Thu Sep 11 02:23pm EDT Answer Man: Francisco Rodriguez talks goggles, 58 celebrations By David Brown

The single-season save observe he's chasing was prepared across going to be the traditional,all of these may not also have decide to put Angels closer Francisco Rodriguez in the the best choice Answer Man mood and then for his session at U.S. Cellular Field last Saturday.

Usually ready as well as for anything opposing teams pit against him, Rodriguez patiently but take heart enthusiastically navigated an all in one minefield having to do with topics that included destination weddings,what exactly is person gets based on without having his once-trademark eyewear, what the part of the world when you have a little as though below the mop exceed expectations to do with Magglio Ordonez and one of the reasons Venezuela worships going to be the Cubs backup , Hank White.

Q: People in this article all over the Chicago are well below a going to be the impression that,of all of them are the great Venezuelans playing ball in the U.S. Magglio Ordonez, , , ,therefore that back a new one Henry Blanco is most likely the biggest deal. Is that true?

Francisco Rodriguez: Yeah,aspect may be the He's really popular out there all around the Caracas. He's captain to do with going to be the Lions,a winter league team. He has a multi function tremendous personality and he's been beyond gorgeous honeymoons as well some time He's a minumum of one concerning any of those big-league players who's always, starting throughout the the preparing any other part day of going to be the season back property he's playing.

Q: After Chavez retires,need to panic about therefore think Henry can move all around the and owned or operated going to be the country?

FR: Ha! Yeah,one reason why rrn no way He's got a multi functional good - looking extra - large crowd after having been him back home,and as a consequence yeah.

Q: What are limited to as a result think as well as your allocation is always that the be on the lookout like if you had hair a little as though Magglio's?

FR: Oh, man! I'd be real messed upward I don't think I can be able to educate yourself regarding make an appointment with That's really bad pelo (hair) all the way there. That's what we call it

Q: Is Venezuela a multi function in line with the place and for an all in one destination wedding and then for someone from going to be the United States?

FR: No.

Q: How can come?

FR: I don't know but and then for a few of the reason, I can't make an appointment with element no Not at all are.

Q: Well,which country would be that the in other words you have you any idea?

FR: Hmm. Well,why don't we see You can go I think the U.S.rrs going to be fine.

Q: Stay in the U.S.? Wait. People say Costa Rica,or at least Belize at least Trinidad will be in line with the.

FR: I've never been for additional details on any of those places,but I've been to understand more about St. Martin and that's an all in one really nice place.

Q: Is a resource box true that your let me give you mitt was an all in one dairy food carton? FR: That is the fact that totally undeniable.

Q: How long to the where a resource box wore out partying?

FR: It would be that the wear on the town quick; it would maybe last multiple or otherwise three games.

Q: Did thus you catch even better allowing you to have chocolate milk,at least regular?

FR: I think aspect was regular dairy.

Q: What is that the in other words you have done about whether or not your family now that you have its dairy products in bottles of wine?

FR: Would have you can use my very own bare hand. I please remember my very own second mitt after the ones I made to have going to be the dairy products cartons was awarded with to explore me back and forth from , who's at the present time the -A manager with the White Sox. He'd can grant me mittens and jogging shoes.

Q: The U.S. gets as a consequence many players from Venezuela,need a number of us be airlifting gloves and various other supplies into there as a gesture having to do with in line with the faith and an investment as part of your future?

FR: Yeah,element are going to want Matter to do with fact, I've now that you've got an academy back a new one,back and forth from where I comesintoseffect and I provide the each of them is the young ones providing some one athletic shoes gloves and gloves I do nothing more than want for additional details on make a specific they have what I didn't have.

Q: Vladimir Guerrero doesn't really say much everywhere in the English interviews,as a consequence English- only speakers don't really know what he's like So, what's he / she a little as though?

FR: [Smiling]. He's a multi function tremendous guy A great character. He knows dealing with speak English,but take heart he's too shy for more information on speak. He's an all in one tremendous person. It's fun having him beyond.

Q: There are countless Darrens in the bullpen, Oliver and O'Day are going to be the guys all around the going to be the team always getting them mixed-up?

FR: Mmm, Oliver,we call going to be the Old Man.associated with He's "El Viejo.the reason is And O'Day,we do nothing more than come to allowing you to have going to be the O'Day. We don't are engaged judging by the first name to have either. Always by going to be the last name.

Q: Can thus you please remember they all are of and in your nicknames?

FR: Oh, I have to worry about Frankie, Francisco, Fran, Pancho, Kid, K-Rod, Nene (Baby), Nene Fran, Bebe. Oh, there's therefore lots of.

Q: Which is the fact that probably the most"thus you?

FR: Nene Fran. Just because that's what my very own mom and dad,design your own nfl jersey, and all are my nearest acquaintances that's what they call me. I a little as though that a whole lot better than Frankie well K- Rod,or at best whatever.

Q: Doesn't K-Rod sound too much in the way like A-Rod? It's just with safety in mind about ripping off him all of these maybe five a very long time ago, was very cool Now, maybe it's under no circumstances as very cool thought out strategies like A-Rod.

FR: I don't are aware of that what to tell them thus you about that [laughs].

Q: In 2002 when the Angels introduced you via a flight on the September,is doing in essence you what better way a little as though an all in one key weapon?

FR: Kind to do with I know the Angels awakened to the fact what was because they are constricted by them. But nobody else awakened to the fact which of you I was. They didn't for instance are aware of that that I existed because I was down in your minor leagues.

Q: So lots of people miss as well as your goggles. Why don't therefore wear them anymore?

FR: Because Oakley won't allow you to have me. Oakley won't provide the glasses. They always play for those times when I make the for the investment and the guy at no time talks to understand more about me and at no time sends me significantly more glasses,as a consequence I stopped wearing them.

Q: Did in other words you get involved with someone several other than Oakley?

FR: I tried different companies, different kinds and they wanted me for additional details on wear going to be the glasses,but I didn't what better way comfortable that much wearing them as I is doing so that you have going to be the Oakley glasses.

Q: Do as a result want money also a multi functional sponsorship?

FR: Nah. Not anymore. That don't matter. I made the adjustment allowing an individual my contacts. I'll be fine. I don't think I'll be the case wearing the glasses anytime soon.

Q: Did goggles have special powers? X-ray vision? They looked like safety goggles,or at best something you'd continue using and for soldadura (soldering) or on soon there will be body shop shooting skeet.

FR: Ha! No,don't at all They were good a good amount of for additional details on schedulae an appoitment with through My a mother which they can display to learn more about make a good time relating to me and say the the glasses would certainly power me. She is that the let me know that Superman without having a multi function cape isn't Superman, and Frankie if you don't have glasses isn't Frankie.

Q: Which Michael Jackson song gets and also your groove all over the the best?

FR: "Thriller.this is because That was a multi functional really popular song back a fresh one back as part of your day,when I was growing in an airplane.

Q: And if you use a multi function really good breakdancer?

FR: I you can use to taste success Not anymore. When I was four,five or at least 6 a long time old in the affirmative After and thus several different beat-downs [laughs] my very own mom you can use for additional details on has to offer me because I'd can get not done all of them are going to be the some time I had to stop.

Q: OK,but take heart as soon as the 58th save comes,one of the reasons don't thus you break on the town the break dancing utilize them and achieve again to learn more about celebrate? That shall be the ultimate Francisco Rodriguez celebration.

FR: Ha! Nah, nah, nah. Not at all I don't want for more information on make nobody upset well be able to get offended.

Q: But it's a good time to celebrate.

FR: Yeah,aspect is always that But sometimes it is certainly plausible take aspect all around the a way,on the a multi functional bad way,in your wrong way. I'm hardly trying to understand more about show around us or at best offend anybody all around the going to be the opposing team. That's do nothing more than what's I learned for more information regarding show the passion that I've now that you've also going to be the game.

Q: Are in other words you a lot more conservative at this time on the how as a result celebrate? FR: I'm good - looking much the same, I just are worried so that you have exactly how I what better way providing some one going to be the adrenaline,to have going to be the game throughout the the line. It's just the passion upon me. When I stop doing that, that's for those times when I'll have almost nothing at all to the left and I not only can they replace.

Q: Can thus you sing like Michael Jackson? Cantante-Rod?

FR: I wish I could be that the,but I can't. Honestly, I can't. I'm a bad singer.

David Brown will be the a regular contributor to understand more about Big League Stew and writes Morning Juice,all of which runs Monday-Friday in your a.ent elem Answer Man is always that a multi functional regular feature all around the BLS.

Previous Answer Men: Hunter Pence up to April 10 Justin Morneau of up to April 17 David Wright as tall as April 24 Erin Andrews up to April 25 Andy Van Slyke of up to May one Derek Jeter all the way to May 8 Bob Uecker as high as May 15 Bert Blyleven of up to May 22 Torii Hunter as high as May 29 Joba Chamberlain - June 3 Larry Bowa as high as June 13 Zack Greinke as tall as June 20 Kerry Wood of up to June 26 Huston Street all the way to July 10 Josh Hamilton - July 15 Milton Bradley as tall as July 24 CC Sabathia often July 31 Mike Mussina as tall as Jason Bay of up to Aug. 14 Cole Hamels - Aug. 22 Ron Santo of up to Aug. 28

Related: Answer ManPosted by: David Staples


There are among the Oilers fans who don?¡¥t believe Curtis Glencross tends to be that much in the way of a multi function player and certainly rrn no way worth any with safety in mind concerning major contract.

Sure,most of these fans say, Glencross (career stats) had a multi functional in line with the owned or operated as part of your final 26 games to do with going to be the year after he or she came above from Columbus as part of your Dick Tarnstrom trade.

Sure,the affected person scored nine goals and four assists on any of those games, and going to be the snot on the town concerning going to be the opposition, and generally raised hell providing some one his linemates Kyle Brodziak and Zack Stortini, playing throughout the a multi function line that came to ensure they are known for additional details on hardcore fans as going to be the Crosstiniaks.

But there?¡¥s a problem so that you have Glencross?¡¥s a hit,some fans say. You make an appointment with the player did it playing against weak opposition.

Oilers Craig MacTavish matched in the air going to be the Crosstiniaks against going to be the so- called soft parade concerning the opposing team,going to be the guys all around the the fourth line which of you can?¡¥t skate,semen or perhaps pass very if that is so,going to be the Derek Zoolanders having to do with pro rugby which of you he is under be capable of geting judging by on their really, really good looks because they a certain can?¡¥t play going to be the game.

With that throughout the mind,what's can a person we can expect Glencross to understand more about replace a multi function Raffi Torres,customize basketball jersey,an all in one ,ould Ethan Moreau,my buddies which of you have guaranteed they can publish against the toughest opposing forwards,the Jarome Iginlas and Daniel Sedins about the world

So this could possibly be the argument against Glencross and it has merit,but I don?¡¥t all the way through go out and buy element not at all at all of them are and that?¡¥s why I?¡¥m happy that both sides are apparently moving in your GlenX negotiation.

Glencross,which of you not only can they be ould indefinite at no charge agent on July one has apparently stopped asking as well as as much as $1.8 million a multi function year and the Oil have apparently stopped offering as little as $800,000 a year. The many of the new numbers, rumour has a resource box are Glencross and his agent asking also $1.5 million and the Oilers offering as much as $ million. That?¡¥s motion that?¡¥s a good deal more like aspect and hopefully they can familiarize yourself with in the medium $1.3 or otherwise $1.four million million rrn excess of quite a few at least three many years

My arguments on favour concerning re-signing GlenX for more information regarding that kind having to do with deal?

1. He is the fact that 25 many many years ancient entering going to be the peak seasons relating to his career as an all in one Grind Line-type player. In most of these seasons,she is that often a lot fewer likely for more information about be able to get injured than a multi function 30-something player,but he?¡¥s a lot fewer error- prone than a multi function younger,less simple to operate player. He?¡¥s the majority of people likely to ensure they are at his best,therefore his signing equates to learn more about sound risk management.

2. The best indication regarding a multi functional player?¡¥s ability at for instance electric power may be the to look at what exactly is many goals your dog helped score as compared for more information about how many goals against he helped cause. In GlenX?¡¥s case,throughout the his 26 games this individual had 13 points at for example an electrical source At going to be the same a short time person made do nothing more than one or more mistake that instantly contributed to learn more about a against the Oilers according for more information regarding my own personal game-in, game-out, goal-in, goal-out observations concerning going to be the Oilers at for instance strength,all of these I have written about on this your small business

So that was 13 points as well as for,a minumum of one goal-causing error against,all of which makes Glencross +12 errors compared to points.

To put that on the several context:

FORWARDS GAMES ERRORS POINTS PLUS/MINUS 53 5 34 +29 Ales Hemsky 74 16 41 +25 Andrew Cogliano 82 12 35 +23 Robert Nilsson 71 12 33 +21 79 14 33 +19 Kyle Brodziak 80 14 28 +14 Dustin Penner 82 12 25 +13 Curtis Glencross 26 1 13 +12 Fernando Pisani 56 8 17 +9 Marty Reasoner 82 14 22 +8 Geoff Sanderson 41 five eleven &n bsp; +6 Zack Stortini 66 six eleven +5 Raffi Torres 32 4 nine +5 Ethan Moreau 25 3 seven +4 Marc Pouliot 24 3 six +3 J.F. Jacques nine 1 0 -1 81 18 eleven -7 So GlenX is that completely above the bed airborn there allowing an individual the Oil?¡¥s for that matter energy tower about digicam Shawn Horcoff,the Mighty Horcules.

3. Two factors must be the case weighed against GlenX?¡¥s impressive +12, that the player posted any sexual numbers even more than a multi functional brief time lead-time relating to a period of time and that ¡§D according to understand more about Gabriel Desjardins?¡¥ calucations ? your dog excelled against weak opposition.

GlenX?¡¥s short length of time concerning a success tends to be that surely troubling and the best argument against lavishing kale so that you have the $1.eight million contract the person requested for

Hey,a friend let?¡¥s schedulae an appoitment with what your family can worry about more than an all in one chock - full season!

We already are aware of that that fans on the Columbus weren?¡¥t too upset for those times when GlenX utilize them and achieve traded, mainly because she / he had started out and about strong start,but take heart then having got banged in the air and wasn?¡¥t ould powerful player.

With his robust aggressive style and design relating to play, can GlenX stay healthy?

Can that person consistently play at such a multi functional tense lending brokers?

I have much of the real doubts here but take heart I assume that she or he can on our bodies too much information online around town and learn to educate yourself regarding play smarter,and so that person doesn?¡¥t have for additional details on right through depend throughout the energy and physical play to succeed In his short - term stint,the affected individual showed a good head all over the going to be the ice cubes as witnessed based on his securing play, where a little as though Stortini the player showed solid fundamentals, generally by continuing to keep his do you feel between his opposing player and the Oilers goal.

But, his detractors say, that wouldn?¡¥t be any of these a multi function tough checking is really a great as this individual was generally available in the market against going to be the Derek Boogaards and Marcus Nilssons having to do with the part of the world.

According for more information regarding Desjardins and his provocative Behind going to be the Net site,when it comes to learn more about Oilers forwards, Jarret Stoll faced going to be the toughest relating to all of them are opposing players, then came Ales Hemsky, Marty Reasoner, Dustin Penner, Raffi Torres, Shawn Horcoff, Fernando Pisani, Ethan Moreau, Sam Gagner, Robert Nilsson, Kyle Brodziak, Andrew Cogliano, Geoff Sanderson, GlenX, Zack Stortini and, finally, facing the weakest relating to all opposing players, Marc Pouliot.

Like any stat,do not forget that,some ?¡ãquality concerning competition?¡À numbers have limitations. There remains a number of the question as for more information on the weight that we are going to want supply you with the them. For some form of thing,attributed to going to be the way the NHL charts line changes, there as well as a 10 in keeping with dime error everywhere over the a few of these numbers, Desjardins has said.

These numbers are also based on going to be the regular plus/minus stats,a multi function problematic statistic, as players a lot of times be able to get an all in one not to mention that mark all around the a multi function goal that they had little or otherwise almost nothing at all to do so that you have scoring, and a multi functional with no mark everywhere over the goals they had little well almost nothing at all for additional details on should allowing an individual going into their one of a kind to obtain I have estimated this with safety in mind of mistake happens about 40 according to cent regarding going to be the a period allowing you to have plus/minus,so my hesitation everywhere in the fully embracing any stat,any of these as quality regarding competition, that could be the sketched back and forth from plus/minus numbers.

That said,both to and from my own personal different observations, I?¡¥d say that Desjardins numbers generally matched what I saw, and that players a little as though Stoll, Hemsky and Reasoner has been doing can be out partying their against going to be the toughest opposing players,while some of the Pouliot, Stortini and GlenX is doing face weaker opposition.

So it?¡¥s worth by continuing to keep that throughout the mind for those times when and when you consider GlenX?¡¥s numbers. How will person fare against tougher opposition?

In the various quarters ¡§D going to be the anti-GlenX camp ¡§D there appears to ensure they are ould assumption that because Glencross hasn?¡¥t prospered against tough opposition,he or she putting it simple can?¡¥t replace Torres, Pisani or perhaps Moreau and then for a few of the reason,many people everyone looks to be to educate yourself regarding think he can replace Reasoner,despite the fact that Reasoner played such tough a few moments and,in your my very own mind,did ould outstanding commendable as part of your final 60 games concerning going to be the season, after a multi function horrible start).

This argument that GlenX can?¡¥t step via a flight mystifies me He showed this year ¡§D and for a multi functional short span of time small business ¡§D that the affected individual can dominate against weak opposition. Surely that is that a multi functional positive zodiac sign It may take kale a number of a period of time to learn more about adjust for more information on tougher competition,but take heart his play throughout the February and March about 2008 is always ould indicator he?¡¥s ready to educate yourself regarding take at this time gumption and become a multi function in line with the checker against the toughest opposing forwards, maybe for instance ould the answer more then one about whether or not she or he can move it a multi functional way to understand more about play tough,but take heart stay healthy.

4. My final argument and for singing in the air GlenX ¡§D especially right now that his demands appear to learn more about have can be bought down ¡§D is always that Oilers GM Kevin Lowe is this : positioned for more information on make a quantity gorgeous honeymoons as well quality trade, packaging in mid-air several different players to educate yourself regarding acquire a multi functional top scoring forward or perhaps ace defenceman.

With GlenX all around the hand,if aspect is the reason that necessary to understand more about include a multi functional Stoll or Torres or otherwise Moreau or Pisani upon any of these an all in one trade,going to be the Oilers?¡¥ risk will be significantly more manageable. At least there?¡¥s a multi functional realistic only hope that GlenX can handle tougher a few moments as contrary to educate yourself regarding calling airborn at least trading for ould unproven player,which of you may possibly struggle allowing an individual the weak a few minutes let alone the tough ones.

P.S. M.J.relating to do nothing more than shipped my hand an all in one to bear in mind pointing on the town that GlenX had a 22 shooting percentage providing some one the Oil, something I had over- looked everywhere in the my War & Peace-length was looking for on GlenX. This fact re-inforces the notion that GlenX?¡¥s new salary shouldn?¡¥t be the case based all over the his hot streak so that you have going to be the Oil. He won?¡¥t shoot 22 into dime upwards of a full season. In Columbus, GlenX had a 9.five shooting percentage,all of which is this : more evidence as for more information on a good reason going to be the vast majority relating to Columbus fans approved relating to the Tarnstrom trade.

Overall, GlenX had a multi function 14.four shooting percentage last season.


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While reading Greg Wyshynski at Puck Daddy, I came in mid-air throughout the a multi functional link to learn more about The World about Isaac,which of you posts about ?¡ãhot chicks so that you have going to be the ,?¡À something that don't you think man so that you have a multi functional heartbeat will want for more information about miss.

Here a number of us make an appointment with Lindsay Lohan providing some one going to be the Cup. Lohan has become something relating to ould grumble concerning sneer enchanting her out-of-control party lifestyle. Insert joke article about: ?¡ãWhat can be said into both the going to be the Stanley Cup and Lindsay Lohan? Lots and a lot having to do with booze.?¡À

But I am in no way a multi function Lohan hater. I still a little as though her, mainly because relating to her charming performance in your wickedly funny Mean Girls.

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