Unsettled Matters, Falling Flight Decolonial Protest and the Becoming-Material of an Imperial Statue Joanna Ruth Evans

Figure 1. On the evening of 12 March 2015, students at the University of cover the Cecil John Rhodes statue in white and red cloth, following a mass debate on Jameson Plaza earlier that day. (Photo by Rebecca Hodes)

On 9 March 2015, at a small, unauthorized protest at the , political sci- ence student Chumani Maxwele hurled a full portaloo container of human excrement onto a statue of the 19th-century British imperialist Cecil John Rhodes. This large, bronze statue sat on a stone plinth at the heart of the University of Cape Town’s colonial façade. It was flanked on either side by imitation Georgian buildings covered in a Virginia Creeper with Ivy League aspirations. Here, the Rhodes statue had remained for 81 years, slowly oxidizing to a minty green, streaked in the chalky guano of generations of sea birds. It had survived two regime changes: ’s exit from the British Commonwealth (1961), and the dismantling of (1994). On 9 April 2015, one month after Maxwele’s action, the statue was hoisted by a crane from its plinth and driven on the back of a truck to an undisclosed location. This removal followed one month of intensive student protesting known as Rhodes Must Fall (RMF).

TDR: The Drama Review 62:3 (T239) Fall 2018. ©2018 130 New York University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on 24 September 2021 Unsettled Matters 131 what work was its presence performing? How was the statue Student Essay Contest Winner Student Essay —

is a theatre artist from South Africa. She holds a BA in Theatre and She holds a BA artist from South Africa. Evans is a theatre Joanna Ruth Studies from and an MA in Performance of Cape Town from the University Performance drawing on queer, movement, research follows decolonial Her University. New York Her plays have and decolonial theory. black studies, new materialist theory, affect, and and theatres in Italy, Africa, and to international festivals toured throughout South She lives in Brooklyn, where she and the United States. Hungary, Iran, Réunion, Germany, best friend, Lua. In Fall about anyone she can, but especially her makes work with just at NYU. PhD program in Performance Studies 2018 she will begin the do? Located in the perform,” and what does performance What does it mean “to The Department vibrant art scene, of Performance at Studies City’s heart of New York of all kinds, and to and study of cultural enactments NYU is dedicated to the analysis an interdisciplinary can produce meaningful change. Combining understanding how they and other critical race theory, including feminist and queer theory, range of approaches methods, Performance an equally diverse range of research modes of analysis, with to explore and and undergraduate students the opportunity Studies offers graduate in theatre, performance the world-making power of performance think critically about online, as well as in the visual and installation art, activism, and art, dance, sound/music, performance of “everyday life.” of the Arts was established School at NYU Tisch The Department of Performance Studies #1 for doctoral programs in Theatre and in 1980 as the first of its kind, and is ranked Council. Performance Studies by the National Research The emergence of Rhodes Must Fall was felt to be a tipping point, the beginning of a the beginning felt to be a tipping point, The emergence of Rhodes Must Fall was What was the Attending to the material site of the statue raises a number of questions: RMF described itself as a “collective student, staff and worker movement mobilising for direct staff and worker movement mobilising for direct “collective student, RMF describeditself as a raged over what As debates (see Indrajith 2015). UCT” action against the institutional racism of of doing, its material form was already engaged in many acts should be done with the statue, and climbing and hazard tape, plywood planks, paint, trash bags, cloths, as it collided with shit, were far in excess of institutional proceedings. These material interactions assembling bodies. representational order by exposing an entangle- They unsettled the university’s latently colonial history and present. ment of matter and symbol, “Next the ideals. “” Africa’s of South fraught public reckoning with the failures removal stated one of RMF’s leaders in a televised debate after the statue’s invisible statues” known as a large student movement years that followed, In the Africa 2015). (Big Debate South of “invisible statues” taking on the nationwide, Fees Must Fall (FMF) spread across campuses After the widely celebrated suc- and institutional racism. latent , financial exclusion, institutional met with governmental inertia and partisan manipulation, FMF was cess of RMF, FMF’s embodied and material prac- and growing public criticism. police brutality, suppression, and used as evi- etc.) were vehemently criticized barricades, sit-ins, walk outs, tices (occupations, it is important to consider how a In light of this, dence of a supposed lack of political strategy. log- dismissal of material animacy and action might inscribe protest into racist representational do so I trace the changing material form of the Rhodes statue over the initial month of To ics. and my news and social media reports, video footage, I draw on photographs, RMF protesting. having graduated Town, time I was working in Cape during which own memories of this period, from UCT in 2012. Rhodes statue doing at UCT to And, activated such that after only one month of protest it was expelled from the university? how and what might decolonial protest move? expand this into a broader enquiry, Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on 24 September 2021 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on24 September 2021

132 Joanna Ruth Evans Overrepresentation species introducedbytheBritish, inwhoseshadeindigenous plantscannotgrow. behind theuniversityarepopulatedwithsaidpinetrees Empire tothenorthward. / Ay, oneland/FromLion’sHeadtoLine!” The mountainslopes to buildarailwayfromtheCapeCairo: “I dreammydream, by rockandheathpine/Of verse from “A SongoftheEnglish” byRudyardKipling and itswarondifference. Encapsulatingthisdream, the inscriptiononthestatue’splinth side ofoneselfthatisrepresentativeoneself. This wasthedreamofRhodes, andofempire being simultaneouslytranscendentalsubjectandempiricalobjectwas(is)tobuildaworldout- atrocities arecommittedandpermitted. The settlercolonialistresponsetotheimpossibilityof between selfandworld/otherthatshapes Western epistemology being simultaneouslyrepresentativeofsaidworld. This paradoxproducedtheillusoryvoid tion’s existentialcrisis:thecrisisofhowhecanatoncerepresent The World tohimself, while object. This “mutation” enclosedtheemergentfigureofmanpermanentlywithinrepresenta- tion ofthis, somehow, distinctfromnature:simultaneouslytranscendentalsubjectandempirical man cametorecognizehimselfwithinnature, andyet, inbeingsupposedlyalonerecogni- knowledge” (397). Through thismutationthenewlysecularandsocialDarwinist Western a recentinvention” ([1970]1994:27) gation ofwhatbecame deemed “subhuman” life (Wynter 2003:264). ReplacinganearlierGod/ definition ofthehumanemerged with Western expansionisminordertolegitimizethesubju- “rest” oftheworld, whichistosay, theworlditself. The West’s exclusionary andhierarchical simultaneously modernity’s figureofmanisnot coincidence, Foucauldianmutation, orby-product. Rather, itis modernity’s thought. Wynter’s transnationalandtranshistoricalexcavationrevealsthat Western earth, andteemingmassoflifewhoseuncountedforms surroundthescaffoldsof Western archaeological diginTheOrder of Things. Sheexposestheunearthedskeletons, tightlypacked of Things, Foucaultdescribesthefigureofmanasemergingoncuspmodernity chance” (89), Rhodesembodiedthecontradictionsof West’s “modern man.” InTheOrder race” (Rhodes1902:98)inthenameofaGodwhoseexistenceheplacedat “a fiftypercent social Darwinistwhodevotedhislife’sworktoextending “the influenceoftheEnglish-speaking The Thinker (1910) people ofSouth Africa. relation betweenthematerialarchitectureofuniversity, andthebrutalsubjugationof from thestomachsofkaffirs” (inJohnson1967), markinginchillinglytruthfultermsthedirect Cape Town (UCT) wasbuilt. Ofsaidconstruction, Rhodesclaimed, “I willbuildtheuniversity setting uptheprestigiousRhodesscholarship, anddonatingthelandonwhichUniversityof 2016:28). Likemanywithambitionsoflegacy, heturnedtoeducationmemorializehimself, Southern Africa whichhethennamedafterhimself” excesses, heisrememberedfor “the outlandishdecisiontoinvadeandoccupyavastchunkof frantic exploitationoflaborandlandthatwastheKimberleydiamondrush. Amongst hismany excesses ofegoandambition. In1870hecametoSouth Africa andbuilthisvastfortuneinthe Rhodes wasafortunehunterturnedstatesman, knowneveninhisowntimeforcrueltyand the planets if I could; I often think of that. It makes me sad to see them so clear and yet so far. To thinkofthesestarsthatyou seeoverhead atnight,thesevast worlds thatwe cannever reach. Iwouldannex The world is nearly all parceled out, and what there is left of it is being dividedout, conquered and colonized. The Overrepresentation ofCecilJohn Rhodes In “Unsettling theColonialityofBeing/Power/Truth/Freedom: Towards the After Man, its Slightly hunched, chinrestedonaclenchedfist, theRhodesstatuewasposedasRodin’s the primaryproductandfacilitatorof Western expansionandsubjugation ofthe — — that quintessentialfigureofmodernity’sexistentialcrisis. Aself-identified An Argument,” Sylvia Wynter troublesthesoilsandspoilsofFoucault’s — as theresultofa “mutation” inthe “arrangements of

— Rhodesia (nowZimbabwe)(Nyamnjoh — — a sunlight-andwater-hogging alien announced Rhodes’sunfulfilledplan —

— a voidinwhichcountless Cecil John Rhodes (1902:190) — “only — a Unsettled Matters 133

.php?curid=6880780) campus since 1934. (Photo by Danie van der Merwe, courtesy of Merwe, der van Danie by (Photo 1934. since campus https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index Commons Wikimedia Figure 2. Cecil John Rhodes posed as “The Thinker.” The statue statue The Thinker.” “The as posed Rhodes John Cecil 2. Figure Town Cape of University the on prominence of place a held - -

by 2015 UCT in many ways still served the will of the person whose statue occupied by 2015 UCT in many ways still served the will of the person whose statue occupied 1 - White Man: the represen

“Transformation” is the umbrella term used to refer to the redress of racial inequality post-apartheid. UCT’s post-apartheid.inequality racial of UCT’s redress the to refer to used term umbrella the is “Transformation” aca- its of terms in institution representative more a university the “making include: goals transformation stated idea the transcending diversity, intellectual enhanced promoting supportand demic body, student its of and staff, African on enterprise intellectual our on focus enhanced an having and climate institutional improving race, of 2015). Staff (GroundUp perspectives” “There is nothing in this 1.

tative subject of the human, and tative subject of the human, originator of representational of differ thought about a world archy emerged with the pro- archy emerged Aníbal Quijano what duction of which “idea of race,” names the most effective “the became the last tool of domination in 2003:263). Wynter (in 500 years” corrective reveals that Wynter’s the new descriptive statement man was, that Foucault named rather, sub- ently raced and therefore Wynter human objects/others. Western claims that it is through Man’s persistent overrepresen- tation that an ongoing global order of inequality and human and environmental subjugation perpetually orga- is maintained, nized around a human/subhu- man hierarchical binary. world as invisible as a mon- states Robert Musil ument,” If monumen- ([1957] 2006:42). the tality produces invisibility, monument is built and main- tained not to become invisible, but rather to materially acti- vate and distribute invisibility For as an organizing structure. the university to cohere with the monumentalized Rhodes in its and as active, certain zones of invisibility had to be maintained: matter could not be seen midst, the statue pinned down these Like a paperweight, the colonial past could not be seen as present. UCT’s latently colonial representational order. helping to maintain epistemological negations, the racialized Its invisibility reproduced the same cleaving of the material from the symbolic as Despite post-apartheid transformation human/subhuman hierarchy that produced coloniality. policies, Man order, the newly secular the newly Man order, hier human/subhuman West’s pride of place at its center. Twenty-one years into South Africa’s democracy the university still Africa’s democracy years into South Twenty-one pride of place at its center. Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on 24 September 2021 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on24 September 2021

134 Joanna Ruth Evans dance tothematerialtransformationsofstatue. hurtles usintotheperformative, aesthetic, andinsurrectionistrealms, andnecessitatesanatten- which thisoverrepresentationoccurs. Itisthisoverridingofthelogicsrepresentationthat To askthisquestionmeansengagingwiththemonumentasamaterialactant. it?” This deflectsengagementwiththepricklierquestionof, “whatisthemonumentdoing?” The institutionalresponsetothe “controversial” monumentis, “but whatshouldwedowith fees structure, andreproduced Western valuesofacademic mastery. felt white, spokeEnglish, hadadisproportionatelywhitestudentandstaffbodyexclusionary 2. : in a system that does not recognize its existence. It is the convergence of all existence based on the experience of blackness The black imagination is omni[present], The Becoming-MatterofCecilJohn Rhodes the servicedeliveryprotestsbySes’khonaPeople’sRights movement, whohauledportaloo and producelingeringsmellsinpeople’shomes” (Robins 2015). This actionwasresonantwith tion services, thegovernmentsuppliessmallplasticportable toilets, which “compromise privacy the portaloothatmorningfromtownshipofKhayelitsha where, intheabsenceofsanita- his front; “Exhibit Black Assimilation UCT” readthe signonhisback. Maxwelehadbrought met. Two signshungoverhisnakedtorso: “Exhibit White Arrogance UCT” readthesignon the fullportaloocontainerontostatue. Heworeblacktightsandapinkconstructionhel- mate object imploded. that thelatentlycolonialconstructsofrepresentativehumansubjectandmateriallyinani- protests: astransformationwasdebated, thestatueitselfwasalreadytransforming. Itwashere seemingly incidentalinteractionswereinexcessoftheinstitutionallylegibledimension returned tointeractwiththestatue’smaterialform. These oftenspontaneous, anonymous, and dents engagedintensively(andontheirownterms)withtheseprocedures, theyalsorepeatedly statue andintotherealmofdialecticdebateinstitutionalprocedure. And thoughthestu- Must Fallprotestssawtheuniversityattemptingtodrawstudentsawayfrombodyof all itrepresents, buttooverrideorunsettletheveryepistemologics an alreadytoo-presentstatue? The taskisnotmerelytocritiquethefigureof Western Manand forestall Western Man’sself-perpetuatingdescriptivestatement?Similarly, howtomakepresent life, wherethecategoryofHumanisaffordedviaproximityto Western Man. Sohowto mutating, andshort-circuiting continues toreproducethesearrangements, which 1994:397). The problem, ofcourse, isthatthroughself-perpetuatingoverrepresentationMan (Western) Man weretodisappear, “one cancertainlywagerthatmanwouldbeerased” ([1970] 4. 3. has also taken up the term in effect beyond of individual human subjects (see Latour what 1996). is instituted by the intervention Jane Bennett nonhuman entities) that acts or “is granted to be the source of an action.” The term helps to perceive action and “Actant” is from Bruno Latour’s “Actor Network Theory” and refers to “literally anything” (i.e., any human or not only what is consideredthat construct logical, but what is considered at all. I use “epistemologics,” making noun of adjective, to highlight the student and staff demographics, curriculum issues, and fees and financial exclusion (see GroundUp conducted a five-part on transformation at UCT at the time of the protests.report This report covers This implosionbeganwhenstone, bronze, andshitcollided, asChumaniMaxwelehurled Foucault’s assuranceisthatifthe “fundamental arrangementsofknowledge” thatproduced

— Vibrant Matter , see especially chapter 1, “The Force of Things” (2010:9). from “Introductory Poem: The Black Imagination” (Rhodes Must Fall 2015) — remain orientedaroundahuman/subhumanorganizationof

— though continuallyupdating, recoding, thingly nature of the epistemological mechanics

3 2 ofrepresentationthrough

GroundUp Staff 2015). 4 The Rhodes The Unsettled Matters 135 - - - material but the smell spread. but the smell spread. — the steps of provincial parliament, the Cape Town International Airport, Airport, International Town the Cape provincial parliament, the steps of —

Maxwele named the event a “poo shower,” saying, “This poo that we are throwing on the poo that we are “This saying, “poo shower,” the event a Maxwele named stench rising up the stairs of opened with a description of the Much of the news reporting and barely witnessed incident isolated, This might have been a small, This portrayal of history as finite and only symbolically accessible is part of an exclusionary [and] an upmarket city gallery” (Robins 2015). (Robins 2015). city gallery” [and] an upmarket our we are throwing it on the statue By throwing black people. the shame of statue represents activated the Rhodes statue was With this action, Bester 2015). (in affluence” shame to whites’ emerged between time, A sudden intimacy “black shame.” but current as the source of not past While into direct relation. with the soiled statue pulling its surrounds and architecture, body, the city without access to black population live on the outskirts of Town’s the majority of Cape are connected to seamless sew- the leafy suburbs around the university basic sanitation services, in these suburbs was an his- mere presence of refuse from the township The erage networks. became undeniably present, of Rhodes’s empire’s ongoing domination The legacy toric event. does not mix. so racially segregated that even its shit in the reality of a city as a thick and visceral inter the air was refused emptiness and revealed Even the university. the living bodies (and olfactory and the university’s architecture, statue, locutor between the This sudden intimacy of nothing was empty. All was implicated; senses) occupying the space. the void that had previously neutralized the stat- and bodily sense collapsed spatial, historical, write the French collec- Emptiness attracts power,” “Power creates emptiness. ue’s presence. the paradigm of government means starting politically “leaving The Invisible Committee, tive, (The Invisible everything is inhabited” no empty space, There is from the opposite hypothesis. Committee 2015:79). of this ­ the abjectness hallowed zone of the university, Inserted into the prestigious, contra- and impossible to reconcile: a generative was simultaneously impossible to ignore, as is evidenced demanded and repelled engagement, The viscerality of the shit both diction. simultaneously obsessed over the shit and wished in the manner in which public discourse and public debate cir “larger issue,” to the Repeatedly it was treated as contingent it away. despite the abjectness of the instigating material. cled around the legitimacy of the protests of expres- “freedom their encouragement of The university’s official statement emphasized the throw- “unacceptable” and “reprehensible” but condemned as “open debate,” and sion” the ignoring that it was precisely this that had produced ing of shit (in Nyamnjoh 2016:72), The inability to recognize the material presence. newfound urgency to respond to the statue’s rendered materiality as contingent upon tem- collision of shit and statue as a political actant and progression of a contemporary present, porality: positioning the protests as an inevitable This perception representations of this progression. bodies) as passive shit, their objects (statue, via the narra- objects that were animated only imagined empty objects within a linear present, the material activation of the statue was these temporal logics, Within Man. Western tion of of a significance as a representative “symbolic” eclipsed by what the institution deems its merely finite history. Wynter’s and under global neoliberalism more generally. Africa, temporal logic within South of the human/subhuman hierarchy could be seen to distribute itself around the representation while the Man) is attributed a full and living present, temporal such that the human (Western and a future that is subhuman is relegated to a past that can be mourned but never redeemed, This state of continual deferral is maintained through the overrepresen- always yet to come. which comes to be the descriptive statement of Man’s conception of time, Western tation of and per temporality: namely that of an empty present in which man imbues all that he touches he cannot (or while that which ceives (all that he represents to himself) with contemporaneity, The epistemologics of contemporaneity will not) touch or perceive is rendered nonexistent. “the most powerful trope of homogenous empty become what Christopher Pinney describes as containers “from the shacks of the urban periphery to Cape Town’s centers of political, cultural cultural of political, centers Town’s to Cape the urban periphery “from the shacks of containers power and economic Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on 24 September 2021 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on24 September 2021

136 Joanna Ruth Evans insurrection, oraredistributionofthesensible. each momentandmatterholdsthepotentialforemergenceofanewpolitic, anupheaval, an ties ofthedenseanddangerousnonhomogeneousnoncontemporaneouspresent, inwhich dance tothematerialrealityofprecariouslife. Itsuppressesthemultiple, cuspingpotentiali- time” (2005:264). This homogenous, temporalvoidpermitstheceaselessdeferralofatten- precarious present. this monumentalizednotionofpoliticalactionandimplodethehistoricalmovementinto comprised amultitudeofemergentmoments. Ittookmateriality’sstrangetorquetounsettle oughly monumentalizedintothenationaldescriptivestatementthatweforgetittoo racy foundedbythehighlyorganizedanti-apartheidmovement, whichhasbeensothor and nonhomogeneouspresent. Ironically, thisstatementfindsitsself-validationinademoc “movement” revealsthepetrificationofrepresentationalepistemologicsinfaceadense moment” (inFairbanks2015). This cleavingoftheemergent “moment” fromthepolitical the actionas “crude,” claimingthatRhodesMustFallwas “not infactamovement. Itwasa the oncomingshit. JonathanJansen, chancellorattheUniversityofFreeState, dismissed the momentitisair-bound. Ontheplinth, anabstractshapehasappeared:theshadowof devoid ofvalue of shitbecamepoliticallyproductive. The shitthatwasexpelledfromthebodyaswaste might beethicallyaddressed?Inanimplosionoflineartimeintomatter, thewaste-product into manyandmultipletemporalities does ittaketodisrupttheselogics, suchthatthevoidofahomogenouscontemporaneityerupts What aretherepresentationallogicsthatrenderapartheidaneventoffinitepast? Andwhat that theyarestilllivingunderapartheid, whatwoulditbetounderstandthisnotasametaphor? does notend, butslowstoanalmostimperceptiblepace. When studentsofthisgenerationsay in thestagnatingpresentofasimultaneouslybloodyandbloodlessrevolutionthat, intheend, overrepresented, whilethatwhichisunrepresentable (blackpainandanger, thehistoricalpres- Hodes termed “empirical facts” and “reasoned arguments” (Hodes2015), becomesincreasingly debate. Bythepromiseofthispoliticallogic, whatispresentable, whatUCThistorianRebecca it revealedofthelatentcolonialityuniversitymighthave beenresolvedthroughpolicy According tothelogicsofthesestructures, thesuddenurgency ofRhodes’spresenceandwhat growing intensityasademocraticpositivityofitsrepresentational structures(Newsroom2015). UCT Media2015)astheirinitialstatementhadclaimed, the universitybeganpositioningthe debate. Nolongerabletocontaintheeventofshitact “an individual” (Klopperin tling realmofabjectmateriality, totheseeminglystable, representationalrealmofrhetorical lic eye. Overthenextfewweeksuniversityscrambledtohailstatueinfromunset- of history. institution’s progressivelogicsofgradualtransformation, anditssanitizationcontainment generate. The generativeeffectsoftheshit’sveryactual, verymaterialpresencecollapsedthe 5. The imagethatproliferatedthroughprintandwebcapturestheyellow-brownliquidin thought to make sense (see Rancière [2010] 2015:44). foremost, in the realm of the sensory arepartaking thereby shifted. At UCT, this redistribution happened not at the level of institutional policy, but, sible” is the moment of political emergence in which these terms are unsettled, and the conditions for inclusion/ is dependent upon power’s distribution of what is perceptible, sensible, legible etc. A “redistribution of the sen- by first definingthepartaking modes of perception in which they are inscribed.” in the commons Participation Jacques Rancière speaks of the “distribution of the sensible” as “a generally implicit law that defines the forms of The generationwhogrewwiththe “new” countryknowswhatitistoliveinatemporalvoid: Soon aftertheshitwasthrown, theRhodesMustFallmovementeruptedintopub- — and itselfexpelledbybodiestreatedthestateasdevoidofvalue, beganto — through an unsettling of what could be sensed, and thereby what was — many livingpastsandhistoricalpresents 5

— all ofwhich — - as - Unsettled Matters 137 The the realm realm the — Book 6: Negotiation, Transition Transition Negotiation, 6: Book But as UCT abstracted But as UCT 6 from within the surround” (Harney and and (Harney surround” the within from — However, these legislative and symbolic these legislative However, its presence surfacing into the politics of the its presence surfacing 7 — , and simply staying alive. Under the myth of self-defense, self-defense, of myth the Under alive. staying simply and planning, antagonism generative and general the — They open this chapter with a spatial metaphor of the colonial laager as the field of operation operation of field the as laager colonial the of metaphor spatial a with chapter this open They by Christopher Saunders (Saunders 2004). (Saunders Saunders Christopher by fall, but he must also but he must also fall, Rhodes must remain as it once was. the statue can no longer —

This material excess to institutional proceedings is contextualized within a post-1994 South This material excess to institutional proceedings After a mass debate held on Jameson Plaza on 12 March 2015, a small group of students a small group 2015, Plaza on 12 March debate held on Jameson After a mass - “ongo an is therefore Politics surround. the of space the repurpose and co-opt invade, to continues laager the common the attack on ing Undercommons. Undercommons. surround” “the is laager the of Outside power. distributions of and control political majoritarian for world-building, dissent, minoritarian of 2013:17). Moten in Context” in Transition “The see period, overviewbrief transition a this of For Freedom and For more on the “surround” to politics see “Politics Surrounded,” in Stefano Harney and Fred Moten’s Moten’s Fred and Harney Stefano in Surrounded,” “Politics see politics to “surround” the on more For Emerging in the midst of all of the hopes generated out of the collapse of apartheid Emerging in the midst of all of the hopes it was partly persuaded and partly economy, and desperate to reintegrate into the global with the predict- Bank to embrace the neoliberal line, World coerced by the IMF and the broadly confirms the racial apartheid that pre- able result that economic apartheid now (2005:40) ceded it. . Like a body being prepared for burial or embalmment, the statue cannot simply be dis- prepared for burial or embalmment, Like a body being felt. 7. 6. - the disman With of democratic transformation. Africa in which the material is itself in excess governance black-majority democratically elected, tling of apartheid and the transition to the and a new Africa’s legislature was transformed South African National Congress in 1994, of the was redis- Moral accountability was adopted. constitution (one of the world’s most progressive) and Reconciliation hearings. Truth tributed via the posed of, or swept under the carpet of institutional bureaucracy. Neatly cut strips of blank paper under the carpet of institutional bureaucracy. or swept posed of, brightly on the greying stone. burning and inscription on the plinth, are pasted over the name of latent colonialism’s false neu- cloth and the paper is not the whiteness The whiteness of the but ready. white: not blank, It is an anticipatory of history. or the sanitization trality, the experience of institutional racism into the realm of policy debate, students returned to the students returned of policy debate, racism into the realm of institutional the experience of its systemic production. material site - students standing pre photograph shows A dusky body. materialized Rhodes’s once more - then red (the tradi the body: first white, pulling sheets over the plinth’s ledge, cariously on great bulk is measured anew The form changes: Rhodes’s funerals). tional colors of isiXhosa There is a ritual- clergical quality. taking on a stooping, of the sheets, by the size and softness and soften- altering, marking, simplicity to this action of concealing, istic clarity and aesthetic activated by the shit Having been materially ing. university be

ent, matter’s animacy) is exiled to the surrounds of politics proper. to the surrounds of animacy) is exiled matter’s ent, transformations were unaccompanied by a significant redistribution of wealth and land, lead- a significant redistribution of wealth and land, transformations were unaccompanied by “the only country on Earth in which a revolution Africa, Achille Mbembe to name South ing 2015). (Mbembe former oppressor losing anything” took place which resulted in not one single invasion of land; to imperialism’s extraction of From Dutch and British settler colonialism’s black popula- Africa’s state’s exiling of South wealth and exploitation of labor; to the apartheid (via disenfranchisement and segregationist legis- tions not only to the surrounds of citizenship or to the of the land itself (to the very edges of cities, lature) but to the geographical surrounds is a history African governance the history of South “indigenous homelands”), small and arid the democratically elected In 1994, land and people. of state-executed exploitation and theft of had little choice but to adopt a inheriting the apartheid state’s debt, African National Congress, particularly trou- African case is “The South ideals. neoliberal economic policy counter to their : writes David Harvey in A Brief History of Neoliberalism bling,” Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on 24 September 2021 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on24 September 2021

138 Joanna Ruth Evans debate whenonecannotbreathe? tions, therecoursetoUCT’sproceduralprotocolsbecomes somewhatridiculous;howcanone rial andpsychicenvironmentoftheuniversitybodiesoccupyingit. Underthesecondi- lives the perpetuallylaggingdemocraticpromiseandlivedurgencyofmateriallyprecarious the material;avoidwithinwhicheliteaccumulatevastmaterialexcess. This void In itsperpetualdeferralofredistribution, the “new Democracy” functionsviaanavoidance of in excessofdemocraticgovernance, evenasthegovernmenthitchesitselftomaterialpromises. breath this universitycannotcontinue[asifitis]businessasusual” (inFarber2015). This invocationof ger breathe. We havereachedanimpassewithmanagementatrequestingtransformationand are blowingthroughUCT[...] You revoltwhenyoucannolongerbreathe, andwecannolon- Mahapa, walkedoutofthismeeting, stating, “We cannolongerbreathe. The windsofchange ence dependsonmakingmattercontingentuponrepresentation. The SRCpresident, Ramabina tial totherepresentationaldebatethatauniversity isallabout;oncemore, theuniversity’scoher Farber 2017). According tothislogic, the “events” ofthestatue’sre-materializationaretangen- that isfundamentallyaboutposition, counter-position, argumentandcounter-argument” (in crucial thatweleavethismeetingwithconfidenceofwhatauniversityisallabout lectic rationalism: “The eventsofthepastweekcannotbetakenoutequation, butitis the deputyvicechancellor’sopeningstatementattemptedtocleavematerialcitefromdia- sion otherwiseisavoidofpower’sfunctioning. At atransformationdebateon16March2015, entanglement, theyrevealthattherhetoricalitselfisalwaysalreadymaterial, andthatanyillu- ment ofmatterandrhetoricthatrepresentationalepistemologicsconceal. Infact, morethanan this “ownership” thatmarkhispresenceasbrutal. donated thelandandmoneyforuniversity, negatingthatitistheveryfactandconditionsof private ownershipthattherepeatedjustificationforpresenceofRhodes’sstatuewashe us interpret, livein, andunderstandtheworld” (Harvey2005:3). Sopervasivearethelogicsof of Western Man), suchthatithas “become incorporatedintothecommon-sensewaymanyof mated bytheoverrepresentationofglobalhegemonyneoliberallogic(thenewdiscourse alism globally. This hypocrisycontinuestobedeemedtheonlypossiblestateofaffairs, legiti- was writtenoutofSouth Africa’s democraticimaginary. (now slightlyraciallydiversified)economicelite, thepromiseoflandandwealthredistribution doms” (2)andprivatepropertyrights. As wealthandlandremainedconsolidatedaroundthe of theeconomicelite, butnowundertheliberatoryguiseof “individual entrepreneurialfree- ocratic” neoliberalism, whichperpetuatesthissamedispossessionviathewealthaccumulation The blatantmaterialdispossessionofcolonialandapartheidrulehasbeeneclipsedby “dem-

sign tapedtoanunsuspectingback). The suffocatingenvironment referencedbyMahapacon- tape andstring. Onitsbackwerepageswiththewords “RHODES MUSTFALL” (a “kick me” bags. Studentswrappedthestatueinapatchworkquilt ofthesebags, securedwithpacking tory assemblageoftheprotest, withitsbedsheetbanners, spraypaint, andblackplastictrash Epic, withitspromotionalbanners, flags, andkiosks, wasovershadowedbytheimprovisa- below Rhodes, theCapeEpiccycleracewascelebrating thefinishofitsfirststage. TheCape 9. 8. In themicrocosmofUCT, thematerialtransformationsofstatuerevealentangle- That Sunday, afterthedebate, thestatuetransformed oncemore. Onthesportsfields tional critique; it is, from the moment of its utterance, all of these. is not now a metaphor, now now a desperate plea for bodily survival, a political rallying call, and now an institu- caught in a police headlock, to the movement, and to the University of Cape Town. This cry “I can’t breathe” has flown from the pages of Fanon (see Fanon [1952] 2008:12), to the lips of Eric Garner In 2018, speeding up land reform has come to the forefront of the political agenda (see Roelff 2018). — — produces acynicalfallacyattheheartofsocialinSouth Africa, andunderneoliber of theactualsensationsuffocation 9

— evokes theintimaterelationbetweenmate- 8 The realmofthematerialistherefore — a space — between - - Unsettled Matters 139 and the more black the statue became, black the statue became, and the more — Figure 4. The statue covered in black trash bags and tape with with tape and bags trash black in covered statue The 4. Figure by (Photo 2015. March background, the in Mountain Table Rodger Bosch) Figure 3. The statue after students wrapped it in a patchwork quilt quilt patchwork a in it wrapped students after statue The 3. Figure words the and string, and tape packing with secured bags trash of Bosch) Rodger by (Photo 2015. March FALL,” MUST “RHODES a new epidermis for the transforming body of the statue. Rhodes was body of the statue. for the transforming a new epidermis —

what dump would be —

This turn to the site of the - this new materializa This altered form, it. move to dispose of the institution would the sooner to act on Rhodes’s began tion, From temporality and futurity. time of the imperceptibly slow monumental- and stone, bronze, statue was now the ized history, rela- revealed to be in intimate pres- tion with the university’s days its ent: over the next few for all to form gradually altered and as the plastic shredded see, until only scattered in the wind, billowing one long strip was left “winds Mahapa’s from the head. which metaphor, of change” had already been embodied through the invocation of breath now material- and suffocation, ized through this interplay of The trash bags wind and plastic. marked Rhodes as hyperbolically disposable: imagine a future in which the colonial order could be hauled off by a waste removal truck and far enough? big enough, in a of weeks, a couple Within self-manifesting entanglement Rhodes of metaphor and matter, would indeed be driven away on just such a truck. statue to unsettle latent colo- nial power came after decades of transformation debates, both nationally and within the The realm of rep- university. resentative politics was not not or colonial power was situated, in fact, engaging with transformation; but this was not where, The protesting students knew from the national phenomenon of where change could emerge. power’s survival was inscribed in the architec- Africa’s partial democracy that colonial South The Invisible Committee describe contemporary polit- tural construction of the material world. about the “intuition” ical movements’ tendency to take on material structures as revealing an “Contemporary power is of an architectural and nature of power under global neoliberalism: to undertake anything whatsoever against the exist- Anyone who means impersonal nature [...] physical technological, ing world must start from there: the real power structure is the material, ([2014] 2015:85). organization of this world” as disposable blackened and marked simultaneously gealed in the form of the black plastic bags engulfing the body of the statue (could Rhodes the body of the statue plastic bags engulfing form of the black gealed in the it is also but suffocating, and potentially cheap, is synthetic, The plastic there?). breathe under and black durable, soft, Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on 24 September 2021 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on24 September 2021

140 Joanna Ruth Evans presence isnotnecessarilyabsence, butthatwhichisbeyondthepowerofsenses to render gaze. “In popularsystems ofknowledge,” writesNyamnjoh, “the oppositeorcomplementof less ideology. The statuespunslowlyonitsropes, locatingunseenvistaswith itshazard-orange sorts, perhapsafleeing. Disjointedfromthestoneplinth, Rhodesbecame, quiteliterally, abase- chant, “Rhodes MustFall, RhodesMustFall.” finally flushingtheshitthatstartedthisall. EvenasRhodes roseup, thecrowdcontinuedto ejected bytheintensityofcrowd. Or(morecynicallyput), theuniversitypulledplug, ropes andriggedtoacrane. The intensitycontinuedto build, untilthestatue, itseemed, was Rhodes, whonowhadbrightorangepaintstreakedacross hiseyes, washarnessedwithgreen within history, andwithinamoment;thatis, beforeithassolidifiedintoitsrepresentable form. craning, adroneinflightoverhead. Thecrowd hummedwiththatcommunalaffectofbeing steps rounded byaseaofbodies. The architecturewasovercome byarisingwaveuptheJameson was becoming-matter(293). epistemology, thestatuewas, inDeleuzeandGuattari’sterms “becoming-minoritarian,” asit ritorializing functionmeantthat, farfromservingthemajoritarianpoweroflatentlycolonial ogy. Itwasinsteaddrawingallpossiblefunctionsintoa “deterritorialized” relation. This deter longer contingentupon, norco-optableby, anyonefixedinterpretation, ideology, or epistemol- ([1980] 1987:293). Preciselybecauseofthebetween-nessthisbridgingrole, thestatuewasno sweeping upthetwodistantorcontiguouspoints, carryingoneintotheproximityofother” this lineas “a zoneofproximityandindiscernibility, ano-man’s-land, anonlocalizablerelation torical andactualized;whatDeleuzeGuattarinamea “line ofbecoming.” They describe ing matterhaditselfbecomethisbridge. Itwasazoneofmobilitybetween pastandpresent,- rhe metaphysical, rationalandirrational, objectiveandsubjective” (2012:131). The statue’smutat- ular epistemologiesbuildbridgesbetweentheso-callednaturalandsupernatural, physicaland ogies, asdescribedbyFrancisB. Nyamnjoh: “Far fromsubscribingtorigiddichotomies, pop- moment, thestatuehadbecomenexusofsomethinglikepopular, endogenousepistemol- its responsivitytoaffect, thefranticloopingofitschangingimagethroughmedia, mind, and radicality. Initsproliferatingtransformations, itsimplodingtemporalitiesandsymbolisms, mate matter. Rather, thestatuewasbecoming thematerializedintensityofanemergentblack colonial epistemologicalvoidsofdeactualizedsymbolism, emptycontemporaneity, andinani- an overrepresentedcolonialepistemology. Itnolongerrepresentedandreproducedthelatently interventions andimprovisationsofstudentprotestors, itwasnolongerthestabilizingforceof cedure andimmaterializeddemocracy. After onemonthofmaterial-becomingswiththemany of responsivitywithitssocialenvironmentmadeitantitheticaltothelaginstitutionalpro- direct relationwiththosewhoweremostattendanttoit:thestudentprotestors. This relation longer actintheuniversity’sbestinterests. The statuehadbecomeresponsive, enteringinto stant stateoftransformation. Onecouldnotknowwhatformitwouldtakenext;mightno the statuenowpresentedtouniversitywasnotonlyitsanimatepresence, butalsoitscon- unsettlingly so. proliferation ofTheThinker’s pose, hadbecomesuddenlytoopresent, tooblatantlyevident: limited aestheticmerit” (Lillie2015). The overrepresentationofRhodes, emphasizedbythe from Rodin’shighlyacclaimedThinker. Itthereforenotonlylacksoriginality, butalsohasvery ue’s permanentremoval, Ashly Lilliewrites, “It isanuninspiredworkthatwasderiveddirectly present ithadbecome. InUCT’sreporttotheprovincialHeritageCouncilproposingstat- ble downthestairs. This attempttorestoreaperceptualvoidaroundthestatuerevealsjusthow and redcloths, UCTerectedacoffinaroundRhodes:plywoodcubethatlookedabouttotum- Rhodes, intheend, did notfall, butfloated. Orrather, thestatue’sfallingwasaflightof On 9 April, thedayofremoval, Rhodeswas enclosedinahighwirefenceandsur But, bythatpoint, thestatuewasnolongerexactlyRhodesasheoncewas. The riskthat On 29March2015, inamaterialrecodingofthefuneraryritesevokedbyearlierwhite — students singing, climbinglampposts, ululating, chanting indisjointedunity, cellphones - - Unsettled Matters 141 Figure 6. The statue being secured to a truck for removal, 9 April April 9 removal, truck a to for secured being statue The 6. Figure Mpongo) Sipho by (Photo 2015.

Days after the statue’s removal, a dark shadow spread from the base of the empty plinth, spread from the base of the empty plinth, a dark shadow Days after the statue’s removal, observable” (2012:132). In the (2012:132). observable” moments of Rhodes’s falling- the dichotomy of presence flight, Intensity and absence imploded. shifted from the statue’s body to the space of its absence: the For a moment empty plinth. the plinth remained empty, and a deep hole — a void — was Then revealed at its center. the fence was broken and peo- ple streamed in to occupy the Rhodes was Behind them, plinth. secured to the back of a truck. A student climbed the truck and attempted to cover the stat- releasing the surrounds ue’s face, from its unseeing gaze. a curved head resting in the in a stooped shoulder, ending descending the full flight of stairs, each distinguishable stroke hashes out the overnight, Spray painted anonymously crook of a fist. the shadow has not While the plinth has since been boxed in plywood, moments of its making. been scrubbed away. Figure 5. The Rhodes statue is suspended in mid-air as a crane lifts it into falling-flight, 9 April 2015. 2015. April 9 falling-flight, into it lifts crane a as mid-air in suspended is statue Rhodes The 5. Figure [email protected]) Serraf, Micha by (Photo Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on 24 September 2021 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dram_a_00775 by guest on24 September 2021

142 Joanna Ruth Evans in gray plywood, April 2018. (Photo by L. Evans) from the base of the plinth, which, after three years, remains boxed Figure 7. The fading graffiti shadow of Rhodes descending the stairs and falling-flight. draping blankets, windblownbags, the(im)possibilityofweightlessbronze, absent-presence, terial. Itisalsothistorque thatsetsoffanunfurlingofinvention:shitcollidingwith metal, that colonialpowervoidsinitsrepresentationofmatter, andmateriallyprecariouslife, asimma- on thebackfoot:alwaysreactive, nevercreative(2013:52). Itisthistorque, this “more than,” ity, tothatwhichisanoriginarygovernance, and whichleavesgovernance, therefore, always sider thisre-turningasachoreographyofdecolonialmovement:turningmotionthatattends is oneofperpetualunsettlingviathemultiplere-turnstotransformstatue. Iwanttocon- of overrepresentation. The decolonialmotionthatIseeemergingthroughRhodesMustFall ment returns tion, improvisation, andresponsivity. As soonastheunsettlingisthoughttobedone, settle- and overrepresentationsisfound(insomuchasitnever “found”) withinperpetualinven- ple self-inscripting, auto-institutingmodalities,” thenautonomyfrompower’sstratifications calls on. Namely, thatithasnoone “nature.” If “the beingofhuman” is “in itsmulti- emergence ofendogenousepistemology, givesaclueastothenatureofautonomy Wynter 2003:132). UnderstandingRhodes’sfalling-flightasbothanunsettlingof Western Manandan of beinghumanitselfinitsmultipleself-inscripting, auto-institutingmodalities” (Wynter in whichwenoware(havesocialized/inscriptedourselvestobe)isisomorphicwiththebeing This autonomynecessarilyneedstobesoughtbeyondtheassumption “that themodeofbeing the Human(i.e., ofitself), andtoestablishautonomyforthepluralityofhumans “ourselves.” time holdsadoubleimperative:tounsettlethe West’s exclusionarydescriptivestatementof Sylvia Wynter’s claimthattheoverrepresentationof Western Manisthestruggleofour — perhaps inadifferentguise, butnonethelesssedimentingintofamiliarpatterns the knowable. tion ofpast, person, world, and metallic gaze, anditspetrifica- ing thefixedmarkofRhodes’s that takesinthefullvista, refus- as itunsettles. Itisaturning torque toblackness, tofugitiv- Harney andMotenattribute able andinexcessofitsparts. spin, torqueisalwaysunpredict- the force, northeobject, butthe as “torque” (2013:52). Neither Harney andFredMoten’sterms, could bedescribed, inStefano life.than”quality This“more and humanfromnonhuman object, animatefrominanimate, of selffromworld, subjectfrom tent excessbeyondthedivision non. Rather, itismatter’sinsis- than” isnomysticalphenome- given”(2005:71). This“more ent from, thatwhichisactually than, butnotsomethingdiffer is inmattersomethingmore Bergson writesthat “there In Henri Matter andMemory - Unsettled Matters 143

, Varsity [Addressed to Heritage Western Cape, Regarding the proposed Cape, Western Statement [Addressed to Heritage Heritage

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