SOCIETY OF THE DIVINE WORD (SVD) 2017 - 2018 Published By Subzonal Mission Secretary Ishvani Kendra, Pune P. B.:3003, Off Nagar Road Pune - 411014

Typesetting & Layout By Libnus Kullu SVD Provincial Secretary, INC

Printed By Sat Prachar Press, - 452001 (INDIA)


1. Foreword ...... v

2. Generalate...... vii

3. Inter-Provincial Offices...... viii

4. Central Indian Province (INC) ...... 01

5. Eastern Indian Province (INE) ...... 23

6. India- Province (INM) ...... 43

7. India-Hyderabad Province (INH) ...... 61

8. India-Guwahati Region (ING) ...... 79


Bringing out a common version of the Directory of SVD India Subzone was a long overdue. Since the Province-wise handy supplementary versions of the Directory was made available every year, we did not find the pressing need for a larger version of it. Besides, when such information is available online or in soft version at the press of the button, one would not bother to have another volume to adorn his dust-ridden book-self. However, having a hard copy of the volume that would help find basic, practical and ready information in one place about our confreres in the SVD India Subzone is an idea welcomed by most confreres. Although this edition is an exercise merely of ordering together all five Province / Region level supplementary annual directories under one common format, we believe that the new Directory will enhance positively its referential and documentary values. Besides fostering our connectedness, it will strengthen our bond as members of una grande famiglia. As a ready reference, it will augment our acquaintance of the confreres' ministerial engagements in the Subzone. Subsequent editions of such directories can be embellished and expanded to be more inclusive and comprehensive. This volume will be a tribute to the outgoing Subzonal Mission Secretary Fr. Baptist Michael D'Souza SVD, who initiated the process of publishing this Directory, for the invaluable services he rendered in coordinating the various ministries in the Subzone, and an accord of welcome to his successor Fr. Jose Joseph Kollemkunnel SVD. Thanks to all those persons who contributed in making this volume see the light of day, especially Fr. Libnus Kullu SVD, the INC Provincial Secretary, who took upon himself the major task of providing proper shape to the Directory. It will definitely be worth more than its paper.

Fr. Xavier Thirukudumbam Provincial Superior, INC




Vice Sup. General : Kisala, Robert [email protected]

Admonitor : Pinto, Gregory [email protected]

Consultor : Dias, Arlindo Pereira [email protected]

Consultor : Kleden, Paulus Budi [email protected]

Consultor : Mazola Mido, Guy [email protected]

Consultor : Silva, José Antunes da [email protected]


Procurator General : Dikos, Peter procurator@

Treasurer General : Gerdes, Stephan [email protected]

Secretary General : Nguyen, Peter Sam [email protected]

Mission Secretary : Lazar, Stanislaus mission

JPIC Coordinator : Narui Daisuke, Paulo [email protected]

Secretary for Studies : Weber, Mark [email protected]

Brother Formation : Duarte, Roberto [email protected]

Communication : Munimi Osung, Modeste [email protected]

Biblical Apostolate : Vanus, Marek [email protected]



Rev. Fr. Antony Joseph SVD, INH Provincial (President) Cell: 09490850523; Email: [email protected]

Rev. Fr. Xavier Thirukudumbam SVD, INC Provincial Cell: 07898949757; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Luvis Ronald Pereira SVD, INE Provincial Cell: 09438792439; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Richard Mathias SVD, INM Provincial Cell: 09673638477; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Maxim Rodrigues SVD, ING Regional Cell: 0943 570 7159; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Jose Joseph Kollemkunnel SVD, Subzonal Mission Secretary Cell: 09423750207; Email: [email protected] Rev. Fr. Pushpa Anbu Augustine SVD, Subzonal Formation Secretary Cell: 09425638390; Email: [email protected]


1. Mission Chairperson : Rev. Fr. Antony Joseph SVD, INH Provincial Secretary : Rev. Fr. Jose Joseph Kollemkunnel SVD (INM) Cell; 09423750207; Email: [email protected]

2. Bible Chairperson : Rev. Fr. Antony Joseph SVD, INH Provincial Coordinator : Rev. Fr. S. Valan SVD (INH) Cell: 09360802873; Email: [email protected]

viii 3. Communication Chairperson : Rev. Fr. Antony Joseph SVD, INH Provincial Coordinator : Rev. Fr. A. Selvam SVD (INH) Cell: 09440130223; Email: [email protected] 4. JPIC Chairperson : Rev. Fr. Xavier Thirukudumbam SVD, INC Provincial Coordinator : Rev. Fr. Roy Chirapurath SVD (INC) Cell: 09009948987; Email: [email protected]

5. Formation Chairperson : Rev. Fr. Xavier Thirukudumbam SVD, INC Provincial Secretary : Rev. Fr. Pushpa Anbu Augustine SVD (INC) Cell: 09425638390; Email: [email protected] 6. Education Chairperson : Rev. Fr. Richard Mathias SVD, INM Provincial Secretary : Rev. Fr. Joyson Kurian SVD (INM) Cell: 09223484867; Email: [email protected] 7. AJS Chairperson : Rev. Fr. Richard Mathias SVD, INM Provincial Coordinator : Rev. Fr. Jolly Mudakkampurath SVD (INM) Cell: 07045628440; Email: [email protected] 8. Brotherhood Chairperson : Rev. Fr. Luvis Ronald Pereira SVD, INE Provincial Coordinator : Rev. Br. Bipin Kishore Surin SVD (INE) Cell: 07873804988; Email: [email protected] 9. MER Chairperson : Rev. Fr. Maxim Rodrigues SVD, ING Regional Coordinator : Rev. Fr. Jose Kuzhikkattuthazhe SVD (ING) Cell: 09435195247; Email: [email protected] 10. Superior Delegate : Rev. Fr. Scaria Pannackal SVD (INM) Cell: 09594946593; Email: [email protected]

ix 11. ASPAC Zonal Coordinator Rev. Fr. Sebastian Maria Michael SVD (INM) Cell : 09869791848; [email protected] 12. ASPAC JPIC Coordinator Rev. Fr. Roy Chirapurath SVD (INC) Cell : 09009948987; E-mail: [email protected]

13. ASPAC Brother Coordinator Rev. Br. Rajesh Soreng SVD (INH) Cell : 09849631682; Email: [email protected]

14. VIVAI International-India Chairperson : Rev. Sr. Regina George SSpS, INE Provincial Leader Vice Chairperson : Rev. Fr. Luvis Ronald Pereira SVD, INE Provincial Secretary : Rev. Sr. Neethi SSpS (INS) Treasurer : Rev. Fr. Felix Jones SVD (INC)

15. VIVAT International (Generalate) Executive Secretary : Rev. Fr. Felix Jones SVD (INC) Cell: 09650543425;[email protected] (Subzonal) [email protected] (Generalate)


Patron : St. Thomas, the Apostle

Vision “THAT THEY ALL MAY BE ONE” (JN 17:21) Mission As members of the Central Indian Province of the Society of the Divine Word, we strive to foster unity and harmony in our multi-cultural, multi- religious and diverse situations fragmented by ethnocentrism, fanaticism, discrimination and inequality, through dialogue of life and action with all people and become bridge builders. We endeavour to involve all in planning, decision-making and implementation of projects, promotion and evaluation of apostolates to make the poor and the marginalized communities to be self-affirming and self-reliant.

1 INDIA CENTRAL Our Apostolate Evangelization, Dialogue – with Faith and Truth Seekers, people of other Cultures and Poor, Biblical Apostolate, Justice-Peace and Integrity of Creation, Communication Media, Mission Animation, Family and Youth, and other ministries such as, Educational, Social, Medical, Pastoral and Formation. The Province's activities range from primary evangelization to formation of diocesan clergy; from providing quality and value based education to promoting initial and integral formation for SVDs; from family apostolate to poverty alleviation; from fostering communal harmony to furthering interdenominational cooperation; from ministering to the marginalized to minding the migrants; from providing pastoral care for the faithful to preparing personnel for overseas missions; from conducting retreats and counseling to promoting contemplative spirituality; from running hostels for students to managing printing press and publication; from administering a state-of-the-art dental clinic to webcasting religious programs; from answering queries on the Bible and Christian faith to promoting agro based eco-friendly activities; from caring for the spiritual needs of the people to promoting interreligious harmony; from writing lyrics to scoring musical notes, etc.


Personnel Apostolic Information Bishops: 005 Associations in the Parish: 0014 Priests: 124 Catechism Students: 1827 Brothers: 018 Catholic Families: 4743 Collaborators (Sisters): 062 Catholics: 26590 Catechists: 014 Educational Centres: 0011 Collaborators (Lay): 135 Formation Houses: 0007 Formees Health Care Centres: 0002 Candidates: 104 Parishes: 0028 Collegians : 021 Press: 0001 Novices: 015 Publication: 0001 Scholastics: 027 School Teachers: 0568 Regents / EIP / OTP 011 Social / Welfare Centres: 0008 Deacons: 003 Spiritual Renewal Centres: 0003 Students in our Schools: 18287

2 INDIA CENTRAL PROVINCIALATE INC OFFICES Animation, Formation, Personnel, Planning Provincial Superior Xavier Thirukudumbam Xavier Thirukudumbam Brotherhood, Ongoing Formation Vice Provincial Superior Johny D’Souza Johny D’Souza Education, Finance Provincial Consultors Joemon James Alackal Joemon James Alackal, Admonitor Michael Cherian, Councillor Project Co-ordination, Specialized Apostolates John Wakhla, Councillor Michael Cherian Provincial Treasurer Mission Animation, Parish Apostolate Marcel Tanan John Wakhla Provincial Secretary VIVAT International India (Generalate) Libnus Kullu VIVAT India (Sub-zonal) St. Arnold's Seva Sadan, Executive Secretary 7/1, Boundary Road, P.B.106, Indore, Felix Jones Madhya Pradesh - 452001. INDIA. E-mail: [email protected] (Sub-zonal) [email protected] (Generalate) Mobile: 9650543425 Tel. : Provincial: (0731) 2497648, ASPAC, Subzonal & Province JPIC 9425079757, 7898949757 Coordinator Tel : Vice Provincial: 9425067060 Roy Chirappurath Tel.: (0731) 4027208, 9009948987 Tel. : Treasurer: (0731) 2494474, E-mail: [email protected] 9993741028 Tel. : Secretary: (0731) 2492075, Sub-zonal & Province Formation Secretary, 8224004746, 7987180956 EIP & OTP Director Pushpa Anbu Augustine Tel.: (0755) 4279842, 9425638390 E-mail : [email protected] E-mail: [email protected], (Provincial) [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] (INC Office) E-mail : [email protected] Mission Secretary (INC Office) Adaikalasamy T. L. E-mail : [email protected] Tel.: 9016666816, 9825666153 (Vice Provincial) E-mail: [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] Education Secretary (Treasurer) Pious Cyriac Padinjarekuttu E-mail : [email protected] Tel.: (0731) 2552705, 9893371971 (Secretary) E-mail: [email protected]

3 INDIA CENTRAL Bible Coordinator 1.2. St. Joseph's Home Thomas Peringalloor (Home for the sick and retired) Tel.: (0755) 2417071,7089488559 St. Arnold's Seva Sadan Campus, E-mail: [email protected] 7/1, Boundary Road, P.B. 106, Communication Coordinator Indore - 452001, M.P. John Paul Herman Tel.: (0731) 2496906 Tel.: (0731) 2363733, 8989063720 Damien Ekka (Rector) E-mail: [email protected] Kishore Tigga (Vice Rector) Polycarp Anthony Tirkey (Admonitor) AJS Coordinator Berchmans D’Penna Charles Pinto Clement Moolamkuzhiyil Mobile: 9893545426, 9669003669 Cyril Rodrigues E-mail: [email protected] Francis Beck Henry Naria Coordinator for Ecumenism & Inter- I. M. John religious Dialogue Joe Peringalloor Norbert Herman Joseph Vaz Tel.: (0294) 2485989, 9460333970 Jose Pulickal E-mail: [email protected] Joseph Chetany Coordinator for Brothers Joseph Kullu Kalaimani Paulraj Joseph Pinto Mobile: 9479720462 Juniper Kerketta E-mail: [email protected] Sylvester Minj Xavier Kuttenchalil Samarthak (Benefactor's Office) Joseph Vaz 1.3. Samarthak (Benefactor’s Office) ** Tel.: (0731) 2493341, 9424004781 St. Arnold’s Seva Sadan Campus E-mail: [email protected] Tel. : (0731) 2493341, 9424004781 E-mail: [email protected] Publications Joseph Vaz (Director) Divya Darpan - Herman Bandod Johny D’Souza (Asst. Director) The Word Among Us - Clarence Srambical Alfred Fernandes (Member) 1.4. St. Patrick's Dental Clinic 1. INDORE I St. Arnold’s Seva Sadan Campus, Unit Leader: Fr. Damien Ekka P.B. 106, Indore - 452001, M.P. Tel.: (0731) 2492017 1.1. Provincial House Joseph Kallakavumkal (Director) St. Arnold's Seva Sadan, Michael Prakasam (Assistant Director) 7/1, Boundary Road, P.B. 106, Kalaimani Paulraj Indore - 452001, M.P. Xavier Thirukudumbam (Provincial) 1.5. St. Arnold's School, Lalaram Nagar** Marcel Tanan (Provincial Treasurer) St. Arnold's Seva Sadan Campus , Libnus Kullu (Provincial Secretary) Tel.: (0731) 2491920, Mobile: 9630081379 Marcel Tanan (Manager)

4 INDIA CENTRAL Kishore Tigga (Principal) 2.3. Sat Prakashan Sanchar Kendra Muthu Selvam (Vice-Principal) (SVD Publications & Digital Studio) Lazarus Serrao (Treasurer) 10. Road, P.B.: 507, Michael Cherian (Guidance Counsellor) Near Bhanwarkua Police Station, 1.6. Vidyodaya Seminary Indore - 452001, M.P. St. Arnold's Seva Sadan Campus, Tel.: (0731) 2363733, 2475744 (Director) Tel.: (0731) 2490666; 2490668 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] John Paul Herman (Director & Superior) Johny D’Souza (Rector) Anthony Swamy Swamikannu (Asst.director) Lazarus Serrao (Procurator) Lawrence Fernandes (Incharge-Video Studio) Ignatius Thottappilly (Spiritual Director) 2.3.1. Radio Veritas, Asia Muthu Selvam (House Councilor) C/o.Sat Prakashan Sanchar Kendra E-mail: [email protected] 2. INDORE II Anthony Swamy S. (Program Coordinator) Unit Leader: Fr. John Paul Herman 2.3.2. St. Arnold Kala Kendra 2.1. Masih-Vidya Bhavan C/o.Sat Prakashan Sanchar Kendra (InformationCentre) Phone: (0731) 2363733, 2475744 98 Municipal Office Road,Indore 452007, M.P. John Paul Herman (Director) Tel.: ( 0731) 2532558; 2430017 2.3.3. St. Arnold Religious Centre E-mail: [email protected] Raju Sastya (Director) C/o.Sat Prakashan Sanchar Kendra Phone: (0731) 2363733, 2475744 2.2. Sat Prachar Press (Printing Press) Raju Dodiyar (Proprietor) 2.2.1. St. Joseph’s Niwas (Residence) 2.4. Snehalay (Spirituality Centre) Residency Area, 1 CPWD Workshop Road, Snehalay, Asrawad Road, Indore - 452001, M.P. Kasturbagram Post, Tel. (0731) 2492302 (Office), Indore - 452020, M.P. Mob. 9754016916 (Manager) Tel.: (0731) 2874562; 2874694 E-mail: [email protected] Michael Cherian (Director) John Deepak Sulya (Manager & Superior) Benjamin Kerketta (Farm & Construction) Herbert Raich (Printing Dept.) Clarence Srambical (Publication Dept.)** 3. INDORE III Hilarius Jojo (Regent) Unit Leader: Fr. Emmanuel Varghese 2.2.2. The Word Among Us 3.1. Kankria (Meditation Centre) (Family Magazine) Dhyan Ashram, Kankria, Manpur P.O., C/o Sat Prachar Press Indore - 453661, M.P. Tel.: (0731) 4095273 Mob:9425637406 (Director) E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Clarence Srambical (Editor & Director) Prashant Philip Lukose (Director) George Thottian (Asst.editor) William Tirkey (Asst. Director) Alfred Fernandes (Circulation Manager) Joseph Purappanthanam (Member)

5 INDIA CENTRAL 3.2. Khurda (Novitiate) Habil Lakra (Spiritual Director) Catholic Ashram, Khurda, 4.2. Holy Spirit Church, Palda (Parish) Khurdi P.O., Manpur Via, Indore 453661 M.P. C/o. Catholic Ashram Palda Mob.: 7049504026 (Novice Master) Email.: [email protected] Emmanuel Varghese (Novice Master & Sup.) Joemon James Alackal (Parish Priest) Roque Dias (Asst. Novice Master & Procurator) Clement Khess (Asst. Parish Priest)*** Thomas Thalachira (Spiritual Director) Sania Surin (Councilor) 4.3. Jan Vikas Kendra (Urban Ministry) George Payattikkatt Catholic Ashram Palda Campus, Vilash Bandod P.B.: 103, Indore - 452001, M.P. 3.2.1.. Mahatma Gandhi School ** Tel.: (0731) 4027208 C/o. Catholic Ashram, Khurda. E-mail: [email protected] Mob.: 8463892130 (Principal) Website: George Payattikkatt (Manager) Roy Chirapurath (Director & JPIC Coordinator) Sania Surin (Principal) Dominic Veigas (Asst. Director/Studies) Vilash Bandod (Teacher) Cranston Vaz (Mission Experience) Nicholas Martis (Member) 3.2.2. Holy Rosary Church (Parish) ** Clement Khess (Member) C/o. Catholic Ashram, Khurda Mob.: 9039090626 4.4. St. Alphonsa Vocational George Payattikkatt (Parish Priest) Training Centre** Sania Surin (Asst. Parish Priest) C/o. Jan Vikas Kendra 3.3. (Minor Seminary) Roy Chirapurath (Proprietor) St. Thomas Seminary, 4.4. St. Arnold’s School, Palda ** 152, Post Office Road, Mhow, C/o. Catholic Ashram Palda Indore Dist, M.P. - 453441. Tel.: (0731) 2862558 Mob.: 9425317092 Tel.: (07324) 273494; 229003 E-mail: [email protected] John Wakhla (Rector & Procurator) Joemon James Alackal (Manager) Herman Bandod (Prefect & Vice Rector) Pius Kerketta (Farm-Incharge) 4.5. St. Arnold Boys’ Hostel C/o Holy Spirit Church, Palda (Parish) 4. INDORE IV Email.: [email protected] Unit Leader: Fr. Nicholas Martis Joemon James Alackal (Incharge) 4.1. Palda (Juniorate) 5. Catholic Ashram Palda, P.B.: 103, Dist. Superior: Fr. Francis Mohan Indore - 452001, M.P. Tel. (0731) 2862228, 9425317093 (Rector) 5.1. Bishop’s House E-mail:[email protected] 10, Old Sehore Road, P.B.: 168, Nicholas Martis (Rector) Indore, M.P. - 452001. Sebastian J. Mangalathil (Prefect,Vice Rector) Tel.: (0731) 2492203 (Bishop) Rajesh Tirkey (Director of Studies) Fax: (0731) 2494630,Mobile: 9425101047 Clement Khess (Procurator, Farm Incharge) E-mail: [email protected] Joemon James Alackal *** Most Rev. Chacko Thottumarickal

6 INDIA CENTRAL 5.3. Pipri (Parish) 6.2. Khrist Premalaya Regional Seva Ashram, Pipri P.O., Bagli Via, Theologate (KPRT), Ashta Dewas - 455227, M.P. Ashta Po. Sehore - 466116, M.P. Tel.: (07271) 282071,Mobile: 9826573955 Tel.: (07560) 245164 (Rector): 242058 Cyril Cutinho (Parish Priest) E-Mail: [email protected] (Rector) A. Savari Rayan (Rector,Vice Dist. Superior) 5.3 Panigaon (Parish) Pius Lakra (Dean, Vice Rector ) Seva Kendra, Panigaon P.O., Kannod Via, Sanjay Kujur (Procurator & Professor) Dewas - 455440, M.P. Charles Pinto (Professor, Spiritual Director) Tel.(07273) 261225, Mobile: 9893144077 Kishore Soreng (Parish Priest & Vice Dist. Sup.) 6.3. Khrist Premalaya Regional Philosophate (KPRP),Bhopal 5.4. Semli (Parish) E/6, Private Sector, Arera Colony, St. Arnold's Mission, Semli, Pandutalab P.O., Bhopal - 462016, M.P. Bagli Tehsil, - 455227, M.P. Tel.: (0755) 4202410 Mobile: 9575608356 E-mail: [email protected] Cyriac Peter (Parish Priest) Godwin Viegas (Rector & Dist. Superior) 5.5. Vijay Nagar Antony Puthussery (Dean & Vice Rector) St. Arnold's Higher Secondary School, Mathew Chemarappally (Procurator) 74/C, Vijay Nagar, Near , Francis Viegas (Spiritual Director) Indore - 452010, M.P. 6.4. SVD Vidya Bhavan Tel.: (0731) 2552705, 2555277 (School) (Institute of Philosophy & Religion) E-mail:[email protected] E/6, Private Sector, Arera Colony, Website: Bhopal, M.P. - 462016. I., Peter (Superior,Manager & Dist.Councillor) Tel.: (0755) 4279842 (Rector) 9425638390 Cajetan D'Mello (Principal) E-mail: [email protected] Francis Mohan (Treasurer) Pushpa Anbu (Rector) A., Antony Samy (School Counsellor) Florence Minz (Dean & Vice Rector) 5.5.1. St. Arnold's Church, Vijay Nagar, Emmanuel Bilung (Procurator & Councillor) C/o. St. Arnold’s Higher Secondary School Chacko Mullappally (Spiritual Director) Tel.: (0731) 2576788 (Parish) James Simon (Incharge of Ministry) E-mail: [email protected] 6.5. SAMMAN I., Peter (Parish Priest) (Centre for Social Animation of A., Antony Samy (Asst. Parish Priest) Marginalized, Migrants And Nomads) C/o SVD Vidya Bhavan, Bhopal 6. BHOPAL DISTRICT Tel. (0755) 2560114 Mobile. 7566453037 Dist. Superior: Fr. Godwin Viegas James Simon (Director) Sameer Barwa (Regent) 6.1. Archbishop's House Pushpa Anbu (Member) 33, Ahmedabad Palace Road, Godwin Viegas (Member) Bhopal - 462001, M.P. Fax: (0755) 2544737, Mobile: 9425609199 6.6. Divya Vani (SVD Biblical Centre) E-mail:[email protected] 75-76/3/1 Jatkhedi, Misrod P.O., Most Rev. Leo Cornelio Bhopal - 462026, M.P.

7 INDIA CENTRAL Tel.: (0755) 2417071, Mob: 7089488559 Pious Cyriac (Principal) E-mail:[email protected] Thomas Peringalloor (Director & Dist.Councillor) 7.2.2. St. Arnold's Church Thomas Ottarackal (Member) Post, - 457779, M.P. 6.7. Catholic Mission Shyampur Tel.: (07390) 284838,Mobile: 7898142447 Basil D’Souza (Parish Priest) Off Muktarnagar Road,Shyampur, Pious Cyriac (Asst. Parish Priest) Dist. Sehore - 466651 M.P. Mobile. 8839286489 7.3. Badi Dhamni (Parish) Swaminathan Susai (Station Incharge) Catholic Church, Badi Dhamni, P.O., Jhabua - 457777, M.P. 6.8. Panorama Mobile: 7223854517 (Centre for Spirituality & Counselling) Vincent Topno (Parish Priest. Dist. Councillor) SVD House, Panorama, Benjamin Ferdina (Asst. Parish Priest) Next to Carmel Mount, Pachmarhi 461881,M.P. 7.3.1. St. Arnold Tribal Boys’ Hostel Mobile: 9425166039 C/o: Catholic Church, Badi Dhamni E-mail: [email protected] Benjamin Ferdina (Hostel Incharge) Thomas Chacko (Director) 7.4. Unnai (Parish) St. Joseph’s Church, Unnai, Kodly Post, 7. Via, Jhabua Dist. Dist. Superior: Fr. George Kochumurry Madhya Pradesh - 457773. 7.1. Bishop's House Mobile: 8516892360 / 9424096042 Near St. Arnold’s School, Meghnagar P.O., George Kochumurry (Parish Priest, Dist. Superior) Jhabua - 457779, M.P. 7.5. Thandla (Parish) Tel.: (07390) 284830; Mobile: 9406826161 Catholic Church, Thandla P.O., Fax: (07390) 284355 Jhabua - 457777, M.P. E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: (07390) 276360 Mobile: 9425968208 Website: Casmir Damor (Parish Priest) Most Rev. Basil Bhuriya 7.2. Khrist Jyoti Kendra, Meghnagar 8. PANCHMAHALS DISTRICT Khrist Jyoti Kendra, Meghnagar P.O., Dist. Superior: Fr. Maria Paulraj Jhabua - 457779, M.P. 8.1. Dahod (School) Tel.: (07390) 284417, 284837 St. Stephen's School, Freelandgunj, Joseph Jeerakathil (Superior) Dahod - 389160, G.J Basil D’Souza Tel.: (02673) 246731; 220217 (School) Rayappan C. Pious Cyriac (Vice Dist. Superior) E-mail: [email protected] George Bhuriya (Manager, Superior) Maria Paulraj (Principal, Dist. Superior) 7.2.1.St. Arnold English Medium School Rajesh D’Souza (Vice Principal,Treasurer) Meghnagar P.O.,Jhabua - 457779, M.P. Tel.: (07390) 284217 (School) 8.1.1. St. Joseph's Church Rayappan C (Manager) Freelandgunj, Dahod - 389160, G.J

8 INDIA CENTRAL Tel.: (02673) 246731; 247413 (Parish) 8.6. Kadana (Parish) George Bhuriya (Parish Priest, Trustee) St. Mary's Church, Diwada Colony, Rajesh D’Souza (Asst. Parish Priest) Diwada - 389250, G.J 8.2. Godhra (St. Arnold's School) Tel.: (02675) 237557,Mobile: 9429145030 Catholic Church, Devtalavadi, Jose Vayalil (Parish Priest) Jose Vasuniya (Asst. Parish Priest) Godhra, Gujarat - 389001. Tel.: (02672) 262996 (Guj.Med.) 8.7. Muvalia (Parish & Social Welfare Centre) 260869 (Eng .Med.) Catholic Church Trust, Muvalia, E-mail: [email protected] Dahod - 389151, G.J Philsam Rebelo (Superior & Principal-Eng. Med.) Mobile: 9512817998 Petrus Kujur (Acting Principal-Guj. Med.) E-mail: [email protected] Sleevaiah Bandanadam (Manager & Vice Dist. Sup.) T. L. Adaikalasamy (Parish Priest, Jose Manthottam (Treasurer, Manager-Pre-Primary) Mission Secretary) 8.2.1. St. Mary’s Church Alwyn Misquith (Asst. Parish Priest) Vargil Jojo (EIP) Catholic Church, Devtalavadi, G.J Akshit Ferrao (Regent) Tel.: (02672) 260688 Mobile: 9427078963 Sleevaiah Bandanadam (Parish Priest,Trustee) 8.7.1.Matruchhaya Adivasi Prathmikshala** C/o: Catholic Church Trust, Muvalia 8.3. Devgarh Baria (Station) T. L. Adaikalasamy (Manager) Shanti Bhavan Church, Dhanpur Road, P.B 11,Amba Vadi, Devgarh Baria,G.j 389390 8.7.2.Tribal Social Welfare Society (NGO)** Tel.: (02676) 220146,Mobile 9427658128 C/o: Catholic Church Trust, Muvalia Anup George Ayyankolil (Station Incharge) T. L. Adaikalasamy (Director) Alwyn Misquith (project Manager) 8.4. Halol (Parish & Boys’ Hostel) Catholic Church, Halol, Arad Road, 9. Pratappura, P.B.: 43, Halol - 389350,G.J Dist. Superior: Fr. Pancratius Xalxo Mobile.: 9408302089, 9662941991 Email.: [email protected] 9.1. Bishop’s House Justin D’Souza (Parish Priest) Bishop's House, Civil Lines, John De Britto (Hostel Incharge) Khandwa - 450001, M.P. Jibin Roy (Mission Experience) Tel.: (0733) 2223603,Mobile:9425927772 8.5. Jhalod (Parish & Social Welfare Centre) Email: [email protected] Christ the King Church, Jhalod, P.B. 31, Most Rev. A. A. S. Durairaj Jhalod, G.J - 389170. 9.2. Pradeepti (SVD Dialogue Centre) Tel.: (02679) 224310, Mob: 9726769272 Pradeepti,Padamnagar, Rajendra Toppo (Parish Priest & Dist. Councillor) Khandwa - 450001, M.P. Jacob V.C (School Incharge) Tel.: (0733) 2243236 Amrit Topno (EIP) Ajit Kumar Toppo (Director,Vice Dist.Sup.) Andrews Lobu (Procurator) 8.5.1. St. Arnold School, Jhalod Mobile: 9904191685 9.2.1. Surgaonjoshi (Parish) ** Jacob V.C (School Incharge) C/o: Pradeepti

9 INDIA CENTRAL Andrews Lobu (Parish Priest) Udaipur - 313001, R.J Ajit Kumar Toppo (Asst. Parish Priest) Tel.: (0294) 2485989, Mobile: 9.3. Ambadochar (Parish) 9460333970 C/o Pradeepti, Padamnagar, E-mail: [email protected] Khandwa - 450001, M.P. Norbert Herman (Director & Dist. Superior) Ashwin Gregory Kiro (Asst. Director) Mobile: 9826961975 Pancratius Xalxo (Parish Priest, Dist. Sup.) 10.3. Jhadol (Parish & School) Baptista Robert (Asst. Parish Priest) Nirmala Niketan, Melroy Boniface Mascarenhas (EIP) Leelawas, Jhadol P.O. 9.3.1. St. Arnold’s School, Ambadochar Udaipur - 313702, R.J Pancratius Xalxo (Manager) Tel.: (02959) 223337 Mobile: 9413831389 Abianus Tigga (Parish Priest) 9.4. Bhagwanpura (Clinic) John David (Asst. Parish Priest) Vandana Health Centre, John Menezes C/o Bishop’s House, Khandwa, M.P Albinus Kujur Mobile: 9424831303 Jobin George Thanolil (EIP) Patrick Pais (Doctor) 10.4. Madri (Parish) 9.5. (Parish) St. Arnold’s Catholic Church, Yesu Snehashram, Jagnathpura P.O., Kodla Jagir, Bhikangaon P.O., Via Nai, Udaipur - 313031, R.J - 451331, M.P. Tel.: (02959) 291065 Mobile: 9587607457 Tel.: (07288) 292121 A. Sagayadass (Parish Priest, Dist. Councillor) A., Sahayaraj (Parish Priest, Dist.Councillor) Pradeep Kumar Minz (Hostel In-Charge) Raju Soosai (Hostel Incharge) 10.5. Ogna (Parish) 9.5.1. Bhikangaon (School)** 10.5.1. Assunta Bhavan (Hostel & School) St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School Ogna P.O., Jhadol Via, C/o. Yesu Snehashram Udaipur - 313702, R.J A., Sahayaraj (Manager) Mobile: 7568514374 Raju Soosai (Teacher) Pashkal Tirkey (Parish Priest) Amit Tete (Asst. Parish Priest) 10. UDAIPUR DISTRICT Vijay Yanamala (Regent) Dist. Superior: Fr. Norbert Herman 10.6. Phalasia, Daiya-Ambasa SAMBHAV - Adivasi Sevalay, 10.1. Bishop's House Bujha-Daiya,Tah. Jhadol Khristanjali, 1. Alipura Udaipur - 313702, R.J Udaipur - 313001, R.J Mobile: 9425374750 Tel.: (0294) 2524827; Mobile: 9406826161 E-Mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Albinus Kujur (Station Incharge) Most. Rev. Devprasad Ganawa 10.7. New Delhi 10.2. Maitri Sadan (Dialogue Centre) Sadbhavana, Church Complex, Masihgarh, Maitri Sadan, 11 Machla Magra, P.B.: 9757, Okhla, New Delhi - 110025. Patel Circle, Kishan Pole Road, 10 INDIA CENTRAL Tel.: (011) 26925080, Fax: (011)26925080 Mobile: 9489419909 E-mail: [email protected] Suresh Muruganandam (PhD) Varghese Nediakalayil (Superior, Procurator) Felix Jones (Director) 11.2. Bengaluru Sampurna Institute of Advanced Studies 10.7.1. ACECI National Office, New Delhi ** No.184,Old Madras Road Association of Catholic Enquiry Centres India, Indiranagar, Bengaluru - 460038 10 Bhai Veer Singh Marg,New Delhi -110001 Karnataka. Tel.: (011) 23361264; Mob.: 9907605127 E-mail: [email protected] Raju Dodiyar (MA.Psychology) Varghese Nediakalayil 11.3. Atmadarshan, Patna 10.7.2 VIVAT International-India, Digha Ghat P.O Sadbhavana, Church Complex, Patna - 800011, Bihar Masihgarh, Mob.: 9424011811 Okhla, New Delhi - 110025. Deoswarup Kujur (Renewal Course) Tel.: (011) 26925080, E-mail: [email protected] 11.4. Miao Felix Jones (Executive Team) Bishop’s House Miao - 792122 10.7.3. VIVAT International (Generalate Arunachal Pradesh Office) Joseph P Xavier E-mail: [email protected] Felix Jones (Executive Secretary) 11.5. Philippines 1916, Oroquieta St.,Cor. Tayuman St., 10.8. Jaipur (Diocesan Minor Seminary) Sta. Cruz, 1014 Manila Maria Sadan Gurukul, 21 South Colony Philippines. Pratap Vihar, Near Ajmer Bypass, A., Singarayar (PhD) Niwaru Road,Jhotwara, Jaipur - 302012, R.J 11.6. St. Arnold's Seva Sadan, Manuel Pereira (Rector & Vice Dist. Superior) 7/1 Boundary Road, P.B. 106, Rajesh Jamra (Prefect) Indore - 452001, M.P. 10.9. Sacred Heart Church, Jaipur Babu Joseph Karakombil C/o: Bishop’s House, Ghate Gate, 11.7. Exclaustration Jaipur - 302003, R.J Mark Mathias Mobile: 9672464743 Melvine Sequeira Prasad Kuzhively (Parish Priest) Gaspar Lucas

11. STUDIES/ RENEWAL PROGRAM Key for Reading *Brothers 11.1. Chennai C/o: Divine Word Centre **Centre without an SVD Community P.B 1304, Hill Top,St. Thomas Mount ***Not assigned to Community Chennai - 600016, T.N.

11 INDIA CENTRAL Name Mobile Number E-mail Address

001. Abianus Tigga 9413831389 [email protected] 002. Adaikalasamy T.L 9825666153 [email protected] 003. Ajit Kumar Toppo 9425076703 [email protected] 004. Albinus Kujur 9425374750 [email protected] 005. Alfred Fernandes 9637093238 [email protected] 006. Alwyn Misquith 8087809348 [email protected] 007. Amit Tete 9109657659 [email protected] 008. Andrews Lobu G. 8769921697 [email protected] 009. Anthony Swamy S. 9131827782 [email protected] 010. Antony Samy A. 7566669500 [email protected] 011. Antony Puthussery 8237591553 [email protected] 012. Anup George 9427658128 [email protected] 013. Ashwin Gregory Kiro* 8745839365 [email protected] 014. Babu Joseph Karakombil 9891308309 [email protected] 015. Basil D'Souza 7898142447 [email protected] 016. Benjamin Ferdina 9926423370 [email protected] 017. Benjamin Kerketta* 9754362001 [email protected] 018. Berchmans D' Penna 9111404106 [email protected] 019. Cajetan D' Mello 9826029053 [email protected] 020. Casmir Damor 9479779662 [email protected] 021. Chacko Mullappally 8717901090 [email protected] 022. Charles Pinto 9893545426 [email protected] 023. Clarence Srambical 9425058037 [email protected] 024. Clement Khess 9893397524 [email protected] 025. Clement Moolamkuzhiyil 9893797217 [email protected] 026. Cyriac Peter N. 9575608356 [email protected] 027. Cyril Cutinho 9826573955 [email protected] 028. Cyril Rodrigues 9424598372 [email protected] 029. Damien Ekka 9617779936 [email protected] 030. Deoswarup Kujur 9424011811 [email protected] 031. Dominic Veigas 9687933941 [email protected]

12 INDIA CENTRAL 032. Emmanuel Bilung* 8989689062 [email protected] 033. Emmanuel Varghese 7049504026 [email protected] 034. Felix Jones 9650543425 [email protected] 035. Florence Minz 9893118563 [email protected] 036. Francis Beck* 9981962703 [email protected] 037. Francis Mohan 9425058047 [email protected] 038. Francis Viegas 9407255019 [email protected] 039. Gaspar Lucas 7898185633 [email protected] 040. George Bhuriya 9926950414 [email protected] 041. George Kochumurry 8516892360 [email protected] 042. George Payattikkatt 9039090626 [email protected] 043. George Thottian 9827386113 [email protected] 044. Godwin Viegas 9425079640 [email protected] 045. Habil Lakra 9589664428 [email protected] 046. Henry Naria 7354228825 [email protected] 047. Herbert Raich* 9630318712 [email protected] 048. Herman Bandod 8959832826 [email protected] 049. Ignatius Thottappilly 9826697078 [email protected] 050. Jacob Vazhavelil 9755256855 [email protected] 051. James Simon 7566453037 [email protected] 052. Joe Peringalloor 8827506717 [email protected] 053. Joseph Vaz 9893004626 [email protected] 054. Joemon James 9425735342 [email protected] 055. John David 9116798879 [email protected] 056. John De Britto 9662941991 [email protected] 057. John Deepak Sulya 9754016916 [email protected] 058. John I. M 9893714205 [email protected] 059. John Menezes* 9950102582 [email protected] 060. John Paul Herman 8989063720 [email protected] 061. John Wakhla 9407481312 [email protected] 062. Johny D'Souza 9425067060 [email protected] 063. Jose Manthottam* 9429841866 [email protected]

13 INDIA CENTRAL 064. Jose Pulickal 9424009359 [email protected] 065. Jose Vasuniya 7610203682 [email protected] 066. Joseph Chetany 9425954447 [email protected] 067. Joseph Jeerakathil 9425970082 [email protected] 068. Joseph Kallakavumkal* 9425938702 [email protected] 069. Joseph P Xavier 9425625154 [email protected] 070. Joseph Pinto 9685611653 [email protected] 071. Joseph Purappanthanam 9425058174 [email protected] 072. Joseph Sebastian Kullu* 8982113317 [email protected] 073. Joseph Vayalil 9429145030 [email protected] 074. Juniper Kerketta* 9630312689 [email protected] 075. Justin D'Souza 9408302089 [email protected] 076. Kalaimani Paulraj* 9479720462 [email protected] 077. Kishore Soreng 9893144077 [email protected] 078. Kishore Tigga* 9630081379 [email protected] 079. Lawrence Fernandes 9303132454 [email protected] 080. Lazarus Serrao 9669635938 [email protected] 081. Libnus Kullu 8224004746 [email protected] 082. Manuel Pereira 9079048883 [email protected] 083. Marcel Tanan 9993741028 [email protected] 084. Maria Paulraj 9429841114 [email protected] 085. Mark Mathias 9632597480 [email protected] 086. Mathew Chemarappally 7869566798 [email protected] 087. Melvine Sequeira 7028565215 [email protected] 088. Michael Cherian 9981823836 [email protected] 089. Michael Prakasam 9425936325 [email protected] 090. Muthu Selvam 9408285108 [email protected] 091. Nicholas Martis 9425317093 [email protected] 092. Norbert Herman 9460333970 [email protected] 093. Pancratius Xalxo 9826961975 [email protected] 094. Pashkal Tirkey 7568514374 [email protected] 095. Patrick Pais 9424831303 [email protected] 096. Peter, I. 9407147477 [email protected]

14 INDIA CENTRAL 097. Petrus Kujur* 7600944982 [email protected] 098. Philsam Rebelo 9998924848 [email protected] 099. Pious Cyriac P. 9893371971 [email protected] 100. Pius Kerketta* 8989067019 [email protected] 101. Pius Lakra 9425406720 [email protected] 102. Pushpa Anbu 9425638390 [email protected] 103. Polycarp Tirkey* 8461882667 [email protected] 104. Pradeep Kishore Minz* 9406929594 [email protected] 105. Prasad Kuzhively 9425759478 [email protected] 106. Prashant Lukose 9425637406 [email protected] 107. Rajendra Toppo 9726769272 [email protected] 108. Rajesh D'Souza 8238341945 [email protected] 109. Rajesh Jamra 9887523469 [email protected] 110. Rajesh Kumar Tirkey 9407180768 [email protected] 111. Raju Dodiyar 9907605127 [email protected] 112. Raju Gregory Sastya 9425065190 [email protected] 113. Raju Soosai* 9009502743 [email protected] 114. Rayappan Chinnappan 9427399009 [email protected] 115. Robert Baptista 9993161310 [email protected] 116. Roque Dias 9926558133 [email protected] 117. Roy Chirappurath 9009948987 [email protected] 118. Sagayadass. A. 7568831405 [email protected] 119. Sahayaraj A. 9424017949 [email protected] 120. Sania Surin 8463892130 [email protected] 121. Sanjay Kujur 7587519319 [email protected] 122. Savari Rayan A 8982861337 [email protected] 123. Sebastian J. Mangalathil 9407155422 [email protected] 124. Singarayar A. 639276919030 [email protected] 125. Sleevaiah Bandanadam, 9427078963 [email protected] 126. Suresh Muruganandam 9489419909 [email protected] 127. Swaminathan Susai 9993762879 [email protected] 128. Sylvester Lucas Minj* 9752127633 [email protected] 129. Thomas Chacko 9425166039 [email protected]

15 INDIA CENTRAL 130. Thomas Ottarackal 7510802129 [email protected] 131. Thomas Peringalloor 7089488559 [email protected] 132. Thomas Thalachira 9977145053 [email protected] 133. Varghese Nediakalayil 9968150441 [email protected] 134. Vijay Kumar Jadala* 7747828373 [email protected] 135. Vincent Topno 9726708887 [email protected] 136. William Tirkey 9644747710 [email protected] 137. Xavier Kuttanchalil 9893036372 [email protected] 138. Xavier Thirukudumbam 9425079757 [email protected] Deacons 001. Cyril Pradeep D’Souza 7304277992 [email protected] 002. Luis Antony Swamy 9437922802 [email protected] 003. Shinoj Kaithakkal 7840948707 [email protected] EIP 001. Amrit Topno 8602076997 [email protected] 002. Jobin George Thanolil 8821972254 [email protected] 003. Melroy Boniface Mascarenhas 8989865925 [email protected] 004. Vargil Jojo 8982761554 [email protected] Regency/ Mission Experience 001. Akshit Ferrao* 9685307122 [email protected] 002. Cranston Vaz 9405179722 [email protected] 003. Hilarius Jojo* 9479372418 [email protected] 004. Jibin Roy 9601024543 [email protected] 005. Sameer Barwa* 9752150998 [email protected] 006. Vijay Yanamala* 7742373199 [email protected] 007. Vilash Bandod 9575631097 [email protected] Bishops 001. Most Rev. Leo Cornelio 9425609199 [email protected] 002. Most Rev. Chacko T.J 9425101047 [email protected] 003. Most Rev. Devprasad 9406826161 [email protected] 004. Most Rev. Durairaj 9425927772 [email protected] 005. Most Rev. Basil Bhuriya 9425968208 [email protected]


JANUARY Most Rev.Chacko TJ 07/01/1949 Fr. Anthony Swamy S. 14/03/1980 Dn. Cyril D’Souza 09/01/1987 Fr. Xavier Kuttenchalil 15/03/1940 Fr. Francis Mohan 09/01/1956 Fr. Pashkal Tirkey 15/03/1973 Fr. William Tirkey 10/01/1950 Fr. Herman Bandod 16/03/1971 Fr. Roy Chirappurath 12/01/1977 Fr. Chacko Mullappally 17/03/1939 Br. Hilarius Jojo 13/01/1990 Fr. Sania Surin 19/03/1974 Fr. Johny D'Souza 15/01/1964 Fr. Thomas Ottarackal 19/03/1939 Fr. George Kochumurry 19/01/1946 Br. Emmanuel Bilung 23/03/1962 Most Rev. Durairaj 20/01/1958 Fr. Joseph P. Xavier 24/03/1946 Fr. John De Britto 21/01/1947 Fr. Joseph Purappanthanam 26/03/1946 Fr. Rajesh Kumar Tirkey 24/01/1978 Fr. Lazarus Serrao 31/03/1954 Fr. Clement Moolamkuzhiyil 26/01/1938 APRIL Br. Jose Manthottam 30/01/1949 Fr. Deoswarup Kujur 04/04/1964 FEBRUARY Fr. George Payattikkatt 10/04/1945 Br. Joseph Kallakavumkal 02/02/1944 Fr. Singarayar A 10/04/1962 Fr. Lawrence Fernandes 02/02/1956 Fr. John David 10/04/1986 Br. Herbert Raich 03/02/1938 Fr. Sleevaiah Bandanadam 11/04/1963 Fr. Pius Lakra 04/02/1971 Fr. Cyril Cutinho 12/04/1953 Br. Vijay Yanamala 04/02/1993 Frt. Vilash Bandod 16/04/1987 Fr. Melvine Sequeira 05/02/1965 Fr. Roque Dias 13/04/1980 Fr. Babu Karakombil 10/02/1960 Fr. Rajesh Praveen D’Souza 21/04/1982 Fr. Jose Vasuniya 12/02/1985 Br. Pradeep Kishore Minz 22/04/1965 Fr. Xavier Thirukudumbam 21/02/1958 Fr. Muthu Selvam 24/04/1981 Fr. Amit Tete 22/02/1986 Fr. Swaminathan Susai 25/04/1963 Fr. Philsam Rebello 22/02/1972 MAY Fr. Patrick Pais 23/02/1945 Fr. Gaspar Lucas 01/05/1965 Fr. Joseph Vayalil 26/02/1941 Fr. Abianus Tigga 02/05/1963 MARCH Fr. Marcel Tanan 04/05/1959 Fr. Savari Rayan 02/03/1966 Fr. Joseph Jeerakathil 05/05/1935 Fr. Charles Pinto 03/03/1946 Fr. Prasad Kuzhively 05/05/1954 Fr. Casmir Damor 04/03/1959 Fr. Adaikalasamy 06/05/1955 Fr. Joe Peringalloor 04/03/1936 Fr. Godwin Viegas 08/05/1966 Fr. Thomas Chacko 04/03/1962 Fr. Cajetan D’Mello 09/05/1959 Frt. Jibin Roy 07/03/1993 Fr. Antony Samy A. 15/05/1967 Most Rev. Basil Bhuriya 08/03/1956 Br. Juniper Kerketta 15/05/1931 Fr. Rajesh Jamra 09/03/1976 Frt. Cranston Vaz 18/05/1993 Fr. Libnus Kullu 10/03/1983 Fr. Basil D'Souza 23/05/1954 Fr. Joe Vaz 12/03/1940 Br. Raju Soosai 25/05/1974 Fr. Habil Lakra 12/03/1966 Fr. Mark Mathias 27/05/1952 Most Rev. Leo Cornelio 14/03/1945 Fr. Jose Pulickal 28/05/1959

17 INDIA CENTRAL JUNE OCTOBER Fr. Emmanuel Varghese 01/06/1970 Fr. Nicholas Martis 01/10/1956 Fr. Alfred Fernandes 04/06/1984 Dn. Luis Antony Swamy 03/10/1987 Fr. Cyriac Narikattumatathil 07/06/1964 Fr. Rayappan Chinnappan 09/10/1958 Fr. Jacob Vazhavelil 13/06/1962 Fr. Ajit Kumar Toppo 10/10/1962 Fr. Ignatius Thottappilly 15/06/1941 Fr. Prashant Philip Lukose 10/10/1951 Fr. Vincent Topno 18/06/1959 Fr. Varghese Nediakalayil 11/10/1943 Fr. John Paul Herman 27/06/1962 Fr. Joemon James Alackal 13/10/1967 Fr. Pious Cyriac 28/06/1968 Fr. John Deepak Sulya 16/10/1947 JULY Br. Pius Kerketta 18/10/1932 Br. Akshit Ferrao 02/07/1992 Fr. Thomas Thalachira 23/10/1932 Fr. Damien Ekka 12/07/1944 Fr. Michael Prakasam 25/10/1970 Fr. Joseph Pinto 12/07/1939 Fr. Anup George Ayyankolil 25/10/1951 Fr. Cyril Rodrigues 13/07/1951 Frt. Amrit Topno 30/10/1989 Fr. Suresh Muruganandam 18/07/1977 Br. Joseph Sebastian Kullu 30/10/1931 Fr. Sanjay Kujur 23/07/1979 Fr. Justin D'Souza 31/10/1956 Fr. Francis Viegas 24/07/1951 NOVEMBER Br. Kalaimani Paulraj 24/07/1980 Frt. Melroy Boniface Mascarenhas 01/11/1981 Br. Benjamin Kerketta 25/07/1944 Fr. Thomas Peringalloor 02/11/1955 Br. Petrus Kujur 27/07/1965 Br. Kishore Tigga 02/11/1969 Fr. I. Peter 28/07/1951 Br. Sameer Barwa 03/11/1993 Fr. Sahayaraj A 29/07/1966 Fr. Clement Khess 07/11/1964 AUGUST Fr. John Wakhla 09/11/1960 Fr. Rajendra Toppo 01/08/1975 Fr. Florence Minz 10/11/1979 Fr. Sagayadass A 02/08/1963 Fr. Benjamin Ferdina 15/11/1954 Fr. Antony Puthussery 02/08/1975 Fr. Andrews Lobu 17/11/1981 Fr. Mathew Chemarappally 15/08/1952 Fr. Simon James 19/11/1978 Dn. Shinoj Joseph 16/08/1987 Frt. Jobin George 28/11/1991 Fr. Berchmans D'Penna 17/08/1935 DECEMBER Fr. Sebastian J. Mangalathil 18/08/1964 Fr. Henry Naria 01/12/1937 Fr. I. M. John 22/08/1952 Br. John Menezes 01/12/1931 Fr. Alwyn Misquith 28/08/1984 Fr. Pancratius Xalxo 04/12/1961 Br. Vijay Kumar Jadala 31/08/1988 Fr. Clarence Srambical 05/12/1942 SEPTEMBER Fr. George Bhuriya 07/12/1954 Fr. Dominic Veigas 07/12/1984 Fr. Michael Cherian 02/09/1972 Most Rev. Devprasad Ganawa 08/12/1951 Fr. Raju Dodiyar 06/09/1979 Fr. Raju Sastya 08/12/1961 Fr. Manuel Pereira 08/09/1960 Fr. George Thottian 11/12/1958 Br. Ashwin Gregory Kiro 10/09/1965 Fr. Maria Paulraj 13/12/1968 Fr. Pushpa Anbu Augustine 14/09/1964 Fr. Kishore Soreng 19/12/1967 Fr. Robert Lawrence Lucas 17/09/1981 Frt. Vargil Jojo 23/12/1990 Fr. Norbert Herman 21/09/1964 Fr. Albinus Kujur 24/12/1963 Fr. Joseph Chetany 29/09/1940 Br. Francis Beck 29/12/1929 Br. Polycarp Tirkey 29/09/1933 Br. Sylvester Minj 31/12/1933


1. 21/12/1960 ...... Juniper Kerketta* 2. 03/10/1961 ...... Thomas Thalachira 3. 21/12/1962 ...... John Menezes* 4. 21/12/1962 ...... Joseph Sebastian Kullu* 5. 19/12/1964 ...... Joe Peringalloor 6. 08/09/1965 ...... Francis Beck* 7. 08/09/1965 ...... Herbert (Elmar) Raich* 8. 08/09/1965 ...... Sylvester Lucas Minj* 9. 03/10/1965 ...... Joseph Jeerakathil 10. 23/09/1967 ...... Clement Moolamkuzhiyil 11. 08/09/1968 ...... Polycarp Anthony Tirkey* 12. 19/10/1968 ...... Berchmans D' Penna 13. 19/10/1968 ...... Joseph Pinto 14. 20/10/1968 ...... Henry Naria 15. 05/10/1969 ...... Thomas Ottarackal 16. 26/10/1969 ...... Joseph Vayalil 17. 24/10/1970 ...... Chacko Mullappally 18. 18/12/1970 ...... Xavier Kuttanchalil 19. 29/12/1971 ...... Ignatius Thottappilly 20. 15/10/1972 ...... Clarence Srambical 21. 14/11/1972 ...... Leo Cornelio 22. 08/05/1973 ...... Patrick Pais 23. 26/10/1973 ...... Joseph Chetany 24. 25/11/1973 ...... Joe Vaz 25. 08/05/1974 ...... Charles Pinto 26. 08/09/1974 ...... Joseph Kallakavumkal* 27. 16/11/1974 ...... Varghese Nediakalayil 28. 05/09/1976 ...... Benjamin Kerketta* 29. 06/06/1976 ...... Joseph P Xavier 30. 19/02/1977 ...... Joseph Purappanthanam 31. 11/05/1977 ...... George Kochumurry 32. 14/05/1977 ...... George Payattikkatt 33. 18/12/1977 ...... John De Britto 34. 20/04/1978 ...... Prashant Philip Lukose 35. 26/10/1978 ...... John Deepak Sulya 36. 27/04/1979 ...... Francis Viegas 37. 11/05/1979 ...... Chacko Thottumarickal 38. 28/04/1980 ...... Cyril Cutinho 39. 29/04/1980 ...... Cyril Rodrigues

19 INDIA CENTRAL 40. 29/04/1980 ...... John I. M 41. 29/04/1980 ...... Mark Mathias 42. 22/04/1981 ...... William Tirkey 43. 12/05/1981 ...... Peter I. 44. 15/01/1982 ...... Pius Kerketta* 45. 20/04/1982 ...... Basil D'Souza 46. 27/10/1982 ...... Devprasad Ganawa 47. 18/04/1983 ...... Anup George Ayyankolil 48. 20/04/1983 ...... Mathew Chemarappally 49. 23/04/1983 ...... Prasad Kuzhively 50. 28/04/1984 ...... Damien Ekka 51. 05/05/1984 ...... Thomas Peringalloor 52. 14/05/1984 ...... Francis Mohan 53. 03/05/1985 ...... Benjamin Albert Ferdina 54. 03/05/1985 ...... George Bhuriya 55. 04/05/1985 ...... Lawrence Fernandes 56. 04/05/1985 ...... Nicholas Martis 57. 08/05/1985 ...... Alangaram Arokia Sebastin Durairaj 58. 09/05/1985 ...... Felix Jones 59. 02/05/1986 ...... Basil Bhuriya 60. 06/05/1986 ...... Lazarus Serrao 61. 12/06/1986 ...... Jose Manthottam* 62. 02/05/1987 ...... George Thottian 63. 03/05/1987 ...... Xavier Thirukudumbam 64. 06/05/1987 ...... Jose Pulickal 65. 17/05/1987 ...... Adaikalasamy T.L. 66. 06/04/1988 ...... Casmir Damor 67. 06/05/1988 ...... Babu Joseph Karakombil 68. 14/05/1988 ...... Vincent Topno 69. 29/05/1988 ...... Rayappan Chinnappan 70. 07/05/1989 ...... Manuel Pereira 71. 09/05/1989 ...... John Wakhla 72. 11/05/1989 ...... Cajetan D' Mello 73. 12/05/1989 ...... Justin D'Souza 74. 18/05/1989 ...... Marcel Tanan 75. 10/05/1990 ...... Jacob Vazhavelil 76. 27/05/1990 ...... John Paul Herman 77. 28/04/1992 ...... Thomas Chacko Ezhuparayi 78. 29/04/1992 ...... Raju Gregory Sastya 79. 02/05/1992 ...... Melvine Baptist Sequeira 80. 03/05/1992 ...... Norbert Herman

20 INDIA CENTRAL 81. 04/05/1992 ...... Singarayar A. 82. 13/05/1992 ...... Sebastian J. Mangalathil 83. 18/05/1992 ...... Deoswarup Kujur 84. 02/01/1993 ...... Cyriac Peter N. 85. 20/04/1993 ...... Pancratius Xalxo 86. 27/04/1993 ...... Johny D'Souza 87. 09/05/1993 ...... Pradeep Kishore Minz* 88. 19/01/1994 ...... Pushpa Anbu Augustine 89. 13/02/1994 ...... Emmanuel Bilung* 90. 03/05/1994 ...... Sahayaraj A. 91. 16/05/1994 ...... Albinus Kujur 92. 18/05/1994 ...... Habil Lakra 93. 28/12/1994 ...... Sleevaiah Bandanadam 94. 04/02/1995 ...... Ajit Kumar Toppo 95. 27/04/1995 ...... Swaminathan Susai 96. 30/04/1995 ...... Savari Rayan A 97. 02/05/1995 ...... Joemon James Alackal 98. 04/05/1995 ...... Antony Samy A. 99. 17/05/1995 ...... Abianus Tigga 100. 15/05/1996 ...... Clement Khess 101. 12/01/1997 ...... Ashwin Gregory Kiro* 102. 14/04/1997 ...... Maria Paulraj Rathinam 103. 03/05/1997 ...... Emmanuel Varghese 104. 10/05/1997 ...... Pious Cyriac Padinjarekuttu 105. 11/05/1997 ...... Sagayadass. A. 106. 28/04/1998 ...... Godwin Michael Viegas 107. 07/02/1999 ...... Pius Lakra 108. 03/05/1999 ...... Michael Prakasam 109. 27/04/2000 ...... Herman Bandod 110. 02/01/2001 ...... Petrus Kujur* 111. 20/01/2001 ...... Kishore Soreng 112. 20/04/2002 ...... Kishore Tigga* 113. 05/05/2002 ...... Michael Cherian 114. 07/05/2002 ...... Philsam Rebelo, Filipe 115. 02/01/2003 ...... Raju Soosai* 116. 15/01/2006 ...... Pashkal Tirkey 117. 16/05/2006 ...... Roy Chirappurath 118. 21/01/2007 ...... Rajesh Kumar Tirkey 119. 15/05/2007 ...... Rajendra Toppo 120. 13/04/2008 ...... Sania Surin 121. 09/05/2008 ...... James Simon

21 INDIA CENTRAL 122. 02/01/2009 ...... Kalaimani Paulraj* 123. 04/05/2009 ...... Antony Puthussery 124. 05/05/2009 ...... Rajesh Jamra 125. 09/05/2009 ...... Suresh Muruganandam 126. 31/01/2010 ...... Sanjay Kujur 127. 28/01/2011 ...... Florence Minz 128. 28/04/2011 ...... Raju Dodiyar 129. 02/05/2012 ...... Praveen Rajesh D'Souza 130. 09/05/2012 ...... Roque Dias 131. 10/05/2012 ...... Anthonyswamy Swamikannu 132. 04/05/2013 ...... Andrews Lobu G. 133. 08/05/2013 ...... Muthu Selvam Arockiam 134. 27/04/2014 ...... Robert Baptista 135. 06/05/2014 ...... Alfred Fernandes 136. 11/01/2015 ...... Libnus Kullu 137. 11/04/2015 ...... Dominic Veigas 138. 27/12 /2015 ...... Jose vasuniya 139. 04/04/2016 ...... John David 140. 15/01/2017 ...... Amit Tete 141. 02/05/2017 ...... Alwyn Misquith 142. 02/05/2018 ...... Shinoj Joseph Kaithakkal 143. 04/05/2018 ...... Cyril Pradeep D'Souza 144. May 2018 ...... Luis Antony Swamy


001. 08/09/1999 ...... Most Rev. Leo Cornelio 002. 16/07/2002 ...... Most Rev. Chacko Thottumarickal 003. 16/06/2009 ...... Most Rev. Devprasad Ganawa 004. 16/07/2009 ...... Most Rev. Alangaram Arokia Sebastin Durairaj 005. 10/10/2015 ...... Most Rev. Basil Bhuriya


Patron : St. Pius X

Vision Living and Sharing intercultural life to accomplish God's Mission of Reconciliation Mission As Divine Word Missionaries, we commit ourselves to intercultural life to overcome the existing divides among us and to build bridges with the poor and the marginalized particularly the tribals and dalits, the migrants in search of refuge, the young in search of meaning in life and with the people of other faith traditions and cultures. Our Goal Motivated by the Word Incarnate, we work to build bridges within our own communities and to reconcile the divides that exist between the poor and the rich, literates and illiterates, rural and urban people, among religions, castes and tribal communities.


The SVDs began working in the eastern part of India in 1948. The Sambalpur mission, as it was known at that time, covered about one third of the state of Odisha. The SVD pioneers, headed by Fr. Stanislaus Wald, were all trained first in Indore, in central India. The SVD mission in Odisha was separated from Indore and was made a region in 1954. The SVD superiors set up their headquarters at Jharsuguda. By 1978 the operations here had matured sufficiently that we became a province. The people in this region are multicultural, multi-racial, multi-linguistic and multi-religious. Because the poorest and most marginalized are the Tribals and Dalits, the INE Province makes a preferential missionary option for them. Our Apostolates in the province are: Pastoral: Pastoral Ministry in the province extends to 7 parishes in Rourkela diocese, 10 in Sambalpur diocese, 3 in Cuttack Bhubaneswar Archdiocese and 3 in Kolkata and 2 in Gumla Diocese. Educational: The Divine Word Missionaries have done a silent social revolution for the empowerment of tribals and dalits through education ministry. We run 4 full fledged English medium schools and 3 new English Medium schools, and 5 vernacular language schools and 1 undergraduate college. Hostels: There are 12 hostels run by the SVDs. Approximately 2000 children both boys and girls are benefiting through our hostels. Poor Tribal and Dalit Children are catered in our hostel. Provide all amenities for their study. Where there are no schools, they are sent to Government Schools for education. Formation: INE Province has 1 minor seminary for Clerical students at Vidya Jyoti, Lungai, Rourkela, and 1 minor seminary for Brother Vocations at Jharsuguda. We have total 96 students in both these seminaries. We also have an SVD Major Seminary Divya Jyoti, Sason, for the theological students. Presently there are 18 Scholastics. The SVDs also run a Regional Theologate for the Odisha Region at Sason. Specialized Ministries: In the province we have specialized ministries like Hospital administration, Care for the leprosy affected people, Care for the physically challenged, Vocational training, school drop outs, slum ministry, etc.

24 INDIA EAST PROVINCIALATE E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] (Secretary) Provincial Superior Luvis Ronald Pereira INE OFFICES Vice Provincial Superior Personnel, Animation and Expansion Petrus Kullu Luvis Ronald Pereira Provincial Consultors Parish Ministry & Specialized Apostolates Marianayagam. M, Admonitor Petrus Kullu Bennychen K. Peter, Councillor Victor Rodrigues, Councillor Finance Marianayagam M. Provincial Treasurer Tomi George Education Victor Rodrigues Provincial Secretary Prince Paul Formation and On-going Formation Bennychen K. Peter Shanti Bhavan, Mother Teresa Road, Province Mission Secretary Cox Colony, P. B. 03, Christopher G. John P. O./Dt. Jharsuguda E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: +919437033250 Odisha - 768 203, India Mobile: Provincial: 9438792439, National / Provincial Brother Coordinator 9437054899 Bipin Kishore Surin Mobile: +917873804988 Mobile: Vice Provincial: 8768111974 E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: Treasurer: 7681082268, Communication Coordinator & P.R.O. 9437408058 Christopher Kerketta Mobile: Secretary: 9040823102, Mobile: +917326877701 8895397541 E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: Provincial House: 6645 270904 Biblical Apostolate Coordinator Sunil Damor E-mail [email protected] Mobile: +919937529718 (Provincial) E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] JPIC Coordinator (INE Office) Rasal Xess E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: +917894752610 (Vice Provincial) E-mail: [email protected], E-mail: [email protected] AJS Coordinator [email protected] Lancy Rodrigues (Treasurer Office) Mobile: +919438660217

25 INDIA EAST E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Peter Toppo (Dist. Sup.) Fr. Bulu Birender Kujur (Vice Dist. Sup.) DWES Secretary Fr. Gregory Ekka (Admonitor) Thomas Varanath Mobile: +919437292508 E-mail: [email protected] 1. JHARSUGUDA UNIT Vocation Prom & Youth Incharge Shanti Bhavan (Provincialate) Peter Toppo Mother Teresa Road, Mobile: +919937480403 Cox Colony, P. B. 03, E-mail: [email protected] P.O./Dt. Jharsuguda, Odisha - 768 203 Fr. Luvis Ronald Pereira (Prov. Sup.) Incharge of Deacons & Fratres Fr. Anuranjan Dungdung (Rector) Victor Rodrigues Fr. Tomi George (Treasurer) Mobile: +918280771815 Fr. Prince Paul (Secretary) E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Frederick Santhumayor Br. Sushil Soreng Incharge of Family Apostolate and De-addiction Family and De-addiction Apostolate Frederick Santhumayor Fr. Frederick Santhumayor (Coord.) Mobile: +919438208151 St. Arnold Vikas Sanchar (SAVS) E-mail: [email protected] P. B. 04, Cox Colony P.O/Dt. Jharsuguda, Odisha -768203 DISTRICT SUPERIORS & Fr. Sunil Damor (Director) COUNCILLORS Fr. Christopher Kerketta (Asst. Director) Jharsuguda Unit Dinabandhu Technical and Fr. Anuranjan Dungdung (Rector) Vocational Training Institute Fr. Cherian Joseph (Vice Rector) Mother Teresa Road, Fr. Sunil Damor (Admonitor) Cox Colony, P. B. 03, Bhubaneswar District P.O./Dt. Jharsuguda, Odisha - 768 203 Fr. Joseph Daniel (Dist. Sup) Br. Damian Jojo (Director) Fr. Christu Raja Sekar (Vice Dist. Sup.) Joseph Bhavan Brother Formation House Fr. Cyril Agera (Admonitor) Mother Teresa Road, Rourkela District Cox Colony, P. B. 03, Fr. Ajay Kerketta (Dist. Sup.) P.O./Dt. Jharsuguda, Odisha - 768 203 Fr. Rasal Xess (Vice Dist. Sup.) Br. Oscar Tete (Director) Fr. Francis Jos (Admonitor) Fr. Paul Kandulna (Director of Studies) Sambalpur District St. Arnold's Catholic Church Fr. Jesuraj Rayappan (Dist. Sup.) Mother Teresa Road, Fr. Thomas Varanath (Vice Dist. Sup.) Cox Colony, P. B. 03, Fr. Rajesh Rosan Ekka (Admonitor) P.O./Dt. Jharsuguda, Odisha - 768 203 Sundargarh District Fr. Ranjit Kerketta (P.P.) Fr. Mathew Mattappallil (Asst. P.P)

26 INDIA EAST Janssen Bhavan Dt. Jharsuguda Odisha - 768 218 Mother Teresa Road, Fr. Kurian Arimattam (P.P.) Cox Colony, P. B. 03, P.O./Dt. Jharsuguda, Odisha - 768 203 DELHI ARCHDIOCESE Fr. Cherian Joseph (Com. Incharge) Fr. Sebastian Mattappallil (Asst. Com. Incharge) Secretary, CBCI Office for Tribal Affairs Fr. Augustine E.V. C.B.C.I. Centre, 1 Ashok Place, Fr. George Pullukatt Near Gole Dakkhana, New Delhi- 110 001 Fr. Godfrey D' Souza Fr. Nicholas Barla (CBCI Secretary for Fr. James Arackel Tribal Affairs) Fr. Joe Mannamparambil Fr. John Alapatt 2. BHUBANESWAR DISTRICT Fr. Julius Lakra Fr. Mathew Poovanpuzha Bhubaneswar: Archbishop's House Fr. Roque Phillips Archbishop's House, Satyanagar Fr. Shilanand Kamath Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751 007 Fr. Thomas Nettikatt Most. Rev. John Barwa Fr. Thomas Panackalody Saint Arnold's School Divya Seva Sangh (DSS) Saint Arnold's School, (Arnold Sadan) Mother Teresa Road, HIG199,K-5,KalingaVihar Cox Colony, P. B. 03, Bhubaneswar, Dt. Khurda P.O./Dt. Jharsuguda, Odisha - 768 203 Odisha - 751 019 Fr. Cherian Joseph (Director) Fr. Felix Oliveira (Principal) Fr. Richard Vaz (Manager & Community Retreat Centre In-Charge) Hanshammura, Katapali, Br. Elejius Minj (Treasurer) P.O. Boxichowk, Dt. Jharsuguda, Odisha - 768 202 Duburi: Catholic Church Fr. Rudolf Crasta (Incharge) Duburi, P.O. Nariabonga, Kalinganagar Fr. Christopher G. (Treasurer) Dt. Jajpur, Odisha - 755 026 Fr. Joseph Philip (P.P.) Bagdehi: Catholic Church Fr. Zephyrinus Soreng (Asst. P.P.) P.O. Bagdehi, Dt. Jharsuguda Odisha - 768 220 Gopinathpur: St. Anthony's Church Fr. John David (P.P.) Gopinathpur, P.O. Barkutia, Via Khamar Dt. Angul, Odisha - 759 118 St. Arnold's School Fr. Kurian Puthuparambil (P.P.) P.O. Bagdehi, Dt. Jharsuguda, Odisha -768 220 Jajpur Road: Debobani Fr. Johny Jacob (Principal) C/o Catholic Church Fr. George Karedan (Farm Incharge) Kanheipur, P.O. Jajpur Road Br. Joseph Kerketta (Staff) Dt. Jajpur, Odisha - 755 019 Fr. Saji Chirackal (Staff) Fr. Pradeep Soreng (P.P.) Belpahar: Catholic Church Pallahara: Masih Mandir Belpahar, P.O. Gumadera, Patbeda, P.O. Pallahara, Dt. Angul, 27 INDIA EAST Odisha - 759 119 Fr. Lawrence D'Almeida (Incharge St. Fr. Valentine Surin (P.P.) Arnold's Kindergarten) Frt. Parash Prasan Kujur (EIP) Fr. Kashmir Kujur (Host. Incharge) Nabajyoti High School Bondamunda: Catholic Church Kerjenga, P.O. Pal Lahara, Dt. Angul, P.O. Bondamunda, Via Rourkela Odisha - 759 119 Dt. Sundargarh, Odisha - 770 032 Fr. Cyril Agera (Head Master) Fr. Isidore Kindo (P.P.) Fr. Suman Dungdung (Teacher) Fr. Herman Minj (Asst. P.P.) Puri: Catholic Church Fr. Joseph Perumbil (Asst. P.P.) Ramchandi Sahi, Puri, Odisha - 752 001 Howrah: St. Joseph the Worker Church Fr. R. A. Thomas (P.P.) Sultanpur, Santragachi Dialogue & Enquiry Centre P.O. Jagacha, Dt. Howrah Ramchandi Sahi, Puri, Odisha - 752 001 West Bengal - 711 111 Fr. R. A. Thomas (Incharge) Fr. Sebastian Xalxo (P.P.) Fr. Lazarus Lakra (Asst. P.P.) Ishopanthi Ashram P. B. 21, Baliapanda Road, Puri, Catholic Church, Prem Nagar Odisha - 752 001 11/13, Puratan Sahir Lane Fr. Baptist D'Souza (Director) P.O. Santragachi, Dt. Howrah Fr. Joseph Daniel (Progr. Coord) West Bengal - 711 104 Fr. Simon Lakra (Head Master, Beatrix School) Fr. Medard Tirkey (P. Incharge) Fr. Dixson Lawrence D' Souza (Treasurer) Bro. Sandeep Soreng (EIP) Fr. Paul Moras (Museum, Docu. Incharge) Hamirpur: Bishop's House Tentoloi: St. Lawrence School Hamirpur, P.O. Rourkela, Tentoloi, P.O. Balram Prasad, Dt. Sundargarh, Odisha 769 003 Via Banarpal Most Rev. Alphonse Bilung (Emeritus) Dt. Angul, Odisha - 759 128 Jhartarang: St. Arnold's School Fr. Alexius Dungdung (Principal) Fr. Clement Kerketta (Treasurer) IDC Bypass Road, P.O. Jhartarang Fr. Christuraja Sekar (Vice Principal, K.G. Dt. Sundargarh, Via. Rourkela - 4 Incharge & Com. Incharge) Odisha - 769 004 Fr. Francis Jos (Principal) Fr. Thomas Korattiyil (Manager) 3. ROURKELA DISTRICT Fr. Symphorian Kujur (Vice Principal) Bezda: St. Arnold's Church Fr. Joseph Kujur (Treasurer) Bezda, Bamanpukur, P.O. Nekurseni Lungai: Vidya Jyoti Dt. Paschim Midnipur Lungai, P.O. Vedvyas, Via. Rourkela West Bengal - 721 133 Dt. Sundargarh, Odisha -769 041 Fr. Petrus Kullu (P.P.) Fr. Ajay Kerketta (Rector) Dibyo Bani Niketono Fr. Silvaraj Duddu (Treasurer) Gonpada, P.O. Garhmanoharpur Fr. Thomas Kuzhipathalil (Sptl. Dir) Dt.Paschim Midnipur, West Bengal -721 451 Br. Maurice Lakra (Comty. Member)

28 INDIA EAST Ramabahal: UPAYA Center SIMDEGA DIOCESE Ramabahal, P.O. Kesramal, Via Rajgangpur Kusumbera Mission, Dt. Sundargarh, Odisha - 770 017 C/O St. Joseph Church, Jampani PO, Fr. Marianayagam (Director) Thethaitanger PS, Simdega Dist. Fr. Rasal Xess (Asst. Director, Incharge of Jharkhand-835 226 Migration Minitsry) Fr. Marianus Ekka (Priest Incharge) Br. Marcel Kujur (Treasurer) Frt. M. Arockia Sebastian (EIP) 4. SAMBALPUR DISTRICT Ranchi: Archbishop's House Ainthapali: Bishop's House Dr. Camil Bulcke Path Ainthapali, P.O. Budharaja Post Box No.5, Ranchi 834 001 Dt. Sambalpur, Odisha - 768 004 Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung Most Rev. Lucas Kerketta (Emeritus) Rourkela: St. Arnold Seva Sadan Bargarh: Catholic Church AM-50, Basanti Nagar P.O./Dt. Bargarh, Odisha - 768 028 Rourkela, Dt. Sundargarh Fr. Peter Vattakeril (P.P.) Odisha - 769 012 Vikas Bhavan Fr. Bennychen Peter (Director ) Frt. M. Ajeesh Peter Sahai (EIP) P.O./Dt. Bargarh, Odisha - 768 028 Fr. Joseph Pais (Director) St. Paul's School Fr. Rajesh Rosan Ekka (Asst. Director & Hamirpur, P. O. Rourkela Treasurer) Dt. Sundargarh, Odisha - 769 003 Fr. John Maliekal Fr. Joseph Sarpirasadam (Principal) Bhodra: Catholic Church Br. Muktlal Ekka (Treasurer & Comty. Bhodra, P.O. Kusang, Via - Chandanbatti Incharge) Fr. Albinus Ekka (KG Incharge) Dt. Balangir, Odisha- 767 065 Fr. Peter D' Cunha (Comty. Member) Fr. Joseph Antony (P.P.) Turbunga: Catholic Church Bodmal: St. Antony's Catholic Church Turbunga Bodmal, P.O. Ghusramal, via Rairakhol P.O. Lasea, Dt. Gumla Dt. Sambalpur, Odisha- 768 106 Jharkhand - 835 211 Fr. Edward Sequeira (Asst. P.P.) Fr. Tej Kumar Lugun (P.P.) Burla: St. Mary's Church Fr. Cladius Soreng (Asst. P.P.) Mahatab Nagar, P.O. Burla Frt. Valson Savio Colaco (EIP) Dt. Sambalpur, Odisha - 768 017 St. Arnold's School Fr. Lancy Rodrigues (Priest Incharge) Turbunga Jujumura:Sarvodaya Vocational P.O. Lasea, Dt. Gumla Training Institute (S.V.T.I) Jharkhand - 835 211 Ishbani Para, P.O. Jujumura Fr. Anselem Kerketta (Head Master) Dt. Sambalpur , Odisha - 768 105 Fr. Timothy Victor Pinto (Director)

29 INDIA EAST Sason: Khristo Jyoti Mohavidyaloyo 5. SUNDARGARH DISTRICT Sason, P.O. Sason, Dt. Sambalpur Odisha - 768 200 Babudih: New Orissa Higher Fr. Francis Pereira (Rector) Secondary School, Fr. Jesuraj Rayappan (Principal) C/o Janssen Niwas, Babudih P.O. Kurumkel, Dt. Sundargarh Divya Jyoti, SVD Seminary Odisha - 770 014 Debeipali, P.O. Sason Fr. T.K. Kurian (Praeses) Dt. Sambalpur, Odisha- 768 200 Fr. Gregory Ekka (Principal) Fr. Victor Rodrigues (Rector & Moderator) Bro. Bipin Kishore Surin (Secretary, Fr. P. Justin Jayaraj (Treasurer) Accountant and Boy's Hostel Incharge) Frt. A. Arul Stephen (B. Th. I) Frt. George M. Joseph (B. Th. I) Gaibira: St. Church Frt. Ezekiel Rakesh D'Souza (B. Th. I) Gaibira, P.O. Subdega Frt. Linu Edassery Pauly (B. Th. I) Dt. Sundargarh, Odisha- 770 014 Frt. J. George Michael Stephen (B. Th. II) Fr. Joseph Topno (P.P.) Frt. Joji Raju Neelam (B. Th. II) SVD House, Gaibira Frt. Mukesh Minj (B. Th. II) Frt. Rajasekar Sugalipalle (B. Th. II) (see Catholic Church, above) Bro. U. Alphonse (B. Th. III) Br. Remis Tete (Head Master) Frt. Anil Kumar Gadidam (B.Th. III) Fr. Bulu Birender (Hostel Superint. and Frt. Peter Gaikwad (B.Th. III) Asst. Teacher) Frt. Agnel Rebello (B.Th. III) Br. Jay Prakash K. (Asst. Hostel Incharge) Frt. Remejius Soreng (B.Th. III) Br. Augustine Lucas Minj Dn. Donald Carel Lobo (B.Th. IV) Apostolic School, Gaibira Dn. Maniacherry Antony Varghese (B.Th. IV) Fr. Peter Toppo (Director) Dn. Ponnapati Rajesh Reddy (B.Th. IV) Fr. Emile Soreng (Asst. Dir) Dn. Sanjib Dungdung (B.Th. IV) Dn. Swamee Luis T.A. Anthony (B.Th. IV) Kahupani: Catholic Church P.O. Kahupani, Dt. Sundargarh, Remed (Sambalpur): St. Arnold's School Odisha- 770 018 P.O.Remed, Dt.Sambalpur, Odisha 768 006 Fr. Emmanuel Toppo (P.P.) Fr. Thomas Varanath (Principal) Fr. Peter T.V (Asst. P.P., Hostel Incharge) Fr. Lancy Gonsalves (Vice Principal) Fr. Joseph K.J. Tangarpali: Catholic Church Kiralaga: Catholic Church Tangarpali, P. O. Kharmunda, Via Bordol P.O. Kiralaga, Dt. Sundargarh Dt. Bargarh, Odisha- 768 038 Odisha - 770 028 Fr. Joseph Puthur (P.P.) Fr. Stanislaus Vedanayagam (P.P.) Titilagarh: Holy Family Church Fr. Innocent Kerketta (Asst. P.P.) P.O. Titilagarh, Dt. Balangir Fr. Lawrence Lakra (Asst. P.P.) Odisha - 767 033 Phalsa: Catholic Church Fr. Abraham Vakkaparambil (P.P.) Phalsa, P.O. Kantabahal Dt. Sundargarh, Odisha- 770 074 Fr. Francis Kiro (P.P.) Fr. Amrit Kullu (Asst. P.P.) 30 INDIA EAST Saunamara: Catholic Church Mangalore: Saunamara, P.O. Balisankra, St. Aloysius Institute of Management Dt. Sundargarh and Info. Technology Odisha - 770 015 Kotekar, Madoor Post Beeri, Fr. Dilip Tirkey (P.P.) Mangalore-575 022 Fr. Ranjeet Barla (Asst. P.P.) Fr. Ashley Fernandes Fr. Naveen Pinto Sundargarh: Catholic Church P.O./Dt. Sundargarh, Odisha - 770 001 Mumbai: Institute of Indian Culture Fr. Francis Soreng (P.P.) Mahakali Caves Rd., Andheri (E), Fr. Oscar Lakra (Asst. P.P.) Mumbai- 400 093 Fr. Thomas Ekka (Asst. P.P.) Fr. Nirmal Lawrence Fr. Joseph Pereira (Asst. P.P.) Pune: Divine Word Seminary Sanskruti Kendro Post Box 3020, Off Nagar Road Cultural Centre, Panaspara Sainikwadi, Pune- 411 014 P. O. Sankra, Dt. Sundargarh Fr. Ashok Kumar Minj Odisha - 770 020 Fr. Ignatius Soreng (Director) Rome: Collegio del Verbo Divino Fr. Andreas Kerketta (Asst. Director & Via dei Verbiti, 1, 00154, Roma, Italia Treasurer) Fr. Anuranjan Bilung

ON STUDIES ON EXCLAUSTRATION Bangalore: Upasana Camillus Satya Jyoti Study House PACT, Satyanagar, Near Baljori Chowk Dharmaram College, P. B. No. 2913 O.M.P. Line, P.O./Dt. Jharsuguda Tank Bund Road, Balaji Nagar, Odisha - 768 204 Bangalore-560 029 Fr. Joseph Amalan Fr. Binoy Augustine Bangalore: DVK Research Centre Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Dharmaram College, Bangalore-560 029 Fr. Sundar Tandi

Key for Reading *Brothers

31 INDIA EAST Name Mobile Number E-mail Address

1. Abraham Vakkaparambil 9438201440 [email protected] 2. Ajay Kerketta 9438792596 [email protected] 3. Albinus Ekka 9437419171 [email protected] 4. Alexius Dungdung 9439305701 [email protected] 5. Alphonse Bilung (Bp) 9437044105 ...... 6. Amrit Kullu 9668103374 ...... 7. Andreas Kerketta 9438425880 ...... 8. Anselem Kerketta 9771334118 [email protected] 9. Anuranjan Bilung 8658631266 [email protected] 10. Anuranjan Dungdung 8763907052 [email protected] 11. Ashley Fernandes 9980762613 [email protected] 12. Ashok Kumar Minj 9668266069 [email protected] 13. Augustine E.V. 9439394863 ...... 14. Augustine Minj* 8763646724 ...... 15. Baptist D'Souza 9437241989 [email protected] 16. Bennychen Peter 9437490468 [email protected] 17. Binoy Augustine 9739413610 [email protected] 18. Bipin Kishore Surin* 7873804988 [email protected] 19. Bulu Birender Kujur 9438531882 [email protected] 20. Cherian Adimakkeel 9437403385 [email protected] 21. Christopher John 9437033250 [email protected] 22. Christopher Kerketta 7326877701 [email protected] 23. Christu Raja Sekar 8763811046 [email protected] 24. Cladius Soreng 9938300517 [email protected] 25. Clement Kerketta 9438640665 [email protected] 26. Cyril Agera 9438157114 [email protected] 27. Damian Jojo* 9437248148 [email protected] 28. Dilip Kumar Tirkey 9937110645 [email protected] 29. Dixson L. D'Souza 9439277248 [email protected] 30. Edward Sequeira 9438792498 [email protected] 31. Elejius Minj* 9938088494 [email protected] 32. Emile Soreng 8763305327 ......

32 INDIA EAST 33. Emmanuel Toppo 9437351790 [email protected] 34. Felix Oliveira 8093670957 [email protected] 35. Francis Jos 9439698545 [email protected] 36. Francis Kiro 9439571099 [email protected] 37. Francis Pereira 9438678578 [email protected] 38. Francis Soreng 8658497196 ...... 39. Frederick Santhumayor 9438208151 [email protected] 40. George Karedan 9437290726 [email protected] 41. George Pullukatt 9438130686 ...... 42. Godfrey D'Souza 9437345334 ...... 43. Gregory Ekka 9437529722 [email protected] 44. Herman Minj 9937705887 [email protected] 45. Ignatius Soreng 9777893642 [email protected] 46. Innocent Kerketta 9937858960 [email protected] 47. Isidore Kindo 9437648981 [email protected] 48. James Arackel 9439633004 ...... 49. Jay Prakash Kullu* 9776164488 [email protected] 50. Jesuraj Rayappan 8895505794 [email protected] 51. John Alapatt 9437045166 [email protected] 52. John Barwa (Abp) 9437390428 [email protected] 53. John David 9438157066 [email protected] 54. John Maliekal 9437368702 ...... 55. Johny Jacob 9437213429 [email protected] 56. Joseph Amalan 8018412370 [email protected] 57. Joseph Antony 9937110023 [email protected] 58. Joseph Daniel 8895148284 [email protected] 59. Joseph K. J...... 60. Joseph Kerketta* 9178400628 ...... 61. Joseph Kujur 9437390327 [email protected] 62. Joseph Mannamparampil 9437040300 [email protected] 63. Joseph Pais 9438200953 [email protected] 64. Joseph Pereira 9556682978 [email protected] 65. Joseph Perumbil 9934397961 [email protected] 66. Joseph Philip 9437051268 [email protected]

33 INDIA EAST 67. Joseph Puthur 7894222775 [email protected] 68. Joseph Sarpirasadam 9437290604 [email protected] 69. Joseph Topno 9437127040 [email protected] 70. Julius Lakra 9668825478 ...... 71. Kashmir Kujur 8335015771 [email protected] 72. Kurian Arimattam 9437414160 ...... 73. Kurian Puthuparambil 9439246762 ...... 74. Kurian T.K. 9437497696 [email protected] 75. Lancy Gonsalves 9437360019 [email protected] 76. Lancy Rodrigues 9438660217 [email protected] 77. Lawrence D'Almeida 8670105688 [email protected] 78. Lawrence Lakra 9437683203 ...... 79. Lazarus Lakra 9437529769 ...... 80. Luvis Ronald Pereira 9438792439 [email protected] 81. Lucas Kerketta (Bp) 9437052768 [email protected] 82. Marcel Kujur* 9437407134 ...... 83. Marianayagam 9437046328 [email protected] 84. Marianus Ekka 9438109750 [email protected] 85. Mathew Mattappallil 9438418336 ...... 86. Mathew Poovanpuzha 9437422750 [email protected] 87. Maurice Lakra* 9437648984 ...... 88. Medard Tirkey 9831978870 [email protected] 89. Muktlal Ekka* 9437080385 [email protected] 90. Naveen Pinto 9438821255 [email protected] 91. Nicholas Barla 8895921665 [email protected] 92. Nirmal Lawrence 9167038045 [email protected] 93. Oscar Lakra 9937504016 ...... 94. Oscar Tete* 7739836611 [email protected] 95. Paul Kandulna 9439533889 [email protected] 96. Paul Moras 9937727796 [email protected] 97. P. Justin Jayaraj 7655025397 [email protected] 98. Peter D'Cunha 7261845790 [email protected] 99. Peter Thannickakuzhy 7752042443 [email protected] 100.Peter Toppo 9937480403 [email protected]

34 INDIA EAST 101. Peter Vattakkeril 9437062449 [email protected] 102. Petrus Kullu 8768111974 [email protected] 103. Pradeep Soreng 9937502986 [email protected] 104. Prince Paul 8895397541 [email protected] 105. Rajesh Rosan Ekka 7077214313 [email protected] 106. Ranjeet Barla 9938706304 [email protected] 107. Ranjit Kerketta 8984476768 [email protected] 108. Remis Tete* 9437684448 ...... 109. Richard Vaz 8197402485 [email protected] 110. Roque Phillips 9438226540 ...... 111. Rudolf Crasta 9437861399 [email protected] 112. Rasal Xess 8133914413 [email protected] 113. Saji Chirackal 7219197205 [email protected] 114. Sebastian Mattappallil 9439180239 [email protected] 115. Sebastian Xalxo 9674468719 [email protected] 116. Shilanand Kamath 9438627430 [email protected] 117. Silvaraj Duddu 7381654809 [email protected] 118. Simon Lakra 9937494230 [email protected] 119. Stanislaus Vedanayagam 9078920144 [email protected] 120. Suman Dungdung 9437529771 ...... 121. Sunder Tandi 9438792319 [email protected] 122. Sunil Damor 9937529718 [email protected] 123. Sushil Soreng* 8093309208 ...... 124. Symphorian Kujur 9438426269 [email protected] 125. Tej Kumar Lugun 9439430267 [email protected] 126. Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung 8809076310 [email protected] 127. Thomas Ekka 9438561744 ...... 128. Thomas Korattiyil 9437041066 [email protected] 129. Thomas Kuzhipathalil 9437767938 ...... 130. Thomas Nettikatt 9437806671 ...... 131. Thomas Panackalody 9437648455 [email protected] 132. Thomas A. Rayappan 9437330510 [email protected] 133. Thomas Varanath 9437292508 [email protected] 134. Timothy Victor Pinto 9437057279 [email protected]

35 INDIA EAST 135. Tomi George 9437408058 [email protected] 136. Valentine Surin 9437684459 [email protected] 137. Victor Rodrigues 7008638893 [email protected] 138. Zephyrinus Soreng 9777941805 [email protected]

Fratres in Theology 1. A. Arul Stephen 9713102553 [email protected] 2. Agnel Rebello 8594979014 [email protected] 3. Anil Kumar Gadidam 9853594952 [email protected] 4. Antony Maniacherry 7683963237 [email protected] 5. Donald Carel Lobo 9483604686 [email protected] 6. Ezekiel Rakesh D'Souza 7415052906 [email protected] 7. George M. Joseph 7049027054 [email protected] 8. J. George M. Stephen 8342914782 [email protected] 9. Joji Raju Neelam 8093988403 [email protected] 10. Linu Edassery Pauly 9116865778 [email protected] 11. Mukesh Minj 8093717432 [email protected] 12. Peter Gaikwad 7064105074 [email protected] 13. Rajasekar Sugalipalle 7064824904 [email protected] 14. Rajesh Kumar Reddy 7787834955 [email protected] 15. Remejius Soreng 8984433792 [email protected] 16. Sanjib Dungdung 9556793931 [email protected] 17. Swamy Luis Anthony 7205666750 [email protected] 18. U. Alphonse 9440502681 [email protected]

EIP / Regency / Mission Experience 1. M. Arockia Sebastian 8658610846 [email protected] 2. Parash Prasan Kujur 7609977068 [email protected] 3. Valson Savio Colaco 9102813428 [email protected] 4. M. Ajeesh Peter Sahai 7326013168 [email protected] 5. Sandeep Soreng* (Regent) 8757217680 [email protected]


JANUARY Cladius Soreng 21.03.1971 Alexius Dungdung 01.01.1969 Frederick Santhumayor 22.03.1952 Kashmir Kujur 01.01.1977 Julius Lakra 27.03.1931 Rajasekhar (Frt.) 01.01.1988 Joseph Pais 28.03.1965 Sundar Tandi 03.01.1967 Sanjib Dungdung (Dn.) 28.03.1984 Dilip Tirkey 07.01.1970 APRIL Anuranjan Dungdung 09.01.1972 Joseph Perumbil 03.04.1938 Lancy Gonsalves 22.01.1965 Oscar Tete 03.04.1969 Innocent Kerketta 28.01.1984 Bennychen Peter 04.04.1972 Valson Savio Colaco (EIP) 30.01.1992 Timothy Pinto 06.04.1950 FEBRUARY Johny Jacob 06.04.1968 Joseph Topno 01.02.1954 Baptist D'Souza 07.04.1956 Thomas Korattiyil 02.02.1953 Edward Sequeira 09.04.1955 Victor Rodrigues 08.02.1970 Ezekiel D'Souza (Frt) 10.04.1989 Ashley Fernandes 08.02.1978 Albinus Ekka 12.04.1966 Sebastian Mattappallil 09.02.1954 Donald Carel Lobo (Dn.) 12.04.1987 Rajesh Reddy (Dn.) 10.02.1985 Ajay Kerketta 13.04.1979 Mathew Poovanpuzha 11.02.1944 Most Rev.Telesphore Bilung 15.04.1961 Remejius Soreng (Frt.) 11.02.1985 Rasal Xess 18.04.1981 Oscar Lakra 12.02.1941 Valentine Surin 19.04.1957 Maurice Lakra 12.02.1946 Marianus Ekka 21.04.1964 Joseph. K.J. 14.02.1953 Thomas Varanath 22.04.1961 Muktlal Ekka 15.02.1964 M. Arockia Sebastian (EIP) 25.04.1991 John David 16.02.1953 Peter D'Cunha 27.04.1950 M. Ajeesh Peter Sahai (EIP) 16.02.1992 Dixson L. D'Souza 29.04.1986 Francis Kiro 20.02.1978 George Pullukatt 30.04.1935 Thomas Ekka 22.02.1933 Christopher John 30.04.1954 Medard Tirkey 23.02.1967 MAY Paul Kandulna 24.02.1956 Bro. Sandeep Soreng (Regent) 03.05.1993 MARCH Richard Vaz 04.05.1950 Joseph Antony 04.03.1953 Kurian Arimattam 07.05.1947 Peter Thannickakuzhy 06.03.1950 Simon Lakra 07.05.1976 Mukesh Minj (Frt.) 06.03.1987 Thomas Kuzhipathalil 08.05.1936 John Alapatt 07.03.1938 Saji Chirackal 10.05.1972 U. Alphonse (Bro) 08.03.1960 Joseph Puthur 17.05.1939 Thomas Nettikatt 10.03.1934 Roque Phillips 19.05.1939 Elejius Minj 10.03.1970 Sebastian Xalxo 19.05.1971 Joseph Amalan 12.03.1954 Joseph Pereira 20.05.1954 Shilanand Kamath 13.03.1936 Peter Gaikwad (Frt.) 20.05.1986 Francis Pereira 13.03.1956 Felix Oliveira 23.05.1979 Neelam Joji Raju (Frt.) 18.03.1989 Ignatius Soreng 29.05.1954 Peter Toppo 20.03.1963 Cyril Agera 29.05.1977 37 INDIA EAST JUNE Joseph Kujur 22.08.1962 Most Rev. John Barwa 01.06.1955 Luvis Ronald Pereira 25.08.1971 Marianayagam 01.06.1961 Joseph Philip 27.08.1955 Most Rev. Alphonse Bilung 05.06.1933 Linu Edassery (Frt) 28.08.1989 Lawrence Lakra 07.06.1950 SEPTEMBER P. Justin Jayaraj 10.06.1977 Symphorian Kujur 03.09.1955 Naveen Prashanth Pinto 15.06.1983 Ranjeet Barla 03.09.1977 Francis Soreng 16.06.1948 Damien Jojo 06.09.1944 Gregory Ekka 16.06.1966 Augustine Minj 08.09.1931 Thomas Panackalody 19.06.1940 Jesuraj Rayappan 15.09.1960 Herman Minj 19.06.1967 Lawrence D'Almeida 15.09.1981 Bulu Birender Kujur 26.06.1978 Agnel Rebello (Frt) 17.09.1986 Peter Vattakeril 26.06.1940 Kurian Puthuparambil 19.09.1945 George Karedan 26.06.1951 Most Rev.Lucas Kerketta 20.09.1935 Kurian T.K. 27.06.1947 Stanislaus Vedanayagam 20.09.1947 Paul Moras 29.06.1948 Francis Jos 22.09.1981 Joseph Kerketta 29.06.1932 Emile Soreng 23.09.1940 JULY Pradeep Soreng 26.09.1972 Lancy Rodrigues 05.07.1955 Anselem Kerketta 29.09.1971 Jay Prakash Kullu 06.07.1967 Prince Paul 29.09.1982 Suman Dungdung 09.07.1967 OCTOBER Parash Prasan Kujur (EIP) 11.07.1990 Swamee Luis (Dn.) 03.10.1982 Joseph Mannamparampil 14.07.1943 Andreas Kerketta 05.10.1956 Joseph Sarpirasadam 16.07.1967 Emmanuel Toppo 15.10.1960 A. Arul Stephen (Frt) 16.07.1990 Amrit Kullu 20.10.1968 Nirmal Lawrence 21.07.1975 Anuranjan Bilung 21.10.1975 Christopher Kerketta 25.07.1972 Lazarus Lakra 23.10.1953 James Arackel 26.07.1927 Sunil Damor 24.10.1964 George M.Joseph (Frt) 27.07.1991 Remis Tete 25.10.1962 Clement Kerketta 29.07.1975 Godfrey D'Souza 31.10.1948 Tejkumar Lugun 31.07.1965 NOVEMBER AUGUST Silvaraj Duddu 03.11.1985 Antony Varghese (Dn.) 01.08.1988 Christu Raja Sekar 06.11.1969 Tomi George 02.08.1967 Augustine E.V. 15.11.1945 George Stephen (Frt.) 06.08.1990 Sushil Soreng 19.11.1933 Cherian Joseph 09.08.1961 Nicholas Barla 24.11.1961 Marcel Kujur 10.08.1951 Rajesh Rosan Ekka 24.11.1984 Petrus Kullu 10.08.1960 Zephyrinus Soreng 26.11.1978 Rudolf Crasta 14.08.1956 DECEMBER Isidore Kindo 16.08.1950 Bipin Kishore Surin 11.12.1969 Ranjit Kerketta 16.08.1964 Abraham Vakkaparambil 13.12.1954 Ashok Kumar Minj 18.08.1984 Joseph Daniel 13.12.1958 Mathew Mattappallil 18.08.1934 R.A. Thomas 21.12.1950 John Maliekal 22.08.1940 Anil Kumar Gadidam (Frt.) 24.12.1988


1. 02.10.1959 ...... James Arackel 2. 08.09.1960 ...... Augustine Minj* 3. 08.09.1960 ...... Joseph Kerketta* 4. 03.10.1961 ...... Alphonse Bilung 5. 08.09.1961 ...... Sushil Soreng* 6. 21.09.1963 ...... George Pullukatt 7. 21.09.1963 ...... Thomas Ekka 8. 26.11.1964 ...... Julius Lakra 9. 26.11.1964 ...... Shilanand Kamath 10. 03.10.1965 ...... Mathew Mattappallil 11. 03.10.1965 ...... Thomas Nettikatt 12. 16.09.1967 ...... Thomas Kuzhipathalil 13. 17.09.1967 ...... John Alapatt 14. 17.09.1967 ...... Joseph Puthur 15. 19.10.1968 ...... John Maliekal 16. 19.10.1968 ...... Roque Philips 17. 25.10.1969 ...... Joseph Perumbil 18. 25.10.1969 ...... Lucas Kerketta 19. 08.09.1970 ...... Damian Jojo* 20. 08.09.1970 ...... Maurice Lakra* 21. 20.12.1970 ...... Peter Vattakeril 22. 30.10.1971 ...... Emile Soreng 23. 30.10.1971 ...... Oscar Lakra 24. 19.12.1972 ...... Thomas Panackalody 25. 26.10.1973 ...... Mathew Poovanpuzha 26. 16.11.1974 ...... Joseph Mannamparampil 27. 20.12.1975 ...... Augustine E.V. 28. 05.05.1977 ...... Paul Moras 29. 16.05.1977 ...... Kurian T.K. 30. 09.05.1977 ...... Kurian Arimattam 31. 30.10.1997 ...... Kurian Puthuparambil 32. 03.04.1978 ...... Peter Thannickakuzhy 33. 09.05.1978 ...... Godfrey D'Souza 34. 09.05.1978 ...... Richard Vaz 35. 09.05.1978 ...... Stanislaus Vedanayagam 36. 09.05.1978 ...... Timothy Pinto 37. 22.04.1979 ...... Frederick Santhumayor 38. 10.05.1980 ...... Joseph K.J 39. 22.04.1981 ...... Peter D' Cunha

39 INDIA EAST 40. 26.04.1981 ...... George Karedan 41. 27.04.1981 ...... Lawrence Lakra 42. 07.06.1981 ...... Marcel Kujur* 43. 10.05.1981 ...... Thomas R. A. 44. 26.04.1982 ...... Thomas Korattiyil 45. 29.04.1982 ...... Sebastian Mattappallil 46. 29.05.1982 ...... John David 47. 05.05.1983 ...... Christopher John 48. 23.05.1983 ...... Joseph Amalan 49. 28.05.1983 ...... Isidore Kindo 50. 28.05.1983 ...... Joseph Philip 51. 28.05.1983 ...... Lazarus Lakra 52. 06.05.1984 ...... Ignatius Soreng 53. 09.05.1984 ...... Abraham Vakkaparambil 54. 10.05.1984 ...... Edward Sequeira 55. 10.05.1984 ...... Joseph Pereira 56. 10.05.1984 ...... Lancy Rodrigues 57. 04.05.1985 ...... Baptist D' Souza 58. 04.05.1985 ...... Francis Pereira 59. 14.04.1985 ...... John Barwa 60. 20.04.1985 ...... Francis Soreng 61. 08.05.1985 ...... Joseph Antony 62. 09.05.1985 ...... Rudolf Crasta 63. 05.04.1986 ...... Joseph Topno 64. 02.05.1987 ...... Symphorian Kujur 65. 20.04.1987 ...... Joseph Daniel 66. 23.04.1987 ...... Paul Kandulna 67. 10.06.1987 ...... Remis Tete* 68. 11.06.1987 ...... Muktlal Ekka* 69. 01.05.1988 ...... Andreas Kerketta 70. 12.05.1988 ...... Jesuraj Rayappan 71. 25.04.1989 ...... Cherian Jospeh 72. 15.05.1989 ...... Valentine Surin 73. 30.04.1990 ...... Thomas Varanath 74. 06.05.1990 ...... Emmanuel Toppo 75. 02.05.1992 ...... Telesphore Bilung 76. 13.02.1992 ...... Petrus Kullu 77. 14.02.1992 ...... Peter Toppo 78. 09.02.1992 ...... Joseph Kujur 79. 09.05.1992 ...... Marianayagam 80. 30.01.1993 ...... Nicholas Barla

40 INDIA EAST 81. 27.04.1993 ...... Joseph Pais 82. 03.05.1994 ...... Joseph Sarpirasadam 83. 14.05.1994 ...... Marianus Ekka 84. 20.05.1994 ...... Ranjit Kerketta 85. 28.01.1995 ...... Suman Wilfred Dungdung 86. 03.05.1995 ...... Johny Jacob 87. 26.04.1995 ...... Lancy Gonsalves 88. 29.04.1995 ...... Tomi Nellikunnel 89. 11.06.1995 ...... Bipin Kishore Surin* 90. 30.12.1995 ...... Sunder Tandi 91. 13.04.1996 ...... Tej Kumar Lugun 92. 21.04.1996 ...... Albinus Ekka 93. 14.05.1996 ...... Sunil Damor 94. 10.06.1996 ...... Elejius Minj* 95. 01.02.1997 ...... Gregory Ekka 96. 19.01.1997 ...... Herman Minj 97. 15.02.1998 ...... Alexius Dungdung 98. 03.05.1998 ...... Christu Raja Sekar 99. 06.06.1998 ...... Jay Prakash Kullu* 100. 31.01.1999 ...... Anuranjan Dungdung 101. 24.04.1999 ...... Medard Tirkey 102. 26.04.1999 ...... Luvis Ronald Pereira 103. 26.04.1999 ...... Victor Rodrigues 104. 20.02.2000 ...... Pradeep Soreng 105. 27.02.2000 ...... Cladius Soreng 106. 03.05.2000 ...... Dilip Tirkey 107. 02.01.2001 ...... Oscar Tete* 108. 03.05.2001 ...... Bennychen Peter 109. 30.04.2001 ...... Sebastian Xalxo 110. 11.02.2001 ...... Anselem Kerketta 111. 09.01.2003 ...... Clement Kerketta 112. 03.01.2004 ...... Amrit Kullu 113. 15.01.2006 ...... Anuranjan Bilung 114. 02.05.2006 ...... Christopher Kerketta 115. 30.04.2006 ...... Simon Lakra 116. 16.01.2007 ...... Saji Chirackal 117. 05.05.2007 ...... Cyril Agera 118. 16.01.2008 ...... Bulu Birender Kujur 119. 28.04.2008 ...... Nirmal Lawrence 120. 18.01.2009 ...... Ajay Kerketta 121. 08.05.2009 ...... Felix Oliveira

41 INDIA EAST 122. 08.05.2009 ...... Kashmir Kujur 123. 06.05.2010 ...... Ashley Fernandes 124. 11.04.2010 ...... Francis Kiro 125. 27.01.2011 ...... Ranjeet Barla 126. 11.05.2011 ...... Justin Jayaraj 127. 28.04.2012 ...... Francis Jos 128. 30.04.2012 ...... Binoy Augutsine 129. 07.01.2012 ...... Rasal Xess 130. 03.05.2013 ...... Naveen Pinto 131. 06.01.2013 ...... Ashok Minj 132. 19.04.2014 ...... Zephyrinus Soreng 133. 29.04.2014 ...... Prince Paul 134. 10.05.2014 ...... Lawrence D'Almeida 135. 24.01.2015 ...... Rajesh Rosan Ekka 136. 14.02.2015 ...... Innocent Kerketta 137. 02.05.2017 ...... Dixson D' Souza 138. 12.02.2017 ...... Silvaraj Duddu


001. 03/11/1979 ...... Most Rev. Alphonse Bilung 002. 01/03/1987 ...... Most Rev. Lucas Kerketta 003. 19/04/2006 ...... Most Rev. John Barwa 004. 30/08/2014 ...... Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung


Patron : Holy Spirit

Vision Rooted in the love of the Father and led by the Holy Spirit into the Mission of Christ Mission We, the Divine Word Missionaries of India Mumbai Province, commit ourselves to witness to the Reign of God by building communities of love, peace, justice and reconciliation through fourfold prophetic dialogue with the poor, people of other religions and cultures, and faith seekers in all our ministries - spiritual and mission animation; biblical apostolate; formation; education; communication and research; and promotion of justice, peace and integrity of creation.

43 INDIA MUMBAI Goals 1. To live a God-centered life by making conscious and consistent efforts to turn personal and community prayers, liturgy and other spiritual activities into means of ongoing conversion and transformation. 2. To contribute our personal share in transforming communities into homes where everyone is loved, respected and cared for. 3. To have regular community meetings to take forward the vision- mission-action plan of each house/institution and to evaluate and monitor the progress of its implementation. 4. Trusting in Divine Providence, work towards self-reliance, and make the optimum use of human and material resources to support the existing and future ventures. 5. To enhance cordial relationship among confreres and leadership teams at various levels. 6. To foster integral formation of the seminarians. 7. To encourage confreres in their personal growth and ongoing formation.


Personnel Apostolic Information Priests: 117 Educational Centres: 05 Brothers: 002 Formation Houses: 06 Parishes: 05 Collegians : 067 Research Centres: 02 Scholastics: 054 Mission and JPIC: 09 Regents / EIP 004 Spiritual Renewal Centres: 05 Deacons: 020 Communication Centres: 03

44 INDIA MUMBAI PROVINCIALATE INM OFFICES Provincial Superior AJS Coordinator Richard Mathias Jolly Mudakkampurath Email: [email protected] Provincial Councillors Vice-Provincial: Tomy Perumprayil Animator for Young Confreres Admonitor : Anthony Menezes Nicolau D'Costa Councillor : Nicolau D'Costa Email: [email protected] Councillor : S. Maria Michael Biblical Coordinator Provincial Treasurer Valerian Fernandes Callisto Gomes Email: [email protected] Associate Provincial Treasurer Brother Formation Coordinator Johney Vattamala S. Swaminathan Email: [email protected] Provincial Secretary Alwyn Pinto Communication Coordinator Anil Paul Thekkedathu SVD Provincial House Email: [email protected] 510, 32nd Road, (W) Coordinator for Formation Mumbai - 400 050 Anthony Menezes Tel: (022)2642 1571 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]; Website : EIP Coordinator Joseph Mundananikkal Email: [email protected] Tel : Provincial: (022)2642 5866, 9673638477 JPIC Coordinator Mathew Korattiyil Tel : Treasurer: (022) 2651 3736, Email: [email protected] 98697 68101 Mission Secretary Cell : Associate Treasurer: Jose Joseph Kollemkunnel 9833368031 Email: [email protected] Tel : Secretary: 8451031910 Personal No.: 82371 07780 Pastoral Course Coordinator Thomas Malipurathu Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] (Provincial Superior) SVD Friends Email: [email protected] Ivan D'Silva (Provincial Treasurer) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] (Associate Provincial Treasurer) SVD Mission Support Johney Vattamala Email: [email protected] Alwyn Pinto (Provincial Secretary) Email: [email protected]

45 INDIA MUMBAI All India Soverdia Sangam (AISS) Salvador Caravalho Donald D' Souza 1.2.2 Ashirvad** (See 1.2) Email: [email protected] Joaquim Fernandes (Director) Roy Michael Pereira INTER-PROVINCIAL OFFICES AJS National Coordinator 2. KARNATAKA Jolly Mudakkampurath 2.1 St. Arnold Nivas, Cell: 7045628440 Email: [email protected] SVD House campus, Damaskatte, P.O. Aikala, Mangalore - 574 141 Benefactors' Department Tel: (0824) 2296758 Abraham Olickal Email: [email protected] Tel: (022)2839 4831 Bernard Rodrigues (Superior & Director) Email: [email protected] Walter Dency Mendonca National Education Coordinator 2.2 SVD House, Joyson Kurian Damaskatte,P.O. Aikala, Cell: 9223484867 Mangalore - 574 141 Email: [email protected] Tel: (0824) 2295 158 / 2296 758 Superior Delegate Email: [email protected] Scaria Pannackal Mervin Noronha (Rector) Tel: (022)2826 2604 Maxim Pinto Cell: 9594946593; 7506109120 Salvadore Serrao Email: [email protected] 2.3 Divine Call Centre, National Mission Secretary Karnad, P.O. Mulky, Jose Joseph Kollemkunnel Mangalore - 574 154 Cell: 9423750207 Tel: (0824) 2294 312, 2983523 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]; Website: 1. GOA Cyprian Lewis (Superior & Director) Anil Kiran Fernandes 1.1 Holy Family Church Francline Machado Marcela, Goa - 403 107 Evan Gomes Tel: (0832) 2287 133 Email: [email protected] 2.4.1 St. Arnold's Central School Nazareth Sequeira (Parish Priest) Sathagalli Layout; Mahadevpura Road Mysore 5700029 1.2.1 St. 's Ashram Tel: (0821) 2453580 (School) Raia, Salcette, Goa - 403 720 (0821) 2453579 ( Res.) Tel: (0832) 2776 137 / 2776 486 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website : John Mascarenhas (Rector ) Mathew Ezhuparayil (Superior & Manager) Joaquim Fernandes Sunil Menezes (Principal) Roy Michael Pereira

46 INDIA MUMBAI George Crasta (Treasurer) 3.1.1 St. Arnold's Central School** 2.4.2 St. Teresa of Calcutta Church Email: [email protected] Tomy Perumprayil (Manager & Treasurer) 2nd Stage, Rajivnagar Laiju Varkey (Principal) Mysore - 570 019 George Mepurath (Counsellor) Tel: (0821)2455 778 Email: [email protected] 3.2 Changanacherry Richard D'Almeida (Parish Priest) St. John's Mission Seminary Edward Ferrao Changanacherry, Kerala - 686 104 Tel: (0481) 2421 751 / 2426 352 2.4.3 Vidya Niketan Email: [email protected] 80, Bannimantap-B Michael Vettumanickal (Rector) Mysore - 570 015 John Karimbadakuzhiyil Tel: (0821) 2497 591 / 2490 034 Jomet Joseph Kolath Email: [email protected] Mathew Kavukatt Lawrence Correa (Rector) Joseph Francis James Uravil Jos Vazhail 3.3 Prarthana Niketan Mahipal Toppo P.O. Kaduthuruthy, 2.5 St. Ann Church Dt. Kottayam, Kerala - 686 604 Nala (P.O), Arnold Sadan Tel: (04829) 2833 94 / 2822 94 Jarigebail, Belthangadi (T.Q) Fax: (04829) 2837 34; Karnataka-574217 Email: [email protected] Tel: 9483563717 Mathew Nirappel (Superior & Director) Thomas Sequeira (Parish Priest) Babu Kakkaniyil George Kannanayil 2.6 SARVA VIDYA DEEPA George P C Mudakkampuram St. Francis Xavier's Church Jacob Mulavarikkal Mission Moderator Mathew Kanjirathunkal C/O Carmel Nivas 3.3.1 JPIC Ministry** (see 3.3) Devalapura Road, Bailhongal-T.Q C/o SVD Prarthana Niketan, Belgaum-Dist Karnataka-591 102 P.O. Kaduthuruthy, Dt. Kottayam, Solomon Reddy (Mission Moderator) Kerala - 686604 Deepak Wilson (EIP) Babu Kakkaniyil (Director) George P C Mudakkampuram 3. KERALA 3.4 SVD Vachana Jyothi, 3.1 SVD House, Aduvassery North P.O. Pilathara; Dt. Kannur, Ernakulam, Kerala - 683 578 Kerala - 670 501 Tel: (0484) 2574 803 / 2479 973 Tel : (0497) 2800 388 Tomy Perumprayil (Superior) Email : [email protected] George Mepurath Antony Puthumana (Superior & Director) James Mariakumar Dominic Illickal Laiju Varkey Jose P.A. Mathew Chennakudy

47 INDIA MUMBAI Joseph Puthuparampil S. Maria Michael (Superior & Director) Thomas Pariyanickal Antonysamy Joe Prabhu George Joseph (EIP) Charles Vas Joseph Mundananikkal 4. Jossie Fernandes Swaminathan S 4.1.1 Atma Darshan Mahakali Caves Road 4.1.4 Sacred Heart Church Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 093 Tel: (022) 2836 2110/ 2820 2087 Tel: (022) 2836 3120; Email: [email protected] Cell: 9769694422; Fax: (022) 2824 2419; Innocent Fernandes (Superior & Parish Priest) Email: [email protected] Infant Vinodh Kumar Henry D'Souza (Superior & Director) Praveen Aranha Aloysius D'Souza Valerian Fernandes Chacko Parekkatt Gregory Arockiam 4.1.5. Soverdia House Joseph Puthussery Tel: (022) 2825 2719 4.1.2 Gyan Ashram Scaria Pannackal (Superior) Abraham Olickal Tel: (022) 2832 5046 Angelus Ekka Email: [email protected] Berly Pallan Ronald D' Silva (Superior & Director) Caetano D'Costa Anil T Paul Donald D' Souza Ciril D' Souza Edward D'Mello Ittoop Panikulam George Muthanatt Jose Arayathel Ginto Puthenpurackal Arnold Institute of Media Studies** Joseph Madathany Ronald D'Silva Sebastian Pottanani Anil T Paul Thomas Thudipara Dhyan Kutir** All India Soverdia Sangam** Tel: (022) 2835 6272 Tel: (022) 28215397 Ittoop Panikulam Email: [email protected] Donald D'Souza Music and Dance Academy ** Scaria Pannackal Ciril D'Souza 4.1.6. St. Arnold's High School & Sarva Seva Sangh** Junior College** Tel: (022) 2823 7589 Tel: (022) 2839 6154 / 2831 4569 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Jose Arayathel (Director) Ittoop Panikulam (Manager) Anil T Paul Jossie Fernandes (Principal) 4.1.3 Institute of Indian Culture Antonysamy Joe Prabhu (Treasurer) Tel: (022) 2836 8038 / 2825 4729 Email: [email protected]

48 INDIA MUMBAI 4.2.1 SVD Provincial House Email: [email protected] 510, 32nd Road, Bandra (W) Paul Vattathara (Director) Mumbai - 400 050 Gopu Vinod Reddy Tel: (022) 2642 1571 Jerome D' Souza Email: [email protected]; Website: 4.3.1 Janseva Society Tala House No. 2092, Mandad Road, Richard Mathias (Provincial Superior) Tala P.O., Raigad District Johney Vattamala (Rector) Maharashtra- 402 111 Alwyn Pinto Tel: 02140-269006; Email: Callisto Gomes Jerome D' Souza [email protected] Paul Vattathara Cosmos Ekka (Priest In-charge) Sylvester Rego 4.2.2 St. Theresa's Church Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050 4.3.2 Sarva Vikas Deep Tel: (022) 2640 7891 / 9004979257 House No. 798; Bamnoli Road, Mangaon Email: [email protected] Mangaon (TQ), Raigad District Website: Maharashtra 402104 Jolly Mudakkampurath (Superior & Parish Tel: (02140) 262459; Email: Priest) [email protected] Caetano Mascarenhas Richard Quadros (Priest In-charge) Gopu Vinod Reddy Daniel Barretto Ivan D'Silva Lukas Parkhe (EIP) Nicolau D'Costa 4.4.1 Divine Word Seminary 4.2.3 St. Theresa's School ** Post Box 3020, Off Nagar Road Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050 Sainikwadi, Pune - 411 014 Tel: (022) 2640 2273 / 2641 2417 Tel: (020) 2703 2116 / 2703 6043 Email: [email protected] Fax: (020) 2703 2479 Jolly Mudakkampurath (Manager) Email: [email protected] Nicoalu D'Costa (Principal) Thomas Malipurathu (Rector) Ivan D'Silva (Treasurer) Abraham D'Souza Baptist Pais 4.2.4 Maitri Sanghatan ** John Lugun Migrant Workers' Movement John Serrao UCDC Building Joyson Kurian Tel: (022) 2604 0941; Naveen Rebello Email: [email protected] 4.4.2 Ishvani Kendra Jerome D'Souza (Director) Gopu Vinod Reddy Sainikwadi, Post Box 3003 Vadgaonsheri Road 4.2.5 U. C. D. C** Pune - 411 014 Urban Community Development Centre, Tel: (020) 2703 3820 / 2703 3507; 104-B / 14th Road, Fax: (020) 2703 2375 Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050 Email: [email protected] Tel: (022) 2600 6258; Fax: 2600 5674 Website: 49 INDIA MUMBAI Anthony Menezes (Superior & Director) STUDIES Edwin Vas John Singarayar 01. Tome Jesuit Residence Jose Joseph Kollemkunnel XLRI, P. B. No: 222, C. H. Area (East) Mohan Doss Jamshedpur, 831001, Jharkhand, India Scaria Kuthirakkattel Raja Ratna Reddy (Fellow Programme in 4.4.3 Sarva Seva Sangh Management) Vadgaonsheri, Pune - 411 014 02. DVK Research Centre, Tel: (020) 2703 1733 / 2703 0138 Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Email: [email protected] Dharmaram College, Bangalore-560029 Mathew Korattiyil (Superior & Director) Titus Thattamattathil (Doctorate in Sudar Magimai Theology of Marriage and Fly) Joseph Praveen (EIP) 03. Collegio del Verbo Divino 4.4.4 St. Arnold's Central School** Via dei Verbiti - 1/00154, Roma, ITALIA Kalyaninagar Road Tel (Room): [+39] (06) 57115455 Vadgaonsheri, Pune- 411 014 Victor Sagayam. Z, SVD (Doctorate in Tel: (020) 2703 7121 / 2703 7110 Missiology) Email: [email protected] 04. Counselling and Religious Thomas Malipurathu (Manager) Formation NVSC, Sainikwadi, Joyson Kurian (Principal) Abraham D'Souza (Treasurer) Vadgaonsheri, Pune 411014 Vincent A. 4.4.1 SVD Shishyalaya 05. Collegio del Verbo Divino, Nardoli Road, Near Giriz Talav, Via dei Verbiti, 1/00154 Roma. New Giriz, P.O. Vasai Wilson Wilfred (Licentiate in Scripture) Dt. Thane - 401 201 Tel: (0250) 2322 845 Email: [email protected] Salate Nathan (Rector) Chinnappan Antonysamy Kuriakose Perepadan Richard Gomes A L K A ** Salate Nathan Chinnappan Antonysamy

Key for Reading *Brothers **Centre without an SVD Community

50 INDIA MUMBAI Name Mobile Number E-mail Address

1. Abraham D'Souza 9845660735 [email protected] 2. Abraham Olickal 9867351012 [email protected] 3. Aloysius D'Souza 9820408370 [email protected] 4.Alwyn Pinto 8237107780 [email protected] 5.Angelus Ekka 9008113707 [email protected] 6.Anil Kiran Fernandes 9482036297 [email protected] 7.Anil Paul Thekkedathu 9867677887 [email protected] 8.Anthony Menezes 9930578198 [email protected] 9.Antony Puthumana 9496162164 [email protected] 10.Babu Kakkaniyil 9823554784 [email protected] 11.Baptist Pais 9945861105 [email protected] 12.Berly Pallan 8698123292 [email protected] 13.Bernard Rodrigues 9892493377 [email protected] 14.Caetano Mascarenhas 9421010629 [email protected] 15.Caetano D'Costa 8390451089 [email protected] 16.Callisto Gomes 9823436333 [email protected] 17.Chacko Parekkatt 7045072144 [email protected] 18.Charles Vas 9820342448 [email protected] 19.Chinnappan A. 9819647665 [email protected] 20.Ciril D'Souza 9757421861 [email protected] 21.Cosmos Ekka 9969630086 [email protected] 22.Cyprian Lewis 9405727606 [email protected] 23.Daniel Barretto 9004313280 [email protected] 24.Dominic Illickal 8592923362 ...... 25.Donald D'Souza 9969708771 [email protected] 26.Edward D'Mello 9969920646 [email protected] 27.Edward Ferrao 9448951485 [email protected] 28.Edwin Vas 7350684625 [email protected] 29.Evan Gomes 9482185327 [email protected] 30.Francline Machado 9480876189 [email protected] 31.George Crasta 9731035984 [email protected]

51 INDIA MUMBAI 32.George Kannanayil 8281663397 33.George Mepurath 9497866624 [email protected] 34.George Mudakkampuram 9847653089 [email protected] 35.George Muthanatt 8086895993 36.Ginto Puthenpurackal 9048814177 [email protected] 37.Gopu Vinod Reddy 7287017750 [email protected] 38.Gregory Arockiam 9833108055 [email protected] 39.Henry D'Souza 7506021824 [email protected] 40.Infant Vinodh Kumar 8291031667 [email protected] 41.Innocent Fernandes 9969501830 [email protected] 42.Ittoop Panikulam 9768921850 [email protected] 43.Ivan D'Silva 9833843050 [email protected] 44.Jacob Mulavarikkal 9048537353 [email protected] 45.James Mariakumar 9446469913 jmk4jesus@ 46.James Uravil 8943502744 [email protected] 47.Jerome D'Souza 9833606408 [email protected] 48.Joaquim Fernandes 9011368074 [email protected] 49.Joe Prabhu Antonysamy 9591115375 [email protected] 50.John Karimbadakuzhiyil 9446926573 [email protected] 51.John Lugun 7276251096 [email protected] 52.John Mascarenhas 9930530266 [email protected] 53.John Serrao 9008950702 [email protected] 54.John Singarayar 8237731344 [email protected] 55.Johney Vattamala 9833368031 [email protected] 56.Jolly Mudakkampurathu 7045628440 [email protected] 57. Jomet Joseph 9645240479 [email protected] 58.Jos Vazhail 9930696245 [email protected] 59.Jose Arayathel 9820077654 [email protected] 60.Jose Kollemkunnel 9423750207 [email protected] 61.Jose Panackppillil 8281348580 [email protected] 62.Joseph Mundananikkal 8652289533 [email protected] 63.Joseph Puthuparampil 9495220591 [email protected] 64.Joseph Francis Valikulam 9663989434 [email protected]

52 INDIA MUMBAI 65.Joseph Madathany 9819558388 [email protected] 66.Joseph Puthussery 9745548321 [email protected] 67.Jossie Fernandes 9448767449 jossiesvd @ 68.Joyson Kurian 9223484867 [email protected] 69.Kuriakose Perepadan 9421662563 [email protected] 70.Laiju Varkey Pallipadan 9497685553 [email protected] 71.Lawrence Correa 9969436440 [email protected] 72.Mahipal Toppo 9527610661 [email protected] 73.Maria Michael S 9869791848 [email protected] 74.Mathew Chennakudy 9446649696 [email protected] 75.Mathew Ezhuparayil 9447668553 [email protected] 76.Mathew Kanjirathunkal 8547673101 [email protected] 77.Mathew Kavukatt 9447814800 [email protected] 78.Mathew Korattiyil 9869666840 [email protected] 79.Mathew Nirappel 8281304012 [email protected] 80.Maxim Anand Pinto 9483524026 [email protected] 81.Mervin Noronha 9480144054 [email protected] 82.Michael Pereira 9595526559 [email protected] 83.Michael Vettumanickal 9496538922 [email protected] 84.Mohan Doss 9765977263 [email protected] 85.Moncy Xavier 7276266345 [email protected] 86.Naveen Rebello 96375 27484 [email protected] 87.Nazareth Sequeira 9822158763 [email protected] 88.Nickson Louis Gabru 9833581359 [email protected] 89.Nicolau D'Costa 9850192161 [email protected] 90.Paul Vattathara 9969391737 [email protected] 91.Praveen Aranha 70588 88507 [email protected] 92.Raja Ratna Reddy 7033482876 [email protected] 93.Richard D'Almeida 9480971615 [email protected] 94.Richard Gomes 9969139406 [email protected] 95.Richard Mathias 9673638477 [email protected] 96.Richard Quadros 9420286692 [email protected] 97.Ronald D'Silva 9819256699 [email protected]

53 INDIA MUMBAI 98.Salate Nathan S 9869975088 [email protected] 99.Salvador Carvalho 9545496229 [email protected] 100.Salvador Serrao 9483563596 [email protected] 101.Scaria Kuthirakkattel 9420723995 [email protected] 102.Scaria Pannackal 9594946593 [email protected] 103.Sebastian Pottanani 9447117070 [email protected] 104.Solomon Reddy Katakam 9019292182 [email protected] 105.Sundar Magimai 72765 45527 [email protected] 106.Sunil Menezes 9969436433 [email protected] 107.Sunil Santhosh Soreng 7058121696 [email protected] 108.Swaminathan S* 7034062161 [email protected] 109.Sylvester Rego 9164313419 [email protected] 110.Thomas Thudippara 7506049458 [email protected] 111.Thomas Malipurathu 9420080715 [email protected] 112.Thomas Pariyanickal 7276265527 [email protected] 113.Thomas Sequeira 9483563717 [email protected] 114.Titus Thattamattathil 8277298901 [email protected] 115.Tomy Perumprayil 9619149662 [email protected] 116.Valerian Fernandes 9900395302 [email protected] 117.Victor Sagayam Z (+39) 3668101022 [email protected] 118.Vincent A. Balamurugan* 8050077505 [email protected] 119.Walter Dency Mendonca 9880382518 [email protected] 120.Wilson Wilfred 7506200283 [email protected]

EIP/ Regency / Mission Experience 01. Deepak Wilson D'Souza 7415992385 [email protected] 02. George Joseph M. 8821972617 [email protected] 03. Lucas Parkhe 8370086022 [email protected] 04. Madanu Joseph Praveen 9406670957 [email protected]


JANUARY APRIL Chacko Parekkatt 01/01/1944 Richard Gomes 03/04/1952 Laiju Varkey Pallipadan 01/01/1977 Paul Vattathara 05/04/1951 Salvador Serrao 10/01/1935 Bernard Rodrigues 07/04/1953 John Mascarenhas 11/01/1966 George Kannanayil 07/04/1963 Anil Paul Thekkedathu 11/01/1975 John Karimbadakuzhiyil 09/04/1938 Chinnappan Anthonysamy 17/01/1981 Lawrence Correa 27/04/1953 Aloysius D'Souza 21/01/1945 MAY Jose Joseph Kollemkunnel 24/01/1967 Nickson Louis Gabru 01/05/1985 John Serrao 27/01/1951 Sylvester Rego 01/05/1942 Swaminathan S 28/01/1945 George Crasta 06/05/1982 Scaria Kuthirakkattel 29/01/1940 Victor Sagayam 14/05/1974 Alwyn Pinto 30/01/1986 Angelus Ekka 22/05/1960 Gregory Arockiam 25/05/1952 FEBRUARY Roy Michael Pereira 27/05/1981 Ivan D' Silva 01/02/1974 Edward D'Mello 29/05/1936 Mahipal Toppo 03/02/1965 Jerome D'Souza 29/05/1940 Ciril D' Souza 09/02/1981 Charles Vas 12/02/1944 JUNE A. Vincent Balamurugan 12/02/1983 George Joseph (EIP) 01/06/1992 Evan Gomes 18/02/1983 Wilson Wilfred 07/06/1982 Mathew Kavukatt 24/02/1961 Daniel Barretto 09/06/1982 George Muthanatt 24/02/1936 Antony Menezes 10/06/1968 James Uravil 25/02/1952 Caetano Mascarenhas 12/06/1953 Donald D' Souza 27/02/1971 Mathew Korattiyil 14/06/1976 George Mudakkampuram 27/02/1952 Solomon Reddy Katakam 16/06/1978 Scaria Pannackal 17/06/1956 MARCH Baptist Pais 23/06/1959 Mathew Kanjirathunkal 03/03/1942 Titus Thattamattathil 24/06/1975 Maxim Pinto 08/03/1983 Abraham Olickal 27/06/1943 Joaquim Fernandes 09/03/1964 Joe Prabhu Antonysamy 11/03/1982 JULY Walter Mendonca 12/03/1972 Naveen Rebello 01/07/1981 Deepak Wilson (EIP) 16/03/1992 Kuriakose Perepadan 03/07/1943 Sunil Menezes 19/03/1977 Thomas Thudippara 13/07/1942 Mathew Nirappel 21/03/1971 Babu Kakkaniyil 15/07/1965 Johney Vattamala 26/03/1969 Berly Pallan 17/07/1940 Sebastian Pottanani 28/03/1933 Joseph Madathany 22/07/1934 John Lugun 28/03/1970 Jose Panackappillil 31/07/1948 Mervin Noronha 31/03/1973 Jacob Mulavarikkal 31/07/1973

55 INDIA MUMBAI AUGUST Francline Machado 06/10/80 Henry D' Souza 06/08/1962 Joseph Puthuparampil 07/10/39 Gopu Vinod Reddy 07/08/1985 Salvador Carvalho 10/10/75 Jomet Joseph Kolath 08/08/1984 Callisto Gomes 14/10/67 Mathew Chennakudy 14/08/1962 Salate Nathan 21/10/67 Anil Kiran Fernandes 23/08/1978 Thomas Malipurathu 24/10/52 Tomy Perumprayil 24/08/1967 George Mepurath 24/10/64 Raja Ratna Reddy 28/08/1979 Richard Mathias 26/10/67

SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER Valerian Fernandes 01/09/61 John Singarayar 02/11/79 Ittoop Panikulam 02/09/46 Joseph Francis 05/11/50 Joseph Mundananikkal 05/09/66 Mathew Ezhuparayil 11/11/69 Jossie Fernandes 05/09/68 Ginto Puthenpurackal 19/11/79 Caetano D'Costa 08/09/51 Thomas Sequeira 19/11/68 Moncy Xavier 08/09/86 Joyson Kurian 21/11/1971 Jose Arayathel 10/09/61 Thomas Pariyanickal 24/11/1973 Sundar Magimai 10/09/87 Joseph Puthussery 29/11/1946 Ronald D'Silva 13/09/72 Jolly Mudakkampurathu 30/11/1963 Edward Ferrao 15/09/69 Cosmos Ekka 16/09/76 DECEMBER Joseph Praveen (EIP) 21/09/90 Dominic Illickal 02/12/36 Anthony Puthumana 26/09/58 Lucas Parkhe (EIP) 03/12/86 Maria Michael S 29/09/50 Nicolau D'Costa 06/12/74 Edwin Vas 29/09/55 Sunil Santhosh Soreng 07/12/88 Mohan Doss 16/12/57 OCTOBER Jos Vazhail 18/12/38 Richard Quadros 01/10/65 Abraham D'Souza 19/12/66 Michael Vettumanickal 02/10/74 Nazareth Sequeira 22/12/76 Mariakumar James 04/10/38 Infant Vinodh 26/12/85 Cyprian Lewis 04/10/55 Innocent Fernandes 28/12/55 Richard D'Almeida 05/10/77 Praveen Aranha 29/12/86


1. 04.10.1960 ...... Sebastian Pottanani 2. 03.10.1961 ...... Joseph Madathany 3. 26.11.1964 ...... Salvador Serrao 4. 26.11.1964 ...... George Muthanatt 5. 03.10.1965 ...... Dominic Illickal 6. 03.11.1966 ...... Edward D'Mello 7. 23.09.1967 ...... Berly Pallan 8. 19.10.1968 ...... Jos Vazhail 9. 25.10.1969 ...... John Karimbadakuzhiyil 10. 24.10.1970 ...... Augustine Kanjamala 11. 24.10.1970 ...... James Mariakumar 12. 24.10.1970 ...... Joseph Puthuparampil 13. 20.12.1970 ...... Jerome D'Souza 14. 11.10.1971 ...... Sylvester Rego 15. 23.10.1971 ...... Scaria Kuthirakkattel 16. 23.10.1971 ...... Abraham Olickal 17. 26.10.1973 ...... Chacko Parekkatt 18. 01.05.1974 ...... Mathew Kanjirathunkal 19. 30.10.1974 ...... Kuriakose Perepadan 20. 17.11.1974 ...... Thomas Thudipara 21. 29.04.1975 ...... Aloysius D'Souza 22. 26.04.1975 ...... Ittoop Panikulam 33. 11.06.1975 ...... Swaminathan* 24. 16.10.1976 ...... Charles Vas 25. 03.04.1978 ...... Joseph Puthussery 26. 24.04.1978 ...... Jose Panackappillil 27. 27.04.1979 ...... Paul Vattathara 28. 27.04.1979 ...... Joseph Francis Valikulam 29. 29.04.1979 ...... Maria Michael S 30. 03.05.1979 ...... George Mudakkampuram 31. 20.04.1980 ...... Gregory Arockiam 32. 29.04.1980 ...... Lawrence Correa 33. 07.05.1980 ...... Thomas Malipurathu 34. 22.04.1981 ...... Bernard Rodrigues 35. 02.05.1981 ...... James Uravil 36. 20.04.1982 ...... John Serrao 37. 10.05.1982 ...... Caetano D'Costa 38. 10.05.1984 ...... Edwin Vas 39. 04.05.1985 ...... Cyprian Lewis

57 INDIA MUMBAI 40. 04.05.1985 ...... Mohan Doss 41. 04.05.1985 ...... Richard Gomes 42. 04.05.1985 ...... Scaria Pannackal 43. 15.05.1985 ...... Caetano Mascarenhas 44. 25.04.1988 ...... Baptist Pais 45. 12.05.1988 ...... Innocent Fernandes 46. 24.04.1989 ...... Antony Puthumana 47. 26.04.1989 ...... Mathew Kavukatt 48. 06.05.1989 ...... Jose Arayathel 49. 22.04.1990 ...... Angelus Ekka 50. 02.05.1992 ...... Valerian Fernandes 51. 05.05.1992 ...... George Mepurath 52. 12.05.1992 ...... Mathew Chennakudy 53. 13.05.1992 ...... Babu Kakkaniyil 54. 14.05.1992 ...... George Kannanayil 55. 01.05.1993 ...... Jolly Mudakkampurathu 56. 25.04.1994 ...... Richard Quadros 57. 26.04.1994 ...... Joseph Mundananikkal 58. 25.04.1994 ...... Abraham D'Souza 59. 25.04.1994 ...... Henry D'Souza 60. 14.05.1994 ...... Joaquim Fernandes 61. 25.04.1995 ...... Jose Kollemkunnel 62. 26.04.1995 ...... Tomy Perumprayil 63. 08.05.1995 ...... Anthony Menezes 64. 26.04.1996 ...... Richard Mathias 65. 26.04.1996 ...... Thomas Sequeira 66. 04.05.1996 ...... Salate Nathan S 67. 14.05.1996 ...... John Mascarenhas 68. 23.04.1997 ...... Edward Ferrao 69. 16.05.1997 ...... Mahipal Toppo 70. 16.02.1998 ...... John Lugun 71. 28.04.1998 ...... Jossie Fernandes 72. 30.04.1998 ...... Johney Vattamala 73. 29.12.1998 ...... Callisto Gomes 74. 26.04.1999 ...... Walter Mendonca 75. 05.05.1999 ...... Mathew Ezhuparayil 76. 03.05.2000 ...... Joyson Kurian 77. 19.04.2001 ...... Mathew Nirappel 78. 30.04.2001 ...... Ivan D'Silva 79. 30.04.2001 ...... Mervin Noronha 80. 15.11.2001 ...... Donald D'Souza

58 INDIA MUMBAI 81. 11.05.2002 ...... Anil Paul Thekkedathu 82. 04.05.2002 ...... Thomas Pariyanickal 83. 25.04.2002 ...... Ronald D'Silva 84. 30.04.2002 ...... Jacob Mulavarikkal 85. 08.05.2002 ...... Nicholas D'Costa 86. 24.04.2003 ...... Michael Vettumanickal 87. 05.05.2003 ...... Victor Sagayam Z 88. 15.05.2004 ...... Titus James Thattamattathil 89. 27.12.2005 ...... Nazareth Sequeira 90. 04.05.2006 ...... Sunil Menezes 91. 13.05.2006 ...... Mathew Korattiyil 92. 10.05.2007 ...... Salvador Carvalho 93. 01.05.2008 ...... Solomon Reddy Katakam 94. 03.05.2008 ...... Richard D'Almeida 95. 14.05.2008 ...... Cosmos Ekka 96. 04.05.2009 ...... Anil Kiran Fernandes 97. 10.07.2009 ...... A. Vincent Balamurugan* 98. 13.01.2010 ...... Raja Ratna Reddy 99. 03.05.2010 ...... Ciril D' Souza 100. 03.05.2010 ...... Naveen Wilson Rebello 101. 05.05.2010 ...... Ginto Puthenpurackal 102. 07.05.2011 ...... Laiju Varkey Pallipadan 103. 08.05.2011 ...... Chinnappan Anthonysamy 104. 04.05.2012 ...... Evan Gomes 105. 04.05.2012 ...... Maxim Anand Pinto 106. 05.05.2012 ...... John Singarayar 107. 16.05.2012 ...... Joe Prabhu Antonysamy 108. 03.05.2013 ...... Francline Machado 109. 07.05.2013 ...... Roy Michael Pereira 110. 27.04.2014 ...... Daniel Barretto 111. 02.05.2014 ...... George Crasta 112. 03.05.2014 ...... Wilson Wilfred 113. 17.01.2015 ...... Gopu Vinod Reddy 114. 29.04.2015 ...... Kolath Jomet Joseph 115. 03.05.2016 ...... Alwyn Pinto 116. 08.05.2016 ...... Infant Vinodh Kumar 117. 02.05.2017 ...... Praveen Aranha 118. 15.05.2017 ...... Sundar Magimai



Patroness : Blessed Virgin Mary

Vision “Sharing intercultural life and mission of Jesus Christ towards integral human development.”

Mission “Called to holiness and life giving relationships we are committed to building intercultural communities in the footsteps of St. Arnold Janssen; namely, to nurture faith, to share the Word of God with all, to educate and empower the marginalized and to promote dialogue with religions and cultures and enhance integrity of creation.”

61 INDIA HYDERABAD Objectives 1. To live a God-centred life by constant personal and community prayers. 2. To enhance community living by mutual respect, appreciation and support. 3. To build up Christian communities that can live and share Christian faith in the light of Scripture and tradition 4. To promote inculturation through dialogue among religions, cultures, and communities through our ministries. 5. To train Christian leaders for creation of just and gender-sensitive society. 6. To empower the poor and the marginalized through our schools and institutions. 7. To witness to the Word by consolidating the mission of preaching. 8. To empower and motivate the candidates for the mission of Jesus in today's world. 9. To achieve self reliance by simple life-style, and promoting local benefactors and income generating projects.


Personnel Apostolic Information Priests: 91 Associations in the Parish: 0024 Brothers: 06 Educational Centres: 0011 Regents / EIP : 04 Formation Houses: 0004 Health Care Centres: 0001 Social / Welfare Centres: 0006 Spiritual Renewal Centres: 0004

62 INDIA HYDERABAD PROVINCIALATE E-mail: [email protected] Provincial Superior JPIC Co-ordinator Antony Joseph Alwin Mascarenhas E-mail :[email protected] Provincial Councillors Vice-Provincial : Ananda Raju Nagothu PRO Admonitor : Luke Mundackal Chalamana, Varghese Councillor : Ambrose Beck E-mail :[email protected] Councillor : I. Santhuraja AJS Coordinator Provincial Treasurer A., Jesu S. Davidraj E-mail : [email protected] Vocation Promoters Arnold Bhavan, Ravi Kumar Reddy (A.P & T.S) 1-8-11/1/A, Ravindranagar Colony, E-mail: [email protected] Street No. 8, Habsiguda, Hyderabad, T.S. - 500 007 Pushparaj (TN) Tel : 040 2715 4741 E-mail: [email protected] Tel : Provincial: (040) 2715 4785, Youth Co-ordinators 9490850523 Pushparaj (TN) E-mail: [email protected] Tel : Treasurer: (040) 2715 4741, Anthoniswami (A.P & T.S) 8790414345 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Bro. Formation Coordinator (office - Provincial Superior) S. Ravichandran [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] (Personal) DWES Secretary E-mail : [email protected] Ambrose Beck (Office - Provincial Treasurer) E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] (Personal) Divine Word Social Service Society Alwin Mascarenhas E-mail : [email protected] (Office) INH OFFICES [email protected] (Personal) Mission Secretary Migrant Ministry Maxim Fernandes Minz Florence E-mail :[email protected] E-mail :[email protected] Biblical Co-ordinator District Superiors S. Valan Hyderabad - Satish Kumar Banda E-mail : [email protected] Sangareddy - S. Arockia Doss Communication Co-ordinator Raigir - M. Xavier A. Selvam Guntur - A. Joseph (Sr) Tamil Nadu - R. M. Jeyaseelan

63 INDIA HYDERABAD INTER-PROVINCAL OFFICES 0.2. BEGUMPET SVD House (1990), Sub-zonal Biblical Coordinator 72-Chikoti Gardens, S. Valan Begumpet, Hyderabad, E-mail : [email protected] T.S. - 500 016 Sub-zonal Communication Coordinator A. Selvam 0.3.HABSIGUDA E-mail: [email protected] Divine Mercy Centre (1999), 1-8-11/1/A; Ravindra Nagar Colony, PROVINCIALATE Street No. 8, Habsiguda, Hyderabad, T. S. - 500 007 Arnold Bhavan, 1-8-11/1/A Tel : 040 - 27155624 Ravindranagar Colony, K. Cyril Doss (Director) Street No. 8, Habsiguda, Francis Thuruthimattom (Asst. Director) Hyderabad, T.S. - 500 007 0.4. SANSKRUTI Tel : 040 2715 4741 Institute of Dravidian Culture and Research Antony Joseph (Pro. Sup) Arnold Bhavan 1-8-11/1/A Florence Minz (Rector) Davidraj (Procurator) Ravindra Nagar Colony, Street No. 8, G. Lazar Habsiguda, Hyderabad, T. S. - 500 007 A. Selvam Tel : 040 - 27154860 John Vattamattom G. Lazar (Director) Kata Karunakar 0.5. Arnold Communication Dn. Eugine Densingh Arnold Bhavan 1-8-11/1/A Dn. Ponnapati, Rajesh Kumar Reddy Ravindra Nagar Colony, Street No. 8, Habsiguda, ARCHDIOCESE OF HYDERABAD Hyderabad, T. S. - 500 007 0.1. ALWAL A. Selvam (Director) Brother Formation House (1994) House No. 5-1016, 1. HYDERABAD DISTRICT Fr. Balaiah Nagar, Old Alwal, 1.1. MIYAPUR Secunderabad, T.S. - 500 010 Our Lady of Rosary Church (2006) Tel : (040) 2786 6034 Paulus Topno (Praeses & Procurator) Plot No. 7, Bollaram Road, Miyapur, A. Siluvai (Teacher) Hyderabad, T.S. - 500 049 Tel : 040 - 20040201 0.1.1 Arnold Family Counselling S. Devadass (P.P.) Centre (AFCC) Brother Formation House, 1.2.PATANCHERU House No. 5-1016, 1.2.1. St. Joseph's Church (1984) Fr. Balaiah Nagar, Old Alwal, Secunderabad, T.S. - 500 010 1.2.2. St. Joseph's High School S. Kulandaisamy (Director) Patancheru, Sangareddy Dt. T.S.-502 319

64 INDIA HYDERABAD Tel : 08455 - 243070 (R), 242119 (S) Stanislaus S. Maria (Proc.) Casmir D'Souza (P. P., Cor. & Proc.) Adaikala Raj (EIP) Ambrose Beck (H. M.) 2.2. MUTHANGI 1.3.RAMACHANDRAPURAM Divine Word Centre (1996) Muthangi, Via Patancheru, 1.3.1. St. John's Church (1974) Sangareddy Dist. T. S. - 502 300 1.3.2. St. Arnold's High School Tel : 08455 - 226140 / 226681 Ramachandrapuram, Benny C.V. (Director) Sangareddy Dt., T.S. - 502 032 N. Ananda Raju (Administrator) Tel : 08455 280093 (R), 280382 (S) Anthoniswami (Asst. Pro. Coordinator) P. Sagayaraj (P. P. & Cor.) Thomas Akkara (Confessor) R. Antonysamy (H. M & Asst. P.P) 2.2.1 Rag Pickers' Children Home Joy Joseph (Asst. P.P. & Proc) Muthangi 1.3.3. St. Ann's High School (2003) Varghese Chalamana (Director) BHEL Township, 2.3. NIZAMPET Hyderabad, T.S. - 502 032 Tel: 040 23021809 (S), 23021156 (R) 2.3.1. Arnold BalaVikas Ashram (2000) Varghese Chalamana (Cor.) (Home for Dropouts and Child Laborers) 1.3.4. Jyothi Vidyalaya High School 2.3.2. St. Arnold Nivas, (2003)** Near Govt. PHC, Nizampet, BHEL Township, Narayankhed (Mandal) Hyderabad, T.S. - 502 032 Sangareddy Dist. T. S. - 502 371 Tel: 040 - 23023641 Luke Mundackal (P.P., Dir. & Proc.) Varghese Chalamana (Cor.) K. Sagar Anthony Reddy (EIP) 1.3.5. St. Alphonsa's Church (2012) 2.4. SADASIVPET M.I.G., BHEL Township R.C. Puram 2.4.1. St. Thomas Church (1995) Hyderabad, T.S 502 032 2.4.2. St. Mary's PSM High School Satish Kumar Banda (P.P.) Sadasivpet, Sangareddy Dist., T. S-502291 G. Prakash (Asst. P.P) Tel : 08455 251452 (R) 251515 (S) Thomas Kavumkattayil (P.P & Proc.) 2. SANGAREDDY DISTRICT Vijay Bhaskar (H. M. & Cor.) 2.1. JOGIPET 2.5. SANGAREDDY St. Anthony Leprosy Health Centre (1988) 2.5.1 Our Lady of Mercy Church (1978) Jogipet, Sangareddy Dist. 2.5.2. St. Arnold's High School T. S. - 502 270 Sanjeevanagar, Sangareddy, Tel : 08450 - 272185 Sangareddy Dist. T. S. - 502 001 Tel : 08455 276315 (R), 278891 (S) Lawrence Nelson (Director) S. Arockiadoss (P.P., H.M. & Cor.)

65 INDIA HYDERABAD Thumma Thomas Reddy (Asst. P.P. &Proc.) Yadagri Bhuva. Dist. T.S. - 508 116 2.6. YEDDUMAILARAM Tel : 08685 - 242978 M. Xavier (Director) Our Lady of Perpetual Help George Pasala (In the Staff) Church (1998) Anandha Savarimuthu (EIP) P.B.1, OFD. P.O. Yeddumailaram, Sangareddy Dist. T. S. - 502 205 3.4. RAIGIR Tel : 08417 - 204316 3.4.1. Vidya Jyothi High School (1988) Victor Jeyaraj (P. P.) 3.4.2. Janssen Home (Hostel) 2.7. ZAHEERABAD Vidya Jyothi, Janssen Nagar, Raigir, 2.7.1. Arogya Matha Church (1984) Via Bhongir, Yadadri Bhuva. Dist. T. S. - 508 116 2.7.2. St. Mary's High School Tel : 08685 - 651365 (R), 645856 (S) Praja Nilayam, Alipur, P.O. 9247023365 (Hostel) Zaheerabad, Sangareddy Dist. T.S.-502 220 Joe Faustin (H.M. & Cor.) Tel : 08451 275150 (R) 275433 (S) Dominic Ekka (Hostel Warden & Proc.) Maxim Fernandes (P. P., Cor., & Proc.) Rajesh Soreng (H.M) DIOCESE OF WARANGAL 3.5. JANAGAON 3. RAIGIR DISTRICT Sts. Peter & Paul Church (1983) 3.1. PREGNAPUR Janagaon, Warangal Dist. T. S. - 506 167 3.1.1. ASHA JYOTHI (2006) Tel : 08716 - 220 292 Bala Prasad. M (P. P.) 3.1.2. Jeevodaya Social Centre Pregnapur, Gajwel, 3.6. KADAVENDI Siddipet Dist. T. S. - 502 311 3.6.1. Holy Family Church (2003) Tel : 08454 - 232 433 3.6.2.St. John de Britto High School Felix Roche (Sup & Dir. of JSC) 3.6.3. St. Arnold's Boys' Hostel Alwin Mascarenhas (Director of Asha Jyothi) Kadavendi, JanagaonDist. Joseph Michael (Asst. Director) T. S. - 506 302 3.2. TOOPRAN Bandanadham Jojappa (P.P.) St. Arnold's High School (1988) A. Anthonysamy (Cor.) H.No. 13- 331, Narasapur Road A. Jesuraj (Proc. & H. Warden) Toopran, Medak, Dist. 3. 7.MADHAPURAM T. S. - 502 334 Arogya Matha Church (2011) Tel : 08454 235841 (S) Madhapuram, TurupuThanda A. Dominic. (H. M. & Cor.) Kadavendi, Janagaon Dist. T.S. 506302 Vineeth Kumar (Proc. & Teacher) A. Anthonysamy (P.P.) DIOCESE OF NALGONDA 3.8.RAMAGUNDAM 3.3. BHONGIR St. Claire's High School (2011) Guru Nilayam, Bhongir (1988) NTPC, Jyothi Nagar P. O.

66 INDIA HYDERABAD Ramagundam, T. S. - 505 215 4.3. SANKAVARAPADU Tel : 08728 - 271813 (S), 272765 (R) St. Joseph's Church (1994) Varghese (H. M. & Cor.) Socio-Educational Centre, A. John (Teacher) Sankavarapadu, Prakasam Dist. DIOCESE OF KHAMMAM A.P. - 523 260 Manoj Kumar Lakra (P.P.) 3.9.PINAPAKA 3.9.1. St. Joseph Freinademetz's 4.4. NARASARAOPET Chruch (2001) 4.4.1. Holy Spirit Church (Kakatiya Nagar) 3.9.2. Janssen Social Centre Jyothi Niketan,(1981) Kothareddipalem, Edulla Bayyaram, Ravipadu Road, Pinapaka, Khammam, T. S. - 507 117 P. B.19, Narasaraopet, Tel : 08746 - 228 353 Guntur Dist. A.P. - 522 601 Madavaram J. Suresh (P. P. & Director) Tel: 08647 - 222466 Lugun, George (EIP) Ravi Kumar Reddy (Rector & Voc. Promoter) S. Arockiadoss (Prefect & Proc.) 4. GUNTUR DISTRICT S. Jeyaraj (P.P) DIOCESE OF GUNTUR 5. TAMILNADU DISTRICT 4.1. ADDANKI 4.1.1 Holy Family Church (1999) DIOCESE OF PALAYAMKOTTAI 4.1.2 St. Joseph's High School 5.1. SHENCOTTAH Socio-Educational Centre, St. Theresa of Child Jesus Church Addanki, Prakasam Dist., (2016) A. P. - 523 201 Sengottai, T.N. 627 809 Tel : 08593 - 200 021. A. Blaise (P.P.) A. Joseph (Sr) (P.P.) Anthu Joseph (Asst. P.P.) Robert Fernandes (Proc. & Cor.) Ravichandran (H. M.) 5.2. Nirmala Gardens (1968), Bernard Mundapulam Kannupuli Mettu, Sengottai Tirunelveli (Dt), T.N. - 627 809 4.2. MEDARAMETLA Tel: 04633 292651 4.2.1. Nitya Sahaya Matha Church (1972) R, M. Jeyaseelan (Manager) Arul James (Asst. Manager) 4.2.2. St. Arnold's High School (E/M) 4.2.3. St. Joseph's Boys' Hostel 5.3. VADIPATTI Socio-Educational Centre, 5.3.1. Arockia Annai Shrine (1993) Medarametla, Vadipatti, Madurai Dt. Prakasam, Dist. T.N. - 625 218 A. P. - 523 212 Tel : 04543 254499, 255055 Tel : 08593-252338 (R), 252292 (E/M) A. Joseph (Superior & Administrator) Y. Arockiadoss (P.P.) 252317 (H) Amalanathan (Asst. P.P.) Varkey V. (P.P., Cor. & Proc. of the school) Augustine Karamel Joseph Babu (H. M. & H. Warden) 67 INDIA HYDERABAD 5.3.2. Divine Word Centre (1985) C. Bali Reddy (Rector) Vadipatti, Madurai Dt. S. Valan (Proc. & Moderator) T.N. - 625 218 Francis Sammanasu (Moderator) Tel : 04543 - 254232 6.2. MADHA NAGAR R. Soosai (Superior & Proc.) St. Francis Xavier's Church (2003) A. Wilson Sagayaraj (Prog. Co-ordinator) Street No. 15, Madha Nagar, M. Antony (Farm-Incharge) AsirvathamVenance Madhanandapuram, Chennai, T.N.-600125 Michael Arockiasamy (Incharge Annai Tel: 044 - 2382 0373 Bhavan & Counselling) S. Wenceslaus (P. P.) 5.4. SVD Oli Illam (2008) 7. TRICHY Kodaikannal Main Road Oothu, Moolaiyar (post) DIOCESE OF TRICHY Dindigal Dist, T.N - 642210 7.1.1 St. Charles' Seminary (1961) Paul Jeyakumar (Director) Ponmalaipatty, Golden Rock P. O., DIOCESE OF SALEM Trichy, T.N. - 620 004 Tel : 0431- 249 0943, 2491661 5.5 PACHAMPALAYAM I. Santhuraja (Rector) Iraiyarasu Retreat House (2015) Anthuvan Rozario (Procurator) Pachchampalayam, Peter Thomas (Prefect) Padaiveedu (P.O), Kumarapalaiyam Ashok Kumar (Spiritual Director) Namakal (D.T), T.N- 637303 Pushparaj (Voc. Promoter) Vijay Amalraj (Director) 7.1.2. St. Arnold's Mat. School (2007) DIOCESE OF SIVAGANGAI Ponmalaipatty, Golden Rock P. O., Trichy, T.N. - 620 004 5.6. SINGAMPUNARY Tel : 0431- 249 0943, 2491661 5.6.1. Annai Velankanni Church (2009) (Students), 249 0296 (School) 5.6.2. St. Arnold's Social Service Centre I. Santhuraja (Coordinator) St. Arnold House Anthuvan Rozario (H.M.) Janssen Nagar, M. Koilpatty Vengaipatty (Post), Singampunary (SO) 7.2. KOTTAPATTU Sivagangai (DT), T.N. - 603 502 Our Lady of Good Health Church Arul Paulraj (P. P) (1999), Ananda Raj (Dir. & Asst. P.P.) Kottapattu, Golden Rock P. O., Trichy, T.N. - 620 004 6. CHENNAI Tel : 0431 - 249 1717 A. Jesu (P. P.) DIOCESE OF CHINGLEPUT 7.3. Arnold Social Service Centre (2012) 6.1. Divine Word Centre (1996) H.No.: 52/30 B, Sahaya Matha Kovil Street P.B.1304, Hill Top, St. Thomas Mount, Trichy 620 004, TN. Chennai, T.N. - 600 016 [email protected] Tel. 044 - 22340136 (Rec.), 2234 8396 Chinnasamy Irudayaraj (Dir.,Edi - Arulmozhi) 68 INDIA HYDERABAD 7.4. MANALMEDU 9. EXCLAUSTRATION Punitha Periyanayagi Annai Alayam Mary John Main Road, Manalmedu, Myladuthurai Kingston J. Cudalane Nagapattanam (D.T), T.N.- 609 202 A. Arockiasamy (P.P)

8. STUDIES Lawrence Bose (Ph. D in Biblical Theology, Rome) Thomas Monteiro (Ph. D, in Cultural Anthropology, Delhi) K. Pious Thomas (M.Th, Pune) Y. James Raj (Ph. D) U. Alphonse (B.Th KJM, Sason)

Key for Reading *Brothers **Centre without an SVD Community

69 INDIA HYDERABAD Name Mobile Number E-mail Address

1. Alphonse U 9440502681 [email protected] 2. Alwin Mascarenhas 9490217253 [email protected] 3. Amalanathan C 9840529471 [email protected] 4. Ambrose Beck 9849155514 [email protected] 5. Anandaraj A 9443647254 [email protected] 6. Ananda Raju Nagothu 9440863844 [email protected] 7. Anthoniswami K 7702335384 [email protected] 8. Anthonysamy A 8008655641 [email protected] 9. Anthuvan Rozario A 9444888328 [email protected] 10. Antony Joseph 9490850523 [email protected] 11. Antony M 9487412476 [email protected] 12. Antonysamy R 9440936186 [email protected] 13. Arokiasamy A 9444850286 [email protected] 14. Arockiasamy Michael 9486359794 [email protected] 15. Arockia Doss S (Sr) 9949432681 [email protected] 16. Arockia Doss S (Jr) 9492866960 [email protected] 17. Arockia Doss Y 9443177095 [email protected] 18. Arul James 7598629425 [email protected] 19. Ashok Kumar 9442541731 [email protected] 20. Augustine Karamel 9566695248 ...... 21. Balaprasad Madanu 9440736015 [email protected] 22. Bali Reddy Chennuru 9440226823 [email protected] 23. Benny C.V 8008004661 [email protected] 24. Bernard Mundapulam ...... 25. Blaise A 9677839259 [email protected] 26. Casmir D'Souza 9885599835 [email protected] 27. Cyril Doss 9391142005 [email protected] 28. Davidraj 8790414345 [email protected] 29. Devadass S 8985413738 [email protected] 30. Dominic A 9492307401 [email protected] 31. Dominic Ekka 9963714305 [email protected] 32. Eugine Densingh D 7758041771 [email protected] 33. Faustin Joe 9441110312 [email protected]

70 INDIA HYDERABAD 34. Felix Roche 9440128860 [email protected] 35. Florence Minz 9441180914 [email protected] 36. Francis Sammanasu* 9445903685 [email protected] 37. Francis Thuruthimattom 9490088375 [email protected] 38. George Pasala 9848010394 [email protected] 39. Irudayaraj Chinnasamy 9486072807 [email protected] 40. James Raj Y 9842856892 [email protected] 41. Jesu A 8903490943 [email protected] 42. Jesuraj A 9666669316 [email protected] 43. Jeyaraj S 9440885729 [email protected] 44. Jeyaseelan, Manuel 9443431676 [email protected] 45. Joe A 9443759375 [email protected] 46. John A 8106905943 [email protected] 47. John Vattamattom 9849452732 [email protected] 48. Jojappa Bandanadham 8523897114 [email protected] 49. Joseph A (Sr) 8008003661 [email protected] 50. Joseph Anthu 9443910631 [email protected] 51. Joseph Babu Pasala 8096964657 [email protected] 52. Joseph Michael 9441957472 [email protected] 53. Joy Joseph M 9849117207 [email protected] 54. Kulandaisamy S 8985490347 [email protected] 55. Kata Karunakar 9788294087 [email protected] 56. Lawrence Bose S +393920566743 [email protected] 57. Lazar G 9492809446 [email protected] 58. Luke Mundackal 9440445408 [email protected] 59. Manoj Kumar Lakra 9849074388 [email protected] 60. Maxim Fernandes 9441340674 [email protected] 61. Nelson D'souza L 9440912395 [email protected] 62. Paul Jeyakumar 9486428505 [email protected] 63. Paulraj Arul 9486742216 [email protected] 64. Paulus Topno* 8142653524 [email protected] 65. Peter Thomas Mallavarapu 9788596478 [email protected] 66. Pious Thomas K 9441216740 [email protected] 67. Prakash G 9492357646 [email protected] 68. Pushparaj 9962582465 [email protected]

71 INDIA HYDERABAD 69. Rajesh Kumar Reddy P 9438101282 [email protected] 70. Rajesh Soreng * 9849631682 [email protected] 71. Ravichandran S * 8897192004 [email protected] 72. Ravi Kumar Reddy 8008003210 [email protected] 73. Robert Fernandes 9491952190 [email protected] 74. Sagayaraj Ponnuthurai 9704796117 [email protected] 75. Santhuraja Ignatius 9493068111 [email protected] 76. Satish Kumar Banda 9493185081 [email protected] 77. Selvam A 9440130223 [email protected] 78. Siluvai A 9618176826 [email protected] 79. Soosai R 7339066818 [email protected] 80. Stanislaus S. Maria 9441349424 [email protected] 81. Suresh Madhavaram 8790411595 [email protected] 82. Thomas Akkara 9441473154 [email protected] 83. Thomas Kavumkattayil 98495 64518 [email protected] 84. Thomas Monteiro 8332857447 [email protected] 85. Thomas Reddy Thumma 9676034738 [email protected] 86. Valan S 9360802873 [email protected] 87. Varghese* 7901052048 [email protected] 88. Varghese Chalamana 9441300265 [email protected] 89. Varkey V 9435248148 [email protected] 90. Venance Asirvatham 9487025448 [email protected] 91. Victor Jeyara 9440041972 [email protected] 92. Vijay Amalraj 9940228747 [email protected] 93. Vijay Bhaskar Madanu 8019626671 [email protected] 94. Vineeth Kumar Bilung 9849142106 [email protected] 95. Wilson Sagayaraj +393286436835 [email protected] 96. Wenceslaus S 8939189152 [email protected] 97. Xavier M 9440489023 [email protected]

EIP/ Regency / Mission Experience 1. Adaikala Raj C 9144736135 [email protected] 2. Anandha Savarimuthu J 9144736136 [email protected] 3. George Lugun 8982787346 [email protected] 4. Kasu Sagar A. Reddy 8370086224 [email protected]


JANUARY MAY G. Prakash 05.01.1952 John Vattamattom 01.05.1936 M. Antony 14.01.1946 Ananda Raj 02.05.1975 G. Lazar 15.01.1955 Vijay Bhaskar 03.05.1976 Y. Arockiadoss 15.01.1970 A. Dominic 10.05.1972 A. Anthonysamy 16.01.1950 I. Varghese 10.05.1981 A. Arockiasamy 18.01.1966 Benny C.V. 15.05.1974 Venance Asir 18.05.1947 FEBRUARY V. Chalamana 25.05.1947 Ravi kumar Reddy 04.02.1981 I. Santhuraja 27.05.1965 Joseph Michael 07.02.1980 Manoj Kumar 29.05.1961 Cyril Doss 09.02.1968 Luke Mundackal 30.05.1954 P. Rajesh Kumar Reddy 10.02.1985 Vijay Amalraj 11.02.1954 JUNE Casmir D' Souza 11.02.1956 Francis Sammanasu 03.06.1945 Pushpa Raj 14.02.1983 Augustine Karamel 05.06.1933 Chinnasamy Irudayaraj 15.02.1961 Robert Fernandes 07.06.1969 Satish Kumar 17.02.1968 Kata Karunakar 08.06.1984 S. Devadoss 21.02.1959 Sagayaraj P. 09.06.1962 Joseph Anthu 23.02.1948 Bali Reddy 10.06.1959 Arul James 25.02.1950 M. Arokiasamy 25.06.1965 Thomas Kavumkattayil 26.02.1961 Pasala George 26.06.1969 K. Sagar Antony (EIP) 27.06.1991 MARCH D. Eugine Densingh 30.06.1988 Vineet Kumar 02.03.1959 Pious Thomas 30.06.1967 A. Siluvai 07.03.1973 Monteiro Thomas 30.06.1978 U. Alphonse 08.03.1960 A. Jesu 12.03.1963 JULY Jeyaseelan 13.03.1955 Varkey V 03.07.1955 Soosai 15.03.1960 Thomas Akkara 04.07.1933 Joseph A. (Sr.) 29.03.1949 Suresh Madhavaram 07.07.1982 N. Ananda Raju 29.03.1975 George Lugun (EIP) 10.07.1991 S. Arockiadoss (Jr) 29.03.1977 M. Peter Thomas 13.07.1983 Victor Jeyaraj 30.03.1948 Dominic Ekka 20.07.1964 Joy Joseph 30.03.1953 Mascarenhas Alwin 22.07.1980 Ashok Kumar 31.03.1944 S. David Raj 27.07.1977 James Raj Y. 30.07.1967 APRIL S. Arockiadoss (Sr) 05.04.1973 AUGUST J. Anandha (EIP) 06.04.1991 R. Antonysamy 03.08.1971 A. Paul Raj 12.04.1973 Lawrence Bose 09.08.1977 A. Anthuvan Rozario 21.04.1978 Joseph Babu 10.08.1976 A. John 23.04.1978 Paul Jeyakumar 15.08.1951 S. Ravichandran 25.04.1978 Thumma Thomas 21.08.1987 73 INDIA HYDERABAD S. Jeyaraj 23.08.1967 NOVEMBER Felix Roche 30.08.1954 K. Anthoniswamy 01.11.1985 A. Jesuraj 01.11.1985 SEPTEMBER Joseph A. (Jr.) 02.11.1949 Bernard M. 02.09.1935 Paulus Topno 11.11.1976 Bandanadham Jojappa 10.09.1965 M. Xavier 12.11.1963 Maxim Fernandes 19.09.1964 A. Selvam 30.11.1970 Joe Faustin 28.09.1965 Wenceslaus 28.09.1950 DECEMBER S. Valan 28.09.1980 Wilson Sagayaraj 17.12.1980 Blaise A. 18.12.1953 OCTOBER Kulandaisamy 20.12.1961 Thuruthimattom Francis 08.10.1951 Ambrose Beck 22.12.1961 Rajesh Soreng 10.10.1967 Amalanathan C. 22.12.1963 Stanislaus S. M. 13.10.1951 Bala Prasad 23.12.1965 Antony Joseph 15.10.1954 Lawrence, D'Souza 30.12.1981 Minz Florence 19.10.1975 C. Adaikala Raj (EIP) 23.10.1990


01. 03.10.1961 ...... Augustine Karamel 02. 20.02.1966 ...... Thomas Akkara 03. 21.09.1967 ...... Bernard Mundapulam 04. 08.09.1968 ...... Sammanusu Francis* 05. 27.10.1968 ...... John Vattamattom 06. 18.04.1974 ...... Ashok Kumar 07. 13.12.1975 ...... Varghese Chalamana 08. 25.04.1976 ...... A. Joseph (Sr) 09. 01.05.1977 ...... Victor Jeyaraj 10. 23.04.1978 ...... Venance Asirvatham 11. 19.04.1979 ...... M. Antony 12. 19.04.1979 ...... A. Antonysamy 13. 29.04.1979 ...... Paul Jeyakumar 14. 13.04.1980 ...... A. Joseph 15. 27.04.1980 ...... S. Wenceslaus 16 06.05.1981 ...... Joy Joseph 17. 20.04.1982 ...... Felix Roche 18. 03.05.1982 ...... Francis Thuruthimattom 19. 29.05.1982 ...... Mary John 20. 24.04.1983 ...... Luke Mundackal 21. 03.05.1983 ...... Stanislaus S. M. 22. 22.05.1983 ...... Vijay Amalraj 23. 02.05.1984 ...... Varkey V 24. 04.05.1984 ...... G. Lazar 25. 07.05.1984 ...... Antony Joseph 26. 10.05.1984 ...... R. M. Jeyaseelan 27. 10.06.1984 ...... U. Alphonse * 28. 06.05.1986 ...... Casmir D'Souza 29. 14.05.1986 ...... A. Blaise 30. 13.05.1987 ...... Arul James 31. 08.05.1988 ...... Manoj Kumar 32. 13.05.1988 ...... S. Devadass 33. 24.04.1990 ...... S. Kulandaisamy 34. 12.05.1990 ...... Thomas Kavumkattayil 35. 26.12.1991 ...... Sagayaraj P. 36. 26.04.1992 ...... Vineet Kumar 37. 26.04.1992 ...... M. Arockiasamy 38. 30.04.1992 ...... A. Jesu 39. 26.04.1992 ...... R. Soosai

75 INDIA HYDERABAD 40. 17.04.1993 ...... Fr. Ambrose Beck 41. 20.04.1993 ...... Fr. Bali Reddy 42. 27.04.1993 ...... Maxim Fernandes 43. 02.05.1993 ...... I. Santhuraja 44. 04.05.1993 ...... Joe Faustin 45. 06.05.1993 ...... Chinnasamy Irudaya Raj 46. 30.01.1994 ...... Dominic Ekka 47. 05.05.1994 ...... M. Xavier 48. 29.05.1994 ...... C. Amalanathan 49. 29.12.1994 ...... M. Bala Prasad 50. 29.12.1994 ...... Bandanadham Jojappa 51. 07.05.1995 ...... Sahaya Cyril Doss 52. 28.05.1995 ...... Y. James Raj 53. 10.06.1995 ...... Rajesh Soreng* 54. 02.09.1995 ...... Pious Thomas 55. 24.04.1996 ...... S. Jeyaraj 56. 10.11.1996 ...... Robert Fernandes 57. 08.05.1997 ...... Satish Kumar 58. 01.05.1999 ...... A. Arockiasamy 59. 10.04.2000 ...... George Pasala 60. 10.05.2000 ...... R. Antonysamy 61. 06.04.2002 ...... N. Ananda Raju 62. 13.05.2002 ...... J. C. Kingston 63. 26.01.2003 ...... A. Siluvai 64. 03.05.2003 ...... Benny C. V. 65. 07.05.2003 ...... Y. Arockiadoss 66. 14.04.2004 ...... A. Dominic 67. 16.04.2004 ...... A. Selvam 68. 10.06.2004 ...... S.Ravichandran * 69. 10.06.2005 ...... Varghese * 70. 16.12.2005 ...... Anthu Joseph 71. 19.04.2006 ...... S. Arokiadoss (Sr) 72. 03.05.2006 ...... S. Paulraj 73. 04.05.2006 ...... A. Anandraj 74. 06.05.2006 ...... Lawrence Bose 75. 10.06.2006 ...... Paulus * 76. 28.01.2007 ...... Florence Minz 77. 19.02.2007 ...... Vijay Bhaskar 78. 08.05.2007 ...... Davidraj 79. 30.04.2008 ...... Joseph Babu 80. 03.05.2008 ...... A. John

76 INDIA HYDERABAD 81. 05.05.2008 ...... A. Rozario 82. 11.05.2008 ...... S. Arockiadoss (Jr) 83. 04.05.2009 ...... Alwin Mascarenhas 84. 04.05.2009 ...... Thomas Monteiro 85. 06.05.2010 ...... Joseph Michael 86. 07.05.2010 ...... Wilson Sagayaraj 87. 08.05.2010 ...... S. Valan 88. 02.05.2011 ...... Lawrence Nelson 89. 12.02.2012 ...... Ravi Kumar Reddy 90. 04.02.2013 ...... Suresh Madhavaram 91. 03.04.2013 ...... Kata Karunakar 92. 18.05.2014 ...... Pushparaj 93. 20.02.2014 ...... Peter Thomas Mallavarappu 94. 07.05.2015 ...... Jesuraj 95. 03.01.2016 ...... K. Anthoniswami 96. 29.01.2016 ...... G. Prakash 97. 29.12.2016 ...... Thumma Thomas Reddy



Patron : St. Joseph Freinademetz

Vision I have come that you may have life. Mission Impelled by the Triune God, we the members of ING, seek to deepen the experience of the Divine in us and in our people. Sharing in the religious aspirations of our people, we seek to remain united to Christ, to one another and to all. Hence we are committed to share the Word of God with the people of North East through the fourfold prophetic dialogue, and endeavor to promote 'fullness of life' for all. Living an authentic religious missionary life in intercultural communities, we bind ourselves to establish harmony and fraternal communion among ourselves and with our people. We accompany them in their search for human dignity and cultural identity, and strive to work for their integral development. We join hands with all people of good will to preserve the integrity and sanctity of creation.

79 INDIA GUWAHATI REGION Action Plan In our missionary endeavors we will pay special attention to the well being of each confrere and foster our religious missionary life in our communities. We will pay special attention to the ongoing formation of our confreres. In moving towards our mission, we will focus on primary evangelization and pastoral ministry, involving a variety of ministries. We shall strengthen the local church in NE through pastoral care of our people, catechesis with special emphasis on the Word of God, training of catechists and promotion of local clergy and lay leadership. In terms of primary evangelization, we shall involve ourselves in such ministries as education, youth animation, women empowerment, communications and JPIC. We shall network with other NGOs, and seek the cooperation of religious and civil agencies to promote socio-economic development of the people in NE, and work for peace and communion among all in the context of conflicts of today's society. In collaboration with the above said agencies, we shall strive for the protection of nature and integrity of creation. To enhance the cultural and linguistic identity of our people and to minister to them in their language, we shall set ourselves to learn their language within a prescribed period, and set up an institute for study and promotion of the culture and languages of the people of NE. We seek to establish viable unit of the Society in close collaboration with the SVD and SSpS Provinces and Region in India by promoting local vocations to our Society and set up a minor seminary. We shall work towards self-sufficiency through a simple life style and self supporting ministries.

ING AT A GLANCE Personnel Apostolic Information

Priests: 35 Educational Centres: 12

Brothers: 01 Formation Houses: 01

Candidates: 21 Health Care Centres:

Regents / EIP 04 Parishes: 13

Deacons: 02

80 INDIA GUWAHATI REGION PROVINCIALATE Biblical Coordinator Alphonse Dung Dung Regional Superior E-mail: [email protected] Maxim Rodrigues Mobile: 9425638390 Vice Regional Superior Coordinator for Ecumenism & Inter- Jeevan Kennady religious Dialogue Jose Kuzhikkattuthaze Regional Consultors E-mail:[email protected] Jeevan Kennady (Vice Regional) Mobile: 9435195247 Manoj Antony (Admonitor) Arun Minj (Councillor) Province JPIC & EIP Coordinator Ivan Vas (Councillor) Ivan Vas Mobile: 9957699055 Regional Treasurer E-mail: [email protected] Nabin Roshan Lakra Communication Coordinator SVD Regional House Clement Miranda Garal Village, Bhattapara Mobile: 9436897953 Guwahati University E-mail: [email protected] Guwahati - 781 017, Assam AJS Coordinator Francis Fernandes Mobile : Regional: 0943 570 7159 Mobile: 9774072330 Mobile : Treasurer: 0943 647 2567 E-mail: [email protected] Mobile : Superior: 0995 769 9055 Education Secretary Roy Joseph N. Tel. : Regional House: Mobile: 9436048628 (0361) 284 3681, 2842223 E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail : [email protected] Formation (Regional Superior) Joby Joseph Mobile: 7035417087 E-mail : E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] (ING Office) E-mail : [email protected] Vocation Promoter (Vice Regional) Roshan Kujur Mobile.: 9668366533 E-mail : [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] (Regional Treasurer) 1. BRAHMAPUTRA DISTRICT Dist Superior: Clement Quadros ING OFFICES 1.SVD House, Guwahati Mission Secretary SVD House, Garal Village, Clement Quadros Bhattapara, New Airport Road, E-mail: [email protected] Guwahati - 781 017, Assam Mobile: 9436897747 (0361) 284 3681; 2842223 81 INDIA GUWAHATI REGION Ivan Vas (Superior) Sunny Abraham (Asst. P.P.) Maxim Rodrigues (Regional Superior) Jose Kuzhikkattuthazhe 1.4.1. Divine Word School Nabin Roshan Lakra Roy Joseph (Principal) Sunny Abraham Elavunkal (V. Principal) 1.1. Sanskriti Gulshan Dung Dung (Treasurer) (North Eastern Institute of Cultural Reserach) Clement Quadras C/o:SVD House, Garal Village, Bhattapara, New Airport Road, 1.4.2 Divine Word Hostel Guwahati - 781 017, Assam Sunny Abraham Elavunkal Jose Kuzhikkattuthazhe (Director) (Hostel Incharge) Diocese of Bongaigaon (Assam) 1.5 Sunpura 1.2. Baganpara Catholic Mission St. Thomas Catholic Church Sunpura P.O. Lohit Dt. Baganpara P.O., Arunachal Pradesh - 792 111 Baksa Dist - 781 344 Chackochan Kakkanatt (Priest Incharge) BTAD, Assam 1.6 Tezu Alphonse Dung Dung (P.P) St. Peter Church, PB 4, Prem Prasad Nag (Asst. P.P.) Tamlanagar, Tezu, Diocese of Jowai (Meghalaya) Lohit Dt. Arunachal Pradesh - 792001 J. Antony (P.P.) 1.3. Lumshnong Visitation Church,Lumshnong P.O, 1.7 Jakama Khliehriat, East Jaintia Hills Dt. St. Joseph's College, Meghalaya - 798 210 Jakhama - 797005, Manoj Antony, (P. P) Nagaland Francis Fernandes (Asst. P.P) Joy Thomas Tijo Joseph (EIP) 2. ITANAGAR DISTRICT 1.3.1. Divine Word School Manoj Antony (Principal) District Superior: Clement Miranda Francis Fernades (Treasurer) Diocese of Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh) 1.3.2. Divine Word Hostel Francis Fernandes (Hostel Incharge) 2.1 Nari Camp C/o SVD House, Diocese of Miao (Arunachal Pradesh) Nyari Welly Model Village 1.4. Roing Seppa P.O. East Kameng Dt. St. Mary's Church, Roing Arunachal Pradesh - 790 102 P.O. Roing; Lower Dibang Valley Patrick D'Souza ( (P.P) Arunachal Pradesh - 792 - 110 Petrus Baraik Cheria Chetia (Asst. PP) Clement Quadras (P.P.) Philip Raja A. (EIP) Roy Joseph (Asst. P.P.) Gulshan Dung Dung (Asst. PP)

82 INDIA GUWAHATI REGION 2.1.1 Divine Word School 3. AGARTALA DISTRICT Patrick D'Souza (Principal & Treasurer) Petrus Baraik (Vice Principal) District Superior: Ivan D'Silva 2.1.2 Divine Word Hostel Diocese of Agartala (Tripura) Patrick D'souza (In charge) Petrus Baraik (Asst. Incharge) 3.1 Agartala Oisho Bani Niketan 2.2. Catholic Church, Seppa Near Assam Rifles Com. Qtr. Valentine Dung Dung (P.P) Kunjaban Road, P.O. Kunjaban Clemente Miranda (Asst. P.P) Dt. Agartala, Tripura - 799 006 Cyprian Pinto (Superior) 2.2.1. Divine Word School, Seppa Jeevan Kennady (JUST) SVD House Nyari Welly Model Village 3.2 Ambassa Seppa, East Kameng Dt. Holy Spirit Church, Lalchori Arunachal Pradesh - 790 102 K.P. Colony, Ambassa Valentine Dung Dung (Principal) Clemente Miranda (Vice Principal & Treasurer) Dt. Dhalai, Tripura - 799 289 Aron Dias (EIP) Fr. Ivan D'Silva (P.P.) Jaibu Mathew (Asst. P.P.) 2.2.2. Divine Word Hostel Lourdu Marreddy Thumma (Asst. PP) Clemente Miranda (Hostel Incharge) Sameer Soreng (EIP) 2.3 Banderdewa 3.2.1 St. Arnold School Holy Trinity Catholic Church Jaibu Mathew (Principal) P.O Banderdewa Lourdu Marreddy Thumma Dt. Papum Pare (Vice Principal, Treasurer) Arunachal Pradesh - 791 123 Ivan D'Silva (Manager) Soby Joseph (P.P.) Surendra Kumar Kanher (Asst.,P.P.) 3.2.2 St. Arnold Hostel Lourdu Marreddy Thumma Diocese of Tezpur (Assam) (Hostel Incharge, Treasurer) 2.4 Solabasti 3.3 Champaknagar Janssen (SVD) Minor Seminary Jeevadhara Minor Seminary Solabasti, P.O. Bokhajan, Belbari, P.O., Birendranagar Ghoramari, Sonitpur West Tripura - 799 045 Dt., Tezpur, Assam – 784 105 Arun Kumar Minj (Director) Joby Joseph (Superior) Stany Pereira (Prefect) Roshan Kujur (Prefect) Lawrence Pereira (Spiritual Director) 3.3.1 Khumulwng St. Alphonsa Parish 2.5 Mangaldoi Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Belbari, P.O. Birendranagar Mangaldoi P.O. , Darrang Dt. Tripura (W), 799 045 Assam - 784 125 Arun Kumar Minj (P. P) Joachim Kullu (Asst. PP) Stany Pereira (Asst. P.P.) 83 INDIA GUWAHATI REGION 3.4 Kamaranga 3.6 JUST St. Raphael Church Durjoynagar P.O. Kanailalpara, P.O. Chankap, Airport Road, Agartala, Via Halahali West Tripura – 799 009 Dt. Dhalai, Tripura - 799 286 Jeevan Kennady (Director) Jomon James Thattamattathil (P.P.) Benjamin Minj (Asst. P.P.) 4. Deacons Jacob V. Dn Amit Soreng Dn Susheel Machar 3.4.1 St. Raphael's Hostel Benjamin Minj (Hostel Incharge) 5. On Sabbatical Leave Augustine Perumpadapothiyil 3.4.2 St. Arnold School Benjamin Minj (Principal) 3.5 Agartala Diocesan Social Service Society

84 INDIA GUWAHATI REGION Name Mobile Number E-mail Address

1.Alphonse Dung Dung 9938798422 [email protected] 2.Amit Soreng (Dn) 8446232170 [email protected] 3.Arun Kumar Minj 9862790045 [email protected] 4.Augustine P.A 9435114815 [email protected] 5.Benjamin Minj 9402219384 [email protected] 6.Chackochan Kakkanatt 9436895052 ...... 7.Clement Miranda 9436897953 [email protected] 8.Clement Quadras 9615056734 [email protected] 9.Cyprian Pinto 9435404243 [email protected] 10.Francis Fernandes 9774072330 [email protected] 11.Gulshan Dung Dung 9774218457 [email protected] 12.Ivan D'Silva 9436350693 [email protected] 13.Ivan Vas 9957699055 [email protected] 14.J. Anthony 8732803879 ...... 15.Jacob Vechupadinjarathil* 7640818472 [email protected] 16.Jaibu Mathew 8974222166 [email protected] 17.Jeevan Kennedy 9436484401 [email protected] 18.Joachim Kullu 9436123946 ...... 19.Joby Joseph 7035417087 [email protected] 20.Jomon Thattamattathil 8638377657 [email protected] 21.Jose Kuzhikkattuthazhe 9435195247 [email protected] 22.Joy Thomas 9435128973 [email protected] 23.Lawrence Pereira 7035526680 ...... 24.Lourdu Marreddy 8131076756 [email protected] 25.Manoj Antony 9402507610 [email protected] 26.Maxim Rodrigues 9435707159 [email protected] 27.Nabin Lakra 9402165337 [email protected] 28.Patrick D'Souza 9436653570 [email protected] 29.Petrus Baraik 9436796120 [email protected]

85 INDIA GUWAHATI REGION 30.Prem Prasad Nag 9439439315 [email protected] 31.Roshan Kujur 9668366533 [email protected] 32.Roy Joseph 9436048628 [email protected] 33.Soby Joseph 9436608224 [email protected] 34.Stany Pereira 8415001177 [email protected] 35.Sushil Machar (Dn) 7709760443 [email protected] 36.Sunny Abraham 9402507841 [email protected] 37.Surendra Kumar Kanher 7086236847 [email protected] 38.Valentine Dungdung 9436458534 [email protected]

EIP / Regency / Mission Experience 1.Aron Joachim Dias 8982761419 [email protected] 2.Philipraja. T 7415993028 [email protected] 3.Sameer Soreng 7415994083 [email protected] 4.Tijo Joseph 8982795327 [email protected]

Key for Reading



JANUARY JULY Soby Pulickeel 07/01/1978 Stany Pereira 06/07/1986 Valentine Dung Dung 13/01/1963 Patrick D'Souza 18/07/1984 Ivan Vas 15/01/1973 Clement Quadras 23/01/1972 AUGUST Joachim Kullu 28/01/1953 Jomon Thattamattathil 05/08/1962 Jose Kuzhikkattuthazhe 31/01/1962 Francis Fernandes 09/08/1962 Arun Kumar Minj 20/08/1974 FEBRUARY Rosan Manoj Ekka 15/02/1984 SEPTEMBER Nabin Roshan Lakra 20/02/1980 Petrus Baraik 08/09/1979 Cyprian Pinto 15/09/1951 MARCH Ivan D'Silva 20/09/1963 Joy Thomas 01/03/1949 Lawrence Pereira 28/09/1935 Surendra Kumar Kanher 02/03/1974 Antony J. 04/03/1956 OCTOBER Jeevan Kennedy 07/031975 Roshan Kujur 17/10/1984 Aron Joaquim Dias (EIP) 10/03/1993 Augustine P.A. 19/10/1952 Benjamin Minj 30/03/1972 Manoj Antony 20/10/1973 APRIL Sushil Machar 23/10/1986 Jaibu K Mathew 02/04/1966 Alphonse Dung Dung 30/10/1958 Clement Miranda 05/04/1980 Chackochan Kakkanat 27/04/1955 NOVEMBER Philipraja.T (EIP) 30/04/1988 Gulshan Dung Dung 05/11/1982 MAY Lourdu Thumma Marreddy 15/11/1978 Francis Fernandes 09/05/1962 Maxim Rodrigues 16/11/1963 Jacob Vechupadinjarathil 26/05/1959 Sunny Abraham 29/05/1977 DECEMBER Roy Joseph 30/05/1970 Amit Soreng 03/12/1985 Joby Joseph 30/05/1982 Tijo Joseph (EIP) 24/12/1991

JUNE Prem Prasad Nag 03/06/1986 Sameer Soreng (EIP) 06/06/1992


01. 02.06.1967 ...... Lawrence Pereira 02. 22.04.1978 ...... Joy Thomas 03. 24.04.1979 ...... Cyprian Pinto 04. 03.05.1984 ...... Chackochan Kakkanatt 05. 05.05.1984 ...... Augustine Perumpadapothiyil 06. 27.04.1985 ...... Joachim Kullu 07. 10.06.1985 ...... Jacob Vechupadinjarathil* 08. 14.05.1987 ...... J. Antony 09. 09.04.1989 ...... Alphonse Dung Dung 10. 14.05.1990 ...... Jomon James Thattamattathil 11. 28.04.1990 ...... Valentine Dung Dung 12. 02.05.1992 ...... Francis Fernandes 13. 02.05.1992 ...... Ivan D'Silva 14. 02.05.1992 ...... Jose Kuzhikkattuthazhe 15. 02.05.1992 ...... Maxim Rodrigues 16. 21.05.1997 ...... Jaibu Mathew Kochuparambil 17. 03.05.1999 ...... Roy Joseph Naduviledath 18. 03.05.1999 ...... Clement Quadras 19. 03.05.2000 ...... Ivan Vas 20. 09.02.2002 ...... Surendra Kumar Kanher 21. 09.05.2003 ...... Arun Kumar Minj 22. 10.05.2003 ...... Jeevan Kennady 23. 10.05.2007 ...... Benjamin Minj 24. 04.01.2008 ...... Manoj Antony Ezuthupallickal 25. 19.04.2009 ...... Petrus Baraik Cheria Chetia 26. 07.05.2009 ...... Clemente Miranda 27. 30.01.2010 ...... Nabin Roshan Lakra 28. 03.05.2010 ...... Soby Joseph Pulickeel 29. 11.04.2011 ...... Lordu Marreddy Thumma 30. 03.05.2012 ...... Sunny Abraham Elavunkal 31. 03.05.2014 ...... Patrick Vincent D'Souza 32. 23.04.2015 ...... Gulshan Dung Dung 33. 30.04.2015 ...... Joby Joseph Elamthuruthipadavil 34. 07.02.2016 ...... Roshan Kujur 35. 12.02.2017 ...... Prem Prasad Nag 36. 02.05.2017 ...... Stany Pereira