 Saint Rose of Lima Generosity, Humility, and Love for the Lord in the Holy Eucharist 504 So. Third Street + De Soto, MO 63020 + 636-337-2212 + www.stroseparish.info 

The Fifth Sunday of March 29, 2020

 PARISH STAFF Fr. Alex Anderson, Pastor Ed Boyer, Parish Deacon Deacon Matthew O'Neail, Parish Deacon & PSR Principal Kathey Compton, St. Rose School Principal Corie Boyer, Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper Natalie Woodrum, SRLS School Secretary Carol Flesher, Assistant Parish Secretary Mike Merseal, Maintenance Carol Emmett, Parish Music Director RECTORY EMAIL [email protected] SCHOOL INFO 523 S. 4th Street, DeSoto, MO 63020 636-337-7855 I www.stroseoflima.org SCHEDULE Monday thru Friday at 6:15 am I 8:00 am Wed & Fri when school is in session I Tues evening: 6:30 pm (followed by Per- petual Help Devotions) Sat: 8:00 am & 5:00 pm & Sun: 7 am, 9 am, & 11 am CONFESSIONS Sat: 8:30 - 9:00 am & 4:00 - 4:45 pm PERPETUAL ADORATION Perpetual Adoration of Jesus in the in the lower level chapel on the Miller Street side of church

PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY . . .  to register as a member of St. Rose Parish  to have Holy brought to the sick  to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick  to put someone on the sick list  to arrange for a Baptism or Marriage  to become a convert to the Catholic Church CALVARY CEMETERY INFORMATION - 636-337-2150 Mass Readings for the Week

Mon Mar 30 Daniel 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62; Psalm 23:1-6; John 8:1-11 This past Monday early afternoon I received a call Tue Mar 31 Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 102:2-3, from Msgr. Dennis Stehly, one of the Vicars General of 16-21; John 8:21-30 the Archdiocese, telling me that I had been reported to Wed Apr 1 Daniel 3:14-20,91-92,95; Psalm him for distributing Holy Communion and saying a private (Daniel) 3:52-56; John 8:31-42 Mass while parishioners were in church. He told me to Thu Apr 2 Genesis 17:3-9; Psalm 105:4-9; immediately stop such activities and he left no wiggle John 8:51-59 room whatsoever to do anything else. Accordingly, all Fri Apr 3 Jeremiah 20:10-13; Psalm 18:2-7; such efforts have ceased. I thought that the Archbishop had left some latitude in John 10:31-42 implementing his instructions but, after Msgr. Stehly's call, Sat Apr 4 Ezekiel 37:21-28; Psalm Jeremiah it's obvious that that's certainly not the case. I tried! Let 31:10-13; John 11:45-56 me assure you that I was not trying to be unsafe or diso- Sun Apr 5 Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 22:8-9,17-20, bedient. Archbishop Carlson had already dispensed eve- 23-24; Philippians 2:6-11; Matthew ryone from your Sunday Mass obligation, so people who 26:14-27:66 chose to attend Mass or Communion were doing so of their own free will. With so few people in church we cer- tainly all kept our social distance from each other. Pray Lenten Confessions God - all this will be over soon.  St. Rose church will be open from 6:30 am until 6 pm In addition to our regular Confession sched- each day for private prayer before our Lord in the Blessed ule, the following dates and times for Con- Sacrament. The Adoration Chapel will continue to be fessions during have been added: open 24/7. Please take every precaution in maintaining a MON APR 6: 9 - 9:45 am & 6 - 6:45 pm safe distance from everyone else. No one should risk life TUE APR 7: 5:30 - 6:15 pm or limb in these circumstances. WED APR 8: 8:30 - 9:00 am  Archbishop Carlson has suspended all Holy Week FRI APR 10: NOON - 12:45 pm services and the Easter Vigil. NOTE: Archbishop Carlson's coronavirus instruction This week's bulletins are available at the church en- strongly recommends using the screen for Confession. trances. Our Sunday bulletin is also available on-line. Please check the St. Louis Review and other local listings and this week's bulletin for a schedule of live- streamed Masses and Holy Week services. Unfortunately, St. Rose does not have live-streaming capabilities.  Our Confession schedule will remain as printed in the bulletin. To make up for Confession times lost because of the cancellation of our Lenten Evening of Recollection, we Blessed palms for Palm Sunday will be in baskets at all of will also have Confessions on the Monday of Holy Week the church doors beginning at 6:00 o'clock on Palm from 9:00 am until 9:45 and from 6:00 until 6:45; and on Sunday morning, April 5th. Good Friday from noon until 12:45.  Blessed palms for Palm Sunday will be in baskets at all of the church doors beginning at 6:00 o'clock on Palm WITHOUT PRIESTS Sunday morning, April 5th. THERE CAN BE NO MASS!  Although the has been removed from the holy water fonts at the doors, the holy water container in the main vestibule of church is full. [You'll need to bring your own container.]  With our financial obligations continuing at St. Rose, Pray for Vocations to the Priesthood, we certainly need your continued financial support insofar as you are able. Please mail your envelope to the rectory especially among the young men of or drop it by, and please make up any envelopes you our Parish and of our Archdiocese! missed. ARE YOU NEW TO THE PARISH ? If you are new to St. Rose, we extend to you a warm and heartfelt welcome. Please call the rectory to register, or fill out the following information and drop it into the mail or the Sunday collection. We’ll be in touch with you right away.


Address______City______Zip______TENTATIVE RE-SCHEDULING Q&A OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION, Q: Even during the current shutdown of sched- CONFIRMATION & the R. C. I. A. uled Masses, etc., I know a priest can say a If the coronavirus restrictions remain in place throughout the "private Mass". What constitutes a "private" Mass? Easter season, we will need to re-schedule First Holy Commun- A: Technically, a "private" Mass is a Mass "sine populo" ion, Confirmation and the reception of the members of our RCIA - a term meaning "without people". However, the program into the Catholic Church. If our current dates for the sine populo is not a condition for the private Mass. It is an scheduling of these Sacraments are not possible because of acknowledgement that a priest can say Mass even the coronavirus restrictions, a tentative plan would be to hold on the first Sunday after Easter that is possi- though no people are there. ble (perhaps Sunday, June 14th, the ;) Confirmation here at St. Rose on Sunday, May 31; and the RCIA on the Eve of Pentecost, May 30th. Unfortunate- ly, no firm plans or dates can be set right now. We will accom- The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass plish whatever we can as soon as we can. In addition, we will . . . a L e n t e n B u l l e t i n S e r i e s - part 5 make a decision as soon as we are able to do so. If there are HOLY THURSDAY - The - The evening Mass on extenuating circumstances, please let Fr. Anderson know. Holy Thursday is referred to as the Mass of the Lord's Sup- "Thank You!" for your patience and understanding. per. This is where the Church relives the institution of the Eu- charist and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the Last Supper, as well as the institution of the Priesthood in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, which took place the evening before Jesus was crucified. After the there is an optional washing of the feet ceremony, where the priest washes the feet of others to signify his role as servant, just as Jesus did with His Apostles. Extra hosts are consecrated at this Mass to be used on Good Sunday and Weekday Masses Friday when no Mass will be celebrated. The Mass of the Lord's LOCAL Supper on Holy Thursday concludes with a procession of the Basilica of St. Louis, King of France Blessed Sacrament to the " of repose," a place where the (Old Cathedral) consecrated Host is kept other than at the main altar where 9:00 am Sunday Mass on Facebook Live Mass is normally celebrated. Because of its connection to the Link to livestream Last Supper, where Jesus instituted the Mass and the twelve Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis Apostles first received Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament ("Take, Daily Mass 8:00 am eat, this is My Body . . ."), Holy Thursday is a day especially Sunday Mass 10:00 am given to adoration of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Many parish- Link to livestream es will create space for people to stay and pray with the re- Good Shepherd - Hillsboro posed Eucharist at this altar of repose late into the night. After 8:00am and Sundays at 9:00am the Mass the Church is stripped in order to show our Lord has Link to livestream been taken away. NATIONAL [ . . . to be continued next week] EWTN (Cable Network) Live-streamed Mass Check their broadcast schedule and channel finder for televised Mass options NOTE: Additional options are available on the Archdiocesan website.

LENTEN REGULATIONS for ALL CATHOLICS All Fridays of Lent and Good Friday (April 10, 2020) are days of absti- nence (refraining from meat) for all Catholics from age 14 onwards. On these two days, fast, as well as abstinence, is also obligatory for those from the ages of 18-59. Abstinence means refraining from meat. Fast means one full meal a day, with two smaller meals and nothing be- tween meals (liquids are permitted). No Catholic will lightly excuse himself or herself from this obligation. We should strive to make all days of Lent a time of prayer and penance.

THIS WEEK'S Q.U.O.T.E "Your first task is to be dissatisfied with yourself, fight sin, and transform yourself into something better. Your second task is to put up with the trials and temptations of this world that will be brought on by the change in your life and to persevere to the very end in the midst of these things." St. Augustine

Saint Rose of Lima School Auction March 7, 2020 Financial Report INCOME EXPENSES ADS $1,540 FOOD $6,722.85 DONATIONS $1,800 AUCTIONEERS $1,500.00 UNDERWRITERS $1,766 SILENT/ORAL AUCTION $10,561.08 SPONSORS $26,550 MISC. SUPPLIES $1,786.43 TICKETS $9,450 PRINTING/POSTAGE $792.50 FIRST CHOICE RAFFLE $5,050 HALL RENTAL $500.00 50/50 $4,440 BAR $1,075.00 HEADS OR TAILS $1,590 KITCHEN CLEAN-UP $200.00 TREASURE CHEST $680 EASTER BASKETS $579.45 SILENT AUCTION $17,474 DECORATIONS $817.00 ORAL AUCTION $56,350 CENTERPIECES $0.00 ADOPT AN ANGEL $19,725 RENTAL ITEMS $622.50 BAR/TIPS $790 MASTERCARD FEES $1,500.00 EASTER BASKETS $1,120 DUMPSTER $270.00 50/50 $0.00 FIRST CHOICE RAFFLE $0.00 HEADS OR TAILS $132.00 TREASURE CHEST $300.00 TOTAL INCOME $148,325.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $27,358.81

NET INCOME $120,966.19 RUNNING TOTALS LAST 5 YEARS Total Income Expenses Net Income 2015 20,000 Leagues . . . $118,253.00 $20,675.62 $ 97,577.38 2016 Under the Big Top $130,454.00 $21,401.46 $109,052.54 2017 SRLS's 125th $119,165.00 $18,262.54 $100,902.46 2018 Dragons & Pandas $125,211.00 $16,022.57 $109,188.63 2019 Day at the Derby $129,461.00 $18,678.00 $110,823.00 2020 "Cheers to 25 Years!" $148,325.00 $27,358.81 $120,966.19 Please Pray for the Sick

+ Mary Lou Barry + Yvonne Beasley + Dalton Benoist + PARISH COUNCIL + Nick Blackford + Rita Boeving + Dianna Boyer + This past Tuesday the St. Rose Parish Council + Scott Boyer + Priscilla Bresh + Cheryl Campagna + (understandably not many of us) met for our monthly meet- + Sara Jo Crabtree + Adam Culley + Yvonne Davis + ing - and kept our social distance from each other. We dis- + Jonie DeClue + Steve Dickinson + Andy Dodd + cussed the following: 1) Coronavirus Update: Fr. Anderson received a call from + Holly Dodd + Amanda Gale + Angelina Hapgood + the Archdiocese taking him to task for having private Mass- + Frankie Hawkins + Sharon Huskey + Dorothy Koch + es while people were in church and for distributing Holy + Rita Lightfoot + Catherine Luther + Catherine Mahn + Communion outside of Mass in violation of the Archbish- + Ellen Mahn + Bart McKinney + + Connie Merseal + op's instruction. Fr. Anderson explained that he thought he + Myrtle Missey + Brandon O'Harver + Don Patton + had done a healthy end-run around the instruction, not + Monica Platz + Christina Reece + Dorothy Reynolds + meaning to be disobedient, but attempting to adapt the in- + Keegan Reynolds + Frankie Ruch + Tim Selsor + struction to the life and needs of the people of St. Rose. + Bev Seyfarth + Eric Spruell + Salvatore Tedesco + The Vicar General didn't see it that way. Our school and + Erin Trombly + Joan Whiteside + Barbara Williams + church and hall have been sanitized. School is in recess + Gus Winckel + Jordan Winckel + Todd Winn + until at least April 27th, but students are continuing to learn + Amanda Woodring + via what's called distance learning. The teachers are avail- Our policy is to remove a name after 6 weeks. Please able to both students and parents for lesson plans, tutoring, call the Rectory (337-2212) to add a name to our sick list. and consultation. It is not clear what will happen to the scheduling of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Fr. Anderson will consult with the SRLS & PSR Principals. A growing concern during the pandemic are school finances, especially when so many people are out of work but school -related expenditures continue. 2) Auction Financial Report: The financial report [by catego- FOR THE FINANCIAL STABILITY OF ST. ROSE PARISH, ry] for this year's Auction was distributed. Thank the Lord the Auction was when it was and not 2 weeks later! Re- PLEASE MAKE UP ANY minder: 50% of the funds go to the school subsidy; 25% go to the school Reserve Fund; 15% go to Adopt-An-Angel; MISSED ENVELOPES! and 10% go to a school fix-up project. 100% goes back to St. Rose of Lima School. Of special note is the fact that the "Thanks so very much!" 2020 Auction put us over the $2 million mark for all 25 Auc- tions. God is good - and so are all of our benefactors! 3) School Window Update: With school closed down the replacement of the windows may begin early. The material arrives at Ron's Glass the middle of April. They may do sections at a time rather than the whole job all-at-once. The cost is $123,000. Currently we have $80,000 in designated funds. At the next meeting we'll decide where to take the balance from - a combination of Maintenance Fund and School Reserve Fund. 4) Courtyard Railing Update: E. A. Boyer Building & Design has taken on the extensive repair to the courtyard railing. Work has begun. Funds will be taken from our parish Maintenance Fund. 5) Finances: Fr. Anderson shared his continuing concern about our Parish finances. Although we have some healthy reserve funds, especially our Maintenance Fund and School Reserve Fund, adequate cash-on-hand is lacking. The coronavirus has only added to the concern, both in the struggle some people have in order to keep up with tuition and to give to the church, and no church attendance mean- ing greatly diminished Sunday collections. ("Thank You!" to all of you who have forwarded your contribution to the St. "It makes Baptism a lot more fun for everyone." Rose and will make up missed envelopes once we get back to 'normal'.) 6) Available Funds Report: Currently St. Rose has $14,996 cash-on-hand; $199,253 in the Maintenance Fund; and $259,479 in the School Reserve Fund. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28 at 7:15 Please remember at the rectory. In the meantime, let us pray! Saint Rose of Lima Parish in your will THIS WEEK'S POINT The Coronavirus closes churches,

schools, & businesses. In light of the interest shown during the Lenten Catechism Class on the Saints of the Catholic Church, I thought it would Why is abortion industry open for be helpful to have a "Saint of the Week" in each Sunday's bul- business? letin. Often it will be a Saint whose feast day is sometime that March 23, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – More than 100 pro-life leaders week, or maybe just a Saint who I've run across who seems to are demanding that abortion clinics be shut down in response to have something important to say to us. And, of course, sug- the COVID-19 pandemic. They are calling on governors to shut gestions are always welcome. With all of our coronavirus con- down abortion centers still operating in defiance of public health cerns, I thought I'd start by repeating last week's column high- warnings as well as state and national health directives. While lighting St. Roch (pronounced 'rock') whose statue is in our authorities have moved to shut down schools, businesses, and altar (to the right of and below St. Rose of Lima). even churches, most abortion clinics remain open for business. St. Roch was born in France, the son of the governor of the According to Mark Harrington of the Ohio-based pro-life city of Montpellier. Even his birth was accounted a miracle, for group Created Equal, who helped spearhead the effort: “Every his mother had been barren until she prayed to the Virgin day, abortion facilities violently end the lives of thousands of Mary. Miraculously marked from birth with a red cross on his human beings. And now, by refusing to close their doors as chest that grew as he did, he early began to manifest great COVID-19 wreaks havoc across the nation, they are endanger- holiness. When he was in his twenties, his parents died. So he ing the general public, too. Not only are these facilities consum- distributed all his worldly goods among the poor like St. Fran- ing scarce personal protective equipment, they risk spreading cis of Assisi [although his father, on his deathbed, had made COVID-19 throughout their state. Furthermore, abortionists him governor of Montpellier] and set out as a mendicant pilgrim themselves are not immune to COVID-19 and some, including for Rome. Coming into Italy during a plague, he was very dili- one in Michigan, may have already contracted the disease. The- gent in tending the sick in the public hospitals. He was able to se facilities also put a burden on community EMTs and hospital work many cures by prayer and the mark of the cross. He him- ERs, should they have a medical emergency at one of their loca- self finally fell ill with the plague. He was expelled from the tions.” town; and withdrew into the forest, where he made himself a In Ohio, the attorney general ordered health care providers to hut of boughs and leaves, which was miraculously supplied cease all “nonessential and elective surgical abortions” this with water by a spring that arose in the place. He would have weekend, highlighting federal guidelines released to address perished had not a dog belonging to a local nobleman supplied concerns that the ongoing pandemic will soon result in a short- him with bread and licked his wounds, healing them. On his age of hospital beds as well as personal protective equipment. return incognito to Montpellier he was arrested as a spy (by Abortion activists, predictably, have argued that abortion is an orders of his own uncle) and thrown into prison, where he lan- essential service because abortions are “time-sensitive.” This, guished for five years and died on August 16, 1327, without presumably, is due to the fact that if an abortion is delayed long revealing his name, to avoid worldly glory. After his death an enough, the pregnancy is likely to result in the birth of a living baby. Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio and Planned angel brought from heaven into the prison a message that God Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region responded by saying that had granted to him his prayer - that whoever called meekly to they would continue offering abortions while working to “reduce St. Roch shall not be victims of any plague. The townspeople the use of equipment in short supply.” recognized him as well by his birthmark. He was soon canon- Created Equal, Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio, and ized in the popular mind, and a great church was built in his other pro-life and pro-family groups have been working with Gov- honor. St. Roch lived from 1295 - 1327, and his feast day is ernor Mike DeWine as well as the Attorney General and the Ohio August 16. Department of Health to respond to the fact that abortion clinics were ignoring the directive sent out mandating that all elective surgeries be stopped, and pro-life leaders from across the country are now joining the campaign to call on their leaders to At any time, feel free to add to our bulletin list of shut abortion clinics down. those in the military. The whole Parish will keep In fact, there is already one instance of an abortion clinic po- them in our prayers. tentially contributing to the spread of COVID-19. According Maj. Lucas Frank; Col. Seth Frank; John W. Long to John Barros, who has stood outside the abortion clinic in Or- - U.S. Navy; Katie Boyer - Air Force; Tommy Fam- lando, Florida, for sixteen years offering help to the women arriv- brough - Air Force; Janetta Zehrbach - Air Force; Craig Zehr- ing there to procure abortions: “This morning a worker here veri- bach - Air Force; Staff Sergeant Evelyn Drummond; Airmen fied that they had done an abortion on a lady from a cruise ship Dalton Miller - Air Force; Alex Haverstick; Cpt. Neal Grosshei- that has the Corona virus yesterday [March 16]. She is so wor- ried and shocked that they would do it for an extra $900. I could- der - Air Force; Cpt. Garrett Huck - Air Force; Hanna Jackson n’t believe it really…” Barros, who has a friendly relationship with - Navy, Cpt. Dennis Boyer - Navy, Lt. Mike Boyer - Navy; some of the clinic staffers, confirmed that he had been told twice James O’Harver - National Guard; Sergeant Ashley Johnson - that this had taken place, and that the staff was extremely con- National Guard; Sgt. First Class - Jacob Coleman; Lt. Col. cerned that the patient might have had the potentially deadly Joann Frank; Lt. Col. Joshua Frank; Sgt. Whiteny Brauch; virus. CTTC Jon Cox - Navy; Maj. Dan Thebeau - Army; LCPL Cole As this anecdote highlights, abortion clinics may become Franklin’; LCPL Sebastian Michaels; Noah Boyer - Army; deadly places in more ways than one as they continue to defy Christian King - Navy; Ryan Cook - Navy; SSG Kenneth government directives to close their doors. Their commitment to Kleinschrodt - National Guard; Daniel Schumer - Army; Emily the destruction of pre-born human beings cannot be shaken - Faulkner - Air Force; Connor Biermann - Marine; Dakota even by a pandemic. McKinney - Army; First Lt. Joe Winckel - Army.; Dalton [from Jonathan Van Maren LifeSiteNews] Daugherty - U.S. Marine; Ryan Tillman - National Guard; Co- dy Davis - Marines. March 29th - April 11th St. Rose Parish Calendar Weekend Masses: Sat 8 am; Sat 5 pm; Sun 7 am, 9 am & 11 am Weekday Masses: Mon - Fri 6:15 am ; Wed. & Fri. 8:00 am (when school is in session): Tue evening 6:30 pm Confessions: Sat 8:30 am - 9 am; Sat 4 pm - 4:45 pm Perpetual Help Devotions: Tue after 6:30 pm Mass Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday March March March April April April April 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5th Sunday AA Al-Anon Bingo Quilters Fish Fry Breakfast 7:00 PM 7:15 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM 4 - 6:30 PM KC Hall Marian Room Marian Room (Canceled) (Canceled) (Canceled) (Canceled) KC Hall Marian Room KC Hall Catechism Class Stations of the (Canceled) Cross (Canceled)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday April April April April April April April 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Palm AA Al-Anon Bingo Holy Good Holy Sunday 7:00 PM 7:15 PM 6:00 PM Thursday Friday Saturday Marian Room Marian Room (Canceled) Sunday KC Hall Quilters Confession

Quilters Confession Confession 9:00 AM 12:00 - 12:45 PM Noon 9 - 9:45 AM 5:30 - 6:15 PM Confession (Canceled) Marian Room & 8:30 - 9:15 AM Marian Room Fish Fry (Canceled) 6 - 6:45 PM 4 - 6:30 PM (Canceled) KC Hall

Tre Ore & Stations of the Cross (Canceled)

Adorers Needed for Our Perpetual Adoration Chapel THE FOLLOWING HOURS ARE AVAILABLE ALONE OR WITH ANOTHER PERSON. SUNDAY : 1 AM, 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM, 5 AM, 6 AM, 7 AM, NOON, 1 PM & 5 PM MONDAY: 1 AM, 3 AM & NOON TUESDAY: 2 AM & 1 PM WEDNESDAY: 4 AM THURSDAY: 12 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM, 5 PM & 11 PM FRIDAY: 1 AM, 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM, NOON, 1 PM & 7 PM SATURDAY: 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM, 10 AM, 11 AM, NOON, 1 PM, 2 PM, 5 PM, & 7 PM ANYONE WILLING TO FILL ONE OF THESE HOURS OR TO SUBSTITUTE, PLEASE CALL: COORDINATOR: TERRY BALDWIN: 314-803-5305 831250 St. Rose of Lima 636-337-2212 Contact: Corie Boyer [email protected]

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Transmit: Thursdays 12:00 PM