Valenti Denounces Stone's 'J. F. K.' As a 'Smear' I


Special to HOLLYWOOD, April 1 — In a high- ly unusual and angry statement, Jack Valenti, the president and chief exec- utive of the Motion Picture Associa- tion of America and a former top aide to President Lyndon B. Johnson, de- nounced the film "J. F. K." today as a "hoax," a "smear" and "pure fic- tion" that rivaled the Nazi propagan- da films of Leni Reifenstahl. Mr. Valenti, a film industry spokes- man and lobbyist in Washington, has kept silent until now about the film, which opened in Decem- ber. He emphasized that he was mak- ing a personal statement that "has no connection to my responsibilities in the movie industry." "Indeed, I waited to speak out be- cause I didn't want to do anything which might affect this picture's the- atrical release or the Oscar ballot- ing," he said. 'The Half True and the Totally False' The New York Times In the seven-page statement, Mr. Jack Valenti Valenti said Mr. Stone's film was "a monstrous charade" based on "the hallucinatory bleatings of an author 'Triumph of the. Will' are equally a named Jim Garrison, a discredited propaganda masterpiece and equally former district attorney in New Or- a hoax. Mr. Stone and Leni Reifenc c , leans." The movie implies that Presi- stahl have another genetic linkage: dent Johnson was part of a Govern- neither of them carried a disclaimer ment conspiracy in the assassination on their film that its contents were of President Kennedy. mostly pure fiction." "Does any sane human being truly What makes the statement espe- believe that President Johnson, the cially unusual is that as head of the Warren Commission members, law- Motion Picture Association since enforcement officers, C.I.A., F.B.I., 1966, the :born, Harvard-edu- assorted thugs, weirdos, Frisbee cated Mr. Valenti has sought to keep throwers, all conspired together as his employers, the movie studios, as plotters in Garrison's wacky sight- happy as possible without stirring ings?" he said, "And then for almost controversy despite his high profile in 29 years nothing leaked? But you Hollywood and Washington. One of have to believe it if you think well of those employers, Warner Brothers, any part of this accusatory lunacy." produced "J. F. K.," which has raised "In scene after scene Mr. Stone considerable debate over its blend of plasters together the half true and the speculation, fiction and fact. totally false and from that he manu- In a telephone interview, Mr. Va- factures the plausible," Mr. Valenti lenti said he delayed attacking the said in his statement. "No wonder movie because of his job. "Warner that many young people, gripped by Brothers is a member of my associa- the movie, leave the theater con- tion, and-1 owe them a fidelity to my vinced they have been witness to the responsibility," he said. "While this is truth." a personal statement, 1 did not want "In much the same way, young to do anything that, in the slightest German boys and girls in 1941 were way, would affect this picture's jour- mesmerized by Leni Reifenstahl's ney and its chances of winning an 'Triumph of the Will,' in which Adolf Academy Award." The movie, which Hitler was depicted as a newborn God," he said. "Both 'J. F. K.' and Continued on Page B4 Continued From Page B1 Mr. Stone, who received a copy o: the statement from Mr. Valenti lac( of President Kennedy be opened st was nominated for eight Acadamy this afternoon, said by telephone: that the American people can have I Awards, won two on Monday night, "While I respect Jack Valenti's en. fuller understanding of that tragecb for cinematography and editing, and during loyalty to President Johnson, 1 and its continuing implications foi has grossed more than $68 million in find his emotional diatribe off the our democracy." the United States. It is also expected mark. The overwhelming majority of Robert A. Daly, the chairman of to prove a strong box-office success Americans — and not just the young Warner Brothers, said the company in Europe. whom Mr. Valenti puts down as toc supported Mr. Stone but understood Mr. Valenti said he had told War- impressionable — agree with the cen• Mr. Valenti's fury. "Our feeling is ner Brothers that he planned to issue tral thesis of my film: that President very simple," he said. "We support a statement but had not provided the Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy the movie. We think it's a wonderful text to the studio. "They recognize which included people in the Govern movie. We have the utmost regard for that I am in a difficult position, but I ment." what Oliver Stone did. As far as Jack told them that this was such a person- He added: "I am enormous13 Valenti is concerned, the fact that al thing it goes deep into my vitals," proud of the artistic and political im he's loyal to L. B. J. is admirable, and he said. "I owe where I am today to pact which 'J. F. K.' has had. I hop, 1 would hope anybody who worked for Lyndon Johnson. I could not live with Mr. Valenti, now that he has venter me for all those years would be that myself if I stood by mutely and let his spleen, will join in supporting th. loyal. I have nothing but the highest some film maker soil his memory." joint House-Senate resolution that al regard for Jack." Government files in the assassinatiot Mr. Daly said that if the Warren Commission files are opened because of pressure generated by the film, he was convinced that some of the mov- ie's speculation about more than one assassin would be borne out. 'I Was There' Mr. Valenti began working for Mr. Johnson in 1955 when he was the Senate majority leader and later served at the as Mr Johnson's assistant from 1963 to 1966 Mr. Valenti handled the press durint the visit of President Kennedy anc Vice President Johnson to or Nov. 22, 1963, when Mr. Kennedy wai assassinated. In his statement, Mr. Valenti said: "My own rebuttal to Mr. Stone comer sown to this: I was there, and he Hasn't." Mr. Valenti said in his statement hat he stood beside Mr. Johnson then he was sworn in on the plane tarrying Kennedy's coffin, that he ived at the White House for two months afterwards, that he "read ev- ;ry paper that crossed the Presi- tern's' desk, including the most top- iecret documents, and was an ear- witness to many of his most confiden- ial phone conversations." He contin- ted: "I was there when President Johnson ruminated about the assassi- iation, and the urgency to enlist the nost prestigious citizens within the lepublic to inspect this murder care- ully, objectively, swiftly." After naming some of the members if the Warren Commission, which qr. Stone has denounced because of is conclusion that Lee Harvey Os- wald acted alone in killing President Kennedy, Mr. Valenti said: "To indict hese men of honor, along with Lyn- ion Johnson, is vicious, cruel and 'else." He added, "No matter his brilliant :reative skills, and they are consider- able, Mr. Stone has with deliberate 'orethought put on the screen a mon- strous charade about President John- ton that ranks right up there with the )est work of old-guard Soviet revi- .ionist historians.".