[Narrative Short]

Running Time: 15 minutes Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1 Language: English Screening Format: NTSC DCP

Directed and Written By: Eli Powers Produced By: Thaddeus Bouska Co-Producer: Ady Pié Executive Producer: Amanda Seyfried

Production Company: Horsegod Productions Edited by: Colin Smith Cinematographer: Colt Aidan Sheldon Composer: Lydia Parkington LOGLINE [18 WORDS]

An absurdist tale about miracles and what happens when ordinary people come face to face with the extraordinary. SYNOPSIS

[99 WORDS]

In 1963, the harshest winter of the 20th century rages against Northern Ireland. As the temperature plummets, a nun at an asylum for fallen women struggles with her pregnancy. To make matters worse, one of the cows has gone missing. She follows it out into the elements, just to witness it vanish into thin air.

25 years later the cow re-appears before a West Texas gas station attendant, named Justice. Justice calls up the Sheriff, the Sheriff calls up the Doctor, and together, the three men discover a strange mystery in the middle of an American nowhere. Philip Ettinger as Justice

God don't speak in the way we'd expect him to.

Justice has been working at the same highway gas station his whole life. It’s small and safe and the people who passing by don't come back. He likes it that way. He’s a quiet man, and the less he says the less people expect of him.

Thomas Sadoski as Sheriff

I chew these days, Helen prefers it.

Sheriff doesn’t take guff from anyone. He’s level headed, and takes his job seriously. When you live in a small highway town, people passing through don’t always come with the best intentions. He's also trying to quit smoking, and replace it with sunflower seeds. It's going ok.

Dan Bakkedahl as Doc Bob

Yeah...she's dead alright.

Doc Bob is a the last of a dying breed. He’s a lone country doctor, a noble man living a simple life. Even though he doesn't have the license, he also works as the unofficial veterinarian 'cause there's ain't enough humans to keep his medical practice afloat as there is.

John Gowans as Priest

Miracles don't belong to men like you.

The Priest heads up a clandestine paramilitary organization that patrols the world extinguishing and containing miracles. Not much else is known about him, or his past.

Amanda Seyfried as Mary

I still swear and spit and have a thirst for liquor.

Mary is pregnant out of wedlock, condemned to a Magdalene Asylum in Northern Ireland. She comes from a tough background, she's a fighter, and she'll go to great lengths to protect her unborn child. At every moment, escape is on her mind. DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT

In May, 2016 German Police shot a cow to death in the meat section of a local grocery store after it had escaped from an upturned truck on its way to the slaughterhouse.

When I stumbled across the image of this dead cow, it’s tongue hanging out in the middle of this sterile grocery store, I knew intuitively that my next story was staring me straight in the face. As tragic as it was, I couldn’t help but marvel at the absurdity it.

I have to imagine that at any given moment, ordinary people around the world are witnessing these types of inexplicable events. Phenomena that flies in the face of our everyday life and shakes us up. But which ones are the flukes and which ones are the work of a higher power? And how would you tell the difference, anyways?

At it’s core, Holy Moses is about realizing, all of a sudden, that miracles are very real and all around you...only to have them taken away again. WRITER AND DIRECTOR, Eli Powers

Eli Powers is a New York City based writer and director. His 2014 short film “Alone At Last” was screened at the Cannes Short Film Corner, and his mini-documentary, “A Place We Can Be Treated Fairly” is premiering at the Over-the-Rhine Film Festival this fall. He is currently developing his debut feature.


Aidan Sheldon is a Rhode Island born filmmaker, based in Los Angeles and working as a Cinematographer for Vice Media. He has travelled around the world for "VICE on HBO," shooting stories in Russia, North Korea and Saudi Arabia, and recently worked as Series DP for "Hollywood Love Story" starring Paris Hilton. In the past year, his eye has segued from documentary work to both commercial and narrative, and “Holy Moses” is his proudest achievement yet. PRODUCER, Thaddeus Bouska

Thaddeus Bouska produces short films on a budget, and earns his pay in producing television. He’s worked with Amazon, Playboy, The Sundance Channel, Netflix, Florentine Films, Bill Moyers, and Chris Matthews.


Amanda Seyfried is an American actress, singer, and film producer known for the Oscar-nominated Les Miserables, cult-hit , and wildly successful Mamma Mia! In 2015 she made her Off-Broadway debut opposite Tony nominee Thomas Sadoski in the world premiere of Neil LaBute’s The Way We Get By. In 2018, she starred in both Paul Schrader’s lauded , and long awaited sequel Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again! CONTACT

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