THE Day lissions Library ANNUAL REPORT














Pag«- Notice in reference to Bequests ...... iv Committee and Officers for 1867-8 ...... v Corresponding and Honorary Members ...... vi District and Corresponding Secretaries ...... >.. vii Plan and Regulations of the Society ...... vin Minutes of the General Meeting ...... x Annual Public Meeting c...... xiv Rules and Regulations for Auxiliaries ...... ••• xv Report—Finance ...... *... 1 The Missionaries ...... 5 India, Calcutta ...... 8 Serampore ...... 9 Howrah, Baraset, Jcssorc ...... 11 Backerguuge ...... 12 Dacca, Chittagong, Sewry ...... 13 Northern India, Monghyr ...... 14 Patna, Benares ...... 15 Agra, Delhi ...... 16

Ceylon, China ...... 18 A frica ...... 19

W est Indies, Bahamas ...... 20 Hayti ...... 21 Trinidad, Jamaica...... 22 Europe ...... 24 REPORT in detail of Missionary Stations ...... 25

APPENDIX. Stations, Missionaries, and Native Preachers ...... Gl

APPENDIX No. II, Contributions to the Jamaica Special Fund ...... 66

APPENDIX No. HI. Contributions to the Bahamas Hurricane Relief Fund ...... 67

APPENDIX No. IV. Annual Subscriptions ...... • •• •*< ••• 68 Donations ...... ••• 69 Collections at Annual Services ...... 70 Legacies ...... ••• 70 Contributions from Auxiliaries ...... ••• 71 Dividends, Interest, House Account, &c...... ••• ... 157 Abstract of tlie Cash Account ...... ••• ••• 158 Jamaica Special Fund ...... ••• ... 168 Summary of Contributions ...... -••• ... 170 Legacies *...... •••• ••• ... 171 Life Subscribers ...... ••• ... 17o A 2 XV SE Y £îîT y »F U TU BEPOÉT, [1867.


As the kind intentions of some of the deceased friends of the Society have been ren­ dered abortive for want of correct knowledge of the law relating to Charitable Bequests, the Committee call special attention to the following directions:—

By Statute. 6 G e o . II. cap. 36, commonly called the Mortmain Act, it is enacted, Section 1, that after the 24th June, 1736, “ no manors,lands, tenements, rents, advow6ons, or other hereditaments, cor­ poreal or incorporeal, Tvliatsoever; nor any sum or sums of money, goods, chattels, stocks in the public funds, securities for money, or any other personal estate whatsoever, to be laid out or disposed of in the purchase of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, shall be given, granted, alienated, limited, released, transferred, assigned, or appointed, or any ways conveyed or settled to, or upon, any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, or otherwise, for any estate or interest whatsoever, or any ways charged or incumbered, by any person or persons whatsoever in trust, or for the benefit of any charitable uses whatsoever, u n l e s s such gift, conveyance, appointment, or settlement of any such lands, tenements, or hereditaments, sum or sums of money, or personal estates (other than stocks in the public funds) be, and be made by d e e d , indented, sealed and delivered, in the presence o f two or more credible witnesses, twelve calendar months at least b e f o u f . t h e d e a t h o f such donor or grantor (including the days of the execution and death), and be enrolled in Bis Majesty’s Sigh Court o f Chancery, within six calendar months next after the execution thereof; a n d u n l e s s such s t o c k s be transferred in the public books usually keptfor the transfer of stock, six calendar months at least before the death o f such donor or grantor (including the days of the transfer and death), a n d d n i .e s .s the same be made to take effect in p o s s e s ­ s i o n for the charitable uses intended immediately from the muJcing thereof; a n d b e w i t h o u t any power o f revocation, reservation, trust, condition, limitation clause or agreement whatsoever, fo r the benefit of the donor or grantor, or any person or persons claiming under him.” The third section of the statute enacts “ That all gifts, grants, conveyances, appointments, assurances, transfers, and settlements whatsoever, o f any lands, tenements, or other hereditaments, or of any estate or interest therein, or of any charge or incumbrance affecting or to affect any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or of any stock, money, goods, chattels, or other personal estate, or securities for money to be laid out or disposed of in the purchase of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or of any estate or interest therein, or of any charge or incumbrance affecting, or to affect, the same to, or in trust for, any charitable uses whatsoever, which shall at any time from and after the 24th June, 1736, be made in any other form than by this Act is directed and appointed, shall be a b s o l u t e l y , and to all intents and purposes, n u m . a n d v o i d .” Upon these enactments it may be observed:— 1st. That the Baptist Missionary Society is a Charitable Institution, within the meaning of this Act. 2ndly. Land, money arising out of land, or money secured on land wholly or partly, and whether freehold or leasehold, can be given to a charity only by deed in manner directed by the statute. 3rdly. Not only cannot a will pass to a charity any property of the above description, but no money- legacy given to a charity can be satisfied out of such property. If, therefore, a testator has only land, mortgages, rent-charges, debentures, or securities on land, the legacy will fail altogether; if his estate be mixed it will fail to the extent of the proportion of this property to pure personalty. If A. having £1,500; namely, £500 at his bankers, and ¿1,000 on mortgage, gives £100 to a charity, the bequest will only be worth ¿£33 6s. 8d. Railway and canal shares are pure personalty, and may be used to satisfy a charitable lcgacy, but not railway debentures. By 1 Vic. cap. 20, sec. 9, it is further enacted, “ That no will shall be valid, unless it shall be in writing, and executed in manner hereinafter mentioned (that is to say): it shall be signed at the foot or end thereof by the Testator, or by some other person in his presence or by his direction: and such signa­ ture shall be made or acknowledged by the Testator in the presence o f two or more Witnesses present at the same tim e; and such Witnesses shall attest and shall subscribe the will in the presence o f the Testator; but no Form of Attestation shall be necessary.” N.B.—Wills executed prior to the first day of January, 1838, are not affected by this act; but any alteration therein, or codicil thereto, must be executed in the manner before mentioned. The following Form of Bequest may be safely adopted by those wlio wish to bequeath such property as may be left by will for this purpose

FORM OF BEQUEST. I give to the Treasurer or Treasurers fo r the time being, o f the Baptist Missionary Society, the sum of £ sterling, to be paid exclusively out of such parts of my personal estate, not specifically bequeathed, as may lawfully be given by will to charity, and not to ábate unless there should be no other fun d fo r the payment in fu ll o f my other legacies, and in such case only rateabiy with my other pecuniary or general legacies.

If any friends wish to bequeath property for Translations or Schools, it is only nccessary to say instead of the General Fund, the Translation Fund, or the School Fund. It is proper to observe, that the above restrictive statute does not extend to Scotland, Ireland, or the Colonies. 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. V COMMITTEE AND OFFICERS. 1867- 8. Humxxtx. JOSEPH TRITTON, E sq. Smjrfams. R e v . FREDERICK TRESTRAIL, F.R.G.S. EDWARD BEAN UNDERHILL, E sq., LL.D. Cmromttiw. R e v . JOHN ALDIS Reading. R e v . C. BAILHACHE Islington. R e v . CHARLES M. BIRRELL Liverpool. R e v . JOHN JENKYN BROWN Birmingham. Rev. J. T. BROWN Northampton., R e v . J. B. BURT . Beaulieu. R e v . J. P. CHOWN Bradford. R e v . H. DOWS ON . Bury. R e v . E. EDWARDS Chard. R e v . BENJAMIN EVANS, DJ). Scarborough. GEORGE E. FOSTER, E sq. . Cambridge. MICHAEL FOSTER, E sq. Huntingdon. A. B. GOODALL, E sq. . Hackney. R e v . F. W. GOTCH, LL.D. Bristol. R e v . G. GOULD . Norwich. R e v. S. G. GREEN, B.A. . Rawdon. R e v . N. H AYCR OFT, M.A. Leicester. R e v . J. HOBSON . . R e v . W. BOWIESON . Walworth. R e v . D. JONES, B.A. Brixton. R e v . H. JONES . Llangollen. R e v . D. KATTERNS Hackney. R e v . C. KIRTLAND . London. R e v . W. LANDELS . London. R e v . W. G. LEWIS Bayswater. R ev. A. McLAREN, B.A. , Manchester. R e v . J. MARTIN, B.A.. Nottingham. R e v . C. J. MIDDLEDITCH Blockley. R e v . J. H. M ILLARD, B .A . H untingdon. G. F. MUNTZ, E sq. . Henley-in-Arden, R e v . JAMES P. MURSELL Leicester. R e v . JAMES MURSELL . Kettering. W. OLNEY, E sq. Southwark. Rbv. T. C. PAGE . Plymouth. R e v . J. PATERSON, D.D. Glasgow. S. R. PATTISON, E sq. London. HENRY PETO, E sq. . London. R e v . T. PRICE, PH.D. Aberdare. R e v . WILLIAM ROBINSON Cambridge. R e v . J. A. SPURGEON Notting Hill. W . STIFF, E sq. . Stockwell. JOHN TEMPLETON, E sq.. F.R.G.S. London. J. E. TRESIDDER Esq. Walworth. J. H. TRITTON, E sq . Norwood. R e v . C. VINCE . Birmingham. R e v . W. WALTERS . Newcastle. R e v . JAMES WEBB . Ipswich. R e v . T. A. WHEELER Bristol. ^ttbrtors. M e s sr s. J. EASTTY, G. B. WOOLLF.Y, J. IIOBSON, & A. T. BOWSER. ^mrantant.—Mr . ALFRED HENRY BAYNES.

Dltttl'.trs,— M jcssrs. BARCLAY, BEYAN, TRITTON & CO., 54, Lombard Street. vi SEVENTY-1’ I FT 11 iîE P O ilT . [18G7.



WALES. T h om as H o p k in s , Esq. Cardiff. E d w a r d M o r g a n , Esq. Newtown. R ev. J o u x P r ic h a r d , D.D. Llangollen. W il l ia m R e e s, Esq. Haverfordwest.

SCOTLAND. C h a s . A nderson, Esq. . Edinburgh. Rev. A . M ’L eod Glasgow. Rev. J am es P a t e r s o n , D.D. Glasgow. C h a r l e s Spe n c e , Esq. Edinburgh. J oh n St e w a r t , Esq. Aberdeen. Rev. J o n a th a n W atson Edinburgh.

Rev. R ufus B a b c o c k , D.D. . Poughkeepsie, U.S. Rev. R o b e r t P a t t e so n , D.D Boston, U.S. Rev. J. G. O n c ke n . Hamburg.


R ev. J. A c w o r t h , L L .D . . Scarborough. Hon. G. F. A n g as Adelaide, South Australia. Rev. JosEFn A ngu s, D.D. . London. Rev. Sam u e l Br a w n Loughton. R e v . W il l ia m B r o c k London. R ic h a r d Ca r t w r ig h t , E sq. , London . G eo r g e F o st e r , Esq. Sabden. Rev. B e n ja m in G o d w in , D.D. . Rawdon. Rev. J oh n H o w a r d H in t o n , M.A. London. Rev. J am e s H o b t , D.D. . London. H e n r y K e l s a l l , Esq. Rochdale. R e v . J. L e e c h m a n , LL.D, Bath, J o h n C. M a r sh m a n , Esq. . London. Professor M u l l e r Amsterdam. Sir S. M orto n P e to , Bart., M .P . . Chipstead Plaoe. T. P ew tress, Esq. London. W . R ee s, Esq. Haverfordwest. Rev. J. R u sse ll . Blackheatli. •Jo h n Sh e p p a r d , Esq. Frome. R . B. S h e e r in g , Esq. . Bristol. W . L e p a r d Sm it h , Esq. . • . St. Alban’s. R e v . E d w a r d Ste a n e , D.D. . Camberwell. R e v . Ch a r l e s S t o v e l London. R e v . T , T hom as, D.D. . Pontypool. R e v . J o n ath a n W atso n . Edinburgh. W. H. W atso n , Esq. London. 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. vii


ENGLAND. Bedfordshire Rev. T. H an ds . Luton. Berkshire Rev. J ohn A l d is . Reading. Cambridgeshire R ev. W . R obin son . Cambridge. Cornwall Rev. T . W il s h e r e . Penzance. Cumberland . Rev. D. K ir k b r id e . . Maryport. Devonshire, North Rev. D. T hom pson . Appledore. Devonshire, South Rev. E. W e b b . . Tiverton. Durham and | R ev. W . W a l t e r s » Newcastle-on- Tyne. Northumberland Gloucestershire, East Rev. G. M e M ic h a e l , B.A, . Bourton-on-the-Water. n Rev. W. Y a t e s . . Stroud. Hampshire . Rev. T . M o r r is . . Whitchurch. Hertfordshire W . L. Sm it h , Esq. . St. Alban’s. Huntingdonshire M. F o st e r , Esq. . Huntingdon. Kent Rev. B. C. E t h e r id g e . Ramsgate. Lancashire . Rev. W. F. B u r c h e ll . Blackpool. Leicestershire T. D . P a u l , Esq. . Leicester. * Rev. J . B a r n e t t . . Blaby. Lincolnshire . Rev. W. K. A r m str o n g , B A. . Lincoln. Norfolk Rev. G. G o u ld . . Norwich. Northamptonshire Rev. J . T . B r o w n . Northampton. )> M r. W . Gr a y . Ditto. Nottinghamshire Rev. J. E d w a r d s . Nottingham. 1? Rev. J . M a r t in , B.A, . Ditto. Oxfordshire . Rev. W . A llen . Oxford. Shropshire . Rev. E. D. W il k s . Oswestry. Somersetshire Rev. E . E d w a r d s . Chard. Staffordshire Rev. B. C. Y oung . Coseley. Suffolk Rev. C. E lven . . Bury St. Edmund's. V • • Rev. T. M. M o r r is . Ipswich. Warwicksliire R ev. C. V in ce . Birmingham. Wiltshire P a u l A n s t ie , Esq. . Devizes. Worcestershire Rev. M. P h ilp in . Alcesteiv j Rev. C. S h o r t , M.A. . Sheffield. Yorksliire, West Riding I Rev. J . H an son . . Huddersfield. „ East Riding Rev. B. E v a n s, D.D. Scarborough. „ Hull district T. Sy k e s , Esq. . Hull. WALES. North Wales R ev. J . P r ic h a r d , D. . Llangollen. * • J. L e w is , Esq. . Holyhead. Carmarthenshire . Rev. H . W. J o n e s . Carmarthen. f Rev. D r. P r i c e . Aberdare. \ Rev. R. G r i f f i t h s . Cardiff. Glamorganshire and < Rev. L . E va n s . . Newport. Monmouthshire . . J Rev. J, W. L an ce . Ditto. (. Rev. J, Emlyn Jones, M.A LLD . Merthyr Tydvil. viii SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867



The name by which the Society has been and still is designated, is “ The Particular Baptist Missionary Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen,” or, “ The Baptist Missionary Society.”


The great object of this Society is the diffusion of the knowledge of the religion of Jesus Christ throughout the whole world, beyond the British Isles, by the preaching of the Gospel, the translation and publication of the Holy Scriptures, and the establishment of Schools.


The following persons shall be considered members, viz., pastors of churches making an annual contribution ; ministers who collect annually; and all Christian persons concurring in the objects of the Society, who are donors of ten pounds or upwards, or subscribers of ten shillings and sixpence annually to its funds.


A General Meeting of Members only shall be held annually, at which the Committee and Officers shall be chosen for the year ensuing, the Auditors of accounts appointed, and any other business pertaining to the Society trans­ acted. In choosing the Committee and Officers, the Chairman of the Meeting shall receive all names which it may be intended to propose. Out of the list so obtained, forty members of the Committee shall be chosen by ballot, those who have the greater number of votes being the parties elected, and the members so elected shall be empowered to fill up the number to forty-eight members, as required by the following rule, from the list of nominations presented at the Annual Meeting. PLAN AND REGULATIONS. ix

COMMITTEE. That the affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Committee of forty- eight persons, one half of whom shall not be residents within twelve miles of St. Paul’s j the Committee to meet monthly, or oftener, in London, on a fixed day, for the despatch of business: seven members to be deemed a quorum the Committee to be empowered to fill up vacancies.

PUBLIC MEETINGS. A Public Meeting of the Society shall be held annually, when the list of the Committee shall be read, the accounts presented, and the proceedings of the previous year reported. The Committee shall also be empowered to summon Public Meetings in London or elsewhere, whenever the interests of the Society may seem to require.


All Treasurers and Secretaries of Missionary Auxiliaries shall be C o r r e ­ sponding Members of the Committee, together with such persons as it may be found necessary to add to their number.

HONORARY MEMBERS. The General Meeting of Members shall also be empowered to appoint as Honorary Members any who have rendered important services to the Society.


All Honorary and Corresponding Members of the Committee, and all Ministers, who are members of the Society, who may occasionally be in London ; and also Ministers residing in London, similarly qualified, together; with the Treasurers and Secretaries of London Auxiliaries, shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Meetings of the Committee.

FUNDS. All monies received on behalf of the Society shall be lodged in the hands of the Treasurer, or of Trustees to be chosen by the Society. When the amount received shall exceed the sum needed for the current expenses of the month, it shall be invested in the Public Funds, until required for the use of the Mission. ALTERATION OF CONSTITUTION. No alteration in the constitution of the Society shall be made without twelve months’ notice having been given at a previous Annual General Meeting. X SEVENTY-FIFTH llEPOllX. [1867.



M a y 14t h , 1867.

1. The General Meeting of the Subscribers and Members of the Baptist Missionary Society was held on Tuesday, May 14th, 1867, at half-past ten o’clock.

2. After singing a hymn and reading the Scriptures, the R e v . J. Howard H in t o n , M.A., of Reading, offered prayer.

3. On the motion of the Rev. Frederick Trestrail, seconded by the Rev. Samuel Brawn, of Loughton, W illiam Henry Watson, Esq., of London, was unanimously called to the Chair.

4. The Secretaries laid on the table the Report of the Committee, which having been printed in the “ Missionary Herald” for May, was taken as read. The Balance Sheet and Abstract of Accounts for the past year, as passed by the Auditors, was placed in the hands of the Members.

5. The Digest of the Minutes of the Committee for the past year was brought up and read.

6. On the motion of the Rev. Dr. A n g u s , of London, seconded by the

Rev. J. H. Hinton, it was resolved:—

That the Report laid on the table, with the Balance-sheet and Abstract of Accounts, Le received and adopted. 1S67.J SEY-ENTY-FIFTH REPORT. xi

7. On the motion of the Rev. Dr. S te a n e , that portion of the Report whieh relates to the resignation of the office of Treasurer by Sir M o r t o n

P e t o was read, and seconded by the Rev. W illiam Brock, of London, sup­ ported by the Rev. Dr. G o t c h , of Bristol, it was unanimously resolved :—

That the Members and Subscribers of the Baptist Missionary Society in Annua General Meeting assembled, have heard with deep regret that their Treasurer, Sir S. Morton Peto, has deemed it proper to resign his office. While in deference to the honourable feelings by which he has been actuated in taking this step, his resignation has been accepted, this meeting would respectfully and with Christian love, offer to him their sincere sympathy under the trying circumstances which have led to it, and in his judgment rendered it necessary. They regard it at tho same time as being not more than due to him, than to their own grateful sense of the eminent services he has rendered to the Society, that they should place on record their high appreciation of the wisdom, tbe courtesy, the diligence, and the unrivalled munificence with which he has fulfilled the duties of his office during the twenty-one years he held it ; and requesting him now to accept a place in the list of Honorary Members of the Committee, they express their earnest hope that he may still find it compatible with his feelings and his engagements to afford the Society tho benefit of his counsels and support. They assure him in conclusion of their fervent prayers that it may please our Heavenly Father to sustain him under all the trials of life by his abundant grace, long to preserve him to his family, and so to enrich both him and them with his continual benediction, that they may be constrained to observe, and with adoring thankfulness to acknowledge that “ all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

8. On the motion of the Rev. J. T. B r o w n , of Northampton, seconded by the Rev. W. Barker, of Hastings, it was resolved :—

That the above resolution be engrossed ; that it be published among tbe proceedings of the present meeting, and that the following gentlemen be a deputation to present it to Sir Morton Peto—viz., the Chairman, the Revs. Dr. Steane, W.Brock, Dr. Gotch, and the Secretaries.

9. The notice of motion given last year by the Rev. Jam es A. S p u r ­

g e o n was moved by Dr. U nderhill, and seconded by the Rev. Jam es W e b b , of Ipswich. After amendment it was resolved:—

That in Rule “ General Meeting of Members,” after the word “ obtained,” the Rule should read as follows Forty Members of the Committee shall be chosen by ballot, those who have the greater number of votes being the parties elected, and the Members so elected shall he empowered to fill up the number to forty-eight members, as required by the following rule, from the list of nominations presented at the Annual Meeting.

10. The list of nominations of members to serve on the Committee having sii SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867. been distributed, and the votes collected, Messrs. Gibson, Teall, Keen,

C. B a in e s, and A. H. B a y n e s , were elected as scrutineers, to report the result of their examination to the officers of the Society for publication.

11. On the motion of the Rev. E. T. Gibson, seconded by the Rev. J e sse H o b s o n , it was resolved:—

That the name of "YV. Lepard Smith, Esq., of St. Alban’s, be placed on the list of of Honorary Members of Committee, he having rendered important services to the Society.

12. On the motion of the Rev. Dr. G o t c h , of Bristol, seconded by the

Rev. J. H. HlNTON, it was unanimously resolved:—

That Joseph Tritton, Esq., be respectfully and earnestly invited to be the Treasurer of this Society.

13. On the motion of M. F o s t e r , Esq., of Huntingdon, seconded by the Rev. J. J. B r o w n , of Birmingham, it was resolved:—

That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the R e v , Frederick Trestrail and Edward Bean Underhill, Esq., L L .D , for their faithful services a6 Secretaries, and that they be requested to continue them for the ensuing year-

14. On the motion of Dr. U nderhill, seconded by the Rev. J. P. G rif­ f i t h s , of Biggleswade, it was resolved:—

That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the auditors for their services, and that the following gentlemen be requested to act as auditors for the year ensuing— viz,, Messrs. Woolley, Eastty, Hobson, and A. T. Bowser.

16. The attention of the Meeting being called to a resolution on the Society’s debt, passed in a conference of the friends of the Society on the previous day, on the motion of the Rev. Dr. S te a n e , seconded by the Rev.

J. T. B r o w n , of Northampton, it was resolved:—

That it be recommended to the Committee to consider at the earliest possible period the means to be adopted for extinguishing the debt now existing, and for aug­ menting the permanent income of the Socigty.

16. On the motion of Dr. U nderhill, seconded by the Rev, J. T. Brown

it was unanimously resolved:— SETEBTTT-PrPTH EEPOBT. x iii

That the following resolutions with regard to Jamaica presented by the Com­ mittee for adoption by this General Meeting of Members be approved, viz. :— 1. That a sum not exceeding £600 per annum be definitely devoted to the support of the five or six senior brethren who occupy the most important positions in the island, on condition that each of the brethren selected should confine his pastorate as soon as possible to one Church. 2. That the stations for the present selected shall be— On. the south, side of the island : Kingston and Spanish ; on the north side: St. Ann’s Bay, Brown’ s Town, Falmouth, and Montego Bay. 3. That the Committee shall retain at their discretion the continuance of the grant either to the individual or congregation seleeted.

17. The Minutes of the Meeting were read and confirmed.

18. A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to the Chairman for his kind and efficient services in the chair.

19. The Meeting was closed by prayer offered by the Rev. Dr. Stean e. xiv SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT.




On THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 1 6 t h , 1867.

JOHN CANDLISH, E s q ., M.P., in the Chair.

The Meeting was opened by singing and prayer. An abstract of the Report of the Society’s proceedings during the past year, and the Treasurer’s Report, were read by the Rev. F. T r e s t r a i l . The resolution of the General Meeting of Subscribers, relative to the resig­ nation of the office of Treasurer by Sir M orton Peto, was read (see p. xi) and adopted by the entire audience rising. The C h a irm a n addressed the Meeting.

Joseph Teuton, Esq., addressed the Meeting, announcing his acceptance of the office of Treasurer, to which he had been elected by the General Meeting of Subscribers. It was moved by the Rev. H. Dowson, of Bury, seconded by the Rev. D . J. E a s t, of Jamaica, and supported by J. H olden, Esq., M .P.:— That this Meeting has listened to the recital of the losses and disappointments which the Society has sustained during the past year with great concern; and while sympa­ thizing with the committee and officers would afresh commend them and the Missionaries, especially the brethren and churches in Jamaica, to the protection and blessing of Almighty God. Looking at these events in the light of Scripture, this Meeting would cherish a lively hope that they will be overruled for good, by exciting in the churches, both at home and abroad, a spirit of fervent prayer that the Holy Ghost may show forth His power in awakening them to enlarged liberality, and more ardent zeal, to sustain and extend the kingdom of God in the world. It was moved by the Rev. E. E. J e n k in s , of Southern India, and seconded by the Rev. H. Stow ell Brown, of Liverpool:— That this Meeting, encouraged by the success of Missionary Societies in past years, and the many tokens of the Divine favour vouchsafed to them in times of severe and unexpected trial, cherishes the expectation that this Society will not only be relieved from present pecuniary difficulty, but shortly be enabled to enter, with renewed strength on its future labours, particularly in China and India, where such remarkable changcs are taking place among the more intelligent and educated classes in their views of the native superstitions and of Christianity. Sympathizing with the spirit of enterprize so commonly evinced by men engaged in commercial and scientific pursuits, this Meeting regards with feelings of peculiar interest the young men in our colleges and churches, and would devoutly pray that God, in His great mercy, would enkindle in their hearts the yet loftier spirit of self-denial and holy ardour required for missionary labour, especially in those who, endowed with great natural gifts, combined with high culture and superior social position, seem eminently qualified to take a foremost place in this sacred and glorious work. After a vote of thanks to the CHAIRMAN, the Meeting was elosed by singing and prayer. SEVENTY-FIFTH BEPOET. XV



1. T h a t tlie fundamental principles and objects of the Baptist Missionary Society have the cordial approbation of this Auxiliary. 2. That this Society be denominated the Auxiliary, in aid of the funds of the Baptist Missionary Society, and that all the Churches in the County be re­ quested to co-operate in promoting this important object. 3. That all persons subscribing annually Half-a-Guinea or upwards, or five Guineas at one time, shall be Members of this Auxiliary; that all such subscribers of Half-a-Guinea shall be entitled to the abstract of the Annual Report; and of One Guinea and up­ wards to the large Report of the Parent Society. 4. That the businesss of the Auxiliary shall be conducted by a committee, with one or two Secretaries and a Treasurer. The committee to hold its meetings quarterly in differ­ ent places in the County. 5. That the whole amount of money received by this Auxiliary, after deducting necessary expenses, shall be remitted annually, or oftener, to the Treasurer of the Parent Society in London, with an Alphabetical List of Collections and Subscriptions. 6. That a General Meeting of the Members of the Auxiliary shall be held annually, when a Report of the Proceedings shall be presented, intelligence communicated of the oper­ ations of the Mission, and a Committee and Officers appointed for the ensuing year. [It is desirable that arrangements for the Annual Meeting should be announced at the previous Quarterly Meeting of the Committee.] 7. That the following Gentlemen be the Committee for the present year:— and that be Treasurer, and ' Secretary. .


1. T h a t the principles and objects of the Baptist Missionary Society, formed in the year 1792, are cordially approved of by this Society. 2. That this Society be designated the Missionary Society. 3. That all persons subscribing One Penny per week, or more, Ten Shillings and Sixpence, and upwards, annually, or Five Pounds at one time, shall be Members of the Society. That the Society be under the direction of a Committee of Twelve Persons, including a Treasurer and Secretary, and that the following be the Committee and Officers for the present year, viz.—


T r e a s u r e r . Se c r e t a r y * 5. That the Committee meet monthly to receive the Contributions from the Collectors, and pay over the amounts to the Treasurer, to be remitted annually, or oftener, to the Treasurer of the Parent Society. 6. That a General Meeting of this Congregational Missionary Society be held Annually, on the last Tuesday of , for the purpose of receiving the Report of Pro­ ceedings, and appointing a committee for the following year. x v i SEVENTY-FIFTH EEPOBT. [1867.


1. T h a t this Branch be formed for the purpose of contributing to the Funds of the Bap­ tist Mission, and of promoting a spirit of enterprise in extending the kingdom of Christ. 2. That this Branch be under the direction of a Committee of such persons as collect Six­ pence per week and upwards; or are subscribers of Half-a-Guinea and upwards per annum. 3. That the Committee meet Monthly to pay over the Contributions to the Treasurer, and receive Missionary intelligence. 4. That a General Meeting of the Branch be held on the last Thursday of in each year, when the accounts shall be balanced, and paid over to the Treasurer of the , or to the Treasurer of the Parent Society. $. That the following be the Members of the Committee :—


1. T h a t this Association be formed for the purpose of contributing to the funds of the Baptist Mission, and of promoting a spirit of enterprise in extending the kingdom of Christ. 2. That every person subscribing One Penny per week and upwards, be a member of the Association. 3. That this Association be under the direction of a Committee, selected from such persons as collect Sixpence per week and upwards. 4. That the Committee meet Quarterly to pay over the contributions to the Treasurer, and receive Missionary intelligence. 6. That an Anniversary Meeting of the Association be held in connexion with the annual meeting of the Congregation, when the accounts shall be balanced and paid over to the Treasurer of the Congregational Auxiliary, or to the Treasurer or the Parent Society. 6. That the following be the Members and Officers of the Committee :—


1. T h a t this Association be formed for the purpose of aiding the fonds of the Baptist Missionary Society, and that it consist of all Scholars and Teachers contributing or collecting One Fenny per week or upwards towards its funds. 2. That the mends and neighbours of the Children be invited to contribute to this Asso­ ciation. 3. That the Superintendents and Teachers, whose classes contribute, constitute a Com­ mittee, to carry the object of the Branch into effect. 4. That the consent of the Parents be obtained before any child iB allowed to become a subscriber. $. That the amount contributed by the Association be paid over every quarter to the Trea­ surer of the Parent Society.

*** I t is requested that application* fo r Collecting Boohs, Cards, Boxes, tfe,, may le made through the Treasurers or Secretaries o f the Auxiliary Societies, whenever convenient. The friends o f Ike Society are respectfully requested to aid the circulation o f the Juvenile Missionary Herald, of the Quarterly Missionary Herald, and of the Missionary Herald, among the CoHsetorj and Subscribers o f the several Auxiliarits. SEVENTY-ilFTH EEPOKT,

No friend of the Baptist Missionary Society will feel any surprise at being told that the year just expired has been one of unusual difficulty and concern. It is a year not likely to be forgotten. War on the Continent-— pestilence, cutting down man and beast at home— the great commercial panic, with its wide-spread and disastrous results, have rendered it alike memorable and distressing. The return to this country of so many honoured brethren, especially from India, seeking a renewal of their health, seriously impaired by prolonged labours in tropical climes— the effects of the famine in Orissa, which decimated the population of that province, on the entire population of Bengal— the painful events occurring in Jamaica— and the devastation caused by the hurricane which swept over the Bahamas, destroying much Mission property, and plunging the people into the depths of want and distress, have occasioned the Committee and Officers the deepest anxiety, ■ and required frequent and anxious deliberations, as well as their most assiduous efforts, to meet the exigencies which arose. The almost universal depression in com­ mercial affairs— the unexpected failure of enterprises but a little while ago deemed sound and profitable—and the feeling of distrust and apprehension still prevalent among all ranks of society, have unquestionably had an unfavourable influence on the pecuniary affairs of the Society. The Bankers, with their uniform liberality and kindness, went beyond the usual limits of accommodation; and towards the close of the financial year, the pressure on our resources was so severe that, if it had not been for the kindness and exertions of a few friends, who placed considerable loans at the disposal of the Committee, they could not have met the liabilities incurred. Happily the severity of the crisis is now past, and the result is less disastrous than was, at one time, anticipated. It will be remembered that the Society began the year with a debt of £2,408 8s. 7d.; the deficiency of the present year amounts to £2,688 4s. 10d., 2 SEtENTt-FIt'TTI r.EPORt. [is67. making together a debt of £5,096 13s. 5d. The present deficiency almost wholly arises from two causes— the reduced advances from the Mission press in Calcutta, and the necessary increase, owing to the greatly augmented cost of living in India, of the income of the missionaries and native preachers. As all other Societies having agencies in that country had done a similar thing, it was impossible for your Committee to refrain from a like act of consideration for the comfort of their brethren. The progress of civilization among such a people as the Hindus, the extension of railways, the con­ struction of great public works, and the wider diffusion of education among all classes, are matters for rejoicing. But they raise the price of labour and provisions, and consequently the cost of living, especially to European families. The entire income of the Society for the year is £30,105 8s. Id. Making allowance for the large donation of the Treasurer last year of £1,000, it will be seen from the balance-sheet, that the contributions from the Churches have not fallen off, but are somewhat in advance of those of the previous year. The Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund suffered from the storm which swept over the whole island on the first Lord’s day in the year, affecting some congregations so seriously that their collections were postponed. The smaller and poorer churches continue to manifest their wonted zeal in regard to this object; and the letters which accompany the remittances are full of interest, and afford decisive proofs of their unabated sympathy with the widows and orphans of departed missionaries. The Committee notice with unfeigned pleasure the growing zeal of their young friends in the various congregations, who continue steadfastly to support the Native Preachers’ Fund. Only on one previous occasion have their contributions reached the present amount. They raised in 1866 £489 0s. 2d.; but in 1807 they have sent up £512 18s. 8d. as the product of their New Year’s cards. It will, of course, be understood that that amount is wholly in excess of what is raised for various other objects in the Sunday- schools. The schools which constitute the Liverpool and Birkenhead Auxiliary have contributed £160 13s. 6d., besides the cost of a new boat, which they sent out to Mr. Thomson, at Cameroons, and on which the African Mail Company, on a request being forwarded to them, remitted all charge for freight. The Committee regret that the grants from the Bible Translation Society are below the average of past years. But doubtless that Institution, in common with many others, has suffered from causes similar to those already adverted to. They can only again commend that valuable Society to the liberal support of all those who hold to the great principle of the faithful translation of the entire Text of Scripture, translators being left free to 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH HEPOET. 3

carry out their own conscientious convictions without any restriction being imposed on them as to the treatment of particular words. There is nothing in the expenditure for the year to call for further special remark. It has varied, in every station ; in some cases being more, in others less, than it was last year. It may suffice to say that to the expense of sending relief to the Bahamas beyond, what was received to meet it, no one will object. The response to the appeal issued by the Committee, when the tidings reached them of the disaster which had fallen on the people, was liberal and prompt; and their own measures were prompt and decisive. Both here and in America, the directors of the Great Steam Companies per­ mitted packages of provisions and clothing to be shipped free of freight, which kindness the Committee suitably acknowledged. Nor will any friend object to the cost incurred in defending the Rev. E. Palmer, pastor of Hanover Street Church, Kingston, from the unfounded charge of sedition brought against him; nor to the expenses of our brethren in Jamaica, in seeking to rebut before the Royal Commission the calumnious allegations in the despatches of the late Governor Eyre. To have left our brethren to struggle alone in so severe a trial, uncheered by the sympathy and support of the Committee and friends at home, would have been unworthy of the past history of the Society, dishonouring to the memory of such men as Coultart, Tinson, Burchell, and Knibb, and unjust to the beloved brethren now labouring in Jamaica. Great principles, affecting the rights and liberties of all classes of Her Majesty’s subjects, were involved in these events; and persons to whom these principles are dearer than even life itself must rejoice that they have been so nobly vindicated by the Lord Chief Justice of . But whatever difficulties and trials the Committee have had to encounter, none have caused them so great a concern and sorrow as those which have fallen upon their honoured and devoted friend, Sir Morton Peto, who for twenty-one years has discharged the duties of Treasurer with a zeal, liberality, and kindness known to all; but only fully known to those who have had the pleasure of acting with him in office. At the earliest oppor­ tunity, after the events became known to them, they tendered to him an expression of their feelings in the following resolu tion -

That the members of this Committee have heard with great solicitude of the anxieties which have fallen on their honoured Treasurer through the recent course of public events. They earnestly pray for the speedy termination of the trial through which he is passing, and that it may be specially blessed to him and all the members of his beloved family. The Committee embrace this opportunity of heartily thanking the Treasurer for the numerous and valuable services he has rendered to this Society, and trust that he may long be spared to promote the glory of Christ and the welfare of his fellow-men, in this, and- all other relations which he sustains. X * 4 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

At their next sitting the Chairman, "W. H. Watson, Esq., by whom the resolution was forwarded, read the Treasurer’s reply, which was ordered to be entered on the minutes:—

May 24, 1866. My dear Mr. Watson, I am this morning in receipt of your kind letter of yesterday’s date, enclosing me a copy of the resolution of the Committee of the Missionary Sooiety, passed at their meeting on Tuesday last, with reference to the anxieties occasioned to my firm by the recent course of public events. I beg that you will convey to my valued friends and colleagues on the Committee the expression of my grate­ ful appreciation of their kind feeling and sympathy with me in this severe trial, as well as my earnest desire that their prayers may be answered, that its influ­ ences may be beneficial and abiding. I am thankful to be able to give them the assurance that there is every prospect of my being able to make an early and satisfactory arrangement of all matters, as tie result of an investigation of our affairs is even more favourable than we had anticipated. With renewed expres­ sions of grateful esteem and regard, I am, dear Mr. Watson, Very faithfully yours, (Signed) S. M o r t o n P e t o .

Some months having passed by, and the hope expressed in the closing sentence of this letter not having been realized, the Committee received the following communication:—

9, Great George Street, Westminster, March G, 1867. To the Committee of the Baptist Mission. My dear brethren, In the year 1846— 21 years ago— I was elected co-Treasurer with our much- esteemed friend Mr. W. B. Gurney, and at his death became the sole Treasurer, and your most kind and fraternal resolution in May last led me to feel how deeply you sympathized with the heavy and unlooked-for affliction which befel me. The office I hold has a pecuniary aspect, and I feel on that account, and t h a t o n l y , it is undesirable that I should, while my firm’s affairs are unsettled, continue to hold it. With this conviction, I feel it my duty (my very painful duty) to resign the office which, from the very pleasurable association with yourselves and the officers, I have highly prized, as an opportunity of being associated in the pro­ motion of a work at once combining the greatest responsibility with the greatest interest. With assurances of sincere Christian love and regard, I am, my dear brethren, Sincerely and affectionately yours, (Signed) S. M o rton P e t o .

The letter was ordered to be placed on the minutes, and to be suitably acknowledged by the Secretary in terms of deep regret, but unabated regard, and deferred for consideration to the Quarterly Meeting of Committee, to be held in April. Meanwhile, a Sub-Committee was appointed to take such steps as might be deemed advisable to meet any exigency which might arise. The Committee having given to the whole question a most careful and prolonged consideration, passed the following resolution, and the Chairman, 1867.] SEVENTT-FIFTH REPORT. 5

W. H. Watson, Esq., Revs. Dr. Gotch, and C. M. Birrell were appointed a. deputation to wait on Sir Morton, and present the resolution to him.

Resolved,—That this Committee have heard with unfeigned sorrow thé letter now read from their honoured friend and treasurer, Sir Morton Peto, tendering the resignation of hia office ; which resignation, for the reason therein stated, and that only, they are reluctantly constrained to accept. They cannot, however, do this without placing on their records the expression of their grateful remembrance of the eminent services he has rendered to the Society since 1846, when he was associated in the Treasurership with the late W. B. Gurney, Esq. ; and as sole Treasurer on the decease of that gentleman in 1855. Nor can they forget that, during this extended period, he has largely devoted, with unhesitating promptitude, both time and property to further the objects of the Mission— watching over its proceedings with anxious solicitude, supporting the officers and Committee in their deliberations by his presence and counsel, manifesting to the Missionaries, whether at their respective posts in the field of labour or at home seeking a renewal of health, a generous and unfailing sympathy ; and endearing himself to all by his Christian courtesy and kindness. They regard the loss of his services as Treasurer with great concern, some­ what abated, however, by the conviction that the Society will continue to have in him an earnest and devoted friend. And, while tendering this tribute of continued confidence and affectionate respect, they desire to add the most em­ phatic assurance of their warmest sympathy with him in the trials through which he has been called to pass ; and they earnestly and prayerfully commend him, Lady Peto, and the family to the grace and love of God.


Since the issue of the last Report three missionaries have been summoned to their eternal reward : the Rev. James Allen, of Ceylon ; the Rev. James Williamson, of Sewry, Bengal; and the Rev. H. P. Cassidy, of Poonah, in the Presidency of Bombay. Mr. Williamson joined the Serampore Mission in the year 1822, and was engaged in the service of Christ in India for the long period of forty-four years. In the early months of his career, while perfecting his studies at Serampore, he was the companion of Mr. Mack, assisting the native evangelists in preaching the Word in the surrounding villages. In August, 1825, he was solemnly designated to the work of a missionary, and in a day or two after left Serampore to take charge of the Mission in Beerbhoom, where he remained till his death. From the first, Mr. Williamson devoted much of his time to itinerant preaching, to which pre-eminently evangelistic work he continued devotedly attached to the last. In the closing days of his useful life he was often carried in his chair to the well-known spots in the bazaar, where he had been wont to proclaim the message of Peace and Love. The native church he was permitted to gather has furnished many excellent labourers to our own and other Missions. Though. 0 SEVENTY-FIFTH RE POUT. [,8G7. never large in numbers, its members were well trained under his affectionate and earnest care, and have been living examples to the heathen of the power of Divine grace. The Rev. James Allen went out to Ceylon in 1845. First in Kandy, and since 1850 in Colombo, he laboured with great diligence in the service of his Master, frequently visiting the churches in the jungle, and carrying to the dwellers in the forest the Word of Life. He gave unceasing attention to the spiritual interests of the native Christian community, striving to quicken in them every Christian grace, and to lead them in the path of self-support. His labours among the English-speaking population of the colony were con­ stant, highly appreciated, and productive of much good. For twenty-one years, with the interval of one visit to his native land, he faithfully toiled in the vineyard of the Lord. He fell at his post, and when his labours had reached their greatest efficiency. The Rev. H. P. Cassidy joined the Society in 1852, when he was encou­ raged to return to Southern India, -where he had previously laboured in con­ nection with another Society. Relying on the providence of God and the goodwill of those to whom he preached the Word for his support, he sought to announce the Gospel to the Mahratta race. Success to some extent fol­ lowed his self-denying labours ; but that independence of home aid which he cherished, obliged an attention to secular employment which materially cur­ tailed his usefulness as a missionary to the heathen. His Christian temper and devotedness won the esteem of all, and he has left behind him, among all classes, a sweet savour of Christ. The obituary of the year has not been confined to these excellent brethren. On the 2nd April, the widow of William Knibb departed to her rest, having Bpent forty-one years in Christ’s service in the land of her affections and adoption. On the 12th November, our highly-esteemed missionary, Mr. Law­ rence, of Monghyr, was called to bear the irreparable loss of his beloved wife, just as she had completed the thirty-fifth year of her residence in India. When her health, always feeble, would permit, she endeavoured by all the means at her command to do good to all, whether European or native, to whom she could gain access. Nor would the Committee omit briefly to express their sorrow that the churches of Jamaica have had to suffer the loss of two native pastors, Mr. Thos. Henry, one of the first who entered the ministry after emancipation, and Mr. J. Watson, and also the effec­ tive and devoted services of the wife of the Rev. W. Teall, just as she was about to enter, with her husband, on their new sphere of labour at Morant Bay. The Mission church in Africa has lost the devoted, useful labours of Mr. Horton Johnson. While death has thus been busy among the Lord’s servants, disease and sickness have driven others from their posts; one, the Rev. Joseph Gregson, has been con­ 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 7 strained, from this cause, to renounce Mission service altogether, and has entered on the pastorate at home. The Revs. W. Littlewood, of the Bahamas, D. J. East, of Jamaica, and Greorge Kerry, of Calcutta, have been obliged to resort to this country for restoration 6f health, and the Rev. Thomas Martin has also been called home by the precarious health of Mrs. Martin. Of the brethren mentioned in the last Report as at home, several, have been permitted, in the providence of God, to return to their stations. The Rev. Robert Robinson has taken charge of the villages to the south of Calcutta; the Rev. R. Bion has recommenced his very efficient labours in Eastern Bengal; and the Revs. John Davey and W. H. Gamble have resumed their work in the West Indies. During the present year the Committee anticipate that the Revs. C. B. Lewis, John Gregson, T. Martin, D. J. East, and W. Littlewood, will also be able to return to their posts of toil. But to supply the losses entailed by the invasions of death, the Com­ mittee have at present only to speak of the settlement of the Rev. A, Williams over the church in Circular Road, Calcutta; the entrance on missionary life of the Rev. E. Bate in Jessore (both mentioned in the last report), and the probable settlement of Mr. Gillott in the sphere of Mr. Cassidy’s exertions. Much as the Committee grieve over the hindrances which disease and death put in the way of the rapid spread of the kingdom of our Lord, the loss sustained does not stop there. At one period of the year, not fewer than twelve brethren, one-fifth of the entire European staff of the Society, were in England. Absence of brethren from their posts constrains the removal of others, and the consequent interruption of their la­ bours, to prevent the greater evil which would follow an entire abandon­ ment of stations which may have long been occupied. Plans have to be changed or are broken into, spiritual impressions are lost or weakened during the interruption, efficient colleagues are separated to enter on unaccustomed duties, and expenses are entailed which are not limited to the cost of the passage of the absentees or their residence at home. These events press very heavily on the thoughts and hearts of the Committee. They earnestly desire, in no case to be unmindful of the health or comfort of their missionary brethren; but they rely on their devotedness, zeal, and self-denial, to keep them at their posts of duty to the last possible moment. At the same time, the Committee are glad that the friends of the Society have enjoyed opportunities of personal intercourse with these honoured brethren. They have rendered great service as deputations to the churches, in deepening the missionary spirit, and by giving full information on the work of God in which they have been engaged. 8 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.


Notwithstanding the interruptions referred to, the brethren who have been kept in health by the good hand of God have, with their wonted diligence, fulfilled the charge entrusted to them. In the reports of the last three years, the Committee have given, in considerable detail, an account of the progress made at the principal stations. As these details do not vary much from year to year, the Committee propose, in the present Report, to place them in the Appendix. It will suffice to speak briefly of the events of the year.


In Calcutta, the Rev. Thomas Evans occupied, for the greater part of the year, with great acceptance and success, the pulpit of Circular Road Chapel. During his ministry the church was greatly revived, and several persons were added by baptism. The arrival of the Rev. Albert Williams, as the pastor, has relieved Mr. Evans, and he is now removed to Allahabad to occupy the post so ably filled by the Rev. John Jackson, who has been compelled by dangerous disease, after a brief period of earnest and prosperous labour, a second time to leave India. The Rev. John Sale has continued his ministrations at Lall Bazaar, at the same time watching over the interests of the Benevolent Institution and the station at Baraset. In connection with his manifold labours at the press, the Rev. J. Wenger, since the death of that eminent native Christian, Sujaat Ali, has acted as pastor of the church in Intally. Although the completion of his great work, the translation of the Bible into Sanscrit, with some other important works, has been in some measure delayed, the issue of Scriptures and other works from the press has proceeded with a constant flow, adding largely to that ever-increasing volume of sacred and secular literature, the growth of which is one of the most striking outward signs of the vast changes going on in the mental and moral condition of the people of Bengal. The removal of the Public Offices for a portion of the year to Simlah, having for two years past deprived the church in South Colingah of the very devoted and self-denying ministry of their pastor, Goolzar Shah, the church has chosen, with the full approbation of the Committee, Romanath Chaudhari, a deacon of Intally church, and a native preacher, as co-pastor, the salary of 40 rs. a month being provided by the church. This native community is a gratifying model to the native churches of Bengal of a due regard in this important matter to the law of Christ,• and the Committee trust that the example will not be lost upon them. They rejoice to add that the zeal of their 'excellent brother, Goolzar Shah, has found, during his absence from Calcutta, ample scope for employment 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 9 among the native Christians of the Public Service, and the residents of the hills ■where Simlah is situated. A small Baptist Mission has been formed. His own liberality, combined with that of others, has enabled him to sustain both a native preacher and a school among the ignorant and superstitious denizens of the Himalayas. Closely connected with Calcutta are the nine villages to the south, in which several churches have been formed, containing more than 220 members and a Christian population of some 1,200 persons. The hopeful commencement of the year was soon clouded by the illness of the Rev. Geo. Kerry, which eventually, after a short trip to Ceylon, led to his return to this country. The usual annual gathering of the Association of the Churches was, however, held in the month of April, and attended with great interest. The people have scarcely yet recovered the terrible effects of the cyclone of 1864, or the four scanty harvests they have gathered ; so that the spirit of liberality, which previously had begun to appear, has been greatly checked. The Rev. Robert Robinson has now, at the Committee’s request, entered upon this sphere of Christian labour ; at the same time assuming charge of the Boys’ School at Intally, and the very useful Girls’ Boarding School, which so greatly prospered under Mrs. Kerry’s care.


The changes incident on Mr. Martin’s departure for this country have not materially affected the course of instruction in the College of Serampore. Under the excellent guidance of the Rev. J. Trafford, the Institution has sustained its usefulness, and the report of its proceedings is one of very considerable interest. The lower school has gone on prosperously in the charge of Mr. Dakin, while the senior classes have made gratifying progress in their various studies. The junior College Class numbered forty-five members; the senior, twenty. The members of the senior class have all matriculated at the Calcutta University ; ten of these were holders of Scholar­ ships from the College Funds, and two had obtained Government Scholarships by competition at the University. Two students are native Christians, who are anticipating the work of evangelists in connection with the Society. Very sedulously has Mr. Trafford endeavoured to train all these youths in scriptural knowledge, and, by the use of suitable works, to guard their minds against the inroads of the sceptical thought of the day. One of the members of this class, Mr. Campagnac, is now pursuing his studies for the ministry at Bristol, and two others of European parentage are looking forward to missionary work as the duty of their lives. Before the close of the year, in answer to his fervent prayer, Mr. Trafford had the pleasure of bringing before the church, for communion, four of the senior students. 10 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

Another interesting class in the College consists of youths who are the sons of native Christians. These board on the premises, and are usually some twenty in number. Three or four have set their minds on the ministry. One, Jodonath Banneijee, who has been supported at College by the kind contri­ butions of Dr. Elton, evinces much aptitude for missionary work, and will probably be soon employed. Another is a convert from Mohammedanism, a native of Sylhet, who first heard the Gospel in the streets of Calcutta, and for a time by his own earnings supported himself at College. Another was bap­ tized early in the year by Mr. Reed at Cutwa, being a convert from the Government school. The next case is one of much interest. This youth was the fruit of the Baraset Mission, and was baptized by the native evangelist there. Being intelligent, energetic, and apparently a very decided Christian, he was sent to the College to be fitted for the ministry. After some months, oc­ casion led him to Calcutta. He did not return ; but from a letter that has been received, it would appear that his heathen friends waylaid him, forcibly hurried him away, and nowkeephim in close confinement. He has to suffer much perse­ cution for conscience’ sake. Another young man, referred to in Mr. Sampson’s report of a former year, after an examination, has been approved, and is now settled as an evangelist at the new station of Kooshtea, in Jessore. On the general results of their labours Mr. Trafford remarks with great truth and power: “ If the mere educationalist rejoices in the effect which the teaching mere physical science must have, eating into and moulding away the concrete mass of absurd notions respecting the works of nature, so closely connected with religion nevertheless as to become parts of the most sacred belief of this land, so that a true geography or a true astronomy shall be to the religious edifice as the peepul tree, loosening the most solid masonry of the old temples, honoured for ages—how much more certainly must the apprehension of the' true character of Christ, even as a Man, be to the polluted imagination and the besotted understanding of this people purifying and elevating! And if He be devoutly heard as the Great Teacher, though at first His higher nature be not recognized, nor His most important claims allowed, His Word shall have a power on the conscience and the heart which will at length give to those who listen to feel the need of His becoming something more, and of the im­ possibility of finding rest and deliverance except in reliance on His great atoning sacrifice.”

T h e T h e o l o g ic a l Cl a s s,

Under the able superintendence of the Rev. George Pearce this class con­ tinues to prosper. The year began with twenty-four students and closed with twenty-two. Much sickness towards the close of the year, of which one student died, causcd some interruption in their studies ; but they have ad­ SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 11 vanced in those subjects which are specially intended to lit them for the work of Christ to the entire satisfaction of their tutor. Mr. Pearce has had the assistance of two native teachers, of whose work he speaks highly. The school established for the wives of the students has been found most useful; ten have enjoyed its advantages, and are thus being fitted to become helpers to their husbands in the work of Christ. Two of them, who were not members of the church, have been baptized, and another received for baptism died before she could openly express her allegiance to the Lord. In the midst of her suffer­ ings from cholera, she found strength clearly to declare her faith in the Lord Jesus.

, H o w r a h a n d B a r a s e t . Other stations in the immediate neighbourhood of Calcutta are Howrah and Baraset. At Howrah the Rev. T. Morgan reports the completion of a new and handsome chapel, erected at a cost of ¿£2,600 from the proceeds of the sale of the old building, sold to the Government for railway purposes. Neither in the English nor the native department is any addition to the church reported; but the means of grace are well attended, and the ministry is appreciated. Two native schools and one native preacher are supported by the congregation. Baraset, fourteen miles from Calcutta, is occupied by two native brethren. They have been cheered by the entrance of some Hindus into the fold of our Lord. One of their converts, baptized by Mr. Martin, has become a helper in the work; another is the youth already referred to in connection with Serampore, who was carried off, and, it would appear, put in chains by his friends. A third convert, who like the last had been a Brahmist, lives four miles from Baraset, and since his baptism has continued to reside with his father, occupying his time in declaring the glad tidings to his neighbours. A flourishing school is also maintained in Baraset, the prosperity of which has provoked the heathen Hindus to set up a rival school. The diligence and zeal of these native evangelists are worthy of every commen­ dation.

J e s so r e . From the churches in the Sunderbunds of Jessore no report has reached the Committee; but the Rev, W . A. Hobbs communicates a most interesting account of the results of his labours at Magoorah. This station was estab­ lished three years ago, and a church formed of nine members. It has now thirty-two members, and the nominal Christian population has increased from twenty to sixty-three. The additions to the church by baptism during the year have been twelve. Seven are directly from the heathen ; the rest from among the nominal Christians. Aided by his native preachers the Gospel message has been delivered to not less than 40,000 persons in the neighbour­ hood, and some 5,000 religious tracts were distributed, In continuance of the 12 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPOItT. [1867. very important purpose of placing a copy of the Scriptures in every village where a person could he found capable of reading it, one hundred and thirty- six New Testaments have been left in as many villages, and in the indi­ genous schools of these villages two hundred and eighty Gospels have been given to lads that could read. Three hundred and seventy-one Scriptures or portions thereof have also been sold at a low rate, the sale evincing the growing desire of the people to possess themselves of the Word of God. In the depart­ ment of education Mr. Hobbs has established, with the generous assistance of the Christian Vernacular Education Society, two circles of Day Schools, four­ teen in number, which contain about four hundred children. Each circle is under the superintendence of a native Christian inspector, who daily visits one or more of the schools, and the books used in them are of a thoroughly Christian character. The schools have passed a creditable Government exami­ nation, and a grant-in-aid is added to the funds provided by the Education Society. These schools are found to be valuable not only for the influence they exert upon the lads, but upon the villagers also, many of whom will assemble and listen for an hour or two while the boys are being instructed and examined. Mrs. Hobbs is actively engaged among the women. She carries on an interesting orphanage of sixteen children, and conducts a prayer- meeting among the females of the Christian community. The Committee rejoice that these manifold labours have received such evident marks of the Divine blessing. They are glad to add that the Rev. E. Bate has joined Mr. Hobbs, and is diligently occupied with the language. The estimable native brother, Gogon Chunder Dutt, has recently settled at Koolneah in this district. He already speaks of a young Brahmin as having been led to Christ by reading the parable of the Prodigal Son. The sincerity of his profession is strongly shown in the fact that the convert, a Brahmin, is willing to become a simple boatman to gain a livelihood.

B a c k e r g u n g e .

Stretching beyond Jessore is the district of Backergunge, in which the Revs. J. C. Page and R. J. Ellis are the labourers. Twenty-four native churches have been formed in this portion of the field, with a membership of 817 persons. The baptisms have been 94. The Committee regret that they have not received from their laborious missionary, Mr. Page, a full report for the past year. But from Mr. Ellis they learn that a new Mission has been established, with native agents, by Mr. Page, in the northern part of the district, to be supported by the Baptist churches of Australia, whom the Committee joyfully welcome as fellow-labourers in this great enterprise. In the town and immediate vicinity of Barisal, Mr. Ellis has conducted a school, and daily been engaged in the propagation of Christ’s Gospel. Two persons have been baptized. In 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPOKT. 13

the missionary tours he has -undertaken, Mr. Ellis calculates that the Word of Life has been listened to by upwards of 50,000 hearers. In some places they find tolerably correct opinions of the Christian religion— these having been obtained by frequent attendance on the preaching at Barisal, the chief town of the district, and by reading the books received there.

D acca.

At the close of the year the Rev. R. Bion reached this large and increas­ ingly interesting field of Christian labour. During his absence, the Rev. E. Supper has carried on, as far as practicable, the wide and extensive system of itinerary evangelization which for some years has been the special charac­ teristic of this Mission. In the absence of a detailed report, the Committee are only able to say that the prospects of Christ’s kingdom are of the most encou­ raging kind. Mr. Bion, with the diligent help of Mr. Supper and the native evangelists, hopes to reap largely the fruit of the seed sown in former years. In Dacca itself the Rev. Isaac Allen reports favourably of the state of the English Church, and that the daily preaching in the bazaars, at one or other of the twelve stations the Missionaries have secured, is heard by numerous and attentive listeners. The Brahmists are for the present silenced. One of them has come forward to confess Christ. To escape the hostile opposition of his friends, who used both threats and inducements to prevent his adhesion to the Gospel, he has gone on a missionary tour with Mr. Bion. Mr. Allen, it is expected, will, during the present year, occupy Dinagepore, one of the oldest stations of the Society, but which for some years past the Committee have not been able to supply with a European missionary.

C h it t a g o n g .

Below Dacca is the station and district of Chittagong. The Rev. A. McKenna reports an improved state of things in the church, and the addition by baptism of two converts. One poor brother, a leper, has died. He was a true and humble believer in the Saviour. His last words were, “ Jesus Christ.” The missionary journeys undertaken, four in number, appear to have been of the usual character. Much seed is sown, to be found after many days.

S e w e y .

The work laid down at the commandment of his Lord by the aged and revered Williamson, of Sewry, has been carried on by the Rev. F. T. Reed, of Cutwa, who while living at Sewry has also continued to watch over and frequently visit the latter place. Bazaars and melas have been visited with much encouragement. Two persons have been baptized, and three others are 14 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

awaiting the rite. The report of the Bible women continues to be very en­ couraging, and the two colporteurs have laboured diligently to place in the villages around Sewry copies of the Word of God. A circle of indigenous schools, like those in Jessore, has been established. It consists of six schools, which are supported partly by the Christian Vernacular Education Society, and partly by grants-in-aid from Government. In connection with Sewry, a most interesting Mission has been commenced among the Santhals, a primitive race dwelling in the hills which traverse Central India, having many rude superstitions, though untouched by the idolatry and impurities of Hinduism. The Rev. E. Johnson has devoted himself to this field of labour with his usual energy. He has already established schools at three stations, is able to speak to the people in their own tongue, and reports the existence among them of a very eager desire to hear of the Saviour of men. The Committee join their entreaties to those of their devoted Missionary, that the prayers of the churches may be offered to God for His blessing on the Word preached among this simple and primitive race.


The Committee, in a previous part of their Report, have already referred to the loss sustained by the station of Monghyr from the death of Mrs. Lawrence. The long illness which preceded her decease interfered much with the work of the station, Mr. Lawrence having to be ever near the couch of his afflicted partner. The church also lost four of its members, who by their happy deaths illustrated the power of Divine grace to cheer the closing hours of life. While these sorrows afflicted the Lord’s servants, earthquake and famine fell upon the general population, and distress was widely felt. Nevertheless, the Rev. John Parsons, with the excellent native evangelists of the station, continued zealously to proclaim the Word of God, visiting daily the bazaars of the city, the and villages of the neighbourhood, and the fairs, at which multitudes congregate for business or idolatrous observances. The fairs they report as diminishing in importance, numbers ceasing to attend them because of their growing knowledge of the truth. Everywhere the preachers met a good acceptance of their message. Some pleasing inquirers presented themselves, both from among the Hindus and Mohammedans; these cases have encouraged the brethren in the dearth of spiritual results, of which the station has this year had to complain. “ Let but the Holy Spirit,” says Mr. Parsons, “ breathe on the dry bones, and im- 1867,} SEVENTY-FIFTH EEPOHT. 15 pressions loug biitied will revive, convictions long stifled will return, truth long resisted will prevail, and the Saviour long despised will be welcomed to the heart.”

P a t n a .

Not till the month of August were the Committee able to supply the vacancy at Patna, occasioned by the lamented decease last year of their humble and indefatigable missionary, the ïlev. L. F. Kâlberer. At the earnest desire of the Committee, the Rev. D. P. Broadway, of Agra, has entered on this important sphere of Christian exertion. In his report of the short period in which missionary effort has been resumed, he speaks with pleased surprise of the extraordinarily large numbers of persons who speedily assemble when the Missionary, with his assistants, stands up to preach in the streets. Among his hearers the most difficult to meet are the Wahabees, a fanatical Mohammedan sect, who claim to be descendants of Ishmael, and manifest his wild and hostile character. As a present result, beside the numbers frequenting the bazaars, who assent to the doctrines preached, much time is occupied at home in conversing with visitors who prefer the leisure of the middle of the day, and the quietness of conversation, in order to obtain a fuller knowledge of the Gospel. Mr. Broadway adds, that although no church exists at present, there are several believers who, from fear of loss, of caste or persecution, have not yet avowed the Lord publicly, but who frequently come and worship with the Mission family on Lord’s days and week evenings. For their early profession he hopefully labours with prayer to Him who has all hearts in His hands.

B e n a r e s .

The Rev. H. Heinig reports the Mission in the great and idolatrous city of Benares to be spiritually progressing. One member of the church died in the Lord; but during the ¿year three young men were admitted, one of them the son of a native preacher. In the beginning of the year, unsolicited and unsought, three young men offered themselves for instruction with a view to Missionary work. Their offer was joyfully accepted, and they are pursuing, under Mr. Heinig’s care, a course of instruction to fit them for the great work to which they aspire. The bazaar preaching is reported as very encouraging. A great number of the people of the city who reside near the preaching places very frequently attend, and often express a desire for the speedy renewal of the Missionary’s instruction. The fairs at Allahabad and Daaree were visited by Mr. Heinig. Of the latter Mr. Heinig says, “ It was truly a blessed time we spent among the people ; not one uttered a singlo word of objection. . . . Often in the night we heard the Moham­ 1 6 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPOET. [1867. medan shopkeepers near our tent conversing on the various topics of the Christian religion, repeatedly saying that there is no doubt but that all soon would become Christians.” In one part of the fair the native preacher was beckoned into a shop, in ■which brass vessels were piled up for sale. Con­ versation on religion was immediately begun, and he was told that there were six persons there who had renounced idolatry, that they held meetings for religious conversation in their village, that they lived quite apart from their neighbours, who were still idolaters; but that being Brahmins no one ventured to molest them. For two years they had listened to the Gospel with much attention in the fair, and believed it to be the way of salvation.

A g r a .

The Mission in Agra, so far as regards the proclamation of the Gospel in the bazaars, does not present features so encouraging. Still the Missionary is not without tokens of Divine favour. Four men from Muttra presented themselves as inquirers, one of whom was added to the church. A Rajpoot also, after a time of severe probation, broke with Hinduism, and was baptized into Christ. The wants of the native church, which now numbers fifty-four persons, continue to be carefully and efficiently supplied by the native pastor, John Bernard. Six persons have been added by baptism during the year. Divine service has regularly been maintained in the Cantonments Chapel, for the benefit of the soldiers in the station. In the 55th Regiment, which has been transferred to Lucknow, whither Mr. Etherington proceeded to perform the rite, ten soldiers have been baptized. These conversions form an important element in the work of evangelizing Hindustan. They remove a great obstacle from the path of truth and righteousness, and add to the strength of the Church of God in its aggres­ sions on the kingdom of darkness. A Zenanah Mission was commenced in the early part of the year, but has been interrupted by the departure from Agra of the lady who was engaged. The Missionary hopes shortly to resume this very important branch of his work.

D e l h i .

From Delhi the Committee have not received any report; but about the middle of the year their highly-esteemed missionary, the Rev. Jas. Smith, wrote most hopefully of the progress of the work of God. “ Things,” he said, “ are in a very happy and prosperous state.” In May, Kureem Bux was set apart to the pastoral office over the church in the city. As a result he congregations increased. His visits to the people and his inquirers’ meetings were full of promise. In the various stations of the town and SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 17

■suburbs, there were reported to be hundreds of inquirers under regular ■instruction for baptism and church fellowship- The six city missionaries were working well- Among his visitors Mr. Smith mentions a Hindu, who brought with him a portion, of the History of Christ in Hindi verse of his own composition. He is going on with the work. He had also some hymns that he had written, full of Christ, and showing a wonderfully clear conception of the Gospel. This man is threescore years old, wears the usual Hindu mark on his forehead, and yet spends all his time in writing Christian poetry and reading Christian books. In one place the people are reported "to have demolished a small worshipping place, and to be determined to have no more idolatry. The preaching-stands in the city are usually crowded •every night, and many daily resort to the Central Book-room for religious ■conversation. In the Rhotuck district the Rev. J. Williams reports a very encouraging reception, and thinks that only the severe persecution which has befallen our excellent native brother, Subha Chund, has prevented several of his friends and the villagers from openly casting in their lot with the people of God.

This brief glance at the Stations of the Society in India must be regarded on the whole as affording much encouragement; yet the Committee feel that the results may be thought hardly commensurate with the long-enduring toil and the years of culture and preparation which for three-quarters of a century have been proceeding. Change is stamped very evidently on the main features of Hindu society, and its customs and institutions have already undergone very marked modifications. Education is producing a great revolution in the mental habitudes of vast numbers, and there can be no doubt that the wide ministrations of the messengers of the Cross have had no small share in producing the revolution in progress. But there has not yet been any large and impressive reception of the Gospel; there has not been any great outpouring of the Spirit from on high. No day of Pentecost has gathered into the Church of God its thousands. The soil seems now to a large degree prepared, the seed has plentifully fallen into the furrows. Is the shower of divine fruitfulness withheld because the churches at home do not call upon the Lord of the Harvest with sufficient importunity ? The Com­ mittee anxiously ponder the matter. They entreat their brethren, the pastors of the churches, to give the subject their serious attention. They fain would hope that the year on which we now enter may emphatically be a year of prayer, in which the Lord’s people, with one accord, shall call upon God, and seek for India the fertilizing gift of His Spirit.


CEYLON. As compared with, the large progress reported in this Mission last year, the present offers but few subjects for remark. Fifteen persons only have been added to the churches by baptism; but the large number of 160 persons are returned as inquirers and candidates for the rite of initiation into the Christian church. There is an increase in the number of Sabbath hearers, and in those attending the week-day services, amounting to 2,500 persons, so that it may be hoped that the small addition to the churches is owing to temporary causes, which next year may be removed. The scarcity of food has led to many children being taken from school in order to work in the field. The attendance has therefore diminished by some SO scholars. The Missionaries also report a diminution in the church contribu­ tions, doubtless owing to the same cause. Arrangements have been made for the instruction of three young men during the present year for the work of the ministry; and should nothing unforeseen prevent, three new stations will be commenced for the preaching of the "Word of God. Two new chapels have been opened, at one of which the late Rev. Jame& Allen, for the last time, took part in a public service. Two or three other chapels are in contemplation, as soon as circumstances and the liberality of the people will justify their erection. The much-desired new version of the Old Testament has been steadily proceeded with by the Rev. Charles Carter, and as rapidly as its importance and difficulty will allow. On the whole, the aspect of this Mission in Ceylon is very encouraging. Progress is visible in all departments, and the Committee are happy in the belief that in the Revs. H. Pigott and F. Waldock the Society possesses brethren who are worthy successors of the devoted men who have passed away.

CHINA. The very serious illness of the Rev. E. F. Kingdon, and the impaired health of the Rev. R. F. Laughton, at one period of the year, gave the Committee the greatest anxiety. Through Divine mercy, the health of Mr. Kingdon has in some measure been restored, and that of Mr. Laughton much benefited, by the changes of scene and place to which they resorted, though it is still doubtful whether Mr. Kingdon will be able to stand against the direful influence of the climate. The labours of the brethren, though bo painfully interfered with, have nevertheless enjoyed some tokens of Divine favour. Preaching has almost daily been maintained in Chefoo, first in a rented room, and later in. a small 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 19 chapel lent by a Chinese Christian of the American Southern Baptist Mission. It is not, however, well situated, and a chapel in the centre of the population is greatly desired by the Missionaries. The small native church, which has been gathered, has under its consideration the choice of a native pastor— Mr. Laughton having pointed out to them their scriptural duty in this respect. The Committee hope shortly to hear that this important step in church order has been accomplished. At Tsoongkia, the two native brethren residing there have continued their accustomed work of preaching and regularly visiting the surrounding villages. Considerable interest has been excited in these villages; and in one, especially, the blessing of God upon His Word has been seen. The principal instrument in this movement has been a converted idol maker, who resides in a village two miles distant. The first convert was a Buddhist, who had for ten years worshipped daily a picture of the King of Hell, in order to obtain a mitigation of the punishment due to him for his sins. On the Missionary’s visit, it was found that he had acquired an extensive knowledge of the Gospel, and had received its truths in a humble, penitent spirit. Soon after this he sent the picture to Mr. Laughton, with the message that Jesus had released him from the burden of his sins. He was subse­ quently baptized in Chefoo, with two other converts from the new station at Hankhyan. Persecution has followed his confession of Christ, but he remains steadfast in the truth. At Hankhyan the Gospel was introduced in the face of great opposition and amid many threats. A chapel has now been built, and the hostility shown by many of the people has very sensibly diminished. Besides the two converts from this village mentioned above, there are two others who, with them, form the little church, which now numbers twenty members; and there are several persons besides, with regard to whom Mr. Laughton is very hopeful.

AFRICA. In this land of savage barbarity the work of the Mission has been much hindered by incessant quarrels and wars among the tribes and rival villages. Yet is the land slowly yielding to the husbandman’s toil. The Missionaries are often called upon to act as mediators between the contend­ ing parties, and at the peril of life they frequently stand between the warring hosts. All the Mission families have suffered more or less from the sickness and fevers incident to the coast; but with firm trust in God they have steadily continued to strive on in their Master’s cause. In translation Mr. Saker has been able to make good progress; and the new chapel is hastening to completion. Mr. Smith, though often prostrated with sickness, in preaching, visiting, and earnest labour for souls, has been indefatigable. 2 * 2 0 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

He has had the pleasure of baptizing four persons during the year at Bethel Town; the inquirers’ class contains sixteen or more persons, three of whom were to be baptized on the first Lord’s day of the present year. “ Year by year,” says Mr. Smith, “ it is a known fact that the people are abandoning their beliefs in their old customs and gods.” At the new station of Mortonville, Mr. Fuller’s labours have already issued in the baptism of two persons, and he has been able to establish a flourishing class for inquirers. The members of the church have shown a growing spirit of liberality, giving freely of their little all for the spread of Christ’s kingdom. The schools are reported to be in an improving condition, and are carefully training the young in habits of morality and piety. In the early part of the year Mr. Thomson visited many towns and villages in which the Gospel had not before been preached; but on the arrival of the iron-house sent out by the Committee, and his marriage, he settled at Bell’s Town, where he has regularly entered upon Mission work. A school of forty children has been formed, the best scholar being the King’s eldest son. Various services, for men and women, both on the week days as well as Sunday, have been established, the King himself setting an example to his people of an observance of the Lord’s day. He insists on Mr. Thomson going alone to his house to read with him the Word of God. A small church and an inquirers’ class hare been formed, and, in Mr. Thomson’s opinion, the prospects of the station are encouraging, though the work may proye difficult and require much faith and patience. The church at Victoria, Amboises Bay, under Mr. Pinnock’s charge, has had an increase of seven members, four by baptism, and three from Fernando Po. The church and the Mission have, however, experienced a great loss by the death of Mr. Horton Johnson. At Bimbia two additions have been made to the church by baptism. The Committee cannot but deeply regret their inability to assist the small and feeble band of labourers in this great field. They venture to echo the cry of Mr. Smith, which reaches them in a recent letter, “ Are we to have no helpers? Are the heathen to perish without even hearing of God the Saviour, while British Christians have the money that is needed to send the men forth? ”

WEST INDIES. The past year will be ever memorable in the annals of the Bahamas in consequence of the disastrous hurricane which devastated the islands in the month of October. The destruction of property of every kind was frightful ; in some cases depriving the entire population of shelter and food. The year opened with flattering prospects and hopes : it ended amid the wailing of sufferers and the miseries of a homeless and starving people. So soon as the 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 21 tidings reached the Committee, an appeal to the churches was made, and speedily clothing and food were forwarded, in addition to that which public liberality supplied. The Committee are happy to know that the aid rendered was most timely, and that it afforded well-deserved relief to many of their fellow-servants in the Gospel of Christ. Mission property has, of course, largely suffered in common with the rest. In Nassau the chapels were greatly damaged, and on several of the islands entirely destroyed. A long time must elapse before the damage can be repaired; meanwhile the Com­ mittee are thankful to learn that the members of the churches have borne this heavy affliction with Christian fortitude, and shown great willingness to help each other in their extremity. Some aid will have to be rendered, in order to rebuild the ruined sanctuaries; and the Committee hope that the churches at home will, as is their wont, cheerfully respond to the cry which comes to them from the “ poor saints ” in the Bahamas. For years past the native ministers in these islands, with very slight exception, have been sus­ tained by the churches they serve. The appeal therefore comes to us with the greater urgency, since in the days of their comparative prosperity they have so nobly helped themselves. Notwithstanding these painful circum­ stances, the additions to the churches have been considerable in number. Judgment and mercy have been mingled in the cup these poor islanders have had to drink.

H a y t i .

Mr. Webley reports that the past year of the Missions’ history in Hayti, though unmarked by any striking feature, has been one of abundant blessing. Ten new converts have put on Christ. Year after year some six, or eight, or ten of the Lord’s jewels have been confided to the Missionary’s care. Not long ago Protestantism was unknown in Jacmel, yet so steadily has the Word of God increased that where there ay as not a people of God, a church of more than eighty members exists, and many more now before tlie throne of God testify to the power of the blood of Christ to save. An interesting and very encouraging extension of the Mission has taken place to the north of the island, which will lead to the removal of Mr. Baumann to a town called Grande Riviere. Port au Prince, the capital, where Mr. Baumann has hitherto laboured, has furnished very little encouragement. After several visits, he has at length resolved to devote his time to the inviting field which has opened in the north, where already a Baptist church exists under the pastoral care of a nativie brother, by name Metellus Menard, and many persons display a deep interest in the truths of the Gospel. 2 2 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

T r in i d a d .

Prom Trinidad very encouraging reports have been received, especially since the return of the Rev. W . H. Gamble in September last. To the Mission churches in his district he reports the addition of fourteen persons before Christmas, and since then, upwards of fifty others have been added to the Lord. At two of the stations new chapels have either been, built or arc in course of erection, almost entirely at the cost of the people themselves. With very slight exception, they also support the native brethren who minister among them. It is a fact worthy of notice that tbis progress is almost entirely confined to the Protestant section of the population. The converts from Roman Catholicism, which so largely predominates in Trinidad, are comparatively very few. As everywhere, Popery in Trinidad is the most formidable of the adversaries the Church of Christ has to encounter in its efforts to establish the kingdom of God.


The public events by which the history of the island has been affected, are so well known as to render it unnecessary for the Committee to do more than briefly refer to them, and that only so far as they relate to the Missionaries in connection with the Society. The result of the inquiries made into the origin of the riot at Morant Bay, by the Royal Commissioners, was to relieve the cha­ racter of their brethren, untruthfully impugned by Mr. Eyre in his despatches, from all reproach. The Committee only repeat the judgment of all impartial men when they affirm, that there was not the shadow of an excuse for the obnoxious and calumnious charges made against them by the late Governor, and that the ordeal through which they have passed has left their honour unstained, their integrity untouched, and their Christian character undimmed. The lamentable events in St. Thomas in the East, combined with the general depression of agriculture and trade, have not been without their painful effects on the churches, and on their advancement in piety and in the knowledge of the Lord. In the early part of the year the congregations languished; but towards its close better prospects began to appear. The losses in the churches have been large, though not so great as in the two previous years, and it may be that only by slow stages will the various causes inimical to the improvement of the people disappear. The new Government, both by retrenchment and a more equal distribution of the burden of taxation, is honestly striving to remedy the waste and extravagance which for so many 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REtORT. 23

years have sapped the foundations of the island’s prosperity. Measures are in progress for a better administration of the law and the extension of education—by the one removing a grievance that has long been most bitterly felt, and by the other preparing the people for the full and useful enjoyment of the freedom they possess. The Committee also view with pleasure the steps taken by the Government of Jamaica to diminish the oppressive burden of the Church Establishment. Towards the close of the year, the Committee of the Jamaica Baptist Union resolved on the commencement of a Mission in the district around Morant Bay. The Rev. W. Teall was selected for the task ; and, aided by a grant from the Committee, he has entered on his work with the liveliest expressions of joy and welcome from the population. Many of the native Baptist churches in St. Thomas in the East have expressed their desire to place themselves under his care, and it is probable that arrangements will be made to effect this desirable object. The grants made by the Committee from the Jamaica Special Fund have proved to be of inestimable value to the Missionaries, assisting them to continue at their posts under circumstances which otherwise would have compelled their removal. The Committee have made arrangements for the continuance of aid to their senior brethren, which will be submitted to the subscribers for their approval.


During the absence of the Rev. D. J. East, the Institution has been most efficiently carried on by Mr. 3. S. Roberts, the tutor of the Normal School, with the assistance of some neighbouring ministers. Ten students have pursued their studies during the year; three in the theological, and seven in the Normal School course. Three candidates for the ministry are accepted, and two others for the Normal School. The reports of the progress of the students are very satisfactory; the industrial department has been found «specially useful in promoting the health of the students, and their ability lor study. Among the institutions established for the elevation of. the freedmen of Jamaica, and the promotion of the kingdom of God, none, in the judgment of the Committee, is of higher value than the College at Calabar. Failures there have been among the students, especially in the early years of the Institution; but it has already vindicated its value and importance by the successful ministry of not a few "who now hold the pastoral office in the churches, and the ability of those who are occupied with training the young in the schools of the churches in secular and divine knowledge. 24 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT.

EUROPE. The year has 'witnessed some very pleasing instances of conversion among, the Breton population of France, and much spiritual enjoyment and progress have been experienced in the two churches that have been gathered. Notwith­ standing the watchfulness and hostility of priests, the truth slowly penetrates the hearts of the people, and the converts exhibit a degree of boldness in the faith which evinces both the sincerity of their faith and the firm hold they have taken of eternal life. The hearers of the Gospel tend to increase, atten­ tion is good, and the teaching d, domicile holds its ground, despite priestly manoeuvres to destroy it. About fifty learners are taught daily from house to house, and the Word of God thus finds entrance into the families of many who would otherwise be disinclined, from fear of persecution, to listen to the Word. By the combined labours of the Rev. J. Jenkins and the Rev. V. Bouhon, their colporteurs and assistants, the Gospel is proclaimed in many parts of the country. “ There is such a thing,” says Dr. Tregelles, with reference to this Mission, “ as abstaining from doing anything because of our being unable to work on a large scale ; there is also such a thing as seeking to do well what little can be done, and acting under the eye of Christ our Lord, who puts His servants in such positions as He sees fit. Services have their value not from their greatness, but from their being done to Him, and in accordance with His will.” It is in this spirit, the Committee are assured, their esteemed brethren in Brittany strive to spread the truth of God. From our native brother in Norway we learn that the Gospel continues to draw many to the Saviour. In his last letter he reports the baptism of twelve believers and the formation of a church at Arendal, on which happy occasion sixteen persons sat down at the table of the Lord. The church itself was organized with seventeen members. Besides this new locality, Mr. Hubert has continued his labours in other places, and speaks of a trip into Sweden as having been accompanied with great blessing.

Amidst the interruptions and anxieties which have pressed so heavily on the Committee, it will be seen that their work has been accompanied by many tokens of the Divine blessing. Its progress has not been so rapid as faith and love would desire. But many souls have been saved, much seed has been sown which awaits the fertilizing showers of Heaven. Everywhere, indeed, are seen the marks of human infirmity. The Committee are continually reminded that the grace given to men, as Christ’s messengers to the nations, is put into earthen vessels. But His glory, from whom all good works pro­ ceed, is the more conspicuous. To God they afresh commend this work ; for only His blessing can make it effectual to the salvation of men, and the com­ plete establishment of His kingdom in the world. 186T.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 25


T h e following is a summary, as complete as the returns will allow, of the labours of the Missionaries during the year. We commence with—

in the New Testament. I intended to print INDIA. 1,000 extra copies of the New Testament for ourselves, but shall now be obliged to I.—Ca l c u t t a . increase it to 2,000. Missionaries, J. W en g e r , C. B. L e w is , “ In Hindustani — Arabic character—I G. K e r k y . believe I reported before that the edition of the entire Testament with references, 2,500 1. Biblical Translations. copies, demy 8vo., was completed. W e Mr. Wenger reports as follows:— have since printed an edition of each of the “ In Sanskrit no progress has been made, four Gospels, and one of the Acts, 4,000' because the duties devolving upon me in copies each, which were greatly needed for consequence of Mr. Lewis’s absence have separate distribution. left me no time for the difficult work of “ I enclose the usual abstract of the ac­ translating into that ancient language. count. It will show you that systematic “ In Bengali the larger edition (10,000 efforts to distribute the Scriptures by means copies) of the New Testament, demy 8vo., of colportage have been made in three large in large type, which was all but completed districts—viz., Beerbhoom, Backergunge, at the date of my last report, has been or Burisanl, and Jessore. In the southern finished. part of Jessore the work will probably cease after a few months, as the villages accessible “ Another edition of the New Testament, from Khoolneah, where brother Gogon royal 8vo., has also been completed; it con­ Chunder Dutt superintends the work of the sists of 3,000 copies. This edition is in­ Mission, have been almost adequately sup­ tended to be hound up with the Old Testa­ plied. It should always be borne in mind ment. "We are thus enabled to issue entire that the proportion of readers forms a very Bibles, of which our supply was completely small part of the agricultural population. exhausted, “ An edition of the Psalms, and one of “ Brajo Kishore Pundit, whose literary the Proverbs, each consisting of 3,000 taste and ability was of great help to Dr. copies, has been printed; and one of 2,000 Yates in his Bengali translations, died copies, containing both the Psalms and the about the middle of January,—I regret to Proverbs. These are in demy 12mo. say without becoming a believer in that “ The small type edition of the entire Word of, God upon which he bestowed so Bible, in demy 8vo., has advanced to the much labour and attention during a period commencement of Acts. The Calcutta of thirty- five years. For the last two years Bible Society will probably purchase 1,000 he was so tried by weak health as to be copies of this edition, after making the unable to work. alterations regarding the terms for baptism u The Bev. J. Parsons lias not been able 2 6 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

as je t to complete the revision of the Epis­ useful boarding-school for girls, established tles and the Book of Revelation, as trans­ by Mrs. Kerry. lated by him into the Hindi* language; hence little progress has been made in the 4. South Colingali. printing since I last wrote. But he confi­ dently hopes to finish the revision ere long, Pastors, G o o l za h Sh a h , R o m a n a u t h and then the printing which had advanced, C h a u d h a r i. I believe, to the close of the epistles to the Number of members, 43. Corinthians, will be resumed.” The number of Scriptures distributed The annual meeting of this native Church during the year 1866 amounted to 13,488 was held on 22nd and 23rd February. copies. During a portion of the year the Church was deprived of its pastor and four of 2. Preaching. its members consequent on their sojourn at The bazaar chapels have been regularly Simla. The choice of Romanauth Chau­ attended by the native preachers, and large dhari, as co-pastor, will, for the future, numbers of persons have in various ways remedy the disadvantages to which this ab­ heard the glad tidings. As the native evan­ sence gave rise. The females of the Church gelists are connected with the churches, the have derived great benefit from the untiring results of their labours appear in their labours of Miss Leslie, while the Sunday- increase. school has been efficiently carried on by native brethren. Two members have preached the Gospel, and distributed tracts II.— Ch u r c h e s i x Ca l c u t t a . regularly among the Hindoos and Mabom- medans. About 2,000 copies of Scriptures 1. Circular Road. and tracts have been thus disposed oil

P astor, A . "Wil l ia m s . Some Scriptures have been sold. The number of members in church fel­ Number of members, 126. lowship at the beginning of 1866 was 35. Mr. Williams arrived in Calcutta on the In the course of the year four persons have 16th December last, and immediately been baptized, six received from other entered, with much acceptance, on his churches, and one restored. Three mem­ labours as pastor of the Church. bers excluded leave the present number 43. They have raised during the year, for various purposes, about £27, and have now 2. Lai Bazaar. undertaken to support the assistant pastor.

Pastor, J. Sa l e . About £30 have been contributed from other, chiefly European, sources. Number of members, 133. Thirteen boys have been supported in the No report of this Church has reached the Native Christians’ Home, and have received Committee^ their education at the Intally school. One boy has been baptized and added to the Church. 3. h ita lly . I l l —H o w r a h . P astor, J. W e x g e r . Pastor, W . M o r g a n . Number of members, 50. Number of members, 34. On the arrival of the Kev. E. Robinson, at the end of the year, he at once assumed Howrah may be regarded as a suburb of charge of the boys’-school, and o f the very Calcutta, on the other side of the Hooghly 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 27 river. As the terminus of the great railway is some doubt, is earnestly desirous of bap­ of Northern India, it is becoming a place of tism, which on that account is delayed. large population and great activity. Another instance is mentioned in which Notwithstanding much, feebleness of the mother desires her son to read to her health, Mr. Morgan reports that he has from the books he receives at school. The been able to maintain regularly all the native brethren speak gratefully of the services of the station. In the native assistance rendered them by Mr. and Mrs. Church one person has been excluded. Sale. The Sunday-school is well attended by hoys from the day-schools, of which there are two. The Church, besides supporting the III.— T w e n t y - f o u r P e r g u x n a iis . masters, has also sustained a native Missionary, R. Robinson. preacher, whose time is fully occupied in preaching to the natives daily, and in visit­ Number of members, 224. ing the schools. A district lying along the eastern bank of the Hooghly, south of Calcutta, extending to the sea. Narsigdarchoke is 16 miles from Calcutta, Lakbyantipore 35 miles, and STATIONS AND CHURCHES IN Khari 50 miles. The other stations, ex­ BENGAL. cepting Tambulda, which is S.E. of Cal­ cutta, about 1G miles, lie grouped around I.—D u m D u m . the above.

Pastor, C. B. L e w is . Mr. Kerry visited all the stations in the earlier months of the year, and had much Number of members, 12. pleasant intercourse with the people. His This station, chiefly occupied by the mili­ anticipations of a prosperous year of labour tary, lies to the north of Calcutta, about were, however, cut short by illness, and his 12 miles. subsequent return to this country. For a few months the Rev. George Pearce watched During Mr. Lewis’s absence in England, the Lord’s-day service at this station has over the Churches until the arrival of the Rev. Robert Robinson released him from been maintained by^brethren from Calcutta. this onerous addition to his duties at Se- rampore. In his report, Mr. Kerry says:— II.— B a r a s e t . “ The last journey I took to the villages Native Missionaries, Ram Krishna, was at the end of the month of March. I Kobiraj, Puddo Locirrx. went to Khari and stayed there three days. I reached the village on Friday afternoon. Number of members, 5. The next ¿ay, at a few miles distance, a This is the principal town of the district large mela was held, from 20,000 to 30,000 of the same name, and contains some thou­ people assembled to bathe in two tanks, sands of inhabitants. It is about 14 miles which are the remaining representatives of to the N.N.E. of Calcutta. the bed of the river Ganges, which tradi­ In addition to the facts mentioned in a tion says flowed in ages gone by in this direc­ previous page the native brethren report tion. Accompanied by Jacob and Jonah and that the Word of God is preached far and Kalaehand I sallied forth at six o’clock in the wide, that many people praise the religion morning, and did not return till noon. We o f Christ, that people read Christian books had a fine opportunity of preaching the in their shops and homes, and that children Gospel, which we gladly availed ourselves of. •come freely to the school, although a fee is “ The annual gathering of the Churches charged. One lad, about whose age there was held at Lakbyantipore, and was a very 28 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.. interesting one. The sermon, preached by ! food which has prevailed over a large part, Romaunath Roy Chaudliari, of Calcutta, of Bengal. was very powerful, and was delivered with During the fifteen years of his residence much earnest animation.” at Serampore Mr. Trafford has given much- attention to the restoration and enlarge­ ment of the yery valuable library which ha IY—Se b a m p o r e . found already existing. Occasional contri­ 1. English Church, Pastor, J. T r a f ­ butions and some small fees have been de­ f o r d , M .A . voted to this object. In 1858 a portion of the late Mr. Denham’s library was added, 2. Native Church, J ohnnttggee. by purchase, to the stock of books. Others Two native preachers. were sent from the “ Friend in India” library, the gift of J. C. Marshman, Esq. Number of members, 78. By degrees many modern books have been collected. The library has been re-arranged, 3. Serampore College. and a catalogue of some 200 folio pages compiled. It now contains about 6,700 President, J. T e a f f o e d , M .A . volumes, of which immber more than 4,000

Tutors, T . M a e t i x , J. H. A n d e r s o n . have been added since 1853. The volumes- which consist of translations of Scripture Head Master, E. Dakin. number 332. To Mr. Trafford’s assiduous Serampore is about 14 miles from Cal­ attention the college is justly indebted for cutta, with which it is connected by rail­ this admirable store of learning and litera­ way, and lies on the western bank of the ture. Hooghly.

The return of Mr. Martin and Mr. Traf- 4. Serampore Theological Class. ford has led to the temporary appointment Tutor, G. P e a k c e . of Mr. Anderson and Mr. Heed to carry on the work of the college. Mi*. Anderson has Number of Church members, 2G. also taken charge of the native Church at Johnnugger, where he preaches every Lord’s | Mr. Pearce has furnished us with the fol­ day. About thirty families live in the vil­ lowing report :— lage. Mi\ Anderson complains of the want “ Besides the ground gone over, mentioned of more active zeal in the Saviour’ s cause i in the first report, quite a number of new among the converts, though the intelligence subjects of study was added during the past of the people is considerably in advance of year. Sacred history was carried through to most of the other stations of the Mission. the end of the 2nd book of Kings. All the prin­ Five of the students in the theological cipal prophecies relating to the Saviour were class come from Johnnugger. carefully considered. Doctrinal, practical, A few additional facts with regard to the and experimental religion received much at­ college may be given. The contributions tention. A work on the evidences of the obtained by Mr. Sampson have enabled Mr. Bible, prepared some years since by the late Trafford nearly to complete the repairs of Dr. Mackay, of the Free Church Mission— the buildings damaged by the cyclone of a volume of much merit—was read through 1864. The chapel at Johnnugger will have twice, and I hope pretty well mastered ; in a year or two to be entirely rebuilt, to­ then Church history, by Dr. Barth, and in wards which there is a sum in hand of £120. conjunction therewith the ‘ Life of Moham­ The amount received from fees from the med’ and the ‘ Life of Luther,’ in two students in the college is less by some £10 separate volumes. So that in. this direction than last year, owing to the famine price of our readings were brought down to the times 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 29 of the Reformation. General history was have been established with the aid of the continued also to the middle ages, in which Christian Vernacular Education Society. branch of our work the early history of The entire native staff of this Mission con­ ’the Hindoos, and that of the successors of sists of eleven persons. Mohammed to the 12th century, received a In the March number of the Missionary good deal of attention. For the progress H erald will be found many interesting made in the above-mentioned branches of particulars o f the work among the Sonthals, •knowledge I am responsible. A ll these were and which need not, therefore, be repeated in my hands. The two native teachers here. •devoted their strength to instruction in grammar, geography, astronomy, arithmetic, VI.—Cu t w a . and other secular subjects, especially miscellaneous readings in general useful Missionary, F. T. R e e d . knowledge. On the whole I feel that sub­ stantial progress was made during this Number of members, 22. second year of the class by all the young A large town on the western bank of the men. The teachers worked well, and the Hooghly, about 75 miles N.N.W. from interest shown by the students mentioned in Calcutta. the first report was well sustained.” A sub-station has been formed at Nul- The year 1867 begins with 22 members in hatta, where a native preacher is located. the class, of whom 14 are in their third The native staff at Cutwa consists of two year, four in their second, and four in their preachers and two female evangelists. :first.

V.—Se w r t . V II— JESSORE.

Missionary, E. J ohnson. Missionaries, W. A. H obbs, E. B a t e .

Number of members, 38. Assistant Missionary, G ogon C h u n d ek D utt. Sewry is the principal town of the district of Birbhoom, which is situated at the north­ Number of members, 154. western extremity of Bengal. The popu­ lation is reckoned at nearly a million of persons. Sewry is about 130 miles N.N.W. This district of Bengal lies to the west of from Calcutta. Calcutta, and contains about half a million of people. Jessore is 80 miles from Cal­ The Committee have hitherto been un­ cutta. able to supply the place of their deceased To the facts given in a previous page of and venerable missionary, Mr. Williamson. the Report may be added the following Mr. Johnson and Mr. Heed, of Catwa, have, interesting abstract of the work at Ma- however, done their best to supply the loss; goorah during the year, as given by Mr. but the call upon Mr. Heed’s services, at Hobbs:— Serampore college, has for a few months “ 1st The Christian station, which was much limited his time at Sewry. The entirely destroyed by fire in March last, has native Church has gone on as usual, two been rebuilt at a cost of 600 rupees, of which persons having been added to its numbers we raised 420 rupees in the district. by baptism. In the female school there are 38 scholars, half of whom are from Christian “ 2nd. About 40,000 persons have listened families, the rest are Hindoos. The boys’- to the preaching of the Gospel. school in Sewry is small, containing 16; but “ 3rd. Twelve persons have been baptized in the district a circle of indigenous sohools (7 of them from the heathen). 30 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

“ 4th. Two persons are now candidates YIII.—B aokeegtjnge. for baptism (also from the heathen). Missionaries, J. C. P a g e , R. D. E l l is . “ 5th. Two persons have joined the nomi­ nal Christian community, and are now tinder Number of members, 817. instruction. This low-lying district lies to the east of “ 6th. Five new inmates (rescued from Calcutta; Barisal, its principal town, being the heathen) have been admitted to the 185 miles distant. Its population can Orphanage. scarcely be less than a million. The stations are much scattered, and are found in the “ 7th. About 5,000 religious tracts have northern parts of the district. been distributed. The number of stations in this Mission “ 8th. One hundred and thirty-sis copies district is 26, at all of which a native pastor of the New Testament have been distributed resides. During the year there have been in as many villages. 94 baptisms, and 42 persons restored to fel­ “ 9th. Two hundred and eighty Gospels lowship ; the decrease by death and exclu­ have been presented to lads in village schools. sion has been 59, leaving the net increase at “ 10th. Three hundred and seventy-one 77. The Christian community now numbers Scriptures, or portions thereof, have been 4,034 individuals, of whom about 1,400 are sold at a low rate. children. The schools, however, contain about 300 only, including the Sunday- “ 11th. A circle of 6 native schools, con­ schools. The candidates for baptism num­ taining 170 children, has been established. ber 171 persons, and during the year 46 “ 12th, An English mission day-school has marriages have been performed. been started for our Christian boys and any From Mr. Ellis’s report we extract the others who choose to attend. following passages ;— “ We will not venture to say that we have “ Daily preaching has been carried on in done what we ought, or even what we might the bazaars of Barisal. This expresses much have done; but what we have done we trust more than at first sight would appear. The the Lord will accept, and use for His glory hundreds who hear our addresses from day in the salvation of human spirits. to day come from all parts of the district,, for the purposes of trade, or to attend the “ To the subscribers to the Mission we courts of justice. Returning to their homes have again to say, Dear brethren, give us they carry with them what they have heard, your continued and increasing confidence or the books they have had of our people ; and prayers. We expect it, for we are sup­ and so our daily efforts here tell upon the plying your lack of service in the great population all over the district. Thus,, mission-field of the world, and that too in a ■wherever we go, we are accustomed to hear measure which is making us feel prematurely the people say, ‘ We heard you preach on old.” the river side at Barisal; ’ or, ‘ We had such For an interesting account of the work and such a book of you one day in the carried on by the mative missionary at bazaar;’ or, ‘ Don’t you know me, sir ? I Khoolneah we refer to the M issionary have often seen you preaching on such and H erald of April, p. 51. such a gh&t in Barisal.’ In some places we find tolerably correct opinions, too, of the Chris­ The station at Khoostia has continued under Mr. Anderson’s care, and has been tian religion—these having been, obtained by supplied by a student from Serampore col­ frequent attendance on the preaching at the lege, named Brojonath. He has laboured Sudder station, and by reading our books with some encouragement during the short received there. time of his residence there. “ We made three long itineracies by 1867.1 SEYENTY-i'IFTH REPORT. 31 water during the year. The two first were IX.— D in a g e p o e e . undertaken at the expense of the churches in Victoria, and the third at the expense of Number of members, . our own Society. The first and third em­ The capital of a district of the same name. braced Dukyin Shabazpore, a large island It is about 250 miles north of Calcutta. The on the other side the Eleesa River, and population is large and dense. Noitkh&li—with other places in the district No report has been received from this of Ivhoolna, on the further side of the River station. Megna—all at the head of the Bay of Bengal. The middle journey embraced Madareepore, Seerajgunge, Dacca, and other places to X.—Ch itta g o n g . the north of Backergunge. In all the places Missionary, A. McKenna. visited on these journeys, the people, for the most part, heard us gladly, though now Number of members, 34, and then, especially in Dukyin Shabazpore and No&kh&li, the Mahommedans showed This district forms the south-eastern ex­ plainly what they would have done to us tremity of Bengal, and contains above a million of inhabitants. The capital, Islama­ had they not been kept in check by the bad, or Chittagong, is 340 miles east of strong hand of the English rule. Our second Calcutta. In addition to Hindoos and visit to these places, however, seemed to be Mahommedans, a people called Mughs, are found in this district, who are generally more acceptable than the first— a slight in­ Buddhists. dication, may we not hope, that the softening tendencies of the Gospel had made them­ Mr. McKenna mentions the very pleasing selves felt on its very first proclamation act of self-denial of the poor leper mentioned among the people ? in the report, who had been saving a sixth of his very small income to present the “ We have distributed books to the num­ church with a gong to call the people to ber of 3,236, of which about four-fifths were worship. The church, while accepting the tracts, or larger works bearing nn the gift, returned to him its cost, to render his Christian religion, and the remainder portions closing days more full of comfort. The of Scripture. church raised for the poor about 50 rs. during the year, and a small neat chapel “ During a good part of the year, I assisted has been erected for bazaar preaching at Mr. Page in his boys’ school, taking charge their own cost. A girls’ school on a limited of the highest class. Their progress was scale has also been set in operation. very satisfactory. Owing to the paucity of native helpers, I have felt it to be my duty to devote myself entirely to preaching this XI.—Dacca and Comillah. year. Missionaries, R. Bion, F. Suppeb, “ The English and Bengali services at the and I. A l l e n , M.A. station have been regularly kept up during Number of members, 91. the year by Mr. Page and myself jointly. Daily worship is also attended to in both Dacca, the capital of Eastern Bengal, ex­ our Christian hamlets. The little native tends for several miles along the banks of the church was nearly broken up early in the old Ganges. It is about 190 miles N.E. year by the removal of our valued native from Calcutta. Its population is said to number 200,000 persons. Comillah is a large helper, John, and his family, and Manik and district to the S .E. of Dacca. his wife, to Fureedpore, to carry on mis­ sionary operations in connection with the Mr. Allen has furnished us with the fol­ Australian churches.” lowing report 82 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

“ As to the church here, I am happy to filled his promise, and Chand is inquiring say that the spirit of strife, once prevalent, where he lives. appears to have vanished, and though two or three painful things have occurred, yet I “ A young man, Poorno Chunder Bose by trust the members have been making progress name, related to Ram Coomar, deputy-col- lector of Dacca, came to me some two weeks in their knowledge and experience of Divine or so ago, asking for Christian instruction truth and grace. Our English Sabhath even­ ing service has been well attended through­ and baptism. He had received some educa­ out the year, considering the fewness of tion in the collegiate school here and else­ the European portion of the population. where ; could read and write English The number of our church members has passably, and was employed as apprentice in slightly decreased, as compared with last one of the courts here. year ; three have been excluded for un­ “ Last Monday (14th) he came, stating christian conduct, one died in the faith, that the previous evening, while reading one taking hold, as he said, of the feet of Jesus, of the Gospels, he was discovered, and that and relying on Him for full and free salva­ morning Ram Coomar Baboo sent for him, tion. and in an angry tone told him to get ready, “ Myself and the two preachers stationed for that he would send him back to his home here have preached regularly once or twice a in Bikrampore. He persisted in his declara­ day in different parts of the city and its tion of faith in Christ, and, with just what neighbourhood ; we have some twelve places he had on, fled to my house. They pursued selected as stations, and visiting each in rota­ but missed him. Soon a couple of grim- tion, seek to bring the Gospel to bear on as shanked fellows came and asked for him ; many as possible of the crowded population they wanted to take him back, he had only of the city. run away through anger. ' What was he “ The Gospel has been so assiduously angry about ? ’ ‘ Oh, he was angry in his preached here during a long time, that a mind.’ Well, I guessed he would stay angry general knowledge of its tenets is found more and would not return, so bid them go. Soon or less among all classes, and to this I attri­ the town inspector of police comes, stating bute the fact that we meet with so little that Ram Coomar has sent him to represent opposition, and from it I anticipate great this boy’s character to m e; that he had got results will ensue at no distant day. Only drunk, &c., that it was rumoured that he last week, a Brahmin stopped Chand, our had stolen some money and papers, that native preacher, on the road, saying, ‘ I Ram Coomar had scolded him, and he had have long been convinced that your religion then run off. I replied that his story did iB true and ours is false.’ Curious as to not fit with the previous messengers, nor the motive of this impromptu ‘ confession of with itself. Were it true, Ram Coomar faith,’ Chand asked why he thought so. would be glad to get rid of him, not beg him He replied, ‘ I have been reading your books, to return ; that as to the charge of stealing, and among ourselves we have frequent dis­ &c., that was an old Bengali dodge, but cussions on the subject; many of us are would not succeed. That the Baboo, with coming to think that in our religion there is the other principal Baboos of the town, had only confusion and doubt, and that by your deceived me grossly before in the case of Jesus Christ alone can we get salvation. Rejoonee, and I could not now be expected Our gods and goddesses are nothing, the to believe them; that the whole 6tory was Hindoos about here are fast giving up their false from beginning to end, since I had worship.’ Pleased at hearing this, and already made private inquiries as to his finding he lived near by, Chand promised to character, and that he had not come that day, call on him, but he, in rejoinder, promised as they asserted, but many days previously. first to call on him. As yet he has not ful­ That it was time it was generally understood 1 8 6 7 .] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 3 3 that when a young man embraced Chris­ church are less by five. But only in one tianity, he deserved something more than the instance can we reckon the diminution a real treatment of a felon, and I should therefore loss to the great cause. The other four have give him an asylum as long as he chose been called, as we fully believe, to the to stay. Soon two Baboos came, first with brighter and more perfect fellowship of the the oily talk the Bengali knows so well how church above. They were all in advanced to use, next throwing off the cloak, and age. Mrs. Lawrence had been permitted to attempting the part the policeman had devote a long missionary life to the Lord’s played in the morning. I told them, that work in this heathen land. We rejoice to had failed, so they tried another ; the young assure ourselves that in them the purpose of man was ignorant, could not know much Gospel ordinances has been fulfilled. They about Christianity, was about to be cut loose are not lost, but are clear and certain gain. from all his friends ; Ram Coomar pitied “ We have had several other deaths him. I begged to assure them that h& did among us ; some of believers, not members not need Ram Coomar’s or their pity, unless with us ; some of children ; one, of the they could show that a man by following beloved daughter of our native deacon, in the precepts of Jesus became a worse man the prime of life, of whose prospects for than before. eternity he was able to entertain some hope; “ In the evening, two lads, chums of one, of a gentleman who came lo Monghir Poorno, came to try to talk him over, begging suffering severe illness, and we trust found him only to come to breakfast at one of their rest in Christ, and before his decease ex­ houses; they too got some instruction, and pressed his gratitude to God for having left. That evening it was agreed among brought him here to enjoy the blessed oppor­ Messrs. Eion, Supper, and myself, that he tunity of Christian sympathy and instruc­ should go, as he wished it, in the boat with tion to lead him to Jesus. Bion, to Comillab, and thus he would gain “ During the early part of the year, afflic­ quiet instruction and his enemies be baffled tions in the families of our native brethren for a time. Early next morning, his rela­ curtailed their accustomed labours in the tives and Ram Coomar’s people kept coming bazaar, and dear Brother Lawrence was pre­ by twos and threes, thinking, I imagine, to vented, by his heavy trial, from that depart­ weary us out, but about ten o’clock I took ment of his usual labours, and from English him in a closed gharry to the boat, and he preaching during the greater part o f the left.” Subsequently this youth has been year. But all the usual services were main­ baptized. tained in all the three places of worship, and the out-of-door labours were resumed as STATIONS AND CHURCHES IN usual as soon as the pressure of affliction NORTHERN INDIA. was lightened.

I.—M o n g h ir . “ Our native brethren are sincere and faithful men, with varying gifts, and different Missionaries, J. L a w r e n c e , J. P a rs o n s. degrees of ability and energy. Soodeen and Ramguti excel in conversational statements Number of members, 53. of truth and familiar and friendly discus­ A town of 30,000 inhabitants, in the sion of disputed points. Suntokhee and district of Bhanguipore, in the province of Bhondoo feel more at home in a formal Behar. It lies on the northern bank of the statement of Christian doctrine, intermingled Ganges, 300 miles N.W. from Calcutta. with brief denunciations of idolatrous and Mr. Parsons has furnished the following Mahommedan error. It often greatly pleases report:— me to see the respect, and even affection, “ The members in communion with the with which the brethren axe treated by their 3 34 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867 fellow-townsmen. They are known as con­ of their hearers, and the great diminution of sistent followers of the Redeemer, and I objections and disputes from what used to believe their influence to be very beneficial. be experienced in that city, the residence of “ Some pleasing instances of inquiry after so many of the most fanatical sect of the truth have occurred during the year. One Mahommedans. young man, the brother of a respectable “ Again, in November, Brethren Soodeen merchant, who has business here, as well as and Ramguti and myself went to assist in Benares, Calcutta, and other cities, visited Brother McCumby in his usual labours in us regularly every day for some time, until the Hajeepore mela. By means of the rail­ business called him to Calcutta, when he way I was able to go and spend the most obtained from me a letter of introduction to crowded days in the mela, and return, Brother Evans, who was there at that time. without leaving Brother Lawrence a Sunday The young man has received instruction in to take the services alone. The native the London Mission School at Benares, and brethren made a longer stay. Brother visited the Missionaries there, and has much Broadway was also at the mela, and la­ knowledge of Scripture. He professed a bourers, both European and native, of other desire to embrace the Gospel openly, but is Missions, so that much of the good seed was not free from the timidity so common among scattered. inquirers in his circumstances. “ The examination of the schools con­ “ Another gratifying incident is the inte­ nected with the Mission was held on Decem­ rest taken in the Bible by a Mahommedan ber 20th. gentleman, the Judge of the Small Cause “ In the early part of the year, I prepared Courts here and at Bhaugulpore. He is a for the press a tract that had been left in person of inquiring and independent mind, manuscript in an imperfect state by our late and is much esteemed in his public capacity dear brother Kalberer ; part of it being a for his integrity. Without at all repudiating delineation, principally in the words of Mahommedanism, he expresses his hearty Scripture, of the character of Christ as a approval of the spirit of Christianity, as a conqueror over sin and death ; and part of religion of peace and love. it in the form of a dialogue. It is being *' He is acquainted with English, and pro­ printed, I believe, at the lithographic press cured, through me, two large and well-bound of the Tirhoot Mission at Mozufferpore, English Bibles from Calcutta, that he might During the year I have made a final revision, have one copy for use here, and one at Bhau­ with Mr. John Christian’s kind assistance, gulpore, as his duties require him to spend of the Hindee Epistles from Ephesians to three days in the week in each place. Re­ Hebrews 5th chapter. The Epistle to the cently he has been comparing the English Romans, and those to the Corinthians, have with the Arabic translation of the New Tes­ been printed. tament, and has come once or twice to have “ I was able to do more to the ‘ Pilgrim’s some apparent discrepancies in the transla­ Progress,’ and now the whole has been re­ tions explained by a reference to the original. vised and read over with Brother McCumby, “ Several short preaching journeys have and is ready for the press. The First Part, been taken this year. and a little of the Second, has been printed.” “ In July, Brethren Soodeen and Ramguti

went out, and were absent about six weeks. n . — P a t n a . For the greater part of the time they were with Brother McCumby, at Patna, where, Missionary, D. P. B r o a d w a y . having no colleague at that time, he wel­ Patna is situated on the northern bank o* comed their assistance, and our brethren the Ganges, about 320 miles N .W . of Cal_ were surprised at the number and attention cotta. It is largely inhabited by Mussul' 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 35 mans, and the entire population is said to Gospel, and wished to know before having it number 300,000. published whether the passages of Scripture The recent settlement of Mr. Broadway at this station, in the room of the late Mr. he had made use of for the purpose would Kalberer, renders his report very short. He stand good and support it against the test of ■«ays :— critics, and the people he had with him were no doubt intended to be witnesses to what “ 1.— Street Treaching. we said about them ; but the Lord enabled “ It has been regularly carried on every us to show him that he had laboured in vain. morning and evening for three or four hours He promised to call again, but has not yet •each time. The people throughout the done so. place seem willing to hear the Gospel, and “ One Hindoo visitor was a Brahmin by -congregate before us in extraordinary large caste. He said he had come to tell us that numbers, as soon as we stand up to preach the inhabitants of the country were not des­ in any of the streets. We are seldom allowed titute of the means of salvation ; that the to speak without interruption ; veiy brisk Mussulmans had Mahommed, and the discussions frequently take place, sometimes Hindoos had Krishna, Bam, and a host of favourable to the Gospel, and at other times others to save them ; consequently, there exceedingly hostile, but this is only the case was no necessity of our going through the when a bigoted Brahmin or Moulvie happens place constantly preaching Christ to them. to be in the way. He was asked whether he had ever read the New Testament, and compared the charac­ * ‘ 2.—Attending to visitors at home. ters he had named with Christ. He said he “ The respectable people who do not like had not. He was then told that he could to talk on religious matters at the preaching be no judge of the matter to object to our places in the streets, generally come to us work, and a comparison of the lives of for the purpose, whenever they have leisure Mahommed, Krishna, Ram, and Christ was from other engagements, in the middle of the given him. He looked surprised, and after day. It is evident from the conversation of a little reflection said he never expected to the people that they no longer disregard the hear anything of the kind from us, especially influence of the Gospel, and consider Mis­ about the religions of the land ; and although sionaries vain babblers as they used to do in it was not proper for him to criticise the former years; they are beginning to find lives of great ones and notice their failings, that it has power to overthrow the systems yet still, if what had just been stated about of religion observed in the country, and Christ was really true, he was altogether a many often say, Christianity will prevail holy character, quite suited for the office of here eventually. a Saviour, which could not be said of those “ A Mussulman came with several fol­ he had mentioned, for they yielded to carnal lowers, some of whom were Hindoos. He desires to an enormous extent; and not­ said he had discovered a great many contra­ withstanding the curse denounced in his dictions in the New Testament, and his ob­ religion against those who blame the conduct ject in calling was, to ascertain our opinion of the national Gods and doubt them, reason respecting them, and hoped we would be now compelled him to do so and give the impartial in giving it. We explained them preference to Christ. When he was leaving to him as he brought them forward one after he took a New Testament, and said he would another, which made him look very sad. He see us again after he had read it. had rather a large manuscript pamphlet from which he turned out the subjects he con­ “ 3.— Visiting people in their houses. sidered contradictory. We did not like to take it from him and examine it, but we “ We have made a few calls, whenever could see he had written a refutation of the our morning congregation -has dispersed 3* 36 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1 867, earlier than usual, and trust some good has the Lord to call a beloved child of another been done to those we have seen. On one family to himself. As both heads of these occasion we visited a Nawab who practises families are preachers of the Gospel, they sorcery, and scores of poor infatuated people both experienced of and testified, with quiet go to him daily, to ascertain the issue of resignation, to the abundant consolation the their affairs. Word of God so richly affords to those who “ 4.— Preaching in Mclas. are thus bereaved. “ We have only been able to go to the “ During this year three young men were Hurrihurchutter mela this year, which took admitted by baptism into our native church ; place in November. Our party wa3 strong. one of them is the son of one of our native We had with us Mr. Parsons, of Monghir, preachers. and three native assistants in addition to our “ In the beginning of this year, unsolicited own. In the beginning, for five or six days, and unsought by us, the Lord sent three we went about preaching in different places, young men to us to be instructed for mis­ but as soon as the mela assembled properly, sionary work ; after mutual consultation and we had no occasion to do so ; the people prayer, we accepted them and planned out came to our camp in crowds to hear us. We their particular studies. preached three at a time in turns, and two “ Mr. H. is thankful to say that during acted as colporteurs. This was carried on this year they have been very diligent in successively every day, the people their studies. For next year another course began to disperse. is in contemplation. “ No native church exists here at present, but there are several believers, who have not “ Preaching to the Natives yet avowed the Lord pnblicly for fear of Has suffered little interruption by Mr. being cut off by their caste people, and, above H’s. absence for two days; our native assis­ all, of being deprived of their families and tants have regularly attended to proclaim means of support, but who frequently come the message of salvation. and worship with us on Sabbath days and week evenings.” “ The Lord has indeed blessed His Word to the multitudes in the city and neighbour­ hood ; we are greatly encouraged in the III.— B e n a r e s. work. A great number of those people in the city, who reside near our preaching Missionary, H. Heinig. places, attend for the purpose of being in­ Number of members, 21. structed in the way of salvation, and often express a longing desire for us to come soon The most sacred of all Indian cities. It again ; frequently it happens that people stands on the northern bank of the Ganges, about 430 miles N.W . from Calcutta. During stand listening with deep consideration, and festivals the population is said sometimes to after a lengthened address, we have to leave reach 600,000 persons. It contains 4,000 them standing to think over what they have Hindu temples, as well as many mosques. heard. From Mr. Heinig’s report we extract the following passages :— “ Hindustani Services “ In the early part of the year we had to Have been regularly conducted by Mr. sympathize with one member, who had been Heinig on Sunday mornings and afternoons, called to mourn over the demise of his dear and on Wednesday afternoons. The con­ wife, of whom we can say that she died in gregation consists of the members of the the Lord. It is indeed refreshing to see in church and their families and the orphan this country a Christ-loving soul departing children. The number of communicants is- to be for ever with the Lord. It also pleased twenty-one. SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 37

“ English Services. numerous crowds, who indeed listened very attentively. “ The English work has heen attended to. Three services a week, including the prayer- “ One of our native preachers desiring to meeting, have been held. In the week see the extent of the fair, while passing a evening services the London Society Mis­ shop in which brass vessels were piled up for sionaries have taken part. sale, the shop-people called him in and “ The attendance on Lord’ s-day evenings began to converse with him about religion; has heen pretty good. The Divine blessing they told him that they were six in number has been enjoyed in the immersion of three who had renounced idolatry, and that they on profession of their faith in the Lord Jesus held conversational meetings in their village, and that others of their neighbours attend Christ. their meetings ; that they lived quite apart “ The Sabbath school numbers from forty from those of their neighbours who still to fifty children. adhered to idolatry ; they further told him that on account of having separated them­ “ Orphans, selves from all idolatry, they were not at all According to our last report, were 29 in molested, may be because the people knew number, but others have been sent by the them to be Brahmans, only that their friends magisterial authorities and admitted into our do not eat with them, and abstained from asylums for boys and girls, so that their intermarriage, concerning which they were but present number is 37, exclusive of one boy too glad. They were thought of in their village who got employment in the Customs Depart­ as being a sort of uninitiated Muhamedans. ment. They desired to be more fully instructed in the Word of God, which, they said, they had “ Itinerating. for two years listened to with much atten­ tion at the fair, and that they believed it to “ In February last Messrs. Heinig and be the way of salvation. They insisted that Edwards, together with two of the native our brother should, after the fair, go at once preachers, visited the annual fair at Allaha­ with them to their village, but which was bad ; the American Presbyterian Missionaries impracticable, but he promised to visit them allowed us to preach in the capacious tent, at some other time, at which they were very which they had erected for that purpose, and glad, and told him that they 'would give -we had the pleasure to address great numbers him a house to live in, and food and other from morning to nightfall. things he might require, but which he de­ “ For six days we addressed the people clined to accept gratis until proper arrange­ until our voices failed, and the multitude, ments would be made. Our brother intends who had bathed in the Tribeni (conflux of shortly to visit these people. This is one three rivers) had left for their different instance among many to encourage us to go homes. on sowing the seed of life, which will surely “ In November Mr. H., with three of his spring up into a rich harvest when the time native preachers, went to the Dudree fair ; to favour India has fully come.” they were joined by Rev. V. Gerpen and his catechists. “ Our tents were most advantageously IV.—Agea. pitched at a corner of two roads joining into Missionaries, J. Gkegson, one, leading up to Brishy Muni's temple ; W. E ih e b in g t o n . hence the crowds were very large who at­ tended the preaching

served the church in that capacity. He was VII.—Rhotock. very 'exemplary in his life as a Christian Missionary, J. W illiams. man, and one of the most regular attendants at our Sabbath and other services till age Number of members, 8. and declining health enfeebled him. This district lies to the east of Delhi, and “ On the death of Major-General Wheeler, contains about 370,000 inhabitants. in 1865, his orphans (31 boys and 11 girls), with funds for their support, were made over From Mr. Williams’s report the following to the Baptist Mission. These funds were passages are extracted:— placed at interest by the General himself “ The native preacher, Imam Masih, and in the Agra and Masterman’s Bank, and, myself, have not been able this year to through the kindness of the manager, were visit remote places, as we had been chained drawn on as from a floating deposit, the down at Rhotuck from the commencement interest not being sufficient to maintain the of February to the beginning o f May, on orphans. On the failure of the bank, the account of our persecuted brother Sabha funds became unavailable, and we were Chund’s lawsuits and afflictions. compelled to make an immediate appeal for “ As I had been informed of the strata­ aid through the Delhi Gazette, the editor of gems which the enemies were about to de­ which very kindly seconded us in doing so. vise, and of the course they intended to The appeal was successful, and we received pursue, I felt myself compelled by the much timely aid, removing all present appre­ necessity of the case, as well as by the con­ hension with regard to food and clothing for tinual and earnest request of poor Sabha the orphans, for which we were, and continue Chund, to allow Imam Masih to be employed to be, very thankful.” as his agent at Court, and to fight out his battles, which he did well, considering the strength and influence of the party which V.— M t j t t k a . he had to contend with. “ We have been almost daily enabled to A place much frequented by the Hindus visit the Rhotuck bazaar, and to preach to for the worship of Krishna. It is of great antiquity; and is situated on the banks of multitudes of people, who readily and the Jumna, about 30 miles N.E. from Agra. heartily listened to the things proclaimed. “ We remained at Rhotuck until May, No report has reached us from this station. when the deputy-commissioner kindly al­ Mr. Williams will, however, during the pre­ lowed me and my -people to go over to sent year, take it under his charge. Jhujjer, and to occupy a room or two in a house belonging to Government. “ We visited most of the adjacent villages, VI.—D e l h i . many of whose inhabitants gave good at­ The ancient capital of the Great Mogul. tention to the truths spoken, received them It lies 900 miles distant N.W. from Calcutta. solemnly, and did almost every Sunday The number of inhabitants is usually esti­ attend our services. During our stay here mated at 150,000, equally divided between several individuals of rank and learning Hindus and Mahommedans. visited me, and appeared [anxious to know Missionaries, J. Smith, Josiah Paksons. something more about the Bible. “ We left here for Rhotuck, where we Number of members, 168. stayed for nearly a montlf, preaching the For information on the progress of the things pertaining to the kingdom of heaven. work of God at this station, we must refer Here a man of the Rajpoot caste, whose o p. 16 of this report. name is Saladeesingb, visited me. 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 41

“ He seems very anxious to know the for a short time. In 1849 he was appointed way of life, and can read well his New to Matura, but as that station was aban­ Testament. doned he returned to Colombo in a few “ About the 22nd of November we again months, and remained as the Colombo mis­ came over to the vicinity of Ronah, where sionary until his death. His missionary our brother Sabha Chund lives. This is a career extended over a period of twenty beautiful and luxuriant neighbourhood, and years and four months, out of which time he consists of many large and wealthy villages. spent three years and two months in Eng­ Several of its inhabitants speak very highly land. He was buried in the Wolfendahl of Christ’s religion, and are favourably dis­ churchyard, on the 1st May. posed towards its truths. These individuals “ The returns from the station show an have abandoned their idols, have but very increase during the year of little regard to their caste, and in a certain 12 members, the total number being 407 sense are called Christians by their heathen 95 inquirers „ „ 124 brethren. By trade they are respectable 149 Sabbath service hearers „ 1192 farmers, and some of them are considered as 240 week-day ,, ,, 1361 the principal men of the villages where they 84 Sunday-school scholars ,, 311 dwell. Since I came to the neighbourhood “ The only decrease is that in the num­ this time, they have week after week at­ ber of day-school scholars. This is chiefly tended our Sunday services, and have joined owing to the scarcity of food. us in worshipping God, and in celebrating His praises. When I and Imam Masih visit “ We have opened two new chapels during the year, one at Hanwella, on the their villages they show us more respect 7th April, when Mr. Allen preached his than they do to their old pundits, who, for this reason, truly envy us. They publicly last Singhalese sermon, and one in Make- declare, in the presence of their brethren, witte, on 28th August. that both Hindooism and Mahommedanism “ The contributions from native churches are the fabrications of ignorant men. to the Society amount to £50 0s. 3d. “ I hope they will cleave to their convic­ “ Most of our people are very poor, and tions, and work them out in their actions. have just passed through a most trying “ One person has been baptized during the time, owing to the famine and the high year, and there are ten inquirers.” price of food. “ There are three new stations to be opened next year— 1. Veangodde, on the Kandy road, 23 miles from Colombo, by rail. CEYLON. 2. Heneratgodde, on the Kandy road, 17

I,—C olom bo D is t b ic t . miles from. Colombo, by rail. 3. Cosgama, on the Ratnapoora road, 24 Missionary, H. R . P ig o t t . miles from Colombo, or 5£ miles be­ yond Hanwella. . Number of members, 407. ‘ ‘ These towns are inhabited by Buddhists Mr. Pigott has supplied the following in­ and, excepting Cosgama, have never been formation respecting this mission:— visited by missionaries.” “ Wo have to mourn the loss of Mr. Allen, who died on the 30th April ; he “ The Pettah. arrived in Ceylon in January, 1846, and was stationed at Kandy until 1848, when “ There are 57 members belonging to this he supplied Mr. Davies’s place in Colombo church, 46 of whom reside in Colombo. 42 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPOET. [1867.

“ The Sabbath services are well attended; one of Mr. Melder’s daughters. Average bnt we have had no visible tokens of success attendance, 31 girls. during the year. It has been seed-time, the harvest may be near. The prayer-meetings ‘ ‘ Kotigaliawatte. have been better attended of late, the average 15, of whom about 7 were members of the “ Pastor, J. W . N a d an . church. “ Number of members, 63.

-“ Grand Pass. “ This station continues to prosper. The congregations are still very good, the school “ Pastor, James Silva. and young men’s classes progressing satis­ “ Number of members, 67. factorily.

“ From the return of members. &c., it will “ I hope to train one of the students for be seen that the work is prosperous, in every this station. sense of the word. “ Makemtte.

i( Hamvella. “ Pastor, M. H. P e r e r a .

“ Pastor, D. Botaju. “ Number of members, 44.

“ Number of members, 9. “ Since the opening of the chapel the con­ gregation has increased from 44 to 56. This “ Although the chapel has been open for station seems to be in a very hopeful con­ the last eight months, the congregation is dition. still very small, only 22.

“ Coralawella and Tombovillc. “ Weilgama. “ Pastor, Juan Silva. “ Pastor, T. D. Hendbick. “ Number of members, 10. “ Number of members, 23. “ The friends at this station have not con­ “ Mr. Peter Perera, of Batagama, takes tributed anything towards the support of charge of this station from 1st May. their minister.

“ Byamville. “ Gonawella. “ Pastor, John Melder. “ Pastor, J. J. Goonesekebe. “ Number of members, 46. “ Number of members. “ The services have been well attended. “ This station was under the care of Juan There are Silva to the end of February, when I placed 2 services on Sunday, average attend­ it under the care of J. W. Nadan ; this ance at each...... 35 arrangement continued for one month until 5 „ on week-days...... 35 the arrival<» of Mr. Goonesekere from Matelle. In addition to this Mr. Melder reports visi­ Since that time not only have the congrega­ tation from house to house, five days in the tions increased, but the preaching of the week, average number of persons spoken "Word has been attended with much blessing. to each day, 75. Eight persons, just baptized, have been con­ “ There is a Sunday-school of 37 children, verted lately ; God is evidently working in and a day-school, taught, free of charge by this place: not only have sinners been saved, 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 43 tut old members who had grown cold and person, a Tamil, working on an estate about lifeless have been revived. 16 miles away. He had been a nominal Christian, but first clearly learned the nature il Matakooley and Hendelle. of spiritual religion from one of the members of the church who is a conductor on the “ Pastor, D. G. D’Alwis. same estate. He is now himself trying to “ Number of members, 30. teach his fellow-workmen the Gospel, and has a meeting at his house. Two former “ Mr. Alwis continues his labours as usual. members have been restored to fellowship, He has three Tamil services in addition to and there are three candidates for baptism. his regular Singhalese work.

“ Tamil Work. “ Bataganna. “ P. Pulle. “ Pastor, Peter Perera. “ Our brother, though now between 60 “ Number of members, 4. and 70 years of age, and for this country “ Most of the people in this station are quite an old man, still pursues his work. Roman Catholics, and yet the congregations During the year he visited many estates, are very good ; two services on Sunday and on Sundays the gaol; and altogether average at each twenty-five, and five services proclaimed the Gospel to between 16,000 during the week, twelve. and 17,000 people, and distributed about 450 tracts.

“ Girls' Boarding School. “ Matelle. “ There are twenty-two girls in the school “ Thos. Garnier thus reports his work:— at present.” ‘ I regret to say that my bodily afflictions did not allow me to do as much as I would H.—K a n d y . have wished to be done. Myself and family were obliged to go down to Colombo for a Missionaries, F. W aldock, C. Carter. change, where we spent nearly ten weeks. Number of members, 59. In the road to Colombo and back I distri­ buted nearly 300 tracts (Singhalese and The following is Mr. Waldock’ s report for Tamil), and talked to hundreds of people of the year:— the dying love of Christ to sinners. During “ I have again to report indisposition, the year I baptized two. Sabbath services which considerably interfered with my work, are held in the gaol as well as in the chapel, so much so that I had to leave this for a as in the preceding years ; and I am happy lengthened stay in Colombo. During my to say that the Tamil congregation in the absence, the Sunday evening service was chapel is very encouraging.* kept up by a Wesleyan brother, and our congregation continues good. One of my “ The Singhalese Church. hearers has applied for baptism, and I hope soon to receive a similar request from some “ Its affairs are in a very painful state. others. For some time past I have been Some one should be placed there as soon as conducting a Bible class on a week evening, possible, that that which seems ready to die and the interest taken in it is very pleasing. may be strengthened.

“Singhalese Church. “ Gampola. “ S. Perera, the pastor, has baptized one “ C. P. Ranesinghe reports six inquirers 44 SEVENTY-FIFTH BEPOBT. [1867. and three candidates. He holds two Sunday the other quite an old man. One said that services and three in the week, preaches in formerly he used to practise almost every the hospital, and visits nearly twenty villages. sin short of murder, but now hated it, and His wife has just begun a Singhalese school could appeal to his life to show how great for girls, which promises to be useful. During the change. The old man said he was not the year a very old woman who was baptized very profound in Buddhism, but had heartily two or three years ago has passed away. renounced it, had accepted Christianity, At the time, our brother thus wrote to me: could read his New Testament, and knew * That very old woman who belonged to our that he trusted in Christ, and loved Him, church here died last night. She died a and was not afraid to die. Another, one of very happy death. When I asked her the young men, we thought would be able whether she was afraid to die; she said, to say very little; but we were greatly moved “ No.” When asked why, she answered, “ I and delighted as, with tearful eyes and simple am going to be with Jesus Christ.” She was fervour, he went on to tell us of the work of sick about three weeks. I was attending God within him, and of his trust in Jesus and her every day. Three days ago she told me the love he felt towards Him. she dreamt a most beautiful person in shining raiment came and called her to go, and then she added, “ Sir, I think that was the Lord “ Mahagama. Jesus Christ.” ’ “ This village is the same as ‘ Gahalaya ’ “ W e are hoping to hold our first service in some of the old reports—that being the in the new chapel in April. name of the caste residing there, and who were so called from being the executioners “ KadugaTiawa. under the Kandian kings. “ Amaris De Silva reports usual work in “ The school here having greatly fallen off, the surrounding villages, and journeys some­ and the teacher being wanted for Korigam- times beyond his own district to speak to mana, it was closed at the end of 1863. the workmen employed on the railway We re-opened it last October, and the Kandy works. He has collected something more pastor, in order to avoid the heavy expense for a new chapel, and in the meantime holds of rent in Kandy, has gone to live there, the two Sunday services in houses. There are teacher being a relative of his. This will in the Christian families four candidates for also enable him to visit Mahagama and other baptism, in addition to the one mentioned near villages frequently. On Sundays a school laBt year, who has left the neighbourhood. is to be held, and also a service. “ The number of scholars is at present 21. “ Koriga/imrumct. May this last attempt to benefit this de­ graded village prove more fruitful for good “ J. M. Perera. than former ones! ” “ This district is not a healthy one, and Mr. Carter reports as follows his progress the people are periodically subject to fever. in translating the Old Testament:— J. M. Perera and his family did not escape this, and had to leave the village for a time. “ Since my last annual report I have Notwithstanding this hindrance, we are not translated the last 26 chapters of Isaiah, the without pleasing proof that God Himself has 2 books of Jeremiah, and 40 Psalms, i.e. been working in the hearts of some of the from, the 37th to the 77th Psalm. The people. portion of the Old Testament which is yet “ At my last visit I had the pleasure of to be translated is as follows:— The last 20 examining four candidates. Two of the«# chapters of Exodus, the books of Leviticus, are young men,— one is in middle age, find Numbers, Job, 73 Psalms, Proverbs, Eccle- IBS’!.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 4 5 siastes, Song of Solomon, Ezekiel, and the at the request of the brethren, acted as pastor twelve minor Prophets. of the church. I have been urging on the “ The writing by Mrs. Carter of a dupli­ church the propriety and duty of electing cate of the translation has proceeded as far one of their own number to the pastoral as the end of Chronicles. office, and supporting him wholly, or as far “ Letters from native brethren in Ceylon as possible, by their own contributions. inform me that they are earnestly longing “ About a month ago, the country brethren and praying for a good version o f the Old being in Chefoo, we held several meetings Testament. May the Spirit of God, by for prayer and conversation on the subject. whatever instrumentality He will, speedily It was finally agreed that the settlement of give them the desire of their hearts ! ” the question be adjourned to the end of the first Chinese month (the end of February), and that meanwhile all should make it a subject of special prayer that God would guide us to do that which will be best for CHINA. the promotion of the Redeemer’ s cause and

Y e n t a i. His own glory.

Missionaries, R. F. L a u g h to n , E. F. K x n g d o n . “ Choong-Kia.

Number of members, 20. “ The native brethren ‘ Ki-Hwan-yen’ and ‘ Lou-Wu ’ (properly Chung-Ming-Chii) Mr. Laughton furnishes the following have continued their accustomed work of report of this station:— preaching at Choong-Kia, and regularly “ In the beginning of the year we rented visiting the surrounding villages. I have part of a small warehouse in which we visited the station as often as circumstances preached daily; but the owner requiring it have permitted. for business purposes, we had to leave, after “ At Choong-Kia we have met with but occupying it for about three months. Not little encouragement. In some of the sur­ being able to obtain another room in the rounding villages there has been a disposition main street, we were obliged to accept a to give the Gospel an attentive hearing, and back room in an out-of-the-way situation, in one especially considerable interest has which a friend offered us rent-free, until we been manifested. This village (Thoo-Wu) could find a more suitable place. Here we is about 8 miles from Choong-Kia, and 2 conducted the usual Sunday services, but from the village where the late idol-maker were obliged to give up daily preaching, as resides. The interest has been excited by we were too far removed from the principal his teaching in conjunction with the visits of thoroughfares to get a congregation. our native brethren from Choong-Kia. Some “ For the last five months we have been five months ago a man from this village occupying a small chapel, built by a Chinese came to see me at Chefoo, a distance of 25 Christian, 'and presented to the American miles, for further instruction in the truths o f Southern Baptist Mission, Tungchow, to Christianity. This man was a Buddhist, which mission he belongs. This chapel is and had worshipped a picture of the king of well adapted for holding Sunday services for hell daily for ten years, in order to obtain a the church, and from its being situated in a mitigation of the punishments due to him part of the town where many of the mer­ for the sins of the present life. I found that chants from the interior reside, it can be his knowledge of the Gospel was extensive, used for daily services for their benefit. and that ho had received its truths in the “ Since Mr. Eloecker’ s-departure, I have, spirit of a believing, humble penitent. Soon 46 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867. after this he sent me the picture, with the WEST INDIES. message that Jesus had released him from the bnrden of his sins and from the punish­ T r in id a d . ment due to them hereafter. As the interest continued and increased, our native brethren Missionaries, J. L a w , W. H. G a m b l e . gave a good deal of attention to this village. Number of members, 363. On my visit about six weeks ago, I found my friend ‘ Clieio-Lou-Kwei ’ happy in the Mr. Law writes as follows :— assurance of forgiving love, and anxious to “ My missionary operations during the put on Christ by baptism. The room I year have been very much as usual. During occupied, holding about 60 persons, was filled the first half of the year I paid several visits until past midnight with attentive listeners to the country stations, in consequence of each evening I was there. Several avowed Mr. Gamble’s absence. These visits gave their belief in what they heard, and wished me great satisfaction. When the Christian to know more of Christ that they might missionary sees manifestations of the grace become His disciples. I would have pre­ of God, he is truly glad ; then he thanks ferred to baptize Cheu-Lou-Kwei near his God and takes courage. own village, in the presence of his neighbour, “ In Port of Spain and neighbourhood, I but was obliged to abandon the intention for want of sufficient water. I have since bap­ have been much encouraged lately by an tized him at Chefoo, together with two others increase of attendance on the public means from our new station at Hankhian. He is of grace. Last week, for example, I had a now suffering persecution. His house and a splendid out-door meeting in one of our little land which he possessed, have been valleys, where there must have been 150 taken from him, and divided among his persons present; I felt much moved by the relatives. Spirit of G od ; many wept and sobbed under a sense of sin. Last week also a dear young man put on Christ by baptism. The season “ Hankhian. was one of rich and abundant blessing, so also was our last Sabbath services. “ I may now briefly state that the proposed “ We have begun the new year full of chapel has been built; that the opposition hope, and I trust also, full of faith, love, and having been unsuccessful, has very sensibly zeal. Oh that the power and glory of God diminished; and that I have had the pleasure would more and more rest upon us! ” of baptizing two of Chang’s sons and his Soon after his return, Mr. Gamble suf­ uncle since the station was commenced in fered much from fever. He gives, however, the spring. There is still considerable in­ the following account of the churches in his terest in the village and neighbourhood, and district:— there are several persons with regard to “ 1. The church at Montserrat enjoys the whom I feel hopeful.” pastoral care of Brother Webb, and, through Though much hindered by illness, Mr. the Divine blessing, has enjoyed the bless­ Kingdon has been able to exercise his medi­ ings of peace and prosperity. cal knowledge with much advantage to the “ 2. Brother Robert Andrews continues people, and speaks highly of a Chinese to preside over the church at the Fifth Com­ Christian of the name of Lin whom he has pany, and it may be said, all things con­ baptized, and who was brought to the know­ sidered, that Christian work is making its ledge of Christ by another mission. He effects felt. The standard placed before us hopes that this native convert will become a is a perfect one, and therefore for fallen very useful helper in the work of God, as he ; creatures unattainable. It will not, hence, possesses considerable ability and knowledge* ! be matter of surprise that the villagers of 1867.] SEVENTY-FI FTH REPORT. 47

•the Fifth Company fall short of that stan­ “ From the First Company church I have dard. In years gone by, discipline was not received no returns as yet. Brother Jackson known. during the past year sustained a heavy loss in the death of his wife. She was a very “ It is now well and fully understood that active woman, and though the mother of any evil thing at once subjects the guilty eleven children, she was the first corpse that one to exclusion. had been carried out of their house. “ Fourteen persons have been baptized “ Sixth Company. Of this church Brother during the past year. The difficulty in the Samuel Cooper is the pastor; his people are villages is not want of candidates, but who endeavouring to put up a chapel for them­ from among them to accept or reject. We selves, and we are helping them by supply­ ask Divine guidance, and discriminate to the ing them with nails. best of our ability ; but who can know the “ There is a large number of candidates heart? This Fifth'Company church is well- or inquirers, but much time will elapse nigh fifteen miles from San Fernando, and before all these are baptized/’ as a matter of course, my visits are not so frequent in the wet season 'as I could desire. The native pastor, Mr. Webb, has for­ “ 3. The Third Company church has had no warded the following report of the Mont­ additions by baptism during the past year, serrat church :— not that there were no candidates, but that “ The cause of Christ continues to pros­ the people were so busy in sawing timber per. This year there are 8 candidates that and making shingles for their new chapel. have put on Christ by baptism ; there are And they had succeeded in putting up a also about 22 inquirers; total number of good hard wood building frame, fifty feet members, 76; suspended, none ; died, 2. long and twenty-five feet wide. They had The church has walked in peace and union, finished covering it in with shingles, when I am happy to state. There is a place called one morning about nine o’clock, December Coreyal, about the space of three miles dis­ 26th, the wind blew it down ; they had failed tant from Montserrat. A t this place we to strengthen it by nailing some boards on have a few members united to the church at the uprights. David Richardson, the pastor, Montserrat, as there are many people living told me to-day that he shed tears and felt about Coreyal in ignorance and darkness. as sorry as when his mother died. They A good brother, J. Harriott, has been la­ have cleared the débris, and are of one mind bouring there for many years. This year to set to work again to rebuild the chapel. the Lord has greatly blessed His cause at In order to pay the carpenter, they have Coreyal. Several converts have been made. raised by small contributions, taken up There are 6 persons from this place who every Sunday, some 107 dollars, exclusive of have given evidence of their new birth, and 10 dollars worth of nails, supplied them from are ready to put on Christ by baptism. our funds. This church has lost one member Among the converts of Coreyal are persons by death, and has had the painful task of who were the flower of the Church of Rome. excluding six, who, alas ! have been guilty of The people formerly used to meet in a pri­ the grossest sins. There are thirty candi­ vate house for worship, but the attendance dates asking baptism, and if all be well, has increased, so that the friends found it if the Lord will, I purpose baptizing during quite inconvenient to meet in a private house. this month. They have erected a rough place of worship. “ 4. The church at Matilda boundary is In this place many attend the means of progressing. It is true that during the year divine grace. People come from a place only one person has been baptized, but hard by called Jera Village, and from the there are now twelve candidates for that holy estate, and attend the meetings at Coreyal. and scriptural ordinance. “ The chapel is not as yet completed. The 48 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1 8 6 7 . people were in trying circumstances—great “ Since my return I have taken all the scarcity of food. Contributions only amount public services in Nassau. This I have done to 60 dollars. partly to relieve Mr. McDonald, and partly because I shall soon leave for a tour to the islands. I have distributed a great many tracts since I returned. THE BAHAMAS.

I.—N o r t h e r n D is t r ic t . “ Andros Island.

Missionary, J . D a v e y . “ I have had two or three letters from our teacher in this island since my return. In Number of members, 1757. the first letter, which came as soon as the news of my arrival reached him, he says, ' I II.— C e n t r a l D is t r ic t . am thankful to God my Saviour that He has Missionary, W . Littlewood. brought you to our shores again ; for I was as one that had no head upon my body. I Mr. Davey gives the following report of a long to see you, but am unable to move at portion of this interesting field:— present,for I have been sick, off and on, for “ The year which has just closed will be three months. Dear Pastor, the state of our ever memorable in the annals of the island is distressing. I have been up to Bahamas, in consequence of the disastrous Stanyard Creek this month, and find it quite hurricane of October 1st. a ruin. The new chapel is levelled with “ The destruction of property was very the ground, and Blanket Sound chapel also. great, and we have lost three chapels in the The chapels at Nicoll’s Town, Inch Sound, island of New Providence alone. and Nastick Point were damaged. The “ The year has been marked also by very chapel at Red Bays was washed away, as great sickness, and we have lost by death was almost the whole settlement, and se­ thirty-three members. veral lives were destroyed. “ During the early part of my absence in England the congregations were pretty good, “ Grand Bahamas. but after I had been away three or four “ The hurricane does not seem to have- months they became considerably smaller. been so disastrous in its effects upon this I am happy to say that on my arrival they island as upon some others. I find from the assumed their wonted proportions. letters of our teacher that the people are “ The candidates which I had been pre­ leaving the island and settling in the paring for baptism before I went home were Biminis, a group of islands to the south* baptized by Mr. McDonald in the month of west. But he has followed them thither, May. I have now a good many inquirers of and intends to build a chapel there. a very hopeful character, and shall baptize again soon. “ Eleuthera. “ In consequence of the illness of the Superintendent of Zion Sunday-school and “ On this island, where the Wesleyans the destruction of Bethel chapel, our Sun­ h a v e a prosperous Mission, we had but two day-schools do not contain so many children chapels before the hurricane, and now we as they did. have but one, the other having been de­ “ The moral tone of the church is as good, stroyed. On Governor’s Harbour the people I think, as in former years, but drunkenness meet in the house of the native teacher,, is prevalent in the community, and great and arc raising money as fast as they can to> watchfulness will be necessary to preserve finish a chapel which was commenced before^ the church from injury thereby. the hurricane. 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 49

“ San Salvador. IIL—So u th e r n D is t r ic t .

‘ ‘ I intend, God willing, to leave for this Turk's Islands. island next week, and purpose making my Mr. D. Kerr, the native missionary, has visit as thorough as possible. sent us the following report. In the Mis­ sionary Herald have already appeared full accounts of the ravages wrought by the “ Eonuma and Sagged Island. hurricane. “ We may well compare the early part of “ These islands are among the poorest of the year to a cloudless sky, which seems the Bahama group, and their populations beautifully to brighten up only to let on have suffered greatly in consequence of the some blasting storm. Alas! the sun of 1866 destruction of their little property through did not set as it rose ; hence beneath the the hurricane : salt, boats, houses, and pro­ sod of twelve months’ rolling time lie buried visions were destroyed. Our teacher on many of our fondest hopes. Ragged Island, who is a modest, humble man, sent me a long letter last month, in “ During the year each of our stations which he said, ‘ While the Emir was gone needed much attention, and we did our best to Nassau for food we were in the greatest to divide our time fairly between them. We distress. We seárched for whelks, cockles, travelled cheerfully over land and water to and crabs, and cooked them with some wild meet the exigencies of our mission, and no herbs to sustain life. Oh ! sir, it was griev­ harm came near, because the Great Shepherd ous to see the children.’ of the sheep cared for us. At the close of each half-year, we made two visits to the “ A long time.will elapse before things Caicos, and travelled from one end to the resume their wonted appearance in this other. It took three weeks each time. colony. “ As Salt Cay lies much nearer to Grand * I do hope that something will be done Turk, we could conveniently follow up the to aid me in rebuilding our chapel in Nassau, old arrangement o f visiting it regularly the which was destroyed by the hurricane, or we second week in each month, in consequence shall suffer greatly as a church. The of which things kept on in a more orderly activity of the Tractarian clergy in the vil­ and promising condition than what we could lages of England is not greater than their expect at the Caicos. activity here, and, by frequent visits and gifts, they are doing!! what they can to gain “ Our attendance at Grand Turk was the people. seriously interrupted, through the pressing needs of the people, and still more so by “ Their success among our members is the sweeping scourge of the September hur­ certainly very small, and the only ones they ricane. For some time after the hurricane gain are those that have been excluded for our weekly services were better attended neglect, of worship or graver faults. Still, as than those of the Lord’s day, and it is only a large sum of money has been voted for the a trifle better now ; so it will continue, we erection of an Episcopal church in Grant’s fear, until they can make up their losses. Town, we should rebuild ours as speedily as. possible.” “ The nine churches under our supervision, have passed through a hard trial of faith, but The absence of Mr. LittJewood in Eng­ were not forsaken, and therefore not dimi­ land has prevented our receiving any report nished. Although we cannot boast of much of the churches in the islands o f the Mid­ increase in numbers, yet We have no cause to land-District. On his return, Mr. Littlewood complain of many cases of discipline. Some will proceed to Turk’s Islands. went out from uf, but like the dove o f 4 50 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

Noah’s ark finding no rest for tlie sole of found to show that it had not blown away their feet, soon returned. Fifteen of the to sea. seventy-four inquirers in our classes were “ The chapel at Lorimores is quite un­ baptized during the year, and we were nigh roofed, and barely the walls befriend the the time appointed to baptize many more, pulpit and pews as they stand exposed to when, lo, the hurricane came on, and dis­ sun and rain. The window and door shutters appointed us. have blown away also, and the chapel pre­ “ It is very pleasing to add that while we sents a most desolate appearance. have fed hundreds with the bread of life, ‘‘ Mount Peto chapel is levelled to the both day and night, in connection with more ground, and it is impossible to raise it up than 300 members of Christ; we have fed with less than £30. more than 500 lambs of the blessed fold. “ Our second best chapel on the Caicos- These are to be found in our Sunday-schools; was at Kew ; it was built of solid stone, and and notwithstanding the increase of poverty, used to contain upwards of 150 persons. so antagonistic to our progress, we can look Now it lies a pile of ruins ; and the wan­ with satisfaction on much good which has dering worshippers are often seen praising been done. In the school at Grand Turk God under a tamarind tree. we have tried various plans to interest “ A very small portion is left standing of both teachers and scholars in their work the Bottle Creek chapel, which was buDc of teaching and learning ; and it is evident under the superintendence of Mr. Quant beyond all, the teacher’s weekly prayer- many years ago. meeting has been the means of much blessing bestowed on us. “ From all that I stated as being the very truth, you see, dear brother, how much we “ It will be remembered that the school at have suffered, and what we need. In short, Kew was carried on by our Mission, and not less than £400 would put us all right in that prosperously, before the storm, which our stations again, allowing that a good deal was felt very violently at that place; and the of the work be done in the Out Island teacher, Mr. Lightboume, was blown up churches with material found on the spot-” here, having lost everything he possessed in the world. “ Our chapels and dwellings are still ob­ jects of pity; it is punful to repeat here their HAYTI. actual condition since the hurricane. They appear like so many dismantled ships reach­ I—Ja c m e l . ing after a port of safety ; I wish we were Missionary, W . H. "Webley- able to say when they will reach that port. It would require no less than £80 to put the Number of members, 85. chapel at Grand Turk in good repair, in­ cluding two or three substantial pillars to II.— L a G r a n d e R iv i e r e . support its massive roof. Missionary, "W. B au m a n n . “ The chapel at Salt Cay is in the same sad state ; the belfry, with a part of the bell, was driven about three feet below the sur­ III.— S t . R a p h a e l a n d D o n don . face of the earth by the violence of the wind. Native pastor, M e t e l l u s M e n a e d . To have the chapel reshingled is of the first importance, as we can only worship in it Number of members, 30. when the weather is bright and fair. As to the little mission house which stood before Mr. Webley’s report is as follows :— it on the sea shore, not a remnant could be “ Our lives have been prolonged, our 1867.] SEVENTÏ-FIFTH REPORT.

health has been continued, not the ripple of to their simple piety, their love to Jesus, and a straw has disturbed the peace of our no their anxiety for the salvation of others. longer small church; the number of 10 new Certainly, at that morning prayer-meeting converts baptized will be complete before my own soul went out toward Heaven as I this reaches you ; two interesting persons had not felt it do for many a day before, have been restored to the fellowship of the whilst, I presume, it was much the same church, whilst only one death of a very old with us all. True, the after services of the man has transpired. day were much disturbed by rains, yet all “ But a few years ago and Protestantism was passed off much to our own satisfaction, and unknown here, and yet we have so steadily to the profit of others. Baumann’s account, increased, that we who once were not a too, of his visit to La Grande Riviere, which people at all, have got to be a church of he has given me since, but which place I some 85 members. These are not nominal could not visit with him at the time, has Christians. As far as we can judge, they been most encouraging. In that place at are all true converts to the faith of Jesus. least he has a noble sphere of usefulness before him, and there I trust to see him “ The circumstance of my having so many fully installed before long." of my members living all around me in the mountains, at distances of fifteen and twenty Mr. Baumann adds the following infor­ miles, if not more, necessitates my being mation :— frequently, almost weekly, on horseback, “ At Dondon the work is prospering. visiting the sick or sad amongst them, or Two persons have been there added this holding preaching services in connection year, and another is ready to join very soon. with Lolo, where practicable, at their plan­ They are, of course, emulated by their tation residences. Some of these meetings friends at St. Raphaël to do as they have have been highly interesting of late. Between done there— to build a chapel where they twenty and forty are usually present. might worship together their God and Re­ “ At our meeting before last two in­ deemer. It must, however, be said that they quirers decided for baptism, and at the meet­ have themselves aided in the erection of this ing previous an elderly woman decided, I chapel at St. Raphaël. A piece of ground hope, for God. In October last, Lolo, Bau­ has already been chosen, and I think if they mann, and I undertook once more our six can agree on the price with the owner, they hundred mile journey to St. Raphael. "We will ere long begin the erection of the build­ had promised to be there on the first Sab­ ing. But, as their means are not very large, bath of that month, for the opening of they can only go on by little and little, Metellus’s new chapel. lending often their own hands to advance the erection of the building. Although our “ This journey I believe to have been Brother Menard resides at St. Raphaël, quite a success. I got, for instance, to be Dondon has the advantage of possessing in more than ever convinced that Metellus was their midst the deacon, Brother Fouquet, the right man in the right place— a God­ who is at the same time the Colonel com­ fearing, Christ-loving man, and a devoted manding the locality : he is a pious and missionary. People nowadays scorn the really Christian man. idea of having a weeping parson in the pulpit, and yet it bronght tears to all our “ I must say a few words about Grande eyes to see Metellus weep for dying sinners, Riviere. I followed the plan which I had and hear him beseech, them to be reconciled in view, and have been visiting this place to God. His church, too, at the daybreak each time I was in the north, having as my or early morning prayer-jneeting, when head-quarters the house of our dear Brother some ten or twelve of the members prayed, Metellus Menard, at St. Raphaël. My last most favourably impressed me with regard visit, as I already told you in my letter of • • 4* 52 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPOET. [1867.

Nov. 23rd, gave me still more encourage­ The family had rented Belfast Penn, about ment. Naturally enough, as long as I am three miles from Morant Bay, and, as it was not fixed there I cannot expect any decided hoped, beyond the influences which have movement with regard to conversion ; hut, made Morant Bay the Sierra Leone of as to good dispositions, they are there. Jamaica. Many people came I had not seen before, “ On Sunday, the 3rd of February, she and even the General Commanding the dis­ departed this life, in the 43rd year of her age, trict was present. I am therefore fully leaving eight children and a husband to decided to leave Port-au-Prince and establish mourn their loss. She was buried the myself there. following day in the yard of Jubilee chapel, “ Our Baptist work there has been heard by the Rev. W. E. Pierce, acting rector. of and come to the notice of many places in “ The church at Lucea, with the sister the neighbourhood, and they are constantly churches, sent a unanimous and cordial in­ a s k iD g that they might be visited. Now vitation to the Rev. Thos. Lee, of Falmouth, this is too much for our Brother Menard, who, after mature consideration, felt it to be who during tlie week days has his own duties to look after, as Judge of the Peace: his duty to accede to the request, and in the month of October took his final leave of the he, therefore, and the friends are doing all in Falmouth church, and has entered on his their power to decide my settling in their present scene of labour with fond hopes of midst, which I cannot but look at as a real success and comfort.” call from the Lord, as of the Macedonian of old p r a y i n g , * Come over and help us. ’ ” “ From the Toll it now appears that the churches in Falmouth, Wallingford, Vaux- hall, Clarksonville, Mount Zion, John’s Hall, Mount Merrick, Point Hill, Mount JAMAICA. Birrell, and Rock River (10 in all) are without a settled pastorate. From the Annual Report of the Jamaica Baptist Union we select the fol­ ‘ * Returns of statistics haye been received lowing passages:— from 57 out of 76 churches. From these it appears that during the twelve months, the “ Early in the year the Committee of the additions have been— Jamaica Baptist Missionary Society resolved By Baptism ...... 149 to carry out the recommendations of the „ Restoration...... 322 deputation (the Revs. J. M. Phillippo and ,, Receival ...... 119— 590 Thos. Lea) who visited St. Thomas-ye-East Loss by Deaths...... 398 before the last annual meeting of the Union, ,, Exclusions...... 837 and the Committee invited the Rev. W. „ Dismissals ...... 45 Teall to visit that parish, with a view to a ,, Erasure from permanent settlement as a missionary in that Church books district. Encouraged by a variety of cir­ and withdrawals 258— 1538 cumstances, our brother decided to go there Net decrease ...... 948 and gather the hundreds, who were, through Members reported 15,539 Inquirers 901 the results of 1865, as sheep scattered without „ unreportad 2,276 „ 259 a shepherd. Accordingly, in the month of September, the Rev. Wm. Teall left Lucea “ Though this decrease is very sad it is for St. Thomas-ye-East. It is with the well to observe that it is less than in 1864, deepest grief that we have to record the when the average net decrease was 24, and painful intelligence has arrived that our less than in 1865, when the average decrease brother had been plunged into deep sorrow was 25. This year it is 16. May the great by the death of the partner of his days. Head of the Church grant that soon we 1867.] SEYENTY-FIFTH 'REPORT. 53

may see a favourable change, and Zion Gospel to bring the truth as it is in Jesus rejoicing over the accession of men and before the people with great simplicity and women who are truly converted to the fidelity. Lord ! “ If the increasing morality of the t: From 37 returns it appears that in that churches and the community is indicated number of stations 99 inquirers were bap­ by the number of marriages which take- tized, 24 died, 7 removed to other churches, place, then certainly we are unable to speak and 170 were struck off the roll for careless­ very favourably of the state of things in ness and sin, but 261 new names were added this respect. It appears that in 53 stations to the list during the past year, giving an there have been only 124 marriages, and average number of 14 new inquirers to each it becomes a matter of grave consideration? minister, or 7 to each church. The total whether special attention should not be number of inquirers in the reported directed cautiously yet wisely to this ques­ churches is 836; and taking the returns tion, and the young be induced to settle in sent as a basis for our calculations, we con­ life, and thereby give some hope of a better clude that 532 new inquirers have been state of things both in the community and received during the past year, and that in the church. there are now 1,520 inquirers on the roll in “ When, in the last year’s annual report, the 76 churches. At four stations there are we ventured to invite the attention of the no inquirers at all. churches to the necessity for constitutional “ It will be gratifying to know that the and scriptural action to free every portion past year has witnessed all the reported of the Christian Church from State patron­ churches walking in order. Ministers, age, either by way of occasional, annual, or officers, and members have laboured in continuous grants of money from the public peace, and in most cases the Word has been revenue, it was not imagined that under the preached uninterruptedly, and the ordi­ new constitution the Governor would so nances regularly administered. speedily, so quietly, yet so effectually “ From a few churches we learn that throw upon the congregations of the there is much to cheer. Established Church the task of raising by voluntary contributions church expenses “ This, however, is not the general state hitherto borne by the parochial vestries and of the churches; the reports of not a few by grants from the legislature. Hence­ are more depressing. forth, our brethren of the Episcopalian de­ “ Still, in most churches there are some nomination will have the pleasure of sus­ alleviating circumstances, there are some taining their own paid agents, and meeting bright specimens of true, humble, loving by their own efforts their congregational disciples of Christ, some joyful, happy spirits expenses. We are convinced that our who• by their piety, and faith, and zeal, brethren will in time find that this is the strengthen the pastor’s heart, and cheer his most dignified and manly method to pursue.” soul amidst all that is depressing. There are thousands who still stand as faithful servants of the Lord. For these wo bless C a i a b a b In s t it u t io n . God, and cherish the hope that the Lord President, D. J. E a s t . will yet in love return to His Church, and establish His people in every good word and Tutor, J. S. B o b b k t s . work. From the report prepared by Mr. “ In two or three places it appears that Roberts we extract the following pas­ fanaticism, falsely called revivalism, is still sages:— misleading not a few ignorant people ; and “ Though the year has been trying to the there is much need for the ministers of the president in labouring with uncertain health, 54 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

the duties of the various departments of the cnltnral chemical apparatus, and in diagrams institution were fully carried on to the date and maps. Our students need every inci­ of his departure. dental help possible, ana the Committee return their thanks to those friends who “ During the session 10 6tudents have have enabled them thus far to facilitate the pursued their studies, 3 in the theological, studies of the institution. and 7 the normal school ‘ course.’ One candidate received for the theological de­ “ The duties of the normal school are partment -was subsequently declined, but detailed in the second report of the normal 3 other candidates are forthcoming. Several school tutor. He says:— ‘ During the last candidates have applied for the normal year the classes have met without interrup­ school, but under present circumstances and tion. The subjects studied have varied to regulations 2 only have been received. One the attainments of the students, greater im­ normal school student, Mr. Jarrett, com­ portance being given to those cultivating pleted his term at Midsummer, and has the character and inculcating the teacher’s charge of the school at Salter’s Hill, under art. the care of the Rev. W. Dendy. Four stu­ “ ‘ In.the month of September the esteemed dents whose term expired with the year are president and theological tutor left for allowed the privilege of another session’s England ; since then I have managed the preparation, in consequence of peculiar cir­ institution. The peculiar duties the presi­ cumstances attending their ‘ term.’ dent has discharged, with the incessant “ The institution will thus re-open in claims of the various sections of the normal 1867 with 11 students. school, have at times taxed my energies, yet I trust your interests have been guided with “ Attention to lectures, class and practical some degree of efficiency.’ ” duties, without interruption, has marked the year in the normal school; and to the time of the president’s leaving, in the theological department. In the latter, lectures and “ The Day School. exercises in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Syste­ matic Theology, Church History, Bible “ The number of different children on the Handbook, Moral Science, and English Lan­ books for 1866 is 121. The average number guage were given, but the absence of the on the books is 90. The greatest attendance president makes it impossible to detail the at any time was 77; and the average attend­ subjects read. The moral science classes ance for the year 59. of the normal school were also under the “ The day-school, as a part of the institu­ president’s care. The reports from the tion, is worked as a necessary means of ministers who have directed the duties of giving practical effect to the studies of the the non-resident theological 6tudents since normal school. The students in rotation the tutor’s departure are gratifying. take charge of the school, or some section of “ In the industrial department, increasing it, under my superintendence. Each student evidence shows the benefit of its duties to keeps the registers and log-book, and when the students and the institution. The stu­ required makes returns from them. dents have had less sickness, and have given “ The method and management taught in closer application to study. The want of the normal school, so far as circumstances funds for tools and other necessities retards will permit, are practised or exemplified in this desirable department. such a connection as to leave po doubt that “ The money given last year by friends an industrious and diligent student will in England to purchase apparatus bas been acquire the best preparation for school- expended in a large globe, a chest of agri- keeping our means will allow.


WESTERN AFRICA. of no mean order, and yet what a ruin, what robbery, what rapine and deeds of blood! I.—Ca m e r o o n s, B e t h e l T o w n . The holy law is written on their hearts as

Missionaries, A. Satcer, R. Smith. our own, yet who regards it. Proofs abound that in their hearts there is the reflection of Number of members, 62. the divine law ; they are guilt-stricken, as we are, by the breaking of the command. Robbery, incest, and murder are heinous in II.—B e l l ’s T o w n . their conscience ; neglect of parents, too, Missionary, Q. W. T h o m son . and covetousness are seen as things to be reprobated, and yet long habituation in Number of members, 10. these very evils produces hardness of heart, recklessness, and open defiance to all re­ III.—J o h n A q u a T o w n & M o r t o n v il l e . monstrance.

Missionary, J. J. F u l l e r . “ The word of life has been continuously preached in the township at the foot of those

IV.—V ic t o r ia , A m bo ise s B a t . mountains, and Sabbath by Sabbath has a part of the day been devoted to the teaching Missionary, J. P in n o c k . of the people in their own tongue, and in this Number of members, 30. we see the dawning of another life—there is some enlightenment, some desire of improve­ ment. There is a gradual gathering of its V.—B im b ia . scattered villages into a township, now rising In these stations 6 native brethren are em- up close to Victoria, where, at our com­ •ployed as teachers and schoolmasters. There mencement, we had miles of dense wilder­ are about 30 inquirers. In the five day- ness. These will be eventually absorbed in schools are 150 children, and in the Sabbath- our growing town, and these now give an schools 200. increasing attendance on the services of the Sabbath; they are more easily met with Mr. Saker has furnished us with the fol­ and taught, without the exhausting labour lowing general observations:— of walking miles and miles in difficult moun­ “ The nature of the work, as among so tain tracks. debased a people, with their lawlessness, lewdness, unrestrained maliciousness,—hea­ “ In the township of Victoria the services thenism iu its grossest forms, forms quite and ordinances of the Lord’ s house have unutterable,— as these are better understood, been steadily and persistently continued. we look on the work and the prospects The remnant of the former Clarence church often with sadness, and our hope would is still there, with others who have been fail but for the promises of God ; and the gathered to the church since then. The conviction, which is ever strong in our pastorate, the teaching of the young, the hearts, of the certainty of a fulfilment of all visiting of the natives near and remote, have that is predicted in the Word. taxed all the energies of the brethren Pin­ “ Yonder vast mountain, very glorious in nock and Johnson, with the constant aid of -our eyes ; and this mighty wilderness, so teachers and evangelists, even till death laid terrible in its sickness, stretching out so one of them low. In the town they have many leagues, north, east, and south, is the just such success that keeps alive the hope home of our toil. Here, in miserable that some day God will have large mercy, abodes, and there on its ragged sides, what upon them and the debased tribes around. darkness and desolation sin has wrought in The young, too, give some encouragement the spirit of its people. They have faculties to hope that they will be the Lord’s. 56 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

“ There are now nearly 30 members and ing, interrupted only by sickness. A daily over 20 inquirers. Sabbath attendance, itinerary by one, by two, or by three, as about 120; Sabbath school, 70; and week­ health and other labours allow. These day school, 50. labours combined have prostrated Mr. “ At the neighbonring station, Bimbia, Smith, weakened one, wearied another, there has been preaching and teaching more while the writer has been living only to or less during the year; but it is a moral suffer for weeks. desolation. Its only fruitfulness will be “ Our children are taught to read and drawn to the town of Victoria. write; they grow with knowledge. Our “ At Cameroons there are four chief house of prayer and our school-buildings stations. On the south bank is Bell’s Town. have grown into permanency, and one Mis­ There Mr. Thomson is now trying to gather sionary dwelling has been raised. The a people, and keeping up its schools. Its Scriptures, too, are growing; book after book great population yield daily a few whose slowly leaves the press. The book increases attendance at services gives the hope that in size, and it is read. Yet again we say, God will ere long remove their darkness and ‘ Where are the heathen ? ’ We have hardness. The people in the village listen baptized 5, while 5000 and far more are for awhile, but give no sign of new life. The unmoved. W e have about 60 members and few who have been formerly gathered there 11 inquirers. form now the nucleus of a separate church. “ Higher up the river is John Aqua The work at this station—preaching, teach­ Town. The house of Mr. Fuller, a dark, ing, and visits in the villages—will speedily dark desert. No one cheering ray of light exhaust all Mr. Thomson’s strength, aided seems to penetrate that darkness. The as he is by teachers. school and the meetings alike d ie: the “ At Aqua Town the church increases preacher’s voice in the streets is disregarded. slowly. The out-stations must be visited “ On the north side of the river is Hickory. week by week by the missionary. He walks The school is prospering; the daily service and preaches till in extreme feebleness he lies is kept up ; the Sabbath services are regu­ down, with a moaning cry, 1 "Who hath lar, and often largely attended, of which a believed ? ' These toils, with translating, few give hopeful attention. Two of its printing, the care of buildings, with increase members have been baptized during the or repair to our dwellings, schools, and year, and two others are earnestly seeking chapels, have made us weak. God gives us the way of life. help. His presence sustains us. Yet the “ Further inland, and on the banks of success we have is very small. rivers, are the thousands who are indeed far “ Our Mission House and our young off and debased. Last year th

A belt of open country, one to seven miles was good, undisturbed ; the inquiries inte­ wide, with its street on the .banks, and aline resting, and our friends invited to come of houses on each side of the street—broken again. This is encouraging, and shows that into short lengths by its water-courses and past efforts have not been in vain. dykes—while all the land behind is in “ Two important measures were approved cultivation. of by our small church this year, viz., the “ Then, too, on the other river, south, first, to encourage those Breton brethren to after miles and miles of wilderness, where the make excursions on Sabbath days into silence is unbroken, the same character of country localities to read and explain the country, of towns, of people, are met with, New Testament to those disposed to hear; till the Granite range is again met with, and the other measure was to establish a weekly its open gorge through which the waters subscription to support this native effort to rush— there the inhabitants are more timid; make known the Gospel to those who perish are, I think, more susceptible, and more for lack of knowledge. eager to hear. To both these distant plains “ Our meetings in the country, and our I shall, if possible, return very shortly, and week meetings in the houses of friends in shall hail the day when a teacher can be the towns, are not at all disturbed by the given them.” civil authorities. Nevertheless, some re­ newed attempts made to obtain authoriza­ tion for public worship at Tremel have re­ mained without effect. EUROPE. “ We have had the joy of receiving two

FRANCE.— B r it t a n y . natives by baptism. They are both married men, and live in this town. One is a watch­ I.—M o k l a ix . maker and the other a labourer. They had been for some years attendants at our place Missionary, J . J e n k in s . of worship. At last they manifested con­ Number of members, 44. version to God and faith in the Saviour, and now verify the same by a Christian life.

II.— G u ix g a h p . ‘ ‘ The printing of the Breton Testament has received considerable accession this year. Missionary, V. E. BoirnoN. A small edition of 3,000 copies, 32mo., was terminated in the month o f March. Since Mr. Jenkins has forwarded the following then the Bible Society has printed in report:— London a neat edition in 32mo. of the “ The preaching of the Gospel in their Gospel of Luke and of the Acts of the own language among the Bretons is become Apostles, and now are ready for sale. The an established fact. This year I have proofs were sent here to be read. This ad­ preached on the Sabbath every fortnight at dition to the stock of Breton Scriptures is Tremel, while on the other Sabbaths meet­ most valuable. ings of edification are often held, presided “ Moreover, Scripture distribution has over by one of the brethren. The native young brother, Ar-Choad, who commenced continued without interruption. 76 7 Breton with December his work as an Evangelist, Testaments have been sold, which, together with French Testaments and Bibles, make a though not quite well, is active. In the month of December he and our tract distri­ total of 908 copies of the Scriptures put in butor found opportunities to hold eight meet­ circulation this year. ings in houses. The attendance was from “ Religious tracts, nearly all in Breton, 15 to 25 persons, but in one place not less have been distributed to the number of 3,273 than 100 came together. The attention by our tract distributor ; and this, with Dr. 5 8 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

Barth’s ‘ Bible Stories ’ (a first hook to quietly and with respect, the divine plan of read), and Evangelical Almanacks, in all salvation exposed. By itinerating over the 449, make a total of 4,628. department and beyond it, I preached also “ It is an interesting fact, -which I am in the following localities, viz.—Moncontour, glad to mention, that while hundreds of Collinée, Rennes; Napoleonville, Auray, Bretons frequent the towns on the south­ Lorient ; Belle He, Pontrieux, Lannion, western shores of England and Wales, to sell Paimpol, Portrieux; Kerity, Plereneuf, Tré- onions and other legumes, Dr. Tregelles has muzon, and La Combe. commenced a movement to supply these men o f Celtic race with Scriptures and tracts in “ Tracts. their own language. The effort is success­ ful, and extends to Wales. My brother “ The distributing of tracts and portions writes to tell me that they wish to have a of Scripture devolved solely on me, in all thousand Breton tracts at Cardiff. these tours, since M. Bordreuil left here on the 1st February, to go to Paris. “ The work of teaching to read and write the New Testament continues. Not less than 64 are thus taught in the country, in “ Colportage. three different parishes. The small Protest­ “ The colportage of the Word of God has ant school in the town, supported for years been carried on by two agents of the Bible by the large liberality of Lady Noel, and Society, chiefly around and beyond St. under the devoted teaching of her niece, Brieuc. Mrs. Donnelly, and the care of a friend, Mdlle. Barazer, is a very useful institution, “ In most of the places above named especially for Breton girls connected with there are persons whose minds are more or our congregation. less exercised on the subject of salvation. In St. Brieuc I count two more Roman “ Moreover the church is in peace and Catholic families, where the Bible is read fraternal union, though not without trials. I secretly. At Cesson, an aged British officer, have said but little as to the prospect of the who died in August, and gave some evidence Lord's work in this country. However I of saving faith, used to scatter some portions am able to say that it appears encouraging.” of the New Testament among his neigh­ From Mr. Bouhon the following report bours. At Moncontour, an aged farmer, has been received:— formerly sea captain, gives away at his own “ By the grace of God I have continued expense, many New Testaments, so as to through another year the regular preaching help the good work; and he even accom­ o f the Gospel in Guingamp and in St. panied me and stood on my side in one of Brieuc on Lord’s-days. my tournées near his farms, explaining him­ “ More publicity has marked our preach­ self when he thought a word of his could ing in St. Brieuc, on account of the meet­ be of use. ings becoming quite public, ia April, after “ For four years now I have gone to visit having been held only in a private room for Lannion. There is in that town an elderly the space of a year and more. In Guin­ man, formerly ‘ procureur royal,’ who used gamp we have been left free, doubtless on to abuse religion, and swear, and ridicule account of the smallness of the congregation sacred things before some persons I wished generally, whereas in St. Brieuc our efforts to impress seriously. Now he seldom have been opposed by a series of vexations swears in my presence, and, instead of jest­ from the authorities under the influence of ing, frequently makes inquiries which show the Romish bishop of the town. that his mind is more occupied with the “ In connection with two burials large subjects of God and pardon to the sinner congregations of 150 and 300 people heard, than it was formerly. When I last met 1867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 59

him lie spoke seriously, and desired me not of the assembly. A fortnight before his to forget him in my prayers to God. A t death an English lady, much attached to Belle-Ile en Terre, where I visit four or five ‘ the rubric ’ of the Anglican Church, brought families, I had to attend a dying person, and to his bedside the clergyman from Dinan eventually to preach at her burial, which (whom she sent for, thinking the captain was took place a fortnight after my first visit to about to die). He expressed his surprise at her. This was a young woman, twenty- the visit, the only one he had ever received three years of age, a native of Jersey, and from him. However, the conversation which an orphan; she was carried off by consump­ followed, showing him that he had not to tion. Her mental anguish at the thought of deal with a priest, but with a Christian man, her sins was very great, and she begged to he expressed freely his belief in the mercy of be told what she must do to be pardoned God in Christ to the repenting and believing and to obtain peace. The cross of Christ soul, and wished all present to understand was my theme, and I endeavoured to fix her that if he partook of the bread and wine, it mind’s eye on Him who died for our sins was solely to express his belief in Jesus that we might be saved through faith in the Christ, and not because of any saving effi­ power of His shed blood. Moments were cacy in the elements themselves for his precious, for she had been abandoned by eternal welfare. the doctors; however, she lingered for fifteen “ The priests of Cesson and some zealons days without manifesting any more that Romanists managed to get to him, and tried fear which made her send for the minister to induee him, by paltry and mean reasons, of the Gospel. On my repeatedly asking to turn Roman Catholic; but he turned them her what was her ground of hope before God, away, and wished me to inform the priest she answered with much simplicity, ‘ Christ.’ of his belief. This request I complied with, The neighbours were admitted into the room calling on the curé on purpose; I was thus whilst I spoke to her and read or prayed, so enabled to reason with this priest, who that this sickness, I trust, may have served wished me to remain in conversation with for the glory of God in Belle-Ile. The him as long as I pleased. He brought out burial service was in English, French, and Bibles and Testaments, with commentaries Breton— many of the town folk having de­ approved by his bishop, and we read together sired me to speak also in their language, on certain controverted points. My chief which I promised to do, knowing that many aim was to keep him on the subject of salva­ more would then attend. I suppose about tion by faith in Jesus Chkist alone, but 300 people gathered on that occasion, which he could not understand how one could be was peculiarly solemn, many having been perfectly saved out of the pale of the Catho­ struck by the peace of mind which the lic Apostolic and Roman Church. ministry of the Word of God seemed to have “ In the first week in July I met in St. brought to the dying one. Brieuc a young monk (from Home) who had “ The aged officer, above referred to, I had escaped out of his convent, one of the Fran­ frequently visited since discovering him and ciscan order, four months before, because he his wife near St. Brieuc some three years could not any longer practise what he had ago. Although he could not attend the learnt to consider as false through the read­ services in town, he subscribed according to ing of a Bible (an English traveller had his limited means towards the expenses of secretly given it him several years ago). He the mission work; and, as I said before, was then going through Brittany, the most gave away at his expense some Scriptures superstitious part of Catholic Erance, en­ around him. As he felt his end coming he deavouring to enlighten the people who gave listened more attentively to my short read­ Vñm hospitality (because of their regard for ings (he could not bear much talking), and his dress and zeal for religion, he only recommended himself and wife to the prayers possessing as clothing the brown frock and 60 SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. [1867.

hood peculiar to the order), and intended, if for him to labour in, on the 27 th July he left, possible, going over to Protestant England. me to return to Italy. “ Towards the end of October he unex­ “ I so urged upon him the duty of break­ pectedly foand, in Florence, one of his four ing entirely from Romanism, and trusting in brothers (a captain in the king’s service, the gracious love of that Saviour he professed having also escaped from Home but four to have found through the comfort of the years ago), who drew him out of his misery,, Scriptures, that after nearly an hour’s con­ replenished his stock of clothing, and finding versation, he, as it were, resigned himself to that he hoped to be employed as an evange­ my guidance. "When in Guingamp I took list, gave him the necessary funds to visit him home, and he then asked the favour of the missionary who had been the means of some clothes, so that he might cast off the badge of error and begin a new life, as God his change of life. would open the way before him. “ I had not the time to dissuade him from his idea of coming again to Brittany, so that “ As he had enough money to journey to on the 10th November he arrived here, and London, I indicated to him the shortest way, lodged with us until the end of the year, and he decided to start the very next morn­ employing his time in Bible studies, trans­ ing. lating, lessons of Italian, and sometimes accompanying me on small tours for tract “ I thought to accompany him and intro­ distribution, &c. duce him to our secretaries and other per­ sons likely to sympathize with him. Daily “ Sunday School. we read the Scriptures and prayed together; and as I felt confidence in the genuineness of “ The Sunday-school has continued to be this conversion, which evidently had been held here: an average of nine children, two the operation of the Spirit through the power of which only being Protestants, have re­ of the Word, having been offered the use of ceived instruction in Bible knowledge through the baptistery of Walworth-road Chapel, this means. after twelve days, and upon his own desire, “ Day School. I baptized him as a sincere believer in Jesus Christ the Son of God, and the only Saviour “ The daily lessons given by Mdlle. Les- o f sinful man. Having received grants of trade havebeen extremely useful in develop­ Italian Scriptures and tracts from the Bible ing the intelligence of the children, so that and Tract Societies, he at once began to they have made much progress in various search out Italians so as to bring the Word ways ; but we cannot report for the present of God to them. Having been invited on year any case of decided conversion among three occasions to preach (in Mr. Tucker’s them. Chapel, in the French Church, Piccadilly, “ Religious liberty is not yet obtained, and at Bexley Heath), I collected enough to but the time will come, as we hope, when pay his journey back to Turin; and as it the Word of God will have free course and became evident that Italy was a proper field be glorified. 2867.] SEVENTY-FIFTH REPORT. 61



INDIA. Station formed. 1801. C a l c u t t a . . . . J. W e n g e r , Moti TJllah. C. B. L e w is , W. T h o m a s, Assistant Missionary. 1808. C ir c u l a r R oad Andrew Leslie, Akber; A. W illia m s . 1809. L a l B a z a a r J ohn Sa l e , Lucky Narayan Roy. J o h n R o bin son . Nilumber Mookerjea. 1822. S o u th C o l in g a h Goolzar Shah, (Pastor,) Ro- manauth Roy Chaudari, Mir Kadir Buksh. 1839. I n t a l l y . . . . J. W e n g e r , 1818. H o w b a h . . . . T . M o rg an . Moniram.


T w e n t y -F o u r P e r g u n n a h s 1S55. A li p o r e ...... R . R obinson. Jacob Biswas. 1844. Bishtopore. . . . G. K e r r y . Nilumber. 1863. Roghoodebpore . . Jonah Santh. Russool Mahomed Choke Durga Churn. 1827. Narsigdarchoke . . Luckyi Narayan. 1856. Rosh Kali .... Giridhar Midhi. 1829. Lalchyantipore . . Dorpnaraynn, Brindabuo. Dhankatta . Khargeshwar, Kartik Roy. 1829. Khari . . Jacob Mnndul, Kalochand. 1856. Tambulda , John Sirdar, Gopal. Dum Dum . . . . C. B. L e w is . 1799. S e r a m p o r e . . . J . T r a f f o r d , M.A. Ganga Narayan Nath. Johnnugger . . . W. H. A n d e r s o n , Two Native Preachers. T. M a r t in , E . D a k in . G. P e a r c e , Kali Prusad Mookerjea 1804. C u t w a . . F. T. R e e d , Bodon Chundra, Ram Jo y Mahmoudpore Das, Digumber, Ridaya, Jonathan, Kaleb, Beni Mad- ■ hab, Gobindo, Anna Pnrna, Sa­ Bible rah a M »hi, ShantOj Women. Priscilla, 6 2 SETENTT-FITTH EEPOET. [186-7.

1804. J e s so r e 1. Churamoncottee, W . A . H o b b s. 1. Shunkur, Bhagadhor, Mo- 2. Magoorah. 3. E . B a t e . thnra Nath, Tarini. Kalishpore. 4. Ku- 2. Mandari, Cband, Madhob, dumdi. 5. Boori- Srimunto. danga. 6. Malgazee. 3. Modun, Bungshi, Nil- 7. Cheela. 8. Sat- muni. 4. Jan Mohammed. beriya. 5. Anondo. 6. CabulRamr Hor Chandro. 7. 8. Bani. 9. ■'Warish. Klioolnea. Gogon Cbunder Dutt, Nilmuni. Assistant Missionary. 1863. Khoostia. Brijnatb. 1805. D in a g e p o b e . . . One Native Preacher. 1842. C h it t a g o n g . . . A. M cK e n n a . Ram Joy, Chundra Nath. 1816. D a c c a ...... I. A lle n , M.A. Ram Chand, Radhamohun. Dayapore, Munshi- R . B io n . Chand, Joynarayan, Lall gunge .... P . S u p p e b . Chund, Ram Choron, Ram 1858. C o m il l a h .... Goti,Ram Jibun.Bishonath, Jangalia, Barbarya Modun, Radhanath, Bro- jamobun. 1818. Se w k t ...... Sonaton, Benjamin, Koilas Doobrajpore . . . Ch-under, Gobindo. Neporah, Hezekiah, Joseph, SONTHALISTHAN . . E . J ohnson. Titus. Bebbroonia, Horin- sing, Mokrampore 1828. B a c k e b g u n g e Dis­ J. C. P a g e , 1, John. Ramchand, Manik. trict. 1. Barisal. 2. R . D . E l l is . 2. Shoron, Rajoo. 3. Doo- Chhobikarpár. 3. lai, Sombhonath. 4. Sheetol. Digalya. 4. Koli- 5. Kenoram. 6. Sook-hiram. gaon. 5. Rajapore. 7. Srinath. 8. Swaroop. 6. Sooagaon. 7. 9. Motilall. 10. Gour. Kantalbari. 8. Am - 11. Bhojon. 12. Horon. 13- bolya. 9. Paklior. Rogboonath, Ram Coomar.. 10. Amgaon. 11. 14. Kalachand. 15. Nobln.. Bhagda. 12. Dhaxa- 16. Jogonnath. 17. Modon basail. 13. Ashkor. Mohun. 18. Nilcomal- 14. Madxa. 15. 19. Goiok. 20. Nemcband. Dhamshor. 16. Noa- 21. Ramchand. 22-^Nilco- gaon. 17. Potihar. mal, 2nd. 23. Gour Das.. 18. Rampotti. 19. 24. Roopchand. 25. Mo* Ramsul. 20. Bha- babharat. loksee. 21. Heron. 22. Anandopore. 23. Bakal. 24. Shoshi- gaon. 25. MnladL 26. Myadakool. 1856. B a r a s e t .... Ram Krishna Kobiraj, Puddo- Locbun. 1 8 6 7 .] SEVENTY-riPTH EEPOET. 6 3


1816. M o n g h y r . . . , J. L a w r e n c e , Sudin, Santokhi, Ham Gati. J. P a r so n s. Bhondu, Susan. 1816. P a t n a . D . P . B r o a d w a y . Abdool Rahim, John Warton. 1817. B e n a r e s . . . . H. H e in ig . Jawahir, Joseph. 1834. A g r a . Jno. G r e g s o n , John Bernard (Native Pastor) W. E t h e r in g t o n . Shiojit Kai, Hera Lai, Ram Singh, Arof Musih. J. H a r r is . {Assistant). 1865. R a j a K h e r a . . . Agah Mirza, Prubhu Das. 1849. C h it o u r a .... Thakcor Das. 1842. M u t t r a .... Sujaat Rai. 1818. D e l h i . 1. City of Jas. S m it h , Bhagwan D as, Mahar Das. D e lh i. 2. Pahar J. P a r so n s. Hajbi, William Collins, Huk- Gunge. 3. Shah- ami, Lai Das, Heera, Ajab dra. 4. Purana Singh, KureemBux,Phoosa, Killah. 5. Bona. Jouki, Probhu Das, Asudh Ali, Meerun, Abdul Wahab, Khushi, Jaggooa, Heta, Hur Dyal, Isai Das, SsetuFDas, Cheetur. 1865. R h o t u c k . . . . J. W il l ia m s . Imam Masih. 1863. A l l a h a b a d . . . T. E v a n s .


1853. POONAH 1848. M a d r a s


1861. C h e f o o R. F. L a u g h t o n , Ching-ii-yin, Chen-sien-sung, E . F . K in g d o n . Lin-sien-sung. 1862. Tsoongkia Ki-hwang-yen. Chung-ming-Chu. 1866. Hankhian , Chaog-Kum-Yun.


C olom bo D is t r ic t . H. R . P ig o t t . 1812. T h e P e t t a h 1813. G r a n d P a s s (6 sub­ stations) .... James Sylva. 1863. M a t a x o o l e y (an d 6 sub-stations) . . D. Gr. de Alwis. 1863. B a t a g a m a (6 sub­ stations) .... Peter Perera. 1839. M a k k a witte (4 sub­ stations) .... M. H. Perera. 1832. B y a h t il l b (2 sub­ stations) .... John Melder. 6 4 SEVENTX-FIETH EEPOET. [1 8 6 7 ,

1849. G o n a w e lle (3 sub­ stations) .... J. J. Goonesekere. 1820. W e il g a m a (6 sub­ stations) . . . T. D. Hendrick. 1817. H a n w e l l b (4 sub­ stations) .... Daniel Botaju.

1838. K o t ig a h a wa t t e . 1L J. W.'Nadan. (3 sub-stations) . Jr ■ Don Johannes, (reader). 1842. T o m b o w il l e . . . 1 Juan Silva. 1865. K o r a l a w a l l e . .) K a n d y D is t r ic t C. C a r t e r , F . D . W a l d o c k . 1841. K a n d y .... Samuel Perera. Philip Pulla. 1837. M a t e l l e .... Thomas Gamier. 1858. G a m po la .... C. P. Ranesingbe. 1862. K a d u g a n a w a . . . Amaris de Silva. 1863. K o r ig a k m a n a . . J. M. Perera.



1843. P o e t o f S p a in J. L aw. 1861. S an F e r n a n d o . . W. H. Gamble. 1849. M o n t s e r r a t . . . C. Webb. N e w G r a n t . . . A. Jackson. 1859. M a t il d a B o u n d a r y W . Carr. T h ir d a n d S i x t h C o m p a n y .... D. Richardson, S. Cooper. F if t h C o m p a n y Robert Andrews.


1834. N e w P r o v id e n c e J o h n D a v e y . F. McDonald. Fox Hill , . C. Roker. Adelaide . . D. Smith. A n d r o s I s l a n d . R . Watkins and four others. Grand Bahama . J. A . Hanna,and five others. E l e d t h e r a Jno. Petty and three others. San Salvador . H . Frazer and, ten others. E x d m a .... Jno. Rolle and four others. Ragged Island . Geo. Gibson and one other. Inagua, 3 stations Jas. Mortimer and H. Miller L o n g C a y , 4 stations Geo. Green and five others. Mayaguana . W. James Acklin’s . . G. Green. L ong I s l a n d , 6 sta tions . . , Essex Wilson and six others. R u m C a y . . Geo. Hall and two others. 1 8 6 7 .] SEYEOTY-riFTH EEPOET. 65

W atl in g s I slan d George Storr and Jacob Davis. G r a n d C a y . W . L it t l e w o o d . D. L. Kerr. S. Kerr. S a l t C a t . . J. Cox. C aicos East Harbour B. Burke. Lorimer’s . . D. Hall and J. Tucker. Bumbarrow. Jesse Forbes Mount P eto. Robert Higgs. Bottle Creek 0. Gardner. Kew . . . J. S. Lightbourne, J. Johnson. Wheelings . A. Rigby 1852. S t . D om in go (3 sub stations) . . . Sigue Murphy.


1845. J ac m e l (22 sub-sta­ W . H. W e b l e y . Voltaire Rither Domond. tions) ...... Lolo Jean Michel.-) Eliacine Cajoue. f Bible Joseph Cajoue. £ Readers. Ulysses Polche. ) 1867. L a G ra n d e R iv i e r e W. B au m a n n . 18S4. St . R a p h a e l and Metellus Menard. D on don .... Celestin Saint Torien.


C a l a b a r . D.^ J. E a s t , J o se p h S. R o b e r t s .


1843. C am eroon s . . , A . Sa k e r , R. S m it h . Geo. N’Kwe. B e l l ’u T ow n , H ic k ­ o r y ...... Q. W . T h om son. Tuman.

D id o ’s T o w n . . . S. Collins. 1844. B i m b i a ...... C. Steane. 1858. V ic t o r ia , A m bo ise s B a y ...... F . P in n o c k . 1862. J o h n A qu a T o w n and M o r t o n v il l e J. J . F u l l e r . Isaac King, Depandu. EUROPE. PRANCE.

1834. M o r l a ix (3 sub*sta- J. J e n k in s . Guil. Lo Coat. t i o n s ) ...... G. Omnes (Colporteur), and three teachers a domicile. G uingasip (4 sub- V. E . B o u h o n . stations) Madlle. Lestrade.


1863. K b a g e r o e . . . . G. H u b e r t .

N.B.— The returns from the Stations are so imperfect, that the Statistical Tables are this year omitted. 66

A P P E N D IX .— No. II.



£ s. tl. £ s. d. £ s. d- Redruth, by Mr. J. Cocking 1 8 0 Green, Stephen, Esq., Clap- Dicks, Jas., Esq., Huntley 0 10 o Modbury, by Rev. A. ham Park, for ditto ...... 3 0 0 West, E., Esq., English ...... 2 10 0 Angus, Miss, Plymouth, Hall...... 10 0 0 Missionary Box, by Mrs. for ditto ...... 2 2 0 Russell, Rev. J., Blacklieath Pearsall, Brighton 0 10 6 Beading, by Mr. H. Clayton 2fi 0 0 Hill ...... 3 0 0 Morton, Mr. W. J. T., Daw- Lowther, Sirs., Burlington 1 1 0 i Alexander, G. W., Esq., lisli, Devon...... 1 1 0 West, E., Esq., Amersham ] Reigate, for Native Agents “ A Friend," for Legal Hall, Caversham, for and Pastors...... 100 0 0 Expenses...... 1 0 0 Legal Expenses ...... 1 1 0 Brewin, Mr., by Mr. T. D. llippon, Mrs., for ditto 5 0 0 Johnson, R., Esq., Man­ Paul, Leicester...... 0 10 0 Liverpool, Pembroke Cha­ , for ditto ...... 10 0 0 Hirst, Mr. Vi., by Rev. J . pel, second contribution, Callender, W. K., Esq., Barker, Lockwood ...... 5 0 0 by Jas. Underhill, Esq... 44 10 9 Manchester, for ditto 5 0 0 “ A Friend,” Biggleswade. O 10 0 Sandhurst Sunday-school, "Woolley, G. B., Esq., Hack­ Dent, Mrs., Milton...... 5 0 0 by Rev. E. A. Griffin ... 6 5 0 ney, for ditto...... 3 3 0 Cambridge, by G. E. Foster, Langham, by Thomas Rees, W., Esq., Haverford­ Esq...... 28 1 8 Blytli, Esq...... 7 0 0 west, for ditto...... 5 0 0 Bilbrough, Mr. W. II 1 0 0 Angas,George Fife, Esq., ot Proctor, Jas., Esq., Brigh­ Brighton, Queen Square... 0 10 0 Lindsay Park, near An- ton, for Morant Bay Mias Dent, Milton...... 1 1 0 gaston, South Australia 50 0 0 Mission ...... 50 0 0 Jupe, Mr. C...... 1 0 0 French,T., Esq..Meopham, A Friend at Marazion, by IJnder 10s...... o 18 0 for Legal Expenses...... 0 10 0 Mr. Samuel Elliott, Pen* “ A Friend,” Torquay, for zance ...... 1 0 0 £388 3 11 ditto...... 1 1 0 Sheldrick, Vf., Esq...... 1 0 0


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Kelsall, 11., Esq...... 50 0 O Cearns & Brown, Messrs. 20 0 0 Brown, Mrs., Bagley, by Crowtlier, Alfred, Esq., Edwards, Richard, Esq. 6 0 0 Rev. M. 1'hilpin, Alcester 1 0 0 Lockwood ...... 10 0 0 Johnson, Richard, Esq... 20 0 0 Miss Desormeaux, Read­ Booth, Rev. S. H., Birken­ Jones, Robert, Esq 10 0 0 ing, by Mr. H. Clayton. 1 1 0 head...... 5 0 0 Medley, Messrs. W. & G-. 10 0 0 Mrs. Snowdon, Devonport, Houghton, Jehn, Esq., Mounsey, E., Esq 5 0 0 by Rev. T. Horton 1 0 0 Liverpool...... 10 0 0 Pickford, Messrs. H. D. Annual Subscription for Liverpool, by Jacob G. &S ...... 2 2 0 Support of Public Wor­ Brown, Esq.— Liddal, T. S., Esq...... 2 2 0 ship at Gordon Chapel “ A Friend” ...... 2 0 0 Finlay, Mr...... 1 0 0 for five years— Brown, Jacob G., Esq.... 50 0 0 Birkenhead, by Mr. A. Brown, J. G., Esq...... 10 0 0 Caine, N., Esq...... 50 0 0 Hodgson...... 2 10 0 Cropper, John, Esq 50 0 0 Do., by Mrs. Garland ... 1 1 0 £318 16 0


£ s. d. | £ i. d. I £ s. Bill, Miss M. A.) Hull, by j Burchell, Mrs., Blackpool. 0 10 o Colman,Mrs. Jas.,'Norwich 6 o Jos. Hill, Esq...... 50 0 0 i ; Nutter, Mrs., Cambridge... 3 0 Cearns, Mrs.A.H.,Birming- | £57 1 0 1 Heclas, Miss H., Woking­ ham ...... 5 0 0 j ■ — ; ham 2 0 Dublin, Abbcy-street Sun- I ; Watson’s,Miss,Bible Class, day-schl., 3 Girls’CJasses, | Mrs. Lewis acknowledges, with j Walworth R o a d 8 0 by Rev. T. Martin i l l 0 ; thanks, having received the follow-! “ Phoebe ” ...... 5 0 !ingsum s:— I Under 10s...... 0 6 ! Column,Mrs.J.J.,Norwich 10 0 O' 67




£ s. cl. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cambridge, by Rev. W. Truby, Mr., Bourton-on- Dicks,James, Esq.,Huntley 0 10 0 Robinson— the-Water, by Rev. G. A Friend, Cheltenham 0 10 0 Aldis, W. S., Esq...... 1 0 0 McMichael.B.A...... 5 0 0 Prichard, Rev. Dr., Llan­ Foster, G.E., Esq 5 0 0 Kelsall, H., Esq., Rochdale 5 0 0 gollen ...... 0 10 0 Foster, Edmond, Esq. ... 5 5 0 Islington, Cross-st. Chapel, Morley, Miss, Tuxford 2 0 0 Johnson, Mrs. E 0 10 0 by Jno.Teinplcton, Esq.— Wallingford, by Rev. T. Lincolne, J., Esq 2 0 0 Brooks, Mr...... 1 0 0 Brooks...... 1 5 0 Nutter, J., Esq...... 2 2 0 Cave, Mr...... 0 10 0 MetropolitaiiTabernacle, by Y.T ...... 3 0 0 Rose, Bliss ...... 0 10 0 T. Olney, Esq...... 2 j 0 0 Newport, Isle of "Wight, Templeton, Mr...... 0 10 0 Adam, Mr. Geo., 01(1 Town- Upward, Mr. E. J 1 0 C Under 10s...... 0 2 0 bv-lnsch, Aberdeenshire, Bacon, J. 1’., Esq., for Ingham, by Rev. J. Venni- N.B...... 0 10 0 Native Christians, Turk’s more, Collection...... 5 13 0 Salisbury, by Mr. Martin Island ...... 5 0 0 Hill, J. H.,Esq., Hull ...... 1 0 0 James ...... 7 1 0 Clevedon, by Rev. S. Shoo- Hill, Miss M. A., H u ll 1 0 0 House, Rev. G. H., M.A., bridge— Beckington, by Rev. W. LLB...... 0 ? G A Lady, per Rev. Mr. Cloake ...... 0 13 6 Regent’s Park Chiipel, by Reynolds, Mr. J. Malvern J. Thompson, Esq 15 9 2 Victor ...... 1 0 0 Soule, Rev. I. M., Battersea 1 0 0 Ballam, H., Esq...... 2 0 0 L ink...... 2 0 0 Bootle, by Rev. R. H. Anstie, Paul, Esq., Devizes 2 2 0 Shoobridge, Rev. S 1 1 0 Bugbrook, by ltev. H. Small sums...... l 5 6 Roberts, B.A.— Hope, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Capern...... 0 10 0 Hampstead: Heath-st., by Under 10«...... 0 5 0 Hastings, Wellington-sq., Rev.W. Brock, jun.— Gt. Yarmouth, St. George’s Collection at United Com­ Collection, &c...... 20 0 0 Denes Chapel, by Mr. munion Service by Rev. Croll, A., Angus, Esq. ... 20 0 0 Richard Bryant...... 5 12 6 W. Barker ...... 4 8 0 Kettering, by Mrs.M.Howse Bristol,byRev.T.A.Wlieeler— Do., Special Donation ... 2 7 0 Allen...... U 3 6 A Friend...... O 10 0 Glasgow, Trinity Congrega­ Daniell, Rev. C., Somer- Bailey, Mrs...... 1 o 0 tional Church, by Mr. „ leyton ...... 1 o 0 Bateman, Mr...... 0 10 0 JolmFairlie...... 5 0 0 Windsor, by Mrs. Lillycrop— Cummins, Mr...... 1 0 0 Brown, Mrs. Bagley, by Lillycrop, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Gotch, Rev. Dr...... 1 0 0 Rev.M. Philpin, Alcester 1 0 0 Under 10«...... 1 0 0 Sherring, R. B., Esq 1 0 0 Buttenvorth, W. A., Esq., Sully, Mr. J. W., Bridgwater 1 0 0 Smith and Marsh, Messrs. . 1 0 0 Surbiton ...... 1 0 0 Smith, IV. L., Esq., St. Smith, Mr. James ...... 1 0 0 Tate, Miss, and others, by Albans...... 10 0 0 Tratman, Mr. and Mrs.W. . 1 0 0 Kev. J. Barker, Lock­ Proctor, James, Esq., Wheeler, Rev. T. A...... 0 10 0 wood ...... 0 11 4 Brighton ...... 10 0 0 Whittrick, C., Esq...... 1 0 0 Fenn, Miss E., Reading, by Bristol, Broadmead, by R. Williams, Mr. W. H...... 0 10 0 Mr. H. Clayton ...... 1 0 B. Slierring, Esq...... i l l 6 Williams, Mrs. W. H 0 10 0 Morgan, Mr. E., Newtown 1 0 0 ,Union Ch., Under 10s...... 2 10 0 Canterbury, by Rev. A. W. a Few Friends, by Rev. Hampstead, Heatli-street Heritage ...... 1 9 5 J. Hirons...... j 10 0 Sunday-school, by Rev. Under 10«...... 1 10 0 Postle, Mrs., Ipswich ...... 5 0 0 W. Brock, jun...... 1 0 0 Tritton, Joseph, Esq., Lom- Ellingworth, Jas., Esq., £239 17 O bard-street...... 5 0 0 Leicester, by T. D. Paul, M. A. G...... 2 0 0 Esq...... 0 10 0

CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS EXPENSES OF MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT, PARIS EXHIBITION. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Harvey, Jas., Esq., Hamp­ I Stevenson,Mrs.,Blackheath 2 0 0 Lilley, W. E., Esq., Cam­ stead...... 2 2 0 1 Watson, W* H., Esq...... 8 0 0 bridge ...... 2 0 0 Foster, G. E., Esq., Cam­ i Smith, Elliot, Esq., Cam­ Russell, Rev. Josliuu 2 0 0 bridge ...... 0 0 0 bridge ...... Beeby, Mrs., Kilburn ...... 0 10 0 Smith, W. L., Esq., St. Smith, John, Esq., Cam­ Illingworth, Mr. H...... 2 0 ft Albans...... 10 10 0 bridge Sturt, Mr. H...... 1 1 o Kclsall, H., Esq., Rochdale. 5 0 0 Nutter, Jas., Esq., Cam- Cadby, Mr. P., by Rev. I.M. Kemp, G.T.,Esq., Rochdale 2 0 0| bridge ...... 2 0 Soule...... 2 0 0 Bcnham, A., Esq., London 2 0 0 I A Friend, Torquay ...... 0 10 Benham, J., Esq., London. 1 1 0 | Middlcmore, W., t'sq., £51 15 6 Millar, W.H.,Esq., Brixton 110! Birmingham ...... 5 0 G8




F r o m A u r il 2, 1866, t o M a r c h 30, 1867.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. Abethell, R., Esq...... 1 1 0 Douglas, James, Esq., Lowden, Her. G. R 0 10 Adey, Mr. W., Regent’s Cavers...... Lushington, Right Hon. Park College...... Evans, Jas., Esq., by Dr. S...... 3 3 Alexander, J. W., Esq., “ JUeord” (2 y r s.).... 3 0 0 McBean, Mr. A...... Eaton-square...... 5 0 0 Evans, Rev. W. W...... 0 10 6 Macdonald, W., Esq. .. 0 10 Allen, J. S., Esq., Old Farran, Major...... 2 0 0 Marshall, Mr. T. D., by Bond-street...... Foot, Mr. H. M., Regent’s Rev. J. A. Spurgeon . 1 1 Anderson, W.W., Esq... 1 1 0 Park College ...... Marshman, J. C., Esq... 2 2 Ashby & Co.,Messrs.*.. Foster, R. S., Esq...... 1 1 0 Martin, Mrs. W...... 1 1 B. B...... Francis, M r.J...... 1 1 0 Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. Bacon, Mr. J .P ...... 10 10 0 Freer, F. A., Esq., Ealing 2 0 0 J. B...... 5 0 Baines, Mr. C...... Gibbs, S. K., Esq., Ply­ Morton, Mr. W. J. T., Baker, B., Esq., Ton­ mouth ...... Dawlish ...... 1 1 bridge ...... 2 0 0 Giles, Edward, Esq., Olney & Sons, Messrs... 1 1 Baker, T., Esq...... 1 10 0 Dover ...... 1 1 0 Orwin, Mr., Regent’s Barlow, F.,Esq...... 1 1 0 Gingell, James, Esq...... 1 1 0 Park College...... 0 10 Barlow, G., Esq...... 1 1 0 Gover, W., Esq...... 1 1 0 Overbury, B., Esq 1 l Barnes, Mr. Theodore .. 1 1 0 Graham, T., Esq...... 1 1 0 Page, Mr. W., Barns- Beddome, R. S., Esq. .. 1 1 0 Grant, Peter, Esq., Acli- bury-park*...... Beeby, Mrs., Kilbnm .. 2 2 0 nafoim...... 1 0 0 Pearless,W., Esq.* . . . . Bilbrough, Mr. W. H., Gurney, Joseph, Esq. .. 5 5 0 Peppercorn, Mr. W., Re­ Fir Grove Farm, near Haddon, Mr. John...... 1 I 0 gent’s Park College.... 0 10 Whitchurch ...... I 0 0 Harcourt, Rev. C. H. 0 10 0 Pewtress, Thos,, Esq. .. 2 2 Bill son, Mr. W., Welford 1 1 0 Harcourt, Mr. C. H...... 1 0 0 Pike, Rev. J. C. Leicester 0 10 Blackmore, Eev. S., Ear- Hazzledine, Mr...... 1 1 0 Pike, Rev. E. C...... 2 0 disland...... 1 1 0 Hillier.Mr.R.,Bermondsey Potter, Mrs...... 1 l Bond, J. N., Esq., Brigh­ Hoby, Kev. Dr...... 5 5 0 Price, Dr. Thomas, the ton ...... Holmes, Mr. W. (2 yrs.). 2 2 0 late ...... ] l Burls, Mits...... 1 1 0 Hookway, Mr. E„ Cieve­ Reynolds,Mr. John . . . . 1 0 Butterwortli.W. A., Esq. 3 0 0 don ...... 2 0 0 Reynolds, Mr .J.,Cheneys Do., for China...... 1 0 0 James, W. M., Esq...... 2 2 0 Lodge ...... 2 0 Do., for W dc O ...... 0 10 0 Johnson, Mr. G...... 0 10 c Do., Mission Box . . . . 1 4 C. R...... 1 1 0 Joseph, David, Esq., and Reynolds, Mr. J., Mal­ Canning, Mrs., Finch Family, Ely Rise, near vern Link ...... 2 0 Dean...... Cardiff,* £20 received Rippon, Mrs. T...... 5 0 Carey, Mrs...... 1 1 0 after close of accounts. Rogers, Mr. W., Peck- Carey, Mr. E...... 1 1 0 Jupe, Chas., Esq., Mere, ham (2 yrs.) ...... l l Carter, J.,Esq., Brighton (2 years) ...... 20 0 0 Rose, T., Esq., St. Ives.. 1 0 CJarthew, Peter, Esq. .. 5 0 0 Keen, Rev. C. T . , ...... 0 10 6 Rouse, Rev.G. H., M.A., Casson, Mr.W., Bedford. 1 0 0 Keyte, Mr.W., Rugeley LL.B...... 1 0 Cater, Rev. P...... 0 10 6 Kirtland, Rev. C...... 1 1 0 Shoobridge, Rev. S., Chandler, John, Esq...... 2 10 0 Knight, W. D., Esq...... 5 0 0 Cievedon...... 2 2 Chandler, Miss, Croydon 0 10 6 Knight, Mrs. W. D...... 0 10 0 Do. for W & O 1 1 Clark,Mrs. Jas...... 2 2 0 Larking, G. F., Esq. .. 5 0 0 Smith, W. L. Esq 2 2 Cook, Mr. J.,Jun., Broad- Leach, E., Esq...... 1 1 0 Smith, R., Esq., Canon- haven ...... 1 1 0 Legge, Mrs., Bishop’s bury...... Cowley, Mr. A ...... Castle ...... 1 0 0 Smith, Eusebius, Esq. . . 1 1 David, Mr. E...... 0 10 6 Lightfoot, Miss C., Cow- Smith, Mr. P. A.,Burley, Deane and Co., Messrs.. 1 1 0 ley, near Uxbridge .. Ringwood ...... 1 1

* These Subscriptions were not received up to the time of closing the Accounts. 1867.] SUBSCRIPTIONS—DONATIONS. 69

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Stephens, Hr. J. II., Templeton, Mr. John .. 1 1 0 Williams, Mrs. Violetta, Regent's Park College Thomas, John Esq.,C.C.* Brighton...... 2 0 0 Stevenson, Mrs...... Thompson, Mr. James.. 1 1 0 Willison, JIr. John, Sturge, liev. A ...... 1 L 0 Tipping, Mr., Richmond 0 10 0 ...... 1 1 0 Sully, Mr. Jas., Regent’s Tuck, Mr. W., Bath. . . . Wilshere, Rev. T ...... Park College ...... Tucker, H. Carre, Esq., Winter, T. B., Esq 2 0 0 Symmons, Miss . C.B...... 0 10 6 Woollacott, Rev. C 0 10 6 Ditto ...... Walkden, J., Esq...... 1 1 0 Under 10s...... o 5 0 X., Miss R. M., Edin­ Webster, Rev. J ...... 0 10 G burgh ...... 0 10 6 Whitehome, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 £186 0 0 Tarling, C., Esq...... 1 1 0 Wilkinson, Mrs. H. E., Taylor, James, Esq 2 2 0 Upper Norwood...... 0 10 6


£ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. D o n a t i o n s . Essex, J. & C...... 2 0 0 Peto, Miss Edith, for A Baptist Family, Dor­ Forster, Grace, Norton Rev. J.Davei/, Bahamas 4 2 3 setshire ...... 3 0 0 St. Hiilip, box by . . . . 2 11 0 Peto, Miss Helen, for Do., for IP ¿c 0 ...... 0 10 6 Foster, Mrs. Snrali, Tot­ Mrs. Saker’s School, A departed Friend, col­ tenham, for Rev. J. A frica ...... 4 2 10 lected b y ...... 0 8 0 Clark, Brown’s Town, Peto, Master Frank, for A Friend...... 20 0 0 Jamaica ...... 5 0 0 Rev. W. Teall, Jamaica 4 2 0 A Friend (second pay­ Gawthorne, Misses, col­ Pratt, Tlios. Esq., Trus­ ment) ...... 30 0 0 lected by, for Trinidad 1 16 0 tees of the late ...... 10 0 0 A Friend...... 50 0 0 ; Gibson, Mrs., by lier. W. Prideaux, F., Esq., Lin­ A Friend, by Rev. J. G. Sampson, for Mrs. coln’s Inn, by S. P. Gregson ...... 1 10 0 Kerry’s School, Intally 0 10 0 Tregilles, Esq., for A Friend, Biggleswade.. 0 10 0 Gourlay, Alex., Esq., Breton Colportage . . . . 0 10 0 A Friend, Kilburn...... 1 0 0 Broughty Ferry . . . . 30 0 0 Regent’s Park College A Friend, Ledbury . . . . 1 0 0 Gurney, Missel., for Mrs. Students...... 17 0 0 A Friend, by Mrs. C. B. Seinig’s School, Be­ Robarts, Miss, the late, Lewis, for Mrs. nares...... 1 0 0 by Miss Frances Ro- Kerry's School, ln- Do., for Ruth, Mrs. barts...... 100 0 0 lally ...... 10 0 0 Heinig's School . . . . 7 a 0 Rouse, Rev. G. H., M.A., Do. for Mrs. Ileinig's Harley, Mrs. David, LL.B.,for ilTrs..ff’erri/’s School, Benares. . . . 10 0 0 Glasgow, by Rev. W. School, Intally ...... 2 0 0 A Friend...... 0 13 0 Walters ...... 1 0 0 “ Sat bene si sat cito ” .. 25 0 0 Do. for W

£ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gotch,Rev.F.W.,LL.D. 2 0 0 By W. Morgan. Esq., Thomas, Mr. Joseph.. 1 7 0 Sunday-school childrn. 1 13 0 Newman, Mr...... 0 10 0 Birmingham, for re­ Walmesley, Mr 1 0 0 pairs of Rev. J. M. COLLECTED BY UEV. W. SAMPSON, Under 10s...... 0 8 6 PhUlippo's Schools, POE BEPA1R OF NATIVE CHAPEL, Devizes— Spanish Tarn, Ja­ JOHNNIJGGEB, AND STUDENTS’ Anstie, Paul, Esq. .. 2 0 0 maica : BUNGALOW, SEKAHPOEE COLLEGE. Edinburgh— Binugkam. Ladies’ Ne­ Bristol— Hose, H. Esq., B y . . . . 9 0 0 gro’s Friend Society.. 10 0 0 A Friend...... 1 0 0 Haverfordwest— Cummins, Mr...... 1 0 0 Total of Donations £1,778 9 0 Rees, W. Esq...... 10 0 0 Gibson, Mr...... 0 10 0


£ s. d. Annual Sermon, Bloomsbury Chapel...... 30 17 G Do., Walworth E oad...... 25 9 11 Annual Meeting, Exeter H all...... 72 8 9 £128 16 2


£ s. (1. £ s. tl Darkin, Mrs., the late, one third of residue Smith, -Miss Rebecca, the late, Camber­ by Messrs. Pattison and W igg...... 555 18 3 well Grove, by Messrs. Waller and S eott...... SO 0 0 Harris, Tlxoa. Esq., the late, Hillesdon, Torquay, by Messrs. Gregory and Row- Taylor, John, Esq., the late, Mount clifle (free of duty)...... 300 0 0 Radford, by JohnWilson, Esq...... 45 O 0 Hooper, Rev. Jonathan, the late, Brad- Wheelhouse, George, Esq., the late, ford-on-Avon, by Jas. Jno. Hooper, Deptford Bridge, by Messrs. Field and Esq...... 90 0 0 Francis (less expenses) ...... 2S0 17 1 Hay, Rev. Richard, the late, Barnstaple, Woodman». Zealey, balance of Leeacy by by Messrs. Patlison & Wigg, on account 31 13 4 Messrs. Fattison and Wigg (less ex­ Portlock, Samuel, Esq., the late, Brigh­ penses...... 9 5 7 ton, by W. Penfold, Esq. (less expense1) 2G9 10 0 £1,637 4 3 Ryland, Miss Mary Eliza, the late, Bath, by Mr. Chas. Frogley...... 5 0 0 1 8 6 7 .] XONDQN AND U S VICINITY, 71



When contributions are given for special objects, they are denoted as follqws: —The letter T is placed before the sum when it is intended far Translations; S, for Schools; f f P , for Ifalive Preachers; W <£' 0, for Widows and Orphans. N.B.—It will be found that, in some instances, the connexion of Churches in Auxiliary Societies interfere with correctness of county arrangement; but this cannot be avoided without inconvenience,

EonBott, ARTHUR STREET—Continued. BATTERSEA— Continued. AND ITS VICINITY. Boxes, by Collected by Cowdy.Mast.W.W. 0 G 0 Davis, M iss 2 16 0 Hay,MissesM.& C. 0 11 0 Fox, Mrs...... 0 2 0 ABBEY KOAD, ST. JOHN’S Wihuot.Mr. .... 0 3 3 Jones, Samuel.... 0 2 2 WOOD. Tuppin, Miss . . . . 1 6 6 Collected by Rev. W. Stott: Vestry B o x 0 4 G Air, Mr. A. C.,jun. 3 7 7 Collection...... 17 4 7 Subscriptions: Do. for IF & O 5 7 7 Collected by Pastor’s Bible Alder, G., E sq .... 1 1 0 22 12 2 Class Auxiliary : Cadby, P., Esq. ..10 0 0 Cadby, Mrs 2 2 0 ACTON. Ausett, Miss . . . . 0 15 0 Soule, Rev. I. M .. 1 1 0 Rev. J. Keed. Bubb. M iss 0 5 11 Soule, J. M,, Esq. 1 1 0 Collection...... 4 Dawson, Miss. . . . 0 1 G Soule, H. M., Esq. 1 1 0 Do. for W& 0 2 Gilbert, Miss E. .. 1 3 7 Taylor, W., Esq... 1 1 0 Thomas, Miss . . . . 0 8 6 Yates, Mr. J. H ... 1 1 0 Subscription : Under 10s...... 0 0 6 Rev. J. Keed . . . . 2 2 0 By Miss Barrett: 35 15 1 Box, by Less expenses Barrett, Mr 0 10 0 and amount Jones, Mr...... 0 11 Under 10s...... 0 9 0 9 IS C remitted too By Miss Cowdy : late ...... I 8 0 34 7 1 ALFRED PLACE, OLD A Friend...... 0 10 0 KENT ROAD. Air, Dr. and Mrs. 0 10 0 BERMONDSEY. Rev. H. Bucks. Bland, Miss 0 10 O Bowdage,Mr.&Mrs. 0 10 0 DRUMMOND ROAD. Contribs.Sndy-schl Bugby.Mrs 0 10 0 Rev. J. A. Brown by Y.M.M.A. . . 3 7 10 Capern,Mr. & Mrs. 0 12 0 Colin, for IF «t-0.. I 12 0 Do. by do., for NP 1 5 C Orriss, Mrs 1 0 0 4 13 4 Under 10s. ; .. 6 8 8 BLANDFORD STREET. ALIE STREET (LITTLE). By Mrs. Gordon : Rev. A . J. Towell. Rev. P. Dickerson. Kent, Mr. F. . . . . 0 12 0 Colin, for IF it 0 .. 1 5 0 Collection ...... 6 5 3 Under) 0s 1 4 1 Contributions.5 0 0 Contribs. by Y.M . G 5 0 U.A.,iatNP. 3 2 0 39 12 5 9 7 3 Less expenses.. 0 17 6 BLOOMSBURY CHAPEL. ------3S 14 11 Rev. W. Brock. ARTHUR STREET, Collections 51 19 4 CAMBERWELL GATE. BATTERSEA. Do. for IF

BLOOMSBURY CHAPEL— Conld. BLOOMSBURY CHAPEL- ¡BLOOMSBURY CHAPEL-Coiiid. Contribs., Sunday- 1Gotto, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Webb, Mr. and school, for Rev.J. Griffiths, Mrs...... 1 10 0 Mrs. W...... 10 10 0 JJavey, Bahamas 5 0 0 Gutteridge, Emma 0 10 0 Webb, Misses . . . . 2 12 0 Do. do., for Rev. Hagger, Mr. and Webb, Master W., J. C. Page.Bari- Mrs...... 1 1 0 Box, by...... 0 10 2 saul ...... 5 0 0 Hagger, Miss, box, Whiteliorne, Mr. & 291 18 10 by •• •••••• o 15 c Mrs...... '. 1 1 0 Harding, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Woodall, Mr. and The following is theaccount Harris, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Mrs...... 2 2 0 of the contributions for Harris,Mr. C.S... 0 10 0 Under IOj. .. 17 2 8 1866, published by the Harris, Mr. G...... 0 10 <; Bloomsbury Auxiliary Harvey, Mr. Jap. 20 0 0 1 0 Collections...... 56 14 10 Hogg, Mr. & Mrs.. 1 I BOW. Do. monthly .. 6 17 6 Hughes, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Contributions, So­ Huntsman, Mr. ■ liev. J. H. Blake. 2 cieties’ Fund .. 1 0 0 and Mrs...... 2 0 Collection 8 2 (j Subscriptions : Ivimey, Mr...... 1 I 0 Box, by A., Mr...... 0 10 6 J. S...... 1 1 0 Ablitt, Mr. H...... 0 10 C Jay, Mr...... 1 0 0 Graveley,Master 1'. 0 13 0 Addington, Mr. & Keevil, Mr. and Mrs...... 6 0 0 Mrs...... 2 0 0 Angus, Mr. C. J. 1 0 0 Kendell, Mrs...... 1 i 0 Askey, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Kinnear, Mr...... 0 10 0 BliENTFORD. Ball, Mr. and Mrs.. 6 5 0 Leigh, Mr.andMrs. 1 1 0 Park Chapel. Barnard, Messrs. Linder, Mr. and Kev.W. A. Blalce. H. and C...... 0 10 0 Mrs...... 0 10 0 Barnett, Mr.&Mrs. 1 1 0 McCree, Mr. anti Collection 9 10 3 Benham, Mr. and Mrs...... 1 0 0 Do. for TK<£* 0 .. 1 2 0 Mrs...... 5 0 0 Malden, Mi, and Contribs., Sunday- Benham, M iss.... 2 0 0 Mrs...... ».... 0 10 0 school ...... 0 14 3 Benham, Mr. and Malden, Mr. and Mrs. D...... 1 0 0 Mrs. B. J...... 0 10 0 Benham, Mr. and Mann, Mr. K...... 1 0 0 BRIXTON HILL. Mrs. F...... 2 0 0 Mart, Mr...... 3 3 0 Benham, Mr. and Mean, Mr. J. A ... 1 ! 0 New Parli Road Chapel. Mrs. A ...... 2 0 0 Milford, Miss A ... 0 10 0 Rev. D. Jones, B.A. Benham, Mr. and Morgan, The late Mrs. John . . . . 2 5 0 Mr., and Mrs. Treasurer, Mr. Rixon. Betts, Mr. andMrs. Morgan ...... 2 2 0 Collections ...... 31 15 G James...... 5 5 0 Morgan, Mrs. R ... 0 10 0 Do. for ir

BKIXTON RILL—Continued. CAMBERWELL— Continued. CAMBERWELL— Continued. Jones, Her. D. .. 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Woods, Mrs 0 10 0 Leckie,Mr. &Mrs. 2 0 0 Young, Mr 4 4 0 Mover, Mr 1 I 0 ! Appleton, Mr. W. 1 1 0 Young, Mrs 1 0 0 Millar, Mr...... 3 3 0 j Appleton, Mrs. W. 0 10 6 Young, Mr. W. ... 0 10 0 Millar, Mr. W. H. 1 0 0 i Austin, Miss 0 10 G Under 10j...... 8 12 8 Millar, Mr. F 1 1 0 : Barton, Mr 0 10 0 Morris, Mr 1 1 0 j Bates, M iss 1 1 0 For Rev. A. Saker, Nevatt, Mr 0 10 0 I Baynes, Mrs., and Cameroons : Nicholson, Mr. .. 1 0 0 i’upils ...... 2 2 0 Bain, Mrs...... 2 2 0 Noyes, Mr...... 0 10 0 Brewer, Mrs 1 1 0 Tewtress, Mrs. .. 1 0 0 Carter, Mr. E. M .. 1 0 0 For China: Pizzala, Mrs 0 10 G Cartwright, Mr. F. Rapkin, Mr 1 1 0 W ...... 1 1 0 Appleton, Mr.A. . . 0 1 0 0 llixon, Mr. A. H. 1 1 0 Gartwright, Mrs .F. Elmes, M isses.... 2 0 0 liixon, Mrs. A. H. 0 10 0 W...... 0 10 G Under 10s...... 0 18 0 Bison, Miss 0 10 G Cawthron, Mrs, . . 0 1 0 0 llowedd, Mrs 1 0 0 Churchill, Miss .. 1 (f 0 Collected by Stagg, Sarah . . . . 0 10 0 Clark, Mr...... 1 1 0 Sard, Mr...... 2 3 3 Swinscow, Mr. .. 1 1 0 Clark, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Swinscow,Mrs. . . 1 1 0 ; Colls, Mr...... 3 3 0 j 177 7 2 Swinscow, Mr. W. 0 10 6 Corlce,Mrs...... 0 10 0 Less expenses.. 0 12 8 Swinscow, Mr. F. 1 1 0 Corke, Miss 0 10 0 j 17G H G Swinscow, Miss .. 0 10 0 Crickmore, Mrs... 0 10 0 'i’yers, Mr...... 1 .0 0 Cullerne, Mrs 0 10 G CAMBERWELL. Walder, M ary.... 0 10 0 Dickes, Mr 5 0 0 | Claremont Chapel. Wright, Mr 0 10 0 Doble, Mrs 0 10 0 Under 10«...... 10 19 C Kdwards, Mr 0 10 0 | Rev. E. Morlcy. Edwards, Mrs. J .. 0 10 0 I Contribtns., Snday- 121 7 0 Elmes, Miss 1 0 0 j sclil.,byY.M.M.A. 0 12 4 Less expenses 2 1 0 Elmes, Miss S 1 0 0 ------110 G 0 Elmes, Miss C 1 0 0 | CAMBERWELL. Elmes, Miss M. L. 1 0 ,0 I Cottage Green. ^ Evans, Mr. J 0 10 0 BROMPTON. Freeman, Mr 1 0 0 Rev. J. Sears. Gale, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Onslow Chapel Collection for W& 0 1 1 0 Gilbert, Mr 0 10 6 j Contributions . . . . 4 9 8 Rev. J. Bigwood. Grace, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Do. PrayerMtgs. 0 4 5 Gray, Mr. S. S. (2 Do.Sunday-sclil., Collections ...... 15 18 0 years) ...... 1 1 0 j byY.M.M.A., Do. for W i-0 2 10 0 Gregory, Miss . . . . 0 10 ij for Rev. G. Contribs., Sunday- Harwood, Mrs. .. 1 I 0 2 Pearce's M P, school ...... 15 11 Harwood, Misses.. 1 1 0 Calcutta (less Do., by Y. M. Heath, M r...... 0 10 6 expenses).... 17 1 0 M.A-.for^VP G * 9 Hepburn, Mrs. . . 5 5 0 Ilicklenton, Miss.. 0 10 6 Subscriptions : Subscriptions : Higgs, Mr...... 1 0 0 I Aldridge, Mr 0 10 6 Baynes, Mr. A. H. 1 1 0 Hill,Mrs...... 0 10 0 Harding, Mr 0 10 6 Bigwood, Rev. J .. 1 1 0 Hills, Mr. F.C. ..110 Lewis, Sir...... 0 10 6 Edmonds, Mr. J. 1 1 0 Hills, Mrs. F. C. .. 1 1 0 Sears, Rev. J. .. 0 10 6 ijtimpson, Mr. T. 1 1 0 i Hodder, Mr 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 7 0 Hodder,Mr. E. . . 1 1 0 ------25 5 1 43 17 8 Jerrard, Mrs. J ... 0 10 6 Less expenses ..0 1 1 0 Jones, Mr. C. (2 CAMBERWELL. years) ...... 4 4 0 Jones, Mr. T., The Camberwell New Road. ! late ...... 0 10 0 Rev. W. P. Tiddy. CAMBERWELL. Jones, Mrs.T.,The Collection...... 6 15 0 late ...... 0 10 0 Ilcv. C. Stanford. ' Jordan, Mrs 0 10 0 I Knight, Mr. I! 0 10 0 CAMBEKWELL. Treasurer, Mrs. Stanford. Medwin, Mr. J. .. 0 10 6 Mansion House Chapel. Secretary, Miss Ryder. i Medwin, Mrs 1 1 0 Rev. W. K. Rowe. ! Miller, Mrs. R. .. 1 1 0 Collections...... 30 0 7 ! Mills, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Collection...... 5 0 0 Do. for ir <£• O 8 0 2 Newman, Mrs. .. 0 10 0 Do. for IF & 0. 1 10 0 Contribs.for

CAMDEN ROAD—Continued. CAMDEN ROAD— Continued. DEVONSHIRE SQUARE. Subscriptions : Whitaker,Mrs. .. 0 10 0 Rev. W. T. Henderson, Whittleton,Mrs... 0 10 0 Andrews, Mrs.Ann l o 0 Contribs., Sunday- Wright, Mr. &Mrs. 0 10 Ü school,byY.M. Attwell, Mr 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 12 3 G M.A., for N P 1 19 7 Beach, Mr...... 0 10 0 ------174 8 0 Do., do., for Bennett, Mr 1 1 0 Scholar under Bidgood, Mrs 1 0 0 Rev. Q. IF. Birt, Mrs...... 0 10 0 CAMDEN TOWN. Thomson, Ca- Birt, Mr.H. H. .. 0 10 6 Ragged School. meroons ....18 0 0 Blight, Mr. G 1 1 0 ------19 19 Booth, Mr...... 0 10 G Contributions, by Brookes, Mrs 0 10 G Mr.Thos. Rose.. 1 1 0 Brown, Mr. T 6 10 6 EDMONTON, LOWER. Bryan, Mr 1 1 0 CASTLE STREET. Baptist Chapel. Button, Mr 1 1 0 Welsh Church. Rev. D. Russell. Calkin, Mrs 0 10 0 Camps, Mr 0 10 0 Rev. H. C. Parry. Collections G 0 0 Cannon,Mrs.&Miss 0 10 0 Collections 2 15 10 Do., for IFifc 0 .. 1 11 3 Cartwright, M r... 5 0 0 Contribs., Chapel Cash, Mr...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Box ...... 2 3 0 Do., Sunday- Cave, Mrs...... 6 10 G Rees, Mr. J. D. . . 0 10 0 Charlier, Mr 0 10 0 school do. . . 0 12 1 Thomas. Mrs 0 10 0 Do., do., by Charlier, Mr. J . . . 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 3 15 0 Clowes, Mr 1 6 0 Y. M. M. A ... 0 17 7 Danford, Mr 0 10 0 7 10 10 By Y. M.M. A., for .ViJ: Edwards, Mr 5 0 0 Less expenses .. 0 8 0 Clempson, H y .... 0 1 G Farmiloe, Mr 1 1 0 ------7 2 10 Ford, Mr...... 0 10 C Gray, Bessie . . . . 0 2 0 Goodacre, Mr3. .. 0 10 0 Haylock, Fanny.. 0 6 11 Goodacre, Mr 2 0 0 CHELSEA. Jackson,Isaac.... O i l Gregory, Mr 0 10 0 Rev. F. W. White. Mettur, Amelia ..025 Griffith, Mrs 1 1 0 Pearson, Minnie.. 0 1 4 Hall, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Collection,for JFtt 0 1 0 0 Saunders, Jean­ | Contributions. . . . 5 11 2 , Mr. \ . . . 1 0 0 nette ...... 0 1 5 Hansler,Mr.&Mrs. 1 ' 5 o ------G 11 2 Stains, Alfred . . . . 0 3 3 Harrison, Mr 1 1 0 Whitehead, Edwd. 0 1 11 Hartland, Mr 0 10 0 CLAPHAM COMMON. Wood, Alice 0 2 0 Under Is...... 0 3 8 Hazell, Mr...... 0 10 0 Rev. J. E. Giles. Honck, Mr 1 0 0 Collections ...... 8 9 0 Box, by Jackson, Mrs 0 10 G Contribs., Sunday- Barns, Mrs 0 1 6 Keen, Mr...... 2 0 0 school ...... 0 9 6 12 12 Laws, Mr...... 0 10 0 Do., do., by Y. M. Merrell, Mr 1 1 0 M. A., foriV-P.. 0 G 0 Mondy,Mr 0 10 6 ELDON STREET (WELSH). Nodes, Mr...... I 1 0 Subscription : Rev. M. Evans. Parkinson, Mrs. .,22 0 Parkinson, Mr. and Sheldrick,W.,Esa. 0 10 G Contributions.,.. 14 4 Mrs. TV. C 5 0 0 ------0 15 9 Parry, Misses . . . . 0 10 G GRAY’ S INN ROAD, Pewtress, Mr. and C0LNEY HATCH. Arthur-st.—Rev. Dr. Wills. Mrs...... 1 0 0 Poole,Mrs.& Misses 0 17 4 Rev.T. G. Atkinson. Contribs., Sunday- Preston, Mrs 1 0 0 Collection...... 3 8 10 school, by Pritchard, Mr. . . 1 1 0 Y.M.M.A 1 15 0 Do., do., for NP 0 G 0 ^ Pritchard, Miss .. 2 12 G COMMERCIAL STREET. Pritchard, M r.H . 0 10 G Reason, Mr. 1 1 0 Rev. C. Stovel. HACKNEY. Renny, Mr 1 0 0 Contribs., Snnday. Ridgway, M iss.... 0 10 0 schl., by Y. M. Rev. D. Katterns. Riley, Mrs. & Miss 0 10 0 M.A., for jV P. . 2 5 10 Treasurer, Mr. G. B. Woolley. Roberts, Hiss A ... 0 10 0 Room, Rev. C. .. 1 1 0 Secretary, Mr. W. R. Rickett. Do. Family . . . . 1 6 0 CROMER STREET. Collections, Ser­ Rugby, Mr 1 0 0 Rev. E. W. Thomas. mons...... 37 11 10 Sanders, Miss.. . . 0 10 0 Do., Public Mtg. 9 2 0 Simonds, Professor 0 10 G Contribs. Sunday- Do. (moiety) for Smith, Mr.&Mrs.R. 1 0 0 sch. by Y. M. W & 0 ...... 8 8 0 Starkey, Mr 0 10 0 M. A., for JV P 1 2 0 Contribs., Juvenile Starkey, Mrs 0 10 0 Do. do., by do., Association, by Stevens, Mr.Edwin 0 10 G for Rev. J. Y.M.M.A., for Taylor,Mr.&Mrs.R.O 10 G Smith’sSchools, NP ...... 0 10 0 Thompson ^Ir. and Delhi . 4 0 0 Do. Sunday-sch. Mrs...... 2 2 0 ------5 2 0 Mare-st 30 0 2 Tidmarsh, Mr. W. 1 0 0 Do., do., Ann’s- Tooth, Mrs 0 10 0 DALSTON. place...... 11 18 9 Do., do., Mare- Tucker, Rev. F. Queen’s Road.—Rev. W. Miall. and Mrs 2 0 0 street, byY.M. Vorley, Mr 1 1 o Collections, &c., M.A., for JVi* 12 0 0 Vorley, M r s ...... 1 1 0 18G(i ...... 27 7 10 Do., do., Ann’s- Vowles.Mr 0 10 G Do., for IV <£• 0 . 3 0 0 place, by do., W aters,M r.,,.,.. 4 0 0 *------30 1 }0 for do, ...... 4 7 7 1 8 6 7 .] LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. 75

HACKNEY—Continued. I HACKNEY HOAD. HAMPSTEAD—Continued. Collected by Providence Chapel.—Kev. Harvey, Mr. Jas. .20 0 0 Clibbens, Mrs. . 0 10 10 J. Bussell. King, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Whitehead, Miss 0 17 11 Collections ...... 13 5 G Lyon, Mr. B. A ... 3 3 0 Subscriptions: Do. for IT. & 0 3 1 3 Mudie, Mr. C.E.. .10 10 0 A Friend...... 5 5 0 Contribs., Sunday- Southwell, Mr. .. 2 2 0 Appleton, Dr 4 0 0 school, by Webb, Mr. C. E ... 1 0 0 Appleton, Mrs. .. 1 0 0 Y. M. M. A., Worth, Mr...... 1 0 0 Barrow, Mrs 0 10 0 for Rev. W. A. Under 10s...... 4 9 4 Bowser, Mr. A. T. 2 0 0 Hobbs’ 2V P, Bowser, Mr. W. A. 1 1 ® Jessore...... 25 0 0 75 14 4 Bryant, Mr 0 10 0 43 G 9 Cork, Mr...... 0 10 0 Moiety of above, for Cotton, Mr 2 2 0 HAMMERSMITH. Baptist Mission .37 17 2 Cotton, Mr. F 1 1 0 Itcv. P. Bailhache. Colleen, for IF& 0. 7 10 0 Cox, Mrs. F. A. .. 2 2 0 Treasurer, Kev. S. Green. Subscriptions : Datforne, Mr 0 10 0 0 0 Secretary, Mr. J. E. Balfern. Allen, Mrs. Joseph 2 Davis, Mr. D 0 10 0 Baines, Mr. Cooke 0 10 G Dlss, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collections ...... 25 1 4 Manning, Rev. S. 2 2 0 Dossetor, M iss.... 0 10 o Do. for W & 0 .. 5 0 0 Underhill, Dr...... 5 0 0 Erith, Mr. H. G .. 1 1 0 Contribs., Sunday- Underliill, Mrs. .. 2 0 0 Ewess, Mr 0 10 o schl. Juvenile Foster, Mr...... 0 10 0 Association ..10 4 8 Garland, Mr 2 0 o Do., do., for ./VP 1 17 9 HARLINGTON. Garland, Mr. T ... 0 10 0 By Miss Crowe : Contributions. . . . 10 0 0 Goodoll, Mr 2 2 0 Gopp.Mrs...... 0 10 0 Balfern, Mr. J. E. 1 1 0 HARROW-ON-THE-HILL. Head, Mr...... 2 1! 0 Bateman, Mrs 1 0 0 Rev. H. Hill. Hiett, Mr...... 3 3 0 Brewster, Mr. and Mrs...... 1 0 0 Collections ...... 3 0 0 Hill, Mr...... 0 10 0 Do. for IK itO .. 1 0 6 Hobday, Mr 0 10 0 Cadby, Miss 0 10 0 Crowe, Kev. W. .. 1 1 0 Howard, Mr 1 1 0 4 0 0 Hudson, Mr 0 10 0 Crowe, Mr, W. L. 0 10 0 E. C...... 2 0 0 Less expenses .. 0 5 0 Hughes, Mr 1 1 0 3 15 0 Hughes, Mr. E.W. 0 10 0 Hill, Mr. H 1 0 0 Inglis, Mr...... 0 10 C Hopkins, Mrs 0 10 0 HAWLEY ROAD. Katterns, Rev. D. 2 2 0 Sharp, Mr...... 0 10 0 Rev. E. White Kelsey, Mr. G .... 1 1 0 Smith, Mr. D 0 10 0 Under 10«...... 2 10 11 Treasurer, Mr. Carter. Kelsey, Mr. Ii. K. 1 1 0 Secretary, Mrs. Ball. King, Mr...... 0 15 0 Collected by Leech, Mr...... 1 11 G Deane, Miss 1 G 0 Collctns. (moiety) . 8 14 0 Liddell, Mr 0 10 0 Do. for W LL.B...... 1 1 O Collections,Annual 216 18 1 1 Goddard, Mr. . . . . 1 1 0 Sermons ....21 0 0 76 LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. [1867.

15 LI NGTO X—Continued. I ISLINGTON—Continued. ISLINGTON—Continued. Collection, Public Boxes, by By Mrs. Garrett: Meeting . . . . 4 12 0 Bacon, Susannah. 1 1 G Job, Mr. Jas 0 10 0 Do., Missionary o Bailhachc, Rev. C. 1 15 4 Roxbrough.Mr.W. 0 10 G Prayr.Meetgs. 7 5 Barnard, Mr 0 14 5 Tarr, Mr. W .H . .. 0 10 0 Do., fôr W <£ O. 6 0 0 Boyd, M iss 0 10 10 Under 10s...... 1 16 4 Do..balance from Coles, M iss 0 4 5 Boxes, by Tea Meeting . 0 16 1 I Goodchild, M r .... 0 8 5 Contributions, Ju­ Goodinge,Maria.. 0 17 0 Baker, Florence (a venile Society, S Hayward, Emily.. 0 17 7 dying tribute to by Y.M.M.A.. 17 2 1 I Hollingsworth,Miss 0 G 6 tlielove of Jesus) 0 5 4 Do. do. by do. for Moulding, Mrs. .. 0 110 Hobson. Master Ree.A. Saier's Liebstein,MasterH. 0 10 0 Freddy...... 0 12 0 Orphan Schls., | Moy, Master H. .. 0 1 - Newman, Mr. R. . 0 9 7 Africa ...... 10 0 0 Osborne, M iss.... 0 2 9 Do.Sunday-scUl., ! Perkins, Mrs 0 3 0 84 8 5 by do., for NP 2 8 11 Sarll, Miss E. K ... 0 2 7 Less expenses 0 13 8 Viles, Maria 0 3 0 ------83 14 9 Subscriptions : Ward, M iss 0 19 8 A Friend...... 1 0 0 Watts, Miss 0 4 4 JAMES STREET, Armitage, Mrs. .. 0 12 0 Under Is 0 0 9 ST. LUKE’S. Ashlev, Mr...... 0 10 0 Aviolet, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 138 1 4 Rev. E. J. Farley. Bailey, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Less expenses . . 1 1 8 G Collectn. for JFifc Ü. 1 3 0 0 Bailhache, Kev. C. 0 10 ------136 2 10 Contributions . . . . 7 11 0 Barnard, Mr. W ... 0 10 0 Do.,byY.M.M.A. 7 10 O Barnett, Mrs...... 1 0 0 ISLINGTON. Do., Snday.-scli., Barrough, Mr. F. Ü 10 0 Salters’ Hall Chapel.—llev. by do...... 5 10 G Bayne, Mr. & Mrs. 0 10 4 J. Hobson. Bosher, Mr...... Do., by do., for 0 10 0 Collections ...... 21 18 4 N P ...... 1 0 0 Bourne, Mrs...... I 0 0 Do. for W & O.. 8 19 3 ------22 14 6 Braden, Mr...... 1 0 0 Do.Sunday-schl., Brooks, Mr. W. .. 1 1 0 for Rev. J. JOHN STREET. Brooks, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Smith's Sc7uml, Brooks, Mr. C. W. 1 0 0 Delhi...... 0 13 9 The Hon. & Rev. Cave, Mr...... 1 1 0,forifo. 15 4 7 B. W. Noel, M.A. Coles &Co.’sEstab. 0 10 0 Dale, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions and Donations: Contributions, by vote of Church 19 16 9 Dale, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Anon...... 2 10 0 Elphick, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Do., Sunday-sell., Do.,Weekly Of­ byY. M. M. A. 12 7 0 Fox, Mr. C...... 0 10 6 fering box .. 0 10 0 Goodchild, Mr. .. 0 10 0 Do., do., Jockey Bourne,Wm., Esq. 1 1 0 Fields...... 1 4 6 Gray, Mr. C...... 0 10 0 Hind, B „ Esq 1 0 0 Haggis, Mr...... 1 1 0 Linnell, W. G. ,Esq. 1 1 0 Subscriptions : Haggis, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Lycett, F., Esq. ..11 0 Hill. Mr. T. B...... , 2 2 0 A Friend ...... 10 0 0 McArthur,W.,Esq. 1 1 0 Bacon, Miss S. A. 1 0 0 Hood, Mrs...... , 0 13 0 Stapleton, liobt., Hosken, Mr...... , 1 0 0 Bacon, Miss E. K. 2 0 0 Esq...... 1 1 0 Bosher, Mr.H. (two Houlding, Mrs. .., 1 0 0 Vanner, J., Esq... 1 1 0 years) ...... 1 0 0 Hurry ,.Mr...... 0 10 0 Vaughan, Mr. E .. 0 10 0 Kempton, Mr...... 1 1 0 Chen nell, Mrs. A. 0 10 0 Walters, Mrs 1 1 0 Cooke,Mr.andMrs. 2 0 0 Kerr, Mr. R ...... , 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 2 2 Lowe, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Cooke, Mr. J .W .. 0 10 6 M‘Laren, Miss... .. 1 0 0 By Mrs. Dnrrant: Curtis, Mi’s...... 2 0 0 Milne, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Brain, Tlios., Esq. Daniell, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Milne,Mrs.W.A.H. 0 10 0 (three quarters) 0 15 9 Edwards, Mr...... 1 l 0 Morrison, Mrs...., 1 0 0 Chapman,Mr.G.B. 0 10 6 Everitt, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Osland, Mr...... 0 10 0 Durrant, Mrs 0 10 6 Flint, Mrs. Jane.. 1 0 0 Peters and Quin, Hobson, Rev. J ... 3 3 0 Gardiner, Mr...... 1 0 0 Messrs...... 0 10 0 Hobson, Mrs 2 2 0 Goulborn, Mr...... 0 10 0 Pratt, Mr."& Mrs. 0 18 0 | Holt, Mr. W 0 10 6 Grant, Mr. Jas... 1 0 0 Price, Mr. & Mr&.. 0 10 0 Jennings, Mr. Jno. 1 1 0 Grant, Misses . . . . 4 0 0 Rae, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Newman, Mr. It. . 0 10 6 Grant, Miss...... 0 10 0 Renshaw,Mrs. . . 1 0 0 Nicholson, Mr. W. 0 10 6 Hallowes, Mrs. .. 1 1 0 Robson, Mr 0 10 G Noble, Mr. W. . . 0 10 6 Harper, Mr...... 1 1 0 Rooke, Mr. T. J. 1 0 0 Noble, Mrs. W. .. 0 10 0 Harris, Mr...... 2 2 0 Rooke, Mrs. T. J. 1 0 0 Palmer, Mrs 0 10 0 Jeanneret, M r.. . . 2 0 0 Rooke, Miss 0 15 0 Smith, Rev. Thos, 0 10 0 Martin, Marcus, Esq20 0 0 Rooke, C.E.&A/VV.O 10 0 Webb, Mrs 0 10 0 M’Kay, Mr.H. .. 1 0 0 Rooke,A.B.&A.C. 0 10 0 Whitbread,Mr... 0 10 6 Metcalfe, Mr.&Mrs. 1 0 0 Rose, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 0 0 Metcalfe, Misses.. 0 10 0 Sheeres, Mr 1 0 0 Middleton, Mr. & By Misses Brownjohn Mrs...... 0 10 6 Strong, Mr 0 10 0 and Hobson: Snlman, Mrs 0 10 0 Noel, Hon. & Rer. Thomas, Mr. aud Beaven,Misses .. 0 10 0 B. W ..M.A...... 7 0 0 Mrs. F .B 1 1 0 Berryman, Mr. F. 0 10 G Penrose, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Thompson, Mrs... 0 10 0 Brownjnlra, Mrs. Fickworth, Miss.. 2 2 0 Topple,Mrs. . . . . 0 10 0 and M iss 0 10 0 Poole,Mr. & Mrs.. 1 0 0 Toussaint,Mr.&Miss0 14 0 Davies. Mr. E. G. 0 10 0 Ridley, Miss -----1 0 0 Underwood, Mrs. . 1 0 0 Mann, Mr. E 1 0 0 Sands, J., Esq. ..21 ■ 0 0 War ton, Mr. R ... 5 5 0 Newton,Mr.&Mrs. 0 10 0 i Seymour, Miss .. 0 10 0 Under 10»...... 10 19 11 Under 10«...... 3 13 4 1 Stoneman, Mr. .. 1 0 0 1867.] LONDON AND ITS YICENTTY. 71

JOHN STREET— Continued. MAZE FONT)—Continued. : MAZE POND— Continued. Swan wick, Mr. .. 0 10 0 Contributions,Sun­ By Miss Harrison, Trimmer, Mr. and day-school, by For China: Mrs...... 1 1 0 Y.M .M . A. ..12 11 3 ; Harrison, Mr. and Troubridge, Lady . 1 0 0 Do. do. for ! Mrs...... 1 1 e Troubridge, Miss . 1 0 0 Rev. G.Kerry's, j 95 0 7 Upham, Mr 1 0 0 N P., India ..20 0 0 White, Mr 0 10 0 Subscriptions. Whiting, Mrs 0 10 0 j METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE. Woods, Mr. & Mrs. By Miss Harrison : W.F...... 2 2 0 Allingham, Mr. .. 3 3 0 Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. Under 10s...... 4 1 4 Baker, M r ...... 1 0 0 j Collections ...... 105 0 0 Boxes, by Barrett, Mr...... 0 10 6 I Juvenile Auxiliary | by Y. M. M; A., Champness, Eliz. .030 Harrison, Mr. and 1 for Mrs. Allen's Chennell, Mrs. A. 0 6 G Mrs...... 3 3 0 Harrison, Miss___ 1 1 0 Girls' Boarding Tor India: Harrison,MissA.E. 0 10 6 School, Colombo, Messider, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Harrison, Master Ceylon ...... 50 0 0 STKay, Sir. H. .. 1 0 0 Ernest F...... 0 10 G ------155 0 0 For China: Henry, Mr. and Mrs...... 1 0 0 Martin, M., Esq.. 2 0 0 Keighley, Sir...... 1 0 0 NEWINGTON. Noel, Hon. & Rev. Roots, Mrs...... 2 0 0 Ebenezer Sunday-school. B. W., M.A 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 4 0 Contribs. by Y. M. ------143 10 1 M. A ...... 0 15 7 By Mr. Barwell : Do., by do., for KENNINGTON. Barwell, Mr...... 0 10 6 India...... 0 13 3 Charles Street. Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Do., by do., for China...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 5 0 0 By Miss Jenks Do., for W f O. 1 10 3 2 8 10 Contribs.,Juvenile, Tyrer, Mr. R. H. and Mrs...... 1 1 0 byY.M .M . A. 7 10 0 NORTH LONDON. Do.,Sunday-sch., Under 10s.... 0 7 6 Sunday Schools. bydo.jfor tfP I 6 is By Miss Eastty : Contribs., by Y. M. 15 G i r Eastty, I. M., Esq. 1 1 0 M.A..,...... 5 1 10 Less expenses.. 0 G 0 Eastty. Mr. John.. 2 0 0 Hart, Mr...... 0 10 0 Johnson, Mr...... 1 0 0 NOTTING HILL. KENSINGTON. Rix, Mr...... 0 10 0 Cornwall Road. Palace Gardens.—Rev. J. Robins, Sirs...... 0 10 G Rev. J. A. Spurgeon. Under 10s...... 0 15 0 Offord. Collections ...... 15 2 n Collection 20 0 0 By Miss Leyser : Do., Public Mtg. 2 12 0 Do., for ir«fr 0 . 5 0 0 Clark, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Contribs., Sunday- Contributions ....1 0 3 0 Clark, Sir. D...... 0 10 0 school boxes .. 4 14 8 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Subscriptions : KENSINGTON, SOUTH. By Mrs. James Mays, jun. Burgoyne, Lady.. 0 10 0 Rev. S. Bird. Carrington,Mr. Jno. 0 10 6 Jewess, Mr 0 15 0 Carrington, ; Mr. Collections 4 3 3 Mays, Mr.Jas., sen, 0 10 0 Samuel...... 0 10 G Contributions ....1 5 0 0 Mays, Mr.Jas.,jun. 0 10 0 Chambers, Mr. . . 1 Do.,Sunday-sohl.l 13 11 Mays, Mr. Benjn.. 0 10 0 l O Knight, Sir...... 5 5 0 Do., Miss Deep- Under 1 0 s ...... 0 5 0 Knight, Sliss . . . . 0 10 0 dale’s Class ..07 1 Paterson,SIr.(don.) 2 2 0 21 4 3 By Mr. S. Mays: Stowell, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Mays, Mr. S 0 10 0 Strachan, Misses.. 2 12 0 ICINGSGATE STREET. Morgan,Mr.& Mrs. 0 10 0 Voelcker, Dr...... 2 2 O Rev. W. H. Burton. Collected by Under 10.«...... 0 11 0 Collections 10 0 0 Challis, Mrs 0 15 G By Miss Francis Do. for W & O.. 2 0 0 Jeffery, Miss . . . . 1 4 4 Contribs., Sunday- Bennet, Sir...... 0 10 0 Perkins, Miss . . . . 0 15 7 Carrington, Mr. sohl., byY.M.M. Putley,Miss 0 4 0 A., for Rev. J. (don.) ...... 0 10 0 Sexton, Miss 0 8 C Daw, Sir...... 1 0 0 Smith's N P, Tims, Mr...... 1 1 (i Delhi...... 15 0 0 Daw, Mr. C. A. .. 0 10 0 Walling, Miss . . . . 0 7 0 Ferguson, Mr. .. 0 10 G Subscription: Walling, Miss E ... 0 1 0 Gillard, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Courtier, Miss . . . . 1 0 0 Small sums . . . . 0 18 0 Glover, Sir...... 1 1 0 0 Boses, by Under lCs...... 3 G 3 LITTLE WILD STREET. P utley.M iss...... 0 3 5 By Misses Jarvis and Under Is 0 0 10 Zurhorst : Rev. G. Webb. 2 By Miss Eastty, Baynes, Mr. W. W. Ò 10 6 Collections (moiety) 1 8 Marchant, Miss .. 0 10 0 For China .* Spencer, Mr...... 0 10 G MAZE POND. Eastty, Mr. John.. 1 0 0 Spurgeon, Rev. Collections, (less Johnson, Mr 0 10 0 J. A...... 0 10 G expenses) 18 8 8 Robins, Mrs 0 10 C Stewart, Mrs...... 0 10 G Do. for W& 0 .. 0 3 0 Under 1 0 s ...,., 0 8 0 Under 10s. . . . . 1 11 O LONDON AND ITS YICIÑITY. [ 186?.

NOTTING HILL— Conlinued. REGENT’S PARK CHAPEL—Contd R0MNEY ST., WESTMINSTER. Collected by Horne, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Rev. J. S. Morris. Day, Mr...... 0 10 0 Lecand,Mr...... 0 10 0 Collections 2 15 0 Francis, Miss . . . . 0 12 3 Proudfoot, Miss .. 0 10 0 Contribs. Sunday- Thomas, Mr...... 1 0 0 school boxes . 3 110 52 C 2 Under 10«...... 0 13 0 Do.Teachers’ box 0 6 10 Less expenses By Mrs. Coxeter: and remitted 6 3 8 too late 2 16 6 Baines, Mr...... 0 10 c Less expenses .. 0 5 6 ------49 0 Chance, Mr...... 2 0 0 Coxeter, Mr...... 4 4 0 NOTTING HILL. Coxeter, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Coxeter, Mr. S ... 0 10 0 ROTHERHITHE. Free Tabernacle. Day, Mr...... 1 1 0 Midway Place. Mr.H. Varley. Faulding, Mr...... 1 1 0 Rev. J. W. Mnnns. Collections...... 12 0 0 Gibson, Mr...... 0 10 0 Henderson, Mrs... 1 0 0 Contribs., Sunday- Little, Mr...... 1 1 0 sclil., by Y. M. HOTTING HILL. M. A.,foriVP.. 1 13 € Norland Chapel. North, Mr...... 1 1 0 Parker, Mr...... 0 10 0 Key. J. Stent. Phillips, Mr.W. H. 1 1 0 SHEPHERD’S BUSH. Contribs., Sunday- Phillips, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Oaklands Cliapel. schl., for Rev. R. Ridgway, Mrs. .. 1 0 0 Rev. C. Graham. Robinson’s Schls., Simmons, Mr. . . . 1 0 0 Intally...... 6 0 6 Wade, Mr. ,. 1 1 0 Collection(moiety) 6 6 9 Under 10s...... 0 7 6 Do., for Hr, 0 IB 10 Lush, Florence, and Ashby, F.,Esq. . . 1 0 0 Percy,Box .... 0 14 8 Do., do., for Rev. Ashby, Thos., Esq. 0 10 0 R.SmUlt,Came- Neal, Mr...... 2 2 0 Ashby,T.Esq., jun. 0 10 0 0 roons...... 3 17 8 Preston, Mrs...... 0 10 Ashby,Chas., Esq. 0 10 0 ------4 16 6 Radford, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Ashby, Mrs. C. .. 0 10 0 Rawlings, Mr. D. 2 ,2 0 Pope, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Rawlings, Mr. W. 1 1 0 4 12 8 REGENT’S PARK CHAFEL. Servants’ Mission Rev. W . Landels. Box ...... 0 4 6 STEPNEY GREEN. Under 10«. . . 0 15 0 Treasurer, Mr. J. Thompson. Tabernacle. By Miss Hales: Secretary, Mr. R. Head. Rev. A. G. Brown. Collections 58 10 3 Kaye, Mr...... 1 1 0 Wuy, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collectn, 18C6, for Do.for 1P<£ 0..12 7 0 W&O 4 17 2 Contribs. Weekly By Miss Head: Do., 1867, for do. 5 11 6 Offerings ....1 6 16 5 10 6 10 8 8 Do., Sndy.-schl.35 14 10 Blackman, M rs... 0 Fowler, Mr?...... 0 10 0 Do. do. for K P 5 0 0 Green, Mr...... 0 10 G STRATFORD GROVE. By Treasurer: Head, Mr. R. . . . . 0 10 0 Rev. W. A. Curr. Hall, Mr. R 0 10 6 Hill, Mr. W...... 0 10 0 Hill, Miss M...... 0 10 0 Collections (moiety) 9 7 S By Rev. W. Landels: Leute, Mr...... 0 10 0 Davies, E. W., Esq. 6 0 0 Neal, Mr. D...... 2 2 0 TOTTENHAM. Landels, Rev,W... 3 0 0 Shirley, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Rev. R. Wallace. Landels, Mrs 2 0 0 Weeks, Mr...... 1 1 0 Under 10«...... 0 2 6 Collections 9 0 0 Landels, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Do. Public Mtg. « 15 0 Landels, MissM. A. 0 10 0 For China, by Miss Lush : Do. for TTit 0 .. 2 10 0 Landels, Mr. Jno. 0 10 0 Landels, Master Lush, Mr. Justice 10 10 0 Juvenile Society, W.K ...... 0 10 0 By Mr. A. Baker: 237 11 8 By Miss Proudfoot: Less expenses.. 1 19 6 Baker,Mary . . . . 1 6 11 Cross, Mr...... 0 10 6 2235 12 2 Collins, Alex'. . . . . 0 6 5 1 8 6 7 .] LONDON AND ÎTS VICINITY. 79

TOTTENHAM- Continued. WALTHAMSTOW. WANDSWORTH. Danning, Edwd... 0 5 9 Wood Street. East Hill. Lea, Ellen ...... 0 11 9 Collections ...... 8 10 7 Sinzell, Harry. . . . 1 0 5 Rev. J. W. Genders. Smith, Ellen . . . . 0 5 1 Subscription: Collections ...... 12 6 4 Do. for W cfc O .. 2 12 4 Sunday School: Hooper, Mr.W. H. 0 10 6 Contribs., byY.M. Girls’ ...... 3 13 3 Collected by M. A., forirp.. 1 5 5 Boys’ ...... 1 15 7 Infant ...... 0 12 1 Bacon, Mr., box .. 1 5 9 Subscription : Hart, Miss ...... 3 9 6 Meredith, Mr. J. I. 1 1 0 Collected by Iledgwell, Miss .. 1 5 0 Henchman, Miss.. 1 8 0 15 1 4 17 5 1 Tunstall,MissE. P. 1 It! 8 Less expenses .. 0 7 0 Boses, by WALWORTH. 16 18 1 Baker, Mr. and South Street. family ...... 1 1 8 WEST DRAYTON. Carter, Miss . 1 0 0 Contribs« Sunday- Rev. J. Gibson. Dradge, Lydia.... 0 3 8 school, Bible Collections 1 7 Gilkes, Annie . . . . 0 1 1 Class...... 0 10 0 Contributions.... 1 18 Norris, Mr...... 0 G S Do.,Sunday-scli. 0 6 Tunstall, E. P., and WALWOBTH. Do.,do.,Yewsley, Jane Morison .. 0 9 5 Walworth Roacl.—Rev. W. byY.M. M. A., Wallace, Jessie, & for 3! P 0 Charlie...... 0 15 0 Howieson. 8 6 Wilson, Mr. and Treasurer—Mrs. Watson. Subscription; family ...... I 9 10 Collections ...... 17 16 9 S. R. and S ons.... 1 0 0 Subscriptions j Contribs., Sunday- Clarke, Mr. E. . . 1 1 0 school, byY.M. Ford,Mr. (twoyrs.)2 2 0 JLA., forN P 5 9 0 WESTBOURNE GROVE. Do., do., by do., Haines, Mrs 0 10 0 Rev. W. G. Lewis. Henchman, Mr. .. 5 5 0 for Rev.F.Pin- Do., for W & 0 1 0 0 nock, Africa.. 10 0 0 Collections 2G 2 0 Hill, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Do., do., for Ga- Do. for W & 0 .. 13 0 0 Norton, Mr 0 10 0 halaya School, Do. Prayer-meet- Pennett, Mrs 1 1 0 Ceylon ...... 15 0 0 ings ...... 5 10 6 Richards, Mrs. . . . 5 0 0 Do., do., for Or­ Proceeds of Lec­ Sage, Mr...... 0 10 0 phan in Rev. tures by Rev. Under lOi 0 15 0 IF. A. Hobbs' W.G.Lewis.... 9 16 3 School, Jessore 5 0 0 Contribs. Sunday- 56 18 3 Do. do. for Or­ school by Y.M. Leas expenses .. 1 14 0 phan in Mrs. M.A. for iV P. . 5 0 0 55 4 3 Anderso n's Do. do., by do., for Girls' School, Yearly Support Jessore...... 5 0 0 of Susan Mary UPTON CHAPEL. Young Men’s Bible Lewis,'Cameroons 5 0 0 Collections ...... 8 0 0 Class, by Mr.J. Do. do., for School, Do., forTF

WESTBOURNE GROVE—Contd. ! BIGGLESWADE—Continued. DUNSTABLE—Continued. Faulkes, Mr. T..,. 1 1 0 Broom ,Annie.... 0 4 0 Osborn, Mr...... 1 0 0 Faulkes, Mrs. T.... 0 10 6 Cole, Emily 0 3 6 Southam, Mr 1 1 0 King, Sirs...... 0 10 0 Daniel, M rs 0 2 0 Parsons, Mrs___,. 0 10 0 Daniel, Sarah . . . . 0 4 9 For China: Saunders, Mr. F,.. 1 1 0 Daniel, Mary . . . . 0 3 4 Lockhart, Mr. Ed. 0 10 0 Stone, Sir. R...... 0 10 0 Ekins, Mrs 0 2 10 Under 10s. .. .. 4 14 3 Ekins, Eliza 0 2 6 28 2 3 Foster, Mr., Ser­ Less expenses., 0 1G 0 By Sliss Barton : vants of...... 0 9 0 ------27 5 9 Lipscombe, Mr. .. 2 12 0 I Freemantle, Mat. 0 3 0 Under 10s. .. .. 0 11 0 Griffiths, A. S 0 G 0 DITNTOW By Miss Gregory : Harris, A ...... 0 3 G Contributions.... 0 3 G Stanton,Martha.. 0 2 6 Gregory, Miss.. . . 0 10 0 Weaver,Miss,Sun­ HEATH. Whiteman, Sir. .. 0 10 0 day-school Class 0 7 G Under 10s. .. .. 2 10 G Winters,Ellen.... 1 15 9 Contributions . . . . 0 10 0 By Mrs. Gnnston : HOUGHTON REGIS. Dunbar, Miss .. .. 0 16 0 Fenn, Mr...... , 0 10 0 BLUNHASI. Rev. G. n . Davies. Fenn, Sirs...... O 10 0 Rev. W. Abbott. Collections ...... 7 12 8 Under 10s. .. .. 0 10 G Collection...... 0 9 3 Boxes, by By Miss Richardson : Do. for W & O . 0 4 0 Contribs.,for.ZV/1. 0 1 0 Barnard, Miss-----0 1G 0 Maclaren, J. W..» Do., Sunday- Facer, Miss...... 0 3 G Esq...... 10 0 school box .. 0 3 8 Subscriptions : Stevenson, Sliss .. 0 10 0 ------0 17 11 Under 10s...... , 0 12 0 Anstie, Sir...... 1 1 0 CRANFIELD. Anstie.Miss...... 1 1 0 By Miss Lizzie Watson 0 Second Church, Cook, Mr. J...... 5 0 Clements, Mr...... , 0 12 0 Cook, Mr. T. D ... 5 0 0 Under 10s...... 2 5 i) Contribs. by Miss Cook, Mr. SI...... 1 0 0 H. R. Lovell. . . . 1 8 0 Cook, Mr. M., jun. 1 0 0 Collected by For 2? P, by Eames, Mr...... 1 0 0 Fenn, Mr., family Under 10s...... 0 5 0 box...... 0 8 8 Lovell,Master.... 0 3 4 ------23 19 2 Woods, Miss . . . . 0 2 0 For China: Under Is 0 0 11 LEIGHTON BUZZARD. Lewis, Rev. W. G. 1 1 0 “ Thankfulness” .10 0 0 Lake Street. -175 0 7 DUNSTABLE. Rev. W. D. Elliston. Rev. D. Gould. Collections 7 17 0 WEST GREEN. Collections 6 7 G Contnbs., Sunday- Contribs., Sunday- Do. Public Mtnc. 3 0 8 school ...... 2 12 10 Do. for W & O. 1 2 G school, by Mr. Subscriptions: Whellock.... 3 1 10 Contribs., Sunday- Do.,do.,byY.M. school (moiety): Adey, Rev. E. (2 1 M. A.,forJVi* 3 17 11 Boys’ ...... 0 7 4 years) ...... 10 0 0 Do., do., for .Sep. Girls’ ...... 0 4 11 ■ Lawford, E., Esq., J.Davey'sSchL, Proceeds of work, M.D. (do.) . . . . 1 0 0 Bahamas . . . . 2 12 4 by Miss Cook . 1 0 6 Collected by ------9 12 Miss L. J. Gntteridge . . 1 1 8 Adey& Jakes,Mrs. 3 17 11 Missionary basket, Tult, Mrs.T., box . 0 12 0 WILMINGTON DISTRICT. by Miss. SI. Gut- For Schools: teridge...... 2 0 2 Sunday-school, by Weekly Offerings, Bassett, J. D., Esq. Y. M. H. A .. . . . Albion House .. 0 10 0 (2 years) ...... 4 4 0 I Bassett, F., Esq. Boxes, by (d o .)...... 1 0 0 Blackwell, Mrs. .. 1 1 0 Harris,T.,Esq.(do.) 1 0 0 Edis, Miss Fanny. 0 G 0 Ridgway, C., Esq. Griggs, Sirs 0 7 4 (do.) ...... 1 0 0 Gntteridge,Miss.. 0 12 0 Hopcroft, Miss .. 0 10 1 33 3 9 Hutchins, Miss M. 0 15 0 Less e x p e n s e s 1 l

LUTON. F ARINGDON— Continued. Union Chapel. 33erfesijirf. James, Miss 0 10 0 Rev. T. E. Stevenson. ABINGDON. Liddiard, Mr. Geo. 1 0 0 Collection for 1 10 0 Rev. W. T. Rosevear. By Miss Perkins: Contribs. (moiety) 26 7 0 27 17 0 9 5 0 Clayden, Mr. . . . . 0 10 0 1 12 6 Under 10i...... 1 2 0 RIDGMOUNT. 1 7 6 For N P, by Rev. W. Cuff. Contribs., boxes .. 1 12 G Fowles, W. & C ... 0 3 3 Collections ...... 1 2 0 Subscriptions: Fowles, Edward.. 0 1 0 Do.,PublicMtng. 2 4 10 Aldous, Mr...... 0 10 0 Hands, Edwin . . . . 0 1 9 Collected by Ballard, Alderman 1 1 0 Lav, Arthur 0 1 6 Berwick, Ann . . . . 0 4 !) Burry, Mr...... 0 10 0 10 1 0 Dawson, Wm 0 1 9 Coxeter, Mr...... 1 0 0 Harrison, Wm. .. 0 1 7 Coxeter, Sir., ju n .. 1 0 0 FIFIELD. Hart, Andrew.. . . 0 1 0 Davis, Rev. E...... 0 10 0 Horne, Sarah. . . . 0 5 0 Dickey, Mr...... 1 1 0 Boxes, by Horne, Caroline .. 0 3 G Evans, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Reynolds,Mr. J ... 1 2 6 Horne, Geo 0 1 6 Hyde, Alderman.. o 2 0 Sunday-school.... 0 7 0 Lyne, Martha . . . . 0 1 G Harris, Mr...... Ó 10 0 ------19 6 Mellary, Chas 0 3 G Jones, Mr...... 0 10 0 ■Walker,Sarah, . . . 0 2 11 Leader, Mrs...... 5 0 0 NEWBURY. AVarner, H...... 0 1 0 Parsons, Mr...... 1 0 0 Whiteman, S 0 1 2 Payne, Mr. E _ 1 1 0 Rev. J. E. Cracknell. Williamson, Isa­ Payne, Mr. T...... 0 10 0 Collections...... 8 1 11 bella ...... 0 G 1 Rosevear,Rev. W.T 1 10 0 Do. for IF 3 0 4 0 For Rev. J. Davey's Chapel, Less expenses Bahamas. Collected by 12 1 Coxeter, Mr 0 10 G Duck, M iss...... 0 Ewing,Miss . . . . 0 17 G RISELY. Jones, Mr...... 0 10 0 Read, M iss...... 0 8 11 Rev.W. Wilson. Leader, Mrs 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Collection for TV# O BKATTON BRANCH, Rev. E. Davis. A friend ...... 1 0 0 SANDY. A friend ...... j 1 0 0 Collection 1 11 9 10 0 Rev. T. Voysev. A friend ...... 0 Do., for W& O . 0 10 0 Chance, Mr...... 9 10 G Collections ...... 2 17 Do., Chapel box. 0 0 S Coxeter, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do., for TFA'O.. 0 14 Subscriptions : Darvill, Sir. (don.) 5 0 0 Contribs., Sunday- Davies, Sir. J. J... 0 10 6 school ...... 0 8 ; A friend ...... I 0 0 1 0 | Lewis, Mr...... 0 10 0 Elkins. Sir...... 1 Subscription: Flint, H., Esq. .. 1 1 O Skilleter, Mr 1 0 Boxes, by Hughes, Mr...... 0 10 !> Looker, Sirs 1 1 2 Keens, Mr...... 1 1 0 5 0 0 •Nias, Sir...... 0 10 6 ] Smith, Mrs. A 0 9 1 G Less expenses, 0 0 4 Winter, Jas 0 4 2 Pettifer, Mr...... 0 10 4 19 8 Winter, Master ..034 Roberts, Rev. T.M. 1 1 0 liotton, Sliss...... 2 0 O SHEFFORD. 43 8 2 Do., for IFdb O. . 0 10 0 Thom, Mr...... 0 10 G Union Chapel. Less expenses 1 4 0 For N P, by Bev. C. R. Player. Dell, Edwin...... 0 8 0 Collection...... 3 16 6 ASHAMPSTEAD. Freeman, M. A ... 0 9 0 Do., forTTit- 0 .. 0 12 0 (i 4 8 G Rev. II. Fuller. Freeman, Harriet. 0 3 6 C Collectn. and Subs. 1 12 4 Lowe, Esther . . . . 0 4 6 STEYENTON. Colin., Streatlev.. 0 13 2 Lawrence, Wm. . 0 Shaw, Ada ...... 0 7 0 Rev. J. C. Wooster. Do., Compton .. 0 1 1 3 Skinner,Ann . . . . 0 3 0 Do.,EastHsley . 0 1G 3 Collctn. for II' & 0 0 G 6 Warne, A nna-----0 3 0 Subscription: HEDLEV. THURLEIGH. Fuller, liev. II. .. 1 0 0 1 13 0 Collection ...... 0 13 4 Collectn.,forTF«fc 0 0 10 0 Sunday-sclil Box . 1 4 9 Por N P, by FARING DOST. Collected by Bceby, Sarah . . . . 0 4 10 Collections ...... 5 3 6 Cane, S liss...... 0 11 0 llartop, Fred 0 3 7 8 2 3 a Cox. Mr...... 0 Philpot,Susan.... 0 Boxes, by Lewis, Miss...... 0 11 3 Wacstaff, J. E. .. 0 7 0 4 0 Fowler, Miss É. .. 0 1 7 1 12 10 Hands, Martha .. 0 2 0 Brnir's bane. Davis, William .. 0 2 0 Sunday-school box 0 9 11 £165 8 11 Ralph, Kate...... 0 2 •r> Less expenses ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions: l o n g l a n e . Collection...... 0 5 O £164 8 11 Ballard, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Fidel, Mr. E. R. .. 0 10 0 Sunday-school box 0 14 6 6 82 BEBKSHIEE. [1 8 6 7 .

NEWT3 URY— Continued. BEADING— Continued, ] WALLINGFORD— Continued. Collected by By Mrs. G. Talbot : Bunting, Mr.....1 0 0 Goddard, Miss. . . . 0 6 11 ii iuuu ...... u in u Clarke, Mr. S. .. 1 I 0 Pauling,Miss . . . . 0 3 4 Anonymous...... 0 10 0 Dodd, W., Esq. .. 0 10 0 Ricketts, Mrs 0 7 11 Collier, Mr. S. J . . 0 10 0 Hawkins, Mr....1 0 0 Weaver, Miss . . . . 0 2 10 Talbot, Messrs. I Hilliard, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 C. F.andW ...... 0 13 8 | Keen, M iss...... 0 10 O 42 10 2 Under 10«...... 0 4 4 Marshall, J., Esq. 1 1 0 Less expenses.. 1 8 0 For China: Neighbour, Miss.. 0 10 0 ------41 2 2 : Oldham, Mr 0 10 6 Aldis, Bev. J ...... 1 0 0 'Powell, J., Esq... 3 3 0 Champion, Miss .. 0 10 0 ! Powell, Mrs. Jno. 1 1 0 BEADING. Davies, Mr. P. .. 0 10 0 ; Powell, T.,Esq.... 1 0 0 Desormeaux, Miss 0 10 0 Smith, Mr. Jas. (2 King’s Boad.—Bev. J. Aldis. i years) ...... 2 0 0 For China, by Treasurer, Mr. Clayton. Tyso, Mr...... 0 10 0 Secretary, Mr. Gostage. Hutchins, Mrs. .. 1 9 9 Wells, E., Esq., Wallingford.... 1 1 0 Collections ...... 37 9 3 HKNLEi BRANCH. Wells, E., Esq., Do. for W d- 0 .. 4 0 0 Collection ...... 3 0 3 Slade End 2 2 0 Contribs., Sunday- Under 10».' ..050 school ...... 7 G 10 For Africa, by D o, Servants’ For China: Davies,Miss (2 y r s . ) 1 5 0 Bible Class .. 1 4 9 Subscriptions: Subscriptions : Juvenile Association. Hawkins, Mr 0 10 0 A friend ...... 0 10 0 Wells, E., Esq., Treasurer, Miss Champion. Maynard, J., Esq.. 0 1 0 0 Slade End .. 1 1 0 Yotmg.Mrs.George 0 1 0 G Secretary, Miss Collier. Under 1 0 s ...... 0 7 G 47 4 3 Collected by Box, by Less expenses.. 0 16 0 ------4G 8 3 Collier, Miss A. .. 3 1 2 Young, Mrs...... 0 1 0 G Cooper,Miss . . . . 4 8 :11 Jackson, Miss H .. 1 13 8 1 3 1 1 4 4 WANTAGE. Kidgell, Miss . . . . 2 0 8 Less expenses Bev. B. Aikenhead. Sawyer, Miss . . . . 2 7 7 and remitted Tadman,Mrs...... 0 13 0 too late...... 2 0 18 0 Collections 4 19 5 — 1 Do. Pub. Meetg. 5 15 7 Box, by Contribs., Sunday- North, Mrs...... 0 9 6 SUNNINGDALE. school box . . . . 0 13 1 Subscriptions: Bev. G. Chew. Boxes, by Aikenhead,E.&B. 0 G 4 Aldis, Bev. J...... 2 0 0 Collection ...... 0 1.3 0 Bennett, Master.. 0 12 9 Aldis, Mr. T. S. .. 1 0 0 Do. for IF Æ O.. 0 10 0 Belcher,MissLouisa 0 14 u Barcham, Mr. .. 0 10 6 Contribs., Weekly 1 5 0 Cox, Miss, Garlands 0 8 3 Barkshire, Miss .. 0 10 0 Do., Cards ___ 1 4 e Blake, Mr...... 1 0 O 5 Gibbs, Mr...... 0 fi 1 Brown, Mr. G. J . . 0 10 6 Osmond, Miss . . . . 1 3 8 Brown, Mrs...... 0 10 Perry, Master. . . . 0 2 9 0 WALLINGFOBD. Champion, Miss .. 1 1 0 Pocock, Mrs 0 5 0 Chard, Mr...... 0 10 0 Bev. T. Brooks. Collected by Clayton, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collections S 9 7 Bailey, Miss . . . . 2 10 0 Collier, Mrs. S. .. 1 1 0 Do. Public Meet­ Cooper, Mr. J. O .. 3 Hatton, Miss ------0 10 0 3 0 ing...... 4 14 9 Stevenson, Mrs. .. 1 0 0 Cooper, Mrs. J. O. 1 1 0 Do., Boke .... 0 14 4 Davies, Mr. P...... 3 0 0 Do.,Warborougli 0 15 5 19 7 8 Day, Mr. T...... 0 10 6 Do.for W & O .. 3 0 0 Deane, Mrs...... 1 Less expenses.. 0 9 0 1 0 Contribs., Sunday- 18 18 8 Desormeaux, Miss 1 1 0 school Juvenile Fenn, Miss E ... 0 10 6 Association . . . . 3 1 5 Fulbrook, Mr. .. 1 1 0 WINDSOB. Gostage, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collected by Bev. Stowart Gray. Irving, Mr., the Ayres, Mrs 0 8 7 late (don.) ....2 0 0 0 Bradshaw, Mr. .. 0 G 0 1865-6. Jackson, Mr...... 1 0 0 Clarke, Fredk. and Collections...... 3 7 0 Jackson, Misses .. 0 10 0 Eliza...... 0 10 0 ■ Do., Pubiic Mtg. 4 0 0 James, E., Esq. .. 1 1 0 Day, Mrs...... 0 7 5 Do.,for W&O.. 2 5 0 Kidgell, Mr...... 0 10 6 Field & Hawkins, Contribs., Sunday- Lovejoy, Mr...... 1 1 0 Messrs., Assists. 1 0 0 schools ...... 1 2 s Palmer, Mrs. G ... 1 0 0 Jones, Miss 0 11 4 Do ,Mrs.Casson’s Pearton and Son, Mines, Sarah . . . . 0 6 2 Bible Class .. 0 G 10 Messrs...... 0 'JO 6 Oldham, Miss . . . . 0 2 4 Salter, Mrs...... 0 10 G Payne, Miss 1 4 3 Subscriptions : Slade, ' W., Esq., Pettit, Messrs., As­ Atkins, Mr. Jos... 1 0 0 Surbiton...... 1 1 0 sistants ...... 2 18 5 Bagster, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Stephenson, G. J., Phillips, Mrs 0 (i 0 Bagster, Miss . . . . 1 0 0 Esq...... 1 0 0 Powell, Mr. l ’hos. Caley, W., Esq. .. 0 10 0 Vines, Mrs...... 0 10 0 (children) 0 4 9 Caley, F., Esq...... 0 10 0 Walker, Mrs. and Wells,Miss .. . . . 0 17 0 Corpe. Mr...... 0 10 0 Miss ...... 0 10 0 Darvill, H .,Esq... 2 0 0 Williams, Mr. T.C. 1 1 O Subscriptions : Gray, Kev. S...... 1 0 0 Under 10*...... 1 10 0 Brooks, Bev. Thos. 1 1 0 Harris,W. lì., Esq. I 0 0 1 8 6 7 .] BBEESHIBE—. 83

W INDSOR—Continued. WINDSOR—Continued. WOKINGHAM— Continue J. Kelly, Mr...... 0 10 0 Milligan, Mstr.Jas. 0 9 SINDLF.SHASI. Last, C. J., Esq... 0 10 0 Williams, Harriet. 0 2 Collections ...... 1 3 9 Lillycrop, Rev. S., the late...... 1 0 0 Box, by Lillycrop, Mrs. . . 0 1 0 0 Less expenses Targett, Miss . . . . 0 4 6 Morten, Mr. C. .. 1 0 0 27 14 0 Morten, Mrs 1 0 0 WINDSOB. 64 17 11 Tramper, J., Esq. William Street. Less expenses .. 0 16 6 (don.) ...... 1 0 0 64 1 5 Rev. — Drake. By Sirs. Lillycrop: Collectn., after Lec­ £403 10 9 Frost, M iss 0 10 0 ture, by the late Under 10s...... 1 1 4 Rev. S. Lillycrop 0 10 0

Collected by WOKINGHAM. 33uclungi)amsi)trr. Seymour, Mrs. R .. 1 1 0 Rev. C. 0. Munns. Soundy, Mr 1 7 6 AMERSHAM. Collections 5 12 3 Rev. G. W. Bannister. Boxes, by Do. Public Mtng. 3 17 7 Atkins, Master . . O i l 0 Do. for W& 0 .. 7 0 0 Collection and Pro­ Colburn, G 0 1 1 Contribs., Sunday- ceeds of TcaMtg1.15 G 10 Corpe, Miss 0 3 6 school boxes ..38 1 Collected by Corpe, Master.-.. 0 2 9 Collected by Avis, Miss ...... 0 7 4 Hall, Miss R 0 1 6 Garratt, Miss . . . . 0 14 8 Morten, Mrs. J. H. 0 13 0 Hodges, N...... 0 2 9 Noad, M iss 0 12 6 Pearce, M r...... 0 4 10 Innwood, M iss.... 0 5 0 Skerritt, Miss . . . . 1 12 0 Plester, Mrs 0 13 0 Logan, Miss 0 16 4 Scctt, Mr. (Class) .110 Mears, Miss 0 1 6 Boxes, by Milligan, Miss.. . . 0 12 0 Brant, Miss 0 7 2 Subscriptions: Milligan, Master Mortimer, Mr 0 10 0 Bannister, Rev. Jno...... 0 2 6 Newnliam, Miss . . 0 7 9 G. W...... 0 10 O Moreton, M iss.... 0 2 0 Noad, M iss 0 5 4 Clarke, Mr...... 0 10 0 Webster, Master.. 0 1 0 Nye, Miss...... 0 17 0 Climpson,Misses.. 1 0 0 Williams, Master .016 Porter, Ernest.. . . 0 9 7 Halt, Mr...... 0 15 0 Under 1«...... 0 0 6 Eowe, Luther . . . . 0 6 9 Howey, Mrs 1 0 () Sale, Philip 0 10 1 Morten, Mr. J. H. 0 10 0 32 6 3 Spicer, Miss 0 7 4 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Less expenses ..086 Watts, Miss 0 10 0 31 17 9 Weeks, Miss . . . . 0 7 6 22 16 0 Weeks, Mr. H. .. 0 2 8 Less expenses .. 0 10 0 1866-7. 22 6 0 Collections 6 1 9 Subscriptions: Do., forW & O.. 2 5 0 Butler, Messrs. .. 2 2 0 AYLESBURY. Contribs., Sunday- Foster, Mrs 0 10 6 school ...... 1 1 9 Heelas, Mr. & Mrs. 3 0 0 Subscription : Do., for W

DATCHET. GREAT MISSESDKX-Continued. HIGH WYCOMBE— Continued. Rev. T. Rush. For XP, Thompson, Master Collectu., after Ltr- Blunt, Rhoda . . . . 0 :> I A...... 0 10 0 tura by Rev. S. Blunt, Jesse . . . . 0 1 3 Thompson, Master Lillycrop...... Cos, Mary ...... 0 1 3 n...... 0 10 0 Howe, Sarah . . . . 0 3 0 Vernon, Mr. Robt. 1 0 0 DINTON. Keen, Henry . . . . 0 G 2 Wheeler, T., Esq.. 1 0 0 Langston, Sarah.. 0 3 2 Wheeler, H., Esq.. 1 0 0 Collection...... 1 11 1 Nash.Emily . . . . 0 4 T Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Contribs, Sunday- school ...... 0 12 5 Pearce, Sarah. . . . 0 4 5 Plumridge,S.A... 0 8 1 37 3 6 Collected by Sanders, J. J 1 1 0 Less expenses.. 0 8 3 Tilbury, Ann . . . . 0 2 2 36 15 3 Betts, Mr. J 0 10 0 Wilkins, Emma .. 0 4 2 Brandon, Miss M. Under Is...... 0 0 11 A ...... 0 9 1 rviNGHOE. Francklin.Mrs. J. 1 1 2 Francklin.MissA.E. 0 10 2 Rev. W. Collyer. Kingham.MissA.B. 0 8 0 HADDENHAM. Colleen, for W&O. 0 10 0 Plastnw, Miss S ... 0 14 9 R.ev. A. Dyson. Under 10s...... 0 5 0 LITTLE KINGSHILL. Boxes, by Collection...... 4 18 2 Contribs., Sunday- Rev, W. Norris. Betts, Mrs. J. . .. 0 1 1 school ...... 1 8 2 Brandon,Miss M.A. 0 2 3 Collections 4 4 8 Francklin, Mrs. J. 0 6 1 Collected by Do.,forTT

PRINCES RISBOROUGH. # WRAYSBURY. CAMBRIDGE— Contin red. Rev. W. Morris. Rev. W. T. Buckland. Collected by Collections 7 16 6 1865-G. Bidwell, Mr. Jos.. 0 ,’i 1 Burr, Mrs...... 1 10 0 Do., Sun-schl.. 5 7 0 Collection...... 2 6 0 Contribs., boxes .. 7 14 0 By Miss C. Johnson: 13 3 6 ------10 O 0 Less expenses ..OSO Bell, Mrs...... 0 10 0 ------13 0 6 1866-7. Under 10s...... 2 13 10 Collecta, and boxes 9 7 8 By Miss Nawsam: SPEEN. Lambert, Mrs.S.B. 0 10 0 Rev. G. Monk. £ 2 6 6 17 2 Under 10s...... 1 7 6

Contributions, by CAMBRIDGE. Rev. J. Hirons.. 2 9 9 Zion Chapel. (Sambriiigcsijirc. Rev. J. P. Campbell. . CAMBRIDGE. Collection ...... 10 10 7 Rev. J. Harrison. St. Andrew’s Street.—Rev. W. Contbs., Sun-schl. 7 16 11 Collecta., for W& 0 1 5 0 Robinson. Boxes, by Subscription : Collections 40 15 9 Harrison, Miss... . 2 5 0 Do. for TF & O.. 5 11 1 Canham,Mr. (Class) 1 9 3 Arnold, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Contribs., Sun.-sell, Boxes, by for Mrs. Kerry’s Collected by Arnold, Miss . . . . 0 3 0 School, Intally 6 5 0 Fella, Miss ...... 2 1 9 Cowley, Mr...... 4 18 7 Do. by Misses Pledge, Mi=s . . . . 0 3 6 Downing, Miss.... 0 1 6 Brimley, Lilley, Riddle, Mi s...... 2 0 0 and Nutter, for White, iiiss 114 0 Collected by NP ...... 12 IB lì CAMBRIDGE. Barter, Mrs. R. .. 2 17 0 Do. by Miss Lilley, for Boys' Cowley, Mrs...... 0 18 0 Eden Chapel.^-Rev. S. Marks. Woollard,Mrs.F.W. 0 18 0 Sehl., Barisal 5 18 6 Collection ...... 5 0 0 ------269 1 9 For N P, by Donations : Foster,Mr. G.Eben.50 0 0 Ancell, Chas...... 0 2 4 CAXTON. 0 6 0 Foster and Sons, Benson, John . . . . Rev. S. Fordham. Bull, Sarah...... 0 2 1 Messrs...... 1 17 0 Fox, Harriet . . . . 0 2 7 Lilley, Mr. W. E. 50 O 0 Collection...... 7 2 0 Hill, A nnie...... 0 1 8 By Miss Brimley : Do. for IF & O .. 0 15 2 0 2 4 Peakes, M. A...... Brimley, Miss 0 10 0 Tor N T , by Sharp, Susan . . . . 0 2 1 Colton, Miss 0 10 0 Walker, Annie.. . . 0 8 1 Dew, Miss E...... 0 5 0 5 1 Gotobed, Mr. H .. 1 0 0 Finch, Miss Lucy .040 Walker, John . . . . 0 Gotobed, Miss 0 10 0 Johnson, Mr. W. H. 1 0 0 Nixon, Mi-...... 1 0 0 CHESTERTON. WADDESDON. Simpson, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Contribs.,Sund-sclil. 1 2 0 Rev. W. Meekins. Watts, Mr. J. S... 2 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 12 0 Contribs., by Mr. CH1TTERING. By Mrs. Gotobed : H.Dodwcll and Collection ...... 1 2 8 family ...... 1 2 6 Foster, Messrs., Do., by Thos. Bros ...... 5 5 0 Homan 0 5 0 Foster, Mr.G. E ... 5 5 0 COTTENHAM. ------1 7 6 Foster, Mrs. G. E. 2 12 G Collection ...... 6 3 10 Foster, Mr. G. Contributions . . . . 14 3 0 WESTON TURYILLE. Edward...... 1 1 0 Gotobed, Mrs 3 0‘ 0 Rev. J. Butcher. Gotobed, Miss . . . . 3 0 0 GREAT SHELFÒRD. Macmillan, M r .... 1 1 0 Collection... 2 3 2 Rev. B. J. Evans. Do. for Wy Lee, Mr. J 0 10 0 Butcher,M. A. .. 0 G 0 Shippey, Mr. G. A. 1 0 0 HADDENHAM. Shippey,Mr. W ... 0 10 0 l-’igg, M. A 0 2 7 Rev. H. B. Robinson. Howe, Elizabeth •. 0 10 G Simpson, Miss 1 0 0 Smith, Mr. Jno. .. 5 5 0 Collection...... 3 19 6 Boxes, by Smith, Mr. E. M .. 0 10 6 Do. for W<& O . 1 0 0 Contribs. by Mrs. Butcher. M. A .... 0 4 4 By Miss Nutter : Clarke,Joseph.... 0 3 II R. Camps,fordo. 0 5 0 Coote, Mrs 0 10 0 Hooper,"William.. 0 2 8 Subscriptions : Ilowe, Miss 0 9 3 Goodman, Mrs. . . 1 0 0 Inwards, E 0 1 7 Kidman, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 A friend ...... 0 10 0 Miller, M. A 0 2 8 Lestourgeon, Mrs. 0 10 0 Biddall, Mr...... 1 0 0 Shirley,Miss . . . . 0 G 4 Nutter, Mr. James 5 0 0 Camps, Mr. R...... 1 0 O Robinson, Rev. W. 2 0 0 Camps, Mr, D ...... 0 10 0 Vawser.Mr 0 10 0 Camps, Mr. F ___ 0 10 O Vinter, Mr. J 1 0 0 Tebbutt, Mr...... 0 10 0 WINSLOW. West, Mr...... 0 10 0 Under 10i...... 1 5 0 Collection...... 0 5 0 Under 10s...... 1 13 6 10 9 G 86 CAMBRIDGESHIRE—CHESHIRE. [186

HARSTON. BURWELL. BIRKENHEAD—Continued. Rev. W. Gamer. Collection...... 2 16 11 For N P, by Collection...... 2 11 3 Contribs., Snnday- Davies, John . . . . 0 3 6 school box . . . . 0 14 0 Edwards, Richard. 0 8 7 HISTON. Boxes, by Srifflths, Elizabeth 0 8 0 Hughes, John.. . . 0 1 0 Rev. J. W. Howell. Badcock, Sophia.. 1 3 4 Ball, Ellen ...... 0 1 1 Hughes, M. E...... 0 6 0 Collection...... 3 10 0 Bonnet, Joseph .. 0 4 6 EIugheSjC.Blanche 0 2 6 Bowd, Sarah . . . . 0 2 9 Hughes, W m .. . . . 0 1 11 LANDBEACII. Bowsis, E m ily.... 0 2 2 Hughes, S. W ...... 0 1 0 Jones, Ellen...... 0 3 0 Collection 2 15 0 Finch, Jessie . . . . 0 3 8 Mason, A n n e___ 0 2 Jones, Robert. . . . 0 1 0 9 1 Parr, Beatrice. . . . 1 8 1 Jones, John...... 0 G 3IELBOURX. 2 9 Jones, Thomas .. 0 1 5 Symonds, Martha. 0 Jones, 3Iary...... 0 1 4 Rev. H. T. Wardlcy. For X P, by Jones, 3Iary...... 0 1 11 Collection 7 5 0 Barnes, Jessie. . . . 0 1 9 Jones, Jane...... 0 2 7 Subscriptions: Bowd, Sarah . . . . 0 1 9 Jones, Martha. . . . 0 8 2 Fuller, Sarah . . . . 0 3 0 Morris, Edward .. 0 2 G Fordlmm.J. K.,Esq. 1 3 0 Jarvis, Susan . . . . 0 1 10 Morris, Jno. Wm. 0 1 3 Medway, Ruv. ,T.. 1 1 0 Morris, Thos...... 0 6 3 Mortlock, .Mrs. J . . I l o Mason, Timothy.. 0 1 0 Parr, Beatrice.... 0 1 9 Roberts,William.. 0 2 10 10 8 0 7 19 C Roberts, J o h n .... 0 3 0 OVER. Thomas, David .. 0 1 4 ISLEHAM. Williams, Cathe­ Rev. F. Shaw. rine E...... 0 13 G Collection...... 2 4 1 Rev. W. W. Cantlow. Under l i...... 0 3 5 Contribution . . . . o 5 O Collection...... 6 0 1 Subscriptions: 2 9 1 Subscriptions : Breeze, Mr. Sami.. 0 10 6 SWAVESEY. Andrews, Mr 0 10 0 Gwmllanydd . . . . 0 15 0 Cantlow, Ilev.W.W 1 0 0 Jones, Mrs., Lord- Rev. 31. V,’ . Flanders. 7 10 1 street ...... 1 0 0 Collection 6 0 3 Lloyd, Mr. P...... 0 10 6 Do for Wd-0 .. 0 12 0 Morris, Mr. P . . , , 0 10 0 Contribs., Snnday- MILDENHALL. Morris, Mrs...... 0 10 0 scli noi boxes.. 0 13 4 For JV P, by Thomas, ltev. Isaac 0 10 6 Do. for NP . . . i 0 0 Thomas, Miss Jane 0 10 G Bridgcman, Kate .028 10 0 — 8 5 7 Clarke, M. A 0 1 9 Williams, Mias S .. 0 Under 10ä...... 2 13 10 Hilder, Miss H. .. o 7 0 22 6 WATERBEACH. Quant, 31...... 0 10 0 Rev. E. S. Neale. Saunders, Hannah 0 111 Under Is...... 0 0 8 Collection...... 2 4 CHESTER. Do. for Web O.. 0 15 Hamilton-place.—Rev. P. Price. Contribs., Sun.-sch. 0 11 SOHAM. 3 10 0 Contribs., Sunday- Rev. G. Sears. school ...... 1 9 0 Collection...... 3 9 1 WILBURTON. Collected by Rev. J. Dring. Collected by Pye, Jas. T. and Collection 1 0 0 Clarke, Miss 0 11 1 Sarah E 1 8 0 Sheldrick, Mary .. 0 1 5 WILLINGHAM. 4 1 7 For N P, by Rev. R. R. Blinkhorn. Burchinshaw, Jos. 0 1 6 WEST ROW. Davies, Isaac . . . . 0 8 0 Collection 5 7 6 Jones, Maria . . . . 0 6 0 Collection...... 1 1 0 Subscription: Jones, John 0 3 G For 2? P, by Lee, Mary Ellen ..04 8 Blinkhorn, Rev. R. 1 0 0 Macavoy, Mary .. 0 4 0 6 7 6 Hinds, Selina . . . . 0 2 8 Mottcrshead.Saml. 0 2 10 3Iorlcy,Emma . . 0 1 8 Mottersliead, John 0 2 0 Under Is 0 0 8 North-East Cambridgeshire, 3Iottershead, E. S. 0 4 0 1 6 0 Oldfield, Eliz 0 3 2 BARTON MILLS. Owens, T...... 0 2 6 399 2 4 Collections 7 6 1 9 Warrington,Wm. .022 Contbs.,Sund.-sch, 0 13 7 £388 13 7 Collected by CONGLETON. Day, Miss, box .. 1 5 1 Collectn., for O Owers, lllss 0 5 0 Seeker, 3Irs 0 7 1 ©ijcsljirc. EGREMONT. Subscription: BIRKENHEAD. Rev. H. W. Perris. Smith, Efev.J 1 1 0 Collectn., forlFür 0 10 17 10 Welsh Church, Price-st. Rev. I. Thomas. BRANDON NORTHWICH. Collection...... 1 5 4 Box, by Rev. W. Gallant, Contribs., Sunday- pontribs., boxes.. 1 1G 0 school boxes.... 8 12 11 Wiley, M r s ...... 1 M I 1 8 6 7 .] CHESHIRE—CORNWALL—CUMBERLAND.

STOCKPOET. PENZANCE. SALTASH—Continued. Rev. J. Pywell. Rev. Joseph Wilshire. For N P, by Collecta.,for Wife 0 1 3 0 Collections 11 5 0 A friend ...... 0 5 0 Coutribùtion . . . . 1 0 0 Do. for WJk 0 .. 1 0 0 Moon, Miss ...... 0 6 7 2 3 Contribs., boxes.. 0 4 0 Oliver, Miss 0 13 6 Do., Sun.-sclil. . 0 10 0 Spear, Mrs 0 3 9 £32 10 Proceeds of Juv. Subscription: Bazaar...... 15 0 2 A friend, by . . . . 0 10 0 Cards for 2f P, by 10 C Cocking, Miss. . . . 0 6 5 ©ominall. Harvey, Miss A . .. 0 5 0 TRURO. FALMOUTH. Morgan, Miss . . . . 0 6 0 Rev. W. Page, B.A. Under 5s 0 8 7 Collections ...... 6 6 9 Rev. G. S. Reaney. Collected by Do. for W& 0 .. 0 13 0 Contributions .. 31 0 0 Contribs., Sunday- Bolitho, M iss 1 0 0 school ...... 1 8 4 Brown, Miss 0 6 1 GRAMPOUND. Higgs, Mrs 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Rev. G. W. Reughton. Jones, Miss 0 18 3 Blacker, Mr 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Hill, Misses 0 10 0 Collection...... 3 7 0 Job, Mr. J. B 0 10 0 Do.,forIP

HELSTON. £151 8 REDRUTH. Rev. C. Wilson. Rev. F. E. Trotman. Collections ...... 5 7 6 Collections ...... 6 17 5 (Eumiicrlanïr. Do., Public Mtg. 5 6 0 Do., for TP i O,. 1 0 0 COCKERMOUTH. Contributions . . . . 5 7 0 Subscription : Subscription : Rogers, Mr 0 10 0 Box, by Banks, Mrs. J...... 1 0 Children of a 11 3 Friend...... 0 13 11 MARYPORT. Less expenses.. 0 11 10 12 0 Collected by Rev. D. Kirkbride. Wilkinson, Miss .. 3 14 9 Collections 2 10 0 LAUNCESTON. Contributions. . . . 1 2 0 Subscriptions : 3 12 Subscriptions: Cocking, Mr 0 10 0 Eyre, Mr. T. S. .. 0 10 0 Crichton, Mr 0 10 0 WHITEHAVEN. Hanson, W. D. Esq. 1 1 o Michell, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Charles-street. — 1 11 0 Rev. J. Swindells. 19 3 I LOOE. Less expenses .. 0 11 G Collections ...... 5 2 8 18 11 7 Do.,for IF£ 0.. 0 12 0 Subscriptions : Collected by Hicks, Mr. W. .. 1 0 0 Hicks,Mr.J. S ... 1 0 0 ST. AUSTELL. Wilkinson, Misses M. and A 0 15 7 Box, by Rev. R. Sampson. Subscriptions: Hicks, Miss J. E. 0 3 0 Collections 3 1 9 2 3 0 Do.Pub.Mtg. .. 2 15 3 Bone, Mr. W 0 10 Do. for W&Q.. 0 15 8 Brown, Mr. G. W. 0 10 Contributions . . . . 3 11 0 MARAZION. McNeal, Mrs 0 10 Do.,Porthpean. 0 14 8 Wilkinson, Mr. J. 1 O Collection...... 1 9 6 Proceeds of Tea Wilkinson, Mr. G. 0 10 Meeting ...... 3 9 G Wilson, Mr. W. 0 10 Collected by Under 10s. .. 1 17 Roberts, Miss . . . . 2 0 0 14 7 5 Less expenses ..075 For Schools : 3 9 G 14 0 0 Miller. Mr. J. .. 0 10 Less expenses.. 0 3 9 Peil, Mr. G...... 0 10 3 5 9 SALTASH. 12 17 9 PADSTOW. Rev. John May. Less expenses .. 0 1 G Collections ...... 6 9 6 12 16 Donation: Do. for IT <6 0 .. 1 4 0 An old firiend in Contribs., Sunday- £ 1 7 8 3 Cornwall...... 9 0 0 school ...... 0 14 G 88 DEEBYSHIBE—DEVOKSUIEE. [1 8 6 7 .

BRIXHAM. DARTMOUTH— Continued, ©wfcBsijtrr. Rev. AV. T. Whitmarsli. Collected by BIRCHES LANE. Collections 11 10 7 Oldrievc, Miss J... 0 10 0 SOUTH WINGFIELD. Do. for i r 10 11 Moses, Miss...... 0 12 10 SWANWICK. Rev. T. Collirig6. ; Parker, Miss...... l 3 9 Collection...... 1 0 Collection for W Do. for IFcfcO.. 0 10 0 Robins, Miss...... 2 15 8 Elliott, Miss K. ..050 Contribs., Sunday- Splatt, Miss...... 0 11 0 Haywood, Miss ..043 school ...... 1 12 1 Stock, Frederick.. 3 4 4 Lee, Miss ...... 0 3 4 Boxes, by Syinons, Miss . . . . 0 5 6 Pitts, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Pidjreon, Master J. 0 7 0 White, Miss...... 1 10 2 Sampson, Miss S. 0 4 0 Southey, Master J. 0 15 5 Donations, Special : Steel, Master F ... 0 2 9 Subscription: Overbury, Rev. R. 0 0 Hebditch, Mrs. .. 1 0 0 W...... 1 10 5 0 Under 10*. .. o 6 6 Less expenses ..07 0 18 15 8 9 18 0 . 26 9 6 BKADNINCH. DARTMOUTH. Less voted to Bap- tistlrish Mission, Rev. C. Baker. Rev. E. H. Brewer. & c,...... 1 10 0 Collection for WàO 0 10 0 Collection...... 1 3 21 19 6 1 8 6 7 .] DEVONSHIBE. 89

EXBTEK. GREAT TORRINGTON. KINGSKERSWELL—Continued. Priory Church.—Rev. E. H. Rev. J. W. Spear. Subscription: Tuckett. Collect, for TTifc O 0 4 0 Mann, Mrs 1 1 0 Collections ...... 3 7 0 Contribs., Sunday- 2 6 0 Contribs. Sun­ school, for 2? P. 0 10 0 day-school .. 0 10 7 0 14 0 LIFTON. Do. Bible Class 0 6 7 Rev. J. A. Wheeler, 1IOMTON. Collected by Collections 1 14 0 Rev. W. E. Foote. Weeks, Miss 1 10 0 Do. for TV & O. . 0 7 3 Collection ...... 1 11 Contribs., boxes .. 0 4 7 Boxes, by Box, by Badcock, Mrs 0 18 0 HOOE. Peters, Master.. . . 0 5 5 Baker & Williams, Collect., TeaMtg. 1 13 4 Misses ...... 0 3 3 Contribs., Sunday- 2 11 3 Bassell, Mrs 0 8 C school ...... 2 4 4 Less expenses.. 0 0 6 Batten, Mrs 0 3 5 2 10 9 Buzzacott, Miss .. 0 3 (i Boxes, by Ford, Miss ...... 0 4 0 Andrews, — . . . . 0 4 2 Hayward, Mr 0 3 4 Wright and Kelly, MILLBROOK. Hill, Mrs...... 0 6 2 Misses ...... 1 o T Rev. J. Beer. Hooper, Mr 0 1 4 Collection...... 1 17 8 Rice, Misses . . . . 0 IS 8 Contribs., Sunday- Roberts, Miss . . . . 0 3 G ILFRACOMBE. school ...... 0 7 7 Rogers, Mrs 0 2 10 Rev. J. E. Taylor. Tuckett, Mrs 0 12 2 Collected by Tuckett, Miss . . . . 0 4 9 Colin, for Wd. 0 .. 0 11 A friend ...... 0 2 0 Tuekwell, Mrs. .. 0 13 3 Subscription: Ralph, Miss 0 10 0 Two Friends . . . . 2 0 6 Howland, Mr. Jno. Slocombe. Mrs. . . 0 6 3 Weeks, Miss . . . . 0 5 0 for TP & 0 . . . . 0 10 3 3 6 1 1 2 13 3 4 MODBURY. Less expenses ,.02 0 KIN GSBRIDGE. Rev. A. English. 13 0 10 Rev. J. U. Davis, B.A. 1865-6. KXETEIl. Collection ...... 16* 1 4 Collection...... 3 0 0 South Street.—Rev. S. Mann. Do.for II' <€• 0 .. 2 10 G Do. for W & O 0 10 0 Collection...... G 1 0 Do. Mai borough 0 11 6 Collected by Do. Public Meet­ Contribs., Sunday- raster, Mrs 3 8 6 ing ...... 5 8 ‘J school, for .V ]' 1 13 10 Do. Juvenile . 1 1 0 0 Do.Female Bible For y P, by 1>0. for Wd: 0 .. 1 5 o class 1 0 0 Callard, Miss E. .. 0 8 6 Contribs., Sunday- Boxes, by school boxes.. . . 1 0 0 ltlNGMORE. Adams, Miss M. .. 3 12 0 Collected by Boses, by Iialkwill,.Mrs.W.H. 4 10 0 Crimp, Miss 0 12 0 Criddle, Harry .. 0 7 • Balkwili, Mrs. R .. 3 0 0 Dymond, M iss.... 0 2 0 Balkwili, Miss.. . . 0 10 0 For iV P, by Bennett, Mrs. T ... 0 11 0 Hooper, Miss . . . . 0 4 !) Foster, Mr. A 0 10 0 Bennett, Mrs. J. . 0 6 0 8 9 0 Whitford, Miss .. 1 2 0 Bickford, Miss... 1 0 4 Collected by Crispin, Miss ____ 0 10 0 18G6-7. Criddle, Miss . . . 0 10 0 Davis, Mrs...... 0 5 0 Collected by Ferris, Mrs 0 4 0 Foster, Mrs 3 3 2 Subscriptions: Gay, Mr...... 1 1 3 Adams, Miss . . . . 2 0 Harris, Miss E. ... 0 7 4 For 2V P, by Criddle,E.,Esq... 0 10 Jarvis, Mrs. L 0 19 O Crimp, Master .. 0 10 4 Pulsford, Rev. T .. 0 10 Jeffries, Mrs 0 10 0 3 13 6 Lakey, Captain .. 0 10 0 20 9 G Pearce, Mrs. A. G. 1 0 0 NEWTON ABBOTT. Less expenses.. 1 1 0 Randall, Miss . . . . 0 6 0 East Street. Saunders, Mrs. R. 0 7 6 Toms, Mrs. A 1 0 O Rev. G. Hudgell. KXETEK. Widger, Mrs 0 3 7 Collection...... 2 5 0- Do. for W & 0 1 3 5 Bartholomew Street, Will8,Mr.J.(2yrs.) 0 10 0 Wyctt, MissS 0 5 0 Contribs., Sunday- llev. J. Field. schl. for Hi P, Subscriptions: Collection...... 4 0 0 Delhi...... 15 12 3 Adams, Mr. Jaa... 0 10 0 Contribs., boxes.. 1 8 0 Subscriptions; Do. Sunday-scli. 1 13 0 Balkwili, Mr.W.H. 2 0 0 Davis, Rev. J. U. 0 10 6 Bickford, N., Esq.. 1 0 0 Hooper, Mr. J. G. 0 10 0 Michclmore, P. S., Taylor, Mrs 1 0 0 Esq...... 1 1 EXMOUTH. 21 1 8 50 15 2 Donation: NEWTON ABBOTT. Sprague, John,Esq. 3 3 0 Less expenses .. 1 5 2 ------49 10 0 Rev. F. Pearce. For 2f P, by Collection 1 6 Standerwick, Miss KINGSKERSWELL. A...... 0 9 0 For N P, by Stundcrwick,Chas. 0 3 0 Rev. H. Robinson. Eggbeer, Wm 0 2 3 15 0 Collection 1 6 o Merson, Lily . . . . 0 2 90 .DEVONSHIRE. [1 8 6 7 .

NEWTON ABBOTT—Continued. PLY MOUTH—Continued. TIVERTON— Continutd. M erson,Polly.... 0 2 1 Radford, Mr. G. D. 3 0 0 Havill,Mr. P...... 0 10 0 Pearce, Fanny.. . . 0 2 9 Serpell, Mr. R. C .. 1 0 0 Heathcoat, Miss . 1 0 0 Pearce, Thos o 2 5 Stephenson, Mr. S. 0 10 0 Lane, Mrs...... 2 0 » Pearce, Louisa.... 0 4 2 St ids ton, Mr. J. .. 0 10 0 Mead, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Pepperel, Eliz. . . . o 1 f. Stidston, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Powell,Mr. D ... 2 0 0 Pinn, J oh n 0 3 3 Vincent, Mr...... 0 10 0 Price, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Rich, A lice o ? u Watt, Mr. C...... 1 0 0 Singleton, Mr. J.N 2 0 0 Williams, Edwd... O i l Watts, Mr. R. I .. 1 1 0 Webb.Rev. E .... 1 0 0 Under is o 111 Webb, Mr. F. J .. 0 10 6 Under 10«...... 0 9 0 2 11 Weekes, Mr...... 0 10 0 Weymouth, Mr. R. 40 16 0 PAIGNTON. F...... 1 1 0 Less expenses. 0 6 G Rev. J. R. K. Tozer. Willoughby, Mr. J. 1 0 0 40 10 0 Windeatt, Mr. C .. 1 0 0 Collection, &c 1 10 0 Under 10*...... 1 5 2 TORQUAY. Subscription: For Chin a : Upton Vale.—Rev. J. Kings. Goodridge, Mr. .. 1 1 o Burnell, Mr. W ... 1 0 0 Collections ...... 11 0 11 For N P, by Family b ox...... 0 11 2 Do. Public Meet­ Kitts, Eustace, box 0 14 G ing ...... C 16 8 Tozer, Mrs I 0 0 Loye, Mr. P...... 1 0 0 Do. for W & O. . 3 0 O Worldon, Eliz. ..060 Nicholson, Mr .W.C.,0 10 0 Contribs.,Sun.-sch. ------3 17 -203 towards support of y P, Dacca, PLYMOUTH. SHALDOX. Bengal...... 18 0 0 George-street—Rev. T. C. Page. Rev. W. H. Hobling. For Collection 10 0 Collected by Doudle, F...... 0 5 0 Do., Ann]. Mtg. Gerrick, F...... 0 5 0 and Breakfast 35 4 0 Beer, Miss H ...... 0 1 8 Goss, E...... 0 11 0 Hutchins, Miss .. 0 C C Do. Weekly Of­ Lane, R. S...... 0 4 1 ferings for W&O 7 10 0 Hobling,Mr., Bible Lemon, Benjamin. 0 16 3 Contribs., Ladies’ class...... 0 5 0 Mountstephens, E. Webb, Miss...... 0 3 6 Committee 5 14 9 L...... 1 4 0 Do. Jnv. Socy, For N /y b y Steadham,M 0 11 0 by Miss Weeks, Wreyford.C 0 11 0 for African Bryant,Louisa . . 0 1 10 Orphans ___ U 16 9 0 18 6 Subscriptions : Do. Lower-st. . . 2 1 8 9 STONEHOUSE. Breeze, Mr 1 0 0 Do. by Miss Brown, Mr...... 1 0 0 Holmden, for Ebenezer. Brown, Mr. J. H .. 1 0 0 RevJ. C.Page's Collections ...... 2 2 C Finnimore,A.,Esq. 2 0 0 y P, Sarisal 2? 0 6 Furbank.Mrs 0 10 0 Do.Sunday-schl. TAVISTOCK. Kings, Rev. J 0 10 Ü byMr.H.C.Fox, Pitcairn, Rev. D. 1 0 0 for Rev. J. C. Subscriptions ; Raby, Mr...... 0 10 0 Page, Barisal .12 0 0 Windeatt,Mr. T .. 1 1 0 Tetley, Dr...... 1 0 O Do. do. for Windeatt, Miss ..110 Williams, Mr. J .0 . 1 0 0 School, Rev. A. 2 2 0 Salcer’s Station, 52 14 11 Cameroons ..10 10 3 TEIGNMOUTH. Less expenses . . 0 1 0 0 52 4 11 Subscriptions: Rev. J. Davis. Adams, Mr. P...... 2 2 0 Contribs.,Juv.Soc. TOTNES. Adamson, Capt... 0 10 O by Miss Barber ...... 5 0 0 Alger, Mr 1 1 0 Rev. H. T. Brown. Ambrose, Mr...... 0 10 6 TIVERTON. Boxes, by Angas, M iss 5 0 0 Mills, Miss 0 12 10 Batten, Mr. J 1 0 0 Rev. E. Webb. Bayley, Mr. R. .. 0 10 0 Pearce, Mrs. C. . . . 0 2 C Collection...... 8 0 0 Rose, J. S...... 1 0 0 Berry, Mr...... 0 10 O Contribs., Sunday- Burnell, Mr. W ... 1 1 0 Tucker, Mr. W ., school, for NP.. 14 0 0 and Family .. 2 10 0 Butt, Mr...... 0 10 0 Boxes, by Do. for W

POOLE—Continued. DARLINGTON— Continued. JBorsctsíjírc. Collected by Sunday School, for M P, by BOURTON. Cherrett, Mr. R ... 0 4 11 Duff, M. A 0 2 3 Collection 2 0 0 Hart, Annie 1 11 0 Hornsby, G 0 2 4 Contributions. . . . 2 5 0 liidout, Mr...... 0 4 0 Jones, Fliz 0 3 0 4 5 0 Layton, J. A 0 1 G Subscriptions: Newcombe, M. E. 0 7 6 BUCKHORN WESTON. Allen, M iss 0 10 0 Simpson, M 0 3 0 Godwin and Son, Wharton, T 0 I Q For Jt P, by Messrs...... 2 2 0 Wrightson.M.J... 0 1 1 Luffman, Mary .. 0 10 0 Osborne, Rev. J.II. 0 10 O ------52 1 0 Sliute, Lavinia 0 12 (i Sliute, Mary .. 0 7 G 13 10 10 DARLINGTON. Less expenses.. 0 6 0 Northgate.—Rev. J. H. Gordon. — 13 4 10 Collections ...... 2 8 10 DORCHESTER. Do.,for W&O.. 0 12 0 Rev. E. Merriman. WEYMOUTH. Subscription: Collections ...... 5 9 G Rev. I. Birt, B.A. Do. for W & 0 .. 1 12 6 Peachey, Mr. Wm. 2 2 0 Collection...... G 15 8 5 2 10 Do. at Village Do., for IFtfc 0 . 1 10 0 Stations . . . . 1 14 7 Contribs., Sunday- Contributions . . . . 2 2 6 school ...... 19 7 6 HAMSTERLEY. Do., Sua. Sch., Rev. J. H. Lummis. for Mr s.Kerry's Boxes, by School, Jntally 111 G Humphrey, Annie Contributions . . . . 12 10 7 and Willie . . . . 0 4 10 Loames, Miss . . . . 0 9 6 HARTLEPOOL. FIFEHEAD MAGDALEN. Young,Miss,School 0 4 4 Rev. E. Edwards. For JV P, by Subscriptions : Collections ...... 2 19 11 Griffin, Frances A. 0 2 5 Beale, Miss R. and Contributions . . . . 0 15 6 Hellier, Henry T .. 0 5 G Mr. Renil...... 2 0 0 Do. Sunday-sch. 1 6 8 Herritlge, -Miss .. o 9 G Harwood, Mrs. .. 5 0 0 Parsons, Eliz 0 2 7 Under 10i...... Q 5 0 Boxes, by 0 0 Edwards, Miss.. . . 0 16 0 35 1G 10 Elders, Mrs 0 3 0 GILLINGHAM. Less expenses.. 0 14 0 Granger, Miss 0 2 3 Rev. G. Boulsher. 35 2 10 Parker, Mrs 0 4 6 Collecta, for W¿c 0 0 10 0 Robson, Miss . . , . 0 4 0 Contributions . . . . 9 0 0 £ 8 6 16 O Rose, Miss ...... 0 2 2 9 10 0 Wilkinson, J 0 4 0

IWERNE MINSTER. : 6 18 0 © urijam . 0 13 0 Rev. J. Davidge. G 5 0 Collection...... 0 19 9 DARLINGTON. Do. for W<£ 0 .. 0 12 0 Archer Street.—Rev. P. W. Grant. HOUGHTON-LE-SPRING. Contribs., Chapel bos ...... 0 ¡4 1 Collections...... 7 0 0 Rev. D. Burn. Do , Sundy-schl. 0 17 9 Contribs., Sunday- By Miss Bee : school ...... 0 3 10 Box, by Storrow, J., Esq.. 0 10 0 Short, Miss H. L .. 0 18 8 Subscriptions : Under 10f...... 0 11 G 4 2 3 Grant, Rev. P.W. 20 0 0 1 1 6 Williamson, Mr. LYME REGIS. Jno...... 1 0 0 MIDDLETON-IN-TEES- Rev. J. 11. Jenkins. By Mrs. D. Wilson : DALE. Collections ...... 1 13 3 Backhouse, A., Esq 1 0 0 Rev. W. L. Green. Do., PublicMtg. 2 5 8 Backhouse,Mrs. K. 1 0 0 Do., for W <£ 0 . 0 10 0 Backhouse, E., Esq. 1 0 0 Collections ...... 2 4 G Contribs., for ¿V /■* 0 10 G Backhouse, J. H. Do., for IT & 0 . \ 3 6 Boxes, by Esq...... 1 0 0 D o.,Public Mtng. 2 1 6 Barclay, Mrs...... Do.,Forest Chapl. 0 10 0 Brown, Master .. 0 4 4 1 0 0 Lavers, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Harris, Mrs., Mid- Boxes, by dlesborough .. 1 0 0 Quick, Miss...... 0 7 0 Bainbridge,Mrs. P. 0 3 6 Kugg, Mrs...... 0 4 4 Pease, Edwd., Esq. 1 0 0 Pease, J.W.,Esq., Chapman, Mary . . 0 1 7 6 M.P...... 1 0 0 Douthwaite, Wm. 0 11 0 6 5 1 Pinkney, Anna and Less expenses.. 0 14 7 Pease, Clias., Esq. 1 0 0 Pease, Joseph, Esq. 1 0 0 George...... 1 17 6 5 10 6 Do., donatn. for Subscriptions: POOLE. Schools...... 5 0 0 Pease, Mrs. Henry 0 10 0 A family offering.. 0 10 0 Rev. John Henry Osborne. Pease, Mrs. A...... 1 0 0 An absent Mend 2 0 0 Collec. Pub. Mtg. 3 14 6 Pease, Mrs. John.. I 0 0 Anonymous 0 10 0 Do. for W & O.. 2 2 G Pease,Gurney,Esq. 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Contribs., Monthly Pease, Mrs. J .B ... 1 0 0 Meeting, b o x . 0 15 4 Wilkinson, Mrs... 1 0 0 12 14 0 Do., Sundy-schl. Wilson, Mr. David 1 0 0 Less expenses.. 0 7 6 boxes ...... 1 16 7 Under 10«, . . , , 1 s 0 12 6 « 92 DURHAM— ESSEX. [1867.

SHOTLEY BRIDGE. WEST HAllTLEFOOL- Continued. BRAINTREE— Continued. Her. Jno. Brooks. Boxes, by Boxes, by Collections (2 yrs.) 8 4 0 Biggs, Miss ...... 0 2 0 A friend ...... 0 5 0 Leas expenses.. 0 0 10 Brown, Mrs...... 0 3 0 A frie n d ...... 0 1 9 S 3 Davieson. Mrs. . . 0 1 6 A. P...... 0 2 6 SOUTH SHIELDS. Dixon, Mrs...... 0 1 2 Aylett, Mrs...... 0 6 0 Griegs, Miss J. C .. 0 12 5 Bennct;, M iss.».. 0 2 11 Barrington Street.—Rev.W. Ilanson. Inglis, Miss...... 1 3 4 Bentall, Mrs. A. .. 0 5 0 Collections ...... 7 1 4 Wrightson, Mrs... 0 1 3 Boyton, Mrs...... 0 1 10 Do., Sun.-schl.. 0 14 3 Brand, Mrs...... 0 5 4 Subscriptions: Cards, by Cook, Mrs...... 0 3 10 Charter, Rev. J ... 0 10 6 Mills, Mrs...... 0 4 A Freeman,Master T. 0 4 10 Inglis, Jno.T.,Esq. 0 10 6 Morris Miss...... 0 1 Thompson, W m... 0 1 0 Leng,W. S., Esq.. 0 10 6 Mostyn, Miss . . . . 0 o 10 By Hr. Callender: Robinson, Isaac, Esq.O 10 0 Pollard, Miss . . . . 0 3 5 Callender, M r .... 0 10 0 Ruddick, Mrs...... 0 0 •8 Ingham, Robert, 8 12 6 Yavasseur, Miss. Esq., M.P 1 0 0 Less expenses.. 0 11 10 Bible Class 1 2 3 By Mrs. J. Williamson: 21 15 7 Williamson, Jas., WOLSINGHAM. Less district ex­ Esq., M.D 0 10 6 penses ...... 0 13 b Williamson,Messrs. Rev. P. Gibb. 21 2 1 B. and E 0 10 0 Collection...... 2 3 0 By Miss Burnet: Contributions . . . . 2 16 6 BURNIIAM. 5 0 0 Bruce, Mr. J 1 0 0 Rev. John Cole. Bnmet, Miss ____ 0 10 0 Collectn.,for JFtfc 0 0 16 0 Imeary,KobertEsq. 1 1 0 £ 1 5 5 4 5 Under 10*...... 2 4 6 For N P, by By Mrs. Smith & Miss Mileham, J. and Sanderson: Nagle, J...... 0 9 3 Meggie’s basket.. 1 10 6 ©SSCI. Warren, E...... 0 3 9 Missionary box and ASHDON. Under \s 0 2 10 children’s offer­ 1 11 10 ings ...... 1 18 4 Rev. J. Watts. Sanderson, Mr. K. 1 0 0 Collections ...... 2 IS 0 CIIADWELL HEATH. Sanderson, Mrs... 0 10 0 Contribs., boxes .. 1 7 3 Under IOj 1 1 3 Rev. T. Kendall. Subscription : Collection for TTot O 0 6 0 21 8 0 Watts, Rev. J 0 10 6 Less expenses.. 0 12 0 COLCHESTER. 20 1G 0 Eld Lane.—Revs. R. Langford SOUl'H SHIELDS. BARKING. and E. Spurrier. Ebenezer Chapel. Jiev. D. Taylor. Rev. W. Ilillier. Collections ...... 6 1 8 Collections 2 11 0 Contribs., Sunday- Contributions . . . . 1 13 1 Do., for.irtfc O... 0 7 0 school ...... 0 15 1 STOCKTON-ON-TEES. Contribs., Sunday- school boxes.... 1 1 10 Collected by Her. W. Leng. Boxes, by Bennell, Miss, for I7. 0139 Collections ...... 9 8 0 Buries, Miss S. .. 0 17 0 Less expenses .. 1 1 6 Barnes, Mrs. C. . . 0 2 6 8 6 6 Shelito, Mrs 0 0 5 Boxes, by For N P, by Blois, Miss ...... 0 7 0 SUNDERLAND. Pratt, M iss 0 6 0 Bethesda. Gower, Clara . . . . 0 3 4 Ilett, Fred...... 0 1 1 By Mrs. Wenlock: Rev. A. A. Rees. Parker, Ada 0 4 4 A friend ...... 0 10 0 Collection 11 4 Shepherd, Wm. ..02 1 Benham, Mr. E .... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Wall, Nathan . . . . 0 2 6 Daniell, Mrs. T ... 0 10 0 Drury, Mr. W m.. 1 0 Wood, Emma. . . . 0 3 0 Francis, F., Esq... 1 1 0 Hills, Mr. Jno. ... 1 0 Harvey, Mr. J . B. 0 10 0 Hunter, Mr. Jno.. 1 0 Langford, Rev. R. 0 10 0 Storrow, Jno., Esq. 1 0 BRAINTREE. Warmington, Mr. Storrow, Mrs 1 0 and Mrs. E 0 17 6 Under 10»...... 1 0 Rev. J. Mostyn. Wicks, Mr. J . . . . 1 1 0 17 5 2 Collections...... 7 1 8 Under 10«...... 2 12 10 SUNDERLAND. Contribs., Prayer- Sans Street. meetings . . . . 0 14 9 17 2 10 Do.,Sunday-schl. 1 6 1 Less expenses.. 0 6 0 Rev. G. V. Barker. 16 16 10 Collection 3 11 Subscriptions: Contribs., Sunday- A friend ...... 0 10 0 EARL’S COLNE. f, school ...... l 4 0 Bentall, Mrs. A .. 0 10 Rer. A. H. Stote. G 15 0 Budden,Mrs...... 0 10 6 Collections .7 0 0 WEST HARTLEPOOL. Challis, Mr. Wm., the late...... 1 0 0 Du.,forTP

GREAT LEIGHS. HARLOW— Continued. LANGLEY—Continued. Collection, Public For N P, by Pluck, Miss 0 4 G Meeting ...... 5 3 0 Adams, T ...... 0 12 0 1 Prime, Miss 0 111 Collocted by Coleman, H 0 4 1 i Under Is 0 0 5 Raven, Sarah . . . . 1 0 c Clements, K 0 2 C Edwards, F. C 0 11 0 Edwards, W. T ... 0 10 0 LOUGHTON. HALSTEAD. Martin, H. W. . . 0 1 2 0 Rev. S. Brawn. North Street.—Rev. 1S. G.V, Scott, E...... 0 7 6 Collections ...... 19 5 3 Collections ...... 4 16 4 Thurgood. S 0 5 3 Do., for W&O.. 3 5 4 Contribs., Sunday- Whittaker, C. D .. 0 8 6 Contribs., Chapel school ...... 3 6 7 Wright, A 0 7 0 box...... 0 4 0 Ladies’ Auxiliary, Do., Sun.-scliool Subscriptions: box...... 0 4 0 Bell, Thos., Esq... 0 10 G By Miss Barnard: Proceeds of Tea Cook, Wm., Esq.. 1 1 0 Barnard, Mrs. W.. 0 10 0 Meeting ...... 0 10 3 Cornell, Mr. J. .. 0 10 G Barnard, Miss 1 0 0 Woodrow ,Rev.S.G. 0 10 G Do., needlework 1 0 0 Collected by Under 10s...... 0 15 0 Cliaplin.Mrs . . . . 0 10 0 Brown, Mrs., box .032 Gould,Mr. J.R.,do. 0 15 2 Boxes, by Death, Misses . . . . 0 10 0 Miller, Miss 0 10 0 Gould, Miss 6 15 1 Arnold, Walter .. 0 2 7 Price, Miss M 0 10 0 Gould, Mr. G., Campion, Mr...... 0 2 G Under 10s...... 0 10 0 jun., Children’s Kemp, Mrs...... 0 2 6 j box ...... 0 18 0 Murrells, Jas...... 0 3 11 By Miss P. Barnard: I Hill, Miss, box .. 0 1 0 Sargent, Miss___ 0 8 0 Barnard, Mrs 0 10 0 Tyler, Miss...... 0 1 2 Barnard, Mrs.C... 0 10 0 i Subscriptions: 12 11 1 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 j Savill, M iss 1 0 0 j Cousens, Mr 0 10 G HALSTEAD. By Miss Omant: I Under 10s...... 0 ¿5 0 Providence Chapel. Carmichael, Miss . 0 12 0 Donations: Rev. J. Toll. Under 10s...... 0 18 0 Brawn, Rev. S. .. 0 10 0 Subscription: Collected by Daniell, Mr 1 0 0 Wentworth, Miss . 0 12 0 Melhuish, Mrs. S. 0 10 0 For N P, by For iTP, by 47 If. ft Bailey, Miss H. .. 0 9 0 Deal, Miss ...... 0 5 0 Less expenses.. 0 5 0 Gould, Master E. . 0 14 6 Huggins, M. J. . . 0 2 U 47 11 5 Hills, Miss M 0 4 0 Spurgeon, Miss S. 0 4 2 Maynard, Miss A .. 0 8 5 Spurgeon, Miss E. 0 1 6 ILFORD. Searl, R. and Bar­ ker, E...... 0 12 6 Toll, M i« H 0 4 0 Rev. J. Woodard. Contribs., Sunday- 37 15 2 HARLOW. school ...... 1 6 Less expenses.. 0 5 6 37 9 8 Rev. F. Edwards, B.A. Collected by Collections ...... 10 14 (i Reason, Mrs 1 17 PLAISTOW UNION Do., for W& 0 .. 2 0 0 CHURCH. Do., Prayer Meet­ ings ...... 4 15 G LANGHAM. Rev. John Foster. Contribs., Sunday- Contributions . . . . 2 11 8 school ...... 1 16 1 Rev. G. Hitchon. Do., by Miss Key 1 1 8 Subscriptions : Collectn., for JT

SAFFRON WALDEN—Continued. WALTHAM ABBEY— Continued. CHELTENHAM—Continued. Collected by Junior Auxiliary: Winterbotham,Mrs,l 1 0 Cowell, Miss J. . . 0 4 3 Colin. Ann.-meet. 0 18 3 Wyatt, Miss 0 10 0 Day, Miss...... 0 8 2 Contribs., Sunday- Under 10«...... 0 2 6 Francis, Miss . . . . 0 6 8 schl. box(moiety) 1 110 Collected by Francis, Emma .. 0 5 3 Gillson, Miss . . . . 1 5 0 Collected by Brown, Mr. W. M. 0 6 6 Gillson, Miss C. A. 0 11 9 Beaven,Mr 0 4 2 For NP, by Housden, M rs.... 0 3 1 Carter, Miss A. .. 0 16 0 O’Niel,Emma.... 0 3 0 Lacey, Miss 0 15 0 Cuthbert,MasterH. 1 1 0 Whittard, Miss J. 0 12 0 Nott,Miss ...... 0 12 6 Ephgrave, Miss C. 0 10 2 Wliittord, Misses Pitstow, Mrs 0 7 5 Findlay, Miss S ... 0 11 0 C. andM 0 17 6 Redhead,Miss.... 1 0 0 Franklin, Miss M .. 0 3 0 Samson. Miss E... 0 7 2 McKillop, Mr 0 16 0 For Girls' Native Boarding Smith, Miss 0 4 8 Miller, Mr. F 0 4 6 School, Colombo, Ceylon, Whiffen, Miss . . . . 0 5 0 Murch, Master H .. 2 18 8 Wilkinson, Miss <. 0 6 8 Pengelly, Mr. E ... 0 13 3 By Mrs. Whittard: Speller, Miss E. .. 1 8 6 Jefferys, Russell, Subscriptions: Tamkin, MissE... 0 15 10 Esq., by Mrs. Allen 10 0 0 Butcher, Mr. G ... 0 10 0 Trapp, Miss M. A.. 0 14 0 King, P., Esq. ... 1 1 0 Chapman, Mrs. .. 1 0 0 Newton, T., Esq.. 0 10 0 Cowell, Mrs...... 1 0 0 23 1 3 Whitehead, H. A., Gibbs, Mr. F...... 0 10 0 Less expenses.. 0 7 0 Esq...... 0 10 0 Gibson, Mrs. W. G. 1 1 0 22 14 3 AVhittard, M rs.... 0 10 0 Do., for Zenana Young, Mri 0 10 0 Mission...... 1 0 0 £246 3 1 Gibson, G. S., Esq. 1 1 0 By Miss Whittard: Smith, Mr. P...... 0 10 0 Beard, Mr...... 0 10 0 Starling, J., Esq. . 1 0 0 Plant, Mr...... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 13 8 Under 10f...... 0 5 0 Gloucistcrsfjtrc. Collected by 26 14 3 AVENING. Leas district ex­ Wyatt, Miss 0 9 0 penses ...... 0 19 4 Rev. N. Woodcock. 25 14 11 Collection...... 2 0 0 80 16 11 Less expenses.. 1 4 6 79 12 5 SIBLE HEDINGHAM. BLAKENEY. Rev. W. S. Webb. Contributions . . . . 0 14 0 CHIPPING SODBURY. Contributions . . . . 0 12 0 Rev. F. H. Roleston. THORPE LE SOKEN. CHALFORD. Collection...... 1 11 0 Do. for China .. 1 4 0 Rev. J. French- Rev. R. Ayres. Contribs., Cards Contributions.... 2 12 0 Collection. 1 10 0 and Boxes . . . . 2 12 6 Do., Sundy-sclil. 1 1 C Bos, by CHELTENHAM. Do., for NP.... 1 1 0 James, Master W. 0 3 2 7 13 0 Donation: Collected by Sims, Mrs. E 5 0 0 CINDERFORD. Banks, Charlotte .036 Rev. P. Prees. Bradley, Jno. . . . 0 1 6 Salem Chapel, Clarence Parade. Collection...... 8 13 o Day, Sarah 0 1 9 Rev. P. G. Scorey. James, William ..026 Do. for O.. 2 2 0 Martin, Keturah.. 0 2 3 Collections ...... 18 7 6 Contribs., Sunday- Ratcliffe, Annie ..01 2 Do., for TV . 0 3 0 Subscriptions : Scorey, M r. 2 0 0 Brown, Mr. Edmd. 1 1 0 Scorey, Rev. P. G. 2 0 0 Subscriptions: Pugh, Mr., S. B ... 0 10 0 Swinburn, Miss .. 0 10 0 Arnold,Tlios.,Esq. 0 10 0 Sutton, Mr., by Mr. Teall, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Aston, Mr. W 0 10 0 Edwards...... 0 10 0 Whitbread,Mr. .. 0 10 6 Batten, Dr...... 1 1 o Upton, Mr...... 0 10 6 Whittard, Mrs. .. 0 10 0 Morgan, Mr. T. ..100 1 8 6 7 .] GLOUCESTERSHIRE.

COLEFORD—Continued. KINGSTANLEY—Continued. STROUD—Continued. Provis, Mr. B. W. 1 0 0 For China: Winterbotliam, L. Teague,P.,Esq... 0 10 0 A Teacher and her W „ Esq...... 1 ] 0 Tetley, Bev. W. H. 0 10 0 Class Under 10s.... 0 10 0 Thomas. J.T.,Esq. 1 0 0 .... 2 10 0 Trotter,Isaiah,Esq. 1 0 0 23 8 6 Box, by Trotter, Mrs. T. B. 1 1 0 Aldam, Mr 0 2 6 Under 10s...... 2 8 0 LYDNEY. 33 8 6 24 0 10 Rev. M. S. Ridley. Collections, &c. .. TETBURY. EASTCOMBE. 12 0 0 Rev. E. Whitlock. Rev. J. B. Erasted. MINCHINHAMPTON. Collection...... 1 7 9 Collection...... 1 17 0 Contribution ...... 0 5 0 Rev. H. A. James. Contribs., Sunday- 1 12 9 Collection...... 1 14 0 school ...... 110 1 3 7 1 EASTINGTON. PAINSWICK. Nupend Chapel. Rev. J. Cook. TEWKESBURY. Collection...... 3 0 0 Collection...... 0 19 i Rev. T. Wilkinson. Contribs., Sunday- Box, by Contributions . . . . 16 12 6 school ...... 4 11 3 Watkins, Mrs...... 0 8 0 Box, by 1 7 0 THORNBURY. Parks, Mrs...... 0 5 3 7 16 6 Rev. John Mathews. PARK END. Col.for I F 0 14 0 GLOUCESTER. Rev. W. Nicholson. Rev. W. Collings. Collection.«...... 1 0 0 For N P, by Contribs., for JV J3 0 13 0 Collings, Miss L ... 0 2 0 Collection...... 8 11 0 1 13 0 Do. for Wtb O.. 2 0 0 Mathews, Master Do. Prayer Meet­ W.A ...... 0 2 4 ing boxes.... 1 16 G SHORTWOOD 0 18 4 Contributions.... 3 10 6 Collections ...... 9 1 2 Do. S. Sehl., for Contribs., Sunday- ULEY. School, Ceylon 8 0 0 school ...... 3 10 5 Do. for N P . . . . 25 13 2 Do., MissionWork- Rev. W. C. Taylor. Do. for Bethtephil ing Class...... 1 17 G Collection...... 3 2 11 Schl., Jamaica 8 0 0 Subscriptions: Do. for TTcfcO.. 0 5 G Do., Juvenile ..057 Collected by Bruton, Mr. R. .. 0 10 0 3 14 0 Slacker, Miss . . . . 0 6 4 Clissold, Mr...... 1 0 0 Seron,Miss . . . . 1 0 8 Fewster, Mr...... 1 0 0 WOODCHESTER. Tolinson,Master.. 0 11 6 Hillier, M r.J...... 2 0 0 59 9 8 Norton, Mrs...... 1 10 0 Rev. E. P. Barrett. Smith, Mr. W . .. 0 10 0 Collection ...... 2 0 HILLSLEY. Smith, Mr. R ...... 1 e 0 Dollec. for W é O .. 0 14 0 Box, by WOTTON-UNDER-EDGE. Bruton, Frank ... 0 2 5 HUNTLEY. 22 1 6 Rev. H. Webley. Subscription : Collections ...... 9 17 3 Do., 1866, for Dicks, Mr. Jas. (2 SLIMBRIDGE GOSINGTON. yrs.)...... 2 2 0 W& 0 ...... 1 0 0 ßev. G. Steele. Do., 1867, fordo. 1 5 0 Do., for China. .110 Collec. for W <ù O. 0 5 0 Subscriptions: For N P, by For 2V P, by Child,T. S.,Esq... 2 0 0 Mcks,Harry . . . . 0 4 3 Brazington, Sophia, Eley, Miss...... 2 0 0 iicks, Walter. . . . 0 3 5 & Cullimore,Hy. 0 4 9 Griffiths, Rev. J ... 1 0 0 3 10 8 Long, John, and Griffiths, J., Esq... 5 0 0 Wager, Thos... 0 White,Mrs. Jno... 0 10 0 KINGSTANLEY. Wondman, Alice.. 0 lev. J. C. Butterworth, M.A. 0 18 0 Collected by Collection...... 6 3 G A Sabbath Scholar 0 1 6 Do. for W $ O.. 1 5 0 STROUD. Cox, Miss...... 0 6 0 Parker, F. and M. 0 7 7 tontribs. Sunday- Rev. W. Yates. school...... 2 0 0 Smith, Mrs. Isaac . 0 16 8 Collections ...... 9 15 0 Stinchcomb,W. . . 0 3 8 Do. boxes... 1 0 0 Stinchcomb, M. .. 0 3 2 )o., foriV^ .... 1 Contribs., 0 0 Juvenile Society...... 10 10 0 Webley, Mrs 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Subscriptions: friend ...... 4 0 0 25 0 10 ildcr, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Bishop, Mr 1 0 0 Less expenses ■ ■ 0 9 4 Sutterworth, ltev. Clissold, Mr 1 0 0 24 11 G ! J. C...... 1 0 0 Cluttcrbuck, Mrs. 1 0 0 leavon, Miss . . . . 0 Clutterbuck, 10 0 Miss 0 10 0 YORKLEY. Iillier, Mrs.....1 0 0 Fisher, P. H., Esq. 1 0 0 Cing, Miss M ... . . 1 0 0 Hunt, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Collection...... 0 10 0 ting, Miss E...1 0 0 King, Miss 1 0 0 Contribs., for N P. 1 0 0 Under 10i...... 0 10 0 Parsons, Mr. . . . . 1 0 0 10 0 96 ÖLOU CESTE RSHIEE. [186

East Gloucestershire. , BURFORD—Continued. LEC1II.ADE. ARLINGTON. Collected by Rev. W. Wheeler. Collections 0 Ifi n Rev. W. J. Stevens. i A friend ...... 0 1 9 Harris, Jas.... 0 3 0 fiollected by Collections ...... 2 C 5 Harris, l< osina 0 1 9 Contribs., Sunday- ‘ Patience, Mary _ _0 _1 A W idow...... 0 3 4 school ...... 0 9 3 ; Tozer, Alice . . . . 0 8 0 Golding, Miss . . . . 0 4 C Collected by : Wiggins, M. E. .. 0 4 1 Wheeler, Mrs 0 4 0 Gardner, W 0 1 8 Under 1«...... 0 0 8 Handle, M...... 0 1 6 i MAISEYHAMPTON. Savory. E...... 0 2 4 Under Is 0 0 6 1 CHIPPING CAMPDEN. Rev. G. Smith. Subscription: 1 Rev. R. A. Shadick. Collection...... 2 0 0 Contributions . . . . "2 0 0 Smith, W., Esq. .. 1 0 0 ' Collection...... Do., Chapel box 0 14 0 4 1 8 Do., for support 1 CIRENCESTER. of Female re­ ASCOTT. leased from | liev. J. J. Brown. Rev. W. R. Irvine. bondage in Ca- i Collections ...... 5 15 10 nieroons...... 5 0 Collections ...... 1 11 2 •------o Contribs., Sunday- | Contribs.. Sunday- 14 school ...... 0 11 11 • school ...... 0 2 5 Bo., do., Lea- Subscriptions : MILTON. field ...... 0 7 3 1 Brewin, Mr. R. .. 0 10 0 Rev. A. Powell. Collected by 1 Brewin, Mr. W. .. 0 10 0 Collections ...... 8 8 6 Abraham, Miss A 0 9 0 j Keywortli,Mr.H.G. 0 10 G Do., for IF it■().. 0 18 9 Hunt, Mr...... 0 2 2 , Mullings, Mr. J ... 0 10 G Subscriptions: Irvine, Miss 0 n i l ; Collected by Irvine, Miss J. J ... 0 0 0 Cherry, Rev. W., c I Clappen,Miss Kate, the late...... 0 10 G ! box ...... 0 0 0 Powell, Rev. A ... 0 10 0 BLOCKLEY. ■ Norton, Miss Jane 1 b 0 Collected by Rev. C. J. Middleditch. i For -V P, by Couling, Miss E., Collections ...... 4 4 4 ! Golding, Eve .... 0 ft 3 box ...... 1 0 0 Contribs., Sunday- Keyworth, E..... 0 3 5 Groves, Miss S. A. 0 11 4 school...... 2 2 1 ; Lock, Mary...... 0 1 G Harwood, Wickliff 1 9 10,Draycott 0 7 1 i Taylor, William .. 0 2 10 Huckvale,Miss,box 1 12 8 Do., InfantClass, Under 1«...... 0 0 4 For N P, by Blockley . . . . 0 8 0 10 0 7 Couling,Hannah.. 0 I 6 Collected by Groves, Hannah.. 0 1 4 Belcher, Miss . . . . 1 12 9 CUTSDEAN. Groves, Mary . . . . O 2 (i Middleditch, Mrs. 1 0 0 Rev. D. Ricketts. Hedges, Albert ..011 Smith, M rs.E .... 0 11 G Leggett, Louisa .. 0 1 8 Collection...... 1 0 0 Pratley, Thos 0 2 1 Subscriptions : Do., for W&O.. 0 5 G Under 1.«...... 0 0 10 Belcher, Mr 0 10 6 Do., Fields Barn 0 5 7 Middleditch, Rev. Do., Keynton .. 0 10 7 C. J...... 0 10 6 Do.,Keynton-on- Reynolds,Mrs 0 10 0 the-Hil!...... 0 4 0 NAUNTON AND GUTTING. Smith, Mr. E 0 10 0 Do.,Stanton.... 0 13 f) Rev. J. M. Stephens, B.A. Under iOi 0 5 0 Do., Snowshill.. 0 11 K Collectn., Naunton G 6 10 9 Contributions.... 0 12 3 Do., Gniting .. 0 7 1 Do.,for JFifc O.. 1 5 0 BOURTON-ON-THE-WATEP.. Collected by Subscriptions : Rev. G. McMichael, B.A. Allcock, Mrs...... 0 2 G I Baker, Mr...... 0 2 G Comely, Mr.jsenr. 2 0 0 Collections ...... 7 5 4 Caswell, Mvs. . . . . 0 o G Comely. Mr. T. .. 2 0 0 Do., for IF it O. . 1 0 0 ! Ohidlev, Mr...... 1 2 0 Perrv, Mr. R ...... 2 0 0 Contribs.,box.... 2 8 0 Coats, M iss...... 0 6 0 Stephens, Kev.J.M. 2 0 0 Box, by Dowdeswell,Mrs.. 0 2 0 Stephens, Mrs. .. 0 10 n G • Fluck, Mr...... 0 2 Donations : Teal, Miss...... 0 8 8 Griffin, Mrs...... 0 4 0 Subscriptions: Holder, Mrs...... 0 2 G A friend ...... o 10 0 A friend, by Mrs. Hyatt, Mr...... 0 3 G A friend ...... 0 10 0 Kendall ...... 1 0 0 Martin, E...... 0 14 G Whitby, R.. Esq., A friend ...... 1 0 0 Price, Mrs...... 0 3 fi lì.A...... 0 10 0 Fidel, J., Esq 1 0 0 Staite, Miss S., box 1 10 0 Collected by Hanks, Miss 1 0 0 For jV by Perry, A...... 0 r> 0 Kendall, E., Esq.. 1 0 <• i Friends ...... 0 10 0 Kendall, W., Esq. 1 0 0 For i\r P, by Stenson,W.S.,i:sq. 1 0 0 Martin, Mrs...... 0 9 0 10 0 0 Collett,Emily.... 0 3 10 'fruby, Mr. E 1 0 0 Collett, Eliza . . . . 0 3 n Under 10«...... 0 2 0 1 FAIRFORD. Collett, Eva...... n 3 2 ------19 Comely, Emily .. 0 3 9 Rev. J. Frise. BURFORD. Hands, Rosa -----0 2 0 i Collectn., forTFtfc O 1 0 0 Hanks,Frank . . . . o 4 0 Rev. — Field. Contributions . . . . 3 0 Leach, Richard .. 0 2 s Collections ...... 1 5 0 4 5 0 Oakey, Tom...... o 1 1U 1 8 6 7 .] GrlOU CESTEBSHIEE— HAMPSHIRE. 91

Perry, Albert. . . . 0 1 0 CROOKHAM— Contin ued. Perry, Frank . . . . 0 2 2 l|ampsl)irc. For A7 P, by Perry, Fred...... 0 1 2 White, Clara . . . . 0 3 3 ANDOVER. A young disciple.. 0 2 0 5 0 White, Florence .. 0 3 4 Rev. F. Wills. Culver, Jane . . . . 0 Under 1«...... 0 0 7 Prince, Mrs. 0 7 0 Collec.jforTFtfcO. 1 10 0 Randall, Eliz 0 4 0 Boxes, by Collected by 3 9 11 Bullock, M ary.... 0 13 1 6 Collett, Emily___ 0 5 9 Callow, Mrs...... 1 ■14 LYMINGTON. Comely, Mr. T. .. 0 7 6 Subscriptions : Rev. W. C. Jones. Comely, Masters Millard, Mr...... 1 0 0 E. and B...... 0 5 3 Collections ...... 6 4 Parsons, Mr...... 1 0 0 Do., forW&O. . 1 1 Comely, Fred...... 0 2 11 Thickbroom, Miss 1 0 0 Fletcher, Sarah .. 0 Ì 4 Contribs.; boxes.. 2 3 Wills, Rev. F...... 0 10 6 Do.,Sun.-sch. do. 7 10 Hanks, Rosa...... 0 2 7 Young and Son, Oakey, Charles ... 0 1 11 Messrs...... 1 10 0 16 18 Oakey, Tom...... 0 2 7 8 5 0 Palliam, Emily .. 0 3 0 Less expenses.. 0 12 Perry, Mrs. R. .. 0 1 10 ASHLEY. 16 6 2 Robbins, Mr...... 0 9 10 Collection...... 1 6 0 NEWPORT, Rogers, Emily .. 0 3 6 ISLE OF WIGHT. Rowlands, Eliz. .. 0 1 7 For y p , by Wood, Rebecca .. 0 3 3 Balls, Wm...... 0 3 10 Rev. W. Dunbar. Wragg, Ann . . . . 0 1 11 Fripp, Eliz...... 0 2 0 Collection...... 4 O Under Is...... 0 0 5 King, Cecil 0 6 9 Do. for W O.. 2 0 Pike, Dorcas . . . . 0 7 0 Contribs., Sunday- For Africa, by Retford, K a te.... 0 1 9 school, (or Hindoo Comely, Mrs. T ... 2 11 8 Child, Georgina 25 19 7 Ratcliffe, under PAXFORD. BEAULIEU. care of Mm. Rev. J. B. Burt. Page, Barisal .. 5 0 Collection 0 7 5 Do., do., for N P .. 0 5 Collections ...... 3 Do., do., Kowboro’ 0 5 STOW-ON-THE WOLD. Contribs., Sunday- Do., for Mrs.Page's school box . . . . 0 Rev. S. Hodges. School, Barisal. 5 0 Collections ...... 4 17 5 Subscription: Boxes, by Do., for Tlr JsO.. 1 1 0 Burt, Rev. J. B. .. 1 Abraham, Miss J .. 0 13 Contribs., Prayer 4 19 1 Barnes, Miss J. . . 0 7 Meeting box. .050 Cooke, Miss S 0 3 Do., Sun.-scliool BLACK FIELD COMMON. Holmes, Master G. 0 1 box ...... 1 0 0 Rev. J. Domoney. King, Mrs. C 0 4 Marshall, Mrs.N.C. 1 4 For jy P, by Collection...... 1 7 5 Quinton, Mrs. G.. 0 4 Blizard, Miss J... 0 11 1 For xY P, by Roe, Mrs...... 0 16 Comely, Master C. 0 5 C Upward, Mast.E.F. 0 6 Fisher, C...... 0 2 6 Hayward, — .. 2 6 Mintrem, Wm. 3 11 Subscriptions: Hicks, Miss E 0 3 1 1 13 10 Minchin, H . 0 2 6 Gray, Rev. A. C ... 0 10 Hobbs, P. Esq 0 10 Collected by BROCKENHURST. King, Messrs 0 10 Comely, Mr., family Rev. R. Blake. Orchard, Mr. H.J. 0 10 box ...... 1 5 6 Collection...... 2 0 Upward, Mr. E. J. 0 10 Hodges, Miss J. .. 0 1 C Upward, Mrs. E. J. 0 10 Hodges, Miss E ... 0 7 11 BROUGHTON. Upward, Mrs 0 10 Howmans, Miss T. 0 2 6 Upward,Mrs.Thos. 0 10 Reynolds, Mr. W .. 0 11 0 Rev. E. Compton. Under 10s...... 0 1.3 Walford, Miss J ... 0 2 6 Collections 3 15 Donation: Wilks, Miss S 0 4 8 Do., for TP- <£ 0 .. 2 11 11 4 2 Contribs., School Noyce, Mr. Thos. 0 17 WINCHCOMB. boxes...... 0 10 26 2 10 Do., Children’s Rev. R. Grace. cards...... 0 6 Less expenses.. 0 13 0 Collections ...... 7 15 10 Subscription: Contribs', Sunday- NITON, ISLE OF WIGHT. school ...... 0 2 9 Tomkins, Miss...-. 1 0 0 Do.,for NP.... 1 5 8 1 Collected by Rev. J. Hockin. Collection...... 1 10 0 Subscriptions: Noyce, Mr...... 0 15 7 Payne, Miss...... 0 12 O Do., for IV ¿i V, Sexty, Mrs. J 0 10 0 (2 yrs.) 1 0 0 Smith, Mr. T 5 0 0 Whiclier,Mrs. .. 2 16 6 12 7 2 Boxes, by Collected by Eldridge,Master L. 1 9 8 CROOKHAM. Sexty, Mrs. John . 0 6 10 Kent, Miss A .. . . . 1 10 6 Smith, Mrs.Thos.. 0 12 0 Rev. W. Webster. Palmer, Master J. 0 10 O 15 13 1 Collect®., for IFifcO 1 0 Westmore, Mrs. .. 0 18 2 Contribs., Prayer Wheeler, Miss L .. 0 16 It» 509 7 10 Meetings.... 0 17 White, Miss E. . . 0 17 9 Less expenses 13 9 11 Do., Sun.-schl. 0 11 8 12 11 ¿495 17 11 Box, by Less expenses .. 0 2 11 Randall, Eliz 0 3 8 10 0 08 HAMPSHIRE. [1867.

PARLEY. PORTSMOUTH, &c.— Continual. RYDE, ISLE OF WIGHT— Con tel. Rev. G. R. Tan swell. Collected by Chambers, Miss., 0 1 0 Collection 1 6 1 A Widow’s Mite .. 0 fl 0 Landers, Miss . . . . O 2 C Contribs., box.. . . 0 13 11 Bubb, M iss 0 12 2 Loader,Miss . . . . 0 13 1 Martin, Miss . . . . 0 5 O For 2V P, by Scott, Mrs...... 3 4 0 Tilly, Miss ...... 0 6 6 Perkes, Miss . . . . 0 2 C Cooper, M...... 0 5 9 Perry, Miss 0 5 5 Cooper, Amelia ..090 Boxes, by Sheath, Miss . . . . 0 4 8 Cutlar, T...... 0 6 0 Little K ate 0 2 0 Shephard, Miss ... 0 5 6 Dymott,M...... 0 9 1 Stevens, Mastr. Js. 0 9 4 Whittington. Miss 0 5 0 Reeks, A ...... 0 12 6 Tier, Miss...... 0 4 0 Williams,Miss . . 0 4 6 Holies, J...... 0 3 3 ------13 14 4 Ware, E ...... 0 4 0 Ebenezer.—Revs. G. Arnott ------4 9 7 and T. Tollerfield. SHIRLEY. Collections ...... 3 5 0 Rev. W. Heaton. PORTSMOUTH, PORTSEA, AND Contribs., Sunday- SOUTHSEA AUXILIARY. school boxes . . 3 11 0 Collections, &c. . . 4 11 0 Mr. T. C. Hay don, Treasurer. Collected by SOUTHAMPTON. Sale of Tickets, Tea Croad and Bryant, Meeting ...... 12 10 0 Misses ...... 1 12 0 Contributions . . . . 2 6 G Collection at doors Do., Sun.-schl. at same time . . 6 16 3 GOSPOXT. auxiliary, for Subscriptions: Forton.—Rev. J. Neobard. Rev. J. Smith’s JVP, Delhi ..II 19 6 Bigwood, Mr. T .. 1 1 0 Collections 4 1 8 Byerley, J. A.,Esq. 1 1 0 Do., Public Mtg. 2 10 0 SOUTHAMPTON. Clay, Mr. J 0 10 0 Do.,Sun.-schl... 1 19 0 East Street.—Rev. R. Caven, B.A. Crassweller,C.,Esq. 0 10 6 Stoke Road. Haydon, Mr 1 1 0 Collections, &c. ..835 Bidout, Mr. F .... 0 10 6 Union Chapel—Rev. G. II, Harcourt. SOUTHAMPTON. Ridoat, J., Esq. .. 1 1 0 Portland Chapel.—Rev, C. Williams. Robinson, Mr 0 10 6 Collections ...... 4- 3 6 Shoveller,Mrs. .,11 0 Collections, &c. ..36 5 1 Warn, Mr. J 0 10 0 EMSWOHTH. Contribs., Sunday- school ...... 1 7 C Kent Street. Rev. S. Spurgeon. Rev. J. G. Gregson. Coll., Prayr. Mtgs. 2 8 0 SOUTHAMPTON. Collection 7 7 0 Do., Public Mtg. 2 8 0 Carlton Chapel. Contribs., Sunday- Boxes, by Rev. J. Collins. school ...... 2 0 0 Do.,do.,for JZet>. Newell, Harriet.. 0 3 0 Collections, &c. .. 8 14 3 J.Smith'sNP, Stevens, Peter.. . . 0 15 0 G8 16 3 J)eM ...... 12 0 0 -143 17 7 SWAY. Boxes, by ROAD, Collection...... 0 16 0 Bigwood, Mr., ISLE OF WIGHT. Children ...... 0 14 4 Contributions. . . . 215 VENTNOR. Boyce, Miss 0 7 0 Byerley, Mrs. G., ISLE OF WIGHT. ROMSEY. Children 0 3 7 Rev. W. C. Jones. Rev. S. B. Brown. Byerley, Mr. A., Collection...... 0 12 Class...... 0 13 10 Collection ...... 2 16 0 Do. forir

{ APiMOUTH & COLWELL, KINGTON. ROSS—Continued. ISLE OF WIGHT. 1865-G. Contribs., Sunday- Rev. W, W. Martin. Collections, &c. .. 8 2 9 school box...... 1 6 0 Collections...... 1866-7. Subscriptions: Collections,&c.... 7 1 4 Bussell, Mrs. H.T. 1 1 0 £351 12 Do. for IF & 0. 1 0 0 Roper, Mr...... 1 0 0 Less expenses 10 13 1 4 Smith,Mr.Jas.... 0 10 0 Boxes, by £340 19 2 LEDBURY. Barnett, Mrs. . . . - 0 11 3 Rev. T. Dyall. Bussell, Mrs. . . . . 1 13 c Collection . 1 4 3 Bussell, Mrs. Jas. 0 6 0 Do. for W iL'O. 0 5 0 Glover, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Ijmfortisfyfo. Box, by Greatorex, Miss E. 0 2 6 Hill, Mrs. W m ... 0 2 3 Kentish, R 0 6 3 EWIAS HAROLD. Pitcher, Mrs...... 0 2 8 For N P, by Seymour, Miss .. 0 6 0 Rev. D. Davies, Cbidley, Ellen. . . . 0 2 C Walker, Mrs...... 0 2 0 lollcction ...... 2 1 0 Kidman, J n o ..,. 0 2 3 Lissiman, Eliz. ..02 1 14 9 0 Subscription; Powell, Jno 0 9 0 Less expenses . . 0 8 0 14 1 0 acob, Mr...... 1 0 0 Roberts, Emma ..063 Williams, M. A. .. 0 1 7 Under Is...... 0 0 4 RYEFORD. FOWNHOPE. Rev.B. Stephens. 2 19 6 Subscription: Rev. T. Mudge. Less expensos ..080 1 0 0 Collection...... 2 12 6 2 1C 6 Turner, Mrs. Thos Do.for W&O .. 0 7 8 LEOMINSTER. STANSBATCH. Boxes, by Rev. T. Nash. Rev. W. H. Payne. jSMtia, P...... 0 5 5 Collections ...... 0 8 .7 fridge, Mrs 1 1 3 Collect, for IF £ 0. 0 10 0 Do. for 1F£ O.. 0 10 0 iogers, Mrs 0 15 0 LEOMINSTER. Do. for Intally For JY P, by By Mr. G. Boulton : School ...... 1 2 8 irown, Kate . . . . 0 3 0 Collcct. for TF & 0. 0 13 3 Boxes, by Jreen, E...... 0 1 0 Contribs. for N P. 4 8 0 lart, Thos 0 2 4 Proceeds ot Tea Jones, Miss E, M. 0 12 9 tones, S...... 0 lli 0 Meeting...... 7 7 C Powell, Mr. R ... . 0 10 .0 tavenhill, J 0 2 2 — 12 8 9 Rees, Margaret ..028 Valters, E 0 a 1 Ruberry, Mrs 0 14 0 6 11 5 LONGTOWN. For N P, by Rev. T. Williams. Arrowsmitli, Anne 0 2 5 GARWAT. Collection...... 0 18 0 Janies, Caroline .. 0 2 8 Rev. R. Morris. Joseph, Lizzie 0 2 8 LYONSHALL. Powell, Mary . . . . 0 1 4 Collection for W&O 0 10 0 Rollings, Charles 0 1 1 Contributions . . . . 0 16 11 Collection...... 1 0 0 Under Is...... 0 0 4 4 1 1 2 Boxes, by PETERCHURCH. Elerbcrt, Miss C ... 0 5 9 Rev. J. Beard. 9G 15 c L>ewis, Miss E 0 7 3 Less expenses. 0 13 9 tlorris, Master R .. 0 8 0 Collections ...... 3 10 10 Do.for IF<1; O.. 1 1 0 bnitli, W...... 0 1 7 £ 96 1 9 Collected by Beard, Mrs 1 0 0 HEREFORD. Pearce, Miss and Rev. E. L. Forster. Master T 2 10 1 Williams, Mrs. ..08 5 BISHOPS STORTFORD. Collections ...... 8 9 5 Do. for IF & 0. 1 10 9 Boxes, by Rev. B. Hodgkins. Contribs., Sunday- A Friend ...... 0 8 8 Collection.. 2 8 0 school boxes.. 2 7 8 Fowler,Mr.,Jun.. 0 16 0 D o.,foriV P ... 1 12 8 Freddy...... 0 5 o Boxes, by Pearce, Mrs 0 15 0 Harvey,Miss Lizzie 0 12 0 Boxes, by Newbold,Misses H. tigglestone, Miss 0 9 6 Ploughlleld. and M. A 0 8 1 iigglestone,Master Collection...... 0 18 7 Orsmun.Mrs 0 .8 O C...... 0 2 9 Contribn., by Rev. Sams, Mrs...... 0 2 0 Ihesterton, Miss.. 1 7 5 G. K erry 0 2 0 Boxes, by Sunday-school, ones, Miss...... 0 5 0 Collected by Girls' Classes: tag, Mr...... 0 17 9 lorrls, Mrs...... 0 1 8 Baker, Miss 0 15 0 Hodgkins,Mrs.... 0 15 5 Jones, Miss ...... 0 14 0 Knight, Miss . . . . 0 0 0 amsay,Miss . . . . 0 5 10 4 1 togers, Mrs...... 1 0 0 — 13 Newbold,MissM. A 0 2 7 Thickings, Miss H. 0 3 10 imns, Miss,. . . . . 0 1 1 ROSS. Boxes, by Boys’ Classes: 18 11 6 Broad St.—Rev. G. Howe. Less expenses.. 0 11 G Collections ...... 6 15 10 Newbold, Mr 0 7 0 18 0 0 Do.for IF ¿*0.. 1 0 0 North The late 0 4 9 7 * 1 0 0 HEETPOEDSHIEE. [1867.

BISHOPS STORTFORD-CöHttrtUec/. HEMEL HEMPSTEAD— Continued. HITCHIN- Continued. Orsman, Mr. W ... 0 4 10 Monk, Mr...... 0 10 0 Foster, Mr. 31. H.. 1 0 0 Orsman, Mr. H ... 0 2 6 Orchard, Mr. T .. 0 10 0 Hainworth, Mr. . 1 0 0 Osborn, Mr 0 10 0 James, Miss...... 0 10 0 Cards, by Tompkins, ill- 0 10 0 Jeeves, Mr...... 2 0 0 Day, Alice ...... 0 4 9 Under 10«...... 0 14 6 Johnson, Mr...... 2 2 0 Livermore, Emma 0 4 8 Lloyd, Mr...... 1 0 0 Say, Arthur 0 4 6 Juvenile Association. Neobard, Mr...... 0 10 0 Say, John, ...... 0 5 8 For support of Eliza Bell, Palmer, Miss . . . . 1 0 0 Sell, John...... 0 3 11 Cameroons : Perry, Mr...... 0 10 0 Tanner, MaryJane 0 3 5 Cole, Mr., Family.■ '•! 0 Ransom, Mr. A. .. 0 10 0 Under Is 0 0 1 Short, Rev. G...... 1 10 0 For support of Orphans, Square, Mrs., of 7 12 0 at Jessore : Plvmouth...... 2 0 0 Less expenses ..020 Under 10s. .. 0 6 Collection...... 1 G 0 11 7 10 0 l'or Intally School, by Boxes, by 0 0 BOXMOOK. Anon...... 0 1 0 Hainworth,Miss.. 4 Eev. J. S. Thornton, B.A. Bliss, Miss 1 ...... 9 6 66 6 7 Collections, &c. . . 6 1 0 9 Sunday-school Boxes, by Less expenses.. 0 15 0 Do., 1866, for 65 11 7 W&O 1 0 0 Cole, Miss...... 0 3 5 Do., 1867, for do. 1 0 0 Edney, Mr...... 0 3 4 Freeman, Mr...... 0 3 6 MARKYATE STREET. Subscriptions: Freeman. Mrs. H. 0 6 6 Rev. T. W. Wake. Leonard, Rev. F. Ginger, Miss...... 0 2 1 Collection ...... 3 2 8 M .A.LL.B ... 3 0 0 Holloway, Mr...... , 0 10 3 Do., for W&O.. 1 0 0 Humphrey, Mrs... 0 5 6 Contribs., family Do. for Rev. J. 2 Davey'sChapel, Kentish, Miss 0 6 boxes...... 0 8 10 Bahamas . . . . 1 0 0 Laker, Miss...... 0 a 3 Do.,Sunday-schl. 0 13 2 Micklem,T.,Esq.. 2 2 0 Laker, Miss M. A., 0 2 2 Do., Vestry box. 0 9 10 Reed, Mr., 1866 .. 0 10 6 Laker, Miss A. .. 0 1 11 Do., Juv. for XP 3 6 8 Thornton, Rev. Mason, Miss 0 1 6 Subscriptions : Mason, Miss L...... 0 o 4 J. S...... 0 10 6 1 0 Weightman, Mrs. 0 10 Moyes, Mr...... 0 2 4 Birdsey, Mr. T. .. 1 ------16 4 3 Mutton, Mrs...... 0 8 0 Cook, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Smith, Miss...... 0 5 0 Trafford, Mrs...... 1 1 0 BUN TINGFORD. Walker, Mr...... 0 2 10 Watson, Miss 0 1 4 12 4 2 Lord’s-dayofferings Under Is...... 0 0 10 Less expenses. 0 3 0 from Mr. Norris 1? 1 2 and Family . . . . 1 4 0 33 a •> For N P, by Less expenses... 0 li 0 RICKMANSWORTH Norris, Bessie M .. 0 3 8 32 15 2 Rev. R. Bayne Norris, Emily S... 0 3 11 Collection...... 7 3 o 1 11 7 HITCHIN. Do., for TP 1 KOYSTON. Subscriptions: Subscriptions: $ Subscriptions : Bowen, Mrs 0 10 0 Callender. Mr. . . 0 1 0 0 Cole, Mr...... 0 10 0 Dodwell, Mr 1 0 0 Beldom, V., Esq. 1 Beldom,C.,Esq... 1 Davis,Mrs...... 0 10 0 Doggett, Mr 1 0 0 Field, Mrs...... 0 10 o Doggett, Mr. A. .. 1 0 0 Carter, Mrs 1 George, Mr 1 0 0 Doggett, Mrs. A.... 0 10 0 Goodman, T., Esq. 2 Ginger, Mrs.J.1865 0 10 6 Foster, Mr 0 10 0 5 0 0 I


ST. ALBANS. TEING— Continued. Eev. T. Watts. Glover, Mr...... 1 0 0 luntingtKmsijirf. Collections ...... 36 S Grace, Mr...... 0 10 6 Mead, Mrs...... 0 10 0 BLUNTISHAM. Do., for TF & 0 . 6 14 Eev. J. E. Simmonds, M.A. Contribs., Juvenile Mead, Mr. J. . . . . 0 10 0 Society 5 14 Under 10i. . . . . 0 4 0 Collections ...... 6 3 l Do., for NP . . 3 7 20 16 6 Subscriptions: Do.,Sunday-schl. Buffham, Mr 0 10 0 ox, Colney .. 0 10 Less expenses.. 0 10 0 20 6 6 Daintree, Mr. C... 1 0 0 Collected by Daintree, Mrs 1 0 0 Daintree, Mr. G.E. 1 0 0 Brooks, M r ...... 1 15 2 WAEE. Fearey, Mr. S .... 1 0 O Fisk, Mrs. J 2 10 0 By Mr. B. Medealf. Gregory, Misses .. 0 10 0 Upton, Miss M. L.. 0 14 1 Jewson, Mr. J. W. S 0 0 Young, Miss...... 1 11 10 Medcalf, Mr. B .. . . 1 1 0 Leeds, Misses . . . . 0 10 0 Do., for African Medealf, Miss 0 10 6 Maltman, Miss .. 1 0 0 Schools...... 3 6 G Under 10s. 0 10 0 Simmonds, Eer. J. Do., for Rev. H. 2 l C E...... 1 0 0 Fray's Chapel. Simmonds, Miss .. 1 0 0 Clark Town . 5 15 0 WATFORD. Simmonds, Miss M. 1 0 0 Boxes, by Tebbutt, Mr. C. P, 1 0 0 Eev. T. Peters. Under 10«...... 1 5 0 Atkins, Mrs...... 0 3 8 Collections ...... 32 8 6 Collected by Burridge, Mrs...... 0 1 2 Do.,for W & O .. 4 17 0 Cookson, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Contribs., Sunday- Daintree, M iss,,,. 0 7 1 Corley, Mrs...... 0 3 11 school ...... 8 1 2 — 23 i 5 2 Eason, Miss...... 0 8 2 Fisk, Mrs., Sunday Boxes, by BUCKDEN. morning box .. 1 0 2 Asdell, Mrs 0 4 11 Collections...... 0 9 3 Hale, E liza...... 0 2 1 Ballard’s-buildings 0 5 5 Harris, Miss E. .. 0 4 3 Bayley, Mrs 0 2 11 DEAN. Harris, Miss C.. . . 0 3 0 Bruton, Mrs. T ... 1 0 0 Inwood, Miss C ... 0 2 11 Collection...... 1 17 Chater, Mr 1 14 6 Contribs., Sunday- Oakley, M. E ...... 0 2 9 Chester, S 0 6 0 Pike, E liza...... 0 2 4 school ...... 0 G ! Denham, Mrs O 8 0 2 4 2 Upton, Mrs...... 0 7 8 | George, Mrs . . . . 0 17 0 Wiles, Mrs. J...... 0 12 7 • Golboum,Mrs.... 0 1 7 FENSTANTON. Morgan. Mrs 0 10 S Subscriptions: Collection...... 1 12 0 Batchelor, Mr...... 0 10 0 Peck, Mrs...... 0 17 1 Booth, Mrs...... 1 , Peters, Miss M. .. 0 9 6 Subscription: 0 0 | Smith, Mrs. J.A. . 0 8 2 Olarke, Mr...... 0 10 G Smith, Mr. J. J . .. 0 G il Coote, T „ Esq . . . 5 0 0 Fisk, Mr...... 1 1 0 6 12 0 Fisk, Mrs...... 1 0 0 ! Watkins, Miss W .. 0 5 0 I Weller, Mrs 0 6 5 Fisk, Mr. J ...... 1 10 0 GODMANCHESTER. HHbbs, Mr. R., iun. 0 10 0 ] Donations: Eev. J. Clarke. Gomme, Mr...... 1 1 0 ...... 10 0 0 Humphrey, Mr... 0 10 0 ) A Friend Collection...... 0 19 0 Parsons, Sir...... 1 0 0 | Under 10s...... 0 11 6 HAIL WESTON. Peppercorn, Sirs.. 0 10 0 Subscriptions: / Watts, Rev. T. .. 1 0 0 Ballard, Mr...... 1 0 0 Eev. W. Hawkins. Wiles, Mr...... 1 0 0 Baylis, Mrs...... o io e Collection...... 1 0 6 Wiles, Mr. J...... 0 10 G Bruton, Mrs...... 0 10 0 For India: Bruton, Mrs. T. .. 0 10 0 HOUGHTON. 5 Chater, Mr...... 1 0 0 Eev. T. Lloyd. Smith, W. L.,Esq. 0 0 Edmonds, Mr...... 0 14 0 Donations: Entwistle, Sirs. .. 0 13 0 Collection...... 1 18 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 Harding, Mr...... K Friend...... Hepburn, Mrs. J. G. 1 1 0 HUNTINGDON. Under 10s. . . . . 0 14 3 Kelly, Mrs...... 0 10 0 90 19 1 Eev. J.H . Millard, B.A. Kingham, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collection, Public THING. Peters, Eev. T ... . 1 0 0 Meeting . . . . 2 2 1 Price, Mr. C...... 2 2 0 Do.,Union Clipl. 2 17 4 New Mill. Smith, Mr. J. J. 2 2 0 Do., Quarterly . 2 13 10 Eev. E. Shindler. Smith, Mrs. J. J ... 1 1 0 Do. for W & O Smith, Mr. J. G ... 2 2 0 (moiety) . . . . 1 2 1 Collections ...... 6 11 0 Smith, Sirs. J. G .. 1 Contribs., boxes .. 1 14 C Do., for W & 0 1 i 0 Smith, Master Geo. 0 10 Do., Sun.-school 2 0 5 ontrlbs., Sunday- Smith, Misses, E. Proceeds of Tea school boxes 4 15 1 K. E. and E. M. 2 2 0 Meeting ...... 1 19 4 Boxes, by Smith .Mr .and Mrs. C. K ...... 2 2 Subscriptions: iurgess, Mrs 1 2 8 Spearing, Mrs...... 0 10 Dear, Mr. T 1 1 0 iurtt, Mrs 0 11 3 Tidcombe, Mr...... 1 0 Foster, M., Esq... 5 0 0 lix boxes...... 0 18 (i Under 10s...... 5 0 Hunter, Mr 0 10 0 Collected by Honey, Mr 0 10 0 92 14 6 Eidgley, Mr. T. B. 0 10 0 Windier, M iss.,.. 1 12 0 Less expenses.. 0 8 0 Under 10$...... 1 o 0 Subscriptions: , 92 C G Collected by Iurgess, Mr. . . . . 0 10 6 £363 O 6 A Family Sunday lutcher,F., Esq. . 1 0 0 Morng, Offering 0 17 ? ÌÓ2 tìTCNTÌK&DOK^HIBÈ—“-KENT. [1 8 6

HUNTINGDON—Continued. ST. IVES— Continued. Honey’s, Mr., Sargant,Mrs 0 10 6 3Stni. Young Gentle­ Ulph, Mr. J. B. .. 0 10 0 men ...... 0 7 6 Ulph, Mr. J. B., ASHFORD. jun...... 0 10 0 St. John’s Lane. 24 Less expenses 0 8 0 32 0 8 Rev. T. Clark. 23 17 3 Less expenses.. 1 7 11 Collections 2 4 C KIMBOLTON. 30 12 0 Do. forlF 1 3 0 Contribs., b o x .... 0 5 3 West, M iss 0 2 3 Do., for W é 0 Do., Sun.-schl. .011 2 (moiety) . . . . 0 3 3 Collected by Subscriptions : For 2F P, by Fowler, Mrs 0 17 4 Howkins, Mrs. .. 0 10 0 Gullop, Miss L ... Paine, Mr. Jabez.. 0 10 0 Boxes, by Pap worth, Miss I. Paine, Jlr. James 1 0 0 Boys in Sunday- 1 16 3 Paine, Mr. W 1 0 0 school ...... 0 9 3 PERRY. Wright, Mr. Sami. 0 10 6 Girls do...... 0 10 2 Head, Miss ...... 0 1 G Rev. W. Hitchcock. Under 10;...... 2 5 0 Collected by Norley, Mrs 0 2 6 Collection...... 0 10 6 Wraight,Miss.... 0 6 0 Do., for IF & 0 Oliver and Pope, (moiety) . . . . 0 S 0 Misses, Young G 3 10 0 13 6 Ladies...... 0 13 4 Less expenses.. 0 4 3 RAMSEY. Paine, Miss E 0 14 0 5 19 Great WLyte—Rev. T. Baker, 13 0 5 ASHFORD. B.A. Less expenses.. 0 0 3 New Corn Exchange. High Street, Salem—Rev. J. 12 11 2 Rev. W. Cheetham. Cattell. Collection...... 4 10 0 SPALDWICK. Collection '... 2 10 'J Do., for IF O Collection...... 2 11 5 Do., Public Meet­ (moiety)...... 0 15 0 Do. Woolley ..021 ing, 1866 . . . . 3 0 0 Do.,Salem Chpl., Contribs., boxes.. 0 11 6 Do., for W & O I 10 0 for lF

BEXLEY HEATH. CANTERBURY— Continued. CRAYFORD. Contribs, Sun.-sch. 1 19 8 Giles, M iss 2 1 9 Rev. E. T. Gibson. Johnson, M iss.... 1 9 0 Collections a 12 0 BIRCHENGTON. Joyce, M iss 1 14 11 Do. for T V O .. 2 0 0 Linom, Miss 0 15 6 Contributions, Fe­ Salem.—Bev. J. Crofts. Matthews, Miss .. 0 17 10 male Auxiliary, Collection...... 0 4 5 West, Sir. Charles 2 16 9 by Miss Buck.. 1 12 6 Contribs., Sun-sclil. West, Miss ...... 3 12 11 Box, by bos...... 0 4 6 For Africa, by Boxes, by Gibson, Bev. E. T. Heritage, Mrs. . . 5 2 0 Children 0 5 0 Ashley, Miss 0 11 G Boxes, by Holley, H enry.... 0 12 0 For NP, by Pope, Mrs...... 0 1 7 Brett, Frank . . . . 0 4 3 Foord, Miss 0 1 7 Whitehead, W. ..036 Brett, Miss E 0 4 5 Gibson, Misses and 1 17 G Brett, Miss K 0 8 10 M aster 0 10 1 Castle, E. & A ... . 0 6 0 Mabey, Miss 0 3 0 BLACKHEATH. Comes, Master W. 0 5 1 Tiddy, Miss H. W. 0 8 6 Crofts, E 0 1 3 Wix,Mrs.....0 1 6 Dacre Park.—Rev. B. B. Godden,E.&H... 0 5 1 Yaxley, Miss M... 0 2 0 Wale. Holloway, Miss . . 0 5 3 Contribs., Sun-schl. Joyce, E...... 0 2 2 Subscriptions : by Y. M. M. A... 1 5 5 Joyce, J...... 0 2 5 Carter, J., Esq. ..200 Linom, C...... 0 1 2 Do. for T. . . . . 1 o o Marsh, L. & K .... 0 7 0 Smith, Mr. J . . . . 1 1 0 BOROUGH GREEN. Marsh, Master . . 0 1 10 Collection...... 1 5 4 Matthews, A 0 2 7 14 17 2 Do., for W & 0 l 7 a Osborne, A 0 1 4 Less expenses.. 1 0 6 Simmonds, C. & E. 0 111 -13 16 8 By Mr. S. Constable, for Treasurer’s Don.. 2 2 5 Africa: For N P, by DEAL. Constable, Mr. S.. 1 1 0 Bos, by Brett, Miss 0 2 0 Rev. W. Garwood. Campin, Mrs 0 1 6 Collectn., f o r a t o 1 10 Constable, M 0 9 0 Dario w, Mr 0 4 0 Contributions. . . . 10 0 Collected by Fright, Miss 0 2 5 11 10 0 Beach, W. H. . . . . 1 10 0 Walters, Miss . . . . 0 1 3 Bennett, J 0 13 5 DOVER. 46 6 2 Elcome,E...... 0 4 6 Subscription: Fremlin, H 0 3 8 Less expenses.. 0 13 0 Geering, R 0 16 0 45 13 2 Gauge, Mrs. The Holmes, A. B.... .038 late...... l l o CHATHAM. Walls, R. & C. .. 0 4 7 JWEB. Under 1*...... 0 4 3 Zion Chapel.—Rev. J. Lewis. 8 2 10 Salem Chapel. Collections...... 6 0 0 Do. for WJc 0 .. 1 0 0 Rev. A. Ibberson. BRABOURNE. Contribs., Sunday- Contributions . . . . 0 11 6 Bethel.—Rev. G. Wright. school ...... 4 2 10 Do., Sun.-schl.. 2 16 4 Collec. for W & 0. 0 10 0 Subscriptions: By Mrs. Ibberson: Contributions.... 1 13 8 Acworth, Mr. J., Haddon, Miss 1 1 0 The late ...... 1 1 0 Heaseman, Miss . . 0 1 0 0 Banham, Mr 1 0 0 Under 10s. . . . . 0 9 4 BROADSTAIRS. Belsey, Mr. J 1 1 0 Rev. E. Pledge. Everest, Mr 1 0 0 Collected by Phillpott, Mr. J .. 1 1 0 Ibberson, Isaac F. 0 13 2 Collected by Lewis, Rev. J. .. 0 10 6 ------6 1 4 Brook, Rev. J. The Watchurst, Mr. .. 1 1 0 late...... 1 6 9 Wyles, Mr...... 1 1 0 DOVEK. Boxes, by Wyles, Mr. T...... 0 10 0 St. Radigund’s Road. Collectn., for IT&0 2 2 7 Hiller, Mrs 0 3 2 JOVEN1LE ASSOCIATION. Sun.-Sclil. (2 yrs.) 1 16 Collected by 3 6 G EDENBRIDGE. Diprose, M iss.... 2 15 9 Bethel Chapel. CANTERBURY. Lewis, Miss Lucy 3 8 6 Wyles, Miss...... 0 17 0 Rev. B. Dickins. Rev. A. W. Heritage. Boses, by Collections ...... 10 2 10 Collections ...... 4 11 10 Everest, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Do., Public Meet­ Do. for IP dfc 0 .. 1 1 ing...... 4 6 5 Paine, M iss o 3 6 Contribs., boxes .. 1 5 Phillpot, Miss M .. 0 5 0 Do. Whitstable 1 18 2 Subscription: Do. for W&O.. 1 0 0 Stanford,Mr. . . . . 1 1 Contribs., Sunday- 27 8 0 school box .. 0 11 4 Less expenses . 0 10 6 For NP, by 26 17 6 Do.,Mr. Marsh’s Withers, Miss A ... 0 6 class ...... 0 10 0 5 1 Collected by COXIIEATH LOOSE. EYNSFORD. Bateman,Miss.... 0 IS 10 Tabernacle. Bowen, Miss . . . . 1 0 8 Contribs., Sunday- Rev. J. M. Camp. Comes, MissM. .. 1 13 1 school ...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 3 0 0 1 04 KENT.

EYTHORNE. FOREST HILL—Continued. GRAVESEND. Collections ...... 3 0 0 Payne, Miss and Windmill Street—Bev. W. Do. for W é 0 1 0 0 M aster...... 1 18 5 Emery. Contribs., Chapel Saxelby, Annie ..033 Collections 13 14 G box ...... 0 4 0 Todd, Miss E...... 0 7 6 Do. for TP <£■• O . 3 3 8 Subscriptions : Young, M r...... 0 5 0 Contributions ....1 1 7 6 Clark, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions Harvey, Mr.- Wm. 0 10 0 and Donations: 28 5 7 Harvey, Mr. Trow- A. L ...... 1 2 G Less expenses.. 0 5 G ard...... 1 0 0 Bally, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Harvey, Mr. John 1 1 0 Ball, Mrs...... 0 12 0 Parnell, Mrs. . . . 0 10 0 Beadle, Mr...... 0 10 0 GREENWICH. Spanton,Mr.H. F. 0 10 0 , Mrs. 0 10 0 Under 10«...... 1 2 6 Burt, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Royal Hill, Lecture Hall. Carr, Mr...... 1 1 0 Eev. B. Davies. By Mrs. Jno. Harvey : Carr, Sirs...... 1 1 0 Harvey, Mrs. John 0 10 0 Clark, Mrs 0 12 O Collection...... 5 0 r> Wyver, Mrs...... 0 10 n Eives, Mr...... 1 1 0 Contribs., Sunday- Under 10.v...... 0 14 8 Eives, Mrs 1 1 0 school ...... ft 0 2 Boxes, hy Foreman, Mrs. . . 0 1 0 0 Subscriptions: George, Mr 1 1 0 Bradley, Miss . . . . 0 4 6 George, Mrs 0 10 0 Cliilcott, Mrs 0 10 0 Harvey, Mrs. \Y. H. 0 3 0 Goldham, Mrs 0 10 0 Fisher, Mr. S 1 1 0 Harvey, Mrs. T ... 0 6 3 Green, Sirs 0 10 0 Fisher, Mr. T. P .. 1 0 0 Huntley, Mr. W .. 0 10 G Harvey, Mrs. S. U. 0 4 9 Haynes, Mrs 0 10 0 Harvey, Miss . . . . 0 4 3 Hills, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Smith, Mr. J .B ... 1 1 0 Hunt, Maria . . . . 0 5 4 Hodgkinson. Mrs. 0 10 G Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Marsh, Thos...... 0 5 9 Jeffery, Mrs 1 1 0 Pain, Mrs...... 0 8 1 Lawrence, Mrs. .. 0 10 <5 For Ar P, by Leachman, Mrs... 0 10 0 KING SD OWN. Ayers, M...... 0 5 G Newsom, Mr 1 1 0 Eev. J. M. Camp. Chandler, Miss .. 0 10 0 Nichols. Mrs 0 10 0 Colthrup, Miss .. 0 7 0 Offor, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Contribs., Sunday, Marsh, Eliza . . . . 0 15 0 Parry, Mrs...... 1 0 0 school ...... 2 Span ton, MissH.A. 0 5 0 Payne, Mrs 2 2 0 Tipper, Eliza . . . . 0 14 0 Pewtress, M rs.... 0 10 0 LEE. ------1G 0 7 Eimell, Mrs 0 10 0 Eev. B. H. Marten, B.A. Searle, Mrs 0 10 G Collections ...... 13 8 G FOLKESTONE. Short, Mrs...... (1 10 0 Tibbs, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Do. for W iL- O.. 9 & S Salem chapel. Todd, Hew J. \\\, Contribs, Prayer- Collectn.for W &0 1 12 o Thank Offering, meetingbox.. 3 17 3 Contribs., Sunday- b y ...... o 0 0 D:>., Sun.-school school ...... 0 18 0 Todd, Mrs...... 1 1 0 boxes...... 4 8 0 Do., Mrs. Hud­ Todd, Mrs. J. W .. 2 2 0 Do. do., Mr. Sin- son’s Bible Wood, Mrs...... G 10 0 den’s Class .. 0 15 9 Class...... 0 10 4 Young, Mr 1 1 0 Do.,British Day- school ...... 0 1 4 Subscriptions : Young, Mrs 1 1 0 Under 10«...... 1 16 10 A F riend...... 0 10 0 Boxes, by Clark, Mr...... 0 10 G Ingold, Miss...... 1 0 e Clark, Mrs. and GOUDHURST. Marten, Mrs...... 0 G 9 Miss ...... 0 10 0 Eev. J. J. Kendon. Pewtress, Master J.W ...... 0 Fagg, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collections ...... 1 13 2 9 0 Fitness, Mr...... 0 10 6 Contributions . . . . 0 2 0 Subscriptions : Gittens, Miss ___ 1 0 0 Du., Sun .-school Allan, Mrs...... 2 2 0 Under 10*...... 2 li Ü box ...... 1 9 9 9 Do. for India .. 2 2 0 Boxes, by Blakston, Mr. . . . . 2 2 0 FOREST HILL. Burr, Mr. R ...... 0 G 0 Brown, Mr. T . . .. 1 1 0 Clout, Mis.s A .... 0 7 0 Caiger, Mr. & Mrs. 2 2 0 Rev. J. W. Toaa. Collins, Mrs...... 0 1G G Cockle, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Collections ...... 1G G y Crusc, Miss E...... 1 G 3 Donkin, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Contribs., Sunday- Drawbridge, Mrs. Edwards, Mr. C ... 0 10 0 school ...... 2 7 :¡ Jas...... 0 7 9 Grant, Mr...... 0 10 6 Do., do. b u s.... 0 2 8 Edwards, Mr. S ... 0 8 0 Hutchinson, M r... 1 0 0 Jto.,Mrs.Seiuie’s Grant, Master P .. 0 8 9 Jennings, Mr...... 1 0 0 Bible Cla«s .. 5 3 o Kendon, I?ev. J. J. 0 15 4 Lemon, Mr...... 0 10 0 Do., Mrs. Balk- Kendon, Mast. J.J. 0 5 10 Marten, Rev. E.H. 0 10 G ■will’s PnpilF.. 7 19 9 Larking, Mr. J. .. 0 4 5 Nicholson, Mrs. .. 1 1 0 Do.. Young La­ Man k e tlo w, Mr. W. 0 2 3 Palmer, Mrs...... 0 10 0 dies at Tudor Martin, Miss M. .. 0 7 9 Pewtress, Mr...... 1 0 0 Hall ...... 3 11 0 Otta way, Mr. John 0 G 4 Poole, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Do., Mr. Tibbs’ Pilbeam.Miss E... 0 7 5 Rabbeth, Mr...... 1 0 0 Pupils ...... 1 6 9 Rabbitt, Mrs...... 0 5 2 Saunders, Mr. J. E. 1 1 0 W. T...... 0 12 0 Smith, Mr. J. F ... 2 o 0 Boxes, by Timpson.Mrs...... 0 10 0 Back, Mrs...... 0 10 7 10 11 8 Torr, MlssH...... 0 10 0 Curr, Mrs...... 0 4 0 Less expenses Warmington, Mr. 8 8 0 Charcellor, l!ev. and remitted Warmington, Mr. J. 11...... 0 18 0 short...... 1 1 8 J. N...... 1 1 0 Jeffery, Miss . . . . 0 0 7 Whiteman, Mr. ., 1 0 0 1807.] KENT. 105

LE E—Continued. MAIDSTONE—Continued. RAMSGATE— Continued. Wiggins, Miss.. . . 0 10 0 MAIDSTONE. Etheridge, Miss .. 0 19 1 Under 10«...... 1 14 G BethoL—Rev. D. Cranbrook. Finn, Sliss ...... 0 11 1 Francis, Miss . . . . 0 4 10 70 0 C Contribs., Sunday- Franklin, Slaster .058 Less expenses,. 0 12 0 school (2 yrs.) •. 4 10 0 Henderson,Miss.. 0 19 10 ------69 8 G Hodgman, Slaster 111 7 JIAEGATE. McKee, Slaster . . 2 1 7 O LEWISHAM ROAD. Rev. J. Drew. May, Miss ...... 0 5 8 Pettman,Master.. 0 8 4 Rev. E. Bennett. Collections G 19 8 Taylor, Sliss 0 3 4 Do. for W&O.. 4 0 0 Twyman, Miss .. 0 5 1 Collections ...... 9 3 G Collected by Waiker,Sliss,Pupils 0 13 (j Do. for ir

SEVEN OAKS—Continued. BOOTLE—Continued. "Withers,Miss . . . . 0 4 5 TEanrasInre. Contributions . . . . 0 17 3 Tates,Mrs...... 0 14 4 Do. Juvenile As­ ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE. sociation . . . . 3 18 3 Subscriptions : Do., do., for the Grover, Mrs 2 0 0 Rev. J. Hughes. late Rev. W.K. Palmer, Mr. C. .. 1 1 0 Rycro/t’sSchs., Palmer, Sir. John. 0 10 6 Collection...... 3 9 5 Bahamas .... 5 0 0 Palmer, Mr. Joseph 0 10 6 Boxes, by Subscriptions ; 30 9 0 A Friend 0 2 C Denton, MissH.B., Bottomley, Miss.. 0 4 7 8HOOTEE’S HILL ROAD. for China. . . . 1 10 0 Subscriptions: Do. for India .. 1 0 0 Contribs., Sunday- school ...... 0 17 6 Hart, Mr. John . . 0 1 0 C By Mrs. R. H. Roberts : Williams,A.F.,Esq. 5 0 0 9 7 0 Roberts, Rev. R. SMARDEN. H., B.A...... 0 10 6 Rev. R. W. Mann. Under 10«...... 0 10 0 ASTLEY BRIDGE, NEAR Collection...... 1 18 G BOLTON. By Miss Robinson : Do. for W & 0 .. 1 0 6 Rev. J. Clough. Golding, Mrs. G... 3 0 0 Subscriptions: Golding, Mr. A. D. 0 10 6 Boorman,Mr. T ... 0 10 6 Collections...... 5 4 2 Under 10«...... 0 10 0 Contribs., Sunday- Hickmott, Mr. Jas. 1 0 0 By Miss S. Bullen : school ...... 13 10 0 Geddcs, Mr. A. .. 1 0 0 Boxes, by Geddes, Mrs 0 18 0 STAPLEHURST. Ashworth, Mrs... 0 9 11 Place, Mr...... 1 1 0 Subscription : Barlow, Mrs 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 3 7 6 Eay, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 Joli, Mr. W 4 0 0 Smith, Mr. R...... 1 1 0 By Miss Johnson: Collected by Johnson, Mr. R. C. 1 1 0 21 16 1 Johnson, Mr. R ... 5 0 0 Jail, Mrs...... 1 5 0 Less expenses.. 0 19 5 Johnson, Mrs., 5 5 0 20 16 8 Crosby 0 10 G Johnson, Mr. John SUTTON-AT-HONE. H...... 0 10 6 BLACKPOOL. Rev. J. Neville. Johnson,Mias.... 0 10 6 Contribs., Sunday- Rev. W. F. Burchell. Nicholson, Mr. .. 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 school, by Mr. W. Collection...... 4 4 G Bogers...... 1 12 3 Do.for W&O .. 0 19 0 By Miss Lyon: For N P, by Feamall, M r.W ... 0 10 6 TENTERDEN. Lyon, Mr. R. . . . . 1 0 0 Zion Chapel. Bamber, Miss A ... 0 6 5 Under 10«...... 0 2 6 Crane, Miss 0 2 0 Rev. H.W. Stembridge. Fisher, Miss L .... 0 8 4 By Miss Webster : Collcctn.,for W

HEYWOOD. LIVERPOOL— Continued. LIVERPOOL—Continued. Rev. J. Dunckley. Williams, Robert, Pembroke Chapel.—Rev. Subscriptions: Lan...... 0 G 7 C. M. Birrell. Under Is 0 0 7 A Friend, by Rev. Colin.for I f <6 0 .. 15 10 0 J. Dunckley.. . . 1 0 0 Collected by Contribs., Weekly Brearley, Mr. J .. 0 10 0 Offerings ....1 0 0 0 Dunckley, liov. J. 0 10 0 Davies,Ellen . . . . 0 14 9 Do. Juv. Society 1 18 1 Under 10«...... 1 7 5 Davies, Elizabeth 0 6 11 Do. do. forSchls., Davies, Mrs. P O i l Intally 20 11 4 For N P, by Edwards,Margt.A. 0 3 1 Ecclcs, MissK.. . . 0 0 11 Ellis, Leah 0 9 0 Subscription : Smith, Miss C. .. 0 13 4 Evans, Catherine 0 2 0 Capper,Mr. S .... 1 1 0 . 4 10 8 Evans, Ralph . . . . 0 1 0 Hughes, Mrs. Richmond Chapel, Everton. INSKIP. Margaret 0 4 11 Rev. F, H. Robarts. Rev. E. Brown. Hughes, Margaret 0 2 3 Hughes, Martha.. 0 3 2 Collections 21 7 10 Collections 5 17 0 Jenkins, Mary E .. 0 1 3 Do. for W&O.. 3 16 10 Do., for IK

MANCHESTER—Continued. . MANCUESLER—Continued. MANCHESTER—Continued. Sargent, Mrs 2 16 6 ■ Clarke, Dr 6 10 0 Sykes,Mr.J.W... 0 10 0 Shaw, Mrs...... 2 9 G ; Coleby, Mr. J 2 0 0 Villy, Mr...... 0 10 0 Tillotson, Miss 4 0 0 Crossley, Mr. F. .. 1 0 0 Villy, Mrs...... 0 10 0 J Curjel, Mr. H 0 10 G Walker, Mr. W. ..110 Subscription: j Dawson, Mr 1 1 0 Wallace, Mr. T. .. 0 10 0 Inglish, Mr. \Ym.. 5 0 0 i Dunckley, Mr. H. 1 1 0 Wardlev, Mr...... 0 10 0 , Dyson, Mr...... 0 10 G Waterhouse, Mr.C. 1 0 0 MANCHESTEB. I Edminson, M r.... 1 I 0 Wedemeyer,Mr... 2 2 0 j Ewen, Mr. J. A ... 1 1 0 Weild, M r s ...... 1 0 0 Grosvenor-street. : Frazer, Mr...... 0 10 0 Whyatt, Mr 0 10 0 Rev. H. J, Betts. Friend ...... 0 10 U Williams, Mr.W. P. 0 10 0 ' Gallaway, Mr. J.. 5 0 0 Wilson, Mr. II. .. 1 0 0 Collections ...... 11 10 0 Gill, Mr...... I 0 0 Woodcock, Mr.A.B. 5 0 0 Do. for W&O.. 4 0 0 ¡ Greenwood, Mr. C. i 1 0 Under lO.s 14 15 ü Contribs., Sunday- Hague, Mrs 2 0 0 school ...... 0 G 12 ; Harvey, Mr 0 10 0 MANCHESTER, Collected by : Harvey, Mrs 0 10 0 Hawes, Mr 0 10 0 Harpurhey Chapel, Bury, Miss ...... 0 10 G i Heather, Mr 1 0 0 liev. W. S. Davis. Davies, Mrs. R. .. 0 s 10 j Hebblethwaite,Mr. 0 10 0 CoUection(Moiety)15 0 0 Edwards, Mrs. .. 0 14 8 ! Helm, Mr. E 3 0 0 Gibson, Mrs...... 0 13 G ! Hithersay, Mr. .. 0 10 6 SALFOBD. Nickson, Mrs., and ! Holbrooke, Mrs... 0 12 6 Stone, Miss . . . . 3 15 3 Holling worth, Mr. 5 0 0 Great George-street. Parker, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Hughes, Mr 0 10 0 Rev. J. L. Whitley. Perkins, Mrs...... 4 14 G Hunt, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collections Riley, Mrs...... 0 2 0 Hunt, Mr...... 0 10 0 ...... 11 13 0 Spencer, Mrs...... 2 14 0 j Johnson, Mr. R ...20 0 0 Do., for W&O .. 2 4 5 Contribs., Sunday- By Mrs Mursell : Johnson, M iss.... 1 0 0 Johnson, Miss L. 1 0 0 school ...... 6 7 2 Bovd, Mr...... 2 2 0 Subscriptions: Fisher, Mr...... 5 Johnson, Mr. W .. 0 10 G 5 0 Johnson, Mr. Jos. 0 10 0 Mayo, Mr...... 1 1 0 G-regson, Mr. W .. 2 2 0 Mayo, Mr. D...... Johnson. Mr. Jno. 0 10 0 Do., extra...... 0 14 U 1 1 0 Jones, Mr. 1!...... 0 10 0 Pochin, Mr...... 1 1 0 Jones, Miss M .... 0 10 0 By Mrs. George Duerden : Under 10«...... 0 15 0 Kearsley, M rs.... 0 10 0 Burford, Mr. J. .. 2 0 0 By Mrs. Betts Lamb, Mr...... 1 1 0 Burford, Mr. W ... 5 0 0 Betts, Rev. H. J. Lambert, Mrs. .. 0 10 0 Duerden, Mr. G .. 0 10 0 and Mrs...... 1 Langworthy, Mrs. 1 1 0 Johnson, Mr.&Mrs 0 15 0 10 0 0 Boyd, Mr...... 1 1 0 Lees, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Lang, Mr. J. II. . . 0 1 0 Fisher, Mr...... 2 2 0 Leese, Mr. J 25 0 0 Under lOi...... 0 2 0 Under 10s...... 0 1 ü McKenzie, Mrs. J. 1 1 0 By Mrs. W. J. Popplewell Ditto don. 1 1 0 McLaren, Mr. A .. S 0 0 Bury, Mr. P ...... 0 10 0 MANCHESTEIt. McLaren, Rev. A. 2 2 0 Cockcroft,Miss .. 0 10 G Union Chapel. Madin, Mr...... 0 10 0 Griffiths, Mr. J.P .. 1 0 0 Marshall, Mr 1 1 0 Under 10.«...... 0 3 0 Rev. A. Me Laren. B.A. Massey, Mr. B. .. 1 0 0 By Mrs. Carson: Collections ...... G3 2 9 Mathews, Mr. G. 0 10 0 Do., for W& 0 .11 1G 0 Mellor, Mr. S 2 0 0 Carson, Mr. and Contribs., boxes .. 3 Mollison, Mr 1 1 0 Mrs...... 0 10 0 17 9 Famworth, Mr. & Do., for N P .. 1 9 0 Homm, Mr. J. W. :i 0 0 Do.,Sunday-schl. Montgomery, Miss 0 10 0 Mrs...... 0 10 0 0 for Intally.. . . 14 0 0 Morris, Mr. W. .. 1 0 0 Frost, Mr...... 1 0 Do. do., for N P . 8 11 4 Needham, Mr.J.C. 1 1 0 Jones, Mr...... 0 10 0 Norris, Miss 2 2 0 Subscriptions: By Miss E. Bury O’Hanion, Mrs. .. 1 0. 0 0 Adams, Mr...... 2 0 0 Orr, Mr. A. S 1 0 0 Burford, Mr. Jas. 3 0 Adshead, Mrs...... 2 0 0 Do...... don. 1 6 0 Palmer, Mr 1 10 0 15 0 Adshead, Mr. J... 2 0 0 Palmer, Mrs 0 10 0 Burford, Mr. Wm. o Adshead, Mr, B ... 2 0 0 Bury, Mrs. C...... 0 10 0 Parker, Mrs 0 10 0 17 2 Allison, Mr. W .... 1 1 0 Petty, Mrs. J. A. 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 Anderson, Mr. J.U. 5 0 0 Proctor, Mr. D ... 5 0 0 £12 of the above Anonymous...... 3 0 0 Iiadford, Mr. Gr.E. 1 1 (I for Rev. J. Qreg- Armitage, Mr. S. 10 0 0 Ramsey, Mr 1 1 0 son’s NP., Agi'a. Ashton, Mr. T___ 0 10 0 Robertson, Mr. Jno 2 0 0 Welsh Chapel. Ashworth,Mr.T.L. 0 10 0 Robertson, Mr.Jas. 2 0 0 Bannatyne, Mr. N.16 0 0 Howland, Mr 0 10 0 Granby Row. Beardsall, Mr. F. 0 10 0 Rushton, Mrs 2 2 0 Rev. S. Harris. Bedford, Mr...... 0 10 fi Rutt, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Bickham, Mr.S.H. 5 0 0 Ryder, Mr. J 2 0 0 Collection ...... 1 G 8 Bickham, Miss .. 1 1 0 Ryder, Mrs 0 10 0 Contribs., boxes . . 0 9 0 Bickham, Mr. W. 2 0 0 Schiele, Mr. C. .. 0 10 0 Do., for N P 2 9 5 Blydt, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Sharp, Mr. E. H.. 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Brown, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Simpson, Mr. Jos. 5 0 0 Jeffreys, Mr. R. .. 1 0 0 Brown, Mr. W. S. 1 1 0 Smith, Mr. T 0 10 0 Jeffreys, Mrs. R .. 0 10 0 Bullock, Mr., don. 0 10 0 Spencer, Mr. R. .. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 13 0 Callender, Mr. W. Stevenson, Mr. H. 2 2 0 R ...... 100 0 0 Sussum,Mr.&Mrs. 0 15 0 611 9 1 Chamberlin, Mr... 1 1 0 Swan, Mr...... 0 10 G Less expenses ..800 phamberlin,Mr.C. 1 1 0 Sykes,Mrs. J . . . . 0 lo 0 ' ------rC03 9 1 1867.] LAJS'OASHIBE. lÖ9

OGDEN. ROCIIDALE— Continued, SOUTHPORT— Continued. Rev. L. Nuttall. By Miss Brown : Gresswell, Mr...... 0 10 J Collection...... Blakcy, Mrs...... 0 10 0 McMaster, Misses 1 2 3 Butterworth, Mrs. Rusling, Miss . . . . 0 12 2 Sumner, Miss-----1 14 7 OLDHAM, G...... 0 10 0 Cheetham,Mrs.W 0 10 0 Taylor ,MissMartha 0 7 7 tons; Street. Esam, M iss...... 0 10 0 Webb, Misses . . . . 0 16 0 Key. G. Williams. Esam,Misses E.&A 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Collection...... 12 18 2 Harbottle.Mrs.... 1 0 0 Bayley, Miss . . . . 2 0 0 Contribs., Sundav- Jackson, Mrs...... 0 12 0 Craven. R., Esq... 2 o 0 schl. Glodwick 2 8 7 Roberta, Mr...... 0 10 0 Gregson, Misses .. 2 2 0 Do., Royton... . 0 l(i 1 Standring, M r..., 1 1 0 Lee, Mr. Thos. .. 1 0 0 0 Collected by Taylor, Sirs. E. .. 1 0 McMaster,Mr. J.S. 5 0 0 Travis, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Do. for W 4r O, 2 0 0 A friend ...... 0 7 4 Under 10s...... 1 12 0 Medley, Mr. Sami. 1 0 0 An aged Pilgrim » .0 10 0 1 O By Miss Sarah Gartside : Powell, Mr...... 1 Boardman, Sir.Jos. 0 5 6 Stalker, Rev. A.M. 0 10 6 Buckley, M iss.... 0 4 11 Gartside, Mr. J. .. 0 10 0 Waterhouse,Mr. J. 0 10 6 Cooling, Mrs 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 2 12 4 Evans, Miss 0 1 0 Donation : Females 14 class.. 0 6 0 By Mrs. Jesse Jackson : Goodman, Dr...... 1 1 0 Glover, Miss 0 5 0 Hanson, Miss . . . . 0 11 5 Jackson, Mr. Jesse 0 10 0 ■17 0 8 Kershaw, M rs.... 0 8 (i Under 10*...... 0 14 6 Less expenses.. 1 19 S Pickles, Mrs o il) 4 By Mrs. Jno. Wrigley : 45 1 0 Shepley, Miss . . . . 2 6 0 Butterworth, Mrs. 0 10 0 STRETFORD. Wilkinson, M rs... 0 11 0 Watson, Mrs 1 0 0 Wood, Miss 0 6 0 Wrigley, Mr 0 10 0 Union Church, Town Hall. Wrigley, Mrs 0 10 0 Rev. F. Bugby. OLDHAM. Under 10s...... 0 9 0 Collection (moiety) 5 17 6 Contribs., Young Manchester Street. West-street Snnday-sclil. Auxiliary. Women’s Class Rev. P. P. Rowe, M.A. (moiety) ...... 0 10 4 Collection...... 0 10 5 Collections ...... 11 13 9 Contribs. by Col­ Subscriptions: Do. for W&O.. 1 2 4 lectors ...... 4 6 7 A Friend, by Rev. 12 16 1 Boxes, by F. Bugby 1 0 0 Grindrod, Mr. E .. 1 0 0 PRESTON. Ashworth, J. F ... 0 3 0 Longson, Mr. J. .. 1 1 0 Butterworth, M.A. 0 G 1 Fishcrgate Chapel. Shaw, Mr. W 1 O 0 Eemp, Misses 6 11 6 Shorrock, M r.T .. 1 0 0 Rev. J. O’Dell. Taylor, S.H 0 7 0 Spencer, Mr. R. .. 1 1 0 Collection ...... 8 0 0 Watson, J.E.,Bros. 1 14 3 Waters, Mr. W. .. 1 0 0 Do., for W

WIGAN— Continued. BRIERCLIFFE. LUME. Starr,Wm.H..... 0 2 G Collections ...... 3 0 1 Rev. T. Vasey. Starr, Mary J., the Collections ...... 4 12 8 late ...... I 0 0 BURNLEY. Do. for ir Snape, Miss E. S.. 0 10 0 Rev. R. Maden. Bowker, Miss A ... 2 0 9 8 4 5 Entwisle, Miss E .. 1 18 0 Collections ...... 10 3 11 Entwisle, MissM.. 1 13 3 GOODSHAW. Boxes, by Harwood,Miss M.J. 1 12 3 Rev. W. G. Flfleld. Clarke, Master J .. 0 11 G Haworth, Miss A .. 3 2 6 Collections 5 16 1 Maden,MasterJ.H. 2 2 (j Stocks, Miss M. .. 1 8 1 12 17 11 Whalley, Miss.. . . 1 8 0 Do. for TF $ O.. 0 15 0 Whittaker, Miss A. 0 9 O G 11 1 Sundries...... 3 19 0 SABDEN. HASLINGDEN, Juvenile Band, for N P, by Pendle Hill.—Rev. J. Paterson. Bury Road. Barnes, Eliz...... 0 2 0 Collections 8 4 1 Broughton, Sami.. 0 10 O Collection...... 7 0 4 Contribs., Sun.-sch. Harrison,Miss.... u 15 0 Do. for W ¿ 0 . 2 0 5 B oys...... G 10 0 Haworth, Betsey.. 1 1 0 Contribs. .Sun.-sch. Do. do., Girls .. 6 14 0 Haworth, S. A. .. 0 14 0 B oys...... 1 G 10 Box, by Hunt, Jno...... 0 G 10 Do. do., Girls .. 1 1 4 Leyland, Abm. . . 0 G 7 Laycock, Mrs 0 12 0 Shaw, Miss S. . . . . 0 3 1 Subscriptions: Taylor, Betsey A .. 0 12 6 A Friend...... 1 0 0 22 0 Whitaker,Jas.... 0 2 6 Whitaker, Mrs. .. 5 0 0 Less expenses .. 0 4 Whittaker, Mary . 0 1 4 Whitaker, Mr. L., 21 1G 0 Whittaker,David B. 0 13 3 junr...... 1 0 0 — 159 17 5 Boxes, by SUNNYSIDE. Rev. T. Evans. BACUP. Bailey, Miss M. .. 0 8 8 Chester, Miss A.A. 0 5 3 Collection...... 2 0 Ebenezer.—Bev. J. Smith. Cowpe, Miss S. A.. 1 G 1 Do. for IFd- O.. 0 10 Hartley, Miss M.J. 0 14 7 2 10 0 Collections ...... 8 0 0 Ramsbottom, Miss 0 11 3 Do. for WAO.. 1 0 0 9 0 0 WATEKBARN. HASLINGDEN. Rev. J. Howe. BACUP. Pleasant Street.— Rev.P.Pro Collections(moiety) 4 18 1 Do., for W

LEICESTER— Continued. LEICESTER—Continued. ïciccstcrsijire. Contribs. Belvoir- Wheeler, Mrs. sea. 0 10 0 ARNSBY. street Sunday- Under lOi...... 1 4 O school, Girls.. . . 6 0 7 Rev. S. Evans. Do. do. Boys . . . . 4 4 7 By Misses Cooke Collection...... 8 4 10 Do. Harvey-lane, Collected by lontribs. Sunday- B oys...... 1 8 4 school, for Hu- Do. do. Girls . . . . 3 18 G Cooke,Misses, Card 0 15 0 langama School, Do.tlo. Chapel class 0 7 7 Ceylon...... G 0 0 Do. do.YoungMen’s Subscriptions: Collier, Mr...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Senior class . . . . 2 0 0 Do. do. Young Donisthorpe, M r.. 1 0 0 iassett, Mr. C .... 1 0 0 Women’s do. .. 2 0 0 Hobson, Mr. W ... 1 0 0 iassett, Mr. J. C. 1 0 0 Do. do. Infant class 0 8 1 Johnson,Mrs.,New­ iosworth, Mr. J... 1 0 0 Box,by town ...... 1 0 0 2vans, Rev. S. .. 1 0 0 Pickard, Mr...... 1 0 0 'lude, Mrs...... 1 e 0 Bennett, Master .. 0 4 7 Porter, Mrs., New lorton, Mr. S . . . . 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Walk...... 1 0 0 lor ton, Mr. W. .. 1 0 0 Brewin, M r...... O 10 0 Under 10«...... 2 2 0 ------21 4 10 Robinson,Mrs.C.B.25 0 0 By Mis. Barton BLABY & WHETSTONE. By Miss Clark : Subscriptions: Eev. J. Barnett. Boxes, by Barton, Mrs...... 2 0 0 Collection,Blabv.. 2 15 2 Franklin, Mrs.. . 0 11 3 Clarke, Mrs. H. .. 0 12 G Do. Public Meet­ Milling, Miss ___ 1 8 1 Dakin, Misses.... 0 12 O ing,Wheistone 4 1 C Neale, Mrs...... 0 8 8 Harrison, Misses . 0 10 O Marvel, Mr...... 0 10 0 Do. for W tt O . 0 16 0 Subscriptions : lontribs. Sun.-scU. 1 0 0 Waterfield, Mrs. . 1 1 0 Clark, Mr. J. W ... 2 2 0 Under 10i...... 2 13 3 Subscriptions: Franklin, Mr...... 1 1 O ¡lover, Mr 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 1 8 By Miss Whitmore : rice, Mrs...... 1 1 0 By Misses Eames & Viccars : Box, by Boses, by Baines,Mrs. J . . . . 0 9 0 iruce, Miss 0 16 0 Boxes, by Hover, Miss o 11 2 Billson, Mrs. C. .. 1 0 9 Subscriptions : 11 10 10 Eames, Miss . . . . 1 18 9 Viccars, Miss . . . . 0 Baines, Mr. S...... 1 0 0 9 3 Carryer, Mr. R . .. 1 0 O COUNTESTHORPE. Subscriptions : Whitmore, M r.. . . 2 0 0 Rev. T. K. Evans. Eames, Mr...... 2 0 0 Whitmore, Miss .. 0 10 0 0 Collection...... 5 15 2 Howe, Mrs. F .... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 19 Peel, Mrs...... 0 10 0 lontribs. Sunday- By Mrs. Thompson school box . . . . 0 5 4 Sharpe, Mrs...... 0 10 O Viccars, Mr. Geo.. 1 0 0 Box, by Boxes, by ¡assett, Mrs. W .. 2 15 0 By Miss Palmer : Goddard, Mrs.. . . . 3 IS 10 Boxes, by Perter, Mrs. [J., family ...... 0 5 0 FOXTON. Aspoli.Mrs...... 0 5 0 Baines, Miss...... 1 7 3 Subscriptions: Eev. T. H. Carryer. Cooke, Mrs...... O 10 O Billson, Mr. W. . . 1 1 0 Collection...... 2 16 4 Dodgson, Mr...... 0 10 0 Bedells, Mr., Lut- Gray, Mrs...... 0 5 0 terworth ...... 0 10 0 Subscription: Robinson, Mrs. A. 1' 6 5 'arryer, Rev. T... 1 1 0 Crawford, Mr. G .. 0 10 6 Wheeler, M iss.... 0 10 0 Goddard, Mr...... 1 1 0 For N P, by Whitmore, Misses 0 2 0 Hall, Miss, Thorpe iekering,Ann . . 0 G 0 Subscriptions: Underwood.... 5 0 0 mith, Emma . . . . 0 6 O A Friend...... 0 10 0 Johnson, Mrs...... 0 10 0 ------4 9 4 Adderley.Mr...... 0 10 0 Maxfield.Mr. . . . 1 1 O O Allen, M iss...... 0 10 0 Parker, Mrs...... 1 1 LUSBANDS BOSWORTH. Baines, Mr. W .... 2 Paul, Mr...... 5 0 0 0 0 0 Rev. M. Shore. Bennett, Mr. John 4 0 0 Porter,Mrs.Jno... 0 10 Saulsbury, M r.. . . 0 10 0 ollection 1 1G 0 Palmer, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Paul, Mr. T. D ... 0 Thompson, Mr., 10 G 1 0 Boxes, by Robinson, Mr. A .. 1 0 0 Beigrave...... 1 arfoot, Mrs 0 1 8 Thompson,Mrs.,do. 1 0 0 Robinson, Mr.H.M. 5 0 0 0 lack well, Miss S. 0 5 0 Wheeler, Mr. . . . . 0 10 0 Under 10«...... 1 7" .,H rs...... 0 2 G Under 10i...... 1 17 G tanyon, M rs.... 0 2 1 By Mrs. Bust : hornton, Miss .. 0 3 2 By Miss H. Viccars : Boxes, by yells, Willie . . . . 0 3 0 Box, by ! Under 1 j 0 0 5 Billson,Mrs.W... 0 5 0 Viccars, Mr. S., Hobson, Mrs. W .. 0 5 0 Servants...... 0 2 9 Subscriptions: LEICESTER. Subscriptions : Evans,Mr. .Belgrave 2 0 0 elvoir Street.—Rov. J. P. Billson, Mrs. John 0 10 0 Grimes, Mr., Bel- Mursell. Ellis, Mr...... 1 0 0 ,grave...... 0 10 0 ollect. Belvoir-st.53 2 3 Green, Miss...... 0 IS 0 Rust, Mrs...... 1 0 0 ¡Do. for W& O.. 5 0 0 Sharpe, Mrs...... 0 10 O Do.,Family.... 3 0 1 Do. Harvey Lane 5 19 6 Viccars, Mr. S. . . 2 0 0 Under 10*.... 1 6 4 1Í2 LEICESTERSHIRE— LINCOLN SHIRE.

LEICESTER— Continued. LEICESTER—Continued. MONKS’ KIRKBY U .-C ontd. By Miss Mitchell : Mather, Misses H. Collected by Sums under 1 Of... 0 19 0 and A...... 0 8 6 Linney, Miss . . . . 0 17 2 Meadows, Miss A. 0 12 6 C 1 1 209 6 4 Newcomb, Miss L. 0 4 0 Less error ..060 Rowles, Miss . . . . 0 2 6 OADBY. -209 0 4 Smith, Miss J 0 4 6 Stokes, Miss A. M. 0 6 9 Rev. T. Williams. LEICESTEB. Wilby, Master.. . . 0 5 0 Collect, for II’ & O. 0 5 Young, Miss A. .. 0 4 9 Contribs., Sunday- ■ Charles-street.—Rev. T. Lomas. 67 10 11 school, for Rev. Collections 11 18 6 Q. IF. Thomson, Do., for W & 0 . 1 13 0 LEICESTER. West Africa.... 1 8 Contribs., Sunday- Victoria Koad.—Rev. N. Subscription : schl. Auxiliaiy, Haycroft, M.A. Horsepool, Mrs. .. 1 1 for N P, Delhi ..15 0 0 2 14 Collection...... 15 4 0 Boxes, by Do., for W d: O. r, o 0 Arthur, Walter Contribns. from SHEEPSHED. and Willy 0 7 9 WeeklyOfferingslO 0 0 Rev. J. Bromwich. E. B ...... 0 3 11 Collections ...... 5 18 0 Ellis, Mrs...... 0 8 11 Subscriptions, Subscriptions : Helen & Agnes .. 0 2 10 By Mrs. Hamel: Lovett, Mr 0 7 0 Beer, Miss ...... 2 0 0 "Wheatley, Miss ..064 Fielding, Mrs 12 12 0 Christian, Mi-. B. . 0 10 0 Hamel, Mr 1 1 0 Christian, Str. J... 1 0 0 For ilalawilte Chapel, Harris, Rich., Esq.25 0 0 Christian, Mr.W.. 1 0 0 Ceylon, by Do., for N P, Stubbs, Mrs 1 0 0 Carter, Mrs 1 7 11 Delhi...... 25 0 0 Stubbs, Mr. J 1 0 0 Carter; Mr. C 0 10 0 Harris, G. S., Esq. 1 1 0 Stubbs, Mr. AY. ..100 Harris, J, D., Esq., 13 8 0 Collected by jun...... 0 10 6 Harris, Miss ____ 0 10 6 Mather & Wheatley SUTTON-IN-THE-ELMS Misses ...... 1 0 6 By Miss Haycroft: AND COSBY. Subscriptions: Baines, Mr. J . . . . 1 1 0 Rev. W. Bull, B.A. A friend ...... 0 10 O Falding, Mrs 0 10 C Bell, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Haycroft, Rev. N. 1 1 0 Collection, Sutton .347 Bull, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Haycroft, M rs.... 0 10 6 Do. Cosby.. 0 15 6 Clements, Mr. A .. 0 10 0 Roberts, Mr 1 1 0 Subscription: Colton,Mr. V i.... 1 1 0 Roper, Mr...... 1 1 O Woodbum, Mrs... 0 10 0 Dyson, Mrs. Hamel 1 1 0 Sunderland, Mr... 1 1 0 Ellis, Mr. G 1 0 0 Wood, Mr...... 0 10 6 Collected by Ellis, Mr. Jno 0 10 0 Under 10*...... 0 8 9 Bull, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Fox, Mr. 0 ...... 0 10 6 For N P, by Gibson, Mr 0 10 0 By Miss Rust: Glover, Mr 0 10 0 Rust, Mr...... 2 0 0 Coltman, Master Harris, J.D.,Esq., Rust, Mrs...... 1 0 0 J. C...... 0 2 1 M.P...... 7 7 0 Do., box ...... 1 8 4 Hedley, Master J. Harris, Mrs. V. .. 0 10 6 G- B...... 0 3 0 Hawley, Mr 1 1 o By Miss Viccars: Holyoak, Miss A .. 0 14 0 Herne, Mr 0 10 6 Crawford, Mr 1 0 0 Mason, Mr. J. J ... 0 5 0 Ewen, Mr...... 0 10 fi Hutchinson, M r... 0 10 0 6 4 2 Hyslop, Mr 0 10 0 Gee, Mr...... 1 1 0 Less expenses.. 0 3 0 Lomas, Rev. T. . . 1 0 0 , Hardy, Mr 0 10 C 0 1 2 Mather, Mr. S. 1 1 0 Whitaker, Mr 1 1 0 Meadows, M r...., 0 10 6 Under 10s. . . ¿ . 0 5 0 470 10 ?. Plant, Mr. R. F ... 0 10 6 -112 0 7 .923 Purser, Mr. C 0 10 0 Less expenses. Roberts, Mrs 1 1 0 LOUGHBOROUGH. Smith, Mr. W. D. 1 0 0 £461 7 11 Spawton, Mrs 1 0 0 Sparrow Hill. Stokes, Mr 0 10 0 Rev. T. Bumpus. Turner, Mrs 0 10 0 Collection...... 5 12 6 Wilby, Mr...... 1 1 0 Less expcuM-'n.. 0 12 l> KncolnsTjirc. Williamson, Hr. . . 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 Yates,Mr.Jos.... 0 10 0 BOSTON. Yates, Miss 0 10 0 Salem.—Rev. J. K. Chappell. MONKS’ KIRBY £ Yates, Mr. Thos.. 0 10 0 1805-G. Under 1 0 s ...... 1 11 6 PAILTON. Collections ...... 1 8 9 For NP, by Rev. J. \Y. Moore. Contribs., forNP. 0 12 2 A friend ...... 0 2 6 Collection 2 6 0 Subscriptions: Barton, Miss A ... 0 3 7 Do., for W dc 0 . 1 0 0 Horter, Miss . . . . 0 10 o Brewin, Master E. 0 1 0 Boxes, by Price; S., Esq.<. . . 0 10 0 Brewin, Master J. 0 1 0 Veall, S., Esq 0 10 0 Gamble,MissM. J. 0 10 0 Adams, Mrs 0 7 4 Hyslop, Master .. 0 2 2 Foster, Miss 0 .7 , 0 Collected by, King, Miss ...... 0 7 0 Gupwell, Mrs 0 2 11 Holler, Miss .... 0 5 0 Lomas, MissesN.J. Moore, Mrs 0 13,. 4 Veall, Mrs...... O -4 andJ...... 0 10 0 Vernon, Mrs. W .. 0 7 4 4 0 3 LDTCOLNSHIBE—NORFOLK. 113

BOSTON—Continued. LIN COLN—Continued. | BUXTON—Continued. 186G-7. Collected by ! Gambling, Mr. H. Collections...... 2 8 9 Barnes, Mrs.. .. 0 5 0 | H., Children . . 0 1 3 6 Subscriptions Birch, Mrs...... 0 10 0 ! Hewson, Miss . . . . 0 10 11 Bray, Miss ...... 5 0 0 • Watson, Miss . . . . 0 10 6 Price, S., E sq.... 0 10 0 ------13 17 3 VeAll, S., Esq...... Ü 10 0 Jackson, Mrs. J.H . 2 G 6 Palethorpe.'Miss.. 1 9 6 Collected by Wright, Miss .... 2 17 0 ! COSTESSEY. Horter, Miss . . . . 0 15 0 For N P, by | Collection...... 2 0 0 Veall, Mrs...... 0 13 3 Metham.Miss.... 0 Small sums . . . . 0 6 6 3 G Otter, M iss...... 0 5 3 DISS. 2 5 3 6 Simms, Miss .... 0 6 Rev. W. F. Gooch. Less expenses.. 0 3 6 Subscriptions : Armstrong, Rev. | Collection...... 5 2 4 W. K...... 0 10 G i Contribs., Prayer GREAT GRIMSBY. Barnes, Mr...... 1 » 0 Meeting Box . 0 14 6 Rev. R. Smart. Bausor, Mr...... 0 10 G Do., for 2F P .. 1 18 8 Birch, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collected by Collections ...... 11 8 8 Bratten, Mr., Do. for IF

I’AKENHAM. KENNINGHALL—Continued. NECTON. Rev. C. Deavin. Subscription: Rev. N. Gibson. Collection...... 1 19 6 Bryant, Mr. W. .. 0 10 0 Collect, for W & O. 0 10 C Contribs. Boxes ..140 Boxes, by NORWICH. Subscriptions: Barkaway, Mrs. .. 0 .j o Cates, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Bunns, Master W. 0 4 4 Collections,United, Fyson, Mr...... 10 0 0 Clarke, G...... 0 2 3 (moiety) ...... Lynn, Mr...... 1 1 0 Hawes, E ...... 0 3 6 St. Mary’s.—Rev. George For N P, by Reynolds, J...... 0 2 0 Gould. Row, R...... 0 3 10 Emerson, Win.. . . 0 3 0 Sage, S...... 0 1 1 Collection 4G 1 10 b’legg, Emma . . . . 0 1 0 Do.for ir«fc0..15 1ft 6 Turner, T...... 0 4 3 Contribs., J uvenile Meek, Edwd 0 1 0 Waites, A ...... 0 2 0 Association . . . . 8 9 3 Wright,Eliz...... 0 2 6 ------4 M 0 Under 1«...... 0 0 G Subscriptions : 15 2 6 LOWESTOFT. myth, Mr. W 5 5 0 Brown, Mr. S 1 1 O FOULSHAM. London Road.—Eev. J. B. Blackmore. Brownfield, Mrs... 0 10 0 Rev. J. Feek. Collections 5 10 8 Colman, Mr. J. J. 50 0 0 Colman, Mrs. Jas.. 5 0 0 ...... 2 18 G 1 2 Collection Contribs.Sun.-scli. 4 Colman, Miss . . . . 5 0 0 Do., for 7Tr OltTH A11PTON SHlttE. i 15

SALHOUSE. A LDWIN KLE—Continued. COOKNOE. Rev. J. Dowsing. Subscription : Collection...... 1 13 6 Collection ...... 1 Batson, 10 6 Mr. 11.... 1 0 0 DENTON. I 4 14 7 SWAFFHAM. Collection -...... 1 6 0 ; BLISWORTH. Boxes, by Kev. T. A. Williams. j Kev. G. G. Bailey. Colins, and Subs. Cowlev, Eli/.. . . . 0 9 0 Collection...... 11 3 7 Gayton, Chits. . . 0 4 7 (moiety) ...... 30 0 0 ' > Do., for W & 0 0 15 0 Coll., for W&O.. 1 1!) 0 Hardwick, Will.. 0 5 1 l Contribn. for China 0 10 0 Knight, William. 0 12 9 For X P, by i Do.,Miss. Prayer Morris, John . . . 0 9 0 Comer, Ernest.. . . 0 3 8 1 Meeting box . 0 17 3 White, Thomas . 0 10 1 Moulton, Ann 0 2 10 Boxes, by ------3 10 0 Kose, Walter . . . . 0 11 6 Bailey, Miss 0 8 ! ) DESBOROUGH. Simmons, M. A ... 0 11 10 Cave, Master J . .. 0 10 0 Springle, Margaret 0 4 8 Hickson, Mrs 0 6 4 Kev. T. llayden. ------33 13 6 Westley, Mr., Collection...... 1 2 3 TIIETFORD. Garden...... 0 10 7 ------15 1 6 EARL’S BARTON. * Collection...... 1 13 <> Kev. C. Noble. Do., for ir ¿ 0 . 0 1 0 3 BRAUNSTON. Contribs., boxes ..060 Collection...... 2 12 0 Kev. J. W. Cole. For y P, by Do. for W d O .O 9 0 Collcc. for WtkO. 0 7 0 ------3 I 0 Bullett, George .. 0 1 6 Fordliam, James.. 0 3 0 ECTON. BRAYFIELD ON THE GREEN. Hands, Emma 0 3 0 Collection...... 3 10 0 Langliam, Joseph 0 3 0 Contributions. . . . 1 9 0 Tabraham, Albert 0 2 0 ^ GAYTON. 1SRINGTON. Collection...... 5 0 0 WORSTEAD. Kev. J. C. Robinson. j Collection...... 2 3 10 GUILSBOROUGH. Kev. J. F. Smytlie. Rev. W. Symonds. Collections,&c. ..10 0 0 Collected by Lowick,MissM.A., Collection...... 2 14 4 For A P, by Little liringtou .-00 Do.for TFiC- 0 .. 0 15 .0 Betts, Master A... '! G 8 ------4 4 4 Boxes, by 10 6 8 Askew, Mrs 0 12 0 BROUGHTON. YARMOUTH. Cleaver, Mrs o 3 s Collection...... 0 10 7 Subscription: Church Plain. A friend, by Mr. S. Old Baptist Church, BUGBKOOK. Clifton ...... I 0 0 Rev. II. Capern. Kev. J. Green. For y P, by Contributions ..1 0 1 0 Collections ...... 2 14 2 Bird, Miss J 0 5 6 Do., for TTifr O. 0 16 0 Dawes, M i» 13. .. 0 2 0 Do., for IP <£• 0 . 1 G 0 ------10 17 0 Contribs. Sunday- Everard, Master.. 0 ■>

HACK LE TOX— Continued. KETTERING— Continued. MILTON. Hutchins, Mrs. .. 0 2 6 By Mr. W. Simona : Rev. T. Marriott. Keightley, Miss L. 0 1 0 Gotch.Mr.T. H.. 0 12 0 Stapleton, Mrs. .. 0 2 0 Collections, &c. . . . 10 0 1 Hudson, Air 0 12 0 Do., for W& 0 . 1 4 1 York, Mrs...... 1 10 7 Longslow,Mr. .. 0 12 0 ]1C 10 0 Do. Prayer Meet­ Under 10i...... 0 18 2 ings ...... 2 1C 5 HARPOL . Subscriptions and Donations: Contribs., Sunday- Rev. Amos Smith. Adams, H r 2 0 0 Bclil., by Mr. R. Gibbins...... 0 13 6 Collection ...... 5 6 7 Gotch.Mr. J .D ... 1 1 0 Do., for W & 0 . 0 14 I) Jenkinson, Key. J. 0 10 0 Collected by Contribution . . . . 0 5 0 Nunneley, Mrs. .. 0 10 6 Marriott, Mrs. .Chil­ Proceeds of Tea Toller, Mr. W .... 1 0 0 dren, weekly .. 1 15 0 Meeting ...... 2 8 11 Two Friends . . . . 3 0 0 Wiimot, Mr 0 10 C Subscriptions : Collected by For N P, by Dent, Mrs...... 4 4 0 Cave, Miss S. E., Do., Don 1 0 0 box ...... 0 C 0 Bakev, Anne . . . . 0 7 C Dent, Miss...... 1 1 0 Cory, Miss Jane S. 0 15 0 Farcy, Lizzie . . . . 0 I C Marriott, Rev. T .. 2 10 0 9 15 6 Goodwin, A n n .... 0 5 6 Westley, Mr S 0 0 Goodwin, C., and HELMDON & CCLWORTH, Walker, E 0 6 10 28 4 I Jenkinson, Louisa 0 13 O Leas for Baptist Rev. W. Hedge. Meadows, Julia . . 0 1 3 4 Irish Society... 3 0 0 HELMDON. Mursell, Maud and — 25 4 Annie ...... 1 1 0 Collections, &c. .. 2 0 0 D o, for Jr & O . 0 4 0 Houghton, Clara.. 0 C 2 MOULTON.

CULWORTH. 8C 1 0 Rev. J. R. Parker. Collection...... 1 3 10 Less expenses ,, 1 G 3 Contribs.,Sun.-sch. 0 5 7 ------84 14 9 Do., for TFif'O. 0 4 0 Collected by Contributions . . . . 0 10 •rl KING'S SUTTON. Andrews, Master, Do. Sun.-schl... 0 2 y 4 1 1 0 box...... 0 6 9 Rev. G. Tustin. Dove, M iss 0 5 2 Subscriptions : KETTERING. Subscription : Cole, Miss...... 1 0 Wheeler, Mrs 1 0 Rev. J. Mursell. Under 10s. O 2 i i; Collections...... 13 14 8 Do. Pub. Mtg... 7 0 10 KINGSTHORPE. NORTHAMPTON. Do. for TF k- 0 2 5 0 Contribs., Bible Rev. J. Litchfield. College Street.—Rev. J. T. Brown. Class, Male .. 8 15 G Collections I 17 0 Do. do , Female 1 12 0 Do., for W ¿ 0 . 0 9 0 Collections 3G 15 7 Do., Sun.-sch., Do. for IF & 0 .. 6 ¡0 0 B oys...... 1 11 5 Boxes, by Contribs., Vestry Do. do., Girls .. 5 6 .1 Brown, Mrs 0 8 0 Box ...... 1 7 2 Do. do., Infants, 0 8 5 Gardiner, Mrs. . . 0 1 2 0 Do. Girls’ School 3 l i 3 Do. Boys’ do. .. 1 17 4 Boxes, by Litchfield, Miss A. 0 13 6 3 19 C Do. Far Cotton, Hull, Miss ...... 0 12 0 by Mr. Foddy. 2 1 6 Osborn. Mr.,family 1 3 2 KISLINGBURY. Do. Mr.R.Brice’s Smith, Miss E. .. 0 11 3 Rev. J. T. Felce. Bible Class .. 0 11 0 Taylor, Miss . . . . 1 0 0 Do. Mr. Cave’s Wallis, Mrs. S .... 0 5 0 Collectn. for W

NORTHAMPTON—Continued. RINGSTEAD—Continued. TOWCESTER— Continued. Jayes, Mrs. F 2 0 0 Collected by Contribs., Frayer- meetings . . . . 0 5 0 Williams, Miss, Williamson, Miss. ,318 class...... 6 14 6 Do., Sunday-schl.l 0 4 Subscriptions : Do. .Pastor’s Bible Donation: Class...... 0 10 0 Bumpus, Miss . . . . 15 0 0 Abbott, M r 1 0 0 Williamson, Mr .. 2 0 0 Boxes, by Subscriptions: 11 17 0 A friend ...... 0 5 0 A friend...... 2 0 0 Bliss, Mrs...... 0 1 7 A friend ...... 1 0 0 ROADE. Hart, Ann ...... 0 5 0 Bartram, Mr...... 1 1 0 Rev. T. How. Linnett, Mr 0 5 0 Blackwall, Mr. .. 2 2 0 Mickley, Mrs.. . 0 2 7 2 2 0 Collection...... 3 2 0 Brice, Mr...... Subscription: Brice, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Do., for W& 0 . 1 3 8 Brice,MessrsJ&R 2 2 0 Contribs., Vestry Gallard, Mr. Wm. 0 10 6 Brown, Rev. J. T. 4 0 0 Box ...... 0 G 0 Gallard, Mrs. W .. 0 10 6 Dicey, T., Esq. .. 2 2 0 Do., Girls Senior Goodman,Mrs. . . 1 0 0 Foddy, Mr...... 1 0 0 Class...... 0 10 6 Goodman, Mr. Frost, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Do.,Second Class 0 5 4 Joseph...... 0 10 6 Gray, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Proceeds of Tea Hardin, Rev. H .. . 0 10 6 Do. box...... 4 4 0 Meeting...... 0 8 5 Tite.Mr. S. C 0 10 G Gray, Mr. P...... 1 0 0 Boxes, by Tite, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Hall, Mr...... 1 0 0 Hawkcs, Miss. . . . 0 10 0 Amos, Master W. .OSO 14 1 6 Kiglitley, Mr. J ... 1 1 0 Sherman, M iss.... 1 1 0 Less expenses . . 0 7 0 Taylor. Mr...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions : 13 14 6 Three Ladies, Bed­ Gallard, Mr. . . . . 1 1 0 fordshire ...... 1 0 0 Hands, Mr...... 1 0 0 WEST HADDON. Waite, Miss, Pits- James, Mr. fc Mrs. Collection...... 2 0 6 ford ...... 3 0 0 & family, Hart­ Contribs., Sunday- Williams, Mr...... 1 1 0 well ...... 8 0 0 schl.,for N P .. 0 10 0 Williams, Miss .. 1 1 0 — 17 TJnder 10s...... 0 4 0 Boxes, by For NP, by, RÜSHDEN. Healey, Mrs. T. .. 0 6 G Collier, Miss . . . . 0 14 3 Old Meeting. Heygate, Mrs. T .. 0 4 6 Horton, Mrs 0 8 0 Fox,— ...... 0 4 2 Rev. R. E. Bradfield. Perkins, Fredk. .. 0 7 6 Page, J oh n 0 5 4 Tonsley,— ...... 0 1 0 Collection...... 17 1 3 Vausc, Fred 0 2 0 Less expenses .. 0 4 G 3 16 10 127 13 2 WESTON-BY-WEEDON. Less expenses.. 1 18 10 —-12.-> 1 14 SPRATTON. Rev. J. Lea. Rev. J. Coles. Collections ...... 9 6 NORTHAMPTON. Do., for TF«fc 0 . 0 10 Contributions . . . . 1 10 0 Princes St.—Rev. J. Nickalls. Contribs., Sunday- STANWICK. school, Weston 1 1 Collections 8 1 0 Do., Woodend .. 0 18 Do., for W <£ O . 1 5 0 Rev. J. Jcnkinson. Contrib. Sun.-sch, 3 17 2 Do., Moreton .. 0 10 Collection...... 2 5 6 12 6 6 Collected by Leigh, Miss 4 13 1 For N P, by WOLLASTON. ------17 16 Lilley, Miss K 0 3 10 Rev. J. Knighton. l.illey, Miss F 0 4 2 Colleen., for IF c£ 0. 0 8 0 l’ATTISHALL. Rye, Miss S 0 9 0 Rev. T. Chamberlain. 3 2 6 WOODFORD. Colin, for IF ¿r 0 .. 0 10 0 THRAPSTONE. Contributions . . . . 12 10 0 Rev. T. J. Bristow. 13 0 0 Rev. AV. H. King. Collection...... 1 17 4 Collections ...... 13 6 0 Do. for IF¿ 0 .. 0 10 0 RAVENSTHOltPE. Contribs., Sunday- Rev. F. G. Masters. school boxes.. 5 12 4 Do., for N P ....1 11 1 559 3 1 Collecta, for W&O. 1 1 0 Less expenses.... 0 11 6 Contributions ....1 2 4 0 Boxes, by 13 5 0 Clarke, Miss 0 10 6 £558 11 7 Colls, Miss, Bible RINGSTEAD. Class...... 1 2 1 Rev. W. Kitchen. Munds, Mrs. . . . 0 2 1 Collection...... 2 1 2 Subscription : jgortyambcrfatrti. Do. for W 4 0 . . 1 0 0 Ladds, Mr...... 1 0 0 ALNWICK. Contribs. Sun.-sch. 0 6 2 23 4 1 Do. do., Senior Class...... 0 6 1 Contributions. . . . 0110 Do., for AT p . . . . 0 15 b TOWCESTEE. Rev. H. Hardin. BROOMLEY AND BROOM* Boxes, by HAUGH. Collections ...... 3 17 6 Ball, Mrs...... 0 6 6 Rev. R. Menzies. Kitchen, Mrs 0 6 0 Do,PublicMeetg. 2 6 6 Williamson,Miss.. 0 16 0 Do., for TP <60.. 1 0 0 Collections ...... 3 18 8 118 X0ETHUMBEELA2Î.D— NOTTINGHAMSHIEE. [1 8 6 7 .

BROOMLEY, &C.— Continued. XEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE—Could. NORTH SHIELDS—Continued. Bos, by By Mrs. Walters: Williamson, M r... 2 0 0 Angas, Miss , . 0 1 8 0 Angus, Mr. Jonath. Williamson,Mr. Js. 0 10 G 4 1C 8 (2 years) ...... 2 2 0 Under, 10«...... 1 14 4 A Friend, at Blay- IG G BERWICK-ON-TW EED. don...... 1 0 0 20 Emerson, Mr 1 1 0 Less expenses .. 0 16 G Rev. T. Y. Tymins. Lownds, Miss . . . . 1 1 0 ------20 0 0 Collection . 4 15 5 Walters, Rev. W .. 2 2 (I Under 10s...... 0 7 0 149 8 y Do., for IF <£• O .. 1 6 0 Less expenses . . . . 2 9 Do., do. (18(16-7) 2 0 U Sunday-school box'0 12 0 lift 5 10 Less paid for Æ146 ö 0 Subscriptions: Heralds 0 G 0 Black, Geo.. Esq.. 1 0 0 68 10 10 Dodds, ]{., Esq. . . 5 0 (I Dodds, Master, box 0 10 0 NEWCASTLE-ON-TY N E. iHottingijamsl)ire. Nisbet, Miss R. .. 0 10 0 BASFORD. Paxton, E., Esq... 1 0 0 Marlborough Crescent, Rev. C. Forth. Under 10«...... 0 6 C Rev. B. AY. Carr. Collection ...... 17 0 5 Collection...... 4 3 0 Less expenses,. 0 C 0 Do., forW .. 7 0 0 Do. for lF Culley, Miss G .. . . 0 12 0 Subscriptions : Hammond, Miss A. 0 2 0 Collected by Shield, Miss J 0 15 4 By Miss Hart. Coles, M iss 2 5 10 Smith, Miss M. .. 0 10 0 Angus, Mr. W. H. 1 1 (1 Walters,Wni.Carev 1 G 6 Angus, Mr. T. B... 0 10 G Subscriptions : Collected by Cowan, Mr. G...... 0 10 G Anderson, Mr . . . . 1 1 0 Foster, Mrs. Robt., Ciidman, Mr 1 10 0 Hetherington, Miss 0 10 .8 for T ...... 1 0 0 Edwards, Rev. J. 2 2 0 Rickaby, late Mrs. 0 5 0 l’attison. Rev. T. II. 1 1 0 Sanderson, Mr. F. 0 G 0 Sharp, Mr. T...... 0 10 r> IS 9 0 Thompson, Miss S. 1 1 4 Wnrwick, Mrs. .. 1 1 0 I/Css expen-es .. 0 5 0 By Mr. E. Culley: Under 10s...... 3 3 0 Angus, Miss A. B. . 0 10 0 By Sir. T. Sharp. LOSCOK, Angus, Mr. .T. G. 0 10 0 Meggison.Rov. Mr. 1 1 0 Angus, Mr. George 2 2 0 32 4 10 Collections . . . . . 3 a t Angus, Mrs. G. .. 0 10 0 Angus, Mrs. T. C. 1 1 0 NEWARK. Culley. Mr. S 0 10 0 NORTH SHIELDS. Culley, Mr. K 1 0 0 Rev. G. Hider. Culley,Mrs. F ,.... 1 0 0 Collection...... G 5 6 Collection...... 4 8 0 Davies, Mr. W .,.. 1 1 0 Sunday-school.... 1 0 8 Contribs., J uvenile Eosevear, M r.C... 1 1 0 Box, by Association, for Jetsore School .. 2 'Z 3 By Mr. llrndbnrn: Williamson, Miss E. 0 5 0 Angus, Mr. H 2 2 0 Subscriptions: - Subscriptions: Uradburn, Mr. J . . 1 1 0 Bambridge, Mrs. Forster, Miss S ... 1 I 0 Atkinson, Mr 1 0 0 Carrick, Mm 0 10 0 (2 years) ...... 0 10 0 Sample, Mr. T Ill) Faulkner, Mr.P. R. I I) 0 Swan, Mr. Richard 1 0 0 Dixon, Mrs 0 10 0 Fawcus, Mrs 0 10 0 Fretwell, Mr. S ... 1 0 0 By Miss Bell: Fry, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Under 10«...... 0 17 0 Hepple, Mrs 0 10 () Davies, Miss 0 10 0 9 18 :i Fenwick, Mr. J ... 0 10 (I Hindhaugli,Misses 0 10 0 Miller, Mr. J 0 10 0 Hunter ,Mr. Jas.,»S. 0 10 0 Less expenses.. 0 15 0 Mission b o x 0 3 10 Meier, Mr...... 0 10 0 Potts, Mr. John .. 0 10 fi Pow, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Under 10*...... 2 r> 7 Proctor,Mr.J.R.,S. 0 10 0 NOTTINGHAM. Rennison,Mr. G.. 0 10 ß Collectn., Annual By Mrs. S. Thompson: Rennison,M iss... 0 10 0 Meeting .. . 11 8 11 Stappard, Mr. J . .. 0 10 0 Spence, Mr. . 0 10 0 Do., do., Juvenile Watson, Mr. Alex. 0 10 0 Spence,Mr. J.F.,S 0 10 0 Association .. 3 10 5 Under 10«...... 1 13 4 Spence, ifr.Robt.,.5 1 0 0 Do., Sermon, do. 2 2 t 1867.J NOTTDîaHAMSHIBE— OXFOBDSHIBE. 119

NOTTINGHAM—Continued. NOTTINGHAM— Continued. Subscriptions: By Miss E. Baker : <©iforiíaí>írí. Birkin, R., Es"). . . 2 0 0 Baker, Mr. & Mrs. 0 11 0 BANBURY. Manning, Mr. Jno. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 4 0 Rev. G. St. Olair. 19 17 8 By Juvenile Bible Class...... 2 0 0 Collection...... 8 16 8 NOTTINGHAM. -102 , ! Do. for IF Barton, Sir 2 0 0 Do., Monthly Burton, Mr. Jos... 0 12 o Prayer Meet­ Collected by Dodds, Mr...... 1 1 0 ings ...... 0 13 10 Arthur, Earnest .. 0 15 G Curtis, Mr 1 0 0 Sunday-Seliool .. 1 13 G Barson,Mrs 0 11 3 Renals, Messrs. J. Boxes, by Baker, Miss 1 10 0 Barrett, Miss . . . . 0 12 4 and J...... 0 12 0 Buttery, Miss .. 0 18 Small, Mr. W U 10 0 Barrett, Rachel .. 0 1 11 Mozley, Mr...... 0 U Beckinsale, Betsy .029 Venn, Mr...... 0 10 0 K> 10 3 Under 10s...... 1 ft 0 Beezley, Mrs 0 3 H Bourman, Mrs. .. 0 3 10 By Miss Pentecost : Less expenses Calcnt, Fanny. . . . 0 6 1 Pentecost, Mr. and Clack, Miss ...... 0 6 0 Clare, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Mrs...... 0 16 0 £ 2 2 5 3 3 Untier 10f...... 0 1G 4 Constable, Mrs. ..039 120 OXFORDSHIRE—RUTLANDSHIRE. T1867.

COATE, &c .- Continued. OXFORD. OAKHAM. Coster, Chas...... 0 14 10 New Road.—Rev. W. Allen. Rev. w . Cope. Dix, Mrs...... 0 9 0 Collections ...... 6 17 5 Coll. for W,C■ O .. 1 '1 6 Douglas, Ellen.... 0 4 7 Do. Ann.Mtng.. 4 19 I Missionary Prayer Dutton, Mr. J . . . . 0 8 0 Contribs., Snnday- Meeting Box .. 0 15 7 Dutton, Miss . . . . 1 6 0 Schl.,forMr. TF. Ladies’ Working Florey, ffm . . . . . e 5 8 Wenger, Calcutta 6 10 0 Society,for India 4 10 0 Fox, Mary ...... 0 4 3 Giles, Martha . . . . 2 11 S £6 10i. from Sunday-School Boxes, by Giles, Mrs. K...... 0 5 0 Auxiliary in addition to Earlow, Miss . . . . 0 8 6 above remitted direct Hedge», Mrs...... 0 11 5 Cave, Miss ...... 0 3 6 Hosier. Mrs...... e 6 0 to Mr. IF. Wenger, Cal­ Howson, William 0 3 4 cutta. Hudson, Mary___ 0 2 3 Collected by Less expenses Ivings, Clara . . . . 0 8 7 Acock, Mrs 0 o 1 6 ID 6 Long, Miss ...... 0 19 0 Bateman, Miss S .. 0 15 O Luckett, Miss . . . . 0 5 0 Cooper, Mr. G. W. 0 it 0 £8 11 6 Mountain, Mrs.. . . 0 5 0 Mansell, Miss . . . . 0 4 8 Neale, Kose Anne 1 1 4 Proctor «!c Lawson, Perry, Mrs...... 0 2 6 Misses ...... 2 10 0 Slji'opsljirr, Ricketts, W...... 0 8 0 Book, by BRIDGNORTH. Sparrowhawk,Saral)0 5 4 Farrant, Miss 11... 1 8 6 Smith, Ellen ___ 0 10 2 Kcv. C. T. Keen. For X P, by Stone, Mr. S. (late) 0 2 3 Card, for X P, by Townsend, Miss.. 0 13 0 Ford. Miss A 0 3 0 Wallis. Miss...... 0 7 6 Snbscriptions: Green, Miss...... Watts, Chas...... 0 3 1 Alden, Mrs. J 0 10 6 BROSELEY. Weston, Emma .. 0 4 1 Alden, Mr. T 0 lo r, Under Is...... 0 4 2 Bartlett, M iss 0 10 6 Old Baptist Chapel. Cavcll, Mrs 1 1 0 Contribs., Sunday- Subscriptions and Donatio; Hatch, Mr. H. D .. 0 10 6 scbl.. for Rev. F. Baker, Mr...... 0 10 0 Hatch, Mr...... 0 10 6 T. Reed, Sewry. 1 10 0 Butler, F., Esu. .. 0 10 0 Huck vale, M rs.... 1 1 0 DAWLEY. Collett, Mr. & Mrs. 0 10 0 Lowe, Mr...... 1 0 0 Giles, Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 Pike, Mr. J. 1 1 0 Rev. J. w . Thorne. < riles, Mrs. (hen) 1 n 3 Underhill, M r. . . . 1 0 0 Collect, for IF it 0 . 1 2 Hosier, Mr. D...... 2 0 0 Under ll's 0 2 6 Contributions ....1 1 IS Luckett, Miss 0 10 0 13 0 Pigott, Mr. R...... 0 10 0 31 17 0 Wallis, W. T.. Esq. 0 10 0 J,ess expenses .. 0 14 1 MADELEY. Rev. E. Jenkins. Wallis, Miss Julia. 0 10 0 I 31 3 8 j THAME. Collect, for IF

PONTESBURY. BATH— Continued. BIÏ1DGWATKR—Continued. Rev. T. Evans. Wassell, R ev.D ... 1 1 0 Donation : Collection 1 3 4 Under 10*...... 1 0 0 NiehoUs, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Cards ...... 0 9 7 •55 7 6 41 1 5 Box, by Less expenses.. I 1 0 BOROUGHB1UDGE. Smith, Miss 0 15 0 40 0 5 Rev. T. Baker. Subscription : 3 Smith, Rev. J 1 I 0 Kensington.—Rev. O. Winslow, D.D. Collection...... 2 13 3 8 11 Do. for W ¿ 0 .. 0 13 2 Collections ...... 11 8 4 Boxes ...... 0 10 9 SHREWSBURY. Do. for IT A 0 .. 3 0 0 Children of the Boxes, by Claremont Street. Sunday and Day Bell, Mrs. T...... 0 S 0 schools...... 5 18 C Chinn, A lbert.... 0 4 6 By Rev. H. Angus. Subscriptions . . . . 5 9 2 Donation : 4 4 8 Subscriptions: M.H.H...... 2 0 0 Less expenses.. 0 5 0 Rawson, Miss . . . . I 0 0 3 19 8 SHREWSBURY. Rawson.MissH.M. 1 0 0 St. John’s Hill. Winslow, Rev. Dr. 1 0 0 BRISTOL. 28 16 0 Rev. G. Wyard, Jun. Contributions re­ ceived to March Collect, for IT SHREWSBURY. Rev. W. Cloake. Do.for W&O.. 3 10 11 Wyle Cop.—Rev. D. Jones. Do. King Street, Collection...... 3 0 0 Collect, for W 4 0 . for do...... 5 6 f> Proceeds of lecture 1 5 0 Do. for NP,Delhi\a 0 0 Cards for iV P, by Do. for Rev. T. SNA1LBEACH. Morgan's N P, Rev. T. Phillips. Chivers, Daniel.. 0 2 0 Howrah...... 6 0 0 Cuzner, Sarah.... 0 3 4 Collection ...... 1 10 6 Do. for Native Gibson, Thos...... 0 1 7 Preacher,under WEM. Harford, Tom . . . . 0 3 0 Rev. P. T.Reed, Holly, Tom ...... 0 2 3 15 0 Rev. J. G. Stephens. Outiea...... 21 Keevil, Allen . . . . 0 G 3 Do. for Seram- Collect, forJFefc O • Pope, W illiam.... 0 3 10 pore College.. 1 1 0 Family Boxes, by Do. for Africa.. 3 3 0 £ 4 0 12 6 0 0 Bourne, Master F. 0 4 ti Do. for China .. 3 Cloake, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Do. for N P, un­ der Rev. IF. Dew,Master'!. .. 0 12 1 2 Sampson ....1 2 7 5 Joyce, Miss E...... 0 13 Do. for Eduea- Jbomtrscts^irt. Palmer, Miss, Sun- day-schl. Class 0 16 tion of Boy at BATH. 0 Mrs. Kerry's Do. Young La­ School, Intally 4 10 3 Allen, Mrs 0 10 dies ...... 0 11 6 Do.for Education Murcli, Mrs. Dr... 2 2 Piekford, Mastr. J. 0 14 4 Smaller sums. . . . 0 9 11 of Girl in do.. 7 14 11 March, Rev. S. .. 0 10 Do. for support 3 3 0 ofWiiiow quali­ 10 8 9 BATH. Less expenses.. 0 1 0 fying fo r Ze­ Somerset Street.—Rev. D. Wassell. nana work ..620 10 7 9 820 16 Collection, Somer- set-street . . . . 3 1G 0 BRIDGWATER. BRISTOL. Do. .Public Meet­ Rev. J. Perkins. The following iB the state­ ing ...... 3 3 0 ment of Abstract of Con­ Do., Juvenile C llections 5 12 6 tributions from Bristol, Association ..11 0 5 Do. for W * 0 . 4 4 6 &c., for year ending Do.TwertonChapel Sunday-sch.,boxes 4 19 3 May 20th, 1867. and boxes.... 2 0 0 Contributions for Broadmead Chap. 158 4 6 Do. Ebenezer do. 3 8 6 N P ...... 2 18 10 Buckingham do. 163 16 7 Books, by Collected by City Road do. 20 0 o Counterslip do. 146 3 8 Cox, Miss...... 0 17 0 Farrance. Mrs. ..037 Richards, M iss.... o 12 o King Street do. 195 7 2 Fisher, Miss 0 5 0 Pithay 3 5 t> Subscriptions: Martin, Mrs 1 12 10 Thrissell S t 4 5 8 Ames, Sirs ö 0 0 Sully, Mrs...... 4 IS 0 Bedminster, Philip Arclmrd, Mr 1 1 0 Whitby, Miss . . . . 2 7 h Street ...... 6 7 4 Barter, M r...... 0 10 0 Boxes, by Do. West Street 5 0 5 Cox, Mr. G 0 10 6 Nicholas, Mr. Jas. 0 4 1 City Mission Sta­ Davis, Rev. J 1 1 0 Perkins, Rev. J ... 0 6 6 tion, John St... 3 Davis, Mr. C .C ... 0 10 0 Downend...... 17 Godwin, Mrs. H ... 1 1 0 Subscriptions : Fishponds...... 7 Hancock, M iss.... 0 10 0 Backwell, Mr.R.O. 0 10 0 Hanham ...... 3 3 Hunt, Mr. W 0 10 0 Dosson, Mr. J 0 10 0 Keynsham ...... 17 0 Huntley, llev. J. 0 10 0 Klcholls, Mrs 1 0 0 HU...... 1 7 Martin, Mrs 1 0 0 Smith, Mrs 0 10 0 Weston-super- Smith, Mr. E. G ... 1 0 0 Sully, J. W., Esq.. .20 0 0 Mare, Wadham Stanley, Mrs 1 0 0 Whitby, Mr. J , ... 0 10 0 Street ...... 28 12 10 122 SOMERSETSHIRE. [1867.

BRISTOL—Continued. j CHEDDAR, &c.— Continued. CREECH. Profits of Public ■ Hawkins, Miss, Rev. J. Young. Breakfast 14 1 0 | Class...... 0 10 3 Collection after ; Thatcher, Miss .. 0 10 0 Contributions . . . . 0 11 1 United Anniver­ : West, T...... 0 2 0 Boxes, by sary Services ..63 17 3 Subscriptions: Cozens, Miss . . . . 0 3 10 848 13 8 Clark, W., Esq. ..200 Dykes, M aster.... 0 7 G Less expenses.. 29 lü Clark,R„Esq,..., 1 0 0 Govier, Miss . . . . 0 1 "> 7 Govier, Miss H ... 0 3 2 G ready, Miss . . . . 0 1 4 819 r’ 10 12 1 3 Hurley, Mrs...... 0 4 I Perris, Mrs 0 .r> 0 WlNSCOMBD. BURNHAM. Ralls, Miss ...... 0 4 r, Collections ...... 2 7 2 Ralls, Miss E 0 5 .r> Rev. VT. Dinnis. Do. for W Tyler, M iss 0 4 5 Cards, for N P . . . . 1 u (j Boxes, by Tvler, MissE.... 0 13 4 3 9 10 r> Baker, Miss...... 0 G 8 BURTON. Dickson, Miss.. .. 0 14 0 Goodfellow, Miss 0 4 1 CREWKERNE. Rev. J. Merchant. Hemmons, Mrs... 0 13 0 Rev. S. Pearce.] Collections ...... 0 Hooppell, Miss .. 1 5 0 j Collection ...... 3 12 0 Horsington, Miss.. 1 2 7 CHARD. Lewis, Miss...... 0 12 G ! Cards for A' P, by Mnlford, Miss . . . . 0 9 6 Rev. Evan Edwards. Wilkins, Miss___ 0 15 0 | Barrett, M 0 1 0 Collections ...... 10 2 4 Beament, M 0 2 6 Do. for W O . 2 0 0 Card, by Bull. Henry 0 1 3, Miss. Pray.-mtg. Green, Mary . . . . 0 15 0 I Fones, Frank . . . . 0 3 0 box ...... 0 10 3 [ Fones, Harry . . . . 0 311 For N P, by j Howes, II 0 2 4 Collected by Bisgrove, Miss E. 0 10 0 I Howes, II. J 0 2 11 Gifford,Miss Rhoda 3 it 0 Brooks, Miss E. .. 0 10 0 ! Holland, Jessie .. fi 1 1 Grabbam, Miss .. 0 10 7 Clark, Master . . . . 0 15 0 : Johnson, Ben 0 1 ^ Hawker, M s s .... 1 2 9 Wilkins, Mr 0 10 0 Johnson, Ellen , . 0 ~i u Hobbs, Mrs. ffm . 2 1 9 Subscriptions : Mills, Sarah 0 a ft Smith, Miss...... 4 0 O Plembridge, G. . . 0 1 o Young, Miss Kate 0 8 0 A friend ...... 3 0 0 Webb, Carrie . . . . 0 4 (i Clark, Mr. R 1 0 0 i Under 1«...... 0 10 11 For NP, by Young, Miss F. .. 1 1 3 18 1 0 Subscriptions : FROME. Brown, Mr. F. W. 1 0 0 Alleeton. Sheppard’s Barton. Brown, Mr...... 1 0 0 ; Contributions . . . . 1 0 1 Brown, Mrs____ 1 0 0 Rev.T. G. Rooke, M.A. Brown, Mr. T. L.. 0 10 0 C r i c e i i a m . Collection...... 9 I 0 Edwards, Rev.'E.. 1 1 0 ■ Contributions 0 14 4 Do. Public Mtg. 9 0 G Edwards, Mr.Eben. 1 1 0 Do. for W it 0 .. ‘2 ti s Edwards,Mr.Alfred 0 10 (i R o o k b b r l d u e . Sunday-schl. Aux­ Edwards, Mr. J ... 0 10 G Collection...... 0 8 5 iliary for Natire Eyre, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Girljanelimm, Legg, Mr...... 0 10 0 Boses, by in Mrs. Ander­ Toms, Mr...... 1 0 0 Bolcy, Master. . . . 0 2 0 son's Schl.,Jcs- Donation : Ellis, Mrs...... 0 17 0 sore ...... 0 0 0 Rich, Mrs...... 0 7 11 Do. for Native A Friend, by Rev. Thackrell, Mr 0 13 8 Boy, John Shep­ E. Edwards....50 0 0 pard, in Mr. 2 8 ' Saier’a field., 83 15 5 0 0 Less expenses .. 0 10 0 Wedmoee. Boxes, by , Collection...... 1 2 0 Biggs, Sarah . . . . 0 i0 G CHEDDAR AND STATIO! Bowles, Emily .. 0 3 2 lioxen, by Brown, Emily.. . . 0 Rev. Thos. Davies. 9 <; Bethel, Mrs...... 0 o 7 Brown, Mary L ... 0 1U 7 7 C h e d d a r . Dando, Miss .. . . 0 7 Browning, Charlte 0 8 7 Harvey, Miss . . . . 0 8 4 Collections ...... 3 o 11, Cook,Mary Ann.. 0 5 8 Millar, Miss...... 9 0 Dredge, Ellen . . . . 0 3 3 Do. for W ¡0 O .. 1 Ü 0 Parker, Miss . . . . 0 5 9 Cards...... Ü 4 1 Edgell, Louisa .. 0 12 1 Richard, Mr. .. . . 0 13 0 Heal, Harry 0 4 9 Missionary Prayer- Urch, Mr...... 0 2 8 meetmg box. . . j 0 0 Hine, M iss 1 4 O Hinchcliffe, Sarah. 1 3 2 Boxes, by 3 10 li Houston, ¡Florence 1 0 « 9 Lewis, Alfred. . . . 0 r> 0 Brooks, Mrs...... 0 G ' y 0 Cooper, Mrs., 37 16 Parfltt, Emma .. 0 1 Draycott...... 0 G 3 Less expenses. . 1 13 “ Porter, Bess« . . . . 1 5 7 Durston, M iss.... 0 10 0 3G Rooke, T. Fras. .. 0 f, 0 Davies, Mrs., Class 0 10 O Stiles, Alice&Thos. 0 1G G Field, Mrs...... 0 5 3 CLEVEDON. Trotman, Victoria. 3 1 9 Ford, Miss M.A.., 0 13 9 Contribi?, for N P Witcomb, Annie.. 0 2 2 1 8 6 7 .] SOMEBSETSHIBE. 123

FROME—Continued. ; HIGIIBRIDGE. STOGUMBER. Juvenile Missionary Asso­ I Rev. W. H. McMechan. Rev. J. Mills. ciation. , Collection...... 0 13 0 Collections 2 4 0 Cards for N P, by Do. for 1Yd: 0 .. 1 0 (i 1 Contributions . . . . 3 15 6 Collected by Butler, Louisa.. . . 0 16 fi ! Do. for Mrs. Edgell, Miss 0 2 G Burge, Mrs 0 5 3 Pigolt’n School, Mills, M iss 0 7 U Hawkins, Lydia .. 0 G 7 Colombo, Cey­ Hawkins, Melina .030 lon ...... 1 0 0 For N P, by Ledbury, Ellen . . 0 2 G Lewis, Walter.. . . 0 2 0 Gush,Miss ...... 1 12 0 Porter, Bessie.... 0 3 4 r> s <; Thome. Miss J. .. 0 14 0 Sinner, Lydia . . . . 0 3 3 Less expenses ..02 0 Watts, Miss 0 2 0 G G 6 Wallis, KHz 0 2 4 Subscription: IJiuler 2,s...... 0 8 10 ISLE ABBOTTS. Burnett, Mr. E. .. 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Rev. J. Chappell. Bigcs, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collections ...... 0 17 G 6 4 9 Fussell, Mr. J. H. 0 10 0 Less expenses. .053 Houston, H., Esq.. 2 0 0 KEYNSHAM. 5 19 G Houston, Mrs . . . . 1 0 0 (See Bristol Auxiliary.) Morgan, Mrs 1 0 0 TAUNTON. Rev. W. C. Pratt. Porter, Mr...... 0 10 I) Silver-street. liooke, Rev. T. G .. 1 0 0 Collection for W d; O 2 10 0 Sheppard, J., Esq. 4 4 0 Rev. G. S. Reaney. Sinking, Mrs 1 1 0 MINEHEAD. Collections G 16 11 Thompson,W.Esq.10 0 0 Eev. W. H. Fuller. Do. for Wd- O . 1 10 0 Thompson, Mrs... 5 0 0 Contributions . . . . 7 15 9 Thompson, Mr. H. 1 1 0 Collections ...... 1 1G 3 Thorne, Mrs 1 1 0 Collected by Collected by Thorne, Miss . . . 1 0 0 Siderfin, Miss . . . . 0 6 G Clark, Mrs 1 11 8 Under 10s...... 1 2 G Daniel, Miss 0 ■> 0 Subscriptions: Horsey, Miss 0 1G 5 79 2 10 Fuller, Rev.W. II. 1 0 0 Maynard, Miss .. 0 1G 0 Less nmount ac­ Giles. Mrs...... 0 10 0 knowledged in Siderfin, Mr 1 1 0 19 11 9 last yrs. Report 6 0 0 Siderfin, Mr. John 1 1 0 Less expenses .. 0 13 C 5 14 í)

PIlOilR. MONTACUTE. WATCHET & WILLITON. Badcox Lane. Eev. R. Kerr. Rev. R. Priske. Rev. W. Burton. Coll. for W é 0 .. I o 0 WATCHET. Collections ...... 4 Contributions ....1 8 0 6 u 7 ------19 Collections after Do. for Wd- O.. •2 10 0 Sermon...... 1 7 0 Juvenile Service.. 1 11 7 NORTH CURRY. Collected by Collected by Rev. J. Read. Gimblett, Mrs., liawlings, Miss .. 1 i 8 Collection...... 0 12 G Watcliet ...... 2 ( 9 Boxes, by Do., Fivehead ..08 0 WILLITON. Contributions.... 1 7 5 Burton, W. & H .. 0 4 4 Collee. Pub.Meetg. 1 G 7 Coombs, W. & B.. 0 4 8 Cards for .V P, by Subscription: liawlings, Misses Corpe, Susan . . . . 0 G 1 K. & E...... fi 15 1 Squire,John . . . . 0 fi u Williams,Mr.,sen. 0 10 0 Swann, Misses. 1!. & F...... 1 2 10 r> U 4 M. P. C...... 0 9 0 PAULTON. Less expenses.. 0 12 l 4 19 Subscriptions: (See Bristol Auxiliary.) Ames, Mr. E. G ... 1 0 0 Rev. E. Davies. | WELLINGTON. Wffgs, Miss ...... 0 10 G Contribs.for.YP.. 3 0 0 ; Rev. G. W. Humphreys, B.A. Coombs, Mr. A. .. 0 10 G i Collee. for W 0 Cross, Mrs o 4 G onMrs.Butcher’s Gough, Maria . . . . 0 9 2 legacy ...... , . . '5 18 8 For .Y P, by Loney, Mary Ann . 0 7 C Allen, Miss H...... 0 1 11 Robjohns. Esther - 0 8 22 G 5 Charlton, Miss E.. 0 1 s Seaton, Annie- 10 Lass District Ex- Cook, Master W ... 0 2 10 1 Wright, Eliza J. . . 0 11 1 9 6 Freeston,Mastr.W. 0 2 Ü 20 1G 11 Hockey, Master H. 0 1 5 Einsion, Miss E ... 0 2 0 Less expenses, HATCH BEAUCHAMP, Marshman, Miss.. 0 5 0 4 9 Parker, Miss . . . . 0 5 0 liev. E. Curtis. Parker. Miss J. .. 0 4 3 WELLS. Contributions . . . . 2 0 Richards,Mastr.Ed. 0 l 2 Do. for IV <(■ O . 0 10 Speed, E...... 0 4 2 Rev. W. Parry. 2 10 0 Coll. for W d- O .. p 17 124 SOMERSETSHIRE—STAFFORDSHIRE. [1867.

WESTON-SUP R-MARE. BILSTON—Continued. HANLEY. (See Bristol Auxiliary.) For N P, Collected by New .Street. Bristol Road. Chilton Downs fc Rev. K. Johnston. Kev. Robert I.ewis. New ...... 0 1 0 Collections ...... 11 3 5 Fletcher, Ellen ..024 3 6 Do. for W 4 O 1 10 0 Collection for W&O 3 Hill, Wm...... 0 1 8 Contribs., boxes .. 3 17 3 Highway, Mary ..02 1 Do. Sunday-schl. W1NCANTON. Hill, Eliza ...... 0 3 4 Juvenile Misy. Rev. J. Hannam. Jones, Sarah Ann 0 1 0 Auxiliary . . 5 0 0 Lovatt,Josiah ..0 7 8 Collection foriP«fcO 0 12 0 Lovatt, G...... 0 4 2 Collected by Contributions . . . . 10 16 G Mold, Charlotte .. 0 1 5 Vessey, Mrs 3 10 0 For N P, by Mold, Francis . . . . 0 1 9 Onions, Wm 0 5 0 Card for N P, by Butt, Elisha...... 0 1 4 Onions, Zechariah 0 1 0 Vessey, Sophia .. o 12 1 Frimby, Henry .. 0 3 2 Onions, Mnry . . . . 0 6 6 Gilbert, Emma .. 0 5 C Plant, Elizabeth.. 0 8 1 20 12 James, Edw in.... 0 12 6 Leas expenses .. 1 2 Keniston, Clara .. 0 G 6 6 19 21 10 4 Perry, Alfred. . . . 0 2 0 Less expenses., 0 7 — 12 ID 6 HANLET. 6 12 0 Welsh Chapel. WINSCOMBE BRIERLEY HILL. Rev. R. Roberts. (See Cheddar and Stations). Rev. G. Thorne. Contributions. . . . o 8 0. YEOVIL. Collection...... 3 10 o Do. Sun.-scli. ..500 Rev. R. James. 8 10 NETHERTON. Collection...... 9 5 0 Sweet Turf Chapel. 0 0 COSELEY. Do. for W A O .. 3 Rev. A. Major. Juvenile, Miss. Darkhouse.—Rev. B. C. Young. Society,Sunday- Collections...... 5 10 O school collection, Collections ...... 7 6 8 Do. for W ¿¡0 . 0 18 6 for Mrs. Kelly, Sunday-school do. 0 1C 9 Intally...... 3 4 2 Subscriptions: Collected by Collected, by Green, Mr. T 5 0 0 Smith, Miss...... 0 18 6 Adams, Jas...... 0 6 Thompson, Mr. S.. 1 1 0 Willetts, Miss. . . . 0 5 0 1 5 Brown, AlmaLouisa 0 2 7 Whitehouse, H. B., Woodall, Miss. . . . 0 0 Cattel,Thomas... 0 7 6 Esq...... 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Davis, Alfred E ... • 5 0 Boxes, by A friend ...... 1 0 0 HeUard, Oliver .. 0 1 0 Head, Miss ...... 0 2 2 Smith, Mr. W...... 1 0 0 Hunt, Miss P ...... 0 5 10 Young, Miss ____ 0 7 4 Smith, Mrs. W. .. I 0 0 Hunt, H is s ...... 0 7 0 Woodall, Mr. Sam. 1 0 0 James, Miss...... 0 15 0 15 14 11 Woodall,Mr.Solmn 1 0 0 Jamas, Miss L. .. 0 15 0 Less expenses. .052 Woodall,Mrs.Solmnl 0 0 James, Miss P ... 0 16 0 15 9 9 Woodall, Mrs. T. 1 0 0 Johnson, W...... 0 1 0 Martin, Ann . . . . 0 2 6 14 17 0 Maynard, Lucy .. 0 3 3 Providence.—Rev. J. Maurice. Less expenses.. 0 4 0 Thresh, Margaret 0 1 0 — Warry, E m ily.... 0 3 8 Collection...... 7 11 0 Do. for W tb O .. 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Prayer Mtng. box 0 17 3 STAFFORD. Birt, Mr...... 0 10 0 9 8 3 Contrlbs.Sun.-sch. 1 4 Chapman, M rs... 0 10 <> 1 Ewens, Mr...... o 10 0 COSELEY. Cards for N P, by Hodges, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Ebenezer. Corfleld, S...... 0 9 0 Harden, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Rev. W. Green Clark, Sarah A ... 0 3 6 Maynard, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collier, J...... 0 2 3 Fittard, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 4 0 0 AVall, Louisa . . . . O 6 9 Whitby, Mr...... o 10 0 Do., Sun.-schl. 1 10 0 Under 1«...... 0 2 0 Whitby, Mr. E. .. 0 10 0 Subscriptions : 2 4 II Whitby, Mr. J. H. 0 10 0 Wiltshire, Mr...... 1 0 0 Colboume, A.,Esq. 1 0 O Barnett,WmEsq. 1 0 0 TIPTON. 26 17 6 Rose, D., Esq...... 1 0 0 Sion Chapel, Prince's End. Less expenses.. 0 14 0 Box, by 26 3 6 Rev. R. Nightingale. Barnett,Miss . . . . 0 6 0 Collections ...... 7 9 6 9 4 Green, Miss . . . . 0 6 0 1327 Hawthorne, Master Do. for W it O.. 0 14 O 1 0 5 Less expenses.. W...... 0 5 11 Proceeds of Lecture Sheldon, Miss M.. 0 6 3 by Rev. J. Greg- £ 1 3 2 6 8 11 P. R...... 0 9 8 son...... 1 4 1 Boxes, by 10 1 10 fctaffortraïjirc, Less expenses Brain, Master. . . . 0 5 0 BILSTON. and amount Hipkins, Miss Jane 1 0 8 remitted too Nightingale,Master Salem Chapel. late ...... 6 1 10 H. A ...... 0 10 0 Collections 4 11 6 Tate, Mrs...... 0 10 0 1 8 6 7 .] STAFFORDSHIRE—SUFFOLK. 125

TIPTON— Continued. WOLVERHAMPTON—Continued. EYE—Continued. Collected by Edmonds. Mrs.. . . 0 17 0 Bicker,Mr .andMrs. 0 15 0 Fuller, Mr., chil­ Cason, Mrs...... 0 10 c Greenway, Miss 0 R.C ...... 1 15 dren ...... 0 8 10 Cason, Mr...... 1 1 Hipkins, Miss S. & Wake, Master . . . . 0 8 2 Day, Mr. D ...... 0 10 0 Greenway, L. P. 0 17 10 18 6 Gissing, Mr. S. .. 1 1 0 Mullett, MissE... 1 7 Gissing, Mrs...... 0 10 6 137 14 4 Marsh, Mr...... 0 10 0 Less expenses.... 1 7 2 Mudd, Mr. G...... 0 10 6 1& 12 5 0 10 0 Less expenses.. 0 8 0 Short, Mr...... 15 4 5 £ 1 3 6 7 2 Under 103. .. 0 2 6 15 5 3 WALSALL. Suffolk. HADLEIGH. Rev. A. A. Cole. Collection for W ALDBOROUGH.

I PS W1CH— Co til in tied. OT LE Y— Coiti in tied. h a s l k m e r e . Harper, Mrs 0 3 3 Stollery, Miss . . . . 0 9 10 Rev. R. Harding. Jennings,Miss . . 0 3 2 Wightman, Miss.. 0 4 0 Coll.for W A O .. 1 0 0 Manning, Charlotte 0 4 7 lVoodgate, Miss . . 0 1 4 6 Pizey, M iss 0 4 0 Robinson, Martha 0 5 0 GUILDFORD. Seaman, Miss . . . . 0 '2 tj Sums, collected by Smith, Mr. G. B .. 0 2 G RATTLESDEN. Smyth, Mr. W. .. 0 2 4. Eev. R. Bird. Matthews, Mr. W. 0 17 Sampson, Mr. J .. 0 6 4 Do. l'or N P 0 2 Steward, Miss . . . . 0 5 2 Collec. for W A O. 1 0 0 0 19 6 Smith, Miss F. M., Contribs., moiety 3 0 0 i and Brother.. . . 0 4 a - 1 0 ol KINGSTON. Taylor, W., Family Ilev. llenry Bayley. Box ...... 1 17 10 SOMERLEYTON. Warren, Mrs 0 3 0 Collections ...... 10 10 5 Wathew, Mr 0 2 6 Rev. C. Danieli. Do. for IT AO.. 3 0 0 Webb, Rev. J., for Sunday-schools .. 7 2 11 X P ...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 4 r> fi Under Is 0 1 Do. for ir<£- O.. 1 0 0 Boxes, by 49 13 5 Do. Boxes . . . . 0 18 1 Dunham, Master. 0 6 0 Do. produce of Woodroffe, Miss . 1 0 0 IPSWICH. Fruit-trees.. 1 .r> 1 Do.W. Peannan’s Subscriptions Turret Green.—Rev. T. M. Apple Tree ..03 0 Ash, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Morris. 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Bayley, Rev. 11. . Beattie, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Collection ...... 8 11 7 Afriond ...... 1 0 0 Do., Pub. Mtg.15 15 O Butt, Mr...... 0 10 0 Cross, M iss 0 1G 0 Deacon, Mr...... 0 10 0 Do. for W A O 2 10 0 Danieli, Rev. C. . . 1 0 0 li Young Men’s Bible Dunham, Sir...... 0 10 Danieli, Mrs 1 n 0 East, J., Esq...... 1 1 0 Class...... 1 10 7 Hubbard, Mr 0 10 0 Contribs. Sun.-schl.o 13 9 Steele, T., Esq.. . . 1 0 0 Rix, Mr...... 0 15 0 Woodroffe, C., Esq. 1 1 0 Boxes, by Under 10.?...... 0 10 0 Bayley, Master W. 0 1 7 — 13 28 12 10 King, Mrs...... 0 8 6 Less expenses. 0 11 6 Morris, Mast. 11... 0 2 G WALTON. 28 1 4 Ridley, Miss Jessie 0 10 0 Rev. G. Ward. STREATHAM. Subscriptions : Collec. for lF«fc O Bayley, Mr. W. .. 2 2 0 (moiety) ...... 0 10 0 ! Collected by Rev. Bay ley, Mr. J. It. 1 1 0 Contribs. Mission W. C. Bunning. Bayley, Mrs., Hol­ Boxes ...... 1 4 8 brook...... 1 1 0 Cards for X P, by UPPER NORWOOD. Birkett, Mr. B. .. 0 10 0 Budden, Mr. W ...0 10 0 Allen, Miss C 0 6 8 Rev. S. A. Tipple. Christopherson, Mr. Parker, Miss C. .. 0 4 3 Collections ...... 17 !i fi G...... 1 1 0 Webb, Miss 0 8 0 Do. for IF AO.. 11 0 3 Ciarke, Mr. W. .. 2 10 0 Subscription: Fraser, Mr. W. .. • 2 2 0 1 Subscriptions: Ward, Mr. J 0 10 0 (iooding,Mr. E ... 0 10 0 y ; Anely, Mr...... 1 1 o llaward, Mr. E ... 0 10 0 ! Banks, Mr...... 1 1 o Morris, Rev. T. M. 2 2 0 1 Bezer, Mr. II 1 o o I’iper, Mr. W 0 10 0 W1ST0N ; Bligh, Mr...... 2 0 o Peck, Mr. J., Cree- (near Colchester). Bligh, Mr. S 1 1 o tragham ...... 1 1 0 10 G Card for X P, by Bligh, Mr. J 0 Pitcairn, Mr. D. .. 0 10 0 Burrows, Mr 1 1 0 Ridley,MissC. .. 0 10 o Stannard, Mrs. W. 0 10 0 : Coleman, Mr 1 1 0 Ridley, Mr. F 2 2 0 Subscription : . Corben, Mr 0 10 0 Ridley, Mr. A. C. 1 1 0 : Delf, Mr...... 1 1 0 liidley, Mrs. H. .. 1 0 0 Stannard, Mrs. W. 1 0 0 . ! Dodds, Mr. Geo... 1 1 0 Ridley, Mr. J. lt.. 1 1 0 1 10 0 ■ Hanks, Mr 1 1 0 Roche, Dr...... 1 0 0 “ Heath, Mr. H .H .. 3 3 0 Shalders, Mr. A .. 0 10 0 203 3 7 Hibberd, Mr 1 1 0 Thompson, Mr. S.. 0 10 0 .. . 7 0 Malraison, Mr. .. 0 10 6 Tomkins, The 0 0 Misses ...... 0 10 0 X I96 3 4 McComas, M r .... 1 1 0 Under 10i...... 0 10 0 ; Plumbridge, Mr... 1 1 0 59 17 5 Price, the late Dr. 2 2 0 Searle, Mr...... 0 10 G OTLEY. S>urrtß. | Stanger, Mr. W.W. 1 1 0 I Tipple, Rev. S. A. 0 io t; llcv. P. B. Woodgatc. j DORMAN’S LAND, Trestrail, Rev. F .. 8 3 o Subscription : j Lingfleld. Trestrail.Mrs 1 1 o Do. Lord’s-day Smith, Mr. 1...... 0 10 0 Rev. II. T. Grlgg. box, moiety .. 1 14 10 Under 10». . . . . 0 9 2 Collection...... 4 0 G Tritton, Mr. J .. . . 5 5 0 Boxes, by Tritton, Mrs 5 0 0 Box, by Fosdike, Miss . . . . 0 ft 0 Tritton, Mr. J. Freeman,Miss,... o 8 7 Bailey, Mrs o s o Herbert 2 2 0 Uarnham, Miss .,040 4 9 0 Do. donation .. 5 5 0 1867.3 StTRltEY— SUSSEX. 127

UPPER NORWOOD—Ctfwtoeci. BRIGHTON—Continued. HASTINGS—Continued. Westbrook, Mrs. . . 0 1 0 Boxes, by Dobell, Mrs...... 5 0 0 0 Wright, Mr 0 10 Chapman, Miss ..09 6 Overbury, Mrs. .. 1 0 Cards for A' V, by Stringer, Miss. . . . J 0 0 Pearsall, M iss.... 0 12 6 Small sums. . . . 1 7 4 A little Friend .. 0 2 Scott, Miss ...... 0 6 11 Freeland,Alex. .. 0 13 Warner, Mrs 0 3 6 By Mrs. W. Gleaves McComas,Beatrice 0 8 Subscriptions: Mannington, Mr. 1 0 0 Smith, Henry W. 0 12 Barnett, Sir 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 17 9 Tipple, Gertrude By Miss C. Boyes Anne...... 1 8 Barnett, Miss . . . . 1 O 0 Tritton, Jessie and Buchel, Mi- 1 1 0 Sturge, Miss . . . . 4 4 0 Ethel...... 0 15 Inglis, Mr...... 0 10 6 Do,, for China.. 1 1 0 Lambert, Miss.. . . 0 10 0 Under 10s.. . . 1 2 5 Mascall,Mr.(2yrs.) 1 0 0 82 10 8 By Miss Adams : Less amount re­ Pearsall, Mr 0 10 6 2 0 mitted too late 2 0 0 Tester, Mr...... 0 10 6 Biekle, Mr. & Mrs. 2 80 10 Tooth,Mrs. (2 yrs.) 2 0 0 Jacobs, Mr. N. .. 1 1 0 Trueman, Mrs. Moore, Dr., sen... 1 1 0 £117 3 0 (2 yrs.)...... 1 1 0 Saunders, Mrs. .. 1 I 0 Wilkins, Rev. J ... 0 10 0 Stoneman, Mr. and Young, Mr...... 1 1 0 Mrs...... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 4 1 2 Small sums . . . . 0 4 6 Sussex. 49 11 6 BATTLE. 45 5 0 LAMBERHURST. Less expenses.. 1 •5 6 Zion Chapel.—Rev. G. Veals. Subscription: Piercc, Mr. J. J... 1 I 0 Collections ...... 6 15 3 BRIGHTON. Do. for lF Subscriptions : Salem Chapel. Do. for IF it 0 Barker, Rev. W .. 0 10 0 (moiety) . . . . 1 10 0 Collect, for TF

BIRMIN GH AM— Continued, BIRMINGHAM - Continued. 22tartmc&8f)tre. By Mrs. T. Jackson : Boxes, by ALCESTEE. Chapman, Mr. J .. 0 10 6 Baylis, Mrs 0 ft 0 Filkin, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Lakin, Miss F .. . . 0 9 G Rev. M. Philpln. Jackson, Mr. T. .. 0 10 G Nichols, Miss Annie Collections ...... 7 0 4 Under 10«...... 0 4 4 and Master . . . . 0 10 6 Do.,for ir Whittingham, Mr. 0 3 8 Clamp, Mrs...... 0 10 6 maica ...... 1 0 Poole, M r...... 0 10 6 Do., Male...... 0 8 9 14 19 0 Taylor, Mrs. W. . 0 10 G Branch school___ 9 ß 4 Less expenses.. 0 C 6 Zair, Mr. J...... 2 2 0 Elementary do. .. ft 7 7 Zair, Mr. J., jun.. 1 0 0 Do., for Jamaica 0 11 0 Under 10s...... 2 7 4 Infant do...... I 12 10 Ragged do...... 1 9 9 ATTLEBOBOUGH, Box, by Senior do...... 12 lft 6 NUNEATON. Turner, Mrs...... 0 5 11 Do., tor Jamaica 4 10 10 Collected by Collect, for W<£ 0 . 9 2 11 59 13 0 Bowen, Mrs...... 1 0 8 BIRMINGHAM. Husband, Mast. R. 0 15 3 BIRMINGHAM. White, Mrs...... 0 IS 9 Thomas Adams, F.sq.,Treasr. Christchurch, Aston. Boxes, by Collections and Rev. I. Lord. Contribs. .. 528 8 4 Bassett, Miss A ... 0 4 1 Do., Christ Ch., Collection...... 17 3 1 James, Mrs...... 0 10 G Aston Park, Do., Girls’ Schl. 4 C 6 Sliaw, Miss M. A .. 4 19 ft for W 4 0 .. 8 0 0 Do., Boys' do.. 2 6 1 Vince, Miss Ellen Do., Heneage- Do., Bible Class 0 10 4 Mayhew ...... G 14 1 street, for do. 3 7 0 Subscriptions: By Miss McEvoy ------531 15 4 Allbut, Mr. A. J .. 1 1 0 Spencer, Mr...... 0 10 0 Lord, Kev. 1...... 1 1 0 BIBMINGUAM. Stokes, Mr...... 1 1 0 Stokes, Mrs...... 1 1 0 The following is the ac­ 20 8 0 Under 10«...... 1 12 8 count of the contributions from Oct. 1, 1865, to Sept. By Miss Ann Aston ¡10, 1866, published by the BIlUIIXaflAM. Petford, Mr...... 1 0 0 Birmingham Auxiliary :— Circus Chapel. Under 10«...... 1 13 3 BIRMINGHAM. Bradford Street. By Miss Alvey Re?. J. D. Alford. Collection, Public Alvey, Mr...... 0 10 0 Meeting 12 19 0 Collections ...... 10 17 5 Under 10«...... 0 ft 0 Do. for IF et- O .. 3 3 0 By Miss Harwood : Contribs. Sunday- 0 10 0 BIRMINGUAH. school,Boys.. 9 o Carter, M r ...... 3 Corfleld, Mr. R ... 0 10 0 Cannon Street. Do. do., Girls .. 7 17 10 0 0 Do. do., Infants. 1 1 0 Lawrence, Mr. H. 2 Rev. W. L. Giles. Simpson, Mr. . . . . 0 10 0 By Miss Barnett Watt, Mrs 0 10 (1 0 7 ...... Collection...... 17 Barnett, Miss, box 0 5 0 Under 10«...... 1 8 4 Contribs., Sunday- 0 10 0 school, Boys . 6 10 0 By Miss M. J. Carter: By Miss Mitton : Do. do., Girls.. 6 12 8 A friend ...... 0 10 0 Collected by Evans, Mr. W...... 0 10 0 Adams, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Milton, Mr. E. M.. 1 1 0 Reading, Mrs. W., Addinsell, M r..... 0 10 r. for Africa...... 0 12 6 By Miss Steadman : Allport, Mr...... 0 10 0 0 Reading, Mis*. . . . 1 3 8 Leonard, Mr.G.W. 0 10 0 Bassett, Mr...... 1 I 0 Potter, H. G ...... 0 10 0 Biddle, Mr...... 1 1 By Mrs. Hopkins : 10 0 Under 10«...... 1 16 G Blakeman, M r..«- 0 Carter, Mr...... 2 2 0 Bird, Mr. Wm. .. 0 10 0 Bjr Mrs King: Fell, Mr...... 0 10 0 Cooper, Mr...... 0 10 0 Hopkins, Mr. J. H. 5 0 0 Diaseli, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Crowley,Mr. T ... 3 3 0 Hopkins, Mr. I. N. 1 1 0 Danieli, Mr. S. A .. 1 1 0 Duke, Mr. R...... 1 1 0 Hopkins, Mr. J. S. 0 10 0 Nichols, Mr. J. .. 0 10 c Eagle, Mr. C...... 0 10 6 Hopkins.Mr. Josh. 1 1 0 Thomas, Mr. J . .. 1 I 0 Do. for China .. 0 5 0 King, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Wrizlit, Mr. S .... 0 10 0 Gilbert,Mr. A .... 0 10 0 Under 10«...... 0 & 0 Under 10»...... 0 IS 0 Grainger, Mr...... 1 10 0 1867. J WAIIWICKSHIHE. Ì29

BIRMINGHAM- Continued. BI RMIN GH AM— Conlin tied. BIRMINGHAM—Continued, Kemp, Mr...... 0 10 0 By the Misses Potter : BIRMINGHAM. Lawden, Sirs. C .. 0 10 0 A Thank Offering 1 0 0 Bond-street. Sic Lelland, Mr... 0 10 0 Parkes, Sir. A. .. 0 15 0 Sloore, Mr...... 0 10 0 Potter, Sir...... 1 1 0 Rev. John Davies. Neal, Mr. D., jun. 0 10 0 Reeve, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collections ...... 5 3 0 Pardoe, Sir...... 1 0 0 Under 10*...... 0 1G 0 Contribs. Boys’Scli,. fi 4 5 Parish, Sir...... 1 1 0 By Sliss Harker : Do. Girls’ do. 5 0 3 Parish, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 Do. Infants’ do. 0 1 10 Parkes, Mr...... 1 1 0 A friend ...... 0 10 0 Perks, Sir...... 0 10 0 Chapman, Key. S. 0 10 6 Subscriptions : Perkins, Mr. R. A. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 15 5i A friend ...... 0 10 0 Perkins, Mr. A. .. 0 10 0 By Miss Rowe and Atkins, Sliss . . . . 0 16 1 Player, Messrs., Miss Hannox : Ashford, Sliss.... 1 0 0 Bros...... 3 3 0 Rowe, Mr...... 0 10 G Green, Sir...... 1 1 0 Shaw, Mr. C. T ... 1 1 0 Rowe, Sirs 0 10 G Palmer, Sir...... 1 10 0 Short, Mr. W .. . . 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 2 15 2 Smith,Mr.,Hockley 0 10 0 10 6 By the Slisses Cranmore : 24 1 9 Walton, Sir...... 0 ...... 0 10 0 Whitchurch, Sirs. 1 1 0 A Friend Cranmore, Sir. . . 0 1 0 0 White & Hawkins, Hastings, Sir 0 10 0 Messrs...... 1 1 0 BIRMINGHAM. 10 6 Wykes, Sir 0 10 0 Wilkinson, Sir. .. 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 W3rcliffe Church. Woodhill, Sliss .. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 4 8 8 By Miss Dauncey : Rev. J. J. Brown. Cornforth, Messrs. By Rev. C. Vince : Brothers ...... 0 10 0 Collections ...... 21 14 5 Christie,Mrs.B.T.S. 2 0 0 Under 10s.... 1 1 0 Do. for IPX- O .10 3 0 Contribs. Sunday- l'immis, Mr...... 0 10 G Boxes, by Vince, Rev. C .... 1 1 Ü school, Boys.. G 4 8 Barber, Sirs 0 3 1 Do. do., Girls .. 7 5 6 By Sliss Shaw : Cockshott, Sliss ..021 Do. do.. Infants 1 13 2 4 0 Griffin, Mrs 0 3 G Do. Young Men’s idams, Mr...... 4 Lewis, Sliss 0 7 G Ulen.SIrs...... 1 0 0 Bible Associa- Linford, Sir 0 2 G tion ...... 1 14 6 Sutler, Mr...... 1 1 0 Norgrove, Mrs. ..044 2wen, Sir...... 1 1 0 Do. Young Wo« Potter, Sliss 0 2 7 men’s Class .. 1 11 0 ■'ranklin, Mr. and Whittell, Sirs 0 2 0 Mrs...... 2 0 0 Do. Collection.. 0 8 0 ¿wden, -Slessrs. 48 0 5 Collected by Miss E. C. T. T...... 2 2 0 Slaraland— ieal, Sir., sen.. . . 2 2 0 ieal, Mr., jun. .. 1 1 0 BIRMINGHAM. Griffith, Sir. T. F. 2 0 0 Voodhill, Sir...... 5 5 0 Lodge Road, Hockley. Under 10s...... 1 1 e Rev. F. G. Marchant. Subscription : 5 11 189 Collections ...... 6 15 9 Leonard, Rev. C. Contribs., Sunday- H., SI. A...... 10 0 0 BIRMINGHAM. school...... 5 5 1 By Sliss Sliddlemore : Great King Street. Subscriptions: Avery, Sirs. T .. .. 2 2 0 People’s Cliapcl. Reading, Sir. J. .. 2 2 0 Groom, John, Esq. 1 0 0 Various Ministers. Reading, Mrs. J.. 0 10 6 Sliddlemore,W.Esq 5 5 0 lollcction...... 3 0 0 Middlemore, Sirs.. 0 10 0 14 13 4 Sturge, Sirs. Jos. JS. 0 10 0 [ontribs., Sunday- 5 0 ; schools...... 7 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 BIRMINGHAM. Do. for S -----U 4 0 Donation: Harborne Chapel. By Miss Griffiths friglit, Sir. J. S. (,special) ...... 10 0 0 Rev.T. McLean. Bird, Sir. Alfred.. 0 11 0 Contribs., Sunday* Caswell, M r...... 0 10 6 20 0 0 school box 1 12 11 Johnson, Sirs...... 1 1 0 Childrens’ b o x .... 0 5 0 Page, M rs...... 1 1 0 lteeves, Mrs...... 0 10 0 BIRMINGHAM. Collected by Roxburgh, Sirs. J. 0 10 0 lleneagc Street. Bladon, Sliss 0 8 11 Roxburgh, Sir. W. 0 to 0 Rev. S. Chapman. Edmonds, Sir. B .. 1 0 3 Smith, Mr. W. I I.. 2 0 0 Elections ...... 12 y 5 Edmonds,Miss S .. 1 15 5 Under 10s...... 0 ■ G Phillips,Sliss . . . . 0 14 U oueeds of Sewing By Miss Ellen Stokes : Party...... 3 0 0 Phillips, Sliss E ... 0 14 4 mtribs., Sunday- Phillips, Sliss and Brown, Sirs. J. school, Senior Webb, Sliss . . . . 1 15 3 Jenkyn...... 0 10 6 B oys...... 4 10 0 By Sliss Tonks; Evans, Sir. John 1 0 0 Do. do., Girls.. Ù 18 8 Gameson, Mr. Aid. 1 1 0 Tonks, Mr. Thos. 1 1 0 10 Do. do., Junior 1 10 0 Tonks, Sirs. T 0 10 G Gameson, Sirs...... 0 0 Under, 10s...... 0 18 0 Jordan, Sir. Ross.. 1 1 0 By Sliss Davis Stealings, Mrs.. . . . 0 12 0 pock, Mr...... 1 1 0 By Rev. T. SIc.Lean: Stokes, Mr...... 1 1 0 leatle, Mr...... 0 10 0 A friend ...... 1 0 o Stokes, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Lvis, Sir...... 0 10 6 Cartwright, Sir. G. 1 1 0 Weakley, Mr...... 1 1 0 [arson, Mr...... 2 2 0 Phillips,Sir.Jno... 0 10 0 Wilcox, Mr...... 1 1 0 pkering, Mr...... 0 10 0 Wright., Mr. W ... 0 10 0 twnsend, Sir.. . . 0 10 G 13 7 4 Webley, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Under 10«...... 1 9 0 Under 10s,...... 2 0 0 9 130 WAÄWICKSHIEE. [1

BIRMINGHAM- Continued. COVENTRY- Continued, , HARBURY SOUTHAM. By Miss Jones : Richardson, S .... 0 4 9 Contribs., by Mies Blackburn, Mr. ... . 00 1 100 0 Ross, Master . . . . 0 5 0 ElizabethHick- Boraston, Mr...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: s o n ...... 0 5 0 Brinton, M rs. ----- 1 0 0 A Friend, by Rev. Do .by do. for tfP 0 9 2 Brown, Rev. J. J.. 1 1 00 W. B. Davies .. 1 1 0 Gilbert, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Atkins, Mr...... 1 1 0 Jones, Mr. T. A .. 0 10 0 Barber and Son, HENLEY-IN-ARDEN. Jones, Mrs. T ...... 0.0 10 0 Messrs...... 0 10 0 Rev. W. Radburn. Wright, Mrs. S ... 0 10 0 Barfoot, Mr...... 1 1 0 Williams, Mr. J. „.. 11 1 1 0 Hill, J.,Esq...... 1 1 0 Collectn. for »'¿-O 0 10 0 Zair, Hr.Sir. George.. 0 10 fi Bill, Sirs., jun. .. 1 1 0 Contribs. (2 yrs.) 7 18 4 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Booth, Mr. J...... 0 10 G By Miss Weston : BushiH, Mr...... 1 1 0 Brookes, Mary Ann 0 12 0 Cash, Mrs...... 0 10 G LEAMINGTON. Cooke. Mr...... 0 10 (i Roxburgh, Miss ... . 0 10 0 Coll. at Pub. Mtg. 5 1 G Under 10s...... 210s...... 2 3 5 Danes, Rev. W. B. Boxes, by and Mrs...... 1 1 0 Dolbey, Miss 0 10 G LEAMINGTON. Davis, M iss...... 0 5 7 Franklin, Misses.. 1 1 0 Clarendon Chapel. Davis, Mi33Mi33 (Vere Franklin, Mr...... 3 3 0 Street) ...... 0 8 2 Franklin, Mr.F.W. 2 2 0 Rev. W. A. Salter. Edkins, Miss . . . . 0 4 1 Glennan, Mrs. .. 1 I 0 Collections ...... 8 G O James, Miss E. A. 0 5 5 Hine, Sir...... 0 10 6 Do. for W & 0 .. 3 13 6 Jenkins,Jenkins. Miss . . . . 0 9 7 Laxton, Sir...... 1 1 0 Contribs., Sun.-sell. Lane, Mrs...... O0 5 0 Lomax, Sirs...... 1 1 0 Bib. Class, Girls 2 2 6 Leary, Mrs...... 0 3 10 Manger, Mr. and Do., do., Boys 0 17 5 Peake, Master, J. 0 4 8 Sirs...... 0 10 0 Box, by Sheffield Fund .. 0 19 1 Slarlow, M r...... 0 10 G Stokes, Mr...... 0 10 0 Masters, Mr...... 1 1 0 Salter, Miss...... 0 3 7 Wilcox, Miss . . . . 0 4 0 Minta, Sliss...... 0 10 G Subscriptions, by Slorton, Mr...... 0 10 0 Miss Greet: lOG 7 7 Morton, Sir. John. 0 10 0 Brooker, Mrs...... 0 10 fi Pulley, Mr...... 2 2 0 Cawley, Sirs...... 0 10 0 Robinson, Sir...... 1 1 0 BIRMINGHAM. Donations, & c .... 3 6 Shaw, Sir...... 1 1 0 9 Tates Street, Aston Hoad. Smith, Mr. Thos.. 0 10 G By Miss Nutter: Bev. T. W. Thomas. Smith, Sliss...... 1 1 0 Bates, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Collection...... 4 10 0 Smith, Miss SI. .. 0 15 0 Nutter, Sirs...... 1 1 0 Wilkins, Sir...... 0 10 0 Robinson,Mrs.J.H. 0 10 G Under 10s. . . . . 1 14 6 502 14 9 Salter, Rev. W. A. 2 2 0 Slack, Dr. & Sirs. 2 0 0 97 9 11 Under 10«...... 0 5 0 _ This amount does not include Less expenses.. 0 13 0 £30 8«. 0

STRATFORD-ON-A VON. KENDAL— Continued. BROMHAM. Collections ...... 2 14 6 Wilson, W .,Esq... 1 0 0 For ATP, by Do.for Wit- 0 .. 1 5 6 Wilson, J. J., Esq, 0 10 0 Brown, Henry 0 1 0 Under 10.?...... 0 5 0 Subscriptions: Brown, Edwin ..016 Carpenter, Eliz... 0 2 0 Cox, Mr...... 1 0 0 4 5 0 Davis, A nn 0 1 3 Ewen, Mr...... 0 10 0 Less expenses. .013 Under 10s...... 0 0 9 Plumb, Mr...... l 0 0 ------4 3 9 ■----- 0 7 0 Reynolds, Mrs. .. l 0 0 KENDAL. Box, by CALNE. Watkinson, Mrs.. 0 3 6 Sedbergh.—Vale of Lime Chapel - Castle Street—Rev.W. H.J. Rev. T. Fayers. Page. 7 13 6 Collection (part;.. 2 17 0 Less expenses.. 0 7 0 Collections ...... 4 0 1 ------7 6 6 20 14 2 Do. ior W & 0 Less expenses.... 0 5 0 (part) ...... 1 0 0 WARWICK. Contribs., Sunday- Castle Hill. £ 2 0 9 2 school ...... 2 12 4 Rev. F. Overbury. Subscriptions : Collection...... 2 15 0 Bowman, Mr. Hy. 0 10 O Do. for W <£ 0 2 4 0 EJRtUsfitrc. Chappell, Mr. Jno. 1 0 0 ■Contribs., Mission­ Harris, Mr. T...... 1 0 0 ary Boses 1 11 0 ALDBOURNE. Harris, Mr. G...... I 0 0 Henly, Mr. E. ... 1 0 0 Subscriptions: For N r , by Keevil, Mr. John Burdett, Rev. A ... 1 0 0 Butcher.MissEdith O S O R. G...... 1 0 0 Overbury, Rev. F. 1 0 0 Butcher, Miss M .. 0 2 2 Perry, Mr. James. 1 0 0 Overbuiy,Mrs.... 0 10 0 Plumb, George .. 0 2 C Pinegar, Miss . . . . 0 10 O Smith, Miss H ____0 4 G Weston,Mr.Joseph 0 10 0 Taylor, Miss S____0 4 0 Wilkins, Mr. Hy.. £733 12 3 jun...... 0 10 0 Under 10$...... 1 11 0 BR ADF ORD-ONtAV OK. Collected by SiHestmordanii. Zion Chapel. Chappell, Mr., sale of refuse m shop 0 3 G CROSBY GARRETT. Rev. W. Newell. For IV P, by Rev. W. Fawcett. Collection...... 2 14 0 Do. for W& 0 . 1 1 G Chappell, Miss.. . . 0 13 1 Collection...... 4 5 3 Gough, Miss ----- 0 3 6 Subscriptions : Panting,Miss . . . . 0 8 7 Subscription: Beaven, S. Esq. ..200 Weston, Miss . . . . 0 1 G Fawcett, Rev. W. 1 0 0 Matthews, Mr*. & Collected by Mrs...... 1 10 0 18 13 7 Barker, Mary Jane 0 9 0 Overbury, J., Esq. 1 0 0 Less expenses .. 0 , 9 0 Brenkley, Margt. 0 10 3 Close, Mary Ann . 1 0 4 Collected by Miss K. Beaven. Haggartli, Eliza­ Newell, Rev. Wm. 0 10 0 i CHIPPENHAM. beth and Sarah .000 Under 10s. .. 1 15 0 Robinson, Jane .. 0 13 7 i Rev. J. M. Bergin. 10 10 G I Collections ...... 4 17 o Less expenses .. 0 G 0 ! Do. for W.. 1 10 0 BROUGH, WINTON, AND ------10 4 j Subscriptions . . . . 4 10 9 GREAT ASBY. I Private boxes . . . . 1 (> *1 Rev. A. Grant. BRATTON. j Sun.-sch. do 2 1 G Collection, Brough 1 4 0 Rev. H, Anderson. i Cards for N P, by Do. Do., Bible Collection...... 3 13 G Brinkwortli, Clara 0 12 G Class...... 0 6 0 Do. for II' Kerry's Schl. 1 0 0 Cowderv, Mr. and 1 CORSHAM. ------5 G 0 Mrs. "...... 1 1 0 Reeves, Mr. l i . . . . 0 10 0 Ebenezer.—Rev. J. nurlstone. KENDAL. Salter, Miss 2 0 0 Subscriptions : Snelgrove, Mr. L. 0 10 0 Collection...... 1 18 6 Whitaker, Mrs. 3’.. 1 0 0 Do. for W & 0 . 0 r, 0 By Rev. T. Taylor, of Whitaker, Mrs. J .. 1 0 0 Subscriptions . . . . 3 1 li Tottlebank, Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Contribs., boxes.. 3 4 6 Braithwalte, C.L., Esq...... 0 10 0 10 9 0 8 9 6 Crewdson, W. D., Less expenses .. 0 G 0 Less expenses.. 0 5 0 Esq...... 2 0 0 ------1G 3 0 ------8 4 6 9* 132 WLLï'SiiiRE. [1867.

CORTON. DOWNTON—Continued. NEW SWINDON—Continued. Rer. J. V. Toone* Donation: Cards, for y P, by Contributions----- 2 12 5 Williams, Charles, Barrett, Jobn D. . 0 1 5 For IV P, by Esq.,Carlton-le- Wearing, John 0 12 I Moorland, Lin­ ------5 19 10 Pearce, Mary Ann O 1 7 colnshire ...... 1 b 0 Poole, Sarah . . . . 0 3 1 OGBOURNE. Ransome, Sarah.. 0 1 7 Boxes, by Cards, for IV P, by Sainsbury, Julia.. 2 6 0 Collier, Masters J. Laurence, James.. 0 1 6 Sweet, Henry . . . . 0 2 4 and E...... 0 5 o Whatley, Fanny.. 0 2 0 Mitchell,Mr. J . .. 0 10 8 SALISBURY. Moody, Sarah.... 0 11 8 Pitt.MastereW.&H.I 4 G Rev. S. Newnam. GROCKERTON. Stradling, Miss S.. 1 0 3 Collections ...... 18 0 8 Taunton, Misses E. Contribs.,Sun.-sch.35 0 0 Contributions. . . . 2 0 0 and G...... 1 16 0 Box, by Witt, Mrs .058 DAMEEHAM AND 32 0 0 Bernard,Mrs. . . 0 16 0 Morgan, Mrs 0 5 0 ROCKBOURNE. FRESHFORD. Collected, by Kev. H. Earney. Box, by Newnam, Mrs., for Collection...... 1 10 0 Whitaker, Mr. J. Rev. J, E. Hen­ Do. for TFtfc U. . 0 5 0 derson's Chapel, Watford Hill, Box, by HUNGERFORD. Montego Bay, Gootlenougli, C. .. 0 10 0 FARLEIGH. Jamaica ...... 10 O O 5 0 Collection...... l 12 4 Subscriptions : Do., box ...... 0 2 3 Atkins, ill- 1 1 0 DEVIZES. 1 14 7 Chubb, W., Esq. .220 Maine, Mr...... 1 1 0 New Chapel. IMBEK. Newnam, Rev. S. 1 1 0 Rev. S. S. Pugh. Revs. J. Feltham Newnam, Mrs. . . 1 1 0 Collections 10 7 1 and J. S. Farmer. Potter, Mr...... 0 10 6 Do. Pub.-mtng.12 D 2 Sinclair ,Mr.&Mrs. 1 0 0 Do. for W & O.. 3 0 0 Contribs. Sun.-sch. 1 15 0 Wristbridge, M r... 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Contribs. juvenile Subscription : Society 6 13 f; Do.Sunday-schl. 1 10 0 Feltham, Rev. J .. 1 0 0 73 4 2 Less expenses .. 0 10 0 Subscriptions: - 72 14 Anstie, Mr. G. W. 5 0 0 MELKSHAM. TROWBRIDGE. Anstie, Mr. P 3 0 0 Kev. J. H. Wood. Anstie, Mr.T. B .. 1 0 0 Back Street. Biggs, Dr...... 1 0 0 Collections ...... 5 0 0 Murston, Dr 1 0 0 Do., Broughton. 0 5 0 Rev. W. Barnes, Watkins, Mr 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Collections ...... 11 C 3 Do., PublicMtg. 6 3 2 Weekly Collections, by Bartlett, Mr...... 2 10 0 Do., for W & 0 . 3 0 0 Anstie, the Misses 2 0 0 Clift,S. B., Esq... 1 1 0 Euckland, Miss A. 3 2 10 Fowler, Miss . . . . 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Gunstone, Miss . . 0 10 0 Allen, Mr...... 0 10 f, 51 2 7 Hayward, Mr...... 0 10 0 Barnes, Rev. W. 1 O 0 Less expenses.. 1 0 6 Hughes, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 lieaven, Mr...... 1 10 0 Keevil, R., E sq... 1 0 0 Blake, Miss...... 0 10 0 Keevil, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Edminson, Mr.. DOWNTON. Pocock, Jas., Esq. 1 0 0 Bradford on Under 10s...... 0 7 6 Avon...... 1 12 G South Lane. Boxes, by Do., fer China.. 0 10 0 Rev. J. T. Collier. Francis, Mr. and Sunday-school .. 1 5 0 Mrs...... 1 10 0 Collections ...... 4 13 4 Vince, Mary . . . . 0 15 0 Fowler, Mr...... 10 0 0 Do. Pub. Mtng. 4 11 4 Collected by Hayward, Mr. J.E. 1 0 0 Contribs. Sunday- Gunstonc, Miss ,. 0 10 10 Hayward, Mr. W. 1 0 0 school ...... 5 15 11 Hill, Mr.P. L...... 0 10 0 Do. Young AVo- 16 11 4 Keevil, Mr. Job .. 1 0 0 men’s Bible Pocock, Mr. Isaac 1 0 0 Class...... 0 12 8 Less expenses.. 0 5 0 — 16 SI 4 Stancomb, Mr.J.P.10 0 0 Subscription» t Winter, Mr...... 0 10 0 NEW SWINDON. Woodün, Mrs. .. 1 0 0 Bennett, M iss.... 0 10 0 Under 10«...... 1 15 0 Bishop, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 Rev. J. M'Murpliy. Boxes, by Kastman, Mr. W. 1 0 0 Collec. for WAO. 1 13 8 .«ircy, Mr. Thos... 0 10 0 Chivers, Miss. . . . 0 5 7 Pitt, .Mr...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Dyer, M iss...... 0 4 3 Plumley, Mr. J ... 0 13 0 dreenaway.Mr.W. 0 10 0 llendy, M iss...... 0 8 9 Taunton, Mr. Jon. 1 0 0 Wearing, Mr.W.B. 2 -0 0 Stancomb, Mrs., Taunton, Mr. W.. . 8 0 0 Under 10«...... 0 7 6 Class...... 0 13 11 Taunton, Mrs. W „ 1 0 0 Taunton, Mr. Jno. 1 0 0 Boxes, by 5« 19 11 Westcombe.Mr.Q. 0 10 0 Barrett, John D .. 0 12 6 Less expenses.. 1 2 fi Under 10*...... 0 10 0 Sunday-school.... 0 2 b 55 17 1867.] WILTSHIRE—WORCESTERSHIRE. 133

WAKMINSTEB. WINTERSLOW. ; BROMSGROYE. Rev. H. Perkins. Rev. Thos. Hobbs. Rev. A. Macdonald. 18G6. 1866. Collections ...... 4 G Collections ...... 9 5 3 Collection at Pub. Do. Pub. Mtg. 3 8 Do., Sun.-school lie Meeting . . . . 0 11 Do. Dodford.... 0 12 boxes...... 2 0 2 Boxes, by Do.. Webheath.. 0 5 Do. do., Sunday- 11 5 5 Hobbs, Master J. 1 0 school, Boys.. 0 9 Less expenses.. 0 13 0 Pretty, Miss 0 10 Do. do. do., Girls 0 12 Ransom, William . 0 5 10 12 5 Ransom, Gale 0 5 Subscriptions: 18G7. Arnold, Mr. A .. . . 1 1 0 2 11 4 Hall, Mr. R. A. .. 0 10 0 Collections ...... 8 15 3 18G7. Do., Upton . . . . 0 19 1 Parry, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Do., Boxes . . . . 3 12 7 Collection at Pub­ Parry, Mrs. J ...... 0 10 0 Do., Sunday- lic Meeting . . . . 1 1 5 Macdonald, Rev. A. 1 1 0 school do.....3 13 7 Collins,Jesse, Hire Scroxton, Mr. T ... 1 1 0 Do., Card for of Buss...... 0 10 0 Scroxton, Mr. J. H. 0 10 0 NP ...... 0 10 8 Box, by Under 10s...... 0 14 11 Hobbs, Master J. 1 0 0 Boxes, by 28 3 7 Cards, by Arnold, Mrs...... 0 17 Less expenses.. 0 12 9 Cotton, Mrs...... 0 8 27 10 10 Chalk, A rthur.... 0 3 3 Fryar, Mrs...... 0 5 Collins, Luke . . . . 0 4 4 Harbige, Mrs. S ... 0 9 WESTBURY. Ransom, William 0 GG Jones, Mrs...... 0 G Penlcnap. 1G 10 Potter, Miss...... 1 14 Providence Chapel. Long, Mr...... 0 5 £ 3 7 6 1 4 Wylde, Mrs...... 0 9 Rev. W. Jeffery. Yates, Mrs...... 0 5 Collections 3 7 0 Under 10s...... 0 0 Do., Mrs. Jef­ SBorrestcrsIjirr, Sunday-school Boxes : fery’s Class . . I 0 0 ASTWOOD BANK. Girls Subscriptions : Rev. John Phillips. Arnold, Mrs. .. 1 G 9 Jeffery, Rev. W ... 0 10 6 Banner, Miss .. 0 2 10 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Collection ...... 12 18 1 Hemming, Miss 0 8 9 Contribs., Sunday- Mugg, Miss . . . . 0 11 1 school ...... 7 14 0 Nowell,Miss.... 0 4 O WESTBURY. Box, by Nokes, M iss.... 0 6 0 Cook’s Style. Lilly, M iss...... 0 2 11 Scriven, Miss .. 0 1 8 Rev. Joseph Preece. Scroxton,Mrs., & Collection ...... 1 15 O Subscription: Floyd, Miss .. 0 10 0 Do., for IP ^ O . 0 10 0 Smith, James,Esq. 1 1 0 B oys...... 1 17 4 Third Testament.. 0 2 4 Box, by 21 lfi 0 Superintendent’s Spreadbury, Mr... 2 10 0 Less expenses.. 0 9 0 Gift, Yates, Mr. 1 17 4 4 15 0 21 7 0 Wildsmith, Miss .. 0 5 G "WESTBURY LEIGH. ATCH LENCII. 28 16 a Rev. E. Blewett. Less expenses.. 0 13 0 Rev. S. Dunn. 2S 3 5 Collection...... 3 12 11 Colin., Atch Lench 3 8 Do., Public Mtg. 2 s 8 Do.,Dunnington 3 15 CATSHILL. Do., for WibO . 0 17 0 Do. Atch Lench, Rev. E. Nokes. Contribs., Sunday- for W ------15 14 11 1 3 4 TVOBCESTEBjSHtUE;—YORKSHIRE. [1 8 6 ?

PEESHORE. SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR— Continued. RAftNSLEY. Kev. J. AV. Ashworth. Collected by Bev. J. Compston. Collections S 0 0 Harris, Miss Patty 0 7 (5 Ladies’ Association. Do.for W& 0 .. 2 0 0 Robson, Mrs 2 7 G Treasurer—Mrs. Bufham. Contribs., Sunday- Box, by Secretary—Miss Dale. school bos . . . . 0 U 4 Lyne, Mrs 1 12 9 Collections ...... 6 0 0 Subscriptions and ------5 13 2 Do. for IF 0 .. 1 1 3 Donations: Collected by Andrews,Mrs. J .. 1 11 6 STOURBRIDGE. Do. for China .. 1 0 0 Greenwood, Mrs.. 0 13 6 Rev. B. Bird. Andrews, Mr 5 0 0 Subscriptions: Do., don 5 0 0 Collec., for W V„ Children ..088 A friend ...... 0 2 0 Bedford’s, Miss, Hudson, Mr. H. .. 1 Compston, H. D ... 0 19 1 Young Ladies.. 3 4 G Batty, Miss Ann .. 0 1 10 Burford, Mr 0 G 4 AVORCESTEK. Bufham, Mstr. E. E.O 8 6 Cross, M iss 0 7 4 Busfleld, Mr. J. .. 0 2 o Connell,Mrs..... 0 4 0 Rev. H. E. Von Sturmer. Compston, Miss . . 0 1 3 0 Fielding, Mrs 0 3 7 Collections ...... 16 5 II Compston,MissC.S. 0 9 10 Green, Mrs 0 2 7 Do. for W 0. 2 0 0 Compston,MiltonJ. 0 9 11 Knott, Maria . . . . 0 3 3 Contribs., Juvenile Coward, Miss Jane 0 Lamb, M rs 0 3 10 Association, per Ellis, Miss E 0 Melen, Master H. 0 6 0 Miss J.H.WaterslS 12 5 Evans, Miss A .. . . 1 Merrill, Mias Mary 0 12 6 Greenwood,Master Nicholas’, Mrs., Subscriptions: R...... 0 Young Ladies.. 1 4 7 Bowen, Mary . . . . 0 10 0 Harris, Master E. 0 Roberts, Jane . . . . 0 3 6 Day, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Horsfield, Miss.. . . 0 Ruff, Elizabeth .. 0 2 !) Evans, Mrs.E. B .. 1 0 0 Jackson, Miss C ... 0 Salsbury, Mrs 0 G 0 Grainger, Mrs. .. 1 0 0 Maddison, Misses Salsbury, Mstr. C. 0 5 3 Grove, Mr. G...... 1 0 0 M. E.& M . A ... 0 10 7 Saunders, Mrs. .. 1 4 4 Haigh, Mrs...... I 0 0 Muncaster, Miss Tidmarsh, Miss .. 0 6 0 Hanson, Mr 1 0 0 Hannah...... 0 17 Winter, Mrs 0 18 0 Lewis, Mr. G_____ 1 0 0 Musgrave, Miss Osborne, Mrs. E .. 1 0 0 H. A ...... 0 5 0 For N P, by Price, Mr. E...... 1 1 0 Senior, William B. 0 3 10 Andrews, Miss M. 0 7 0 Price, Mr. Walter . 1 0 0 Walker,Miss H ... 0 5 0 Ashworth, Miss.. 0 13 9 Veale, T., Esq . . . . 0 10 0 AVood, Mr. E 0 1 10 Cross, M iss 0 12 0 Waters, Mrs. Thos. 1 1 0 32 3 0 Tidmarsh, Miss .. 0 2 5 Donation: Winter, Master L. 0 10 0 Less expenses. . 0 18 1 Evans, Edwd., Esq. 1 0 0 31 4 11 59 18 3 ■19 10 4 BEDALE. Less expenses 0 14 5 .-----59 Less expenses.. 1 6 6 3 10 48 3 10 Rev. M. Dawson. Collections ...... 18 9 9 BEDDITCH. £204 7 7 Contributions . . . 1 0 8 Collection for W

BED ALE—Continued. BR ADF ORD—Continued. BRADFORD— Continued. Boxes, by Contribs., for JY P, Binns.Mr. G. G .. 0 12 0 Blackwood, Mr. B. 0 10 6 Dawson, Miss and ‘ ‘ Titus,” under Brown, Mr. W. B. 0 10 0 Master ...... 0 1 4 Rev. W. Ether- ington,Agra.. 18 8 0 Birdsall, Mr. G ... 0 10 0 Doutlrwaite, Miss Broadley, Mr. B .. 1 0 0 F. A...... 0 12 0 Do., Sun.-schl,, New Leeds ..500 Cannan, Mr. W ... 1 1 0 Pearson, Mr. W ... 0 5 0 Chown, Rev. J. P. 5 0 0 Robson. MrB 1 1 0 Subscriptions & Donations: ------26 15 10 Do., Friend b y .. 5 0 0 Abercrombie, Mr. Cole, Mrs...... 0 10 O BEVERLEY. D...... 1 1 0 Cole, Mr. James.. 2 2 0 Well Lane. Aykroyd, Mr. J ... 2 2 0 Cole, Mr. Johu ..110 Acworth, Mr.Jas.. 2 2 0 Craven, Mr. L. .. 0 10 6 Rev. W. C. Upton. Allen, Mr. William 1 0 0 Crossby, Mr. J. W. 0 10 0 Collections ...... 13 0 0 Birkenshaw, Mr.. 2 0 0 Green, Rev. S. G., Do. for IFcfc 0 . . 3 5 0 Bloomiield, Rev. J. 1 1 0 B.A 2 2 0 Contribs., Sunday- Calvert, Mr. M. .. 1 0 O Hall, Mr. John .. 0 10 0 school ...... 3 2 0 Croft, Mr. J o s.... 1 1 0 Harewood, Mrs. F. 1 1 0 Do.Cards foriV/’ 1 13 6 Dowson, Rev. H .. 1 1 0 Horn, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Do. Ladies’ work­ Illingworth,Mr.II. 5 0 0 Lepge, M rs.H .... 1 0 0 ing Society ..300 Illingworth, Mr. M. 2 2 0 Morley, Mrs 1 1 O Do. Young Wo­ Illingworth, Mr. A. 5 0 0 Stead, Mr. W 10 0 0 men’s Class . . 0 1 5 0 Illingworth, Mr. J. Sutcliffe, -Mr. R ... U 10 G Box. by H ...... 0 10 G Thornton, Hr. and Carter, Mary . . . . 0 6 G Illingworth, Mr. T. 0 10 6 Mrs...... ‘2 2 0 Marshall, Mr. J.H . 2 0 0 Walker, Mr. John 0 10 0 Subscriptions: McFarlane, Mr.. . . 0 10 6 Whiteley, Mr. G .. 0 10 0 Liversedge, Mrs... 1 1 0 Wade, M rs...... 0 10 6 Wliitley, Mr. N ... 1 1 0 Sample, Mr 1 1 0 Wade,Mr. Edwd.. 2 0 0 Wilcock, Mr. J. .. 1 1 O Sample, Miss . . . . 1 1 0 Watson, Mr. S. .. 2 2 0 Wilson, Mr. J. T. 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Whitehead,Messrs. X.Y.Z. for Seram- W. & J ...... 5 0 0 pore College .. 1 1 0 28 10 0 Ladies’ Auxiliary, by Under 10s...... 1 5 0 Less expenses .. 0 10 0 28 0 0 Aykroyd and Hill, Juvenile Society: the Misses 2 13 0 Collection...... 5 3 8 BINGLEY. Best, Miss...... 4 8 0 Contribs., Sunday- Barker, Miss . . . . 2 12 0 Rev. J. C. Forth. school boxes ..52 16 7 White, Miss, and Proceeds of Tea Collection...... 7 1? 6 Cook, Mrs 2 12 6 Meeting ...... 3 7 0 Do. for W

BRADFORD—Continued. BRAMLEY. BURLINGTON—Continued. BKADFORD. Rev. A. J. Ashworth. Subscriptions : 4th Church, Hallfield Chapel. Ladies’ Association. A Friend...... I a 0 Barker, Mrs 0 10 0 Rev. J. Makepeace. Treasurer, Mrs. Winn. Secretary, MissAnnTriokett. Boxes by Collections 18 12 2 Do. for TT & O 4 5 8 Collections 9 8 7 Grimshaw, Masters Proceeds of Missy. T. and .T...... I G 0 Subscription: basket 1 10 0 Thompson, Miss E. 0 4 0 Briggs, Mr. A 5 0 Collected by Mrs. By Miss Morgan : Ashworth and ]iy Miss Cooke: A friend ...... 1 0 O others...... 2 1C 7 A friend ...... 0 10 0 A friend ...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions : A friend ...... 0 10 0 Denby, Miss 0 10 0 E.‘B...... 0 10 0 Lumb, Mr. E.. .. 0 10 0 A Subscriber . . . . 0 10 G Lowther, Miss.. . . 1 0 0 Makepeace, liev.J. 1 1 0 Ashworth, Rev. Under 10j...... 0 11 0 Mallett, Mr. E. . . 1 1 0 A. J. and Mrs . 1 0 0 Moore. Dr...... 0 10 0 Bradshaw, Mrs. J. 0 10 G For China, by Bradshaw, Mr. .. 0 10 0 Moulden, Mr 1 1 0 Morgan, Miss . . . . 0 13 0 Simpson, Mrs 0 10 0 Bradshaw, Mrs.W. 0 10 G Under 10j...... 5 17 2 Gaunt,Mrs. W. .. 0 10 G Winn, Mr. & Mrs. 1 10 o 15 1G 0 Less expenses .. 0 1G 0 J3y Mrs. Lapisli. Juvenile Society. Armitage, Mr. S. 2 2 0 ' Treasurer, Edwd. Mirfteld. Armitasre, Mrs. S. 1 1 0 COWLING HILL. Brigg, Mr. B 0 10 0 Secretary, Edwin Trickett. Cooke, Mr. J S 5 0 Collections ...... 2 0 3 Rev. N. Walton. Ferrand, Mr W. C. 1 1 O Proceeds of Tea Collections ...... 2 0 0 Kerrand, Mrs. E. . 0 10 0 Party ...... 0 17 G Do., Sunday-sclil. George, Mr. \Y. .. 1 1 0 Contribs. cards .. 0 2 8 for N P 0 12 0 Mackew, Mrs 0 10 C Do. Sunday-sch. Osborn, Mr. G. .. 1 1 0 boxes...... 0 5 G Do. for Seram- Collected by CULLING WORTH. pore ...... 1 0 0 Petty, Mr. J 0 10 C Ashworth.MissJ.J. 0 10 0 Collections ...... 1 7 1 Stead, Mr. T 2 2 0 Booth, Jane 0 G 0 Do. for ir j- O.. 0 4 0 Wilkinson, Mr. A. 1 1 0 Dufton, Tom . . . . 0 2 9 Wood, Mr. \Y. II. 1 1 O Gaunt, Miss M. E. 1 14 3 Under 10.?...... 1 14 0 Hailey, Wm 0 9 0 DRIFFIELD. Harrison, Arthnr . 0 5 0 Rev. A. Bowden. By Miss King: Kirkbride, Sarah . 0 10 0 Anderson, Mr. M. 0 10 G Kirkbride, Ann.. 0 5 4 Collections. 18G5.. 7 18 8 Halliday, Mr 0 10 0 I Thackray, Martha 0 4 0 Do., 18fiG 8 7 4 Illingworth, Mr. T. 1 1 0 Trickett, Edwin .. 0 8 G Missy. B o x 0 5 C Stephenson, Mr... 0 10 0 Trickett,H.Eliza. 0 4 G Walmsley, Mrs. .. 0 10 0 1G 11 G Under 10s...... 0 13 0 27 8 11 Less expenses.. 2 4 0 Less expenses.. 0 12 0 ------14 7 C Juvenile Society. 2G 1G 11 Collection ...... 2 14 0 FARSLEY. Subscriptions ....2 0 14 9 BREARLEY. Rev. E. Parker. Mr. Goddard’s en­ Luddenden Foot. tertainments .. 0 15 C Collections ...... 2 1 Collection forTlV-0 2 0 n Do. for W it O 0 15 Contributions ....3 5 10 o Boxes, by Contribs., Sunday------37 10 0 Charlton, Thos. ..04 0 school ...... 1 19 Goddard, Milton.. 0 2 2 Subscriptions: EARBY. Illingworth, Joe S. 0 19 8 Collection ...... I U 3 Illingworth, Miss Fawcett, Mr. J. C. 1 0 S. A...... 0 4 0 Hodgson, Mr. John 5 0 Spires, Miss 0 2 6 Riley, Mr. Thos.. . 1 0 GILDERSOME. Yates, Alfred . 0 1 7 Riley, Mrs...... 1 0 Riley, Miss ...... 1 0 Ttev. J. Haslam. Cards for X P, by Under 10.?...... 0 5 Collection...... 7 7 0 Casson, Mr. C .... 0 8 0 14 0 9 Do.,for ir 0 BRIERCLIFFE, Society, for N P, Ward Scarlett, £10 of the above Ebenezer Chapel. for liev.Q.Thomp- J enore...... 14 12 0 son’x Native Boy, By Mr. John Heap. Contribs.,boxes . . 2 4 4 Africa, £10 for For N P, by 2 N P, India, & Bannister, Jane .. 0 12 HALIFAX. £5 for Mrs. Foster, Alice . . . . 0 14 Robin/ton's Schl. 1 fi 9 Pellon Lane. 91 2 8 Rev. Thos. Michael. BURLINGTON. Less expenses of Collections (Two) ]4 2 G Juvenile So­ Collections ...... G 11 11 ciety, for Do. for W

HALIFAX— Continued, HAW ORTH— Continued. HU LL— Continued. Fawcett, Mr. Ste­ Subscriptions: HULL. phen ...... 2 0 0 Aldis, Rev. J., jun. 0 10 C George St.—Rev. J. F. Smith. Haifrli, Mrs 0 10 0 Greenwood,W.Esq. 5 0 0 ixmecuuus ...... zu if o Iiebblethwaite.Mi'. I 1 0 Ingham, Dr 1 0 0 Illingworth,Mr.W. 5 0 0 Do. for W £ 0 .. 3 0 0 Illingworth, Mr. T. 1 1 0 Box, by Sun.-school box .. 7 G 8 Illingworth, Mr.W., Lambert, M iss.... 0 10 0 Cards and boxes, i>y jun...... 0 10 0 Beaumont, Mr. J. Michael, Rev. T ... 0 10 0 1C 13 2 P., children . . . . 0 U> 0 Oddie, Mr. W 0 10 0 Less expenses . , 0 1 0 0 Carlill, Miss A. H. 1 10 0 Spencer,Mr. R ..., 0 10 0 1C 3 2 Stuart,Mr. J., chil­ Tliorp, Mrs 1 1 0 HAWORTH. dren ...... 0 12 3 Walker, Mr. John. ■> 0 0 Woodcock, Mr. W., Walker, Mrs 0 10 G Hall Green Chapel. d itto ...... 0 7 10 Whitewood, Mr. J, E ...... 0 10 0 Collect, for WcO 0 . 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Under Ms 0 5 0 Carlill, J. G., Esq. 1 5 0 HEATON. Hill, J. H .,Esq... 5 0 0 Sunday-school Missionary Hill, Miss...... 5 0 0 Society: Rev. G. Brockway. Sykes, Thos., Esq.. 5 0 0 Boxes, by Collections...... 1 14 7 For W d O: 1st Select class ef Hill, Miss...... 2 0 0 Females ...... 2 18 C HEBDEX BRIDGE. 52 14 5 2nd do. do. 1 11 1 Rev. J. Green. HULL. 1st class Boys . . . . 1 4 2 South Street. 2nd (lo - . 0 2 11 Collections ...... 1ft 14 10 Rev. L. B. Brown. Girls’ junr. Classes 1 14 11 Do.,for Wd-O.. 1 0 0 Boys’ do 0 18 4 Contribs., Juvenile Collections (less Officers...... 1 lft O Society...... s printin';) . . . . 5 0 0 Pellon Branch.... 1 12 0 Do. for W &• 0 .. 0 15 0 H ebbletli waite,Ch as. Box, by Contribs.,Sun.-sch. 2 10 0 Henry ...... 0 2 3 Crossley, Masters Subscription: Webster, Mr 0 19 7 A. R. and E. J .. 0 9 c Raynor, Mr. W. .. 1 0 0 48 1 3 Subscriptions : 9 5 0 Less expenses & Appleyard, Miss.. 2 0 0 IDLE. Heralds 1 5 9 Appleyard, Miss A. 2 0 0 Rev. J. Wardley. 4G 15 C Barker, Mr. T...... 1 0 0 Barker, Mr. T. Jun. 0 10 0 Contributions . . . . 1 11 HALIFAX. Chambers, Mr. Jas. 1 0 0 Chambers,Mr. Jno. 0 10 G KEIGHLEY. Trinity Road.— Cockcroft, Mr .Jas. 0 10 0 Rev. W. E. Goodman. Bev. F. Timmis. Crossley, ilr. D. .T. 2 0 0 Collections ...... 11 0 Collections ...... 14 0 2 Crossley, Mrs. W .. 0 10 0 Crossley, MissAnne 0 10 0 Do.,for irrf- O .. 0 15 Subscriptions : Crossley, Miss S. A. 1 0 0 Contribs., Sunday- school box . . . . 1 12 Avison, Mr 0 10 0 Foster, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Hodgson, Mr. J. .. 1 0 0 Cards for ilr P . . . . 1 S Brown, G. B., Esq. 1 1 0 14 12 0 Crossley, Messrs. Hoyle, Mr. Jno. .. 0 10 0 Jolin and Sons.. 5 0 0 Moorhouse, Mr. .. 0 10 0 LEEDS. Posgflte.W.T., Esq. 1 1 0 Wade, Mr. T. H... 0 10 0 South Parade. 39 12 C Swindell, S., Esq. 1 1 0 Rev. W. Best, b.a. Timmis, liev. F . . 0 10 0 HORSFORTII. Collections 18 2 Suiulay-sclil. Juvenile Mis­ Do. for ir 4" 0. 6 0 sionary Association: Rev. J. Harper. Contribs., Prayer Contribs., boxes Collect, for ÎI'

LEEDS—Coniinued. j LO CKWOOD— Continued. OSSETT. Parkin,Mr. J ... . 1 1 0 For N P, by Collections 2 i) 6 Roberts, M r ...... 1 1 0 Contribs.Sun.-Sch. 0 3 o Berry, & Crowther, 2 12 6 Scatcherd, Mrs. . . 0 10 0 Misses ...... 0 4 0 Town, Mr. J os... . 2 2 0 Cravon and Cart­ POLEMOOR. Town, Mrs...... 2 2 0 wright, Misses. .081 Town, Mr. John. . 1 1 0 Dawson, MissH. .010 Rev. H. W. Holmes. Wadsworth, Mr.. . 1 0 0 Fleming, Thomas 0 2 8 Collection...... 13 0 0 Webster, Mr. Jos.. 1 1 0 Hodson, Miss S. J. 0 3 0 Willis, Mr. G .... . 2 2 0 Kaye, Hiss M 0 1 fi Legacy: Under 10«...... 4 6 Kettlewell, J. W ... 0 2 6 Quarmby, the late North, Miss Char­ Mr. Jon. (ann.) 1 1 0 102 0 5 lotte ...... 0 3 0 ------14 1 0 Less expenses 5 12 3 Ruslnvorth.Miss.. 0 2 0 Sykes & Cockroft, QUARMBY. LEEDS. Misses ...... 0 1 10 Collection forWtbO 0 14 0 Wilson, Miss 0 13 0 Woodhouse Lane, Blenheim Subscriptions: Chapel. Wilson, Miss H. E. 0 3 8 Shaw, Miss H 0 1 0 Haigh, Mr. Jno... 0 10 6 Her. G. B. Thomas. Shaw, Miss M. H. 0 4 2 Hall, Exors. of late Collections 6 12 ft Tate, Miss E. . . . 0 4 2 Mr. Abraham .. 1 0 0 Do. for TF tfr 0 . 1 18 0 Tate and Wooffen- Hall, Mr. Thomas 1 0 0 Contribs., Chapel den, Misses.... 0 5 0 Walker, Mr. Jes. 2 0 0 Missionary box . 1 7 6 Taylor, Miss C ... . 0 1 3 Under 10«...... 2 19 0 Do. Juvenile So­ ciety ...... 32 2 3 Card, by LONG PRESTON. Hall, George, for £10 0*. 2d. of this for Rev. IF cfc O ...... 0 10 S Q. TF. Thompson, Africa, Rev. J. Spooner. contributed by Mrs. Collections ...... 5 10 0 l’arkes’ Young Ladies. Do., for W & 0. 1 0 0 RAWDON. Subscriptions: 6 10 0 Rev. R. Holmes. Binns, Mr. A 1 1 0 MASHAM. Collections...... 11 13 6 Denison, Mrs 0 10 0 Rev. H. Rowson. Holroyd, Mr. J ... 2 2 0 Do. for W ¿ 0 . . 1 5 0 Holroydi Miss 0 10 0 Collections ...... 4 5 0 Sunday-school .. 0 6 10 Lawson, Mr 1 0 0 Do. for TF

SALEttDlNE NOOK, SCARBOROUGH—Continued. SHEFFIELD—Continued. licv. J. Parker. SCARBOROUGH. Thompson, Miss E. 0 10 0 Under 10»...... 1 2 0 Contributions . . . . 9 9 8 Subscription: Acworth, Rev. Dr. 5 Collected by SALTERFORTH. Greaves, Miss M ., 0 G 6 SHEFFIELD. 25 14 10 Rev. Isaac Brown. Townhead Street. Contributions . . . . 5 10 0 SHIPLEY. Rev. C. Short, M.A. Rev. R. Green. SCOPE GOAT HILL. Collections 26 7 4 Do. Dronfield .. 3 0 0 Collection...... 20 17 6 Contribs., Sun.-schl. 1 5 6 Do. for W Js O 4 17 6 Do., for W & 0. 3 0 o Contribs.Sun.-sch. 3 11 § Proceeds of Miss. Subscriptions: SCARBOROUGH. Stall, by Miss Aked,Thomas,Esq. S 0 0 1st Church. Larom’s School Class...... 12 4 0 Do. for China .. 5 0 0 Rev. R. Bayly. Card for .VP .... 0 18 8 Fyfe, Mr. Jas...... 1 0 0 Hall, Mr. John .. 2 2 0 Collections ...... 7 13 9 Subscriptions: Do. for China .. 0 10 0 Do., for W & 0 . 2 0 o Atkinson, Mr. W. 1 0 0 Hargreaves, Mr.G. 1 0 0 0 0 Subscriptions: Berry, Mr. S 0 10 0 Rhodes, Mrs...... 1 Burrell, Mr 1 0 0 Roper, Mr. John 2 0 0 Cross,R.,Esq.,M.D. 1 1 0 Carter, Mr 1 0 o Teal, Miss ...... 5 0 0 Evans,Rev.B.,D.D. 2 0 0 Chapman, M r .... 3 3 0 Wilcock, Miss .. 1 0 0 Fowler, H., Esq. . 0 10 « Chapman, Mr. Hy. 0 10 0 Under 10s. . . . . 0 15 0 Gibson, Mr. R. .. 0 10 0 Charles, Mrs. Wm. 1 0 0 48 4 6 Hildyard, Mr. J ... 1 0 0 Charles, Mr. J 1 0 0 Hill, Mrs. The late I 1 0 Charles, Mr. W. T. 1 0 0 Hill, Mrs. H...... 1 0 0 Charles, Misses ..100 SKIPTON. Hudson, Mr. E. .. 0 10 0 Dixon, Mr...... 0 10 0 Leckenby, J., Esq. 0 10 0 Eaton, Mr. Jno-.. 2 2 0 Rev. F. Britcliffe. Moody, J. P., Esq. 0 10 0 Fletchcr, Mr 0 10 0 Collections...... 7 8 10 Petcta, J., Esq. .. 1 0 0 Flint, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Rowntree,W.,Esq. 1 1 0 Hides, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collected by Theakston, Mr. Hiller, Mr A 2 0 0 S. W...... 0 10 Hiller, Mrs. Geo. 0 10 0 Bairston.Mrs., and Tindall, J., Esq... 1 1 Jackson, Mr 1 0 o Ellison, Miss .. 2 6 G Tindall, R., Esq... 1 1 Jowett, Mr 0 10 o Watson, Miss . . . . 0 7 3 Turnbull, R., Esq. 0 10 Larom, Rev. C ... 0 10 0 Ward, Mr. R...... 0 10 Lee, M r...... 1 0 0 For N P, by White, Mr. G...... 0 10 Moore, Mrs 0 10 0 Barrett, Miss M. H. Wyrill, Mr. H. .. 0 10 Roberts, Mrs. Jno. 0 10 0 & Astin.MissM. 0 4 10 Under 10«...... 2 19 Shaw, Mr...... 1 1 0 Britcliffe, C. L. 1 0 0 Shaw, Mrs 0 10 0 Box, by Davis, Miss Ellen . 0 3 0 Shaw, Alias 0 10 0 Emmot, Miss Mary 0 1 1 White, The Misses 1 0 0 Sissons, Mr 0 10 O Hartley, Mr. Robt. 0 1 0 Smith, Mr. F. E .. 5 0 O Watson, Miss Ellen For 2V P, by Smith,Mr. Sydney 1 0 0 & Lambert, Miss 0 13 9 Turnell, Mr 0 10 0 Sun.-scliool Cards 1 10 1 Do. Bumiston.. 0 6 0 Wilson, Jos., Esq. 5 0 0 12 6 3 Under 10s...... 7 1 0 Less expenses.. 0 6 3 SO 14 4 Collected by 12 0 0 Less expenses .. 0 10 0 Hutchinson, Miss 30 4 4 E.A ...... 0 7 0 SLACK LANE. SCARBOROUGH. 94 3 Rev. J. Lee. 2nd Church. Less expenses.. 4 11 69 11 8 Collections ...... 11 4 0 Mechanics’ Hall. SHEFFIELD. Rev. J. Lewitt. STANNINGLEY. Portmahon. Collections 6 15 0 Rev. Henry Watts. Do., Pnb. Meet. 7 2 C Collections 5 10 0 Contribs., Sunday- Contribs., Juvenile Collection ...... 2 10 0 school box . . . . 1 0 0 Society 1 13 0 Do,, do.,Bazaar 12 13 4 Subscriptions: STEEP LANE, Barry, Mr. W .... 1 1 0 By Miss L. Richmond: Rev. W. Haigh. Barry, Mrs 1 .1 0 Brown, Mr 0 10 0 Hill, Mr.N.(2yrs.) 2 0 0 Hawley, Mr 0 10 0 Collection...... 3 18 O Hornsey, Mr 0 10 0 Ingham, Mr 0 10 0 Lewitt, Rev. J. .. 0 10 0 Richmond, Mr. .. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 6 0 Richmond,Mr.H.H.O 10 0 SUTTON IN CRAVEN. Thompson,Mrs. .. 0 10 0 Rev. W. E. Archer. 20 5 6 Thompson, Miss A. O 10 0 Less expenses.. 0 18 7 Thompson, Miss Collections 16 14 6 ------19 G 11 T. B...... 0 10 0 Do. for O 0 13 3 140 TOEESHIBE. [1867.

SUTTON IN CRAVEN—Continued. WAKEFIELD. ■ YORK, Sun.-sch. boxes ..102 j Rev. J. F. Smythe. Rev. G. C. Catterall. Wilson, Mrs. James 1 0 0 I Collections.&c. . . 8 G G ' Do. for,ir<£-0.. 0 17 4 19 7 11 Collec. for ir


NORTH WALES. HOLYHEAD— Continued. KHYDWYN. Michael, Captn. R. 0 10 0 I Rev. J. Jones. Thomas, Mr. Jno., , Contributions. . . . Waterside . . . . 0 10 0 'angltsea. Williams,Mr.Robt., j SARDIS. Victoria House 0 10 0 AINON. : Contributions . . . . 0 12 6 Contributions___ 0 24 9 0 Less expenses .. 0 1 0 | SOAR. 24 8 0 | Rev. J. Jones. AMLWCH. Contributions. . . . 4 13 9 Salem.—Rev.W. E.Watkins. IÎOLT HEAD. Contributions . . . . 1 0 0 Hebron. TRAETHCOCH. AMLWCH. Contributions . . . . 1 4 0 Contributions----- Bethania.—Rev.W. E. Watkins. H0LTHEAD. 116 15 8 Contributions. . . . 0 12 1 Siloh. Less for Home Mission and expenses...... 43 17 1 BEAUMARIS. Rev. W. Morgan, D.D. Rev. I. James. Contributions . . . . £ 7 2 18 7

Contributions . . . . HOLYHEAD. New Park Street. BELAN. ®arrtarl)ottsi)tti. Rev. J. D. Evans. Rev. J. Williams. Contributions----- Contributions . . . . 2 17 1 CAERSALEM, MORFA KEVIN. Contributions. . . . 2 8 2 BODEDEYRN. LLANDDEUSANT. Contributions. . . . 0 13 1 Contributions . . . . 1 2 9 CAPE L-Y-BE1RDD. Contributions.... 2 3 8 BRYNSIENCYN. LLANDEGFAN. LLANBEBIS. Contributions . . . . Contributions . . . . 3 0 0 Sardis.—Rev. John Jones. CAERGEILIOG. LLANERCHYMEDD. Contributions.... 4 2 6 Contributions . . . . 1 13 2 Rev. R. Roberts. LLANHAIARN. CAPEL GWYN. Contributions . . . . 2 2 11 Contributions . . . . 1 18 0 lîev. D. Jones. LLANFACHKAETH. Contributions . . . . 1 8 LLANLLYFNI. Contributions . . . . 7 9 7 Rev. R. Jones. CAPEL NEWYDD. LLANFAIR. Contributions. . . . 4 9 2 Contributions___ Contributions . . . . 0 18 9 PONTLLYFNI. CEMAES. LLANGEFNI. Contributions. . . . Contributions . . . . 1 6 10 Do., for NP .. 0 17 7 Rev. J. D. Evans. PAVLLHELI. 2 4 Contributions . . . . 5 12 D Rev. L. Jones. FOUR MILE BRIDGt. LLANGOED. Contributions . . . . 27 13 10 Contributions. . . . Rev. I. James. TALYSARN. GAERWEN. Contributions . . . . G 17 7 ! Llanllyfni.—lïev. liobti Joncfi Contributions . . . . 0 1G Contributions . . . . MENAI BRIDGE. GARREGFAWR. Contributions . . . . 4 10 6 TYDDYNSION. Contributions . . . . Contributions . . . . 3 2 5 NEW13ÜRGH. HOLYHEAD. Contributions . . . ; " 4 6 ■£53 16 O Bethel. Itev. W. Morgan, D.D. PENCARNEDDAU. Collection 6 lb 8 Contributions . . . . 1 2 8 ©?nfit($sf)irc¿ Contributions*... 9 6 0 Do.,boxes .... 4 2 4 PENSARN. ABERGELE. Subscriptions: j Contribs.,foriVP.. 1 1 0 Contributions . . . . 4 2 5 Evans, Captain . . 0 1 0 0 | ItHOSYBOL. BODGYNWCH. Lewis, J., E sq .... 2 0 0 Lewis, M rs, 0 10 0 j Contributions . . . . 2 0 0 Contributions. . . . 0 10 1 1 42 DENBIGHSHIRE— FLINTSHIRE— MERIONETHSHIRE— MONTG OMEEYSHIBE. [1 8 6 7 .—

BONTNEWYDD. LLANGOLLEN AND GLYN- Rev. R. Ellis. DYFRDWY. jflintsDire. 0 12 1 Rev. O. Davies. Contributions. . . . BAGILLT. Contributions . . . . C 9 6 BRYMBO. Rev. J. T). Hopkins. LLANGOLLEN. Tabernacle—Rev. J. Jones. Contributions . . . . 2 16 8 Contributions.... 1 16 6 Penybryn, English Chureh. Do., for TV

Rev. R. Roberts. iiia iiuim MOSS. Contributions. . . . GARTH. Rev. J. Jones. Noddfa.—Rev. W. Williams. Contributions . . . . 0 14 0 CYNWYD. Contributions.... 1 15 9 Do., for W

LLANFA1R-CAEREINI0N. BRECON— Continued. PANTYCELYN. Contributions. . . . 7 0 0 BRECON. Bev. E. W. James. Watergate.—Rev. J. G. Contributions . . . . 1 4 0 LLANFYLLIN, BETHEL, Phillips. PENYRHEOL. AND PONTLLOGELL. Contributions . . . . 2 14 6 Bev. J. Jones. Bev. L. Jones. BRYNMAWR. Contributions . . . . 2 0 0 Contributions . . . . 5 11 0 Calvary.—Rev. T. Roberts. Do., for NP . . 0 4 3 PISGAH. 3 Collectn.,for W& O 0 G 9 Contribs., Sunday- Bevs. D. Jarman & J. Nicholas. LLANIDLOES. school, for NP . . 1 10 G Contributions . . . . 3 0 2 ------1 17 3 Rev. I. Edwards £48 4 1 1 Contributions. . . . BRYNMAWE. Sion.—Rev. E. Thomas. NEWCHAPEL. Contributions . . . . 0 10 0 Rev. R. .Tones. fflariiiganfiijtt'e. Contrios. c.’ yrs.).. BRYNSIAWR. Tabor. ABERYSTWITH. NEWTOWN. Contributions.... 9 14 0 Rev. E. Williams. Rev. E. Roberts. Collection...... 2 8 1 Collections...... 3 17 9 CRICKHOWELL. Proceeds of Lec­ Do. for W & O.. 1 9 0 Contributions. . . . 1 0 0 ture ...... 11 14 0 Contribs. for N P 3 13 7 Subscriptions: ERWOOD. Subscriptions: Ellis, Mr. John .. 0 10 0 Rev. G. H. Llewellyn. Goodwin,Mr.E... 0 10 0 Ellis, Mrs. Mary.. 0 10 0 Morgan, Mr. E. ..10 0 0 Contribs., for W& O 0 7 3 Jones,Thomas,Esq. 1 0 0 Do. for China .. 2 0 0 Do., foriV P .. . . 0 12 3 Jones, Mr. Richard 0 10 0 Morgan, Mr. Sami. 1 0 0 Do., Sun.-schl.. 0 18 G Jones, Mrs. Anne 0 10 0 Morgan, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 1 18 0 Pierce, Mr. T 0 10 0 Under 10*...... 0 10 0 Under 10«...... 5 10 G LLANELLY. Collected by BHYDWEN. Bethlehem.—Rev. H. Harris. Morgan, Rebecca 0 1 0 Contributions. . . . 5144 Powell, MissM... 0 16 8 Sion.—Key. H. C. Williams. ------24 0 3 Contributions . . . . 2 3 0 LLANFIHANGEL, ' Do., forNP.... 0 14 0 CARDIGAN. NANT BRAN. ------2 17 0 Bethania—Rev. E. Thomas. Zoar.—Rev. J. L. Evans. STAYLITTLE. Collection...... 3 14 0 Contributions.... 0 10 0 Contribs. Sunday Rev. H. C. Williams. School...... 9 10 8 Contributions . . . . 3 7 5 LLANFRYNACH. Subscriptions: D o.,forNP.... 0 8 7 ------3 1G 0 Rev. J. Jarman. Davies, Mr. Henry 0 10 6 Contributions . . . . 1 8 0 Davies, Miss Mar­ 55 4 9 garet...... 0 10 0 Less District expenses .. 110 0 Evans. John, Esq. 1 0 0 LLANGAMMARCH. Evans, Mr. Benj. 0 10 0 £ 5 3 1 4. 9 Salem.—Rev. J. W. Maurice. Rees, Mr. Morgan 0 10 G Contributions . . . . 1 0 0 Thomas, Rev. E ... O 10 0 Under 10s...... 12 19 0 Total of Contributions For N P,by from North Wales. £ 3 1 7 8 10 LLANGORSE. Contributions. . . . 0 6 0 Bowen, Miss Anne 0 2 0 D o.,forNP.... 0 14 0 Jones, Miss E . . . . 0 2 G 1 0 0 Mathias, Miss E. A. 0 1 11 Under 1«...... 0 2 G SOUTH WALES. LLANGYNIDR. ------30 3 7 Bev. T. Davies. MORIAH. Contributions . . . . 2 16 6 Contributions.... 1 1 7 BEAUFORT. LLANWRTYD. PENRHYNCOCH. Rev. A. Tovey. Zion.—Rev. J. W. Maurice. Horeb—Rev. Isaac Jones. Contribs., for XP.. 0 18 8 Contributions.... 10 0 Contributions. . . . 2100 BRECON. PENYPARC. MAESYBERLLAN. Contribution, by Rev. W. Roberts. Rev. M. James. Mr. H. Lewis .. 1 0 0 Contributions.... 3 7 G Contributions . . . . 1 13 G BRECON. Do.,for N P .. .. 1 4 0 VERWICK. Kensington.—Rev. J. W. ------2 17 G Evans. Siloam—Rev. W . Roberts. Contribs., Sunday- NANTYFFIN. Contributions. . . . 2 G 0 school ...... 1 12 4 Do., for NP.... 3 0 0 Rev, T. G. Jones. £ 63 8 11 ------4 12 4 Contributions.... 198 141 CÀkMAJìTilENSHIEE. [1 8 6 ? .

FERRŸSIDE— Continued. f LLANFYNYDD. <£nrmnrtf)mî)irE. 1866-7. I Rev. David Griffiths. ABERDUAR. Contributions . . . . 1 15 9 ! Contributions . . . . 0 10 e Rev. John Williams. ! Do., for y P .. .. 0 2 0 FFYNNON HENRY. Contributions. . . . 2 4 0 0 12 0 Rev. J. L. Owens. LLANGYNDEYRN. AINON. Contributions . . . . 1 17 2 Rev. W. Davies. Rev. John Lloyd. KIDWELLY. Contributions . . . . 7 1 10 Contributions.... 1 7 6 Rev. Jno. Reynolds. LLANGYNOG. CAIO. 1865-6. Ebenezer.—Rev. T. Williams. Bethel. Contributions . . . . 0 11 0 Contributions. . . . 2 5 6 Contributions.... 12 0 1866-7. CAIO. Contributions . . . . 1 0 0 LLWYNHENDY. Salem. Soar.—Rev. R. D. Roberts. LLANDILO. Contributions.... 1 17 1 Contributions. . . . 6 8 4 Rev. J. O. Griffiths. CARMARTHEN. Contributions . . . . 2 18 G LOGIN. Priory-street.—Rev. Tlios. Lewis. Rev. D. Davies. LLANDOVERY. Contributions 22 7 0 Contributions.... 4 8 0 Contributions . . . . 1 0 0 CARMARTHEN. MEIDRYM. LLANDYFAEN. Tabernacle.—Rev. H. W. Jones. Salem.—Rev. D. Williams. Contributions.... 30 12 0 Soar.—Rev. T. F. Williams. Contributions.... 11 9 6 Contributions . . . . 1 0 G CILFOWYR & RAMOTH. MEINCIAU. Contributions 5 15 8 LLANDYSSIL. Ebenezer.—Rev. J. Davies. Rev. W. Davies. CWMDU. Contributions . . . . 0 G 1 Contributions.... 5 10 4 Rev. J. Morris. Contributions. . . . 2 3 D LLANDYfiSIL. NEWCASTLE EMLYN. Hebron.—Rev. J. Davies. Revs. T. & B. Thomas. CWMFEL1N. Contributions. . . . 1 0 8 Contributions. . . . 16 10 G Rev. D. Jones; LLANDYSSIL. PEMBREY POOL. 1865-6. Rehoboth.—Rev. J. Davica. Bethlehem.—Rev. W. Rogers. Contributions.... 1 16 9 Contributions.... 0 17 4 1866-7. Contributions..;. 0 13 6 Contributions. . . . 1 6 0 LLANDYSSIL. Penybout.—Rev. E. Lewis. PEMBREY. CWHIFOR. Contributions . . . . 0 6 1 Tabôrnacle.—Rev. B. Williams. Rev. J. Morris. Contributions.... 6 12 0 Contributions.... oil 6 LLANELLY. PENRHYW GOCII. CWMSAHNDDU. Bethel.—Rev. W. Hughes. Contributions.... 13 18 6 Rev. M. Griffiths. Rev. Evan Davies. Contributions. . . . 0 9 3 Contributions.... 2 5 4 LLANELLY. Do. for NP.... 0 8 3 Greenfield Chapel. RHYDWILYM. 2 13 Rev. D. M. Evans. Rev. H. Price. DREFACH. Collection...... 4 it 4 Contributions.... 8 13 4 Rev. B. Thomas. Do. for W& O.. 2 3 4 Contributions . . . . 0 10 For iVP, by RHYDARGAEAU. Ace, Miss C 0 6 0 Rev. J. L. Owens. EL1M PARK. Clement,MissL. A. 0 3 10 Rev. M. Griffiths. Hall, Miss C 0 5 0 Contributions.... 1 12 3 Contributions.... 0 10 Morris, Miss S .... 0 3 10 Roberts, Miss M... 0 16 fi ST. CLEAR’S. Under Is 0 0 9 FELINFOEL. Sion.—Rev. D. Richards. AdUlatn.—Rev. W. Lewis. Subscriptions: Contributions. . . i 7 2 10 Contributions:... 9 19 Davies, Mr. J. A. 1 0 0 Evans, Eev. D. M. 1 0 0 SMYRNA. FELINGWM. Samuel, Mr. W. .. 0 10 Ò Rev. J. Williams. Thomas, Mr. W .. .20 0 I) Sittim.—Rev. M. Griffiths. Thomas, Mr. H ... 0 10 0 Contributions.... 0 7 4 Contributions..... 5 2 Thomas, Mr. R ... 0 10 0 Under 10«...... 2 18 G WHITLAND. FERRŸSIDE. 34 14 1 Nazareth.—Rev. T. Thomas. Rev. Jno. Reynolds. ^ LLANELLY. Contributions.... 4 12 3 1865-6. j Horeb.—Rev. W. Lewis. £246 18 9 Contributions. . . . 1 1 9 Contributions. . . . 1 5 0 1867.] GLAMORGANSHIRE. 145

BRIDGEND—Continued. CARDIFF— Continued. dHamorgansIjirc. Contribs., Sunday- Sunday «school Classes school boxes.. 1 7 0 Boxes, by ABEKAVON. Do. for N P .. . . 0 7 2 Ayliffe, Mr. Chas.. 0 7 0 Contributions . . . . 4 15 10 Subscriptions : Beynon, Miss . . . . 0 211 Do,, for ¿Vi1.. . . 0 14 6 David, Miss 0 4 10 5 10 4 Hughes, Mrs. C .. 0 10 6 Evans, Mr. R 0 7 1 Lewis, E., Esq. .. 5 0 0 Farebrother, Mjss. 0 2 10 ABERDARE DISTRICT. Price, R., Esq. .. 0 10 0 Francis, Mr. Isaac 0 3 4 Under 10s...... 0 2 6 Henshaw, Mr. Jas. 0 5 5 ABERDARE. Collected by Henshaw, Miss ..038 Calvary.—Rev. T. Price, Ph. D. Griffiths, Miss C... 0 13 6 Howells, Miss. . . . 0 611 Contributions.... 32 15 9 Hughes, Miss M .. 0 11 4 Jones, Mr. David . 0 11 1 Marks, Miss K. .. 4 5 6 Jones, Mr. Rees.. 0 15 1 ABERDARE. Preece, Master E. 0 2 2 Jones,Mr. T. . . . . 0 8 3 Carmel, English Church.— Watkins,Mrs. J ... 2 2 10 Leeman, Miss. . . . 0 511 Martin, Mr; Peter. 0 6 10 Rev. T. A. Pryce. Williams,Mrs.M.D. 1 4 5 19 4 9 Morris,Miss . . . . 0 3 1 Contributions.... 2 11 1 Nash, Mr. George. 0 7 2 Powell, Mr. Wm. .058 ABERDARE. CAERPHILLY. Rees, Mr. T 0 11 5 Cwmbach.—Rev. W. Samuel. Tonyfelin.—Rev. T E Trayheme, Mr. H. 0 11 3 Contributions . . . . 8 4 0 Rowlands. Trist, M iss 0 3 7 Williams,Miss . . 0 3 7 ABERDARE. Contribs., Sunday- Williams, Mr. Jas. 0 10 0 school ...... 0 10 0 Ynyslwyd. 53 10 10 Rev. Thomas John. CAERSALEM NEWYDD. Less expenses. . 1 8 6 Contributions . . . . 10 12 11 Rev. Titus Jones. 82 2 4

ABERDARE. Contributions . . . . 6 13 11 CARDIFF. Do., for JVP. . . . 3 0 1 Mill Street.—Rev. W. Harris. 9 14 0 Bethel, Mount Stuart-sqttare. Contributions . . . . 10 12 9 Contributions . . . . 15 10 Do.,forJVjP.... 2 5 8 CANTON. CARDIFF. LLWTDCOED BBANCH. Hope Chapel.—Rev. S. C. Spotland, Salem. Contributions.... 1 11 10 Burn. Contributions. . . . 6 16 4 14 10 3 Contributions ....1 0 5 0 ABERDARE.—CWMDAEE. Do.,for WJt- 0 .. 1 13 0 CARDIFF. D o.,foriV P.... 2 1 3 Tabernacle.—Rev. N. Thomas. Contributions . . . . 13 19 3 Contributions. . . .27 6 4 ABERDARE.— C5ADLYS. Do., for T. 5 15 7 Rev. D. Davies. CARDIFF. ------33 1 it Contributions . . . . 5 6 3 Bethany.—Rev. R. Griffiths. CARDIFF. o l y n Ke A t h . Collections, after TredegarviUe.—Rev A. Tilly. Bethel.—Rev. J. E. James. Sermons . . . . 15 0 2 Collections 5 6 3 Contributions . . . 6 8 Do., Public Meet­ Do., Public Meet­ ing!...... 5 11 7 ing...... 1 5 5 ABERDARE.—HIRWAEN. Do., for W&O . 5 9 0 Do., for W & 0 . 2 2 0 Ramoth.—Rev. D. Davies. Contribs., Vestry Contribs., Prayer- box ...... 1 17 6 Meetings. . . . 0 6 4 Contributions. . . . 4 0 Subscriptions: Lo., Sunday-sch. boxes ...... 4 6 6 ABERDABE.— MOUNTAIN A8B. Allum, Miss 0 10 0 English Church. Barry, Mr. J. T ... 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Contributions. . . . 7 0 Benjamin, Mr. R .. 0 10 0 Cory, Mr. Richard 5 6 0 Bright, Mr. J. L .. 1 1 0 Cory, Mrs. John .110 ABERDARE.— MOUNTAIN ASH. Cory, Mr. R 0 10 6 Evans, Mrs...... 2 2 0 Rhos.—"Welsh Church. Evans, Mr. Jas. .. 1 0 0 Mathias, Mr. D ... 1 1 0 Hopkins, Mr. Thos. 2 2 0 Stowe, Mr. Richd. 2 2 0 Rev. W. Williams. Hopkins, Mr. D ... 1 1 0 Thomas, Mr.W.H. 0 10 6 Contributions.... 22 14 Jones, Mr. W 0 15 0 White, Mr. T., In­ Jones, Mr. Rees. . 1 1 0 land Revenue.. 2 2 0 PENVDERIN. Jotham, Mr. D. .. 0 10 0 Under 10s. .. 4 13 6 Rev. D. Adams. Stockwood, Mr.W. 1 5 0 Boxes, by Contributions . . . . 3 0 ^ Sully, Mr. George. 0 10 0 Trist, Mr. T 0 10 0 Beard, Mrs...... 0 6 9 BERTHLWTD. Ward, Mr. Jos. . . 1 1 0 Knill, Mrs...... 0 2 8 Williams, Mrs. L.. 1 1 0 Pring, Mrs...... 0 6 4 Rev. T. Evans. Under 10s...... 0 5 4 Shute, Mrs...... 0 3 9 Contributions.... 1 18 1 Stowe, Miss M. .. 0 1 3 Do., for iV P.... 1 10 11 Boxes, by Trevers, Master.. 0 2 5 3 9 0 Baynton, Mr. P ... 0 13 2 Vaughan, Miss ..O ' 1 10 Cazel, Miss A 0 4 lo For IV by BRIDGEND. James,Miss Martha 0 3 5 Hope Chapel.—Rev. Thos. Jone«, Miss E 0- 6 10 Baker, Emily . . . . 0 1 0 Cole. Kyte, Mr. W 1 16 0 Evans, W. H...... 0 1 10 Collection...... I 7 10 Richards, Miss A.. 0 3 3 George, Jno...... 0 2 0 Hussy, J ...... 0 1 -O Do. for TP

CAUDI F F— Continued. MERTHYR TYDFIL. SWANSEA. Jones, Rebecca .. 0 Abercanaid, Silo.—Rev. Bethesda.—Rev. R. A. Jones. Priug, Emily . . . . 0 Jno. Evans. Contributions. . . . 50 0 C Under 1»...... 0 Contributions. . . . 3 5 0 SWANSEA. MEKTHYR TYDFIL. 33 17 9 Mount Pleasant.—Rev. J. P. Less expenses.. 0 11 11 Ainon. Barnett. S3 5 10 Contributions.... 10 0 Collections . . . . 19 18 8 CWMAVON. MEBTHÏB TYDFIL. Do. for IF 4" 0 8 0 2 Do. SuBd.-schls. 3 16 3 Rev. J. Rowlands. Bethel.—Rev. W. Davies. Subscriptions: Contributions. . . . 6 7 3 Contributions . . . . 1 12 6 Cawker.Mr. Jno.. 1 1 0 MEBTHYR TYDFIL. Davies, Mr. W. .. 1 1 0 CWMTWRCH. Ebenezer.—Rev. J. Lloyd, Ellery, Mr. J. M .. 1 1 0 Beulah.—Rev. J. Evans. Contributions.... 10 14 7 Gibbs, Capt. Jas. .110 Contributions. . . . 0 10 0 Harris, Mr. Richd. 1 1 0 MEBTHYR TYDFIL. Howell, Mr. W ... 0 10 6 DINAS, LANDORE. High-street.—Rev. C. White. Hughes, Mr. W. B. 1 1 0 Lewis, Mr. Jno... 0 10 C Rev. D. Davies. Contributions.... 10 16 9 Pearse, Mr. J. W. 0 10 6 Contributions. . . . MERTHYR TXDFIL. Roberts, Mr. Edw. 1 1 0 Tabemaele.—Rev. J. E. Jones, Roberts, Mr. T ... 0 10 C DOWLAIS. MA., LL.D. Vivian,H.H., Esq., Beulah —English Church. M.P...... 1 1 0 Contributions.... 10 5 2 Under 10s. .. 0 10 0 Collctn.,forTP'

SWANSEA—Continued. ABERSYCHAN—Continued, Sunday-school Boxes, by | JSlonmoutfjsijirc. Jones, Miss H. .. 0 2 1 Jones,Miss E ...... 0 4 7 Bevan, E. J...... 0 2 1 I ABERCARN. Beynon, Jane. . . . 0 2 0 Kelly, Master C.V. 0 8 5 . Burrows, Miss.. . . 0 5 7 Rev. D. Rhys Jones. Horgan, Master . . 0 2 0 Crapper, Geo...... 0 1 11 Contributions. . . . 5179 Morgan, Master W. 0 3 5 Davies, Miss L. J. 0 2 11 Pratt, Misses . . . . 0 7 0 Edwards, Henry.. 0 2 4 ABERGAVENNY. Roberts, Miss M.J. 0 1 3 Evans, Geo. H. .. 0 2 0 Smith,Miss Ann.. 0 6 7 Evans, M. G...... 0 7 0 Frogmore-street. Stephen, Master J. Evans, William .. 0 5 0 Rev. J. Bullock, M.A. R. C...... 0 2 6 Ingram, Wallace . 0 2 9 Williams, Miss E. -0 2 1 James, David . . . . 0 4 3 Collection ...... 4 7 0 Under Is 0 0 8 Jenkins, Geo...... 0 3 4 Do., Pub. Meet. 2 18 0 1 10 Do., for W &. O 2 0 0 IS 19 1 Jones, Eliza...... 0 Contribs., Sunday- Lawrence, Francis 0 3 1 Less expenses.. o i l 1 Lawrence, Henry 0 3 2 school ...... 0 13 7 ------13 8 o Lewis, Mary C. .. 0 1 0 Subscriptions: Loughor, William 0 1 4 A friend ...... 1 0 0 ABERTILLERY. Luce, Martha . . . . 0 1 G Bullock, Rev. J., Contributions . . . . 3 8 1 Manley, William - 0 1 7 , M.A...... 0 10 G Neck, J...... 0 2 6 i Conway, Mr. J. H. 1 1 0 2 Neck, E...... 0 1 Daniel, Mr. C 1 1 0 ARGOED. Perkins, William . 0 6 2 Davis, Mr. C 1 1 0 Preece, Sophia .. 0 2 0 Hands, Mr. W m .. 0 10 G Rev. W. T. Davies. Protheroe, M. A .. 0 2 3 Morgan, Mr. Jno. 0 10 6 1865-6. Rees, William . . . . 0 3 G Parry, Mr. Jas. .. 0 10 6 Contributions . . . . 10 8 4 Symons, Harry .. 0 2 I Watkins, Mr. Jno. 0 10 6 Thomas, Eliza.. . . 0 2 2 Wyke, Mr. J. . . . . 0 10 6 1866-7. Thompson, Cathe­ Under 10s...... 2 19 10 rine ...... 0 1 G Contributions.... 10 8 6 Williams, John.. 0 2 9 Boxes, by Under Is...... 0 I 8 Havard, Miss . . . . 0 5 0 18 9 5 j Hicks, Miss 0 5 2 BASSALEG. | Morgan, Master .. 0 8 0 Bethel.—Rev. E. P. Williams.. TONGWYNLAS. | Pritchard, Miss & Contributions . . . . C 12 1 Rev. W. Jones. i pupils...... 0 15 0 i Scott, Miss R. . » 0 8 7 Contributions . . . . 4 1C 11 j Taylor, Miss 0 4 0 BEDWAS. Do,, for iff i* . . 0 1C G 22 10 2 5 13 5 Hephzibah.—Rev. W. P. Williams. ABEBQAVENNT. Contributions . . . . 1 16 9 TONGVTTNLAS. Lion-street.—Rev. S. R. Young. English Church. BLAENAU GWENT. Contributions. . . . 0 14 Collection...... 2 18 11 Do., for W it O 1 5 8 Rev. J. Lewis. TROEDYRHIW. Contribs.,Sun.-schl.O 10 0 Contributions. . . . 7-79 Boxes, by . Carmel.—Rev. J. Lewis. Ackland, Miss A .. 0 6 6 BLAENAVON. Contributions.... 115 1 Morgan, Miss E .. 0 5 6 Watkins,Miss A.M. 0 2 5 Ebenezer.—Rev. J. Hughes. . YSTALYFERA. Young, Mrs 0 G 7 Contributions.... 5 14 0 Subscriptions: Caersalem.—Rev. Jno, Evans. BLAENAVON. Jacob, Mr. J 0 10 6 Contributions. . . . 1 0 0 Jenkins, Mr. D .. 0 10 G Horeb.—Rev. D. Morgan. TSTALYFEBA. Morgan, Mr. H ... 0 10 6 Contributions.... 7 0 0 Young, Rev, S. R. 0 10 G Soar.—Rev. C. Williams. 7 17 7 Contributions. . . . 2 0 0 BLAINA. ABERSYCHAN. Rev. W. Roberts. YSTRADGYNLAIS. Rev. S. Price Contributions . . . . 3 S 4 Rev. T. E. James. Collections ...... 5 5 6 Contributions . . . . 0 10 0 Contribs.,Sun.-sch. 1 13 7 BRYNHYFRYB. Subscriptions: Rev. W. Jones. YSTRAD RHONDDA. Lewis, H., Esq. . . 1 0 0 Contributions. . . . 7 7 8 Nebo.—Rev. T. RufusWilliams. Do., In memory Contributions . . . . 2 0 0 of a beloved wife 1 0 0 OAERLEON. Lewis, Mr.Thos... 0 10 0 Do., for-/Vf.... 2 5 4 Price, Rev. S 0 10 0 Rev. D. B. Jones. TREOSKT BRANCH. Richards, J., Esq. 0 10 0 Contributions.... 1 18 6 Contributions . . . . 2 8 8 Boxes, by 6 14 0 Brain, Mr. H., Sun- CASTLETOWN. sell. Class . . . . 0 12 G Rev. Robt. Lloyd. 599 19 4 Brain, Mrs. H., do. 0 4 8 Less expenses...... 0 12 6 Davies, Miss 0 7 0 Contributions ....1 0 0 3 Jenkins, Miss. . . . 0 3 6 Do. iw i i P . . . . 4 12 -3 £ 5 9 9 6 10 Jenkins, Master ..019 ------14 12 6 10* 148 MOJSMOTTTHSaiEE. [1867.

CHEPSTOW. MICHAELSTON-Y-VEDW. I NEWPORT—Cotónuerf. Rev. Thomas Jones. Tirzah.—Rev. T. James. ! Green, Mrs. J . . . . 1 1 0 Collections 4 17 1 Green,Mr.Jno.Jun 0 10 6 Contiibutions.. 6 13 10 i Horner, Mr.James 0 10 6 Subscription: Do. for N P .. 0 2 3 Jones, Mr. Walter 0 10 C 6 16 1 Jones, Rev. T 1 0 Jobes, Mr. W m... 0 10 8 — 5 17 9 Í Lance, Kev. J. W. 1 1 0 MONMOUTH. Lewis, Mr. T. F .. 0 10 6 Rev. R. D. Smith. Mason, Mr...... 1 1 O CWMBRAN. Mason, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Contributions .. 2 0 8 Contributions 2 4 2 Moses, Mr. John.. 1 1 O Northcott, Mr. J . . 1 1 0 NANTYGLO. Phillips, Mr. H ... 5 0 0 EBBW VALE. Richards,Mr.Thos. 2 0 O Nebo. Hermon.—Rev. S. Williams. Salter, Mr. Jas... 1 1 0 Contributions...... 10 2 4 Vaughan, Sir. W. 0 10 6 Contributions. . . . 5 13 3 Wheeler, Mr. M .. 1 0 0 EBBW TALE. NASH. Williams, Mr. T .. 0 10 6 Wilhams, Mr. J.A. 1 1 0 Briery Hill, Zion. Rev. W. Hoskins. j Under 10*...... 2 s 0 Rev. J. C. Williams. Contributions...... 0 16 2 Boxes, by Evans, Mrs. John 0 11 Contributions. . . . 0 13 4 NEWBRIDGE. Evans, Miss Hilder 0 4 4 Jones, Mrs. Walter 0 15 O EBBW VALE. Beulah.—Rev. J. G. Davies. Lance, Chas...... 0 8 6 Providence, English Church. Contributions.. . . 7 5 1 Rees, M ary...... 0 6 4 Rev. J. Watts. Slade, Miss,Young NEWBKIDGE. Ladies ...... 1 1 6 Contributions. . . . 1 1 0 1 English Church.—Rev. W. Wheeler, Mrs...... O il 0 Prosser. LLANFIHANGEL. 79 12 Contributions. . . 0 16 10 Collection...... 1 17 8 Less expenses.. 1 2 Contribs., Prayer 78 10 9 LLANTIHAKGEL. Meeting Box . . 0 4 4 NEWPORT. Penrhos. Boxes, by Stow Hill, English Church. Contributions...... 2 1 0 Daniel, Miss . . . . 1 1 1 Davies, M iss...... 0 11 2 Rev. J. Williams. LLANFIHANQEL. Jones, M issH .... 0 1 10 Collections 5 0 8 Tirah—Rev.T. James. Morgan, Miss M .. 0 1 11 Contribs.,Sun*sch. 1 3 7 Parker, Mr. J ...... 0 1 11 Contribs. for N P Price, MissE. A .. 0 3 1 6 4 3 Less expenses.. 0 lo 0 LLANGWM. For NP, by Davies, Mrs...... 0 7 9 5 14 3 Rev. J. Jones. Robins, Miss H. .. 0 6 4 NEWPORT. Collection 0 17 8 Robins, Miss T. .. 0 3 8 Russel, Miss C. A. 0 C 0 Temple* Cards, by Taylor, Miss M ... 0 4 10 Rev. L. Evans. Edwards, Mstr. W. 0 b 1 Walters, Mrs. H .. 0 7 7 Contributions ...... SO 0 0 Lewis, Susan . . . . 0 2 3 Williams, Mrs. M. 0 13 0 Lucas, Mr. G 1 7 7 NODDFA. Fendre, Miss E ... 0 7 S 6 10 10 Rees, Miss E 0 8 0 Less expenses.. 0 0 10 Rev, Jno. Prichard. Vaughan, Miss R. 0 2 7 6 10 0 Contributions...... 6 10 0 3 10 NEWPORT. Less expenses. 0 0 PENALLT. 3 10 0 Charles-st.—Rev. D. Davies. Contributions...... 0 9 0 Contributions 7 LLANWENARTH. PENPERGWM, NEWPORT, Rev. R. Johns. near Abergavenny. Commercial Street.—Rev. J. Contributions ...... 13 5 7 W. Lance. Contribs. by Mr. Thos. W illia m s...... 4 0 0 Collections after MAESYCWMWR. Sermons ....1 0 1 7 Do., Pub. Mtg. 5 2 5 PONTABEUBARGOED. English Church. Do., for IF

P ONTRHYDY RYK. RHYMNEY—Continued. TBEDEGAR—Continued. Hey. E. Morse. Richards, Mr. L .. 0 2 9 Williams, Evan .. 0 17 0 Thomas, Mrs. Mar­ Williams, Arthur 0 5 3 Contributions...... S 12 6 tha...... 0 8 1 Williams, John . . 0 1 3 ------5 1 6 PONTYPOOL. 5 18 10 Crane St.—Rev. T. Thomas, D.D. EHTJINET. Less expenses .. 0 0 .8 Zoar. ------5 18 2 Collections...... 3 17 7 Contribs., Chapel Contributions...... 1 10 0 Box ...... 0 13 3 TWYNGWYN. Do. Sunday Sch. 1 5 1 RISCA. Rev. W. Haddock. Subscriptions: Mcriali. Contributions. . . . 6 9 7 Conway, Mr. Wm. 0 10 0 Conway, M iss.... 0‘ 10 0 Rev. W. Jenkins. Havard, Mr. J ... 1 1 0 Contributions.... 6 14 0 TYDEE. Thomas, Rev. T. t Bethesda.—Rev. D. B. Edwards. D.D...... 5 0 0 SAINT BRIDE’S. Contributions.... 5 17 0 Thomas, Rev. G., Rjv. John Morgan. M A...... 1 0 0 Under 10». .. 0 5 0 Contributions.,.. 2 15 8 USE. Do. for y P . . . . 2 17 G Boxes, by ------5 13 8 Rev. D. Morgan. Bennett, Mrs...... 0 10 1 Contributions.... 1 9 G Rees, Mrs...... 0 5 5 SARON. Sheppard, Miss .. 1 11 9 Contributions.... 1 10 0 458 G G Thomas, Mrs...... 0 9 0 Less District expenses.. 4 G 8 16 18 2 ! S1RHOWY. £453 19 10 Less District ex­ I Carmel.—Rev. H. O. Howells. penses ...... 0 8 0 ------1C 10 2 | Contributions . . . . 4 4 5 I'ONTIPOOL. | SKENFPJTH, NORTON, Jftmbnbefijjh*. Upper Trosnant.—Rev. D. Roberts. j Contributions . . . . 0 9 4 BETHABARA. Contributions 2 13 C SOAR. Rev. D. Price. RAGLAN. Rev. W. Williams. Contributions. . . . 8 3 7 Contributions. . . . 5126 Rev. B. Johnson. BETHLEHEM. Collection...... 1 12 0 SPELTERS. Rev. J. P. Davies. Contribs., Sunday Salem. Contributions. . . . 3 3 7 School box 0 13 0 Contributions. . . . 2 7 8 Box by, BEULAH & PUNCHESTON. Johnson, Mr. TALYIYA1N. Family...... 1 1 0 Rev, G. Havard, Pisgah.—Rev. R. Jones. Subscription : BEULAII. Williaras.Mr. John 0 10 0 Contributions. . . . 5 3 7 Contributions.... 1 15 0 ------3 15 0 Do. for JVP.. . . 0 10 3 ------5 13 10 PUNCHESTON. Contributions , . . , 1 4 1 RHTMNEY. TREDEGAR. Penuel.—Rev. J. Jones. Siloh, Welsh Church. BLAENCONIN & GELLY. Collection...... 1 18 G Rev. T. R. Edwards. Rev.O. Griffiths. Contribs., Prayer BLAENCOKIN. Meetings 4 6 2 Contributions . . . .17 7 9 Do. for I f P .. .. 1 7 2 Contributions . . . . 9 8 10 Subscriptions : - 18 14 Do. for NP.... 1 9 6 ------10 18 4 Harare), Mr. John 0 10 0 THEDEGA.B. Jones, Rev. J . . . . 1 0 0 QELLY. Under 10s...... 4 10 4 English Church.—Rev. J Lewis. Contributions.... 1 11 4 12 14 O Contributions___ 0 15 0 Do. for 2T P .... 1 1 3 Less expenses .. 0 l 7 Collected by ------2 13 1 ------12 12 C Beynon, Eliz...... 0 2 1 Freeman, Hannah 0 5 G BLAENFFOS. BHTMNEI. Harris, Janet . . . . O 2 0 Rev. D. Price. Jerusalem.—Rev. Moses Wright. James, William .. 1 0 Jumes, Sarah A .. 0 5 4 Contributions.... 11 1G 1 Collection 1 4 9 Miles, William .. 0 9 G Contributions. . . . 1 0 0 Morgan, Jan e.... 0 1 3 BLAENLLYN. Do.,PrayerMeet- Phillips, .Tusthiia 0 1 4 Rav. T. E. Thomas. ings ...... 2 4 7 Richards.MisaM.A. 0 12 II Salt, Caroline. . . . 0 3 0 Contributions.... 9 0 9 Sunday-school Boxes, by Salt, Thomas . . . . 0 1 4 Do. for 2i P . . . . 4 14 11 Evans, M r.F 0 1 4 Sinkins, B en j.... 0 ir. 0 — 13 15 8 1 50 PEMBROKESHIRE. [1 8 6 7 .

BLAENYWAUN. HAVERFORDWEST- Continued. I JABEZ. Beth saida. Greenish & Daw­ j Rev. David George. Contributions.... Gil 9 kins, Messrs .. 0 10 6 ¡Contributions.... 8 12 1 Jenkins, Mrs. S... 0 10 0 i Do., for TFiirO.. 0 10 0 CAERSALEM. John,Mrs.William 1 0 0 j 9 " 1 Lewis, Mrs. Wm. 0 10 0 Rev. D. George. Lewis, Mrs. Thos. 0 10 0 | LETTERSTON. Contributions.... r> 13 7 Llewhellin,Mr.Geo. 0 10 0 j Rev. B. Thomas. Do. for W

PEMBROKE DOCK—Continued. MAESYRHELEM. Boxea, by 3Ratmorj5i)ire. Rev. J. Jones. Allen, William .. 0 1 9 Bowden, Sami. .. 0 2 2 CEFNPAWL. Collection 1 0 7 Davies, M. A...... 0 8 0 Her. S. Pugh. Edwards, William 0 1 8 Contributions . . . . 0 10 0 NANTGWYN. Evans, Jessie 0 3 3 Revs. D. Davies, & S. Pugh. Gay, Kachel 0 4 8 DOLAU & RHAYADER. Griffiths, Mary .. 0 1 3 Contributions.... 6 0 ° Hall, John ...... 0 2 0 Rev. D. Davies. James, John 0 2 4 DOLAU. James, Alfred___ 0 1 4 Contributions.... 3 11 3 NANTYWELLAN. 0 Jenkins, James .. 1 5 Rev. J. J ones. John, James . . . . 0 1 5 EHATAUER. Page, M. A ...... 0 1 5 Contribs. 1865-6. . 1 2 2 Contributions . . . . 0 9 1 Peters, Alex...... 0 4 10 Do. 1866-7.. 0 18 11 Phillips, Edith .. 1 7 6 Phillips, Catherine 0 4 6 5 12 4 NEWBRIDGE. Phillips, Jno...... 0 1 7 Less for Home Priton, John . . . . 0 4 0 Mission 0 7 8 Revs. D. Jarman and Robinson, M. A ... 0 1 10 ------5 4 8 J. Nicholas. Robinson, Wm, ... 0 1 1 Rogers, William.. 0 3 4 DYFFRYN ELAN. Contributions. . . . 4 2 8 Stevens, Ann . . . . 0 I 0 Bethany.—Rev. S. Thomas. Thomas, Ellen .. 0 4 4 PRESTEIGN. Thomas, William 0 1 1 Contributions.... I 17 G Thomas, M. A ... . 0 2 1 Rev. W. H. Payne. Thomas, James.. 0 1 6 EVENJOBB AND GLADESTRY. o Williams, M. A... 0 1 Rev. G. Phillips. Collections ...... 2 0 O Under U...... 0 3 G Do. Pubic.Mtng. 2 4 0 EVENJOBB Do. for IF & O . 0 15 0 12 12 3 Collection...... 1 8 6 Contribution . . . . 0 2 6 Less expenses.. 1 3 0 Do. for IF


ABERDEEN. BRANDENBURG!!. DUNDEE— Continued. John Street.—Rev. C. Chambers. Coll., for W & O 0 5 Nicoli, Mr. J 0 10 6 Collection ...... 1 0 0 Robertson, D.,Esq. 1 0 0 Ditto for W X- O 2 5 0 CUPAR, FIFE. Rough, Geo.. Esq. 1 0 0 Sunday-school Box 0 16 0 Scott,' Mr. Robert 1 0 0 Rev. D. McCullum. Urquhart,Dan.,Esq 1 0 0 Cards by Collection ...... 0 19 0 Walker, Mr. P. J. 0 10 0 Kerr, Margaret... O 12 0 Contribs.,Box.... U 10 0 Watson, P., Esq.. 5 0 0 Mason, Jane...... 0 14 (I Webster, Air. D.M. O 10 0 Smith, Mary . . . . 0 4 i; Subscriptions : Whitson, Miss, don 0 10 0 Tait, Alexander ... 0 5 0 Dulziell, General.. 1 0 0 Under 10i...... 1 7 6 Duncan, D., Esq. 1 1 0 Subscriptions : Greig, T.. Esq. .. 3 0 0 79 15 Bakewell, J., Esq. 0 10 0 Greig, John, Esq. 0 10

EDINBURGH— Continued. EYEMOUTH. GLASGOW— Continued. Subscriptions: Rev. J. Downie, jun. Cards for JV P, by Dobie, Mr. David, For N P, by Bowser, Miss Jane 0 10 6 Selkirk...... 2 0 0 Maclean, Miss Mar. 1 2 0 Do., Class.... 0 12 10 Nesbit,Miss,Lamb- Brash, Mrs 0 4 2 den, for China 0 10 0 Frost, Miss ...... 0 8 6 Do., for Brittany 0 10 0 FORRES. Mc.Laren, Miss ..063 Under 10«. .. 0 6 0 Rev. R. Stuart. Mc.Gilvrey, Miss .043 YOUNQ LADIES* MISSIONARY Contributions . . . . 2 10 G Mc.Gilvrey, Eliz.. 0 3 9 Irons, Jan e 0 2 8 ASSOCIATION. Smith, Miss 0 5 10 FORTROSE. For Native Preachers at Smith, Miss M, S. 1 3 4 Agra and Delhi. Rev. F. Dunn. Wills, Miss Robiiiil 0 3 9 Collected by For N P, by John Street Church. Beilby, Miss 118 0 McKean, M iss.... 0 12 0 Dunn, Am y 0 8 9 Contributions . . . . 10 0 0 Sale of doll ...... 2 5 0 Hood, Eliza 0 2 6 Glassford Street. Mclver, Catherine 0 5 6 Urqnhart, Miss . . 6 6 o Merchants’ Hall. Watson, Miss . . . . 3 3 0 McKeddie, Margt. 0 3 0 McRac, Jessie.... 0 2 6 Contribs., Sunday- •JO 2 0 Stewart, Margaret 0 7 2 schdbl ...... 0 15 0 Less expenses.. 1 17 0 Baronial Hall. ------8S 5 1 9 5 Less expenses .. o 0 3 Contributions. . . . 3 0 0 EDIXEDBGU. 1 9 2 Bath Street Free St. Luke's Church. GALASHIELS. Contributions. . . . 3 0 0 Collection...... 2 5 Subscriptions: Mr. A. Thomson. EDIXBUBCH. Arthur and Co., Collectn. for 1F<£0 113 7 North Richmond Street.— Messrs...... 1 0 0 Contributions . . . . 14 0 0 Brown, Mr. H ... 1 1 0 Rev. F. Johnstone. ------15 13 7 Juvenile Contribu­ Bryce,Mr. J. D .. 1 0 0 Campbell, Messrs. tions, for y P. GLASGOW. under Rev, J. J. W. & Co 3 3 0 Ewing, Mr. W 1 0 0 Parsons, Delhi.. COO Baronial Hall—Revds. A. M‘Leod and D. Young. Kettle, Messrs. R. EDINBUBGH. Black friars Street—Rev. R. Glover. and Co...... 1 1 0 Duncan Street Church, Bath Street—Rev. Mr. Chamberlan. Mackinlay, Mr. Newington.—Rev. Win. Hope Street—Rev. J. Paterson, D.D. David, Pollock Tnlloch. John Street— Shields...... 5 0 0 Collection...... 10 0 0 North Frederick Street—Rev. T. W. Mitchell, Mr. W.G. 2 2 0 Do., 1866...... 10 9 9 Medliurst. Mitchell, Mr. Jas. 2 2 0 Niven, Mr. John.. 1 0 0 For 2V P, by Glassford Street, Merchants’ Hall— Rev. J. Donovan. Stevenson, Mr. W. 1 1 0 Cruikshunk, M .. . 0 5 6 Smith, Mr, David 2 2 0 Murray, J 0 6 o Contributions, for Smith, Messrs. Macdonald, J 0 13 S 1866 ...... 35 14 9 Geo., Sc Sons ..500 Nelson, J...... 1 0 0 Collections, &c. : Walker, Brothers . 1 0 0 Newlanda, i f 0 5 6 Watt, Mr. Alex. ..100 Thomson, A 0 4 0 Ladies’ Auxiliary Under 10s...... 0 1 a Tulloch, A. S. .. 1 12 0 for China, by 24 16 0 Mrs. Maitland. .10 0 0 Collected by Collection, Public Smith, Miss 0 14 4 ELGIN. Meeting, Jolm- Rer. J. Macfarlane. street Chapel ... 8 12 2 260 7 7 Collection, Public Blackfriars-street. Less expenses .,341 Meeting...... 1 3 0 Church Contri­ ------257 3 6 Ditto...... 2 0 0 butions ...... 40 0 0 GRANTOWN. Do.,Lossiemouth 0 4 0 Do., for IF % 0 .. 3 13 0 Do., for TFtO 0 .. 0 10 0 Revs. P. andW. Grant. Hope Street Church. For iV P, by Collection 4 0 0 Contribs. & Dona­ Allan, George. . . . 0 6 6 tions ...... 69 0 0 GREENOCK. Anderson, .lane .. 0 7 3 Collection, Annual Rev. E. McLean. Johnston, Wm. . . . 9 11 6 Sermon...... 6 0 0 Kennerly, A. G ... 0 1 1 Do.,Monthly Mis- West Burn Street. McFarlane, A. F ... 0 5 9 sionaryPrayer- Collections 6 7 10 Boxes by mcetings . . . . 1 8 11 Do., for IF 4 O 1 10 0 Anderson, Mrs. .. 0 3 6 Weekly Collection Contribs.. Sabbath Anderson, Jane .. 0 2 3 for Missionary School Cards,for Urquhart, Frank 0 1 3 purposes (by NP ...... 3 11 3 Under 1«...... 0 1 8 vote of alie Subscriptions: Church) ....4 7 2 1 Subscriptions : Dowic, E. T.,Esq., Conran, Major.. . . 5 0 0 North Frederick Street. M. D...... 0 10 0 Craig, Dr...... 1 0 0 Coll. for TFi- O 2 14 7 Foulds, M., Esq., 2 0 0 McDonald, Mr. W 0 10 6 Contributions, by Gardner, Mi-.Alex. 0 10 0 Urquhart, Dr...... 1 0 0 ChurchVotel9 6 8 JohnBtone,. David, Urquhart,Mr. Alex. I 0 0 Do., by Miss Esq...... 2 0 0 Under 10;...... 0 8 9 Bowser,Sun- MacIntyre, J. D., 1« 17 0 school Class 2 1 C Esq...... 1 0 9 154 SCOTLAND. [186

GREENOCK—Continued. KIRKCALDY—Continued. PAISLEY—Continued. Maclean, Eben., Contribs., by Mr. Gibb, A., Esq., for Esq...... 1 0 0 D.Laing, for N P 4 15 2 support of Mr, Macfie, ]{., E sq.., 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Bate, Missionary M‘11 vainr J., Esq. 2 0 0 to India...... 10 0 0 M'llvain, Messrs. 0 10 0 Barnett, Mr. J . . . . 0 10 6 Macalpine, T. W., Mnir, Wm., Esq. 1 10 0 Lockhart, Messrs.. Esq...... 3 0 0 Muir, Richd., Esq. 1 0 0 N., and Sons .. 1 0 0 Macalpine, G. W., Neave, John, Esq. 2 0 0 Under 10i. ..076 Esq...... 0 10 0 Patterson, A., Esq. 2 0 0 14 5 2 Millar, Jas., Esq. .200 Patterson, Alex. LOCHGILPHEAD. Shanks, T., Esq. ..300 and Son...... 0 10 0 White, Mr. G .... 0 10 0 Wright, S., Esq.. 0 10 0 Rev. J. Mackintosh. Collection...... 2 10 0 148 12 10 29 9 1 Subscription: Less expenses ..004 Less expenses ..030 ------148 13 29 6 1 Fraser, Mr. D 1 0 0 HUNTLY. 3 10 0 PERTH. Subscriptions : LARGO. South Street.—Rev. J. C. Brown. Robertson, Jas., Esq. 1 0 0 Rev. W.Kellock. Collection...... 9 0 0 Kobertson, John, Contributions . . . . 5 0 Do. for W&O.. 1 0 0 Esq . . . . 1 0 0 Contribs.Sab.-schl. 0 16 1 2 0 0 MILPORT. Subscriptions: Rev. R. Thompson. INVERNESS. A friend ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Collection...... 2 12 4 Ditto...... 0 10 0 Davison, Mr. Colin 1 0 0 Subscription : Friends...... 2 0 0 Cummings&Camp- Brown, W., Esq., Brown, Rev. J. C. 1 0 0 bell...... 0 10 0 for T ...... 1 0 0 Greig, Wm., Esq. . 1 0 0 Mackay, Mr. Robt. 1 0 0 3 12 4 Greig, J. G., Esq.. 0 10 0 McPherson, Mr,A. 0 10 0 Honey, Jas., Esq. 0 10 O Mac Kenne, D r.. . 0 10 0 MONTROSE. Milne, Rev. John . O 10 0 Stuart,Major . . . . 1 0 0 Collection...... 1 14 6 Miller, Misses . . . . 0 10 0 Tuach, Mrs 0 10 0 Pullar, John, Esq. 10 10 0 Under, 16s...... 3 11 6 Subscriptions : Pullar, Lawrence, 8 11 6 Aberdein, F., Esq. 1 0 0 Esq...... 10 0 0 Barclay, Mr. and IRVINE. Pullar, Robt., Esq.10 0 0 Mrs. R...... 2 0 0 Winter, J.,E sq.... 0 10 0 Collection, Trinity Foote, A., Esq...... 2 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 2 6 Church...... 4 7 0 Johnston, J., Esq. 2 0 0 60 8 Subscriptions : Johnston, W.Doug- 1 0 Barclay, Miss . . . . 0 10 0 las, Esq...... 0 ST. ANDREW’S. Miller, C. H., Esq. Mitchell, W., Esq. 0 10 0 Mr. J. Urquhart. Stewart, Andrew (2 years) ...... 3 0 0 — 12 14 6 M., Esq...... 0 10 0 Collectn. at Public Wallace, W., Esq. 0 10 0 OLD TOWN BY INSCH. Meetings 1 « 2 Yenille, Mr. Jno. Subscriptions: and Mends . . . . 0 10 0 Messrs. G. Adam and Under 10«. . . 1 1 0 0 P. Ferries. Aikman, Andrew, Contribs., for 3 ' P 0 10 0 Esq...... 1 0 0 l or N P, by Gordou, Geo., Esq. 1 0 0 Barclay,Missjanet 0 13 6 PAISLEY. Jervis, J ., E sq .... 1 0 0 McIntyre, Master George St.—Rev. T. W. McBean, iiev. J ... 0 10 0 James ...... 0 3 0 Macalpine. Paterson, J., Esq. 2 0 0 Watson, Miss Mar. 0 13 6 Smith, W., Esq. . . 0 1 0 0 D 17 0 Storie St.—Rev. O. Fielt. Stobie, W., Esq.... 4 0 0 KIRRIEMUIR. Victoria Place, Rev. J. Crouch. Thomson, Mrs. ... 1 0 0 Collection, South Collection, Storie For If P, by Free Church .. 4 0 0 Street, Public Frederick...... 0 8 0 Meeting...... 1 3 4 KILMARNOCK. Gourlay, A nne.... 0 7 6 Do. do...... 8 0 0 Mackenzie, Mel­ Rev. E. J. Stobo. Do. do., Sunday- ville ...... 0 13 4 Collection, Public school ...... 1 13 0 McLeod, Miss . . . . 0 2 0 Meeting ...... 4 13 9,Mr.Flett’s Niven, Eliza 0 12 0 Bible Class .. 2 0 0 Cards for N P, by Niven, David . . . . 0 2 6 Do., Victoria Paterson, Mary ..056 Brace, i. W 0 3 6 Place...... 10 19 2 14 16 Mushet, David ..043 Do. do., Sunday- Boxburgh, John... 0 2 2 school ...... 2 8 6 ROTHESAY. Under 1«...... 0 0 7 Do. do., Mr. Allan ------Ö 4 3 Coates, Class 1 16 G Rev. A. McDougall. KIRKCALDY. Box by Collection 5 8 Rose Street.—Messrs. N. Lockhart Gibb, Miss Maggie 0 3 4 Subscriptions t and J. Renton. Subscriptions: Jackson, J., Esq.. 2 0 White's Causeway.—Ber. J. Coats, Thos. Esq.70 0 0 Scott, Colonel. . . . 0 10 Haig & Jas. Ireland. Ditto for C/analO 0 0 Collection...... 7 1 9 Coats, Peter, Esq.20 0 0 Collected by Do. Public Meet, Flett, Rev. 0...... 1 0 0 Shirrelf) Miss . . . . 0 9 t a g ...... 0 10 3 Gardner, A., Esq.. 0 10 0 8 4 ¡1 8 6 7 .] SCOTLAND—IBELAKD. 155

STIRLING. j TULLYMET—-Continued. WESTRAY. Rev. James Culross, M. A. Donation : Rev. H. Harcus. Collection after Grant, Mrs. D.«»... 1 1 0 Meeting...... 1 14 6 ------5 7 0 Collection 10 3 S Contributions 6 7 0 WICK. I Subscription : Collection...... 2 2 4 Pullar, John, Esq., Sfjctlanir E slts. ¿ridge of Allan.. 5 0 0 ' 13 1 6 ÆrfeittB Is le s . LERWICK. TOBERMORr. BURRAY. Rev. J. Work. 1 Rev. D. McFarlane. Rev. T. St. Clair. : Collecta, for IT4*0. 0 16 0 Collections in Mis­ Collection...... 1 0 3 sionary Box. . . . 1 0 9 THURSO. EDAY. Cards for P, by Rev. Mr. Wallace. Rev. R. Tait. Contributions . . . . 0 15 0 Artkur, Andrina.. 0 12 0 Collection...... 1 12 0 Card ...... 0 2 0 TULLYMET. Russell, Mary . . . . 0 10 0 KIRKWALL. ------2 4 0 Rev. D. Grant. i Collection...... I l l 6 Rev. J. Work. £ ,9 9 4 J O Do., Pub. meetg. 2 14 6 Collection...... 0 18 0


ANTRIM. BELFAST—Continued. DUBLIN. Rev. J. O’Neil. ! Getty, John, Esq. 0 10 0 Abbey St.—Rev. G. Malins. Contributions . . . . 0 12 n Henderson,R.,Esq. 0 10 0 : Henry, Kev. R. M. 0 10 0 Collection, Abbey- ATHLONE. j Lindsay & Bro- Street ...... 2 0 0 ; thers...... 0 10 0 Rev. T. Berry. ! McCorab, W., Esq. 0 10 0 Curds for S P, by Me Clelland. H., Subscriptions and Donations : Berry, Miss 0 7 Esq...... 0 10 0 Allen, Riehd., Esq. 1 0 o McClelland, Mrs.. 0 10 0 Arnott,Messrs.Jno. Greene, .Miss . . . . 0 4 McClure, Thos., Marsh, Mrs 0 15 & Co...... 2 2 0 Esq., J.P...... 1 0 0 Beater, Orlando, Roclifort,Miss.... 0 9 McMunn, R. A., Walsh, Miss . . . . 0 13 Esq...... 8 0 0 Esq., M.D...... 1 0 0 Bewley, Hy., Esq. 5 0 0 2 9 7 Potts, R., Esq.. . . 0 10 0 Bodd, Wm., Esq. 2 0 0 Less expenses. 0 8 0 Waring, R., Esq. 1 0 0 Cherry, W., Esq. 2 0 0 7 Yorston, Alex., Drummond, D., Esq...... 1 0 0 Esq...... 1 0 0 Under lu « .... 0 10 BALLYMENA, 0 Duke, V., Esq., M.D...... 0 10 llcv. R. K. Eccles. 14 11 2 Eason, C., Esq. .. 1 1 Collection...... 1 10 3 Less expenses.. 1 5 11 Fawcett, &. Co., 13 5 3 Messrs...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Ferrier, Pollock, & Aickin, W., Esq. 1 0 0 Co., Messrs . . . . Under 10*...... 0 2 0 CARRICKFERGUS. Foley,George, Esq. 2 12 3 Rev. W. Hamilton. Fry, Wm., Esq. Cards for N P, by (don.) ...... BANBRIDGE. Guinness, B. L., Clifford, Miss M ... 0 12 Rev. S. J. Banks. Esq., M.P...... Weatlierup, Miss Hudson, H., Esq., Collection at Public M ary...... 0 15 M.D...... Meeting...... 1 10 1 7 1 Matheson, R. W., Subscriptions: Esq...... Mooney, W ., Esq. Dunbar, Miss 1 0 COLERAINE. Moses, M., Esq. . 1 0 Under 10«. ... 0 15 Collections 8 6 1 Pim, Wm., Esq. .. 1 0 3 5 0 Purser, J. J., Esq. Boses, by BELFAST. Rowse, Henry B., Carson, Mrs 0 16 7 Esq...... 0 10 Rev. R. M. Henry. Clarke, Mrs 1 6 C Unvick, Rev. Dr. 1 0 Collections fl 1 Gibbons, Mr. H .. 0 10 2 Under 10«. . . . . 0 16

Subscriptions : 10 18 4 Collected by Arnold, J., Esq... 0 10 Less expenses 0 7 7 Burnham, Miss.. 1 1 2 Uorrÿ, J. P. & Co. 0 10 10 10 9 »13 19 'J 156 IRELAND—POBEIGN. [1867

GRANGE CORKER. TUBBERMORE. WATERFORD. Rev. W. S. Eccles. Rev. R. H. Oars on. Rev.W. McKinney. Collection...... 1 9 1 Subscriptions : ' By Miss Carson: Scroder, Mr. C. .. 0 10 6 PORTADOWN. Carson,Rev. R. H. 0 10 0 Wilson, Mr. T .... 1 0 0 Carson, Miss...... 1 Wilson,Mr. J ... . 0 10 Rev. J. Douglas. 0 0 0 Sabbath School.. 0 1C 10 By Miss Elliott : Collection...... 0 17 6 Under 10s...... 2 a 0 Coombe, Mr...... 10 6 Less expenses.. 0 5 o 0 By Miss M. Graham : Elliott, Dr. .. 0 10 0 ------0 12 C Elliott, Mrs. C. .. 0 10 0 Graham, Mr. Jno. 1 0 0 Mackesy, M rs.... 0 10 0 PORTGLENONE. Graham, Mrs. Jas. 1 0 0 Peet, Mr...... 0 10 0 Rer. R. P. McMister. Under 10s...... 0 2 e Pope, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 2 9 4 Wilson, Mr...... 1 0 u Cards, by Under 10*...... 0 17 0 TANDAUAGEE. Conway, J. M .... 0 8 0 For N P, by Kissack, J...... O 8 0 Rev. J. Taylor. Lily of the Valley 0 8 0 McKinney, M. A. 0 7 0 Scroder, Miss A ... 0 1G 0 Collection at Public Martin, M. A...... 0 8 9 8 2 II Meeting ...... 0 12 A Milligan, C...... 0 6 9 Contribs. for N P 1 0 7 Wallace, A...... 1 2 0 £101 10 11 I ------1 13 0 9 It 10


NOETH AMERICA I INDIA—Continued. jâefo Zealand. ! Donations : Cramp, Dr., Acadia NELSON HOPE. College, by Rev. I Australia...... 8 15 0 Dr. Argus, of Evans, Rev. T. Packer, Mr. J., Regent’s Park ! for N P Muttra 7 1C 0 Frampton Cot­ College 1 1 0 ' Smith, W. Esq.10 0 0 tage ...... 1 0

JESSOHE. OTAGO, DUNEDIN. ©anatta. Contribs., byNative Christians...... 1 9 G i Contributions, by MONTREAL. Iicv. C.B.Lewis, ÌIONCHIB. j Calcutta, for A'P 12 0 Wenbam, J. Esq., Church Contribs..66 10 0 by Rev. Dr. ------1G4 12 Davies, of Re­ gent's Park Col­ T asm ania. lege, London .. 5 0 0 AUSTRALASIA. LAUNOESTOK. WOODVIXLS. I Enandale, near Launceston. Cameron, D., Esq., Soutf) Australia. of Woodville, by Stewart,W.N. .Esq., Rev. J. Gilmore, ANGA8TON. Donations for Jamaica .... 2 0 0 of Peterborough, Angas, Geo. Fife, Canada...... 10 0 0 Do., N P India 3 0 0 Esq..Donation for Do., for Africa, African Mission . 50 0 0 China it IndialO 0 0 ------15 0 ASIA. EUROPE. Uittoda. Enina. Stott?crlanir. MELBOBBNK. CALCUTTA. BERNE. Contribs., Lai Ba­ Collins-st.—Rev. J. Taylor. zar Church . . . .57 14 0 Contribs., from In­ Do., Dam Dum dependent Com. Contribs., Ladies’ Church...... ä 14 8 m unity, for Rev. Missionary So­ Do., Christian Ver* J. Wenger's N P, ciety, Collini St., nacular Educa­ KaderBuieh, Cal­ by Mrs. Gibbs, tion Society, for cutta, by M. B. for Rev.J. Smith’s Schools ...... 3 13 $ deWattleville .. 10 17 6 j N P Delhi 24 0 867.] FOREIGN— DIVIDENDS, INTEREST, AND SUNDRIES. 157

JAMAICA— Continued. ■ JAMAICA—Continued. WEST INDIES. Gurney’s Mount & \ Shortwood, byRev. Mount Peto, by i J. Maxwell . . . . 6 0 0 Jamaica. Rev. C. E. Ran­ Thompson Town, dall...... 5 10 0 by Rev. G. MoocUe...... 4 0 0 lap. Miss. Society, by Rev. J. E. ! Hay’s Cross and Henderson, Treasurer. ; Water Lane . . . . 0 8 5 Waldensia & Unity j Lucca & Fletcher's by Rev. J. King- Ips and Ebenezer, i Grove...... 0 17 0 don...... 5 0 0 by Rev. P. j Mount Nebo and O’M eally 4 0 0 ! Moneague, by 51 15 5 irown’s Town and I Rev. J. Gordon 3 0 0 Less short remit­ Bethany ...... 5 0 0 < Mount Lebanon & ted ...... 1 15 5 oultart, Grove, by I Refuge, by Rev. 50 0 0 Rev. J. Steele ..400 i J.EUiott ...... 12 0 0 >ry Harbour and Staceyville & Para­ £ 3 4 8 11 1 Salem, byRev. J. dise, by Rev. li. G. Bennett . . . . 1 0 0 ' Dalling...... I 0 0


DIVIDENDS: £ S. d. £ i. d. SALE OF PUBLICATIONS: £ s. d. £ a. d.

)n account of Ward’s Serampore Amount received for “ Heralds” Fund, in England...... 93 4 for 12 months ending March, Do., do., in America ...... 98 11 1867 ...... 37 3 t )n account of Pearce’s Trust for Serampore...... 33 5 5 ------37 3 2 )n account of Widows and Orphans...... 586 Do. Indian...... 200 PRIVATE ACCOUNTS AND SUNDRIES: ‘ Whitchurch Family School Fund” (4 years)...... 60 Amount received from Calcutta Davies Subscription Fund ” Mission Press ...... 2,487 18 3 (4 years)...... 2 8 Amount received on private — 1,073 9 6 account of missionaries and others ...... 235 1 2 INTEREST ACCOUNT. Amount received from Rev. H. Amount received for Interest on Capcrn, on account of Insurance. 11 0 0 Investments...... 157 6 11 Interest on purchase money of Amounts received in Calcutta for Mission H ou se...... 1,047 4 8 Rent, Re-funds, and private 1,804 11 7 account of Missionaries...... 239 1 7 Amounts received from Life As­ HOUSE ACCOUNT. surance Policies ...... 275 912 Amount received from various So­ Sundries...... 10 9 11 cieties, for use of Mission ------3,259 0 1 House and Housekeeping ex­ penses ...... 55 19 0 £ 5 ,6 3 0 3 4 68 19 0 158 ABSTRACT OF THE CASH ACCOUNT

To receipts on account of- GENERAL PURPOSES. £ a. d £ s. d. Church Contributions 18,817 O 11 Legacies...... 1,637 4 3 Advances by “CalouttaPress” 2,487 18 a 22,942 3 5

SPECIAL STATIONS AND FUNDS. India...... 12 12 5 Indian Stations . 732 16 6 Ceylon .... 1156 7 China .... 71141 Africa .... 28230 Jamaica . 92 10 :i Bahamas .... 36187 Bahamas Distress Fund 239 17 0 Native Preachers 512 18 8 Schools .... 7540 Paris Exhibition 54 15 6 Zenana Mission 57 1 0 2,283 18 1 SERAMPORE COLLEGE. Dividend on “ Ward's Fund ” (American) . 98 11 t Ditto (English) 93 4 4 Ditto “ Pearce’s Trust” . 33 5 5 Contributions . 18 4 0 243 5 4

TRANSLATIONS. Grants from “ Bible Transla­ tion Society" 900 O 0 900 0 0

WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. Dividends on Stock (English) 586 5 6 Ditto (Indian) . 200 O O Contributions 881 0 2 1,667 5 8 PUBLICATIONS. Amount received for “ Missionary Heralds” for 12 months ending March, 1867 . 37 3 2 37 3 2 HOUSE ACCOUNT. Amount received from various Societies for use of House, and Housekeeping ex­ penses . . . 55 19 0 55 19 0

Carried forward . . c £28,129 14 6 FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1867. 1Ö9

fir. By expenditure on account of—

INDIAN MISSION. £ s. d. Salaries and Allowances of Missionaries 8,372 17 8 Salaries and Allowances o f Native Agents . 1,374 9 0 Travelling expenses of Missionaries and") Native Agents, Removal expeases, and j- 632 6 1 expenses of journeys for health . . . J House and Ground Rents .... 1,077 15 1 Building and Repairing Premises . 280 14 8 Repairing Missionary Boats .... 4246 School exp en ses...... 220 12 0 S2RAMPOBE COLLEGE. Salaries and Expenses of College . . . £604 4 3 House Rent . . . 77 8 0 Repayment of Dividends 229 12 7 Ditto of Contribu­ tions, including £121 5s. 9d. specially Contributed for Johnugger Chapel, &c. . 160 17 1,072 2 0 Repayments of Special Contributions . 759 13 1 Comillah Mission Grant . . . . 45 0 0 Theological Class Expenses . . . . 269 6 8 Stamps, Postages, and Discount (India) 10 1 2 Passage to and from Ceylon of Mr. Kerry, and passage to and from Penang of Mr. and Mrs. McKenna, for health- 171 0 0 Passage, Outfit, and Expenses to Calcutta of Mr. and Mrs. Bate, Mr. R. Robinson,

and Mrs. Smith . . _. • • OD 13 11 Payments and Allowances to Missionaries in England on sick leave 1,651 5 2 16,461 11 0 TRANSLATIONS. Translating and Printing the Scriptures 1,150 0 0 17,611 11 0 CEYLON MISSION Salaries of Missionaries 600 0 0 Salaries of Native Agents, Students, School- masters, and School Expenses . 788 13 0 Travelling Expenses, Horse hire and keep . 299 6 4 Rent and T a x e s ...... 84 15 0 Expense of P u n d i t s ...... 27 5 0 Postage, Carriage, and Loss on Exchange of DraftB ...... 29 5 8 Payments and Allowances to Missionary in England on sick leave, and special vote of Committee to Widow of late Missionary . 443 18 3 2,37s 3 3

Carried forward £19,884 14 3 lfìo ABSTRACT OF THE CASH ACCOUNT

Brought forward . . £28,129 14 8 To receipts on account of— INTEREST ACCOUNT. Interest on Investments , 157 6 11 Interest on Purchase-moncy of Mission House . . 1,047 4 8 .------1,204 11 7

PRIVATE ACCOUNTS AND SUNDRIES. Amount received on Mis­ sionaries’ and other pri- vate accounts . 235 1 2 Amount received for Rent, Refunds, and Private Account of Missionaries in Calcutta 239 1 7 Amount received from Rev. H. Capem, on account of Life Assurance 11 0 0 Amounts received from Life Assurance Policies 275 9 2 Sundries .... 10 911

,/ /

Carried forward £30,105 8 1 FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1867. 161

Brought forward £19,884 14 3

CHINA MISSION. Salaries of Missionaries 600 0 0 Salaries of Native Agents . 118 19 0 House Rent and Repairs 176 15 6 Travelling Expenses 73 4 7 Loss on Exchange of Drafts, Discounts &c. 26 8 10

995 7 11 Less Bills drawn on this account, hut paid since the 3lst of March . 286 0 0 709 7 11

WEST AFRICAN MISSION. Salaries of Missionaries .... 80434 Salaries of Native Agents and School Teachers 2170 Ü Expenses of Orphans at Cameroons 400 0 Travelling Expenses, New Boat, Sails, and Oars, &c...... 151153 Expense of Passage to Cape Palmas and back of Mr. Thomson, on account of health 25168 Printing and Binding Scriptures, &c., Type, Paper, and Labour ..... 0750 Payments on account of new Chapel . 21712 0 Building aud Repairs at all the Stations 7610 0 Cost of new Iron House for Mr. Thomson, Freight, Insurance, Landing, and Erecting Foundation for same .... 356410

1,986 7 1 SIEKUA LEONE. Final Payments on account of late Missionary, and to his Widow, including Passage to this c o u n t r y ...... 177 13 10 2,164 0 11

WEST INDIES MISSION. JAMAICA. Special Grants by Committee, iucluding Passage to England of Mr. and Mrs. Hume 145 0 0 Repayment of Special Contributions (See contra') ...... 106 19 4

CALABAR COLLEGE. Salaries of Tutor and Normal School Teacher 400 0 0 Travelling E x p e n s e s ...... 50 0 0 Life Insurance ...... 500 0 Passage to England of Mr. aud Mrs. East and F a m i l y ...... 155 13 2 Repayment of Amount received on private account ...... 72 2 0 727 15 2

Carried forward £23,737 17 7 11 162 ABSTRACT OF THE CASH ACCOUNT

Carried forward . . £30,105 8 1 FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1867. 163

Brought forward . . £23,737 17 7

BAHAMAS. Salaries of Missionaries .... 4250 0 Salaries of Native Agents .... 100 O0 Travelling E xp en ses...... 20 0 0 Pinal Payment on account of late Mr. R y c r o fc ...... 21 4 6 Payments to Missionaries in England on sick leave, including Passage to England of Mr. and Mrs. Littlewood, and Passage to Nassau of Mr. and Mrs. Davey . 245 11 6 811 16 0 BAHAMAS DISTRESS FTJND. Payments on account of this Fund (See contra) 177 17 5

TRIKIDAD. Salaries of Missionaries .... 3800 0 Salaries of Native Agents .... 510 0 Travelling Expenses and Cost of New Horse. 85 15 0 Repairs at Port of Spain, &c. 27 3 6 Payments to Missionary in England on sick l e a v e ...... 88 13 4

HAYTL. Salaries of Missionaries .... 5000 0 Salaries of Native Agents .... 4358 Travelling Expenses, Horse-hire and keep . 119 3 3 Rent and T a x e s ...... 80 19 6 Special Repairs, and Expenses of Chapel and Mission House .... 360158 Expenses of Medical Attendance, Medicine, Postage, Carriages, and Sundries 42 15 0

BRITTANY MISSION. Salaries of Missionaries .... 300 0 0 Salaries of Native Agents and Teachers . 92 0 0 Travelling Expenses, Rates and Taxes . 47 8 2 Balance of Expenses of French Chapel . 21 17 4 Station E x p e n s e s ...... 29 7 4 490 12 10

WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. Annuities and Grants to Widows and O rph ans...... 741 7 6 Ditto ditto in India . . . 176 0 0 Life Assurance Premiums .... 448 7 8 Ditto ditto in India . . . 169 3 6 1,534 18 3

ANNUITIES AND INTEREST. Interest on Annuity Capital . . . 237 16 9 Interest on Temporary Loans . . . 188 3 9 426 0 C

Carried forward £28,958 13 0 II* ABSTRACT OF THE CASH ACCOUNT

Brought forward . . ¿£30,105 8 1

Carried Jonvard £30,105 8 1 FOE THE YEAE ENDING MARCH 31, 1867. 165

Brought forward . . £28,953 13 6 DEPUTATION EXPENSES. Expenses of Annual Sunday Sermons in Metropolitan Churches . . . . 128 15 3 Deputation Expenses of Missionaries, and other Ministers, Secretaries, and Agents, in the . . 541 16 9 670 12 0

COMMITTEE EXPENSES. Expenses of Members of Committee attending Quarterly Committee Meetings, &c. . . 247 2 247 2 3

ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING AND SERMONS. Hire of Exeter Hall, Advertisements, Print­ ing and Posting Bills, &c. . . . 70 3 0 70 3 0 AGENCY. Secretaries, Accountant, Clerks, and Mes­ senger ...... 1,243 3 2 Welsh, and Special Agency, ani Collector's Commission ...... 75 9 0 1,318 12 2 HOUSE ACCOUNT. House Rent, Hates, Taxes, Insurance, Gas, Water and Coals ..... 136 7 0 Housekeeper, and Housekeeping Expenses . 103 5 2 Balance of Cost of Alterations, Repairs, and Fittings at John Street .... 85 9 7 325 1 9

COLLECTING BOXES, BOOKS, AND CARDS. 14.750 Cards and Circulars .... 16 1C 9 2.750 Boxes and 20,000 Covers . . . 101 6 0 118 1 9

PUBLICATIONS. 6.000 “ Reports ” (202 pp.) and 250 “ Balance Sheets” ...... 193 15 2 4.000 “ Report Wrappers ” .... 440 6.000 “ Welsh Reports,” Postage and Car­ riage ...... 9412 10 06,800 “ Quarterly Heralds ’ ’ . . . 75 13 3 ‘ ‘Juvenile Missionary Herald,” Subsidy(l year) 25 0 0 “ Missionary Herald ” (1 Year) . . . 118 18 1 512 6 4 Advertisements, Circulars, Special Appeals, Statements, Books and Papers for Mission Library, Books and Magazines supplied to the various Mission Stations . . . 100 12 2 100 la 2

Carried forward . . £32,321 4 11 166 ABSTRACTOF THE CASH ACCOUNT

Brought forward . . £30,105 8 1

30,105 8 1 Balance due to Treasurer 5,096 13 5 Deficiency last Year , £2,408 8 Ditto this Year 2,688 4 105} £35,202 1 6

W e, tba undersigned, have examined the foregoing Accounts with the vouchers of Receipts and Payments, and find them correct, and a balance due to the Treasurer of £5,096 18s. fid.

(Signed) W . E. Be a l , J o h n E a s t x t , ■ Auditors. G e o . B. W o olle y J. H obson, FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 186*7. 16Y

Brought forward . . £32,321 4 11

STATIONERY. Office Books, Letter Paper, Pens, Ink, and General Stationery...... 17 0 0 ■ - 17 0 0 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Extracts of W ills...... 6 11 8 Repayment to other Societies of amounts re* ceived in e r r o r ...... 16 2 0 Board, &c., of accepted Candidates for Mis­ sion S e r v ic e ...... 35 0 0 Medical F e e s ...... 4 40 Telegram to India and Sundries . . 10 3 0 ------72 0 0 CARRIAGE, FREIGHT, AND POSTAGES. Carriage and Freight of Parcels, Cases of Clothing, “ Reports,” &c. . . . 42 12 8 Postages in and out of Letters, Papers, and “ Reports,” Special Appeals, Circulars, “ Heralds,” “ Quarterly Heralds," and “ Brief Notes,” &c...... 114 2 7 ------156 15 3 SPECIAL GRANTS BY COMMITTEE, &c. NORWAY. Grant of Committee to Mr.Hiibert, of Norway 50 0 0

POONA. Grant of Committee to Mr. A. O. Gillott . 50 0 0

ALLAHABAD. Grant of Committee to Allahabad Church . 85 0 0

PARIS EXHIBITION, MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT ( See COtltrà). Grant of Committee, and Expenses of Mis­ sionary Books for Exhibition . . . 41 12 9 ------226 12 9

£32,793 12 11 Balance due to Treasurer from last Year’s Account . 2,408 8 7 £35,202 1 6

D a t e d B a p t is t M ission H ouse, 2nd May, 1867. ICS ABSTRACT OF THE CASI-I ACCOUNT



£ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance in band from last Year . 1,610 9 10

„ Contributions to 31st of March, 18G7 . 288 3 11

„ Ditto Special, for Native Agents 100 0 0

„ Special Contributions for “ Gordon Chapel,” Morant Bay 318 16 0

706 19 11

£ 2,317 9 9

To Balance in hand, brought down . . £442 2 8 FOE THE YEAE ENDING MARCH 31, 1867. 169


31*#, 1867.

£ s. d. £ s. d. By Expenditure to date in Relief of Dis­ tress, & c ...... 1,875 7 1 „ Balance in hand, viz.:— Account on“ Gordon Chapel" 318 16 0 («See contra.') „ Native Agents . 100 0 0 ( See contra.) „ General Fund . 23 6 8 442 2 8 ------2,317 9 9

*2,317 9 9

Examined with the Vouchers of Receipts and Payments, and found correct.


W. E. B e a l, J o h n E a s t t y , ( - ... G e o . B. W o o l le y , > Audtiars- J. H obson ,

D a t e d B a p t is t M issio n H o u se, :2nd May, 1867. 170 SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS. [1867. 1863-4. 1864-1 1865-6 1866-7. Subscriptions 202 2 0 168 n 177 10 ’ e 186 0 0 Donations received at Mission House 3300 0 0 2749 7 7 3310 5 4 2130 2 6 Legacies 1886 2 4 535 13 11 566 5 0 1637 4 3 Annual Services . 120 14 2 147 9 11 164 0 6 128 16 2 London & vicinity 4382 13 2 3153 13 7 3229 10 6 3193 17 11 Bedfordshire 228 6 7 258 12 8 182 11 4 164 8 11 Berkshire . 437 14 Ö 391 0 10 352 16 10 403 10 9 B uckinghamshirc 207 10 7 165 6 2 209 3 0 266 17 2 Cambridgeshire . 520 11 8 356 9 3 439 14 0 388 13 7 Cheshire 36 7 6 24 4 0 3G 3 7 32 10 0 Cornwall 147 4 5 174 17 3 219 13 10 151 8 9 Cumberland 22 3 2 17 17 2 17 3 2 17 8 3 Derbyshire . 5 17 s 6 14 11 9 8 5 6 11 0 Devonshire . 659 0 10 698 18 0 670 7 11 674 9 3 Dorsetshire 104 15 1 93 0 4 124 4 3 86 16 0 Durham 147 15 3 120 13 10 125 8 9 155 4 5 Essex 315 17 11 245 ID 11 325 0 6 246 3 1 Gloucestershire . 518 11 2 422 2 7 422 6 6 495 17 11 Hampshire 349 9 6 340 4 9 322 13 10 340 19 2 Herefordshire 88 2 1 51 18 6 73 10 8 96 1 9 Hertfordshire 415 3 10 323 1 4 379 11 2 363 0 6 Huntingdonshire 226 12 11 145 17 0 166 6 10 144 6 8 Kent 641 17 9 532 5 2 657 11 10 080 8 7 Lancashire 3077 6 6 1644 0 5 1857 17 6 1891 5 5 Leicestershire 410 16 5 435 14 11 430 6 7 461 7 11 Lincolnshire 66 8 2 60 10 10 60 5 1 71 16 4 Norfolk 883 0 7 455 17 10 471 4 4 455 14 11 N orthamptonshire 587 10 11 459 1 6 474 15 6 558 11 7 Northumberland. 143 1 2 123 3 4 163 19 7 146 6 0 Nottinghamshire 293 12 3 226 0 6 162 19 2 225 3 3 Oxfordshire 134 1 5 136 6 6 114 0 3 126 16 5 Rutlandshire 11 14 5 2 0 0 8 14 5 8 11 6 Shropshire 71 14 10 63 18 1 45 9 7 40 12 6 Somersetshire 1319 13 10 1169 16 6 1347 9 11 1326 8 11 Staffordshire 201 10 11 107 19 7 124 16 4 136 7 2 Suffolk 344 8 3 233 8 0 231 3 3 196 3 4 Surrey 115 19 o 103 11 4 147 13 9 117 3 0 Sussex 126 3 7 144 13 10 148 3 1 163 11 1 Warwickshire 711 18 1 845 6 4 725 6 7 733 12 3 Westmoreland 24 5 6 9 10 0 17 5 5 20 9 2 Wiltshire 394 4 9 337 18 8 328 7 8 376 1 4 Worcestershire . 253 17 6 195 15 7 237 18 4 204 7 7 Yorkshire 1776 16 7 1410 0 5 1527 19 4 1560 10 7 W ales— North Wales 416 13 7 352 0 1 355 16 8 317 8 10 South Wales. 2158 12 8 1900 0 2 1962 1 2 1901 16 2 Scotland 982 12 4 862 18 5 850 7 10 994 1 0 Ireland 108 0 7 25 8 9 180 14 7 101 10 10 Foreign 596 2 0 367 8 10 355 16 1 348 11 1 Dividends, Interest, ' House Accounts,Sales, 5630 3 Press Advances, and - 4244 11 7 5948 15 1 3204 12 3 4 Sundries i 34,419 11 2 28,744 16 2 27,716 12 6 30,105 8 1 Total Receipts (see Balance Sheet, p. 166) ...... „....£30,105 8 1 IIP7']% 1 LEGACIES. 1/1

LEGACIES. N.B. THE SUM STATED IS THAT ACTUALLY RECEIVED BY THE SOCIETY. 1795. 1818. Clift, Mrs. W., Westbury ler, Mr..Northampton . 400 0 0 Gleanes, Mr. J., Stockport.. 266 9 0 Leigh...... 5 0 I) Hall, Mrs., Arnsby...... 40 0 0 Column, Mr. J. M., Norwich 1C1 4 6 1803. Law, Mr., Birmingham . . . . 20 0 0 Cooper, Mrs. A. M., Dublin. 18 ' 5 5 3, M., Esq., Woodford .. 47 0 0 Lind, Mr. J., Dewsbury. . . . 10 0 0 Creighton, Mr. W., Kilwin­ der, Mr., Northampton Morgan, Key. B.,Bridgwater 10 0 0 ning ...... 50 0 0 alance) ...... 88 14 3 Urry, Mr. J., London 10 0 0 Cunningham, Mrs., Kilmar­ nock ...... 43 15 11 1805. 1819. Harris, Mr. R., Trowbridge. 180 0 0 ridge, Mr., London.. . . 94 0 0 Hill, Hiss Rupertia, London 100 0 0 Harris, Mr. J. M., d o ...... 180 0 0 Maddocks, Mrs.,Nantwich.. 180 0 0 Hayes. Mrs., London ...... 58 14 O 1806. Phillips, Eev. W., Leicester­ Moore. Mr. R., Alcombe.... 45 0 6 ;las, Miss C., Bristol .. 35 7 5 shire ...... SO 0 0 Palmer, Rev. J., Shrewsbury 9 9 6 ;las, Miss S., d o ...... 73 11 0 Walmsley, W., Esq.,London 180 0 0 Smith, Rev. W., do...... 101 11 0 Williams, Mrs.,Hitchin . . . . 45 0 0 1808. 1820. Arnold, Rev. T., Reading ... 25 0 0 ow, Dr., Bristol ...... 100 0 0 1820. rtson, W.,Esq.,Maybole 44 18 0 Follett, Rev. T., Tiverton .. 15 0 O Anonymous, London ...... 100 0 0 Poole, Mr., Bristol ...... 45 0 0 l, Mr. C., Rochdale. . . . 45 0 0 Manns, Mrs., do...... 5 0 0 1809. White, Miss, do...... 10 0 0 1827, an, Mrs., Bassingboum 89 13 4 Williams, Mrs., Bristol 16 0 0 Bonville, Thos., Esq., Bristol 45 0 O ord, Miss M., Blaize Broadley, S., Esq., Bradford 900 0 O stle...... 260 0 0 1821. Coade, Mrs. E., Camberwell 261 12 0 , Mi'S., Edinburgh----- 21 0 0 Auld, Mr. J., Dairy...... 5 0 0 Giles, Wm., Esq., Walworth 45 0 0 t, Mrs., M atlock...... 269 10 0 Dawson, Mrs. V., Dublin .. 13 17 5 Howlett, Rev. Mr., Long Fletcher, Miss, Bessel’s Crendon...... 142 0 O 1810. Green...... 5 0 0 Mottershaw, T.,Esq.,Stafford 89 0 0 idler, Mr. B., London .. 45 0 0 Palmer, Miss Ann, Hackney 203 5 0 s, Rev., W., Kettering.. 10 0 0 Rogers, Mr. W., Braby ...... 45 0 0 1828. snwood, Mrs. Ann, York 200 0 0 Smith, J. J., Esq., Watford 90 0 0 Browning, Mrs., Wallop...... 27 0 0 lger, Mrs., Watlington.. 450 0 0 Young, Mis.,Edinburgh 25 0 0 Bull, Rev. S., Bassingboum 10 O 0 Cook, Mrs. Ann, Hull...... 44 13 0 1811. 1822. Cox, Mr. H., Waddesdon ... 45 0 0 ly, Mrs.,Bristol...... 90 0 0 Davis, Mrs. Lucy, London.. 5 9 Fletcher, H., Esq., Shadwell 317 4 7 »pie, Mr., D ow n ...... 47 4 0 Elston, Mr. John, do 210 0 Gregory, Mr. R., Edmonton 30 7 6 kin son, J., Esq., London 90 0 0 Morrison, Mr. J., St. Ninians 5 0 Lister, D., Esq., Hackney ... 100 0 0 b, Mrs., Clapton...... 45 0 0 Puplatt,Mr.M., Ramsgate.. 40 0 North, Rev. G, R., Ware ... 37 O O Roper, F., Esq., Heme Hill.. 225 O Ostler,Mrs. M.,NorthShields 19 19 0 1812. Salter, WMEsq., Norwood.. 270 0 Pauli, Miss Jane, Braunton... 90 0 0 Ion, Mrs., Liverpool .. 90 0 0 Sawkins,Mrs. M.,London.. 10 0 Sadler, Mrs. F., Wallingford 100 0 0 orW.,Esq.,London ... 90 0 0 Thornton, Mrs. M., H ull.... 71 13 Tomkins, Mrs. R., London.. 233 9 6 Wilson, M., Esq.,Kettering... 100 0 0 1813. Tomkins, Mrs. R., London.. 624 9 ;las, Mrs. S. J., Bristol. 31 7 0 1829. , Mrs., do...... 19 19 0 1823. Aspinall, W., Esq., Liverpool 90 0 ten, J., Esq., Stanbuiy.. 90 0 0 Bryson, Rev. Thos., London 20 0 Gaviller. G., Esq., Clapton... 45 0 Cattel, Mrs. Elspet, Elgin ... 5 0 1814. Green, Mrs. Sarah, Bath 20 19 Cockbum, Mr. T.,Edinburgh 206 8 Page, Mrs. E., Bristol 19 19 itleroy, T., Esq., London 100 0 0 Erskine, Miss H., do 92 6 ter, Mrs. A., Sunderland 45 0 0 Price,Mrs. S.,Hammersmith 88 10 Etheridge,Mr., Hackney 101 14 Price, Mrs., Newark ...... 20 0 , Miss Mary, Thame. . . . 10 0 0 Mann, Mr. Thomas, London 71 6 1815. Oldham, James O., Esq., do. 40.1 5 1330. a, Mr., London...... 27 0 0 Trigg, John, Esq., Melbourne Amphlett, Mrs. A., Evesham 10 0 0 ie, Rev. J., Trologod .. 90 0 0 Bury ...... 90 0 Fell, Mrs. Jane, London 20 O 0 Mr E., London...... 100 0 0 Woolston, Mr. J., Hanbury 37 1G Page, J., Esq., Kennmgton 90 0 0 ird, J., Esq.,Hull...... 20 0 0 Perkins, Mr. W., Little Clay- is, Mrs. B., Kettering.. 355 0 0 1824. brook...... 24 0 0 1816. Bult, Mr. .John, London.. . . 90 0 Rees,Rev.D.,Froghole.... S00- 0 0 Sharp, Mrs. Jane, Maryport 8 17 Shenston, Mrs. S.,Attcrbury 45 7 0 0, M rs., F r o m e ...... 20 0 0 Sutcliffe, Mr. D., Hebden Thackcrey, M., Esq., Leeds. 45 0 0 and, Miss, Bugbrook 30 0 0 Bridge ...... 257 17 Tomkins, Mr., Redburn 1, Mr. J., Liverpool.. 19 19 0 Wallis, Mr. J., Kettering S5 0 Clapton...... 48 0 0 i, Mr. E „ Norwich .. 10 0 0 Wilson, Mrs. E., Denmark 41 10 0 1825. HiD...... 50 0 0 Bennett, Mr. William, Bir­ 1817. mingham ...... SO 0 0 1831. 41 0 0 Berridge, Mr. T., Northamp­ Christian, Mr. W., Conntes- fr, Rev. A., Kettering. 27 0 0 ton ...... 643 5 5 thorpe...... 17 10 0 n, Miss Lydia, Bath . 20 0 0 CalwelL, Mrs., Bath...... 1000 0 0 Crawford, C., Esq.,Richmond 280 10 0 i»p,Mr. „London... 45 0 0 Child,Miss,London...... 46 0 0 Deakin, Mr. J., Birmingham 720 0 0 17*2 LEGACIES. !> Karsh, Mr. Thos., Salisbury 45 0 0 183fi. Green, Eev. S., Cambridge.. 5 ■ M‘Donnell, Mrs., Lymingto’n 90 0 0 Brewer, Miss, Bradford 360 0 0 Hunter, Mr. J., (balancej .. 10 < Middleton, Miss Sarali, Is­ Chapman, Miss E., Cliideock 832 2 0 Jenkins, Mr. S., Nailsworth 45 (' lington ...... 10 0 0 Deakin, John, Esq., Bir­ Lampsou, Mrs. Ann, North­ Pickering, lira., Bristol 4i 0 0 mingham ...... 200 0 0 ampton ...... 360 (j Stuart, Mrs. and Miss 31., Fordhum. Mr. John, Euston Richardson, Mr. Isaac, New- Parlane, Edinburgh 3f>9 12 0 Square ...... 10 0 0 castle-on-Tyne...... 45 Westley, Mr. Robt., London jü 0 4 .Tones, Key. Thos., Coventry 1!! 19 0 Symmers,G.,’ Esq., Aberdeen 10 1(- Lake, Mr. J;is.. Broadmayne 132 0 0 Wright, Miss H., Harlow .. 10 1« Robinson, S., Esq., London 50 0 0 1832. 1842. 1 Wdsford, Mr. Giles, Exeter .'>7 19 3 Buck, Mr., London...... 22 1(> Abberlej-, Mrs. L., Stepney 40 0 0 Williams, Mrs. S.,Adderburv -15 0 0 Betterton, Miss, Chipping Collingwood, S.,Esq.,Oxford 90 « Davies, Mrs., Eastbourne .. 67 1( Norton ...... 120 4 4 1837. Corp, Mrs. Eliz., Croekorton 15 o 0 Masters, Mrs, Stoke Newing­ Adam,Rev. Thos.,Curnbraes ton ...... 160 •; Deakin, Mr. J., Birmingham 300 0 0 X. B...... 11 13 4 Johnson, Mr. J.,Norwich... 5 0 0 Methuen, Mis3, Newcastle- Bwyc, Miss S., Tottenham.. 19 0 0 on-Tyne...... 3 ( King, Mr. T.,Birmingham... 45 0 0 Burnley, Mr. John, Batley, Marshall, Mr. John, London 22 10 0 nearDewsbury...... 19 19 0 Swinburne,Mrs.,Cheltenham 500 < Robinson, Miss D., Eridekirk 133 11 0 Carroll, Mrs. A., Southwark 19 19 0 1813. Bussell, Miss S. G., Kenning- Coleman, Miss Man', Dublin 500 0 0 Brown, Mr. James, Glasgow 24 1 ton ...... 89 13 0 Dixon, Mrs., Boldrc...... 1241 4 0 Duddcn, Mr. J...... 39 1 Folliott, Mr. John, Xorwieh 108 0 0 Hickson, Mrs. S., Lincoln.. 100 Janies, Mrs. A. M...... 100 1833. Robinson, Mrs., 'Welling­ borough ...... SO 0 0 Matthew, Mr. William 180 Beldam, Mr. John, Iioyston 18 0 0 Payne, Mr. Samuel, Derbv.. 100 Bourn, Mrs., Bromsgrove . 2 0 0 Taylor, Mr*., Greenock . . . . 4 13 1 Butcher, Mr. I?., Fromc 10 0 0 Willison, Hon. Mrs., Perth, Do...... '.T. 100 Collingbourne, Mrs. S., Mclk- K. B...... 34 6 2 Stuart, Rev. J., Saw bridge- worth ...... 45 sham ...... 10 o n 163S. Deakin, Mr. J., Birmingham 1000 0 0 Walker, Thomas, Esq 500 Buswell.W. Esq..Abingdon 117 8 11 Williams, Mrs., (on account) 750 Goodacre, Mrs. Lucy, But- Burls, V,’., Esq. Edmonton.. 90 0 0 terworth...... 90 0 0 Cook, Miss. Wolverhampton 540 0 0 1844. Hill, Mr. John, Westminster 100 0 0 Pickers, Mr. J., Loudon .. 19 0 0 Baron, Mr. G. Bridlington... 100 Mowbray, Mr V,'., Hit chin... 44 13 0 Pix, Mrs., Stepney ...... 100 0 0 Cozens, W., Esq., by Mrs. Parker, Mr. E., Chipping Rusher, .las., Esq., Reading 45 0 0 Mary C ooke...... 50 Norton ...... 17 18 0 Scott, Robert. Esq. Pcnslord 21)5 3 1 Deacon, Sir. W., Northamp- , Smith, Mrs. M., Camberwell 10 0 0 Stephenson, Mr. J., Great ton ...... 19 IS Townsend, W., Esq., London 200 0 0 l’reston, Yorkshire 45 0 0 Dyson, Mr. James ...... 91 fi Wilson, Mr. W., Olney 10 0 0 Wakchum, Mr. S. Yeulmpton 17 15 0 Dorc, Mrs., by W. Beddome, Esq...... 102 1834. 1839. Goode, Mr. John, Hertford 6 Aikin, Mrs, E. Ann, New­ Dunn,Mrs. E.,Sowerby..j. 50 0 0 Ferguson, Mrs. Marj-, Perth 18 ington...... 45 0 0 Ilastie, Mr. G., Midcalder .. 56 1 8 Hogg, Rev. Reynold ...... 90 Bowtell, Mr. T., Hulsted SO 2 0 Jackson, S., Esq., Dorking 45 0 0 lung, Mr. J., Birmingham, Eymaun, Mr. C., Rhenish Jacques, Mrs. E., Bristol .. 10 0 0 residue ...... 14 Bavaria ...... C 10 11 Jennings, Mrs., Camberwell 42 2 4 Mackav, J., Esq., Roclcfleld 10 Harris, Mr. D., Bethany 90 0 0 Leonard, Isaac, Esq., Bristol 45 0 G Moms’, G.t Esq., by W. E. Hill, Miss Sarah, Uffcuim ... 45 0 0 Miller, Mr. Gallowton __ 50 12 0 Snow, Esq...... 900 Hughes, Eev. J., Battersea 10 (i 0 Morten, Mr. W., jun. Amcr- Oddy, Rev. M...... 230 King, Mr. T., Birmingham 49 12 11 sham ...... 15 0 0 Owen D. Esq., Pwllheli .. 10 Kinghnrn, Rev. J., Norwich 90 0 0 Patient, Mr. W., Shute . . . 19 19 0 Pettigrew, Miss ...... 50 More, Mrs. Martha,Clifton... 45 0 0 Penny, Mrs., Lonon ...... 450 0 0 Sutchell, W. Esq.,Kettering, More, Mrs. Hannah, do ...... 77 12 1 Phillips, Mrs. E., Uanrithan 94 1 0 by John Hawthorne and Munsey, Mrs. Mary, West­ Salter, MLss, 'Watford ISO 0 0 Wm. Toller ...... 5 minster ...... 5 0 0 Spasshat. Mr.. Penzance ft 0 0 Simpson, Mrs., one-eighth Eichardson, Mrs. ÌHry, Tritton, H., Esq., Battersea 90 0 0 residue, by W. Collins, Copdock...... 90 0 0 Turquand, Rev. J...... 18 0 0 Esq...... 36 Shoveller,Bev.J.,Jamaica... 220 8 0 Wedd, Mrs., Watford 20 0 0 Warwick, Mrs. S. Eoade .. 60 0 Smith,M.,Esq.,Northampton 45 0 0 Williams, Mrs., S., by Peter SparkeSjjSir. W., Uffcuim ... 26 12 0 1840. Ellis, Esq. (on account) .. 200 ( Waters, W.E.,Esq., Hackney 370 0 0 Burnes, Miss T., St. Ives 231 0 0 1845. West, Mr.C., Great Portland- Beaver, Mr. J., Huntingdsn 19 2 7 Bailey, J.,Esq.,byS. Bailey 50 0 street...... io o o Broad, Mrs. Janies...... 2 0 0 Brooks, Kev. G., Bewdley Brown,"Mr., Glasgow 45 0 0 by J. Brooks...... 10 ( 1835. Lawrcncc, II., Esq., Reading 10 10 0 Clark, Mrs...... 5 Baker, Mr. W., Hampstead Linnett, Mr. Jos., Halstead 45 0 0 Dixon, Mr. George, Ford Liun, Mrs. Eliz., Bolton.... 90 0 0 Hoad ...... 200 0 0 Mills, nearBerwick 272 4 Clark, Eev. E., Worstead ... 10 10 0 Mason, Miss M., Southwark 4 7 0 Dearie, John, Esq., by J> Cock, H., Esq., Colchester...5784 13 6 Nieklin, Mrs. E., Burwell.. 47 5 2 Padgett...... 10 C Drinkall, Mr. John, Rusland 33 0 0 S. B., by the Executors . . . . 60 0 0 Duncan, Miss Janet, Edin­ Greaves, Mrs. Elizabeth, Watkins, Kev. J,, Beading., 60 0 0 burgh ...... 19 IS Nottingham ...... 100 0 0 Gutteridge, Jos., Esq., by Hodges, Mrs. Elizabeth, Long 1841. W. W. Nash Esq., and Ashton ...... 11 1» 0 Alsop, Sarah, Wcstmancote 5 0 0 Mrs. Nash (duty free) .. 200 0 King, Mr. T., Birmingham 13 9 6 Barnes, Miss(balance) 8 15 0 Field, J., Esq., Wallingford 18 18 Sampson, Mi6s A. G., Ken­ Buttenvorth, Mrs., Coventry 10 10 0 Harnsor.,J.R.,Esq.,Highbary 90 0 sington ...... 45 0 0 Cheselden, Mrs. A. L 22 16 2 Haws, Miss, Watibrd 5 0 flhenston, Eev. W., London 19 19 0 Crawford, Mr. C., (balance) 33 2 0 Lepard, B., Esq., by Thomas Skinner, Mrs. S., Sevenoaks 19 19 0 Dermer, Miss, Tottenham.. 100 0 0 Harwood,Esq.,Birmingham 90 0 Wears,Mrs. A., Long Ashton 45 0 0 Frazer, Miss E., Fanellan, Methuen, Miss. Newcastle^ William*, Mr. J „ Bedaiteh 60« 0 0 New Brunswick ...... 15 0 o on-Tyne...... 3 s 567.] LEGACIES

.'limond, Mrs. M., Hull,by Davis, Miss Ann, I'ir.ton, Scotcnmcre, 3Ir. George, i. Richmond, Esq 30 0 0 by Mr. Thomas Davis . . . . 19 ¿S> Bury St. Edm unds...... ft 0 0 ,'oot, Mr. R., Margate, by Fenton,Mr. S.. Cockfield, by 0 Stephens, Mr., Ramsgate .. 45 0 0 iebecca Rybot...... 45 0 0 Rev. W. J. Hasted...... 18 0 0 Trotman, Rev. D., Frome, Lrwick, Mr. S.,Roade .. 29 15 0 Hunter, W., Esq., Dundee.. 2 J 0 0 by E. Trotman, Esq...... 90 0 0 lliams, Mrs. (balance) .. 50 0 0 Kirby, Mrs. Ann, Clifton, by [ison, Mr. L., Sevcnoaks, D. Derry, Esq...... 45 0 0 1852. |>y J. Palmer...... 50 0 0 Kidd, Mrs. Jane, Hull, part £ Campion, Mr. J., Abington of residue,by T.Sykes,Esq. 70 0 5 Lodge, Northamptonshire 19 19 0 I 1846. Le Maire, Mr. Spital-sq., Currie, Mrs., Janet...... 2 5 0 ristmas,E.,Esq., Dereham 10 0 0 by Mr. J. R. Le Maire .. 10 0 0 Carey, Sirs., Weston-super- 2land,31rs.,Stewarton.... 46 7 3 Llewellyn, Mrs., estate, five Mare, by R. Leonard, Esq. 19 19 0 pstable, Mr. Geo., South­ years ...... 17 19 7 Dinwiddie, 31rs. Mary . . . . 55 9 10 ampton, by Mr. T. Fox .. 52 10 0 Mitchell, Mrs. Ann, North Duncan, 3Ir. Thos., Glasgow 10 10 0 one, Mr. Bixley, in part.. 37 5 4 Brixton. by Mr.H.Woodall 90 0 0 Hearn, Mr. D., High Wy­ [wards,Rev.J.,Carmarthen 10 0 0 M’Pherson, Mr., Perth, by combe, by G. Rawlinson, rth, Mrs. E., Slillbridge, his Trustees ...... 50 0 0 66 13 f)y E. Firth ...... 19 19 0 Madgwick, Rev. W. Betlmal Hickson, Miss, Lincoln . . . . 10U 0 ¡wman, Rev. Dr., by Rc-v. Green, by Rev. J. W. Jamieson, J., Esq., Glasgow 89 18 S. Pritchard, and Mr. Morren ...... 10 0 0 Priestley, Mrs., Buckingham 245 18 [Jargeant Smith ...... 900 0 0 Murton, Mrs, M. Hawkedon Perrin, Miss L., Kingswood 5 0 lmer, Mrs., Wallingford, by Mr. J. Rowley and Mr. Underdown, 3Ii\, Uckfield 19 19 by Mr. Wells...... 10 0 0 Thomas Webb ...... 69 11 6 Veary, Mr., High Wycombe 178 8 'arson, Joseph, Bath, by Poole, Mrs. Isabella, Isling­ Mr. Samuel Barrowcliffe.. 19 19 0 ton, by Mr .W.M. Nicholson 112 0 0 1S33. Reynolds, Mrs., Isleham, by Brünier, Miss, Eagle-strect, ■ 1847. Mr. J. Brown..,...... 9 16 n part of residue, by Mr. mes, Rev. W ., Chudleigh, W. Bailey ...... 444 7 py Rev. John Ellen 447 18 0 Burdett. Mr. R., Jfasebv.. 10 0 Cooke, Mrs. H., Cambridge, lllender, M., Esq.,(less ok- 1850. Denses) ...... 410 16 0 by W. L. Brooke, E sq.. 99 9 Adams, W.,Esq., Cambridge Do. for Africa...... yy 9 is, P., Esq...... 19 19 0 (on account) by A. Briiu- !is, T., Esq., Sandhurst, by Dyer, 31rs. 31., Sydenham ley, Esq ."...... 150 0 0 by S. Jackson, E s q 90 0 3. Gale, Esq...... 270 0 0 Ainsworth, Miss Ann, Roch­ svlock, Mrs., by A. Max­ EUis, Sirs., Sandhurst ...... 101 12 dale, by H. Kelsall, Esq. 90 0 0 Liunett, 3Irs. II., Halstead, well, Esq...... 19 19 0 Beilis, Miss E., Wellington, light, Mrs. E., Ramsgate, by 3Ir. Bentall...... 180 0 o Salop, by Rev. W. ICeay.. 10 0 0 Prothcroe, 3Ir. C., Bristol... 91 4 o by Samuel Ridley, Esq... 19 19 0 Brackenbury, SIrs.,Raithby imax, J., (the representa­ Hall, by H. Holland, Esq. 93 15 8 1854. tives of) by Rev. T. Morgan 20 0 0 Berry, Mr. Denham, Isling­ Brown, Miss I. Skipton 19 19 0 tcliell.W.W., Esq., Teign- ton, by Mr. Kemp Berry. 100 0 0 Donnelly, 3Ir. James, W ood- mouth...... 2368 16 10 Cliarriott, Mr. Jos., Windsor, borough...... 18 0 0 >nnan, Mrs., Isleham, by by Mr. II. lXirvill ...... 4 Harvey, Miss J.,WaVworth- C. Finch, Esq...... 321 0 0 132 17 Courtney, Mrs., Walworth 166 3 K conunon (moiety.) ...... 24 10 10 iwton, S., Esq., Tilston Crow, Mrs., Gloucester-ter- Kettle, R., Esq., Glasgow ... 639 4 3 pernal, by J. J.Roberts.. 76 16 0 race, by 3Ir. G. Smith. . . . SO 0 Knighton, 31r. Geo. Wallis, teves, Mrs., Andover, in 0 Clark, Rev. D., Dronfield .. l ‘J 19 0 Student at Stepney Col­ accordance with the wish Cornthwaite, Mr. J., Stain- lege, by Mr. T. Knighton, t>f her late husband, by ton, by Mr. E. Cockshutt. Messrs. Parker, and B. R. 134 13 3 Stony Stratford...... 100 0 0 Dickinson, Mr..Birmingham 100 0 0 Menzies, Mr. Robert, Dum­ Baker...... 50 0 0 Fisher, Mr., Padiham, by fries ...... 43 18 O )o, Sir., Hatherleigli, by Eev. C. Kirtland ’. 3 a a 3Iilts, Miss ...... 5 0 0 Rev. W. Aitchison 6 0 0 rawsley,Mrs.,Diss, by Rev. Nelson..Mr. John,Dumfries 35 7 11 1848. J. P. Lewis ...... ”...... 10 0 0 Do. for Serampore Trans­ ddick, T., Esq., Tewkes­ Potte», Mr. Henry, Brixton, lations ...... 35 8 0 bury, by J. Thomas, Esq. 531 0 0 by Mr. Thomas Olney .. 45 0 0 Palmer, Miss Ellen Fitzroy, lapman, Mr. John, Bristol, Thomas, T., Esq., Plymouth, L on don ...... 19 0 0 Jjy Mr. Hitchins...... 66 4 4 by P. Warren, Esq...... 45 0 0 Perry, Mr. and Mrs., Kil­ 2eve, J., Esq., Tliavies Inn, Tomkins, Miss S., Abingdon, marnock ...... 9 14 by John Wood, Esq 50 0 0 by H. llobarts, Lsii...... 200 0 0 Seymour, Miss E., Henlow 5 0 ane, Mr., Bixley...... 5 o 0 Wilson, Mr. Thomas, Luton 18 0 0 Shippery, 31r. W., Worthing, msford, Mrs. M., Tiverton, by Thomas Fanner, Esq. 200 by Rev. J. Singleton.... 19 19 0 Stoate, Mr. Thomas, Bristol 25 O Thompson, Sir. W., Austin- wards, Mrs. M., Calcutta 37 9 6 1851. lchrist, Mr. Robert 50 o 0 Adams, Mr. W., Cambridge, street, Shoreditch 100 0 0 Waghorue, Sir. Charles, irris, air. E,. Bristol, by in full...... 49 10 0 W. Tanner, Esq...... 19 19 0 Callender, 31., Esq., Darling­ Slaidstonc...... 10 0 O Walkden, J., Esq., Camber- immery, Miss M., Dover 10 o 0 ton, (balance) ...... 58 IS 0 Iter, D., Esq., Watford .. 372 13 0 Callum, Mrs.. Edinburgh, for •wdl, by G. Buyley, Esq... 30 0 O M atson, Alex., Esq., Edin­ igers, Mrs. A., Colnc Africa...... 43 ■> 0 Engaine, by Rev. T. D. Do. for China ...... burgh, iupart of £2000..1000 0 0 20 0 0 Wylde, John, Esq., Leeds, Reynolds ...... 5 0 o Campbell, Miss C., Aberfeldy 3 13 0 by Rev. James Acworth, utliern, Mr. T.,Sevenoaks, Crawford, Lord, balance .. 30 0 6 by Mr. John Palmer . . . . 10 0 0 Dennis, Mr., Wellington .. 5 0 0 LL.D...... go o 0 loiupson, J., Esq., Hull.. 216 7 6 Griffiths, Mrs., Llangollen.. 15 0 0 1855. tford.Mrs.S.R.,Walworth 101 0 1 James, Rev. W. .Lower Rcd- Belter, ill's. S., St. Peters­ alker, Mrs. M. A., Peek- brook, by Rev. G. Ridout 47 2 10 burg, for African Trans­ bain R y e ...... 19 0 0 Parry, Mrs. Jane, Liverpool, lations ...... 14 19 6 bv Mr. John Jo nes...... 43 10 0 Callender, Michael, Esq., 1840. Payne, Mrs., Walworth___ 101) 0 0 Darlington ...... 56 0 4 .ddick, T.,Esq., Tewkes­ Powell. Mrs. Mary, Merthyr bury, (additional) ...... &o U 0 Cecil,Miss Sarah, Watford.. 13 10 0 Tytlvil, by dct't of gift ., 100 0 0 Cooper, Mr. William, Frome 134 16 • 174 LEGACIES. [1867.

Grubb, William, a working 1859. 1862. man, Longhton. ‘ ...... 10 0 0 Barcham, Mr. Jedidiah, North Angus, John Lindsay, Esq., Kightley, Mrs., London, by Walsham...... 19 19 0 late of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Samuel Gale, Esq...... 1557 6 7 Bartlemore, Sir. Rochdale .. 90 0 0 Executors, Sir. JamesPotts, Miles, Her. James Edward, Christian, Mr. William,Coun- Sir. Henry Angas, and Bristol ...... 40 14 1 testhorpe...... 90 0 0 Mr. It. B. Sanderson, jun. 407 11 Schwartz, Mr. A., City- Gill, Miss C., Leek...... 10 0 0 Aspinall, W., Esq., late of road ...... 19 19 0 Jay, Mrs., Bath...... 180 0 0 Liverpool, balance . . . . 300 1 Scott,Miss Agnes, Perth... 8 10 0 King, W. A.,Esq.,Tormoliam 82 19 0 Do. for Translating the Tombs, Mrs. Jane, Stoke Knighton, Mr. Thomas, Stony Scriptures in the Lan­ Newington...... 5 0 0 Stratford ...... 100 0 0 guage of the East...... 300 I Watson, Alex., Esq., Edin­ Maddison, Mrs. Limber Magna 14 18 0 Clarke, Sir. Thos., the late, burgh, in fall of £2000, Morse, Sirs. Eleanor, Old £300 Consols ...... 281 5 less legacy d u ty ...... 800 0 0 Castle ...... 10 0 0 Hunt, Mrs., lute of Asliby- Welsford, Mr. G., Radipole 44 11 4 Purser, John, Esq., Dublin . .100 0 0 de-la-Zouch...... 19 19 Wylde, Thos., Esq., Leeds, Quarmby, Mr.Jonathan,Golcar 1 1 0 Kay, Eobert, Esq., late of by Mr. J. B., Bilbrougfc.. 100 0 0 Rogers, Mr. John, Wotton- Yarm, Yorkshire...... 19 0 under-Edge...... 89 12 6 Kirkwood, Walter, Esq., the 1856. Shaw, Mrs. Mary, Bmnswick- late...... 10 0 Colman, Mr. Jas., Norwich 90 0 0 square ...... 300 0 0 Lee, Mr. Joseph, late of Camming, Mr. William, Steward, Mr. Charles, North Slirfield, Yorkshire...... 900 0 Limehouse, for Native Walsham...... 44 10 0 Pain, Mr. Thomas, late of Agency ...... 5 0 0 Stidston, Miss Ann, Win- Clifton ...... 10 0 Denny, Mr. Stephen, Heck- canton...... 10 0 0 Spires, Wm., Esq., late of ingham ...... CO 0 0 Taylor, John, Esq., Thuxton 19 19 0 Birmingham...... 50 0 George, Mr. William, Beau­ 1863. maris ...... G 0 0 18G0. Penny, Miss, Maryport . . . . 43 17 9 Deakin, Mr. J., late of Bir­ Coffin, Jno. X., '¡Isq., late of Ward,Mr. J., Wollaston .. 200 0 0 mingham, balance ...... 42 19 8 Devonporr...... 10 0 Gibson, Wyatt George, Fsq., Liglicfoot, Lieut. Gen.,Thos. 50 0 0 Banker, late of Sittron 1857. Newton, Sliss Sarah, late of Jones, Mr. Samuel, Tewkes­ Clapham ...... 5 0 0 Walden, l>y G. S. Gibson, bury ...... 100 0 0 Otridge, Miss, late of Ham­ Esq., Saffron Walden . . . . 100 0 Kettle, Eobert, Esq., Glas­ mersmith ...... 45 0 0 Griftin, Miss FrancesM., late gow (final payment) . . . . 53 10 1 Pow, Mr. Robert, late of of Bradford-on-Avon, by Price, Rev. Benjamin, Tre­ North Shields ...... 19 19 0 J. B. Cliff, Esq., less duty degar, by Rev. E. Price 19 10 0 Quarmby, Mr. Jonathan, and expenses...... 22 3 Sharrock, Mrs. S., Taunton 178 0 0 late of Golcar, annual.... 1 1 0 Nicbolls, Rev. W., lute of Snell, Mr. James, Heanton Watts, John, Esq., late of Newark, residue of legucy Court, by Rev. D. Cottenham...... 45 0 0 and interest, less duty, by Thompson, Great Tor- Whiteley, Mr. Samuel, late William Falkner, Esq., rington ...... SO 0 0 of Huddersfield ...... 5 0 0 Newark...... 1187 10 Taylor, Mrs. Mary, Wal­ Pratt, Thomas, Esq., late of worth, by Mr. Stradley.. 6 0 0 Slitcham, per Rev. T. Vallance, Sir. John, Hull, 1861. Kennerley...... 10 0 by Mr. Thomas Sykes.. 19 19 0 Buckle, Mr. late of Great Taylor, Miss, late of North­ Wedgwood, Mrs. S., Down 200 0 0 Ouseburn...... 7 10 0 ampton, (duty free)...... 500 0 Young, Miss Sarah, Cam­ Fountain, W., Esq., late of Wemys, Mr. Commissar}', berwell ...... 50 0 0 High Wycembe ...... 19 19 0 and Mrs. Wemys, late of Geard, Mr. Jesse, late of Edinburgh, legacy by deed 1858. Blontacute...... 19 19 0 of settlement, per J. Allen, Mrs. Ann, Oakham .. 10 0 0 Green, D. Esq., late ef Macandrew, Esq...... 150 0 Betterton, Sirs. Mary, Chip­ Bilston ...... 90 0 0 ping Norton ...... 129 19 2 Haigh, Mrs., late of Step’s 1864. Bousfield, J. R. Esq., Clap* M ill...... 45 0 0 Adams, Sir., late of Stoke, ham Park ...... 100 0 0 Halford, J. F., Esq., late of Devon, by Caleb Trotter, Clipperton, Sirs. Amelia, Dalston...... 10 0 0 Esq., and Others, Execu­ North WaJsham, by Sir. J. Jones, Sir. Edward, lato of tors ...... 100 A D. Smith ...... 45 0 0 Spitalfields, ...... 100 0 0 Bickham, Thomas, Esq., Com, Mr. James, Birming­ King, Sliss Elizabeth, late of lute of Whalley Range, ham .. -...... 50 0 0 Sweri'ord ...... 19 19 0 Manchester, for India, by Coutts, Mrs. Elspeth, Bervie 108 7 10 Lodge, Sliss Susannah, late W. Bickham, l'sq...... 100 0 Ells, Mr. Daenall, London .. 10 0 0 of Harlow...... 10 0 0 Chew, Elizabeth, late of Fleming, Bowman, Esq., Sleacher, Mrs. S., late of Linslade, Bucks ...... 50 O Glasgow...... 58 10 0 Edgbaston...... 10 0 0 Crossley, Miss Elizabeth, Godtlc, Sliss Mary Marlton, Nixon, Sirs., the late ...... 10 0 0 late of Islington, by A. Ilitehin ...... 90 0 0 Otridge, Sliss, late of Ham­ Iken, Esq...... 19 19 Hannay, Mr. William, Paisley, mersmith ...... 170 6 6 Edwards, Sir. James, late of by Messrs. Martin and Palmer, Slis3 Ellen Fitzroy, Caerphilly, Monmouth­ Hodge...... 2G 14 3 the lato ...... 637 4 0 shire, by Sir. C. Davies .. 18 0 Hems, Mrs. Rhoda, Cross Pnrdie, Miss Jessie, lato of Gouldsmith, Mrs. Mary, Street, Islington ...... 19 0 0 Otago...... 3 0 0 lato of Clerkenwell...... 180 0 Huntley, Miss, Bow...... 83 9 6 Perkins, Miss Slary Ann, Interest on ditto, by W. Marlborough, E. Esq., Brixton late of Pershore ...... 100 0 0 Jones, Esq...... 1 4 H ill...... 100 0 0 Simpson, Miss, late of Cam­ Horscpool, John, Esq., late North, Mr. Joseph, Gorsley. 45 0 0 bridge...... 50 0 0 of Leicester, by James Quarmby, Mr. Jonathan, Gol­ Da. for Education ...... 19 19 0 Beddels, Esq...... 45 0 car, by Mr. W. Beaumont Stevenson. George,Esq., late Liddell, Mr., the late, bal­ (Annual) ...... I 1 0 of Blackheath ...... 180 0 0 ance of Legacy by Messrs. Wilkinson, John, Esq., High Taylor, Hr. Rees, late of Harwood and Pattison .. 07 17 Wycombe, by Messrs. Wil­ Newport ...... 10 0 0 Slarlborough, Mrs., late of son, Kendal ...... 1350 0 0 Wilmshurst, Mr. B. C.,tlio Caesar Cottage, Streatham, Wilien(Mr8,J/y»lia,Clapham 323 6 8 late...... 19 19 0 by W. Swinscow, Esq. ., 800 0 LEGACIES. 175

Lobson, W. C., Esq., late of Coaens, the late Mrs. Mary Urquhart, the late Alex­ Castlegate, Berwick-on- Ann, of Upper Clapton, by ander, Esq., Builder, Tvreed, balance ...... 60 0 0 John Cooke, Esq., Execu­ Elgin, N.B., by Alexander tor ...... 19 19 0 Urquhart, Esq...... 5 0 0 .nith, Benjamin, Esq., late of 9. Laburnham Cottages, I Chertsey, by Mr. J. Chap- Coxhead, the lnte Mr. Jas., Watt, the late Miss Mary, of i pel (less duty) ...... 90 0 0 of Frederick Place, Mason Irvine and Glasgow, by St., Westminster Bridge Messrs. Alexander Watt 'alker, W ., Esq., and Road, by Jas. Keighley, and John Hugh Watt, Sponse, amount on ac­ Esq., 42 vols. Baptist Mag­ trustees for the estate; le6s count of one-flfth Share azine. - legacy duty and charges.. 44 15 of Residue, by Jas. Mac- *ndrew, Esq., Edinburgh. 900 0 0 Davies, the late Mr. David, Wilson, the late Rev. Alex., of Shittim Chapel, Fel- of Sunderland, donation ingwm, Carmarthenshire, by John Hills, Esq., Ex­ 1865. South Wales, by Mr. Levi ecutor, on account of this Davies, Merthyr Tydfil .. 14 18 5 legacy, the funds of the ;nham, J. L., Esq., late of deceased not being suffi­ Wigmore Street, London, Fttfte, the late Mr. David, cient to pay legacies 40 0 0 by Executors ...... 180 0 0 of Halton, Hastings, by oughty, Mr. J. G., late Messrs. J. W. Binnington fOf Lincoln, by Mr. C. and E. B. Fage, Executors 10 0 0 18G7. Doughty...... 19 19 0 Darkin, Mrs., the late, one Greaves, the late Miss, by third of residue by Messrs. arle, Mrs., late of Ripon, H. Fotherby, Esq., M.B... 19 19 0 by Rev. F. Earle...... 21 10 0 Pattison & W ig g ...... 555 18 3 idrup, ffm „ Esq., late of Hunter, the late Mrs. Mary Harris, Thos., Esq., the late, Brixton Hill, by Rev. E. Welsford, of the “ Para­ Hillesdon, Torquay, by P. Eddrup...... 90 0 0 gon , ” Streatham,by Messrs. Messrs. Gregory & Row- Lindsay and Mason 10 0 0 cliffe (free of duty.) ...... 300 0 0 dwards.Mrs., late of Mon­ trose, Scotland, by Messrs. James, the late Mr. W., of Thompson & Savage . . . . 44 6 II Tredegar Iran Works, by Hooper, Rev. Jo-ithan, the Messrs. T. W. and J. G. late, Bradford-on-Avon, arrison, Miss Elizabeth, James...... 100 0 0 by Jas. Jno. Hooper, Esq. 90 0 Q late of Driffield, York­ shire, hy Messrs. Tower Llewellyn, Estate of late May, Rev. Richard, the late, and Tough...... 10 0 0 Mrs., payment on account Barnstaple, by Messrs. ot Interest on Legacy, by Pattison & Wigg, on ac­ lewellyn, Mrs.,late of Cow- count...... 31 13 4 bridge, amount on ac­ Thos. Llewellyn, Ifisq., of Cowbridge...... 30 0 0 count of Interest, by Mr. Portlock, Samuel, Esq., the T. Llewellyn...... 40 0 0 Nott, the late Mr. John, of late, Brighton, by W. Pen­ ish, Mrs., W. W., the late, Wellington, Somerset, fold, Esq. (less expenses) 269 10 0 by W. L. Smith, Esq 90 0 0 payment) in settlement Ryland, Miss Mary Eliza, the mpson, Miss Ann, late of (less expenses), by W. D. Horsey, Esq...... 9 2 6 late, Bath, by Mr. Chas. Cambridge, by Messrs. Frogley ...... 5 0 0 I. S. Watts and I. Matthew 19 19 0 Robinson, the late Mr. John, ). by do., for Inially School 19 19 0 of Adderbury, Oxon, (less Smith, Miss Rebecca, the duty and costs), by J. W. late, Camberwell Grove, Kilby,Esq.,Banbury,Oxon 44 0 0 by Messrs. Waller and 1866. Scott...... 50 0 0 Rogers, the late Mr. John, rch, the late Mrs. Kath­ Taylor, John, Esq., the late, of Newport, Monmouth­ Mount Radford, by John erine,of Great Driffield, by shire, by Mr. Geo. Gething 5 0 0 Messrs. Foster & Tonge 10 0 0 Wilson, Esq...... 45 0 0

eed, the late Mr. James, Spurgeon, the late Miss G. Wheelhonse, George, Esq., of Sarratt, Herts, by the A., of Derby, by Rev. C. the late, Deptford Bridge, Rev. T. Smith, ofHarrow- Stovel & B. W. Spurgeon, by Messrs. Field and Fran­ on-the-Hill ...... 45 0 0 Esq...... 20 0 0 cis (less expenses) ...... 280 17 1

oad, the late Mrs. Sarah, Trotter, the late Mr. Geo., Woodman v. Zealey, balance of Brunswick Villas, Ham­ on account of rents and of Legacy by llessts. Pat­ mersmith, by E. Percival profits, by S. R. Pattison, tison and Wigg (less ex­ Danieli, Egq., Sole executor 45 0 0 Esq...... 93 11 1 penses...... 9 5 7 176 LIFE SUDSCllìBLlÀir [1807.

Utk Jbufcscvitieis io tö« baptist Jïltsstonatg sbomtj).

Contributions of ten pounds and upwards are transferred to this List, and continued in it during the Life of the Donor. The Contributions arc inserted without specifying the particular object for which they are given. The names of Anonymous Contributors, and of persons known to be deceased, are not inserted.

Ac'VOrth, liev. J. LL.I). Écnr- Brewin, Mr. Thos., Cirencester.. 10 0 f* 1 Crowthcr, Mr. and Mrs. J. H., borou gh ...... 70 0 0 Bright well, T. Esq, .Norwich . . . . 15 0 0 ; Lockw ood ...... 36 5 0 Aewortb, J. Esq, Chatham .... 20 0 U Brogdcu, Mr, T , Norwich 10 10 0 i Crowther, Mr. and Mrs. A.* Adams* Mr. T ., Birmingham . . 10 0 0 Brown, Aaron, Esq, Liverpool .. 60 10 0 j Lockwood ...... 79 15 j* A dey, liev. E ...... 20 0 0 Jirowu, J . U., Esq., Liverpool .. i)5 10 0 : Croaier, J. Esq, Cambridge 25 U <» Adluus, Mr.,Middleton Chenev.. 10 0 0 Brown, Mr. G., Aberdeen ...... 10 0 0 . Culler, Mr. J . Norwich ...... 20 o O A ked, T* Esq., S hipley . . 607 0 0 Brown, H. Isaac Esq, Bristol.... 10 10 0 ; Culley, Mr. 11. U., ditto ...... 10 0 0 Aked, Mrs. d i t t o . 10 0 0 Brown and 8on, Messrs., L eed s.. 20 0 0 Cul’ ev, B. Esq, Melbourne, Aus- Alexander, G. W . Esq ...... 207 10 U Browiilow, W. Esq ...... 10 10 o traiia ...... 41 0 0 Allan, K* M. Esq, 2iewcastle-ou- Bumpus, II. M. E s q ...... 10 0 0 1 Curling, M r. W ...... 31 0 0 Tyne ...... 10 0 0 Buinpus, Miss, N ortham pton.... 15 0 0 ! Dulton, John, Esq, Peckham.... 10 10 0 Allan, T. R. Esq ...... 26 10 0 Burd, John, Esq., Manchester .. 10 0 0 j Dduiel, Mr. James, Bugbrook . . . 2 * 0 0 Allingham, Mr. John ...... 10 0 Ü Burford, Mr. Jas., Salford ...... 30 0 0 I Danieli, 1Î. P. Esq...... 21 0- 0 Anderson, Jiobt. Esq, Dundee .. 13 0 0 Burls, Messrs. W . C. and J 15 0 0 ! Davev, Miss, N oiwich ...... 125 0 0 Andrews, Mr. E. Pershore 30 0 0 Burrell, Mr., Foulsham...... 16 0 fl j Davie*, Kev. Dr...... 1(> ^ Andrews, Dr...... 10 0 0 Burt, Hev.J. B., Beaulieu ...... 375 30 0 1 Davie.*, Mrs. C., H averfordw est.. 30 0 o Angas, the Honourable G. 1-'...... 120 0 0 Burton. Jno Esq,, Nottingham.. 12 0 0 i Davies Miss...... l » l h (» Angas, Miss, Plym outh...... 525 0 0 Butler, Mr. E. O., B irm ingham .. 20 0 0 ! Da\ies, P. Esq., Reading...... 71 10 ü Angus, Rev. Joseph, D.D. and Buxton, Dowager Ludy ...... 40 10 0 ! Davies, Mr. Roger, Card:«' 1 1 0 0 Mrs. A ...... 70 0 0 Cameron, D. Esq, Canada ...... 10 0 0 I Davis, G. H. Esq. L.L-1)...... 10 0 0 Angus, Mr. H...... 12 2 0 Ccurns & Brown. Messrs...... 50 0 0 j Davis, Mr. Joseph, Birmingham. 2> 0 o Angue, Mr.T. C. Newcastle .... 10 0 0 Cubell, Messrs, W . T. and 8 ...... 10 0 0 ; I)avld«on, Rev. I)r., Edinburgh.. ^ (l Anstie, Paul, Esq, Devizes 56 0 0 Cadby, P. Esq ...... 110 0 0 ! Deane, Mc^r*. G. aud J ...... 10 0 o Anstie., G. TV. Esq, d itto ...... 75 0 0 Caine, N., Esq., Liverpool ...... 60 0 0 Delvalle, M iss...... 10 ^ 0 Anstie, Mrs. G. W . d it t o ...... 10 0 0 Cullender,W. it. Esq, Mauchcsterl575 0 0 I Dent, Mrs. Milton ...... 51 O 0 Anstie, Mr. G. ditto ...... 10 0 0 Campbell, liev. II. Salop...... 30 10 0 : lAJUclmr, K., E din bu rgh ...... 10 U 0 Armisiead, G. Esq, Dundee 10 0 0 Campl>ell, Miss, Edinburgh 40 0 0 . Devercll, Mr. R. "Weston Tur- Armitage, Mr. S., M anchester.. . . ' 30 0 0 Cannon, W. Esq, Canteibury .. 15 0 0 j ville...... 20 0 0 Arthington, Mrs., Leeds ...... 40 0 0 Carnegie, Mis* E., Edinburgh .. 10 10 0 j Dicke?, Mr. W., Camberwell .... 65 0 0 Arthington, Mr. K. jun. ditto.... 11 0 0 Cartliew, Peter, Esq, Kensington 31 10 0 j D igby, Mrs. Edinburgh ...... 20 0 o Asbw ell, Mr. H., Nottingham . . 30 0 0 Cartwright, li. Esq, Caiuden Dixon, M r...... 10 0 0 Ashwin, Mr. James, B o u rto n .... 10 0 0 Road ...... 234 3 0 | Doulton anil Watts, Mc^srn...... 10 0 0 Ayres, Mrs. L y n n ...... 10C> 0 0 Carpenter, Mr. W ...... 21 0 0 ! Dovey, Mr. William, Worcester.. 10 0 0 Ayton, Mr., Diss...... 10 0 0 Caslon and Catherwood, Messr*. . 30 0 ö I Dunn, Mr. J o h n ...... 10 0 Racon, J. P., Esq., Edmonton .. 71 0 0 Cason, Mr* W ., E ye ...... 20 0 0 I Dunn, Mr. W ...... 10 JO O Baineß, E . E sq, Melbourne . . . . 30 0 0 Catternll, C., Sen.,W essomlnskip 10 0 0 j I nton, Mrs...... 50 0 0 Baines, Mr. J., Leicester...... 10 0 0 Cave, Air. G , Piddington...... 40 0 0 I Ediniuson, Mr. K...... ¿0 0 o Baker, Capt. W . T ., India ...... 10 o 0 Ceurus, S., Esq.. Liverpool 20 0 Edmonstone, G. E^q, T<.-rqnay .. 578 13 (i Baker, Mr. Benjamin ...... 20 0 0 Chafiey, John, Esq, Clapham.... 3<> 0 Edward?, IJev. J ., N ottingham .. 10 0 0 Baker, Miss S ...... 50 0 0 Chandler, Mr. John ...... 3» u Edwards, T. Esq,, Caerleon . . . . 10 0 0 Baker, Misses, S ou th a m pton .... CO 0 o Charles, Robert, Esq ...... 30 10 Edwards, Mrs. E., Champion Baldwin, Mr.,Berkhampstead .. 60 0 0 Ch«*etham, J. Esq, Oldham 20 o Hill...... 60 10 0 Bonnatync, N- Esq, Manchester . 200 0 0 Cheney, Miss C. Braunston 20 0 Edwards, Mr.. Camden I fo u d .... 30 0 0 Banncrmon, H. Esq, Hunton.... 100 0 0 Christian, A lex. Esq, MonghyT.. 50 0 Kiev, Mis», Wotton-under-Ed^e. 10 0 o Bannerman, II. jun. Esq, Man- Christian, John, Esq, d itto 20 0 Elliot, Mrs...... 50 0 0 eh ester...... 10 0 0 Christy, Messrs. W . M. J. and Co. 10 0 Elton, Kev. R. D.D...... 0 o Barclay, Mrs., Darlington 10 0 0 Claris, Air. J ...... 10 10 Ertskine, T. E-q, Dundee...... 20 0 0 Barclay, J. Gurney, E sq ...... 00 0 <) Clarkp, Rev. K., O sw estry 10 0 E sm.*x, J. Mid C...... 10 o 0 Barclay, Mrs. Jane, Glasgow.... 21 0 0 Clarke, Mr. W.. Bristol...... 15 0 E\ans, C. B. Esij, ‘»Voreeslcr Baring, Eight Hon. ßir F. T. Bart. Clayton, W. Esq...... Ilo 10 Evans, Rev. W . W ...... 0 0 MJ*...... 10 10 0 Clcminson, S. E s q ...... 20 0 Evans, K. Esq, Liverpool...... 10 0 0 Barker, Misses, W o k in g h a m .... 20 0 0 Clift, Mr. S B, Trowbridge 10 0 Evans, Elizabeth ...... 10 0 0 Barrett, E. M. Esq ...... 160 0 0 Coats, Thomas, Esq, Paisley .... 7H1 0 E vans, Owru, Esq., Ghmdiad Bortlemore, Miss. Itochdolc do 0 0 Coats, Peter, ^sq, ditto...... 220 0 1'aeb, Mcliue ...... 10f) 0 0 Bartlett, Nicholas, Esq...... 50 0 0 Cobb, P. W ., li&q., Margate . . . . 20 10 Eyre, Mr. Joseph, Uristol 30 0 0 Basnett, Edward, E s q ...... 1010 0 Colls, Mr, B ...... 20 10 Fulkener,Misfi...... 30 0 0 Bayloy, Thos. Esq, Nottingham 10 0 0 Column, Mr. J .J ., Norwich 473 15 Fell, John, Esq, Spark Bridge . . 1-5 0 0 Baylis, John, Esq ...... 20 0 0 Column, Mrs. J. and Miss, do. . . 45 0 Fenn, Mr., Sudbury ...... 10 0 0 BeaBley, Mrs...... 10 0 0 Colman, Mr., H ackney...... 21 0 Fenwick, Mr. and Mrs. John, Beddome, It. B. Esq, L ondon... • 82 10 0 Comfort, Mr. It., Sevenoaks .... »0 10 0 Newcast’e ...... 100 0 0 Bocby, J. Esq., Adelaide...... 12 0 0 Conran, Mqjor 11. N...... 30 0 0 Ferricr und Co,. Mes>r?. Dublin. • 41 10 0 Benham, Mr. Jas...... 10 0 0 Cooper, E. Esq, Derebam 10 30 0 < Fielding, Mrs. Leicester...... 1%2 U 0 Benham, Mr. A ...... 10 0 0 Cooper, Mr. it., Bourtou...... 10 30 0 I Finch, Charles, Esq, Cambridge. 20 0 0 Benhum, M r.J n o...... 10 0 0 Cooper, Miss...... 10 0 0 Fitzwilliam, Earl ...... 10 0 O Berry, Mr. Josiab, Lockwood.... 36 5 0 Cooper, R., Esq., Wustboumc i Fleming, R. Esq...... 20 0 0 Betts, Mr. and Mrs., London . . . . 10 0 0 G ro v e ...... 25 0 0 ! Fletcher, S. Es^, Manchester • • •. 25 0 ft Bette, Mr and Mrs., Diw ...... 10 0 0 Coote, Thomas, Esq, Fenstanton. M) 0 " Fludycr, Miss...... 10 0 0 Bevan,Charles, Esq ...... 10 0 0 Corv, R., Esq., jun, Cardiff 20 0 0 ; Forbes, A. Esq, D acca ...... 50 0 0 B ickham ^Ym ., Esq.,Manchester 66 0 0 Cotton, M r...... 10 0 0 I Ford, Kev. J ...... 10 0 0 Bignold, Thomas, E mj, Norwich. 368 10 0 Courtney, U. Esq, Dublin...... 10 0 0 Fordham, J. E. Esq, Melboura Bhbrougb,Mr. J. B. Leeds ...... 10 0 0 Courtney, Mrs. d itto ...... 10 0 » ; B u r y ...... 20 100 Birrell, liev. C.M, Liverpool.... 16 0 0 Cowell, 8. H., Esq., Ipswich .... 12 2 0 Foster, h.irah, Newcastle .. 12 0 0 Blackburn, Mr. G Manchester » . 20 0 0 Cox, Mrs., Paulton ...... 10 0 0 Foster, Miss fcsr ah ...... 10 0 0 Blackmore. Rev.S. Eardisland.. 10 0 0 Cozens, Mr. Jam es,Norwich . . . . H5 0 0 Fustrr. niylh, E»-«}, llitrulOi wado 116 0 0 Blackwell, Mr., Short wood...... 10 0 0 Cowic, Alfred, Esq., Birkenhead. 5o 0 0 ] 1-V'stcr, • E. E*q, Cambridrrt' 3Ö1 5 0 Blackwell, Jas., Esq, Morthamp- Craps, Rev. J. Lincoln...... 1*> 0 0 I Fi»t«*r, II. S Esq, d o '...... 45 0 0 ton ...... 1U 10Crasaweller, 0 Mr. i i ...... 50 o 0 ; Fuhter, Edward, Esq, d--...... 20 0 0 Blair, Mrs., Bridge o f Allan 535 0 0 Craveu, Mrs., Southport 30 0 0 Foster, < . F. Jv q, d o...... 180 10 0 B lyth,'lhom as, t iq , Lunghaui.. 70 10 0 Crewdson, Mrs.I.Manchester.... (»2 0 0 | Foster, Ed in nnd, Esq,<|o *11 0 0 B.yth Mr. W., Norwich ...... 21 0 0 Crcwdson, W . D „ Egq, K en dal. . 20 0 0 j Foster, M . Esq, ilunliniidon . . . . 45 0 0 Bockett, John, Esq, Clapham .. 10 0 0 Crewdson, Mrs. J ...... 30 0 0 I Freeman, Mrssr*. W. und J., Bolton,Mrs., Luton ...... 10 Ü 0 Crisp, Rev. T. 8., Bristol •. • 10 0 0 ; Millbnnk S treet...... 20 0 0 Bolton, Mrs., Liverpool ...... 15 0 0 Croll, A. A. Esq...... 215 10 Foster, Georg«-, Esq, .S;ibden ....3 5 4 7 10 0 Booth, Itev. ö . II., Birkcnlicad • * 10 0 0 Cropper, John, Esq, Liverpool .. 751 0 Fowler, W.. Esq., Iron bridge.. 140 0 0 Bosworth, Rev. W . fctaflord . . . . 40 0 0 Cropper, Mr. E .ditto...... 20 0 l-rani*!“, W . E. Esq...... 20 10 0 Bowen, Mr. U...... 10 10 0 Cropper, Mrs., Liverpool...... 2) 10 l- i a/.er, L. Es

Fyson, J. Esq, Fakcnham ...... 171 0 0 Houghton, John Es Giles, Edward, Esq, Dover ...... 150 O 0 Howard, Mr. Robert...... 0 0 McKechnie, Rev. J., Southport.« 13 7 0 Giliat, John, Esq - ...... 10 0 0 Howgate, Mr., London ...... 0 0 Malkin, R. E sq...... 10 0 0 Gillespie, W . Esq, G lasgow - 10 10 0 Howland, Mr. H. J., Plymouth. . 20 0 0 Mallalicu, W. Esq ...... 10 0 0 Gillman, Mrs.Clapham...... 20 0 0 H owland, Mr. W ., Canterbury, . 20 0 0 M anning,Rev. S., London 20 0 0 Goffo, Miss S. H ooknorton 21 0 0 . 20 0 0 Mansford, J. G .B a th .«...... 10 0 0 Goodwyn, Mrs., B irm in gh am ..., 10 0 0 Hudson, Mrs. H. ditto . 0 0 Marsh, Rev. W . A.M ., Colchester. 10 0 0 Gordon, Alexander, Esq...... 131 10 o Hughes, Mr...... 0 0 Marshall, M r...... 10 0 0 Gorst, James, E sq ...... «... 138 0 0 Hull, Mr. S., Uxbridge . 0 0 Marshall, J. G .E sq ...... 10 0 0 Gotch, T. H. Esq, Ilford ...... 25 0 0 . 10 10 0 Marshall, J., Esq., Bradford .... 10 0 0 Gotch, J . D. Esq, Kettering.. 25 0 0 0 0 Marshman, J. C. E s q ...... 10 0 0 Gotch, Rev. F. W . LL.D., Bristol 25 0 0 0 0 Martin, Marcus, Esq ...... 378 0 U Gould, N. Esq, Salford...... 10 0 0 Hunt, Mrs., Stroud. 0 0 Marton, Mr. C hilton...... 10 0 0 Gould, G. Esq, Loughton ...... 155 0 0 n 35 0 0 Mathewson, W., Esq, Dumferm- Gould, Mrs. G. d it t o ...... 10 0 0 Illingworth, M., Esq., Bradford . 10 0 0 l i n e ...... 70 0 0 Gouldsmith, J., Esq..Trowbridge 100 0 0 Illingworth, M. Esq. Knaresbro 1 80 10 0 M*Dowell, Licut.-General, Stan- Gouldsniith, Jesse, Esq. Bristol.. 10 0 0 . 10 (» 0 rear...... 10 10 0 Gourlay, Alex., Esq...... 6t) 0 0 . 110 0 0 May, Lieut. W . Calcutta 10 0 0 Gourment, J. C. Esq, Calcutta . . 12 0 0 Ivory, J., Esq, Worthing ...... 100 0 0 Medley, Mr. W. Liverpool ...... 10 0 0 Gover, W ., E s q ...... 2010 0 Jacomb. T. Esq,Notting H ill... . 10 0 0 Medley, Messrs ditto...... 20 10 0 Graham, W ., Esq., Manchester 10 0 0 Jeeves, Mr. Hitcliin ...... 10 0 0 Metcalf, Mrs. L in c o ln ...... 10 0 U Grant, Rev, P. W., Darlington.. 60 0 0 Jeffery, J. R., Esq., Liverpool ... 52 (} 0 Middlemore, M r.W ., Birmingham 220 5 0 Gray, Mr. William ...... 10 0 0 Jeffery, W., R., Esq., Liverpool . 22 0 0 Middlemore, Mr. J. d itto ...... 30 10 0 Gray, li. Esq, Edinburgh ...... 10 10 0 Jenkins, F. Esq ...... 20 0 0 Middleton, A. Esq., Bannockburn 10 10 0 Green, P., Esq...... - ...... 10 0 0 . 20 0 0 Millar, Mr. A., E din bu rgh 21 0 0 Green, T. Esq, Birmingham .... 50 0 0 0 0 Millar, Mr. C. D evouport...... 10 0 0 Green, Stephen, Esq, Lam beth.. 57 6 0 Johnson, Mr. G., Birmingham . 60 10 0 Millar, Mr. P...... 21 10 0 Greenway, W. Esq., Calcutta 10 0 0 Johnson, R. Esq,Liverpool.... 0 0 Millar, W . H . E s q ...... 35 15 0 Gribble, Thomas, E s q ...... 10 10 0 . 180 0 0 Miller, AlexanderJSsq.Melbourne Griffiths, J. Esq., W otton-undcr- Johnson, Mr. J . ditto. 0 0 Australia ...... 250 0 0 E d g e ...... 10 0 0 0 0 Milligan, Mr. Hinkley 10 10 0 Griffiths, Mrs., Kings wood 10 10 0 Johnson, Mr. W., Fulboum .. . 100 0 0 Milligan, Mrs. Rawdon ...•.••• 20 0 0 Griffiths, M iss...... 50 0 0 Jones, Josiah, Esq, Liverpool.. . 20 0 0 Mills, J. R . Esq, M.P...... 10 10 0 Griffiths, Mr. T. F., Birmingham 10 10 0 Joseph, David, Esq. E ly Rise, ne Mills, F ., Esq., Dorchester 20 0 0 Grove, Mr. W orcester...... 10 0 0 Cardiff ...... 40 0 0 M ‘Nicl, Mr. P. C rieff...... 10 0 0 Guinness, B. Esq, Dublin...... 10 0 0 Johnson, Rev. E. C., Calcutta . 100 0 0 Moncrief, W . S. Esq., Edinburgh 130 0 0 Gundry, Mr...... 10 0 0 Jones, Miss, d it t o ...... 0 0 Moncrief, B. S. Esq...... 90 0 0 Gurney, J. Esq ...... 2438 15 0 Jones, Rob t., E sq . 10 0 0 Morgan, Mr E., Newtown ...... 323 0 0 Hackett, Thomas, Esq, Derby .. 110 0 0 Jones, Messrs. R . and Soi M organ, Mr. C,, L on d on ...... 25 0 0 Hadfield, G. Esq, M.P. Man­ Liverpool ...... 0 0 Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. T., London. 25 0 0 chester ...... 130 0 0 . 10 0 0 Morris, W . Esq, Manchester . . . . 10 0 0 Hadley, Mrs., Birmingham 10 0 0 0 (I Morris, M r., London...... 10 0 0 H ulford, J. Y. Esq...... *• 10 10 0 Jupe, C., Esq., Mere . . . 0 0 Mouritz, G. Esq, Melbourne . . . . 20 0 0 Hall, Miss, Thorpe U nderw ood.. 50 0 0 Keek, T. A. Esq, Leeds 0 0 Muliings, R. Esq, Cirencester.... 20 0 0 Hall, Mrs., Cheltenham ...... 160 0 0 0 0 Muntz, G. F., E sq...... 25 0 0 Hall,—. Esq, Manchester 10 0 0 Kcliv, R< 0 0 Murrav, Mr. D., Hapford 10 0 0 Hall, Jos. Esq, Birmingham .... 10 0 0 .7442 2 0 Mudie, C. E. Esq...... 10 10 0 Hammond, Mr., Bonham ...... 10 0 0 Kelsall, Mrs. d it t o ...... 60 0 0 Nisbet, Miss Lambden, N. B 12 0 0 Hamworth,Miss...... 10 0 0 Kelsall, Mr. H. .iun-, ditto ...... 15 0 0 Nall, J. Esq, Manchester 80 0 0 Jlannay, R., Esq.. Ulverstone .. 10 0 0 Kelsal!, Miss, ditto . 0 0 Nall, J., Esq., N o ttin g h a m »..«* 40 0 0 Harford, J. S. Esq, Bristol 80 0 0 Kelsall, Miss E ...... 15 0 0 ton, Mr. James, Coventry .. 10 0 0 Harris, K. Esq, L eicester.. 907 2 0 Kelsey, Thomas, Esq ...... 21 0 0 Nicholson, Capt. J. Jersey ...... 10 0 0 Harris, J. Esq, ditto ...... 85 5 0 Kemp, G- T. Esq, Rochdale . . . . 819 0 0 Noel, Hon. and Rev. B* W . M .A. til 0 0 Harrison, Mr. Ila d lo w ...... 40 0 0 Kemp. Mis.', Cheltenham...... 10 0 0 Nutter, Mr. J., Cam bridge 65 0 0 Harrison, Mr. W., Sevcnoaks .. 10 10 0 Kem)>. E. J. E sq...... 0 0 Offord, R., lisq...... 10 0 0 Harrison, Miss, Sheffield.-. 25 0 0 Kendall, Mrs. Abingdon ...... 10 0 0 Oliver, T E sq , M D -, Bath . . . . ~ 10 0 0 Hartland, J. A. Esq, Tewkes­ Kunnnrd, J - Esq ...... 10 0 0 Oliver, Mr. Jam es 21 0 0 bury ...... 10 0 0 Kennerlev, Mrs ...... ■** 10 0 0 Olney, Mrs. D...... 50 0 0 H a n ey , James, E sq ...... 825 0 0 Keyes, Mrs. G. T ...... 10 10 0 Page, Miss, Malvern ...... 30 0 0 Harvey, Mr...... 20 0 0 King, Miss, Hooknorton ...... 10 0 0 Page, Mr. Croydon 10 10 0 Havill, Sir. P., Tiverton ...... 10 0 0 King, Miss, Kingstanley 10 0 0 Palmer, Mr J B ...... 30 0 0 Hatcliai’d, J. G .E s q JO 10 0 King, Messrs, Bristol...... 71 0 0 Parle, Mr. W illiam, W igan 10 10 0 Hawkins, J. A .F. Esq...... 105 0 0 Kingsford, Mr. Alfred, Dover.. 20 0 0 Parker, W . Esq...... 10 10 0 Haydou, Messrs., Guildford 15 0 0 10 0 0 Parker, John, Esq...... 10 0 0 H ayes,P. L. Esq ...... 21 0 0 30 0 0 Farker, John, Esq, Dublin 10 0 0 Haynes, R. Esq, Westbury 120 0 0 10 0 0 Parker, Mr. Chew Magna...... 10 0 0 Heath, Mr. Job, Nottingham.... 10 0 0 10 0 0 Parry, J . C., E s q ...... 10 0 0 Hemming, J. Esq ...... 10 0 0 Langlands, Mr. 11. Melbourne 18 0 0 Passmore, Mr. J., Bath ...... 10 0 0 Henderson, John, Esq, Park .... 100 O 0 10 0 0 Patterson, John, Esq, G lasgow .. 30 0 0 Hepburn, J. Esq, Camberwell 62 10 0 Patterson,W . ditto...... 10 10 0 Hepburn, T. Esq, Clapham 159 4 0 10 0 0 Patterson, S. Esq, Dalkeith 25 0 0 lleptinstall, Mr., Brixton 50 0 0 Lawrence, Miss E. 10 0 0 Paul, T. D . Esq, Leicester ...... 270 0 0 Hey worth, L. Esq, Liverpool—.. 10 0 0 361 0 0 Paxton, M r.T .B erw ick ...... 220 0 0 Hill, Mr. John, Loughton ...... 55 0 0 Ledlie, T. C. Esq, Calcutta...... 10 0 0 Pearce, Mr. Win-, Bristol ...... 21 0 0 Hill, Mr. Joseph, Hull c ...... 30 0 0 10 10 0 Pechey, Rev. W ...... 10 0 0 Hill, Miss M. A. ditto ...... 115 0 0 10 0 0 Peek, R. Esq, Hazlewood House 40 10 0 Hill, Mr. Sh ortw ood...... 21 0 0 Lees, E . Esq, Ashton ... 60 10 0 Penfold, W. Esq, Brighton 10 0 0 H ill, John, Esq., Tnvistodc-sq... 25 0 0 Leesc, Jos. Esq, Manchester - 525 0 0 Peto, Sir M. Bart, and Lady Hills, T., Esq., Lewisham • 20 0 0 Leese, Mr.jun. ditto 230 0 0 Peto,Kensington Palacc[GardnsG520 0 0 Hillier, Isaac, Esq ...... 66 10 0 10 10 0 Pewtress and Co. Messrs...... 120 0 0 Hinton, Rev. J. H. A. M 10 0 0 Leigh, Mr. T. Erith ...... 40 0 0 Pewtress,T.Esq...... 126 10 0 nird, Miss A., Liverpool...... 10 10 0 Leonard, John H,Esq., Bristol. 20 0 0 Pewtress, Mr. John ...... 20 0 0 Hifllop, Mrs., Helensburgh 10 0 0 10 0 0 Phillips, J • Esq, Llanglofian. . . . 20 0 0 Hobson, Mr. S. J., Kettering.... 10 0 0 Leonard, Solomon, Esq, Clifton.. 81 0 0 Phillips, Mr. W ., Birmingham . . 23 3 0 H oby, Rev. James, D. D...... 356 11 0 Leonard, Rev. H. C., M .A ...... 40 0 0 Philpot, Miss ...... 40 0 O Hoby, J. W. Esq ...... 41 10 0 Lewis, Mr. G., Worcester ...... 10 0 0 Pittam, Mr. Buckingham ...... 10 10 0 Hodgson, Mr., Brearly...... 10 0 0 Lidgould, Migs ...... 21 0 0 Ponton, R . Esq, Edinburgh 10 0 0 Hodgson, John, Esq, Halifax.-..« 10 0 0 Lilley, W . E. Esq, Cambridge ...1025 10 0 Pope, Rev. G...... 10 0 0 Hollingworth, S. N. Esq 10 0 0 Lindsay, Mr. Manchester 10 0 0 Popplewell, Mr. F. W ., Salford. 10 0 0 Hope, William, Esq, Liverpool.. 20 0 0 Lister, Mr. J.,junM Liverpool.... 10 Portnl, M iss...... 90 0 0 Hopkins, J.H., Esq.,Birmingham 26 0 0 Long, F. B., Esq ...... 30 0 0 Postle, Mrs. Ingham ...... 50 0 0 Hopkins, Mr. Thomas, Cardiff ... 10 0 0 Loraine, Mr., Edinburgh ...... 10 0 I Powell, Col. M.P. Hyde-Park-ter. 15 0 0 Itorscy, Mr. W. D. Wellington .. 10 0 0 Lorimer, Mrs., E d in bu rgh 10 0 j Poulton, Mr. Thomas, Tctbury . . 100 0 O Horsenail, Eliza, A lb u ry .- 65 10 4 Lowe, Mr, J., Birmingham • 30 0 ' Powell, John, Esq ...... 10 10 0 Horsfall, Messrs. Liverpool 25 0 0 Lowe, George, Esq ...... 30 0 Prance, B. E s q ...... «... lo 0 0 12 178 LIFE SUBSCRIBERS. [1 8 6 7 .

Pratten, Mr.B., Bristol ...... 13 2 G Smith, James, Esq, W atford.... 110 0 0 Trueman, M r s . 10 0 0 Price, Mr. E M W o rce ste r...... HI 0 0 Smith, Mr. J. J., W atford ...... 6H 2 i Tucker, Mr...... 120 0 0 Prichard, Kev. J. D.D., Llan­ Smith, Mr« J . F. Melksluuu . . . . 1(1 (J ( Tucker, 11. C. Esq, India...... 20 0 0 gollen ...... 11 0 0 Smith, Miss M. W . Claphani.... 10 0 I Turner, Win, Esq, Bristol ...... Probyn, Mrs. B ristol...... 50 0 0 Smith, Miss K. Cauibcrwell . . . . 10 10 c Tuckett, Fred. Esq...... 50 0 0 Proctor, Jas. Esq, Manchester 150 0 0 Smith, Sheldrake, Esq, Frenze Turner, Ralph, Esq., Nelson, Proctor, Jas. Esq., Brighton .... 60 0 0 H a U ...... 10 0 ( New Zealand ...... 10 0 0 Pullar, Laurence, Esq., Perth •. 10 0 0 Smith, W . Esq., Calcutta...... 10 0 ( Turnley, Francis, Esq, Belfast .. 20 0 0 Pullar, Robert, Esq., Perth...... 10 0 0 Smith, W . L. Esq, St. Albuu’s . . . . 723 4 ( Vavasseur, Mr., Camberwell . . . . 52 10 0 Pullar, John, Esq-, Perth ...... - 41 10 0 Smith, R., Esq., Manchester .... 50 0 (J V icca rs,T . aud G. Messrs...... 10 0 0 Rüget, W. H. Esq, Totteridge .~ Jti 0 0 Snodv, Andrew, Esq, Edinburgh 140 0 I Vickers, Mr., Nottingham ...... 40 0 U Radnor, Earl o f ...... 22 0 0 Soule, liev. 1. M. Battersea...... 50 0 1 Vines, Caleb, Esq, Islington 210 0 0 Ralph, Mr. J., Manchester...... 50 0 U Southampton, Right lion. Lady.. 10 0 I Vines, the Misses, Auxerre 10 0 0 R aw lings, M r. D ...... HI 0 0 Spackman, Mr. John,Brom ham 10 10 I W akefield, John, Esq, ditto . . . . 90 0 Ü Rawlings, E. Esq — ...... 19/ 0 0 Spencer, Miss, Ram sgate...... 10 10 0 Waketield, Miss M., ditto...... 10 0 Ü Reade, T. S. B. Esq ...... 20 0 0 Spice, R. P. Esq, Richmond...... 10 0 ( W akefield, Miss, Liverpool 20 0 0 Rees, W . Esq, Haverfordwest. *.. 1930 0 0 Spragg, Mr...... 50 0 I Wulker, Mr. II., Halifax...... 10 0 0 Rees, Mrs. W . (late Mrs. Salter) 700 0 0 Sprague, J. Esq,Exmouth ...... 10 0 1 Walker, Mr. Joseph, Hudders­ Reid, A. 0«, Esq, Belfast.••••••• 10 0 0 Sprot, Mrs. Edinburgh...... 10 0 f field...... 10 0 0 Richards, W . W. Esq ...... 1(1 0 0 Spurgeon, B. W . E sq...... 10 10 < W alker, Miss, D airy...... 10 0 0 Rickett, Mr. W. R., Hackncv.**, 10 0 0 Staucomb, J. Esq, Trowbridge .. 30 10 (1 Walker, Miss, Edinburgh ...... 10 0 0 ltidgwav, T. Esq, Towcester .... 10 10 0 Stancomb, Joseph, Esq,ditto.... 20 0 (] Walli.", John, Esq ...... 10 0 0 Ringer, Mr. J- M., Norwich .... 20 b 0 Staucomb, W. Esq, jun. ditto___ 20 0 (1 Wallis, Mr. S. and Misses d o .... 20 u 0 Rippon. Mrs. T., New Kent Roac 70 0 0 Stancomb, Mr- J. I*, ditto ...... 130 0 <1 Wallis, Mr. G., ditto...... 50 0 0 Risdon, Mrs., Birlingham, near Stancomb, Mr?-, Trowbridge .. 10 0 < Walters, D. E»q, Swansea ...... GO 0 0 Pershore —...... 196 4 0 Stead, Mr. W. Bradford ...... 70 0 (1 Walters, Thomas, Esq, ditto .... 10 5 0 Robarts H. Esq ...... 10 10 0 Steano, Rev. Edward, D J)...... 301 0 n W are, Martin, Esq, ltussell S q .. 10 0 0 Robarts, Miss, B a r n e t...... 21 0 0 Stephenson, Mrs...... 30 0 0 Warmiugton, Joseph, Esq, Lee.. 75 5 U Robarts, Miss F. d itto ...... 10 10 0 Steven, Mrs. S ...... 10 0 ( W atson, Alex. Esq. Glasgow . . . » 20 0 0 Robarts, Miss S., Barnet ...... 10 10 0 Stevenson, Mrs. Blackheath .... 182 5 0 Watson, Messrs...... 50 0 0 Robinson, E . S. & A.. Bristol..*.. Stewart, John, Esq, Aberdeen .. J 05 n 0 Watson,W.U., Esq...... 39 10 0 Robertson, It. Esq, Dunfermline 110 0 0 Stewart, Sir, J ames, d it t o ...... 10 0 0 W ebb, Mr. and Mrs. W ., London 41 10 0 Robinson, Mrs. C. B.» Leicester 130 0 0 Stewart, W.N. Esq. Launceston, W ells & Co. Messrs., Chelmsford 10 0 0 Robinson, Mr. H. 31., Leicester., 50 0 0 Tasm ania...... 15 0 (1 Weuham, J,,Esq., Montreal .... 10 [) 0 Robinson, E., Esq., Hitcliin .... 10 0 0 Stewart, W . It. Esq, Hobart Town 25 0 n West, Eben. Esq , Caversham .. 303 0 0 Robson, Mr., Berwick ...... 30 0 0 Stiff, Mr. and Mrs., Lambeth .. 21 0 0 W heatley, T. K. E s q ...... 10 0 0 Roc, Freeman, Esq. •••••.«...... 30 0 0 Stovel, Rev. Charles ...... 10 0 0 Wheldou, Mr. J, Scarborough .. 10 0 Q Rogers, Mrs Willinm, Pf^khnm 50 0 0 Stowe, S., Esq., Cardiff ...... 15 0 0 W hitaker, Mrs L. sen.,llaslingden 85 0 0 Rouse, W. Esq,Chudleigh...... 327 0 0 Stobie, Mr.W., St. Andrew’s.... 10 0 0 Whitchurch, Mrs. W ., Edgbaston 20 0 0 Routh, Rev. J. O., W indermere . . 13 0 0 Stuart, Mr., London ...... 25 0 0 White, J. Esq, Manchester 15 0 0 Rowells, Mr. J., Aberdeen...... 25 0 0 Sturge, Mr. T ...... 10 0 0 White, J . B. Esq, Milbank St. .. 20 10 U Rushton, Mr. W ., Liverpool .... 30 0 0 Sturt, M r.and Mrs., London . . . . 50 0 0 Whitehorn, J. Esq ...... 10 0 U Rushton, J. Esq, Manchester.... 15 0 0 Sully, Mr. J. W., Bridgewater.. 72 12 0 W hittuck, C. J . Esq, Bristol . . . . 50 0 0 Bussell, Mr...... 25 0 0 Swan, Provost...... * •.. *...... 10 0 0 Wilcox, Thomas, Esq ...... 160 10 0 Russell, Rev. J . Blackheath Hill 826 10 0 Sykes, Thomas, Esq., Hull...... 45 0 0 Wilkins, Mr. R o b e rt...... 10 0 0 Sndelev, the Right. Hon- Lord *. 10 0 0 Taylor, F. E. Esq. Winfarthing.. 10 0 0 Willett, Edward, Esq, Norwich. ,¡¡5 3 0 Sabiuc, Mr. Joan, Bury ...... 20 0 0 Taylor, Mr. Joseph, Foulsliam .. 10 0 0 Williams, J. Esq., Abingdon.... 10 0 0 Salisbury, J . C. Esq., Cratfield .. 10 10 0 Taylor, James, Esq...... 45 0 0 Williams, Mr. by Mr. It...... 10 0 0 86 0 Williams, L ew is,E sq, C ardiff.... 10 0 U 0Salter. R ev. W . A ...... 50 00Salter. Taylor, John, Esq...... 10 10 0 Williams, Mr. .1., Sirhowy 60 0 0 Salter, Mrs.TV. A*... 10 0 0 Taylor, Mr. J. 0«, Norwich .... 15 0 0 Williams, Mrs. L., ditto ...... 52 0 () Salter, Miss, Salisbury ...... 15 0 0 Templeton, Mrs. C ...... 20 0 0 Williamson, Mr. R ...... 58 0 0 Sands, John, Esq., London...... 361 10 0 Thomas, Mr. W., Llanelly...... 40 0 0 W ilson, J . Esq, Sheffield GO 0 o Saunders, Robert, E s q ...... 10 0 0 Thomas, Mr. Thomas ...... 10 0 0 Wilson, Joseph, Esq., Tunbridge Saunders, Mr. James, Annan .. 40 0 0 Thomas, Messrs. G. E. and S. W ells ...... 30 0 0 0 50 0 0 W ilson, Joshua, E sq...... 10 0 0 Scrivens, Geo. E sq ...... —...... 10 0 0 Thompson, Thos. M., Esq., Mon­ Wilsonne, lt. W . S. E sq ...... 100 0 0 Sevier, James, Esq...... 20 0 0 treal ...... 20 0 0 W inks, Mr* J . F., Leicester . . . . 10 0 0 ShaftOj R. J .E s q , Newcastle . . . . 10 0 0 Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Kendal 11 15 0 Wintcrbothum, Messrs. R.L. & L. 10 0 0 Shannon, Hr. J. Leighton Buz- Thompson, J. Esq...... 21 0 0 Wiuterbotham, J. Esq, Chelten­ zard...... 10 0 0 Thompson, Mr. S., Coseley...... 10 10 0 ham ...... 10 0 0 Shaw, Mrs...... 30 0 0 Thompson, Henry, Esq, St-John’s W iuterbotham, L. Esq. Stroud .. 260 0 0 Sheppard, John, Esq.From c.... 145 0 0 W o o d ...... 21 0 0 Withnall, Mr. Manchester «»..•• 10 0 0 Sherring, U. B. Esq, Bristol ....1590 0 0 Thompson, Mr. T., Cheadle .... 80 0 0 Wontner, Joseph, Esq...... 10 10 0 Sherring, Mrs. J B., Clifton .... Thompson, T. Esq, B ath ...... 21 0 0 Wontnor, Thomas, Esq, jun. ..«. G7 10 0 Shipman, T. Esq...... 10 10 0 Thompson, Hon. Mrs. ditto...... 10 10 0 W ood, F .J . Esq, L .L J )...... 277 0 0 Shoveller, M r.W ...... 10 0 0 Thompson, Rev. D., Bildeston .. 35 0 0 W ood, Mr. Chelsea...... 50 0 0 Simpson, Robert, E s q ...... 10 0 0 Thompson, W . Esq, Frome...... 50 0 0 W ood, John, Esq, Graham’s Town 10 0 0 Sidebottoro, J., Esq., Manchester 25 0 0 Thomson, Rev* Q. W ...... 10 0 0 W oodcock, Mr., Mnnchcster ..... 10 0 0 Simpson, W . Esq, Cambridge . . 10 0 0 Thorburn, W. Esq, Leith ...... 10 0 0 Woodhili, Mr.H., Birmingham.. 10 0 0 Simpson, J. A., Manchester .... 30 0 0 Tillyard, Mr. Robert, Norwich .. 32 0 0 W oodhill, Mr. J. C,f Birmingham 10 0 0 Simpson, T. Esq,Preston ...... 10 0 0 Todd, J . Esq, Dundee...... 10 0 0 W oolley, Mr. G. B., Ilackney .. 95 15 0 Sims, Thos. Esq ...... JO 0 0 Toft, Mr«. H u ll...... GO 0 (J W right, J. S. Esq, Birmingham.* 65 0 0 Sinnock, Mr. R., Battle ...... 20 10 0 Tolemache, the Hon. Frederick.. 10 10 0 Wright, J. S. Esq, Nottingham .. 21 0 0 Smith, Elliott, Esq, Cambridge .. 40 0 0 Toller, Mr* J ., Great Wilbraham 19 0 0 Wright, II. Esq, Turaham Green 130 0 0 Smith, Mr. Cray ford ...... 10 0 Tomlvn, Mr- D., Wrotluim ...... 30 0 0 W right, Mr. S. H...... 10 0 0 Smith, Mr ...... 10 O <1 Towers, Mr. Samuel, Brentford.. ¿07 0 0 Wyatt, II. Esq, Stroud...... 70 Ü 0 Smith. Miss, Olney ...... 49 0 0 Trcsidder Mr. J. E ...... 25 5 0 Wyatt, Peter, Esq ...... 10 0 0 Smith, Mr. Manchester...... GO 0 0 Trevelyan, W. B. Esq, Leeds .... 20 0 0 W ylie, Miss, B roa d w a y.,...... 20 0 O Smith, Edward, E s q ...... 80 0 0 Tritton, Joseph, Esq, Norwood. .1330 15 0 W inn, W* S. Esq, Leeds ...... 10 0 O Smith, Mrs. E d w a rd ...... 10 0 0 Trowbridge, L a d y ...... 10 0 0 Yates, licv. W. Stroud ,« . 10 0 0 Smith, E. M.Esq, Cambridge ■ 50 0 0 Trucnmn, Joseph, Eaq,juu .... 35 0 0