April 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E531 MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES associations. Among them are: the National munity, his customers and his family. This was ON H.R. 4297, TAX RELIEF EX- Association for the Advancement of Colored made evident when many of his friends and TENSION RECONCILIATION ACT People (NAACP); The Brooklyn Chamber of long-time customers showed up on the Thurs- OF 2005 Commerce; The Caribbean-American Cham- day before his retirement to pay him homage. ber of Commerce and Industry (CACCI); the This man is truly one to be honored and SPEECH OF National Black Women Health Association; the emulated as he has touched the hearts of so HON. DAVE CAMP National Association for Women Executive many of his customers and friends during his time at Taverna. His immense kindness and OF MICHIGAN and the Association for School Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Ms. overwhelming generosity is something that is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Noel-Adolphe and her family including her 2 not often seen in today’s society. My thoughts Wednesday, March 29, 2006 young daughters reside in South Midwood. and prayers are with him and his family as he Mr. CAMP of Michigan. Madam Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is incumbent embarks on his new path. And like everything would like to clarify a statement I made on the on this body to recognize the accomplish- else Bill has done, I am certain that he will be floor at one point on March 29, 2006 during ments of Michele Noel-Adolphe, as she offers enormously successful. debate on a motion to instruct conferees on her talents for the betterment of our local and Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me H.R. 4297. In quoting the statistics on the per- international communities. in honor and recognition of Vasilios ‘‘Bill’’ centage of taxpayers with capital gain and div- f Kavadias, whose dedication and 41 years of idend income that have incomes below service to his customers and community will $100,000; the correct statistic is that nearly 60 IN HONOR AND RECOGNITION OF be missed, but never forgotten. VASILIOS ‘‘BILL’’ KAVADIAS percent of taxpayers receiving capital gain or f dividend income have incomes of $100,000 or MORE WATER AND MORE ENERGY less. Even though I did correctly state this sta- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH ACT OF 2006 tistic during the debate, the statistic was ini- OF OHIO tially mischaracterized. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The correct statistic can be derived from a HON. MARK UDALL Wednesday, April 5, 2006 OF COLORADO document provided by the nonpartisan Joint IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee on Taxation. This document can Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in be found on their web site. It is document honor and recognition of Vasilios ‘‘Bill’’ Wednesday, April 5, 2006 number JCX–50–05 titled ‘‘Present Law and Kavadias, owner and manager of the Greek Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, today Background Information on Certain Expiring Taverna Restaurant on Pennsylvania Avenue, I am introducing the ‘‘More Water and More Tax Provisions.’’ The data on the income dis- for his 41 years of service to the Capitol Hill Energy Act of 2006.’’ tribution of taxpayers who receive capital gain community. For 41 years, Bill has opened his My bill deals with the issue of ‘‘produced and dividend income can be found on pages doors to thousands of Members of Congress, water,’’ the saline water generated in the pro- 6 and 7. Senators, Capitol Hill residents and visitors. duction of oil. For every barrel of oil produced, Bill arrived from the Greek Island of f approximately 10 barrels of saline water is Kefalonia on the USS Independence on De- generated. This country generates over 5 bil- A TRIBUTE TO MICHELE NOEL- cember 30, 1956, with his brother. Soon after lion gallons of produced water per day. ADOLPHE his arrival, Bill met and married his wife, While sometimes this water can be and is Ifigenia. Two years later in 1965 around the used for agriculture or other purposes, most HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS same time Bill was starting his new business, often it has been handled as a waste and re- OF NEW YORK the couple gave birth to their one and only injected. But as we expand our development IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES child, Gregory. of fossil energy resources to meet our increas- Starting Taverna with his brother in 1965, Wednesday, April 5, 2006 ing demand for energy, we are also increasing rocky times would soon befall on him. But the volume of water produced in the develop- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in being the man that Bill is, he would not allow ment process. And given the increasing de- recognition of Michele Noel-Adolphe and I the initial shortcomings interfere with his de- mand for fresh water supplies in many areas hope my colleagues will join me in recognizing sire to succeed. Changing the menu 3 times of the country—especially in the West—it the accomplishments of this outstanding mem- in 10 years to meet customers’ requests, Bill makes sense to consider how this produced ber of the Brooklyn community. and his brother noticed that people really en- water could supplement our limited fresh water Michele Noel-Adolphe is founder and presi- joyed Greek food, and in 1977, Taverna went resources. dent of Brooklyn Institute for Children (BIC), all Greek. From here on, Bill turned Taverna I’m glad that this issue is beginning to en- where she has worked since 1992. BIC has into a culinary palace it is today. Even though gage so many around the country as they re- developed into one of the foremost early child- he would insist that it was his customers who alize the potential benefits of produced water. hood facilities in Brooklyn and Ms. Noel- made it happen, we all know that it was Bill Just this week, the Colorado Water Resources Adolphe has emerged as a leader in the edu- who transformed his modest establishment Research Institute is hosting a ‘‘Produced cation and civic communities of Brooklyn. into the symbol it is today. Along the way, he Water Workshop’’ to discuss ‘‘Energy & After graduating from the State University of befriended many people including former Water—How Can We Get Both for the Price of New York (FIT) with a degree in Management Speakers of the House Tipper O’Neil and One?’’ and International Trade and Long Island Uni- Newt Gingrich. Among the many other Mem- In my opinion, few topics could be more versity with a Master’s of Social Science de- bers of Congress that frequent this iconic res- timely or important, not only for Colorado but gree, Ms. Noel-Adolphe entered the field of taurant, Bill has warmly served the President for our country. education as a NYC high school teacher—and of Brazil, former presidential candidate Mi- That’s why I’m introducing the More Water later as Executive Director of The Performing chael Dukakis, the Greek Ambassador during and More Energy Act—to facilitate the use of Arts Teen Center. In this capacity, Ms. Noel- the Reagan years and Secretary of State produced water for irrigation and other pur- Adolphe was responsible for designing and Madeline Albright to name a few. poses, including municipal and industrial uses. implementing numerous after-school programs I had the pleasure of meeting Bill about 10 The bill would direct the Secretary of the Inte- in Brooklyn that combined the academic years ago shortly after I was elected to Con- rior (through the Bureau of Reclamation and needs of youths and their artistic talents. gress. Day after day, I would make my way to the U.S.G.S.) to carry out a study to identify Ms. Noel-Adolphe is a proud graduate of his extraordinary establishment and each and the technical, economic, environmental, legal, Erasmus Hall High School. She is a major every time, Bill was there to greet me. Over and other obstacles to increasing the extent to contributor to and currently serves on the time, he and I forged a remarkable friendship which produced water can be used for such Board of Directors of Sharing Hearts Network, that I am so grateful for. Taverna is like my purposes. Inc., a nonprofit charitable organization re- home, but it would not be so without Bill. I am In addition, it would authorize federal grants cently founded to respond to the deterioration saddened by his retirement but am very thank- to in the development of facilities to of the standard of living of poor children in ful for the time I have had with him. demonstrate the feasibility, effectiveness, and Haiti. Aside from his business accomplishments, safety of processes to increase the extent to Additionally, Ms. Noel-Adolphe is an active Bill always made sure that he devoted his which produce water can be recovered and member of numerous professional and civic heart, mind and time to his surrounding com- made suitable for use for such purposes.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:49 Apr 07, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05AP8.048 E06APPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS E532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 6, 2006 Developing beneficial uses for produced through shifting costs to beneficiaries and to Mr. Speaker, I want to extend my congratu- water could reduce the costs of oil and gas State governments as well as cutting pay- lations to each of the members of the Terps development, while also easing demand for ments to healthcare providers. Women’s Team for their out- water—especially in the West—by alleviating This budget will force those who rely on standing performance last night and all season drought conditions and providing water for ag- Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance long. The members of the 2005–2006 Mary- riculture, industry, and other uses. Energy and Program (SCHIP) to accept cuts in benefits or land Terps championship team are: water are two of our most important re- require State and local governments to raise Charmaine Carr, Marissa Coleman, Shay sources—so it makes sense to pursue ways to taxes to pay for these new responsibilities. Doron, Kalika France, Laura Harper, Crystal produce more of both. I believe my bill is a Medicaid is the vehicle for seniors to pay for Langhorne, Christie Marrone, Ashleigh New- step in this direction. long-term care and I fear that these proposed man, Aurelie Noirez, Jade Perry, Angel Ross, Here is a brief outline of the bill’s provisions: cuts will force many nursing homes and other , and Sa’de Wiley-Gatewood. Section One—provides a short title (‘‘More facilities out of business because of their reli- The fact that 5 players on the team aver- Water and Energy Act of 2006’’), sets forth ance on Medicaid reimbursements. aged more than 10 points per game this sea- findings, and states the bill’s purpose, ‘‘to fa- Long Island has already seen hospitals son exemplifies the Terps’ selfless and team- cilitate the use of produced water for irriga- close their doors because of cuts in Medicaid oriented approach to the game. Last night’s tion and other purposes and to demonstrate reimbursements. We cannot afford to have ways to accomplish that result.’’ performance exemplifies their ability to play Section Two—provides definitions of key nursing homes suffer the same fate. with grace under pressure. terms used in the legislation. The budget also proposes cutting the Med- Mr. Speaker, I want to extend my congratu- Section Three—authorizes and directs the icaid reimbursements for generic drugs by lations to Coach who, in only Secretary of the Interior, acting through the $1.3 billion, school-based services by $3.6 bil- her fourth season as head coach, guided this Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Geologi- lion, and funding for the disabled by $1.2 bil- splendid team to last night’s remarkable vic- cal Survey, to conduct a study to identify lion. the technical, economic, environmental, tory. I also want to extend my congratulations I am committed to fighting these cuts. This to Assistant Coaches , Erica Floyd, legal, and other obstacles to increasing the budget places the burden for the Federal Gov- use of produced water for irrigation and and Joanna Bernabei, as well as to Director of other purposes and the legislative, adminis- ernment’s fiscal irresponsibility on our children, Basketball Operations, Mark Pearson. trative, and other actions that could reduce seniors, and the disabled. I will work with my Finally Mr. Speaker, I would be remiss if I or eliminate these obstacles. The study is to colleagues to restore funding to these critical did not put other collegiate sports teams on be done in consultation with the Department healthcare programs. notice for the future: Fear the turtle! of Energy, the Environmental Protection f Agency, and appropriate Governors and local f officials, and the Interior Department will be TRIBUTE TO THE UNIVERSITY OF IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF required to seek the advice of experts and MARYLAND WOMEN’S COLLEGE REVEREND RALPH EMERSON comments and suggestions from the public. BASKETBALL TEAM FOR WILL- LEACH Results of the study are to be reported to ING THE 2006 NCAA BASKETBALL Congress within a year after enactment of CHAMPIONSHIP the legislation. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Section Four—authorizes and directs (sub- OF OHIO ject to the availability of appropriated HON. BENJAMIN L. CARDIN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES funds) the Interior Department to award OF MARYLAND grants to assist in developing facilities to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, April 5, 2006 demonstrate the feasibility, effectiveness, Wednesday, April 5, 2006 and safety of processes to increase the use of Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in produced water for irrigation, municipal or Mr. CARDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recount honor and recognition of Reverend Ralph industrial uses, or for other purposes. No a story of hard work and dedication, a story of Emerson Leach, devoted husband, father, more than one such project is to be in a perseverance in the face of daunting odds, a grandfather, United States Veteran, prolific State of the Upper Basin of the Colorado story of achieving what once seemed impos- journalist, spiritual leader, social activist, and River (i.e. Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, or sible. In short, Mr. Speaker, I want to recount friend and mentor to countless people, across Wyoming), no more than one is to be in ei- a story of how the University of Maryland the southwest and far beyond. ther Arizona or Nevada, and no more than Reverend Leach was born and raised in one is to be in California. Grants are to be Women’s Basketball Team defied all expecta- for a maximum of $1 million, and can pay for tions to claim the 2006 NCAA Basketball Massachusetts. He attended the University of no more than half the cost of any project. championship. Go Terps! Texas School of Journalism until WWII inter- Grants cannot be used for operation or main- Mr. Speaker, this is a David and Goliath rupted his studies. In 1943, he joined the U.S. tenance of a project. story. Duke has performed well in the NCAA Army and was stationed in the Yunnan Prov- Section Five—authorizes appropriations to tournament, having reached the Final Four in ince of China. After 3 years of decorated serv- implement the legislation, including up to $5 three out of the last five seasons. The team’s ice, he was honorably discharged. In 1947, million for grants authorized by section 4. starting line-up consists of numerous seniors, Reverend Leach and his wife, Gloria, were f including 6-foot-7 center Alison Bales. The married. He began his editorial and reporting THE BUDGET THAT HURTS WOMEN Terps, by contrast, have never competed in a career, working at a series of newspapers national title game. The Terps’ starting line-up throughout Texas and Arkansas. As News has no seniors and two freshmen, including 5- Editor of the Arkansas Gazette in the mid-50s, HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY Reverend Leach was a frontrunner in expos- OF NEW YORK foot-7 guard Kristi Toliver. Mr. Speaker, last night’s game was the stuff ing the injustice of racism by working on a se- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of legends. The more experienced Duke took ries of articles that highlighted the historic Wednesday, April 5, 2006 immediate control of the game, and built a 13- Central High School integration crisis. The Ga- Mrs. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, women live point lead with less than 15 minutes left in the zette was later awarded the Pulitzer Prize for longer and have more health problems associ- game. Rather than succumb to frustration, the its coverage of this benchmark event in the ated with aging. They also tend to have less Terps patiently chipped away at the lead, with civil rights movement. retirement income, which affects their ability to tough baskets from forward Laura Harper and Personally moved by the racial intolerance deal with rising health and energy costs. As a freshman Marissa Coleman. With just seconds that he witnessed overseas and at home, Rev- result of these factors, the cuts proposed by left in regulation, the Terps managed to cut erend Leach ended his career in journalism this budget will affect women especially hard. the deficit to three points, setting the stage for and began building a spiritual ministry that ex- This budget would cut Federal healthcare the game’s electrifying conclusion. isted to raise the poor and struggling out of programs aimed at those who need them the Mr. Speaker, with 6.1 seconds left, Toliver the shadows of poverty and hopelessness, most. The burden for covering those who dribbled around two screens and then nailed and to free the soul of our Nation from the would otherwise be uninsured would be an audacious 3-pointer right over Bales. The chains of human injustice. He graduated with pushed to State and local governments who shot capped the Terps’ 13-point comeback a Master of Divinity degree from the Episcopal simply do not have the resources to provide and sent the game into overtime, where the Seminary of the Southwest, was ordained into adequate healthcare coverage. team sealed its stunning 78–75 victory with the Episcopal ministry, and became firmly en- The proposed budget cuts Medicaid spend- confident free throws from Kristi Toliver and trenched in the civil rights movement. Rev- ing by $17.2 billion over the next 5 years, Marissa Coleman. erend Leach’s work led him to collaborate with

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