Sunday June 21, 2020


(2 13-18)

Absalom - King ’s 3rd son born in Hebron

Tamar - Absalom’s full sister, daughter of David and Maacah

Amnon - King’s firstborn son, the one “expected” to inherit the Kingdom

-Absalom took advantage of what Amnon had done against his sister, to plot to kill the “future heir to the throne” and to overthrow King David rulership.

- “The Absalom spirit” operates by false promises and gross flattery;

-It tells the people what they want to hear.

-Absalom commanded his servants to carry out his plans of murder, arson and insurrection against the appointed King of Israel.

-“The Absalom spirit” operates the same way: by creating social disorder, it seeks to overthrow the appointed leadership of the land.

-People who operate under the influence of “The Absalom spirit”; always remain “behind the scenes”, they orchestrate acts of confusion and rebellion, but delegate their execution to those who are under their control.

-Its real agenda is to overthrow the appointed leadership; by means of usurped authority.

-It seeks to take the “Kingdom” by force.

(Matthew 11:12) (CJB)

“And from the time of until now; the Kingdom of heaven has been suffering violence, and the violent ones are trying to snatch it away.” -People who operate under “The Absalom Spirit” completely oppose the laws of the land; because their real intention is to establish their own laws.


-The Spirit of Absalom is operating right now in our country; seeking to overthrow the appointed authority; in order to overthrow the LAWS OF GOD AND THE CONTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

-This spirit is a highly politicized, manipulative and secretive spirit.

-It has a hidden agenda to incite the people who are under its influence; to revolt against the appointed authority of the Land.

-It aims to gain the people’s trust by use of false humility and false sympathy, in order to steal their allegiance to the appointed authority.

-It is all about power and control !

-Absalom’s pursuit of power provoked the men who were under him to fight against their own brothers. Then, he led the nation of Israel into a Civil War. After that, he deposed the righteous appointed authority; and declared himself as King of Israel.

-The only way to deal with “The Absalom spirit” is to completely dismantle it by taking a stand against it and exposing its agenda.

-The story of Absalom was written in the Bible for our instruction and admonition.

-Once Absalom’s agenda was confronted and dismantled; peace was reinstated in Israel and King David reunified the Kingdom again.

Part 2- Pastor Doug


Just prior to this rebellion, the entire nation of Israel was in a really bad mood because God just told them an entire generation was going to wander the wilderness until they died due to their rebellion at .

Fact Sheet on Korah

 Was not a fan of and !  Outspoken critic of Moses and Aaron!  Was a Levite but not a !

1. All were Levites but not all Levites were priests.

2. Levites was the name given to the descendants of : who was the third son of by . They occupied a significance place of greatness as a tribe in Israel. The event at Mt. Sinai gave the Levites their place of privilege and responsibility in God’s plan. The divine selection of Moses and Aaron who were descendants of Kohath, one of Levis three sons, further enhanced the significance of the tribe of Levi. The other two sons of Levi were Gershon and Merrari.

The Levites were not to be numbered with the twelve tribes of Israel (Numbers 1:47-54). They were appointed to be over the things pertaining to the tabernacle.

The choice of the tribe of Levi as the Priestly tribe to serve as assistants to the Aaronic Priests is found in Numbers 3:1-17. Aaron and his sons occupied the upper level of the tribe of Levi as the priests belonged to the family of Kohath. The middle level included all the who were not part of Aarons family.

The Real Agenda and Reason for Korah leading a rebellion against the Leadership chosen by God

The priests were consecrated to serve the Lord and the Levites were purified and considered a gift to Aaron and his sons to assist them. Only the priest had the right to minister at the and to enter the Most Holy Place. The Levites assisted the Priests in the performance of their duties.

Levites duties included administering the tithes, they assisted with tabernacle services, they functioned as teachers, musicians, and “repairman” with the tabernacle itself.