BIKGO May Cut Berlin out of Packaffe Plan

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BIKGO May Cut Berlin out of Packaffe Plan V. X FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1969 iMaitrbPOtpr Siiptttng Ifpralb Average Daily Ndt Prem Run The WeathcT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far tlM Waew Enderi Faraeaat «f C. «. Waathar Beraan z : May etk, I t it M iu Janet Wbitjiey, daughter of- The Park and Bscraation Ad­ HospttaHzgd vetfians with counsel Partly M ady, braesy, eaol Mria VFW Poppy Sale { and entdrtainment, and to aid. Mt, and Mra. Alfred =^<3. t^ltney. visory. Beard wlU hold its monthly aftismoon'. Fair, cooler tafilgt^ About Town meetinic at the Ikiat Side Rec next i needy veterans and their .famIUss.; 12,920 * 41 Alexander St., haa been elected scattered arena of frost; M M ir i treesuref of Mt: Holyoke Colleife'a IVednesrtay night, beginning at i To Aid ‘BudilieR’ I A portion la used' to support the' Mamber af tha Andlt h The Aweriten U>8tbn B«iid m^IU i Fellowship of Faitha. .She la a 7:W. 3 I VFW. national home for. the chll-' Buresn af CIrcnIation. sunny, not aa cool Kunday. icilirarar tooight ft o'dock at ' dren o f veterans In Eaton fUpida,' member of the rleaa of IWll. Anderson Shea Poact VFW. and Mancheeter^A City of Village Charm Um post home, A meeUn* will alao Mra. Oalia S. Rothschild, a Mich., and to decorate the graves' be held aoT plana fw Memorial Its Auxiliary will hold their an­ ; of departed comrades on Memorial ^ MIsa Patricia Leduc, 61 Edmund teacher at Verplanck School, will nual "Buddv" poppy aale on May Day a’il\ I5e ^iMUaaed. St., a freshman aC‘.Donne.cUciit attend W a „ . e y a n Unlveralty'a 21. 22 and '23. i Day. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 193 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY. MAY 16. 19.69 (Clnaalfled Adeerttalag dn Page It) PRICE FIVE CENTS Teachers college IJaw Britain, graduata aummer school for teach- le food aale tponaored by the e-s during July and August. She Oo-rhalmicn of the sale are Jo­ , has been elected program chair­ seph Jelaovsky, junior vice com- VfBCB_ of the Sodth Methodist man for the Student Education will study literature. ' Church to bo heM tomorrow In the • lander of the post, and Mrs. Jan Ttl. Ml 9-9814 : Aaan. Taber, chaplain o f the auxiliary. courtyard of Uie former Frank >\'aUac« E. Campbell. Brat vice Oieney Jr. house wtU open ^ 1 1 Tile receipts from the tale, over FOR FRESCRIPTION Nikita Hits The Connecticut Fellowship of p.-e'iident of the Fuller Brush Co., Condition State CD, Military a.m. Members are asked to have ^Oonyregatlunal Chrlatiah Women will apeak on "Free, Bnterpiise and above the coat of the popples,, PELIVERY their food donations there by rhea contributed one heifer for ahlp- System" a the ineellng o f the’ Kl- remains In the .local post and aux­ 1»:S0. ' ment abroad this aummer. As part wanla Club Tutaday at 12:18 p.m. iliary. The receipts are used to aid PINE PHARMACY West’s Pyn veterans with 'VA claims, to aid May Cut Berlin ; of an InUr-fsith project to help at the S .fa P-eataurant. LISTED HERB IS JL'ST A SAMPLE OF THE MANY Of Dulles j needy refugees. '26 New F.ngland W'ONDERFtrL BEYS TO BE HAD DURING HALE’S Will Merge July 1 I heifers are being sent to West MAY tm iT E SALE! F6r Reich L. T. WOOD CO. Germany this aummer. Zion Lutheran In Decline Hfirtfofd, May 16 (/P)— C o n -f ^ The status of ^ director John : The ann’ tsl meatuig of the Con- Confirmation Set Hdpticut’s Civil Defense De- Phelan of Area 2 the New Haven Moscow, Mgy 16 </P)— Pre­ ICE PLANT { necttcut Chapter of the t>.S. Navsl t area is in doubt Muloahy aald. REG. $3.98 SANFORIZED partment, until now an inde­ mier Nikita Khrushchev to- St BIS8 ELL ST. Academy Vlumni Aaan. will b e! Waahington, May 16 William Kirby, chief of fire con­ Anpual confirmation at 2knn' li*s Haltls For Your pendent agency, will merge trol. will add to hia duties the Job 'day rejected the western pro­ held next Thuraday at 6 p.m. at- Evangelical Lutheran Church. will, Out of Packaffe Plan MATTRESS COVERS ^ John Foster Dullea’ conation of directing Area 6. Litchfield posals in Geneva for settling CnbM, CnniMMi, Mocks the Officers Club at the Submariha take piacw during the in o'clock with the State Military De­ Base in Gi-oton. / [/ / is worse. Cdunty. The present director, Wil­ the German question. service. Sunday. Zippered Twin or Full His family has gathered hera in partment on July 1. Tutu oast from Main St. at A WII setting up the merger re­ liam Leuchers, ia being dropped, "The wvstem propoiial is put The Rev. Paul G. Prokopy will ■ Red Sizes tha city to he elo>e.'to him. In ad­ Mulcahy Jiald. State H itter Batldbif onto perform. the rite of confirmation Fur Storage *2.99 ceived final approval from the fonvsril: only fo* one purpose, to .X dition to hla wife and ■ brother. The State CD public relations put (he blame on us.” he declared nsM>n St. and preach the sermon, which will Alien, who heads the Central In­ t«gialature yaisterday when passed Good quality unbleached aheetlng with aeema all b ou ^ director. Edward Gilhuly of Water- in a a|«ech accepting the Lenin be baaed on'John 16: S. ft and 16. i telligence: Agency, they include his by the House of Representatives. bury. will stay on that Job and al­ Bids to End DON'T ^ CALL I X and with zipper opening. ' ' ' ' ' Peace Prise. "They w on't' have His subject will be "Conflnnatlon three jsttiliftren and three alatera. It was previously approved by the so become metropolitan target StUI plenty of wedr left In and Christian Fruit-bearing.” Senate. that pleasure.' shoes when brought here for TODAYf The former Secretary of State, area commander. This po.sltion Is Khrushchev made the atatement The following Junlori will be CP/A weakened by the cancer that has The measure now awaits the now held b.v Phelan. Deadlocked expert repairing. confirmed: Barbara Bickford. Karl MORE OF THOSE w o n d e r f u l ILfttf VALUE aignature of Gov. Abraham A. near the end of an hour-long spread through hla body, contract­ 'The State CO Emergenc.v head­ speech in the Soviet' Union par­ WORK DONE WHILE Hunt Jr., Robert Lew'is, AIJa Ozois. ’ EXTRA HEAVY FlUlNNEL BACK>IDlUlA>' i ed a mild case of pneumonia last Rlbicoff, who listed the merger as quarters in Penwood Forest will be pR. I. KOVE Wilms Sauer, Janice Schelbenp-, ohe of his goals for the . present liament hall behind the walls of r o c W-AIT weekend. Yesterday State. Depart­ abandoned and relocated in one of the Kremlin. flug. Richard Slurtevant and Nancy; session of the Legislature. the atate armories as part of the Conference CHIROPODIST Vincent. Seniors are Mra. Katherine { IRONING BOAkD COVERS ment Pres# Officer, Lincoln Whlw _ ...... 1 ... "The real author of these plans Seelert, Mra. Marilyn Harvey and ; aald; . State CD Director Leo Mulcahy 1 reorganization. is not' in Geneva" Khrushchev SAM YULYES said.the State CD work force will j Many of the duties of Cixll De- shadow of (West Ger- Ry JOHN M, HIGHTOB'ER 158 MAIN ST. Mra. Dorothy Fumleo. ' At Walter Reed Army Hospital “ SHOE REPAIRING hla condition was reported un- be cu^From 40 full-time and two I fense will be performed by military p,*,; Chancellor Konrad i Aden- Genpva, May 16 (/P)-e-The o r THE BETTER RIND” The choir w-ill aing. traditional, part-time .Jobs to 14 full-time Jobs.! personnel, Mulcahy said. .• parta in connection with the vow ,! t^anged this morning. HAS’ RESUMED 28 OAK STREET Dulles entered the hospital' last West ('l l) powers today were Opportunity will he given to m eet' ■c Of the'l^ jobs, he said, four will i / Besides the Civil bill, the '.j.hi.s was s restatement of the Same Side at W'alktna Feb. 12. be clerical In mature and the others House passed 12 rither measures In thesis that Adenauer la the reported willing to discUftft and greet the newly-confirmed a t ' ; a dav devoted to non-conlroverslal Berlin apart from their pack­ HIS OFFTCE HOURS the close of the aervice. f a c h / "Mr. Dulles’ pneumonia has nob-, will be executive. main obstacle In the. path of a completely resolved. There h*s The department’s budget for the' bills. The Senate P«/^ed .16 German .settlement'.’ age plan for (iennan.v in an Among bills passed by the Honse j ’ m i ^ -4611 • Shefy Hi" been some further decline Jn his coming biennium will be. 8263.711. Khrushchev declared that in the atthnipt to break the deadlock general condition.” and sent to the Senate was a bill • rwBtiweiit During the present bienritum, It Is 'there with the. Uuftslana. will ouflaat lighter weight covehi several tlmea. Elastic Dulles, 71. entered Walter Reed about 86.66,000. Mtilcahy's salary Is that would allow the commissioner ! package pi-oposel slip-on—will fit any board up to 60" long. Army Hospital last Feb. 12, of State Police to appoint as many discussion." The Big Four foreign mlnUrUrs S12.20d s year. conference recessed over the week­ In 19,66, an operation- had re­ as .10 resident state policemen for , ,. An Imrrtediate saving of 818.000 shoxild be end with the Soviets still inslstbtg JOHN F. TIERNEY moved a cancerous growth in the ioWTU, that have no organized p o -[ ^parately and not in bloc." 60" LMigHi Foom Pod $1.69 per ye.1r will be achieved when the on the signing of a peace treatyx colon.
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