VOLUME XXIV, NO 138 U S ARMY , TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1987 Gulf Round-Up Three More Kuwaiti Tankers Stars And Striped Today FUJAlRAH, Umted Arab Ermrates Marcos Suits (AP) - The Stars and Stnpes were By James W Hatton hOIsted on the masts of two KuwaIti ASSOCiated Press Wnter tankers today as U S warships prepared to escort the fIrst convoy of MANILA, PhllIppmes - The reflagged vessels lOto the penlous government today pressed Its offen­ waters of the Persian Gulf SlVe agaInst ousted PreSident Ferdi­ Pentagon offICials SaId the tnp was nand E Marcos, fIhng three more tentanvely scheduled to begm tomght SUItS seekIng return of the vast for­ Mannme shlppmg offICials SaId the tune It claims he stole and addmg flags were hOlsted wlthout ceremony $7 5 bllhon to Its request for on the supertanker Bndgeton, for­ damages merly the al-Rekkah, and the 011 The laWSUIts named 11 more products carner Gas Pnnce, formerly defendants, all close aSSOCIates of the Gas al-Mmaglsh Marcos, and raised the total amount "The flags are up," said the Fu­ sought to over $40 bIlhon Jauah-based agent of the Western Also today, the mlhtary reponed a shlppmg company major battle raging between mannes Both ships were lymg at anchor 2 and Moslem rebels on M1Odanao Is­ mIles apart m mternatlOnal waters m land, and the government saId It was the Arabian Sea south of the StraIt of send10g a delegation to Saudi Arabia Hormuz, the narrow gateway to the m a bid to end the I5-year Moslem gulf Insurgency In the southern The Amencan mlsslle crUiser USS Phlhppmes Fox, the ffilsslle USS KIdd The PreSidentIal CommiSSIOn on and two fngates were moored Good Government, the panel seekmg nearby to recover $10 bllhon 10 "Illegal In Washmgton, Pentagon offICials wealth" It claIms Marcos stole dunng saId Monday the reflagged tankers hiS 20-year rule, fIled the SUItS WIth would set out for KUWaIt and pick up Stark's Voyage the speCial anti-graft court that Will Navy escorts tomght or early weigh the case Wednesday The Persian Gulf IS eIght SUEZ - The gUided miSSile frigate USS StarkJ Crippled by an Iraqi miSSile attack on May 17 that killed 37 American sailors, enters Among the new defendants are Fe hours ahead of Eastern Dayhght Roa Gimenez, the PreSidential Palace TIme the Suez canal as It heads for the Mediterranean sea en route SOCial secretary under Marcos, VIlma Here IS a review of developments home The ship was made seaworthy With emergency repairs at Bautista, a former member of the m the PerSIan Gulf war Bahrain and Will undergo further repairs In the United States Phlhpp10e Consulate m New York, (AP WirePhoto) and Oscar Canno, a former offIcer of Umted Nations - A cease-fue Baghdad, Iraq - PreSIdent Sad­ Reagan a letter endorsmg JOlllt super­ the PhlhppIne NatIOnal Bank branch resolutIon approved unammously by dam Hussem called an emergency power actton to end the Iran-Iraq War m New York the Secunty CounCIl got a cool recep­ seSSIOn of the NatlOnal Assembly to and agreemg to diSCUSSIons m "any One SUIt charges they helped Mar­ tlOn from Iran, but the Reagan ad­ diSCUSS the resolutlOn, a government format," said deputy Foreign MImstry cos funnel mllhons of dollars from mimstraUon held out hope for a POSI­ spokesman SaId "Our ImtIal response spokesman Bons Pyadyshev But he the country tive response "We want both coun­ to the resolutIon IS posItIve but the saId Gorbachev also cntIcized the A second SUIt charges Blenvemdo tnes to Sit down with the secretary­ offICIal pOsltIOn wIll be deCIded after growIng U S naval bUildup m the Tantoco, former PhIlIppIne ambas­ general and take thIS senously," Sec­ the assembly's sessIOn," the offICIal Persian Gulf as one of the chief caus­ sador to the Vatican, and members of retary of State George P Shultz saId Iraqi News Agency quoted the es of tensIOn m the reglOn The White hiS famIly acted as fronts for Marcos after the 15 counCIl members voted umdentIfied spokesman as sayIng House dId not ImmedIately respond m runmng several bUSInesses, 10- Monday for a halt to the nearly 7- Iraq repeatedly has called for a cease­ cludmg a cham of department stores year-old Persian Gulf war fIre and peace talks NICOSia, Cyprus - Iran and and tounst duty-free shops Tantoco In Lebanon, as estImated 5,000 France each strengthened pohce cor­ was conVicted on \\eapons charges NICOSIa, Cyprus - Iran's Foreign Iraman RevolutIonary Guards and dons around each other's embaSSIes, last year by an Italian court Mmistry descnbed the U N resolu­ pro-Iraman Lebanese Shute Moslem and Iran said It Will not allow French The thIrd SUIt accuses the Marcoses tion as unjust Iran's offiCial IslamiC radIcals burned Amencan and French dIplomats to leave without conces­ and Roman A Cruz Jr of us10g Repubbc News Agency, momtored lo flags and stoned effIgIes of PreSIdent SlOns France cut relatIOns wlth Iran contributIons from government em­ NICOSIa, earher quoted PreSident All Reagan to protest the resolunon on Fnday after Iran refused to allow ployees to Illegally buy property here Khamenel of Iran as saymg Iran one of ItS embassy employees m Pans and abroad and of takmg kickbacks 10 would retalIate If the Umted States Moscow - SOVIet leader MIkhaIl to be questIoned by French pohce the purchase of aircraft for state-run attacks ItS shIps m the gulf S Gorbachev has sent PreSIdent about terronst bombmgs Phlhppmes Auhnes

Lawmakers Still Doubting Postal Agreement Reached Testimony Of Poindexter By Matt Yancey Formal talks had been cut off last AP Labor Writer Wednesday By Larry l\-Iargasak Inouye made hiS comments m a The Postal Service on Sunday laid Assoczated Press Wnter pubhc teleVISIOn mtervlew dunng a WASHINGTON - The U S on the bargammg table what BIller lunchume break m the heanngs, after Postal Service and Its two largest called a "Chmese menu" of propos­ WASHINGTON - Former Na­ POlndexter had defended hIS own umons reached a tentative contract als, 10cludmg one offenng what tIOnal Secunty AdVIser John M honesty under the hot glare of televI­ settlement today after a mght-Iong umon offICials descnbed as 1 6 per­ Pomdexter mSlsted today he has SlOn lIghts mSIde the House heanng bargamIng seSSIOn, Amencan Postal cent annual mcreases above the mfla­ testIfIed "accurately, truthfully, based room Workers Umon PreSIdent Moe BIller tIon rate In exchange for greater on my best recollections" about the Pomdexter, who testified under a announced "work force flCSlqbthty .. Iran-Contra affau, but a leadIng grant of hmited Immumty, shrugged Postal Service spokesman JIm Van Postal Service offiCials saId any of senator saId many lawmakers stIll off any dIscrepancIes between hIS Loozen SaId he could not confIrm the the alternatIve P~SalS offered to the harbor gnawmg doubts tesumony and that of other witnesses umon report, but the Postal Service UnIons would alfO'9l tlf quasI-gov­ "He has made It very clear that he "I can't account for dIfferent rec­ expected to make an announcement ernment agency to operate wlthm a WIthheld mformatIon from the preSI­ ollectIons," he saId as Rep Michael by the end of the day budget that antIcIpates approval of an dent," said Sen Damel Inouye, D­ DeWme, R-OhlO, asked him about BIller told local umon leaders via a Increase In mall rates next year - Hawau, as Pomdexter neared the end dIfferences between hIS testimony and recorded message that the bargamers from 22 cents to 25 cents for a fIrst­ of fIve dramatic days of testImony that of hIS predecessor as natlOnal se­ had agreed to a 40-month contract class stamp before congreSSIOnal mvestlgatlng cunty adVIser, Roben McFarlane expmng Nov 20, 1990 The two Sides negotIated late Into panels "I have testIfIed accurately, truth­ He said the contract called for a 2 the mght Sunday and mformal con­ "He has WIthheld mformanon from fully, based on my best recollec­ percent wage Increase thiS year, two versatIOns contmued Monday the secretanes of state and defense, tIOns," Pomdexter asserted $250 Increases next year, two $300 But neither SIde appeared wllhng to and even from (WIlham) Casey, CIA Pomdexter' s lengthy mterrogatIon Increases 10 1989 and a $200 wage be the fIrst to call for a resumptIon of dIrector," Inouye said "He also began with a bang last Wednesday, boost m 1990 formal talks wIthheld InformatIOn from Col when he saId he alone had made the Cost-of-hvmg benefIts and health The 1 6 percent annual mcrease (OlIver L) North and obVIOusly declSlon not to tell PreSident Reagan plan proVISionS remamed unchanged, would match a tentatIve agreement withheld InformatIOn from the of the dlVerSlOn of Iraman arms sales accordmg to Biller reached last week between the Postal Congress proceeds to the Contra rebels m A settlement, which covers mem­ Service and the small 50,OOO-member "And therefore there IS thIS gnaw NIcaragua bers of the Amencan Postal Workers Mall Handlers DlVlslOn of the Labor­ 109 questton that all of us have, 'Is he Pomdexter, who reSIgned last Umon and the NatIOnal ASSOCiatIon ers Umon wlthholdmg any mformatIon from us Nov 25 when the fund diverSIOn was of Letter Carners, would forestall a The mall handlers' contract calls at thiS moment?'" SaId Inouye, chaIr­ dIsclosed, also Said earlIer that he de­ costly and complex arbItratIon pro­ for annual pay raises of $350 In the man of the Senate commIttee con­ stroyed a document that Reagan cess Postal workers are barred by first year, $400 10 the second and ducnng the mvestigatlOn SIgned approvmg the weapon, sales law from stnkIng $500 m the third year LOCAL NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1987 KAC Singles Out 3 Organizations, Presents Awards For July 3 Efforts By Megan Stegmann Hourglass Feature Wnter

The KwaJaleIn AdvIsory Councll presented three awards of appreciation Fnday to orgamzatlOnal rep­ resentatlVes for therr efforts and successes at the July 3 celebration Tom Hill of Global FacliltleS Operatlon and Mamtenance (FOM), Lew Shortndge of the National From left to nght Col Management AssocIatlon and Ray Clement, Clement Chapman, Lew Shortndge, Pacific, were all on hand to accept Individual honors (t Ray Clement and Tom HIli from USAKA Commandmg Officer Col Richard '\ after Chapman presented Chapman Jr awards to the other three In In the presentation, each representatlve was asked appreciatIOn for their July 3 to pass on SIncere thanks to everyone In the commu­ accomplishments mty who pooled resources to help make the July 3 (Photo By Larry Allen, PRC celebration possible Kentron Photo Lab) "It was real community Involvement," said Clement In cooperation with EC Services, the Clement company ran a hamburger booth BoastIng that the hamburger stand could have handled more customers, Clement said they had "a lot of excellent help from everyone, especially from the EC wives who pitched m with a woman's touch that made a difference " Along with runmng the operation of the hamburg­ er stand, the Clement Bros were helpIng out the "GillIgan's Island" It was estlmated t hat was Cited for bemg the best booth other booths m the construction end of productlOn approxlffiately 30,000 tickets were sold "If I had to mention everyone that helped," Hill "They (the Clement crew) showed outstandmg Concumng With Clement's feehng that each booth said, "I would have to name at least a third of the IS­ support for a vanety of projects mcludmg bUIldIng was prepared and ready to serve, Shortndge said, land" the support frame for our hut," Shortndge satd "Everythmg went smoothly and we could have han­ The award received by the three representatives The NMA hut was spothghted for havmg the best dled three-to-four tImes the number of people We was a framed photo montage compiled by PRC Island theme booth Green palm fronds covered the were set up and the total cooperation and teamwork Kentr('- In It, people at both work and at play - ticket-sellIng shelter m a style Similar to that of the we received was as Amencan as apple pie" Marshallese and Amencans - along with scemc dwellIngs portrayed In the long-time runnmg show FOM personnel operated a soda stand that also VIews of KwaJalem, are pictured Trenching Begins In Housing Five New Area On Ocean Road Officers For EC KWAJALEIN- A Corps of Engmeer's contrac­ Five police officers, two of whom tor, Clement PaCific, wtll soon begm constructIOn worked on Kwajalem Atoll before, activIties wlthm the housmg areas ConstructlOn m­ were sworn In last Fnday by Kwa­ cludes mstallatIon of new salt water Imes and sewage jaleln Police Chief Ron Horton m a hft stations, replacement of vanous famtly housmg roofs, blastmg m the eastern reef, and hauhng of the bnef afternoon ceremony correspondmg rock The five are the second of three large groups of replacement officers The rust work Will mvolve mstallatlon of a salt being brought out by EC Services water lme on Ocean Road from 6th Street to Lagoon Road One lane of the road Will be closed for ap­ thiS summer Like the last large-scale swear­ proximately 2 months Open trenches up to seven feet deep Will occur dunng thiS time Blastmg opera­ Ing-In, Chief Horton did the honors, tIOns are scheduled to start m mId-July and Will occur haVing been empowered to do so by on the ocean Side east reef from approXimately the Republic of the Marshall Islands hospital area to the family sWlmmmg pool liaison Justin DeBrum Appropnate notices Will be Issued pnor to the actual The ceremony was also a gradu­ blasting ation for the five officers who took ThiS work mvolves operatIon of heavy construc­ an on Island course that Included tlOn eqUIpment and wll1 create areas of constructIOn wntten phYSical and small arms work sites wlthm the famtly housmg area Potential range components safety hazards Will be created, such as open trenches The five met In HawaII and had a and dump truck traffic The Corps of Engmeers and short meeting and dinner there be­ Clement PaCific Will take aU precautIOns to ensure the fore coming to Kwajaleln as a group appropnate safety measures are taken, however, each They are, from L mdlvldual should exercise cautIOn whIle near the William Reinhart of California, Rus­ construCtion sites Parents must espeCially supervise sell Townsend, Alabama, Bob Cope their children m these areas to prevent the con­ Oregon, Jo-Ann DaVIS, Alabama, structIOn areas from becomIng a dangerous and Gator Crowder of Flonda "playground" Townsend was here from 1985- In order to accomphsh thiS work, some eXlstmg 86, leaVing after hiS contract expired trees and other vegetatton Will reqUIre relocatIOn Crowder left In December of last year, also after a year He said he left the peace and tranquility of ROI Also, some family housmg fences may reqUIre re­ Namur, and IS happy to be re-posted there moval The Corps of Engmeers and Clement PaCifiC (Photo by Larry Allen PRC Kentron Photo Lab) Will do all they can to mlmmlze thiS If reqUired and If pOSSible, the project area Will be redeSigned to AttentIon ROI Protestant Chapel Members miss your trees and/or fence If any resldenttal structures do reqUIre removal, Chaplam Robert Johnson Will be vlsltmg the ROl Micronesian Shop Clement PaCific Will replace or rebUIld them after that Chapel on Wednesday, July 22 Counsehng at portIOn of the project IS complete Small plants and Apache 16 from 4 30-630 P m Bible study m the shrubs Will be transplanted, If pOSSible Tree removal ROl Chapel at 7 30 P m For further mformatlOn call Summer Hours Will be the responslblhty of Global ASSOCiates 3767 Your cooperatIOn m mamtammg a safe environ­ ment dunng the construction operatIOns m the hous­ Tuesday 7-8 30 p m mg areas IS appreCiated If you have any questIOns or Get Ready For The Fall's Wednpsday 9-1C 30 a m comments, contact Roy Wynne, reSident engmeer, Corps of Engmeers at 2183 or 2151 New Telephone Directory Satul day 1 0 3~-noon USAKA communications IS m the process of prepanng the fall 1987 telephone directory Please SURF AND SUN take thiS opportumty to check the personnel hstmgs Looking for local tapes? for accuracy CorrectIOns and changes may be Still try the library! AS OF 12 01 am submitted to the directory clerk, phone 1125, dunng Tuesday, Tuly 21,1987 Video tapes of local events covered by AFRTS are normal workIng hours For those who deSire DaIly ramfall 0 39 still avatlable through theQTace Sherwood LIbrary duectory listIng of quarters numbers, a Local Service Monthly ramfall 9 07 Please do not look for them at the new Video rental Request (Da Form 3938) must be submitted In Yearly total 4234 faclhty accordance with the mstructIons on pages 13-20 of TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN the current drrectory There IS no charge for busmess Sunnse 639 am duectory hstIng, a duectory Input card may be Sunset 7 12 pm obtamed from admlmstratIve offices All requests for SpeCIal SerVIces SUlTIlTIer Moonnse 4. 05 a m drrectory hstIng must be submitted to PRC Kentron, Movies At The Teen Center Moonset 5 lOp IT' Inc, directory clerk, bUlldmg 1008 For mclus.on In High Tide 2 48 a m 49' - 3 20 P m 3 8' the next directory, mputs must be received no later Wednesday, July 22, 7 30 pm "Superman II" Low Tide 9 33 amI 6'- 8 57 P m 1 7' than close of busmess, August 18 - (PG) FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 4700 COMMENTARY ______~ ______HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1987, PAGE J A Big Meeting In Philly At WIt's End By Art Buchwald read It and said, "I'll take thiS one Keep Your Eyes On The Hands By Erma Bombeck here" "NatIOnal Velvet" If we dIdn't have I went up to to Jom m "What are you takmg"" Alexander It IS virtually ImpOSSIble these days hands to remmd us of how many the celebratIOn of the 200th bIrthday Hamilton wanted to know to tell how old anyone IS wmters we had hved, we'd look m of the U S ConStitutIon It's an event "The Fifth Amendment The BodIes are mpped, lifted, tucked, the nurror and kill ourselves trymg to that not many people m the country foundmg fathers wouldn't want me to folded, bent and spIndled untIl half go around agam were paymg attentIon to, partIcularly mcnmmate myself, would they?" the female population goes to sleep at When the chm falls and bruIses our smce Jimmy and Tammy Bakker Rufus KIng, the delegate from mght with a surpnsed look on theIr knees, who IS the fIrst to pick It up? were celebratIng theIr weddmg an­ Massachusetts, was furIOUS "Who's faces Our hands When we have the bags mversary, and garnenng all the head­ the wise guy who mserted the FIfth? There IS only one source left to removed from under our eyes but our hnes he asked reveal Just how long m the tooth we body can't stay awake beyond 9 30, It's amazmg how lIttle we know "I dId," saId Robert Morns of are The hands I don't care If your who pnes our eyes open? Our hands, about the ConsututIOn Pennsylvama "But there IS a loop­ face looks hke the bottom of a new­ that's who They steady us when we For example, I found out that hole We can always make North born, your mother's hands are dan­ thInk we look good enough to run Independence Hall was ongmally testIfy by gIvmg him hmIted Immu­ glIng from your sweater sleeve, are marathons They pull down the constructed by the WIllIam Penn mty " attached to your arm as you dnve and shades when the hghts are too bnght Insurance Company, and the LIberty "Aw," saId Charles PInckney of hOlSt a glass of whIte wme to your When we're attracted to men 30 years Bell was rung every tIme a horse and South Carohna, "thIS Constitution IS lIps our Jumor, they pomt out that we carnage went over a clIff The full of loopholes I'll vote for capital have a cookie sheet bought the same msurance company agreed to loan pumshment and we'll hang North on year MIckey Rooney entered show theIr property to the sovereIgn states the square It's the kmd of thmg they busmess on the condItIon that It would get to would do In PhiladelphIa " wnte Medicaid polICies If a natIon "The ConstItutIOn says you can't was ever born do that," said James McHenry of ThiS IS not known The first Con­ Maryland, "Where lS the Constitu­ StitutIOn was wntten as a TV sitcom tion?" There IS no magIC elIXir for the for Bill Cosby After all three net­ "It's gonel"someone yelled hands that have had nngs shpped on works turned It down, the wnters de­ "I know nothmg about It," saId 1nd off of them, flushed dIapers m Cided to sell It to the Umted States as George Washmgton "But If someone the commode, mIxed meat loaf, a pOSSible bluepnnt for the law of the on my staff took It I'm sure he had a played patty cake, were wrung at 2 a m when the kids had the car out, I've known a few fnends who land very good reason " have not been amused to SIt and con­ It IS not Widely known, but Roger and felt fevensh heads There IS no ThiS IS not known The second nect hver spots on theIr hands and Sherman of Connecticut came retardant for the agmg process for versIOn of the ConstitutIOn was have had the spots removed They've shredded by a young secretary who stompIng m and cned, "I have Just those appendages that have been bleached by detergents, chapped by anomted theIr hands with creams and worked for a Colonel North on found out where the ConstItution IS lotIOns and basted them m OIls, but George Washmgton's NatIOnal Secu­ It's m a numbered bank account 10 the cold, scratched from rose bushes and suffered the burns of a thousand they still look lIke the hIde of a dymg nty staff When asked why she did It, SWItzerland" elephant the secretary said, "Olhe told me that "What's It dOIng there?" saucepan handles You earned 'em, Sweetie, they're yours It's hke my mother once told me sometImes there are many thmgs "It was deposIted by General Sec­ when I was a teen-ager lookmg m the higher than the wntten law" ord, who has been selling guns to the In a way, 11'S good to have a pomt of reference WIthout them, we'd rrurror and assessmg what I had go­ ThIS was the smokIng gun that Indians" mg for me She saId, "There are some Congress had been lookmg for and "Let's go through Secord's house never know how much we have lIved thmgs we can't do much about Just and how hard It was dOIng time they demanded North testIfy and find the number" be neat and clean and develop your They're the bas-relIef map of life, so It IS not generally known, but Olhe "We can't That's unlawful search personahty" to speak It's probably the only part saId, "You can't call me as a wItness and seizure " Copyrzght 1987 because there IS no ConstItutIOn that "Why did we put unlawful search of ElIzabeth Taylor left over from Los Angeles TImes SyndIcate says you have the nght to " and seIzure mto the ConsututIon?" The convention delegates ImmedI­ "Because we needed some bOIler­ ately passed a COnStitutIOn whIch plate for the first page" they proudly showed to North He Copynght 1987 Iran After Khomeini Could Be A Divided Country By Barry Schweld RafsanJam Also, Iran has captured IraqI teITl- Early thiS week, the UN Secunty AP Dlplomatlc Wmer Their nvalry, says scholar Barry tory and would be reluctant to retreat CounCil has taken up a US-backed WASHINGTON - Iran after the RubIO, could proVIde an opportUnity to pre-war borders, espeCially SInce resolutIOn ordenng a cease-fIre be- Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomelm could for the SOVIet Umon to get ItS foot m the war was mItlated by Baghdad tween Iran and Iraq Approval by an be a dangerous, dIVIded country even the door or degenerate mto Internal The Iraman offenSIve has some of overwhelmmg vote apparently IS m though hIS supporters begmmng 10 dIsorder or even drmed conflIct the charactenstIcs of a holy war If the cards 1979 systemIcally ehrrunated altern a- A weakened Ilan mIght encourage Iran were to wm a clear VIctory, Ru- But WIth the war lIkely to go on, nve pohncal groups and IdeolOgies a SOVIet mva~lOn or, more lIkely, a bm says, It mIght move agamst Amencan dIplomats are hard at work There are at least three potentIal covert Sovlet role 10 backmg certam weaker gulf states In order to stem on a follow-up resolutIon to Impose successors, mcludmg Ayatollah Hus- groups, RubIO wntes m a new paper Western mfluence and spread IslamiC an arms embargo agamst Iran If It sem All Montazen, whom the 87- dIstnbuted by the Johns Hopkins fundamentalIsm refuses to comply year-old ledder has chosen to take hiS School of Advanced InternatIonal But hiS forecast suggests Iran also In the meantIme, the Navy IS 10 the Studies might be tempted to make the same gulf to escort Amencan merchant The competitIOn also could breed move after a postwar penod of re- ShIpS Begmmng today the first of 11 adventunsm and aggressIOn agamst bUIldmg and rearmament KUWaitI 011 tankers Will carry Amen- Arab states m the Persian Gulf as a can captams and Amencan flags, and way of enhancmg one factIon's cre- have U S naval escorts, as a deter- denuals for spreadmg the fundamen- rent to Iraman attack tahst revolutIOn, he says Iran has threatened to retahate Rubm's gloomy prognoSIs appears Many members of Congress are con- to make a qmck settlement of the Iran- vmced Tehran means busmess Iraq War even more urgent If the cbplomacy and the bold naval The Khomemi government IS on a move 10 the gulf work, the war might roll Despite an enormous human toll at last be terrrunated - an estimated 400,000 Iramans and After attemptIng to mfluence events But that does not mean Iran Itself place IraqIS have penshed 10 nearly seven 10 Tehran through secret arms ShIP- wIll change "The IslamIC regime IS The two others are PreSIdent Mo­ years of fIghtIng - Tehran IS deter- ments, the Reagan administratIon IS well entrenched," Rubin wntes, "and hammad All Khamemehl and ParlIa­ mmed to keep flghtmg untIl PreSident now resortIng to traditional lIkely to continue for years after ment Speaker All Rkhbar Hasehml Saddam Hussem IS toppled m Iraq diplomacy KhomelnI's death"

The Kwajalem Hourglass IS an unoffiCial publIcatIon authonzed under the proVISIOns of AR 360- 81 It IS publIshed by Global ASSOCiates Monday through Fnday (excludmg holIdays) at the cbrec - Commancbng Officer Col Richard G Chapman Jr lIOn of the commandmg offIcer, US Army Kwajalem Atoll, Marshall Islands, under contract PublIc AffaIrS Officer Pat Robbms DASG60-82-C-0063 ThiS IS an offset publIcatIon, with a daily CirculatIon of 1,450 The views Copy Ecbtor Roberta Consalvl and OpInIOnS expressed herem are not necessanly those of the Department of the Army CommWlI­ Fedture Wnter Megan Stegmann cdtlOns should be addressed to the Hourglass, POBox 23, APO San FranCISCo 96555 or call Sports Wnter Nancy Narleskl 3539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Matenals appeanng In the Hourglass may not be reprInted WIthout [dItor plO tern Michael Todd the approval of the commandmg offICer, US Army Kwajalem Atoll All want ads and notices must be subrrutted on GA Form 8028 R-4 by 12 30 p m the workmg day pnor to publIcdtIon WORLD NEWS PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1987 Pacific AIDS Conference In Australia Maui Residents Briefly SYDNEY, Austraha (AP) - The CDC estlillates that the dIsease Protest SOl Site Health mimsters and offICIals of 25 WIll strIke 270,000 people and kIll HONOLULU (AP) - Some MaUl HONOLULU (AP) - The enVI­ countnes m Asm and the PaCIfic be­ 179,000 by the end of 1991 reSIdents on Monday filed a laWSUIt m ronmental group LIfe of the Land gan a three-day conference Tuesday In November 1986, a WHO offI­ U S DIStnCt Court aimed at stoppmg has brought smt agamst a Japanese on strategIes for dealIng WIth the CIal saId there were about 100,000 a controversial laser test planned for company and the CIty over the com­ deadly AIDS VIruS known cases of AIDS worldWIde, A the Island pany's plans for a I,OOO-acre resort The conference, the first of ItS kmd mllhon people are thought to have The laser-almmg test IS part of development on Oahu's North m the region, was deSIgned to prepare been affected by AIDS-related symp­ PreSIdent Reagan's StrategIC Defense Shore the partlCIpatmg countnes for the toms and 5 rmlhon to 10 mllhon peo­ ImoatIve, known also as "star wars" The SUlt says Sankyo Tsusho eventual appearance of acqUlred Im­ ple have been exposed to an AIDS The laWSUIt, flied on behalf of the Co has madequately predIcted the mune defICIency syndrome, saId Dr VIruS, most of them m the Umted Peace-Moves orgamzatlOn and four envrronmental consequences of the Jonathan Mann, AIDS drrector for the States and Afnca MaUl reSIdents, names the AIr Force, development at Mokulem World Health OrganIzatiOn (WHO) AIDS IS most often transmItted MaUI Planmng CommISSIOn, Hale­ The CIty IS named m the sult for Although Asm and the PaCIfIC are through sexual contact Other means akala Ranch and such mdlviduals as acceptmg the company's envrron­ relatIvely AIDS-free, there IS no tIme of transmiSSlOn mclude transfusIons Defense Secretary Caspar Wem­ mentallillpact statement for complacency, Mann saId of tamted blood or blood products, berger, Planmng ComrmssIOn ChaIr­ Sankyo Tsusho, whIch does He used the Umted States' expen­ and the shanng of contammated hy­ man Joseph Ventura and ranch preSI­ busmess as Mokulela Land Co, ence WIth AIDS as an example of podermIC needles or synnges by drug dent Peter Baldwm bought 2,900 acres m March from what could happen unless countnes m abusers AIDS can also be passed The test calls for a laser beam from Northwestern Mutual LIfe Insur­ the reglOn adopt methods of stoppmg from mother to ChIld at or before the AIr Force's MaUl OptIcal StatIon ance Co the spread of the deadly VIruS blfth atop Haleakala to be frred at a satelhte It still needs an Oahu general Mann predIcted a pOSSIble 240,000 In the Umted States and Europe, and reflected back to a reCeIVIng plan amendment to change the zon­ reported AIDS cases m the Umted AIDS has so far been largely confined stauon mg of the property from agnculture States wIthm four years, and he Said to male homosexuals, hemophlllacs The AIr Force wants to construct a use canng for patIents suffenng from and mtravenous drug abusers In 3 4-acre antenna farm m KIheI on * * * AIDS could cost Amenca more than Afnca, It IS beheved to be transmItted land owned by Haleakala ranch to act HILO (AP) - Pohce renewed $60 bIlhon pnmanly through heterosexual con­ as the receIVmg statIOn the Operation Sweep drug offensIve WorldWIde, he saId, the number of tact The SUIt calls for the court to re­ Monday by destroYIng 16,870 AIDS cases by 1991 could exceed I Mann saId hIS organIzation IS ready qUIre that an envIronmental Impact manJuana plants In the Ka'u mllhon Of 121 countnes reportmg WIth techmcal and fmanclal resources statement on the proposed test be dlstnct AIDS cases, Mann saId, the number to develop and proVIde support pro­ completed before any further gov­ James Correa, a pohce spokes­ of VICtImS now totals 54,000 He grams throughout the PaCIfic regIon ernment acUon IS taken man, saId the operation had moved gave no breakdown Austraha has the most AIDS cases to Ka'u after 12 days of raIds m AcqUlred Immune defICIency syn­ m the reglOn, WIth 523 known AIDS Poindexter Denies Pardon Puna The offenSIve had been on drome IS a dIsease m WhICh a VIrus patIents as of June of thIS year Of Ever Offered By President hold for two weeks attacks the body's Immune system, that number, 290 have dIed Monday's seIzures brought to leavmg VICtIms susceptIble to a WIde FIgures for AIDS cases m the Pa­ By W Dale Nelson 577,191 the number of plants de­ vanety of mfectIons and cancers CIfIC regIOn are sketchy but there have ASSOCiated Press Wnter stroyed m Operation Sweep As of March 30, AIDS has been been sporadlc reports of the dlsease In WASHINGTON - Rear Adm * * * dIagnosed In 33,482 people m the vanous Island nations, whIch have John M Pomdexter says he never HONOLULU (AP) - A couple Umted States and claImed 19,394 scant resources to Implement blood­ was offered a preSIdentIal pardon, affihated wlth the now-defunct Na­ lIves, accordmg to the Centers for screemng programs and other mea­ although the WhIte House says such a tional Commodmes Traders compa­ DIsease Control m Atlanta sures step was conSIdered as a means of ny on Monday was allowed to stand gettmg the former natIonal secunty tnal on theft and secunues charges Departing Fed Chairman Says adVIser and hIS aIde, Lt Col Ohver Crrcmt Judge Donald Tsuklyama M North, to testIfy m the Iran-Contra allowed Keichiro Yamato and hIS affarr WIfe, Sadayo Kuroda, to withdraw No Immediate Changes However, the admmistratIOn now no contest pleas ByTomRaum In ItS semIannual report on ItS IS not dlscussmg the posslblhty of a Tsuklyama ruled that the cou­ AP EconomiCs Wruer management of the economy, released pardon for eIther Pomdexter, who re­ ple's attorney had a conflIct of m­ as Volcker began hIS testImony, the SIgned last November when the secret terest m representlng them m plea WASHINGTON - DepartIng nation's central bank once agam saId sale of arms to Iran and the dlverslOn negotIauons Federal Reserve ChalTman Paul Vol­ that It would set no targets for eIther of proceeds to the NIcaraguan Con­ Yamato, 65, execuuve drrector of cker saId today that recent encourag­ the rest of 1987 or for 1988 for the tras was revealed, or North, who was the company, and Kuroda, 59, the mg economIC SIgns have prompted baSIC measure of the natIon's money fired offIce manager, were found gUllty the natIon's central bank to hold the supply, the so-called "M-l " The pardon Issue came up In the m January after entenng no contest course and not ImtIate any major ThIS measure, conslstmg of cash House-Senate Iran-Contra heanngs pleas monetary-polIcy changes and money m most checkmg ac­ Monday, when Rep LOUIS Stokes, The Prosecutor's OffIce saId the But Volcker, m partmg testImony counts, has fluctuated so WIdely over D-OhIO, asked Pomdexter If anyone company collected $3 rmlhon from after eIght years at the helm of the the past few years as to render It un­ ever talked to hlill about a pardon or If Hawau Irvestors and $37 mllhon Federal Reserve Board, told the rehable as a monetary-polIcy tool, the he knew of a Dec 16 WhIte House world WIde House Bankmg CommIttee that hIS Fed mdlcated meetmg last year at WhICh one was *** successor, busmess economIst Alan At the same tIme, the central bank dIscussed HONOLULU (AP) - A 38- Greenspan, would have "challenge Said It was leavmg targets for more­ Pomdexter Said he had "certamly year-old HaleIwa man used extor­ aplenty" m the years to come mcluslve measures of the natIOn's not" been approached about a pardon tlon and vlOlence m allegedly oper­ "It would be nonsense for me to money supply - the so-called M-2 and knew nothmg about any such atmg a large-scale cocame nng on claIm that allIS safely and securely on and M-3 measures - unchanged for meetmg Oahu's North Shore, a CIty deputy path The remammg nsks and prob­ the rest of 1987 at theIr range of PreSIdentIal spokesman Marhn prosecutor Said Monday lems are apparent," Volcker Said growth of 5 5 percent to 8 5 percent FItzwater saId the WhIte House could Deputy Prosecutor Gary Modaf­ Volcker testifIed before the House These WIll be lowered for 1988 to fmd no record of the meetmg, WhICh fen flied a memo m ClTCUlt Court Bankmg CommIttee as, on the other 5 percent from 8 percent, the Fed Stokes saId was attended by the on Monday, askmg Judge Wllfred SIde of the CapItol, Greenspan ap­ saId preSIdent, Attorney General EdWIn Watanabe to hold Edward "Fast peared before the Senate Bankmg The central bank projected the Meese III and then-WhIte House Eddle" Rothman and a co-defendant CommIttee on hIS nommatIon to the economy, as measured by the Gross ChIef of Staff Donald T Regan WIthout ball top Fed post The two men's NatlOnal Product, would grow at a However, FItzwater saId Dec 16 SImultaneous appearances before modest 2 5 percent to 3 percent both was the day the WhIte House Issued a comrmttees are comcldental for thIS year and next statement callmg for a grant of Immu­ Financial News mty for Pomdexter and North as an DOLLAR CLOSING Ban On Toshiba Products In Military PX's? mducement for them to testIfy before In Tokyo was the House and Senate InvestIgatmg 15255 yen WASHINGTON (AP) - A House mannes qUIeter, makmg them harder commIttees and m Bonn subcomrmttee today moved to retalmte to detect 1 8615 West German marks agamst ToshIba Corp's secret sales Last year, ToshIba sold $23 mIl­ Record Fine By OSHA lIon worth of electromcs products, CLOSING TOTALS of advanced submarIne eqUlpment to apphances and housewares at 411 In Worst Offense Case Gold Up 1 50 at $452 40 the SOVIets, approvmg a blll to ban Amencan mIlItary exchanges, ac­ SIlver Up 0 03 at $779 sales of ItS products on U S mlhtary WASHINGTON (AP) - The Oc­ Platinum Between $558 and bases cordmg to figures complied by the cupatIOnal Safety and Health Adrmn­ "I thmk It'S a SIgnal," Rep Dan subcomrmttee IstratIOn today proposed a record $560 Damel saId the subcommIttee's DOW JONES Damel, D-Va , chaIrman of the House $2 59 rmlhon fine agamst the natIOn's Armed ServIce readmess subcommIt­ leglslaoon covered only sales at the largest meatpacker for what It called CLOSING AVERAGES exchanges because "that's all we have 30 Industnals tee, saId after the panel voted 10-0 for the worst case of underreportmg In the measure "I don't thmk I've WIt­ JUrIsdictlOn over" Down 1977 at 246795 the agency's 16-year hIStOry nessed as much outrage over one m­ Congress IS consldenng other bIlls The penalty against IBP Inc for 20 TransportatIons Cldent of selhng technology to our that would take harsher steps agamst VIOlatIOns at ItS Dakota CIty, Neb, Down 6 98 at 1032 93 the Japanese manufacturer 0 n e plant, IS the largest ever Imposed on 15 UtIlItIes chIef adversarIes" A subSIdIary of ToshIba, ToshIba House measure would ban all ToshI­ an employer by the federal agency, Down 1 39 at 200 71 Machme Co, and Konsberg Vapen­ ba sales to the U S government, whIch Issues and enforces Job safety 65 Stocks fabnk, Norway's state-owned arms whIle another would ban all sales by and health standards Down 1 39 at 917 04 manufacturer, sold computer-gUlded the company m the Umted States A The cItatIons accuse IBP of faIlmg Volume 186,570,000 propeller mlllmg machmes to the So­ provlSlon m the trade bIll the Senate IS to record 1,038 Job-related InJunes See LIStlngs m Grace Sherwood VIet Umon The eqUIpment has en­ consldenng would ban ToshIba Im­ and Illnesses from January 1985 LIbrary abled the SOVIets to make thelT sub- ports to thIS country for 2 to 5 years through December 1986 ~t'UHI::; HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1987, PAGE 5

Volleyball No Idea Continues Winning Streak; Racqueteers Take Two momentum Edwm seemed to be the centrIfugal force By Nancy Narleskl behInd the Ehkhk power surge BeSIdes capable Hourglass Sportswriter servIce, Edwm handled settmg dutIes as well The splkmg of JImmy Iosla and the dInkIng of RIchard Last mght, the CRC played host to what could be Iosla secured the 16-14 wm for Jab Ehkhk consIdered some of the best volleyball actIon to hIt WIth one game apIece, No Idea and "No Fear"­ Kwa] m a long tIme Jab EIIkhk - faced-off for the final game of the set at No Idea faced Jab Ehkhk m a spectacular match 7 05 pm It took another full half-hour for the that featured excellent servmg, settIng, splkmg and declSlve end to what proved to be an excItmg match to most Importantly - supenor strategy arnve It took three games for No Idea to emerge As SIX No Idea servers approached the hne one vlctonous at the end of one-and-a-half hours of after another only to garner three pomts, It became mtense play Every pomt tacked to the board by eIther ObVIOUS that each POInt would have to be fully team was made the old-fashIOned way - "they contemplated mentally before It would turn Into a earned it " phYSIcal realIty Jab Ehkhk dIdn't have much better Game one saw a very controlled No Idea team take luck At the end of two complete servIce rotatIOns, to the court Usmg a 5-1 strategy, DebbIe Thomas set EIIkhk had pIcked up only fIve pomts up both No Idea's front and back Ime conslstantly No Idea ultImately relIed on J P Corey for servIce Jon Pacheaco and J P Corey handled the front lIne, pomts, DebbIe Thomas for set-up dutIes, Stan Peller effectIvely alternatIng between the spIke and the dInk for the spIke-'n'-slam and Jon Pacheaco for the dmk Thomas served for SIX pomts, whIle teammate Bnan Bnan Dobson was used m every capacIty avaIlable as Dobson was credIted WIth five a sohd back-up man Jab EhklIk seemed to have trouble servmg m the Jab Ehkhk's Irvmg Kobna] served for SIX pomts, fIrst game At the end of two complete serVIce but the game story wasn't told at the servIce lme for rotatIOns, ElIkhk took only eIght pomts No one eIther team It was a hIStOry wntten at the front Ime player seemed to take on the pOSItIOn of the setter, The set-'n'-spIke volley of both teams forced the thus the three-hIt maXImum wasn't used to peak final No Idea game-pomt to be served SIX tImes before effICIency Most volleys crossed the net on the first or Stan Peller earned the POInt that took the game and second hIt match, 15-11 Game one ended - No Idea 15, Jab EhklIk 8 Jab EIIkhk certamly turned the tables m the second **** game Racqueteers took two straIght from DInks 15-4 No Idea's Stan Peller put three fast pomts on the 15-5 ' board But, the game advantage belonged to a strong Bob Wade and Randy Barnard each served for 12 offense by Ehkhk led by TIOS JaMS Plckmg up SIX Racqueteer pomts dUrIng the match servIce pomts, JatlOS and teammate John Edwm, who Dmks' John Elm pIcked up four POInts In each garnered four, helped to break the No Idea game Siammin' Stan Local Schedule No Idea's Stan Peller takes things Into hiS own hands as he prepares to slam the ball over the net Island Sports Bits Volleyball In an earlier meeting between No Idea and Jab Ehkhk Peller was responSible for the match-point Bowlmg Locker Rent Torught In last night's meeting BowlIng Locker rent IS now due and payable at 6 00 Jab EIIkhk vs Bowl of Soup (Thomas) (Photo by Larry Allen PRC Kentron Photo Lab) the SpeCIal SeTVlces office dunng workmg hours 700 Beach Gang vs Racquets (Cassaday) Rent IS $12 for a sIx-month penod UnpaId locker 8 00 Ebeye Rangers vs Racqueteers (Stegmann) rent WIll result m removal of renter's goods Wednesday Youth Pictures 600 Ebeye VIce vs Bowl of Soup (Valdez) ChIldren who have not pIcked up theIr team 7 00 Love 40 vs No Idea (Koemg) Volleyball Standings pIctures from the spnng youth soccer and T-Ball seasons should stop by SpeCIal SerVIces dunng Open Thursday W L Pct normal hours of operanon 600 No Idea vs Ebeye VIce (Valdez) No Idea 7 1 875 CRC Closed 7 00 Love 40 vs Bowl of Soup (peller) Love 40 6 2 750 The CRe Gym wIll be closed to the publIc from 800 Ebeye Rangers vs PI of Shnmp (Stegmann) Jab EhklIk 5 3 625 730 a m Thursday through noon on Saturday for Ebeye VIce 1 7 125 mamtenance All aCtIVItIes In the gym dunng thIS Fnday Bowl of Soup 1 7 125 tIme must be rescheduled For more InfOrmatIOn, 600 Jab Ehkhk vs Love 40 (Koemg) please call CRC DIrector Eho Boas at 2491 dunng 7 00 Racquets vs Racqueteers (Cassaday) MIxed normal workmg hours W L Pct Golf Locker and Greens Fees Fastpitch Beach Gang 6 a 1000 Don't mISS your chance to play golf by forgettmg Racquets 5 2 714 to pay your locker and greens fees They can be paId Torught Racqueteers 4 3 571 at the SpeCIal ServIces offIce Monday-Fnday from D - 5 15 LIberated vs Bud's & Sud's Ebeye Rangers 4 4 500 7 30-11 30 a m and 12 30-4 p m and at the Global Wednesday Plate of Shnmp 1 7 125 AdmInIstratIOn offIces on ROl-Namur dunng the D - 5 15 Cutty Shack Crew vs Trop Breeze Dmks 2 6 250 same hours Locker fee IS $18 and greens fee~ are $48 for a SIX­ Thursday month penod New tags WIll be Issued for dIsplay on D - 5 15 Good, Bad & Ugly vs LIberated golf bags • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Basketball Managers Meetmg : YOUTHSUMMERFuN : There WIll be a reqUIred managers meetmg for all Barge Notice who WIsh to submIt rosters for men's and women's • MEETING PLACES : basketball teams under the banner of the Summer From Global Safety • Fun program on Tuesday, July 28th, 5 30 pm at SeSSIOn II of the Youth Summer Fun : the CRC The barge Islander WIll amve at E("ho PIer Program begms Monday, July 27 at • Wednesday, July 22 Island resIdents are advI~ed Basketball Scorekeepmg Climc that the barncaded area wIll be off lImIts on that 8 30 a m Followmg are the locatIOns All persons Interested In scorekeeplng for day Those persons gomg to and from the Small where the vanous age groups meet basketball must attend the clImc scheduled for Boat Manna must use Lagoon Road and EIghth Guegeegues Wednesday, July 29th at 430 pm at the CRC Street See the route to the manna on the sketch Basketball Officl3tmg Clmlc below (5- and 6-year olds) Each team rostered to play basketball In the Teen Center Snack Bar Summer Fun program must have one representatIve Ennylabegans partiCIpatIng as an offICIal No OffICIal, no playl (7- and 8-year olds) Sports Galore - CRC Inter SWImmmg - FamIly Pool KSC Dive Boat News Omeleks • There IS a dIve boat tentatIvely scheduled for • OceanSIde Blge] at Manta Shoals, wIth an alternatIve (9- and lO-year-olds) • of TOITU]I m case of rough seas ThIS should be an Bowhng - BowlIng Center • • exceptIOnal dIve, as the dIve sIte IS relatIvely fresh Inter SWImmmg - FamIly Pool • ThIS tnp IS set for Sunday, July 26, wIth a roll call at Ningies • 8 a m ~ SInce thIS wIll most lIkely be a full (11 and up) • dIve, If you are not at the Tank House for the roll call • • your place may be gIVen to someone on the waltmg CeramIcs/Crafts - Hobby Shop • Inter SWImmmg - FamIly Pool • hst Snorkelers welcome I Scuba users must be club • members (VISItors can pay a month's dues or show Inner Tube Water Polo • receIpt of dues paId) Snacks, lunch and lIqUId Ages 7-10 1 30-2 15 pm • refreshments prOVIded, Due to Increased boat-use Ages 11 and up 2 30-3 15 P m • fees, the cost of the trIP IS $15 If you have any At The Famtly Pool • questIons or you dIdn't get to SIgn up last Saturday, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• call Tom Nulty at 2165/3181 FEATURES PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1987 Ann Landers Plastic Guns Could Represent Dear Ann Landers ThIs IS for the lady m the Bronx who IS New Threat To Children certam her teenage son IS mastur­ baung By Brenda C Coleman Lady, If he Isn't, somethmg Associated Press Wnter must be wrong With hIm Don't pry It's hIs body and hIs bus mess CHICAGO - More chIldren Will mistake real firearms for toys and cause Nothmg will create gUIlt faster than a fatal aCCidents If plasuc handguns now on the drawmg board are marketed In the parent who says, "Stop It or you'll UOlted States, accordIng to a study pubhshed last week go crazy" The study In the Journal of the Amencan MedIcal ASSOCiatIon found that 36 Actually, It'S a God-given percent of youngsters who killed others With guns did not know the weapons release for sexual tension and a lot I am a who reiulzes that were loaded or thought they were toys more moral than gomg to bed With what I did was wrong as well as Guns made of plastiC may be Widely available at low cost wlthm a year, said anybody who happens to be around devastatmg to my Wife and family whenever the urge surfaces And With the researchers, led by Dr Garen J Wmtemute of the Department of Family My miserable behaVIOr can be teenagers It surfaces qwte often attnbuted to heavy dnnkIng and PractIce at the Umverslty of CalifornIa at DaVIS Masturbation beats gettmg It on "Because of their composItion and light weight, these fIrearms may resemble mabillty to handle pressure With gIrls you Just want to use and After the last mCldent my Wife toys even more closely than do those now on the market," reported the study glvmg them a hne about bemg m "Before they are mtroduced, their umque potential for aggravating the problem had me removed from our home and love Masturbauon also beats gettmg she filed for divorce The shock of we have descnbed should be conSidered " a gIrl pregnant Needless to say, It'S bemg kicked out opened my eyes I Gun mdustry representatIves and gun control opponents saId guns made better than gettmg a venereal disease was left With no other chOice than to largely of plastIC are probably at least a year away from development and - the most recent Olghtmare bemg seek counselmg along With alcohol probably Will be sold only to police and the military AlDS abuse treatment through A A The study srud children "are likely to encounter these handguns, which are These are crazy and dangerous Dunng the eight months of promoted by their manufacturer as 'dIshwasher safe' and by others as 'particularly urnes I'm In favor of the low-nsk separauon I have made substantIal attractIVe for women to use as a self-defense weapon .. , approach to sausfymg nature's de­ progress, thanks to A A I am sober The study was quotmg 1986 tesumony before a US House subcommittee mands Masturbauon, whIle not the for the first time m many years and consldenng legislatIon to ban plasuc firearms and explOSives, chiefly for rurport most glonous expenence In the have a much better self-Image I love secunty purposes The Journal did not cite the prospective manufacturer's name world, can defuse the sex dnve and my wife and am praymg that there The study exammed all 88 unmtenuonal frrearm deaths reported m California keep people out of trouble I was will be a reconcIlIatIon from 1977 through 1983 m which both shooter and victim were 14 or younger dehghted that Father Malloy of Notre The pomt I want to make IS that Forty-eight percent of the deaths occurred when a child was playmg With a Dame Umversity saId In a column a a batterer CAN change hiS behavIOr whIle back that many of the more gun that was loaded and stored m an unlocked place m the home, the researchers If he IS wIllmg to seek help There lIberal and enhghtened CatholIc srud must be a separauon, but It does not pnests do not conSIder masturbauon have to be forever a sm RAH IN SANTA If the abuser demonstrates a Thought for Today - "I know of no method to secure the repeal of bad or MONICA smcere effort, he deserves a second obnoxIOUS laws so effectIve as their stnngent execution" - Ulysses S Grant DEAR R A H You'll get no chance Please speak for me, Ann (1822-1885) argument out of me on thIS one - WANT TO GO HOME IN Thanks for a good letter MICHIGAN Dear Ann Landers Much DEAR MICH If you stay With has been wntten about battered wives Alcoholics Anonymous and stick Your Individual and what they can do to get out of a WIth the program, I believe you can hellish Sltuauon Not enough has be a good husband I hope your WIfe Horoscope been wntten by the batterer about wIll give you a second chance I'm how to save a marnage cheenng for you ===== fral\ces Drake =====~::::== FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 22,1987 Buy CD Through Broker? ARIES SCORPIO Investors' GUIde - By Bill Doyle (Mar 21 to Apr 19) (Oct 23 to Nov 21) c£ Expect one change of plans today, It won t take much for a fmanclal Q A stock broker urges me to FDIC or FSLIC coverage but also some good news Your own negotiatIOn to fall apart, yet there IS purchase certIficates of depOSit If the CD has matured and you have optunlsm generates opportUnity for an alternative source of mcome today through h18 firm rather than from cash In your account, you have you A confident demeanor attracts that WIll prove qUIte lucrative for you a local bank, as lugher mterest can Securities Investor ProtectIOn Corp success SAG ITfARIUS be obtamed that way coverage In the unlikely event the TAURUS (Nov 22 to Dec 21) m Although the broker assures me brokerage flITIl goes belly up, SIPC (Apr 20 to May 20) ,. Try to curb your Independent that all the CDs would be msured covers each customer for up to After one plan goes awry, you II streak today What you need TIght by the Federal DepoSit Insurance $500,000 - no more than $100,000 of thmk tWice about whom you share now IS not freedom, but rather the Corp or the Federal SaVIngs and wluch IS cash confidences WIth m bUSiness Play good times you Will share With an Loan Insurance Corp, I can't help Also, at many brokerage houses, your cards close to the vest now eXIsting tie tOnight wondenng Would my money be at customers' securities and cash have GEMINI CAPRICORN I'l8k? additIOnal protectIOn through msur­ (May 21 to June 20) ~ (Dec 22 to Jan 19) ~ A No, as long as you stay Wlthm ance WIth commercIal Insurance Though a partner seems unpredict There sJust enough to upset you on FDIC and FSLIC coverage lImits of companies able today, a fflend WIll be suppor the Job that some of your valuable $100,000 per depOSitor at each feder Q My WIfe and I are cODSldermg tIVe You re usually comfortable With tIme Will be wasted by your temper ally Insured mstltutlOn StIck to those puttmg $40,000 m an out-of-state groups and today IS no exceptIOn Later, at home, you II tnumph on your gUldelmes and your money Will be bank paymg high CD mterest The SOCialize own time safe bank 18 a FDIC member But th18 CANCER AQUARIUS That stock broker's flITIl ObViously would be our first expenence (June 21 to July 22) (Jan 20 to Feb 18) ."\\8 ~ operates a "depOSIt brokerage" bUSI­ deahng out of state Are there any Luck IS WIth you, but behmd the It s too bad that a friend won't be ness In Its computers, the flITIl keep procedures or precautions we scenes moves are best m busmess able to make It, but you Will have a track of mterest rates bemg paId by should take, before sendIng the today The morning routine IS upset good tune tOnight and a romantic one banks and S&Ls around the country above amount? In some way, so you must be too' Creative types are qUite produc The brokerage flITIl then offers high A There s no set procedure, Just adaptable and fleXIble tlve mterest CDs to Its established clients common sense precautIOns PISCES )tID LEO .~ and also to new clIents First, wrIte or telephone that fara­ (July 23 to Aug 22) "rtl. (Feb 19 to Mar 20) .-..c way bank and obtam mformatlOn A SOCial engagement may be Someone s Independent attitude The clients get hIgh mterest, the brokerage flITIl collects a fee from the about the exact way to open an cancelled today, but an alternative could rub you the wrong way You II account there pleasure plan proves to be a lot of find somethmg truly nice for the bank or S&L mvolved Everybody s happy - except the local banks and Get complete detaIls about the CD fun SOCialIZing With fflends IS home when shoppmg today Family m which you plan to mvest You'll favored over datmg hfe IS accented now S&Ls from which the money was Withdrawn want to know the stated mterest rate, VIRGO IF BORN TODAY, you work best the annual effectIve Yield, the method (Aug 23 to Sept 22) Q Let DB say I buy a CD With ~! when Insprred and can succeed m of compoundmg, early Withdrawal A mornmg concern about a domes­ both the arts and sCiences You are FDIC or FSLIC coverage through a penaltIes and other fees, as well as tiC SituatIOn could undermine effi broker, leave the CD With the both practical and creative, but other prOVISIOns - all of WhICh clency or make concentratIOn sometunes have dIfficulty reconcilmg brokerage firm m "street name" should be spelled out m the CD dIfficult Later, you II be up for the these qualIties VISIOnary and at tunes and the bank or S&L fatls contract Study It, before puttmg your opportUnity that presents Itself high-strung, your work IS most often Would my account by msured by money on the line LIBRA ahead of ItS tImes Work must the government agency, or would I Any tIme a bank or S&L won't (Sept 23 to Oct 22) measure up to your Ideals for you to have to depend on the backmg of ~ prOVide complete mformatlOn about You re Just not on the same achieve the greatness that IS Within the brokerage house? Its CDs and/or other accounts, my wavelength With someone you talk your capacity Much of your potential A In your example, your money standard adVice IS to steer clear of With before noon Partners though IS lost If tied down to a Job you would be protected by the federal that instItutIOn are supportive and give you luck at dIslIke BIrthdate of Amy Vanderbilt, depOSIt msurance agency As long as the present moment etiquette adVisor your CD has not matured, you have © 1987 by Kmg Featureb SyndIcate Inc Garry Trudeau DOONESBURY


TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1987





~------~------~@ II WILL "(OU PLEASE TELL YOUR ~ TO STOP REFERRING TO ME AS'OL'O WAATS HER-N;wc' ?" HA Dlk B rowne ~------1

BoYj Tr4AT'~ ,A /.,OT' 711 OF cHASeRS j Cl'Ossword By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 32 - Mafia 51 BattIng 8 Indlf 1 Feed the 33 Bill of stat fprent one pigs fare 52 1492 ship 9 Plunders 5 Hit show 34 Chum 53 HIli 10 Pub quaff sign 35 Simone s cntters 11 New prefix 8 Bfldge summer 54 DC VIP 19 Letter 12 VesuvIan 36 Diets, In 55 Dance opener output a way part 21 Reverence 13 Beach 37 Doctor, DOWN 23 Flat shade III slang 1 Faux pas 24 Broadcast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~14MO~~ ~~ma~d 2T~n~ud25A~~ piece by use 3 Finished btrds BEETLE BAILEY M orat W I k e r 15 Roman 41 Cahfor 4 Wall atop 26 Producer Journey nIa team a rampart Joseph 5HE TAt...K5 PEOPLE GOTTA WATCH 16 Pnnt 45 Wide eyed 5 Pittsburgh 27 Jal - ISN'T IT Units 47 Chow output 28 Water fern A NICE TO THAT 5TUPI'V THEMSEL.VES OF< THEY BECOME OTTO 17 Bread down 6 Ant's 32 Amends 'VAY, CAT L.IKE IT WEIRe? spread 49 Pop star 7 Ofr the makers 8ELLA'2 WAS HUMAN 18 Sentence 50 Take on ship 33 Borders sectIOn SolutIOn time 27 mms 35 Go awry 20 Weather 36 Mush phenom 38 Theater enon boxe~ 22 Linen 39 (,las'>lc Item language 26 Folding 42 Do copy money work 29 Ending 43 Sohtary for amp 44ln'>ult 1------~30Lapl 45 Caught Brant Parker and Johnny Hart dansts you l WIZARD OF ID 46 Rummy ut terance -me ~IN~ I~ ~IN(? TO INV~TlbAT~ He WA~T~ TO I(f3f?P 48 Honest COfZFul'TION I~ ltH~CH~H~ COfl~UPnON IN IT~ PvAC~

BC , CLASSIFIED PAGE 8 HOURGLASS TUESDAY JULY 21 1987 OFFICIAL NOTICES KWAJALEIN ..• Almost Paradise SUMMER SCHOOL REHABILIATATION pro­ SQUARE DANCERS - Come kICk up your heels gram OperatIon and maintenance personnel are With us tOnight (and every Tues night) at 7 p m performing maintenance and repairs to all school Atoll 8's Square Dance Club dances Mainstream In facIlities dunng July/August Major electncal, Room 1 at CRC plumbing, carpentry, painting, air conditIOning, JanItonal and grounds maintenance actIvities are SUMMER BIBLE STUDY - tOnight at 7 p m or scheduled and may Impact facility users who are July 23, 1 P m at FellowshIp Center TOPIC Love IS authonzed use of the faCIlity For coordinatIOn not rude Free babysitting for afternoon sessIOn All •. ' purposes It IS suggested that you contact the FOM women inVited Call 2790 or 3704 for infOrmatIon - Project Manager, Falemalama TagOilelagt at 3353 for - details of our work schedule MARINE CORPS LEAGUE meeting tOnight at 7 p m for more Info call Pat at 1113 MAJOR MODIFICA lIONS RANGE COMMAND BUILDING Upon completIOn of PRC-KTN com­ AN ALOHA DINNERIDANCE for Tom & Kathy mUnicatIon installation and relocatIOn of offices Hill & famIly, Hal Russell, Steve Moore & Don FOM ConstructIon Will <;tdTt Phase II of thiS maJo; Hartert Will be held at the PaCific Club on Sat, Aug renovatIOn project Anticipated start date based on 1 starting at 6 30 p m come JOin us Tickets on sale technical contractor move IS set for Mon , July 27 - call 3315/3353 Pete Fernando IS the designated Project Coordinator and may be reached at 2046, should you have any questIOns concerning related work actIvtnes

EXTERIOR PAINTING CORLETT RECREATION MACY'S IS NOW ACCEPTING CENTER Major maintenance painting and repaIrs to APPLICATIONS FOR HELP WITH thiS faCIlity WIll start on July 17 thru Mon , July 27 Heart INVENTORY, TO BE CONDUCTED Faclhty usel s are asked to aVOid contact with newly ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY painted surfaces NotifIcatIon sign WIll be posted by JULY 30TH AND 31ST CALL paint personnel Contact project coordinator Henry 83594 OR SIGN UP AT MACY'S PalakIko at 3353 If you have any questIons Answers SERVICE DESK FOR SALE KEEP KWAJALEIN CLEAN SNORKEL, MASK & VEST, $55 Call H2_ JO

TWO 13,000 BTU AIR CONDITIONERS, $200 & "Skipped" 250, 19,000 BTU, $50, Pioneer Video diSC LD-700 With remote & sull frame, $375 Call 2885 Heartbeat A "skipped" heartbeat IS SEARS 2 9 CU FT SAFE (save on shiPPing charges), $375, two letter size 4 drawer files, $150 sometimes used to deSCribe each, legal size 4 drawer file (slightly damaged), $100 Call 2459 an Irregularity, or arrythmia, AC PLYWOOD 1/4" sheet, $10, 1/2" sheet, $15, In the heartbeat rhythm clear hard pine lx6x8', $5, redwood, 2 ea lx6x8', $5, gal spar varnish, gal waterproofing Decadex, Heartbeats or contractions $15, CUlSInart w/attachments & rack, $90, blender, $10 Call 2459 normally start from spon­

MEN'S 10 SPEED, $65 & woman's bike, $25 taneous excitation of a Both avaIlable July 30 Call 2276 special group of cells known WATER SKI - 67" Jobe (profeSSIOnal graphite) w/case, ski gloves & SkI rope, $250 Call Steve as the pacemaker node The W2046 H2472 heart beats only as much as It needs to In order to pump II LOST the proper amount of blood If xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tonight On TeleVision CASPER HAS LOST HIS SIMULATED COLD CHOKER collar with attached cat tag & wants to It beats tw~ce In too rapid KwaJalein keep out of lockup If found, call Skip at H2426 or succession (an arrythmia) It Channel 9 W2037 may then pause briefly to SILVER STAR EARRING & purple watch at Fam­ 4 54 General Hospital Ily Pool Call 4302 5 39 The LIVing Body (M T ) pick up the normal rate of 607 CBS News beating These arrythmlas 6 36 CNN Sports TOnight WANTED 7 02 60 Minutes are generally not harmful, 757 Fame (1 27) SOFA OR LOVE SEAT In good condItIon Please 8 44 The Equalizer (2 14) call 2424 and do not require treatment 9 34 Dynasty (3 04) 10 24 "Murder WIth MIrrors" (3 54) QUEEN SIZE BED & COUCH Call 1619 unless they occur frequently 11 59 CNN HeadlIne News 12 28 TOnight Show SNORKELING EQUIP for family of 4 Call 2790 and cause alarm or discomfort Channel 13 25-35 HP OUTBOARD MOTOR WIll take In almost any condwon that IS fixable Please call 2261 430 CNN Sports TOnight WE'RE FIGHTING FOR 5 00 Nightline SERVICES OFFERED 5 30 CNN Headlme News YOUR LIFE 6 00 ShoBIZ Today 6 30 CNN Sports Late NIght BABYSITTING anytime In my home (cnb avail ) American Heart 7 00 Iran/Contra Heanngs Call Manssa at 4330 10 00 Return to CNN Association 10 30 Busmess MornIng II FOOD SERVICES II 11 00 Daybreak Yokwe Yuk Club - Night Time Dinner Specials A Marshallese Bowling league ROI-Namur Wednesday 10 Ounce Rib Eye Stuffed Potato & Veg Du Jour Will start on !uly 24 Thursday Grey Fish Three men and I woman 4 38 General HospItal Atouffe & Vegetable Du Jour 5 23 Sonya Live In L A Friday Center Cut Lam Chop w/Mlnt Will make up a team and 618 CBS News Sauce, Potato & veg Du Jour 648 Cheers Saturday Scampi St James Served w/Rlce 8 teams are needed to form 7 14 Crazy Like A Fox Pilaf & Vegetable Du Jour 803 Hotel Sunday Beer BaHered Shrimp Served a league flll Kwa] workers 8 53 "Who KIlled The wNegetable & Potato Du Jour call Kzlo at 3320 before Soup and Salad Bar are Included with the dinners above M ystenous Mr Easter" 10 30 TOnight Show Reservations recommended July 22 ~XXXXXXXXXXXAAXAAXX'A/'A/'A/'A/'A/'X