Parish Handbook

335 Dover-Chester Road Randolph, NJ 07869 973-584-1101

Prayer to St. Matthew

Dear St. Matthew, follower of , the Lord, As you answered the call to “Come, follow me,” so, too, may we be encouraged to follow in your footsteps and live the Kingdom here on earth that you so ardently preached.

When our enthusiasm appears to diminish, give us the courage and determination to persevere.

You saw as the “New ,” fulfilling the new covenant. Guide us to fulfill a covenant within our community of St. Matthew; that we may strive to live as loving, caring, Christian people.

As the Early Christian Community sought to build faith, so may we seek to con- tinue to build a faithful community. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.



We are a Catholic community seeking out and welcoming all in a spirit of hospitali- ty, and empowering people to grow in discipleship in Jesus Christ.

OUR VISION We are a Catholic community of disciples nourished by the celebration of the Eu- charist and other sacraments, enriched by the faith formation of all ages, encour- aged to share our gifts and talents to enhance God’s Kingdom of peace, justice, love, and mercy here on earth and committed to embrace and foster each individ- ual’s need for God.


PARISH HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from our Pastor Our Parish History Staff Information General Information

Parish Office and Staff Information

Becoming a Member

Involvement in Parish Activities Financial Support Liturgical Celebrations Ministries

Faith Formation The Sacraments

Statement of Sacramental Policies

Sacramental Guidelines


Reconciliation and Eucharist



Sacrament of the Sick

Faith Formation Ministries

General Statement

Parish Ministries and Committees

Our Spiritual Mission



Dear Friends,

I warmly welcome you as a member of St. Matthew’s Parish community. I hope you will find a home among us and continue on your faith journey in Christ with us.

Since each parishioner is unique and different, I invite you to share your gifts and talents to en- rich our faith community. In turn, I pray that you find in St. Matthew’s a true sense of Christian support and friendship.

One of the best ways for a parishioner to feel a part of a parish is to become involved in some of its ministries. I hope this Parish Handbook will help you in this regard.

I look forward to working with you as we grow in our love of Christ and one another.


Rev. W. Murphy




St. Matthew the Apostle Parish was established in Randolph, NJ on June 24, 1988 as a spin-off from Resurrection Parish, whose families numbered over 2,000. Our small band of 65 families quickly became a pilgrim community who worked together, under the guidance of Father McDonnell.

St. Matthew’s encourages all of its parishioners to become involved in parish life. The handbook describes the various ministries which are active; the Sunday Bulletin announces the numerous socials, fundraisers and social outreach projects that the parish sponsors each year.

Come join in the loving family that is St. Matthew’s. We’d love to have you.


ADDRESS: 335 Dover-Chester Road, Randolph, NJ 07869

PHONE: 973-584-1101 Faith Formation.: 862-251-4129 FAX: 973-584-0499

OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Thursday, 9am – 4pm

Friday, 9am - 1pm

SUMMER HOURS (Memorial Day thru Labor Day): Monday through Thursday, 9am – 1pm

WEB ADDRESS: PARISH RECTORY: 267 Dover Chester Road, Randolph, NJ 07869



Rev. Daniel W. Murphy, Pastor (fr.dan) Deacon Richard Brady, Permanent Deacon ( Deacon Ed Keegan, Permanent Deacon (deacon.ed)

Kathy Burke, Assoc. Music Minister (kathy.burke) Tom Carle, Associate Music Minister (tom.carle) Moira Dziomba, Director of Faith Formation ((moira.dziomba) Carol Lindsey, Faith Formation Asst. (carol.lindsey) Youth Minister (TBD) Leslie Doherty, Business Manager (leslie.doherty) Terry Shaw, Parish Secretary ( Karen Loveys, Admin. Assistant (karen.loveys) Jeff Mantell, Director of Maintenance , (jeff.mantell)

*All e-mails are (name)



We are a welcoming community and are enriched by new members. If you wish to register in the parish, you may pick up a Preliminary Registration form from the priest or deacons after any weekend Mass. We will invite you to the next welcome meeting with a short presentation on the various services and activities in the parish. After your questions are answered, you may register if you have chosen to join our parish. This is the only time that registrations are accepted.

If you would like to have your home blessed, one of the priests or one of the Deacons would be happy to visit.


Members of the parish are encouraged to become actively involved in one of more parish com- mittees, programs and projects. This is a good way to use your talents and gifts to build up the Christian community here at St. Matthew’s.


As a parish community, we are completely responsible for our own finances and for maintenance of parish facilities. Therefore, we receive no financial assistance from any other parish or from the Diocese; we are completely self-supporting. We pay costs for the Church building and the rectory. We also pay an assessment to the Diocese of Paterson to support the work of the larger church and its commitment to inner city parishes and schools. We are also responsible for all other basic needs of parish life such as office supplies, worship items, etc. We encourage you to support your parish by using the weekly envelopes or through Parish Pay online. This helps us to plan realistically for our present and future and it is a special source of encouragement to the parish community.



Parishioners are invited to actively participate in our weekly liturgies when our parish family gathers to celebrate the Eucharist. We encourage you to take time to greet one another as you enter and leave our place of worship.


Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon

Summer Schedule (Memorial Day through Labor Day)

Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM


Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM Sept.-May (Monday– Thursday June– August) HOLY DAY MASSES


Saturday 4:15 – 4:45 PM at the Church or by appointment

Please see the Sacramental Guidelines section for information regarding Baptism, Marriage and Sacrament of the Sick.



STATEMENT FOR SACRAMENTAL POLICY As a Catholic community our faith is nurtured by God’s Word, tradition, and the sacraments – all of which flow from the Church as a living community of faith. Sacraments are encounters with the living Christ in and through his Body, the Church. We deprive ourselves and our children of the fullness of God’s life when we separate the sacraments from the lived experience of Christian life in the community. The Church is more essential to us than ritual, for ritual is meaningless without full participation in the Church. We want our young people to receive the sacraments in relationship with the primary people in their lives, namely, their parents. In Baptism, parents have promised to participate in the faith life of their children and we want to help them in any way we can to fulfill that commitment. To assist parents in understanding what is required for the reception of the Sacraments in St. Matthew’s Parish, the following guidelines are provided.

SACRAMENTAL GUIDELINES BAPTISM Through the sacrament of Baptism, we become members of the Church and receive the gift of eternal life. In Baptism, parents pledge to raise their children in the faith of the Roman and to journey along with them. They are requested to contact the Parish Office for details on baptismal instruction and date of Baptism. Parents must be registered parishioners and express a desire to take part regularly in the life and worship of the parish. Arrangements should be made six weeks in advance. Typically, there are two Godparents, although only one is necessary. One of the two must be a Catholic who is fully initiated into the Church, having received Baptism, Eucharist and Confirma- tion. The other, if not Roman Catholic, must be a Christian adult. Baptism is celebrated on Sunday afternoons at 1:30 PM by one of the deacons or at Sunday Mass by the priests. Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent.

FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST EUCHARIST The sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are usually celebrated in second grade. Children should be enrolled in St. Matthew’s Faith Formation Program and attend classes regularly for at least one year before be- ginning preparation for these sacraments. Preparation for Reconciliation is a prerequisite for re- ceiving First Eucharist. New parishioners should submit proof of religious education from their previous parishes.

Older children who have not received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation or Eucharist will be ministered to according to the age of the child. Please call the Parish Office for an interview.


CONFIRMATION In being anointed with the Holy Spirit, the individual is empowered to live and serve as an adult in the Church, which begins the journey of living out your faith in a ma- ture capacity.

Confirmation is celebrated in junior year of high school (11th grade). Students who have not regularly attended religious education classes in the lower grades may need extra preparation before beginning the Confirmation process. New parishioners should submit proof of religious education from their previous parishes.

Preparation for this sacrament is a 2 ½ year process starting at the beginning of high school which will include two retreats called BREATH and SEARCH.

MARRIAGE The sacrament of Marriage images the love of Christ between a man and a wom- an in their lifelong commitment to one another. It is truly a celebration and a source of joy and life in the Church and in society. Since marriage is such a sacred and challenging vocation, it is of the utmost importance that couples are properly prepared to enter into this sacrament. Couples should make arrangements one year in advance in accordance with Diocesan policy. In this year, they are expected to take part in a Marriage Preparation Process, which involves Pre- Cana and three focus meetings with the priest or deacon and the Diocese’s “Joy Filled Mar- riage” and prayer.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The care of the sick and elderly is always of importance to the Christian community. The sacrament of the anointing of the sick proclaims and makes real the healing and gentle love of Christ. It is available for those who are seriously ill, aged, infirmed, facing major surgery, either at home in the hospital or in a nursing facility.

Parishioners with homebound family members should let the priests know if they can visit.



St. Matthew’s faith formation program offers faith formation for children from K to 11th grade. Children are required to consistently attend religious education classes from 1st grade to 11th grade. While the Catholic Church recognizes the parents as the first educators of their children, it also sees the necessity in having families join the faith community by participating weekly in Sunday mass and attending scheduled religious education classes. When you enroll your child/ children in the Faith Formation program and faithfully follow the program’s expectations, you are fulfilling some of the promises you made at your child/children’s Baptism.

The grade level classes, which are taught by Catechists, meet twice a month. In the lower grades, many of the Catechists are assisted by our high school students. In addition to the formal classroom instruction twice a month, Reconciliation Services, special liturgies, retreats and service projects are scheduled throughout the school year.




Each parish is a unique combination of individuals and families who journey together and alone. The common bond we share is our individual and/or communal commitment to live and spread God’s teachings. St. Matthew’s is committed to both the individuality and commonality. Pa- rishioners are unique unto themselves and can be differentiated by age, family/marital status, longevity in the Catholic faith and our parish, availability and demonstrated commitment and interest. St. Matthew’s is also committed to address faith issues, recognizing changes will occur based on life circumstances that impact both individuals and the community.

Our mission is to provide for the growing in and living of our faith as individuals, as families, and as a community. Toward that end, the pastor and the Pastoral Council provide overall direction to our parish ministries, committees, and services, which are reviewed in the following pages.

ADULT ENRICHMENT It is the purpose of our Adult Enrichment program to provide opportu- nities for parishioners to deepen their faith, enrich their lives, and build community. Programs will be offered based on identified parish needs, the liturgical calendar and/or contemporary issues with the goal of providing attendees an opportunity to share and grow in our rich Catho- lic heritage. All parishioners are invited to participate. St. Matthew’s most significant oppor- tunity for adult faith formation is the Men’s/ Women’s Cornerstone Retreat program and our very active Scripture Study program.


ALTAR CARE Those involved in this ministry arrange the altar linens and vessels used in the celebration of the Eucharist. They also see to it that all the vestments and linens are laundered and kept in good order. The work they do is behind the scenes but so very important.

ALTAR SERVERS Altar Service is a fun yet meaningful way for the youth of our parish to in- volve themselves in the activities of the Church. Servers assist the priest by carrying the cross, candles and book and assisting in the presentation of the gifts, the washing of the hands and the sprinkling and use of incense during special liturgies. Altar servers usually participate in one Mass per month plus special liturgies during the Christmas and Lenten Seasons. Children enter- ing 4th grade and older who actively participating in our Rel. Ed. program and who have made their First Communion, are invited to join us in this special ministry. Altar Serving is a wonder- ful way to participate in the Mass and serve our Lord and our Parish.

BAPTISM PREPARATION This program has been established to ensure a greater outreach and opportunity for evangelization of our young parents. A team of very faithful and committed young couples welcomes baptism parents into their homes in a two-hour session to better grasp the authentic meaning of the sacrament and their role as Catholic parents. This program is the beginning of the child’s journey towards full initiation into the Catholic Church. The over- all focus of the program is to offer the opportunity to deepen one’s faith commitment, to better understand the gift and challenge of Christian parenting and to come together to find support in knowing other young couples of our parish

BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Our Ministry to the Bereaved has been serving both St. Matthew’s parishioners and members of the wider community since 2000. We have many efforts to pro- vide acknowledgement, support and solace to those grieving the death of a loved one: outreach assistance, information available in our Resource Lending Library and our Companions on the Journey support group.

BUILDING AND SITES Members of the building committee assist with the general upkeep of our church facility - inside and out - including landscaping, lighting, parking lot, etc.

CATECHUMENATE – RCIA Any adult wishing information about becoming a Catholic is invited to participate in a process known as the Pre-Catechumenate or Period of Inquiry. After some time, if there is a sufficient interest and readiness, the Inquirer enters a period of instruction known as the Catechumenate. This is followed by a period of spiritual formation and reception in the Church, which usually takes place during the Easter Vigil Liturgy. Anyone unbaptized, baptized in another Christian faith, as well as Catholics wishing to recommit themselves to the Church, is welcome.

EVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE The Environmental Committee is responsible for choosing and arranging the flowers that beautify our church for the weekend liturgies. They also have the task of hanging banners, wreaths or whatever else is needed to decorate the church for the special seasons of the liturgical year, for example, Christmas, Easter and Holy Week.

14 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Those who are drawn to the Real Presence in the Eucharist may be interested in this ministry. The extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist serve one or two times a month at a weekend liturgy; some may also administer the Eucharist to the ill or homebound. This ministry is open to those who have been confirmed and have completed a brief training session and certification.

FINANCE COMMITTEE The Parish Finance Committee oversees the revenue and expenses of the parish in conjunction with the pastor. It prepares the parish budget each calendar year and reviews the funding requests and desires of the other parish council committees, parish organi- zations and the parish staff in light of the needs and financial position of the parish. It regularly reviews actual revenues and expenses of the approved budget and oversees the parish bookkeeping system in light of generally accepted accounting principles, diocesan procedures and reporting requirements. This committee also provides financial statements as required by the Diocese of Paterson.

FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE The Parish Fundraising Committee works in close cooperation with the Finance Committee to reduce our parish debt and meet annual fundraising goals. The overall activities of the Fundraising Committee are concentrated in the following areas:

On-going Fundraising Efforts:

The Shoppers’ Club

The Shoppers’ Club provides a continual source of revenue to the Parish. St. Matthew’s purchases gift cards from area supermarkets at a 5% discount. Parishioners and friends can then purchase the cards from St. Matthew’s for face value with St. Matthew’s earning a 5% return on all purchases—at no cost to the parishioners. Participating supermarkets include ShopRite, Acme, A&P and Sussex Market in Wharton which gives us a 10% discount Shoppers’ Club cards and gift cards are available for purchase after all weekend masses and at the parish office during the week.

Online Shopping Help St. Matthew’s earn money while you shop by using from the St. Mathew’s website. Every time you shop this way, St. Matthew’s receives a percentage of your purchase total. Just like Shoppers’ Club, there is no additional cost to those participating—another way to help our parish at no cost to you! Please give it a try. Thank you! Special Fundraising Projects

Major fundraising projects, include two 50/50 held twice a each year. These projects involve careful coordination and planning to help us meet our needs in terms of our operating budget and our capital needs.


GOSPEL OF LIFE COMMITTEE Our of Life Committee’s mission is to encourage our par- ish family to stand up and speak out for life from the babe in the womb until God calls us to himself in Heaven.

It is a wonderful opportunity to meet your fellow parishioners.

LITURGY COMMITTEE The Liturgy Committee coordinates and evaluates our parish liturgical celebrations. Comprised of a representative from each of the Liturgical Ministries, the Liturgy Committee coordinates and evaluates our parish liturgical celebrations. They advise the Envi- ronmental Committee of various liturgical themes throughout the year.

MINISTRY OF LECTOR Lectors are men and women of faith who proclaim the Word of God in the liturgical assembly. A yearly workshop is provided to help them in their ministry. Youth are likewise encouraged to serve.

MINISTRY OF MUSIC Since the founding of St. Matthew’s, the Music Ministry has played a vi- tal and active role in the symphony of our parish. Today, the Ministry is made up of 5 ensem- bles: the Children’s Choir comprised of our young parishioners in grades 1-6; the, Teen Choir comprised of our teenagers in grades 7-12; the Adult Choir comprised of adults of all ages; the “Bells of St. Matthew’s”, our bell choir and we have a Praise Band for a more contemporary worship with music. We also have instrumentalists playing everything from guitar to soprano saxophone to organ—all are welcome in our ministry! Rehearsals are generally held once a week.

MINISTRY OF USHERS The Usher ministry is one of welcoming. Just as Jesus reached out to others and welcomed strangers, ushers warmly greet people when they arrive at St. Matthew’s so they feel welcome and invited to be an active participant in the celebration of the Mass. They oversee all that is required to make for comfort and order in our worship space. Ushers answer any questions the people attending worship may have regarding St. Matthews or the Liturgy. They invite people to take up the Gifts for the Offertory and assist in the collection of the offering. Ushers assist in the coordination of the congregation receiving the Eucharist and following each Mass ensure the Church is neat and orderly for the next gathering.

Ushers serve at weekend and all Holiday Masses. Men and women 14 years old and older are invited to participate.

MINISTRY TO THE SICK As Christ ministered to the sick and broken in the Gospel, we too min- ister to the sick and broken in our midst. The priest is always available to share Christ’s healing in the Sacrament of the Sick, in Reconciliation and in the Eucharist. Our Priests, Eucharistic Min- isters and Deacons are available to bring Holy Communion and to pray with the sick, the shut- ins and the elderly of our parish. Due to privacy laws (HIPAA) which do not allow hospitals and nursing facilities to notify the parish when our parishioners have been admitted, please contact the parish office if you have a relative or friend in need of a pastoral visit.


PASTORAL COUNCIL The Pastoral Council oversees the spiritual life of the parish by making both short and long-term plans, by being a sounding board for the staff and proposed pro- grams. They assess present programs and ministries to determine gaps and overlaps and rec- ommend ways to address those problems. They help develop plans for and nurture changes and help the parish develop its vision and mission. The Council welcomes ideas and sugges- tions.

PRE-CANA (MARRIAGE PREPARATION) The marriage of a couple is important to our whole community and this ministry is composed of couples who meet with the engaged couples pre- paring for the Sacrament of Marriage to help them improve communication and to deepen their understanding of the meaning of marriage as a sacrament. Once a couple has set a date for marriage with our Pastor, they can contact the Marriage Preparation Couple to schedule a Pre-Cana training session. Sessions are conducted twice each year, March and October, through a joint effort between St. Matthew’s and Resurrection parishes in Randolph.

Other Pre-Cana sessions are also available through the diocese. Each couple seeking marriage must complete the Pre-Cana preparation and FOCCUS Inventory and “The Joy-Filled Marriage” program before being married in the Paterson Diocese. Call the parish office or the coordina- tors for more details. Arrangements are to be made one year in advance.

PRAYER CHAIN The St. Matthew’s “Prayer Chain” is made up of faith-filled parishioners who will pray on behalf of individual or groups who have asked for their prayers. The ministry accepts requests for prayers of petition, praise and thanksgiving. Anyone who has prayer requests or who would like to participate in this ministry should contact the ministry coordinator.

Prayer Shawl Ministry St Matthew's Prayer Shawl Ministry is made up of ladies who love to knit or crochet. The group gathers together twice a month and each Prayer Shawl is knitted in faith and given in love. For centuries, shawls have been a universal symbol of an inclusive, un- conditionally-loving God who wraps us, enfolds us, comforts us and beautifies us. A prayer shawl is created when the person who knits or crochets begins each shawl with prayers and gives the completed shawl to the recipient as a blessing. Prayer shawls are intended to give comfort and hope to those who are grieving or ill, to communicate that a loved one is being thought of and prayed for, or to offer as a gift to a complete stranger. During the meetings the group enjoys a time of active knitting enjoys fellowship with each other. Newcomers are wel- come and are encouraged to contact the ministry head for more information.

SAMARITANS OUTREACH MINISTRY The Outreach Ministry at St. Matthew’s was founded on the truth that we all need each other. Although the needs are many and varied, the Samaritan’s goal is to follow the example of Christ and respond lovingly, through a genuine spirit of collaboration and empowerment. The Samaritans respond to those needs within our parish family, as well as those of the larger community. The Samaritans Ministry formulates an agenda of activities aimed at filling these needs. The plans include Habitat for Humanity, Thanksgiving turkeys, Advent “Giving Tree” and the Morris County Interfaith Food Pantry. The Samaritan Core Committee members act as the Project Leaders for each activity and solicit volunteers to facilitate each program. 17

Faith Kitchen Cooking and serving food to the homeless at Trinity Lutheran Soup Kitchen in Dover monthly.

Food Pantry The Food Pantry collects and distributes dry and canned food to those in need. Collec- tions are collected at all masses and religious education classes the first weekend of eve- ry month. Food is distributed to four Morris County charities, the Carmelite , as well as directly to families in need.

The Giving Tree An annual Christmas tree is set up in the Gathering Space with gift tags for those in need. Gifts go to various social services.

Haiti Relief An annual food and supplies drive held with four other churches. We also have a fund for educating children at the Missionaries of the Poor Mission in Cap Haitian.

Interfaith Furnishings In cooperation and Catholic Charities and ten other participating churched furniture de livery service is provided for those in need in Morris County four times a year.

JT’s Kitchen Cooking and delivering food to the homeless in Dover on the second Tuesday of the month.

Meals On Wheels A meal delivery service to the elderly and infirmed in Randolph every Friday.

Mississippi Clothing Drive An annual clothing and supplies drive with Resurrection Parish. Everything is delivered to St. Anne’s Parish in Carthage, MS. Thanksgiving Turkeys An annual cooking and delivery of turkeys and pies for the homeless at Trinity Lutheran Soup Kitchen in Dover on Thanksgiving Day.

SOCIAL COMMITTEE The Social Committee strives to foster a sense of community at St. Matthew’s by supporting the social needs of our parishioners. The goal is to provide various so- cial settings where parishioners can meet to relax, enjoy themselves and get to know each oth- er better. The committee is made up of parish volunteers who organize our major social events including the Parish Picnic and other parish social programs. This is an action-oriented com- mittee that is always interested in new ideas and talented parishioners to “make things hap- pen”!

18 Many friendships begin by volunteering or attending these events and grow in to life-long faith- filled friendships for both adults and children alike.

SOCIAL CONCERNS The Social Concerns Committee of St. Matthew the Apostle parish has been established to provide a process to allow the parish community to coordinate programs and ministries that will serve local, national and global populations with needed services. The goal is to organize our efforts and resources in line with Catholic teachings. Therefore programs will be assessed on their response to social works of Justice, Charity and Peace.

All written requests for parish funding, resources (people) or endorsement (use of St. Matthew’s parish name) will be submitted to the Pastoral Staff for formal review and approval. All requests must be submitted directly to the Parish Office. Application forms are available in the office or on the parish web site.

WELCOME MINISTRY The Welcome Ministry was created to genuinely welcome new mem- bers to our Parish starting with their very first visit and continuing throughout their journey as disciples within our community. We want to more consistently demonstrate the vibrant stew- ardship and welcoming spirit of the people at St. Matthew’s while encouraging active parishion- ers to become more engaged members of our community. As a new Ministry, we want the parishioners of St. Matthew’s to welcome visitors warmly and be sensitive to the needs of individuals and families as they consider joining our Parish. At the same time we want to encourage and call all people of St. Matthew’s to share their time, talents and treasures of stewardship. We do this by evangelizing and sharing the all-embracing love of Christ through and with the people of St. Matthew’s.

WOMEN OF FAITH “Coffee, Tea, and Camaraderie” our Women of Faith group invites you to come, relax, and enjoy faith-filled conversations. Generally, meetings are held two Thursdays a month, Sept. to June from 1-2:30 PM but please check the bulletin or the website for any possi- ble changes to this schedule. There are no strangers, only friends we haven’t met yet. Be sure to bring a cup with you for coffee or tea. For specific group contacts, please see the weekly bulletin.


St. Matthew the Apostle Parish

335 Dover Chester Road

Randolph, New Jersey 07869
