PRESENT: Councillors David Haswell (in the Chair), Andrew Foyle, Tony Wilson and County Councillor Rhodri Traherne

ITEM 1 (421) PUBLIC FORUM No member of the public was present

ITEM 2 (422) RECEIVE APOLOGIES from Don Mitchell, Nigel England, Bill Fawcett and Peter Castle


st ITEM 4 (424) The minutes of the meeting on 1 ​ February 2011 were approved and signed. ​


ITEM 6 (426) MATTERS ARISING Following a site meeting with Geoff Cox and Andrew Gwinnell of the Vale Council, the stretch of road between Vale View and the crossroads would be resurfaced at the beginning of March. However it was agreed that the Clerk would continue to put pressure on the Council for further resurfacing. The most direct way of reporting potholes for members of the public is to email or phone the Council through Contact One and ask for Highways. Rhodri Traherne agreed to take up the poor condition of the barn on Watery Lane with the Council.

ITEM 7 (427) HIGHWAY MATTERS A map showing potholes in the Parish was marked for forwarding to Highways

ITEM 8 (428) REPORT FROM RHODRI TRAHERNE Councillor Traherne brought the Council up to date with matters at the Vale including the LDP which was being prepared for consultation with Councils sometime in May

ITEM 9 (429) REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES Hall Committee: David Haswell reported on all the refurbishment work done to the Hall and confirmed that Debbie Haswell would continue to be Booking Clerk One Voice : Andrew Foyle had attended a meeting School: Tony Wilson (Council representative on Governing Board) informed the Community Council that building developments at the School progress

ITEM 10 (430) CHAIRMAN’S CORRESPONDENCE Alan Cairns surgery posters for display Invitation from Mayor of Council to masked ball ­ declined

ITEM 11 (431) CORRESPONDENCE Vale of : Town and Community Council Planning Forum – Don Mitchell to attend Vale Events – circulated Awards in Wildlife – posters circulated Greenlinks Community Transport Scheme – information circulated Notice of kitchen waste recycling scheme to commence ­ noted Notices of diversion to footpath 32 around Warren Mill ­ noted New scheme for advertising community events throughout the Vale on Council Website – noted and forwarded to Graham Duffield th Local Service Forum Conference 11 ​ March ​ Community Strategy consultation – documents passed to Bill Fawcett for review and discussion at the next meeting Council Minutes 25.1.11 CASH Grant for 2011/12 – suggestions requested for the next meeting Welsh Assembly Government: Review of Electoral Arrangements – n/a for Section 137 expenditure for 11/12 is £6.44 per elector ­ noted Borrowing arrangements for town and community councils for 2011/12 – n/a Community and Town Council Survey 2010 – thanks for taking part Future of Search and Rescue Helicopter Service, Chivenor – progress information OVW: Application for Buckingham Palace Garden Party­ Chairman unavailable Training Days programme – passed to the Chairman and Andrew Foyle Advertising for referendum encouraging people to register and vote Energy Saving Trust – promotional material Stephen Lowe to support CCW licence application – licence to be applied for Sports Wales National Centre – Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge ­ noted HRT – Livestock Market information RCT – LDP approved Wales at the Olympic and Paralympic Games/Following the Flame – a Community Show to tour alongside the workshop programme. Karl Charlton, Forestry Commission for Wales – report on progress felling and containing infection now affecting larch trees – included in update for noticeboards and Parish Magazine.

ITEM 12 (432) FINANCE MATTERS a) payment was approved for:­ Hall Rental £168 Mazars £144.00 for 09/10 audit Clerk’s salary (1777.36) and expenses £145.51 for 10/11 The invoice from the PCC for electricity, lights and a donation towards food was not received before the meeting, so would be settle at the next meeting

ITEM 13 (433) CURRENT AND FUTURE PROJECTS Log book for the pond was signed for January and February

ITEM 14 (434) MATTERS FOR COMMUNITY LIAISON COMMITTEE a) the condition of the civic amenity site at Llandow – it was agreed that this would be put forward. Andrew Foyle presented a summary which was forwarded to the CLC


ITEM 16 (436) PLANNING MATTERS Applications:­ 2011/00087/FUL Bwlch Gwyn Farm, Sandy Lane – demolition of outbuildings, erection of two storey extension to existing detached dwelling – no comments 2011/00011/FUL Heather Cottage, Welsh St Donats – extension to existing garage – concerns were expressed that this could be developed as a separate dwelling at some later date (consultation held online) Approvals:­ 2010/01305/FUL Tynytwod Cottage, – single storey extension 2010/00921/FUL Pwll y Darren Farm, Welsh St Donats – refurbishments and extensions to main house, garage extension, landscaping

There being no other business the Chairman thanked those present for attending and closed the meeting.