Protecting the Next Generation in Ghana NEW EVIDENCE ON ADOLESCENT SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH NEEDS Protecting the Next Generation in Ghana: New Evidence on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs Laura Hessburg Kofi Awusabo-Asare Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme Joana O. Nerquaye-Tetteh Francis Yankey Ann Biddlecom Melanie Croce-Galis Acknowledgments The authors thank the following colleagues for their com- de la Population (Burkina Faso); Kofi Awusabo-Asare and ments and help in developing this report: Akinrinola Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme, University of Cape Coast (Ghana); Bankole, Leila Darabi, Ann Moore, Jennifer Nadeau, Kate Alister Munthali and Sidon Konyani, Centre for Social Patterson and Susheela Singh, all currently or formerly of Research (Malawi); Stella Neema and Richard Kibombo, the Guttmacher Institute; Victoria Ebin, independent con- Makerere Institute of Social Research (Uganda); Eliya sultant; Augustine Tanle, University of Cape Coast; and Zulu, Nyovani Madise and Alex Ezeh, African Population Adjoa Nyanteng Yenyi, Planned Parenthood Association of and Health Research Center (Kenya); and Akinrinola Ghana. The report was edited by Peter Doskoch; Kathleen Bankole, Ann Biddlecom, Ann Moore and Susheela Singh Randall coordinated the layout and printing. of the Guttmacher Institute. Valuable guidance was pro- vided by Patricia Donovan, Melanie Croce-Galis and Leila The report greatly benefited from the careful reading and Darabi of the Guttmacher Institute. For implementation of feedback given by the following external peer reviewers: the national surveys of adolescents, the authors gratefully George Amofah, Ghana Health Service; Esther Apewokin, acknowledge the work of their colleagues at ORC Macro— National Population Council; A. F. Aryee, University of specifically, Pav Govindasamy, Albert Themme, Jeanne Ghana; Lord Dartey, Joint United Nations Programme Cushing, Alfredo Aliaga and Rebecca Stallings.
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