2 . [KELLY'S clays of Wlhich, frO'IIl their power of res·istancE!l to heat, are No. Place. Area. Pop. 1891. paTmculM'ly suitable far the =aking of glass' crucibles and 380 Upton-on-Severn ... 53,432 ..• 23,466 pot~; wlindow-glass, in its various for=s, and table glass 381 ..• 46,679 16,069 are also IrulJdo here. , rong fa=aus for its. IleICld}es, 382 ••• ... 52,123 13,005 has aLso acquired groot reputation for fish-hooks, fishing­ 383 ..• Droitwich ••. 54,201 •.• 18,242 rods and! tackle, ia the =anufacture of which it surpas'ses 384 •.• . 5°,397 33,3Il the efforts both of .A=erican and: Cont,in·ent·al fir='S. Iron 385 ... King's Norton . 28,927 127,42:l =akJiIIJg and coal =ining are. chiefi:;- carried on at the The following is a list of the several Unions, with the works and collieries of th~ Right Hon. the Earl of Dud­ parishes contained in them :- ley, co=prismg the -eol.lielr'iellJ and ironstone =in:es in the Dudley dJistJricb, the blast furnaces, the iron making works Rromsgrove Union. at Round Oak, and: vhe Cast1e Hill works, wheore all the . oooossary =acrunery, pLant anru rolling stook are con­ Belbronghton Hunnington struct-ad. The manufaeture of iron :l>nd