ʪ̀ณɈ൴iʨɷfୣʺऋ Swire New Generation: plays Mozart

ඔ̛౜ ຝ͌ ܞ౎ ۂϴࣟၬiѵςcА ӴΛ٧ Lawrence Renes conductor ۂୣʺऋ *ɣሁ଱፡ೄԾۗςcА ׶҄ ՚ഁନ ፡ೄ Ϸ׶ ׶܈Kit Armstrong  ɩ҄׶ß piano xɻ௿ͤࢠx

ۂࣜ˿ʩ౜ਥ (ɩሁ଱ʄ͚ᚊςcА ؿ҄׶گگϷ׶ßࣩ́  ೟ϬͅؿcΣ࿨ؿϷ׶  ෋ၦςiɻ੗ؿ҄׶  ୄςi୥ᗲؿϷ׶ßݠᅱؿ҄׶ 

Programme BEETHOVEN Egmont : overture, Op. 84 MOZART Piano Concerto No. 17 in G, K453 Allegro Andante Allegretto – Presto

– Intermission –

TCHAIKOVSKY Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64 Andante – Allegro con anima Andante cantabile, con alcuna licenza Valse: Allegro moderato Finale: Andante maestoso – Allegro vivace

ΈϽᜮଠ cᇼᗐઌʹొཋ໷ʥԯˢᚊባ໦ສe௿ʑɺ૰ඝࠕdᙘᄧd፣ࠑֶ፣ᄧeूɣࡼτکሌ޻ᅥ؀ ΊᖳХ ȹ࠯఻҄ؿࠑᅥ᛽᛻eڥ Title Sponsor Dear patrons For a wonderful concert experience, kindly switch off your mobile phone and other beeping devices before the concert begins. Photography, recording, filming, eating or drinking are not allowed. We wish you a very enjoyable evening.

(ࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆ಋᅥ€ܰԓݘਂʑ௖ԮეኒΔ The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HKPO Ͻؿᅥ྆ɾȹcᔔఒࠗಋʼʝ́՜༩ȹ˖޵c is one of Asia’s leading orchestras. Enriching Hong Kong’s ɍɊαԞɰೕࢄιඑജɁၤࣵ̔ࠑᅥ၀ߜؿ cultural life for over a century, the Orchestra has grown intoٶ ௑ˮᅥ྆cмʵ˖ވज़ᖚ୺ࡼ΃̎ᘆᖚeಋᅥ a formidable ensemble of Chinese and international talents Ұα஦༦൚༦ȹϛʄɊ௿ؿ࿫ˮcᘩ৽ɀɊຒ in the last three decades, attracting world-class artists to ᅥ়ؿʶ᜙e perform on the same stage. HKPO annually touches the lives of 200,000 music lovers through more than 150 performances. ౎ɣ࢑ϴ۹f߻ജऋეኒɎcܞΕԔᙷਝ჌ؿ Under the leadership of its internationally renowned conductor α࿫ˮ৛৺ٶಋᅥؿᖚ୺ˋ̡ྨ௚ঢ়ࢋeಋᅥ Edo de Waart, HKPO continues to scale new heights in musical Ͳࡨ͚ᚊςӡͶd࿨ჱࠑᅥผdඨ଻̀԰ᅥς excellence. The continuing cycle of Mahler symphonies and cҡۿؿྩณς͌cяݯᅥ়ֺᆅʘ౨̔˞ challenging programming outside the traditional repertoire, ᅥտؿιݯᅥ྆ᖚ୺ೕࢄؿԈೡຌe have become highly anticipated events as well as musical ᅕӴΛ٧ؿ൒ᒫԈෙ࿨ჱࠑᅥผڈࠇ፾Ꮋc milestones for the Orchestra. Beethoven’s Fidelio opera-in- ʥ৛৺ؿɣΔɾ࿨ɺ˿cϤԯˢၤಋᅥ΃ concert and Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde are inarguably the i፡ೄࡼແ௟ˤdܢ˳ڬؿ৐ᕷᅥኋ̜ܱ̎ major highlights of the 2009/10 season. Many great artists ,ॗʩ౜ਥʥңၐ౜cɩొೄࡼਜ̷਼քʥ perform with the HKPO, from pianists Jean-Yves Thibaudetּˈ ɣొೄࡼ͠๤С౜eඨթܞ౎ᖓ௑౜ऋӇ౜ਥ Boris Berezovsky and Paul Lewis, violinist Sarah Chang ɣ࢑ቝᐽcᄤɣᅥ়ຒʜ፟༦e to cellist Steven Isserlis. The visit of the legendary Gennadi Rozhdestvensky is also an event not to be missed. ιݯټপਥڌα˂঴cʪ̀එ྆෯ഁ ᅥ྆ؿࠖ࢐ᖳХc˞Х߻ജऋྡྷଊˢྦྷᅥ྆ؿ From April 2006, The Swire Group Charitable Trust became ѩᗙeϊݯಋᅥ̌ɐ௖ɣؿͬพᖳХc˥ᅥ྆ the Hong Kong Philharmonic’s Principal Patron, enabling ၦ̎ᑺ൬ Maestro de Waart’s artistic vision for the Orchestra to beވ˖੡˞Εᖚ୺ɐτҡɣؿೕࢄcΉ ,ؿ΃ࣂcੀঢ়ˋๅؿ࿫ˮ੓೽ᄤɣ̵̟cᜑҡ realized. Swire’s sponsorship of the Hong Kong Philharmonic ΛɁઅᘩԷ̀԰ࠑᅥe the largest in the Orchestra’s history, supports artistic growth and development as the Orchestra takes its place on the world stage, and brings performances of musical excellence to the widest possible public. 港樂和香港的城市脈搏深深緊扣,積極推廣 HKPO stays in tune with our city by presenting the orchestra 管弦樂至社會各階層,將精彩的音樂會體驗 in unexpected venues and bringing the excitement of 帶到各家各戶,當中不少重要演出更透過電台 the concert experience to every home through radio and 及電視轉播給全港市民欣賞,包括於跑馬地 television broadcasts. These included, the largest symphonic 馬場遊樂場舉行的全年最大型交響演奏 — 太古 event of the year, Swire Symphony Under the Stars at Happy 「港樂.星夜.交響曲」。為了提高全港中、 Valley. The Orchestra runs a comprehensive schools education 小、特殊學生對古典音樂的興趣,港樂舉辦 programme, Creative Notes, bringing the joy of classical music 音樂教育計劃「創意音符」,提供免費音樂會及 to primary, secondary and special school kids, and once in 各項教育活動。樂團亦嘗試踏出純古典音樂的 a while, the Orchestra drops the formality of the classical 範疇,定期邀請中、外流行歌手同台演出, concerts to crossover with Western and Chinese pop stars. 吸引更多年青觀眾接觸古典音樂。 The Orchestra also builds its reputation and raises its artistic standards by touring. In 2007/08 season, the Orchestra 港樂的海外巡迴演出,讓樂團在港外建立聲譽 performed in the Shanghai Spring International Music 及進一步提升藝術水平。2007/08樂季,港樂分 Festival and the Beijing Music Festival. In 2009, the Orchestra 別於上海之春國際音樂節及北京國際音樂節中 undertook a major six-concert tour of China, including the 亮相。2009年,樂團更在艾度.迪華特的領導 Xinghai Concert Hall in Guangzhou, Beijing’s National Centre 下到廣州星海音樂廳、北京國家大劇院及上海 for the Performing Arts and Shanghai Grand Theatre under 大劇院大劇場作中國巡演,為廣大中國聽眾演 the leadership of Maestro Edo de Waart. 出六場精彩音樂會。 In February 2008, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council honoured the HKPO with the Arts Promotion Award, in 香港藝術發展局於2008年2月頒發「藝術推廣 recognition of its success in expanding its audience base and 獎」予香港管弦樂團,以表揚港樂近年來成功擴 gaining public support in recent years. 展觀眾層面和獲取公眾支持。

The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港管弦樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 SWIRE is the Principal Patron of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 香港管弦樂團首席贊助:太古集團 The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is the Venue Partner of the Hong 香港管弦樂團為香港文化中心場地伙伴 Kong Cultural Centre Salute ෰ᑢ͟Ђ to Our Partners kܛࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆টʶ෰ᑢ˞ɎᖳХዀ࿚ؿྐྵష༅Х՗ʻ The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the Partners below for their generous sponsorship and support!



˞ʔ̇ߜʼΊီѵIn alphabetical order of company name ඔ̛౜ Lawrence Renes

ܞ౎ conductor

ࡼ Lawrence Renes rose to fame in 1995, when he replacedޒ౎ܞαˤ౧ҳဍכ঴ᇂڣඔ̛౜ؿ ճ౜ऋɽࠑᅥᜨᅥ྆࿫ˮңྦf̌ऋ௜౜ؿ to conduct the Royal Concertgebouwځ ߜඐؿȹ́ʥʱμؿᅥඅԾۗςeܰωรݯ Orchestra Amsterdam, in a programme of Strauss’s Ein Heldenleben and Bartók’s Concerto for Orchestra. Broadcast ι˲ؿࠑᅥผcͅ୩ᙬАཋ഼ᄤᅌcҡιݯ on Dutch TV this highly successful performance made the ޵፣ːྒ෱ࠖ࿫ؿ˚߬ॖҥe basis for a documentary on Renes entitled A Dream Début.

ϭαංcඔ̛౜ኪͨɺഠ૆ჱ৑࿨ჱ Between 2001 and 2006 Lawrence Renes held the post ᐢဟʥɺഠ૆ෲᅥᅥ྆ࠑᅥᐢဟcͨʑˢ౦ of Director of Opera at Bremen Theatre and General Music ౎̌ऋ௜౜ؿ໛ᛰʥ৛৺ɣΔɾ࿨e Director of the Bremer Philharmoniker, where he concludedܞ ढ़ճෲᅥᅥ྆ؿࠖ࢐ his tenure with performances of Strauss’s Metamorphosenځϭαcˢኪͨ ౎ؿ৛৺d̠ቧႠढ़ʥ and Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde. From 1998 to 2003ܞ౎ʥᖚ୺ᐢဟԯංܞ e Renes was Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of Hetވജࣟढ़࿫ˮรԮᚬۤcԔᙷᅥ Gelders Orkest, Arnhem, with whom he built his reputation for authoritative performances of works by Mahler, Bruckner ᄨ෮ҁ׳ඔ̛౜౦ၤΛ࠯ടΊᅥ྆΋АcΣi݇ and Wagner. ͚ᚊᅥ྆d%%&͚ᚊᅥ྆dࡐᄨః͚ᚊᅥ྆d ࣳෲᅥdݤҪᐈ Lawrence Renes has collaborated with distinguishedذࡼСޒ౜ᄨࡐဍᄾෲᅥd orchestras, such as the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester ܁ᘣ༠dϹඏ྇dͤ౜౗ʥ֛ऋ̛עෲᅥd c Berlin, BBC and Gothenburg Symphonies, Royal Stockholmޚڋԓ౜̯ࠑᅥຝɻכ͚ᚊᅥ྆eˢɌ౦ এؿ Philharmonic, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Los AngelesۂАޝԎၤັ༠ഥ࿨ჱຝ΋А࿫ˮᖭ ୩ᙬ Philharmonic, the Minnesota, Seattle, Houston and Detroitٵ޻ਝࠖ࿫cɣᏵΡിeαcˢࠇ ౎޸጑fԓ๫౜ࡈɥ௟ɡؿᅩݘࠖ࿫ Symphonies and at the 2007 Aspen Music Festival. He gaveܞ࿨ჱ৑ the US première of Tan Dun’s Tea with Sante Fe Opera to ߜਝਝࡼ࿨ჱ৑Аߜਝࠖ࿫eכαכʥ great critical acclaim. In 2007 he returned to Netherlands αcˢၤϹඏ྇࿨ჱ৑ࠖω΋Аc࿫ˮ Opera for the European première of John Adams’s Dr Atomic ࡼᛅྫྷѫჱޒผၤڬαcࡥഠКऋּe and leads the work’s UK première at the English National ৑ࠖ࿫࿫ˮ࣯ɥؿዃೡe Opera in 2009. He made his Seattle Opera début with Elektra in 2008 and 2009 sees his début with Theatre Royal .(ճ౜ऋɽ̟ؿ̌ࠏಿКࠑᅥነ৑ de la Monnaie (The Rake’s Progressځכඔ̛౜ͱ ˚࠳ɩొೄcʥ܃Էࣵˑޒࡼࠑᅥነ৑ነୌ ܞ౎cα࿘ᙷଓพeϭαංc Having studied violin at the Sweelinck Conservatory in ୩ᙬཋ̎ෲᅥᅥ྆ኪͨϴ۹f߻ജऋ Amsterdam, Lawrence Renes went on to study conductingכඔ̛౜౦ at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, where he graduated ؿХଉcԯං਄࿫ͅ୩ᙬ࿨ჱ৑ႇАؿၐऋd with honours in 1993. During 1994 to 1996 Renes was ճ౜ऋɽࠑᅥᜨؿ৛৺ຝᄪd୩ᙬᖚ୺ຝځ the assistant to Edo de Waart at the Netherlands Radio ؿ঑Вࣟ̀ཊɾ࿨ʥ਄ၤᙠ፣৛৺Ͳࡨ Philharmonic where he was involved in the Netherlands ͚ᚊςe Opera production of Werther, the Mahler celebration at the , Schoenberg’s Gürrelieder at the Holland Festival and a recording of the Mahler cycle.

周善祥 Kit Armstrong

鋼琴 piano

現年17歲的周善祥是一位鋼琴家兼作曲家, Kit Armstrong is a seventeen-year-old pianist and 除音樂方面的才華,他同樣精通數學、科學及 composer who also displays remarkable gifts for 語言。年僅五歲,他已開始正式學習作曲及 mathematics, science, and languages. At the age of five, 鋼琴,七歲成為加州查普曼大學史上最年輕的 he began formal composition and piano studies. At seven, he became the youngest scholarship student in the history 獎學金學生,兼讀大學同時完成其高中課程。 of Chapman University in California, attending the university 兩年後,他入讀大學,主修音樂及科學。他現正 part-time while completing high school. Two years later, 跟隨著名鋼琴家布蘭杜及卡普蘭習琴。周善祥 he became a full-time undergraduate student, studying 一邊讀書,一邊以獨奏家身份與各大樂團演出, music and science. He currently studies piano with Alfred 並於八歲時舉行其協奏曲首演。2005年,他在 Brendel and Benjamin Kaplan. Attending college, Kit has 馬克拉斯指揮下演奏貝多芬第一鋼琴協奏曲; given recitals and appeared as soloist with numerous 2007年與麥菲林指揮的巴爾的摩交響樂團合作 orchestras. He made his concerto début at the age of 演繹莫扎特第20鋼琴協奏曲。他又將於2009和 eight. In 2005, he performed Beethoven’s Piano Concerto 2010年與沙爾指揮的萊比錫布商管弦樂團演出 No. 1, conducted by Sir ; in 2007, he played Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 20 with the Baltimore 巴赫D小調協奏曲及舒曼的A小調協奏曲。 Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Bobby McFerrin. He will play Bach’s Concerto in D Minor and Schumann’s Concerto 周善祥的演奏曲目廣泛,涵蓋多位作曲家的 in A Minor with the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra 作品,如:巴赫的十二平均律48首前奏曲及 conducted by Riccardo Chailly in 2009 and 2010. 賦格曲和創意曲、莫扎特全18首奏鳴曲、貝多芬 15首奏鳴曲,以及海頓、舒伯特、蕭邦、舒曼、 Kit Armstrong’s piano repertoire encompasses a wide 布拉姆斯、德布西和拉威爾的作品。他的協奏曲 range of composers; it includes all 48 Preludes and Fugues 曲目包括巴赫、莫扎特、貝多芬、孟德爾遜、 from the Well-Tempered Clavier and the Two-Part and 蕭邦、舒曼和巴托的作品。 Three-Part Inventions by Bach, all 18 Piano Sonatas by Mozart, 15 Piano Sonatas by Beethoven, as well as works by Haydn, Schubert, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, Brahms, 作為一位作曲家,周善祥的作品風格多樣,曾 Debussy, and Ravel. His concerto repertoire includes 創作多首為獨奏鋼琴而寫的曲目、一首中提琴 works by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin, 奏鳴曲、三首弦樂四重奏、兩首鋼琴五重奏、 Schumann, and Bartók. 一首管樂五重奏、一首鋼琴協奏曲和一首 交響曲。他所創作的交響曲《Celebration》寫於 As a composer, Kit has written in various styles. His 七歲之時,由太平洋交響樂團首演。他贏得多個 compositions include numerous pieces for solo piano, a 全國比賽獎項,又連續五年榮獲莫爾頓.古德 viola sonata, three string quartets, two piano quintets, 青年作曲家大獎,2007年,他憑著為中提琴 wind quintet, a piano concerto, and a symphony. The symphony, Celebration, was composed when he was seven, 和鋼琴而作的《披頭散髮的彼得》贏得著名的 and was premièred by the Pacific Symphony Orchestra. 貝爾根獎學金。 In addition to winning a number of state competitions, he has been awarded the Morton Gould Young Composer Award for five consecutive years. In 2007, Struwwelpeter, a suite for viola and piano, won the prestigious Charlotte V. Bergen Scholarship. ӴΛ٧ Ludwig van Beethoven 1770-1827

Egmont : overture, Op. 84 ۂϴࣟၬiѵςcА

cᅩݘጙ঴̜ɣؿ̵પ˚ The late 18th and early 19th centuries saw the rise ofٱ˖޵޵̱d˖ Թ۹ؿ۴ਝ strong nationalist aspirations in Europe. Self-governingۺຮ࣯ᅸeᖀɠፗᒏdըϷᗘЍ۬ પ nations were beginning to emerge from empires which̵כ඀ն̿໬c࿺࿺ͅϬ؝ਝࡼՅˤhϤྦྷ ӀτˈᄨਝɁҡᆅটؿȿe໱Ɂ࿒ had maintained an almost feudal system of rule overڬຮc˚ vast areas of the continent. Nowhere was this spirit of ჱАࡼ࿨ᄨ  ȹʿࠍࢰࢴȿ஛ိ nationalism more strongly felt than in Germany, and ࣂˤ၀ुc̊ȹʿࠍɖઐ৽ȿ̵પ˚ຮೕࢄe it was both captured and inspired by the writings of ˮᄨਝɁܮˢؿടАᑟ߸Ɂ̵ኝ௝̔પᎦ߾cʦ the poet and dramatist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ˖޵ (1749-1832). His work mirrored the aspirations of theؿʶᗙcྦྷ๫ࣂؿᖚ୺ࡼᄧᚊϭ̜cݯ ΛϽ௅άАςࡼ੓ԞᄘА᜙෰c˳ܢഒВऋd German people with their tales of popular victory over ഒਅdң౜ऋdജࣟढ़՗͉ፗɡ Ķ ๫ಳᑹτ the foreign oppressor, and had a profound effect on his ӴΛ٧e fellow artists. Those who wrote music directly inspired by Goethe included the very greatest composers of the 19th ,࿨ᄨɺʭჱА஭ݠ᜙ݠଊΔԳིˮࣂˤ؅௼c century; Schubert, Schumann, Liszt, Wagner, Berlioz and .ԯɻɾȹe˖޵ࣂcؒᙬᄨ౜ of course, Beethovenܰڏϴࣟၬ ʿ ଻؝cڲႭႩؿכϽ ஫ ୽Ϲऒˑ˵כϽ One of the plays in which Goethe most vividly caught the ܫڳᙬᄨ౜ɁؒۿϤϹऒˑɁݢԞؿᐢ๼ྦྷ mood of the times was Egmont. Set in the 16th century ᙬؒܰڬԑ˚Ɂ।ϴࣟၬɥᏲܨߔԳɌ಄ᅘh when Flanders (in the north) was governed by Spain (in ᄨ౜ൔપeֺτؒᙬᄨ౜Ɂ஭ྦྷϴࣟၬ਺ʀ the extreme south), it tells of the noble Count Egmont on whom the hopes of all the Flemish people rest as he ۿՅᄖجશcѴશˢॶݯ̵ᇼ՜cΉᐢ๼ڴ ୽ࢰdРϋh૯ෲ appeals to the Spanish regional governor to moderateڳᙬᄨ౜Ɂe˿ܰϴࣟၬؒ ϴࣟၬؿʭɤКּϫཹ໰ဉ৽ଠɁˮʹᏪટc his harsh and tyrannical treatment of them. But he is (ᚬϤɺౘ஥ωh arrested and condemned to death. A young girl (ClärchenܧΐݯࡻְϹऒˑڳЎɁࠨ ,ݓ who loves him tries to incite the people to rescue himרܰכϴࣟၬ୽ּ˾୮Һc೸શؿКּϫ ,ውೕ but they are too afraid of the Spanish authorities andڳϬ૎eϴࣟၬᒖಳ୽૎cЎˢؿࣩࣽ ᙬᄨ౜Ɂ঴ຮcઐᓺᎦ߾ˢࠨؿϹऒˑɁ Ķ out of desperation, she poisons herself as Egmont is ledؒ ଓ௄ɖܰȹိ௝Сe away and executed. His death is actually a triumph since his spirit survives and serves to inspire the Flemish people to rise up and overthrow their Spanish oppressors. αcၐɖढ़ࡾ࢓ჱ৑߮ೋɐ࿫࢐৺ۤ෧f ࣮ဍ՗࿨ᄨϴࣟၬeӴΛ٧Ѵશݯۤ෧f In 1810 the Vienna Court Theatre planned to stage both ᄨဍ Schiller’s William Tell and Goethe’s Egmont. Beethovenځ͚ͅڳ࣮ဍᄘАࠑᅥcЎ஛ͫɮА Вऋfਥݤၐও߲ஐe࿨ᄨጱϬΉჱ৑ᐢဟઐ had hoped to write music for the former, but that ᔈӴΛ٧hჱ৑ᐢဟ༟կ޸ӴΛ٧ݯϴࣟၬ task was assigned to Adalbert Gyrowetz. However on ᄘАȹࠖѵςdȹࠖ௝С͚ᚊςdԭࠖ࿨ςd Goethe’s own recommendation the theatre director Ɏȿ commissioned Beethoven to write an overture, a Victoryיᓤࠑᅥ՗̒ࠖංۗςeᒖಳӴΛ٧້ ፾ɐֺτɮАcਿʶߎҁᄘА஛ғկ޸ Symphony, two songs, funeral music and four entr’actesʹ ৽೫ؿȹࠖ ᑹܰႢɺʥ for Egmont. Although he stopped work on everything else܃௖ c஛ࠖѵςۂА Է in order to concentrate on this commission, Beethovenقѧιcک ˂ˀ ŏϴࣟၬࠖ࿫ α˂ˀɷΕჱ৑ᚊ঴hಳϤϊςɺɔ had not finished the overture (the last part of the music th – ؿۜྸ൬቙ࠑᅥᜨeᅥς඀ဲ he wrote) in time for the play’s first night – 24 Mayۂዟ͓А˞ڏ and it was not heard until 15th June 1810. Nevertheless ᐰϳ࠭ჷcോᄩϹऒˑɁؿঢ়Ꭶ଻؝cГхؿ it very quickly developed a life of its own in the concert ใܹؿКּϫcٲᕀࠖͱΕᔶᓫဳᚊ঴cˤ˚ hall. The stern opening signifies the heavy hand of the ూᖒɁ̵ؿ೸શeАςࡼڬϤ஠۹༖҄ؿɻݒ oppressor, the subdued theme first introduced by the ಳ oboe represents the tenderness of Clärchen, while theޯ܃ϴࣟၬؿϋcಳٲȹኬɩຝؿͤ˅ˤ˞ ᚭ௩ߗӔ ԅగܰ—௝С͚ᚊς˜ cോᄩՇᎦ߾ despair of the people is portrayed in the quicker central e section of the work. Egmont’s death is indicated by a wholeܧؿɁ̵ኝ௝ᅘ bar’s rest followed by a great outburst of joy (actually the “Victory Symphony”) representing the victory of the oppressed people over their tyrannical rulers. ୣʺऋ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791

Piano Concerto No. 17 in G, K453 ۂɣሁ଱፡ೄԾۗςА* ׶ Allegro҄ Ϸ׶ Andante ׶ Allegretto – Presto܈ɩ҄׶ß c৛ɐ৽೫ᄘАˢ Mozart’s first attempts at writing keyboard concertos܃ୣʺऋԀিᅩݘ࿫ˮ༦ ଱ȹғᒄᆚԾۗςiαcˢ࣓ኣПɁؿ followed hot on the heels of his European tour: in 1767 ͳτ̒ࠖcˮϬ̒Ͻɺ΃ؿАςࡼ he took four keyboard Sonatas by four different composers ᒄᆚۗსς and added orchestral introductions and interludes to ೫ cʹ˱ɐဳ֞ᅥʵɥ՗ైݒe଱ȹࠖࡈ௚ʹ them. His first genuinely original piano concerto was Εαᄘιhˢȹ́ͳ௚Аȿڬ፡ೄԾۗς completed in 1773 and, in all, he composed 27 Piano ˢցֈၐɖढ़ɾכࠖ፡ೄԾۗςcɣ஫ʗᄘ Concertos, most of which date from his years in Vienna. ଱ȹࠖ The first of these Viennese concertos was No. 11, which܃e଱፡ೄԾۗςܰˢଫֈၐɖढ़܃ ፡ೄԾۗςcα˂ˀΕၐɖढ़ͅୣʺऋ Mozart premièred in the city on 11th January 1783. He ጱϬࠖ࿫e΃ȹᅥտʑcˢ࿫ˮȿ̊̔ԭࠖ performed two others in that season the success of (ᜮଠʦᎶᆅईcɎȹᅥտˢɌᄘ which prompted him to compose four more (Nos 14-17כԾۗςhͅ ȿ̒ࠖ ଱ϭ଱ Ķ Ϥ஛̒ࠖͲ஭Εԭ࠯˂ for the following season. He wrote these in the th α˂ˀϭ˂ˀ ʑ୓ᆨe space of just two months, between 9 February and 12th April 1784.

ᄘА஛ғԾۗςؿࣂ࠰cୣʺऋࡼɻٛցܰඤȼ The circumstances surrounding the composition of these Ʉᐘ Ķ τ࠯˸ัɣؿԫɥdȹ৙Ί̉ࣟঢ়ؿ concertos must have been chaotic, to say the least. In ᅩ઀ைe Mozart’s house there was his six-month-old son, a livelyذdᑹτȹ৙Ί࣮̉̌ဍؿᕠشݠᅱɩ ைԫҡነผȿȹʻς Ķ ԅܰୣʺऋȹ࠯ነ́ɐᇾ dog called Guckel, and a pet bird – a starling named ࣂ຤੒ᄦۗؿςሁe஛࠯ነ́గܰ٢٢ּfౝᖓ Starl – that had learnt to whistle a theme which one of ʷऋ̥ईᄨf Mozart’s pupils had been playing quite a lot duringٲ߁ဍcܰᔁဍওః቙ၐɖढ़ˤ ,ࣟढ़ওf઻fౝᖓ߁ဍؿɤԫeைԫነϯ her lessons at the house. The pupil was Barbara Ployer͠ ਎ˮؿςሁcˮϬୣʺऋݯ٢٢ּfౝᖓ߁ဍ daughter of Gottfried Ignaz von Ployer the Salzburg Court’s representative in Vienna, and the theme picked ؿ ۂА ᄘАؿᅥς*ɣሁ଱፡ೄԾۗς up by the starling came from the finale of a piano ୄᅥ௃e଱፡Ծܰୣʺऋ଱ɀࠖݯ΢Ϥᄘؿ concerto Mozart had composed for her, the Concerto ࠁٶၐɖढ़ ׳Ծۗςcα˂ˀΕᄨ̠ in G major No.17 (K453). This was the second concerto Δਂ ΢ࡼપؿ୥්ࠖ࿫cୣʺऋɖΕ࢔ᜮሌe Mozart had composed for her and she gave the first performance of it at her family’s country house in Döbling, on the outskirts of Vienna, on 13th June 1784 with Mozart in the audience. ऋПΛ Lightly scored, but for an orchestra comprising a particularlyڳcЎୣʺऋፕ͂ဳᅥኂޔϊς৉ኂႦ ,ରdԭʻᔶᓫဳdԭʻʱ׸ဳ՗ԭʻ well-developed wind section (there is a flute, two oboesٽȹʻ ෋໔ eͲς˞఻҄඀࣍ؿࣩ؅ݯਥሁe଱ȹ two bassoons and two horns), the Concerto is for the most part a sunny, happy work, the 1st movement ईؿဳ֞ᅥʵɥࢄ඀ѵྭc፡ೄٻᅥ௃˞ጙঢ় opening with a cheerful orchestral introduction following ೟܃˱ɃcࣟሁႦޔ᜙̝eࠑᅥ৫ಳᔝϭɩሁ which the piano enters with great delicacy and lightness. ሁֲcउඔ˛ଊcЎ֗ΡᑹܰᘽӶȿhജ੟ Occasional clouds appear as the music momentarily ؿ moves into the minor key but these invariably drift awayڋעΕሣ๕ڏȹ྆஻ᛉɺɔ܃c௖܃ᅥݒ༦ ဳ֞ᅥѮᐰ໧ࣱౙe and after the cadenza the final clouds quickly disperse in the brightly lit orchestral coda. ᅥГᐰхാˮ଱ɀᅥ௃ؿʵɥcҕੱ˚ᕀؿ֞ ဳᄘؒ௾ီुԞɾ೫cݯ෰ੱᔔఒؿ଱ɀ A subdued string introduction followed by a lyrical theme˃ ᅥ௃ఈɎਥᓣ Ķ τɁѼࢀc—ᒔᔀΕྈ˖҄ᅥ featuring some truly inspired woodwind writing sets the scene for the emotionally-charged 2nd movement which ໧ؿ೎ߕcΕϊ஭୽௴ፚȿ˜e has been described as “evoking the ache at the heart of all mortal joy”. ˥଱ɍᅥ௃֣͝ಲᄯಲᄬЍؿcୣʺऋ࣓ኣԅ ைԫΣᖂΣሶؿ˚ᕀcᄘɎȹடϻؿᛰۗcϤ˘ The theme which tickled Starl’s fancy so much is subjected ፡ೄ஫ʗᛰ੡൙ೕ৐ᕷྔ͌e a series of variations in the carefree 3rd movement, the piano writing becoming ever more glittering. 柴可夫斯基 Pyotr ll’yich Tchaikovsky 1 8 4 0 - 1 8 9 3

E小調第五交響曲, 作品64 Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64 行板 ﹣生氣勃勃的快板 Andante – Allegro con anima 稍自由的,如歌的行板 Andante cantabile, con alcuna licenza 圓舞曲:中庸的快板 Valse: Allegro moderato 終曲:莊嚴的行板 ﹣活潑的快板 Finale: Andante maestoso – Allegro vivace

柴可夫斯基共創作了七首交響曲,只有一首附有 Tchaikovsky wrote seven symphonies. He gave a title to 標題,那就是「曼費雷德」交響曲,標題指出寫 one of them – “Manfred” – to underline the fact that the 作靈感來自英國作家拜倫的同名史詩;但其他 work was inspired by Byron’s epic of the same name, but 六首雖然只有編號、沒有標題,卻也彷彿內有 while the other six merely have numbers, all follow some 文章。柴可夫斯基寫道:「我不希望言 kind of programmatic line. Tchaikovsky once wrote “I wish no symphonic work to emanate from me that has nothing 之無物的交響作品出自我筆下,不希望 to express and is made up of harmonies and a purposeless 樂曲只是一堆和聲和漫無目的的節奏 pattern of rhythms and modulations”, and from jottings 型和轉調。」寫作第五交響曲時,他會 found in the notebooks Tchaikovsky carried with him at 把一些筆記本帶在身旁;從中可見他 the time of its composition, we learn that he had a firm 早已想清楚要表達的內容了:例如第五交響曲 idea as to what the Fifth Symphony was supposed to 要在開端刻劃「聽天由命」的態度。論者普遍認 express. It was to begin, for example, with music portraying 為「聽天由命」反映出他終於接受了自己的同性 “complete resignation before Fate or, which is the same, 戀傾向,而他最後三首交響曲則是他把私生活 before the inscrutable predestination of Providence”, and 中的波瀾公開表達的方式。 commentators generally assume that “complete resignation” here was a sign that Tchaikovsky had, at last, come to terms with his homosexuality and his last three numbered symphonies were effectively the outlet through which Tchaikovsky could give public expression to the intensely private drama of his life. 在上述三首交響曲中,要數第五交響曲的結構 Of those three symphonies, the Fifth is the most traditional 最傳統;而從樂曲的題獻對象就可見他默認了 in its structure; a fact Tchaikovsky tacitly acknowledged 這一點。1888年,柴可夫斯基擔任指揮巡迴 by dedicating the finished score to a German teacher, 演出時,認識了拉勒門特。拉勒門特對音樂看法 Theodor Avé-Lallement, who was renowned for his 極為傳統,甚至慫恿柴可夫斯基定居德國。 arch-traditionalist approach to music. Tchaikovsky had met Avé-Lallement in Hamburg during a conducting tour in 柴可夫斯基語帶挖苦地憶述:「德國的古典 1888 and the German had recommended that Tchaikovsky 傳統和高雅文化氛圍,定能矯正我、去除我的 settle in the country; “where the classical traditions and 瑕疵。他認為,要解釋我的瑕疵易如反掌─ the general atmosphere of a higher culture would not fail 因為我出生和成長的國家,至今仍遠較德國 to correct me and rid me of those deficiencies which he felt 落伍。」柴可夫斯基大抵沒有接納拉勒門特的 were easily accountable by the fact that I was born and 忠告,但卻著手寫作一首能滿足傳統派要求的 grew up in a country which was still so unenlightened and 交響曲,並跟隨貝多芬第五交響曲由黑暗走向 backward when compared to Germany”, as Tchaikovsky 光明的模式。正如他給贊助人梅克夫人的信中 wryly recalled. He may not have taken Avé-Lallement’s 所言:「我力求令此曲盡善盡美。」第五交響曲 advice, but he did set out to prove that he could fulfil 1888年11月17日在聖彼德堡首演,由柴可夫 traditionalist expectations of a symphony cast in the mould 斯基親自指揮。 of Beethoven’s Fifth, passing from darkness into light. As he wrote to his patroness, Nadezhda von Meck, “I strove to bring it to the greatest possible state of perfection”. Tchaikovsky himself conducted the première in St Petersburg on 17th November 1888.

ࣜ˿ʩ౜ਥi(ɩሁ଱ʄ͚ᚊς TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony No. 5 in E minor

The 1st movement begins in sombre mood (the “complete ܃ᚹʨͅ՜ ؿ඀ဲࣩ؅ᄯᝎc೟ ଱ȹᅥ௃ ஠۹ҝᛰȿc೶೶ʱʱؿɩςሁ෷෷ਜ਼ਜ਼Δ resignation before Fate”) but after a while the speed ઀༦ АςࡼѼࢀ஛ܰ—Гхdሔဘdஐᗒ˜ c changes and a jerky little tune (“murmurs, doubts, reproaches”) flurries by with a characteristically tricky ܃ɌመՈफಳh፭ڳᒖಳ౭ʹcێֺ͂ຝۗ but nevertheless appealing rhythm. This is balanced by ێˮ၀ᆽؿࠑۗڬc˃ဳᅥ܁ᅥۗˮܹ՗ફ֞ ޚՓᎶe a softer melody played by the strings answered by delicate woodwind figures.

᎚޻৽Ɂcܰኬ࠯ᅥ௃ؿ܁଱ɀᅥ௃ؿ෋໔ફ The 2nd movement is built around a beautifully lyrical ɐʿ˞ႍؒᄘട—ኇc܁ਥᓣcАςࡼҡΕફ melody played by a single horn. Above this melody ”!ӷ˞஦ྵԳི Tchaikovsky had written, in French, “O how I love you܁ΛფෲБk˜h˖ɐ׮भτફ҈ ϊୣᙔe and certainly if ever a musical tune expressed the depthڈɓɁɾෲcྡྷ of human love this does. ଱ɍᅥ௃ܰࣜ˿ʩ౜ਥ௖়Ɂd௖᎚ඏؿ෋ၦς cіᔵԯɻ The 3rd movement contains one of Tchaikovsky’s most܁ɾȹeʱ׸ဳΕɻபۗˮณؿફ ࠓฎσcЎᅥ௃ charming and graceful Waltzes. At one point the bassoonٴؿɩొೄൠࠑࠑආཫᐞᐞ೻੓ ͅնϭୄɺ̖ቤɈၤक़भe offers a new melody while the violins intersperse a few running scales like ribbons fluttering in the breeze, but the .଱ȹᅥ௃ؿʵɥΕ଱̒ᅥ௃඀նࣂࠇଊcЎҝ movement’s charm and innocence is never lost ܃ݯɣሁሁֲcᛰ੡ѕᗫ੡Λdᅥᜮ੡Λhಳ The 4th movement begins with a restatement of the ؿ՗֞cڋ௼ᓳԭ࠯˚ᕀ඀ࢄiԯȹܰடϻѩ work’s introduction, although this time given more ᔶᓫဳ೮̏ᛷ੡၇ਜ਼ʓʓhԯɀܰ˃ဳᅥۗˮ majesty and sounding a lot more optimistic now it has ؿςሁcࣩሔ᎚ඏݚᗫeࠑᅥ࿺࿺ઐ൬cᑺΉ been put into a major key. Much of the remainder of ؿ—ГхdکҐɾכѩ৩ပᗫؿঢ়ᅸcѽ֣ୄ the movement is built around two themes, a strong, punchy ,c΃ࣂɌɺผᛷ੡༦ͫ set of chords with a rather nervous answer from the oboeيሔဘdஐᗒ˜ȹઍϤ e and a graceful flowing tune played by the woodwind. Itڒ٦ all builds up to a triumphant climax which, without being too fanciful seems to represent the final dispelling of those earlier “murmurs, doubts, reproaches”.

ຝ͌ʍଽɻʼᓺᘭiሲኮѻ Programme notes by Marc Rochester

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ࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆ Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

଱ȹɩొೄ First Violins

χၳ ܏܆˔ สۺࡧց֦ ષ John Harding Leung Kin-fung Wong Sze-hang Zhu Bei ٽ଱ɍ৹྆ ٽ଱ɀ৹྆ ٽConcertmaster ଱ȹ৹྆ٽ྆ First Associate Second Associate Third Associate Concertmaster Concertmaster Concertmaster PHOTO Bobby Lee PHOTO ϴ۹f߻ജऋ Edo de Waart ᖚ୺ᐢဟ࠹ᐢܞ౎ Artistic Director & Chief Conductor ˉജ ೡ͓ Ґʼౠ ࣔᗫ Mao Hua Cheng Li Ba Wenjing Gui Li Maestro’s Chair – endowed by ᐢܞ౎࢐Ͻͅ˞Ɏዀ࿚ᖳХ The Octavian Society & Y.S. Liu Foundation

࠵ᘂ ٮଔਝ ૆ᗫڣ ᎘Ѵ Long Xi Mao Yiguo Rachael Mellado Ni Lan

ඡֱཽ ࢘ᰟ ਜ਼Ѵ ڋ˔ Wang Liang Christine Wong Xu Heng Zhang Xi Kar-yee PHOTO Lawrence Chan PHOTO ᘣ݇শ ՚ᙂࠔ Perry So Zhou Tengfei €ඖ͌ਂم౎ઠөʥܞХଉ Assistant Conductor (Education and ଱ɀɩొೄ Community Programmes) Second Violins

´ߑȻ ¶ષʼ☚ ৛ཽᇘ ༻˃޻͎ࠗ Fan Ting Leslie Ryang Katrina Rafferty-Ma Miyaka Suzuki Moon-sun

ɥ ሲɾણ ңཽ༞ ʿᅳكɻ̈́ڣ Tomoko Tanaka Mao Cheng Chi-man Ricardo de Mello Fang Jie

ڋᓯѩ༞ ѳਝต ᅾѸ ژЄཽ PHOTOS Gallant Ho Ka-chun Russell Kan Wang-to Mo Kwok-fai Martin Poon Cheung Chi Wai & Keith Hiro Ting-leung ଱ɀɩొೄ Second Violins

፫Χ౟ *݀ு *ჳٟѴ *˔ຣ Alisa Yan Yuqing *Ke Xue *Liu Fang-xi * Wang Yue

ɻొೄ Violas

ݙԗɓ ؀ᖓഓ໱ ੌѩ৩ ߑ עညӱԙᓱ ቭ¶ Kaori Wilson Li Ming Alice Rosen Cui Hong-wei Fan Yan Ethan Heath

ࡸ⋳ ˔ᒟ *ߑܱ ע͉ ࠾ۤ෧ ͓ژټ Jonathan Kim William Lane Pak Ming Sun Bin Wang Jun * Fan Xing

*ਜ਼ᰢᄧ *Zhang Shu-ying

ɣొೄ Cellos

ዷ ஹֱз ᗐ଻Ϊ ஹέݘ׳¶ دᎏɈԿ ½ʿኮ´ Richard Bamping Fang Xiaomu Dora Lam Chen Yi-chun Anna Kwan Ton-an Chan Ngat Chau

ңι* ׳Ⴉ ፳૚ ңႼᘡ Ѩԓעਜ਼ Cheung Ming-yuen Timothy Frank Li Ming-lu Yalin Song * Li Cheng

Гࠑɣొೄ Double Basses

³ᎏဍഥ ¶ۚᙀԞ ඟ࿖ ൒Сԓ Philip Powell Jiang Xinlai Feng Rong Samuel Ferrer ´ࠖ࢐Principal ³ ອଉࠖ࢐Acting Principal ½ ᐲ΋ࠖ࢐Co-Principal ¶ Хଉࠖ࢐Assistant Principal

ĶټЄᒤᅬࡼપਥ—* ʹ༠ཬ ߑᎼК  ࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆቙྆ነࡗ਩ফ˜ི߮ᅥ׳ ௑ࠔ׳ Jeffrey Lehmberg George Lomdaridze Jonathan Van Dyke * Fellows of The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Orchestral Fellowship Scheme ࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆ Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

೛ର ର Piccoloٽ Flutes

´̌ᄨಿ ¶ያࠏᅩ ܪࡼᇘ Megan Sterling Olivier Nowak Linda Stuckey

ߜਝဳ ᔶᓫဳ Cor Anglais Oboes

ڌஹዿ ࠏဍႫ ½̠ߗ١´ Michael Wilson Ruth Bull Christopher Chen

Гࠑ௰ᓫဳ Bass ௰ᓫဳ Clarinet Clarinets

´̌Ϊी ¶̌ࡼ጑ ᓯ௟ʼ Andrew Simon John Schertle Michael Campbell

Гࠑʱ׸ဳ Contra ʱ׸ဳ Bassoon Bassoons

๥ ¶ңࣽɬ ੌी౜ټ½ Kam Shui Vance Lee Adam Treverton Jones

෋໔ Horns

´ࠏோК ½ᖓԿ܆ ¶՚ౣͦ ң᫉ձ ңʭ፲ ঢ়ҁሑ Mark Vines Lisa Rogers Chow Chi-chung Natalie Lewis Homer Lee Siu-lam Marc Gelfo

໔ٽ ɩ໔ Trumpets Trombones

Կ ജ༠ᄨ ´ࠏඏᅥ ࠏɈթ܆К ¶ୣּ˺´ Jonathan Clarke Christopher Moyse Douglas Waterston Jarod Vermette Maciek Walicki

໔ٽГࠑ ɣ໔ ցࠑར Bass Tuba Timpani Trombone

Ӵဍ߻ ´஺౲݇ ´ᕡᅥ܆ Michael Priddy Paul Luxenberg James Boznos

࿍Ꮎᅥኂ ሉೄ ᒄᆚ Percussion Harp Keyboard

؎່֗´ ࣮Ӵࣚ ષ৩ജ ߈ૠᎵ ´̌ਥ༞´ Shaun Tilburg Raymond Leung Sophia Woo Christopher Sidenius Shirley Ip Wai-wa Shuk-fai

ऋ޸ᅥʹ ۪࢐ࠖ࢐ɻొೄ ɣొೄ Гࠑɣొೄ Extra players Guest Principal Viola Cello Double Bass ᖓ౜ɽ ࠾ᛷऽ ᅾዷ٠ Andrew Ling Letty Poon Andrew Roitstein

香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

名譽贊助人 HONORARY PATRON 執行委員會 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 行政長官 The Chief Executive 劉元生先生 Mr Y S Liu 曾蔭權先生 The Hon Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, GBM 主席 Chair

監察委員會 BOARD OF GOVERNORS 蔡關穎琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi 劉元生先生 Mr Y S Liu 鍾瑞明先生 Mr Chung Shui-ming, GBS, JP 主席 Chairman 伍日照先生 Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu 蘇澤光先生 Mr Jack C K So, JP 鍾瑞明先生 Mr Chung Shui-ming, GBS, JP 詩柏先生 Mr Stephan Spurr 副主席 Vice-Chairman 財務委員會 FINANCE COMMITTEE 陳祖泳女士 Ms Joanne Chan 鍾瑞明先生 Mr Chung Shui-ming, GBS, JP 張王幼倫夫人 Mrs Michelle Ong Cheung 主席 Chair 霍經麟先生 Mr Glenn Fok 林煥光先生 Mr Lam Woon-kwong, GBS, JP 霍經麟先生 Mr Glenn Fok 梁馮令儀醫生 Dr Lilian Leong, BBS, JP 劉元生先生 Mr Y S Liu 劉靖之授 Prof Liu Ching-chih 蘇兆明先生 Mr Nicholas Sallnow-Smith 伍日照先生 Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu 冼雅恩先生 Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan 蘇兆明先生 Mr Nicholas Sallnow-Smith 黃錦山先生 Mr Kenny Wong Kam-shan 冼雅恩先生 Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan 黃文耀先生 Mr Robert T. Wong 蘇澤光先生 Mr Jack C K So, JP 詩柏先生 Mr Stephan Spurr 籌款委員會 FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE 鄧永鏘爵士 Sir David Tang, KBE 伍日照先生 Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu 黃錦山先生 Mr Kenny Wong Kam-shan 主席 Chair 衛嘉仁先生 Mr David Zacharias 蔡關穎琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi 贊助基金委員會 ENDOWMENT TRUST FUND 邱詠筠女士 Ms Winnie Chiu BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tasha Lalvani女士 Ms Tasha Lalvani 鍾瑞明先生 Mr Chung Shui-ming, GBS, JP 副主席 Vice-Chair 主席 Chair 白碧儀女士 Ms Deborah Biber 劉元生先生 Mr Y S Liu 何驥夫人 Mrs Paulette Ho 伍日照先生 Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu 施彼德先生 Mr Peter Siembab 蘇澤光先生 Mr Jack C K So, JP 名譽顧問 HONORARY ADVISERS 陳永華授 Prof Chan Wing-wah, JP 發展委員會 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 張建東博士 Dr the Hon Marvin Cheung, OBE, SBS, JP 詩柏先生 Mr Stephan Spurr 周永成先生 Mr Vincent Chow Wing-shing, MBE, JP 主席 Chair 何超瓊女士 Ms Pansy Ho Chiu-king 胡法光先生 Mr Hu Fa-kuang, GBS, CBE, JP 陳祖泳女士 Ms Joanne Chan 嘉道理勳爵夫人 Lady Kadoorie 蔡關穎琴律師 Mrs Janice Choi 梁定邦醫生 Dr Ronald Leung, OBE, JP 何驥夫人 Mrs Paulette Ho 岑才生先生 Mr Shum Choi-sang, SBS, OBE, MA, JP 李浩山先生 Mr Vance Lee 黃英琦女士 Ms Ada Wong Ying-kay, JP 李偉安先生 Mr Warren Lee 楊鐵樑爵士 The Hon Sir T. L. Yang, GBM, JP 梁馮令儀醫生 Dr Lilian Leong, BBS, JP 伍日照先生 Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu ϷܧɁࡗ MANAGEMENT ̟௿ઐᄤ஫ MARKETING ᘣѣӪͱ́ Mr So Hau Leung ᖭͰ̵ͱ́ Mr Paul Tam Ϸܧᐢസ Chief Executive ̟௿ઐᄤᐢဟ Director of Marketing

ஹဦ๪ɤɡ Ms Rida Chan ஬ࠗఉɩմ Ms Elaine Kwee Ϸܧो࣊ Executive Secretary ̟௿ઐᄤ຤ଉ Marketing Manager (ઐᄤۧඨ (Concert Promotions ᖚ୺Ϸܧ஫ ARTISTIC ADMINISTRATION ՚⌿ɤɡ Ms Mio Margarit Chow ஹཽయɩմ Ms Tiphanie Chan ᖚ୺೪ི Artistic Administrator ᇁፎ Publications Editor

˔ཽᆋɩմ Miss Michelle Wong ஹࡄᏟͱ́ Mr Nick Chan Хଉ຤ଉ Assistant Manager ঢ়ज़ᤇ௿ʥ Senior Marketing Communications Officer ᖚ୺ࡼԑ৻ (Artist Liaison) ඨ঩˚ͨ

ɿҁশͱ́ Mr Jason Wan ඡዷ໱ɩմ Miss Natalie Wong ᖚ୺Ϸܧ஫Хଉ Artistic Administration Assistant ᤇ௿ʥඨ঩˚ͨ Marketing Communications Officer

ೕࢄ஫ DEVELOPMENT Ȼ޻ඔɩմ Miss Natalie Ting ஈዷඓɤɡ Ms Angela Hui ઠөʥ̔ࢄ଻ᘐ˚ͨ Education and Outreach Coordinator ೕࢄᐢဟ Director of Development ɩմ Miss Alice Lamށ޻׳ ɤɡ Ms Edith Ng ۪৻˚ͨ Customer Service Officerעдௗ ೕࢄ຤ଉ Development Manager ᅥ྆ԑ৻஫ ORCHESTRA AND OPERATIONS ᅥ߹ͱ́ Mr Luke Shawٷ ષႼ੖ͱ́ Mr Henry Leung Хଉೕࢄ຤ଉ Assistant Development Manager ᅥ྆ԑ৻˚ဳ Head of Orchestra and Operations

ధ੟߻ɩմ Miss Ruby Pang ฦჴᙂͱ́ Mr Ambrose Yeung Хଉೕࢄ຤ଉ Assistant Development Manager ᅥ྆Ɂԑ຤ଉ Orchestra Personnel Manager

ল৻ʥϷܧ஫ FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION ஹਝຮͱ́ Mr Steven Chan ߈ࡼᗸɩմ Ms Angel Woo ၦ̎຤ଉ Stage Manager ল৻ʥϷܧ˚ဳ Head of Finance and Administration Є܆ણɩմ Miss Betty Ho ң੖Ⴜͱ́ Mr Homer Lee ᅥᖪဳଉ Librarian ল৻຤ଉ Finance Manager ஹᗗўɩմ Miss Vanessa Chan ხͱ́ Mr Wong Chun Kim Хଉ຤ଉ Assistant Managerژඡ ল৻ʥϷܧ Assistant Manager, ᅥ྆ԑ৻ (Orchestra and Operations) Хଉ຤ଉ Finance and Administration ɩմ Miss Christy Law؀ٮᖓ ਜ਼ཽඓɩմ Miss Cherish Cheung ࠑᅥϷܧྡྷୌࡗ Music Administration Intern ɁɈ༅฻຤ଉ Human Resources Manager Ԅͱ́ Mr So Kan Pongٶᘣ ᘣဦജɩմ Miss Vonee So ༜ፏ˚ͨ Transportation Officer (Musical Instruments) ল৻ʥϷܧঢ়ज़˚ͨ Senior Officer, Finance & Administration

Miss Pamela Chan ஹᗫᄐɩմ ᐲ೼҈ࠨ ɣᅢɄᅢܧࡗ Receptionist ࠗಋȾ᎘άҳՍʼʝɻʶϷۿઅ ཋ໷iඨभi Mr Sammy Leung ષ፦᎘ͱ́ Contact us ,ፒʔ۩Хଉ Office Assistant Level 8, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre Kowloon, Hong Kong ңࡼ࿘ͱ́ Mr Andrew Li Tel: 2721 2030 Fax: 2311 6229 ༅঩ޫҌʥඖ͌຤ଉ Manager, IT & Projects www.hkpo.com ClubMaestro ɣ࢑ผ

Ⴉೕࢄʥᔔఒ̵̟ٽɣ࢑ผऋПݯᆅෲဳ֞ᅥؿͬพʥɁɡϤஉcοΕઐ৽ࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆ؿ ؿʼʝ́ݠeಋᅥᔑϊΉɎͶΈɣ࢑ผผࡗߎᑢe Club Maestro is established for the business community and individuals who are fond of symphonic music. It aims at supporting the long-term development of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and enriching cultural life. We heartily thank the following Club Maestro members.


David M. Webb webb-site.com


Mr Wilfred Ng MH, JP



Mr Peter Siembab

Miss Aliena Wong

˞ʔ̇ߜʼΊီѵIn alphabetical order of company name Λᑢʻܛ Thank You for Your Support

༠ͅটᑢ෮kٲࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆ΕϊΉ˞Ɏਆพዀ࿚ʥᆅʶɁɡ The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra would like to express our gratitude to the following corporations and individuals for their generous support.


The Maestro’s Chair endowed byټ౎ᖳХਥܞᐢ The Octavian Society Limited Y.S. Liu Foundationټჳʏ́෯ഁਥ

The Musician’s Chair endowed byټᅥ࢑ᖳХਥ C.C. Chiu Memorial Fundټઢว޵֨ਥٹ


ဳᖳХɁGold Patron ႺဳᖳХɁSilver Patron ႻဳᖳХɁ Bronze Patronټ >HK$100,000 HK$50,000 – HK$99,999 HK$30,000 – HK$49,999

ଈ͞ᙎMr & Mrs E Chan Mr & Mrs David Friedۺਝ჌එ྆τࠉʔ̇ ஹןณ Hsin Chong International Holdings Ltd ਜ਼ဍయ͞ᙎMr & Mrs Lowell & Phyllis Chang Mr Fred William Scholle Ԉઁٖτࠉʔ̇Kerry Holdings Ltdཽ ɤɡMs Tse Chiu MingעષईΪ͞ᙎMr & Mrs Leung Lit On ᑢ൚

कᖳХɁPearl Patronע ޴ᗸᖳХɁ Ruby Patron ၖၕᖳХɁJade Patron HK$10,000 – HK$29,999 HK$5,000 – HK$9,999 HK$3,000 – HK$4,999

ஹ፷࡮ɤɡMs Vivien C C Chan ಲΊˊAnonymous ಲΊˊAnonymous Mrs Anna Chen Mr Barry John Buttifant ஹᒤႩͱ́Mr Chan Hung Yuen Robert Mr Cheung Ngai Sing ஹࢯ࿵ᔢ́Dr Edmond Chan Mr Cheng Kwan Ming ᇞᏨԄͱ́Mr Edwin Choy ષᖳͱ́ʥ՚ཽ̡ɤɡ ሲң፦٧ɤɡMs Eva Cheng Dr & Mrs Carl Fung Mr Jan Leung & Ms Emily Chow ਜ਼ᘚ౬ͱ́Mr Cheung Yiu Tong ҁ᛽ө༜৽ਝ჌τࠉʔ̇ Mr & Mrs Michael & Angela Grimsdick ਜ਼ᄨ᎘ͱ́Mr Cheung Tak Lungڋ Gloss Mind Sports International Ltd ߈͓́ͱ́Mr Maurice Hoo Mr Chow Ping Wah ඟᄪᗌ͞ᙎMr & Mrs Kenneth H C Fung ည٠ജϢ࢑Ms Teresa Hung Dr Affandy Hariman ͱ́ʩɁMr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam Ms Hu Shu׳߈ጙ̳ᔢ́ʥʩɁDr & Mrs Wayne Hu ඟͰ ঢ়ᐶ͞ᙎMr & Mrs Ko Ying Ms Li Shuen Pui Agnes Mr Toru Inaoka ң৪ᒤᔢ́Dr Lee Kin Hung Dr John Malpas Ms Liu Ying ͱ́Mr Lawrence Mak ధ̷ါᔢ́ʥʩɁDr & Mrs Pang Wing Fuk Mr Joseph Pangעோᘚ ோᓤ՗ᔢ́Dr Mak Lai Wo ᅾܭჴͱ́Mr Poon Chiu Kim Raymond ᅾણձɩմMiss Lily Poon Man Nei ᔢ́Dr Paul Tat Ming SheaעMrs Anna Marie Peyer The Hon Mr Justice William Stone ᦬༠ Mr Peter Siembab Ms Carley Shum & Mr Jeff Szeto ౦ʼ́ͱ́Mr Eric M S Tsang ஹౣʼͱ́Mr Stephen Tan Mr Tsunehiko Taketazu Ms Tsang Kwai Fong ผTin Ka Ping Foundation Ȼʨ͓͞ᙎMr & Mrs Ivan Ting ᑢయक़ɤɡMs Tse Wai Shun Susanټࡼݰਥ̈́ ઴֝ݘᔢ́Dr Tsao Yen Chow Ms Cindy Tse ߈ҁࡄͱ́Mr Wu Chi Kong Wang Family Foundationټҹᄩନ෯ഁਥ ͱ́Mr Wong Po Yan؀ړඡ ͨᚪзͱ́Mr David Yee Kwan Yam Λᑢʻܛ Thank You for Your Support

༠ͅটᑢ෮kٲࠗಋဳ֞ᅥ྆ΕϊΉ˞Ɏਆพዀ࿚ʥᆅʶɁɡ The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra would like to express our gratitude to the following corporations and individuals for their generous support.


कᖳХɁPearl Patronע ဳᖳХɁGold Patron ޴ᗸᖳХɁRuby Patronټ >HK$100,000 HK$10,000 – HK$29,999 HK$3,000 – HK$4,999

㞫́ႺϷHang Seng Bank ஹұᄨᔢ́ʥʩɁDr & Mrs Chan Kow Tak Capital Well Investment Limited ผZhilan Foundation Mr David Chiu ஹᒤႩͱ́Mr Chan Hung Yuen Robertټ٠ᙬਥ ңٟ̽ɤɡMs Doreen Lee Mrs K L Chan ષయ౬ᔢ́Dr Thomas W T Leung ՚ᄮജɤɡMs Catherine Mo Wah Chau ႺဳᖳХɁSilver Patron Lo Kar Foon Foundation ஹ৪ജͱ́Mr Chen Chien Huaټᖓࡼ㚺෯ഁਥ HK$50,000 – HK$99,999 ͨᚪзͱ́Mr David Yee Kwan Yam Ms Katherine Cheung

Ԉઁٖτࠉʔ̇ ঢ়ᐶ͞ᙎMr & Mrs Ko Ying ާɣᇯઠ઒Professor David Clarkeཽ Kerry Holdings Limited ່ጷፓ௟ɡDr M T Geoffrey Yeh ፳ዷᎨͱ́Mr Fok Wing Huen ඟݯԙͱ́ʥඟ፳֗หɤɡ Mr Alex Fung & Mrs Hanne Froseth-Fung ႻဳᖳХɁBronze Patron ЄݰЇͱ́ʩɁ͞ᙎ HK$30,000 – HK$49,999 ၖၕᖳХɁJade Patron Mr & Mrs Phyllis & Adolf Ho HK$5,000 – HK$9,999 Item Industries Ltd ષࡼ௑͞ᙎMr & Mrs Alan Leong ңɣι͞ᙎMr & Mrs Henry & Angelina Lee Mr Ian D Boyce ңኹ࿘௟ɡDr Lee Shu Wing Ernest Mr Chan Ka Kui Mr Leung Cheuk Yan Mrs Anna Chen ңౡϷͱ́Mr Richard Li Mr Chu Ming Leong Mr Lo Cheung On, Andrew ᒉ܆฻ᔢ́Dr Chung See Yuen ж̷๑ͱ́Mr Lui Wing Chiu ᗐࡼඐᔢ́ʥʩɁDr & Mrs Kwan Ka Hung Mr Ray Luk ټᎉЕჴ૜޵֨ਥ ோሣιͱ́Mr Mak Fai Shing Lok Yu Kim Ching Memorial Fund Mr & Mrs John & Coralie Otoshi ࣍শ௚෮ਝ჌τࠉʔ̇ Long Hin Creative International Ltd Oxford Success (Overseas) Ltd Mr Wong Kong Chiu Ѱɷ́ͱ́Mr Shum Choi Sang Ms Ophelia Tam ᇞ׭ႚͱ́Mr Tony Tsoi ඡܱജ௟ɡ Dr Dominic S W Wong, GBS,OBE,JP ଞ̡ʔᖬϷτࠉʔ̇ Zennon & Pierre Company Limited


The Hongkong Bank Foundationټ㟱ᔔႺϷ෯ഁਥ ࠗಋɻജ๏ࣩτࠉʔ̇The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited ENDOWMENT TRUST FUND ټᖳХਥ

ສΔτࠉʔ̇ ټ㟱ᔔႺϷ෯ഁਥ ټপਥڌࠗಋᑩ৛ผ෯ഁ The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust The Hongkong Bank Foundation The Hongkong Land Group

ผټ٦࿏ႺϷ ֱ՗τࠉʔ̇ ࠗಋ໎ˊ෯ഁਥ Citibank. NA Jardine. Matheson & Company Ltd The Tung Foundation

.ȹȾɄɍᾳ˞ɐዀ࿚ᖳХ੡˞ι͓e The Endowment Trust Fund was set up in 1983 with these initial sponsorsכټᖳХਥ


ҹᐌɻͱ́ࢶᖲ Donated by Mr Patrick Wang ɥɩմԚ͂ • Emile Germaine (1907) Violin, played by Ms Tomoko Tanaka Maoكɻ̈́ڣɩొೄfͅ  עϴਅfᑢਅ •

ਜ਼ဍయͱ́ࢶᖲ Donated by Mr Lowell Chang ͱ́Ԛ͂ • Lockey Hill (c.1800) Violin, played by Mr Wang Liangڋ˔F ɩొೄfͅ ݤ؝fѴဍ •

ᒉౝݗͱ́ࢶᖲ Donated by Mr Po Chung Ⴉͱ́Ԛ͂ • Dawne Hadded (1991) Violoncello, played by Mr Cheung Ming-yuenע ɣొೄfͅਜ਼ ༠ۄΛ̛f •

໊̌fᖓᙬɡͱ́ࢶᖲ Donated by Mr Laurence Scofield  ɩొೄfͅਜ਼ѴɩմԚ͂ • Ansaldo Poggi (1910) Violin, played by Ms Zhang Xi Ϊॖ۹fౝਥ •

ϊི߮ͅ—ਆᖚමക˜ೕ঴ʥୂᓱeThis project is initiated and organizated by Business for Art Foundation.


ࠗಋဳ֞Ծผਯɤผࢶᖲ Donated by The Ladies Committee of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society

– ֺࢶᖲɾӢτᅥኂ– Rare instruments donated  ɩొೄfͅೡ͓ͱ́Ԛ͂ • Enrico Rocca (1902) Violin, played by Mr Cheng Li Ϊਟঢ়fݤ˺ • ,Jean Baptiste Vuillaume (1866) Violin, played by Ms Bei Zhu • ٽ ɩొೄͅ଱ɍ৹྆ ࣚfʱແ౜fၐဍ। •  χၳɩմԚ͂ Third Associate Concertmaster Joseph Gagliano (1788) Violin, played by • ٽ ɩొೄͅ଱ɀ৹྆ ޸๤f˱Ԉԓ̗ •  ˔܆܏ͱ́Ԛ͂  Mr Wong Sze-hang, Second Associate Concertmaster  ɩొೄc • Cario Antonio Testore (1736) Violin, played by Mr Ni Lan ݤfΪ׭̛ෙfӓ౜Λ̛˺ • ͅ࠵ᘂͱ́Ԛ͂

ʠᅥ྆ᅥኂॖሔི߮˜Ϥࢶᖲɾԯˢᅥኂ– Other instruments donated in support of theొ—ܛݯʻ “Instrument Upgrade and Echancement Project” – • ᄨਝᔝ჈βɩ໔ԭʻ • Two German Rotary Trumpets • ᄨਝജࣟढ़ɣ໔Ⱥࡨ • A set of Wagner Tubas • ᐮ໔Ⱥʻ • A Flugelhorn FEATURED CONCERT

Tan Dun’s Map Concerto – a multimedia adventure 27 Nov 2009 fri 8pm

HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall HK$240 $180 $140 $100

Lawrence Renes, conductor

Richard Bamping, cello Programme

JOHN ADAMS Doctor Atomic Symphony

TAN DUN The Map, Concerto for cello, video and orchestra


Swire Maestro: De Waart’s Mahler – The Song of the Earth 3&4 Dec 2009 thu & fri 8pm Programme

HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall OSVALDO Last Round – HK$480 $320 $220 $160 GOLIJOV for string orchestra

Edo de Waart, conductor MAHLER The Song of the Earth Sasha Cooke, mezzo-soprano

Robert Dean Smith, tenor


The Mozart Effect 16 Dec 2009 wed 8pm John Harding, conductor HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall HK$160 $120 $80 Mark Vines, horn 17 Dec 2009 thu 8pm Wang Liang, violin Tsuen Wan Town Hall Auditorium Hall HK$120 $90 $60 Rachel Cheung, piano

Natalie Jen Hoe, clarinet Programme

An energizing selection from 12 of Mozart’s timeless classics

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