Environment, Development and Transport Committee Item No.

Report title: Broadband and Mobile Phones – update from the Member Working Group Date of meeting: 29th January 2016 Responsible Chief Tom McCabe Officer: Strategic impact The provision of reliable mobile phone coverage is a key factor to economic development, and indeed normal life, in . The following report provides an update from the Broadband, Mobile Phone and Digital Members Working Group on the current progress being made to improve mobile phone coverage across the county.

Executive summary This report sets out an update from the Broadband, Mobile Phone and Digital Members Working Group in relation to mobile phone coverage in Norfolk. An update on the progress of Broadband coverage is available in the separate ‘Better Broadband for Norfolk (6 monthly update)’ report also submitted to this Committee.

Since the last update to Committee in July 2015 the Working Group continues to track progress on the Vodafone Rural Open Sure Signal Programme and the Mobile Infrastructure Project. The information obtained so far can be seen in section 2 below.

Recommendations: To consider the information provided and the progress being made. To agree that the next update to Committee will be in six months to coincide with the Better Broadband for Norfolk update.

1. Proposal

1.1. To review the latest information on the current progress of mobile coverage in Norfolk.

2. Evidence

2.1. As reported previously, Vodafone announced that eleven communities in Norfolk were among the 100 successful communities across the shortlisted for their Rural Open Sure signal programme. Vodafone have been working with community representatives to install Open Sure signal units that will provide a 3G signal to those with a Vodafone device. The working group remains in contact with Vodafone to track the progress of the Rural Open Sure Signal Programme across Norfolk. Vodafone have confirmed that Hillington, High , , Reepham, Upper , Croxton and Blakeney

are now live with Rural Open Sure Signal. Loddon, Martham and are currently being installed and they hope to go live by the end of March. Saxthorpe has since withdrawn. The Chairman is in touch with Vodafone and Reepham and Salhouse where technical issues are being addressed.

2.2. The Working Group have also been tracking progress of the national Mobile Infrastructure Project as it progresses into the implementation stages. The project identified 9 locations for potential infrastructure in Norfolk. 7 of these sites had a potential solution identified - RAF , , North Elmham, , Blakeney, Hingham, and Sedgeford.

The Mobile Infrastructure Project is a government initiative to eliminate ‘not spot’ areas where not even an emergency call can be made. The main contractor for the project is Arqiva. Along with their consultants Harlequin they have been in dialogue with planning authorities and other stakeholders regarding the proposed sites to install a mast.

One of the sites proposed was at Friary Caravan Park, Cley Road, Blakeney in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty owned by the National Trust. Because of concerns regarding the site the Chair of the Working Group arranged for a mock mast to be displayed on site; additionally arranged for representatives of the government and Arqiva to attend a special Blakeney Parish Council meeting to which all neighbouring parish councillors were invited. Blakeney PC and neighbouring parish councils, with the exception of one, supported the planning application. The landowner subsequently registered an objection and due to timescales the planning application was withdrawn. There are no alternative sites in the locality being considered due to the MIP funding timescale. Itteringham received planning permission however it is also affected by the funding timescale and will apparently not go ahead.

Representation is being made to the government regarding these two sites and the Working Group will continue to monitor future opportunities to improve mobile infrastructure in Norfolk.

2.3. Last year a consultation took place to review the Electronic Communications Code to which the Working Group submitted a response. The government’s response has since been published (see 5.1 below) which highlights areas for further discussion.

The Working Group has been in regular contact with the Mobile Operators Association to understand the limitations they face on improving network coverage. However since more and more operators have are amalgamated the MOA has disbanded. The Working Group had already established direct contact with operators and will continue to do so.

The Working Group will specifically monitor developments regarding the Operators commitment to the government to ensure a 90% coverage across the country.

3. Financial Implications

3.1. For the purposes of this report there are no financial implications.

4. Issues, risks and innovation

4.1. For the purposes of this report no issues or risks have been identified.

5. Background

5.1. The Government Response to the Review of the Electronic Communications Framework can be seen here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/response-to-review-of-the- electronic-communications-regulatory-framework

5.2. More information on Vodafone’s Rural Open Sure Signal Programme can be found at http://www.vodafone.co.uk/rural

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