it is expected that these species would relocate/migrate to areas in the vicinity that are not covered by the reef modules. Ample space would be provided in between the individual reef modules to provide space for these species. In addition, the total area coverage of the sandy bottom being proposed to be utilized is relatively small in relation to the total area of sandy bottom available for these species in Maunalua Bay; therefore, no significant impacts to the survival of the existing benthic species are anticipated. Once finalized, the results and conclusion of the EFH assessment will be included in the final EA. APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Determination of the significance of potential impacts to biological resources is based on 1) the importance (i.e., legal, commercial, recreation, ecological, or scientific) of the resource; 2) the proportion of the resource that would be affected relative to its occurrence in the region; 3) the sensitivity of the resource to proposed activities; and 4) the duration of ecological ramifications.

Impacts to biological resources are significant if species or habitats of concern are adversely affected over relatively large areas, or if disturbances cause reductions in population size or distribution. Potential physical impacts such as habitat loss, noise, and impacts to water quality were evaluated to assess potential impacts to biological resources resulting from the Proposed Action. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative

Under the No Action Alternative, the proposed artificial reef would not be established. There would be no impacts to biological resources from the No Action Alternative since the project site and surrounding area would remain unchanged and no marine species would be affected. The state of Hawai‘i would continue to experience declines in the numbers and health of coral species, which would result in loss of associated aquatic habitat.


Preferred Alternative

Once established, the proposed artificial reef would result in an increase in coral habitat which would provide additional habitats for fish and other marine organism, resulting in a positive impact to the overall health of the ecosystem within Maunalua Bay. The proposed project area consists of a relatively flat, uniform sandy bottom with very sparse marine species present; therefore, it is anticipated that no significant impacts to the existing environment would occur as a result of implementing the Proposed Action. Additionally, there is sufficient distance (a buffer zone of 250 feet) between the proposed project area and existing reef habitats in the bay; therefore, impacts to the existing reef habitats and the potential for competing for species of other reef habitats would be avoided. Although not observed during the benthic surveys conducting at the proposed project site, marine species of concern that are known to occur within the proposed project area include the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi), the endangered green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), and the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). The material of the reef modules would not be a hazard to any marine mammals or sea turtles within or in the vicinity of the proposed project area. Additionally, the sizes of the holes in the reef modules would be designed small enough to prevent entanglement hazards to sea turtles and monk seals. During deployment, all on-site project personnel will be notified of the potential presence of the listed species and the protections afforded to them. In-water work will cease if these species are observed by any on-site personnel within 50 yards of the deployment area until they voluntarily leave the area. Although not anticipated, any incidental take of marine mammals or sea turtles will be reported immediately to NOAA. No irrevocable loss of habitat, ongoing takes, or direct mortality of threatened or endangered species would occur due to implementation of the Proposed Action. In order to prevent the recruitment and establishment of invasive algal species on the reef modules, periodic monitoring and management of the invasive species will be conducted through a University of Hawai‘i based scientific investigation. In-water censuses of the project area will be conducted by university students or staff, under the supervision of a subject matter expert in marine botany, every two months to survey and document the presence of the invasive algal species. Notice of the occurrence of any invasive algal species, if any, will be immediately forwarded to the appropriate agency personnel. It is proposed that invasive algal occurrences be removed and returned to shore for confirmation of the species. A detailed description of the methodology to be used during monitoring and management of the invasive algal species is included in the Resource Management and Water Quality Monitoring Plan (Appendix B).


Figure 7: Benthic Infauna Study Map


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July 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page 40 WATER RESOURCES DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Water resources encompass surface water, groundwater, floodplains, and wetlands. Surface water resources include the ocean, lakes, rivers, and streams, and are important for a variety of reasons including ecological, economic, recreational, aesthetic, and human health. Groundwater comprises subsurface water resources and is an essential resource in many areas as it is used for potable water, agricultural irrigation, and industrial applications. Floodplains are belts of low, level ground present on one or both sides of a stream channel and are subject to either periodic or infrequent inundation by floodwater. Wetlands are defined as: “Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water (hydrology) at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation (hydrophytes) typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions (hydric soils). Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas” (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 232.2[r]). Coastal wetlands are important to the ecosystem and provide a critical interface between terrestrial and marine habitats. They also provide various functions such as buffering the coastline, capturing sediment, and retaining and transforming nutrients (Bruland, 2008). REGULATORY SETTING The CWA of 1977 (PL 95-217) expanded provisions related to pollutant discharges and applies regulatory and non-regulatory tools to reduce point source and non-point source pollution, in addition to setting standards for water quality. Section 303(d) of the CWA requires states to maintain a list of water bodies that do not meet, or are not expected to meet state water quality standards. States must obtain and review all readily available surface water quality data to compare against state standards, and then make a decision on the level of impairment for each water body. The listing applies to both point and non-point sources of pollution, and must include a listing of pollutants for which applicable standards are exceeded. Section 404(b)(1) of the CWA is “to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of waters of the United States through the control of discharges of dredged or fill material.” Consistent with the Section 404(b)(1) guidelines, adverse impacts to wetlands, streams and other special aquatic sites must be avoided or minimized to the full extent practicable. Any unavoidable impacts must be mitigated consistent with USACE regulations and policies. Under Section 401 of the CWA, the State of Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) CWB is responsible for issuing or denying Section 401 Water Quality Certifications (WQCs) for any project/activity that requires a federal license or permit and may result in a water pollutant discharge to State surface waters. EXISTING CONDITIONS Maunalua Bay is classified by DOH as “Class A Open Coastal Marine Waters.” The objective of Class A waters is “that their use for recreational purposes and aesthetic enjoyment be protected. Any other use shall be permitted as long as it is compatible with the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife, and with recreation in and on these waters. These waters shall not act as receiving waters for


any discharge which has not received the best degree of treatment or control compatible with the criteria established for this class (HAR§11-54-3(c)(2)).” A baseline water quality survey was conducted within the project area and adjoining nearshore waters at selected locations within Maunalua Bay (Figure 8). Water samples were collected for laboratory analysis of inorganic and total nutrients (nitrate and nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, silicate, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus) and chlorophyll-a content at all sampling locations. In addition, temperature, conductivity, salinity, depth, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a data were collected within the water column at each of the deeper sampling locations (all locations within deeper waters except for one profile taken at the boast harbor channel [MB-02]) using a series of hydrocasts. Table 3-3 shows a summary of the water quality measurements made during the survey. Basic water quality parameters were generally very uniform throughout the water column and among the different sampling locations. The turbidity measurements were exceedingly low, with data below the detection limit of the instrument in nearly all cases. Nutrients and chlorophyll-a concentrations were relatively low throughout all sampling locations, with higher concentrations typically observed in waters closer to the shoreline. This was reflective of the more productive nature of nearshore coastal water in Maunalua Bay compared to the more nutrient-limited open ocean waters and the dilutionary effect of the offshore waters on any land-based inputs of nutrient enriched water to the coastal zone. In summary, the survey results indicate that water quality within the project area is reflective of a well- mixed water column typical of the coastal oligotrophic waters of Hawai‘i. A detailed description of the water quality survey methodology and results are included in the Benthic Study Report prepared for the proposed project site (Appendix A).



Area of Detail MAUNALUA BAY MB-03


S1K2 MB-05 457 228.5 0 457 S1K1 MB-08 MB-10 Meters S1K3 S1K4 MB-06 Scale: 1" = 457 m MB-09

MB-07 1,500 750 0 1,500 Legend Project Site Feet Water Quality Monitoring Points Scale: 1" = 1,500 ft !


Table 3-3: Water Quality Measurements Summa

Sample Nitrate and Ammonia Phosphate Silicate Total Total Chlorophyll-a1 Turbidity Salinity2 Temperature pH2 Location Nitrite (µmol/L) (µmol/L) (µmol/L) Nitrogen Phosphorus (µg/L) (NTU)2 (°C)2 (µmol/L) (µmol/L) (µmol/L)

S1K1 0.17 0.36 0.19 1.31 5.14 0.57 0.074 -1.20 - -1.10 34.93 - 34.94 25.26 - 25.30 8.10 - 8.16 ry Within and Vicinity of Project Area S1K2 0.14 0.43 0.13 1.17 5.50 0.44 0.068 -1.20 - -1.10 34.91 - 34.93 25.26 - 25.34 8.07 - 8.10 S1K3 0.53 0.58 0.10 1.15 5.76 0.47 0.045 -1.20 - -0.70 34.93 - 35.05 25.18 - 25.30 7.98 - 8.14 S1K4 0.11 0.28 0.10 1.61 5.16 0.47 0.065 -1.20 - 6.40 34.90 - 34.94 25.25 - 25.33 8.12 - 8.17 MB-01 0.48 1.42 0.17 10.89 9.60 0.38 0.097 - - - - MB-02 0.21 1.16 0.10 12.78 9.24 0.26 0.472 3.2 - 4.4 34.87 - 34.88 25.27 - 25.29 7.96 - 7.97 MB-03 0.22 1.14 0.10 8.35 9.03 0.33 0.178 - - - - MB-04 0.40 0.85 0.15 1.66 7.20 0.44 0.068 - - - - MB-05 0.10 0.72 0.14 1.56 6.84 0.33 0.033 -0.90 - 2.5 34.68 - 34.70 24.92 - 24.95 7.94 - 7.95 MB-06 0.09 0.75 0.14 1.14 7.66 0.43 0.032 -1.0 - -0.7 34.68 - 34.71 24.87 - 24.90 7.94 - 7.98 MB-07 0.05 1.40 0.14 1.52 8.04 0.39 0.037 -1.0 - -0.9 34.69 - 34.75 24.80 - 24.86 7.96 - 7.99 MB-08 0.08 1.06 0.14 1.11 7.14 0.39 0.027 -1.0 - -0.7 34.69 - 34.73 24.83 - 24.89 7.97 - 7.99 MB-09 0.07 0.95 0.12 1.08 6.64 0.33 0.020 -0.9 34.69 - 34.74 24.82 - 24.89 7.98 - 8.01 MB-10 0.08 0.96 0.12 1.26 6.97 0.34 0.038 -0.9 - -0.1 34.68 - 34.73 24.84 - 24.91 7.97 - 8.01 1 Results are based on laboratory analytical data. 2 Shows ranges of the parameter measured within the water column. μg/L = microgram(s) per liter μmol/L = micromole(s) per liter °C = degrees Celsius NTU = nephelometric turbidity unit

January 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page 45

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January 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page 46 APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Determination of the significance of potential impacts to water resources is based on: 1) the importance (i.e., legal, commercial, recreational, ecological, or scientific) of the resource; 2) the proportion of the resource that would be affected relative to its occurrence in the region; 3) the sensitivity of the resource to the Proposed Action; and 4) the duration of ecological ramifications. Impacts to water resources are significant if the occurrence, water quality, aquatic habitat extent, or visual aesthetic character are adversely affected over a relatively large area. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, the project site would remain unchanged and there would be no impacts to water resources within or in the vicinity of the project site. Preferred Alternative

Reef Module Material/Manufacture The reef modules would be manufactured at HMR’s base yard located on a commercial property on O‘ahu. The reef modules would be manufacture from a mixture of cement (Type II Portland Cement), W.R. Grace’s Force 10,000 microsilica, ADVATM Flow Superplasticizer (water-reducing admixture), sand (salt free), and aggregates casted into a dome-shaped reef structure. These materials would be mixed at an appropriate ratio so that the surface pH of the casted cement would be similar to the pH of seawater and ideal for settlement by corals. Manufacturing of the reef modules would take place within the HMR facility. Any necessary construction activities at the HMR base yard prior to operation would comply with City and County of Honolulu BMPs, as well as applicable measures of the CWA. Impacts to water quality during the manufacturing process are not anticipated.

Reef Module Deployment Once cured, the reef modules would not leach any toxic substances or pollutants into the water. In order to remove any loose material or dust on the surface, the reef modules would be subjected to a power wash on land prior to deployment. Each reef module would be lowered to its specified location on the seafloor determined by GPS coordinates and by using reusable bladders. A qualified dive team would escort each reef module until it reaches the seafloor at its desired location while the attached bladders are slowly deflated. This method would prevent the modules from inadvertently being placed in the wrong location and allow the reef modules to settle slowly onto the seafloor without significantly affecting the turbidity and other determined properties of the water column. Baseline water quality parameters would be determined prior to each deployment event and compared to the measurements taken during deployment of the reef modules in order to assure that the Preferred Alternative would not significantly impact the existing environmental conditions. Water quality measurements would be taken by lowering a multi-parameter water quality meter to the seafloor where the reef modules would be sited. In addition, periodic (monthly and quarterly-extended) water quality surveys will be conducted at an array of sites within and surrounding the proposed artificial reef area to monitor any unforeseen long-term effects of the reef modules on the water quality of the surrounding waters. A detailed description of the methods to be used and parameters to be measured during the periodic water quality surveys are included in the Resource Management and Water Quality Monitoring Plan (Appendix B).


Artificial Reef Operation As demonstrated by the water quality parameter data collected at the project area, the water column at the proposed artificial reef site is well mixed with very little gradient in water quality parameters with depth. Therefore, the placement of the reef modules at the bottom of the seafloor is not anticipated to substantially change the water quality within the water column or at the surface due to displacement and change in distribution of water within the water column. Removal of invasive algal species from the reef modules as part of the planned O&M activities may temporarily increase the turbidity in the surrounding waters; however, is not anticipated to be significant or permanently alter the water quality within the project area or adjacent areas within Maunalua Bay.

3.2.4 CLIMATE AND AIR QUALITY DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Climate Climate is defined as long-term atmospheric patterns that characterize a region or location, and includes measures of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count, and other meteorological variables. Knowing the climate of an area enables the predictability of short-term weather phenomena; however, only the weather can specify actual short-term atmospheric conditions. Some geographic regions with great topographic variations over relatively short distances (e.g., slope steepness, aspect, etc.) have micro-climates that are distinct to small areas (e.g., canyons, leeward vs. windward, hilltops, basins, etc.). Air Quality Air quality at a given location is a function of several factors, including the quantity and type of pollutants emitted locally and regionally, as well as the dispersion rates of these pollutants. Primary factors affecting pollutant dispersion are wind speed and direction, atmospheric stability, temperature, the presence or absence of inversions, and topography. Air quality is affected by stationary sources (e.g., industrial development) and mobile sources (e.g., motor vehicles). Air quality at a given location is determined by the concentration of various pollutants in the atmosphere. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are established by the EPA for criteria

pollutants, including: ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter less than or equal to ( ) ten microns in diameter (PM10) and 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5), and lead (Pb). NAAQS represent maximum levels of background pollution that are considered safe, with an adequate margin of safety, to protect public health and welfare.

Ozone (O3). The majority of ground-level (or terrestrial) O3 is formed as a result of complex photochemical reactions in the atmosphere involving volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and oxygen. O3 is a highly reactive gas that damages lung tissue, reduces pulmonary

function, and sensitizes the lung to other irritants. Although stratospheric O3 shields the earth from damaging ultraviolet radiation, terrestrial O3 is a highly damaging air pollutant and is the primary source of smog. Carbon Monoxide (CO). CO is a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas produced by incomplete burning of carbon in fuel. The health threat from CO is most serious for those who suffer from cardiovascular disease, particularly those with angina and peripheral vascular disease.

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). NO2 is a highly reactive gas that can irritate the lungs, cause bronchitis and pneumonia, and lower resistance to respiratory infections. Repeated exposure to high concentrations of


NO2 may cause acute respiratory disease in children. Because NO2 is a key precursor in the formation of O3 or smog, control of NO2 emissions is an important component of overall pollution reduction strategies. The two primary sources of NO2 in the United States are fuel combustion and transportation.

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2). In Hawai‘i, the main source of SO2 is vog (i.e., volcanic smog) from volcanic eruptions. When volcanoes are active, SO2 is released and reacts with sunlight, which transforms the sulfur gases and water molecules to sulfuric acid, creating the volcanic haze. SO2 is also emitted from stationary source coal and oil combustion, steel mills, refineries, pulp and paper mills, and from

nonferrous smelters, although these are less of a factor in Hawai‘i. High concentrations of SO2 may aggravate existing respiratory and cardiovascular disease; asthmatics and those with emphysema or

bronchitis are the most sensitive to SO2 exposure. SO2 also contributes to acid rain, which can lead to the acidification of lakes and streams and damage trees.

Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5). Particulate matter (PM) is a mixture of tiny particles that vary greatly in shape, size, and chemical composition, and can be comprised of metals, soot, soil, and dust.

PM10 includes larger, coarse particles, whereas PM2.5 includes smaller, fine particles. Sources of coarse particles include crushing or grinding operations, and dust from paved or unpaved roads. Sources of fine particles include vog, all types of combustion activities (e.g., motor vehicles, power plants, wood burning) and certain industrial processes. Salt spray from the ocean is also a contributing factor because it holds significant amounts of PM.

Exposure to PM10 and PM2.5 levels exceeding current standards can result in increased respiratory and cardiac-related respiratory illness. Short-term effects from PM may include headaches, breathing

difficulties, eye irritation, and sore throat. The EPA has concluded that PM2.5 is more likely to contribute to health problems than PM10. Airborne Lead (Pb). Airborne Pb can be inhaled directly or ingested indirectly by consuming Pb-contaminated food, water, or non-food materials such as dust or soil. Fetuses, infants, and children are most sensitive to Pb exposure. Pb has been identified as a factor in high blood pressure and heart disease. Exposure to Pb has declined dramatically in the last 30 years as a result of the reduction or elimination of Pb in gasoline and paint, and the elimination of Pb from soldered cans. Greenhouse Gases GHGs trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere, affecting climate and contributing to global warming. Both

naturally occurring and anthropogenic (man-made) GHGs include: water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NO), and O3. According to guidance from the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) during an analysis of direct effects, it is appropriate to: (1) quantify cumulative emissions over the life of the project, (2) discuss measures to reduce GHG emissions, including consideration of reasonable alternatives, and (3) qualitatively discuss the link between such GHG emissions and climate change. However, it is not currently useful to attempt to link specific climatological changes, or the environmental impacts thereof, to the particular project or emissions, as such direct linkage is, at best, difficult to isolate and to understand. The estimated level of GHG emissions can serve as a reasonable proxy for assessing potential climate change impact and provides decision makers and the public with useful information for a reasoned choice among alternatives (CEQ, 2010). REGULATORY SETTING On June 9, 2014, Hawai`i established an interagency climate adaptation committee charged with developing a sea-level rise vulnerability and adaptation report addressing statewide impacts through 2050 (Hawai`i Climate Adaptation Initiative Act; House Bill 1714; now Act 83). The committee is


required to issue a report that will be available to the public before the end of 2017. Act 83 also authorizes the Office of Planning to coordinate the development of climate adaptation plans and policy recommendations, and to use the committee's report as a framework for addressing other climate threats and climate change adaptation priorities. At this time, OCCL and the Office of Planning are coordinating development of the statewide Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Report that will provide guidance for future development projects. The Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990 place most of the responsibility to achieve compliance with NAAQS on individual states. DOH Clean Air Branch is responsible for air pollution control in the state. The primary services of the branch include: 1) Engineering, which includes engineering analysis and permitting; 2) Monitoring, which performs monitoring and investigations; and 3) Enforcement, in which federal and state air pollution control laws and regulations are enforced. The EPA requires each state to prepare a State Implementation Plan (SIP). A SIP is a compilation of goals, strategies, schedules, and enforcement actions that will lead the state into compliance with all

NAAQS for CO, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, and O3 to thus reach attainment status. Areas not in compliance with a standard can be declared nonattainment areas by EPA or the appropriate state or local agency. There can be lenience for Exceptional Events, which are defined as “unusual or naturally occurring events that can affect air quality but are not reasonably controllable using techniques that tribal, state, or local air agencies may implement in order to attain and maintain the NAAQS” (EPA, 2013). An example of an Exceptional Event is a volcanic eruption, which affects air quality by causing exceedances of NAAQS and cannot be controlled by human intervention. EXISTING CONDITIONS The prevailing winds on O‘ahu (known as trade winds) are from the east-northeast, with a mean wind speed of 10.6 miles per hour (Table 3-4). The trade winds prevail approximately nine months of the year, from February to November. During the winter months, winds tend to be less predictable, with longer periods of light and variable winds, and occurrences of strong southerly or “Kona” winds associated with weather fronts and storms. The monthly average temperatures in Honolulu ranges from a minimum of 67.0 to 75.5 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and a maximum of 80.0 to 88.7 °F. Monthly average rainfall ranges from 0.30 to 3.71 inches. The wettest months of the year are November through February (WRCC, 2009).

Table 3-4: Monthly Average Temperature, Rainfall, and Wind Speed Average Temperature Average Rainfall Average Wind Speed Month (°F) (inches per day) (miles per hour) Minimum Maximum January 67.0 80.0 2.71 9.3 February 67.2 80.4 1.54 9.3 March 68.6 81.2 2.57 9.7 April 70.1 82.7 0.46 11.7 May 71.6 84.5 0.71 10.6 June 74.0 86.8 0.30 11.8 July 75.0 87.8 0.35 12.2 August 75.5 88.7 0.50 12.2 September 74.5 87.9 0.50 10.7 October 73.7 86.4 1.19 10.2


Average Temperature Average Rainfall Average Wind Speed Month (°F) (inches per day) (miles per hour) November 71.3 83.4 3.71 9.3 December 68.7 81.1 2.27 9.6 °F = degrees Fahrenheit Source: WRCC, 2009 (Data from Honolulu International Airport)

Based on the State of Hawai’i annual summary of air quality data (DOH, 2015), the concentrations of

CO, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, and O3 on O‘ahu in 2014 were well within the NAAQS set by the EPA. The main source of air pollutants, if any, in the vicinity of the proposed project area, is most likely emissions from operations of boats and vessels in Maunalua Bay. Source of air pollutants in the area where the HMR base yard would be located is most likely emissions from vehicles and machinery. However, there are no known significant sources of air pollutants within or in the vicinity of the project area or the base yard. APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Determination of the significance of potential impacts to air quality is based on whether a proposed action: 1) causes or contributes to any violation of any NAAQS in the area; 2) interferes with provisions in the SIP for maintenance or attainment of any NAAQS; 3) increases the frequency or severity of any existing violation of any NAAQS; or 4) delays timely attainment of any NAAQS, any interim emission reduction goals, or other milestones included in the SIP. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, no significant impacts to the climate or air quality would result as the existing conditions would remain unchanged.

Preferred Alternative The Preferred Alternative is not anticipated to have significant impacts on air quality or climate. Manufacturing of the reef modules is not anticipated to involve use of heavy equipment or machinery that would result in significant amounts of emissions. A slight increase in exhaust emissions due to transportation of the reef modules to the project site and due to visitors to the artificial reef (once established) both on land and at sea is anticipated; however, this would be negligible considering the large amount of existing vehicle traffic on Oahu as well as the currently unpredictable number of recreational and commercial vessels/boats that currently utilize Maunalua Bay. Future climate change including sea level/temperature change may have impacts on the growth of corals on the reef modules; however, the proposed project’s exposure to future climate change would not result in significant adverse impacts to the surrounding environment.


3.2.5 NOISE DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Noise is generally defined as unwanted sound. Noise can be any sound that is undesirable because it interferes with communication, is intense enough to damage hearing, or is otherwise annoying. Noise varies depending on the type and characteristics of the source of noise, distance between the noise source and receptor, receptor sensitivity, and time of day. Determination of noise levels are based on: 1) sound pressure level generated (decibels [dB] scale); 2) distance of receptor from source of noise; 3) attenuating and propagating effects of the medium between the source and the receptor; and 4) period of exposure. REGULATORY SETTING State DLNR HAR Title 13, Chapter 256: Ocean Recreation Management Rules and Areas (ORMA) regulate use, including noise, at designated areas within Hawaii’s coastal waters. The project area is located within an area designated as Zone G Restricted Zone (Figure 9). Zone G is an area designated for parasailing operations. No more than two commercial operating permits for parasailing operations are authorized in this area and each permittee can operate no more than one vessel with a parasail aloft at any one time. All other vessels using this area are required to exercise extreme caution. Zone G is closed to parasailing operations from January 6 to May 15 of each year. While no specific noise level guidelines are included for the project area location, use within the area is regulated by the state DLNR. HMR staff would pass through the Maunalua Bay Waters within the South Oahu ORMA to access the project area, and would be subject to the rules pertaining to boat speed and other use restrictions in this area. The Hawaii Kai Marina Community Association Rules and Regulations regulate noise within the marina. The rules state that “power boat engine noise will be regulated at all times by boat operators so as not to create unnecessary noise levels on the marina. Vessels without mufflers or with dry stacks are prohibited in the marina” (Hawaii Kai Marina Community Association, 2012). EXISTING CONDITIONS Noise sources within and surrounding the proposed project area primarily consist of wind, waves, and passing boats. In addition, aircraft that occasionally fly over the site contribute to noise sources above the ocean surface. The project area is located approximately 0.7 miles from the nearest sensitive noise receptors that include the public shoreline and private residences near Kawaihoa (Portlock) Point. APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Noise impact analyses address potential changes to existing noise environments that would result from implementation of a proposed action. Potential changes in the noise environment can be beneficial (e.g., if they reduce the number of sensitive receptors exposed to unacceptable noise levels), negligible (e.g., if the total area exposed to unacceptable noise levels is essentially unchanged), or adverse (e.g., if they result in increased exposure to unacceptable noise levels).

July 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page 52 POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, the project site would remain unchanged and there would be no impacts to noise within the vicinity of the project site. Preferred Alternative The Preferred Alternative would not involve activities that would create significant noise levels. Manufacturing of the reef modules would generate minimal noise and would take place in a commercial area where such noise is consistent with the existing ambient noise level. Noise generated by the Preferred Alternative would be from boats used during transit to and from the project area by family members/friends, HMR staff and potentially by permitted academic/scientific research personnel. Noise impacts would be negligible since the project area is regularly exposed to a combination of natural noise and noise generated by frequent boat traffic in and around Maunalua Bay, and since the Preferred Alternative would not result in a significant increase in marine traffic/noise within the affected environment.


3.3.1 LAND/MARINE USE DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Land/marine use comprises natural conditions or human-modified activities occurring at a particular location. Human-modified land use categories include residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, communications and utilities, agricultural, institutional, recreational, and other developed use areas. Management plans and zoning regulations determine the type and extent of land/marine use allowable in specific areas and are often intended to protect specially designated or environmentally sensitive areas. REGULATORY SETTING State DLNR HAR Title 13, Chapter 256: Ocean Recreation Management Rules and Areas regulate uses at designated areas within Hawaii’s coastal waters. The project area is located within an area designated as Zone G Restricted Zone (Figure 9). Zone G is an area designated for parasailing operations. No more than two commercial operating permits for parasailing operations can be authorized in this area and each permittee can operate no more than one vessel with a parasail aloft at any one time. All other vessels using this area are required to exercise extreme caution. Zone G is closed to parasailing operations from January 6 to May 15 of each year. The CZMA requires direct Federal activities and development projects to be consistent with approved state coastal programs to the maximum extent practicable. Also, Federally-permitted, licensed, or assisted activities occurring in, or affecting, the State’s coastal zone must be in agreement with the Hawai‘i Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program’s objectives and policies. Federal agencies cannot act without regard for, or in conflict with, State policies and related resource management programs that have been officially incorporated into State CZM programs (15 CFR 930).


The State Land Use Law (HRS Chapter 205) established a framework of land use management and regulation in which all lands in the State of Hawai‘i are classified into one of four land use districts. The Land Use Commission (LUC) was established by the State legislature in order to administer the land use law. EXISTING CONDITIONS Land Use/Marine Use HMR’s base yard where the reef modules would be manufactured and temporarily stored would be located on a commercial property on O‘ahu. Land use activities surrounding the base yard location would be limited to industrial or commercial use. The reef modules would be transported from HMR’s base yard to Koko Marina using a flat-bed truck and transported to the proposed artificial reef area by a boat launched from Koko Marina which is located within a commercial area. Marine use activities within and surrounding the proposed artificial reef area consist of commercial and non-commercial recreational activities including but not limited to diving/, canoe paddling, boating, kayaking, fishing, and surfing. A detailed discussion of existing recreational activities and ORMAs within and in the vicinity of the proposed project area is included in Section 3.3.5 (Recreational / Resource Use). Zoning The Proposed Action occurs within coastal marine waters which are included in the State of Hawaii Conservation District. A CDUA is needed for the Proposed Action and will be filed with DLNR OCCL to ensure activities associated with the Proposed Action are consistent with the State Land Use Law. Both HMR’s base yard and the launch location (Koko Marina) would be located within areas designated as Urban according to the State LUC district classifications, or commercial/industrially zoned areas according to the City and County of Honolulu zoning ordinance. Coastal Zone Consistency The Proposed Action occurs within the coastal zone, which includes the waters from the shoreline to the seaward limit of the State’s jurisdiction, and is therefore under the jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program, which was established in compliance with the Coastal Zone Management Act. The program is administered by the State of Hawaiʻi Office of Planning and is intended to provide for the effective management, beneficial use, protection, and development of the coastal zone (HRS 205A). APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Significance of potential land/marine use impacts is based on the level of land/marine use sensitivity in areas affected by a proposed action. In general, land/marine use impacts would be significant if they would: 1) be inconsistent or noncompliant with applicable land/marine use plans or policies; 2) preclude the viability of existing land/marine use; 3) preclude continued use or occupation of an area; or 4) be incompatible with adjacent or vicinity land/marine use to the extent that public health or safety is threatened.


Legend Project Site

ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED HAWAI'I REEF PROJECT FIGURE ORMA MAP 9 MAUNALUA BAY, O'AHU, HAWAI'I POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, the proposed artificial reef would not be established, and marine/land use of the project site and surrounding areas would remain the same. There would be no impacts to marine/land use of project site and surrounding areas. Preferred Alternative The Preferred Alternative would not have any adverse impacts to the existing land/marine uses or zoning within and around the project area. The proposed artificial reef would benefit recreational uses within Maunalua Bay by providing a new reef habitat that is readily accessible from land. Manufacturing and temporary storage of the reef modules at HMR’s base yard as well as use of Koko Marina for transportation/deployment of the reef modules and transportation of visitors to the proposed artificial reef would not permanently alter the existing land use or affect surrounding land uses; therefore, no potential impacts are expected. Additionally, the proposed artificial reef would be considered compatible, consistent and not in conflict with any of the objectives of the CZM program. Formal consultation with the State of Hawai‘i Office of Planning will be conducted within the provisions outlined in 15 CFR 930.39-Federal Consistency with Approved Coastal Management Programs, as well as the guidelines established in HRS, Chapter 205A-Coastal Zone Management.

3.3.2 HISTORICAL AND CULTRAL RESOURCES DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Cultural resources represent and document activities, accomplishments, and traditions of previous civilizations, and link current and former inhabitants of an area. Depending on their conditions and historic uses, these resources may provide insight to living conditions in previous civilizations and may retain cultural and religious significance to modern groups. Traditional cultural resources can include archaeological resources, structures, neighborhoods, prominent topographic features, habitats, plants, animals, and minerals that native Hawaiians or other groups consider essential for the persistence of traditional culture. Archaeological resources comprise areas where prehistoric or historic activity measurably altered the earth or deposits of physical remains (e.g., arrowheads, bottles). The term historic properties refers to cultural resources that meet specific eligibility criteria for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), such as age (generally at least 50 years old), architectural integrity, and/or significant association with historical events, activities, or developments. REGULATORY SETTING Several Federal laws and regulations have been established to manage cultural resources, including the NHPA of 1966, the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act (1974), and the Archaeological Resource Protection Act (1979). DLNR SHPD works to preserve and sustain historical and cultural resources through three branches: History and Culture, Archaeology, and Architecture. SHPD maintains the statewide inventory of Historic Properties and reviews development projects in order to lessen the effects of change on Hawai‘i’s historical and cultural assets. Administrative rules pertaining to historic preservation in Hawai‘i can be


found in HAR Chapters 197-198, 275-284, and 300. Statutes pertaining to historic preservation in Hawai‘i are found in HRS Chapter 6E. Traditional cultural practices acknowledged in the State of Hawai‘i include rights of access and gathering. Traditional gathering rights have been codified in HRS 1-1 and 7-1, Article 12-7 of the Constitution of the State of Hawai‘i. Articles IX and XII of the State Constitution of Hawai‘i (HRS Chapter 343) require government agencies to promote and preserve cultural beliefs, practices, and resources of native Hawaiian and other ethnic groups. The “Guidelines for Assessing Cultural Impacts,” adopted by the Environmental Council of the State of Hawai‘i (1997), identifies the protocol for conducting cultural assessments. Once a cultural resource has been identified, a significance evaluation is conducted in which resources are assessed for scientific or historic research, for the general public, and for traditional cultural groups. In order for a cultural resource to be considered significant, per HAR §13-275-6, it must meet one or more of the following criteria for inclusion on the NRHP: a. associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history, or be considered a traditional cultural property; b. associated with the lives of persons significant in the past; c. embody distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; d. has yielded or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history; and/or e. has important value to native Hawaiian people or other ethnicities in the state, due to associations with cultural practices and traditional beliefs that were, or still are, carried out. EXISTING CONDITIONS The project area is located within submerged lands offshore of the traditional native Hawaiian moku (district) of Kona and the ahupua‘a (land division typically extending from the mountains to sea) of Maunalua. Significant documented cultural landmarks/features within Maunalua Bay include, but are not limited to; Paikō Lagoon, Kuapā Pond and Keahupua-o-Maunalua Fishpond. These landmarks/features are remanants of significant native Hawaiian fishponds that were used and managed as systems. Sweet potatoes and similar root crops were also grown within the inland areas of Maunalua ahupua‘a (Handy and Handy, 1978). The first documented Western contact at Maunalua Bay was in 1786 when two British ships anchored at Maunalua Bay and traded goods with native Hawaiians. Written accounts from British Captain Nathaniel Portlock document the presence of a large fish pond near the mouth of the bay (likely Keahupua-o-Maunalua Fishpond), as well as various inland habitation and worship sites within the valley inland of Maunalua Bay (Putzi et al., 1998). The Keahupua-o-Maunalua Fishpond and surrounding began to be dredged, filled and developed into the Hawaii Kai Marina by Henry Kaiser in the late 1950s. The Hawaii Kai Marina and surrounding residential neighborhoods were developed over the years to their present state as a private marina and residential and commercial area (USACE, 1975). The waters of Maunalua Bay are used for fishing, gathering and various ocean recreational activities. The closest land to the project area includes Kaiwaihoa Point (also known as Portlock Point), which includes a rocky coastline that provides public access to the shoreline for recreational activities including fishing and surfing. Residences within Portlock subdivision line the shoreline beyond the city and county setback. The project area is located approximately 0.7 miles west of Kawaihoa (Portlock) Point.

July 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page 58 APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Cultural resources are subject to review under both Federal and State laws and regulations. Section 106 of the NHPA empowers the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation to comment on Federally initiated, licensed, or permitted projects affecting cultural sites listed or eligible for inclusion on the NRHP. Consultation with SHPD in accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA would be required for the Proposed Action under the USACE Section 10 permitting requirements. Once cultural resources have been identified, significance evaluation is the process by which resources are assessed relative to significance criteria for scientific or historic research, for the general public, and for traditional cultural groups. Only cultural resources determined to be significant (i.e., eligible for the NRHP) are protected under the NHPA. Analysis of potential impacts to cultural resources considers both direct and indirect impacts. Direct impacts may occur by: 1) physically altering, damaging, or destroying all or part of a resource; 2) altering the characteristics of the surrounding environment that contribute to resource significance; 3) introducing visual, audible, or atmospheric elements that are out of character with the property or alter its setting; or 4) neglecting the resource to the extent that it is deteriorated or destroyed. Direct impacts can be assessed by identifying the locations of proposed actions and determining the exact locations of cultural resources that could be affected by the proposed actions. Indirect impacts primarily result from the effects of project-induced population increases and the resultant need to develop new housing areas, utilities services, and other support functions necessary to accommodate population growth. These activities and the subsequent use of the facilities can disturb or destroy cultural resources. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, the proposed artificial reef would not be established. The project site would remain unchanged from current conditions and there would be no direct or indirect impacts to any potential cultural resources. Preferred Alternative The Preferred Alternative would result in a lease of state submerged lands within the project area. Boating and other recreational activities may be restricted within the project area in order to allow the management and growth of coral at the artificial reef. However, it is not anticipated that cultural practices such as fishing, gathering and surfing would be significantly impacted since the project area is located in a sandy area approximately 0.7 miles from the shoreline and does not include reef habitat that supports significant fish populations. The project area is located within an ORMA designated as Zone G Restricted Zone. Zone G is an area designated for parasailing operations and is closed to parasailing operations from January 6 to May 15 of each year. It is not anticipated that the Preferred Alternative would impact commercial or recreational boating users within the project area since the proposed reef module deployment rate would not result in significant boat traffic that would impede current use. There may be long-term indirect beneficial impacts from the growth of new reef, which could increase fish populations within Maunalua Bay, leading to better fishing conditions within Maunalua Bay. A cultural impact assessment (CIA) is currently in progress for the Preferred Alternative and will be included in the final decision document. SHPD and NOAA have been consulted to determine if any known archaeological/cultural resources exist within the project area. NOAA personnel responded that no known historical features exist within the project area. As a result, it is unlikely that other undocumented historic resources exist within the project site. In the event that any human remains or


other significant archaeological deposits are encountered during the course of project activities, all work in the immediate area would stop and SHPD would be promptly notified.

3.3.3 TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Traffic and circulation refer to the movement of vehicles throughout a road, or highway network. Primary roads are principal arterials, such as major interstates, designed to move traffic and not necessarily to provide access to all adjacent areas. Secondary roads are arterials such as rural routes and major surface streets, which provide access to residential and commercial areas, hospitals, and schools. Since the Preferred Alternative would include marine access with motorized boats, marine traffic patterns within the affected environment are also included in this resource area analysis. REGULATORY SETTING The Revised Ordinances of Honolulu, Chapter 15: Traffic Code outlines the traffic rules for vehicle operations within the City and County of Honolulu. DLNR HAR Title 13, Chapters 240-245 and 250-257 outline the rules for boating and other uses within ocean waters and navigable streams and beaches. EXISTING CONDITIONS The proposed project area is located within an ORMA designated as Zone G Restricted Zone. Zone G is an area designated for parasailing operations. No more than two commercial operating permits for parasailing operations can be authorized in this area and each permittee can operate no more than one vessel with a parasail aloft at any one time. All other vessels using this area are required to exercise extreme caution. Zone G is closed to parasailing operations from January 6 to May 15 of each year. APPROACH TO ANLAYSIS Potential impacts to traffic and circulation patterns are assessed with respect to anticipated disruption or improvement of current transportation patterns and systems, deterioration or improvement of existing levels of service, and changes in existing levels of transportation safety. Beneficial or adverse impacts may arise from physical changes to circulation (e.g., closing, rerouting, or creating roads), construction activity, introduction of construction-related traffic on local roads, or changes in daily or peak-hour traffic volumes created by installation workforce and population changes. Adverse impacts on roadway capacities would be significant if roads with no history of exceeding capacity were forced to operate at or above their full design capacity.

July 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page 60 POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, the project site would remain unchanged. No significant impacts are expected to occur as a result of the No action Alternative since no traffic changes are expected to occur.

Preferred Alternative Terrestrial Traffic Impacts

Workers accessing the HMR facility, which would be located at a suitable commercially zoned facility on O‘ahu, would create additional vehicle trips within the local roadway network. However, the anticipated number of facility staff (approximately 10-20 workers) would not represent a significant amount of vehicle trips that would impact any main roadway networks. The deployment schedule of the reef modules is anticipated to be conducted at a maximum rate of approximately 25 modules per week, for a maximum of five trips per week. The reef ball modules would be loaded onto a truck at the HMR production facility and transported to Hawaii Kai Marina where they would be loaded onto a commercial boat for deployment. HMR customers would also drive or be driven to the boat launch point. University students and/or HMR staff conducting periodic monitoring activities would also add vehicle trips to the launch point. The addition of these vehicle trips would not represent a significant impact to the local roadway network.

Marine Traffic Impacts

HMR would engage existing licensed local commercial boating companies to transport the reef ball modules and HMR staff/customers from the launch point to the project area. The deployment schedule of the reef modules is anticipated to be conducted at a rate of approximately five trips per week through Hawaii Kai Marina and Maunalua Bay to the project area. University students and/or HMR staff conducting periodic monitoring activities would also create additional boat trips to the project area. All licensed commercial boating companies that would be hired to transport the reef ball modules and HMR staff/customers to the project area would be subject to the DLNR rules for boating (HAR Title 13, Chapters 240-245 and 250-257). Since all boat trips would be limited to a maximum of five trips per week, and approximately 1-2 trips per month for monitoring, and since all commercial boating activities would follow applicable state DLNR regulations, there would be no significant impacts to marine traffic patterns within the affected environment.

3.3.4 SOCIOECONOMICS DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Socioeconomics are defined as the basic attributes and resources associated with the human environment, particularly population and economic activity. Human population is affected by regional birth and death rates as well as net in- or outmigration. Economic activity typically comprises employment, personal income, and industrial growth. Impacts on these fundamental socioeconomic indicators can also influence other components such as housing availability and public services provision.

Socioeconomic data in this section are presented at the county, state, and national levels to analyze baseline socioeconomic conditions in the context of regional, state, and national trends. Data have been collected from previously published documents issued by federal, state, and local agencies and from state


and national databases (e.g., US Bureau of Economic Analysis [BEA] Regional Economic Information System). REGULATORY SETTING In 1994, EO 12898, “Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low- Income Populations”, was issued to focus attention on human health and environmental conditions in minority and low income communities and to ensure that disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on these communities are identified and addressed.

Because children may suffer disproportionately from environmental health risks and safety risks, EO 13045, “Protection of Children from Environmental Health and Safety Risks”, was introduced in 1997 to prioritize the identification and assessment of environmental health risks and safety risks that may affect children and to ensure that policies, programs, activities, and standards address environmental health risks and safety risks to children. EXISTING CONDITIONS Social Factors and Community Identity According to the 2010 census, the total population of East Honolulu census designated place (CDP) is estimated at 49,914, which comprises 5.2 percent of the total population of Honolulu County, estimated at 953,207, and 3.7 percent of the total population of the State of Hawai‘i, estimated at 1,360,301. The median age of East Honolulu CDP is 47.2 years old with 19.4 percent of the total population being under 18 years old and 21.0 percent over 65 years old (US Census Bureau, 2010). Socioeconomics The median household annual income for East Honolulu CDP was $111,582 for the years 2010 to 2014, higher compared to the median household annual income for Honolulu County ($73,581) and the State of Hawai‘i ($68,201) (US Census Bureau, 2010). According to the East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan, East Honolulu is targeted for very little growth of the 20-25 year projection horizon of the Plan. Policies that support this goal are focused on maintaining the patterns of development characteristic of East Honolulu’s residential neighborhoods and limit the potential of expansion of the region’s housing stock, commercial centers, and economic activity (City and County of Honolulu, 1999). Environmental Justice In order to comply with EO 12898, ethnicity and poverty status in the vicinity of the project site were examined and compared to regional, state, and national data to determine if any minority or low-income communities could potentially be disproportionately affected by implementation of the Proposed Action. For the years 2008-2012, the percentage of population in East Honolulu CDP below the poverty level was 3.5 percent, which is lower than the Honolulu County (9.8 percent), State of Hawai‘i (11.4 percent), and national (14.8 percent) percentages (US Census Bureau, 2010). The percentage of minority residents in East Honolulu CDP (72.7 percent in year 2010) is comparable to the percentage of minority residents for Honolulu County (79.2 percent in year 2012) and State of Hawai‘i (75.3 percent) but significantly greater than for the nation (27.6 percent) (US Census Bureau, 2010). Protection of Children


In order to comply with EO 13045, the number of children under age 18 in the vicinity of the project site was examined and compared to county, state, and national levels. Additionally, locations where populations of children may be concentrated (e.g., child care centers, schools, and parks) were determined to address potentially disproportionate health and safety risks to children that may result from implementation of the Proposed Action. There are approximately 184,922 children under the age of 18 in East Honolulu CDP, comprising 19.4 percent of the overall population. This is comparable to 22.1 percent for Honolulu County, 22.3 percent for the State of Hawai‘i, and 24 percent for the nation (US Census Bureau, 2010). The State of Hawai‘i Department of Education (DOE) has a total of eight school districts and 320 public schools statewide. There are eight elementary schools, one intermediate (Niu Valley Intermediate), and two high schools (Kalani High School and Kaiser High School) in East Honolulu. APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Significance of population and expenditure impacts are assessed in terms of their direct effects on the local economy and related effects on other socioeconomic resources (e.g., housing). The magnitude of potential impacts varies depending on the location of a proposed action; for example, an action that creates 20 employment positions may be unnoticed in an urban area, but may have significant impacts in a more rural region. If potential socioeconomic impacts would result in substantial shifts in population trends, or adversely affect regional spending and earning patterns, they would be significant. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, current conditions would remain unchanged and no impacts to the existing socioeconomics, population distribution, levels or racial distribution would occur.

Preferred Alternative The Preferred Alternative would benefit the ocean recreation and ecotourism industry in the region by providing an additional location in Maunalua Bay that could be used for recreational activities such as diving and snorkeling. In addition, the Preferred Alternative would benefit the local economy by creating employment opportunities for personnel needed to manufacture and deploy the reef modules as well as for scientific marine researchers. O&M and monitoring required under the Preferred Alternative would also create additional employment opportunities, contributing beneficially to the local economy. Hawai‘i is experiencing a severe shortage in available burial plots and the state’s growing elderly population is expected to tax the available space, and new cemeteries are facing significant challenges in obtaining land and permits (Honolulu Advertiser, 2007). Cremation has become increasingly popular due to the rising cost of traditional burial. In addition to direct economic benefits, the Preferred Alternative would benefit the public by providing a cost-effective alternative to traditional burial. The demographics of the area in the vicinity of the project site do not comprise disproportionately high concentrations of minority or low-income populations. Activities proposed under the preferred alternative would not disproportionately affect any specific racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic group living within the vicinity of the project site or result in any significant impacts to the local housing or demographics in the long-term.


None of the proposed activities occur in areas where significant concentration of children may gather and there are no potential disproportionate health and safety risks to children that may result from implementation of the Preferred Alternative.

3.3.5 RECREATIONAL / RESOURCE USE DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Recreation is comprised of terrestrial- and water-based activities associated with the local population or visitors to the island. Recreation may consist of aquatic activities such as swimming, windsurfing, surfing, fishing, jet skiing, kayaking, snorkeling, , and water skiing. Terrestrial recreational activities may consist of shopping, indoor shooting ranges, restaurants, hiking trails, biking, jogging, and golfing. Resource use includes any commitment of natural resources such as aggregate for concrete and petroleum products used as fuel needed to construct the Proposed Action, as well as to operate and maintain it. REGULATORY SETTING DLNR Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR) manages commercial and personal water crafts and boats within state waters and sets forth ocean recreation management rules through HAR §13-256. The department also manages and enforces boating/watercraft safety through mandatory educational courses as well as manages commercial use permits for commercial vessels, water craft, or water sports equipment in state ocean waters.

Pursuant to HAR §13-256-3, DOBOR has established the Maunalua Bay Recreation Advisory Committee (M-RAC) to create an opportunity for the Maunalua Bay community to provide their input on regulation of safe ocean recreation in Maunalua Bay. The M-RAC consists of six members, each representing user groups that may potentially have conflicting recreational uses in the bay. These groups include surfing (all types), fishing (all types), paddling (all types), thrill craft (commercial), diving (commercial), and Maunalua Bay area resident(s). The M-RAC meets on an as-needed basis to provide reports on specific issues as directed by DOBOR. The committee produces reports that summarize general public sentiment and provides specific recommendations as to each user group’s suggested modifications to ocean recreation in their area of expertise. Any recommendations made by the M-RAC are made available for public comment before being submitted to DOBOR for consideration. EXISTING CONDITIONS According to HAR§13-256-88, several ORMAs exist in Maunalua Bay. These ORMAs are designated areas within the bay for the operation of commercial or recreational thrill crafts, parasail operations, as well as recreational water skiing and commercial sledding, which include the time of the year, days, and hours when such activities are permitted. The ORMAs also place restrictions on the number of thrill crafts or vessels that are permitted to operate at one time within the designated areas. The proposed project area lies within an area designated as Zone G Restricted Zone. Zone G is an area designated for parasailing operations. No more than two commercial operating permits for parasailing operations can be authorized in this area and each permittee can operate no more than one vessel with


a parasail aloft at any one time. All other vessels using this area are required to exercise extreme caution. Zone G is closed to parasailing operations from January 6 to May 15 of each year. In addition to the commercial and non-commercial recreational activities managed by established ORMAs, recreational activities within Maunalua Bay include commercial diving/snorkeling tours, canoe paddling, boating, kayaking, fishing, and surfing. The proposed project area is frequented by recreational users involved in these activities. Popular surf spots in proximity to the proposed project area include ‘China Walls’ located approximately 0.6 miles to the east and ‘Turtles’ located approximately 0.8 miles to the north. APPROACH TO ANALYSIS The significance of potential impacts on recreational activities and resources due to the Proposed Action are assessed. The significance of potential impacts is determined by considering the direct effects of the Proposed Action on the beneficial use of recreational activities and natural resources. Substantial secondary impacts such as population changes or effects on public facilities would also be considered. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, the proposed artificial reef would not be constructed. Current recreational areas or resources would remain the same and there would be no impacts to recreational or resource use within the project site or surrounding areas.

Preferred Alternative Recreational use within and in the vicinity of the project area is expected to increase slightly as a result of the proposed artificial reef; however, the Preferred Alternative is not anticipated to result in a large congregation of recreational tour boats, as marine traffic in Maunalua Bay is already limited by the limited space available at Koko Marina and since there are no other marinas that are within accessible distance to the proposed project location. Once established, the artificial reef is expected to greatly benefit recreational users and the marine community by providing a reef habitat that is readily accessible from land and by also providing a site for research and educational activities. The Preferred Alternative would not involve activities that would be in conflict with any existing ocean- based activities and established ORMAs within Maunalua Bay. Since the objective of the Preferred Alternative is to establish a reef habitat and increase biomass, the project team may consider placing restrictions on commercial and recreational fishing as part of the conditions under the state lease in order to avoid any depletion of fish biomass from the established artificial reef. All activities under the Preferred Alternative would be conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations, including those established within the ORMAs; therefore, no significant impacts to recreational uses of the project site or areas in the vicinity are anticipated. The Preferred Alternative would require the commitment of natural resources such as cement used to build the reef modules and petroleum products to fuel vessels used for deployment and visitation. However, the amount of resources needed would not represent a significant commitment of resources within the area. Therefore, impacts on resource use in the project area due to the Preferred Alternative would be considered less than significant.


3.3.6 VISUAL AND AESTHETIC RESOURCES DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Visual resources are defined as the natural and manufactured features that comprise the aesthetic qualities of an area. These features form the overall impressions that an observer receives of an area or its landscape character. Landforms, water surfaces, vegetation, and manufactured features are considered characteristic of an area if they are inherent to the structure and function of a landscape. REGULATORY SETTING As part of providing long-term protection of community resources, the East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan (City and County of Honolulu, 1999) provides a vision for preserving significant scenic views of ridges, upper valley slopes, and shorelines areas from Kalanianaole Highway and scenic views from popular hiking trails that extend from Koko Head to Makapuu. Guidelines pertaining to preserving the visual aesthetics in the district include maintaining the existing makai view channels along the H1 Freeway or Kalanianaole Highway between Waialae and Koko Head by avoiding obstructions such as walls or landscaping and placing a high priority on maintaining the untamed landscape quality of the Koko Head to Makapuu viewshed by conducting modification to the shoreline area in a manner that preserves the aesthetic values of the undeveloped xerophytic landscape. EXISTING CONDITIONS The proposed project site is in the open ocean, approximately 0.7 miles from the nearest coastline. The predominant view from offshore consists of O‘ahu’s coastline as well as Diamond Head to the west, Koko Head to the east, and ridges and valley wall of the Ko‘olau Range. As observed during the benthic study conducted at the project site (Appendix A), the underwater seascape consists of a relatively flat sandy bottom. APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Determination of the significance of impacts to visual resources is based on the level of visual sensitivity in the area. Visual sensitivity is defined as the degree of public interest in a visual resource and concern over adverse changes in the quality of that resource. In general, an impact to a visual resource is significant if implementation of the proposed action would result in substantial alterations to an existing sensitive visual setting. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, the proposed artificial reef would not be established. There would be no change to visual and aesthetic resources at the project site. Therefore, there would be no impacts to visual and aesthetic resources under this alternative.


Preferred Alternative The proposed artificial reef would be completely submerged underwater and would not have any impacts to the existing surface view of Maunalua Bay. The underwater aesthetics would be enhanced by the biodiversity that would be attracted to the artificial reef. The slight increase in boating activities within and in the vicinity of the project area due to deployment and visiting boats is not anticipated to significantly alter the existing views of the bay since the bay is already frequently traveled by recreational boats.

3.3.7 HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC MATERIALS CONSIDERATIONS DEFINITION OF RESOURCE Solid Waste Solid waste is defined as garbage, refuse, and other discarded materials, including solid, liquid, semi- solid, or contained gaseous materials resulting from industrial, commercial, , and agricultural operations, sludge from waste and water supply treatment plants, and residues from air pollution control facilities and community activities. However, solid waste does not include solid or dissolved materials in domestic sewage or other substances in water sources such as silt, dissolved or suspended solids in industrial waste water effluents, dissolved materials in irrigation return flows, or other common water pollutants, or source, special nuclear, or by-product material as defined by the Federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (HAR 11-58.1).

Hazardous Materials and Wastes Hazardous materials are defined as substances with strong physical properties of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity, which may cause an increase in mortality, serious irreversible illness, incapacitating reversible illness, or pose a substantial threat to human health or to the environment. Hazardous wastes are defined as any solid, liquid, contained gaseous, or semisolid waste, or any combination of wastes that pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or to the environment. Issues associated with hazardous materials and wastes typically center on underground storage tanks, aboveground storage tanks, and the storage, transport, and use of pesticides and fuel. When such resources are improperly used, they can threaten the health and well-being of wildlife species, botanical habitats, soil systems, water resources, and people. REGULATORY SETTING Solid Waste Solid Waste management regulations are specified in HAR 11-58.1, with the intent to: 1) prevent pollution of the drinking water supply or waters of the State; 2) prevent air pollution; 3) prevent the spread of disease and the creation of nuisances; 4) protect the public health and safety; 5) conserve natural resources; and 6) preserve and enhance the beauty and quality of the environment.


Hazardous Waste HAR 11-262 specifies rules regulating hazardous waste management. Hazardous Waste Management regulations are specified in EPA state-specific Universal Waste Regulations and in CFR Title 40, Part 261- Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste. In 1980 the US Congress enacted the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) in order to identify and remediate sites where hazardous substances were, or could be, released into the environment. As a result, CERCLA often addresses uncontrolled releases of hazardous substances from facilities no longer in operation. In addition, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) was enacted in 1976 in order to focus on the prevention and remediation of releases from currently operating facilities. Together the two pieces of legislation effectively form the “safety net” intended to protect the ecosystems in which organisms thrive. EXISTING CONDITIONS The proposed project site is in the open ocean, approximately 0.7 miles from the nearest coastline. As observed during the benthic study conducted at the project site (Appendix A), the underwater seascape consists of a relatively flat sandy bottom largely devoid of marine life and no solid waste materials were observed during those surveys. The results from the water quality analysis indicate a healthy natural environment. APPROACH TO ANALYSIS Numerous local, federal, and state laws regulate the storage, handling, disposal, and transportation of hazardous materials and wastes; the primary purpose of these laws is to protect human health and the environment. The significance of potential impacts associated with hazardous substances is based on their toxicity, reactivity, ignitability, and corrosivity. Impacts associated with hazardous materials and wastes would be significant if the storage, use, transportation, or disposal of hazardous substances substantially increased the human health risk or environmental exposure. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION No Action Alternative Under the No Action Alternative, the proposed artificial reef would not be established. There would be no hazardous materials used and no solid or hazardous wastes generated. Preferred Alternative

The Preferred Alternative would not result in any significant impacts to the project site from hazardous or toxic materials. Generation of any hazardous or toxic material as a result of the Preferred Alternative is not expected. The artificial reef modules will be constructed from a mixture of cement (Type II Portland Cement), W.R. Grace’s Force 10,000 microsilica, ADVATM Flow Superplasticizer (water-reducing admixture), sand (salt free), and aggregates casted into a dome-shaped reef structure with various sizes, shapes, and patterns of holes to mimic the shape of a natural reef structure. All components will be in compliance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. The most significant impact of the modules is the potential for introducing an alkaline material into the environment, however, the addition of microsilica to Portland Cement reduces the cured concrete’s pH to about 8.3, producing a


material that has a surface pH similar to that of seawater (pH in Maunalua ranges between 7.9 and 8.17)) and does not cause an impact on its surroundings. A study (Collins et al., 1994) evaluated the leaching of heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc) from concrete blocks containing pulverized fuel ash and no significant difference between those and the control concrete blocks were found. This is supporting data indicating that leaching of any potentially hazardous or toxic materials from the reef modules will be negligible. The modules will be manufactured in an enclosed facility and will follow the specifications provided by the Reef Ball foundation. BMPs would be implemented to reduce the amount of dust generated during mixing and to ensure the curing conditions and times are met to obtain the correct final pH of approximately 8.3 for each reef module. The modules will be transported from the manufacturing location to the boat pier. This activity will temporarily increase traffic flow and therefore, increase the potential for pollution from petroleum products from vehicular traffic. Mitigation measures include proper maintenance and proper use of all vehicles. Additionally, state-approved BMPs will be used to reduce any potential negative impacts from manufacturing equipment and vehicle use. This includes use of oil absorbent pads under any equipment requiring maintenance and correct use and disposal of petroleum products. With the implementation of mitigation measures, no significant impacts to the project area or manufacturing site from hazardous or toxic materials are expected.

3.3.8 SECONDARY AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS “Secondary impact” or “secondary effect” or “indirect impact” or “indirect effect” means effects which are caused by the action and are later in time or farther removed in distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable. Indirect effects may include growth inducing effects and other effects related to induced changes in the pattern of land use, population density or growth rate, and related effects on air and water and other natural systems, including ecosystems (HAR §11-200-2). The proposed artificial memorial reef is not anticipated to cause any negative secondary impacts at or within the vicinity of the project area. The Proposed Action is instead expected to enhance biological resources at and near the project site by establishing and perpetuating coral reefs and their inhabitants. Increased monitoring and maintenance of the project area may also allow for improved management of invasive species. Socioeconomic resources are anticipated to benefit from the Proposed Action through the creation of employment opportunities and increased business for existing diving and snorkeling companies in Maunalua Bay. Recreational and aesthetic resources would be beneficially impacted by the enhanced coral habitat in the project area, as the sand bottom would no longer be devoid of marine life and would be more likely to attract recreational and educational interests. Cumulative impacts are two or more individual effects which, when considered together, compound or increase the overall impact. Cumulative impacts can arise from the individual effects of a single action or from the combined effects of past, present, or future actions. Thus, cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant actions taken over a period of time. The cumulative impacts of the Proposed Action along with past and reasonably foreseeable future projects proposed within or in the vicinity of the project area were assessed based upon available information.

There are no future projects that are currently planned in Maunalua Bay that would create adverse cumulative impacts to the existing conditions of the project area when implemented in conjunction with the work proposed under the Preferred Alternative. There are no known past or present projects that would compound or increase the impacts expected under the Preferred Alternative.


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The purpose of this section is to summarize the relationship of the plans and policies to project actions. Additionally, the intent is to revisit these plans and policies to qualify any significant effects from actions proposed in this EA.


4.1.1 SECTION 10 OF THE RIVERS AND HARBORS ACT OF 1899 Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 United States Code [U.S.C.] §401 et seq. and §403) requires authorization from the US Army Corps of Engineers for the construction of any structure in or over any navigable water of the United States, the excavation/dredging or deposition of material in these water or any obstruction or alteration in a “navigable water” (see below). Structure or work outside the limits defined for navigable waters of the United States require a Section 10 permit if the structure or work affects the course, location, condition, or capacity of the water body. “Navigable waters” of the United States are "those waters that are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide and/or are presently used, or have been used in the past, or may be susceptible to use to transport interstate or foreign commerce." This jurisdiction extends seaward to include all ocean waters within a zone three nautical miles from the coastline (the "territorial seas").

Discussion: The Proposed Action requires a Section 10 permit since it would involve placement of an artificial reef in Maunalua Bay. A standard permit application will be filed, and authorization to proceed with the Proposed Action will be obtained from the USACE prior to implementation.

4.1.2 CLEAN WATER ACT (CWA) The CWA establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters. Section 404(b)(1) guidelines prohibit the discharge of dredged or fill material into wetlands and other waters, unless it can be demonstrated that the discharge will not have unacceptable adverse impacts on those waters. The Section 404(b)(1) guidelines also require the following determinations: (1) the project is the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative, (2) the project will not cause or contribute to the violation of applicable state or Federal laws, such as water quality standards or the Endangered Species Act, (3) the project will not result in significant degradation of waters of the United States, and (4) any appropriate and practicable steps have been taken to minimize the adverse impacts of the project on wetlands and other waters. Under Section 401 of the CWA, the DOH CWB is responsible for issuing or denying Section 401 WQCs for any project/activity that requires a federal license or permit and may result in a water pollutant discharge to State surface waters. Under Section 402 of the CWA, the EPA establishes the NPDES permit program to regulate point source discharges of pollutants into waters of the United States.

Discussion: The Proposed Action would not result in potential discharge of pollutants or fill into the waters of the United States and would be in compliance with the provisions of the CWA. During implementation of


the Proposed Action, BMPs to minimize or eliminate discharges to Maunalua Bay would strictly be implemented to avoid any adverse impacts to water quality.

4.1.3 CLEAN AIR ACT (CAA) The CAA (42 U.S.C. 7401) requires the adoption of national ambient air quality standards to protect public health, safety, and welfare from known or anticipated effects of air pollution. The DOH Clean Air Branch is responsible for air pollution control in the state.

Discussion: The Proposed Action would be in compliance with the provisions of the CAA and is not anticipated to result in any necessary air quality permits since it would not result in significant or chronic emissions.

4.1.4 ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT OF 1973 / MARINE MAMMAL PROTECTION ACT OF 1972 The Endangered Species Act of 1973 provides a legal means by which identified ecosystems that are determined to be essential to the sustainability of an endangered or threatened species can be conserved. Under this Act, the USFWS has jurisdiction over endangered and threatened terrestrial flora, fauna, and birds in the State of Hawai‘i. NOAA, through NMFS, has jurisdiction over marine mammals, turtles (while in water), fish, and coral species. The MMPA of 1972 (as amended in 1994) was enacted to protect and manage population stocks of marine mammals that are, or may be, in danger of extinction or depletion as a result of human activity. The MMPA establishes a moratorium, with certain exceptions, on the taking of marine mammals and/or their products into the United States.

Discussion: Although not observed during the benthic surveys conducting at the proposed project site, the marine species of concern that are known to occur within the proposed project area include the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi), the endangered green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), and the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). The reef modules to be used for the proposed artificial reef would be manufactured from material that would not pose any potential hazard to these species. In addition, entanglement hazards to sea turtles and monk seals would be avoided by designing the sizes of the holes in the reef modules to be small enough to prevent passage. If observed during deployment of the reef modules, treatment of the protected species will comply with all necessary requirements of the law. No irrevocable loss of habitat, ongoing takes, or direct mortality of threatened or endangered species would occur due to implementation of the Proposed Action.

4.1.5 MIGRATORY BIRD TREATY ACT The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, as amended establishes a Federal prohibition, unless permitted by regulations, to “pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, purchase, deliver for shipment, ship, cause to be shipped, deliver for transportation, transport, cause to be transported, carry, or cause to be carried by any means whatever, receive for shipment, transportation or carriage, or export, at any time, or in any manner, any migratory bird, included in the terms of this Convention...for the protection of migratory birds...or any part, nest,


or egg of any such bird” (16 U.S.C. 703). The migratory bird species protected by the Act are listed in 50 CFR 10.13.

Discussion: The Proposed Action would not result in significant adverse impacts to any migratory bird habitat; therefore, implementation of the Proposed Action would comply with the provisions of the MBTA.

4.1.6 COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ACT (CZMA) OF 1972 In 1972, the federal government enacted the CZMA to protect, preserve, develop, restore, and enhance the resources of the nation’s coastal zone for current and future generations. This process is achieved by providing assistance to coastal states, including Hawai‘i, to develop and manage Coastal Management Programs. Enforcement authority for the Federal Coastal Management Program (Public Law 104-150, as amended in 1996) has been delegated to the State of Hawai‘i (HRS Chapter 205A). Federal consistency is the CZMA provision that federal actions (including activities performed by a non- federal entity requiring federal permits, licenses or other form of federal authorization) that have reasonably foreseeable effects on any land or water use or natural resource of the coastal zone (also referred to as coastal uses or resources, or coastal effects) should be consistent with the enforceable policies of a coastal state’s federally approved coastal management program. In addition, through the CZM Program promulgated by HRS Chapter 205A, each county is required to establish a special management area (SMA) and shoreline setbacks within which permits are required for development. Discussion: The proposed project would comply with HRS Chapter 205A since it is not located within an SMA or within the shoreline area. The following sections include an assessment on how the Proposed Action conforms to the CZM objectives and its supporting policies. Recreational Resources Objective: Provide coastal recreational opportunities accessible to the public. Policies:  Improve coordination and funding of coastal recreational planning and management; and  Provide adequate, accessible, and diverse recreational opportunities in the coastal zone management area by:  Protecting coastal resources uniquely suited for recreational activities that cannot be provided in other areas;  Requiring replacement of coastal resources having significant recreational value including, but not limited to surfing sites, fishponds, and sand beaches, when such resources will be unavoidably damaged by development; or requiring reasonable monetary compensation to the State for recreation when replacement is not feasible or desirable;  Providing and managing adequate public access, consistent with conservation of natural resources, to and along shorelines with recreational value;  Providing an adequate supply of shoreline parks and other recreational facilities suitable for public recreation;


 Ensuring public recreational uses of county, state, and federally owned or controlled shoreline lands and waters having recreational value consistent with public safety standards and conservation of natural resources;  Adopting water quality standards and regulating point and nonpoint sources of pollution to protect, and where feasible, restore the recreational value of coastal waters;  Developing new shoreline recreational opportunities, where appropriate, such as artificial lagoons, artificial beaches, and artificial reefs for surfing and fishing; and  Encouraging reasonable dedication of shoreline areas with recreational value for public use as part of discretionary approvals or permits by the Land Use Commission, Board of Land and Natural Resources, and county authorities. Discussion: Once established, the artificial reef is expected to greatly benefit recreational users and the marine community by providing a reef habitat that is readily accessible from land and by also providing a site for research and educational activities.

Historic Resources Objective: Protect, preserve, and, where desirable, restore those natural and manmade historic and prehistoric resources in the coastal zone management area that are significant in Hawaiian and American history and culture. Policies:  Identify and analyze significant archaeological resources;  Maximize information retention through preservation of remains and artifacts or salvage operations; and  Support state goals for protection, restoration, interpretation, and display of historic resources. Discussion: No historic or archaeological resources are known or likely to exist at the proposed project area. A cultural impact assessment will be conducted in order to determine if cultural and/or historical resources are present at the project site. Scenic and Open Space Resources Objective: Protect, preserve, and, where desirable, restore or improve the quality of coastal scenic and open space resources. Policies:  Identify valued scenic resources in the coastal zone management area;  Ensure that new developments are compatible with their visual environment by designing and locating such developments to minimize the alteration of natural landforms and existing public views to and along the shoreline;  Preserve, maintain, and, where desirable, improve and restore shoreline open space and scenic resources; and  Encourage those developments that are not coastal dependent to locate in inland areas.


Discussion: The proposed artificial reef would be completely submerged and would not have any impacts to the existing surface view of Maunalua Bay. The underwater aesthetics would be enhanced by the establishment of a new reef environment and the colorful fish and other organisms that would be attracted to the artificial reef. The slight increase in boating activities within and in the vicinity of the project area due to deployment and visiting boats is not anticipated to significantly alter the existing views of the bay since the bay is already frequently traveled by recreational boats. Coastal Ecosystems Objective: Protect valuable coastal ecosystems, including reefs, from disruption and minimize adverse impacts on all coastal ecosystems. Policies:  Exercise an overall conservation ethic, and practice stewardship in the protection, use, and development of marine and coastal resources;  Improve the technical basis for natural resource management;  Preserve valuable coastal ecosystems, including reefs, of significant biological or economic importance;  Minimize disruption or degradation of coastal water ecosystems by effective regulation of stream diversions, channelization, and similar land and water uses, recognizing competing water needs; and  Promote water quantity and quality planning and management practices that reflect the tolerance of fresh water and marine ecosystems and maintain and enhance water quality through the development and implementation of point and nonpoint source water pollution control measures. Discussion: The primary purpose of the Proposed Action is to help establish and perpetuate coral reefs in needed areas of the state, increasing coral establishment and propagation and fish biomass. Once established, the proposed artificial reef would result in an increase in coral habitat which would provide additional habitat for fish and other marine organism, resulting in a beneficial impact to the overall health of the ecosystem within Maunalua Bay. No adverse impacts to water quality resulting from the Proposed Action are anticipated since no hazardous material would be used to manufacture the reef modules and once cured, the cement mixture would not leach any potentially toxic or hazardous material to the surrounding waters. Periodic water quality monitoring would be conducted following the start of deployment of the reef modules to ensure that there are no impacts to the surrounding water quality. Economic Uses Objective: Provide public or private facilities and improvements important to the State's economy in suitable locations. Policies:  Concentrate coastal dependent development in appropriate areas;  Ensure that coastal dependent development such as harbors and ports, and coastal related development such as visitor industry facilities and energy generating facilities, are located, designed, and constructed to minimize adverse social, visual, and environmental impacts in the coastal zone management area; and


 Direct the location and expansion of coastal dependent developments to areas presently designated and used for such developments and permit reasonable long-term growth at such areas, and permit coastal dependent development outside of presently designated areas when:  Use of presently designated locations is not feasible;  Adverse environmental effects are minimized; and  The development is important to the State's economy. Discussion: The proposed project would not adversely affect existing marine habitat within Maunalua Bay and is not anticipated to have any adverse impacts to the current use of the bay waters. No structures or coastal dependent developments are being proposed. Coastal Hazards Objective: Reduce hazard to life and property from tsunami, storm waves, stream flooding, erosion, subsidence, and pollution. Policies:  Develop and communicate adequate information about storm wave, tsunami, flood, erosion, subsidence, and point and nonpoint source pollution hazards;  Control development in areas subject to storm wave, tsunami, flood, erosion, hurricane, wind, subsidence, and point and nonpoint source pollution hazards;  Ensure that developments comply with requirements of the Federal Flood Insurance Program; and  Prevent coastal flooding from inland projects. Discussion: The proposed artificial reef is located offshore and has no potential to affect existing hazard to life and property on land from storm waves, stream flooding, erosion, subsidence, or pollution. The proposed reef modules are designed to have greater than 50 percent of their weight at the structure base and to withstand heavy tropical storms in other areas of the US without movement in as little as 20 feet of water (Reef Ball Foundation, 2014); therefore they are not anticipated to be impacted by heavy storms. Managing Development Objective: Improve the development review process, communication, and public participation in the management of coastal resources and hazards. Policies:  Use, implement, and enforce existing law effectively to the maximum extent possible in managing present and future coastal zone development;  Facilitate timely processing of applications for development permits and resolve overlapping or conflicting permit requirements; and  Communicate the potential short and long-term impacts of proposed significant coastal developments early in their life cycle and in terms understandable to the public to facilitate public participation in the planning and review process. Discussion:


Procedures implemented to date related to this project have complied with all applicable aspects of established development review, communication, and public participation processes. The project proponent has initiated consultation with resource agencies (DAR, EPA, NOAA, USACE, USFWS, SHPD) to discuss permitting requirements and to ensure that any potential concerns on the Proposed Action are addressed and incorporated into the project design at an early stage of the project. Additionally, pre-consultation letters have been sent out to various state and federal agencies as well as public community groups in order to ensure that all applicable regulatory requirements are met and to ensure that any public concerns are addressed in the proposed project design. Public Participation Objective: Stimulate public awareness, education, and participation in coastal management. Policies:  Promote public involvement in coastal zone management processes;  Disseminate information on coastal management issues by means of educational materials, published reports, staff contact, and public workshops for persons and organizations concerned with coastal issues, developments, and government activities; and  Organize workshops, policy dialogues, and site-specific mediations to respond to coastal issues and conflicts. Discussion: Procedures intended to stimulate public participation have been an integral element of the environmental review process for this project. As part of the required HRS Chapter 343 review process, availability of this draft EA for the Proposed Action will be announced in the Office of Environmental Quality Control (OEQC) Environmental Notice publication for a required 30-day public review period. Any public comments received on the draft EA will be addressed and incorporated into the final EA. Beach Protection Objective: Protect beaches for public use and recreation. Policies:  Locate new structures inland from the shoreline setback to conserve open space, minimize interference with natural shoreline processes, and minimize loss of improvements due to erosion;  Prohibit construction of private erosion-protection structures seaward of the shoreline, except when they result in improved aesthetic and engineering solutions to erosion at the sites and do not interfere with existing recreational and waterline activities;  Minimize the construction of public erosion-protection structures seaward of the shoreline;  Prohibit private property owners from creating a public nuisance by inducing or cultivating the private property owner's vegetation in a beach transit corridor; and  Prohibit private property owners from creating a public nuisance by allowing the private property owner's unmaintained vegetation to interfere or encroach upon a beach transit corridor. Discussion: The Proposed Action neither involves development of new structures within the shoreline setback nor involves construction of private or public erosion-protection structures seaward of the shoreline.


Marine Resources Objective: Promote the protection, use, and development of marine and coastal resources to assure their sustainability. Policies:  Ensure that the use and development of marine and coastal resources are ecologically and environmentally sound and economically beneficial;  Coordinate the management of marine and coastal resources and activities to improve effectiveness and efficiency;  Assert and articulate the interests of the State as a partner with federal agencies in the sound management of ocean resources within the United States exclusive economic zone;  Promote research, study, and understanding of ocean processes, marine life, and other ocean resources to acquire and inventory information necessary to understand how ocean development activities relate to and impact upon ocean and coastal resources; and  Encourage research and development of new, innovative technologies for exploring, using, or protecting marine and coastal resources. Discussion: The Proposed Action has been evaluated in this EA to ensure that it does not result in any irrevocable adverse impacts to the marine/coastal resources in the vicinity of the proposed project area and that it is environmentally sound and economically beneficial. The Proposed Action is consistent with the state’s ocean resources management plan, particularly as it relates to development of marine resources as it is intended to enhance marine habitat, which would also promote research and public education of the ocean processes/marine life as well as benefit ocean recreational users.

4.1.7 NATIONAL HISTORICAL PRESERVATION ACT (NHPA) The NHPA (Public Law 89-665; 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.) is legislation intended to preserve historical and archaeological sites in the United States. The act created the National Register of Historic Places, the list of National Historic Landmarks, and the State Historic Preservation Offices.

Discussion: Consultation with SHPD in accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA will be initiated and will continue during the planning process. The purpose of consultation is to seek comments and input on significant cultural, archaeological and historic resources and properties potentially affected by project implementation, and seek ways to avoid or minimize any adverse effects on significant resources.


4.2.1 HRS CHAPTER 343 Compliance with Chapter 343, HRS is required as previously described in Section 2.1 Scope and Authority.


§343-5 Applicability and Requirements. (a) Except as otherwise provided, an environmental assessment shall be required for actions that:

Propose the use of the state or county lands or the use of state or county funds, other than funds to be used for feasibility or planning studies for possible future programs or projects that the agency has not approved, adopted, or funded, or funds to be used for the acquisition of unimproved real property; provided that the agency shall consider environmental factors and available alternatives in its feasibility or planning studies; provided further that an environmental assessment for proposed uses under section [205-2(d)(10)] or [205-4.5(a)(13)] shall only be required pursuant to section 205-5(b).

HRS, Chapter 343, defines the State of Hawai‘i’s environmental review process by which an environmental impact statement must be conducted to identify any potential impacts that could result from a proposed action involving state or county lands or funds.

Discussion: The State of Hawai‘i is titled to the waters within the proposed project area; therefore, the environmental assessment under Chapter 343 HRS is required because the project entails the use of State waters. This document has been prepared to meet HRS Chapter 343 requirements and would be processed through the OEQC.

4.2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT RULES TITLE 11, CHAPTER 200, HAR HAR Title 11, Chapter 200 provides the procedures, definitions and criteria for completing environmental assessments and environmental impact statements in compliance with HRS 343.

Discussion: Evaluation of the potential environmental, social and economic impacts from the Proposed Action have followed the applicable procedures, definitions and criteria outlined in HAR 11-200.

4.2.3 HAWAI‘I STATE PLAN CHAPTER 226, HRS The Hawai‘i State Plan, Chapter 226, HRS identifies themes, goals, objectives, and policies that serve as guidelines for the future long-range development of the state and provides a basis for prioritizing and allocating the limited resources within the state such as public funds, services, human resources, land, energy, and water. The following sections include analyses on whether the Proposed Action conforms to applicable objectives and policies of the State Plan.

§226-11 Objectives and policies for the physical environment: land-based, shoreline, and marine resources Planning for the State's physical environment with regard to land-based, shoreline, and marine resources shall be directed towards achievement of the following objectives: (1) Prudent use of Hawaii's land-based, shoreline, and marine resources; (2) Effective protection of Hawaii's unique and fragile environmental resources. Polices of the State to achieve these objectives include:


 Exercise an overall conservation ethic in the use of Hawaii's natural resources.  Ensure compatibility between land-based and water-based activities and natural resources and ecological systems.  Take into account the physical attributes of areas when planning and designing activities and facilities.  Manage natural resources and environs to encourage their beneficial and multiple use without generating costly or irreparable environmental damage.  Encourage the protection of rare or endangered plant and animal species and habitats native to Hawaii.  Provide public incentives that encourage private actions to protect significant natural resources from degradation or unnecessary depletion.  Pursue compatible relationships among activities, facilities, and natural resources. Discussion: As discussed in this EA, the Proposed Action has been designed to avoid any potential impacts to the existing natural marine environment of Maunalua Bay. The proposed reef modules will be seeded with coral species that are compatible with the existing conditions/environment in the bay and would not result in any irreparable environmental damage. By providing additional habitat for marine species that depend on a coral reef habitat, the Proposed Action would benefit the overall health of the bay. No adverse impacts to threatened or endangered species or critical habitat for any threatened or endangered species are anticipated under the Proposed Action.

§226-12 Objective and policies for the physical environment: scenic, natural beauty, and historic resources Planning for the State's physical environment shall be directed towards achievement of the objective of enhancement of Hawaii's scenic assets, natural beauty, and multi-cultural/historical resources. Policies of the State to achieve this objective include:  Promote the preservation and restoration of significant natural and historic resources.  Provide incentives to maintain and enhance historic, cultural, and scenic amenities.  Promote the preservation of views and vistas to enhance the visual and aesthetic enjoyment of mountains, ocean, scenic landscapes, and other natural features.  Protect those special areas, structures, and elements that are an integral and functional part of Hawaii's ethnic and cultural heritage.  Encourage the design of developments and activities that complement the natural beauty of the islands.

Discussion: There are no known historic properties located within or adjacent to the proposed project area, and the Proposed Action is not anticipated to involve activities that would lead to loss or destruction of any natural or historic resources. In the long-term, the Proposed Action would serve as a natural feature that could be enjoyed by divers and other visitors to Maunalua Bay and would promote incentives to restore and preserve the natural ecosystem unique to Hawai‘i.


§226-13 Objective and policies for the physical environment: land, air, and water quality Planning for the State's physical environment with regard to land, air, and water quality shall be directed towards achievement of the following objectives: (1) Maintenance and pursuit of improved quality in Hawaii's land, air, and water resources; (2) Greater public awareness and appreciation of Hawaii's environmental resources. Policies of the State to achieve this objective include:  Foster educational activities that promote a better understanding of Hawaii’s limited environmental resources.  Promote the proper management of Hawaii's land and water resources.  Promote effective measures to achieve desired quality in Hawaii's surface, ground, and coastal waters.  Encourage actions to maintain or improve aural and air quality levels to enhance the health and well-being of Hawaii's people.  Foster recognition of the importance and value of the land, air, and water resources to Hawaii's people, their cultures and visitors.

Discussion: The proposed artificial reef would create research opportunities for the University of Hawai‘i and other marine research organizations who may have interest in conducting studies on the development of an artificial reef. The proposed artificial reef would also provide an opportunity for public educational programs of local schools to educate students on the significance of a coral reef system and its supporting function within the marine ecosystem. Less than significant increase in fugitive dust and vehicle emissions during construction activities of the base yard and during transportation of the reef modules are anticipated; however, there would be no long-term impacts to air quality as a result of the Proposed Action.

4.2.4 STATE CONSERVATION DISTRICT USE Since 1964, the Board of Land and Natural Resources has adopted and administered land use regulations for the Conservation District pursuant to the State Land Use Law (Act 187) of 1961. Act 187 defined Conservation as meaning the protection of watersheds and water supplies; preserving scenic areas; providing park lands, wilderness and beach reserves; conserving endemic plants, fish, and wildlife; preventing floods and soil erosion; forestry; and other related activities. DLNR OCCL requires that a CDUA be filed to apply for land use(s) within the State of Hawaii Conservation District. All land uses, pursuant to Title 13 Chapter 5, HAR, must be an identified land use and require that a CDUA be filed with the Department and approved by the Board of Land and Natural Resources prior to its initiation. These rules and regulations identify land uses that may be allowed by discretionary permit as well as impose fines for violations. An application is not considered accepted for processing until the Department has found it complete.

Discussion: The Proposed Action occurs within coastal marine waters which are included in the State of Hawaii Conservation District. A CDUA is needed for the Proposed Action and will be filed with DLNR OCCL.


4.2.5 HISTORIC PRESERVATION CHAPTER 6E, HRS Regulatory statutes related to historic preservation issues are provided in Chapter 6E of the HRS, which mandates that the SHPD must review proposed state projects or projects involving permits issued by the state which may have an impact upon historic and cultural resources that are located within the project area. Further, Chapter 6E also provides procedural guidelines in the event of an inadvertent discovery of burial sites during project development.

Discussion: A cultural impact analysis will be conducted in accordance with HRS, Chapter 6E at the project site in order to determine if cultural and/or historical practices or resources are present at the project site. The Proposed Action does not involve any ground disturbing activities; therefore, no inadvertent discovery of burial sites is anticipated.

4.2.6 STATE OF HAWAI‘I LAND USE LAW CHAPTER 205, HRS Chapter 205, HRS promulgates the State Land Use Law. This law is intended to preserve, protect, and encourage the development of lands in the State of Hawai‘i for uses that are best suited to the public health and welfare of its people. The LUC classifies all land into four districts: Urban, Conservation, Agriculture, and Rural.

Discussion: The Proposed Action occurs within coastal marine waters which are included in the State of Hawaii Conservation District. A CDUA is needed for the Proposed Action and will be filed with DLNR OCCL to ensure activities associated with the Proposed Action are consistent with the State Land Use Law.


4.3.1 CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU GENERAL PLAN (AMENDED OCTOBER 3, 2002) The General Plan for the City and County of Honolulu, a requirement of the City Charter, “is a written commitment by the City and County government to a future for the Island of O‘ahu which it considers desirable and attainable. The Plan is a two-fold document: First, it is a statement of the long-range social, economic, environmental, and design objectives for the general welfare and prosperity of the people of O‘ahu. These objectives contain both statements of desirable conditions to be sought over the long run and statements of desirable conditions which can be achieved within an approximate 20-year time horizon. Second, the General Plan is a statement of broad policies which facilitate the attainment of the objectives of the Plan.”

Discussion: The General Plan states that the natural environment of O‘ahu, next to the people, is the greatest asset of the island and is enjoyed by both residents and visitors. By mitigating against degradation of the natural environment, the City’s policies seek to protect and enhance the natural attributes by increasing


public awareness and appreciation of them. The Proposed Action is in conformance with the General Plan’s objectives and policies pertaining to the natural environment since it would enhance the natural environment by establishing an artificial reef that would provide habitat for many marine species and increase the extent of coral reef resources as well as provide opportunities for recreational and educational use and physical contact with O‘ahu’s natural environment.

4.3.2 OTHER RELEVANT PLANS AND POLICIES EAST HONOLULU SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES PLAN (APRIL 1999) The development/sustainable communities plans for each of the eight planning regions of O‘ahu are intended to help guide City land use approvals, infrastructure improvements, and private sector investment decisions responding to the specific conditions and community values of each region. “Development Plans” for the two of the eight planning regions, Ewa and the Primary Urban Center, the areas to which major growth in population and economic activity will be directed over the next 20 years and beyond, serve as the policy guides for the development decisions and actions required to support that growth. The remaining six planning regions, including East Honolulu where the proposed project is located, are envisioned to remain relatively stable. The plans for those regions have been titled “Sustainable Communities Plans” and are focused on serving as policy guides for public actions in support of that goal. The vision statement and supporting provisions of the East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan are oriented toward maintaining and enhancing the region’s ability to sustain its unique character and lifestyle.

Discussion: The main policies, and planning principles and guidelines outlined in the East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan focus on limiting the potential for expansion of new housing as well as commercial centers and economic activity in the region so that they can be directed more towards the Primary Urban Center, Ewa, and Central Oahu Development Plan Areas. In addition, the plan focuses on preserving the scenic views and natural areas that are unique to the region and promoting access to mountain and shoreline resources for recreational purposes and traditional hunting, fishing, gathering, religious, and cultural practices. The Proposed Action would benefit the existing natural environment within Maunalua Bay and is not anticipated to impede access to the shoreline resources that are used for recreational or other traditional and cultural practices in the region. Therefore, the project design and development will comply with the planning concepts established by the plan.

4.3.3 NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS The following is a summary of the permits and approvals required for the project:  RHA Section 10 Permit from USACE;  CDUA;  DAR SAP; and  CZM Federal Consistency.


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In accordance with the provisions set forth in Chapter 343, HRS, this EA has evaluated the potential direct, indirect, short-term, long-term, and cumulative impacts associated with the Proposed Action and has preliminarily determined that the project will not have significant adverse impacts on the environment. As such, issuance of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is anticipated for the Proposed Action.

A review of the “Significance Criteria” used as a basis for the above determination is presented below. An action is determined to have a significant impact on the environment if it meets any one of the thirteen (13) criteria.

Involves an irrevocable commitment to loss or destruction of any natural or cultural resources. The Preferred Alternative is not anticipated to involve activities that would lead to loss or destruction of any natural or cultural resource. The proposed project area is a relatively uniform sandy bottom with no large substrate or coral. The project proponent has preliminarily determined, by sonar scan and dives conducted during the benthic surveys within the project area, that there are no existing cultural resources within the footprint of the proposed project area. A CIA will be conducted to confirm these findings.

Curtails the range of beneficial uses of the environment. The Preferred Alternative would not curtail the range of beneficial uses of the environment. The project site is currently a sandy bottom area with low marine species richness. The Preferred Alternative would help establish and perpetuate coral reefs in this area, increasing coral generation and fish biomass, and providing additional recreation areas for diving, fishing, and boating, and providing opportunities for scientific marine research.

Conflicts with the State’s long-term environmental policies or goals and guidelines as expressed in Chapter 343, HRS; and any revisions thereof and amendments thereto, court decisions, or executive orders; The Preferred Alternative would be in conformance with the Chapter 343 HRS State Environmental Policy, to conserve the natural resources and enhance the quality of life. Activities proposed under the Preferred Alternative are not expected to have any adverse impacts to the surrounding natural resources and would be planned to minimize any temporary impacts.

Substantially affects the economic or social welfare of the community or State; The Preferred Alternative would benefit the ocean recreation and ecotourism industry in the region by providing an additional location in Maunalua Bay that could be used for recreational activities such as diving, snorkeling, and boating. The Preferred Alternative would also benefit the local economy by creating employment opportunities for personnel needed to manufacture and deploy the reef modules as well as for personnel, including scientific marine researchers, needed for O&M and monitoring required under the Preferred Alternative. No significant impacts on the economic or social welfare of the community or the State are anticipated under the Preferred Alternative. Substantially affects public health; The Preferred Alternative would have no significant effects on public health.

Involves substantial secondary impacts, such as population changes or effects on public facilities; The Preferred Alternative is an ecosystem enhancement project and would not involve any population changes or substantial effects on public facilities.


Involves a substantial degradation of environmental quality; The Preferred Alternative is not anticipated to involve a substantial degradation of environmental quality. Instead, the proposed artificial reef is expected to benefit the surrounding natural environment by establishing and perpetuating coral reefs, increasing coral generation and fish biomass.

Is individually limited, but cumulatively has considerable effect on the environment, or involves a commitment for larger actions; The Preferred Alternative is not anticipated to result in cumulative effects; therefore, it would not involve a commitment to larger actions.

Substantially affects a rare, threatened, or endangered species or its habitat; The Preferred Alternative is not anticipated to have substantial effects on a rare, threatened, or endangered species, or any critical habitat. No threatened or endangered plant or animal or marine species nor candidate species were observed during the benthic surveys conducted at the project site. The project site does not encompass any designated or proposed critical habitat for threatened or endangered species. Although not observed during the benthic surveys, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi), the endangered green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), and the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) are known to occur within and in the vicinity of the proposed project area. The material of the reef modules would not be a hazard to any marine mammals or sea turtles within or in the vicinity of the proposed project area. Additionally, the sizes of the holes in the reef modules would be designed small enough to prevent entanglement hazards to sea turtles and monk seals. During deployment, all on-site project personnel will be notified of the potential presence of the listed species and the protections afforded to them. In- water work will cease if these species are observed by any on-site personnel within 50 yards of the deployment area until they voluntarily leave the area. Detrimentally affects air or water quality or ambient noise levels; No significant impacts on the area’s long-term air or water quality or ambient noise levels are anticipated to result from the Preferred Alternative. A slight increase in exhaust emissions due to transportation of the reef modules to the project site and due to visitors to the artificial reef (once established) both on land and on sea is anticipated; however, this would be minimal considering the amount of vehicle traffic on Oahu as well as the number of recreational and commercial vessels/boats that currently utilize Maunalua Bay.

Manufacturing of the reef modules would take place on a paved surface and with the use of BMPs, significant impacts to water quality during the manufacturing process are not anticipated. Once cured, the reef modules would not leach any toxic or hazardous substances or pollutants into the water. In order to remove any loose material or dust on the surface, the reef modules will be subjected to a power wash on land prior to deployment. Each reef module would be lowered to its specified location on the seafloor determined by GPS coordinates and by using reusable bladders. A qualified dive team would escort each reef module until it reaches the seafloor at its desired location while the attached bladders are slowly deflated. This method would prevent the modules from inadvertently being placed in the wrong location and allow the reef modules to settle slowly onto the seafloor without significantly affecting the turbidity and other natural parameters of the water column.

The water column at the proposed artificial reef site is well mixed with very little gradient in water quality parameters with depth. Therefore, the placement of the reef modules at the bottom of the


seafloor is not anticipated to substantially change the water quality within the water column or at the surface due to displacement and change in distribution of water within the water column.

The Preferred Alternative would not involve activities that would create significant high noise levels. Noise created by the Preferred Alternative would be from boats used during deployment and visitation to the memorial reef by family members/friends. Marine mammals may be impacted by the noise generated during these activities. Impacts, however, are not expected to be significant since these mammals are regularly exposed to the noise generated by frequent marine traffic in Maunalua Bay.

Affects or is likely to suffer damage by being located in an environmentally sensitive area, such as a flood plain, tsunami zone, beach, erosion-prone area, geologically hazardous land, estuary, freshwater, or coastal waters; The proposed artificial reef is located offshore and has no potential to affect or likely to suffer damage by being located in an environmentally sensitive area, such as a floodplain, tsunami zone, beach, erosion- prone area, geologically hazardous land, estuary, freshwater, or coastal waters. The proposed reef modules are designed to have greater than 50 percent of their weight at the structure base and to withstand heavy tropical storms in other areas of the US without movement in as little as 20 feet of water; therefore are not anticipated to be impacted by heavy storms. Substantially affects scenic vistas and view planes identified in City and County or State plans or studies; or The proposed artificial reef would be completely submerged and would not have any impacts to the existing surface view of Maunalua Bay. The underwater aesthetics would be enhanced by establishment of a new coral reef and the colorful fish and other organisms that would be attracted to the artificial reef. Requires substantial energy consumption. The operation of the Preferred Alternative would not require substantial energy consumption.


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The following is a list of agencies and organizations to which pre-consultation letters were sent.

Table 6-1: Agencies and Organizations Consulted During the Pre-Consultation Period

Agency/Organization Consulted Agency or Organization USACE, Regulatory Office USACE, Civil and Public Works Branch USFWS Federal Agencies NOAA Hans Van Tilburg – NOAA Maritime Archaeologist EPA - Pacific Islands Contact Office, Region 9 US Coast Guard Office of Planning DLNR - Land Division DLNR – State Historic Preservation Division State Agencies DLNR – State Historic Preservation Division, O‘ahu Burial Council DLNR – Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation Office of Hawaiian Affairs City and County of Department of Environmental Resources Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting Hawai‘i Kai Neighborhood Board Citizen Groups and Individuals Hawai‘i Kai Marina Association Mālama Maunalua


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Atlantic and Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commissions, 2004. Guidelines for Marine Artificial Reef Materials. Second Edition. Compiled by the Artificial Reef Subcommittees. January.

Bruland, G.L., 2008. Coastal Wetlands: Function and Role in Reducing Impact of Land-Based Management. In Coastal Watershed Management, ed. A. Fares and A. El-Kadi, 85-124. Southampton: WIT Press.

CEQ, 2010. Draft NEPA Guidance on Consideration of the Effects of Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Memorandum for Heads of Federal Departments and Agencies.

City and County of Honolulu, 1999. East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan. Department of Planning and Permitting. April.

Collins, K. J.; Jensen, A. C.; Lockwood, A. P. M.; Turnpenny, A. W. H., 1994. Evaluation of Stabilized Coal-Fired Power Station Waste for Artificial Reef Construction. Bulletin of Marine Science, Volume 55, Numbers 2-3, 1251-1262.

DeMartini, E.E. and A.M. Friedlander. 2004. Spatial patterns of endemism in shallow water reef fish populations of the Northwestern Hawaiian Island. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 271: 281-296.

DLNR, 2015. Artificial Reefs and FADs. . Accessed October 13, 2015.

EPA, 2013. Treatment of Data Influenced by Exceptional Events. 17, June 2013. Accessed June 2016. < https://www.epa.gov/air-quality-analysis/treatment-data-influenced-exceptional-events >

EPA, 2015. Climate Change Indicators in the United States: Sea Surface Temperature. June. Accessed October 15, 2015.

Friedlander, A.M., G. Aeby, R. Brainard, E. Brown, K. Chaston, A. Clark, P. McGowan, T. Montgomery, W. Walsh, I. Williams, and W. Wiltse, 2008. The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the Main Hawaiian Islands. The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008.

Funeral Consumers Alliance, 2010. Environmental Impacts of Death. Accessed October 30, 2015.

GCRMN, 2009. Climate Change and Coral Reefs, Consequences of inaction.

Handy and Handy, 1978. E. S. Craighill, and Elizabeth Green Handy. Native Planters in Old Hawaii: Their Life, Lore, and Environment. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu.

Hawaii Kai Marina Community Association, 2012. Hawaii Kai Marina Rules and Regulations. Updated July.


Honolulu Advertiser, 2007. Oahu could get 90,000 new cemetery plots. By Eloise Aguiar. Accessed on October 28, 2015.

Mālama Maunalua, 2009. Maunalua Bay Conservation Action Plan, A Community’s Call to Action. September.

Maragos, J.E., D.C. Potts, G.S. Aeby, D. Gulko, J.C. Kenyon, D. Siciliano, and D. VanRavenswaay, 2004. 2000-2002 Rapid Ecological Assessments of corals (Anthozoa) on shallow reefs of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Part 1: species and distribution. Pac. Sci. 58(2): 211-230.

Moberly et al., 1963. Hawaii’s Shoreline, Appendix I, Coastal Geology of Hawaii. Coastal Zone Information Center. November.

National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), 2015. About Funeral Statistics; Trends and Statistics. Accessed October 28, 2015.

NOAA, 2014. Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, Exploring the sanctuary. Revised September.

NOAA, 2015. NOAA declares third ever global coral bleaching event. . Accessed on October 13, 2015.

NOAA, 2016a. Tsunami Hazard Map. Available online at: http://tsunami.csc.noaa.gov/map. html. Retrieved from web in March 2016.

NOAA, 2016b. NOAA Fisheries, Pacific Islands Regional Office. Protected Resources Division. Accessed on June 28, 2016. NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, 2012. Science Review of Artificial Reefs. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-12-05. August.

Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS), 2016. Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System, Hawaiian Islands. Accessed in May 2016.

Pockley, P., 2000. Global Warming Identified as Main Threat to Coral Reefs. Nature, 407(6807), 932. October 26.

Putzi J.L., Denham, T., Eblé, F.B., and Pantaleo, J., 1998. Archaeological Monitoring Report for the Phase II Widening of Kalaniana’ole Highway, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i.

Reef Ball Development Group, Ltd. (RBDG), 2000. Reef BallsTM: An advanced technique to mimic natural reef systems using designed artificial reefs. Accessed on October 20, 2015.

The Reef Ball Foundation, 2014. The Reef Ball Foundation-Designed Artificial Reefs. Accessed on October 15, 2015.

Storlazzi, C.D., Presto, M.K., Logan, J.B., and Field, M.E., 2010. Coastal Circulation and Sediment Dynamics in Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii: Measurements of Waves, Currents, Temperature,

July 2016 HAWAII REEF PROJECT Page 100

Salinity, and Turbidity: November 2008 – February 2009. USGS Open-File Report 2010-1217, 59p. Accessed at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2010/1217/.

University of Hawai‘i, 2016. Exploring Our Fluid Earth, Teaching Science as Inquiry (TSI). Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. Accessed on May 3, 2016.

USACE, 1975. US Army Corps of Engineers Final Environmental Statement for the Department of the Army Permit Actions in the Hawai‘i Kai Marina, Oahu, Hawai‘i. US Army Engineer District, Honolulu.

USACE, 2011. Environmental Assessment, Section 227/2038 National Shoreline Erosion Control Development and Demonstration Program, Submerged Artificial Reef Training (SMART) Structure, Miami-Dade County, Florida. US Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District. February.

US Census Bureau, 2010. Accessed on April 11, 2016.

USFWS, 2013a. ESA Basics, 40 Years of Conserving Endangered Species. January. Accessed March 2016.

USFWS, 2013b. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. Accessed March 2016.

USGS, 2001. Earthquakes Hazards and Zoning in Hawai‘i. Updated June 18, 2001. Retrieved from web in March 2016.

US News, 2015. Scientists expect warmer ocean temperatures to lead to Hawaii’s worst coral bleaching ever. . Accessed on October 13, 2015.

Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC), 2009. Hawai‘i Climate Summaries. Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV. Accessed in April 2016.

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Appendix A: Benthic Study Report


Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

Prepared by: David G. Delaney, Ph.D. – Delaney Aquatic Consulting, L.L.C., David Cunningham, Ph.D. – Pacific Research and Exploration, and Eric De Carlo, Ph.D. – Analytical Environmental and Marine Consultants, and Department of Oceanography, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa

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Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii

Prepared By:

David G. Delaney, Ph.D. – Delaney Aquatic Consulting, L.L.C., David Cunningham, Ph.D. – Pacific Research and Exploration Eric De Carlo, Ph.D. – Analytical Environmental and Marine Consultants, and Department of Oceanography, University of

Hawai`i at Mānoa

April 2016

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Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Table of Contents Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016







Figure 1-1: Project Location Map ...... 3 Figure 2-1: Typical Habitat of Project Area ...... 5 Figure 2-2: Quadrat and Belt Transect Equipment ...... 6 Figure 2-3: Project Area Detail Map ...... 9 Figure 2-4: Water Quality Sampling Locations ...... 11 Figure 2-5: Collection of Benthic Infauna Samples ...... 13 Figure 3-1: Lyngbya majuscule observed within the buffer zone ...... 14


Table 3-1: Species Observed within the Project Area and Buffer Zone ...... 14 Table 3-2: January 2016 Chlorophyll-a Water Quality Results ...... 16 Table 3-3: February 2016 Chlorophyll-a Water Quality Results ...... 16 Table 3-4: January 2016 Nutrient Sample Results ...... 17 Table 3-5: February 2016 Nutrient Sample Results ...... 18 Table 3-6: Benthic Infauna Sample Results ...... 20



Appendix A: Water Quality Data Appendix B: Resumes of Preparers Appendix C: Resumes of Preparers for Data on Infauna Species that were Identified


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Introduction Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Hawai‘i Memorial Reefs (HMR) is a proposed private business that will provide an alternative to traditional human burial while helping to build artificial reefs to enhance aquatic habitat. The artificial reef would be constructed using concrete modules known as Reef Balls (Reef Ball Foundation, 2014). The modules would be cast from a concrete mixture designed to facilitate the growth of new reef systems. Reef Ball projects have been implemented in several Unites States (U.S.) states/territories, including California, Alaska, Alabama and American Samoa. Multiple countries have also implemented Reef Ball projects (Reef Ball Foundation, 2014).

HMR conducted initial research, including consultation with the State of Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) – Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR), in order to determine if a suitable site exists within the near shore waters off the island of Oahu, Hawaii to construct an artificial memorial reef. It was determined that a favorable site would consist of the following main criteria:

 located far enough away from existing natural and artificial reefs so as not to impact existing reef habitats;  located in an area suitable for coral growth; and  located within close proximity to a harbor or marina capable of launching commercial boats.

Several sites around Oahu were screened for potential artificial reef sites. Maunalua Bay was selected as the best potential site based on the above criteria.

1.1 Existing Environment

Maunalua Bay is located on the southeastern shore of Oahu and is one of the five largest bays in the Hawaiian Islands (Figure 1-1). Maunalua Bay is an 8-kilometer embayment flanked by two large dormant craters. To the east, Koko Head is one of the remnants of the Honolulu Series rejuvenated late-stage volcanism (10,000-20,000 yrs before present [bp]) at the base of the Koolau Mountains (MacDonald and Abbot, 1970, Storlazzi et al., 2010, Richardson et al., In press), and to the west, Mount Leahi (Diamond Head) is another such late stage volcanism feature of the same series. In total, it adjoins seven watersheds (NOAA, 2015a). Maunalua Bay includes approximately 13 kilometers of shoreline and 16.8 square kilometers (sq. km) of ocean waters, which is bound by Koko Head to the east and Diamond Head to the west. The first artificial reef in Oahu was established in Maunalua Bay in 1961 and is one of four existing artificial reefs offshore of the island of Oahu (DLNR, 2016).


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Introduction Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

Maunalua Bay is characterized by a coral reef system with a wide back reef flat habitat extending from the shoreline to the reef crest. Beyond the reef crest, the fore reef slopes down to a depth of 4.5 to 6 m, and continues to gradually increase in depth. The reef is home to many marine invertebrates and fish, but the fore reef exhibits the greatest diversity of marine life in Maunalua Bay. Algae and coral, as well as crabs and squid, a variety of fish species, eels, rays, sharks, turtles, and marine mammals such as dolphins, whales, and the endangered monk seal can be found in the bay (Gulko, 1998; Friedlander et al., 2006; Williams et al., 2009; NOAA, 2015b). However, the amount of coral in Maunalua Bay may be declining and is being replaced by non- native algae (Mālama Maunalua, 2009). Coral reefs in Maunalua Bay have also been degraded by human activities including overfishing, eutrophication in certain areas, and increased sedimentation and polluted runoff due to stream channelization (Wolanski et al., 2009 and references therein). The reef within Maunalua Bay has recently been reported to support some of the lowest total biomass of fish in Hawaiian waters (Williams et al., 2009).


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Introduction Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

Figure 1-1: Project Location Map 3

Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Introduction Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

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Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Methodology Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

2 Survey Methodology Overview

Benthic surveys were conducted on December 7 through 9, 2015, February 4 through 6, and March 15, 2016. Survey methods included a sonar scan and towed diver survey of the benthic environment that covered an approximately 0.809 sq. km (200 acre) area within Maunalua Bay (study area) to determine the general benthic profile and topography. The goal of the survey was to identify a suitable area with no reef or other hard substrates that could be impacted by a competing artificial reef (Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2).

The area was surveyed using both scuba divers and towed free divers. All species that could be identified within the water column and in the benthos were identified. Several different approaches were initially considered to quantify the substrate type and any marine biological resources observed.

Figure 2-1: Typical Habitat of Project Area

The following three approaches were used: the point-intercept method using a double strung quadrat with 9 points, the point-intercept method along a transect, and a continuous belt transect method (Figure 2-2). Given that the project area is dominated by sandy substrate with trace amounts of algal cover, both point-intercept methods did not detect the algae that were present, thereby generating false-negatives. This is problematic but not uncommon when trying to detect low density species (Delaney and Leung 2010).

This would also lead to difficulties detecting low abundances of coral, rock, and coral rubble that were present within some of the surveyed areas (Delaney and Leung 2010). Therefore, it was determined that the best approach was to use towed free diver and scuba divers to identify an area that contained sand with no corals or hard substrates. A team of towed free divers identified an approximately 0.084 sq. km (21 acre) area of mainly uniform sandy bottom with few corals (Figure 2-3). A 0.028 sq. km (7 acre) project area and its associated buffer was then delinated within the larger area that has no hard substrates or corals. The project area ranges in depth from approximately 15.24 to 18.28 m (50-60 feet) (Figure 2-3).


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Methodology Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

During early consultation with the DLNR-DAR, it was determined that a suitable buffer distance between the proposed project area and identified corals/substrates should be implemented to assure that the proposed project would not affect existing reef habitat. A buffer distance of 76.2 m (250 feet) was adopted based on a recent artificial reef project conducted by the Jacksonville District United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) (USACE, 2011) (Figure 2-3).

Figure 2-2: Quadrat and Belt Transect Equipment

Water quality monitoring and benthic infauna sampling were also conducted in order to characterize baseline water column and benthic substrate conditions. The details of each methodology employed are discussed below.

2.1 Sonar Scan A Garmin GPS Map 741xs chart plotter networked with a Garmin GCV10 Sonar interface was employed to observe the benthos of the study area. A down-view transducer and left and right side-view transducers were operated with 500W pulses at 477 kHz. A cross pattern was navigated within the study area in order to identify substrate and any relief features within the project area benthic environment.

2.2 Towed Free Divers and Scuba Dive Surveys When potential benthic relief features were identified via sonar scans, free divers or scuba divers were towed behind the boat. Using hand signals and/or verbal communication, algae, corals, hard substrate, and sea grasses were identified. When a feature was seen via sonar scan or visual observation but could not be identified, confirmation at depth was completed by the dive team.

2.3 Water Quality Monitoring The background water quality of the study area and adjoining nearshore waters was evaluated using a series of hydrocasts at selected locations within Maunalua Bay (Figure 2-4). Hydrocasts were completed using a Yellow Springs Instrument (YSI) model 6600 V2 system equipped with


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Methodology Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

the following parameter sensors: temperature, conductivity, salinity, depth, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a fluorescence.

Water quality sampling was conducted on January 14 and February 6, 2016 at the project area as well as the surrounding area and nearshore environment. During the second sampling event on February 6, 2016 a total of ten water samples were collected along a transect of sites beginning at the Hawaii Kai boat ramp, out the boat channel, and within the proposed project area. Four samples were collected from the nearshore and boat channel, and six samples were collected from the 21 acre study area (Figure 2-4). However, YSI readings for temperature, conductivity, salinity, depth, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a fluorescence for the second survey were only taken in deeper waters within the project area and surrounding waters (MB-05 to MB-10), except for one profile that was taken in the boat harbor channel (MB-02).

Along with the parameters noted above, samples were also collected for laboratory analysis of + 3- inorganic and total nutrients (N+N, ammonia: NH4 , phosphate: PO4 , silicate: Si (OH)4, Total N: TN and Total P: TP) and chlorophyll-a content. Samples were analyzed in the SOEST Laboratory for Analytical Biogeochemistry (S-LAB) at the University of Hawaii. Inorganic nutrients were determined colorimetrically using a SEAL segmented flow autoanalyzer Model AA3, following standard methods for seawater analysis (Grasshof et al, 1983; Kerouel and Aminot, 1997; Murphy and Riley, 1962). Chlorophyll-a was determined fluorometrically on a Turner Designs fluorometer after extraction of the chlorophyll (and other pigments) from filters of the water samples using acetone following methods adapted from Arar and Collins (1997) and Welschmeyer (1994).

Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures used in the S-LAB are provided in Appendix A.


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Methodology Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

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Figure 2-3: Project Area Detail Map 9

Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Methodology Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

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Figure 2-4: Water Quality Sampling Locations


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Methodology Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

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Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Survey Results Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

2.4 Benthic Infauna Survey On March 13, 2016, benthic infauna sand samples were collected from within the study area in order to assess existing benthic infauna species types and diversity. The towed free divers and scuba dive surveys results were used to select sampling locations that are not in close proximity to existing reef habitats and representative of areas where the proposed artificial reef would be placed. A total of four discrete samples were collected from four locations on the sea floor (Figure 2-3) using a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) push core device (4-inch diameter). Samples were sieved in the laboratory by Cove Corporation. James A. Blake, Ph.D. Marine Ecologist / Invertebrate Taxonomist and Isabelle P. Williams, Marine Invertebrate Taxonomist assisted Cove Corporation with species and genus identification (Appendix C).

Figure 2-5: Collection of Benthic Infauna Samples

3 Survey Results

3.1 Sonar Scan No significant reef or relief profile was detected in the project area. A second set of sonar runs was completed approaching Portlock Point, on the east side of Maunalua Bay, to confirm the sonar’s ability to detect coral heads and benthic relief. The unit provided clear imagery of distinct coral heads and substrate relief, confirming the effectiveness of the sonar to detect benthic profiles. Coral and other benthic profiles were detected within the study area, however, these features were located outside of the project area and its buffer.


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Results Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

3.2 Towed Free Diver and Scuba Dive Surveys No corals or hard substrates were identified within the project area. The area included a relatively uniform sandy bottom with no corals or sea grasses observed. Table 3-2 documents the species observed within the project area. All the identified algae was floating above, or resting on the seafloor. The algae were only detected attached to the sandy substrate in the project area buffer zone.

Table 3-1: Species Observed within the Project Area and Buffer Zone Taxa Scientific name Common name(s) Stinging limu Algae Lyngbya majuscula

Echinoderm Pentaceraster cumingi Knobby star Fish Scomberiodes lysan Lai, leatherskin or spotted queen fish

Figure 3-1: Lyngbya majuscule observed within the buffer zone Several spotted queen fish (Scomberiodes lysan) were observed at close distance in the top 10 meters of the water column in the project area.

3.3 Water Quality Monitoring

Results of the hydrocasts are provided in Appendix A and laboratory analytical results for nutrient and chlorophyll analyses are presented in Tables 3-2 through Table 3-5.

Chlorophyll-a concentrations in the water column of the proposed project area were exceedingly low. All values recorded with the YSI 6600-V2 hydrocast were below the detection limit of the instrument (< 2 µg/L, note some negative values in the appendix), even including the hydrocast at station MB-02 on February 6 taken closest to the bridge where the Hawai Kai Marina water discharges into Maunalua Bay. The latter measurement, however, showed values nearly an order


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Results Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016 of magnitude higher than observed further out towards the proposed project area. This is consistent with the trends observed in the water samples collected at the corresponding sites described below.

Generally low, but measurable concentrations of chlorophyll-a were detected through laboratory analysis of water samples collected at the sites of hydrocast measurements. Concentrations at the four sites surveyed on the first sampling event were extremely low and ranged from 0.045 to 0.074 µg/L, reflective of the oligotrophic nature of offshore coastal waters of Hawaii (Table 3-2). These values are about four to seven times higher than those observed (<0.010 µg/L) between January 2012 and December 2014 at the Hawaii Ocean Time Series (HOTS) Station, located 100 km to the north of Oahu, in the Central North Pacific Ocean oligotrophic gyre (see the Hawaii Ocean Time-series Data Organization and Graphical System [HOT-DOGS] website [http://hahana.soest.hawaii.edu/hot/hot-dogs/]. The higher values observed here are reflective of the more productive coastal nature of Maunalua Bay compared to the more nutrient-limited open ocean waters (see discussion of nutrients below).

The concentrations of chlorophyll-a in the water samples collected during the second sampling event within and around the proposed project area (MB-05 to MB-10) were slightly lower but generally consistent with those observed in samples from the first event (Table 3-3). The concentrations range was from 0.02 to 0.038 µg/L, and may be more representative of what would be expected for this area during periods of dry weather (i.e., no terrestrial runoff) as no significant rain event occurred in the days prior to sample collection. Because of the low concentrations of chlorophyll-a observed in the proposed project area during the first sampling event, a greater amount of water was processed (filtered) to increase the amount of material analyzed and provide a better instrumental sensitivity.

Not surprisingly, samples collected close to shore, i.e., MB-01 to MB-03 reveal elevated concentrations of chlorophyll-a compared to samples collected further offshore, within the proposed project area. This observation is consistent with the higher nutrient concentrations typically observed in waters more proximal to the shoreline. Interestingly, sample MB-01, which was collected from the Hawaii Kai boat ramp, contained less chlorophyll-a (0.097 µg/L) than the two samples collected in the proximal zone of the boat channel (0.472 and 0.178) issuing from the Hawaii Kai Marina. Finally, sample MB-04, also from the boat channel, but further out from shore (see Figure 2-4), showed a concentration of chlorophyll-a (0.068 µg/L) that is transitional to the more open waters of the proposed project area and also more consistent with the slightly higher values observed within the proposed project area during the first sampling event in January 2016. Also as anticipated, a consistent and sharp decrease in concentrations of chloropyll-a were observed as a function of increasing distance offshore from the Hawaii Kai Marina towards and into the proposed project area, reflective of the dilution of open ocean waters that bathe the offshore waters of Maunalua Bay.


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Results Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

Table 3-2: January 2016 Chlorophyll-a Water Quality Results

Sample ID µg Chl a on filter concentration (µg/L) S1K1 0.005 0.074 S1K2 0.005 0.068 S1K3 0.003 0.045 S1K4 0.005 0.065

Table 3-3: February 2016 Chlorophyll-a Water Quality Results

Sample ID µg Chl a on filter concentration (µg/L) MB-01 0.032 0.097 MB-02 0.172 0.472 MB-03 0.071 0.178 MB-04 0.030 0.068 MB-05 0.012 0.033 MB-06 0.013 0.032 MB-07 0.015 0.037 MB-08 0.011 0.027 MB-09 0.009 0.020 MB-10 0.014 0.038

The nutrient concentrations taken during the January 2016 sampling event shown in Table 3-4 are consistent with the existence of land derived inputs of nutrients to the coastal ocean and with oligotrophic (low nutrient) coastal and offshore waters. Concentrations of phosphate in samples collected during the first survey in Maunalua Bay range from a minimum of 0.1 µMol/L at sites S1K3 and S1K4 to a maximum of 0.19 µMol/L at site S1K1, reflective of the closer proximity of the latter to the coast, which is the dominant source of phosphorus to this embayment.

Samples from the second sampling event (February 2016) reveal concentrations of phosphate slightly lower than the first event, yet remain comparable to the former (Table 3-5). Interestingly, concentrations of phosphate do not appear to show any systematic trend with distance from shore. This may be attributed to the particle-reactive nature of phosphate, which often leads to very low dissolved concentrations as this nutrient partitions onto the solid phase (i.e., suspended particles that are removed during filtration). This hypothesis is supported by the observed concentrations of other (non-particle reactive) nutrients such as silicate, ammonia, and N+N, which all show decreasing trends as a function of distance offshore (see discussion below).

The concentration of silicate in the first round of water samples collected does not seem to follow a geographic pattern, whereas a geographic pattern is evident in those from the second


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Results Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016 round of sampling. Concentrations in samples from the first round of sampling range from a minimum of 1.15 µMol/L (S1K3) to a maximum of 1.61 µMol/L (S1K4). Because the primary source of silica to coastal waters is either runoff or submarine groundwater discharge along the coast, it is not surprising that samples collected well offshore would not show any geographic trend.

Concentrations of silicate measured in water samples from the second round of sampling, however, do show the expected trend of decreasing silicate with increasing distance offshore. The three samples collected closest to shore (MB-01 to MB-03) show nearly one order of magnitude higher concentrations of this nutrient than observed further offshore (MB-04 to MB-10), or at the open ocean oligotrophic HOTS site. Concentrations of silicate in water samples collected from the proposed project area during the second sampling round are very consistent with those observed during the first round of sampling.

Concentrations of phosphate in water samples collected well offshore (i.e., end of Hawaii Kai Marina channel and within the proposed project area) are either comparable or slightly (i.e., up to two fold) higher than those found at the HOTS station which range from 0.08-0.16 µM phosphate, but concentrations of silicate are quite comparable (i.e., 0.93-1.31 µM silicate) to those in surface water samples collected at HOTS between January 2012 and December 2014 (HOT-DOGS).

Only the concentration of N+N observed at the four water quality survey sites, exceeds significantly what is typically found at the HOTS station (0.01-0.07 µMol/L), however, this is not surprising as the ocean north of Oahu is amongst the lowest fixed nitrogen containing waters in the Pacific Ocean.

Table 3-4: January 2016 Nutrient Sample Results Total N Total P Phosphate Silicate N+N Ammonia Sample ID µMol/L µMol/L µMol/L µMol/L µMol/L µMol/L S1K1 5.14 0.57 0.19 1.31 0.17 0.36 S1K2 5.50 0.44 0.13 1.17 0.14 0.43 S1K3 5.76 0.47 0.10 1.15 0.53 0.58 S1K4 5.16 0.47 0.10 1.61 0.11 0.28


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Results Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

Table 3-5: February 2016 Nutrient Sample Results Total N Total P Phosphate Silicate N+N Ammonia Sample ID µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L MB-01 9.60 0.38 0.17 10.89 0.48 1.42 MB-02 9.24 0.26 0.10 12.78 0.21 1.16 MB-03 9.03 0.33 0.10 8.35 0.22 1.14 MB-04 7.20 0.44 0.15 1.66 0.40 0.85 MB-05 6.84 0.33 0.14 1.56 0.10 0.72 MB-06 7.66 0.43 0.14 1.14 0.09 0.75 MB-07 8.04 0.39 0.14 1.52 0.05 1.40 MB-08 7.14 0.39 0.14 1.11 0.08 1.06 MB-09 6.64 0.33 0.12 1.08 0.07 0.95 MB-10 6.97 0.34 0.12 1.26 0.08 0.96

All other forms of dissolved nutrients (TN, TP, and ammonia) measured in water samples from the proposed project area are also present at concentrations ranging from sub micromolar (ammonia and TP) to about 8 µMol/L for TN. These slightly higher but still low concentrations show that a large part of the N and P found in the waters sampled in Maunalua Bay are present as dissolved organic matter, likely as a result of primary productivity in these clear coastal waters. Slightly higher concentrations of TN and ammonia are, however, observed in water samples MB-01 to MB-03 consistent with their closer proximity to shore, although the differences do not suggest strong input of organic nutrients from the coast line.

The water column observed during the first survey was characterized by very similar conditions, with salinity ranging from a low of 34.91 to a maximum of 35.05, and showing generally no structure as a function of depth. The temperature of the water was also quite uniform at all sites, ranging from a maximum of 25.3oC at the surface to a minimum of 25.1oC at the bottom, with differences between sites of only a few hundredths of a degree Celsius. The turbidity of the water column was exceedingly low, with data below the detection limit of the instrument in nearly all cases. The data recorded by the instrument were often very slightly negative, indicating that the water column was clearer than in the laboratory zero point calibration solution. A few values of up to 6.4 NTU were observed, however, at Site S1K4, likely when the instrument hit the bottom and stirred up some of the sand, but these values are not thought to truly represent near bottom water conditions. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were also very uniform throughout the water column, ranging from 6.76 to 6.94 mg/L, again with very little structure although the higher values were typically observed near the surface, as would be expected from air-sea exchange of this gas. The pH in the water column of all sites is typical of coastal seawater, with values ranging between 8.07 and 8.17 at all sites (Appendix A).

During the second survey of the proposed project area and adjoining nearshore sites, conditions were generally similar to those observed during the first survey. Salinity, however, was lower by


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Results Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

about 0.2 units, possibly owing to dilution from rain water, although no significant rain event occurred immediately prior to the survey. Because weather conditions were somewhat different (i.e., Kona winds versus extremely light to no trade winds) during the second round of sampling, it is difficult to make a rigorous comparison between the two periods. Differences in pH observed between the two water column surveys (January vs February), although seemingly systematically lower during the second survey, are not thought to be significant. This likely owes to the fact that the pH probes on the YSI instruments are primarily designed for use in riverine, lake or other fresh water systems and are generally calibrated with NBS buffers.

The temperature of the water during the second survey, however, was systematically lower than observed during the first survey. This observation is consistent with lowered water temperature as the winter season progressed. Because the period of 2015-2016 was characterized by a strong El Niño, however, surface water temperatures remained relatively elevated well into the late fall, compared to the normal conditions typically seen in Hawaii.

3.4 Benthic Infauna Survey

Table 3-6 shows the identified benthic infauna species recovered from the samples collected at the study area. Laboratory analytical results reveal low species densities and diversity that include common benthic organisms reflective of a clean sandy habitat within nearshore Hawaiian waters.


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Results Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

Table 3-6: Benthic Infauna Sample Results

Sample ID Major Group Taxon Organisms/Liter Polychaeta, Hesionidae Microphthalmus sp. 1.21 Polychaeta Westheidesyllis heterocirrata 8.50 MLB-001 Polychaeta, Hesionidae Oxydromus cf. pugettensis 1.21 Echinodermata, Echinoidea Euechinoidea spp. juvenile 1.21 Oligochaeta Oligochaeta spp. indet. 6.07 Oligochaeta Grania sp. 1.21 Polychaeta, Goniadidae--unknown genus and MLB-002 Goniadidae species 1.21 Polychaeta, Syllidae Westheidesyllis heterocirrata 3.64 Polychaeta Erinaceusyllis sp. 1.21

Oligochaeta Oligochaeta spp. indet. 3.64 MLB-003 Polychaeta Caulleriella sp. 1.21 Mollusca, Bivalvia Tellinidae sp. 1 2.43

Polychaeta Magelona nr. montera 1.21 Polychaeta Magelona sp. 1.21 MLB-004 Cnidaria, Anthozoa Actinaria spp. indet. 1.21 Oligochaeta Oligochaeta spp. indet. 1.21

4 Conclusions

No coral, hard substrates or significant fish habitat were observed in the project site, or within the 76.2 m buffer area. The assessment of the benthos identified low infaunal density and diversity. Also, the fish diversity was limited. Algae, in the form of L. majuscula, was observed floating in the project area with traces amounts attached to the substrate (<<1%) in the buffer area. The project area includes a relatively uniform sandy bottom with no large substrate or coral and has low species richness. The water quality data indicate that the waters within the


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit Survey Results Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016 project area are exceedingly clear, and generally display uniform water quality parameters throughout. This is reflective of a well-mixed water column typical of the coastal and oligotrophic waters of Hawaii.

4.1 Acknowledgement

We would like to thank Dave Pence of University of Hawaii for verifying some of the species observed and photographed during the survey, as listed in Table 3-1 of this report. Infauna identification was completed by Cove Corporation Laboratory.


Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef References Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

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Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit References Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

Kerouel and Aminot, 1997. Kerouel, R. and Aminot, A. Fluorometric determination of ammonia in sea and estuarine waters by direct segmented flow analysis. Marine Chemistry Vol. 57, no. 3-4, p. 265-275. July.

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Benthic Study Report for a Proposed Artificial Reef Permit References Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii April 2016

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Appendix A: Water Quality Data

S1K1 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:04:48 25.3 52.99 34.93 0.27 8.13 -1.1 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:04:49 25.3 52.99 34.93 0.263 8.13 -1.1 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:04:50 25.3 52.99 34.93 0.261 8.13 -1.1 -0.9 6.78 1/14/2016 16:04:51 25.3 52.99 34.93 0.256 8.13 -1.1 -0.9 6.78 1/14/2016 16:04:52 25.3 52.99 34.93 0.259 8.13 -1.1 -1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:04:53 25.3 52.99 34.93 0.267 8.14 -1.2 -1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:04:54 25.3 52.99 34.94 0.264 8.14 -1.2 -1.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:04:55 25.3 52.99 34.94 0.267 8.14 -1.1 -0.9 6.78 1/14/2016 16:04:56 25.3 52.99 34.94 0.28 8.14 -1.2 -1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:04:57 25.3 52.99 34.94 0.283 8.14 -1.2 -0.9 6.79 1/14/2016 16:04:58 25.3 52.99 34.94 0.319 8.14 -1.2 -0.9 6.8 1/14/2016 16:04:59 25.3 52.99 34.94 0.412 8.14 -1.2 -1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:00 25.3 52.99 34.94 1.166 8.14 -1.2 -1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:01 25.3 52.99 34.94 1.374 8.14 -1.2 -0.8 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:02 25.3 52.99 34.94 1.404 8.14 -1.2 -0.9 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:03 25.3 52.99 34.94 1.478 8.14 -1.2 -0.8 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:04 25.3 52.99 34.94 1.545 8.15 -1.2 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:05 25.3 52.99 34.94 1.627 8.15 -1.2 -0.8 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:06 25.29 52.99 34.94 2.246 8.15 -1.2 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:07 25.29 52.99 34.94 2.68 8.15 -1.2 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:08 25.29 52.99 34.94 3.093 8.15 -1.2 -0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:09 25.29 52.99 34.93 3.508 8.15 -1.2 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:10 25.29 52.99 34.93 3.946 8.15 -1.2 -0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:11 25.28 52.99 34.93 4.451 8.15 -1.2 -0.8 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:12 25.28 52.99 34.93 4.709 8.15 -1.2 -0.8 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:13 25.28 52.99 34.93 4.955 8.15 -1.2 -0.9 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:14 25.28 52.99 34.93 4.851 8.15 -1.2 -1.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:15 25.28 52.99 34.94 4.926 8.15 -1.2 -1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:16 25.27 52.99 34.94 5.396 8.15 -1.2 -1.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:17 25.27 52.99 34.94 5.622 8.15 -1.2 -0.9 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:18 25.27 52.99 34.94 6.113 8.15 -1.2 -0.8 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:19 25.27 52.99 34.94 6.439 8.15 -1.2 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:20 25.27 52.99 34.94 6.609 8.15 -1.2 -0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:21 25.27 52.99 34.94 6.936 8.15 -1.2 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:22 25.27 52.99 34.93 7.171 8.15 -1.2 -0.6 6.78 S1K1 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:05:23 25.27 52.99 34.94 7.464 8.15 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:24 25.27 52.99 34.94 7.839 8.15 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:25 25.27 52.99 34.94 8.152 8.16 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:26 25.27 52.99 34.93 8.58 8.16 -1.2 -0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:27 25.27 52.99 34.93 9.089 8.16 -1.1 -0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:28 25.27 52.99 34.93 9.622 8.16 -1.1 0 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:29 25.27 52.99 34.93 10.106 8.16 -1.1 0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:30 25.27 52.99 34.93 10.6 8.16 -1.1 0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:31 25.27 52.99 34.93 10.984 8.16 -1.2 0 6.76 1/14/2016 16:05:32 25.27 52.99 34.93 11.273 8.16 -1.2 0 6.76 1/14/2016 16:05:33 25.26 52.99 34.93 11.719 8.16 -1.2 0 6.76 1/14/2016 16:05:34 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.228 8.16 -1.2 -0.1 6.76 1/14/2016 16:05:35 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.721 8.16 -1.1 -0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:36 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.267 8.15 -1.1 -0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:37 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.638 8.15 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:38 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.974 8.15 -1.2 -0.3 6.76 1/14/2016 16:05:39 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.377 8.15 -1.1 -0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:40 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.869 8.15 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 16:05:41 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.549 8.15 -1.1 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:42 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.789 8.15 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:43 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.273 8.15 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:44 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.262 8.15 -1.2 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:45 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.146 8.15 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:46 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.114 8.15 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:47 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.124 8.15 -1.1 0 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:48 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.181 8.15 -1.1 0 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:49 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.247 8.15 -1.1 0 6.78 1/14/2016 16:05:50 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.321 8.15 -1.1 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:51 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.307 8.15 -1.1 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:52 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.26 8.15 -1.1 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:53 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.217 8.15 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:54 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.15 8.15 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:55 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.048 8.15 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:56 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.923 8.15 -1.1 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:57 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.353 8.15 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 S1K1 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:05:58 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.297 8.15 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:05:59 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.204 8.14 -1.2 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:00 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.569 8.14 -1.2 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:01 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.171 8.14 -1.1 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:02 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.05 8.14 -1.1 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:03 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.603 8.14 -1.1 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:04 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.046 8.15 -1.1 -0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 16:06:05 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.545 8.15 -1.1 -0.5 6.81 1/14/2016 16:06:06 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.274 8.15 -1.2 -0.5 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:07 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.014 8.14 -1.2 -0.5 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:08 25.26 52.99 34.93 11.467 8.14 -1.2 -0.5 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:09 25.26 52.99 34.93 11.108 8.14 -1.2 -0.6 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:10 25.26 52.99 34.94 10.781 8.13 -1.2 -0.5 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:11 25.26 52.99 34.94 10.295 8.13 -1.2 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:12 25.26 52.99 34.94 9.947 8.12 -1.2 -0.3 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:13 25.26 52.99 34.94 9.64 8.12 -1.2 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:14 25.26 52.99 34.94 9.305 8.12 -1.2 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:15 25.27 52.99 34.94 8.812 8.12 -1.2 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:16 25.27 52.99 34.94 8.428 8.12 -1.2 -0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:17 25.27 52.99 34.94 8.14 8.12 -1.2 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:18 25.27 52.99 34.94 7.878 8.12 -1.2 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:19 25.27 52.99 34.93 7.451 8.12 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:20 25.27 52.99 34.93 7.015 8.12 -1.2 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:21 25.27 52.99 34.94 6.571 8.12 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:22 25.27 52.99 34.93 6.307 8.13 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:23 25.27 52.99 34.93 6.1 8.13 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:24 25.28 52.99 34.93 5.545 8.13 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:25 25.28 52.99 34.94 5.217 8.13 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:26 25.28 52.99 34.94 4.957 8.13 -1.2 -0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:27 25.28 52.99 34.93 4.609 8.13 -1.2 -0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:28 25.28 52.99 34.93 4.408 8.13 -1.2 -0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:29 25.28 52.99 34.93 4.236 8.13 -1.2 -0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:30 25.28 52.98 34.93 3.633 8.13 -1.2 -0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:31 25.28 52.98 34.93 3.318 8.13 -1.2 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:32 25.28 52.98 34.93 3.095 8.12 -1.2 -0.9 6.79 S1K1 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:06:33 25.28 52.98 34.93 2.653 8.12 -1.2 -0.9 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:34 25.28 52.98 34.93 2.336 8.12 -1.2 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:35 25.29 52.98 34.93 2.05 8.12 -1.2 -1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:36 25.29 52.98 34.93 1.934 8.12 -1.2 -1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:37 25.29 52.98 34.93 1.638 8.12 -1.1 -0.8 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:38 25.29 52.98 34.93 1.375 8.12 -1.1 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:39 25.29 52.99 34.93 1.075 8.11 -1.1 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 16:06:40 25.29 52.99 34.93 0.764 8.11 -1.1 -0.5 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:41 25.29 52.98 34.93 0.545 8.11 -1.1 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:06:42 25.3 52.98 34.93 0.442 8.11 -1.1 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:06:43 25.3 52.98 34.93 0.308 8.1 -1.1 -0.8 6.81

max 25.30 52.99 34.94 16.32 8.16 -1.10 0.20 6.81 min 25.26 52.98 34.93 0.26 8.10 -1.20 -1.10 6.76 s.d. 0.01 0.00 0.00 5.56 0.01 0.05 0.32 0.01 average 25.28 52.99 34.93 7.75 8.14 -1.17 -0.50 6.78 S1K2 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 15:29:21 25.33 52.95 34.91 0.16 8.08 -1.2 0 6.77 1/14/2016 15:29:22 25.33 52.95 34.91 0.158 8.08 -1.2 0 6.77 1/14/2016 15:29:23 25.33 52.95 34.91 0.167 8.08 -1.2 0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 15:29:24 25.33 52.95 34.91 0.178 8.08 -1.2 0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:25 25.33 52.95 34.91 0.187 8.08 -1.2 0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:26 25.34 52.95 34.91 0.213 8.08 -1.2 0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 15:29:27 25.34 52.95 34.91 0.229 8.08 -1.2 0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 15:29:28 25.34 52.95 34.91 0.246 8.08 -1.2 -0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 15:29:29 25.34 52.95 34.91 0.286 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 15:29:30 25.34 52.95 34.91 0.381 8.08 -1.2 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:31 25.34 52.95 34.91 0.508 8.08 -1.2 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:32 25.34 52.95 34.91 0.546 8.08 -1.2 0 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:33 25.34 52.96 34.91 0.566 8.08 -1.2 -0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 15:29:34 25.34 52.96 34.91 0.567 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 15:29:35 25.34 52.96 34.91 0.534 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 15:29:36 25.34 52.96 34.91 0.526 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:37 25.34 52.96 34.91 0.582 8.08 -1.2 0 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:38 25.34 52.96 34.91 1.234 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:39 25.34 52.96 34.91 1.674 8.08 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:40 25.34 52.96 34.91 2.138 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:41 25.34 52.96 34.91 2.565 8.08 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:42 25.34 52.96 34.91 2.571 8.09 -1.2 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:43 25.34 52.96 34.91 2.649 8.09 -1.2 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:44 25.34 52.96 34.91 3.159 8.09 -1.2 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 15:29:45 25.34 52.96 34.91 3.484 8.09 -1.2 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:46 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.591 8.09 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:47 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.541 8.09 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:48 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.475 8.09 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:49 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.403 8.09 -1.2 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 15:29:50 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.387 8.09 -1.2 -0.3 6.8 1/14/2016 15:29:51 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.443 8.09 -1.2 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 15:29:52 25.33 52.96 34.91 4.154 8.09 -1.2 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 15:29:53 25.33 52.96 34.91 4.177 8.09 -1.2 -0.3 6.8 1/14/2016 15:29:54 25.33 52.96 34.91 4.078 8.09 -1.2 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 15:29:55 25.33 52.96 34.91 4.022 8.09 -1.2 -0.2 6.79 S1K2 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 15:29:56 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.992 8.09 -1.2 -0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 15:29:57 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.908 8.09 -1.2 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:58 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.815 8.09 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 15:29:59 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.788 8.09 -1.2 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 15:30:00 25.33 52.96 34.91 3.85 8.09 -1.2 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 15:30:01 25.33 52.96 34.91 4.576 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 15:30:02 25.33 52.96 34.91 5.017 8.08 -1.2 -0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 15:30:03 25.33 52.96 34.91 5.442 8.08 -1.2 0 6.79 1/14/2016 15:30:04 25.32 52.96 34.91 5.595 8.08 -1.2 -0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 15:30:05 25.32 52.96 34.91 5.62 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:06 25.32 52.96 34.91 5.708 8.09 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:07 25.32 52.96 34.91 6.257 8.09 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:08 25.32 52.96 34.91 6.621 8.09 -1.2 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:09 25.31 52.96 34.91 6.555 8.09 -1.2 -0.9 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:10 25.31 52.96 34.91 6.447 8.09 -1.2 -0.9 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:11 25.31 52.96 34.91 6.387 8.09 -1.2 -0.8 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:12 25.31 52.96 34.91 6.4 8.09 -1.2 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:13 25.31 52.96 34.91 6.51 8.09 -1.2 -0.8 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:14 25.31 52.96 34.91 7.528 8.09 -1.1 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:15 25.31 52.96 34.91 8.057 8.09 -1.2 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:16 25.31 52.96 34.91 8.583 8.09 -1.2 -0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:17 25.31 52.96 34.91 9.098 8.09 -1.2 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:18 25.31 52.96 34.91 9.618 8.09 -1.2 -0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:19 25.31 52.96 34.91 10.153 8.09 -1.2 -0.7 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:20 25.31 52.96 34.91 10.699 8.09 -1.2 -0.7 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:21 25.31 52.96 34.91 11.26 8.09 -1.2 -0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:22 25.3 52.96 34.91 11.844 8.09 -1.2 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:23 25.3 52.96 34.91 12.457 8.09 -1.2 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:24 25.3 52.96 34.91 13.061 8.09 -1.2 -0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:25 25.3 52.96 34.91 13.627 8.09 -1.2 -0.6 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:26 25.3 52.96 34.91 14.154 8.09 -1.2 -0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:27 25.29 52.96 34.91 14.666 8.09 -1.2 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:28 25.29 52.97 34.91 15.164 8.09 -1.2 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:29 25.28 52.97 34.92 15.363 8.09 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:30 25.28 52.97 34.92 15.323 8.09 -1.2 -0.2 6.77 S1K2 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 15:30:31 25.27 52.97 34.92 15.402 8.09 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:32 25.27 52.97 34.92 15.521 8.09 -1.2 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:33 25.27 52.97 34.92 15.644 8.09 -1.2 -0.6 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:34 25.27 52.98 34.92 15.724 8.09 -1.2 -0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:35 25.27 52.98 34.92 15.747 8.09 -1.1 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:36 25.27 52.98 34.92 15.742 8.09 -1.1 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:37 25.27 52.98 34.92 15.732 8.09 -1.1 -0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:38 25.27 52.98 34.92 15.736 8.09 -1.1 -0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:39 25.26 52.98 34.92 15.707 8.09 -1.1 -0.8 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:40 25.26 52.98 34.92 15.699 8.09 -1.1 -0.8 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:41 25.26 52.98 34.92 15.681 8.09 -1.1 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 15:30:42 25.26 52.98 34.92 15.701 8.09 -1.1 -0.8 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:43 25.26 52.98 34.92 15.776 8.1 -1.1 -0.8 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:44 25.26 52.98 34.92 16.422 8.1 -1.1 -0.7 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:45 25.26 52.98 34.92 16.448 8.09 -1.1 -0.6 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:46 25.26 52.98 34.92 16.454 8.09 -1.1 -0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:47 25.26 52.98 34.92 16.445 8.1 -1.1 -0.4 6.76 1/14/2016 15:30:48 25.26 52.98 34.92 15.681 8.1 -1.1 -0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:49 25.26 52.98 34.92 15.084 8.1 -1.1 -0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:50 25.26 52.98 34.92 14.815 8.1 -1.1 -0.4 6.76 1/14/2016 15:30:51 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.504 8.1 -1.1 -0.2 6.76 1/14/2016 15:30:52 25.27 52.98 34.92 14.406 8.1 -1.1 0 6.76 1/14/2016 15:30:53 25.27 52.98 34.92 13.89 8.1 -1.1 0.1 6.76 1/14/2016 15:30:54 25.27 52.98 34.92 13.563 8.09 -1.1 0.1 6.76 1/14/2016 15:30:55 25.27 52.98 34.92 13.122 8.09 -1.1 0.2 6.76 1/14/2016 15:30:56 25.28 52.98 34.92 12.526 8.09 -1.1 0.1 6.76 1/14/2016 15:30:57 25.28 52.98 34.92 12.112 8.09 -1.1 0.2 6.76 1/14/2016 15:30:58 25.28 52.97 34.92 11.74 8.09 -1.1 0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 15:30:59 25.29 52.97 34.92 10.991 8.09 -1.1 -0.1 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:00 25.29 52.97 34.92 10.621 8.09 -1.1 -0.2 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:01 25.29 52.97 34.92 10.107 8.09 -1.1 -0.1 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:02 25.29 52.97 34.92 9.65 8.09 -1.1 -0.3 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:03 25.3 52.97 34.92 9.38 8.09 -1.1 -0.2 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:04 25.3 52.97 34.92 8.848 8.09 -1.1 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:05 25.3 52.97 34.92 8.348 8.08 -1.1 -0.2 6.77 S1K2 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 15:31:06 25.3 52.97 34.92 7.921 8.08 -1.1 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:07 25.3 52.97 34.92 7.582 8.08 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:08 25.3 52.96 34.92 7.253 8.08 -1.2 -0.4 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:09 25.3 52.96 34.92 6.872 8.08 -1.2 -0.3 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:10 25.31 52.96 34.92 6.469 8.08 -1.2 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:11 25.31 52.96 34.92 6.065 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:12 25.31 52.96 34.92 5.568 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:13 25.31 52.96 34.92 5.185 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:14 25.31 52.96 34.92 4.92 8.07 -1.2 -0.3 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:15 25.31 52.96 34.92 4.429 8.08 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:16 25.31 52.96 34.92 4.001 8.07 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:17 25.31 52.96 34.92 3.644 8.08 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:18 25.32 52.96 34.92 3.135 8.07 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:19 25.32 52.96 34.92 2.808 8.07 -1.2 -0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:20 25.32 52.96 34.92 2.457 8.07 -1.2 -0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:21 25.32 52.96 34.92 2.199 8.07 -1.2 -0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:22 25.32 52.96 34.92 1.864 8.07 -1.2 -0.3 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:23 25.33 52.96 34.92 1.566 8.07 -1.2 -0.4 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:24 25.33 52.96 34.92 1.056 8.07 -1.2 -0.2 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:25 25.33 52.96 34.92 0.755 8.07 -1.2 -0.1 6.76 1/14/2016 15:31:26 25.33 52.96 34.92 0.607 8.07 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 15:31:27 25.34 52.96 34.91 0.195 8.07 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 15:31:28 25.34 52.96 34.91 0.159 8.07 -1.2 -0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:29 25.34 52.96 34.91 0.148 8.07 -1.2 1.4 6.77 1/14/2016 15:31:30 25.34 52.96 34.91 0.167 8.07 -1.2 1.5 6.78 1/14/2016 15:31:31 25.34 52.96 34.91 0.187 8.07 -1.2 1.4 6.78

max 25.34 52.98 34.93 16.45 8.10 -1.10 1.50 6.80 min 25.26 52.95 34.91 0.15 8.07 -1.20 -0.90 6.76 s.d. 0.03 0.01 0.01 5.55 0.01 0.04 0.36 0.01 average 25.31 52.96 34.91 7.15 8.09 -1.17 -0.27 6.77 S1K3 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 15:46:31 25.18 53.14 35.05 0.118 7.98 -1 0.6 6.94 1/14/2016 15:46:32 25.2 53.12 35.04 0.189 7.99 -1 0.4 6.94 1/14/2016 15:46:33 25.22 53.1 35.02 0.283 8 -1 0.3 6.94 1/14/2016 15:46:34 25.24 53.08 35.01 0.36 8 -1 0.4 6.92 1/14/2016 15:46:35 25.25 53.06 34.99 0.415 8.01 -1.1 0.1 6.91 1/14/2016 15:46:36 25.26 53.05 34.99 0.441 8.01 -1.1 0 6.89 1/14/2016 15:46:37 25.27 53.04 34.98 0.462 8.02 -1.1 0 6.89 1/14/2016 15:46:38 25.28 53.04 34.97 0.543 8.02 -1.1 -0.2 6.9 1/14/2016 15:46:39 25.28 53.03 34.97 1.32 8.03 -1.1 0.1 6.89 1/14/2016 15:46:40 25.29 53.03 34.97 1.818 8.03 -1.1 0.1 6.88 1/14/2016 15:46:41 25.29 53.02 34.96 2.317 8.03 -1.1 0.2 6.88 1/14/2016 15:46:42 25.29 53.02 34.96 2.796 8.04 -1.1 0.1 6.87 1/14/2016 15:46:43 25.29 53.02 34.96 3.267 8.04 -1.1 0.1 6.86 1/14/2016 15:46:44 25.29 53.01 34.95 3.734 8.05 -1.1 0.2 6.87 1/14/2016 15:46:45 25.29 53.01 34.95 4.211 8.06 -1.1 0 6.87 1/14/2016 15:46:46 25.29 53.01 34.95 4.698 8.06 -1.1 0 6.87 1/14/2016 15:46:47 25.29 53.01 34.95 5.192 8.06 -1.1 -0.1 6.86 1/14/2016 15:46:48 25.29 53 34.95 5.676 8.07 -1.1 0 6.86 1/14/2016 15:46:49 25.29 53 34.94 6.151 8.07 -1.1 -0.1 6.85 1/14/2016 15:46:50 25.28 53 34.94 6.631 8.07 -1.1 -0.1 6.86 1/14/2016 15:46:51 25.28 53 34.94 7.115 8.07 -1.2 -0.1 6.86 1/14/2016 15:46:52 25.28 53 34.94 7.601 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.85 1/14/2016 15:46:53 25.28 53 34.94 8.077 8.08 -1.2 -0.2 6.84 1/14/2016 15:46:54 25.27 53 34.94 8.542 8.08 -1.1 -0.3 6.84 1/14/2016 15:46:55 25.27 53 34.94 9.015 8.08 -1.1 -0.3 6.83 1/14/2016 15:46:56 25.27 53 34.94 9.51 8.08 -1.1 -0.4 6.82 1/14/2016 15:46:57 25.26 53 34.94 10.026 8.09 -1.2 -0.5 6.82 1/14/2016 15:46:58 25.26 53 34.94 10.543 8.09 -1.1 -0.5 6.82 1/14/2016 15:46:59 25.26 53 34.94 11.045 8.09 -1.1 -0.6 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:00 25.26 53 34.94 11.391 8.09 -1.1 -0.4 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:01 25.26 53 34.94 11.467 8.1 -1.1 -0.5 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:02 25.25 53 34.94 11.584 8.1 -1.1 -0.4 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:03 25.25 53 34.94 11.595 8.1 -1.1 -0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:04 25.25 53 34.94 11.533 8.1 -1.1 -0.4 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:05 25.25 53 34.94 11.509 8.1 -1.1 -0.5 6.81 S1K3 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 15:47:06 25.25 53 34.94 11.565 8.1 -1.1 -0.4 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:07 25.25 53 34.94 12.232 8.1 -1.1 -0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:08 25.25 53 34.94 12.249 8.1 -1.2 -0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:09 25.25 53 34.94 12.179 8.11 -1.2 -0.4 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:10 25.25 53 34.94 12.19 8.11 -1.2 -0.4 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:11 25.25 53 34.94 12.218 8.11 -1.2 -0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:12 25.25 53 34.94 12.296 8.11 -1.2 -0.5 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:13 25.25 53 34.94 12.307 8.11 -1.2 -0.2 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:14 25.25 53 34.94 12.282 8.11 -1.2 -0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:15 25.25 53 34.94 12.315 8.11 -1.2 -0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:16 25.25 53 34.94 12.923 8.11 -1.1 0 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:17 25.25 53 34.94 12.888 8.11 -1.2 0 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:18 25.25 53 34.94 12.889 8.11 -1.2 -0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:19 25.25 52.99 34.94 12.943 8.12 -1.2 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:20 25.25 52.99 34.94 13.031 8.12 -1.1 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:21 25.25 52.99 34.94 13.145 8.12 -1.1 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:22 25.25 52.99 34.94 14.054 8.12 -1.1 -0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:23 25.25 52.99 34.94 14.529 8.12 -1.1 -0.3 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:24 25.25 52.99 34.94 15.006 8.12 -1.1 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:25 25.25 52.99 34.94 15.51 8.12 -1.1 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 15:47:26 25.25 52.99 34.94 16.019 8.12 -1.1 0 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:27 25.25 52.99 34.94 16.283 8.12 -1.1 0 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:28 25.25 52.99 34.93 16.233 8.12 -1.1 0 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:29 25.25 52.99 34.94 16.256 8.12 -1.1 0 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:30 25.25 52.99 34.94 16.358 8.12 -1.2 0.2 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:31 25.25 52.99 34.94 17.09 8.12 -1.2 0 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:32 25.25 52.99 34.94 17.53 8.12 -1.1 0 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:33 25.25 52.99 34.94 18.067 8.12 -1.2 0 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:34 25.25 52.99 34.93 18.63 8.12 -1.2 0 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:35 25.25 52.99 34.94 19.158 8.12 -1.2 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:36 25.25 52.99 34.93 19.224 8.12 -1 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:37 25.25 52.99 34.93 19.213 8.12 -1 0 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:38 25.25 52.99 34.93 19.202 8.13 -1 0 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:39 25.26 52.99 34.93 19.201 8.13 -0.9 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:40 25.26 52.99 34.93 19.215 8.13 -0.9 0.2 6.81 S1K3 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 15:47:41 25.26 52.99 34.93 19.243 8.13 -0.9 0.2 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:42 25.26 52.99 34.93 19.275 8.13 -0.7 0 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:43 25.26 52.99 34.93 19.288 8.13 -0.7 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:44 25.26 52.99 34.93 19.285 8.13 -0.7 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:45 25.26 52.99 34.93 19.223 8.13 -0.7 0.2 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:46 25.26 52.99 34.93 18.539 8.13 -0.7 0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:47 25.26 52.99 34.93 17.925 8.13 -0.8 0.3 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:48 25.26 52.99 34.93 17.362 8.13 -0.8 0.3 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:49 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.728 8.13 -0.8 0.2 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:50 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.213 8.13 -0.8 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:51 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.665 8.13 -0.9 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 15:47:52 25.25 52.99 34.93 15.086 8.13 -0.9 0.1 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:53 25.25 52.99 34.93 14.62 8.14 -0.9 0 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:54 25.25 52.99 34.93 14.106 8.14 -0.9 0.1 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:55 25.25 52.99 34.93 13.518 8.14 -1 0 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:56 25.25 52.99 34.93 13.1 8.14 -1 -0.2 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:57 25.25 52.99 34.93 12.389 8.14 -1 -0.4 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:58 25.25 52.99 34.93 11.98 8.14 -1 -0.3 6.82 1/14/2016 15:47:59 25.25 52.99 34.93 11.68 8.14 -1 -0.4 6.82 1/14/2016 15:48:00 25.25 52.99 34.93 11.288 8.14 -1 -0.4 6.81 1/14/2016 15:48:01 25.25 52.99 34.93 10.428 8.14 -1 -0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 15:48:02 25.25 52.99 34.94 9.796 8.14 -1 -0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 15:48:03 25.25 52.99 34.93 9.291 8.14 -1 -0.3 6.8 1/14/2016 15:48:04 25.25 52.99 34.93 8.91 8.14 -1 -0.3 6.8 1/14/2016 15:48:05 25.25 52.99 34.93 8.561 8.14 -1 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 15:48:06 25.26 52.99 34.93 8.017 8.14 -1.1 -0.5 6.8 1/14/2016 15:48:07 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.465 8.14 -1.1 -0.5 6.8 1/14/2016 15:48:08 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.082 8.13 -1.1 -0.7 6.8 1/14/2016 15:48:09 25.26 52.99 34.93 6.506 8.13 -1.1 -0.8 6.8 1/14/2016 15:48:10 25.26 52.98 34.93 6.128 8.13 -1.1 -0.6 6.79 1/14/2016 15:48:11 25.26 52.98 34.93 5.82 8.13 -1.1 -0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 15:48:12 25.26 52.98 34.93 5.367 8.13 -1.1 -0.5 6.79 1/14/2016 15:48:13 25.26 52.99 34.93 5.186 8.13 -1.1 -0.5 6.8 1/14/2016 15:48:14 25.26 52.99 34.93 4.865 8.13 -1.1 -0.6 6.8 1/14/2016 15:48:15 25.27 52.99 34.93 4.43 8.12 -1.1 -0.6 6.79 S1K3 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 15:48:16 25.27 52.98 34.93 4.043 8.12 -1.1 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 15:48:17 25.27 52.98 34.93 3.65 8.12 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 15:48:18 25.27 52.98 34.93 3.339 8.12 -1.1 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 15:48:19 25.27 52.98 34.93 3.155 8.12 -1.1 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:20 25.28 52.98 34.93 2.833 8.12 -1.1 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:21 25.28 52.98 34.93 2.517 8.12 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:22 25.28 52.98 34.93 2.129 8.12 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:23 25.28 52.98 34.93 1.781 8.12 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:24 25.29 52.98 34.93 1.487 8.11 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:25 25.29 52.98 34.93 1.231 8.12 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:26 25.29 52.98 34.93 1.004 8.11 -1.1 0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:27 25.29 52.98 34.93 0.718 8.11 -1.1 0 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:28 25.29 52.98 34.93 0.356 8.12 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:29 25.3 52.98 34.93 0.213 8.11 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 15:48:30 25.3 52.98 34.93 0.159 8.12 -1.1 -0.1 6.78

max 25.30 53.14 35.05 19.29 8.14 -0.70 0.60 6.94 min 25.18 52.98 34.93 0.12 7.98 -1.20 -0.80 6.78 s.d. 0.02 0.03 0.02 6.05 0.04 0.12 0.27 0.04 average 25.26 53.00 34.94 9.84 8.10 -1.06 -0.14 6.82 S1K4 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:16:14 25.33 52.98 34.93 0.444 8.15 -0.9 28.7 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:15 25.33 52.98 34.93 0.565 8.15 -0.9 26.3 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:16 25.33 52.98 34.93 0.689 8.15 -0.9 24.3 6.81 1/14/2016 16:16:17 25.33 52.99 34.93 0.807 8.15 -0.9 22.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:18 25.33 52.99 34.93 0.93 8.15 -0.9 20.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:19 25.32 52.99 34.93 1.572 8.15 -1 18.8 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:20 25.32 52.99 34.93 1.644 8.15 -1 17.3 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:21 25.32 52.99 34.93 1.695 8.16 -1 16 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:22 25.32 52.99 34.93 1.748 8.16 -1 14.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:23 25.33 52.99 34.93 1.754 8.16 -1 13.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:24 25.32 52.99 34.93 1.784 8.16 -1 12.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:25 25.32 52.99 34.93 1.846 8.16 -1 11.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:26 25.32 52.98 34.93 1.957 8.16 -1 10.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:27 25.32 52.98 34.93 2.661 8.16 -1 9.3 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:28 25.31 52.98 34.93 2.79 8.16 -1 8.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:29 25.31 52.98 34.93 2.815 8.16 -1 7.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:30 25.31 52.98 34.93 2.908 8.16 -1 7.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:31 25.31 52.98 34.93 3.467 8.16 -1.1 6.6 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:32 25.3 52.98 34.93 3.658 8.16 -1.1 6 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:33 25.3 52.98 34.93 3.665 8.16 -1 5.6 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:34 25.3 52.98 34.93 3.736 8.16 -1.1 5.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:35 25.3 52.98 34.93 4.279 8.16 -1.1 4.5 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:36 25.3 52.99 34.93 4.619 8.16 -1.1 4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:37 25.29 52.99 34.93 4.711 8.16 -1.1 3.6 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:38 25.29 52.99 34.93 4.773 8.16 -1.1 3.3 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:39 25.29 52.99 34.93 4.878 8.16 -1.1 3 6.81 1/14/2016 16:16:40 25.29 52.99 34.93 4.967 8.16 -1.1 2.6 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:41 25.29 52.99 34.93 5.041 8.16 -1.1 2.5 6.8 1/14/2016 16:16:42 25.29 52.99 34.93 5.133 8.16 -1.1 2.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:43 25.28 52.99 34.93 5.832 8.16 -1.1 2.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:16:44 25.28 52.99 34.93 6.117 8.16 -1.1 1.9 6.78 1/14/2016 16:16:45 25.28 52.99 34.93 6.136 8.17 -1.1 1.8 6.78 1/14/2016 16:16:46 25.28 52.99 34.93 6.061 8.17 -1.1 1.7 6.78 1/14/2016 16:16:47 25.28 52.99 34.94 5.997 8.17 -1.1 1.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:16:48 25.28 52.99 34.94 5.962 8.17 -1.1 1.2 6.78 S1K4 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:16:49 25.28 52.99 34.94 6.004 8.16 -1.1 1.1 6.77 1/14/2016 16:16:50 25.28 52.99 34.93 6.624 8.16 -1.1 1.1 6.77 1/14/2016 16:16:51 25.28 52.99 34.93 6.901 8.16 -1.1 0.9 6.77 1/14/2016 16:16:52 25.27 52.99 34.93 6.814 8.17 -1.1 0.8 6.78 1/14/2016 16:16:53 25.27 52.99 34.93 6.765 8.17 -1.1 0.7 6.77 1/14/2016 16:16:54 25.27 52.99 34.93 6.796 8.17 -1.1 0.6 6.77 1/14/2016 16:16:55 25.27 52.99 34.93 6.902 8.17 -1.1 0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 16:16:56 25.27 52.99 34.93 7.628 8.17 -1.1 0.6 6.77 1/14/2016 16:16:57 25.27 52.99 34.93 7.813 8.17 -1.1 0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 16:16:58 25.27 52.99 34.93 7.738 8.17 -1.1 0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 16:16:59 25.27 52.99 34.93 7.692 8.17 -1.1 0.5 6.77 1/14/2016 16:17:00 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.677 8.17 -1.1 0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:01 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.68 8.17 -1.1 0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:02 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.7 8.16 -1.1 0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:03 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.709 8.16 -1.1 0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:04 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.689 8.16 -1.1 0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 16:17:05 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.661 8.16 -1.1 0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 16:17:06 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.647 8.16 -1.1 0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 16:17:07 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.692 8.16 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:08 25.26 52.99 34.93 8.323 8.16 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:09 25.26 52.99 34.93 8.712 8.16 -1.1 0 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:10 25.26 52.99 34.93 9.071 8.17 -1.1 0 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:11 25.26 52.99 34.94 9.374 8.17 -1.1 -0.1 6.77 1/14/2016 16:17:12 25.26 52.99 34.94 9.362 8.17 -1.1 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 16:17:13 25.26 52.99 34.93 9.286 8.17 -1.1 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 16:17:14 25.26 52.99 34.93 9.223 8.17 -1.1 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:15 25.26 52.99 34.93 9.224 8.17 -1.1 -0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:16 25.26 52.99 34.93 9.278 8.17 -1.2 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:17 25.26 52.99 34.93 9.385 8.17 -1.1 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:18 25.26 52.99 34.93 10.09 8.17 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:19 25.26 52.99 34.93 9.926 8.17 -1.2 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:20 25.26 52.99 34.93 9.889 8.17 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:21 25.26 52.99 34.93 9.955 8.17 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:22 25.26 52.99 34.93 9.998 8.17 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:23 25.26 52.99 34.93 10.035 8.17 -1.2 -0.5 6.77 S1K4 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:17:24 25.26 52.99 34.93 10.115 8.17 -1.2 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:25 25.26 52.99 34.93 10.852 8.16 -1.2 -0.6 6.79 1/14/2016 16:17:26 25.26 52.99 34.93 11.334 8.16 -1.2 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:27 25.25 52.99 34.93 11.777 8.16 -1.2 -0.7 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:28 25.25 52.99 34.93 11.815 8.16 -1.2 -0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:29 25.26 52.99 34.93 11.843 8.16 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:30 25.26 52.99 34.93 11.934 8.16 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:31 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.045 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:32 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.133 8.16 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:33 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.16 8.16 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:34 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.204 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:35 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.263 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:36 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.303 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:37 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.368 8.16 -1.1 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:38 25.26 52.99 34.93 12.485 8.16 -1.1 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:39 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.005 8.16 -1.1 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:40 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.034 8.16 -1.1 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:41 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.079 8.16 -1.1 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:42 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.097 8.16 -1.1 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:43 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.115 8.16 -1.2 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:44 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.162 8.16 -1.1 -0.6 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:45 25.26 52.99 34.93 13.277 8.16 -1.1 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 16:17:46 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.139 8.16 -1.1 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:47 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.524 8.16 -1.1 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:48 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.75 8.16 -1.1 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:49 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.77 8.16 -1.1 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:50 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.81 8.16 -1.1 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:51 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.894 8.16 -1.1 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:52 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.968 8.16 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:53 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.044 8.16 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:54 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.069 8.16 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:55 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.074 8.16 -1.1 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:56 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.024 8.16 -1.1 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:57 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.957 8.16 -1.1 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 16:17:58 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.906 8.16 -1.1 -0.1 6.78 S1K4 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:17:59 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.868 8.16 -1.1 -0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:00 25.26 52.99 34.93 14.811 8.16 -1.2 0 6.78 1/14/2016 16:18:01 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.749 8.16 -1.2 0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:02 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.691 8.16 -1.1 0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:03 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.636 8.16 -1.2 0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:04 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.577 8.16 -1.1 0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:05 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.536 8.16 -1.1 0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:06 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.514 8.16 -1.1 0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:07 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.512 8.16 -1.1 0.3 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:08 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.527 8.16 -1.1 0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:09 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.555 8.16 -1.2 0.2 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:10 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.591 8.16 -1.2 0.2 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:11 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.619 8.16 -1.2 0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:12 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.631 8.16 -1.2 0.3 6.82 1/14/2016 16:18:13 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.635 8.16 -1.2 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:14 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.64 8.16 -1.2 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:15 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.661 8.16 -1.2 0 6.82 1/14/2016 16:18:16 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.704 8.16 -1.2 0.2 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:17 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.771 8.16 -1.2 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:18 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.855 8.16 -1.2 0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:19 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.926 8.16 -1.2 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:20 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.965 8.16 -1.2 -0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:21 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.977 8.16 -1.2 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:22 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.98 8.16 -1.2 0 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:23 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.988 8.16 -1.2 0 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:24 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.025 8.16 -1.2 0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:25 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.111 8.16 -1.2 0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:26 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.227 8.16 -1.2 0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:27 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.297 8.16 -1.2 0 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:28 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.325 8.16 -1.2 0 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:29 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.344 8.16 -1.2 0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:30 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.39 8.16 -1.2 0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:31 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.449 8.16 -1.2 0.2 6.81 1/14/2016 16:18:32 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.51 8.16 -1.2 0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:33 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.568 8.16 -1.2 0.2 6.8 S1K4 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:18:34 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.619 8.16 -1.2 0 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:35 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.662 8.16 -1.2 -0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:36 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.687 8.15 -1.2 -0.3 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:37 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.685 8.15 -1.2 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:38 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.666 8.15 -1.2 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:39 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.667 8.15 -1.2 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:40 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.702 8.15 -1.2 -0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:41 25.26 52.99 34.93 15.751 8.15 -1.2 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:42 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.798 8.15 -1.2 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:43 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.842 8.15 -1.2 0 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:44 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.873 8.15 -1.2 0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:45 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.882 8.15 -1.2 0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:46 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.894 8.15 -1.2 0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:47 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.919 8.15 -1.2 0 6.8 1/14/2016 16:18:48 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.956 8.15 -1.2 0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:49 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.991 8.16 -1.2 -0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:50 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.029 8.16 -1.2 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:51 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.075 8.16 -1.2 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:52 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.122 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:53 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.173 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:54 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.241 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:55 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.322 8.16 -1.2 -0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:56 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.413 8.16 -1.2 -0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:57 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.491 8.16 -1.2 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:58 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.542 8.16 -1.2 -0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:18:59 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.593 8.16 -1.2 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:00 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.656 8.16 -1.1 -0.6 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:01 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.723 8.16 -1.1 -0.6 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:02 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.768 8.16 -1.1 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:03 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.789 8.16 -1.1 -0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:04 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.808 8.16 -1.1 -0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:05 25.26 52.99 34.93 16.841 8.16 -1.1 -0.9 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:06 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.865 8.16 -1.1 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:07 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.866 8.16 -1.1 -1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:08 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.869 8.16 -1.1 -0.8 6.79 S1K4 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:19:09 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.915 8.16 -1.2 -0.9 6.78 1/14/2016 16:19:10 25.26 52.98 34.93 17.021 8.16 -1.2 -0.8 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:11 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.138 8.16 -1.2 -0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:12 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.245 8.16 -1.2 -0.6 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:13 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.328 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:14 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.385 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:15 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.427 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:16 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.484 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:19:17 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.581 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:19:18 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.701 8.16 -1.2 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:19 25.27 52.99 34.93 17.819 8.16 -1.2 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:19:20 25.27 52.99 34.93 17.913 8.16 -1.2 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:19:21 25.27 52.99 34.93 17.987 8.16 -1.1 -0.2 6.78 1/14/2016 16:19:22 25.27 52.99 34.93 18.044 8.16 -1.1 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:23 25.27 52.98 34.93 18.092 8.16 -1 0.7 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:24 25.27 52.97 34.92 18.139 8.16 0.5 0.6 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:25 25.27 52.95 34.9 18.175 8.16 6.4 1.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:26 25.27 52.95 34.9 18.197 8.16 6.4 1.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:27 25.27 52.95 34.9 18.208 8.16 6.4 1.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:28 25.27 52.96 34.91 18.219 8.16 6.2 1.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:29 25.27 52.96 34.91 18.24 8.16 5.6 1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:30 25.27 52.97 34.92 18.275 8.16 5.1 1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:31 25.27 52.97 34.92 18.292 8.16 4.9 0.9 6.81 1/14/2016 16:19:32 25.27 52.97 34.92 18.286 8.16 5.1 0.8 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:33 25.27 52.97 34.92 18.249 8.16 4.6 0.7 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:34 25.27 52.98 34.92 18.19 8.16 4.2 0.5 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:35 25.27 52.98 34.92 18.117 8.16 3.7 0.5 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:36 25.27 52.98 34.92 18.061 8.16 3.3 0.6 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:37 25.27 52.98 34.93 18.018 8.16 3 0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:38 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.982 8.16 2.6 0.5 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:39 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.938 8.16 2.3 0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:40 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.872 8.16 2 0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:41 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.782 8.16 1.8 0 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:42 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.706 8.16 1.5 0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:43 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.632 8.16 1.4 0.1 6.79 S1K4 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:19:44 25.27 52.98 34.93 17.517 8.16 1.2 0 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:45 25.27 52.98 34.93 16.735 8.16 1 0 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:46 25.27 52.98 34.93 16.509 8.16 0.8 0 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:47 25.27 52.98 34.93 16.408 8.16 0.7 0 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:48 25.27 52.98 34.93 16.345 8.16 0.5 -0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:49 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.29 8.16 0.4 -0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:50 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.24 8.16 0.3 0 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:51 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.162 8.16 0.1 -0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:52 25.26 52.98 34.93 16.035 8.16 0 -0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:53 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.905 8.16 -0.1 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:54 25.26 52.98 34.93 15.05 8.16 -0.2 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:19:55 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.654 8.16 -0.2 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:56 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.337 8.16 -0.3 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:57 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.266 8.16 -0.4 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:58 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.159 8.16 -0.5 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:19:59 25.26 52.98 34.93 14.047 8.16 -0.5 -0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:00 25.26 52.98 34.93 13.936 8.16 -0.6 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:01 25.26 52.98 34.93 13.227 8.16 -0.6 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:02 25.26 52.98 34.93 12.991 8.16 -0.7 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:03 25.26 52.98 34.93 12.922 8.16 -0.7 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:04 25.26 52.98 34.93 12.832 8.16 -0.7 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:05 25.26 52.98 34.93 12.73 8.16 -0.8 -0.5 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:06 25.26 52.98 34.93 12.088 8.16 -0.8 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:07 25.26 52.98 34.93 11.951 8.16 -0.8 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:08 25.26 52.98 34.93 11.911 8.16 -0.9 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:09 25.26 52.98 34.93 11.483 8.16 -0.9 -0.3 6.81 1/14/2016 16:20:10 25.26 52.98 34.93 11.136 8.16 -0.9 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:11 25.26 52.98 34.93 10.959 8.16 -0.9 -0.1 6.81 1/14/2016 16:20:12 25.26 52.98 34.93 10.622 8.15 -0.9 -0.1 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:13 25.26 52.98 34.93 10.402 8.15 -0.9 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:14 25.26 52.98 34.93 10.356 8.15 -1 -0.1 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:15 25.26 52.98 34.93 10.26 8.15 -1 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:16 25.26 52.98 34.93 9.679 8.15 -1 -0.2 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:17 25.26 52.98 34.93 9.485 8.15 -1 -0.4 6.78 1/14/2016 16:20:18 25.26 52.98 34.93 9.226 8.15 -1 -0.3 6.78 S1K4 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L 1/14/2016 16:20:19 25.26 52.98 34.93 8.868 8.15 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:20 25.26 52.98 34.93 8.452 8.15 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:21 25.26 52.98 34.93 8.114 8.15 -1.1 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:22 25.26 52.98 34.93 7.816 8.15 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:23 25.26 52.98 34.93 7.518 8.15 -1.1 -0.3 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:24 25.26 52.98 34.93 7.286 8.15 -1.1 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:25 25.26 52.99 34.93 7.097 8.14 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:26 25.26 52.99 34.93 6.825 8.14 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:27 25.26 52.99 34.93 6.514 8.14 -1.1 -0.2 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:28 25.27 52.99 34.93 6.178 8.14 -1.1 -0.3 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:29 25.27 52.99 34.93 5.794 8.14 -1.1 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:30 25.27 52.99 34.93 5.553 8.14 -1.1 -0.6 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:31 25.27 52.99 34.93 5.336 8.14 -1.1 -0.6 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:32 25.27 52.99 34.93 4.928 8.13 -1.1 -0.6 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:33 25.27 52.99 34.93 4.604 8.13 -1.1 -0.6 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:34 25.28 52.99 34.93 4.339 8.13 -1.1 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:20:35 25.28 52.99 34.93 4.084 8.13 -1.1 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:36 25.28 52.99 34.93 3.663 8.13 -1.1 -0.4 6.8 1/14/2016 16:20:37 25.28 52.99 34.93 3.292 8.13 -1.1 -0.4 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:38 25.28 52.99 34.93 2.962 8.13 -1.1 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:20:39 25.29 52.99 34.94 2.624 8.13 -1.2 -0.5 6.79 1/14/2016 16:20:40 25.29 52.99 34.94 2.294 8.13 -1.1 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:20:41 25.29 52.99 34.94 1.994 8.12 -1.1 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:20:42 25.3 52.99 34.94 1.625 8.12 -1.1 -0.3 6.78 1/14/2016 16:20:43 25.3 52.99 34.93 1.342 8.12 -1.1 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:20:44 25.3 52.99 34.93 0.995 8.12 -1.1 -0.5 6.78 1/14/2016 16:20:45 25.3 52.99 34.93 0.618 8.12 -1.1 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 16:20:46 25.31 52.99 34.93 0.233 8.12 -1.1 -0.4 6.77 1/14/2016 16:20:47 25.31 52.99 34.93 0.158 8.12 -1.2 -0.3 6.77 1/14/2016 16:20:48 25.31 52.99 34.93 0.153 8.12 -1.2 0.2 6.77 1/14/2016 16:20:49 25.31 52.99 34.93 0.138 8.12 -1.2 2.1 6.77

max 25.33 52.99 34.94 18.29 8.17 6.40 28.70 6.82 min 25.25 52.95 34.90 0.14 8.12 -1.20 -1.00 6.77 s.d. 0.02 0.01 0.00 5.32 0.01 1.40 4.23 0.01 S1K4 YSI Data

Date Time Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO Conc M/D/Y hh:mm:ss C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L mg/L average 25.27 52.98 34.93 11.53 8.16 -0.67 1.08 6.79

Station MB-02

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation

2/6/2016 25.29 52.91 34.88 0.090 7.96 3.3 1.2 96.0 25.29 52.91 34.88 0.087 7.96 3.3 1.1 95.9 25.29 52.91 34.88 0.081 7.96 3.3 1.3 95.9 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.077 7.96 3.6 1.3 95.9 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.073 7.96 3.7 1.2 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.072 7.96 3.6 1.2 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.071 7.97 3.5 1.3 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.068 7.97 3.5 1.2 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.066 7.97 3.5 1.2 95.9 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.065 7.97 3.4 1.1 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.068 7.97 3.4 1.3 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.067 7.97 3.4 1.2 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.068 7.97 3.3 1.3 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.072 7.97 3.3 1.3 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.072 7.97 3.3 1.1 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.072 7.97 3.3 1.0 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.073 7.97 3.3 0.9 95.9 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.072 7.97 3.3 1.0 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.071 7.97 3.3 1.0 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.071 7.97 3.3 1.0 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.072 7.97 3.3 0.9 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.070 7.97 3.3 1.2 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.077 7.97 3.2 1.3 95.9 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.082 7.97 3.2 1.5 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.090 7.97 3.2 1.5 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.117 7.97 3.3 1.6 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.158 7.97 3.2 1.6 95.9 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.205 7.97 3.2 1.9 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.258 7.97 3.2 1.6 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.319 7.97 3.2 1.7 95.9 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.394 7.97 3.2 2.0 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.476 7.97 3.2 1.9 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.560 7.97 3.2 1.9 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.651 7.97 3.2 1.9 95.8 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.743 7.97 3.4 1.7 96.0 25.27 52.91 34.88 0.829 7.97 3.4 1.6 96.1 25.28 52.91 34.88 0.920 7.97 3.3 1.4 96.1 25.28 52.91 34.88 1.003 7.97 3.4 1.6 96.1 25.28 52.91 34.87 1.093 7.97 3.4 1.8 96.2 25.27 52.91 34.87 1.177 7.97 3.3 1.8 96.1 25.27 52.91 34.87 1.259 7.97 3.3 1.4 96.0 25.27 52.91 34.87 1.353 7.97 3.3 1.5 95.9 25.27 52.91 34.87 1.434 7.97 3.3 1.5 95.9 25.27 52.91 34.88 1.520 7.97 3.3 1.4 95.9 25.27 52.91 34.88 1.601 7.97 3.3 1.4 95.9 25.28 52.91 34.88 1.687 7.97 3.3 1.3 96.0 25.28 52.91 34.88 1.769 7.97 3.3 1.5 96.1 25.28 52.91 34.88 1.846 7.97 3.3 1.5 96.0 Station MB-02

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 25.28 52.91 34.88 1.966 7.97 3.3 1.4 95.9 25.28 52.91 34.87 2.037 7.97 3.3 1.4 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.88 2.137 7.97 3.3 1.3 95.8 25.28 52.91 34.87 2.231 7.97 3.3 1.5 95.8 25.28 52.9 34.87 2.339 7.97 3.3 1.6 95.9 25.28 52.9 34.87 2.440 7.97 3.2 1.5 95.8 25.28 52.9 34.87 2.542 7.97 3.2 1.5 95.9 25.28 52.91 34.87 2.650 7.97 3.2 1.4 96.0 25.28 52.9 34.87 2.770 7.97 3.2 1.2 95.9 25.28 52.9 34.87 2.869 7.97 3.2 1.0 96.0 25.28 52.9 34.87 2.944 7.97 3.3 1.1 95.9 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.005 7.97 3.3 0.9 95.9 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.051 7.97 3.4 0.9 96.0 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.086 7.97 3.5 0.9 95.9 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.106 7.97 3.5 1.0 95.9 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.122 7.97 4.0 0.9 95.9 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.123 7.97 4.4 1.1 95.8 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.131 7.97 4.3 1.0 95.8 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.142 7.97 4.2 1.2 95.8 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.159 7.97 4.2 1.2 95.8 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.171 7.97 4.3 1.2 95.8 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.183 7.97 4.3 1.2 95.9 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.186 7.97 4.3 1.3 95.9 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.170 7.97 4.2 1.2 95.8 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.123 7.97 4.1 1.0 95.8 25.28 52.9 34.87 3.049 7.97 4.0 0.9 95.7 25.28 52.9 34.87 2.956 7.97 4.0 1.0 95.7 25.28 52.9 34.87 2.848 7.97 3.9 1.0 95.6 25.28 52.9 34.87 2.725 7.97 4.0 1.0 95.6 25.28 52.9 34.87 2.594 7.97 3.9 1.1 95.6 25.28 52.9 34.87 1.928 7.97 3.9 1.2 95.6 25.28 52.9 34.87 1.820 7.97 3.8 1.1 95.6 25.28 52.9 34.87 1.720 7.97 3.7 1.1 95.6 25.28 52.9 34.87 1.631 7.97 3.7 1.1 95.6 25.28 52.9 34.87 1.543 7.97 3.6 1.2 95.6 25.28 52.9 34.87 1.442 7.97 3.7 1.1 95.7 25.28 52.9 34.87 1.330 7.97 3.6 1.0 95.7 25.28 52.9 34.87 1.215 7.97 3.5 0.9 95.7 25.28 52.9 34.87 1.097 7.97 3.5 0.9 95.7 25.28 52.9 34.87 0.970 7.97 3.4 0.8 95.6 25.28 52.9 34.87 0.842 7.97 3.5 0.7 95.7 25.28 52.9 34.87 0.775 7.97 3.6 0.6 95.6 25.28 52.9 34.87 0.584 7.97 3.5 0.5 95.7 25.28 52.9 34.87 0.523 7.97 3.4 0.7 95.6 25.29 52.9 34.87 0.420 7.97 3.4 0.6 95.6 Station MB-05

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation

2/6/2016 24.92 52.63 34.68 0.165 7.94 -0.9 0.5 99.1 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.152 7.95 -0.9 0.3 99.1 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.181 7.95 -0.9 0.2 99.1 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.223 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.1 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.262 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.94 52.64 34.69 0.287 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.94 52.64 34.69 0.295 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.2 24.94 52.64 34.69 0.297 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.283 7.94 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.326 7.94 -0.9 0.0 99.1 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.435 7.94 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.504 7.94 -0.9 -0.2 99.0 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.545 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.0 24.94 52.64 34.69 0.628 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.94 52.64 34.69 0.747 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.94 52.64 34.69 0.822 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.94 52.64 34.69 0.865 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.94 52.64 34.69 0.915 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.94 52.64 34.69 1.010 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.94 52.65 34.69 1.739 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.94 52.65 34.69 2.090 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.94 52.65 34.69 2.349 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.94 52.65 34.69 2.409 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.94 52.65 34.69 2.479 7.94 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.94 52.65 34.69 2.567 7.94 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.94 52.65 34.69 2.661 7.94 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.94 52.65 34.69 2.787 7.94 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.94 52.65 34.69 3.548 7.94 -0.9 0.0 99.2 24.94 52.65 34.69 3.563 7.94 -0.9 0.0 99.2 24.94 52.65 34.69 3.627 7.94 -0.9 -0.2 99.2 24.94 52.65 34.69 3.722 7.94 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.94 52.65 34.70 3.810 7.94 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.94 52.66 34.70 3.904 7.94 -0.9 -0.4 99.2 24.94 52.66 34.70 4.012 7.94 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.94 52.66 34.70 4.144 7.94 -0.8 -0.2 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 4.276 7.94 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 4.903 7.94 -0.9 0.2 99.3 24.95 52.66 34.70 4.911 7.95 -0.9 0.2 99.3 24.95 52.66 34.70 4.919 7.95 -0.9 0.1 99.4 24.95 52.66 34.70 4.981 7.95 -0.9 0.1 99.5 24.95 52.66 34.70 5.072 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.4 24.95 52.66 34.70 5.138 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.3 24.95 52.66 34.70 5.231 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.3 24.95 52.66 34.70 5.878 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.94 52.66 34.70 5.920 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.94 52.66 34.70 5.899 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.3 24.94 52.66 34.70 5.968 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.3 Station MB-05

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.94 52.66 34.70 6.083 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.3 24.94 52.66 34.70 6.172 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.4 24.94 52.66 34.70 6.248 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.3 24.94 52.66 34.70 6.351 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.4 24.94 52.66 34.70 6.442 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.94 52.66 34.70 6.569 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.5 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.127 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.177 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.5 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.277 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.5 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.352 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.426 7.95 -0.8 -0.1 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 7.533 7.95 -0.8 -0.3 99.5 24.93 52.66 34.70 7.633 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 7.755 7.95 -0.8 0.0 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 8.549 7.95 -0.8 -0.1 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 8.609 7.95 -0.8 -0.1 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 8.697 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 8.785 7.95 -0.9 0.1 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 8.891 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 9.000 7.95 -0.8 0.1 99.5 24.93 52.66 34.70 9.620 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 9.858 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 9.895 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.3 24.93 52.66 34.70 9.971 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.3 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.061 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.3 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.155 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.227 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.3 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.308 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.3 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.417 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.3 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.507 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.3 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.615 7.95 -0.9 0.0 99.3 24.93 52.67 34.70 10.739 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.2 24.93 52.67 34.70 10.846 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.93 52.67 34.70 10.970 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.94 52.67 34.70 11.085 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.94 52.67 34.70 11.187 7.95 -0.8 0.0 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.228 7.95 -0.8 -0.1 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.232 7.95 -0.8 -0.2 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.275 7.95 -0.8 -0.1 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.365 7.95 -0.7 0.0 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.425 7.95 1.3 0.4 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.466 7.95 1.2 0.3 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.483 7.95 1.0 0.2 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.536 7.95 0.9 0.0 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.594 7.95 0.8 0.0 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.635 7.95 0.9 0.0 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.648 7.95 0.9 0.0 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.643 7.95 0.8 0.1 99.1 Station MB-05

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.638 7.95 0.8 -0.3 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.642 7.95 0.7 -0.2 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 11.648 7.95 0.6 -0.3 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 11.649 7.95 0.5 -0.2 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 11.591 7.95 0.4 -0.1 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.485 7.95 1.6 0.0 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 11.376 7.95 2.5 -0.1 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 10.708 7.95 2.2 0.0 99.1 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.147 7.95 1.9 0.1 99.1 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.022 7.95 1.7 0.1 99.1 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.061 7.95 1.5 0.0 99.1 24.93 52.66 34.70 10.040 7.95 1.3 0.1 99.1 24.93 52.66 34.70 9.510 7.95 1.1 0.0 99.1 24.93 52.66 34.70 9.328 7.95 1.0 0.0 99.1 24.93 52.67 34.70 9.264 7.95 0.9 0.2 99.0 24.93 52.66 34.70 9.298 7.95 0.7 0.0 99.1 24.93 52.66 34.70 9.233 7.95 0.6 0.1 99.1 24.93 52.67 34.70 9.105 7.95 0.5 0.1 99.0 24.93 52.67 34.70 8.986 7.95 0.4 0.1 99.1 24.93 52.66 34.70 8.882 7.95 0.3 0.0 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 8.750 7.95 0.2 0.1 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 8.624 7.95 0.1 0.3 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.971 7.96 0.0 0.3 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.729 7.96 -0.1 0.5 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.664 7.96 -0.1 0.5 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.633 7.96 -0.2 0.4 98.9 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.567 7.96 -0.3 0.4 98.9 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.498 7.96 -0.3 0.3 98.9 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.409 7.96 -0.4 0.3 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.300 7.96 -0.4 0.2 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.180 7.96 -0.5 0.3 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 7.055 7.96 -0.5 0.4 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 6.934 7.96 -0.5 0.4 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 6.815 7.96 -0.6 0.3 99.0 24.94 52.66 34.70 6.045 7.96 -0.6 0.0 99.1 24.94 52.66 34.70 5.982 7.96 -0.6 0.1 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 5.944 7.96 -0.6 -0.1 99.0 24.95 52.66 34.70 5.848 7.96 -0.6 -0.1 99.0 24.95 52.66 34.70 5.744 7.96 -0.7 -0.1 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 5.052 7.96 -0.7 0.0 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 4.987 7.96 -0.7 0.1 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 4.544 7.96 -0.7 -0.1 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 4.377 7.95 -0.7 0.0 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 4.131 7.95 -0.7 0.0 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 3.947 7.95 -0.7 0.0 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 3.658 7.95 -0.7 -0.2 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 3.563 7.95 -0.8 -0.2 99.1 24.95 52.66 34.70 3.482 7.95 -0.8 -0.4 99.0 Station MB-05

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.95 52.66 34.70 3.017 7.95 -0.8 -0.4 99.0 24.95 52.66 34.70 2.888 7.95 -0.8 -0.3 99.0 24.95 52.66 34.70 2.611 7.95 -0.8 -0.3 99.1 24.95 52.65 34.70 2.296 7.95 -0.8 -0.3 99.1 24.95 52.65 34.70 2.044 7.95 -0.8 -0.3 99.1 24.95 52.65 34.69 1.713 7.95 -0.8 -0.3 99.1 24.95 52.65 34.69 1.470 7.95 -0.8 -0.1 99.1 24.95 52.65 34.69 1.463 7.95 -0.8 -0.3 99.1 24.94 52.65 34.69 1.468 7.95 -0.8 -0.2 99.1 24.94 52.64 34.69 1.435 7.95 -0.8 -0.2 99.1 24.94 52.64 34.69 1.383 7.95 -0.8 -0.2 99.0 24.94 52.64 34.69 1.321 7.95 -0.8 -0.4 99.2 24.94 52.64 34.69 1.243 7.95 -0.8 -0.2 99.2 24.94 52.64 34.69 1.126 7.95 -0.8 -0.3 99.2 24.93 52.64 34.69 1.009 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.922 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.3 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.820 7.95 -0.9 -0.4 99.3 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.702 7.95 -0.9 -0.3 99.4 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.603 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.4 24.93 52.65 34.69 0.519 7.95 -0.9 -0.1 99.5 24.93 52.64 34.69 0.427 7.95 -0.9 -0.2 99.5 Station MB-06

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % saturation

2/6/2016 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.174 7.94 -0.9 0.3 98.6 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.205 7.95 -1.0 0.5 98.9 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.209 7.95 -1.0 -0.7 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.201 7.95 -1.0 -0.7 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.193 7.96 -1.0 0.2 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.175 7.96 -1.0 0.3 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.173 7.96 -1.0 0.3 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.161 7.96 -1.0 0.2 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.175 7.97 -1.0 -0.1 98.9 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.189 7.97 -1.0 -0.1 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.203 7.97 -1.0 -0.2 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.218 7.97 -1.0 0.0 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.286 7.97 -0.9 0.2 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 0.416 7.97 -1.0 0.1 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 1.055 7.97 -1.0 0.1 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 1.489 7.97 -1.0 0.0 98.8 24.88 52.64 34.69 1.938 7.97 -1.0 -0.1 98.9 24.88 52.64 34.69 2.189 7.97 -1.0 -0.2 99.0 24.88 52.64 34.69 2.373 7.97 -1.0 -0.2 99.0 24.88 52.64 34.69 2.612 7.97 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.89 52.64 34.69 2.998 7.97 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.89 52.64 34.69 3.040 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.89 52.64 34.69 3.747 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.89 52.64 34.69 3.741 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.89 52.64 34.69 3.805 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.89 52.64 34.69 4.505 7.97 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.89 52.64 34.69 4.559 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.89 52.64 34.69 4.932 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.89 52.64 34.69 5.157 7.97 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.89 52.64 34.69 5.210 7.97 -1.0 -0.1 99.2 24.89 52.64 34.69 5.810 7.97 -1.0 -0.2 99.1 24.89 52.64 34.69 5.895 7.97 -1.0 -0.2 99.1 24.89 52.64 34.69 6.383 7.97 -1.0 -0.3 99.1 24.89 52.65 34.69 6.560 7.97 -1.0 -0.5 99.2 24.89 52.65 34.69 6.929 7.97 -0.9 -0.6 99.2 24.90 52.65 34.69 6.930 7.97 -0.9 -0.9 99.1 24.90 52.65 34.69 7.325 7.97 -0.9 -1.0 99.2 24.90 52.65 34.69 7.509 7.97 -1.0 -0.8 99.1 24.90 52.65 34.69 7.903 7.97 -1.0 -0.7 99.1 24.90 52.65 34.69 8.041 7.97 -0.9 -0.6 99.1 24.90 52.65 34.69 8.374 7.97 -0.9 -0.6 99.0 24.90 52.65 34.69 8.597 7.97 -1.0 -0.7 98.9 24.90 52.65 34.69 8.700 7.97 -1.0 -0.6 98.9 24.90 52.65 34.69 9.174 7.97 -0.9 -0.4 98.9 24.90 52.65 34.69 9.291 7.97 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.90 52.65 34.69 9.744 7.97 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.90 52.65 34.69 9.976 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 Station MB-06

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % saturation 24.90 52.65 34.69 10.024 7.97 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.90 52.65 34.69 10.107 7.97 -0.9 -0.2 99.0 24.90 52.65 34.69 10.557 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.90 52.65 34.69 11.065 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.90 52.65 34.69 11.083 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.90 52.65 34.69 11.641 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.9 24.90 52.65 34.69 11.681 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 99.0 24.90 52.65 34.69 12.022 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.90 52.65 34.69 12.097 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.9 24.90 52.65 34.69 12.019 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 98.8 24.90 52.65 34.69 12.663 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.90 52.65 34.69 12.623 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.90 52.65 34.69 12.938 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 24.90 52.65 34.69 12.875 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 98.7 24.90 52.66 34.69 12.833 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.89 52.66 34.70 12.827 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.89 52.66 34.70 12.821 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.89 52.66 34.70 12.824 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.89 52.66 34.70 12.925 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.89 52.66 34.70 13.022 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.89 52.66 34.70 13.134 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.89 52.66 34.70 13.900 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.88 52.67 34.70 14.203 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.8 24.88 52.67 34.71 14.378 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.87 52.67 34.71 14.395 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.87 52.67 34.71 14.429 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.451 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.483 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.519 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.549 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.566 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.566 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.551 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.523 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.493 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.481 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.497 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.530 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.553 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.553 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.540 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.532 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.539 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.556 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.575 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.590 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.596 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.591 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.7 Station MB-06

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % saturation 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.573 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.545 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.517 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.6 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.500 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.6 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.500 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.517 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.544 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.576 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.604 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.626 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.638 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.6 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.638 7.98 -0.9 0.3 98.6 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.625 7.98 -0.9 0.3 98.6 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.604 7.98 -0.9 0.4 98.6 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.579 7.98 -0.9 0.3 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.561 7.98 -0.9 0.3 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.559 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.574 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.598 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.617 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.625 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.620 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.611 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.608 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.602 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.592 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.578 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.547 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.506 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.9 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.417 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 14.292 7.98 -0.6 -0.2 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 13.507 7.98 -0.6 -0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 13.100 7.98 -0.6 0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 12.947 7.98 -0.6 0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 12.580 7.98 -0.7 0.0 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 12.382 7.98 -0.7 0.1 98.8 24.87 52.68 34.71 12.167 7.98 -0.7 0.2 98.8 24.88 52.67 34.71 11.706 7.98 -0.7 0.0 98.8 24.88 52.67 34.71 11.679 7.98 -0.7 0.1 98.8 24.89 52.66 34.70 11.282 7.98 -0.7 0.1 98.8 24.89 52.66 34.70 11.170 7.98 -0.8 -0.1 98.9 24.89 52.66 34.70 11.085 7.98 -0.8 -0.3 98.8 24.90 52.65 34.69 10.626 7.98 -0.8 -0.3 98.9 24.90 52.65 34.69 10.575 7.98 -0.8 -0.1 99.0 24.90 52.65 34.69 10.463 7.98 -0.8 0.1 98.9 24.90 52.65 34.69 9.935 7.98 -0.8 0.0 98.9 24.90 52.64 34.69 9.954 7.98 -0.8 0.1 98.8 24.90 52.64 34.69 9.894 7.98 -0.8 0.4 98.8 Station MB-06

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % saturation 24.90 52.64 34.68 9.326 7.98 -0.8 0.5 98.8 24.90 52.64 34.69 9.336 7.98 -0.8 0.5 98.7 24.90 52.64 34.68 8.937 7.98 -0.9 0.5 99.0 24.90 52.64 34.68 8.753 7.98 -0.9 0.4 99.0 24.90 52.64 34.68 8.676 7.98 -0.9 0.4 99.0 24.90 52.64 34.68 8.178 7.98 -0.9 0.5 99.0 24.90 52.64 34.68 8.223 7.98 -0.9 0.6 98.9 24.90 52.64 34.68 7.764 7.98 -0.9 0.4 98.9 24.90 52.64 34.68 7.711 7.98 -0.9 0.4 98.8 24.90 52.64 34.68 7.610 7.98 -0.9 0.4 98.9 24.90 52.64 34.68 7.092 7.98 -0.9 0.4 99.0 24.90 52.64 34.68 6.970 7.98 -0.9 0.3 98.9 24.90 52.64 34.69 6.612 7.98 -0.9 0.4 98.8 24.90 52.64 34.69 6.588 7.98 -0.9 0.4 98.8 24.90 52.64 34.68 6.179 7.98 -0.9 0.4 98.8 24.90 52.64 34.68 6.163 7.98 -0.9 0.4 98.7 24.90 52.64 34.68 5.777 7.98 -0.9 0.5 98.7 24.90 52.64 34.68 5.789 7.98 -0.9 0.5 98.9 24.90 52.64 34.68 5.273 7.98 -0.9 0.5 98.8 24.90 52.64 34.68 5.107 7.98 -0.9 0.6 98.7 24.90 52.63 34.68 4.765 7.98 -0.9 0.4 99.0 24.90 52.63 34.68 4.574 7.98 -0.9 0.3 99.0 24.90 52.64 34.68 4.581 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.9 24.90 52.64 34.68 4.019 7.98 -0.9 0.3 98.9 24.90 52.64 34.68 4.033 7.98 -0.9 0.4 99.0 24.90 52.64 34.68 3.508 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.9 24.90 52.64 34.68 3.471 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.90 52.64 34.68 2.929 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.90 52.63 34.68 2.905 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 98.9 24.90 52.63 34.68 2.470 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 98.9 24.90 52.63 34.68 2.114 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 98.8 24.90 52.63 34.68 1.847 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 98.7 24.90 52.63 34.68 1.590 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 98.7 24.90 52.63 34.68 1.253 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 98.8 24.90 52.63 34.68 1.026 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 24.90 52.63 34.68 0.926 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.90 52.63 34.68 0.597 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.6 24.90 52.63 34.68 0.479 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.90 52.63 34.68 0.365 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.6 24.90 52.63 34.68 0.300 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.6 24.90 52.63 34.68 0.250 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.90 52.63 34.68 0.230 7.98 -0.9 0.3 98.6 24.90 52.63 34.68 0.202 7.98 -0.9 0.3 98.7 Station MB-07

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation

2/6/2016 24.84 52.66 34.70 0.168 7.96 -0.9 0.1 98.9 24.84 52.66 34.70 0.174 7.96 -0.9 0.3 99.0 24.84 52.66 34.70 0.168 7.96 -0.9 0.2 98.9 24.84 52.66 34.70 0.177 7.96 -0.9 0.4 98.9 24.84 52.66 34.70 0.167 7.96 -0.9 0.5 99.0 24.84 52.66 34.70 0.209 7.96 -0.9 0.7 99.0 24.84 52.66 34.70 0.285 7.96 -0.9 0.6 99.0 24.84 52.66 34.70 1.432 7.96 -0.9 0.5 99.0 24.84 52.66 34.70 1.878 7.97 -0.9 0.3 99.0 24.84 52.66 34.70 2.214 7.97 -0.9 0.2 99.0 24.84 52.66 34.70 2.513 7.97 -0.9 0.2 99.0 24.85 52.66 34.70 2.530 7.97 -0.9 0.2 99.0 24.85 52.66 34.70 3.186 7.97 -0.9 0.2 99.1 24.85 52.66 34.70 3.388 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.85 52.66 34.70 3.825 7.97 -0.9 0.0 99.1 24.85 52.66 34.70 3.891 7.97 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.85 52.67 34.71 3.972 7.97 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.85 52.67 34.71 4.745 7.97 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.85 52.67 34.71 5.025 7.97 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.84 52.68 34.71 5.468 7.97 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.84 52.68 34.72 5.517 7.97 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.83 52.68 34.72 6.186 7.97 -0.9 0.2 99.1 24.83 52.69 34.72 6.516 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.83 52.69 34.73 6.903 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.82 52.70 34.73 7.236 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.82 52.70 34.73 7.431 7.97 -0.9 0.0 99.2 24.82 52.70 34.73 7.679 7.97 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.82 52.70 34.73 7.768 7.97 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.82 52.70 34.73 8.438 7.97 -0.9 -0.5 99.1 24.81 52.71 34.73 8.855 7.97 -0.9 -0.3 99.1 24.81 52.71 34.74 9.227 7.97 -0.9 -0.3 99.1 24.81 52.71 34.74 9.563 7.97 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.81 52.71 34.74 9.831 7.97 -0.9 -0.3 99.1 24.81 52.71 34.74 9.878 7.97 -0.9 -0.2 99.2 24.81 52.71 34.74 10.341 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.81 52.71 34.74 10.459 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.81 52.71 34.74 10.600 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.81 52.71 34.74 10.661 7.98 -0.9 0.0 99.2 24.81 52.71 34.74 10.746 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.81 52.71 34.74 10.834 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.81 52.71 34.74 10.928 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 11.024 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 11.804 7.98 -0.9 0.0 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 12.129 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 12.645 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 12.809 7.98 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.71 34.74 13.110 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 Station MB-07

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.80 52.71 34.74 13.439 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 13.792 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 14.164 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 14.221 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 14.608 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 14.627 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 14.643 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 14.735 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 14.790 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 15.733 7.98 -0.9 0.0 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 15.841 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 16.098 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 16.179 7.98 -0.9 0.0 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.75 16.424 7.98 -0.9 0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 16.854 7.98 -0.9 0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 16.991 7.98 -1.0 0.2 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.152 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.9 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.175 7.98 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.169 7.98 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.182 7.98 -0.9 0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.186 7.98 -0.9 0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.217 7.98 -0.9 0.4 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.237 7.98 -0.9 0.4 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.262 7.98 -0.9 0.4 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.235 7.98 -0.9 0.3 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.223 7.99 -0.9 0.4 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.232 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.268 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.321 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.317 7.99 -1.0 0.0 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.316 7.99 -1.0 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.309 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.313 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.332 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.356 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.399 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.400 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.427 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.4 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.442 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.4 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.481 7.99 -0.9 0.4 99.4 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.489 7.99 -0.9 0.5 99.3 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.491 7.99 -0.9 0.5 99.3 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.504 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.4 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.506 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.5 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.509 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.4 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.479 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.3 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.473 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.4 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.557 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.3 Station MB-07

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.635 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.3 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.661 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.647 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.598 7.99 -0.8 0.2 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.594 7.99 -0.8 0.3 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.644 7.99 -0.8 0.3 99.3 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.693 7.99 -0.8 0.4 99.3 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.701 7.99 -0.8 0.4 99.4 24.80 52.72 34.75 17.673 7.99 -0.8 0.2 99.4 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.643 7.99 -0.8 0.2 99.4 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.631 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.3 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.613 7.99 -0.8 0.3 99.3 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.626 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.4 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.621 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.3 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.588 7.99 -0.9 0.4 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.567 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.576 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.645 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.687 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.692 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.727 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.802 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.865 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.2 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.926 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.937 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.926 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.904 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.911 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.917 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.912 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.962 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.031 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.75 18.091 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.123 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.207 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.227 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.247 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.319 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.386 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.446 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.535 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.582 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.592 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.630 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.709 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.788 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.279 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.635 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.1 Station MB-07

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.625 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.617 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.613 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.614 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.616 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.621 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.632 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.651 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.676 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.701 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.717 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.718 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.704 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.684 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.668 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.665 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.9 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.676 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.694 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.709 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.714 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.9 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.710 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.9 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.701 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 98.9 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.669 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.625 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.552 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 19.451 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.740 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.675 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.222 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 18.240 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.836 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.603 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.319 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 17.179 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.80 52.72 34.74 16.924 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 16.625 7.99 -0.9 0.0 98.9 24.80 52.72 34.74 16.400 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 16.066 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.0 24.80 52.72 34.74 16.084 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 15.601 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 15.604 7.99 -0.9 0.4 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 15.006 7.99 -0.9 0.5 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 15.089 7.99 -0.9 0.5 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 14.522 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 14.532 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.0 24.80 52.71 34.74 13.968 7.99 -0.9 0.5 99.0 24.80 52.71 34.74 13.835 7.99 -0.9 0.6 99.1 24.80 52.71 34.74 13.565 7.99 -0.9 0.4 99.0 Station MB-07

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.80 52.71 34.74 13.345 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.9 24.80 52.71 34.74 13.017 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.0 24.80 52.71 34.74 12.605 7.99 -0.9 0.2 99.0 24.80 52.71 34.74 12.407 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.0 24.80 52.71 34.74 12.013 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99.0 24.80 52.71 34.74 12.014 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.0 24.80 52.71 34.73 11.683 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.3 24.80 52.70 34.73 11.420 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.3 24.80 52.70 34.73 11.426 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.2 24.81 52.70 34.73 10.908 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.2 24.81 52.70 34.73 10.900 7.99 -0.9 0.1 99.2 24.81 52.70 34.73 10.487 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.2 24.81 52.70 34.73 10.371 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.3 24.81 52.70 34.73 10.160 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 9.821 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.3 24.81 52.70 34.73 9.683 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 9.323 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.5 24.81 52.70 34.73 9.292 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 9.201 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 9.123 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.5 24.81 52.70 34.73 8.494 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.6 24.81 52.70 34.73 8.054 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 8.211 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 7.843 7.99 -0.9 -0.4 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 7.946 7.99 -0.9 -0.5 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 7.593 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.6 24.81 52.70 34.73 7.613 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.6 24.81 52.70 34.73 7.357 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.5 24.81 52.70 34.73 6.919 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.5 24.81 52.70 34.73 6.937 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.5 24.81 52.70 34.73 6.701 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.5 24.81 52.70 34.73 6.373 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 6.354 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 5.883 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.81 52.70 34.73 5.904 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.5 24.81 52.69 34.73 5.664 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.5 24.81 52.69 34.73 5.470 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.4 24.81 52.69 34.73 5.171 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.6 24.82 52.69 34.72 5.114 7.99 -0.9 -0.4 99.6 24.82 52.69 34.72 4.642 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.7 24.83 52.68 34.72 4.570 7.99 -0.9 -0.4 99.7 24.83 52.67 34.71 4.162 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.6 24.84 52.67 34.71 4.114 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.6 24.84 52.66 34.70 3.757 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.5 24.84 52.66 34.70 3.501 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.6 24.84 52.65 34.70 3.240 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.5 24.85 52.65 34.70 2.725 7.99 -0.9 0.0 99.4 24.85 52.65 34.69 2.723 7.99 -1.0 0.0 99.4 Station MB-07

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.85 52.65 34.69 2.390 7.99 -1.0 0.0 99.4 24.85 52.65 34.69 2.112 7.99 -1.0 0.0 99.4 24.85 52.64 34.69 2.100 7.99 -1.0 0.2 99.3 24.85 52.64 34.69 1.649 7.99 -1.0 -0.1 99.3 24.85 52.64 34.69 1.534 7.99 -1.0 0.1 99.3 24.85 52.64 34.69 1.154 7.99 -1.0 0.1 99.3 24.85 52.64 34.69 0.952 7.99 -1.0 -0.1 99.3 24.85 52.64 34.69 0.692 7.99 -1.0 0.0 99.3 24.85 52.64 34.69 0.300 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.85 52.64 34.69 0.280 7.99 -1.0 0.0 99.2 24.86 52.64 34.69 0.193 7.99 -1.0 -0.4 99.2 24.86 52.64 34.69 0.155 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.2 Station MB-08

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation

2/6/2016 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.139 7.97 -0.9 0.1 98.4 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.143 7.98 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.146 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.138 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.139 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.133 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.133 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 0.163 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.89 52.65 34.69 0.208 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 0.876 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 1.551 7.98 -0.9 0.3 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 1.921 7.98 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 2.230 7.98 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 2.337 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 2.883 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 98.9 24.89 52.65 34.69 3.129 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 98.9 24.89 52.65 34.69 3.488 7.98 -0.9 -0.4 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 3.940 7.98 -0.9 -0.4 98.9 24.89 52.65 34.69 4.307 7.98 -0.9 -0.4 99.0 24.89 52.65 34.70 4.732 7.98 -0.9 -0.5 99.0 24.88 52.65 34.70 5.015 7.98 -0.9 -0.5 98.9 24.88 52.66 34.70 5.614 7.98 -0.9 -0.4 99.0 24.88 52.66 34.70 5.897 7.98 -0.9 -0.4 99.1 24.88 52.66 34.70 6.324 7.98 -0.9 -0.3 99.1 24.88 52.66 34.70 6.691 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 99.1 24.88 52.66 34.70 7.147 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 99.2 24.87 52.67 34.70 7.520 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.87 52.67 34.71 7.821 7.98 -0.9 0.1 99.2 24.86 52.67 34.71 8.189 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.86 52.68 34.71 8.964 7.98 -0.9 0.0 99.2 24.85 52.68 34.72 9.308 7.98 -0.9 0.1 99.1 24.85 52.69 34.72 9.655 7.98 -0.9 0.1 99.2 24.84 52.69 34.72 9.938 7.98 -0.9 0.2 99.2 24.84 52.69 34.73 10.275 7.98 -0.9 0.3 99.2 24.84 52.70 34.73 10.721 7.98 -0.9 0.1 99.3 24.84 52.70 34.73 11.176 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.4 24.83 52.70 34.73 11.173 7.98 -0.9 -0.2 99.4 24.83 52.70 34.73 11.636 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.83 52.70 34.73 11.968 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.2 24.83 52.70 34.73 12.464 7.98 -0.9 -0.1 99.1 24.83 52.70 34.73 12.958 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 99.0 24.83 52.70 34.73 13.168 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 99.0 24.83 52.70 34.73 13.602 7.99 -0.9 -0.5 99.0 24.83 52.70 34.73 13.766 7.99 -0.9 -0.5 99.0 24.83 52.70 34.73 13.820 7.99 -0.9 -0.4 99.1 24.83 52.71 34.73 13.914 7.99 -0.9 -0.5 98.9 24.83 52.71 34.73 14.466 7.99 -0.9 -0.6 99.0 Station MB-08

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.83 52.71 34.73 14.560 7.99 -0.9 -0.6 98.9 24.83 52.71 34.73 14.594 7.99 -0.9 -0.8 99.0 24.83 52.71 34.73 14.615 7.99 -0.9 -0.7 99.0 24.83 52.71 34.73 14.627 7.99 -0.9 -0.7 99.0 24.83 52.71 34.73 14.624 7.99 -0.9 -0.6 98.9 24.84 52.71 34.73 14.593 7.99 -0.9 -0.7 99.0 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.545 7.99 -0.9 -0.7 99.0 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.506 7.99 -0.9 -0.5 99.0 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.496 7.99 -0.9 -0.5 99.0 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.514 7.99 -0.9 -0.4 99.0 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.541 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 99.0 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.560 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.9 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.564 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.557 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.546 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.534 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.526 7.99 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.525 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.535 7.99 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.560 7.99 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.593 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.619 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.626 7.99 -0.6 -0.1 98.7 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.615 7.99 -0.7 0.0 98.7 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.599 7.99 -0.7 0.0 98.7 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.589 7.99 -0.7 0.1 98.7 24.85 52.70 34.73 14.591 7.99 -0.7 0.1 98.7 24.85 52.70 34.73 14.612 7.99 -0.7 0.3 98.7 24.85 52.70 34.73 14.631 7.99 -0.7 0.5 98.7 24.85 52.70 34.73 14.632 7.99 -0.7 0.6 98.7 24.85 52.70 34.73 14.622 7.99 -0.7 0.6 98.7 24.85 52.70 34.73 14.595 7.99 -0.7 0.8 98.7 24.85 52.70 34.73 14.560 7.99 -0.7 1.0 98.7 24.85 52.70 34.73 14.514 7.99 -0.7 0.8 98.6 24.85 52.70 34.73 14.459 7.99 -0.7 0.9 98.7 24.84 52.70 34.73 14.367 7.99 -0.7 0.9 98.7 24.84 52.70 34.73 13.630 7.99 -0.8 0.7 98.7 24.84 52.70 34.73 13.610 7.99 -0.7 0.6 98.7 24.84 52.70 34.73 13.521 7.99 -0.7 0.5 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 12.876 7.99 -0.7 0.5 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 12.641 7.99 -0.7 0.3 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 12.419 7.99 -0.7 0.3 98.8 24.84 52.70 34.73 11.983 7.99 -0.8 0.3 98.7 24.83 52.70 34.73 11.657 7.99 -0.8 0.5 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 11.625 7.99 -0.8 0.2 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 11.096 7.99 -0.8 0.3 98.5 24.83 52.70 34.73 10.719 7.99 -0.8 0.4 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 10.418 7.99 -0.8 0.3 98.6 Station MB-08

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.83 52.70 34.73 10.410 7.99 -0.8 0.3 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 9.940 7.99 -0.8 0.3 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 9.609 7.99 -0.8 0.4 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 9.262 7.99 -0.9 0.4 98.5 24.83 52.70 34.73 8.955 7.99 -0.9 0.4 98.5 24.83 52.70 34.73 8.952 7.99 -0.9 0.4 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 8.854 7.99 -0.9 0.6 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 8.161 7.99 -0.9 0.6 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 7.716 7.99 -0.9 0.6 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 7.398 7.99 -0.9 0.5 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 7.224 7.99 -0.9 0.5 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 6.836 7.99 -0.9 0.5 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 6.734 7.99 -0.9 0.4 98.6 24.84 52.69 34.73 6.543 7.99 -0.9 0.3 98.6 24.84 52.69 34.72 6.090 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.5 24.85 52.68 34.72 5.733 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.6 24.85 52.68 34.72 5.497 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.5 24.85 52.68 34.71 5.157 7.99 -0.9 0.3 98.5 24.86 52.67 34.71 4.802 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.5 24.86 52.67 34.71 4.529 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.6 24.87 52.67 34.71 4.200 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.6 24.87 52.66 34.70 3.876 7.99 -0.9 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.66 34.70 3.562 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.5 24.87 52.66 34.70 3.249 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.4 24.87 52.66 34.70 2.954 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.5 24.88 52.66 34.70 2.579 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.5 24.88 52.65 34.70 2.194 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.5 24.88 52.65 34.70 2.068 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.5 24.88 52.65 34.69 1.504 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.5 24.88 52.65 34.69 1.142 7.99 -0.9 0.0 98.5 24.89 52.64 34.69 1.008 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.5 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.477 7.99 -1.0 0.2 98.6 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.225 7.99 -1.0 0.3 98.6 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.122 7.99 -1.0 0.1 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.099 7.99 -1.0 0.1 98.7 Station MB-09

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation

2/6/2016 24.88 52.65 34.69 0.144 7.98 -0.9 0.3 98.6 24.90 52.64 34.69 0.120 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.90 52.64 34.69 0.114 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 98.8 24.90 52.64 34.69 0.121 7.99 -0.9 0.0 98.8 24.90 52.64 34.69 0.116 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.90 52.64 34.69 0.157 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.90 52.64 34.69 0.226 7.99 -0.9 -0.4 98.7 24.90 52.64 34.69 0.910 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 98.6 24.90 52.64 34.69 1.475 7.99 -0.9 -0.4 98.7 24.90 52.64 34.69 1.835 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 98.6 24.90 52.64 34.69 2.078 7.99 -0.9 -0.4 98.6 24.89 52.64 34.69 2.303 7.99 -0.9 -0.5 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 2.630 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 2.952 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 3.250 7.99 -0.9 -0.4 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 3.585 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 3.935 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 4.219 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 24.89 52.65 34.69 4.491 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 4.823 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 98.7 24.89 52.65 34.69 4.999 7.99 -0.9 -0.4 98.7 24.89 52.65 34.69 5.394 7.99 -0.9 -0.6 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.69 5.745 7.99 -0.9 -0.7 98.7 24.89 52.65 34.69 6.050 7.99 -0.9 -0.6 98.7 24.89 52.65 34.69 6.219 7.99 -0.9 -0.5 98.7 24.89 52.65 34.69 6.605 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 98.6 24.88 52.65 34.69 6.963 7.99 -0.9 -0.3 98.6 24.88 52.65 34.70 7.290 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 24.88 52.65 34.70 7.719 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 24.88 52.66 34.70 7.969 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.8 24.88 52.66 34.70 8.139 8.00 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.87 52.66 34.70 8.468 8.00 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.87 52.67 34.70 8.814 8.00 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.86 52.67 34.71 9.046 8.00 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.86 52.67 34.71 9.663 8.00 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.85 52.68 34.71 10.051 8.00 -0.9 0.3 98.7 24.85 52.68 34.72 10.302 8.00 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.85 52.69 34.72 10.591 8.00 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.84 52.69 34.72 10.860 8.00 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.84 52.69 34.72 11.280 8.00 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.84 52.69 34.73 11.530 8.00 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 12.133 8.00 -0.9 0.0 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 12.809 8.00 -0.9 -0.2 98.5 24.83 52.70 34.73 13.133 8.00 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.83 52.71 34.73 13.628 8.00 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.73 14.031 8.00 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.523 8.01 -0.9 0.2 98.7 Station MB-09

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.729 8.01 -0.9 0.5 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.765 8.01 -0.9 0.5 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.790 8.01 -0.9 0.3 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.826 8.01 -0.9 0.4 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.863 8.01 -0.9 0.4 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.902 8.00 -0.9 0.4 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.934 8.00 -0.9 0.5 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.948 8.00 -0.9 0.4 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.945 8.00 -0.9 0.3 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.930 8.00 -0.9 0.2 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.913 8.00 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.904 8.00 -0.9 -0.1 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.900 8.00 -0.9 0.0 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.906 8.00 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.891 8.00 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.876 8.00 -0.9 0.2 98.8 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.848 8.00 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.752 8.00 -0.9 0.4 98.8 24.82 52.71 34.74 13.947 8.00 -0.9 0.4 98.8 24.82 52.71 34.74 14.004 8.00 -0.9 0.3 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 13.708 8.00 -0.9 0.3 98.9 24.82 52.71 34.74 13.387 8.00 -0.9 0.4 98.9 24.82 52.71 34.74 13.140 8.00 -0.9 0.3 98.8 24.82 52.71 34.74 12.831 8.00 -0.9 0.3 98.8 24.82 52.71 34.74 12.428 8.00 -0.9 0.4 98.8 24.82 52.71 34.74 12.201 8.00 -0.9 0.4 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 12.115 8.00 -0.9 0.5 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 11.704 8.00 -0.9 0.4 98.8 24.82 52.71 34.74 11.270 8.00 -0.9 0.4 98.9 24.82 52.71 34.74 11.253 8.00 -0.9 0.4 98.8 24.82 52.71 34.74 10.773 8.00 -0.9 0.3 98.8 24.82 52.71 34.74 10.398 8.01 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 10.088 8.01 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.74 9.972 8.01 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.82 52.71 34.73 9.754 8.01 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.73 9.331 8.01 -0.9 0.0 98.6 24.82 52.70 34.73 8.919 8.01 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.82 52.71 34.73 8.504 8.01 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.82 52.70 34.73 8.303 8.01 -0.9 0.3 98.6 24.83 52.70 34.73 8.032 8.01 -0.9 0.5 98.5 24.84 52.69 34.73 7.864 8.01 -0.9 0.4 98.5 24.84 52.69 34.72 7.433 8.01 -0.9 0.4 98.5 24.85 52.68 34.72 7.062 8.01 -0.9 0.4 98.5 24.86 52.67 34.71 6.742 8.01 -0.9 0.4 98.5 24.86 52.67 34.71 6.606 8.01 -0.9 0.4 98.5 24.87 52.67 34.71 6.231 8.01 -0.9 0.4 98.5 24.87 52.66 34.70 5.882 8.01 -0.9 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.66 34.70 5.634 8.01 -0.9 0.1 98.5 Station MB-09

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity+ Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.88 52.66 34.70 5.354 8.01 -0.9 0.0 98.5 24.88 52.66 34.70 5.161 8.01 -0.9 -0.1 98.6 24.88 52.66 34.70 4.757 8.01 -0.9 -0.1 98.6 24.88 52.65 34.70 4.499 8.01 -0.9 0.0 98.6 24.88 52.65 34.70 4.137 8.01 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.88 52.65 34.69 3.817 8.01 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.88 52.65 34.69 3.713 8.01 -0.9 0.0 98.6 24.88 52.65 34.69 3.271 8.01 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.89 52.65 34.69 2.945 8.01 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.89 52.65 34.69 2.535 8.01 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.89 52.65 34.69 2.112 8.01 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 1.822 8.01 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 1.504 8.01 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 1.218 8.01 -0.9 0.0 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.821 8.01 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.397 8.01 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.140 8.01 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.101 8.01 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.089 8.01 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 Station MB-10

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation

2/6/2016 24.88 52.64 34.68 0.102 7.97 -0.7 0 98.5 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.146 7.99 -0.9 0.4 98.5 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.141 7.99 -0.9 0.3 98.4 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.148 7.99 -0.9 0.3 98.5 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.143 7.99 -0.9 0.3 98.5 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.145 7.99 -0.9 0.3 98.5 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.137 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.5 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.133 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.6 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.13 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.132 7.99 -0.9 0.3 98.7 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.131 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.138 7.99 -0.8 0.2 98.9 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.139 7.99 -0.8 0.3 98.9 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.14 7.99 -0.8 0.3 98.9 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.139 7.99 -0.8 0.2 98.9 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.146 7.99 -0.8 0.1 98.8 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.158 7.99 -0.8 0.1 98.7 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.184 7.99 -0.8 0.3 98.9 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.248 7.99 -0.8 0.2 98.9 24.91 52.64 34.69 0.955 7.99 -0.8 0.4 98.8 24.91 52.64 34.69 1.638 7.99 -0.9 0.4 98.9 24.9 52.64 34.69 2.151 7.99 -0.9 0.3 99 24.9 52.65 34.69 2.584 7.99 -0.9 0.3 98.9 24.89 52.65 34.69 2.945 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.9 24.89 52.65 34.69 3.005 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.8 24.89 52.65 34.7 3.531 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.8 24.89 52.66 34.7 4.131 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.8 24.88 52.66 34.7 4.145 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.88 52.66 34.7 4.515 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.9 24.88 52.66 34.7 4.971 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.8 24.88 52.66 34.7 5.578 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.8 24.88 52.66 34.7 6.018 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.87 52.67 34.71 6.318 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.87 52.67 34.71 6.661 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.87 52.67 34.71 6.763 7.99 -0.9 -0.2 98.7 24.87 52.67 34.71 6.852 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.7 24.86 52.68 34.71 7.208 7.99 -0.9 0 98.8 24.86 52.68 34.71 7.571 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.86 52.68 34.72 8.063 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.7 24.86 52.69 34.72 8.389 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.86 52.69 34.72 9.03 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.86 52.69 34.72 9.522 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.9 24.86 52.69 34.72 9.931 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.8 24.86 52.7 34.73 10.254 7.99 -0.9 0 98.7 24.86 52.7 34.73 10.69 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.86 52.7 34.73 11.183 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.86 52.7 34.73 11.528 7.99 -0.9 0.2 98.7 Station MB-10

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.86 52.7 34.73 12.018 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.86 52.7 34.73 12.732 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.86 52.7 34.73 13.053 7.99 -0.9 0.1 98.7 24.86 52.7 34.73 13.104 7.99 -0.9 0 98.6 24.86 52.7 34.73 13.14 7.99 -0.9 0 98.6 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.169 7.99 -0.9 0 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.181 7.99 -0.9 0 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.18 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.172 7.99 -0.9 -0.1 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.17 8.00 -0.9 0 98.4 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.183 8.00 -0.8 0 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.207 8.00 -0.8 0 98.6 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.237 8.00 -0.8 0.1 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.266 8.00 -0.8 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.28 8.00 -0.8 0.2 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.282 8.00 -0.8 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.275 8.00 -0.8 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.27 8.00 -0.8 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.274 8.00 -0.8 0.4 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.291 8.00 -0.8 0.5 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.325 8.00 -0.8 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.343 8.00 -0.8 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.334 8.00 -0.8 0.2 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.302 8.00 -0.8 0 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.261 8.00 -0.8 0.1 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.193 8.00 -0.8 0.2 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.136 8.00 -0.8 0.2 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 13.022 8.00 -0.7 0.4 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 12.249 8.00 -0.6 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 12.128 8.00 -0.1 0.2 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 11.672 8.00 -0.1 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 11.581 8.00 -0.2 0.3 98.5 24.87 52.7 34.73 11.023 8.00 -0.2 0.6 98.6 24.86 52.7 34.73 10.69 8.00 -0.3 0.6 98.6 24.86 52.7 34.73 10.536 8.00 -0.3 0.4 98.6 24.86 52.7 34.73 10.267 8.00 -0.4 0.4 98.5 24.86 52.7 34.73 10 8.00 -0.4 0.4 98.4 24.86 52.7 34.73 9.777 8.00 -0.5 0.5 98.4 24.86 52.7 34.73 9.309 8.00 -0.5 0.5 98.4 24.86 52.7 34.73 9.153 8.00 -0.5 0.4 98.4 24.86 52.7 34.73 8.66 8.00 -0.5 0.4 98.4 24.86 52.7 34.73 8.625 8.00 -0.6 0.2 98.4 24.87 52.7 34.73 8.571 8.00 -0.6 0.3 98.4 24.86 52.69 34.72 8.169 8.00 -0.6 0.4 98.4 24.86 52.69 34.72 7.687 8.00 -0.7 0.3 98.4 24.86 52.69 34.72 7.416 8.00 -0.7 0.2 98.4 24.85 52.69 34.72 7.341 8.00 -0.7 0.2 98.5 24.85 52.69 34.73 6.98 8.00 -0.7 0.1 98.5 Station MB-10

Date Temp SpCond Salinity Depth pH Turbidity Chlorophyll ODO% M/D/Y C mS/cm ppt m NTU ug/L % Saturation 24.85 52.69 34.73 6.781 8.00 -0.7 0.2 98.5 24.85 52.69 34.73 6.386 8.00 -0.8 0.1 98.5 24.84 52.69 34.73 6.31 8.00 -0.8 0.1 98.4 24.84 52.7 34.73 5.963 8.00 -0.8 0 98.4 24.84 52.7 34.73 5.609 8.00 -0.8 0 98.5 24.84 52.69 34.73 5.361 8.00 -0.8 -0.1 98.5 24.84 52.69 34.73 4.986 8.00 -0.8 0.1 98.5 24.84 52.69 34.73 4.611 8.00 -0.8 0.2 98.5 24.85 52.69 34.72 4.646 8.00 -0.8 0.2 98.5 24.85 52.69 34.72 4.405 8.00 -0.8 0.2 98.5 24.86 52.68 34.71 3.929 8.00 -0.8 0.1 98.5 24.86 52.67 34.71 3.563 8.00 -0.8 0.1 98.6 24.86 52.67 34.71 3.447 8.00 -0.8 0.1 98.5 24.87 52.66 34.71 3.167 8.00 -0.8 0.1 98.5 24.87 52.66 34.7 3.015 8.00 -0.8 0.1 98.5 24.87 52.66 34.7 2.965 8.00 -0.8 0.2 98.5 24.88 52.66 34.7 2.522 8.00 -0.8 0 98.5 24.88 52.65 34.7 1.929 8.00 -0.9 0 98.5 24.88 52.65 34.69 1.853 8.00 -0.9 -0.1 98.6 24.88 52.65 34.69 1.622 8.00 -0.9 0 98.6 24.89 52.65 34.69 1.224 8.00 -0.9 -0.1 98.6 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.924 8.00 -0.9 -0.2 98.6 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.68 8.01 -0.9 -0.2 98.5 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.395 8.01 -0.9 -0.3 98.5 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.331 8.01 -0.9 -0.3 98.5 24.89 52.64 34.69 0.214 8.01 -0.9 -0.3 98.5 24.9 52.64 34.69 0.051 8.01 -0.9 -0.2 98.5 24.9 52.64 34.69 0.231 8.01 -0.9 -0.3 98.6 Data Provided by: SOEST Laboratory for Analtyical Biogeochemistry (S-LAB) University of Hawaii at Manoa 1000 Pope Rd Honolulu, HI 96822 808-956-5878

Date Samples Received: 1/13/2016

Project: E. Decarlo

ug Chl a Sample on filter concentration (µg/L) in original sample (70 ml filtered) S1K1 0.005 0.074 S1K2 0.005 0.068 S1K3 0.003 0.045 S1K4 0.005 0.065 User ID: Dollar 1305002 Date: 1/14/2016 Technician: Ryan Last instrument standardization 9/17/15 by RB using 20ug/L standard

Extractio Dilutio ug/L in n Vol n Corr Readin extractan ug on Sample (mL) Factor g t filter S1K1 6 1 0.864 0.864 0.005 S1K2 6 1 0.799 0.799 0.005 S1K3 6 1 0.521 0.521 0.003 S1K4 6 1 0.759 0.759 0.005 Total N Total P Phosphate Silicate N+N Ammonia µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L µmol/L MB-01 9.60 0.38 0.17 10.89 0.48 1.42 MB-02 9.24 0.26 0.10 12.78 0.21 1.16 MB-03 9.03 0.33 0.10 8.35 0.22 1.14 MB-04 7.20 0.44 0.15 1.66 0.40 0.85 MB-05 6.84 0.33 0.14 1.56 0.10 0.72 MB-06 7.66 0.43 0.14 1.14 0.09 0.75 MB-07 8.04 0.39 0.14 1.52 0.05 1.40 MB-08 7.14 0.39 0.14 1.11 0.08 1.06 MB-09 6.64 0.33 0.12 1.08 0.07 0.95 MB-10 6.97 0.34 0.12 1.26 0.08 0.96 MB-02 dup 0.26 MB-09 dup 0.46

Certified Reference Material (Japan) Phosphate Silicate N+N umole/kg umole/kgumole/kg NMIJ Low 0.04 +/- 0.011.31 +/-0.06 0.1 +/- 0.02 Measured 0.03 1.2 0.084 User ID: DeCarlo 1601002 Date: 2/20/2016 Technician: D.Hull Last instrument standardization 9/17/15 by RB using 20ug/L standard

Extractio Dilutio g n Vol n Corr ug/L in ug on sample ug Chl Sample (mL) Factor Reading extractant filter filtered a/kg MB-1 6 1 5.39 5.39 0.032 334.79 0.097 MB-2 6 1 28.7 28.7 0.172 364.53 0.472 MB-3 6 1 11.9 11.9 0.071 400.53 0.178 MB-4 6 1 4.98 4.98 0.030 437.96 0.068 MB-5 6 1 1.96 1.96 0.012 359.31 0.033 MB-6 6 1 2.19 2.19 0.013 404.32 0.032 MB-7 6 1 2.56 2.56 0.015 411.45 0.037 MB-8 6 1 1.85 1.85 0.011 412.09 0.027 MB-9 6 1 1.44 1.44 0.009 434.33 0.020 MB-10 6 1 2.41 2.41 0.014 383.87 0.038

Appendix B: Resumes of Preparers

David G. Delaney, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] 3029 Lowrey Ave., Apt. O-2206, Honolulu, HI, 96822 Phone: (808) 726-6602 Skype username: DGDelaney1 Citizen of both Canada and the U.S.A.

EDUCATION 2005-2009 Doctor of Philosophy, Biology McGill University, Department of Biology, Downtown campus, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2000-2004 Bachelor of Science, Water Environments and Ecosystems – Biological Focus McGill University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ School of Environment, MacDonald Farm West Island Campus, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

SELECTED LIST OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE IN RESEARCH President and Senior Scientist: Delaney Aquatic Consulting, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Jan. 2016-pres.  Determining the best solution for environmental problems  Proposal writing and obtaining new contracts for the company  Conducting benthic and biological surveys of various aquatic environments  Executing data collection, cleaning, preparation, and advanced statistical analyses  Facilitating meetings with diverse set of stakeholders, local and international researchers

Senior Biologist: Cramer Fish Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Jan. 2015-pres.  Leading the development of a salmonid life-cycle model  Grant writing and obtaining new contracts for the company  Conducting data analysis on multiple projects involving fish biology, conservation, and resource management  Reviewing past experimental designs and recommend improvements for future experimental designs

Fisheries Biologist: Cramer Fish Sciences, Auburn, California, U.S.A. Jan. 2013-Jan. 2015  Conducted data analysis on multiple projects involving fish biology, conservation, genetics, and resource management, including analysis for a $2,000,000 study  Developed an equation-based multistate model to estimate the survival, movement, and detection probabilities of fish for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta  Reviewed past experimental designs and recommend improvements for future experimental designs  Project lead on a study conducted by consultants and governmental agencies  Generated over $200,000 in profit for the company

Research Fellow: Oceans Research, Mossel Bay, Western Cape, South Africa May 2012-Jun. 2013  Principal investigator on a multifaceted, multimillion dollar project  Supervised multiple honors students  Wrote papers based on the datasets produced by the laboratory personnel

Director of Research: Oceans Research, Mossel Bay, Western Cape, South Africa Nov. 2011-May 2012  Simultaneously managed 16 research projects focusing on sharks and marine mammals  Supervised the research organization during its most productive publishing year to date  More than tripled the number of scientific permits the organization received  Published papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals (e.g. Marine Biology, PLOS One)  Principal investigator on multiple research projects and supervised the budgets of all research projects - 1 -

David G. Delaney, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Phone: (808) 726-6602 Skype username: DGDelaney1

Principal Investigator: Oceans Research, Mossel Bay, Western Cape, South Africa Apr.-Nov. 2011  Conceived, designed, implemented, sustained, and analyzed the data for a mark-recapture study  Conducted original research on various marine species with a focus on sharks and marine mammals  Created and presented a 4-hour seminar and hands-on workshop on statistics and designing experiments. This seminar was given every month  After three months, I was promoted to the Scientist in Residence position  Wrote grants and obtained research funds from various funding bodies

Executive Director: Invasive Tracers, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Mar. 2004-Apr. 2011  Recruited, trained, and supervised 7,000 volunteer “citizen scientists” to monitor over 60 sites in New England, New Jersey, and New York to participate in my research  Gave 500 presentations to diverse audiences for training and fund raising, including the key note address for the New England Aquarium’s Conservation Fundraising Night  Co-produced an educational video featuring interviews with Drs. James E. Byers and James T. Carlton  Conducted data analysis and wrote peer and non-peer reviewed publications  Obtained and renewed collection and scientific research permits from 7 state-level governmental conservation agencies and federal parks

Harbor Discoveries Instructor: New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Jun.-Oct. 2010  Trained students to collect accurate data on the abundance of intertidal species for the New England Aquarium, Na.G.I.S.A., and Census of Marine Life databases  Supervised data collection to ensure the protocol was executed properly  Coordinated and organized a conference for researchers, volunteers, and the public

Research Assistant: Zavora Marine Laboratory, Zavora, Mozambique Mar. 2010  Conducted visual surveys of recreational scuba divers activities to establish their impact on the health of coral reefs, benthic communities, and manta rays’ cleaning stations  Executed standardized coral reef monitoring protocols (e.g. ) to monitor long-term impacts on reef structure and diversity  Conducted underwater photo-identification of manta rays and whale sharks

Field Assistant: Oceans Research, Mossel Bay, Western Cape, South Africa Feb. 2010  Conducted photo identification, sighting rate, and mark-recapture methods to establish and monitor the population status and abundance of sharks and marine mammals  Executed genetic and stable isotope sampling of sharks  Used acoustic telemetry equipment to track the movement of white sharks

Research Assistant: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Sep. 2008-Jun. 2009  Conducted a study on the sustainability of student response systems (i.e. clickers) in undergraduate science classes to determine if it is worth investing up to $500,000 on the new technology  Created paper-based questionnaires to assess the students’ satisfaction with clickers  Conducted clicker-based surveys of students’ perception and satisfaction of clickers by conducting in-class surveys in courses across the McGill University’s Faculty of Science  Co-authored a peer-reviewed publication based on this study

- 2 -

David G. Delaney, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Phone: (808) 726-6602 Skype username: DGDelaney1

Doctoral Student: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Jan. 2005-Oct. 2009  Published papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals (e.g. Biological Invasions, Ecology, Ecological Applications) and presented the results at scientific conferences (e.g. E.S.A)  Co-principal investigator on a N.O.A.A. funded grant (~$200,000)  Took courses on biometry, geographical information systems, and statistics  Created and validated a large-scale citizen science monitoring network involved 1,000 volunteers that more than 50 sites along seven states (New Jersey to Maine)  Conducted field experiments, surveys, recruitment studies and computer modelling

Research Assistant: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Sept.-Dec. 2004  Coded a stochastic model that optimally used sparse data to forecast the spread of species  Prepared a successful grant proposal for funding from N.O.A.A.  Co-authored a peer-reviewed publication in Ecological Modeling

Visiting Scientist: Charles Darwin Research Institute, Galapagos, Ecuador Feb.-Mar. 2004  Collected Darwin’s finches by mist net then took beak measurements, bite force data, blood samples, banded, and released the individuals  Conducted ethological studies on the feeding habits of Darwin’s finches  Banded, took blood samples, weights and beak measures of various species of birds including Darwin’s finches  The data was published in Proceedings of Royal Society of London Series B. Biological Sciences

Paid Intern: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Jun.-Aug. 2001  Helped implement and expand a state regulation and Rideshare Program  Maintained a Microsoft Access database of all businesses in Massachusetts

SELECTED LIST OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE IN EDUCATION Substitute Teacher: Hingham High School, Hingham, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Dec. 2010-Apr. 2011  Taught four honors-level courses on general biology and ecology  Taught senior-level course on human anatomy and physiology  Taught previously designed lesson plans and ones that I created  Created a productive and positive classroom environment for learning  Won the Hingham High School Teacher of the Week Award

Harbor Discoveries Instructor: New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Jun.-Aug. 2010  Planned, designed, and implemented a complete curriculum for four different themes of an environmental and marine-based education program  Taught on a variety of topics in biology, ecology, and marine sciences  Supervised and maintained group dynamics to optimize work success, safety, and enjoyment of the students, parents, and staff

Doctoral Student: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Jan. 2005-Oct. 2009  Created, trained, and sustained a 1,000 person volunteer-based monitoring network that documented the distribution of native and invasive species by in person training, creating training manuals, field guide, and on-line learning tools  Each year, gave dozens of lectures and hands-on workshops to the scientific community, teachers, students, and the general public  Each semester I was a teaching assistant for one or two university-level courses

- 3 -

David G. Delaney, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Phone: (808) 726-6602 Skype username: DGDelaney1

Harbor Discoveries Instructor: New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Jun. 2002-Aug. 2004  Conducted formal and informal education in the classroom, various field sites, and at sea  Taught curriculum on various topics of environmental and marine sciences

TEACHING ASSISTANT FOR UNIVERSITY-LEVEL COURSES  Biology (Biology 115): 2005 – 2007  Evolving Earth (Environment 202): 2005 – 2006  Limnology Field Course (Biology 432/632): 2005 – 2008  Marine Biology (Biology 442): 2007  Cell and Molecular Biology: 2008

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Merz, J.M, Delaney, D.G., Setka, J.D., and Workman, M.L. In press. Seasonal rearing habitat in a large Mediterranean-climate river: management implications at the southern extent of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). River Research and Applications. doi: 10.1002/rra.2969.

Delaney, D.G., Bergman, P., Cavallo, B.J., and Melgo, J. 2014. Stipulation Study: Steelhead Movement and Survival in the South Delta with Adaptive Management of Old and Middle River Flows.

Delaney, D.G., Bergman, P., Cavallo, B.J., and Melgo, J. 2013. Phase II Data Analysis Plan for the Acoustic Telemetry Stipulation Study (for the Salmonid Mark-Recapture Study).

Delaney, D.G., Johnson, R.J., Bester, M.N., and Gennari, E. 2012. Accuracy of using acoustic telemetry data and visual identification of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) to estimate residency patterns. PLOS ONE 7(4): e34753. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0034753.

Delaney, D.G., Edwards, P.K., and Leung, B. 2012. Predicting regional spread of invasive species using oceanographic models - validation and identification of gaps. Marine Biology 159: 269-282.

Delaney, D.G., Griffen, B.D., and Leung, B. 2011. Does consumer injury modify invasion impact? Biological Invasions 12: 2935-2945.

White, P.J., Delaney, D.G., Syncox, D., Akerberg, O.A., and Alters, B. 2011. Clicker Technology Implementation for Effective Long Term Sustainability. EDUCAUSE Quarterly 34: 4.

Delaney, D.G. and Leung, B. 2010. An empirical probability model of detecting species at low densities. Ecological Applications 20: 1162-1172.

Delaney, D.G. 2009. Monitoring and managing the spread of marine introduced species: development of approaches and application to the European green crab (Carcinus maenas) and the Asian shore crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus). Ph.D. dissertation, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Delaney, D.G., Sperling, C.D., Adams, C.S., and Leung, B. 2008. Marine invasive species: validation of citizen science and implications for national monitoring networks. Biological Invasions 10: 117-128.

Griffen, B.D. and Delaney, D.G. 2007. Species invasion shifts the importance of predator dependence. Ecology 88: 3012-3021.

Leung, B. and Delaney, D.G. 2006. Managing sparse data in biological invasions: a simulation study. Ecological Modelling 198: 229-239.

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David G. Delaney, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Phone: (808) 726-6602 Skype username: DGDelaney1

SELECTED LIST OF NON-PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Bergman, P., Delaney, D.G., Merz, J.E., and Watry, C. 2014. A Pilot Mark-Recapture Study using Spot Patterns of Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Stanislaus River, California. Technical report for Bureau of Reclamation.

Delaney, D.G. 2012. Shark feeding dives - A shark expert's opinion on a controversial practice. About.com: the reference website for the New York Times Company.

Delaney, D.G. 2011. Is scuba diving with sharks dangerous? About.com: the reference website for the New York Times Company.

Delaney, D.G. 2010. The global threat of invasive species. Beyond Blue.

Delaney, D.G. 2009. Report on the European green crab, Carcinus maenas. Center for Agricultural Bioscience International Invasive Species Compendium. Wallingford, UK.

Delaney, D.G. 2008. Verifying the validity of volunteer monitoring to increase its utility: An academic perspective. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s The Volunteer Monitor.

Delaney, D.G. 2007. In the spotlight: The Marine Invasive Species Monitoring Organization. The National Institute of Invasive Species Science Citizen Science Newsletter.

Delaney, D.G. 2006. Meet the scientists. National Sea Grant’s Nab the Aquatic Invader Website.

Delaney, D.G. 2005. Asian shore crab spreads north. The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management Newsletter (C.Z. Mail).

Delaney, D.G. and Solecki, A. 2005. Citizen science as a solution to invasive species. Gulf Stream Newsletter: A publication of the Gulf of Maine Marine Educators’ Association.

SELECTED LIST OF INVITED ORAL PRESENTATIONS Coleman National Fish Hatchery Adaptive Management Plan Meeting. 2015. A life-cycle model for partially anadromous rainbow trout in Battle Creek, CA. The three presentations were given to representatives from the Battle Creek Watershed Conservancy, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, N.O.A.A, Pacific Gas and Electric, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services.

Delta Science Program Workshop on Interior Delta Flows and Related Stressors to inform the State Water Board’s upcoming decisions regarding Delta interior flows objectives. 2014 Stipulation Study: Steelhead movement and OMR reverse flows.

Inter-agency review of Phase II Data Analysis Plan for the Acoustic Telemetry Stipulation Study (for the Salmonid Mark-Recapture Study). 2013. The presentation was given to representatives from the California Department of Water Resources, N.O.A.A. National Marine Fisheries Service, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, U.S. Geological Survey, and the Westlands Water District.

Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science's Science Friday Seminar Series. 2012. Monitoring and modeling the spread of marine invasive species and conservation of sharks and other sea life.

Mossel Bay Marine Laboratory Presentation Series. 2011. Biology and conservation of elasmobranch fishes.

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David G. Delaney, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Phone: (808) 726-6602 Skype username: DGDelaney1

St. Lambert Elementary School in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 2011. Biology and conservation of sharks.

Zavora Marine Laboratory Presentation Series. 2010. Biology and conservation of elasmobranch fishes.

The Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel on Citizens Monitoring for Marine Invasive Species: A Regional Approach to Covering the Coast. 2006. Validation study of citizen science and implications for regional monitoring networks. Also, I was a panelist for the roundtable discussion with three other experts in the field, which was held at the end of the event.

New England Aquarium’s Conservation Fundraising Night. 2006. Keynote address.

National Parks Service’s Plight and Promise: A sharing of research perspectives. 2006. Application of citizen science and G.I.S. technologies to the field of invasion biology.

Cornell University Extension Program of Suffolk County. 2005. Citizen Science Initiative: Marine Invasive Species Monitoring Organization.

SELECTED LIST OF ORAL PRESENTATIONS China’s Institute of Hydrobiology and Academy of Sciences. 2015. Monitoring, managing, and modeling the spread of marine invasive species.

California‐Nevada Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 48th annual conference. 2014. Challenges of predicting the movement of juvenile steelhead in the Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta.

8th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference. 2014. The Importance of identifying and quantifying fish behaviors to predict the migration rate of juvenile salmonids.

Mossel Bay Marine Laboratory Presentation Series. 2012. Global ocean conservation.

Mossel Bay Marine Laboratory Presentation Series. 2011. Marine issues facing South Africa.

United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Chinese Mitten Crab Workshop. 2010. Lessons from research on the European green crab and Asian shore crab for national monitoring.

16th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species. 2009. Application of citizen science and search theory to optimally detect a species at low density.

Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting. 2008. False negatives: Exactly how reliable is presence-absence data? Also I chaired a session of oral presentations on the topics of theoretical ecology.

Fifth International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. 2007. Are citizen scientists the solution to early detection?

Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research and Society of Canadian Limnologists. 2007. To detect or not to detect: Do ecologists properly interpret survey data?

90th Ecological Society of America annual meeting. 2005. Predicting discrete secondary spread of aquatic invasive species, which won the E.C. Pielou Award for the best oral presentation on statistical ecology. Also, I chaired the contributed oral session on invasive species of the Great of Lakes of North America.

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David G. Delaney, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Phone: (808) 726-6602 Skype username: DGDelaney1


 Editorial Board Member: The Journal of Marine Biology and Oceanography: 2012 – 2016  Reviewer for the following scientific journals: Biological Invasions (2), Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, Ecology and Society, Integrative Zoology, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Marine Biology and Oceanography, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Marine Ecology Progress Series, PLOS ONE, and Oryx—The International Journal of Conservation  Reviewer: The Connecticut Sea Grant College Program’s omnibus funding request for 2012-2014  Member: Committee chaired by South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs that drafted the animal ethics and sampling protocols for the 2012 South African Collaborative Shark Study Project  Reviewer: Chapter 7 of the textbook “Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea”, which was written by S. Olenin, S. Gollasch, M. Lehtiniemi, M. Sapota and A. Zaiko on the topic of Biological Invasions and published by Springer  Reviewer: Asian Carp in the Great Lakes Region. A summary report for Members of the U.S. Congress. Buck, E.H., Upton, H.F. and Stern, C.V. 2011. Congressional Research Service  Reviewer: Risk assessment for the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) and the European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in Canadian waters. 2010. Therriault, T.W., Herborg, L.M., Locke, A. and McKindsey, C.W. Fisheries and Oceans Canada  Reviewer: Identifying significant range extensions of invasive marine pests – C.C.I.M.P.E. Range Decision Guidelines Project. Darbyshire, R. and Caley, P. 2009. Australian Government’s Bureau of Rural Sciences  Expert Opinion: Marine Pest Incursions – A tool to predict the cost of eradication based on expert assessments by Crombie, J., Knight, E. and Barry, S. 2007. Australian Government’s Bureau of Rural Sciences

TEACHER AND COMMUNICATION TRAINING Attended Learning to Teach: A Professional Development Workshop: 2008 Attended Professor L. Cooper’s Writing Science Articles Course (REDM610): 2008 Attended Tomlinson Science Teaching Development Workshop: 2007

SELECTED LIST OF AWARDS  2015 Co-investigator on a NASA grant focusing on Hawaiian coral reefs ($272,911)  2012 Principal Investigator (P.I.) on a multifaceted, multimillion dollar project (>$2,000,000)  2011 Hingham High School Teacher of the Week Award (February 14 - 20, 2011)  2009 G.R.E.A.T. / G.T.C. Travel Award ($500)  2009 Alma Mater Student Travel Grant Award ($750)  2008 Gulf of Maine Visionary Award  2007 University of Maine’s Addison E. Verrill Award for Marine Biology ($2,000)  2006 McGill Graduate Studies Fellowship Award ($5,000)  2005 Co-P.I. on a grant from N.O.A.A.’s National Sea Grant ($205,755)  2005 Ecological Society of America’s E.C. Pielou Award ($200)  2005 McGill Graduate Studies Fellowship Award ($5,000)

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David G. Delaney, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Phone: (808) 726-6602 Skype username: DGDelaney1

SELECTED LIST OF EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES  Volunteer educator: Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation’s ʻĀINA In Schools Program from 2015 – 2016  Chairperson: Scientific Advisory Council of Oceans Research from 2011 – 2012  Chairperson: McGill University’s Post-Graduate Student Society Constitutional Committee from 2007 – 2008  Panel Member for Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species (N.E.A.N.S.) Panel: I represented McGill University at regional meetings from 2006 – 2008  Volunteer educator: Teaching about current research and environmental issues to local elementary and high school students from 2002 – 2007  President: McGill University’s Biology Graduate Student Association from 2005 – 2006  Member: McGill University’s Biology Graduate Student Association from 2004 – 2005

SELECTED LIST OF MEDIA COVERAGE Vet Street. 2014. Best Places to Dive With Sharks — and How to Stay Safe. Available at: http://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/best-places-to-dive-with-sharks-and-how-to-stay- safe?WT.z_mod=HPDL Gainsville Sun Newspaper. 2014. University of Florida report: Shark attacks down, fatalities up by Jeff Schweers. Available at: http://www.gainesville.com/article/20140217/ARTICLES/140219590 Shark Wranglers. 2012. “Shark Wranglers” is a television series that was broadcasted on the History Channel and documented the expedition and disseminated the information of the South African Collaborative Shark Study for which I was a project leader Suid Kaap FM. 2012. Invited guest to talk about environmental issues on a radio station in Mossel Bay, South Africa ResearchSA. 2012. Ocearch - Sharkmen permits reissued after no link found between research and fatal shark attack Mail and Guardian. 2012. Team defends shark research by Fiona MacLeod Cape Times. 2012. It wasn't our fault, say shark scientists. Front page story summarizing our press release Moneyweb Daily News. 2012. Department of Environmental Affairs suspends the Ocearch / Sharkmen research permit - Following the fatal attack of a body-boarder at Kogel Bay The Scenic South. 2012. Great white sharks in False Bay tagged for research Shark Year Magazine. 2012. DEA press release: New permit for shark research project issued St. Francis Chronicle. 2012. R15 million shark research project and film in False Bay Newsletter of Massachusetts Association of Science Teachers. 2011. Monitoring invasive crab species in Boston Harbor: Boston Public School students and citizen science by Tom Hocker The Guardian. 2011. Great white shark jumps from sea into research boat by Xan Rice The Atlantic. 2011. What to do when a great white shark jumps in your boat by Alexis Madrigal Fox News. 2011. Great white shark jumps into research boat in South Africa CNN. 2011. Great white jumps on to research boat by Brad Lendon University Affairs. 2010. Citizens sold on science by Tim Lougheed BioScience. 2008. Citizen science: Can volunteers do real research by Jeffrey P. Cohn Boston Globe. 2006. Drift cards to track tidal flow by Carolyn Johnson Boston Globe. 2006. Marine water invaders on most wanted list by Beth Dale South Coast Today. 2006. Highlighting volunteer monitoring network by Brian Fraga Patriot Ledger. 2005. David Delaney is the pied piper of science by P. Amy MacKinnon BBC News. 2004. Galapagos tortoises held hostage - More than 30 scientists and several giant tortoises are being held hostage by striking fishermen in the Galapagos Islands. Available at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3491658.stm

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David G. Delaney, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Phone: (808) 726-6602 Skype username: DGDelaney1

SELECTED LIST OF CERTIFICATIONS AND CAPABILITIES  American Academy of Underwater Sciences (A.A.U.S.) Scientific Diver. Honolulu, Hawaii in 2015  Divers Alert Network (D.A.N.) CPR and First Aid for Professional Divers: Honolulu, Oahu in 2015  National Association of Underwater Instructors (N.A.U.I) Master Diver. Honolulu, Hawaii in 2015  N.A.U.I Rescue Diver. Honolulu, Hawaii in 2015  N.A.U.I Nitrox Diver. Honolulu, Hawaii in 2015  Certificate of Completion for the Makai Watch Training Awareness Raising and Outreach by Division of Aquatic Resources: Pūpūkea-Waimea, Hawaii in 2015  Certificate of Completion for the Makai Watch Volunteer Training Observation and Incident of Reporting by Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement: Pūpūkea- Waimea, Hawaii in 2015  Professional Association of Diving Instructors Dry Suit Scuba Diver (PADI): Monterey, California in 2008  P.A.D.I. certified advanced open water diver: Puerto Ayora, Galapagos, Ecuador in 2004  Young Men's Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.) certified open water scuba diver: Boston, Massachusetts in 1994  Pleasure craft operator certification  Pre-sea course certified and medical clearance by South African Maritime Safety Authority  Experience with extended time working at sea  Proficient with various statistical software  Advanced statistical analysis  Proficiency with Microsoft Office  Valid driver’s license

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Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Date of Birth: November l9, l953 Place of Birth: Dijon, France Citizenship: U.S.A. Tel: (808)-956-5924 Fax: (808)-967-7112 Email: [email protected]

Research and Training Experience:

July 1, 2014-present: Chair, Division of Marine Geology and Geochemistry, Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii, 1000 Pope Rd., Honolulu, Hawaii 96822.

Mar 1, 2011-June 30, 2011: Visiting Scientist, Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI France

Aug 1, 2008-present: Professor, Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii, 1000 Pope Rd., Honolulu, Hawaii 96822.

Apr 1, 2006-June 30, 2006: Acting Undergraduate Chair, Global Environmental Sciences Program, Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii.

Aug 1, 2003-Jul 30, 2008: Researcher, Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii.

Jan 1, 1991-July 30, 2003: Associate Researcher (Geochemist), Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii.

Oct 1989-July 2003: Faculty Affiliate, US Geological Survey, Honolulu District, Hawaii (1993- 1999, District Water Quality Specialist)

Jan-June 1997, and Aug 1989-July 1995: Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Hawaii.

July 1, 1989-Dec 31, 1990: Associate Geochemist, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii.

August 1985-June 30, 1989: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Hawaii

July 1983-June 30, 1989: Assistant Geochemist, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii

August 1982-July 1983: Research Associate, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii.

June 1981-July 1982: Research Fellow, University of Hawaii, Chemistry Department.

1 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

June 1979-August 1979, and June 1980-May 1981: Research assistant, University of Hawaii, Chemistry Department, Dr. H. Zeitlin, P.I.

January 1979-May 1980: Teaching assistant, University of Hawaii, Chemistry Department.

January 1978-May 1978: Lecturer in Chemistry, Los Angeles City College Overseas, Kadena Air Force Base, Okinawa, Japan.

September 1976-May 1977: Teaching assistant, Old Dominion University, Chemistry Department, Norfolk, Va.

September 1975-May 1976: Research assistant, Old Dominion University, Chemistry Department, Dr. B.T. Upchurch, P.I., Norfolk, Va.

Academic Degrees: Ph.D. Chemistry (1982), University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii M.S. Chemistry (1978), Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia B.S. Oceanography (1975), Cum Laude, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida.

Professional and Honor Societies: American Chemical Society (Analytical, Geochemistry, and Environmental Chemistry Divisions), Hawaii Section: Secretary 1987, 1988, Chair-elect 1989, Chair 1990, Executive Committee 1991, Treasurer 1992, P.R. Committee 1993, Chair-elect 1999, Chair 2000) American Geophysical Union (member of Ocean Sciences Division) American Society for Limnology and Oceanography Geochemical Society Geological Society of America Hawaii Academy of Sciences (Treasurer: 2001-2006, President-elect: 2006-2007, President 2007- 2008, Board of Directors 2008-2009) International Association of Geochemistry Sigma Xi, (Admissions Committee 1989, 2005-2008)

Military Service: U.S.N.R., Mar 1973-Jul 1974, Aviation Reserve Officer Candidate (AVROC), Honorable Discharge.

Courses Taught:

OCN 201, Science of the Sea (Team taught, I serve as Course Coordinator) OCN 201L, Science of the Sea Laboratory (This is a course that was first taught in Fall 2001 and developed by the course coordinators: C.I Measures and E.H. De Carlo) OCN 320, Aquatic Pollution OCN 622, Geological Oceanography (guest lectures) OCN 623, Chemical Oceanography (guest lectures) OCN 631, Ocean Minerals (guest lectures) OCN 633, Biogeochemical Methods in Oceanography (Course Coordinator and team taught) OCN 644, Sedimentary Geochemistry (guest lectures) OCN 645, Special Topics (Ocean Acidification, co-organizer, lectures and field activities support) OCN 735, Heavy Metals in the Environment OCN 780, Seminar in Oceanography

2 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Service on graduate student committees: (A = Advisory committee, R = Research committee, financial support denoted by asterisk)

1) Patricia Pennywell, M.S. Geology & Geophysics (R, chair *) 2) Peter Sedwick, Ph.D. Oceanography (R) 3) Dirk Koeppenkastrop, Ph.D. Chemistry (R, chair *) 4) Joseph Resing, M.S., Oceanography (R) 5) XiYuan Wen, M.S. Geology & Geophysics (R, chair *) 6) Wayne Shibata, M.S. Chemistry (R) 7) Willy Icay, Ph.D. Geology & Geophysics (R) 8) Amy Baylor, M.S. Oceanography (A) 9) John Dore, Ph.D. Oceanography (A) 10) Mark Irving, Ph.D., Chemistry (R, chair *) 11) Karen Williams, Ph.D., Chemistry (R) 12) Haisheng Li, M.S., Oceanography (R, chair *) 13) Kristi Hansen, M.S. Oceanography (A) 14) Mark Baird, M.S. Oceanography (A) 15) Chris Benedict, Ph.D. Hydrology (R, Univ. of Nevada Reno) 16) XiYuan Wen, Ph.D. Oceanography (R) 17) Shaun Johnston, M.S. Oceanography (A) 18) Katja Gunkel, M.S. Environmental Science (R, Imperial College of London) 19) Sebastien Wunderle, DUT, Université Technique de Strasbourg (R) 20) Jason Langley, M.S. Geology (R) 21) Daniel Hoover, Ph.D. Oceanography (R) 22) Rolf Arvidson, Ph.D. Oceanography (R) 23) James Gharib, M.S. Oceanography (R) 24) Shaun Johnston, M.S. Oceanography (A) 25) Jerome Aucun, Ph.D. Oceanography (A) 26) Jennifer Liebeler, M.S. Oceanography (R) 27) Michael Tomlinson, M.S. Oceanography (A, R, chair *) 28) Vincent Beltran, M.S. Oceanography (A, R, chair *) 29) Matt Brown, M.S. Oceanography (A, R) 30) Julia Hubert, M.S. Oceanography (A, chair *) 31) Yohei Shinozuka, M.S. Oceanography (A) 32) Amanda Demopoulos, Ph.D. Oceanography (A, R) 33) Joseph Shacat, M.S. Oceanography (A, R, chair *) 34) Melissa Bos, M.S. Oceanography (A, chair) 35) Charles Young, M.S. Oceanography (A, chair *) 36) Stephanie Ringuet, M.S. Oceanography (R) 37) John Yeh, M.S. Oceanography (A, chair) 38) Kelly Quinn, Ph.D. Oceanography (R , Univ. of South Florida) 39) Rachel Solomon, M.S. Oceanography (A, R, chair *) 40) Chris Ostrander, M.S. Oceanography (R, *) 41) Carli Bober, M.S. Oceanography (A) 42) Kathrin Huelck, Ph.D. Microbiology (R) 43) Kristen Fogaren, M.S. Oceanography (A, R, chair *) 44) Ching His Nan, M.S. Oceanography (A) 45) Melinda Swanson, M.S. Oceanography (R) 46) Patrick Drupp, M.S. Oceanography (A, R, chair*), Ph.D., Oceanography (R, chair*) 47) Tina (Huie Ting) Lin, Ph.D. Oceanography (A) 48) Didier Dumas, M.S. Oceanography (A, R, chair*)

3 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

49) Kathryn MacDonald, M.S. Oceanography (A, chair*) 50) Jennifer Murphy, Ph.D. Oceanography (A) 51) Joy Leilei Shih, Ph.D. Oceanography (A, R, chair*) 52) Michelle Wong, M.S., Oceanography (A, R, chair*) 53) Amanda Timmerman, M.S. Oceanography (A) 54) Olivia Nigro, Ph.D. Oceanography (R) 55) Leigh Ann Boswell, Ph.D. Zoology (R) 56) Hollie Putnam, Ph.D., Zoology (R) 57) Robert Thompson, Ph.D. Oceanography (A, R, chair*) 58) Christopher Jury, Ph.D. Zoology (R) 59) Siobhan Burns, Ph.D., Zoology (HIMB) (R) 60) Gerarda Terlouw, MS and Ph.D. Oceanography (A, R, chair*) 61) Michelle Jungbluth, Ph.D., Oceanography (R) 62) Sara Coffey, M.S., Oceanography (R, chair*) 63) Charina Lyn, PhD. Oceanography (R) 64) Paula Moehlenkamp, MS. Oceanography (A, chair) 65) Alma Castillo-Trujillo, PhD. Oceanography (R) 66) Lucie Knor, MS. Oceanography (A, chair)

In addition to the above students on whose committees I have served formally, other students have conducted portions of the thesis or dissertation research in my laboratory. A list of these students is included along with the degree they sought/obtained

1) A. Arquit, Ph.D. Oceanography 2) G. Tribble, Ph.D. Oceanography 3) A. Weiner, M.S. Geology 4) D. Schein, Ph.D. Chemistry 5) B. Tsutsui, M.S. Geology 6) R. Govenda, Ph.D. Soil Science 7) S. Anthony, M.S. Geology 8) M. Lane, Ph.D. Oceanography 9) D. Vonderhaar, M.S., Ph.D. Oceanography 10) U. Ginster, M.S. Oceanography 11) K. Zaiger, Ph.D. Oceanography 12) P. Troy, Ph.D. Oceanography 13) M. Cremer, M.S. Oceanography 14) C. Holloway, Ph.D. Oceanography 15) S. Jin, M.S. Public Health 16) S., Doane, M.S. Oceanography 17) R. Sanku, Ph.D. Chemistry 18) C. Combelles, M.S. Zoology 19) M. Guidry, M.S. Oceanography 20) J. Falter, Ph.D. Oceanography 21) M. Westley, M.S. Oceanography 22) L. Hall, M.S. Geology and Geophysics 23) M. Milman, M.S. Geology and Geohpysics 24) B. Cushman, M.S. Geology and Geophysics 25) E. Bergmanis, Ph.D. Geology and Geophysics 26) G. Garrison, Ph.D. Geology and Geophysics 28) I. Herzfeld, M.S. Oceanography 29) R. Briggs, Ph.D. Oceanography

4 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

30) Danielle Hull, PhD. Oceanography

Oceanographic Expeditions: 1982: USNS De Steiguer: February 12-25, 1982, Hawaii, Loihi Seamount, Puna Canyon. 1983: R/V Kana Keoki: Hawaiian glass cruise. March 1983 (ten days). Submarine rift zones of Hawaiian volcanoes. Hualalai, Mauna Loa, Loihi, Kilauea, , Kohala. 1984: R/V Kana Keoki: Cruise KK84-04, Hawaiian EEZ manganese crust project. July 15-August 5, 1984. Northeast Hawaiian Islands. 1987: R/V Moana Wave. CCOP/SOPAC Mineral assessment program. February 5-March 3, 1987. Cruise MW87-02, Samoa, Cook Islands, Kiribati. 1988: D/V Joides Resolution. Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122. June 29-August 28, 1988. Exmouth Plateau, Australia 1991: D/V Joides Resolution. Ocean Drilling Program Leg 136. March 2-20, 1991. Central Pacific Ocean. 1996: D/V Joides Resolution. Ocean Drilling Program Leg 166. February 22-April 11, 1996. Bahamas Tansect. 1998: D/V Joides Resolution. Ocean Drilling Program Leg 180. June 10-August 11, 1998. Woodlark Basin. 2000: R/V Roger Revelle, May 24-June 28, 2000, EPREX cruise, East North Tropical Pacific Ocean 2004: R/V Kaimikai O Kanaloa-DSV Pisces V, Oct 18-Oct 28, 2004. Dive program on Loihi Submarine Volcano 2006: R/V Klaus Wyrtki, June 1-3, 2006, Waianae Ordnance Reef Survey 2006: R/V Manacat (NOAA), June 4-8, 2006, Waianae Ordnance Reef Survey 2009: R/V Kaimikai o Kanaloa-DSV Pisces IV and V, March 9-16, 2009, HUMMA program

Other Expeditions: 1990: Pingelap , State of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, Hydrological/Water quality investigation, March 1990 1991: Sapwhafik Atoll, State of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, Hydrological/Water quality investigation, June 1991 2005: Organization for Tropical Studies, Las Cruces Biological Station, San Vito, Costa Rica, Instructor for Summer REU in biogeochemistry. May-June 2005.

Miscellaneous: Fluent knowledge of French Proficient knowledge of Castilian Spanish and Italian Working knowledge of German and Catala Qualified NAUI SCUBA diver

Current and Pending Support Current Funding

1. Ocean Acidification Monitoring Network, Oahu, Hawaii. Period: 2/1/2014-7/31/2016, P.I. E.H. De Carlo, Co-I: Fred T. Mackenzie NOAA Sea Grant College Program Amount: $60, 346

2. Humankind’s Biogeochemical Experiment: Ocean Acidification and “Coral Reef” Dissolution: Period: 2/1/2014-7/31/2016, P.I. M. Guidry, Co-I E.H. De Carlo, Fred T. Mackenzie NOAA Sea Grant College Program Amount: $70,000

5 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

3. National Coral Reef Monitoring Program – Support for Existing and New MApCO2 Buoys at Class III Sites in U.S. Coral Reef Areas, Pass through PacIOOS funding from NOAA/OAP. P.I. E.H. De Carlo, June 1, 2015-Sept 30, 2017. Amount: $43,200 ($14,400 supplement June 2016, $11,200 supplement July 2016)

4. Present and Future Biogeochemical Processes and Nutrient Cycling in the Southern Kāneʻohe Bay Watershed and Proximal Marine Waters. NOAA-Sea Grant College Program. P.I. E.H. De Carlo, Oct 1, 2015- Sept 30, 2016 : $9,992

5. Coastal Ocean Hawaii Acidification Monitoring Network (COHAMN) and Carbonate Mineral Dissolution Study, NOAA Sea Grant College Program, PI. E. H. De Carlo, M. Guidry, F.T. Mackenzie. Feb 1, 2016-Jan 31, 2018 Amount $100,000

6. The nature and consequences of historic and future Ocean Acidification; insights from boron isotopes in corals. Leverlhulme Foundation, P.I.: Gavin Foster, Co-I.: Murray Roberts, E.H. De Carlo, N. Bates, June 1, 2016-May 31, 2019. Amount ₤262,470 (~$371,395)

Pending Funding None at this time.

Refereed Publications

Edwards, M.H., Shjegstad, S.M., Wilkens, R., King, J.C., Carton, G., Bala, D., Binghams, B., Briggs, C. Bruso, N.S., Camilli, R., Cremer, M., Davis, R.B., De Carlo, E.H., Duval., C., Fornari, D.J., Kaneakua-Pia, I., Kelley, C.D., Koide, S., Mah, C.L., Kerby, T., Kurras, G.J., Rongstad, M.R., Shield, L., Silva, J., Wellington, B., and Van Woerkom, M. The Hawaii Undersea Military Munitions Assessment. Submitted to Deep Sea Research. Tomlinson, M.S. and De Carlo, E. H. Occurrence and Possible Sources of Arsenic in Seafloor Sediments Surrounding Sea-Disposed Munitions and Chemical Agents near Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi. Deep Sea Res. II. (2016) 128:70–84 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.11.022 Drupp, P.S., De Carlo, E.H., and Mackenzie, F.T. Porewater CO2-carbonic acid geochemistry in sandy sediments. Mar. Chem., (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2016.04.004 Alin, S.R., Brainard, R.E., Price, N., Newton, J. Cohen, A., Peterson, W.T., De Carlo, E.H., Shadwick, E.H., Noakes, S. and Bednarsek, N. Characterizing the Natural System: Toward sustained, integrated coastal ocean acidification observing networks to facilitate resource management and decision support. Oceanography (2015) 28(2):92–107, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2015.34. Fassbender, A., Sabine, C.L., Lawrence-Slavas, N., De Carlo, E.H., Meinig, C., and Maenner- Jones, S. A Robust Sensor for Extended Autonomous Measurements of Surface Ocean Dissolved Inorganic Carbon. Env. Sci. Techn. (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es5047183 Spaulding, R.S., DeGrandpre, M.S., Beck, J.C., Hart, R.D., Peterson, B., De Carlo, Eric Heinen, Drupp, P.S., and Hammar. T.R. Autonomous in-situ measurements of seawater alkalinity. Env. Sci. Techn.. (2014) 48:9573-9581 http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es501615x Fiedler, J., McManus, M., Tomlinson, M.S., De Carlo, E.H., and 7 others. Real-time Observations of the February 2010 Chile and March 2011 Japan Tsunamis in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, as recorded by the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System Oceanography. (2014) 27(2) http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.34

6 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

De Carlo, E.H., Tomlinson, M.S., DeGelleke, L., and Thomas, S. Distribution and abundance of arsenic in soils and sediments of Oahu, Hawaii. Aquatic Geochemistry (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10498-013-9212-9 De Carlo, E.H., Arvidson, R., Chou, L., Sabine, C.L., and Luther, G.W. Fred T. Mackenzie: Gentleman, scholar, mountaineer and model colleague. Aquatic Geochemistry (2013) 19(5-6):347-351 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10498-013-9221-8 De Carlo, E.H., Mousseau, L., Passafiume, O., Drupp, P.S., and Gattuso, J.-P. Carbonate chemistry and air-sea CO2 flux in a NW Mediterranean bay over a four year period: 2007-2011. Aquatic Geochemistry (2013) 19(5-6):399-442 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10498-013-9217-4 Drupp, P.S., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., and Sabine, C.L. A comparison of CO2 dynamics and air-sea exchange in differing tropical reef environments. Aquatic Geochemistry. (2013) 19(5-6): 371-397 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10498-013-9214-7 Fogaren, K.E., Sansone, F.J., and De Carlo, E.H. Temporal Variability of Porewater Constituents in a Permeable Nearshore Sediment. Marine Chemistry (2013) 149:74-84 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2012.12.005 Massaro, R.F.S., De Carlo, E.H., Drupp, P., Mackenzie, F.T., Maenner-Jones, S., Fagan, K.E., Sabine, C.L., and Feely, R.A., Multiple factors driving variability in the exchange of CO2 between the ocean and atmosphere in a tropical coral reef environment. Aquatic Geochemistry (2012) 18:4, 357-386 http://dx.doi.10.1007/s10498-012-9170-7 Mackenzie, F.T., De Carlo, E.H. and Lerman, A. Chapter 12: Coupled C, N, P, and O cycling at the land ocean interface. In J. Middleberg, (Ed) Treatise on Coastal and Estuarine Science, Volume 5: Elsevier Publishers. 2012 Nowling,,L., Gauldie, R.W., Cowan, J.H., De Carlo, E. Successful Discrimination Using Otolith Microchemistry Among Samples of Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus from Artificial Reefs and Samples of L.campechanus Taken from Nearby Oil and Gas Platforms. The Open Fish Science Journal (2011) 01:4:1-9. Bienfang, P.K., Molina, J., DeFelice, S.V., and De Carlo, E.H.. Evaluation of Gambierdiscus survival after exposure to ballast water. Harmful Algae (2011) 10:759-762. http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.hal.2011.06.007 Shamberger, K.E.F., Feely, R.A., Sabine, C.L., Atkinson, M.J., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., Drupp, P.S., and Butterfield, D.A. Calcification and Production on a Hawaiian Coral Reef. Marine Chemistry (2011) 127: 64–75. Tomlinson, M., De Carlo, E.H., McManus, M., Pawlak, E., Steward, G., Sansone, F., Nigro, O., Ostrander C., Timmerman, R., Patterson, J., Uribe, S.J. Characterizing the Effects of Two Storms on the Coastal Waters of O‘ahu, Hawai‘i, Using Data from the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System. Oceanography, (2011) 24(2):182–199, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2011.38 Drupp, P., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., Bienfang, P., and Sabine, C. Nutrient inputs, phytoplankton response and CO2 variations in a semi-enclosed subtropical embayment, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Aquatic Geochemistry (2011) 17(4):473-498 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10498-010-9115-y Garcia, S.S., MacDonald, K., De Carlo, E.H., Overfield, M., Reyer, T., and Rolfe, J. Discarded military munitions case study: Ordnance Reef (HI-06) Hawaii. Marine Technology Society Journal (2009) 43(4):85-99 Bienfang, P, De Carlo, E.H., Christopher, S., DeFelice, S. and Moeller, P. Trace element concentrations in coastal Hawaiian waters. Marine Chemistry (2009) 113(3-4), 149-256. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2009.01.007 Sansone, F.J., Pawlak, G., Stanton, T., Glazer, B.T., De Carlo, E.H., McManus, M.A., Bandet, M. Stierhoff, K., Colgrove, C., Hebert, A.B., and Chen, I.C. Kilo Nalu: Transport dynamics above and within permeable sediments. Oceanography. (2008) 21:4, 173-178

7 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Ostrander, C.E., McManus, M.A., DeCarlo, E.H. and Mackenzie, F.T. Temporal and spatial variability of freshwater plumes in a semi-enclosed estuarine-bay system. and Coasts: (2008) 31:192–203 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12237-007-9001-z De Carlo, E.H., Hoover, D.J., Young, C.W., Hoover, R.S. and Mackenzie, F.T. Impact of storm runoff from subtropical watersheds on coastal water quality and productivity. Applied Geochemistry (2007) 22:1777-1797, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2007.03.034 Sahoo, G.B., Ray, C., and De Carlo, E.H. Calibration and validation of a physically distributed hydrological model to predict streamflow at high frequency in a flashy mountainous Hawaiian stream. Journal of Hydrology (2006) 327: 94-109. Sahoo, G.B., Ray, C., and De Carlo, E.H. Prediction of water quality trends of a flashy mountain stream, Hawaii using artificial neural networks. Journal of Hydrology (2006) 327: 525- 538 Hoover, R.S., Hoover, D., Miller, M., Landry, M.R., De Carlo, E.H., and Mackenzie, F.T. Zooplankton response to storm runoff in a tropical estuary: Bottom up and top down controls. Marine Ecology Progress Series (2006) 318:187-201. Garcia, M.O., Caplain-Auerbach, J. De Carlo, E.H. Kurz, M.D., and Becker, N. Geology, geochemistry and earthquake history of Lo’ihi Seamount, Hawai’i’s youngest volcano. (Invited Review), Chemie der Erde, (2006), 66:81-108 http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.chemer.2005.09.002 De Carlo, E.H., Tomlinson, M.S., and Anthony, S.A. Trace elements in streambed sediments of small subtropical streams on Oahu, Hawaii: Results from the USGS NAWQA Program. Applied Geochemistry, (2005), 20(12):2157-2188 doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2005.08.005 Beltran, V.L. and De Carlo, E.H. Variability of particulate metal concentrations during storm events in streams of a subtropical watershed. Chapter 15 in “Environmental Chemistry”, E. Lichtfouse, S. Dudd, S. Robert, Eds. (Springer Verlag), 2005, 153-176. Shacat, J. A., Green, W.J., Newell, S. and De Carlo, E.H. The geochemistry of Lake Joyce, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Aquatic Geochemistry, (2004) 10: 325-352. Wheat, C.G., Jannash, H.W., Kastner, M. Plant, J.N, De Carlo, E.H., and Lebon, G. Venting formation fluids from deep-sea boreholes in a ridge flank setting: ODP Sites 1025 and 1026. G-cubed, (2004) 5(8), Q08007, http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1029/2004GC000710 De Carlo, E.H., Beltran, V.L., and Tomlinson, M.S. Composition of water and suspended sediment in streams of urbanized subtropical watersheds in Hawaii. Applied Geochemistry, (2004) 19(7):1011-1037. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2004.01.004 Wheat, C.G., Jannash, H.W., Kastner, M. Plant, J.N, and De Carlo, E.H. Seawater transport and reaction in upper oceanic basaltic basement: Chemical data from continuous monitoring of sealed boreholes in a ridge flank environment. Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett. (2003) 6867:1-16 Tomlinson, M.S. and De Carlo, E.H. The need for high-resolution time series data to characterize Hawaiian streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), (2003), 39:1, 113-123. Exon, N.F., Raven, M.D., and De Carlo, E.H. Ferromanganese crusts and nodules from the Christmas Island region, Indian Ocean. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology (2002), 20(4), 275-297. Pan, J.-H. and De Carlo, E.H. Effect of marine phosphatization on element enrichment of Co-rich crusts. Acta Geoscientia Sinica, (2002) 23(5):403-408. Drexler, J.Z. and De Carlo, E.H. Source water partitioning as a means of characterizing hydrologic function in . Wetlands Ecology and Management, (2002), 10:103- 113.

8 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Sansone, F.J., C.R. Benitez-Nelson, J.A. Resing , E.H. DeCarlo, S. M. Vink , J.A. Heath, and B.J. Huebert. Geochemistry of Atmospheric Aerosols Generated from Lava-Seawater Interactions. Geophys. Res. Lett. (2002) 29:(9)10.1029/ 2001GL13882. De Carlo, E.H. and Green, W.J. Rare earth elements in the water column of Lake Vanda, McMurdo dry valleys, Antarctica. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, (2002), 66:1323-1333. De Carlo, E.H. and Anthony, S.A. Spatial and temporal variability of trace element concentrations in an urban subtropical watershed, Honolulu, Hawaii. Applied Geochemistry (2002), 17:475-492. Fanale, F.P, Li, Y.-H, De Carlo, E.H., Fraley, C., Sharma, S.K, Horton, K., and Granahan, J.C. An experimental estimate of Europa’s “Ocean” composition-independent of Galileo orbital remote sensing. Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets, (2001), 106:14,595- 14,600 De Carlo, E.H., Lackschewitz, K., and Carmody, R. Trace Element and Isotopic Composition of Interstitial Water and Sediments from the Woodlark Rise, ODP Leg 180. Proceedings ODP, Sci. Res. Vol 180, http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/180_SR/160/160.htm. (2001). Robertson, A.H.F., S.A.M. Awadallah, S. Gerbaudo, K. S. Lackschewitz, B. D. Monteleone, T. R. Sharp, and shipboard scientific party (inc. E.H. De Carlo) Evolution of the Miocene-Recent Woodlark Rift Basin, SW Pacific, inferred from sediments drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 180. In Non-volcanic rifting of continental margins: a comparison of evidence from land and sea. R.C.L. Wilson, N. Froitzheim, B. Taylor, and R.B. Whitmarsh, eds. Geological Society Special Publication no. 187, (2001) 335-372. Spencer, K.J., Shafer, D., Gauldie, R.W., and DeCarlo, E.H. Stable Lead Isotope Ratios From Distinct Anthropogenic Sources In Fish Otoliths: A Potential Nursery Ground Stock Marker. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Part A, (2000), 127:273-284. Hunt, C.D. and De Carlo, E.H., Hydrology and water and sediment quality at James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge near Kahuku, Island of Oahu, Hawaii. US Geological Survery, Water-Resources Investigation Report 99-4171 (2000). Kramer, P.A., Swart, P.K., De Carlo, E.H., and Shovsbo, N.H. Overview of Leg 166 Interstitial fluid and sediment geochemistry, Sites 1103-1107 (Bahamas Transect). Proc. ODP Sci. Results, 166:(2000),179-195. De Carlo, E.H., and Kramer, P.A. Minor and trace elements in interstitial waters of the Great Bahamas Bank: Results from ODP Leg 166. Proc. ODP Sci. Results, 166: (2000), 99- 111. De Carlo, E.H., Wen, X.Y., and Cowen, J.P. Rare earth element fractionation in hydrogenetic Fe- Mn crusts: The influence of carbonate complexation and phosphatization on Sm/Yb ratios. In: SEPM Special Vol. No. 64: Marine Authigenesis: From Global to Microbial C.R. Glenn, L. Prevot-Lucas, and J. Lucas, Eds., (2000), 271-285. Hill, B. R., De Carlo, E. H., Fuller, C. C., and Wong, M. F. Using sediment fingerprints to assess sediment budget errors, North Halawa Valley, O`ahu, Hawai`i. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, (1998), 23:493-508. De Carlo, E. H., Wen, X.-Y., and Irving, M. The influence of redox reactions on the uptake of dissolved Ce by suspended Fe and Mn oxide particles. Aquatic Geochemistry, (1998), 3:357-389. De Carlo, E.H. and Resing, J. A. Determination of picomolar concentrations of trace elements in high salinity fluids by FIA-ICP-MS. ICP information Newsletter, (1998), 23:82-83. Hill, B.R., Fuller, C.C., and De Carlo, E.H. Fluvial transport of atmospherically deposited quartz and 137Cs, North Halawa Valley, Oahu, Hawaii. Geomorphology, (1997) 20(1/2), 67-79 Pellenbarg, R.E., De Carlo, E.H., Boyle, M.E., and Lamontagne, R.A. Sedimentary siloxanes: A geochronological study. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, (1997) 11(4):345-349.

9 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

De Carlo, E.H. and Spencer, K.J., Retrospective analysis of anthropogenic inputs of lead and other metals to the Ala Wai Canal, Oahu, Hawaii. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, (1997) 11(4):415-437. Wen, X.Y., De Carlo, E.H., and Li, Y.H. Interelement relationships in ferromanganese crusts from the central Pacific Ocean: Their implications for crust genesis. Marine Geology, (1997) 136(3/4), 277-297. De Carlo, E. H. and Pruszkowski, E. Laser ablation ICP-MS determination of alkaline and rare earth elements in marine ferro-manganese deposits. Atomic Spectroscopy, (1995) 16(2), 65-73. De Carlo, E. H. and Spencer, K.J. Sedimentary records of anthropogenic inputs of heavy metals to the Ala Wai a small man-made estuary in Honolulu, Hawaii. Pacific Science, (1995) 49(4), 471-491. Spencer, K. J., De Carlo, E. H., and McMurtry, G.M. Isotopic clues to the sources of natural and anthropogenic lead in sediments and soils from Oahu, Hawaii. Pacific Science, (1995) 49(4), 492-510. McMurtry, G. M., De Carlo, E. H., and Kim, K.-H. Geochemistry of north central North Fiji Basin sediments. In: Kroenke, L.W. and J.V. Eade, eds. Basin Formation, Ridge Crest Processes, and Metallogenesis in the North Fiji Basin, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Sci. Series, Volume 15 Springer Verlag, N.Y., (1994) 137-169. Koeppenkastrop, D. and De Carlo, E.H., Uptake of rare earth elements from solution by metal oxides. Env. Sci. and Tech., (1993) 27:1796-1802. De Carlo, E.H. Review of " Hazardous Metals in the Environment" Edited by M. Stoeppler. Anal. Chem., (1993) 65(18):795A-797A. Cowen, J.P., De Carlo, E.H., and McGee, D. Calcareous nanofossil biostratigraphy of ferromanganese crusts from Schumann seamount, Hawaii. Marine Geology (1993) 115:289-306. De Carlo, E. H. Geochemistry of pore water and sediments recovered from ODP Leg 136: Hawaiian arch. in: Dziewonski, A., Wilkens, R., et al., Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 136, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), (1993) 77-83. De Carlo, E.H. 15. Geochemistry of interstitial water and associated sediments from the Exmouth Plateau. in: von Rad, U., Haq, B.U., et al., Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 122, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), (1992) 295-308. De Carlo, E.H. and Exon, N.F. 18. Geochemistry of Fe-Mn deposits from the Wombat Plateau, Northwest Australia Shelf. in: von Rad, U., Haq, B.U., et al., Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 122, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), (1992) 335-348. Seisser, W.G., Bralower, T. and De Carlo, E.H. 38. Mid-tertiary Braarudosphaera-rich sediments on the Exmouth Plateau. in: von Rad, U., Haq, B.U., et al., Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 122, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), (1992) 653-664. Wilkens, R., De Carlo, E.H. and Tribble, J.S. 55. X-ray mineralogy of Exmouth and Wombat Plateau sediments, ODP Leg 122. in: von Rad, U., Haq, B.U., et al., Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 122, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), (1992) 887-896. De Carlo, E.H. and McMurtry, G.M. Rare Earth Element geochemistry of seamount ferromanganese deposits from the Hawaii Archipelago. Chemical Geology, (1992) 95:235-250. Koeppenkastrop, D. and De Carlo, E. H. Sorption of rare earth elements from seawater onto pure mineral phases: An experimental approach. Chemical Geology, (1992) 95:251-263. De Carlo, E.H. and Fraley, C.M. Chemistry and Mineralogy of Ferromanganese Deposits from the South Equatorial Pacific Ocean. In: Bolton, B. and Keating, B., eds. Geology & offshore mineral resources of the Central Pacific Basin, Circum-Pacific Council for

10 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Energy & Mineral Resources, Earth Sci. Series Volume 14, Houston, TX., (1992), 225- 245. De Carlo, E.H. Paleoceanographic implications of rare earth element variability within a Fe-Mn crust from the central Pacific Ocean. Marine Geology, (1991) 98(2/4):449-467. McMurtry, G.M., De Carlo, E.H., and Kim, K.H. Geochemistry of north central North Fiji Basin sediments. Marine Geology, (1991), 98(2/4):271-296. Murphy, E., McMurtry, G.M., Kim, K-H., and De Carlo, E.H. Geochemistry and geochronology of a hydrothermal ferromanganese deposit from the North Fiji Basin. Marine Geology, (1991), 98(2/4):297-312. Koeppenkastrop, D., De Carlo, E.H., and Roth, M. A method to investigate the interaction of rare earth elements with metal oxides in aqueous solution. J. Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, (1991), 151(2):337-346. De Carlo, E.H., and Koeppenkastrop, D. Sampling and methods of characterization of surface reactivity. in D. C. Hurd and D. W. Spencer, eds. Marine Particles: Analysis and Characterization" Geophysical Monograph 63, American Geophysical Union, (1991) 419-427. Koeppenkastrop, D., De Carlo, E.H., and Lewis, S. Scanning tunneling microscopy of marine hydrothermal sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, (1991), 55(11): 3459-3465. De Carlo, E.H. Ion exchange chromatography and ICP/AES determination of lanthanide series elements in marine Fe-Mn deposits. Sep. Sci. and Tech. (1990) 25(6):781-798. Alvarez, R., De Carlo, E. H., Cowen, J. P. and Andermann, G. Micromorphological characteristics of a marine Fe-Mn crust. Marine Geology. (1990) 94:239-249. Dumont, T., Galbrun, B., Haq, B.U., Von Rad, U., O'Connell, S., DeCarlo, E.H., and Leg 122 Scientific Party. Distensions, subsidence, surélévation et variations du niveau marin sur la marge continentale sud-téthysienne du plateau d'Exmouth (NW de l'Australie): résultats préliminaires du Leg O.D.P. 122. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, (1989), t.309, 381-387. Von Rad, U., Haq, B.U., O'Connell, De Carlo, E.H. and Leg 122 Scientific Party. 1989 Breakup of Gondwanaland. Nature, (1989), 337:209-210. De Carlo, E.H., McMurtry, G.M., and Kim, K. H. Geochemistry of Ferromanganese Crusts from the Hawaiian Archipelago Exclusive Economic Zone I. Deep Sea Research (1987), 34(3):441-467. De Carlo, E.H. and Ronay, C. Separation of Silica from Spent Geothermal Fluids by Adsorptive Bubble Techniques. Sep. Sci. and Tech. (1987), 22(4):1293-1311. De Carlo, E.H., Pennywell, P., and Fraley, C.M. Geochemistry of ferromanganese deposits from the Kiribati and Tuvalu region of the West Central Pacific Ocean. Marine Mining, (1987), 6:301-321. De Carlo, E.H. and Thomas, D.M. Recovery of arsenic from spent geothermal brine by flotation with colloidal ferric hydroxide and long chain alkyl surfactants. Env. Sci. and Tech. (1985), 19(6):538-544. De Carlo, E.H., Bleasdell, B., and Zeitlin, H. Recovery of metals from process streams of deep-sea ferromanganese nodules by adsorptive bubble techniques. Sep. Sci. and Tech. (1983), 18, (11):1023-1044. De Carlo, E.H., McMurtry, G.M., and Yeh, H.-W. Geochemistry of hydrothermal deposits from Loihi submarine volcano, Hawaii. Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett. (1983), 66:438-449. De Carlo, E.H., Zeitlin, H., and Fernando, Q. Separation of Cu, Co, Ni, and Mn from deep-sea ferromanganese nodules by adsorbing colloid flotation. Anal. Chem. (1982), 54:898-902. De Carlo, E.H., Bleasdell, B., Zeitlin, H., and Fernando, Q. Separation of metals from sulfated deep-sea ferromanganese nodules by adsorbing colloid flotation. Sep. Sci. and Tech. (1982), 17:1205-1218. Shinn, D.W., De Carlo, E.H., and Zeitlin, H. A device for direct transfers of filtered liquids to volumetric flasks. Rev. Sci. Inst. (1981), 52:479-481.

11 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

De Carlo, E.H., Zeitlin, H., and Fernando, Q. Separation of trace levels of Ge, As, Sb, and Se from an acid matrix by adsorbing colloid flotation. Anal. Chem. (1981), 53:1104-1107.

Other Publications

De Carlo, E.H., Tomlinson, M.S., Shjegstad, S. J., Koide, S., and Dumas, D.: FINAL Environmental Study Ordnance Reef (HI-06) Wai‘anae, O‘ahu, Hawai‘I Report to Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Environmental Safety and Occupational Health (DASA/ESOH) through US Army Corps of Engineers. June 2014 Guidry, M.W., Dumas, D., Mackenzie, F.T., and De Carlo, E.H. Land-Coastal Ocean Interactions in the Tropics and Subtropics: Hawaii as an Example. University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program special publication BB-07-01, 69pp. 2012.De Carlo, E.H. Trace elements in Hawaiian sediments: Where do they come from and how do we know? Special report to DOD on studies conducted at Ordnance Reef, Waianae, Oahu, June 2006. (2007) 26 pp. De Carlo, E.H., Cox, E. and Overfield, M. 2007 Ordnance Reef, Waianae, Hawaii: Remote Sensing Survey and Sampling at a Discarded Military Munitions Sea Disposal Site. NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries Program Report. 112pp. http://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/news/press/ordnance_reef_final.pdf Ostrander, C.E., McManus, M.A. Solomon, R.F. De Carlo, E.H. and Mackenzie, F.T. Spatial and temporal variability of freshwater plumes derived from storm events in a semi-enclosed estuarine bay system: Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Stratified Flows. (2006) pp. 324-329. De Carlo, E.H. Parry, Y.K., and Morgenweck, R. The efficiency of Storm Drain Inserts in Removing Pollutants from Urban Road Runoff: Phase III and Final Report. Report to the Division of Environmental Services, City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii (2004) 173pp. De Carlo, E.H. and Morgenweck, R. The efficiency of Storm Drain Inserts in Removing Pollutants from Urban Road Runoff: Phase II: Field Site Surveys and Analysis of Road Deposited Sediments. Report to the Division of Environmental Services, City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii (2003) 167pp. De Carlo, E.H. and Morgenweck, R. The efficiency of Storm Drain Inserts in Removing Pollutants from Urban Road Runoff: Phase I. Report to the Division of Environmental Services, City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii (2001) 133 pp. De Carlo, E.H. and Sawada, E. Karst Calcite Deposits in Fossil Back Reef and Aeolian Dune Environments, Laie, Oahu, Hawaii. Mineral News, (2001) 17(5): 1-8. Tomlinson, M.S. and De Carlo, E.H. Investigations of Waimanalo and Kaneohe Streams. Final report to US-EPA and Hawaii State DOH (2001) 34pp. Emmanuel, L., Vincent, B., Renard, M. and De Carlo, E.H. Evolution of Mn contents of the Neogene carbonates along the Bahamas transect (ODP Leg 166): Relationship of geochemical data to sea-level changes. In: Haldor Armannsson, Ed. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (1999), 315-318. Benedict, F.C., De Carlo, E.H., and Roth, M. Kinetics and thermodynamics of rare earth elements uptake by alluvial materials from the Nevada Test Site. In : Xie Xuejin, Ed. Proceedings of the 30th ICG, Vol 19, Geochemistry, VSP Publishers, Zeist, The Netherlands. (1998). Wiltshire, J.C., Wen, X.-Y., and De Carlo, E.H. Fine scale platinum-rich zones as stratigraphic markers in seamount ferromanganese crusts. Proceedings of the Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology: PACON 97 PACON International, Honolulu, (1997), 36-47. De Carlo, E.H., and Dollar, S.J. Assessment of Suspended Solids and Particulate Nutrient Loading to Surface Runoff and the Coastal Ocean in the Honokowai Drainage Basin,

12 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Lahaina District, Maui. Final report to NOAA/Algal Blooms Project and Hawaii State DOH. (1997) 32pp. Hill, B.R., and De Carlo, E.H. Effects of highway construction on suspended sediment concentrations in two small drainage basins on Oahu, Hawaii. In: State of Washington Water Research Report 78, Proceedings of technical sessions of the regional conference on Nonpoint Source Pollution: The unfinished agenda for the protection of our water quality. (1991) 303-313. De Carlo, E.H. Chemical behavior of geothermal silica after precipitation from geothermal fluids with inorganic flocculating agents. Department of Energy, Report No. DOE/SF/15799-T11, (1987) McMurtry, G., De Carlo, E.H., Kim, K.H., and Vonderhaar, D. Geochemical investigations of Co-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Hawaiian Exclusive Economic Zone. Addendum to Final Report to Department of Interior, Minerals Management Service, Cooperative Agreement 14-12-001-30177, March 1986, 92p. Helsley, C., Keating, B., De Carlo, E.H., McMurtry, G., Pringle M., Campbell, F., Kroenke, L., and Jarvis, P. Resource assessment of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Hawaiian Exclusive Economic Zone. Final Report to Department of Interior, Minerals Management Service, Cooperative Agreement 14-12-001-30177, Dec. 1985, 234 pp. De Carlo, E.H. Separation of metals from deep-sea ferromanganese nodules by adsorptive bubble techniques. Ph.D. Dissertation, 179 pp, (1982). De Carlo, E.H. A study of the gas-solid reaction between H2S and Hg2Cl2; Development of a method for determination of atmospheric H2S. M.S. Thesis, 53 pp, (1978).

Abstracts and Conference Papers: Speaker underlined.

2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 21-26, 2016, New Orleans, LA.

Oceans in a High CO2 World, May Hobart, Tasmania, Biogeochemical and Physical Controls on the Inorganic Carbon Chemistry of Coral Reefs, Oahu, Hawaii”: A Decade of Continuous Measurements. E. H. De Carlo, G. Terlouw, P.S. Drupp, F.T., Mackenzie, S. Musielewics, A. Sutton, and C.L., Sabine.

2015 ASLO 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Feb 22-27, 2015 Granada, Spain. High-resolution time-series CO2 data from coral reefs on Oahu, Hawaii: Changes and Ocean Acidification. E.H. De Carlo, G. Terlouw, P.S. Drupp, F.T. Mackenzie, C.L. Sabine, S. Musielewicz and A. Sutton. Paper 054-2

International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium 2015: June 8-10, 2015, Bordeaux France, Nutrient and Carbon Cycling in Tropical Waters of Hawaii: Land-Derived Inputs, Reef Biogeochemistry and Physical Forcing. E. Heinen De Carlo, G.Terlouw, P.S. Drupp, F.T. Mackenzie, S. Musielewicz, A. Sutton, and C.S. Sabine.

Water Resources Research Conference, Dec 1-3, 2015, Honolulu, HI. Use of an Automated Device Based on Zero Angle Photon-Spectroscopy (ZAPS) for Real-time Monitoring of Biological and Chemical Pollutants of the Ala Wai Marina, Honolulu, Hawaii. E.H. De Carlo, N. Klinkhammer, G. Klinkhammer, C. Russo, and R. Bremer.

13 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 13-18, San Francisco, CA. Carbon Cycle Model of a Hawaiian Reef under Rising Ocean Acidification and Temperature Conditions of the Anthropocene. P.S. Drupp, F.T., Mackenzie, M. Guidry, and E.H. De Carlo.

2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 23-28. Honolulu HI. Multiple years of buoy based CO2- carbonic acid system and water quality monitoring across coral reef settings in Hawaii: What have we learned? (Paper 17711). E.H. De Carlo, P.S. Drupp, R.W. Thompson, F.T. Mackenie, S. Musielewicz, S. Maenner-Jones, A.J. Sutton, R.A. Feely, and C.L. Sabine.

Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 23-28. Honolulu HI. SAMI-ALK: Autonomous in-situ seawater alkalinity measurements. Reggie Spaulding, M DeGrandpre, B. Peterson, J. Beck, P. Drupp, E, De Carlo

Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 23-28. Honolulu HI. Evaluation of an in-situ alkalinity time-series on a Hawaiian Barrier Reef. Brittany Peterson, R. Spaulding, M.D. DeGrandpre, E.H. De Carlo and P.S. Drupp.

Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 23-28. Honolulu HI. Dissolution of coral reef CaCO3 sediments: Overlooked and forgotten in ocean acidification research B. D. Eyre; T. Cyronak; I.R. Santos; P. Drupp; E. De Carlo

Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 23-28. Honolulu HI. Variability in porewater carbonate chemistry of permeable sediments on a barrier reef. P.S. Drupp, E.H. De Carlo, R. Thompson, F.T. Mackenzie, S. Musielewicz, C. Sabine, R. Feely.

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec 15-19, 2014 San Francisco, CA Magnesian calcite dissolution in carbonate sediments: role in ocean acidification. P.S. Drupp, E.H. De Carlo, F.T. Mackenzie. PaperB41B-0039

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec 15-19, 2014 San Francisco, CA Coastal CO2 climatology of Oahu, Hawaii: Six years of high resolution time-series data. G.J. Terlouw, P.S. Drupp, E.H. De Carlo, M.S. Tomlinson, S. Musielewicz, A. Sutton, and C.L. Sabine. Paper B41B-0032

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec 15-19, 2014 San Francisco, CA Variations in the Alkalinity of Seawater in Coastal Waters of Oahu, Hawaii. S.L. Chen, E. H. De Carlo, P.S. Drupp, G. Terlowu, M.Guidry, F.T. Mackenzie and R. Thompson. Paper OS51B0967

2013 International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium, July 1-5, Plymouth, UK. Physical and Biogeochemical Drivers of Nutrient and Carbon Cycling in Tropical Coral Reefs of Oahu, Hawaii. E. H. De Carlo, P.S. Drupp, F.T. Mackenzie, and C.S. Sabine.

NOAA Ocean Acidification PI Meeting, Silver Spring, MD, September 16-17. Variability in the CO2-Carbonic Acid System Parameters Across Coral Reef Settings in Hawaii: Perspectives from Multi-year Records. Drupp P.S., De Carlo E.H., Thompson R.W., Mackenzie F.T., Musielewicz S., Maenner-Jones S., Feely R.A., Sabine C.L.

NSF OCB-Ocean Acidification Meeting, Washington DC, September 18-20. Variability in the CO2-Carbonic Acid System Parameters Across Coral Reef Settings in Hawaii:

14 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Perspectives from Multi-year Records. Drupp P.S., De Carlo E.H., Thompson R.W., Mackenzie F.T., Musielewicz S., Maenner-Jones S., Feely R.A., Sabine C.L.

American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Dec 8-13, 2013. Short term variability in water column and porewater carbon chemistry on a tropical reef. (Paper OS54-03) P.S. Drupp, E.H. De Carlo, F.T., Mackenzie, R.W. Thompson, C.L. Sabine and R.A. Feely.

2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Feb 19-24, 2012. Build it and they will use it… PacIOOS Water Quality Efforts. E.H. De Carlo, M.S. Tomlinson, M.A. McManus, E. Pawlak, P.S.Drupp, R. Timmerman, and S. Jaramillo.

Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Feb 19-24, 2012. What Have Learned from Routine IOOS Monitoring. M.S. Tomlinson, E.H. De Carlo, M.A. McManus, G. Pawlak, J. Fiedler, S. Jaramillo, P. Drupp, and R.E. Timmerman.

Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Feb 19-24, 2012. In-Situ Monitoring in a Coral Reef Environment: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Biogeochemical and Physical Processes. P.S. Drupp, E.H. De Carlo, F.T. Mackenzie, M.S. Tomlinson, S. Musilewiecz, S. Maenner-Jones, C.L. Sabine, R.A Feely, and K.E.F. Shamberger.

NOAA CROAMP (Coral Reef Ocean Acidification Monitoring Portfolio) Workshop, Aug 27-29, 2012, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. OA Research at the Hawaii CRIMP-CO2 and PacIOOS buoys. E.H. De Carlo, F.T. Mackenzie, P. Drupp, R. Thompson, M. Guidry. Invited.

The Oceans in a High CO2 World, Sept 24-27, 2012, Monterey, CA, The High Variability CO2 World of Hawaiian Coral Reefs. E.H. De Carlo, P.S. Drupp, R.W. Thompson, F.T. Mackenzie, A. Andersson, S. Musielewicz, S. Maenner Jones, C.L. Sabine, and R.A. Feely.

The Oceans in a High CO2 World, Sept 24-27, 2012, Monterey, CA, Unraveling the Effect of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs. A. Andersson, N. Bates, A. Collins, D. Gledhill, C. Sabine, T. Martz, P. Drupp, E. H. De Carlo, F. Mackenzie, C. Lantz, S. Kahng, and C. Winn

Workshop on Ocean Acidification, Nov 2-8, 2012. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Geochemical and Physical Drivers of the variability of the CO2–Carbonic Acid System in Hawaii. E. H. De Carlo, Invited.

Workshop on Ocean Acidification, Nov 2-8, 2012. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Land-Ocean Interactions in Hawaii and the Response of Nearshore Waters E. H. De Carlo, Invited.

American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Dec 2-7, 2012. Variability in the CO2-Carbonic Acid System Parameters Across Coral Reef Settings in Hawaii: Perspectives from Multi-year Records. E.H. De Carlo, P.S. Drupp, R.W. Thompson, S. Musilewiecz, S. Maenner-Jones, R.A. Feely, and C.L., Sabine.

2011 American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Feb 13-18, 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ocean-Atmosphere Exchange of CO2 on Coral Reefs of Oahu, Hawaii.

15 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

DeCarlo, E.H., Drupp, P.S., Mackenzie, F.T., Shamberger, K., Maenner-Jones, S., Musielewicz, S., Sabine C.L. and Feely, R.A.

American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Feb 13-18, 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Land-Sea Biogeochemical Interactions Globally and in Tropical Small Mountainous Ecosystems. Mackenzie, F.T. and De Carlo, E.H. Invited

American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Feb 13-18, 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Calcification, Production, and CO2 on a Hawaiian Coral Reef Shamberger, K.E.F., Feely, R.A., Sabine, C.L., Atkinson, M.J., DeCarlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., Drupp, P.S., Butterfield, D.A.

Second International Dialog on Underwater Munitions, Apr 13-15, Sopot, Poland. The Ordnance Reef (HI-06) Study of Disposed Military Munitions, Oahu, Hawaii: An Example of a Collaborative Approach to a Scientifically Rigorous Investigation. De Carlo, E.H., Garcia, S., Dumas, D., King, J.C. and Carton, G.L.

EPOCA annual Meeting, May 9-13, 2011, Brussels, Belgium: Ocean Acidification, Biogeochemical Processes and pCO2 of seawater in reefs of Oahu, Hawaii. Drupp, P.S., Solomon-Massaro, R., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., Shamberger, K.F., Musielewicz, S., Maenner-Jones, S., Sabine, C.L. and Feely, R.A. Invited.

World Climate Research Programme Open Science Conference (WCRP OSC) Climate Research in Service to Society 24-28 October 2011, Denver, CO. Observations for Climate: High-Resolution Ocean and Atmosphere pCO2 Time- Series Measurements. C.L. Sabine, M. McPhaden, S. McArthur, M. Cronin, R. Weller, U. Send, D. Vandemark, S. Noakes, S. Lohrenz, J. Newton, J. Mathis, A. Anderson, E. DeCarlo, D. Gledhill, J. Corredor, B. Tilbrook, S. Jones, S. Musielewicz, R. Bott, N. Lawrence-Slavas

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec 4-9, 2011, San Francisco CA. Carbonate chemistry and air-sea CO2 flux at a fixed point in a NW Mediterranean Bay, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France. De Carlo, E.H., Mousseau, L., Passafiume, O., Drupp, P.S., and Gattuso, J.-P. Paper OS33B-1654

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec 4-9, 2011, San Francisco CA Comparison of CO2 dynamics and air-sea exchange in contrasting tropical reef enrivonments. Drupp, P.S., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., Shamberger, K.E., Musielewics, S.B., Maenner-Jones, S., Sabine, C.L., and Feely, R.A. Paper OS33B-1670

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 4-9, 2011. Controls on Diel and Seasonal Aragonite Saturation State and Carbon Dioxide Variability in a Hawaiian Coral Reef Ecosystem. Shamberger, K.E.F., Drupp, P.S., Feely, R.A., Sabine, C.L., Solomon, R.F., De Carlo, E.h., Mackeizine, F.T., and Atkinson, M.J. Paper OS43E-05.

2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 22-26, 2010 Portland, Oregon. Driving Factors in the Temporal Variability in Productivity and Ocean-Atmosphere CO2 Exchange in Hawaiian

16 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Coastal Waters. Drupp, P.S., Dumas, D.P.H., De Carlo, E.Heinen, Mackenzie, F.T., Maenner-Jones, S., Muscielewiz, S., Sabine, C.L., Feely, R.A. Paper CO15-B07

Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 22-26, 2010 Portland, Oregon. Ocean Acidification and Calcification on a Hawaiian Coral Reef. Shamberger, K.E.F., Feely, R.A., Sabine, C.L., Drupp, P., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., Atkinson, M.J. and Butterfield, D.A. Paper BO15-11

Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 22-26, 2010 Portland, Oregon. Short term impacts of storm events on water quality in coastal waters of urban Honolulu, Hawaii. De Carlo, E. Heinen, Tomlinson, M.S., McManus, M., Pawlak E., Steward, G., Sansone, F., Nigro, O., Timmerman, R., Patterson, J. and Jaramillo-Uribe, J. Paper IT34-C06

Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 22-26, 2010 Portland, Oregon. Swell effects on porewater nutrient profiles and water column productivity at the Kilo Nalu Nearshore Observatory, Oahu, Hawai'i. Fogaren, K., Sansone, F.J. and De Carlo, E.H. Paper IT11-C08

American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Dec 12-17, 2010. Storm Based Fluvial Inputs: Nutrient, Phytoplankton, and Carbon Dioxide Response in a Tropical Embayment, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii Drupp, P., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F,T, Bienfang P., Sabine, C OS21D-1544 (Ocean Acidification: observation and prediction of biogeochemical ecosystem-scale resposnes)

2009 American Chemical Society Meeting, March 22-27, 2009, Salt Lake City, Utah. Geochemistry Division Award Symposium: Paper 1238391. CO2 system dynamics in subtropical coastal reef environments under rising atmospheric CO2 (Invited Presentation). De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., Andersson, A.J., Sabine, C.L. and Feely, R.A.

Spectratom 2009, May 11-15, Pau, France. Evaluation des sources naturelles et anthropogènes d'éléments trace dans l'environnement d'Hawaii. (Invited Presentation). E. H. De Carlo

Ocean Observing Conference, Sept 21-25, 2009, Venice, Italy. Developing the Hawaii and Pacific Islands Ocean Observing Systems. Ostrander, C.E., Taylor, B., Au, W., Brooks, B., DeCarlo, E.H., Flament, P., Fletcher, C., Haws, M., Holland, K., Lukas, R., Luther, D., McManus, M., Okimoto, D., Pawlak, G., Potemra, J., Powell, B., Shor, A., Steward, G., Workman, M.

American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, 14-18 December 2009, San Francisco, California: Locating and Monitoring Sea-Disposed Munitions: Examples from the Hawaii Undersea Military Munitions Assessment (HUMMA) Project. Edwards, M., Wilkens, R., Kelley, C., DeCarlo, E.H., MacDonald, K.R. and Garcia, S., et al. Paper NH54A-08

American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, 14-18 December 2009, San Francisco, California: Nutrient inputs, dynamics and phytoplankton response in a semi- enclosed subtropical embayment, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Drupp, P., Dumas, D., De Carlo, E.H. and Mackenzie, F.T. Paper HD42D-06

2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting, March 2-7, 2008, Orlando Florida. Session 003, Abstract 1487

17 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Variability in the surface water inorganic carbon parameters of a Hawaiian coral reef system and implications for calcification rates. Fagan, K.E., Solomon, R. G., Sabine, C. L., Feely, R. A., DeCarlo, E. H., Mackenzie, F.T.

Ocean Sciences Meeting, March 2-7, 2008, Orlando Florida. Session 158, Abstract 840 The effects of local climatic forcing on nutrient delivery, phytoplankton productivity and air-sea exchange of CO2 in southern Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii Solomon, R.F., Ostrander, C.O., Fagan, K.E., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., McManus, M.A., Sabine, C.L., Feely, R.A.

Ocean Sciences Meeting, March 2-7, 2008, Orlando Florida. Session 077, Abstract 3328 Incorporation of ocean observing systems data in undergraduate curricula. Schoonmaker, J.E., Potemra, J.T., De Carlo, E.H., and Pawlak, E.

Ocean Sciences Meeting, March 2-7, 2008, Orlando Florida. Session 176, Abstract 2853 Sources and forces: What drives variability in suspended solid concentrations at the Kilo Nalu Observatory. Swanson, M., Pawlak, G. and De Carlo, E.H.

Ocean Sciences Meeting, March 2-7, 2008, Orlando Florida. Session 153, Abstract 483 Kilo Nalu Nearshore Reef Observatory: Interdisciplinary observations of physical, geochemical and biological interactions. Sansone, F.J., Pawlak, G.R., Stanton, T.P., Hebert, A.B., McManus, M.A., De Carlo, E.H., and Merrifield, M.A.

Ocean Sciences Meeting, March 2-7, 2008, Orlando Florida. Session 153, Abstract 3413 Nutrient response to oceanographic processes at the Kilo Nalu Nearshore Observatory, Oahu, Hawaii. Fogaren, K.E. , Drupp, P. De Carlo, E.H., Pawlak, G., Hanson, A., Morine, E., Sweetman, R., and Veitch, S.

V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, July 13-18, 2008, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Controls on As abundance in soils and sediments in Hawai`i. Abstract 1579. De Gelleke, L. E. and De Carlo, E.H.

The Oceans in a High CO2 World. October 5-10, 2008. Musée Océanographique de Monaco, Monaco. Behavior of subtropical coastal reef environments under rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and ocean acidification: The example of Hawaii and Bermuda. De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., Andersson, A.J., Sabine, C.L. and Feely, R.A

Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). December 15-19, 2008. San Francisco, CA. Session OS53C-Abstract 1335: Variability in Carbon Dioxide Exchange Between the Ocean and the Atmosphere from Different Tropical Reefs Settings in Hawaii. De Carlo, E.H., Drupp, P. Mackenzie, F.T. Fagan, K.E., Sabine, C.L. and Feely, R.A. 2007 OMAE 2007: 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, San Diego, CA, 10-15 June 2007. Special Symposium on Offshore Measurement and Data Interpretation, Kilo Nalu Cabled Array: Realtime Data, Power and Diagnostic Systems Geno Pawlak, Tim Stanton, Dave Harris, Kimball Millikan, Joseph Shacat, Brian McLaughlin, Andy Hebert, Margaret McManus, Eric De Carlo, Frank Sansone

V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, August 19-24, 2007: Köln, Germany. Land ocean interactions in a coastal embayment, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii: Nutrient dynamics,

18 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

productivity and CO2 exchange between seawater and atmosphere. Symposium S76: Marine biogeochemistry and Earth’s atmosphere: R. F. Solomon, C.E. Ostrander, E. Heinen De Carlo , M.A. McManus, F.T. Mackenzie, K.E. Fagan, C. Sabine, and R.A. Feely. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 71, Issue 15, Supplement 1, August- August 2007, Page A954 2006 ASLO/TOS/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 19-24, 2006. Honolulu, HI: Temporal Correlations between Water Column Geochemistry and Physical Forcing on the South Shore of Oahu. M.K. Swanson, G,R, Pawlak, E.H. DeCarlo (Paper OS46K-12)

ASLO/TOS/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 19-24, 2006. Honolulu, HI: Kilo Nalu: A Hawaiian Coastal Observatory. G. Pawlak, T.P. Stanton, F.J. Sansone, R. H. Wilkens, E.H. De Carlo, A. B. Hebert, M.A. McManus, M.A. Merrifield, K.S. Millikan, M. Bandet-Chavanne, M.K. Swanson. (Paper OS15J23)

ASLO/TOS/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 19-24, 2006. Honolulu, HI: Elucidation of the Response of the Coastal Ocean to Land-derived Inputs Through use of an Instrumented Platform. E.H. De Carlo, R.F. Solomon, F. Paquay, C.E. Ostrander, F.T. Mackenzie, M.A. McManus, C. Sabine, K. Fagan, and M.F. Chun (Paper OS43L02)

16th V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, 27 Aug-1 Sept 2006, Melbourne, Australia: Symposium on Marine Biogeochemical Forcing Of Earth's Atmosphere On Short And Long Timescales: Coastal Productivity and CO2 Exchange Between the Ocean and Atmosphere in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, a Subtropical Coastal Embayment. E. Heinen De Carlo , R. Solomon, C. Ostrander, M.McManus, F. T. Mackenzie, M.F. Chung, L.DeGelleke, C. Sabine and R. Feely. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 70, Issue 18, Supplement 1, August-September 2006, Page A135

Sixth International Symposium on Stratified Flows. Dec 11-14, 2006. Perth, Western Australia. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Freshwater Plumes Derived From Storm Events in a Semi-Enclosed Estuarine Bay System: Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii C. E. Ostrander, M. A. McManus, R. F. Solomon, E. Heinen De Carlo and Fred T. Mackenzie

Fall AGU Meeting, December 10-15, 2006, San Francisco, California: Impact of Short Term Climatic Forcing on Biogeochemical Processes and Gas Exchange between Southern Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii and the Atmosphere. Eric Heinen De Carlo, Rachel Solomon, Chris Ostrander, MungFa Chung, Laura DeGelleke, Miya Akiba, Francois Paquay, Kathryn Fagan, Margaret McManus, Fred T. Mackenzie, Chris Sabine and Richard Feely

Fall AGU Meeting, December 10-15, 2006, San Francisco, California: The Kilo Nalu cabled observatory, Oahu, Hawaii: A flexible platform for integrated physical and biogeochemical adaptive sampling and experimentation M. Swanson, J. Sevadjian, F. Sansone, G. Pawlak, A. Hebert, M. McManus, E. De Carlo, T. Stanton, J. Shacat, K. Millikan, B. McLaughlin, J. Wells, A. Hanson, and R. H. Byrne

Fall AGU Meeting, December 10-15, 2006, San Francisco, California:The Effects of Storm Events on CO2 Exchange in Southern Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Rachel F. Solomon, Chris E. Ostrander, MungFa Chung, François S. Paquay, Laura E. DeGelleke, Miya Akiba, Kathryn E. Fagan, Eric H. De Carlo, Fred T. Mackenzie Margaret A. McManus, Chris Sabine, and Richard A. Feely

19 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

2005 15th V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, May 20-25, 2005. Moscow, Idaho: Symposium S81: Impact of storm runoff from subtropical watersheds on coastal water quality and productivity. Charles W. Young, Daniel J. Hoover, Eric Heinen De Carlo, Fred T. Mackenzie, and Margaret A. McManus.

2005 Summer ASLO Meeting, June 19-24 June 2005 Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Storm runoff and biogeochemical cycles in two Hawaiian estuaries: Episodic inputs with long-term impacts. Daniel J. Hoover, Fred T. Mackenzie, Eric Heinen De Carlo, and Rebecca D. Scheinberg

Inaugural LOICZ II Conference, June 27-29, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands: Combined use of a Coral Reef Instrumented Platform (CRIMP) and Synoptic Water Column Sampling to Characterize Temporally and Spatially the Biogeochemical Response of Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii to Storm Runoff Input. C.W. Young, Y. J. Veillerobe, D.J. Hoover, R. D. Scheinberg, K. E. Fagan, E. Heinen De Carlo, and F. T. Mackenzie

GSA Annual Meeting, Oct 16-19, Salt Lake City, Utah: Integrated Biogeochemical Observations of Coastal Ocean Productivity Driven by Storm Inputs. E. Heinen De Carlo, F.T. Mackenzie, D.J. Hoover, C.W. Young, K. E. Fagan and R. D. Scheinberg

Fall AGU Meeting, December 5-9, 2005, San Francisco, California: Rare earth elements in the North Western Pacific Ocean. Joseph A. Shacat, Eric Heinen De Carlo, and Bo Qiu. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS32B-04

Fall AGU Meeting, December 5-9, 2005, San Francisco, California: Indirect Measurements of Air-Water CO2 Exchanges in a Tropical Coastal Area. E. Bonnaud, F. Paquay, F.T. Mackenzie and E.H. De Carlo Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS51C-571

2004 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Jan 5-10, 2004, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. ICPMS analysis of wood cores from the Kiawe tree (Prosopis pallida) Can Environmental trends in Hawaii be reconstructed from trace element distributions. Eric Heinen De Carlo, Yvonne K. Parry, Steven R. Spengler and Matt Neal. Paper ThP15.

ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference, Feb 15-20, Honolulu, HI. Measuring dissolved trace elements in subtropical fresh water and estuarine environments with DGT. Michael S. Tomlinson and E. H. De Carlo

Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 16-20, 2004. Flow Forecasting Using a Distributed Hydrological Model, MIKE SHE. C. Ray, G. B. Sahoo, E. H. De Carlo, and A. S. Kim. Abstract H31B-03.

AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 12-17, 2004 San Francisco, CA. High resolution coral records of reactive and micronutrient trace metals: Monitoring biological responses to flood plumes. Timothy D. Wyndham, Malcolm T. McCulloch, and Eric H. De Carlo. Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS12A-07

AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 12-17, 2004 San Francisco, CA. Use of a Coral Reef Instrumented Platform (CRIMP) to characterize temporally the biogeochemical response of Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii to storm runoff input. Eric H. De Carlo, Charles W. Young,

20 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Daniel J. Hoover, Stephanie Ringuet, Kathryn Fagan, and Fred T. Mackenzie. Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS13A-0515

International Conference on Construction, Environment & Manufacturing Systems, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, December, 22 – 24, 2004. Flow Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network and a Distributed Hydrological Model, MIKE SHE. G. B. Sahoo, C. Ray, and E. DeCarlo. Proceedings of the conference (Mishra, D.K. and P.N. Ramachandran, eds.) 9 p.

2003 EGS/AGU/EUG joint meeting, Nice, France, Apr 6-11, 2003. Rare earth elements in Antarctic lakes: Implications for trace element cycling. Joseph Shacat, Eric Heinen De Carlo, and William J. Green.

13th V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Kurashiki, Japan, Sept 7-12, 2003. Variations in rare earth elements within surface waters of the NW Pacific Ocean. Eric Heinen De Carlo, Joseph Shacat, Matt Brown, and Christopher I. Measures.

2003 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Dec. 8-12, 2003. Trace elements in interstitial waters from ODP: From carbonate to siliceous environments. Eric H. De Carlo EOS, 84(46): U12A-05

2003 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Dec. 8-12, 2003. Runoff and suspended sediment fluxes, cycling and management in southern Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Stephanie Ringuet, Charles Young, Daniel Hoover, Eric H. De Carlo, and Fred T. Mackenzie. EOS, 84(46): H51F-04

2003 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Dec. 8-12, 2003. Examination of environmental trends in Hawaii based on trace element distributions in cores of the Kiawe tree (Prosopis pallida). Yvonne K. Parry, Eric H. De Carlo, Steven R. Spengler EOS, 84(46): B11C-0710

2002 AGU/Ocean Sciences 2002, Honolulu, HI Feb 11-15, 2002. The DGT--A Device for Measuring Dissolved Trace Elements in Fresh and Ocean Water? Michael S. Tomlinson, Eric. H. De Carlo, Vincent L. Beltran, Scott Narod, Vincent Todd, and Norine Yeung EOS, 83(4): OS49

AGU/Ocean Sciences 2002, Honolulu, HI Feb 11-15, 2002. When Predictive Models Fail: Testing the Accuracy of Oahu's Reef Corals as Predictors of Metal Concentrations in Seawater in Locations Subject to Varying Anthropogenic Inputs. K. J. Spencer, E. H. DeCarlo, M. Tomlinson, and V. Beltran, EOS, 83(4): OS189.

AGU/Ocean Sciences 2002, Honolulu, HI Feb 11-15, 2002. Variability of heavy metal concentrations during storm-events in streams of a subtropical watershed. V. L. Beltran, E. H. De Carlo, and M. S. Tomlinson, EOS, 83(4): OS188.

ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL, Apr. 7-11, 2002. Comparison of redox controlled trace metal and rare earth cycling in the water columns of the eastern tropical North Pacific and a meromictic Antarctic lake. E. H. De Carlo, Vincent L. Beltran, Joseph Shacat, Sue Vink, and Christopher I. Measures (Abstract 50622).

21 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

GES VI: Geochemistry of the Earth Surface, Honolulu, HI May 20-24, 2002. Land Use Effects on Sediment and Water Quality in Subtropical Watersheds: Focus on the Ala Wai Canal Watershed, Honolulu, Hawaii. Vincent L. Beltran, Michael S. Tomlinson, E. H. De Carlo, and Scott Narod.

GSA Annual Meeting, Denver CO, Oct 26-30, 2002. Composition of Suspended Sediment and Water in Streams of Subtropical Watersheds in Hawai`i. Eric Heinen De Carlo, Vincent L. Beltran, Michael S. Tomlinson, and Scott Narod

AGU/Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 6-10. Rare Earth Elements in Surface Waters of the NW Pacific Ocean, Joseph Shacat, E. H. De Carlo, M. Brown, and C. I. Measures. Paper OS72D-10

2001 ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA Apr. 1-5, 2001. Trace elements in the aquatic environment of Hawaii: Effects of Urbanization. E.H. De Carlo, V. L. Beltran, M.S. Tomlinson, K.J. Spencer, and J.E. Hubert, Division of Environmental Chemistry, Paper 52, Preprints of Extended Abstracts, volume 41(1) 863-869.

GSA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA Nov 5-8, 2001. Alteration of Volcanic matter in sediments of the Woodlark Basin (ODP Leg 180): Evidence from trace elements and isotopic signatures in interstitial water. E.H. De Carlo, K.K. Lackschewitz, and R. Carmody. Abstracts Vol. 33(6):A234.

2nd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (ACE), Dijon, France, Dec 12-15, 2001. Influence of road deposited sediment on trace element concentrations in suspended particulate matter in streams of an urban subtropical watershed, Honolulu, HI. E.H. De Carlo, V. L. Beltran, and M.S. Tomlinson.

2000 2000 ASLO/Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, TX Jan 24-28, 2000. Temporal and spatial variations in storm derived material fluxes from small subtropical watersheds: Natural and anthropogenic signatures. E.H. De Carlo, V.L. Beltran, M.S. Tomlinson, and K.J. Spencer. EOS, 80(49): OS271.

31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug 6-17, 2000. Comparative growth history of marine Fe-Mn crusts from the Central and Western Pacific Ocean. Eric. H. DeCarlo, X. Y. Wen, and J. H. Pan. Keynote Presentation.

31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug 6-17, 2000. Variations in Fluxes of Heavy Metals During Intense Rainstorms in Small Subtropical Watersheds. E.H. De Carlo, V.L. Beltran, M.S. Tomlinson, and K.J. Spencer.

2000 9th International Coral Reef Symposium: World Coral Reefs in the New Millennium: Bridging Research and Management for Sustainable Development 23-27 October, 2000. Decadal Time Scale Changes as Revealed by the Sr/Ca Thermometer in Porites lobata Across the Hawaiian Archipelago. J.K. Liebeler, R.W. Grigg, and E.H. De Carlo.

2000 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-19, 2000. Stable lead isotope ratios indicate separate uptake pathways in nearshore biota: Oahu, Hawaii. Khalil Spencer, Eric H. DeCarlo. EOS, 81(48): F221.

22 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

2000 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-19, 2000. Chemical Composition of the Steam Plume Resulting from the Ocean Lava Entry at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Francis J. Sansone, Claudia R. Benitez-Nelson, Eric H. DeCarlo, Zhuang Liangzhong, Jacqueline A. Heath, Barry J. Huebert EOS, 81(48): F1275.

2000 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-19, 2000. Trace Metals in the Water Column of the EPREX Transect, June 2000. Eric Heinen De Carlo, Vincent L. Beltran, Sue Vink, and Chris I. Measures Invited EOS, 81(48): F614.

2000 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-19, 2000. Non-conservative Molybdenum behavior in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific. Carrie Tuit, Greg Ravizza, Eric H. De Carlo, Chris I. Measures, Sue Vink .EOS, 81(48): F614.

2000 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-19, 2000. Geochemical Variability of Storm-Derived Mass Fluxes in a Small Subtropical Watershed. V.L. Beltran, E.H. De Carlo, M.S. Tomlinson, K.J. Spencer. EOS, 81(48): F493.

1999 Estuarine Research Foundation International Conference 1999, New Orleans, LA, Sept 25-30 1999, Physical Processes/Links with Biological Processes:The Role of Groundwater in Moderating Salinity and Transporting Micro-nutrients in Ecosystems of Micronesia. J.Z. Drexler and E.H. De Carlo

AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 13-17, 1999, Trace element geochemistry of interstitial water and sediments from ODP Leg 180. E.H. De Carlo, K. S. Lackschewitz, R. Carmody, and P.M. Carlton EOS, 80(46): F540.

1998 1998 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Scottsdale, Arizona, Jan 5-10, 1998. Determination of Picomolar concentrations of trace elements in high salinity fluids by FIA-ICP-MS. E.H. De Carlo and J. A. Resing, ICP information Newsletter, 23:82-83

AGU/ALSO Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, Feb 9-13, 1998. Rare earth element cycling in the water column of Lake Vanda, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Eric H. De Carlo and William J. Green, Paper OM51C-10, EOS, 79(1):OS170.

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 5-10,1998. Geochemistry of Interstitial Water and Sediments from the Woodlark Rise, ODP Leg 180. E.H. De Carlo and Leg 180 Scientific Party. EOS, 79(45):F907.

1997 213th National American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 13-17, 1997. Speciation and uptake of dissolved rare earths by basin-fill materials from the Nevada Test Site. F.C. Benedict, E. H. De Carlo, K. Johannesson, and W. B. Lyons.

GSA, Cordilleran Section Meeting, Kona, Hawaii May 21-23, 1997: Rare earth element fractionation in marine Fe-Mn crusts: The effect of carbonate complexation and phosphatization. E.H. De Carlo, X.Y. Wen and J.P. Cowen Invited.

23 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

GSA, Cordilleran Section Meeting, Kona, Hawaii May 21-23, 1997: Watershed transport of metals to the nearshore environment: A combined chemical and isotopic approach. K.J. Spencer, E.H. De Carlo, R. Grigg, and H. Li Invited.

PACON 97:Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Aug. 6-8, 1997.Fine-scale platinum-rich zones as stratigraphic markers in seamount ferromanganese crusts. Wiltshire, J.C., Wen, X.-Y., and E.H. De Carlo

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 8-13, 1997. Evolution of trace element concentrations in a small subtropical watershed and fluxes to the coastal ocean, Oahu, Hawaii. E.H. De Carlo, K.J. Spencer and S. Wunderle EOS, 78(46):F201.

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, Dec. 8-13, 1997. Sources and fluxes of anthropogenic Pb in the coastal ocean, Oahu, Hawaii, as measured in coral species P. lobata. K.J. Spencer and E.H. De Carlo, EOS, 78(46):F210

1996 WRRC: Appropriate Technologies and Issues for Water Resources Management on Tropical Islands in the Asia/Pacific Region, Honolulu, HI. June 12-14, 1996: Retrospective assessment of heavy metal inputs to surface waters through sedimentary records in the Ala Wai Canal, Oahu, Hawaii. E.H. De Carlo and K.J. Spencer Invited.

30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, China, Aug 4-14, 1996. Fractionation of rare earth element in Fe-Mn crusts: the influence of surface complexation and carbonate speciation in seawater. E.H. De Carlo, Xi-Yuan Wen, James P. Cowen, and Neville Exon

30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, China, Aug 4-14, 1996. Experimental studies of the kinetics and thermodynamics of rare earth elements uptake by alluvial materials from the Nevada Test Site. F. C. Benedict, E.H. De Carlo, and M. Roth

GSA Annual Meeting, 1996. Fluid flow in the margin of the Great Bahama Bank: Evidence from interstitial water chemistry of porewaters collected during ODP Leg 166. P.K Swart, G.P. Eberli, E.H. De Carlo, P. Kramer, S Nagihara, and M. Malone

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 15-19, 1996. Historical records of heavy metals in Hawaiian waters as evidenced from concentrations in annual bands of Porites lobata E.H. De Carlo, K.J. Spencer, R.W. Grigg. EOS, 77, 243.

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 15-19, 1996. Rare earth elements in water samples collected over Loihi seamount during the August 1996 seismic event. E.H. De Carlo, J. A. Resing, X.Y. Wen, and J.P. Cowen, EOS, 77, 398. Invited.

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 15-19, 1996. Contributions of Pb from local and distal anthropogenic sources to Hawaiian coastal waters. K.J. Spencer, R. Gauldie, and D. Schaefer and E.H. De Carlo EOS, 77, 242.

24 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

1995 AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 10-15, 1995. Studies of the interaction between dissolved rare earth elements and alluvial materials from the Nevada Test Site. F.C. Benedict, E.H. De Carlo, and X.Y. Wen EOS, 76, 275.

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 10-15, 1995. Geochemical constraints on platinum accumulation in seamount ferromanganese crusts. X.Y. Wen, E.H. De Carlo, J. Wiltshire, and J.P. Cowen EOS, 75, 322.

Pacific Basin Chemical Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec 17-22, 1995. Retrospective analysis of anthropogenic inputs to the Ala Wai Canal, Honolulu, Hawaii: Lead and other heavy metals in sediments. E.H. De Carlo, K.J. Spencer, and H. Li Invited.

Pacific Basin Chemical Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec 17-22, 1995. Studies of natural and anthropogenic Pb sources in the Hawaiian Archipelago. K.J. Spencer, E.H. De Carlo, and H. Li Invited.

Pacific Basin Chemical Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec 17-22, 1995. Sedimentary siloxanes: a geochronological study. R. Pellenbarg, E.H. De Carlo, M. Boyle, and R. Lamontagne

1994 Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, Feb 21-25, 1994. A comparative study of the geochemistry and internal structure of seamount ferromanganese crusts. X.Y. Wen and E.H. De Carlo, EOS, 74, 78.

American Chemical Society, 207th National meeting, San Diego, California, March 13-17, 1994. Laboratory studies of interactions between dissolved metal ions and stream sediments from Hawaii. E.H. De Carlo, M. Irving and J. P. Cowen.

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 4-9, 1994. Interelement relationships in ferromanganese crusts from the central Pacific Ocean: Implications for genesis. X.Y. Wen, E.H. De Carlo, and Y.H. Li) EOS, 75, 398.

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 4-9, 1994. Rare earth element fractionation in Fe-Mn crusts: A potential paleoceanographic indicator of seawater carbonate. E.H. De Carlo, X.Y. Wen and J.P. Cowen EOS, 75, 398.

1993 American Chemical Society, 205th National meeting, Denver, Colorado, Mar 28- April 2, 1993. Geochemistry of rare earth elements at the aqueous/Fe-Mn oxide interface: An experimental approach. E.H. De Carlo Invited.

Fourth International Workshop on Metal Speciation and Contamination of Aquatic Sediments, Jekyll Island, Georgia, June 8-11, 1993 Anthropogenic inputs of heavy metals to estuarine sediments in Hawaii. E. H. De Carlo, K.J. Spencer and G.M. McMurtry

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 6-10, 1993. Isotopic clues to sources of natural and anthropogenic lead in sediments and soils from Oahu, Hawaii. K. J. Spencer, E.H. De Carlo, and G.M. McMurtry. EOS, 74, 261.

25 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 6-10, 1993. Particle attrition as a source of fine sediment, North Halawa Valley, Oahu, Hawaii. B.R. Hill, M.F. Wong, E.H. De Carlo, and C.C. Fuller. EOS, 74, 310.

1992 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, January 6-11, 1992, San Diego, California. Application of laser ablation ICP/MS to the determination of rare earth elements in marine ferromanganese deposits. E.H. De Carlo and E. Pruszkowski.

AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, Jan 27-31, 1992. Interpretation of rare earth element sorption rate constants in laboratory seawater/Fe-Mn oxide particle systems. D. Koeppenkastrop and E.H. De Carlo. EOS, 71, 26 (1992)

AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, Jan 27-31, 1992. Scanning probe microscopy of hydrothermal sediments and synthetic iron and manganese oxides. E.H. De Carlo, D. Koeppenkastrop and S. Lewis. EOS, 71, 64 (1992)

AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, Jan 27-31, 1992. Coccolithophore biostratigraphic study of ferromanganese crusts from Schumann Seamount. E.H. De Carlo, J.P. Cowen and D. McGee. EOS, 71, 73 (1992)

V.M. Goldschmidt Conference. Reston, Virginia, May 8-10, 1992. Relationship between the surface morphology and topography of synthetic and natural oxide particles and their chemical reactivity. E.H. De Carlo and D. Koeppenkastrop.

V.M. Goldschmidt Conference. Reston, Virginia, May 8-10, 1992. Thermodynamic and kinetic studies on the interaction of rare earth elements with metal oxides. D. Koeppenkastrop and E.H. De Carlo

19th Annual Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies. Philadelphia, PA. Sept. 20-25, 1992. Determination of alkaline earth and rare earth elements in marine ferromanganese deposits by laser ablation ICP-MS. E.H. De Carlo and E. Pruzskowski.

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 7-11, 1992. Ionic strength, pH, and complexation dependence of rare earth element sorption onto Fe and Mn oxides. E.H. De Carlo and X.Y. Wen. EOS, 73, 278 (1992)

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 7-11, 1992. Heavy metals and Pb isotopes in estuarine sediments as indicators of anthropogenic inputs to the environment. E.H. De Carlo, K.J. Spencer and G.M. McMurtry. EOS, 73, 278 (1992)

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, Dec 7-11, 1992. Carbonate surface reactions in the oceanic water column. P. Troy and E.H. De Carlo. EOS, 73, 597 (1992)

1991 Conference on Nonpoint Source Pollution, March 20-21, Tacoma, Washington. Suspended sediment concentrations before and during highway construction in two small drainage basins on Oahu, Hawaii. B.R. Hill and E.H. De Carlo.

26 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

21st International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry and Workshop on Metal Speciation and Contamination of Soil. May 20-24, Jekyll Island, Georgia. Uptake of rare earth elements from solution by metal oxides. E.H. De Carlo and D. Koeppenkastrop.

Geological Society of America, National meeting, Oct. 21-24, 1991, San Diego, California. Use of imaging techniques to relate the reactivity of particles to their surface morphology and topography. E.H. De Carlo, D. Koeppenkastrop and J. P. Cowen.

Geological Society of America, National meeting, Oct. 21-24, 1991, San Diego, California. Nano-morphology and topography of marine hydrothermal particles and synthetic iron and manganese oxides. D. Koeppenkastrop, E.H. De Carlo, and S. Lewis.

1990 AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, February 12-16, 1990. Interaction of dissolved rare earth elements in seawater with Iron and Manganese oxides: A kinetic approach D. Koeppenkastrop and E.H. De Carlo. EOS, 71, 89.

AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, February 12-16, 1990. Intrasample rare earth element variability in Pacific Ocean ferromanganese encrustations: A potential paleoceanographic record. E.H. De Carlo. EOS, 71, 118.

Circum Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources. Honolulu, Hawaii, July 29-August 3, 1990. Intra sample rare earth element variability in Pacific ocean Fe-Mn crusts: A potential paleoceanographic indicator. E.H. De Carlo

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2-9, 1990. Distribution of rare earth elements between seawater and synthetic mineral phases. E.H. De Carlo and D. Koeppenkastrop. EOS, 71, 1417.

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2-9, 1990. Sorption kinetics and thermodynamics of rare earth elements onto natural and synthetic iron and manganese oxide particles. D. Koeppenkastrop and E.H. De Carlo. EOS, 71, 1417.

1989 ACS National Meeting. Miami, Florida, September 10-15, 1989. Adsorption of rare earth elements from seawater onto iron and manganese oxides D. Koeppenkastrop and E.H. De Carlo.

4th International CCOP/SOPAC Workshop. Canberra, Australia, September 23-29, 1989. Relation of intrasample REE variability in Pacific Ocean Fe-Mn crusts to paleoceanographic conditions over geologic time. E.H. De Carlo.

1989 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. Honolulu, Hawaii, December 17-22, 1989. Temperature dependence of resistance of selected homogeneous Fe-Mn crusts G. Andermann, E.H. De Carlo, R. Alvarez, C. Dytiocco.

27 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

1988 PACON 88. Honolulu, Hawaii, May 16-20, 1988. Geochemistry and resource potential of ferromanganese deposits from Kiribati and Tuvalu, South Central Pacific Ocean. E.H. De Carlo.

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, December 5-9, 1988. Adsorption of rare earth elements from seawater onto synthetic mineral phases. E.H. De Carlo and D. Koeppenkastrop. EOS, 69, 1254.

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, December 5-9, 1988. Pore-water geochemistry of sediments from the Exmouth and Wombat Plateaus, Northwestern Australia; Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122. E.H. De Carlo, B. Haq, U. von Rad, and Leg 122 Scientific Party. EOS, 69, 1244.

1987 AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, December 6-11, 1987. Geochemistry of a hydrothermal ferromanganese deposit from the North Fiji Basin. E. Murphy, G. McMurtry, K. H. Kim, and E.H. De Carlo. EOS, 68, 1446.

1986 PACON 86, Pacific Congress on Marine Technology, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 24-28, 1986. Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Ferromanganese Encrustations from the Hawaiian Archipelago by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. E.H. De Carlo

1986 Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Congress, Singapore, August 18-22, 1986. Resource assessment of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Central and West Pacific C. Helsley, B. Keating, G. McMurtry, E.H. De Carlo, F. Campbell, L. Kroenke, P Jarvis, and M. Pringle.

AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, December 8-12, 1986. Geochemistry of ferromanganese encrustations from the South Central Pacific Ocean: Results of the CCOP/SOPAC mineral assessment program E.H. De Carlo, P. Pennywell and C.M. Fraley.

1985 AGU Spring Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, May 23-27, 1985. Evolution of a Seawater-Basalt Hydrothermal System on the East Rift Zone of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii D.M. Thomas and E.H. De Carlo.

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 9-13, 1985. Geochemical Processes and Stratigraphic History of Co-rich Ferromanganese Crusts Accumulation in the Hawaiian Archipelago G.M. McMurtry, K.H. Kim, D. Vonderhaar, E.H. De Carlo, and A. Malahoff.

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 9-13, 1985. Rare Earth Elements in Ferromanganese Deposits from the Hawaiian Archipelago and Neighboring Seamounts within the Exclusive Economic Zone. E.H. De Carlo and G.M. McMurtry.

1984 AGU Ocean Sciences Division Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 23-27, 1984. Paper #11A-12: Geochemistry of metalliferous sediments from the north central North Fiji Basin G.M. McMurtry, E,H. De Carlo, and L. Kroenke.

28 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

AGU Ocean Sciences Division Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 23-27, 1984. Paper #11A-13: Geochemistry of hydrothermal deposits from Loihi submarine volcano, Hawaii. E. H. De Carlo, G.M. McMurtry and H.-W. Yeh.

58th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 10-13, 1984. Paper #86: Recovery of arsenic from geothermal fluids by flotation with colloidal ferric hydroxide and long chain alkyl surfactants E.H. De Carlo and D.M. Thomas.

International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 16-21, 1984. Paper #O 10-01: Determination of stable lithium isotopes by furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry E.H. De Carlo and F.T. Mackenzie.

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 3-7, 1984. Excess germanium in hydrothermal plumes over the southern East Pacific Rise R.A. Mortlock, P.N. Froelich, J.W. Murray, and E.H. De Carlo.

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 3-7, 1984. The Hawaiian Archipelago Ferromanganese Crust Assessment Program: Geology, geochemistry and geochronology G.M. McMurtry, E.H. De Carlo, P.N. Sedwick and M.S. Pringle.

1983 American Chemical Society Northwestern Regional Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 26-30, 1983. Paper #84: Separation of arsenic from geothermal brines by adsorptive bubble techniques E.H. De Carlo and D.M. Thomas.

1982 56th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, VPI and SU, Blacksburg, Virginia, June 13-16, 1982. Paper #203: Separation of economically valuable metals from deep-sea ferromanganese nodules by adsorbing colloid flotation E.H. De Carlo, B. Bleasdell, H. Zeitlin, and Q. Fernando.

Pacific Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy, San Francisco, California, October 27-29, 1982. Paper #114: Separation of metals from deep-sea ferromanganese nodules by adsorptive bubble techniques B. Bleasdell, E.H. De Carlo, and H. Zeitlin.

1978 Virginia Academy of Science Annual Meeting, VPI and SU, Blacksburg, Virginia, May 15, 1978: A study of the gas-solid reaction between H2S and Hg2Cl2. E.H. De Carlo and B.T. Upchurch.

Invited Seminars and Lectures:

Carbon and Nutrient Cycling in Coastal Waters of Hawaii: Effects of Biogeochemical and Physical Forcing. CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France, 4 June 2015 (invited by Dr. Christophe Rabouille)

Teaching Introductory Oceanography to Undergraduate Students: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 11 Mar 2015 (invited by Prof. Tasuku Akagi)

Environmental Effects of Discarded Military Munitions, Oahu, Hawaii: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 13 March 2015 (invited by Prof. Tasuku Akagi)

29 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Land Ocean Interactions in Hawaii: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 17 March 2015 (invited by Prof. Tasuku Akagi)

Biogeochemical and Physical Forcing of Nutrient and Carbon Cycling in Coastal Tropical waters of Hawaii: Shiamen University, Xiamen Symposium on Marine Analytical Sciences (XMAS), (8 January 2015. (invited to present and chair a session of the symposium by Drs. Minhan Dai and. Xianghui Guo)

Geochemical and Physical Drivers of the variability of the CO2 –Carbonic Acid System in Hawaii. Ocean Acidification Workshop, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 3-7,

2012. (invited by Dr. G.T.F. Wong)

Land-Ocean Interactions in Hawaii and the Response of Nearshore Waters. Ocean Acidification Workshop, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 3-7, 2012 (invited by

Dr. G.T.F. Wong)

CO2 Dynamics in Tropical Reefs: Recent Research in Hawaii. Ocean Acidification Group and Laboratoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer, Villefranche sur Mer, France, May 19, 2011 (invited by Dr. J.-P. Gattuso)

Land Ocean Interactions in a Tropical Island Setting. Hawaii Association of Conservation Districts, Water Quality Conference. Honolulu, HI. Mar 24, 2008.

Trace metal signals in Hawaiian sediments: Elucidating background from anthropogenic signatures. International Society of Environmental Forensics, Workshop on Harbors and Sediments, April 20, 2006.

Runoff Driven Productivity in South Kane`ohe Bay: The Influence of Weather on Plume Dispersal, Nutrient Distributions, Chlorophyll Abundance and CO2 Exchange. Department of Zoology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. March 17, 2006

Trace element cycling in meromictic lakes of the Mc Murdo dry valleys, Antarctica. Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. May 19, 2004 Trace elements in the Hawaiian environment: What is the background? Hawaii State Department of Health, Bi-monthly seminar series, Sept 18, 2002.

Impacts of urbanization on water quality in the Ala Wai Canal Watershed, Hawaii. School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Colloquium Series, Georgia Institute of Technology, April 26, 2002

Comparative geochemistry of ferromanganese crusts from the Pacific Ocean. Institute for Mineral Deposits, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China, November 26, 2001

Trace elements in the aquatic environment of Hawaii: Effects of urbanization. Institute for Mineral Deposits, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China, November 22, 2001

30 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

From the Mountains to the Sea: Water Quality in Hawaii. Keynote presentation at Hawaii Academy of Sciences, American Chemical Society (Hawaii Section), and Hawaii Science Teachers’ Association joint meeting, October 2000.

Geochemical overview of sites drilled on the Woodlark Rise: Active continental extension in the western Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea. Département des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, Oct 7, 1999.

Marine ferromanganese crust resource research in the United States. Institute of Mineral Deposits, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China, Apr 6, 1999

Comparative geochemistry of seamount ferromanganese crusts. Institute of Mineral Deposits, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China, Apr 7, 1999

Rare earth element fractionation in Fe-Mn crusts: A potential paleoceanographic indicator of seawater carbonate: Invited lecture presented to: Hydrology/Hydrogeology Colloquia, University of Nevada Reno, September 29, 1995

Can past oceanic carbonate concentrations be elucidated from records contained in marine Fe-Mn crusts? Facultät fuer Geowissenschaften, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Bochum Germany, Jun 20, 1995.

Heavy metals in estuarine sediments as indicators of anthropogenic inputs to the environment. National Research Program, U.S. Geological Survey, Boulder, CO. Jun 3, 1993.

Rare earth elements in marine Fe-Mn deposits: Abundance, distribution, and applications of experimental studies to understanding their genesis. Isotopenlabor, Ruhr Universtitaet Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 8 Jun 1990.

Convening and/or Chairing of Symposia at Meetings of Professional Societies

Organizer and chair of session on Ocean Acidification at Ocean Sciences meeting, Feb 2014, Honolulu, HI

Chair of session on estuarine biochemistry at International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium, July 2013

Organizer of session on Ocean Observing at Ocean Sciences meeting, Feb 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Scientific session chairman, 2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 20-24 Feb 2006, Honolulu, HI: “Biological, Biogeochemical, and Physical Dynamics and Their Interactions in the Coastal Ocean” Session O43-L (oral)

Symposium 39, Co-convener (with K.J. Spencer, F.T. Mackenzie), AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences meeting, February 11-15, 2002, Hawaii. "Biogeochemical linkages between rapidly urbanizing coastal watersheds and the coastal ocean"

Symposium Co-convener (with K.J. Spencer), GSA Cordilleran Section 93rd Annual Meeting, Kona, Hawaii, May 21-23, 1997. “Sediment, Pollutants, and Chemical Fluxes in Terrestrial, Estuarine, and Coastal Waters”

31 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Plenary session chairman, PACIFICHEM 95, International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, HI December 17-22, 1995.

Scientific session chairman, 1992 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, "Trace elements in seawater".

Scientific session chairman, 1992 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, "Marine Geochemistry".

Scientific session chairman 1991 GSA National Meeting, San Diego, California, "Geochemistry of Surfaces".

Participation in National/International Panels, Committees, and Workshops

2013 Ocean Acidification Observing Network workshop, Invited participant, speaker and working group leader, St. Andrews, Scotland, July 2013

2012 NOAA/CROAMP, Invited participant/speaker. As an invited speaker and participant I provided a status of research and activities report to this workshop, the purpose of which was to identify locations, suggest methods, and develop metrics for ocean acidification monitoring by NOAA.

2012 NSF Chemical Oceanography, Panelist/Reviewer (May)

2008 Invited Presenter: Hawaii Water Quality Conference

2006 Panel Reviewer, US-EPA SBIR program, As a member of this panel I was personally responsible for the critical review of 12 proposals submitted to the SBIR program, and for participation in the panel discussions of the more that 45 submitted proposals. (September 2007, Washington, D.C.)

2007 Participant, Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry Workshop, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, July 23-26, 2007. This workshop sought to identify new research opportunities at the interface between traditional disciplines. Participants were encouraged to communicate with scientists in other disciplines and discuss three interdisciplinary themes: 1) The interplay between biotic structure and biogeochemical cycles, 2) Biogeochemical feedbacks that alter the ocean's uptake of CO2, and 3) Cross- boundary fluxes in the coastal ocean.

Participant, Ocean Acidification Workshop, October 9-11, 2007, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA. The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program (OCBP) sponsored this workshop at SIO to promote collaborative research on Ocean Acidification. The objective was to bring together researchers to discuss potential ocean acidification research projects that support the OCB mission and to move toward specific implementation strategies to address the many research gaps and unknowns about ocean acidification that were identified in previous workshops.

2006 Invited Speaker, Workshop on Harbors and Sediments, International Society of Environmental Forensics, Honolulu, HI. April 20-21, 2006.

32 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

2006 Participant, ORION/OOI: Design and Implementation Workshop, Salt Lake City, UT. March 26-30, 2006

2002 Panel Reviewer, US-EPA STAR Fellowship program. As a member of the panel I was personally responsible for the critical review of approximately 20 proposals submitted to the annual STAR fellowship program, and for participation in the panel discussions of the more than 100 submitted proposals (Feb 2002, Washington, D.C.)

2000 Invited participant, Opportunities in Geochemistry for Post-2003 Drilling, Boston University Corporate Education Center, Tyngsboro, MA. This workshop, sponsored by the Joint Oceanographic Institutes (JOI), identified the most pressing research questions to be addressed by future scientific drilling and produced a plan for geochemical research during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (2003-2013).

Invited participant, ODP Leg 180 2nd Post Cruise Meeting, Izmir, Turkey. This three-day workshop, sponsored by the ODP-JOI brought together international participants of Leg 180 to review the status of post cruise research and develop a plan to coordinate final publication of scientific results.

1999 Invited speaker and participant, USGS National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program, Liason Meeting. Honolulu, HI. I was invited to speak at this meeting sponsored by the USGS, designed to bring together, Local, State, and National experts working on water quality issues in Hawaii. The objective of the meeting was to coordinate research and maximize the benefits of work performed under the auspices of the USGS NAWQA program to other stakeholders.

1998 Participant, EPA Western Region Nutrient Meeting, San Francisco, CA. As a speaker at this EPA-sponsored workshop on nutrient pollution of inland and coastal waters, I presented a summary of the status of academic research conducted on nutrient transfer at the land/ocean margin in Hawaii to a panel of scientists and agency leaders. A plan for the development of new regional and state water quality criteria was subsequently developed during this meeting.

Invited Participant, ODP Leg 180, 1st Post Cruise Meeting. The objective of this three- day meeting was to compile, review, and revise documents describing research conducted at sea during Leg 180 to be incorporated into the “Initial Reports” volume.

Participant, USGS Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Workshop and Meeting of Water Quality Specialists, Las Vegas, April 19-23, 1998 This week-long meeting brought together USGS and other federal agency personnel from districts nationwide to discuss the status of surface water quality modeling and methods of analysis of surface waters, and to identify needs for data and models to evaluate the quality of US water resources.

1997 Participant, Combined USGS National NAWQA Program Meeting and Meeting of Water Quality Specialists, February 24-28, 1997, San Antonio, TX. This week-long meeting and workshop brought together personnel from NAWQA research programs, other agency researchers, and USGS District Water Quality Specialists to discuss the NAWQA program, evaluate needs, and plan for future research and methodological needs.

Invited participant, ODP Leg 166 2nd Post Cruise Meeting, Georgetown, Bahamas. This three-day workshop, sponsored by the ODP-JOI brought together international

33 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

participants of Leg 166 to review the status of post cruise research and plan final publication of the Scientific Results volume.

1993 Participant, Fourth International Workshop on Metal Speciation and Contamination of Aquatic Sediments, Jekyll Island, Georgia, June 8-11, 1993. This workshop, included presentations by international experts and agency researchers and administrators and group discussions on the current state of knowledge and needs for future research. 1991 Participant, Workshop on Metal Speciation and Contamination of Soil. May 20- 24, 1991, Jekyll Island, GA. During this week-long workshop, international experts and agency researchers and administrators gathered to present and discuss the current state of knowledge and research needs.

Invited participant, Workshop on Marine Particles: Analysis and Characterization, Jan 20-24, 1991, East West Center, Honolulu, HI. During this NSF-sponsored workshop the participants discussed the status of research on marine particles, and identified opportunities and future needs. I served as a member of the working group on Mineralogy and Surface Properties. An AGU monograph resulted from the workshop.

1990 Invited participant, 2nd ODP Leg 122 Post Cruise Meeting, College Station, TX. The three-day workshop sponsored by the ODP-JOI brought together sea-going participants of Leg 122 to review the status of post cruise research and to plan and coordinate the publication of the final Scientific Results volume.

Participant, Opportunities for Geochemistry in ODP, Jan 9-12, 1990, Lake Arrowhead, CA. This workshop was sponsored by ODP-JOI to review results of geochemical studies in the ODP and to consolidate proposals for new programs as well as to prioritize the development of new tools and techniques.

1989 Participant, CCOP/SOPAC International Workshop on Mineral Resources, Sep 24-29, 1989, Canberra, Australia. This meeting brought together international participants of the marine mineral exploration group (CCOP/SOPAC) to discuss current research and exploration in the South Pacific Insular region and to plan future marine mineral resource exploration.

Advisory Committees, Service, and other Activities. 1985-1987 Analytical Services Facility, Advisory committee for establishment of Geoanalytical Service Facility at HIG, University of Hawaii. 1985 I set up a comprehensive Atomic Spectroscopy elemental analysis facility at SOEST. This facility operates on a recharge basis and acquired two instruments during my tenure as its faculty supervisor since 1985. The facility is used within SOEST, by other UH Manoa departments, State and Federal agencies (Dept. of Health, Dept. of Agriculture, USGS). Instruments within this facility were also used for training of students both on an instructional basis (G&G735, OC633, Chem731, Chem422, Chem274, Chem253) and for individual graduate student research needs. 1987-1988 Pacific Ore Technology Group, steering committee, which laid the groundwork for establishment of a Marine Minerals Technology Center at the University of Hawaii. 1987-present Judge, Hawaii Science and Engineering Fair (either as American Chemical Society Agency Judge and as HSEF Judge)

34 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

1989: Sigma Xi, Admissions committee. 1989-1991 Served on State of Hawaii Department of Health review committee to evaluate State water quality criteria 19912003 Mentor for intermediate and high school students conducting science projects for submission to the Hawaii Science and Engineering Fair. Since 1991 I have mentored 12 students (10 high school, 2 intermediate school). 1991-1992: Mentor and instructor, NSF-Young Scolars Program (YSP) 1992 Mentor, NSF-REU program, Department of Oceanography 1992. Volunteer instructor for OCN 201 at Oahu Community Correctional Center 1992-present American Chemical Society and SOEST volunteer speaker. I have presented lectures to local schools on topics relating to my research and of general interest to science classes. Schools where I have spoken include Kahala and Manoa Elementary Schools, Anuenue Hawaiian Immersion School, Mary-Knoll School, Roosevelt High School, University Lab School. 1993-present ICP/MS Facility Advisory Committee. 1998-present: Principal Investigator of the SOEST ICPMS facility. Responsible in the operation and management of the ICP-MS clean lab and analytical facility. 1995-2003 Malama O Manoa: a) Environmental Committee Co-Chair (1995-2003). I have been actively involved with this non-profit 501(c)(3) community organization whose goals are to preserve, protect, and enhance the cultural, social and environmental qualities of historic Manoa Valley. In my capacity as the environmental committee co- chair I have participated in public education presentations and helped organize meetings with City and County and State agency officials to evaluate non-point source pollution in the Makiki-Manoa-Palolo watershed (aka Ala Wai Canal watershed). I have actively participated in public hearings of the Ala Wai Canal Improvement Project and have provided input for legislative documents relating to this project. b) Educational Partnership Committee Chair (1996-1997). As chair of this committee I was responsible for communicating with and developing educational programs with local area schools (emphasis on those in the Ala Wai Canal watershed). The goal of this committee was to increase the awareness of children towards social and environmental issues facing our community. c) Ala Wai Canal Watershed Project: Malama O Manoa Representative on Advisory/Steering Committee for City and County of Honolulu funded project to enhance the water quality of the Ala Wai canal watershed. (1995-1996) d) Board of Directors (1998-2000, 2000-2003) e) Member of Educational Trust committee (2002, 2003) f) Chair, Young Members Recruitment committee (2003) 1996-1998 University of Hawaii Faculty Senate 1997-1999 Ala Wai Canal Watershed Improvement Project (AWCWIP), Advisory Committee, Board of Directors (1998-1999), I serve as a member of the committee responsible for overseeing management of a $1,650,000 congressional appropriation grant to US-EPA/State of Hawaii-DOH authorized under the FY 1996 Omnibus Appropriations and Rescissions Act for an Ala Wai Canal Watershed Improvement Project. 1999-2000: Gave field demonstrations of water sampling and environmental measurements in conjunction with Youth for Environmental Services to students from local high schools. Global Environmental Science program representative for Rainbow Nights recruiting program to local high school.

35 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

Invited Panelist, Hugh O’Brien Youth (HOBY) Leadership Seminar. As a panelist in this leadership seminar for high school sophomores students I was asked to present my views as an academic involved in socially relevant research as to how to participate and lead in volunteer activities (also 2001) Member Ala Wai Watershed Association (AWWA). As a member of this daughter organization to the AWCWIP. I provide technical assistance in the evaluation and performance of environmental projects conducted under the auspices of AWWA. The AWWA is funded by a congressional appropriation to the EPA through the Center for a Sustainable Future at UH. Appointed to SOEST Young Investigator Search Committee. This committee reviewed application for the prestigious SOEST Young Investigator awards and made recommendations to the Dean of SOEST for appointment. Appointed to University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program Educational Review Committee Participant, JASON Project, Hawaii a Living Laboratory. I contributed (in collaboration with F. Sansone) to the scientific content of video and other educational materials for K-12 education describing our investigation of lava- seawater interactions at Kilauea volcano. Video was produced showing our ICP- MS analysis of samples taken in the steam plume generated when Kilauea volcano flows enter the Pacific Ocean. Contributed to scientific content of video and other educational materials for K-12 education through investigation of lava- seawater interactions and analysis of samples taken in the steam plume generated when Kilauea volcano flows enter the Pacific Ocean. 2001 University of Hawaii Faculty Senate (2 yr term) Founding member and member of the Board of Directors, Ala Wai Aquatic Community Network (AWACN), a non-profit 501(c)(3) community organization dedicated to educating and informing the public regarding water quality issues and watershed stewardship based on a combination of scientific principles and traditional cultural values. 2002 Appointed to Education and Research Committee, UH Office of Sustainability Hawaii State Student Council, Student Leadership Workshop, July 25, 2002. Served as workshop presenter on the topic of “Service Projects” 2002 Faculty search committee, Department of Oceanography, Biological Oceanography tenure track position. 2002-present Technical Advisory Group for Earthjustice, review documents (e.g., EA, EIS, etc.) for Earthjustice and provide comments/guidance. 2003 Judge, Regional Ocean Sciences Bowl, SOEST, Feb 22, 2003. 2003-present UH Honors Program, Volunteer Speaker UH Center for Teaching Excellence, Panel Speaker for various workshops HSEF: I have served as mentor for 6 high school students working on Science Fair projects during this period. 2003-2006 Hawaii Academy of Sciences, Treasurer 2004-present Steering Committee, Global Environmental Sciences Program, Department of Oceanography 2005 Hawaii State Department of Health: Technical task force for review of the Hawaii water quality standards. 2005-2007 University of Hawaii at Manoa Faculty Senate (Committee on Athletics) 2006-2008: Board of Directors, Malama O Manoa 2006-2013 Hawaii Ocean Observing Steering Committee, Co-Chair Working Group 5 (Water Quality)

36 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

2006 Chair, Search Committee, Marine Geochemistry/Chemical Oceanography tenure track position 2006-2007 Departmental Personnel Committee, Oceanography 2007 Member, SOEST Nutrient Facility Advisory Committee 2007 Hawaii Academy of Sciences, President-Elect 2007-2008 Curriculum Committee, Marine Geology and Geochemistry Division, Oceanography 2007-2008 Manoa Undergraduate Experience Enhancement Committee, (organized by VC for Academic Affairs) University of Hawaii. This committee reviews and recommends policies that have a bearing on the welfare and well-being of students during their undergraduate education. Focii include better advising, improved retention and graduation rates. 2007-present Teacher Education Committee for Science, University of Hawaii. This committee plays a university-wide advisory role in science teacher certification, licensing and enables articulation between UH and DOE on issues related to K-12 science education, professional development and school-college programs 2007-2009 University of Hawaii at Manoa Faculty Senate 2007-2009 Department of Defense, Ordnance Reef Coordinating Council. This council was established to promote communication between the public, State Agencies and the Department of Defense and provide guidance regarding the cleanup of discarded military munitions sites. 2007-2009 UH Faculty Senate (Committee on Research) 2008 Hawaii Academy of Sciences, President 2009-2011 Malama O Manoa, Board of Directors, President (2009-2010) 2009-present Hawaii Academy of Sciences, Board of Directors 2012-present SOEST Research Council Member, Small Boat Committee Chair 2012-present Advisory committee for SOEST Laboratory for Analytical Biogeochemistry (SLAB)

37 Eric Heinen De Carlo Curriculum Vitae

National and International Service A list of participation in National and International workshops and contributions as session chair or convener at professional meetings, and as a reviewer of manuscripts and funding requests is provided below. I have served as a reviewer of manuscript submissions for the following journals: Aquatic Geochemistry, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Deep Sea Research, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Limnology and Oceanography, Environmental Science and Technology, Analytical Chemistry, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Marine Geology, Chemical Geology, Marine Chemistry, Marine Mining, Pacific Science.

I have served or continue to serve as a peer reviewer of proposals for the NSF, NOAA/Sea Grant College Program, EPA, Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society, the Guggenheim Foundation, and NRC Canada. I have also served as a panel reviewer for the EPA STAR Fellowship and SBIR programs and for NSF Chemical Oceanography.

I served on the editorial board of Geochemical Journal, the journal of the Japanese Geochemical Society (January 2004-March 2008). I served as guest editor of a special issue of Aquatic Geochemistry (2012-2013)

Consulting Activities Served as a reviewer for the University of Hawaii Environmental Center in their review of local, state and federal documents dealing with issues concerning Hawaii’s aquatic environment.

Reviewed and testified on a number of environmentally related bills under consideration by the Legislature of the State of Hawaii.

Served as an expert witness in civil cases and criminal cases involving environmental and/or geochemical matters. Environmental consulting studies have been conducted for plaintiffs as well as defendants.

Consulting efforts have focused primarily on water quality issues and problems of interest to the aquaculture industry, sewage treatment plants, other environmental issues, and cases involving alleged violations of the Clean Water Act.

Extensive experience with design and implementation of studies of environmental impacts of at- sea disposed military munitions (participated of led six separate projects since 2006).


(808) 291-8868, [email protected]

HIGHLIGHTS  Skilled technical and scientific diver with over 30 years experience.  Innovative facilitator with inquiry and process education methodologies.  Experienced educator, organizational leader, researcher, and public speaker.

EDUCATION Yale University, New Haven, CT, Postdoctoral Research, September 2001. Research Advisor: Gaboury Benoit, Ph.D. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, Ph.D., Chemistry, December 1998. Dissertation Advisor: James L. Fasching, Ph.D. Boston University, Boston, MA, B.A., Chemistry (ACS), September 1984. Research Advisor: Michael F. Delaney, Ph.D.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Pacific Research & Exploration, Kaneohe, HI, Proprietor, July 2010 – Present  Created and Administrated SDI / TDI SCUBA training center with all levels of DAN.  Experienced DAN (Divers Alert Network) Dive First Aid Instructor.  Decompression, full penetration wreck and ice diving specialist.  Conducted Marine surveys using AAUS and sonar methods in tropical waters  Searched and recovered significant historic artifacts from high current fresh water.  Collected marine organisms and samples according to specialized client protocols. Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, HI, Adjunct Professor, July 2012 – Present  Lectured General Chemistry in HPU’s Military Campus Program utilizing traditional lecture, process and guided inquiry methods. Developed online structure to support an effective hybrid course for students often lacking recent academic experience.  Lectured traditional learners integrating traditional lecture and team learning methods.  Taught General and Organic Chemistry lab sections with focus on implementing and evaluating experimental methods, and effectively communicating experimental outcomes.  Service as a member of the General Education Advisory Board. Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kaneohe, HI, January 2010 – January 2015  Contracted to collect marine specimens according to EPA protocols for research.  Developed protocols and analyzed molecular indicators of fecal bacterial contamination of marine and estuary waters sediments and algae, applying current and developed Microbial Source Tracking (MST) methods.  Validated MST methods and limits of detection in Hawaiian marine coastal waters.  Sampled, analyzed, and mapped data for fecal contamination in recreational waters.  AAUS scientific diver program: diver / instructor rated to 130’. University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, Lecturer, January 2007 – December 2009  Redesigned and lectured Organic Chemistry for Plastics Engineering specialty course.  Developed intersession student retention program for underperforming students.  Implemented Process Orientated Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) techniques to improve student performance and retention. DAVID P. CUNNINGHAM, Ph.D.

 Lectured multiple sections of Chemistry I and II.  Beta tested “Mastering General Chemistry” web-based dynamic learning software.  Evaluated and recommended texts and teaching systems for departmental adoption.  Created and managed recreational and technical SCUBA training facility. Mass Bay Community College, Wellesley, MA, Adjunct Professor, June 2003 to May 2006.  Lectured and supervised laboratories for: General Chemistry I and II at both the majors and non-majors levels, Organic Chemistry I and II, Biology, A&P, and Microbiology, including hybrid on-line courses.  Awarded an E-Learning Mentoring Grant to promote e-learning and assist faculty in developing e-learning applications.  Contributed as committee member for NEASC accreditation self-study. Boston University, Boston, MA, Instructor, September 2002 to September 2003.  Taught integrated interdisciplinary sciences including: astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, genetics, biology, and neuroscience in the CORE curriculum.  Organized and facilitated an interdisciplinary forum on intelligence and consciousness. Yale University, New Haven, CT, Post-Doctoral Researcher, July 2001 to December 2001.  Validated multivariate statistical model of complex political, social, and environmental watershed data.  Developed and applied MANOVA and other statistical methods for low N multi distributional data. Brattleboro Union High School, Brattleboro, VT, Substitute, January 2001 to June 2001.  Implemented discovery based, student focused chemistry for ninth grade students.  Initiated and organized ‘Introductory Physical Science Family Night’, with presentations planned and implemented by students for the school community. Yale University, New Haven, CT, Temporary Lecturer, January 2000 to June 2000.  Supervised instruction of eight sections of Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, focused on the synthesis and analysis of inorganic and transition metal complexes.  Supervised and evaluated four graduate student teaching assistants in teaching methods.  Developed and published innovative web-based support materials to facilitate student preparation and course communications.  Developed and validated advanced experiments in inorganic chemistry to elucidate fundamental principles in the field, and to interest students.

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE  Assisted in developing process and team based learning Ed.D program for an affiliate of Northeastern University.  Applied statistical and multivariate statistical methods to explore complex interdisciplinary (environmental and sociological) data for 18 sub-watersheds in the New Haven watershed.  Validated a proposed model of interactions between human, landscape and non-human biologic variables in New Haven, CT watershed data.  Developed method to evaluate the selection of critical factors in multivariate studies.  Created original application for evaluating experimental designs and experimental statistics more effectively, while accounting for non-orthogonal experimental errors.


 Developed innovative method to teach experimental statistics and clearly demonstrate the utility of experimental error as a critical information source.  Applied Molecular Source Tracking techniques and statistical methods to assess the presence of fecal bacteria in coastal waters, sediments, and algae in tropical Hawaiian waters.  International collaboration on the publication of “Effect of the addition of four potential probiotic strains on the survival of pacific white shrimp.”  Applied Virtual Molecular Modeling of protein structures for educational applications.  Developed research focused, discovery based laboratory experiences that engage students while modeling good research practices and enhancing student understanding.  Collaborated on studies of the effects of environmental factors on the rate of parallel evolution in the Charles River, an interdisciplinary project to determine if chemical pollutants including disinfectants, pesticides and antibiotic residues are correlated with an increase in the resistance of pathogens that can cause mutations in pro-biotic producing microorganisms.

AFFILIATIONS  American Chemical Society Hawaii Section past chair and executive committee member.  Past chairman, New England Section American Chemical Society, Board of Publications  New England Section American Chemical Society, Webmaster (past)  American Association of Underwater Sciences full voting member  University of Hawaii scientific diver and instructor  Divers Alert Network instructor and professional associate member.  Journal of Chemical Education reviewer for print, video and electronic publications (past)

PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS  Distribution of Fecal Indicator Bacteria Load and Human-Associated Microbial Source Tracking Targets on Maui’s leeward shores, Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative Trimester meeting, October 2010.  Effect of the addition of four potential probiotic strains on the survival of pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) following immersion challenge with Vibrio parahaemolyticus, José Luis Balcázar, Tyrone Rojas-Luna and David P. Cunningham, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, Volume 96, Issue 2, October 2007, Pages 147-150  The role of probiotics in aquaculture, José Luis Balcázar, Ignacio de Blas, Imanol Ruiz- Zarzuela, David Cunningham, Daniel Vendrell and José Luis Múzquiz, Veterinary Microbiology, Volume 114, Issues 3-4, 31 May 2006, Pages 173-186


Appendix C: Resumes of Preparers for Data on Infauna Species that were Identified

James A. Blake, Ph.D. Marine Ecologist and Invertebrate Taxonomist Duxbury, MA

Education B.A. (Biology), California State University, Fresno, CA M.A. (Biology) California State University, Fresno, CA Ph.D. (Zoology), University of Maine, Darling Marine Center, Walpole, ME

Dr. James Blake is a recently retired marine ecologist and invertebrate taxonomist with more than 40 years of experience in the conduct and management of interdisciplinary research and monitoring programs. He has held positions in both academia and private industry and managed a marine and coastal center in Woods Hole, MA for two different companies for 25 years. He currently manages a small business that focuses on marine benthic ecology and taxonomy, marine biodiversity, and impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on marine sediments. Dr. Blake is an internationally recognized expert on the systematics and biology of marine polychaetes. He has personally described more than 250 new species with many taxa coming from the deep sea including hydrothermal vents, seeps, and abyssal depths. He has been Chief Scientist on more than 20 oceanographic surveys in the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of North America, and most recently in South East Asia as part of surveys to monitor effects of oil and gas exploration. He has been involved with the offshore deep-ocean dredged material site off San Francisco since the site selection process and subsequent monitoring that began in 1996. He has evaluated exploration and development activities on marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and benthic communities with special emphasis on poorly known deep-sea habitats. His major field programs have been along the U.S. Atlantic coast, the Gulf of Mexico, and California; he has also conducted field work in Antarctica, the Canadian Arctic, Australia, the Caribbean, the South Pacific, and SE Asia. He has published more than 150 articles, chapters, and monographs in the peer-reviewed literature.

Nancy J. Maciolek, Ph.D. Senior Benthic Ecologist and Invertebrate Taxonomist Duxbury, MA

Education: B.A. (Biology), Boston University M.A. (Zoology), University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. (Biology), Boston University

Dr. Maciolek is a marine benthic ecologist and polychaete systematist with experience on the faunas of all three coasts of the United States. As an ecologist, she has special expertise in the evaluation of soft- bottom benthic community structure and as a systematist is a world authority on polychaetes. As part of her polychaete research she prepared a monograph on deep-water spionid polychaetes of the North Atlantic. As part of this work she published important revisions of the Prionospio-complex, Scolelepis, Spio-Microspio, and Marenzellaria. She has continued to work on spionids, most recently publishing on the genera Aonidella, Laonice, and Spiophanes. Most recently (2000), she completed a study on opheliid polychaetes of the Southern Ocean. Along with Dr. Blake, she is also engaged in preparing a set of keys to the polychaetes of the northeastern United States, with a separate edition exclusive to the Woods Hole, MA region. Dr. Maciolek has been employed both in government and industry. From 1989 to 1990, Dr. Maciolek worked for the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management as the first Director of the Massachusetts Bays Program. In that capacity, she directed several projects including a major study of physical processes in the bay. Dr. Maciolek has been employed by several consulting firms including the Battelle Memorial Institute and AECOM; where she managed several major offshore programs for the U.S. Department of the Interior and was an author of a now classic paper on deep-sea biodiversity that was based in large part on the results of those programs. As a marine ecologist, she focused on projects dealing with benthic ecology, especially of the continental shelf. She also provided taxonomic expertise for domestic and international projects for several polychaete families including the Glyceridae, Maldanidae, Spionidae, Syllidae, and Sphaerodoridae.

Isabelle P. Williams, Marine Invertebrate Taxonomist Woods Hole, MA

Education M.A. (Marine Biology) Boston University, MA B.A. (Zoology) Swarthmore College

Ms. Williams has 40 years experience in marine ecology and invertebrate zoology with expertise in ecological assessment of marine nearshore and deep sea habitats. Ms. Williams has participated in numerous oceanographic surveys to collect marine samples for biological and chemical analysis. She is also an experienced taxonomist with Crustacea, Mollusca, Echinodermata and several lesser phyla. She has identified crustaceans from all three coasts of the United States, Antarctica, various hydrothermal vents, the Hawaiian Islands, and Southeast Asia. Ms. Williams has written Quality Assurance Project Plans, and was the lead QA person for several benthic laboratory tasks.

Appendix B: Resource Management and Water Quality Monitoring Plan

Draft Resource Management And Water Quality Monitoring Plan for Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii Artificial Reef Project/Hawaii Memorial Reefs (HMR).

Date: 5/16/2016

Drafted by: Eric Heinen De Carlo, Head, Science Advisory Committee (SAC)

SAC: Eric Heinen De Carlo, PhD (Chair, Marine Geology and Geochemistry Division [MGGD], Associate Chair, Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa [UHM]); David Delaney, PhD (Delaney Aquatic Consulting); Patrick S. Drupp, PhD (Aquatic Geochemist, Marine Education Specialist); Ruth Gates, PhD (Director, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology [HIMB]); Michael Guidry, PhD (Chair, Global Environmental Sciences [GES], Department of Oceanography, UHM).


The objective of Hawaii Memorial Reefs (HMR) is to implement coral reef ecosystem restoration and management protocols by establishing a commemorative artificial reef in offshore waters of Maunalua Bay, located off the southeast coast of of Oahu, Hawaii. The proposed project would also provide a unique opportunity to carry out scientific studies of a nascent coral reef and its development, and the beneficial (and adverse, if any) impacts on the surrounding aquatic environment.

Several questions and concerns posed by agency representatives during a preliminary consultation regarding HMR’s proposed project can largely be addressed through the development and implementation of a resource management and water quality monitoring plan. The following document describes an approach (the plan) and the implementation thereof, through the active participation of University of Hawaii students and subject matter expert faculty mentors in hypothesis driven research. By combining compliance monitoring efforts with rigorous scientific studies, the State of Hawaii and other interested entities benefit from the acquisition of documented and defensible data that can subsequently be used by “decision makers” to evaluate other projects and/or areas. The plan also offers management and monitoring of the natural resources associated with the proposed (artificial) memorial reef project for an extended duration, that will allow the examination of long term trends in this important natural setting. The execution of the plan, and the associated compliance-based monitoring efforts

1 carried out using accepted protocols and methods, will be overseen by the head of the SAC and conducted in consultation with other members of the SAC and project management/principals. The collaboration between University students from several scientific disciplines, an equally if not more multidisciplinary group of subject matter experts, and HMR, will lead to a significant temporal research-grade database that will both meet agency compliance requirements and benefit Hawaii and its public in the context described in the accompanying draft Science Plan.


Coral reefs and their host waters are highly complex ecosystems affected by a variety of forcing mechanisms and stressors. Currently, however, it is difficult to quantify the potential for and the relative importance of land-based (and coastal) anthropogenic activities and resolve these from the impacts of natural stressors on reef ecosystem health. As a result, it remains relatively difficult to develop sound coral reef and coastal aquatic resource management policies that integrate across the land–ocean interface. Maunalua Bay, on the south shore of Oahu, Hawaii, is an area characterized by a rather limited amount of scientific data yet is the subject of multiple claims of serious degradation of its coastal resources, including coral reefs due to anthropogenic stresses. The bay represents an ideal study site for rigorously examining linkages between land activities, inputs to the coastal ocean, the proposed artificial reef development and overall coral reef ecosystem health. Because Agency guidance indicates a need for compliance monitoring and management of the resource, especially the monitoring of and prevention of the recruitment and establishment of invasive species, we intend to carry out these activities through a University based scientific investigation. Approach to Addressing Agency Questions:

1) How will the potential for establishment of invasive algal species be evaluated?

The potential of reef ball modules to serve as substrate for invasive algae and the potential establishment of these species on coastal reefs will be evaluated through in-water censuses of the project area (and adjoining sandy substrate) every two months. Removal of any observed alien species will also be carried out promptly to prevent their spread.


Students, under supervision of and guidance from a (faculty or graduate student) subject matter expert in marine botany, will plan and delineate, then carry out SCUBA-based georeferenced photographic surveys of plant material along (GPS-referenced) transects. Photographs will be taken of any and all plant material observed during the underwater transects, whether on reef balls or adjoining sandy substrate, and qualitative characteristics of the area noted in writing.

Photographs taken along each transects will be reviewed on shore by a marine botanist and any species present taxonomically identified to the genus level, at least. A detailed running log of identified algal species, their number, size/stage of development and geographic location along each transect will be made and the record will be amended following the termination of each survey. The log will include a short narrative description of conditions extant during each survey.

In case invasive species are tentatively identified in the field or on any photograph, the evidence will be reviewed further (and confirmed or denied) by additional subject matter experts (e.g, P. Pauahi Bishop Museum). A notice of the occurrence of alien species will be immediately forwarded to appropriate Agency personnel for further guidance, although we propose primarily to remove physically (through SCUBA) invasive algal occurrences from the project area and return the recovered plant specimen(s) to shore for identity confirmation. Physical delivery (if desired) can be offered to Agency personnel or other interested researchers.

The data acquired through the above methodology will serve as the basis of an undergraduate thesis project for one or more students enrolled in either the Global Environmental Science (GES) or Marine Biology BS degree-granting programs at UH or any other interested accredited B.S degree-granting Hawaii academic institution.

2) Will there be changes in the water quality conditions of the project area and adjoining waters?

Periodic (monthly and quarterly-extended) water quality surveys will be carried out during which the water column at pre-determined stations within and surrounding the proposed project area (Figure 1) will be surveyed. A suite of oceanographically and biogeochemically relevant quality parameters will be measured in situ with autonomous multiparameter sondes, and water samples will be also be collected for subsequent laboratory based determinations of water quality parameters that cannot be measured directly in the field.


Figure 1: Water Quality Monitoring Stations

In situ depth profiles of oceanographically relevant parameters that can be determined in the field will be obtained on a quarterly basis at each of the stations shown in Figure 1 using one of the following two instrumented packages.

1) A Seabird Electronics model SBE19 equipped with a SBE-63 dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor, and a WetLABS FLNTUS turbidity and fluorescence detector. 2) A Yellow Springs Instruments model YSI-6600 V2 multiparameter sonde equipped with temperature, conductivity, and pressure sensors, and optical sensors for DO, chl-a fluorescence, and turbidity.

Parameters of interest include temperature, conductivity (salinity), pressure, DO, chl-a fluorescence, and turbidity. Instruments will be calibrated following manufacturer recommendations and serviced by the original equipment manufacturer as specified. Any necessary calibrations will be made immediately prior to field operations and verified immediately upon return from field operations.


The oceanographic/biogeochemical water quality parameters described above will be measured in situ on a monthly basis in surface waters of each of the previously delineated stations where a series of three individual water samples will also be collected for laboratory analyses. One liter of water will be collected in HCl washed Nalgene bottles for the analysis of essential macro- + 3- nutrients (TN, TP, N+N, NH4 , PO4 , SiO2). In addition, one liter of water will be collected in HCl washed Nalgene bottles for the determination of chl-a and suspended solids concentration (SSC). To limit any potential changes in the composition of these water samples subsequent to collection, bottles for the determination of nutrients and chl-a will be stored on ice until delivered to the laboratory, where they will be filtered immediately through acid-washed and pre- combusted GFF-A (1.2 um) glass fiber filters. The third bottle sample will be collected for the determination of the inorganic carbon system parameters that allow characterization of conditions relevant to coral and other calcifying organism (e.g., crustose coralline algae, echinoderms) development. Collection storage and analysis of total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) will follow procedures outlined in Dickson (2010). Samples will be collected in 250 mL or 500 mL borosilicate glass (BOD-type) bottles and poisoned immediately with 200 µL of a saturated HgCl2 solution to inhibit any organism metabolic processes in the sample. The bottles will be sealed using Apiezon-M (non silicone-based) grease to prevent CO2 exchange. After appropriate laboratory processing, samples will be either frozen (nutrients, chl- a) or stored in a dry cool laboratory cupboard (inorganic carbon parameters) until ready for analysis.

Nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations will be determined by the SOEST Laboratory for Analytical Biogeochemistry (S-LAB) at the University of Hawaii. Inorganic nutrients will be determined colorimetrically using a SEAL segmented flow autoanalyzer Model AA3, following standard methods for seawater analysis (Grasshof et al, 1983; Kerouel and Aminot, 1997; Murphy and Riley, 1962). Chlorophyll-a will be determined fluorometrically on a Turner Designs fluorometer after extraction of the chlorophyll (and other pigments) from filters of the water samples using acetone following methods adapted from Arar and Collins (1997) and Welschmeyer (1994). Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures used in the S- LAB are provided in Appendix A of the Benthic Study Report.


Inorganic carbon species analyses will be performed in the De Carlo research laboratory at the University of Hawaii following methods recommended by Dickson (2010) for ocean acidification (OA) research. Total alkalinity (TA) will be measured using the standard open cell potentiometric titration method (Dickson et al., 2007) on a Metrohm Titrando 905 within 12-36 hours of sample collection. A water-jacketed cell will be used to maintain a constant temperature of 25° C ± 0.02 using a temperature-controlled water bath circulator. The accuracy of the TA titrations will be monitored using certified reference materials (CRM) obtained from Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Dickson et al., 2003, 2007). Prior work in the De Carlo lab has shown the accuracy to be within approximately 2 umol kg-1 (Drupp et al., 2012). The precision of the TA measurements will be determined via analysis of replicate samples and through replicate analysis of CRM. Typical precisions in the De Carlo laboratory for replicate analyses of samples are better than 3 umol kg-1 (Drupp et al., 2012). Dissolved inorganic carbon analyses will be performed by coulometry/infrared detection using a UIC coulometer equipped with a VINDTA sample delivery system that is available to qualified users in the S-LAB. The analytical procedures will follow those recommended by Dickson (2010) and quality assurance and quality control will be evaluated similarly to what was described above for TA. Typical analytical accuracies and precisions obtained to date using the coulometer-VINDTA are on the order of 2-3 umol kg-1. The data acquired through the water quality surveys and inorganic carbon monitoring data will serve as the basis for the undergraduate thesis of one or two students in the GES or Marine Biology degree granting programs at the University of Hawaii. Although the reef balls to be deployed as part of the HMR artificial reef project have been utilized successfully for many years in the Caribbean regions, some questions have been raised that the reef balls themselves may release chemicals to the water column. Although this is extremely unlikely owing to the design and material of these structures and the many years of success with their deployment elsewhere, as a safety measure, we propose to carry out an additional pre-deployment activity in addition to the “curing” process that has been part of prior post manufacture and pre-deployment protocols. After the established land-based curing period of newly manufactured all reef balls will be subjected to a power wash to further ensure that any substances that may have leached to the surface from the inner portions of the reef balls during the curing process are removed and therefore eliminated prior to sea-deployment.


3) Will the HMR artificial reef project provide a reprieve to the predicted and currently suspected adverse effects of human activity (local and global scale) on nearshore coral reef resources?

The establishment and development of a new (artificial) reef also presents an excellent opportunity to study how local land-ocean interactions in the coastal zone (LOICZ) (e.g., coastal inputs of materials associated with human coastal development) combined with regional, and global OA impact biologically produced calcium carbonate and the structures these organisms build.

Although such research is probably beyond the regulatory needs of any water quality monitoring program associated with commercial activities in the nearshore environment, HMR principals have indicated a desire that the artificial reef project contribute to scientific education and research. In that spirit, the artificial reef project intends to carry out other academically based activities that will examine how the environment evolves over time in the waters of and adjoining the proposed artificial reef. A number of such activities are outlined briefly in the draft Science Plan prepared as part of this EA.

The efforts described in the Science Plan would allow biological and geo-chemical conditions at/over the artificial reef to be examined and compare them to those extant on nearby natural reefs over the short term (extreme weather and physical events such as tropical storms) and longer term (seasonal, annual, decadal) and would provide further data to allow comparison of Maunalua Bay to other areas such as Kaneohe Bay and the South Shore reef ecosystems off Honolulu that have been ongoing over the past decade. Such research has been the focus of various research groups at UH (e.g., Drupp et al., 2011, 2012, 2016; Shamberger et al., 2011; Guidry et al., 2012; Mackenzie et al., 2012; Massaro et al., 2012; Jokiel et al., 2013; Andersson et al., 2009, 2013; Andersson and Mackenzie, 2011; Jury et al., 2015), Hawaii Pacific University (.g., Kealoha et al., 2015), and Scripps Institute of Oceanography (e.g., Andersson and Gledhill, 2013), in collaboration with the NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory [PMEL] and the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (CREP).



Andersson, A. J., and Gledhill, D., 2013. Ocean acidification and coral reefs: Effects on breakdown, dissolution and net ecosystem calcification. Annual Reviews, 5, doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-121211-172241.

Andersson, A. J. and F. T. Mackenzie, 2011. Ocean acidification: setting the record straight. Biogeosciences Discussions, 8, 6161-6190.

Drupp, P., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., Bienfang, P., and Sabine, C. Nutrient inputs, phytoplankton response and CO2 variations in a semi-enclosed subtropical embayment, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Aquatic Geochemistry (2011) 17(4):473-498 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10498-010-9115-y

Drupp, P.S., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., and Sabine, C.L. 2013. A comparison of CO2 dynamics and air-sea exchange in differing tropical reef environments Aquatic Geochemistry 19(5-6): 371-397 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10498-013-9214-7

Drupp, P.S., De Carlo, E.H., and Mackenzie, F.T. Porewater CO2-carbonic acid geochemistry in sandy sediments. Mar. Chem., (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2016.04.004

Guidry, M. W, F. T. Mackenzie, D. Dumas and E. H. De Carlo, 2012. Tropical Land-Coastal Ocean Interactions: Hawaii as an Example. University of Hawaii Sea Grant, 69 pp.

Jokiel , P.L., Jury, C.P., and Rodgers, K.S. 2014 Coral-algae metabolism and diurnal changes in the CO2-carbonate system of bulk sea water PeerJ 2:e378; DOI 10.7717/peerj.378

Jury, C.P., Thonmas, F.I.M., Atkinson, M.J., and Toonen, R.J. 2013 Buffer Capacity, Ecosystem Feedbacks, and Seawater Chemistry under Global ChangeWater 5, 1303-1325; http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w5031303

Kealoha, A. K., Kahng, S.E., Mackenzie, F.T., Alina, S.R., Kosaki, R.K., Brainard, R.E., and

Winn, C.D., 2015. Latitudinal trends and drivers in the CO2-carbonic acid system of Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Aquatic Geochemistry. http://sx.doi.org/10.1007/s10498-015-9273-z

Kuffner, I. B., Andersson, A. J., Jokiel, P., Rodgers, K. S., and Mackenzie, F. T., 2008. Decreases in recruitment of crustose coralline algae due to ocean acidification. Nature Geoscience, 1, 114-117.

Mackenzie, F.T., De Carlo, E.H. and Lerman, A. Chapter 12: Coupled C, N, P, and O cycling at the land ocean interface. In J. Middleberg, (Ed) Treatise on Coastal and Estuarine Science, Volume 5: Elsevier Publishers. 2012


Massaro, R.F.S., De Carlo, E.H., Drupp, P., Mackenzie, F.T., Maenner-Jones, S., Fagan, K.E., Sabine, C.L., and Feely, R.A., Multiple factors driving variability in the exchange of CO2 between the ocean and atmosphere in a tropical coral reef environment. Aquatic Geochemistry (2012) 18:4, 357-386 http://dx.doi.10.1007/s10498-012-9170-7

Shamberger, K.E.F., Feely, R.A., Sabine, C.L., Atkinson, M.J., De Carlo, E.H., Mackenzie, F.T., Drupp, P.S., and Butterfield, D.A. Calcification and Production on a Hawaiian Coral Reef. Marine Chemistry (2011) 127: 64–75.

Wolanski, E., Martinez, J.A., and Richmond, R.H. 2009. Quantifying the impact of watershed urbanization on a coral reef: Maunalua Bay, Hawaii. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 84, 259-268.