
Virtual Live (Ages 3-15)

Virtual Dance Live classes are specifi cally designed for early- dancers looking for a beginner to intermediate level class to get a taste of various dance styles while starting out with a low-level commitment.

Th is program invites participants to engage in condensed sessions as a way to experiment, explore, continue or jump-start their in- volvement. All participants receive a private Zoom invitation to their class and participate in the comfort of their home at a spe- cifi c time with their dance teacher. Dancers are able to interact with other dancers and dance teachers live. All classes conclude with a family observation day where extended family members are wel- come to join the Zoom classroom to watch the dancers perform.

Ballet (A, I, II, III) Learn to leap and turn like your favorite ballerina! introduc- es dancers to the fundamentals of while exploring the concepts of dance. Classes include stretches, work, class etiquette, games and learning .

Jazz/Hip-Hop (A, I, II & III) Location: Virtual Jazz and dance evolved over the years into the popular style Instructor: Lora MIN/MAX: 4/25 of ! Dancers learn jazz and hip hop technique along with , locking, and many other cool tricks and moves to Age Day Time Date R/NR Fee Code # energetic . Ballet A 3-6 M 9:30-10:20A 6/15-8/3 $72/92 402606-A1 Register for both sessions (A & A, I & I, II & II) and save $24. Ballet I 6-9 M 10:30-11:20A 6/15-8/3 $72/92 402606-A2 Ballet II Th is program is virtual through Zoom. A link to the class will be 9-15 M 11:30-12:20P 6/15-8/3 $72/92 402606-A3 emailed to the household email (please double check your email Jazz/Hip Hop A for accuracy) no later than one hour prior to the class start time. 3-6 W 5:00-5:50P 6/17-8/5 $72/92 402606-B1 If you have not received the link, please contact Nicole at nicole@ Jazz/Hip Hop I bloomingdaleparks.org. Participants need a laptop with a webcam 6-9 W 6:00-6:50P 6/17-8/5 $72/92 402606-B2 Jazz/Hip Hop II and microphone to participate. 9-15 W 7:00-7:50P 6/17-8/5 $72/92 402606-B3 Both A & A 3-6 M,W 9:30-5:50P 6/15-8/5 $120/140 402606-C1 Both I & I 6-9 M,W 10:30-6:50P 6/15-8/5 $120/140 402606-C2 Both II & II 9-15 M,W 11:30-7:50P 6/15-8/5 $120/140 402606-C3
