See Page 19 for Details!!
RRegionegion 1177 SSummit/Marineummit/Marine MMusteruster MMayay 220-220-22 128 DDenver,enver, CColoradoolorado APR 2005/ MAY 2005 SSeeee ppageage 1199 fforor ddetails!!etails!! USS Ark Angel’s CoC and Marines’ Fall Muster ’04 see pages 19 & 20 for full story! “Save Star Trek” Rally see page 28 for more great pics! Angeles member Jon Lane with the “Enterprise” writing staff. From left to right: Jon Lane, “Enterprise” writers Judith and Garfi eld Reese-Stevens, and producer Mike Sussman. Many of the the show’s production staff wandered out to see the protest and greet the fans. USPS 017-671 112828 112828 STARFLEET Communiqué Contents Volume I, No. 128 Published by: FROM THE EDITOR 2 STARFLEET, The International FRONT AND CENTER 3 Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. EC/AB SUMMARY 3 102 Washington Drive VICARIOUS CHOC. SALUTATIONS 4 Ladson, SC 29456 COMM STATIC 4 Kneeling: J.R. Fisher THE TOWAWAY ZONE 5 (left to right) 1st Row: Steve Williams, Allison Silsbee, Lauren Williams, Alastair Browne, The SHUTTLEBAY 6 Amy Dejongh, Spring Brooks, Margaret Hale. 2nd Row: John (boyfriend of Allison), Katy Publisher: Bob Fillmore COMPOPS 6 McDonald, Nathan Wood, Larry Pischke, Elaine Pischke, Brad McDonald, Dawn Silsbee. Editor in Chief: Wendy Fillmore STARFLEET Flag Promotions 7 Layout Editor: Wendy Fillmore Fellowship...or Else! 7 3rd Row: Colleen Williams, Jonathan Williams. Graphics Editor: Johnathan Simmons COMMANDANTS CORNER 8 Submissions Coordinator: Wendy Fillmore SFI Academy Graduates 8 Copy Editors: Gene Adams, Gabriel Beecham, New Chairman Sought for ASDB! 9 Kimberly Donohoe, Michael Klufas, Tracy Lilly, Star Trek Encyclopedia Project 9 STARFLEET Finances 10 Bruce Sherrick EDITORIALS 11 Why I Stopped Watching..
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