
of Winchester Recommended Tree List

This list includes a variety of widely-acceptable trees suited for the growing conditions found in most urban areas, such as along streets, residential properties, parks, golf courses, and other developed areas. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive list and the suggested varieties listed are focused on those that are readily available and known to perform well in our area. There are many trees, particularly native species, which are not listed which may be suitable for non-developed sites or naturalized areas. Symbol Meaning Description D Denotes a deciduous FC Fall Color Known for attractive fall color Tree Chart Key FL Showy fl owers Known for showy fl owers F/N / Potential confl icts with pedestrian walkways due to fruit, nuts, or FV Form Variation Species grown and sold as both single-stem and multi-stem treess LC Light Considerations Requires some amount of shade and protection; do not in fullull sunsun N Native Native to Virginia OS Open Spaces Plant only in open spaces such as parks and golf courses due to large rooting area needs S Screening Good for use in screening and windbreaks SF Special Features Additional features which add to interesting characteristics, such as form, , thorns, etc. SP Specimen tree Use as a single tree in landscaping ST Street Tree Approved as a street tree T Tolerant Show particular tolerance to harsh urban environments W Wildlife Attractive to wildlife Small Maturing Trees (less than 30’ mature height, utility line compatible) Trident ST, T Amur Maple FC, FV, ST, T Paperbark Maple FC, SF, ST Tatarian Maple FC, FV, ST, T Downy Serviceberry arborea Autumn Brilliance FC, FL, FV, N, ST, W American Carpinus caroliniana N,ST, T Eastern Redbud canadensis Alba, Pansy FL, FV, N, ST, T Hawthorn Fringetree FL, FV, N, W Flowering Dogwood fl orida Cherokee Princess FC, FL, LC, N, ST, W Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa FC, FL, F/N, ST Cockspur Hawthorn crusgalli Cruzam (thornless) F/N, N, S, SF, ST, T Washington Hawthorn Crataegus phaenopyrum F/N, FV, N, SC, SF, ST, T Green Hawthorn Crataegus viridis Winter King F/N, N, SF, ST, T Crapemyrtle Lagerstroemia indica Muskogee, Natchez FL, FV, SF, T Flowering Crabapple Mallus spp. Centurion, Donald Wyman, FL, F/N, ST Saucer Prairiefi re, Sargent, Spring Snow Saucer Magnolia Magnolia x soulangeana FL, FV Star Magnolia FL, FV Lily Magnolia Magnolia liliifl ora Jane FL, FV Sourwood arboreum FC, FL, N, ST Purple Leaf Plum cerasifera Thundercloud FL, F/N, ST Japanese Snowbell japonicus FL, ST Japanese Tree Lilac reticulata FL, ST, T Purple Leaf Plum City of Winchester Recommended Tree List

Medium Maturing Trees (mature height between 30 and 50 feet, set back from utility lines) Maple Acer campestre ST, T Panicled Goldenraintree Koelreutreria paniculata SF, ST, T Queen Elizabeth Sweetbay Magnolia Moonglow FL, FV, N Ohio Buckeye glabra FC, FL, F/N, N, OS Amur Corktree Phellodendron amurense SF, T Red Horsechestnut Aesculus x carnea N, FL, F/N, OS Sargent Cherry Prunus sargentii FL, ST, T European Hornbeam S, T Japanese Flowering Cherry FL, ST American Yellowwood kentukea FC, N, SF, ST Kwanzan, Snowgoose Hardy Rubber Tree ulmoides ST, T Yoshino Cherry Prunus x yedoensis FL, ST Carolina Silverbell carolina FL, ST Corkscrew Salix matsudana SF, SP

Large Maturing Trees (mature height greater than 50 feet, do not plant near utility lines) Freeman Maple Acer x freemanii T, ST, FC London Plane Tree x acerifolia F/N, SF, ST, T Armstrong, Autumn Blaze American Sycamore F/N, N, SF, ST Red Maple N, FC, ST, T Sawtooth FC, F/N SF, ST, T October Glory, Red Sunset White Oak Quercus alba FC, F/N, N, ST, W Maple N, FC, ST Green Mountain, Legacy Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor FC, F/N, N, ST, T, W Yellow Buckeye Aesculus fl ava N, FL, FC, SF Overcup Oak FC, F/N, N, ST, T, W (bark), F/N, OS Bur Oak F/N, ST, T, W Horsechestnut N, FL, F/N, OS Pin Oak Quercus palustris FC, F/N, ST, W River Heritage SF, ST, T Scarlet Oak FC, F/N, N, W Katsuratree Cercidiphyllum japonicum SF, ST, FC Willow Oak FC, F/N, N, T, W American N, FC, F/N, OS English Oak F/N, W European Beech Purpurea FC, OS, F/N Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra FC, F/N, ST, W (male only) Ginko biloba SF, FC, ST, T Live Oak F/N, N, ST, W Thornless Honeylocust Gleditsia tricanthos inermis N, ST, T Japanese Pagoda Tree japanicum FL, F/N, ST, T Skyline, Street Keeper, Basswood N, OS Shademaster, Imperial Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata Greenspire ST, T Gymnocladus dioicus F/N, OS Linden Sterling ST, T American Sweetgum styracifl ua FC, F/N, N, OS, ST Rotundiloba for Rotundiloba American FC, N, ST only, T Princeton, Valley Forge Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera FC, FL, N, ST Smoothleaf Elm Ulmus minor ST Accolade, Patriot Cucumbertree Magnolia N, OS Lacebark Elm Ulmus parvifolia Allee ST, T Black Gum FC, F/N, N, ST, T, W Japanese FC, ST, T London Plane Tree Platanus x acerifolia F/N, SF, ST, T Green Vase, Mushashino

Evergreen Trees (mature height varies) Concolor Abies concolor 50’ OS, S, T Dawn Redwood glyptostroboides 100’ D, FC, OS, S Abies fraseri 40’ S White 60’ S, T Common Boxwood sempivirens 20’ S Colorado Spruce Picea pungens 60’ S, T Dee Runk, Elegantissima Red 80’ OS, S Atlas Cedar atlantica 60’ S, SP White Pine 80’ N, OS, S Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara 60’ S, SP Loblolly Pine Pinus taeda 90’ OS, S, T Cedar of Lebanon Cedrus libani 60’ SP menziesii 80’ OS, S Japanese Cedar japonica 60’ S, SP Bald Cypress distichum 70’ D, N, SF, American Ilex opaca 50’ N, S, SF ST, T English Holly 50’ S, SF Eastern Arborvitae occidnetalis 60’ N, S, T Nellie Stevens Holly Ilex ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ 30’ SF Emerald, Nigra, Eastern Redcedar Juniperus virginiana 50’ N, S, T Elegantisssima Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandifl ora 80’ FL, OS, S Pacifi c Redcedar Green Giant 70’ S, SP