Gros Morne National Park of Spring 2005 Location Gros Morne Gros Morne National Park is located on the Vegetation west coast of the island of and National Park of Canada 2 Gros Morne has a rich diversity of plants to covers 1 805 km . The park protects match its wide range of habitats. Much of the representative areas of two of Canada’s park is boreal forest, with balsam fir as the natural regions: the Western Newfoundland dominant species. This tree varies much in its Climate Island Highlands and the St. Lawrence growth habit, ranging from stunted coastal The park’s location on the west coast of Lowlands. Gros Morne has been listed by “tuckamore” to 200- “old growth” trees at Newfoundland gives a definite maritime flavour UNESCO as a World Heritage Site because of the eastern boundary. Bogs and fens are also to its climate. Frequent winds blow off the Gulf of its complex geological story and dramatic common and worth exploring for beautiful St. Lawrence, moderating the seasonal scenery. The vast alpine Long Range plateau flowers such as the dragon’s mouth orchid. temperature change and providing moist air for dominates the eastern half of the park. To the Other notable plant communities include the abundant precipitation. Temperatures in the west are the coastal lowlands, with their strips arctic-tundra on the Long Range plateau and lowlands average between 15°C and 20°C in the of boreal forest and bog and fringe of beaches, the serpentine barrens of the Tablelands. Gros Activities summer and -5°C and -10°C in the winter. The cliffs, and tidepools. In the south are the Morne is also home to a number of rare plants. highlands are usually windier, wetter and several Tablelands - a striking, barren mountain with These are associated with rare habitats such as Hiking is the best way to discover Gros Morne. degrees colder. an unusual ecology. -carved exposed limestone cliffs and late snowbeds. The park’s trails range from easy walks along landscapes are found throughout the park Several hardwood tree species, including red the coast to strenuous climbs onto alpine and include Bonne Bay and a series of maple and yellow birch, reach their northern barrens. A scenic highway through the park Geology narrow, cliff-rimmed lakes. Gros Morne is limit for Newfoundland in the park’s Bonne allows visitors to see a wide range of located in the Boreal Shield Ecozone. Bay area. In total, Gros Morne has over 700 landscapes. Boat tours are available to visit the The geological diversity of Gros species of vascular plants, representing about park’s lakes and marine areas. Swimming is an Morne is its most renowned feature 60% of the island’s flora. option in salt or fresh water, as well as in the and the main reason for its park’s indoor pool. Five campgrounds are designation as a Unesco World found within the park, while roofed Heritage Site. The Tablelands Wildlife accommodation and private campgrounds are plateau is a 500-million year old slice available in neighboring communities. through the earth’s crust and upper S Gros Morne National Park and the island of St. Pauls N Interpretive evening programs and guided mantle and a natural textbook for Inlet I Newfoundland have fewer animal species e hikes are offered throughout the summer. In the study of . The c A than the adjacent mainland of Canada. There n T winter, visitors can ski on groomed trails or e Western sedimentary rocks of the coastal r Brook N are no native reptiles or amphibians, and only Pond explore the vast back- country. The Visitor w U lowlands show remains of long- a 14 native mammal species. Woodland caribou L Hum Centre near Rocky Harbour serves as a year- ber O . extinct sea creatures, while the t are important herbivores in the park area, S M River round interpretation facility. The Discovery exposed barrens of the Long Range f Rocky migrating seasonally within the park and to o Harbour Centre at Woody Point has interactive exhibits

Bo forested areas outside. Arctic hare and rock reveal rocks more than 1 billion lf nn e E u Ba and interpretive programs to help visitors old. These features of Gros y G ptarmigan are species of the far north, but are G explore and enjoy the World Heritage of Gros Morne have been carved by N also found at the higher elevations in Gros A Morne. to create massive cliffs and valleys R Morne. Moose, , and red and some of the most dramatic squirrel are among the most abundant and G N For more information, contact: landscapes in Canada. Trout N commonly observed animals in the area today, River O Gros Morne National Park Pond L and have been introduced to the island by P.O. Box 130 humans. Species at risk include the Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland 0 14 490 m Newfoundland marten and the Harlequin A0K 4N0 duck. Common and Arctic terns nest on islands Telephone: (709)458-2417 © in the park area. Atlantic salmon spawn in Fax: (709)458-2059 Website: many of the region’s rivers. Gros Morne National Park of Canada Spring 2005 Location Gros Morne Gros Morne National Park is located on the Vegetation west coast of the island of Newfoundland and National Park of Canada 2 Gros Morne has a rich diversity of plants to covers 1 805 km . The park protects match its wide range of habitats. Much of the representative areas of two of Canada’s park is boreal forest, with balsam fir as the natural regions: the Western Newfoundland dominant species. This tree varies much in its Climate Island Highlands and the St. Lawrence growth habit, ranging from stunted coastal The park’s location on the west coast of Lowlands. Gros Morne has been listed by “tuckamore” to 200-year “old growth” trees at Newfoundland gives a definite maritime flavour UNESCO as a World Heritage Site because of the eastern boundary. Bogs and fens are also to its climate. Frequent winds blow off the Gulf of its complex geological story and dramatic common and worth exploring for beautiful St. Lawrence, moderating the seasonal scenery. The vast alpine Long Range plateau flowers such as the dragon’s mouth orchid. temperature change and providing moist air for dominates the eastern half of the park. To the Other notable plant communities include the abundant precipitation. Temperatures in the west are the coastal lowlands, with their strips arctic-tundra on the Long Range plateau and lowlands average between 15°C and 20°C in the of boreal forest and bog and fringe of beaches, the serpentine barrens of the Tablelands. Gros Activities summer and -5°C and -10°C in the winter. The cliffs, and tidepools. In the south are the Morne is also home to a number of rare plants. highlands are usually windier, wetter and several Tablelands - a striking, barren mountain with These are associated with rare habitats such as Hiking is the best way to discover Gros Morne. degrees colder. an unusual ecology. Glacier-carved exposed limestone cliffs and late snowbeds. The park’s trails range from easy walks along landscapes are found throughout the park Several hardwood tree species, including red the coast to strenuous climbs onto alpine and include Bonne Bay fjord and a series of maple and yellow birch, reach their northern barrens. A scenic highway through the park Geology narrow, cliff-rimmed lakes. Gros Morne is limit for Newfoundland in the park’s Bonne allows visitors to see a wide range of located in the Boreal Shield Ecozone. Bay area. In total, Gros Morne has over 700 landscapes. Boat tours are available to visit the The geological diversity of Gros species of vascular plants, representing about park’s lakes and marine areas. Swimming is an Morne is its most renowned feature 60% of the island’s flora. option in salt or fresh water, as well as in the and the main reason for its park’s indoor pool. Five campgrounds are designation as a Unesco World found within the park, while roofed Heritage Site. The Tablelands Wildlife accommodation and private campgrounds are plateau is a 500-million year old slice available in neighboring communities. through the earth’s crust and upper S Gros Morne National Park and the island of St. Pauls N Interpretive evening programs and guided mantle and a natural textbook for Inlet I Newfoundland have fewer animal species e hikes are offered throughout the summer. In the study of plate tectonics. The c A than the adjacent mainland of Canada. There n T winter, visitors can ski on groomed trails or e Western sedimentary rocks of the coastal r Brook N are no native reptiles or amphibians, and only Pond explore the vast back- country. The Visitor w U lowlands show remains of long- a 14 native mammal species. Woodland caribou L Hum Centre near Rocky Harbour serves as a year- ber O . extinct sea creatures, while the t are important herbivores in the park area, S M River round interpretation facility. The Discovery exposed barrens of the Long Range f Rocky migrating seasonally within the park and to o Harbour Centre at Woody Point has interactive exhibits

Bo forested areas outside. Arctic hare and rock reveal rocks more than 1 billion lf nn e E u Ba and interpretive programs to help visitors years old. These features of Gros y G ptarmigan are species of the far north, but are G explore and enjoy the World Heritage of Gros Morne have been carved by glaciers N also found at the higher elevations in Gros A Morne. to create massive cliffs and valleys R Morne. Moose, snowshoe hare, and red and some of the most dramatic squirrel are among the most abundant and G N For more information, contact: landscapes in Canada. Trout N commonly observed animals in the area today, River O Gros Morne National Park Pond L and have been introduced to the island by P.O. Box 130 humans. Species at risk include the Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland 0 14 490 m Newfoundland marten and the Harlequin A0K 4N0 duck. Common and Arctic terns nest on islands Telephone: (709)458-2417 © Parks Canada in the park area. Atlantic salmon spawn in Fax: (709)458-2059 Website: many of the region’s rivers.