Return Portage Guaranteed VOICJB Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida

VOL II, NO. 9 Price $5 a year «.. 15 cents a copy May 20, 1960

x - . ... . Cuban Prelate Denounces Ascension Thursday! Marked This Week Holy Name Men, Meet; infiltration Of Communists The Feast of the Ascension %*J/ANA — Cubans were tro was the hunted leader of a _ which commemorates; warned "not to cooperate in revolutionary coup that had fiz- 3 Christ's ascension into heav- ; en will be observed as a Convert-Making Stressed any way with communism," zled. Troops of the Cuban dic- and were urged to combat "this tator Fulgencia Batista were in | h o 1 y d a y^ of obligation on ' 3-Day Sessions enemy within our gates," in a pursuit, and Mr. Castro him- ,* Thursday, May 26. Catholics pastoral letter issued by Arch- "self said he feared'he would be | will attend Mass on that day. bishop Enrique Perez Serantes, shot on capture, without trial. -: Diocesan schools will be This Week End of Santiago de.Cuba. ? closed. Archbishop Perez Serantes Marking the high point of went unarmed, into the moun- $ Ascension Thursday is also ' their year-round activities, men "We cannot say that the ,! the day on which Christ com- tains' to persuade Mr. Castro of the Holy Name Union of the enemy is already at the s missioned His apostles to doors, because it is already to surrender. The Archbishop diocese will hold a three-day - had obtained' a promise from ; preach the Gospel to all na- within, speaking^ loudly as tions. - convention in Fort Lauderdale though settled in its own do- the army commandant that starting today (Friday). main," the Archbishop de- the rebel leader would have -1 The Church observes the clared. a civilian trial. Castro was i Ascension primarily because Delegates representing .3,500 jailed and eventually released I'l of its theological significance men who belong to Holy This is the first time, .a mem- in an amnesty. I as expressed in the words of - Name societies in 36 parishes ber of the Cuban Hierarchy has -1 the Preface of the Mass, pointed to communism within The Archbishop declared his will attend leadership training support for the social program „< "Christ was lifted up to Hea- sessions as well as study va- of the revolutionary government ven to make us sharers in when it came to power. But by " His Divinity."' rious methods of helping non- June of last year he saw "very Catholics to understand the Position Of Church clear similarities with commu- Faith and eventually accept In Politics Defended nist thinking" in the govern- it. The sessions will be held ment's agrarian reform law. Bishop To Bless in the Governor's Club Hotel, ROME — The Catholic hierarchy has "the~right and In his latest pastoral letter Parish Church in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. , the duty to intervene" in the the Archbishop said:. •political field 'to guide its A traditional Memorial Mass "It is not without grounds Of St. Lawrence for deceased members will be sflocfe" a front-page editorial that some of the better in- in Osservatore Romano, the A new provisional church in offered • on Saturday at 9 a.m. formed are alarmed, or are in Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Vatican • newspaper declared even willing to fight against - St. Lawrence parish, North Mi- this week. ami Beach, will be blessed by Church. those who are trying to im- ". # ' Voice Fbota pose the heavy yoke of the Bishop Coleman F. Carroll at The editorial rejected what The general public has been READY FOR ACTION as delegates to the Roly Name convention new slavery. . ' 7 p.m. Monday, May 23. it termed "the absurb split f invited to attend a "Pontifical in Fort Lauderdate are Frank Miele (left) chairman of registra- Low Mass to be celebrated on of conscience between the be- "For a genuine Christian* Solemn Pontifical Mass wiil tions, and Richard W. Denmore, a member of the convention liever and the citizen,'' im- .Sunday at 1:15 p.m. in War Me- could not live without free- be sung in the new church__lo-\ advisory board. Sessions are being held this week end. plying tjbiat a Catholic may morial Auditorium. dom." cated at NE 191;st St. and 22nd not vote for or support anti- A v e.-, immediately following Bishop Coleman F. Carroll urday—at 11:30 a.m.," the key- Catholic political organiza- Archbishop Perez Serantes ex- ered by Mallory H. Horton, - ceremonies of blessing. will celebrate the Mass and de- tions such as the Communist _ plained that he had written his note address Will be delivered chief judge of the 3rd District liver the sermon. Party. pastoral to remind Catholics Designed in an L shape with by Richard B. Roberts, Jr. He Court of Appeaiy "of the line of conduct they the altar located in the angle of Joseph H. Ziegler, of Fort will speak on the apostolate to The Holy Name Union was es- must follow in these times of the L, the new church will ac- Lauderdale, is general chair- the non-Catholic. tablished in the diocese 16 confusion and worry." He said commodate 1,000 persons. Paro- man of the convention which (Continued on Page 10) Premier Castro's regime, al- he is acting "for love of reli- chial buildings already complet- A talk on ""The Layman and though other bishops have is meeting under the theme, gion and country.", • ed include an elementary school "Come Back — Come In." Convert-Making" will be given warned in recent months and a convent for the Religious The theme expressed the two- Saturday afternoon by Msgr. against the threat of commun- He 'asserted: "Materialism of the Sacred Heart of Mary who Pope John Calls ism. . - and communism cast God from fold program of the society Dominic ,J. Barry, spiritual di- staff the school in the first seven for the coming year: to. bring e'verything; but we Catholics, grades. rector of the Holy Name Union. Missionary Work In the letter, which was or- at least, cannot live without fallen-away Catholics back to dered - read in churches of his the Church and to help make In two sessions on the same God or His holy law, without Father David J. Heffernan is Archdiocese' in Oriente Pro- converts. day, Father Patrick P. Walsh, which everything else lacks pastor of the parish which was Most Important vince, the archbishop acknowl- O.P., will give instructions on solid foundation." established in 1956. At the opening session on Sat- VATICAN CITY (NO —Pope edged the government's solici- how to work with potential, con- tude in attempting to solve the John XXIH said that the problems of , the impoverished. verts. Church's missionary effort is He also warned that .social in- Father Walsh has had more its most important task. jqstice cannot be righted or Ordinations In Ft. Lauderdale than 13 years of experience He recalled that he had been gained by denying Two men will be ordained to among non-Catholics in south- told this by a fellow cardinal ern states. In 1949 he built a a-few days before he went into the priesthood for the Diocese the conclave that elected him , The' letter has special sig- mobile chapel which he drove nificance, a New York Times of Miami during ceremonies to the papacy. this month in Fort Tauderdale. to cities and villages of North report pointed - out, because Speaking to national directors anti-communism has been de- and South Carolina. He also Joseph John Brunner of Fort— of Societies for the Propaga- clared by the Government of sponsored religious exhibits at Lauderdale and John William tion of the Faith, Pope John Premier Fidel Castro to be state and county fairs. said that without saying there synonymous with "counter- Glorie of Riviera Beach will re- ceive the Sacrament ~ of Holy is no more urgent task, the revolutionary activities," pun- Qther -sessions of the conven- missions are without doubt the nishable by death or long im- jOrders from Bishop Coleman F. tion will be devoted to the role most important because they prisonment. Carroll at 11 a.m. Saturday, of officers within -Holy Name serve to make jChrist knows The letter caused a sensation May 21 in St. Anthony Church. societies and to methods of in- and make him triumph. in the island, it Was reported, A son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- creasing membership. The Pope also said that peo- particularly since Archbishop bert J. Brunner of St. Clement ple must strive to bring back The convention banquet is Perez Serantes has long been a parish, Fort Lauderdale, Father Christians who are. separated scheduled for Saturday at 7:30 etose friend of Premier Castro from the Catholic Church. By Brunner received his early edu- p.m. Edward J. Atkins, presi- aad is credited with having cation at Sacred Hqart school creating a climate favorable to saved the life of the revolution- dent of the diocesan Union, will in Erie, Pa. He attended Ca- their return, the missionary Jpy leader in 1953. be toastmaster. thedral Preparatory School and apostle will also be stimulated At that time, according to began his studies for the priest- At breakfast on Sunday, the to practice the Christian virtnei NOWe News Service, Fidel Cas- Father Joseph J. Brunner (Continued on Page 9) Father John W. Glorie principal address will be deliv- to a greater degree, be a3de& , Press, People Challenged Nuns Began Staffing Schools To Meet Modern Advances As An 'Emergency7 Measure WASHINGTON (NO — The as a source of stimulation WASHINGTON (NO — Staf- These statements by Sister Catholic press was challenged -rather than, of fear and dis- fing Catholic schools entirely Richardine, associate secretary here to "come to grips with" couragement, he declared. with Sisters was originally only in charge of the NCEA's ele- recent advances in science, in- an emergency measure, an au- mentary school department, are ternational relations, human In another- talk at the conven- thority on Church grade schools r ' tion, Gregory Peter XV, Cardi- contained in one of five pamph- rights and higher education. reports in a new pamphlet. nal Agagianian urged Catholics lets on the current status Of "If we can bring to bear on — and the Catholic press in par- Sister Mary Richardine of U.S. Catholic education. these problems tbe ancient ticular — to share in the the National Catholic Educa- wisdom that is Catholicism, Church's worldwide mission tional Association writes, that The pamphlets were pre- -we will command more re- through "personal involvement the "emergency" which kept pared by the Department of spect an«j have more, say in in the life of the Church every- lay people off the teaching Education of the National the way the world is going," where." staffs was lack of money to Catholic Welfare Conference. declared Father Theodore M. pay them salaries. Thejr deal with grade schools, The Pro-Prefect of the Sa- Hesburgh, C.S.C., president of 1- high schools, colleges and uni- cred Congregation for the Notre Dame (Ind.') Univer- Today, she notes, the situation versities, seminaries and the Propagation of the Faith sity. has changed so much that lay role of the diocesan supf , warned that narrow parochi- teachers comprise about 29 per tendent of schools. S Father Hesburgh spoke on alism is "a paralyzing mis- cent of Catholic elementary May 11 at the convention of the take" for Catholics. ~ school teachers, • and one esti- Sister Richardine argues that Catholic Press Association, an He added: "Though separat- mate predicts that by 1971 there even if vocations to the sister- organization of workers in U.S. ed by miles of geography; by will be a larger number of lay hoods increased fourfold in com- and Canadian newspapers, mag- language and history and cus- teachers than Religious teach- ing years, lay teachers would azines and other publishing oper- tom, though unknown to each ers. still be needed. ations. other and without visible means of communication, every mem- The convention was one of the , . • ' • ' , NC Photo largest in the 50-year history of ber of the Church is brother to ALL NEW -ALL NYLON every other, and he must bear VICE-PRESIDENT Richard M. Nixon speaking informally at the CPA. Twenty-five members, the Catholic Press Association's 50th annual convention, called of the hierarchy joined some 500 realistically t h e\ responsibili- ties of this brotherhood." upon the editors to help develop an understanding of the moral Dayton Thorabred delegates at the sessions and issue underlying the laws of the U.S. ceremonies of the 'meeting. Cardinal Agagianian spoke at Father Hesburgh urged the a banquet climaxing the con- vention/Besides his duties with Catholic press officials to "in- Teach Morality of Our Laws, DAYTON'S PRESTIGE TIRE terpret the facts of modern the Congregation for the Propa- life"'to their readers. He said gation of the Faith —the that Catholics generally, and Church's chief mission agency Nixon Urges Catholic Editors Catholic editors in particular, — he is Patriarch of Cilicia of must "come to grips' with the the Armenians, a post which WASHINGTON (NO — Vice the country an understanding of challenges presented by four makes him spiritual leader of President Richard M. Nixon the moral basis for non-discrim- great issues — scientific de- some 200,000 Armenian Rite called upon the Catholic press ination. We need continuing sup- velopments, the changing in- Catholics. to help develop among Ameri- port not just for the law; but ternational scene, human Cardinal Agagianian empha- cans an understanding of the for what is right," he said. rights, and problems of high- sized that despite recent ad- moral basis for laws that deal er education. vances in science and tech- with moral problems, such as Turning then to • communism, nology "the moral judgment civil rights. Mr. Nixon cited the warm greet- "Ours-Js not an age lacking which discerns the good pur- ing given him last year in Waiv Mr. Nixon also said the power, but an age lacking direc- pose from the evil one must saw, Poland and said: press, through interpretive ar- tion — the wisdom without : still be exercised by man him- which power runs wild," he ticles and editorials, can "Why did this happen? It self." came about not because the • NEW, EXCLUSIVE TWIN \ said. \ - make a great contribution to SAF-T-LOK TREAD DESIGN "Perhaps in other days it building the nation's moral United States is rich and strong — because the Soviet • NEW, NON-SKID SAFETY 40,000 MILES "Somehow the Church must was sufficient to inform your and' spiritual strength, a ^fac- in WRITING W PAN-AMERICAN appreciate and live with science readers with the news of inter- tor he said will be decisive Union is also rich and • NEW, LONGER TREADWEAR TIRE CO. ulus road hazard gbaran against breaks. , bruises in our day," he said, "We can- est to Catholics, to" edify them in the struggle with commun- strong — but because since "~ (BONUS MILEAGE) etc. without any ex Coa- not afford to be illiterate in sci- the time of our founding, we mcrcial . U" Gun- With stories of the triumphs of ism. • NEW HANDSOME STYLING anteed •les. ence today." . the Church, to ask their pray- have stood for more than The Vice President spoke in- that. • EASIER PARKING, STEERING Catholics must bring the ers for the Church Suffering, and formally on May 11 at the 50th '•/- traditional philosophical and to encourage them in the whole- NYLON TUBELESS BLACKWALLS some practices of the Faith for anniversary convention of the "We have stood for spiritual theological truths of the Catholic Press Association. and moral values and we must SALE their own sanctification. FACTORY SUGGESTED- FEDERAL T Church into a vital relation- present these today to tlie SIZE- LIST PRICE EXCISE TAX PP CE Mr. Nixon was introduced by ship with the truths newly un- "All of these things are nec- world, but we can do it only to 6.70x15 62.55 .., .. 2 17 22.15 covered by science, he declar- essary, of course, but there is Auxiliary Bishop Philip M. Han- the extent that we are morally .. 2 27 ...... 24.15 ed. While some of these scien- s6mething else likewise, im- nan of Washington, editor-in- and spiritually strong." 7.10x15 .....< 68.65 ... tific truths may raise" "great portant, and it is a sense of chief of the Catholic Standard, 7.50x14 . 68.65 ... .. 2 14 . 22.15 philosophical problems," this personal involvement in the life newspaper of the archdiocese. It is in. this area, said Mr. 8 00x14 75.45 ... .. 2 26 24.15 challenge should be regarded of the Church everywhere." Nixon, that he sees a role for "We hear a- great deal the Catholic press in strength- 8.50x14 .,-... 82.85 .., ..' 2 42 ..... 26.40 about the responsibility of ening the country's moral and 9.00x14 92.00 .. .. 2.61 ..... 29.30 lawmakers to deal with great" spiritual awareness. issues, such as civil rights," NYLON TUBELESS WHITEWAL'LS He praised the Catholic Press said Mr. Nixon. "But the pas- FACTORY SUGGESTED FEDERAL • SALE sage of a civil rights bill will Association on its anniversary SIZE LliT PRICE as "an organization that has EXCjSE TAX PRICE not by itself solve the prob- 6.70x15 ...... 76.00 . ., .. 2 17 26.75 lem of discrimination and in- contributed so much and will tolerance." contribute much more to Amer- 7.10x15 ..... 84.00 .. .. 2.27 29.25 ica." 7.60x15 ..... 92.00 .., .. 2 45 31.95 "Too often, there is a tenden- 8.00x15 102.50 :., ...2.62 35.50 cy in dealing with a problem such as this to ask, 'Why does 8.20x15 ..... 106.25 .., .. 2.80 36.75. not Congress pass a law?' But 7^50x14...... 89.35 .., .. 2 f4 ..... 26 this doesn't solve the problem," ^ NCWC News Chief 8.00x14 92.40 .. .. 2.26 . 29.23 he said. 8.50x14 ..... 101.45 .. . 2 42 31.95 :•• Gets CPA Award "The fact that a law is on 9.00x14 112.70 .. .. 2.61 35.50 the books is enough reason to •- WASHINGTON (NO — 9.50x14 116.90 . .. . 2.80 36.75 obey the law. But where the ' Frank A. Hall, director of CREDIT OR BUDGET TERMS — Your old tires can be your law is passed in an area deal- the N.C.W.C. News Service, was presented the Catholic DOWN PAYMENT ing with moral problems, this All Prices Exch. far Recappatle Tire. Otherwise AU$3 per tire. is not enough reason to act on Press Association's second the law. There must be a moral annual outstanding service PAN-AMERICAN TIRE'CO basis for action," he said. award. ' • 2777 N.W. 54th ST. % The chief of the agency "In civil rights," he added, V "we must recognize the obli- >. which reports national and • 1450 N. MIAMI AVE. • 2701 N.W. 7th AVE. • 10535 N.W. 27th AVE. • 5740 S. DIXJE HWY. Ph. .to gation to avoid acts of dis- ' international news about ~the • W. FLAGLER & 22nd AVE. • 14352 N.W. 7th AVE. KEYNOTE'SPEAKER at the 50th anniversary convention of crimination or intolerance not Church to the Catholic press HOMESTEAD: 916 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY the Catholic Press Association in Washington was Gregory because a law exists, but be- was presented a statuette of . HOLLYWOOD: 516 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY cause it is right to do so," St. Francis de'Sales, patron FT. LAUDERDALE: 3020 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY Cardinal Agagianian. He is shown being introduced by John J. WEST PALM BEACH: 2814 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY Daly, CPA president. Some 25 members of the hierarchy and he said. " saint of journalists. 5M delegates attended the sessions. . "We need to develop in all

Page 2 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 20, 1960 Public Exhibits To Show Mercy Hospital Gets Award Confrqternity In Action For Safety, From Fla. Board Men and women volunteers lite teacher - trainees are Mercy Hospital, Miami, re- Monta McGauran, Louise who are training to teach iuw presently attending a series Mulhcan, Thelma Hayes, Ber- der the auspices of the Confra- cently became the first hospital of detailed instructions in nice Quellette, Lucille Fitz- ternity of Christian Doctrine will in Florida to receive recogni- Catholic doctrine in prepara- patrick, Virginia May, Kath- conduct a demonstration of their tion for an outstanding safety tion for the summer school, leen ..Conrad, Alverda Han- work at three centers in the which will run -for two weeks record from the^ State Indus- : ley, Ardis Webster, Gertrude diocese on Friday and Saturday, starting on June 20. trial Commission. June 3 and 4. The public is in- Jenkins, Clozzie Mae Adams and Lorene Webb. vited. According to a CCD announce- During ceremonies held Fri- ment, "children who do not reg- day marking the close of Na- Special feature of the hospital Entitled "Operation Relig- tional Hospital Week, Sister ious Vacation. School," the ularly attend Catholic schools ' week observance was an exhib- Louis Edwin, S.S.J., adminis- demonstrations will explain will be enrolled mornings in the it of miniature nurses hats made trator, aecepted a certificate the work of the 200 lay peo- Religious Vacation School and by the Sisters of St. Joseph ple who will teach religion in will be offered an opportunity of merit from G. P. Mclntosh, who staff the hospital. More June to' Catholic children who to learn in a happy atmosphere, of the Department of Indus- than 150 nursing schools in the attend public school. the truths of their religion and trial Safety. United States, Canada and Eu- how to live them."' rope are represented by mem- Exhibits will be held at Commending the management The classes will be held in and employes of Mercy Hospital, bers of the nursing staff at the ge, Miami; St. Ann hospital. Parish, West Pate Beach, and buildings o^ various parishes. the citation was presented "in St. Francis Xavier Parish, Fort Prior to the opening, the teach- recognition of their progressive Opened in 1950, the 300-bed Myers. ers wil( participate in, workshops reduction of injuries and a safe- hospital is located on Biscayne to be conducted by the Mission ty record better than the state At all thr^e centers the pro- . Bay at 3663 S. Miami Avenue. Helpers of the Sacred Heart. average of their industry in gram will be the same. There Many emergency cases have 1959." been brought to the institution will be a panel presentation of Professional teachers of -the by helicopter and seaplane. teaching techniques on June 3 diocese who have had the acc- Special displays were exhib- at 8 p.m. On the following day, essary number of hours in doc- ited by various departments The first Cobalt unit south of the program will open at trinal instruction will be able to of the hospital during the 'Philadelphia was installed at 9:15 a.m. and close with the qualify for the CCD teaching week. Five-year service pins the hbspital in 1956 for the treat- showing of a film at 3 p.m. on certificate at the conclusion of were awarded to 18 employ- ment of Cancer patients. Resi- the Confraternity of Christian the training. Non - professional Voice Kioto es. They are: Irene Knight, dent quarters for staff physi- doctrine. Tickets -are available teachers need 30 hours of train- MERCY HOSPITAL administrator, Sister Louis Edwin, S.S.J. John Fisher, Katherine Has- cians were completed last year through parish units of the ing in "Adaptive Way" teach- holds the certificate of merit awarded to the diocesan institution kell, Jean Landino, Lois on grounds adjacent to the hos- CCD. for its safety record by the Florida Industrial Commission. Kemppel, Elizabeth Quaid, pital. COLUMBIA IDEML SAVE AT " ~ ': ' **,**' EARN OPEN or ADD To Dividends on Your Savings 4% Your Paid Twice A Year 1 ACCOUNT FREE PARKING on or RECEIVE ONE OF THESE FREE GIFTS before WITH A NEW $25.00 SAVINGS ACCOUNT:* FREE MONEY the 10th ORDERS — x • A Beautiful 19 Piece Fluerette dinnerware set. (three per nanth) This «et is heatproof and consists of four cups, four saucers, and Earn four dinnerplates, four desserts, one sugar with cover and DIVIDENDS from • A beautiful 12 piece Fire-King Copper-Tint ovenware. ^ each account the 1st A beautiful 18 piece genuine American cut glass tumbler set insured up to in the attractive "Coin Dot" cutting. It consists of six fruit $10,000 by tike juice, six table tumblers, six ice tea glasses. Federal Savings Your account can be and Loan^ transferred from any- —

IN MIAMI SHORES EVENING? HOURS ' Monday and Friday $ to 7:36 P.M.

TOM JOYCE DAILY HOURS COLUMBJAm EEDERAL President Monday through Friday 9 A.M. to 4 PJfc SAVINGS fir LOAN ASSOCIATION 9537 N. E. 2nd-Aye., Miami Shores, Florida PLaza 7-7658

May 20, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 3 First choice with. businessmen

Minister To Be Convert MIDDELBURG, The Nether- lands (NO — A minister of inane % v the Dutch Reformed Church has announced that he is becoming a Catholic. The Rev. Mr. Hen- drik van der Linde said he is the "Thermo-Fax" entering the Catholic Church Copying Machine "for ecumenical reasons.'' Movie Given Award ... NOTHING FASTER makes dry copies of business papers in just 4 seconds! VALLADOLID.JSpain (NO — The Fifth International Week of ...NOTHING CLEANER It's completely elec- tric ... needs no chemicals or negatives. Religious Films and Films of Human Values has given its ...NOTHINGS-SIMPLER Anyone in the office . can make copies! • religious film award to the Swed- ish movie, "The Seventh Seal." IN ST. PETER'S Basilica during the ceremony Moshi, Tanganyika; Peter Poreku Dery, of Wa, Phone us today for an amazing demonstration of their consecration are four of the 14 bishops Ghana; Dominic Yoshimatsu Noguchi, of Hiro- of the versatile "Thermo-Fax" Copying Machine Pope John XXIII consecrated for world-wide shima, Japan, and Joseph Busimba, of Goma, OdsdfthL mission Sees. Left to right, Joseph Kilasara of Belgian Congo. SUMMER SCHOOL Portuguese Religious Practice Attendance accepted by Fires To Highlight ENFIELD'S Dade County Board of Public Instruction 1 Munich Congress 'Strengthened Since Fatima MUNICH, Germany (NC) — MIAMI JACKSONVILLE i TUTORING ALL SUBJECTS By SUSAN LOWNDES MARQUES cease practicing their religion, Festive fires will glow by night from the mountaintops Academic and Commercial for in the towns it is chiefly the 1339 Biscoyne Blvd. 1446 June St. For information, please see LISBON, (NO — The appari- surrounding Munich when Yellow Page 620, Phone Book tions of the Blessed Virgin professional and. middle class the International Eucharistic FR 3-7676 a 4-2641 Air-Conditioned Classrooms Mary at Fatima 43 years ago people who go Congress opens here July 31. Ample Free Parking Catholic Youth of Bavaria have strengthened Catholicity in , • In working class districts 500-526 N.E. 79th St. will light the fires not only ]^£|NN(SOTA AND J^ANUfACTURINO COMPANY Portugal. few men, many children and on the Alps around Munich Near Bisc. Blvd. some working, class wives and ...WHfhl RiSIARCM It IHI KIY TO fOMOIfttOW Coming when Portugal was but also across the Bavarian Ask for free-Literature elderly women attend Mass. still in the throes of political Alps to Berchtesgaden in die Phones: PL 1-7948 In the country, Sunday con- and economic chaos and anti- east. PL 4-8254 MU 1-3568 gregations represent across religious ideas were rampant, the Marian apparitions in 1917 section of the population — appear to have been a turn- with the exception of the older Adenauer's Son - Msgr. ing point. The religious spirit men, many of whom still cling HONNEF, Germany (NC) — 'of the Portuguese has, been to the antireligious ideas of Father Paul Adenauer, son of improving slowly but steadily. the early part of the century. Chancellor Korirad Adenauer, has been named a papal cham- An example is the marked in- In the north, where the agri- berlain with the title of Very crease in the number of men cultural areas are mostly di- Reverend Monsignor. Father Ad- at Mass on Sunday compared vided into small holdings, there enauer is a curate at Unkel-am- . . . Safest Tire ever built to 20 years ago. Now a large seem to be more active parishes Rhein and a professor at the proportion of young men are and a more united family life. Catholic Social Institute at Bad THE GENERAL TIRE OF MIAMI practicing their religion, where- Most of Portugal's religious vo- Honnef. 5600 Biscayn* Blvd. PL 1-8564 as 20 or 30 years ago it was cations come from the north. unusual tcTsee a man of uni- Husband-Wife, Writers THE GENERAL TIRE OF MIAMI BEACH, INC. versity age receive the sacra- In the country as a whole, 1801 Alton Rd., Miami Beach, Fla. JE 8-5396 ments. religious ignorance and lack of Cited By Catholic Vets solid spiritual formation prevail NEW YORKT (NO — Wil- - THE GENERAL TIRE OF CORAL GABLES The Portuguese feel their liam H. and Veronica Cassidy 301 GiraMa Ave., Across from the Bus Terminal, C. G. HI 4-7141 among both the lesser educated country is_ signally honored by classes and the rich. of the Brooklyn Tablet have re- the manifestations aT Fatima. ceived Americanism citations; THE GENERAL TIRE OF NORTH MIAMI i 700 N. E. 167th St., H Mile West oh Shopping Center Wl 5-4249 There is great pride in t he from the state branch of the shrine there even among non- Church Marriages made up Catholic War Veterans. IN FT. LAUDERDALE 70 per cent of all marriages practicing Catholics and there^- Mr. Cassidy has been on the GENERAL TIRES, INC. are few persons in Portugal in 1930. The figure rose to paper's staff for 28/years; his' 2700 South Federal Highway JAckson 4-5567 who have -not visited it. The 78 per cent in 1940. It now wife has written education ar- number of people who have re- stands at more than 90 per turned to the sacraments be- cent for the whole country. ticles for the Tablet. cause of the Fatima apparitions must run into the hundreds of ...Fine Gifts thousands — a great proportion of them men. INSURED SAVINGS^ In the last census (1950) EARN and Accessories taken in Portugal, 96.9 per cent of the people listed them- 1, , - selves as Catholics. On this for All Occasions basis, this country of some 8 PERANNUM million people has only a 40 (CURRENT RATE) to 50 per cent attendance at Sunday Mass. Flagler at First N The Sunday congregations vary from perhaps five per cent •.Aa of the people in Beja, in the "One of the Naiion's south, considered the least Cath- olic diocese, to 70 or 80 per iest and Larqes JtevL, cent in the northern Archdio- cese of Braga. la Braga, con- Beautifiil Religious trary to the pattern in many pade Federal Latin countries, nearly as many tSAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION of MlAMI OBJECTS TTART men as women attend Mass. JOSEPH M. LiPTON, Presk Generally speaking, religious UN 5-74^59 practice in the country districts is double that in the towns and 5 Convenient Offices' Serve Dade County Christ, hondcorved ivory, India 9555 Harding Ave. — Surf side cities. But when peasants mi- t,Vi" overall on leak base. grate to towns, they are apt to ^RESOURCES EXCEED 145 MILLION DOLLARS^

Poae 4 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 20, 1960 Anti-Smut Bill New Orleans Group Decides 'Buried/ Says To 'Do Something About It1 NEW ORLEANS (NC) —Msgr. Henry C. Bezou, su- Senate Leader "Something should be done perintendent of schools of about it?" the New Orleans archdio- WASHINGTON (NO — A cese; Father John Toomey, congressional leader in the fight Well, something is being S.J., director of the forum against obscene literature has' done here by the new "do of Loyola University of the complained that an anti-smut something about it" commit- South; and Father James Keller, M.M., founder of the bill she is sponsoring Has been tee for moral safety. "buried in a Senate commit- Christopher movement. According to Mrs. Harold Among the areas for im- tee." Ainsworth, chairman, the provement stressed by the group is part of the Council committee are motion pic- Rep. Kathryn E. Granahan tures, books, magazines, ad- of Pennsylvania made the of Catholic School Coopera- tive Clubs. i vertisements, songs and pho- charge in an address to a nograph records, and even the magazine editors' session dur- Mrs. Ajnsworth explained jackets of records. f ^the golden jubilee con- "If you see something that's S—tion of the Catholic Press wrong, don't just talk about One theater manager, told Association. it; do something about it. Pro- Mrs. Ainsworth that he has test to the right persons — the become a subscriber to the She also scored public "com- ones who can help. But do it archdiocesan newspaper so as placency, carelessness, ignor- in a friendly manner." to receive movie ratings of ance or laziness" because of NC Photo the National Legion of De- which the pornography problem Committee advisers are cency. in this country "threatens to STREET CORNER meetings in the heart of among the bright lights and beatniks to anyone get completely out of hand." Times Square and in Greenwich Village, N.Y., who wants to listen. Shown is a Guild member are conducted by the Catholic Evidence Guild. speaking to passersby in Greenwich Village. Rep. Granahan urged the Members of the Guild explain their religion Street-preaching is also traditional in Boston. Catholic press to call for action on her antiobscenity bill (H.R. 7379) by the Senate Post Office Coadjutor Bishop Named For Tucson r 1 and Civil Service Committee, WASHINGTON (NO — Arch- his studies for, the priesthood before which it is now pending. bishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apos- at St. Joseph's Preparatory Sem- $k V E AS She said that up to now all tolic Delegate in the United inary, Mountain View, Cal., and efforts to bring the bill be- States, announced that Pope at St. Patrick's Seminary, Men- fore the Senate "have been John XXIII has appointed the lo Park, Cal. His ordination took T H 0 U.SA'N D S SAVE, to no avail — even though it Most Rev. Francis J. Green as place in Tucson on May 15, was.reported unanimously by our House Post Office and Pope Honors Publisher Coadjutor Bishop of Tucson. 1932. SAY AS Bishop Green previously was Civil Service Committee and CINCINNATI (NC) — A pub- Named Titular Bishop of Ser- passed the House of Repre- Auxiliary Bishop to the Most lisher is among six laymen of ra and Auxiliary Bishop of Tuc- THOUSANDS SAY; sentatives by an overwhelm- Rev. Daniel J. Gercke, Bishop the Cincinnati archdiocese to be son by Pope Pius XII in 1953, ing majority last year." honored by Pope John XXIII. of Tucson. Bishop Green was consecrated FOR MY MONEY IT'S.. The measure would extend to He is George A. Pflaum, head Born in Corning, N. Y., July a bishop on Sept. 17 of that 45 days the maximum period of the firm of George A. Pflaum, 7, 1906, Bishop Green made year. for which the Post Office can Publisher, Inc., which special- impound mail addressed to sus- ized in weekly publications for pected smut distributors while school use. Mr. Pflaum was it takes action against them. named a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Post Office spokesmen say Great. the present maximum impound- ing^ time, 20 days, is not long enough to complete action Federal Loan To Loyola against distributors, who thus " are enabled to reap their profits CHICAGO (NC) — A Federal . while a case against them is loan of $1 million has been still pending. By impounding granted to Loyola University for their mail, the Post Office pre- the construction of a three-story vents distributors from collect- building that will house a cafe- ing payments sent to them in teria, bookstore, faculty dining response to their ads for por- room and administrative offices. nography. It will serve 5500 students at- tending classes at the downtown The Granahan bill would campus. also streamline the Post Of- fice's administrative proce- dure in obscenity cases in f Want To Rent House \ several technical respects. It \ in Key West 4 has been endorsed by postal PERCENT PER YEAR officials many times. r Young medical doctor y being transferred to ^ Rep. Granahan also asked the I y Key West Naval Hospital ^ Catholic press to support anoth- ^ July 1st would like A er bill of which she is sponsor to rent unfurnished ^ X 11C \_U[ISlldll UUJlll^LO LivviviaU dt IV«CIIV i^a wai4^ 19 AT (H.R. 11516), which would es- • 3 bedroom Write j tablish by law the position of in California's Napa Valley. The Valley's select graj«s Office judicial officer. The • L.D. Ellis, M.D. 1 ate cultivated for The Christian Brothers Burgundy*. Jal officer is one of thef 3961 - 58th Way North 4 f figures in Post Office ac- From the dedicated labors tion against smut distributors. w St. Petersburg, Fla. ^ of devoted men come the great wines of Chase FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION- HFhe • LINCOLN ROAD No. 11OO at Lenox Ave. - JE 8-7411 SON • FORTY FIRST STREET No. 4-25 at Sheridan Ave. - JE-B-3666 INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. • COLLINS AVENUE at TSth St. - UN 6-7331 .• (Dirislian • SURFSIDE . 9574 Harding Ave. - UN 5-7441 • NORTH MIAMI BEACH COMPLETE INSURANCE FACILITIES 163rd St. Shopping Center - Wl 7-1473

PHONE 2121 BISCAYNE BLVD. FR 1-3691 MIAMI, FLA. Brotherof California s CURRENT DIVIDEN D, J AN ORDER FOUNDED IN i6«o. REIMS. FRANCE Ptwnm and Si'chel. Inc.. sola distributors. New York. N.V.. Chicago, III., San Francisco, Calil

May 20, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 5 THE EDITOR'S COMMENT Is The Racket About Over? Truth'*'Of The Matter Ascension Opened V Strict Rule On Sunday Mass Is Puzzle To Non-Catholics Heaven To Man By FATHER JAMES J. WALSH There has been in the world only one con- The great crowds streaming ularly we heard the summons queror who lived to enjoy His conquest and to through our church doors every of divine law to be faithful preserve its benefits for His subjects. Christ alone Sunday for Mass have always to spiritual duties. It is one has won that distinction. Next Thursday we will puzzled non - Catholics. Fre- of the sad aspects of our na- rearrange our morning schedule and attend Mass quently they ask questions ture that we have to live by to commemorate the day of His Ascension. along this line: law in order to do our best. The Ascension marked the end of His "Why is it that Catholics The keeping of the Sabbath stay on earth and the beginning of His reign are under such a strict obliga- was so impressed upon the Jews in heaven. All heaven had waited patiently tion to go to Sunday Mass? of the Old Law that even now for that moment when the Son of God re- Wouldn't it be better to leave it stands out as the most dis- turned to His throne as the God-man. them perfectly free in the tinctive feature of their history. matter? Does it do any good Should it be different for Chris- Among the welcoming throng, of course, to threaten adults with a pen- tians who have the same r1 there was not a single man or woman. The gates alty in order to get them to gation to worship God? _^' of heaven had been closed to the human race do something? I'd resent go- The important point is this ing to Church if I was told since the day of Adam's rebellion. Even heav- — not only Catholics are en's Queen was still in exile on earth. I had to go or suffer the con- sequences." obliged to take time on the There were indeed no saints in heaven Lord's Day to worship Him, until that hour when Our Lord ascended at Not many years ago when the but every human being is the head of a vast crowd of souls whom He Lord's Day was kept with rev- just as strictly bound to put had liberated from Limbo. These were the erence by almost everyone, aside His Work and other in- faithful ones among the descendants of Ad- such questions as the above terests to return His duty to am, the prophets and holy people among the would not have been asked. But God. now when Sunday takes on Jews, the countless unknowns who had lived There are no exceptions to and died in the love of God. Blow To Bigotry Seen more and more the appearance of a week-day, , when many thfs law for anyone. There are That joyful procession from earth to heaven have lost sight of the primary 168 hours in a week. Doesn't has never stopped. The door remains open to all Did Voters Of West Virginia purpose of church-going, some it seem a trival thing, a trif- who believe in Christ and live according to His are puzzled, othefs are resent- ling interruption in routine to law. When death takes a loved one, the thought 7 ful because we have not" relax- use one of these hours in order of the triumphant Lord ascending with the end- 'Bury The Religious Issue? ed the serious obligation to go to honor God in the way He has less procession of the blessed in every genera- to Mass. commanded? Notice that phrase tion provides lasting consolation and at the same ress Association. National Catholic Welfare Confer- ence News Service. . • * fruitful if but a single soul is made mbre Christ- date ' on the basis of an irrele- tirely removed, by the outcome News items Intended tor publication must be received by Friday noon, prior to following week's edition. * ' like. '"- '•• • - -• • ••-• • '• : • ' -•• • vant issue such as how he wor- of the primary.

Page 6 TH£ VOICF Miami, Fla. May 20, 1960 Sum And Substance kThe Silence On Sit-in Strikes Shelf By FATHER JOHN B. SHEERIN a duty to speak means disap- against, your will. In the case proval of the strikers. As one of the sit-in strikers, the This month at Denver the Methodist Church confessed its writer recently said, the Chris- drug-store owners invite the Bare? failure to live up to its pro- tian churches in America have Negroes to enter. It is only By JOSEPH BREIG nouncements on the subject of not merely failed to solve the .when they attempt to sit down I am going to begin with a racial justice. "The failure of racial problem, they have help- at the counter that the owner recent court case which involv- our church to Jive up to its own ed to perpetuate and institution- objects. pronouncements is a fault that ed a 5-year-old girl named Alice alize racial injustice. It's not a Marie, in Trenton, N.J. must be shared by every sec- As for the charge that the tion of the church. Our failure question of self-righteous criti- strikers create fire hazards, I am going to end with An- to achieve the aims of Christian cism, it's a question of being a we can dismiss that as spur- drew Carnegie, the 19th century brotherhood is grievous since Pittsburgh steel multimillion- Christian. ious on the face of it. Methodism is a world church." aire. Certain readers of this col- Then, there is the charge that : If you will stay with me, I Catholics in America can umn have written to me let- the strikers are guilty of dis- promise to connect them up — well afford to examine their ters of protest against my orderly conduct. This is the to put before the jury of consciences on racial justice. previous columns in support most patently ridiculous of all ^ readers an interesting Leaders such as Archbishop of the sit-in strikers. Most the alleged offenses. The con- question. Rummel have sounded that of them strike the note that duct of the sit-in strikers is as Alice Marie, you may recall, trumpet call for justice it is scandalous for a priest to proper as the behavior of a was the foster-daughter of Mr. for the Negro but the call has aid and abet a deliberate group of nun novices filing into and Mrs. Richard Combs, who not echoed in many Catholic campaign of law-breaking. chapel. Even when jailed, the circles. Bishop Albert Fletch- most violent act of the sit-in had reared her from the age of If someone will point out to er of Little Rock, aware that strikers is to sing hymns. nine months. me where the strikers are vio- racial justice is a subject that lating genuine laws, I will be From ihe moral angle, law • * • is taboo in that city, recently happy to eat my words. But is an ordinance for the com- NOT LONG AGO, they asked urged Catholic discussion where is the lawlessness? The mon good promulgated by for permission to adopt her. clubs and other groups to dis- usual charges against the strik- him who has the care of the Welfare authorities • objected. cuss the taboo subject. "This ers are that they trespass on community. If it is not an They had other plans for Alice silence," he said, "is a vacu- private property or cause fire ordinance of reason for the 'No, not that one, the one next to it." Marie. um which is not natural." Alice, it appeared, had an hazards by blocking traffic in common good, it is no law. exceptionally high intelligence Almost daily we read of drug-stores or restaurants or Of course, ordinarily the citi- that they are guilty of disorder- zen should not take it into- quotient, and welfare workers Protestant leaders and Protes- QUESTION CORNER f fjJfS>*fj v felt that she should be placed tant groups that have come for- ly conduct. There are no laws his own hands to judge a law ' with a more intellectual fam- ward to support and encourage demanding segregation at lunch invalid where the binding ily. the sit-in strikers in the South. counters, so certain Southerners power of the law-is clear but iter 50 Years, Returning -My sympathies were with Mr. But where are the Catholic have used their ingenuity to a doubtful law does not oblige and Mrs. Combs. After all, IQ voices? Catholic conventions dream up new trespass laws to in conscience. tests do not say the final word pass resolutions, oftentimes apply to the lunch-counters. To Confession Isn't Easy \ To the sit-in striker, however, about anybody. platitudinous nods in the direc- I doubt, however, that any the flimsy, improvised trespass Why doesn't the Church make it easy for Furthermore; the best place tion of social justice, but I reputable appeals court will order by Southern legislators fallen-away Catholics to return to the Sacra- for a gifted child, in my view, is don't seem to find any resolu- sustain the validity of these are rotten to the core because with people who love her for her- tions emerging from these con- ments? It is most difficult for them to go to Con- trespass laws. According to they are infected by the cor- self, and will not push her un- ventions in favor of the be- fession. The darkness of the confessional and our traditional Common Law, ruption in the whole immoral duly in school. '• leaguered lunchcpunter strikers. no man can commit a tres- system of segregation. Mean- the impersonal attitude of the priest adds to 3 10 pt stars In this matter we have a duty pass on your property unless while can we Catholics afford to their fear. I was away from the. Sacraments for • * • to speak out, for silence under he enters your property twiddle our thumbs? over 50 years. I couldn't bear the thought of go- -I AM GLAD, therefore, that ing to confession. Luckily a chance meeting with the court decided for Mr. and a priest broke the ice. Mrs. Combs, in spite of the fact Making Marriage Click that they had few books in their MSGR. JOHN J. FITZPATRICK home. Welcome home! Hope it doesn't take that long for every- I disagreed, however, with one of the arguments offered by one. While you ponder the question you ask, be sure to thank their attorney, Samuel Epstein. Is Man Superior To Woman? God for His graces and the persons who brought you back I quote him: "Judging from a recent that there are 20 times more supreme and superior to wom- to Him. "It is no longer necessary article, you are weakening men than women in jail. But an? St. Paul did say that wo- I must confess that I was not aware that the darkened to have books in the home, on your stand for male su- that obviously does not show men should be "subject" to with so many public libraries. confessional was such a barrier. The return to the Sacra- premacy. You say women the "religiousness" of men their husbands. Christ, however, Shelves of books only become are more capable of being ments, the unloading of years of neglect and downright and women. was "subject" to St. Joseph. dust collectors anyway." religious than men. A tru- foolishness, the humble petition for absolution from sin Attorney Epstein did not That does not indicate inferior- ly religious person should There is another point: men, seem to be of such a nature that most persons would not speak only for himself. If my ity for all authority comes from not rely on his evictions as by nature, are more aggressive succeed in attaining their desires, if they had to ring the observations are correct, he a religious guide but rath- than women and their sins are God. spoke for the majority of Am- er on his reasoning ... A of the more aggressive and no- doorbell of a rectory and sit down face to face with their ericans. ticeable type. Women are more Pius XI explained that the pastor and admit that they had been bad Catholics for so woman grabs for every woman should be obedient to • * * consoling sentiment and passive and their sins are gen- long. NOTHING is more depressing- erally of the passive and un- her husband but that she is ly conspicuous in the modern then is not satisfied — so not, a "minor" or an infant Most priests are aware that the secrecy and the imper- she cries. Please help me noticeable kind. American home than the glar- who can be dictated to and sonableness of the confessional is one of the greatest selling ing absence of a home library. in this confusion." Pierre. Keeping in mind the distinc- need not be consulted. St. points in their efforts to reclaim these lost souls. Americans have autos. They tion between being religious and By MSGR. IRVING A. DeBLANC Thomas reminds us that the have TV and hi-fi or stereo- pious, man should be more re- need for obedience grows less The fact that the priest won't know them personally, that phonic recorders. They have In the column you refer to ligious because of his God-given as an individual's ability they don't have to confess their sins under the presumed frown automatic washers and driers. role to be the head of the fam- Pierre, I used the word "re- to reason grows more and of a horrified confessor, and that they can release then- pent- They subscribe to newspapers ligious" in a general sense. Let ily. As head of the family it is more. However, obedience and magazines. me try to clarify my point by he who is responsible for re- up emotions by crying to their heart's content is a great help can be associated with an or- buy a book? No; the pre- making a distinction between be- ligion in the j family. to these frightened people. ! American philosophy is ganization and for the com- ing "religious" and being "pi- I am sure that you will find that the priests are doub- Qlilosophy of Attorney Ep- ous." - God never indicates ends mon good. Imagine what stein. without giving the means to chaos would take place, for ly kind to them. They know how difficult it must be, how I shudder at such talks; but One is religious when he or get there. Man then gets instance, if an orchestra had long it has taken them to make up their minds, how much she does the will of God. One graces of leadership in the it expresses the general attitude. no director to coordinate the grace they must have received over a long period of time is pious when he or she mani- sacrament of Matrimony — A book is not something to trombones, saxophones, and from the Good Shepherd, Who has been seeking the lost own, to cherish, to read and fests devotions to God. There woman does not. so on. This is especially true has been very little research on sheep patiently, gently, kindly. re-read. It is "a dust collector Concerning piety: statistical in family life — the father is on the shelf." whether women are more relig- head for the good of the whole ious than men. In fact, in this figures show that women go to Of course, there may be some who are frightened by the THE CONSEQUENCE is that family. field research is practically non- church more frequently and are confessional. It's been so long since their last good confes- writing a book nowadays is a more devotional than men. They existent. sion! And they've forgotten their Act of Contrition and the labor of love. It is something pray more frequently than men, Pope John XXIII only re- cently reminded us that "wom- introductory words! Someone should tell them that these aren't that must be done in spare time, The few studies I have seen they stress spiritual values at all necessary. after the work of earning a liv- show only the externals — more frequently, they are more an has dignity equal to man's ing. how often men and women pre - occupied, with children, but God and nature have given Really only one thing is required: "Father, it's been a Most books sell so poorly go to Mass, Communion, con- with culture, and less-absorbed her different tasks which per- good many years since my last confession. Will yon help that their authors would starve . fession, sodality meetings, with material things. Their value fect and complete man's mis- me?" is they devoted their time to etc. But this indicates very system is generally higher than sion." In that statement we. writing. If books sold better, little about their spiritual life. men's have the answer: as persons If they waat to talk to a priest face to face beforehand, would not better books be they are equal but their roles he will be glad to see them and will treat them with all kind- written? True, some figures indicate But you ask, Pirere, is man are not. ness and welcome them back, too.

May 20, 1960 Miami, Fla. THE VOICE Page 7 NEW! Enjoy Normal Hearing - Save As Much As $150.00 Missal Guide For Mass with the Sensational New Strange But True May 22 — Fifth Sunday after Mai 29 — Sunday after the As- By M. J. MURRAY Copyright 1959. N.C.W.C. New» Servie* Easter. Mass of the Sunday, cension. Mass of the Sunday, Gloria, Credo, Preface of Gloria, second prayer of St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzis, TRANSISTOR HEARING AID Easter. Virgin, Credo, preface of the May 23 — Rogation Day. Mass Ascension. CAGMELITE CHUQCU Complete with penlite battery, JERUSALEM ms THE- earphone and sheepskin $ of the day, preface of Easter. carrying case OUR FATHER May 24 — Rogation Day. Mass Notre Dame To Honor INSCRIBED ON of the da T, preface of Easter. ITS WALLS IN 36 LANGUAGES. May 25 — St. Gregory VII, Eisenhower, Cardinal ption Pharmacy PL 4-3774 or PL 1-9581 Pope and Confessor. Mass of NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NO — the feast, Gloria, second pray- President Eisenhower, an Ital- 6301 Biscayne Blvd. — Chancery Bldg. er of the vigil of the Ascen- ian cardinal and the president sion, third prayer of St. Ur- of the United Nations General ban I, Pope and Martyr, pref- Assembly will receive honorary ace of Easter: degrees at Notre Dame Uni- versity's commencement June 5. May 26 — Ascension of Out Lord Jesus Christ. Mass of Honored together with the God Love You the feast, Gloria, Credo, pref- President will be His Eminence ace of the Ascension. Giovanni Battista Cardinal Mon- tini, Archbishop of Milan, and Most Reverend May 27 — St. Bede the Vener- Victor Andres Belaunde of Peru, able, Confessor and Doctor. head of the U.N. General As- Fulton J. Sheen Mass of the feast, Gloria, sec- sembly. President Eisenhower ond prayer of St. John I, Pope will be awarded an honorary ST FRANCIS OB SALES and Martyr, Credo, preface of doctorate of laws and also will ONCE SLEPT TIED TO THE BRANCHES the Ascension. deliver the commencement ad- OF A TREr, WHEN dress. Cardinal Montini will of- Why is^it that Catholics always feel so "free" in the Faith, May 28 — St. Augustine of Can- K ESTIMATED TO HAVB NO SHELTER. while those outside regard us as "enslaved?" Catholics "free- fer a Solemn Pontifical Mass WAS terbury, Bishop and Confes- earlier in the day at the bac- 48O MILLION MEMBERS. AN/WLASLF ly" assent to the truth that Christ is present in the Eucharist; sor. Mass of the feast, Gloria, calaureate ceremonies. .Bishop 418.OOO CHURCHES, S8O.OOO PRIESTS OH THE non-Catholics say we are "forced" to submit to dogmas. Why preface of Easter. MORC 7HAN 90.000 RELIGIOUS SNOW/ Leo A. Pursley of Fort Wayne GROUND. are we like children enjoying the game of life, while they will preach. COMMUNITIES . K see only the rules and the boundary lines? During the ceremonies, 1,280 undergraduate and graduate de- The reason is this: Where there is love, there is no grees will be conferred. law. Where there is no love, everything is law. There is I Saints of the Week no law. that a young man who loves a woman should SAINT give her gifts, or when married that he give her a wed- Nun On Iowa Board Sunday, May 22 Thursday, May 26 ing ring. But when love leaves, law comes in and each CLINTON, Iowa (NO — Sis- FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION THURSDAY, LEO EASTER. Generally this date is watches the other for fear of being cheated. ter Mary Caroline, administra- which commemorated the As- the feast of St. Rita, Widow. tor of the Mount Alverno cension of Our Lord into heaven She was an Italian and after Home for the Aged, has been from the top of Mount Olivet, For the Catholic who loves Christ in the Church, every- COLLEGE 18 years of married life, lost her named a member of the Iowa 40 days after Easter, in the thing is done which love requires — e.g., not eating meat on husband and two sons. She be- Commission for Senior Citizens Fridays, or keeping oneself in the state of grace, or support- came a nun under the rule of presence of His Blessed Mother, A LIBERAL ARTS by Gov. Herschel B. Loveless. ing the Holy Father's Missions. It is at once both liberty St. Augustine at Cassia and in His Apostles and disciples. Gen- and slavery — liberty to do all that love demands; slavery JUNIOR COLLEGE her later life was afflicted with erally this date is the feast of to Christ who is loved above all things. a painful malady, which she St. Philip Neri, Confessor. Born Conducted by ACADEMY bore with patience and prayer. in Florence in 1515, he became a tutor in Rome. He devoted The non-Catholic sees us submitting to truths revealed The Benedictine Fathers She died in 1456 and is said to OF THE his leisure to the study of the- by Christ, but forgets that we submit to them as obedient have had the power of miracles • Boarding Facilities for Young ology. In 1548 with 14 compan- children to a loving Father. Ignoring the love that is in both during life and after death. Men. Young Women accept- ASSUMPTION ions he founded the Congrega- our obedience, they see only the submission and conclude ed as Day Students. Monday, May 23 1517 Brickell Ave. tion of the Oratory. He was that we are forced. In. a certain sense, we are forced; ST. DESIDERIUS OF LAN- • University Parallel ond Pre- not ordained until 1551. For we are enslaved; aye, more! we "bring our minds captive FR 9-3323 • Miami, Florida GRES, Bishop-Martyr. Tradi- to Christ." But we do it with so much love that is a sweet professional Courses Leading • more than 30 years the Orato- toward All Degrees. tions concerning the saint who slavery. The young man who wishes to marry a young RESIDENT AND DAY SCHOOL was Bishop of Langres, France, ry was the center of religious woman asks to be her "slave" all his life, and if she'~ • On the same Campus: FOR GIRLS conflict about the time of his- life in Rome. Known as the St. Leo College Preparatory "Second Apostle of Rome," St. consents, he regards it as his greatest "freedom." Elementary and Secondary reign and martyrdom. General- .School for Boys, grades 9 to ly it is agreed that he died in Philip died in 1595 and was 12. COLLEGE PREPARATORY the third century. It also is canonized in 1622. Nobody is forced to give to the Holy Father to support AND GENERAL COURSES agreed that he served in north- Friday, May 27 his 135,000 missionaries. AH sacrifices are spontaneous, free For Information, Write eastern Gaul and that during a ST. BEDE THE VENERA- and love-inspired. But to those who have no love, a sacri- THE REGISTRAR Conducted by raid by Teutonic barbarians he BLE, Confessor-Doctor. He was fice to the Holy Father's Missions seems like an unnecessary born in Wearmouth, England, in Saint Leo College THE RELIGIOUS OF THE boldly sought out their chief submission to a "touch." What is your reaction? Are you and begged mercy for his fol- 673 and as a child was offered Saint Leo, Fla. ASSUMPTION touched, or do you think you are "being touched?" lowers. He was struck down. to the Benedictine Abbey of Many churches have been ded- SS. Peter and Paul at Wear- GOD LOVE YOU to M.M.M. for $5 "I am nine years icated in his honor. mouth-Jarrow. He was profess- ed there under the founder, St. old and in the fourth grade. I was saving up my money to Tuesday, May 24 Benedict Biscop, and spent the buy ice skates, but since the winter is all over I will not ST. MANAHEN Prophet. He rest of his life at the abbey. He need them this year. I am sending you this five dollars I The MURPHY Construction Co. lived in the first century and was ordained by St. John of had saved for your poor children." . . . to J. M. for $2 "Here is mentioned in the Acts of the Beverley and was renowned as is two dollars with prayers, that some soul may come to PILE DRIVING -CRANE SERVICE Apostles as the foster-brother of a scholar. The Bible was his know, love and serve God." ... to T. F. for $3 "I'm eight King Herod Antipas and as a principal study. His "ecclesias- years old and I am soon going to make my first Holy Com- prophet. He is said to have died CONCRETE PRECAST tical History of the English munion. One;•day I saw a picture in your Mission magazine at Antioch in Syria. of a little boy who looked so hungry that I wanted to do & CAST IN PLACE People" earned him the title oL. Wednesday, May 25 Father of English History.. ' something for him. I told my mother I was going to put SEAWALLS ST. GREGORY VII, Pope a nickel on the window sill every time I wanted a candy FOUNDATIONS Confessor. He was born of poor Mied_in735. -s> bar. I finally saved this $3.00 and I would like you to see parents in Tuscany about 1013, Saturday, May 28 that some little boy gets it." MARINE CONSTRUCTION was educated in Rome and en- ST. AUGUSTINE OF CANT- • INDUSTRIAL tered religious life in Cluny, ERBURY, Bishop-Confessor. He shares with Pope St. Gregory A stray earring or cuff link that you have around the • APARTMENTS France. Pope St. Leo IX call- house could mean a meal for a starving orphan. Broken eye ed him to Rome, where he serv- the Great the title of Apostle • HOMES • DOCKS of the English. Before his elec- glass frames could mean bandages for a leper. Bracelets you ed the Pontiff and four of his tion, he sent 40 monks under no longer wear — any discarded jewelry — or old gold SINCE 1923 successors as councilor. He was St. Augustine to England, where — if you will send it to us — will be resold, and the IN THE PALM BEACHES archdeacon of Rome in 1073 when he was elected pope. He they were received by King St. money will aid the poor and the homeless in the five con- Ethelbert, who was converted. tinents of the world. withstood attempts of Henry IV of Germany to usurp ecclesias- ^ St. Augustine was consecrated TEmple 2-3634 tical powers, and at length the the first Archbishop of Canter- SHEEN COLUMN: Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice Long Distance 12 monarch sought absolution of bury and achieve great success to it and mail it to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National the Pope at Canossa. Later Hen- in spreading the faith through- Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 ry relapsed, set up an antipope out England. He died about 604 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N.Y. or your Diocesan Director, and sent Pope Gregory into ex- and was buried in the Abbey Rev. Neil J. Flemming, 6301 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 38, Florida. 1630 Clare Ave., West Palm Beach, Florida ile. Pope Gregory died at Sal- church outside of the walls of lerno in 1085. Canterbury.

Page 8 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 20, 1960 Bishop Carroll Father Januszewskf Observes Seniors CluE Advertisement Will Ordain Two Plans Dance HIGH BLOOD, The Catholic Seniors Club is PRESSURE In Ft. Lauderdde sponsoring a May Dance at 8:30 Silver Jubilee In Priesthood p.m., Sunday, in Gesu Center, and (Continued from Page 1) 118 NW Second St. A Polish-born priest who suf- concentration camp at Dachau hood at St. Mark Seminary and fered persecution under the Naz- where he was assigned to work Square and ballroom dancing Gannon College in Erie. He re- is and imprisoned for five as a brick layer and forbidden is planned by the club, which DIETS cently completed theological years in the notorious concentra- is composed of single men and to perform any of his priestly studies at Christ the King Sem- tion camp at Dachau, observed women of Gesu parish, 35 years his silver jubilee in the priest- functions. of age and over. Did You Know inary, St. Bonaventure, N. Y. hood on Sunday in Miami. that Many Faucet Waters where he received a Bachelor In January of 1945 he cele- are High in Salt Content? of Arts degree in Philosophy. Father Jan Januszewski, as- brated Mass secretly when he Latins Build Seminary sistant pastor at St. John the received altar breads from a It is almost impossible to hold to an effective low salt diet and He has two brothers, Dr. Ed- Apostle parish, Hialeah, cele- chapel of German priests. More MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (NC) — Uruguay's Catholics still drink S glasses of some fau- ward A. Brunner of Philadel- brated a Mass of Thanksgiving than 127 priests imprisoned with cet waters daily. Unless your at 9 a.m. in St. Michael the him died before he was rescued have built an interdiocesan sem- phia and Donald J. Brunner of doctor has restricted your fluid Archangel Church where he by troops of the American Third inary for the country, which is intake, you should drink 6 to 8 "•'ington, Va. and a sister, Mrs. has been celebrating Masses Army on April 29, 1945. 95 per cent Catholic. glasses of water daily. HOW TO g Boudreau. and conducting devotions for SOLVE THE PROBLEM? Drink Polish-speaking Miamians for Until 1951 he assisted and pleasant Mountain Valley Water Father Brunner will sing his from Hot Springs, Arkansas.This the past seven years. aided displaced Poles in num- DWARD first Solemn Mass after or- E P. DUFFY nationally famous health-aid is erous camps throughout Ger- extremely low in salt. You'll en- dination Sunday, May 22 in At 5 p.m. he was guest of hon- many and in July of that year joy Mountain Valley Water — St. Clement Church. Father or at a banquet sponsored by he came to the U.S. and was IT'S DELIGHTFUL! In matter* James Keogh, pastor, will be parishioners of St. John the assigned by Archbishop Joseph ACREAGE of health, always consult your the archpriest; Father Rich- Apostle Church and members of Voice Photo P. Hurley, Bishop of St. Au- doctor. ard Allen, Smithfield, N. C, Miami's Polish-American colony. FATHER JANUSZEWSKI gustine, as an assistant in the STATEWIDE deacon and Father Jeremiah More than 400 laymen and cler- Immaculate Conception par- Mountain Valley gy attended the dinner held at 817 N. Federal Hwy. Crowley, subdeacon. Father St. Ignatius Loyola Church at ish Jacksonville. There, with the Polish American Club. the aid of Msgr. James Mee- Water •- Allen will give the sermon. Wronowo in 1937, he was han, pastor, Father Januszew- Delray Beach, Fla. IlalCl HOT SWINGS.MKANU* A native of Sadki, county of placed under house arrest by A native of Chester, N. Y., ski began his studies of the Phone CR 6-7889 Phone FR 3-2484 Father Glorie is the son of Mrs. Wyrzysk in Poland, Father Jan- the Nazis and later imprisoned English language. John Glorie and received his uszewski studied for the priest- as a hostage. He was released 301 S.W. 8th St. early education at St. Ann's ele- hood at the seminary in Gniezno and permitted to return to his In 1952 he was transferred to ELECTRIC RANGE REPAIR. mentary school and high school. and the school of theology at parish with restrictions which the parish of St. John the THERMADOR AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE AND ALL OTHER MAKES ALSO SMALL APPLIANCES West Palm Beach. He attended Poznan. He was ordained a provided that the church could Apostle and in 1953 inaugurated St. Bernard Seminary, Cull- priest in 1935 and assigned to only be open for two hours on the celebration of Sunday SUTTON ELECTRIC man, Ala. and studied theology the parish of St. Michael at Sundays. Baptisms and sick Masses for' the Polish speaking 1770 N.W. 36th ST. 7320 RED ROAD at St. John's Seminary, Little Winnagura. calls, he said, were made in people of Miami at St. Michael NE 5-5124 MO 6-2551 Rock, Ark. He holds a Bachelor Shortly after his transfer to secret. Church of which Father R. E. of Arts degree in Philosophy. Philbin is pastor. In the meantime he learned St. Francis of Assisi Church that his father and his brother During the banquet, a citation will be the scene of Father Morning Star Anthony, also a priest, had been in recognition of outstanding Glorie's first Solemn Mass executed by the Nazis. work among Polish Catholics after ordination on Sunday, Group Elects was presented to Father Janus- May 22. Father Borg, pastor, Arrested again in 1940, Father zewski from the Polish Roman will be assistant priest; Fath- - Januszewski was sent to the Catholic Union of America. er Claude Brubaker, deacon Mrs. Jalbert and Father John Neff, sub- LANTANA — Mrs. Domina ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION deacon. The sermon will be Jalbert of Boca Raton is the WE RENT given by Father Peter F. O'- new president of the Morning AND APPLIANCE CO. FOLDING CHAIRS Donnell, S. J., pastor, St. Ann Star School Auxiliary. 511 LAKE AVE. Parish, West Palm Beach. LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA AND TABLES During a. recent meeting Frank J. Farrell JU 2-4050 Father Gerard Manning, direc- Senior CYO Attend tor of the school and pastor of St. Mark parish, Boynton Beach, LOUIS E MILLER Corporate Communion also installed Mrs. B. G. Mc- PLUMBING CO. Laughlin of Lake Worth, vice- EST. 1930 president; Mrs. Mary Steele, JA 4-8351 Representatives from eight WATER HEATER * by YORKTOWNE Senior CYOs in the diocese re- Boca Raton, recording secre- Phones: HI 8-9912 and HI 6-1414 1211 N.E. 4th AVE. ceived Communion and attend- tary; Mrs. Richard F. Potre- 4102 Laguna St. Coral Sables FT. LAUDERDALE will be especially designed for your home ed a breakfast following 10 a.m. kus, Lake Worth, treasurer and These lovely hardwood, band-rubbed cabinets are now Mass Sunday h* St. Mary Cathe- Miss Ileana Tambasco, Delray Beach, corresponding secretary. DIOCESE OF MIAMI offered in more than 150 different styles and sizes. This dral. means you can choose the exact models you wish to fit .Msgr. Patrick J. O'Donoghue, Mrs. A. Willet and Mrs. K. your space requirements. You'll thrill to their beauty and V. G., celebrated the Mass dur- Flynn, both of Lake Worth, are PILGRIMAGE extra luxury features . . . lovely rose-champagne finish ... historian and parliamentarian exclusive diamond-design drawer fronts. For the dreamiest ing which 130 members received of dream kitchens, come see these CLASSICS TODAY! Communion. respectively. TO THE Guest speakers were Dr. Ed- 37th INTERNATIONAL ward Annis, Msgr. O'Donog- hue and Father Thomas N. EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS Fogarty. Women of the Altar at MUNICH — and THE Guild prepared breakfast and fisunch OBERAMOTERGAU PASSION PLAY girls of the Junior CYO served as waitresses. 7134 Abbott Ave. Under the Spiritual Sponsorship of Miami Beach The Most Reverend COLEMAN F. CARROLL, (pal Congratulations Bishop of Miami 6800 N.E. 4th Court Ph. PL 7-5746 VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope John XXIII has sent his best Call Leaving from Miami, July 11, 1960 via Eastern Affiliated with Renuart Lumber Yards wishes to Prince Albert and UNion Air Lines and Pan American World Airways 6-3131 • Princess Paola of Belgium on "Jet" nights and returning August 11. I960, j the birth of their son. Including visits to Lisieux, Lourdes, Rome and MODEL KITCHENS ON DISPLAY Ars. Also a 7-day extension tour to .British Isles IN OUR SHOWROOMS ... and Ireland. Under the spiritual leadership of The Very Reverend Msgr. RobL W. Schiefen. Chancellor of the Diocese of Miami. . MIAMI: 6800 N.E. 4th Court For Descriptive Folder — Contttct: CORAL GABLES: 4400 Ponce de Leon Blvd. MONROE TRAVEL SERVICE AMERICAS LARGEST "ON THE TRAIL" MIAMI SHORES: PONTIAt DEALER Therese Beckman, Representative 660 N.E. 96th Street DETROIT' FLINT- MIAMI 665 S.W. 8-ST. MIAMI 14 N.E. 1st AVENUE NORTH MIAMI BEACH: 2075 N.E. 151st Street, FINE CARS - FINE SERVICE 512 AINSLEY BLDG., MIAMI, FLA. DELRAY BEACH: 27 N.E. 1st Avenue Phone: FR 9-4651, FR 9-9843

May 20, 1960 THE yOfCE Miami, fla. Page 9 HOLLYWOOD REAL ESTATE /""• BARNEY \ / Diocesan Pilgrims Include LROWLEY REALTOR • APPRAISER People Of Several Cities What Makes A Good 2126 on the Blvd. More than six cities of South WA 24691 proximately 10 more persons Florida are represented by the are considering joining the pilgrims who have registered group of 30 who have made Holy Name Society? thus far for the Diocese of Mi- reservations for the month-long ami pilgrimage to Europe. journey. The group is scheduled to leave Miami by air on July The signed-up delegates are Laymen need the Holy Name objectives are kept in sight and, their parish "up North" are 11 and visit five countries be- from Naples, Hollywood, Palm Society and the society itself eagerly sought by members, a never replaced by new ties with fore returning to Miami on Beach, Coconut Grove, Fort needs more men in order to Holy Name Society is not doing a parish in the Diocese of Aug. 11. Highlight of the itin- Lauderdale, Coral Gables, North erary will be participation in increase its effectiveness as an its proper job. Miami. the International Eucharistic Miami and Miami. instrument of Catholic Action "Ours is essentially a reli- "But the diocesan census Congress in Munich, Ger- In keeping with the spirit- in the Diocese of Miami. gious organization," the presi- ought to help us locate more of many. ual nature of the trip, the dent stressed, explaining that these men and to approach them A growing interest in the pil- group will attend Mass at That's the opinion of Edward as potential -Holy Name mem- J. Atkins, president of the each member works for his grimage, which will be led by Miami International Airport own sanctification and parti- bers, Mr. Atkins said. Holy Name Union which em- Msgr. Robert W. Schiefen, chan- prior to taking off for Europe cipates as well in group devo- He noted that other societies cellor, was indicated this week via New York. There will also braces all Holy Name socie- ties of the diocese. aren't as effective as they as more inquiries reached the be a preliminary meeting in should be because of "poor desk of Therese Beckman, or- mid-June, and possibly a He expressed his views as the organizational principles." In ganizer of the pilgrimage and Mass and breakfast, at which Union prepared to open its an- describing these he said representative of the Monroe delegates will be briefed on nual convention in Fort Laud- "when a parish meeting is Travel Service. the pilgrimage and receive erdale, May 20, 21 and 22. At poorly organized, much time ICTORIAL Mrs. Beckman said that ap- their travel credentials. the sessions the lay group will is wasted and the bored mem- train its members in various bers are not likely to return ROPERTIESJnc. Persons interested in the pil- LEARN grimage may contact Therese phases of leadership and draft for another meeting." a diocesan program for the com- Beckman at the Monroe Travel A prompt ending is impor- Realtors TO DRIVE ing year. Service, FR 9-4651. tant, he emphasized. "If a mem- DOOR TO DOOR ber can rely on being free at a SERVICE IN Parish societies are growing Homes — Acreage PALM BEACH Cathedral Boys On Picnic well, Mr. Atkins said, in review- specific time to do what he COUNTY wishes or to keep an appoint- Apartments — Lots Altar and choir boys of St. ing the Union's first year. Total Jock Grant, Director Mary Cathedral attend their /an- membership is approximately ment, he doesn't mind attending a meeting of the society." AA AUTO SCHOOL nual picnic on May 11 at Cran- 3,500. 2428 E. Los Olas don Park. The affair was spon- 223 FERN STREET But numerical strength Mr. Atkins said meetings sored by the Altar Boys Moth- Ft. Lauderdale, Flo. West Palm Beach doesn't mean everything," he should be "well planned by the PHONE TE 3-8429 ers' Assn. Athletic contests were continued. "Unless the spiritual officers, have specific objec- JA 2-2826 DELRAY BEACH, FLA. supervised by Coach Herman. tives in mind, and not drag CR 6-9888 out." EDWARD J. ATKINS 0JOJC£OA, oL "The spirit of a Holy Name .1 Oik. tions such as Days of Recol- Society can be kept high if lection and Mass and Com- there is regular stimulation munion on the second Sunday reaching the parish officers FAULTY of each month. Members cus- from officers who serve at the INSTALLATIONS tomarily say the rosary for deanery and diocesan levels," CORRECTED deceased members on the Mr. Atkins stated. "That's night prior to burial. Mem- why our deanery officers, Satxbt-Smith CoAp. bers promote week-end re- for instance, are instructed CARTER • Air Conditioning Design Specialists for the Building Trade treats. to visit parish societies fre- • HARDWARE CO. AIR CONDITIONING • REFRIGERATION quently." Personal contact is 1907 S. Poinsettia HEATING West Palm Beach TE 2-7306 SCOTT J. HOEHN, M.E. 1069 E. 14th Street "In whatever way we can, also "extremely important" TUxedo 8-7811 HIALEAH, FLORIDA we achieve our second objec- Within each parish group, he tive ," he added, "which is to added. promote respect and devotion for the Holy Name of Jesus." Summing up the status of the TIES ARE SEVERED Holy Name Union, Mr. Atkins In explaining the way some noted that the organization is societies fail to progress as lay but 16 months old. "We started organizations, Mr. Atkins said with a skeleton on January 10, many men who have moved 1959." he said. "We have added . Complete into the diocese are slow to iden- more societies and more mem- bers. Our activities have in- tify themselves with a parish. creased. Our next few years They don't register at the rec- should be good years." Landscaping Service tory. The ties they severed with

Smart Cleaners of Holy Name Fine Wearing Apparel Convention DpNALD F. JOHN M. (Continued from Page 1) Women • • • months ago. During the past McEMBER Fashion MONTGOMERY year, 15 new societies were founded in as many parishes BANK their savings Cleaners and the total membership Me EMBER PLANT AND OFFICE climbed to an estimated 3,500 men. ^ It's smart to save; even smarter to save where MONTGOMERY INSURANCE, Inc. 2327 West Broward Blvd. Members resolve "to abi . you can get multiple banking services under Fort Lauderdale, Florida from every form of profane and one roof. We will welcome your account here! Art Nomino Tom Horber unbecoming speech" and "to GENERAL INSURANCE safeguard the proper observ- 1120 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Coral Gables 34, Fla. PHONE LU 3-8225 ance of Sundays and Holydays PHONE HI 4-2587 of Obligation." PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK They also promise to honor the name of Christ and to OF MIAMI SHORES • CORAL GABLES • MIAMI SHORES spread and increase devotion to Him. Their most common spir- N.E. Second Avenue at 95th Street itual activity is the reception of Everything Holy Communion on the sec- .ond Sunday of each month. Total Resources in excess of $22,000,000.00 to Build The society owes its origin to Anything" Pope Gregory X. who in 1274 Member told the Dominican Order to Federal Reserve System HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS promote greater tfevotion to the holy names of God and His Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation • PERRINE • N. MIAMI BEACH Son, Jesus, Christ. Many popes • DELRAY BEACH have blessed the society and enriched it with indulgences.

PajelO THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 20, l°60 On*. ..

c • for MEN only Members of Holy Name Socie- . i ties in the Diocese of Miami wilt con- What Is the Some of thev vene in Fort Lauderdale for three / days starting on May 20. Holy Name Society? Spiritual Advantages .-1 Of all societies for laymen, the Holy Name Plenary indulgences may b6 gained on the Men of virtually every parish •4 is among the greatest. Its primary objective day of enrollment and on the Feast of the Cir- in the diocese will participate. is the personal sanctification of its members by. cumcision by hearing Mass in a church where the Society is canonically erected. Plenary in- Their convention theme — acts of love and devotion to the Most Holy Name. dulgences are also earned by taking part in a This spiritual life of its members is a perpetual "Come Back - Come In?' — is in- procession in honor of the Holy Name on the act »f reverence and love. . second Sunday of each month. Also at the spired by a realization of the tre- moment of death, for those who having con- mendous opportunities available to Since the time of Pope Pius X the frequent fessed with true sorrow and received the blessed Eucharist, or"who,Jbeing at least contrite, call on laymen to bring the Faith to people reception of the Sacraments and a monthly the Holy Name of Jesus devotedly with their corporate Communion have become the princi- now without it. This is the "Come hearts if they cannot with their lips, and com- pal practices bi the Society. Other basic practices In" aspect of the theme. mend their souls to God. ri are the public profession of faith through the A second consideration is that wearing of the Holy Name insignia (button) Why Should You laymen, because of their daily con- and the participation in religious demonstra- tions, and ^he observance of the promises con- tact with the general public, are able Become a Member? tained in the Holy Name pledge. to speak with fallen-away Catholics Since early in the nineteenth century / Catholic men in the United States in growing and help them "Come Back" to the The Holy Name is also revered by members numbers have been attracted to the Holy Name Church. through, positive works like retreats, the dissem- Society. Membership brings rich spiritual benefits and the gratification that one has ination of information on the Church, the "stood /up" to be counted in the army of Jesus xFor an entire year the Holy exercise, of the corporal works of mercy, as well' Christ. There is always need for,this organiza- Name men intend to stress this par- as combatting and preventing all things which tion, but especially today when atheism, secular- ticular kind of apostolic activity. tend to dishonor the Name of Jesus. ism and immoral literature are so rampant. They want more men to join NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN their Society arid, in a man's way, r If there is already a Holy Name Society looking for new candidates. Often in a friendly win souls for Christy in your parish, and you wish to join, contact way, they will "button-hole" prospective mem- * <* any member or stop at the rectory to speak with bers outside .Church on Sundays. How about you? the priest who serves as spiritual director of the Because the Society has very much to offer Holy Name. laymen, its members want more and more men Ordinarily, each Society has a Membership to belong. - Committee of several men. They are always And now is the iime.

To Be A Holy Name Man Is To Be A Better Catholic G This Page Donated by


May 2©, I960 THf VOICE Miami, Fla. |[ St. Thomas Guild Elects Officers Barry Students Elect'Junior Father Louis Roberts, pas- A reception and tea honoring tor, St. Thomas the Apostle par- incoming officers will be held ish will install new officers in from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, May President Of Student Body the Guild Wednesday, May 25 29 at the, home of Mrs. Justin at 8 p.m. in the Southwest Mi- White, 5925 SW 72nd Ave. Miss Alice M. Brightbill, campus queen during recent ami Riding Academy. a junior from Madison, N. J. balloting. Mrs. Vi Burns and Mrs. Cleo has been elected president of Mrs. Paul Weller is presi- Kelly will preside at the tea Graduated from St. Patrick dent; Mrs. Louis Votto, vice- table and Mrs. Leonard Boy- the student body at Barry Col- High School, Miami Beach, president; Mrs. Margaret Mo- mer will serve punch. lege. where sh'e received the Amer- Bn, recording secretary; Mrs. ican Legion Award and was Jerry Sandberg, treasurer and An invitation has been extend- Aa English major with a a member of the Honor Soci- Mrs. Bernard Lapinski, cor- ed, to all women in the parish minor in journalism, Miss ety, Miss Molina has been a responding secretary. to attend. Brightbill was graduated from Tertiary representative to the Bayley^Ellard Regional Cath- Student Council for the past three years. A member of the LAKE PARK Vktor £2566 olic High School in Madison DILRAY CRestwood 6-7018 and has served on the staffs Barry College Playhouse she of Angelicus, the campus has appeared in several pro- newspaper, and Torch and' ductions and is the author of D. ADEIMY, Inc. Shield, the college yearbook. the recently produced "Des- She is a freshman counselor, tined Star." CONCRETE and member of the Barry Choir and Sodality. Miss Hovey has appeared in FLOORS—SLABS—PATIOS—DRIVEWAYS many theatrical presentations at Miss Mercedes Molina,' a Barry and this year directed Box 6215 Southboro Station daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter her own student production, West Palm Beach, Florida A. Molina of St. Rose of Lima "The Young and Fair." Grad- parish, Miami Shores, was nam- uated from Georgetown Visita- 1201 Omar, W.P.B. TEmple 2-4611 or TE 30566 ed Sodality Prefect and Miss tion Preparatory School, she is Sandra Hovey, daughter of Ma- a freshman counselor and a jor General, and Mrs. Burton member of the- Tara Singers, M. Hovey of Little Flower par- Cor Jesu Choir and Lambda WAREHOUSE SALE ish, Coral G ables, was elected Sigma Honor Society. BARRY STUDENTS, Sandra Hovey^ Mercedes Molina and Alice ; 4-Drawer Steelmaster Letter Brightbill were named campus queen, sodality prefect and student File —$39.95 Reg. $49.80 body president during recent elections held on the college campus. Wells Posture Chair School Assn. Installs $39,95 Reg. $52.50 In St. Michael Parish Barry College * Miscellaneous Officers who will serve the Awards Four j Office furniture at Home and School Association , Reduced Prices of St Michael the Archangel Scholarships j Stationery, Printing, Office Supplies School during the coming year Winners of the annual Barry were recently' installed by College scholarships have been BROWER PRESS, inc. Mother Therese, Martin, I.H.M., announced by Sister M. Trinita, 12365 West Dixie Highway principal. O.P., academic dean of Barry North Miami. Florida College. PL 4-2517 PL 1-0653 Robert Boggio is president; Awarded full-tuition scholar- Mrs. Margaret Ciptak and Mrs. ships were Angelique Gagne, Toni Evans, vice-presidents; St. Anastasia parish, Fort Mrs. Barbara Saunders, secre- Pierce; Barbara McBrayer, West Miami; ' Mary Teresa When you think of SAVING... tary; Don Cronin, treasurer; Crosby, St. Paul parish, St. Pet- Frank Bald, auditor and Ray- ersburg and Carol Coddington, Always think FIRST of mond Sabin, historian. Columbia, S.C. ' Given initially for the acade- America's Oldest Federal | 10-Year Warranty—RHEEM mic year 1960-61 through com- petitive examinations held re- WATER HEATERS cently at the college, the schol- FIR 20 GAL. (elec.) $43.50 arships are renewable. yearly 30 GAL. (elec.) $49.00 upon maintenance of a "B" av- MORNING STAR Auxiliary director, Father Gerard Manning, is RHEEM ELECTRIC GLASS LINED erage. shown with newly elected president, Mrs. Domina Jalbert and retiring president, John Easterbrook. The organization assists 20 GAL $59.00 illllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllMIIIIIU: the school for handicapped children operated in Lantana. 30 GAL ..... $68.00 = Dixie Outdoor Furniture | AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF MIAMI RHEEM GAS 10 YEAR WARRANTY r~ ir* ~ W.H. WALKER, Chairman 20 GAL.Gloss Mne<1 $62.00 1 & Pottery Co. I St. Agnes Club = #1200 Broadway S Banquet May 25 30 GAL.GI.fcs Lined $69.50 I Riviera Beach, Florida r Installs Officers Oeffices- Mrs. Kay Savacool ' — POWNTOWN • CORAL WAY • KENDALL • LITTLE RIVER • NORTH MIAMI RAY BALL PLUMBING & HDWE. I "The Pottery Center of the - Miss Ida DeBuono will be At. I mmacu la ta 4251 S.W. 8th St. Hi 5-2461 Palm Beaches" 5 formally installed as president Members of the senior class of St. Agnes Woman's Club at at Immaculata Academy will be 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 24 at guests of honor at a banquet THERMO the Key Biscayne Hotel. Wednesday, May 25 at 7 p.m. AIR SERVICE RICHARDS Mrs. Robert Payne, president in the school cafetorium. AUTHORIZED of the North Dade Deanery of Participating in the program, fvk£: f the Miami DCCW will also in- which is sponsored by the Par- stall. Mrs. A. T. Healey and ents Auxiliary, will be I ""tie Carrier NEW and Mrs. Henry O'Brien, USED FURNITURE Conner, Cathy Oilly and *^>n idents; Mrs. Fulton Ivy, re- LaPointe. Mrs. Frederick Dins- PLANNED SERVICE EASY cording secretary; Mrs. Ed- FACTORY-TRAINED MEN more, banquet chairman, will • COMMERCIAL TERMS ward Klug, treasurer and Mrs. FAMILY be assisted by mothers of senior • RESIDENTIAL 15% DOWN Henry Shellenberger, corres- class students'. MEALS 24 HOUR SERVICE DELIVERS ponding secretary. MU 5-3631 3749 No. "Father Robert F. Reardon, FederaT Hwy. supervising principal of dioce- AT BUDGET C A. WIEDERHOLD President Pompano san Jiigh schools 'will give the 4555 E. 10 CT.. HIALEAH Beach, Fla. invocation. PRICES Auxiliary members recently IN WEST HOLLYWOOD • ROOFS 4 elected Joseph F. Jennings ^ Pressure Cleaning,^ president for the year 1960-61. 8 Locations in South Florida Serving with him are Mrs. John I Sealing A Painting 1 B. Partridge, vice-president; ^ Licensed Insured • 14 Yrs. Exp. A Mrs.^ Francis J. Dragna, Record- MIAMI • N. MIAMI . ^ - . ^ ing secretary; Steven Vogel- Urn HOME • Jesse I. Scalzo - Owner ^ pbhl, treasurer; Mrs. Frederick FORT LAUDERDALE • POMPANO BEACH • (Member mule Co. Chamber of Commerce)^ Stockhausen, corresponding sec- 6100 Hollywood Blvd. tCall NE 5-3603 - NE 3--85114 retary and Mrs. William G. Phone YUkon 3-0857 . McKone, historian.

Page 12 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 20, 1960 ""CUSTOM BUILT BOATS Mothers Plan • Repairs and Fiber Glassing • Outboard Motor Repairs Pe e i75o99th, RdSw. CAPRI BOAT COMPANY F,t •June Retreat (behind Renuart's) OWNERS . . . R.N. CHAFER & H. S. JENNER 1 At Ma na I a pan MANALAPAN — A retreat for Mothers'4 of teenagers will be held during the first week-end in June at the Cenacle Retreat House, located on Route A1A. Holsum Father Patrick Walsh, O.P. TO ENHANCE VOUR WEDDING TABLE, BE will be the retreat master and SURE YOUR- WEDDING CAKE IS BY HOLSUM. conferences will begin with sup- ENCHANTING TO THE EYE, DELICIOUS TO per on Friday, June 3 and con- THE TASTE, AND WE DELIVER TO THE clude with Benediction of the PLACE YOU DESIG- NATE. ALSO, BEAUTI- Blessed Sacrament at 4:15 on FUL AND DELICIOUS BIRTHDAY CAKES TO ^- .iLL-GIRL orchestra of Notre Dame Academy 8:15 in the school cafetorium. The 86-voice MAKE THAT SPECIAL Sunday, June-5. DAY COMPLETE FOR wiH present a Spring concert this evening at Glee Club win also be heard in the musicale. YOUR LITTLE BOY OR Individuals and groups inter- GIRL. ested in participating in the conferences may contact the Spring Dance Notre Dame Orchestra Cenacle Retreat House, Box 8625, Lantana or by calling Slated Tomght JUstice 5-9988. A Spring Dance Sponsored Offers Concert Tonight by members of St. Brendan's • A special retreat for nurses is "Thanks a Million," is the Women's Club will be held • An urgent appeal through The planned for the week-end of tune which best expresses the Voice and by • word of mouth June 10-12 under direction of from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to- feelings of students in the Notre night (Friday) at the Pan brought donations' of instru- Father "W. Thomas Larkin, pas- Dame Academy orchestra as ments and monies sufficient to American Recreational Clnb, tor of Christ the King parish, they prepare for their first an- equip the 30-piece orchestra Send for HOLSUM'S Tree Booklet on 4690 NW Ninth St. Jacksonville. , nual Spring concert whjch will which will be heard this eve- WEDDING CAKES Mrs/ Arthur Harlan and be presented tonight (Friday) ning. at 8:15 in the school cafetorium. . . r without obligation of course. I Mrs. Kenneth Zajac are A chorus of 86-voices from ( co-chairmen in charge of ar- Early in the school year, the Notre Dame Glee Club will i rangements for the benefit when Sister Regina Cecilia of sing selections from "The * and proceeds will be donated (he Sisters, Servants of the Sound of Music," "Cheru-^ HOLSUM BAKERS f toward the church air- Immaculate Heart of Mary bim Song No. 7" by Bortnian- 3f HOLSflM BtDG. 5761 SUNSET DR.. SO. MIAMI ' I conditioning fund. who staff the school, an- sky; "If I Loved You" from I nounced plans for the or- Carousel; "Let's Dance" and APPLIANCES I Reservations may be made ganization of the school's first a paraphrase on "Chop 6 Famous Makes I by calling CA 1-4944 or orchestra, the number of girls Sticks." if lowest Prices ~ CA 1-4777. who were interested far ex- Soloists, are Joyce LaPointe, -k Easy Bank Terms ceeded the number of instru- if Guaranteed Services ments available. Marianne Bianchi and Diane St. James Guild Denninger. Student conductor of the Glee Club is Joan Ber- Plans Communion St. Clement Society celt and Patricia Doonan con- Women of St. James parish, ducts the orchestra which will North Miami, have been invited Installs May 28 be featured in "Sunday Morn- to attend the annual Commu- FORT LATJDERDALE — Mrs. ing," "Pizzicato Time" and 643 N. Andrews. nion breakfast sponsored by Gerard P. Ganter will be for- "Waltz in G." Joyce LaPointe JA 3-4337, the Altar Guild Sunday, May 22. mally installed as president of and Sandra Soto are the accom- FT. LAUDERDALE ' St. Clement Altar and, Rosary panists at the piano. Corporate Communion will be Society during a luncheon at observed during the 8 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Saturday, May 28 Mass and breakfast will be in the Candlelite Restaurant. served immediately following Mrs. J. P. Orth will also in- at the Club House, at Biscayne . stall Mrs. Marco Pangallo and Blvd. and 163 St. •Mrs. James Brand, vice-presi- dents'; Mrs. Harold Perkins, re- The Holy Gospel cording secretary; Mrs. James for Children Evert, treasurer and Mrs. ELECTRIC COMPANY George Seifert, corresponding Gospel quotations that they secretary. easily understand, stories that WEST PALM BEACH "tails." to them, pictures that Father James B. Keogh, pas- •brighten their imagination. tor, will be the principal , • Washable Cloth Cover speaker. ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION it: Printed in Four Colors Mrs. Joseph Gorman is chair- ' • Wear-Resistant Paper man of arrangements and res- C9 AA (Discount to Religious ervations may be made by cauV


May 20, 19oO THE VOICE Mi drill/ Flo* Pag« 13 Naples Holy Name Installs Jack Noonan NAPLES — Jack Noonan was urer and Paul Fitch, marshall. Construction installed as president of St. Dr. Dan Langley, president of Ann's Holy Name Society dur- the West Coast Deanery of the To Begin On ing the annual Mothers' Day Mianfr Diocesan Union of Holy breakfast held at the Beach Name Societies was the mstayl' Club. ing officer and a program of Book Center entertainment was presented by Groundbreaking ceremonies Other officers are Ed Downs, Patricia B i g 1 e y, Katherine vice - president; Dick Meder, Ryan and Katherine Stauduhar were hefd Monday for the new secretary; Leo McKenna, treas- of St.' Ann's parochial school. two - story St. Paul Catholic Book and Film Center at 2700 Biscayne Blvd. Let GEIDE BE YOUR GUIDE When Dining Out Msgr. James F. Enright, FOR RESERVATIONS COCKTAIL -.<* ^^o*^ *s^ ft MAINE Vicar for Religions, blessed LOUNGE ^/•/•^TrvT^.'X. 6\™ L0BSTER the site of the new construc- tion assisted by Father Hugh LONG ISLAND Wl \T* Cf~ „ Z JW H0UHS: Boneless C/ *V^ Xj/tfl A ^M 4 '•"-"'}«• Flynh. Mother Paula Cordero, Duckling ^^ ^«^-»*^r—f ^F»Zru?M. .provincial superior of the con- I—-—J SERVING DINNERS Geman I gregation of the Daughters of ciX 1355 N- Federal Hwy. Cuisi~ St. Paul in the United States Blanche FT. LAUDERDALE • Steaks Scof >J and the Sisters who staff the • PHONE LO 4-4221 * '" center, were present. Established in Miami early this year at the invitation of . .,-• Bishop Coleman F. Carroll, the ' , Voice Photo jr^^A t tention r^^ center is presently housed in a GROUNDBREAKING ceremonies for a building F. Enright, Vicar for Religious, officiated. 40 - year - old building which to house the Daughters of St. Paul Book and Mother Paula Cordero, of Boston, provincial su- * ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL center ** C°nVent a"d b°°k Film Center were held Monday. Msgr. James perior, and Father Hugh Flynn, are at left The new building," designed Daughters of St. Paul will be the first in Florida and tenth will remain open daily- from *$TS. PETER and PAUL by Murray Blair Wright, arch- provided „,, the second floor in the V. S., offers books, 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sister Mary lyd» square .feeT™^ with «T*** room' kitch" "**•an d Ie-aflets Wrltten CeleSte> DSP'i S ^ suPerior- * ST. BRENDAN Schools space and will be completely en» refectory and laundry fa- by flie Daughters of St. Paul air-conditioned. The book cen- cilities. >- - - in a simple, clear style based ter will be located on the first _. , .. . , on the Gospels and Cathe- floor and convenient reading The »"* "•»«" -*r au- »• rooms and space to preview thonzed by the Holy Father to ^^ K WILL BE TAKING ORDERS movie films and tape record- spread information on the Cath- r - 6 for cWMren MW arti ings will be available. A small oiic faith through door-to-door - "' " K FOR SCHOOL UNIFORMS MAY 16 cles are chapel with a semi - circular calls, the Daughters of St. Paul also available. sanctuary apse will face Bis- have approximately 115 book Sjx Daughters of St. Paul, 1) Highest-quality fabrics and workmanship cayne Blvd. - centers throughout the world. two of whom speak Spanish' I) assure custom-fitted styling and a maximum Accommodations for 14 The Miami center, which is are staffing the center which lj of comfort and longer wear from each gar- [\ ment. BE SURE TO ORDEHHOW!

| 3814S.W.8th ST.-CORALGABLES CAMP For boys and girls, ages 7 to 16. | HI 4-1922 200 acres, 37 buildings .in the ' shadows of the Blue Ridge Mount tains. . Playgrounds for. camp | OPEN 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. sports, large modern pool, moun- tain water lake^ widi all activities guided by trained counselors. [( SPECIALISTS IN SCHOOL APPAREL Ideal accommodations inv^odge for visiting parents. Camp pro- vides pickup service to or. from nearest rail, air, bus terminal.. for youngsters to.grow .t. spiritually, healthfully. I MERCY HOSPITAL, INC. for iIterature. write: 3663 So. Miami Ave., Miami, Florida / "_• . . OVERLOOKtNG BISCAYNE BAY OUR LADY OFTHE HILLS CAMP . Voice Photo HENDEPSONVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA ^M EVENING, DEVOTIONS are conducted each ' Rosary is followed by Benediction of the Blessed evening at Centro Hispano Catolico, Miami's Sacrament celebrated by the Spanish Dominican downtown Spanish Center. Recitation of the priests assigned to the center permanently.

Peru Poor To Receive Relief Goods From CRS LIMA; Peru (NO — The poor National Catholic Welfare Con- of Peru will receive $1,500,000 ference announced that the first NOTICE. . . worth of food, clothing and med- shipment wiU arrive ^ icine through the U.S. Catholic , . - ;„,'.,' ... . i •• . • Bishops' worldwide relief agen- mpnth/Peruvians of aH fai*s I/ ; - • "will benefit from the relief Effective immediately the price of all goods donated lay the U.S. gov- Catholic Relief Services — ernment. - subscriptions to addresses outside the United States (or its possessions) is

' FULLY APPROVED BY THE^ $7.50 per year. ^ ; , Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals Jond . L : : f~ • The Catholic Hospital Association Boca Baton 8588 Lake Worth JU 2-9048 : -. ' • ._. ••::^; :.:;5^;l^TIle^fp^se• Delray CR 6-6037 West Palm Beach VI 8-2531 SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH Pompano WE 3-4526

Page 14 «*£ VOICE • _- . Miami, Fla. - May 20, I960 Cathedral s Bell Galls To Prayer As hundreds oi Miamians witnessed the impressive rites of In parish churches it was customary to ring the bells not consecration, a bronze bell weighing more than tw« tons was only for Mass but before Vespers while differences in the man- blessed by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll on Sunday afternoon and ner of ringing and the number of bells employed indicated the raised into the belfry of St. Mary Cathedral. grade of the feast, the nature of the devotion, the fact that a v According to Msgr. Patrick J. O'Donoghue, V. G., pastor, sermon would be preached and many other details. the bell, which will be heard for $>A miles, will be rung for This custom still survives in some parts of the world. the Angelus three times daily at 8 a.m., noon and 6 p.m. In Rome on the evening before a fast day the bells are rung It will also ring on joyous occasions such as Christmas for a quarter of an hour to remind people of their obligation and Easter and will be tolled on mournful occasions. the next day. ~~ Earliest ecclesiastical use of bells was to announce the hour In all monastic orders, when a member of the community of devotions particularly in religious communities which assembled seemed to be at the point ~of death, a signal was, given by many times daily to sing the divine praises. ringing a bell either to summon the mBfiks to the bedside or As it became' necessary to call to church the inhabi- to call them to prayer. This was later extended to parish- tants of towns and hamlets, bell turrets were built and bells churches and a bell was rung to announce the death of a increased in size and number as early as the eighth century. parishioner and to solicit prayers for his soul. History relates that two or more bells were placed in the same ; During the Middle Ages, the Angelus or Ave Maria was church and it soon became a custom to ring several bells rung" with three equal peals and this arrangement is continued at once as an indication of joy and solemnity befitting great in many places: Today, in Rome, the Angelus is rung one half feastsr an hour after sunset each day. . Voice Photos

CONSECRATION CEREMONIES begin as Joseph. Witnessed in Miami for the first time, HOLY- OILS are used to consecrate the bell. then used to anoint four locations on the in* Bishop Coleman F. Carroll blesses the 4500- -the ancien^ ritual for blessing bells has been in With the Oil of the Sick, the Bishop anoints side "of the bell. The peals of the bell will sum- pound bell with holy water and names it St. use in the Church for nearly 1200 years. the outside in seven places. Holy Chrism is mon the faithful to lift their minds to God. 25

BELL IS WASHED with water mixed with salt and blessed by INTERESTED SPECTATORS who assembled for the ceremonies BELL CAVITY which was incensed during the ceremonies Is the Bishop, shown here as he dries the interior and exterior of crowd around the bell which is inscribed with the name of inspected by spectators interested in the interior of the bronze the bell with a white- cloth as Psalms are sung by the choir. Bishop Carroll and Msgr. Patrick J. O'Donoghue, Pastor. bell which is 50 inches in diameter and weighs VA tons.

May 20, I960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 15 HOME ON THE RANGE"

Taste Twist: A Hashburger By JOAN MEADOWS Food Editor Some members of the young- 1 teaspoon baking powder er generation I know probably % cup shortening think Eve was dishing out 1 teaspoon vanilla hamburgers to Adam; in their % cup sifted cake flour book a big juicy hamburger is % teaspoon salt something that should, have been included in Paradise. Chop walnuts. Melt shortening and chocolate together over Here is a recipe akin hot water. Stir in sugar and to hamburger; one tfrat will vanilla. Separate eggs and beat, not steal any of its thunder yolks into chocolate mixture. but instead, a real kissin' Sift flour, baking powder and cousin that will win the ap- salt together, and stir into bat- Ft. Lauderdaie proval of the whole family. ter. Fold in stiffly beaten egg VINCENT P. It's "Star Corned Beef flash" whites and walnuts. Turn into — the first juicy bite will tell greased 9-inch square pan. Furniture Co. you why this meaty, hash is Bake In moderate oven (350 de- INC. Broward County's bound to be popular. grees F.) 30 minutes. Cut into small squares while warm. Oldest Furniture Store HASHBURGER JEWELERS Makes 25 small squares. 1 can Corned Beef Hash * * * 3O5 East Atlantic Ave. 230 E. Lai Olas Blvd. 4 hamburger buns PIQUANT GREEN BEANS Delray Beach Fla. JA 2-5251 or JA 2-5215 ,. Dill pickle 1 (1 pound) can cut blue Butter or Margarine CR 6-4400 FREE DECORATOR SERVICE lake green beans ^_Onion slices LIBERAL BUDGET TERMS Tomato wedges" 1 (3%-ounce) can smoked oysters Chill can of hash. Open both 4 green onions, chopped ends and push contents out whole. Cut into 4 even circles.* Y* teaspoon dried dill Brown slowly and thoroughly on 3 tablespoons wine vinegar both sides in a little butter. y4 teaspoon salt Serve between halves of butter- 2 teaspoons sugar ed toasted buns along with onions, dill pickles and tomato Drain beans'and turn into a happy homes use delicious, healthful wedges. Makes 4 servings. bowl; add undrained smoked * * * oysters and onions. Cotnbine all POTLUCK POTATO SALAD remaining ingredients and pour over green beans. Mix^ lightly • Basic: Cook one potato and extra-fresh because home- but thoroughly. Chill several produced!< Home Milk habit now! one egg for each person. Mix to hours. Serve as a relishy or as desired consistency with equal /• a salad on crisp lettuce. Makes •Tiiomi: 2451 N.W. 7th Ave., FR-4-7696 Monks'® Bread is meant to be the parts sour cream and mayon- about 5 or 6 servings. Ft. Lauderdaie: JA 3-2449 — West Palm Beach: OV 3-1944 naise. Season to taste with cel- Homestead: C! 7-3235 — Key West: CY 6-9631 staff of life. It was originated by ery salt and white pepper. Don't be surprised at the the Trappist Monks at the Abbey touch of sugar. This takes away •of the Genesse. These hard- Variations: Add chopped the sometimes raw, sharp ac- chives, celery and minced par- cent of vinegar leaving it soft- working, devoted men may not sley. Toss cooked, cubed pota-. ened and mellow. eat meat, fish, poultry or eggs toes in/French dressing before * * * chilling. Add chopped pimiento, WESTERN HAM AND but'depend largely on this un- sweet pickle, and celery. Add usual bread for their nutrition. diced Cheddar cheese, chopped CHEESE SPREAD lYz cups finely chopped GRIFFITH'S Although it was never meant to onion and paprika. Add crum- bled , crisp v bacon, chopped; cooked ham be sold, this hearty, tall-loaf bread green onions and minced par- 1% cups grated Cheddar Cheese is now being made available to sley. ' . OYSTER BAR ' everyone. The Dandee Bakers, * * * 2 tablespoons finely chopped SEASONED BUTTERS green onion (SINCE 1945 J who have been, licensed by the Mustard: Combine % pound Va cup Sauterne wine Abbey to bake* Monks'® Bread, softened butter with Y*. cup pre- Salt to taste pared mustard. % teaspoon powdered * \ follow the original recipe in every rosemary detail. The ingredients are the Cheese: Combine % pound" IN FORT LAUDERDALE Combine all ingredients mix-, softened butter with 1 to 3 ta- 3301 S. ANDREWS AVE. finest in nature. You'll find deli- blespoons Blue, sharp Cheddar ing until well blended. Use fill- cious Monks'® Bread unlike any or Parmesan cheese. ing for plain or toasted sand- wiches. Makes about Wz cups. .bread you've ever tasted. Try it Herb: Combine % pound soft- When making "Western Ham * in white, whole wheat or raisin. ened butter with 1A teaspoon and Cheese Spread" let the mix- DTPOMPMO Distributed by Dandee Bakers. mixed salad herbs. ture stand an hour before using £35 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY • Nut: Combine % pound soft- to blend the good flavors. ened butter with Y* cup finely- (JEAN'S LOUNGE) WE 3-9435 chopped nuts. Squires Attend Meet, • * * * FLORIDA LOBSTER Rich and cake-like, these Perform For Knights chocolate cookies made with California walnuts will be.a The installation team of the All you can eat .... welcome • treat for a boy or Columbian Squires, Our Lady of girl away at college or the Good Counsel Circle, Coral Ga- small fry that come ia after • bles, attended the state conven- Maine Lobster school. "Chocolate Indians" ^tion'of the Knights of Columbus" travel well. For mailing, wrap in St. Petersburg on May 14-15. Alaska King Crab the cookies individually in Members of the team, who waxed ^paper to keep them performed their installation cer- Steamed Ipswick Clams moist. . -•',•- emony for the Kriights, are: Stone Crabs CHOCOLATE INDIANS John Tracy, Bill Hirsch, • Gene 1 ciip California walnuts McCorniick, Mike Broyard, Don Also 2 (1-ounce) squares MacKay, Pat Kane and Ed Bie- • unsweetened chocolate brich. John F. Tracy Siv chief Steak Chicken Frog legs 1 cup sugar " counselor, and Joseph Eisen- 3 eggs hart accompanied the team.

Page 16 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 20, 1960 FAMILY CLINIC

Husband A Hermit; Offers No Family Life 24 How do you live with a hermit? My husband of- YEARS IN/ fers me no companionship. All he wants is to be left OPERATIC^ alone. We- have no family life, no good times to- gether, no feeling of friendship. We don't even watch television together. When he's home, he just iiips one bottle of beer after another. This is no atmosphere in which to raise children, yet- what can I do? STEGEMAN By FATHER JOHN L. THOMAS, S. J. Jeweler I wish I knew a good solution to your problem, but so far, I haven't discovered one that's - legal. There's plenty of > room for hermits in the world — the deserts are fairly empty, V-Sjd most caves are still unoccupied. Hermits seem to have FINfWATCH I Jen more considerate in the past. They avoided the entangle- AND ments of marriage and lived contentedly by themselves. Judg- ing from the letters I receive, the modern hermit prefers to JEWELRY REPAIRING maintain his loneliness in a crowd. Maybe the ancient hemits didn't like beer!

I'm not making light of your problem. Other wives 2304 Ponce de leon Blvd. have come to me with similar difficulties, so I've had to puzzle Coral Cables, Florida ever this situation before. Some couples go silent for sev- eral weeks.after every quarrel. One wife reports that she and her husband have not spoken for over a year. An- Ptene HI 6 6081 other tells me that her husband spends as little time with the family as possible, eats bis meals hurriedly, in silence, and expects utter quiet while he's reading the p a p e r or watching television. this pattern later, since they retained few close* friends and have lost the habit of enjoying social life together as a couple. For the post SIX YEARS Most of these husbands have several traits in common. we have had the privilege to furnish PAINT If your hermit is a true representative of the" species, you're First, they do not seem capable of real companionship for use at the many Catholic Institutions probably not going to change him at this stage of the game. with the opposite sex, at least, not with their wives. in the West Palm Beach area- What can you do? It seems to me s that you should first re- Second, they regard marriage as a convenient ^social ar- concile yourself to the fact that you married a hermit and can rangement, designed to take care of their needs in regard to Worth Chemical & Painl Co. room, board, and sex. ^ . expect little in the way of companionship. If you face the sit- uation squarely, you are less likely to feel resentful and em- Home Office and Plant 1800-1816 — 10th Ave." North Third, they consequently have their own definition of mari- bittered when your attempts to change him are frustrated. LAKE WORTH, FLA. tal roles. Wives are housekeepers, sexual partners, and nurse- You would also do well to become active in' Ghurch and com- Manufacturers or maids. Husbands are breadwinners and have a right to prompt munity organizations whenever possible. This will give you some service, peace and calm around the house. Children are the GUARANTEED QUALITY PAINT communication with adults, while enabling you to maintain your concern of their mothers and should be taught to show respect emotional balance and growth. Hermits sometimes strongly op- Interior and Exterior House Taints and obedience toward their hard-working fathers. pose their wives' interests in such affairs, but as long as you Varnishes and Enamels Fourth, they do not believe that. marriage is a partner- run your home adequately, your husband has no grounds for WHOLESALE — RETAIL ship in the sense that husbands and wives should enjoy each complaint, so quietly ignore his grumbling. Telephone JUstice 2-6146 other's company or mutually complete each other as mascu- * * * line and feminine persons. Men and women live in separate (It will be impossible for Father Thomas to answer worlds, and there would be family problems if women personal letters) learned to keep their place. ANCIENT Want To Be Left Alone RADIO-TV Of course our married hermits don't analyze their attitudes and feelings in this detail. Most of them don't do much ab- Call PL 4-2861 For A Cheerful Estimate stract thinking — they know they're right, so why try to. argue about it? Their demands are simple. All they want is "There Is No Substitute For Experience" to be left alone. The wife has no kick coming. Where would 10824 N.E. 6th AVENUE she and the kids be if the husband didn't work so hard to "Serving Miami Shores and Surrounding Areas" support them? IN THE 12th CENTURY, v • m Alfonso VII, King of Leon, They sometimes rationalize their behavior in the following Castile 'and Galicia success- manner: "I don't know whether I'm acting like other hus- Cully drove the Moors from Open Daily and Sunday his kingdom. In gratitude bands or not, but this is the way I'm built. I'm like my 10 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. to God. he founded, in 1141, father, and you can't expect a man to change now. My the MONASTERIO de SAN Guided Tours in English mother got along all right, so why shouldn't my wife? Be- BERNARDO de SACRA- and Spanish sides, I have to think about my work. A man shouldn't be MENIA in an isolated valley bothered by a lot of nonsense around the home when he's in the Province of Segovia, Spain. Operated by the Cistercian Order for 694 years, it was abandoned in 1835 and was forgotten »-- tired.and has other things on his mind." until 1925 when discovered and purchased by Wm. Randolph. The same pattern of thinking always emerges. Marriage is Hearst.- Disassembled and shipped to America, this Roman- esque-Gothic architectural gem was destined for San Simeon. regarded as kind of business deal providing a convenient di- Due to the Great" Depression, the 10,751 crates were stored vin a vision of labor. Because they seem incapable of companionship .New York warehouse until 1951 when the Monastery was pur- they neither miss it nor maUe «ny provision for it in their chased from Hearst's estate and transported to Miami, Florida thinking. Above all, they don't like to be bothered when they The scope of our service is limited where it has been reassembled in a tropical garden in all its majestic, medieval splendor. - are off the job. If any adjustments are to be made, they'll only by your needs. -~ v have to be made by others. Complete banking facilities BRING YOUR CAMERA Form Necessary Social Contacts Six drive-in windows Plenty of free parking space One Block West of How can you handle your hermit? I assume you have tried Bisxayne Boulevard at 167th Street to talk to him and show him how you feel. Have you tried S or K Miami Beach bus connects with Haulover Beach bus, to enlist the help of relatives and friends by having them come over to visit and by inviting you to their homes? THE DANIABANK direct to entranca. "a name you can bank on" Some couples fall into a dull, monotonous routine because CHILDREN m ADULTS Between Hollywood and Fort Lauderdale On Danla Beach-Boulevard (AIA) ttiey neglect to keep up or form necessary social contacts DANIA, FLORIDA 6 to 12... 70c • $1.25 early in marriage. Perhaps they don't think this is necessary Ho|lywooil Exchange WA 2-4501 Miami Exchange FR1-1391 Members of Clergy admitted Free or feel it's too much trouble. It becomes difficult to break Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

May 20, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 17 Jr. GYO Presents C A, Whitman, Jr. & Son Bowling Trophies Trophy winners in St. Mary's Well Drilling - Septic Tank and Plumbing Junior CYO Bowling League TELEPHONES: were presented awards this LAKE WORTH * BOYNTON BEACH week. IU 2-4147 * 3481 Presentations were made to the first place team of Roy Slu- zis, Barbara Howard and Mary Pfleger. Runner-up trophy was WOOLBRIGMT awarded to the team of Charles Construction Dockery and Ellen Kelley. Roy Sluzis also received a Co. Inc. trophy for highest average, 160, in the male division. Jeaimette Phone CResfwood 6-4728 Bussiere was presented a trophy P.O. Box 1562 Delroy Beach, Fla. for the highest average, 118, in the female division. Builders of: Bowling pins engraved with ST. VINCENT FERRER SCHOOL, DELRAY BEACH winners' names were awarded. ST. MARK CHURCH, BOYNTON BEACH to Barbara Capone, Pat Gill, ST. MARK'SCHOOL, BOYNTON BEACH Drena Heins, John Meashiemea, Voice Photo John Picot, Cathy Touby and ST. PATRICK High School seniors won four top Miami Beach High Schools. Ted Cohen con- Cathy Welsh. awards in recent" essay contest conducted by gratulates Fred Harris, Charles Damico, Bill Miami Beach Civitan Club among students of Adler and Michael Morra.

GABLES TYPEWRITER Co. Tips For Teenagers " •By Doris R. Peters? World Famous Olympiq Portable Olivetti Printing Calculator For A Double-Feature Treat NEW and USED YOUTH • Standard Typewriters • • Adding Machines Read Your Book Outdoors • Check Writers • Portable Typewriters By FATHER G.W. HAFFORD borhood because you haven't the Does Violence On TV RENTALS • REPAIRS character to keep face with your It used to be taken for grant- GABLES TYPEWRITER CO. parents? It's unfair to worry Influence Teenagers? ed that children would pray for them at the end of day. 2313 Lejeune Road HI 4-0436 Coral Gables their parents day after day. Per-. Dear Doris: mother you're really of One Block North of Miracle Mile haps some still do, but in too • • • I'm a sophomore in high - "sound mind" and be partic- many cases many do not. It is school. My. problem may not ular about your TV viewing. Hank Gabelmann—Jack O'Donnell a very necessary duty, because WATCH IT Fellows — When a seem important to any one it is a very chastening act of chap's voice changes, it occa- else but it is to me. My Be just as particular about devotion for a child to pray God sionally sounds like a bark. mother doesn't like my broth- the programs you watch as to' help his parents direct the * PRAY FOR FOOD er (a freshman) and me the books yon read and the child to the best in life. If each That may sound strange with watching TV programs of vi- friends you choose. one of us would do this, It ought so many people you know who olence, such as western and (Bi&caipvL QhsumaxL to give a big lift to the problems are going on diets but it has to detective stories. My mother And Roddy, your mother has of parents who^re rea?ly trying do with rogation days. Monday, says they may influence us. a duty to God to^make you a to do their best in doing their Tuesday, and Wednesday, of next Many times we have argu- good Christian; you have a duty duty. week are the jlays the Church ments about this. I assure to obey her. How about listen- INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS • LAUNDRY* DRY CLEAN- recites the Litany of All Saints you I'm of sound mind and ing to her? ING and JANITOR SUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT • • • during her rogation day process- body. I don't think these pro- LABORATORY SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS * * * THE RIGHT WAY — If you ions. There are millions of per- grams have any effect on me * SERVING - * have to bare your teeth be sure sons on earth who actually do or my behavior. Could you Dear Doris: it is with a smile. not have enough to eat day aft- tell me how to convince my DADE COUNTY • BROWARD • MONROE • LEE • COLLIER mother that they don't affect My girl friends and I re- MARTIN • SAINT LUCIE • PALM BEACH • INDIAN RIVER ALWAYS TIME er day. It would be well for you alize that single dating in the There is always time to read to keep these poor people in me? / r teens can lead to serious 200 N/E. 11th St., Miami 32, Fla. FR 7-1421 a good book. Even the good mind during rogation days. It Roddy temptations. We are also far is mighty hard to think pious weather should not keep us from Dear Roddy: miliar with the growing trend worth while reading. As a mat- thoughts if your hunger almost toward group dating. Could ter of fact it is delightful to drives you out of your mind. Sorry, this time I'm on your you suggest some ideas for take a book outdoors and give mother's side. TV programs this kind of dating? How can a treat to your body as well as • • * definitely have an influence on we ask the boys to join us" WANTED! your mind. That's a double fea- AUTO ACCIDENTS you. As a matter of fact every- and how can expenses be ture. The rate of car accidents is thing you come in contact with shared? has an influence on you. •> • OBSOLETE • * • rising although there ar« many Elizabeth safety campaigns going on. The Depending on the amount of • FLYING CORKS- From The accidents are likely to mount Dear Elizabeth: • RUSTY time you spend at it, TV may Pop House — "You can make- in number because there are influence you more than Start with home or school or LEAKY this a better world to live in if more cars and more people than you are not interested in living ever before. That means there church and home, school or the parish dance. too long." are-more little people around, friends. And being a fellow of sound mind, y«u must admit It's easy to say to a boy, PUNCTUALITY too. Please drive with even WINDOWS you are now in the process of "a group of us are going to Please don't keep the house- more caution that you used last- PRO-TECT-U, with 25 years experience is noted developing a pattern of life. Ellen's on Friday to play rec- hold up waiting for your return year. Make this an accident-free for its superior installations on replacing obsolete If you are feasting on a diet ords; how about coining with these nights^ If you are sup- year in your house. windows in residences, apartment houses and com- of violence and brutality you us? You know Bill Br<»—«; posed to be in at a given hour, mercial buildings. THOUGHT For The Weak —. may come to think of them he's coming too." This j keep, that date with your par- If you really want to improve as quite normal. the girls could chip in forthe You too can benefit from PRO-TECT-U's many ents. Why upset the whole neigh- your lot, start a, garden. doughnuts and coke. years of experience . .. finest materials and reli-, I bet you're particular about ability. choosing friends and the places You can also offer a ride| with, "My father's driving Have one of our representatives visit your prop- you go. I'm sure you wouldn't Catholics: Headquarters associate wtih hoodlums and the basketball game ' tonight. erty (at no obligation) to show how it' can be im- for ; Would you "like us to stop by proved with' quality PRO-TECT-U glass jalousies. crooks and murderers. Why pick on this- type of character for you?" NO MONEY DOWN • UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY New Food Service Equipment for entertainment? x How about organizing soirav Some think the TV western is square dancing? All you need Complete Line Of All Nationally Advertised a visual lesson in American his-, is a record player, records and Ranges - Dishwashers • Refrigerators - Broilers - tory. They are wrong. Most\o$ your living room. Fryers, Etc. these, westerns are the script- Tennis, swimming and pic- We Will Design and Plan Complete Additional writer's distorted version of his- nics are fun in the summer. TECT-6 Serving Facilities for your Cafeteria tory. Sharing the expenses for a Club Church Hospital There are some good TV picnic is simple. The fellows MO 7-5681 (EXT i) will be happy to bring coke BILL WOODWARD EQUIPMENT (0. programs, Roddy, other than when they hear you girls are 4525 Fonce do Leon Boulevard, Coral Gable* 1507 S.W. 37th Ave. HI 5-1413 those of violence. They are making, potato salad and , a entertaining too. Show your cake!



Albert G.



Voice Photos TE 2BI4B or TE 2 8735 (home) HITTING THE DIRT in an attempt to steal home, Dick Fus- FINAL LUNGE proved to no avail as James Mullen, of SS. sell, SS. Peter and Paul pitcher, slides in but is called "out." Peter and Paul, flies into first base. Charlie Fitzpatrick, first AI Marsico, catcher for St. Rose, put the glove on him. The baseman for St. Rose, had the ball in his hand and his foot game was Fussell's eighth win of the season. on the sack. SS. Peter and Paul won the game last Sunday, Clothes for the Entire Family! 12-2. AT BUDGET PRICES The Voice Of Bowlers Schedule Grade School Playoff Thursday FOUNTAIN'S 728-730 LAKE AVE. — LAKE WORTH The Holy Name Bowling Team Standings League playoff, to determine DRESSES — SHOES — SPORTSWEAR the top three teams in the Roundup of Catholic grade SPORTS North Dade Deanery, will be school baseball games played PLAY CLOTHES — WORK CLOTHES By JACK HOUGHTELING played Thursday, May 26, at 9 last week. South Florida's Catholic high SS. Peter and Paul wrapped p.m., at the Cloverleaf Bowling H. N. FOUNTAIN SAYS: St. Michael IS, SS. Peter and Paul 2 schools haven't been very suc- up this season with a 10-2 Lanes. Sacred Heart 13, St. Rose 7 "You'll Always Save Here" cessful in the state's track and win-loss, record. So far, the Officers for next years league St. Michael 9, Corpus Christi 0 . SS. Peter and Paul 9, St. Hose 5 field program. Except for the team is number one in the were elected last week. Dr. SS. Peter and Paul 12, St. Rose 2 John J. Morgan of Holy Family state championships won sever- league with a possibility of a al years ago by the Diamond parish, was elected president; Team standings as the season runoff with St. Michael. nears the close are: BLOCKS & BUILDING MATERIAL brothers from Archbishop Curley Austin Boniby, Visitation parish, vice-president, and Dan Bren- High in the shot-put, the Catholic Coach Al Petz heaped high First place — SS. Peter and Paul, nan, Visitation parish, secre- 10 wins, 2 losses, with an average of praise on his team, "They had .833. schools have been pretty well tary-treasurer. blanked in the sport. a good season this year," the Second — St. Michael, 8 wins, 2 SS Peter and Paul coach said, Parish Holy Name Societies losses, .800. are invited to join the league Third — Sacred Heart, 6 wins, 4 los- However, this year it has "we have a lot of capable boys ses, .600. been different due to the work on the field." next year, according to Frank Foruth — St. Theresa, 3 wins, < ACME CONCRET turned in by the quiet, young Gust, league chairman. Inter- losses, .333 and Epiphany, 4 wins, 8 coach at Fort Lauderdale Cen- Robert Koziol finished out the ested parties can obtain infor- losses, .333. W VSw.VAA* tral Catholic, Tom Cashman. season with a .455 average Dick mation by calling Mr. Gust at Filth — St. Rose, 3 wins, 7 losses, Fussell the team's top pitcher, NA 1-7119, or Frank Kopp, .300. . Thanks to his efforts, he has Sixth — Corpus Christi, 2 wins, 7 took his eighth win in the game NA 4-1331. losses, .222. turned football speedster Lynn with St. Rose. Kozoil knocked Whelan into the district's Class out a grand-slam homer in which Modern Redi-Mix Plants A 100 and 220-yard dash cham- accounted for seven runs in the pion and added iunior Bob Ger- 12-2 win. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ard as the 880 titleist. DADE, Pedro Martinez-Fontz, co-cap- You Can Be Sure If It's BROWARD Cashman, a member of Cen- tain and shortstop, had a field A* (of L.C.W.x WESTINGHOUSE tral Catholic's first graduation day on the bases. "He's a fast AND class, removed Whelan from ALUMINUM man," Coach Petz said with a LUBRICANT PALM the 440 that he had run unsuc- laugh. "He stole six bases in CLEAN, LONG-LASTINC SMOOTH BEACH cessfully last season and made OPERATION & PROTECTION FOR that game, that's 25 for the him one of the top men in the Awninj - jalousie - Sliding COUNTIES state in his two events. Lynn season. He steals on every- WINDOWS, DOORS ft 10! ARTICLE! one." Proven since 1952 by satisfied u»rs Home Office finished third in both at the everywhere 310 S. Olive - TE 2-4222 sta«*-. finals last week end at At most Builder Supply, Paint I Hardwire With only two players return- Stores. Made by Eugene Domish & SOP 5500 N.W. 37 AVE. - HIALEAH, FLA. G jville. 979 S.W. 12th Street West Palm Beach ing Coach Petz is wondering Pompano Beach, Florida Under Cashman's guidance, about next season. "One big po- Whelan has gone :10.1 for the tential next year is Koziol's 100 and :22.4 for the 220 on a brother, Tommy. He looks like straightaway. he/ll replace his brother as the MUNICIPAL AUTO SALES- HOME OF THE 100% GUARANTEE big gun on the team," the coach Ask For Pete Andrews — Member Corpus Christi Parish While Lynn graduates this said. year, Cashman feels that next season Gerard should be the best in the 880, bar none. He also Get the Best Buys tn was third at the state finals. Cashman has several other lilillliB Raiders that are being devel- oped for future years with jun- and SUPPLIES ior John Jamison, and fresh- BUTLER BROS. man Peter McMulIen and Gail Mitchell as the best prospects. LUMBER CO. Unfortunately for the young- sters and Central Catholic, Cash- West Palm TE 2-6171 man won't be around to work CALL US FOR with-Jthem — he's returning to AN ESTIMATE college to work on his masters. 3050-3061 N.W. 36th ST. MIAAAI, FLORIDA May 20, I960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 19 Pide Sacerdotes SECCION ESPANOLA Para Braceros 1 - DE VAN HORN,' Texas, (NC). —Un sacerdote que les ha servic'io durante 17 anos, pro- puso un plan "decisivo" para atender espiritualmente a los braceros mexicanos que tra- bajan en Estados Unidos. VOICE El Padre Vincent Cizauskas * i sugirid que los obispos nor- teamericanos confien a sa- *************************«««**««**«*********« cerdotes mexicanos el cuida- do espiritual de los braceros que trabajan en sus diocesis respectivas. Topicos Segtin el Padre Cizauskas, representante oficial del Eipis- copado mexlcano para los bra- ceros, ellos mismos podrfan Doctrinale financiar los gastos de viaje de los saoe'rdotes y los de su permanencia en Estados Uni- REVERENDO PADRE IBARRA Santander, Espana, es el sltio para el Sexto Congreso de la Union International de Prensa dos. Catolica, en julio 6 al 10. El tema del Congreso sera: "Prensa Catolica un Puente Entre los Los Espiritus Danzantes Pueblos". La foto muestra una vista panoramic a del famoso balneario espanol. — (NC Photos) £1 Padre Cizauskas, explicd a las afiliadas lei Consejo Dios iSera posible que yo vea a mi querida abuelita, y que hable cesano de Mujeres Catolicas eon ella, y que pueda saber c6mo vive en el otro mundo? da Bl Paso, que los labriegos Y, ique es de mi marido difunto? Y con el aliciente de mexicanos raramenta tienen Regla de Oro Para la Conveniencia Social oportunidad en sus aldeas de ponerse en contacta con los seres queridos, que pasaron a otra conocer a un sacerdote, debi- vida, las pobres • infelices victimas del engafio se dejan Por el Rev. Padre Antonio Navarrete do a la escasez de clero, por embaucar una y otra vez, y entregan su dinero en manos lo que, si al venir a Estados desaprensivas y codiciosas, y acaban por vivlr en un estado En la carta del Ap6stol Santiago se lee el hablar, pues asi como el cSntaro rotq se Unidos, encuentran saoerdotes de angustia, de nerviosismo, de inquietud que les llevan con esta frase "Sea todo hombre pronto para es- conoce por su sonido, de la misma manera de su misma nacionalidad, el frecuencia a la enfermedad mental. cuchar, pero comedido en el hablar", frase el seso del hombre es conocido por la pala- tiempo que permanezcan en que es una regla de oro para la convivencia bra que sale de la boca y que no puede este pals puede ser para ellos El espiritisjno es una de las mayores plagas que, ha caido social. volver atras. "como un retiro espiritual", sobre la humanidad. Pero no es de hoy; desde los mas remotos una oportunidad unica de dias ha habido embaucadores que han engafiado miserablemente Hay un arte de conversar y hay un arte "El que de veras ama la vida y quiere "rejuvenecer" su fe median- a los infelices visionarios. de escuchar, quizas este segundo exija mas vivir dias dichosos, refrene su lengua del mal te practica y doctrina. cualidades que el primero. Cuando un emi- y sus labios no se desplieguen a favor de El Padre Cizauskas, de 54 La Iglesia atolica ha prohibido siempre el asistir a sario de Esparta despues de haber hablado la falsedad", dice San Pablo en una de sus sesiones espiritistas de cualquier g&nero, con o sin medium con el Rey Egis, Ie pregunt6 a 6ste: "£Qu<§ cartas. anos, naci6 en Brooklyn, Nue- va York, pero pertenece a la (intermediario) aunque tengan las apariencias de buenas y quieres que diga a los que me han enviado en El ser comedido en el hablar, nos favo- diocesis de Chihuahua, Mexi- decentes; ni preguntar a los espfritus, ni olr sus respuestas, embajada?" — Agis respondio: "Diles que te rece a nosotros mismos y contribuye eficaz- co. nl siquiera mirar a la escena, aunque se declare posltivamente he escuchado sin desplegar los labios todo mente a la paz con nuestros semejantes. que uno no tiene arte ni parte en los artes diabdlicos. el tiempo que has querido hablar". El saber Si los hombres hicieran uso de la palabra escuchar es un detalle significativo y revela- con discrecidn y respeto, el mundo seria mas Qu6 es el Espiritismo dor del caracter de una persona. bello y se evitarian muchas arrugas en los rostros provenientes de disgustos y sinsabo- El espiritismo no es mas que una forma mod-erna de la En la mitad de la obra atea de Jean nigromancia pagana. Y esta estaba condenada en la ley da Paul Sartre, "El Diablo y el buen Dios", el res que tuvieron el principio'en palabras y juicios incontrolados. Hay personas que di- Moises: "ni haya quien consulte a los adivinos... ni quien sa personaje Xloetz se enfrenta al Cristo inmovil sirve da los muertos para averiguar la verdad". que domina el altar de la Iglesia y le dice: cen: "es que a mi me gusta ser sincero y de- .—"Pero acaso me escuchas, oh Dios sordo!..." cir lo que siento"; — a ese seiior habria que El espiritismo puede ser considerado o como una doctrina Nadie sabe escuchar como Dios, lo que su- decirle, que ser sincero no eslo mismo que religiosa y filosofica o solamente como una practica supersti- cede es que muchas veces somos nosotros decir la verdad. Una persona puede ser sin- ciosa que explota la infinita credulidad humana con fines lu- los que no usamos la lengua inteligible para cera y decir lo que siente y en cambio su cratiros. En las dos formas esta condenado por la Iglesia. que Dios nos escuohe. Con la lengua de la juicio puede ser completamente erroneo y Cuando se habla del espiritismo casi siempre se piensa en esta soberbia, del amor propio, del odio a los de- perjudicial y su sinceridad podra ser tan da- segunda forma que consiste en invocar a los muertos para mas; con la lengua de la ambicion, de la fiina como la mentira y la calumnia. tener noticia de su existencia y actividades en el otro mundo. El espiritismo es absurdo, inmoral y peligroso. mentira, de la murmuracion, pretendemos di- Debes callar cuando tu palabra en vez rigirnos a Dios y que Dios nos escuche, sin de alabar, defender los derechos y propagar Es absurdo porque no hay fuerza humana que pueda con- caer en la cuenta que Dios nos ha advertido la paz, trata de salir de tus labios para vitu- trolar las almas o espiritus de los qua murieron. Viven una que no nos escuchara mientras nuestras m& perar, restringir los derechos de los demas vida feliz con Dios en el cielo o desgraclada, contfenados al nos estan manchadas, que es decir, que El y sembrar la semilla de la discordia. "Apren- infierno. Solo Dios puede permitir a los espiritus manifes- escucha nuestras acciones mas que nuestras de a decir, no lo que te gusta, sino lo que tarse a los vivos. Y esto Dios jamas lo hara por medio de palabras. Ese es el lenguaje que Dios es- conviene. Discierne que es lo que has de conjuros y comedias ridiculas. Es inmoral porque se vive cucha, lenguaje que no tiene doblez. decir y que es lo que has de callar y se del engano para defraudar a los cridulos. Y es peligroso Ser comedido en el hablar, ha sido con- discreto tanto en el hablar como en el callar. porque los que lo practican viven sometidos a tensiones ner- siderado siempre cmo el fundamento de la Tu, silencio elocuente viosas que con frecuencia conducen a estados neur6ticos, y madurez en el hombre. En prosa traspa- que en el del campo bienhecher asilo aun psicopaticos. rente del siglo XIII, Alfonso X el Sabio, Rey hablas grave y severo de Castilla, dejd escrito en el Libro de "Las sablo maestro del pensar prudente los Ingenuos Babilonios padre fecundo del amor tranquilo Partidas": "que' el mucho hablar hace envi- Fue hace muchisimos anos. Babilonia era una gran fiel confidente del sentir austero. lecer las palabras y que el hombre que no ciudad en la que las gentes, como en muchas poblaciones de tiene mucho seso debe ser mas precavido en (Gabriel y Galan) hoy, eran enganadas miserablemente por individuos aprove- chados. Daniel, un judio inteligente y elegido por Dios, se propuso a desenmascarar a los enganadores. £YA HA SIDO LISTED INSCRIPTO? Estos eran los sacerdotes' de Bel, un idolo glgante que se comia todos los dias varios cestos de pan; un rebafio de ovejas El Censo Diocesano de Miarni se ha hecho par enumeradores que han ido de casa y bebia grandes tinajas da vino. El pobre Rey y sus corte •' en casa, pero muchas familias no estaban en su casa cuando el enumerador sanos eran unos infelices explotados por los avlvados sacerdoti J paso. Dada la importancia que este Censo tiena para la Diocesis, SI UD. NO del Idolo Pero Daniel usando una ingenlosa estratagema 1«~^ ESTA INSCRIPTO llene el cup6n adjunto y envfelo a: hizo salir al Rey de su engano.

Los Amigos del Engano Diocesan Census Office Es cierto que en la naturaleza 'tanto material como en la 6301 Biscayne Blvd. espiritual hay muchos fenomenos, y experiencias muy extraiias Miami 38, Fla. y para las que no tenemos aiin una explkacl6n satisfactoria como son los hechos telepaticos, y otros simplemente fisicos, Nombre pero extranos. La fachada exterior de la En ultimo termino no debemos olvidar que tambien el Direccion , Torre del nuevo Santuario de demonio interviene, segiin lo que Dios le permita, en la vida Nuestra Sefiora de Fatima, en humana. Y como el es el mayor enemigo de los hombres Ciuddd Pdrroquia Medellin, Colombia, simulan- porque odia a Dios, hace todo lo que puede para perjudicarles do una serie de escaleras de espiritualmente y para alejarlos de la verdad. Numero de personas en la familia escape. Est£ construida a al- guna distancia de la Iglesia Los mediums y los demas que fomentan, favorecen y misma, que esta situada en el practican el espiritismo son aliados y amigos del fraude y del centro de una zona residen- engano; son los colaboradores del demonio en la empresa que GRACIAS POR SU COOPERACION, QUE MUCHO APRECIAREMOS cial de la cludad. este tiene organizada para separar a los hombres ds la verdad, —(NC Photos). de Dios.

Page 20 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 20, 1960 Llamado del Papa por Consolidation de la Paz Consagro en San Pedro a 14 Obispos Misioneros

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO, Ofrecieron de co-consagran- pa y el pueblo,— participaron de los 14 nuevos obispos, di- venido a la Sede de Pedro, y y los eternos. "Busca primero (NC).—Su Santidad el Papa tes el obispo auxiliar de Nue- en la Misa con el rezo de las ci&ndoles a cada uno de ellos: a las que retornareis cemo por el reino de Dios y su justicia Juan XXIH present6 su con- va York, Mons. Fulton J. respuestas y el canto del Cre- "Recibe el Espiritu Santo". tadores de gracia y bendicio- y todo kt demas se te dara por sagraci6n de 14 obispos mi-' 9heen, y el obispo titular de do y los himnos. Sacerdotes, Luego el Papa habl6 asi a nes". anadrdura". sioneros como un ejemplo del Ilta, MODS. Napoleon A. La embajadores, religiosas, cam- los consagrados: Pero es precisamente el In- pesinas e incluso periodistas, El Papa dijo seguidamente esfuerzo incesante de la Igle- Brie, directores nacionales, "Sos 14 en numero y 14 a los nuevos obispos que su teres por otras cosas —con- sia para evangelizar a la hu- respeotivamente, de la Socie- unieron sus voces en oraci6n son tambien las obras de mi- tinuo—; "el interes por la y cantico que resonaban acor- misi6n como tales esta con- manidad entera. dad para la Propagation de sericordia, pedestal sublime tenida en la idea de que "la participaci6n en el disfrute des en el gran templo. de los bienes de la tierra, lo £1 Papa consagr6 el domin- la Fe en Estados Unidos y en el que se fundamentan los luz de la verdad viene de el Canada. triunfos de la civilizacion cris que da lugar a diferencias de £0 8 de mayo a los 14 prela- De acuerdo con el rito de Dios, de suerte que los bom- tiana a traves de los siglos. bres atraidos por ella encuen- opini6n que pueden resultar dos, cuyas sedes misionales Millares de personag llena- consagracion, Juan XXIH y "En nuestro pensamlento tran el camino de la justicia, en menoscabo, e incluso po- estan situadas en Africa, Asia, ban la basilica de San Pedro, los co-consagrantes impusie- estan ahora todas esas partes y rechazen cuanto vaya con- ner en peligro los mas altos Ocenia y Australia. y todos los presentes —el Pa- ron sus manos en las cabezas del mundo de las que habeas tra la ley divina, viviendo en fines —espirituales e inmor- todo conforme a ella". tales —de la vida humana." "Alcesen, con las nuestras Respeoto a la labor de las las manos consagradas de los janonizacion de Juan de Rivera organizaciones misionales di- nuevos • pastores y apdstoles, jo que "ofrece tal espectacu- en acto de peticion unidos a lo de progreso edificante y la Igiesia Universal, para dar Virrey y Arzobispo Espanol alentador, de interes mutuo ejemplo a los poderosos esta- y ayuda entre hermanos, que CIUDAD DEL* VATICANO, distas del mundo, sobre los ce anos en el Seminario de no podemos si-no dar gracias que pesan tremendas respon- (NC).—El 13 de mayo se ce- Salamanca, licenci&nldose en a la Divina Providencia por lebra el consistorio semipu- sabilidades, a fin de animarles Teologia a los veinticinco, todo el bien de cielos y tie- a una declaracion de respeto blico para determinar la ca- edad en que fue ordenado sa- rra". nonizacidn del beato Juan de cerdote. mutuo por la libertad del horn Ribera, arzobispo y virrey de bre, de las familias y de las "Al propio tiempo, aunque naciones". Valencia, Espaiia, en el siglo En 1560 ocup6 la catedra confrontados con la tormen- diecisiete. de Teologia del Seminario sa- ta que todavia amenaza des- Su Santidad concluyo con lamentino, basta 1562, cuan- de ciertos puntos, presagia- las siguientes palabras: Asisten los cardenales, ar- do fue nombrado obispo de mos auroras de luz y paz, "La Iglesia no naci6 ayer. zobispos y obispos residentes Badajoz. Pio V le nombr6 ar- que esperan a la humanidad Tiene 20 siglos de existencia en Roma o en sus cercanias y, zobispo de Valencia por bu- durante los cuales ha luchado, tras la votaci6n de la causa, como renovada salvacion de la de 3 de diclembre de 1568, los pueblos". pero no con armas de vio- Su Santidad el Papa Juan y tom6 posesito el 20 de lencia, sino con las de la ca- XXIII anunciara la fecha del marzo del ano siguiente. "La distinguida asamblea ridad, la oracion y el sacrifi- acto de canonizacion. Segun reunida en este gran templo cio. Unas armas inmaculadas, informes extraoficiales se ce- Como arzobispo de Valen- de la fe catolica expresa cier- invencibles, porque son las de lebrara el 12 de junio pr6xi- cia Juan de Ribera trabaj6 tamente esa obra de Dios, el su Fundadcw Divino". mo. en la santificadon de siis sa- constant* esfuerzo cristiano cerdotes; desplegd todos sus para evangelizar a la huma- La Sagrada Congregation esfuerzos en la conversion de nidad entera. Constituye, por Desfilan Jovenes de Ritos aprobo ya los mila- los musulmanes, cosa que ape- lo tanto una invitacion, un gros propuestos para la cano- nas pudo conseguir, y fue uno ejemplo destacado y atrayen- WUERZBURGO, ALEMA- nization. Uno de ellos, suce- de los mas insignes promove- te, de unidad y cooperadon"... NIA, (NC).—Mas de mil ciu- dido el 25 de junio de 1928, dores del culto al Santfsimo dadanos, principalmente jo- es el de la curaci6n" de una Sacramento. Fund!6 y organi- El Padre Santo record6 de venes cat61icos, realizaron una tuberculosis pulmonar doble ze el magnifico templo y co- seguido, que "en estos dias marcha por las calles da que padecia un joven de Sa- legio del Corpus Christ!, y se millones de personas dirigen Wuerzburgo, en protesta por badell, Barcelona, y el otro, destacd como gran prelado, su atencion, plena de ansie- la colectivizaci6n agricola en de 11 de abril de 1930, la cura estadista y hombre de letras. dad, a los representantes de Alemania Oriental; los mani- de una pulmonfa a un mu- las grandes potencias sobre festantes pidieron al gober- chacho de Torrente, Valen- Felipe III le nombr6 el 2© los que dependen en gran me- no de la Republica Federal cia. de octubre de 1606 virrey del dida las condiciones que pue- Alemana que muestre el reino de Valencia, al que go- den llevar a la consolidaci6n mundo el verdadero carScter El beatro Juan de Ribera bern6 hasta el dia de la Epi- o el rompimiettto de la paz de la colectivizacion realiza- naci6 en Sevilla el ano 1532, fania del Sefior del ano 1911, mundial". da por los comunislas en la hijo de don Perafran, adelan- fecba de su muerte. Pio VI zona oriental. Hace un mes tado mayor de Andalucia, con beatified al virrey y arzobis- Las personas de habla espaiiola pueden obtener panfletos Su Santidad dijo entonces los obispos de esa zona pu- de los Moleros. Huerfano de po Juan d« Ribera el 1® de catolicos publicados por estudiantes catolicos de la Universi- que, para quienes tienen su blicaron una pastoral conjun- madre, Juan ingres6 a los do-_ septiembre de 1796. mirada en el cielo, esta siem- ta de protesta contra la "re- dad de La Habana, en la oficina del Centro Hispano Catolico, pre presente y revelante la forma agraria", que ha con- con personal de padres y hermanas de la Orden de los distincion entre los bienes de vertldo a los pequefios agri- Domfnicos. la vida terrena y los de la cultores en peones de gran- Periodismo Catolico Tiene un futura, entre los temporales des haciendas colectivas. Cometido de Salvation Eterna Curso Especial para Futures NUESTRA PARROQUSA CIUDAD DEL VATICANO, El Papa niencio la carta de (NC).—El periodismo cat61i- un obispo en relation con el Misioneros en Latinoamerica co tiene en parte la misi6n venidero concilio ecume'nico, de hacer comprender al pue- presentado a los critianos co- PONCE, P.R., (NC).— La Durante los dias 12 al 16 blo cristano que debe buscar mo preocupados en demasia Universidad Catolica de Puer- de agosto explicara' un cursi- ante todo la salvaci6n eterna. por las necesidades materia- to Rico anuncia un curso de llo sobre earacteristicas reli- Su Santidad el Papa Juan les de la vida terrena, como orientacion para religiosos, gioso • sociales de la Ameri- XXIII habl6 asi a un grupo si hubiera un mas alia que es sacerdotes y seglares de Esta- ca Latina contemporanea, el de directores de diarios cato- el fin ultimo del hombre. dos Uni-dos que esperen. misio RP John M. Considine, MM, licos italianos, que fueron pre nar en Latinoamerica. director de la Oficina para sentados al Padre Santo por La carta anade que los cris- America Latina, creada re- el nuevo director de L'Osser- tianos, llevados de ese afan El curso comenzard el 8 de cientemente en la National vatore Romano, Raimondo temporal, esperan a veces agosto y serA clausurado el 4 Catholic Welfare Conference. Manizni. que la Iglesia les ayude para de septiembre. mejorar materialmente, en Paul Murray, director del La Universidad ezplica al Oolegio (norteamerkano) de vez de ofrecerfes asistencia en anunciar aqui el curso de ve- el piano espiritual. Ciudad de Mexico, tiene a su rano, "que se pretende ofre- cargo unas conferencias so- ESCUCHAR AL Su Santidad refiri6 esa ano- cer a los graduados de cole- bre la independencia de los malia al ambito de la prensa, gios norteamericanos —prin- paises latinoamericanos y la sipalmente sacerdotes y re- PADRE ANTONIO y dijo: eyolucion en ellos de las rela- ligiosos— que van a pasar mu- ciones entre la Iglesia y el es- Todos los Sabados a las "He aqui otro aspecto de chos afios de servicio en La- tado. Hector Estades, profe- tinoamerica, una orientacion sor de la Universidad de Puer- la mision del periodismo ca- intensiva, basica y al dia, so- 6:45 de la Tarde en la tolico: hacer que el pueblo to Rico, explicara un cursillo bre el nuevo mundo del que, sobre earacteristicas actuales HORA CATOLICA comprenda el verdadero obje- por amor, quieren ser par- de la literatura hispaoica y tivo del cristianismo, que es te activa e inteligente." su influencia en la vida pii- Del el prepararse en esta vida pa- El curso comienza con una blica. ra su destino eterno." introduccion a cargo de Mons. CENTRO HISPANO Ivan Illich, vicerector de la Jaime Fonseca, director de El Papa afirmo que por ul- Universidad de Ponce. Del 9 NOTICIAS CATOLICAS, edi- POR LA ESTACION timo que la misi6n del escri- al 11 del mismo mes dara una cion espaiiola y portuguesa de tor y periodista catolico, es alecciones sobre historia de NCWC News Service, desarro- WMIE mantener la verdad y presen- la colonizacion de las Ame- llara del 26 al 29 de agosto un tarla de forma que sirva de ricas el RP Antonine Tibet- en 1140 Kicociclog guia a los lectores para el jus- sar OFM, de la Undversidad seminario sobre Educaci6n y to entendimiento d« la vida y Catolica de America, Was- Opinion Publica en - Latino- "Debo congratular a ustedes damas por su magnifies su significado. shington. america. asistencia a la mision!".

May 20, 1960 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. Page 21 * YOUR INCOME TAX * THEOLOGY FOR EVERYMAN If you own property and/or if you filed a short form •*" See J. E. MARQUA When We Receive Confirmation FEDERAL TAX CONSULTANT AND REALTOR - (SINCE 1933) | 7906 N.W. 7th \ve. PL 9-0563 Faith Increases, Courage Rises During recent weeks Bishop 9, "Featuring Coleman F. Carroll has been administering the sacrament of The Brands Confirmation in parishes of the • A slight tap on the diocese. cheek, given (at right) by MEN'S AND BOYS'. W^T Y°U ^^ The following commentary the bishop, reminds the one traces the origin and meaning confirmed that he or she 9830 N.E. 2nd Ave. • MIAMI SHORES • PLoza 4-0331 of the sacrament and stresses must be willing to suffer its importance to the spiritual development of those who re- everything, even death, for PICK-UP SERVICE PHONE JU 2-6931 ceive it. the sake of Christ. All Work Dorte In OUT Own Plant These questions first appeared in The Pilot, weekly newspaper • Anointing of the fore- of the Archdiocese of Boston. The RIDGE Cleaners head with holy chrism in- Member of the National Institute of Cleaners • * • • NEW REVOLUTIONARY PROCESS Q. When was the sacra- dicates that the Christain Electronically Controlled Dry Cleaning ment of Confirmation insti- must openly profess and 1302 LAKE AVE. LAKE WORTH, FLA. tuted? practice the Catholic Faith, A. Some hold that the sacra- never, be ashamed of it, and ment of Confirmation was in- rather die than deny it stituted when Our Lord, after His Resurrection, gave to His Apostles the fullness of power to function as Bishops of His firmation. The law of the Church. Others say that Con- Church requires, however, that firmation was instituted at the all Catholics be confirmed be- NOTHING COULD BE FINER Last Supper, basing their fore their marriage, if it is at opinion on the promises which all possible for them to re- Our Lord made at this time to ceive Confirmation. ask His Father to send the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth. The priest who arranges COACH COMPANY Still others, combining these for a marriage will always two opinions, hold that the make inquiry regarding this institution of Confirmation as a matter. If it appears that one BOCA RATON, FLORIDA sacrament involved both Our or the other of the parties has Lord's promise of the Para- not yet been confirmed, the clete at the Last Supper,*and priest will endeavor to arrange the conferring of full episcopal for his confirmation. Arrange- power upon them after the ments of this kind are easily Resurrection. made, and no one should insist on being married without hav- • • • ing received Confirmation. Q. What are the effects of * • • Confirmation? Q. Is it a mortal sin to A. The effects of Confirma- neglect to receive the sacra- tion are three: ment of Confirmation? FRANK J. ROONEY, INC. (1) The impression of an in- A. Although the sacrament of Confirmation is not necessary GENERAL CONTRACTORS delible character on the soul of the person to be confirmed by for salvation, in the same way which he becomes identified as as the sacrament of Baptism, a soldier of Jesus Christ. no one may neglect the oppor- tunity of receiving it. Parish (2) The increase of sanctify- priests must make every reaso- ing grace. Confirmation, as a able effort to impress on their sacrament of the living, cannot parishioners the important of be received validly by one who their obligation to receive is not baptized, and should not Confirmation, and they must be received by one who is in provide, at stated intervals, the the state of mortal sin. occasion for the administering OFFICERS of the sacrament by the bishop. (3) The conferring of sacra- those under seven who are in and the law itself provides that WILLIAM O'NEIL danger of death, or for any when Confirmation is adminis- CHAIRMAN mental grace by which the can- Theologians are not agreed as other just and serious reason tered after Baptism, the same to the gravity of this obliga- "CHARLES H. ALCOCK didate receives increased PRESIDENT strength to profess his faith which may commend itself to sponsor may serve for both tion. Some hold that to neglect NORMAN W. LEWIS courageously and to overcome the confirming prelate. Among sacraments. Confirmation is seriously sin- EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT the temptations which might ourselves it is customary to de- ful; others, that it is only slight- ter Confirmation until a some- To serve licitly as sponsor ly sinful. Regardless of this weaken him in his struggle a person should be at least against t^e enemies of the faith. what later age. dispute, the obligation should be fourteen years of age and of insisted upon, since Confir- THE * • • • * * good reputation, and should mation will often involve se- Q. At what age is the sac- Q. What are the require- be of the same sex as the rious contempt for the authority rament of Confirmation ad- ments for sponsors at con- one to be confirmed. of the Church. . ministered? firmation? For validity, the sponsor Moreover, Confirmation I ) iOULEVARD A. Confirmation may be val- must touch the candidate during a very special function in tfie idly received by any one who A. The candidate for Confir- the actual anointing, which con- mation should have a sponsor, spiritual and interior life of —Setting New Standards has been baptized. In the case stitutes, as we have seen, the" every Christian. This sacra- of one who has reached the unless it is impossible for one essence of the sacrament. If to be found The functions of ment brings Baptism to per- for Banking use of reason, at least an im- for one reason or another it is fection and consummation by plicit intention of receiving the a sponsor cannot be validly as- impossible or inconvenient for sumed by one who is not him- affording strength to carry Service sacrament is also necessary for a sponsor to assist personally at out the. promises made at self confirmed, or by one who validity. the ceremony of Confirmation, Baptism. is not a Catholic, or by one who he may be represented by a Confirmation imparts the su- In the Eastern Churches it has been officially excommu- proxy. is customary to administer nicated or subjected to disci- pernatural courage needed to Confirmation immediately plinary action by the Church, • * * profess the faith openly and to after Baptism. In the West- or by the father, mother or Q. "is it necessary for a - lead an ideal Catholic life. ern Church the law requires marriage partner of the can- Catholic to have received the Again, the character which it that as a general rule Con- didate. sacrament of Confirmation be- imprints on the soul enables us -the Friendly firmation be deferred until the fore being married? to call upon God for the actual Bank on the Boulevard candidate is seven years old The sponsor at Confirmation graces which we need to over- or thereabouts. should ordinarily not be the A. The marriage of a Cath- come the temptations of the same person who was sponsor olic would not be invalid by world. Certainly it would be It is permissible, however, to for the candidate at Baptism. reason of his not having re- unreasonable to neglect such administer Confirmation to Exceptions to this rule are ceived the sacrament of Confir- sources of spiritual strength.

Page 22 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 20, 1960 HOLLYWOOD IN FOCUS LEGION OF DECENCY FILM RATINGS A 1—FILMS MORALLY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR Another First-Rate Biblical Movie GENERAL PATRONAGE By WILLIAM H. MOORING victims are innocent little girls, cients; to be a living part of Across the Bride* Hey Boy. Bey Girl Sad Horse may be more readily under- Hell's 5 Hours Saga of Hemp Brown the period. standable, especially by young Adventures of Horse Soldiers Silent Enemy A day or two before actress but producer Engel and his. di- Huckleberry Finn Hound Dog Man . Sink The Bismark In translating to the screen, moviegoers. I am not sure that Alias Jesse James Ill Give My Life Slaves of Carthage rector, Henry Koster, have cau- Battle Flame In Between A«re Snow Queen Elana Eden and 108 others nar- period dramas, especially those they make for more ready ac- Battle of CoraJ Sea In Wake of Stranger Snow Fire tiously avoided actual scenes of Beast of Budapest Invisible Boy Son of Robin Hood rowly missed disaster during a of biblical origin, the Holly- ceptance of "The Story of Behind the Great Wall Song of Sister Maria Ben Hur It Happened To Jane Space Children bad New York jet landing; pro- immolation. wood script writer usually Ruth" as great biblical drama. Big Beat Jacqueline Spy in the Sky Bis Fisherman ' John Paul Jones Storm Rider ducer Sam Engel had shown us avoids slavishly archaic lang- Great spectacle, however, it Big .Teeter Juke Box Rhythm Street of Darkness As Ruth, Elana Eden, Is- Kidnapped Submarine Seahawk in Hollywood, a rough cut of uage. Sometimes he infuses too certainly is. Killers Of Kilimanjaro Swan Lake raeli drama student who nar- Blood & Steel Last Angry Man 13 Fighting Men "The Story of Ruth", in which freely, modern forms and fig- Bobbikins Last Voyage Thundering Jets rowly lost the Anne Frank Boy And The Pirates Let's Rock The Lock ures of speech. Buchanan Rides Alone Libel Third Man on the Elana — real name Elana Lani role to Millie Perkins, shows Cast A Lone Shadow Lourdes and Its Mountain Writer Norman Corwin has Conspiracy of Heart! Miracles Three Came To Kill Cooper — plays her first big marked ability. There are Cossacks Masters of Congo Timbuktu checked this tendency in "The Crash Landing Jungle Toby Tyler screen role. any number of other good Dangerous Exile Men On A String Toughest Man Alive Story of Ruth", although sever- LOANS Day to Remember Miracle of the Hills performances too. Tom Try- Diamond Safari Missouri Traveler Twelve To The Moon al of the younger, actors, by To Buy an Automobile Dog of Flanders Mouse That Roared UnderfirUnderfire A rough cut is an unfin- on, Viveca Lindfors, Jeff Dog's Best Friend My Dog* Buddy Unearthly their deportment, diction and Embezzled Heaven My Uncle Unvanquiiquishes d ished film. Scenes do not Morrow and Eduard Franz EJMtmy from Space Nine Lives 1.001 Arabian Nights Up in Smoke join smoothly; the transitions emotional moods, become un- LOANS r ^e from Terror Warrior & Slave Girl show plenty of flair although ' >> the Nteht Oklahoma Territory Watusl mistakably modern in spite of To Buy a Range or : ,M Fire Operation Amsterdam Westbound are jumpy, the music often for my money, the outstand- t Minting Frontier Operation Madball White Wilderness their lavish period costumes Washing Machine Flame Over India Paris Holiday - Wild Heritage is out of sync and the colors ing characterization is Peggy From the Earth to Persuader Windjammer and ancient trappings. Results the Moon Peacemaker The World Was His Jury badly matched. Wood's Naomi. Miss Wood Gift of Love Pollyanna World Without End Great Day Power Among Men Would-Be-Gentleman not only gets under the skin LOANS Private's Affair Wreck of Mary Dears If you have a taste for scrip-

FLORISTS HAULING HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED REACH MORE THAN $1,000 HOFMANN'S FLOWERS Trash Removal -General Cleanups EMPLOYMENT WE RENT ROLLAWAY BEDS Wanted by St. Vincent de Paul "Voice' readers among the 2160 N.W. "79th St. PL 9-0767 and Hauling. & BABY CRIBS - Weekly rates CATHOLIC SALVAGE STORE FOR SERVICE Call PL 1-6050 Television - GE Appliances Clothing, household furnishings, 66 parishes in the Expert Funeral Designs - Corsages HEARING AIDS HELP WANTED - FEMALE MOTT'S FURNITURE appliances, linens etc. Diocese of Miami*. Wedding Arrangements - Free Del. 1240 Opa Locka Blvd. MU 8-6313 for the needy. FLOWERS BY WIRE Auditone Hearing Aids and TRADITIONAL style buffets, (All St. Vincent de Paul Soc. bene- Tell about YOUR service or INSTRUCTION Accessories, Batteries & Cords YOUNG factors remembered-wkly masses). 145 N. E. 79th St. PL 7-0231 blonde dinette set, lawn chairs. product through a IBM Key Punch, Comptometry WOMEN REASONABLE - Call PL 7-9748 PHONE FR 3-3856 • Special •Voice' Classified Adi ABC Shorthand; Gregg, Pitman INSURANCE Kelvinator Automatic Dryer, pick-up days each neighborhood. Tutoring ALL School Subjects Gil Haas Insurance, Inc. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY LARGE model, excellent WANTED-Small new or used Please call Miss Thompson See ' ellow Page 620, Phone Book condition - $75. Call TU 5-387J Photo-Copying Machine - also Adelphi School - 500 N.E. 79th St. All Types of Insurance * 1338 N. W. 36th St. NE 5-0921 Power Mower, Hollywood Bed, stencil Addresser. Will pay ART for your child this summer GIL HAAS SKIP HAAS APPLY TODAY cash or trade mimeograph as CERAMIC, SCULPTURE, Chest of Drawers, Ironing Board, 36 N. E. 2nd Street Oil Stove, etc., etc. MO 54059 part payment. Write John Y DRAWING & PAINTING The Friendly Franklin' Box 38-702, Miami 38, F\ for your 'Result-Getting ad Josefa Studios INSURED SAVINGS PLAN NORGE Automatic Washer - Very N.W. 2nd Ave. at 163rd Street Educational Plan - Annuity SOUTHERN BELL good condition - one year old - MONDAYS - 9 AM. to 9 P.M. (Needed: Instructors . Wl 7-4679) Call George Tziganuk - PL 8-7486 ONLY $60 - Call TU 5-3395 HOME IMPROVEMENT: 22 N.E. 62 St. Member St. Mary's TELEPHONE CO. ORGAN, ACCORDIAN & GUITAR Large Westinghouse refrigerator SATURDAYS-9 A.M.-3 P.M. GOOD CONDITION -. $75 Lessons - Home or Studio MOVING AIR CONDITIONING Other Week Days 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. DEEN STUDIO Call PL 4-5903 MOVING? FREE ROOM & home privileges 10526 N.E. 3rd Ct. PL 1-5504 Have Trucks for All Size Jobs to single man, woman or couple MISCELLANEOUS ROOM air conditioner service PERSONALS (of any age) in exchange for Factory Authorized Service Call Joe NE 5-2461 The NEW St. Vincent De Paul Deadline Tuesday 2 PM Nose Face Ears congenial company. No special CATHOLIC SALVAGE STORE York - Carrier • Philco - Crosley Corrective styling • plastic surgery. WE MOVE rules* or regulations to observe. Universal Service Inc. For FRIDAY Edition Local and Long Distance Convenient location. PL 1-4080 19 N. W. 7th Ave. Ft. Lauderdale CALL PLaza 9-5711 * 139 S.E. 3rd Street 2-3 P.M. has many money-saving bargains! Note: If the heading for your Deederer. M.D. FR 3-0003 Household Goods, Office Equipmt. Mature woman to live-in, light ' BRICKLAYERS particular ad isn't already Appliances, Pianos PL 1-7842 ALSO needed for the NEEDY; WILLIAM ]. MATTE! duties in exchange private room, CLOTHING, FURNITURE, BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME listed in the 'Voice' Mart - • ANTHONY'S Transfer & Storage bath & TV plus moderate salary. has successfully treated over 21,000 RUGS, APPLIANCES etc. Call Brick & stone work • all kinds, rm. we'll make a NEW heading cases & supervised nearly a million MOVING & STORAGE Call JE 2-9344 from 1 to 8 P.M. dividers, patios, flower boxes, etc for you. treatments for approaching bald- Packing, Crating & Shipping SHOWERS Advertising Service JA 4-0716 For Pick-Up Free estimate Ph. Bennie NE 5-2862 ness & falling hair. Ph. FR 4-7882 Furniture, Office Equipment etc. wants sales personnel & 21" Philco console model TV BRICKS, BLOCK WORK. Small Ads-BIG RESULTS now for consultation • no cost or Experienced personalized service party representatives. CA 1-5462 A-l CONDITION FIREPLACES, PATIOb, ETC. in The Voice 'MART obligation. (Member Gesu Parish). Lift-gate vans - Call FR 3-0023 White woman for permanent, CALL MU 1-0805 Phone J. CENTORE TU 7-1126 LA-MAR TRANSFER MOVERS * MATTEl HAIR EXPERTS companionable helper in house BUILDERS OPTICIANS and cattery. Must drive. Live BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESSES Suite 302, Congress Building Single and Double - $2 up VAN HOEK, BUILDER Dressmaking and fine alterations. ANDREWS OPTICIANS in or out. Good pay and nice environment for right person. COUCHES $5 up Homes, apts., additions or alter- ANNOUNCEMENTS VERY REASONABLE Rx filled-Lens, Frames Duplicated ations. Free estimates LO 4-2732 Phone PL 7-8016 145 N.E. 79th Street PL 7-0231 Epiphany Parish. O'Donovan. GAS & ELECTRIC STOVES Very good condition ... $5 Ft. Lauderdale 850 N.W. 42nd St. Dressmaking & alterations • also PHOTOGRAPHY CALL MO 1-6048 When You're Planning a St. Vincent De Paul Store Little Ads — Big Results DRAPERIES MADE TO ORDER LeMAN STUDIO WANTED — 2 or 3 women for 801 N. Miami Avenue WEDDING RECEPTION, DANCE, REASONABLE - Call CA 1-4980 Read and Use The 'Voice' MART LUNCHEON. PARTY etc. call Weddings • Babies part time work. $35 week WANTED ! ! ! Lovely ladies who Portraits - Commercial & up. CALL CE 5-7195 BUILDING MATERIALS The Knights of Columbus Hall like richness of pure silk 42 inch LITTLE RIVER LUMBER YARD 270 Catalonia Ave. Coral Gables 267 Alhambra Circle HI 8-9300 BADLY IN NEED OF Organza — 15 beautiful colors, (10% Discount to Voice Readers) POSITIONS WANTED - FEMALE Cabinet Works, Paint & Hardware $35 up • Air conditioning optional FURNITURE of All Kinds • LUMBER & BUILDING Material See Pat O'Brien, Mgr. HI 8-9242 ONLY 98c yd. Samples on request. PRINTING Woman of executive ability, fast Seelhoff 638 N.W. 62 St. PL 8-5611 typist, thorough bookkeeping PARTICULARLY DRESSERS • 7:30-5 Daily - Saturdays 'til 3:30 Patronize One of South Florida's Call FR 3-3856 for pick-up!! 7737 N.E. 2nd Ave. PL 9-2404 SUMMER CAMPS - Oldest Catholic Print Shops knowledge, many years credit experience - also knowledge of •For your fine selection of Children 8 to 14 - make history Baby crib & mattress, matching BUILDING REPAIRS GREETING CMlDS-All Occasion fun! Live it at Massanutten Farm. ABBOT PRINTING CO. parish office detail. MO 1-6664 Prompt, Reasonable Letterpress chifferobe - $30. Call PL 4-7142 AL - The Handyman HOLY ARTICLES, STATUARY, Horses & all camp activities! Immaculate Conception Parish 710 N.E. 142nd St. N. Miami Enclose carportes, painting, and OFFSET PRINTING Unencumbered widow on pension Books • Acceptably Catholic - Visit For information call OX 1-4166 jalousies, carpentry, masonry & or write Box 47-454, Miami, Fla. 9080 N.E. 6th Ave. at Biscayne would like position as BASSINETTE, satin trimmed, Finest Process-Engraved Panelled companion & light housekeeping. mattress, Bathinette & play pen household repairs. No job too The CHRISTOPHER ALL FOR $25! Call PL 1-3276 small to estimate. Wl 7-6423 BOOK SHOP, Inc. Wedding Invitations - including Modest salary Call OX 1-6383 AUTOMOTIVE I double envelopes & tissues • POSITIONS WTD. - Male or Female PETS CARPENTERS NON-PROFIT - Operated by $12 per hundred Call PL 1-4176 Personalized Stationery only $3.95 Jobs Wanted for Office Workers, EXQUISITE JET BLACK Carpenter, paperhanging, general Coral Gables Council K of C AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Industrial OR Building Trades. Miniature Poodle. Registered repairs, cement & handyman work 2920 Ponce de Leon Blvd. C.G. Printed with your name & address BILL GAGNON boxed - 100 sheets & envelopes. St. Brendan's Conf. St. Vincent De AKC 3 months old. Female. Shots. etc. FREE estimate. HI 4-6353 Store Hours - Daily 9 to 5:30 Paul Society MO 1-0809 - CA 1-1889 Very healthy. Champion sired & FRIDAYS until 9 P.M. HI 4-6744 COLLISION SERVICE Your choice of several colors. Carpenter, alterations, painting, Foreign Car Spec.-Paint-Body Shop KEYSTONE PRESS HI 3-7077 or Call CA 1-5704 - Tuesday, Excellent Pedigree. MO 7-7308 cement work & repairs. No job Also Servicing all U.S. make cars 3328 S. W. 23rd Terrace Thursday and Saturday A.M.s PLANTS AND TREES too small. Call HI 41633 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 1316 W. Flag. FR 9-5379, FR 9-7220 Remodeling - General Repairs with car. Available any hour. RADIO AND TV ONE FULL ACRE OF SEVEN BROTHERS GARAGE Carpentry • Cement Work • Manuscript editing, dictation, FRANK'S TV SERVICE FOR SA L E QUALITY PLANTS Painting - Plastering etc. typing, fast, dependable. Best Expert Mechanics • Free Estimates House Calls $2.50-Guaranteed Wk. TREES - SHRUBS references. Miss Trent HI 5-2751 Paint, Body, Mechanical Repairs NE 5-8507 (Corpus Christi Parish) AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD CALL HI 4-4825' (Facilities for phone dictation) 24 Hr. Wrecker Service-MO 64457 BOAT ACCESSORIES 3130 S. W. 107th Ave. CA 14661 For the Best in Radio-TV Service OPEN 8:30 to 5:30 Daily & Sunday J. Manassa • Member St. Brendan's Call MO 1-98-15 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS ATTENT ION!! RUSSELL RADIO & TV SERVICE BIMINI TOPS SO. MIAMI AUTO SUPPLY, Inc. MELANDOR NURSERY HOME IMPROVEMENT ADS Before your next formal SIGNS All Marine Canvas Items Auto Parts and Accessories Bow Rails, Cushions, Windshields, 15721 N.W. 7th Ave. Wl 7-6971 dance - or party •- SEE All foreign & U.S. make cars EDVITO SIGNS the REALLY WONDERFUL, Boat Covers, Pennants, Flags, Continued next page Specializing in Trucks Walls Gold Leaf Curtains, Pool Covers • Rx for Results • - LARGE SELECTION 9i Generator, Starter, Speedometer 90 N. W. 54th St. PL 8-7025 Service - Auto - Truck & Marine Anything made of Canvas. What else • but an ad - FORMAL GOWNS - 6020 So. Dixie Hgwy. MO 1-4276 LIGHT YOUR WAY American Canvas Products in the 'Voice' MART CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Mark Broderick • Jim Broderick Call FR 7-2026 (Miami) to better business CALL PL 8-2507 All Sizes, Styles and CARS PARKING OR JA 4-6041 (Ft. Lauderdale) Colors - Some worn once, 1 ELECTRO NEON SIGN CO., Inc. TV REPAIRS Park Your Car at 'MURPHY'S BOATS & YACHTS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY MOST LIKE NEW ! ! Parking Lot in downtown Miami Larry Monahan, OX 1-0805 31 ft. RICHARDSON in good ADMIRAL to ZENITH Prices $2, $3, $4, $5. 222 N.W. 2nd St., 3 blocks from 2955 N. W. 75th St. condition - Chrysler motor, the Courthouse. Reasonable rates. Miami, Fla. sleeps 4 or 5. Equipped with FREE TV CALLS <£ Save $ $ $ on FORMALS ! Mike Murphy-Prop. Member Gesu WRAPPING SERVICE 3 MONTHS SUPPLY SOAP St. Vincent De Paul Catbolic Ship-to-Shore, Fishing Chairs, Plus THE BAREFOOT MAILMAN plus many other comforting & 3 MONTHS WRITTEN GUARANTEE Salvage Store 234 Valencia, C. G. (at the P.O.) With Every 801 N. Miami Ave. FR 3-3856 necessary accessories. Moving HI 8-6242 Tubes BUSINESS SERVICES • Religious Articles, Gifts, Greeting North. Very anxious to sell. 1 Open 8 to 4:30 daily Cards, Stationery, Gift Wrapping AUTOMATIC WASHER One Year Unconditional Warranty and Mailing. Phone HI 4-1773 Call MO 6-6917 Saturdays until 12:30 ACCOUNTING EXCELLENT FISHING BOAT ! $57 and Up 24" Alum. Pix Tube $59.95; j 21 ft. - 95 H P CHRIS-CRAFT Kenmore - RCA Whirlpool 21" Alum. Pix Tube $39.95 \_*f. CONVALESCENT HOMES Pearl Fix, Accountant 17" Alum. Pix Tube $29.95 Inst. For The 14809 N.E. 6th AVENUE SACRIFICE - Call MO 7-7308 Rebuilt Like New Elderly & Convalescent N. Miami - Wl 5-4652 GARDEN SUPPLIES Reliable Radio & TV Bookkeeping Service . Notary BUY - SELLTSERVICE LARGAY SANATORIUM (Member of Holy Family Parish) THIS ADVERTISING SPACE FOR RENT Calvo Feed & Garden, Supply 39 Beacom Blvd. Naranja, Florida Suitable any business wishing to expand Nutri-sol, liquid diet plant food. REFRIGERATORS Parking at MASTER'S LARGAY NURSING HOME Want a 'Result-Getting' ad? All leading brands of Fertilizer, 1137 N.W. 54th Street Miami. Florida Just phone Insecticides and Pet Supplies. 'Miami's Only Discount Store' Registered Nurses In Charge Miss Thompson, PL 8-2507 Free Delivery. Se Habla Espanol. Call PL 9-6201 Phone MO 64362 and say "Charge It." 3485 W. Flagler - Call HI 3-6051 Member K. of'C. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY C'S SPECIAL!- McCormick - Boyett Plumbing Co. Miami Pioneer Septic Tank Cleaners PROMPT DAY OR NIGHT DelmonicoSteaks- $1.29 Ib.f Serving Miami ond All North Dade Areas Plumbing Repair Service Jerry's Prime and Choice Cuts 36 Years of Service in Dade County RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS PLaza 7-0606~| ROGER'S MARKET - 1519 Douglas Rd. (Opposite Coliseum) Owr' Draintile Installations Carry A 5-Yr. Written Guarantee Call HI 4-9197 for Free Delivery - Open 8 to 8 Daily 9443 Park Drive . Miami Shores Phone PL 7-1000 ELECTRIC SEWER CABLE ANTHONY FAUST - Member St. MichaeFs Parish or PL 8-9646 PLaza 9-0355 Nights and Sundays PL 8-9622

Page 24 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 20, 1960 The Mar k&t Place f or Announce nve n t s Sales - Services • Rentals Real Estate

CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION TREE SERVICE APARTMENTS - S.W. (Cont'd) PATIOS, drives, walk* floors AVERETT'S TREE SERVICE Efficiency apartments - Air Near St. Anthony's - "Furnished 1 SEAL ESTATE MARY MVLLEN Keystone, color, an; size job. Trees trimmed, topped removed. conditioned, TV, twin beds. bedroom, new building, carpeting. Realtor - Member, St. Brendan's Quality. workmanship • MU 8-2151 Licensed-Insured. Over 13 years. Weekly $35 - Monthly J85 to $90 ALSO large efficiency, private entrance & bath. $80 summer' & Lots - Homes - Acreage - Rentals DRAPERIES Anywhere south of Miami River BALI HAI MOTEL ALL STATES REALTY - MO 7-6103 (Member St. Brendan's) 1350 S.W. 2nd Ave. FR 9-2294 $100 yearly rates. JA 34034 7385.S.W. 8th St. MO £7*62 CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES & Bargains in S.W. Homes WILLIAM C. MURPHY Call Leo^N. LeFevre SLIPCOVERS - REASONABLE Trees topped, trimmed, removed, Near Trail & 24th Ave. $65 - $70 . 220 N.E. 12th Ave. Realtor palms trimmed, trees & lawns Beautiful NEW 1 bedroom, quiet, IL PARADISO APARTMENTS MO 5-7511 - Member St. Theresa's. Member - Corpus Christ! Parish - CALL CA 1-7309 sprayed. Licensed & insured. cool, furnished. Parking. Adults. 3191 N.W, 7th Av?e. Ph. FR 3-2986 DRAPERY INSTALLATIONS On the ocean • Weekly or monthly Ella Allen-JE 1-1135 NEWCOMB TREE SURGEONS To see - call OWNER at CA 1-5259 Efficiency & Bedroom apartments with Walter B. Wilson, Realtor SEE US FIRST Draperies made and installed. , iCALL MO 1-71,15 S S Peter & Paul - Attractive 1 Assumption Parish - LO 4-0638 Specializing in We Specialize in Epiphany Area Free Estimates - Work Guaranteed UPHOLSTERY CLEANING bedroom furnished guest cottage 4217 EL MAR DRIVE 10% Discount With This Ad 'NEW, LOOK' RUG and for 1 or 2 - $75, $85 includes LAUDERDALE-BY-THE-SEA MIAMI BEACH HOMES PALMLA1W REALTY Call CA 1-4898 or CA 1-8816 DOOLEY REALTY UPHOLSTERY XLEANERS utilities. 1342 S.W. 17th St. NEW 1 - bedroom unfurnished 1546 So. Dixie Hwy. MO 5-3577 Call JE 84696 OR FR 4-0834 Specializing in Epiphany Parish, HOMES • HOMES • HOMES 337 N.E. 110th TERRACE apartment at 816 N.E. 4th St. S. Miami, Kendall & Perrine area uv\ JTTER ELECTRICALLY Don't Be A Crank • Call Hank" S.E. CORNER Bedroom Apartment Will be completed for June SALES • RENTALS SALES & RENTALS In "The Venice of America" PLaza 4-0898 Large clean, nicely furnished, rental - ALL ELECTRIC G.E. REALTOR CE 5-0540 NEWLY decorated, twin beds, ARTHUR E. PARRISB. Realtor MINNET ELECTRIC (Member St. Rose of Lima Parish) kitchens, \LARGE rooms, less C. J. FITZGERALD •' 168 NJE. 96th St. PL 4-8696 Residential and Com'l Renovation VENETIAN BLIND SERVICES tile shower, large closets & than block to St. Anthony's PAT PROCACCI, Realtor porch. Near town, bus. Parking. Church • Convenient Location with Albert F. Baker Real Estate We specialize in repair-remodeling. VENETIAN BLINDS - CORNICES Specializing in Apartments . i Specializing in Nice clientele. Adults $65 yearly $100 per month. Call JA 4-6320 Acreage and Bnsiness Property CHEERFUL ESTIMATES FREE! Free Estimates - Guaranteed 1157 S.W. 5th St. FR 1-7387 8080 N. E. 2nd Avenue Ft. Lauderdale. LOgan 4-1421' Refinished - Repairs - Your Home HOUSES - N.E. PL 1-3801 or PL 9-9026 eves. 5941 S.W. 48th Street MO 7-0938 LUdlow 3-2198 or LOgan 6-2832 Near Miracle Mile - 2 bedroom Home & Income Property Call STEADCRAFT PL 9-6844 furnished apartment, NEWLY Florida Realty Bureau, Inc. FLOOR WAXING 9510 N.W. 7th Ave. Near Holy Family & ALL schools FRANK WELTER REALTY PAINTED & DECORATED. VERY desirable 2 bedroom CBS, Two offices to serve you better, Specialist • Home oi; Commercial WATER HEATERS 3741 S.W. 26th Ter. HI 4-6876 $100 monthly-OWNER LEAVING on busy thoroughfares. HOMES -~ RENTALS floor maintenance.Kitchen cleaned, LOUIS E. MILLER Plumbing Co. 1030 N.E. 143rd St. PL 8-8012 520 N.E. 79th St. \ PL 7-5576 Acreage & Business Property waxed & polished $1.50. MU 8-0460 8411 Biscayne Blvd. PL 7-8545 3301 S.W. 75th-Ct. MO 6-3823 Water Heater Repairs & Sales MODERN 1-bedroom furnished v (Member St. Brendan's Parish) JALOUSIES 4102 Laguna Est. 1930 HI 8-9912 apartment - ALSO efficiency. St. Rose of Lima - Furnished, CORINNE M. GAMBARDELLA Old windows replaced with Near bus. 6055 W. FLAGLER St. clean, comfortable, 2 bedroom, Realtor - 571 N.W. 110th Street JULIA T. WHITE JALOUSIES or AWNING TYPE. large yard, $85 month - yearly All Types of Real Estate SALES - RENTALS Free estimate. Call TU 8-1904 RENTALS CORAL WAY - Business lady 830 N.E. 92nd St. PL 4-8130 Call PL 1-0308 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT * will share her bedroom apartment (Member St. Rose of Lima Parish) 11601 Biscayne Bvd. PL 4-5426 LANDSCAPING KEYSTQ.NE TOURIST COURT ROOMS S.W. with lady. HI 3-2974 after 6 6307 N. E. 2nd Avenue LOHR REAL ESTATE WINCHELL Chinch CONTROL Program • $15 St. Brendan's Parish - LARGE APARTMENTS - COCONUT GHOVE Efficiency Cottage & Trailer Spaces Guaranteed • Licensed -Insured Realtors • Members St. Michael's REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE ROOM, NEAR BUS - $15 Brand New 'ARISTOCRAT' . PHONE PL 4*295 Acreage • Homes • Lots & Rentals AA National I«awn Service Co. Call CA 1-3702 after 3 P.M. 3411 Main Hwy. & McFarlane Rd. Geo. W. Lasche, Prop. 806 Ponce de Leon Blvd. HI 3-7456 TU 7-5913 (Member St. John's) 1092 S. W. 27th Ave. Ph. HI 8-6511 (Member St. Theresa Parish) Epiphany Parish - NICE ROOM 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, living HOUSES - North MIAMI LAWN MOWER SERVICE room, dinette, kitchen, furnished COCONUT GROVE with private bath & entrance. Near St. James, schools, buses & Houses • Lots • Apartments MIAMI LAWN MOWER CO. Call MO 6-8154 or MO 1-7355 or unfurnished, air-conditioned shopping • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Turn to next page Authorized Service and Parts & heat. Covered parking. Yearly W. E. Margiein MO 5-4447 APARTMENTS N.E. unfurnished, $125 yearly. Call 'Grove's, most cooperative broker.' Fertilizers Sharpening - Welding or seasonal. CALL HI 4-6793 MO 1-3916 or MU 8-6963 eves. Paul and Ray Gigon St. Rose of Lima - (One block) St. Hugh's NEW Parish - Help MARIE MITCHELL, Broker 27 S.W. 27th Ave. HI 4-2305 Furnished bedroom apartment, $75 it grow! Furnished, cool 3-room HOUSES S.W. Specializing in for more yearly. Call PL 8-2350 or see garage apartment AND garage. Near St. Brendan's -. 2 bedroom N.W. - HOMES HIALEAH PAINTING 10765 N.E. 4th AVE. Lovely garden . ONLY $65. unfurnished, $75 month, yearly. St. James Parish MU 8-3322* MURPHY & MURPHY LITTLE RIVER • Half block to 3400 S.W. 24th Ter. HI 3-0605 Newly decorated. Call CA 1-0044 1410 N.W. 119th St. MU 1-7735 Painting Contractors 4115 S.W. 74th COURT Food Fair, P.O. & City bus - APARTMENTS MIAMI BEACH Residential • Commercial St. Theresa's Parish • 2 bedroom, MODERN AGE REALTY Call NA 1-7771 - NA 1-1756 All electric bedroom apartment, SUBLEASE TO JANUARY 1961 249 University Drive REE ESTATE unfurnished, large hedged yard, partly furnished, adults only, TWO lovely 1-bedroom apartments Painting By Contract will accommodate 3 people - stove, refrigerator, utility. Yearly. Coral Gables HI -84441 Interior-REASONABLE-Exterior (4 rooms each) Air conditioned. Call HI 6-2796 eves, weekends. Roy Key McCleskey, Mgr. ALSO an efficiency for two. Dock & solarium - NEAR golf LICENSED & INSURED - Call 135 N.E. 84th St. PL 8-8867 HOUSES - CORAL CABLES Need a igood printer? Vernon L. Cassell • MU 8-4586 course. REASONABLE RENT, LISTINGS Duplex - 2 bedroom unfurnished, 2137 Calais Drive UN 6-3441 Furnished 2 bedroom home, large Find one in the 'Voice' MART \ PILLOW RENOVATING yard, carporte, quiet street. kitchen equipped, fenced yard, APARTMENTS • FT,. LAPDERDA1E DOHM'S SUNSHINE PILLOWS CALL MO 5-7602 $80 yearly -1543 N.E. 131st Lane SUN VIEW Apartment Motel CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Renovated with NEW covets ! APARTMENTS - N.W. Furnished cottage for rent CALL JA 4-5318 'Ft. Lauderdale 415 S.E. 11th Ct. JA 2.3082 from June 1st to November 1st. 605 S.E. 6th STREET St. James' Parish - Business Quiet residential - Near churches Very reasonable - CA 14365 lady will share her home with - 4100 S.W. 89th Ave. (off Bird Rd.) ALSO • Pillows Made to Order. lady. Only $50 month. MU 8-0539 SURF EDGE Apartment Motel PLUMBING FURNISHED 3 room apartment, 209 N. Atlantic Blvd. JA 2-9921 OFFICES - NX Qampt (Don ON the Ocean - From $25 WEEK. near cfiurches, bus & shopping. DESK SPACE - Air conditioned. McCORMICK BOYETT $75 month includes utilities. 14809 N. E. 6th Ave. Plumbing Co. 24 HR. SERVICE Wanna make our Advertisers $35 month. Call WI 54652 For boys 8-14 Call MU 1-2916 between 9-11 AM. happy? :. . Remember to tell them We specialize in plumbing repairs 4-7 PM. or WEEKENDS Looking for a room, ^ Staffed by Salesian Fathers and Brothers 9443 Park Dr., Miami Shores, Fla. you saw their ad in the 'Voice' MART lot or apartment? ~~~ Day PL 7-0606 Walk to St. Mary's - Furnished Find U in The "Voice' MART FUN UNLIMITED on 140-acre campus of Night PL 9-0355, PL 8-9622 cozy cottage for 1 or 2 adults. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Mary Help of Christians School JACK & SON See or phone evenings, weekends WWWrWWW Plumbing Contractors 7612 N.W. 4th Ave. PL 7-7570 Look Better COMFORTS & CLEANLINESS OF HOME No Money Down'- FHA Financing All Work Guar. - 24 Hour Service Corner duplex -150 N.W. 77th St. 24-HOUR A-DAY SUPERVISION JACOB MILAVIC. PROPRIETOR 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment or lend 2035 N. W. 95th St. PL 7-7962 1 bedroom apartment AND room FIGURAMA tJcdo« n ™ SUNDAY, JUNE 19 THRU SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 & bath. CALL UN 6-4286 Phil Palm Plumbing 5 North "L" Street, Lake Worth - JV 2-8600 Specializing in • APARTMENTS - S.W. REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS DANE APARTMENTS - Yearly For Men • For Women' 1445 N.E. 142nd Street $60 • $65. Kitchen,, dinette, living room,-buses & shopping. (Bring This Ad in for "COURTESY TREATMENT") Call PLaza 8-9896 2120 S.W. 1st St. - PL 7-4464 tfvyvw^ ROOFING JOHN'S ROOFING SMALL ADS - BIG RESULTS For your convenience you may use this coupon Leaky Roofs Repaired for mailing your ad to The Voice 'Mart' CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ' $5 and up. MO 7-7096 ^•••••••••' , (Please write your ad on separate. sheet) SHEET METAL y MIAMI BEACH i PLEASE CHARG¥ TO."""""""""" SHEET METAL ^ Exclusive North Beach area, Gutters, skylines, ducts, metal k Near Beach, Churches, Buses. ^ wog--*'ree, estimate. MO 1-1679 t Efficiency far 2 or 3 people, j Name Seve. very interesting listings r $75-$85 Month, Yearly in 'Rentals' and 'Real Estate' this ^ FURLONG'S TERRACE APTS. , Address week. Maybe just-what you have r8210 Hording Ave. UN 6-1094< „ been looking for. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY City ... "Pulling on the same oar" 1 • Fishing, Boating, w Swimming ' -^^—v^ • Gym, Baseball, Ponies, Movies 7318 Red Road Phone Parish • Crafts, Hikes, Overnights • Daily Mass, Catechism, Altar Boys South Miami. Fla. Classification • Good, Wholespme, Abundant FOOD MO 7-3903 LINEN! Also — FrornxSeptember to June — AN-IDEAL, ANNOUNCE / • Ad to be. published times starting Friday.: MAY WHITE SALE! \ BO A RDING S C H O O L ! Authorized by (Full name) for boys — grades 5th thru 9th Fine Quality Linens - - / Write: Rev. FATHER DIRECTOR Bedspreads, Towels etc. \ Please mail by SATURDAY fer the next FRIDAY issue to: Mary Help of Christians School The Voice 'Mart' P.O. Box 38-702 Miami 38, Florida Tampa 5, Florida 10% to 25% OFF regular prices. or call Call: 4-1595 PLaza 8-2507

May 20, 1960 THE VOfCr Miami, Fla. Pooe 25 9 Building Drive The Voice 'MART CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 * Is Announced I At St. Pius X | APARTMENTS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE - N.W. (Confd) HOUSES FOR SALE-S.W. (Confd) Houses For Scdp - So. Miami (Contd.) Houses For Sale - Hialeah (Contd) JORT- LAUDERDALE — $110 month pays all for NEW HOME & INCOME^ CORNER privacy - 3 bedroom, 2 4 unit, 1 bedroom apartments. NEAR St. Michael's, school buses bath, new carpeting, screened OWNER LEAVING ! Sacrifice - $7,750 TOTAL ! Plans for the construction of a Full price $21,900 • Near & new shopping area. CORNER 3- patio, air conditioning, built- REDUCED AGAIN $250 DOWN - Retiree's church in St. Pius X parish and 27th "Ave. at 1120 Sesame Street. bedroom, 1 bath, screened patio in oven, refrigerator, dish- Peaceful grounds, 100 foot wide washer, washing machine. Near Good Terms to Right Party! ! river in your back yard, fishing a campaign to raise a minimum Call MU 1-0805 or NA 1-6748 & closed garage PLUS separate Walk to Epiphany BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3 room apartment AS INCOME. shopping centers & bus line in & boating - 50' private concrete of $200,000 for its erection" have $21,500 - TERMS, CALL CE 5-5353 St. Brendan's Parish.-4%% VA Enclosed Pool on An Acre dock, 75' lot. Neatly furnished, BEST OFFER over $500 takes mortgage, $77. mo., $6200 down. 8120 S.W. 54th Ave. cross-ventilated, BIG Florida been announced by Father Jo- TV Sho£ - Inventory over $1000!N St. Michael's Parish - 2 bedroom pink beauty, hardwood floors, $17,500, BY OWNER OPEN Saturday & Sunday room, pink kitchen, palm trees, seph P. Cronin, pastor. 941 E. 31st St. Hialeah fireplace, Florida room - 3rd 4350 S.W. 84th Ave. "MO 6-6359 Perfectly charming & spacious patio - 1V4 miles West of Miami For /appointment call OX 1-3946 bedroom. $13,700 - $70 month. BY OWNER - 4 bedroom, 2 bajh horneTS bedrooms, 3 baths, 2-car Springs Bridge or 5 blocks Designed by architects Han- PROPERTY- 5226 N.W. 4th St. J HI 3-2835 CBS, 414% mortgage, $76 month. garage, circular driveway. Lavish from Town of MEDLEY sign - - 7609 N. Royal Poinciana Blvd. son and Romano, the new We specialize in store properties Fine Buys, HOMES - DUPLEXES See'at 8711 S.W. 41st STREET patio with barbeque. Heat. Air in prime locations. Right now or CALL CA 14787 conditioner. Sprinkler system. (or N.W. South River Drive) HILDA AETSCHUL, Realtor Okeechobee Canal or Miami River church will accommodate - - we have a good investment 3035 N.W. 12th Ave. NE 5-7061 St. Brendan's Parish. Want a City water for indoor use. paying 10%-net with GLOWING 3 bedroom,' 2 bath CBS? Large Completely equipped modern FOR KEY TO SEE \ more than 1300 persons and or call CA 1-2334 eves Call LEE - TU 7-5921 \ prospects for the future. St. Rose of Lima Parish • $450 Florida room, utility & carporte. kitchen. An excellent buy!!! will be completely air condi- Sec J. E. MARQUA New paint throughout. By owner IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY OR WILL RENT $79 per month down - 3 bedroom, 1 bath home. DQROTJHY B. FLYNN, Realtor WITH OPTION TO BUY! ! tioned. It will be located, 314 N.W. 107th St. CE 5-1808 W. Bryan - 7388 S. Waterway Dr. Miami Real Estate Matt CALL MQ 7-7190 7210 Red Rd. MO 7-2568 (24 hrs.) 7906 N.W. 7th Ave. PL 9-0563 Houses For Sale - MIAMI SPRINGS the northeast section of the^ INCOME PROPERTY - HOLLYWOOD NEAR ST. MARY'S St. Brendan's Parish - 3 bedroom, Houses For Sals - CORAL GABLES Blessed Trinity Parish - 3 city near NE 26th St. between $8900 TOTAL - $1400 DOWN 2 bath, screened porch, carporte, 16 Unit MOTEL Walk to St. Theresa's - 3 bedrooms bedrooms, separate dining room, A1A and NE 33rd Ave. " Lovely 2 bedroom, completely large utility. Near shopping & closed garage, fenced yard, See 3806 Hollywood Blvd. furnished • Ready to move in! _bus. One year old. Price $14,500 2 baths, 2-car garage. CALL Very Good Buy I I MO 7-9842 (1500 block Palermo) stove & refrigerator, walking Parish solicitation will be OPEN 1-4 576 N.W. 83rd Sv OWNER GOING NORTH distance church & school. FHA St. Stephen's Parisfr- W. Hywd. STUDEBAKER REALTY St. Theresa's Parish - By owner conducted Sunday, May 22 and 3730 S.W. 104th Ct. Miami 55, Fla. 3 bedroom, 2 bath older 2-story. available at $650 down. NEW, 5 jinits, completely - Call PK 9-0781' or MU 5-1818 St. Brendan's Parish Call owner TU 7-2503 furnished. $31,000. Air conditioning, heat, garage, Sunday, May 29. According to NO COSTS - FHA $11,900 carporte, fenced yard - MANY Houses For Sale - W. HOLLYWOOD GOOD TERMS - Call OWNER . St. James' Parish - 3 bedrooms, $80 MONTH • $750 DOWN Father Cronin pledges made * LOgan 6-3726 'Ft. Lauderdale) 2 baths - walking distance to WONDERFUL FEATURES - Plus For a REAL GOOD BUY! Three bedrooms, 1 enclosed bath, Guest house in rear • Priced 2 blocks from St. Stephen's, 2 during the' campaign may ex- Near St. Stephen's - Furnished church, schools, shops & buses. screened porch • big kitchen. BY OWNER - $11,990 for quick sale • Open Daily. bedrooms, 1 bath, screened-in 2 apartments & 1 hotel room - Walk to churches, schools, shops. 1324 Sorolla Ave. HI 4-7559 tend over a 24 month period. BARGAIN - $14,500 - TERMS 555 N.W. 129th St. MU 8-3022 3725 S.W. 89th Ave. CA 1-1375 porch, lot 60' x 110' - - See 6335 S.W. 21st Street or call HOUSES FOR SALE N. MIAMI Houses For Sale - MIAMI BEACH 6317 S.W. 21st Street Walter H. Wendell is exec- Owner at WI 74679 (Miami) Close to St. Brendan's, schools, Holy Family Parish - 4 bedroom shopping & buses - 3 bedrooms, Near St. Joseph's Church NEW . by OWNER BUILDER! utive general chairman for HOUSES FOR SALE N.E. 2 bath CBS near 163rd Shopping. 2 baths, fenced rear yard, Seaview Across from OCEAN & bathing Two bedrooms, 1 OR 2 baths, Near St. Rose of Lima"- 2 or 3 ONLY $800 DOWN! awnings, nicely landscaped. Florida room, ajvning windows, the fund raising drive assist- beach - 2 bedroom home & three carporte, built-in-oven, central bedrooms, 2 baths, enclosed Total price $12,500 FHA %% mortgage, $14,800. By owner. deluxe apartments - $59,000. ed by Benjamin W. Powers, ' garage OR carporte, fully J8620 S.W. 41st Ter. MO 54442 heating & MANY extra features. 15601 N.E. 15th Place WI 7-6591 EASY. TERMS - No brokers Beautifully landscaped on Dr. Daniel Peschio, Patsy Por- landscaped, $21,900 by owner • $1350 DOWN CALL OWNER UN 6-1205 builder. 355 N.E. 115th Street large lot - 2 blocks from raro, John T. Benson, Louis Near church, schools. Furnished 2 - HOUSES ---2, St. Stephen's Church & School. HOUSES FOR SALE - HIALEAH 3 bedroom, 1 bath, screened on Adjoining Lots^- Like New! 6220 S.W. 20th Street B. Sullivan, Charles Finnerty, YOUR FLORIDA BUYS porch, carporte • By owner -No Qualifying - 1 Mortgage Immaculate Conception Pariah $14,400* - FHA Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath CBS OPEN Week E)nds or Call Arnold J. Waldsmith, Dr. Fred 3 bedroom, 2 bath, huge rumpus NO CLOSING COSTS! TU 7-5202 Miami appointment. room, screened patio - selling 1160 N.W. 131st St. MU 1-2137 Colonial; fireplace, screened Ackel and Clarence T. Kelly. Block to St. Brendan's and Houses For Sale FT. LAUDERDALE BELOW FHA appraisal - Will HOUSES FOR SALE - CAROL CITY Christopher Columbus H.S. porch, sprinkler system, carporte, v*i* consider small home in trade. $400 DOWN - St. Monica-'s Parish 3 bedroom CBS - 1% baths kitchen equipped, near shopping SEE THIS TODAY! Masses are now being cele- $700 DOWN -, Balance $85 month & buses, $15,900. Small down 2725 S.W. 9th Street 17620 N.W. 47th AVE. payment. Call owner TU 7-5661 NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath, lovely brated in the Beach Club Hotel Keystone Point - WATERFRONT 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 years Shown by appointment • Call Like Nettie 2 bedroom, 2 bath Mary Mullen, Realtor • MO 1-7662 large kitchen, central heat, for members of. St. Pius X new, central heat, built-in awning type windows, only 2 Parish. Owner Transferred oven & range, small closing cost. 7385 S.W; 8th Street (Trail) For Sale or Rent PRICED FOR QUICK SALE! Unbelievable Total - $9,759 ! blocks to Church," grade school. 1 mortgage, 29 years, 5y2% ' Catholic High School & large interest. Principal & interest Near Variety Hospital - By owner, $250 DOWN WALK TO CHURCH 2 bedroom, Florida room, stove' Between 2 shopping centers shopping center etc. 3 bedroom completely furnished payment ONLY $88.36 month. Monthly payments like rent • only Mothers To Install TOTAL PRICE $15,750 & refrigerator, carporte, lot (new Palm Springs Shopping) home, owner gone - Make Offer! 100 x 75 - Total price $11,500 4 & 5 blocks -1 block to $87 - Open every day from 2-5 . Call LANDRY REALTY . or call owner JA 34034 At SS. Peter, Paul -TMcCORMACK REALTY MO 7-2578 or MO 74836 (eves) $1500 DOWN - $75 MONTH Immaculate Conception Church & 125J0 N.E. 7th Ave. PL 1-5781 6279 S.W. 32nd St. MO 7-9588 School, City Auditorium, Pool, Houses For Sale - Pompano Beach New officers for the Mothers St. Monica's Parish - 3 bedroom St.. Brendan's Parish - 3 bedrooms, Ball Park & buses - Also public St. Coleman's -170 S. E. 13th St. Club of SS. Peter and Paul par- 2 bath, central heat, assume 1*4 baths - less than block to high school down the block. Cypress Harbor • Pompano Beach ish will be installed during a ST. ROSE'OF LIMA PARISH VA mortgage - $81 month. Owner Church & School - 24 x 48 Neatly furnished 2 bedroom j 2 bedroomN2 bath Waterfront, Lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 18015 N.W. 49th Ave. screened porch, carporte, Sundeck - 50x135 lot - palm & central heat, air conditioned luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Tues- Florida room, sliding glass Call FR 3-7902 - or - NA 1-8842 utilit" T^-V, - Owner leaving- shade trees - 10x12 kitchen, bedroom, Florida room, living day, May 24 in the Garden doors - MUST SELL • $22,500 formica dinette set, large room, kitchen with built-in G-,E. HOUSES FOR SALE - S.W. MUST SET.r,' Call CA 14253 Restaurant. 465 N.E. 113th St. r OPEN 2 to 5 living room, Rattan furnishings, Oven, Disposal, Dishwasher, v Epinhany Parish - 3 bedroom CBS, curtains & draperies throughout, Frigidaire Refrigerator-Freezer, Mrs. Joseph Hackney is pres- ^ DUPLEXES - Shores Area tile bath, brand new roof (10 $17,500 - $24,500 Furnished hardwood floors, tile bath, Westinghouse Washer-Dryer. ident; Mrs. Leo Berni and Mrs. MARIE MARSHALL PL 1-7990 Epiphany Parish jalousied Florida porch, enclosed year guarantee). 32E. 48th St. LARGE screened porch, fully If you are looking for an carporte, fenced-in back yard on OR will rent for $95 month landscaped • below appraisal Francis L. Jacobs,, vice- — unusual home in a fine WITH OPTION TO BUY! • Bay Point acre lot - MANY EXTRAS - Near cost of $22,900. Furniture presidents; Mrs. Laurens Cas- neighborhood - see this one! church, schools, shopping & bus FOR KEY TO SEE -. optional - Immediate occupancy. tillo, recording secretary; Mrs. 530 SABAL PALM ROAD Unique floor plan - SPACIOUS Call LEE - TU 7-5921 Call OWNER WEbster 34907 Lovely Colonial 3 bedroom, 2l/ or WILL RENT WITH OPTION Frances Marsh, 'treasurer and 2 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Large Florida YEARLY $110 month. MO 6-6070 baths, exquisitely deeorated. room, Cuban tile floor, enclosed For Sale or Rent Mrs. Arthur McGrath, corres- Must sell! Call Laura McCarthy patio, 2 car garage, utility • Houses For Sale - SOUTH MIAMI Rental • $165 Monthly ponding secretary. PL 14941 — room, circular drive, sprinkler $500 DOWN ! ! DIRECTLY ON WATERWAY To HOUSES FOR SALE N.W. system, beautifully landscaped, Immaculate Conception Parish Intracoastal - Only $1500 Down! St. Mel's Parish - Must seU! -* fruit trees, hibiscus hedge. bedrooms, 2 baths. A king-size 3 bedroom, 2 bath CBS, Wood Owner Moving North St. Anthony's Club Owner transferred - Lovely 3 Located in 1-acre estate area. beauty near Epiphany Church & floors, tile roof, carporte, $5500 Below Cost! 5820 §.W'. H4th Ter. School. Has $19,500 mortgage. fence. Available now. Good terms. bedroom home, carporte, awnings, Good terms. So neat & clean ! CHARMING NEW CUSTOM Sets Rummage Sale children's play area, fully fiall owner MO 6-6917 Call OWNER OX 1-6383 3 bedroom,'2 bath - over 2000 hedged back yard, large shade Yard nicely landscaped. And a bonus of beautiful carpeting. sq. ft. living area - large 20x30 FORT LAUDERDALE — A trees. VA MORTGAGE. living room, glass sliding doors spring rummage sale to benefit £ 2911 N.W. 171st St. NA 4-3496 Must see to appreciate size & Only $89 MONTH extra features. Only $25,900 $62 Month - Lower than Rent! open to, screened waterway patio the Catholic Women's Club of St. Brendan's Parish - 3 bed- Immaculate Conception Parish in beautiful Pompano Shores. $8500 Total Price total. By appointment only. St. Anthony parish will be held ST. MARY'S PARISH rooms, 2 baths, closed garage, JOHN W. BRAU, Realtor Palm Springs - 3 bedrooms, TOTAL PRICE ONLY $23,900 Perfect house for- retired couple! fenced back/yard, awnings, 5948 S.W. 73rd St. . MO 7-5633 1 bath, wall-to-wall carpeting,' EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS from Monday through Saturday Furnished 4 room home, glassed-in patio, stove & refrigeration. awnings, carporte, sprinkler Wonderful opportunity for May 23-28. porch, brand'new awnings, large Call owner CA 1-8579 Reach over 51,000 readers system, 4%% mortgage. Call Catholic family with children OWNER TU 84314 or OX 14298 who can walk to school & church Items will be on sale begin- utility room & washer. See of the "Voice' owner on premises at Please Remember - - immediate vicinity - yet enjoy ning at 8 a.m. in the club house St. John's Parish - Spacious the quiet refined neighborhood 8032 N.W. 9th Ave. or Call - among 66 Parishes of Annunciation parish, NW S***-? PL 7-9880. Evenings or Weekends Whenever you patronize newly furnished 2-3 bedroom away from ALL city noise. home, patio, good location. DUPLEX - Completely furnished, -in the Diocese of Miami Call WE 34832 or write owner ond St. and Eighth Ave. * ( J (Y)OUR Advertisers r- See owner 626 E. 24th Street 1397 S.E. 12.St. Pompano Beach 1 bedroom each side. $14,500,' Mrs. Arthur Kellner is char- only $2,000 down. See. today at you are helping to observe through advertising Need a painting, plastering, LOTS FOR SALE - CAROL CITY man, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Jt;»: 7033 N.W. 6th 6t. Gall owner 'Re-Kind-To-Advertisers-Week" in The 'Voice" MART plumbing, masonry or other Lot - 75'xlO6' - CORNER of -_ PL; 7-7383 after 6 or weekends. 'Home Improvement' job? N.W. 169th Ter. & 43rd Ave. Nomina and Mrs. James Bubb. v^' Near St. Mary's • 2 bedroom, which is •__ For YOUR 'Result-Getting' Ad You'll find many-variet and City water, sidewalks, ready hath, Florida room, garage; EVERYWEEKINTHEYEAR Call Ad-Taker, PL 8-2507 helpful listings in the 'Home to build.. CALL MU 1-0805 large corner lot - $13,000 Improvement' section of the 'Mart' LOTS FOR SALE - S.W. $3 Million Estate N.W. 4th Ave. MU 5-2546 in The 'Voice MART CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Desirable half-acre corner, prime S.W. location, paved street, terms. Bequeathed To Church CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY J 8000 oi» < SULSUSSSS$SS $4750, no brokers. Call CE S-2674 DETROIT (NO — The bulk NEW Jalousie or Awning Typo "% ROOM Air Conditioner Service LOTS FOR SALE-POMPANO BEACH of an estate,-valued at $3 mil-! NEAR St. Coleman's Qhurch - lion, has been left to Deb • SERVICE ON ALL MAKES • 2 Waterfront Lots - 75 X 100 archdiocesan institutions FOR SALE BY OWNER, WINDOWS Factory Authorized Service on " charitable organizations. Call-Today for FREE ESTIMATE CALL WH 1-7387 York, Carrier and Philco Thank you readers • The bequests .were > revealed OX 1-4298 or TIT 8-4314 when the estate of- Joseph A. Universal Service, Inc. for your wonderful cooperation Schulte, former manager of the WORLD WIDE WINDOW CO. INC. CALL PLaza 9-5711 I It's SURELY a 2-Way Street Detroit Branch of die Cadillac E. J. PLIS, Owner (Member Immaculate Conception Parish) with Advertisers in Motor Gar Co. was filed in pro- the'Voice'MART bate court.

Page 26 THE VOICE Miami, Fla. May 20, I96O Requiem Offered Charles Mills, Miami Pioneer Dies Something warm and human and Requiem Mass was celebrat- dren and six great-grandchil- wonderful happens when you send For Principal ed in Gesu Church for Charles dren. FLOWERS from Deaths in Diocese A. Mills, 77, prominent Miami Burial was in the City of Mi- and Sadie, and two grandchildren. business and civic leader. ^ ami Cemetery -with arrange- Of St.-Clement's Mrs. Pauline C. Fote Burial arrangements were under ments under the direction of Requiem Mass was celebrated In the direction of Legge Funeral , Mr. Mills came to Miami with St. Mary Cathedral'for Mrs. Pauline Home. Plummer Funeral Home. FORT LAUDERDALE — A C. Fote, 55, of 1401 NW 50th St. his parents in 1895 and was one She% came here 15 years ago from Mrs. Amelia M. McCoy of the first Altar Boys at Gesu Solemn Requiem Mass was sung Albany, N. Y. Surviving are her husband, James, Requiem Mass was offered in St. Church. He lived at 309 E. Rivo April 28 for Sister M. Ludwina, and a sister, Mrs. William Griffin. Michael Church for Mrs. Amelia M. Burial was in Woodlawn Park McCoy, 77, of 551 SW 47th Ct. Alto Dr., Rivo Alto Island, Mi- S.S.C., principal of St. Clement Cemetery with arrangements, under . She came here 11 years ago from the diretcion of Van Orsdel Funeral New York City. ami Beach. Home. Surviving is her husband, Carl. PLUMMEft. school, who died at Holy Cross Burial was in Flagler Memorial A trustee at Jackson Memor- Park 'Cemetery with arrangements Hospital, following- a brief ill; Peter Gianotti Under the direction of Van Orsdel ial Hospital and the Miami Mass of Requiem was celebrated Funeral Home. ness. in the Church of the Little Flower, Heart Institute, he was a mem- Sun&udS&m Coral Gables, for Peter Gianotti, 77, J/>seph F. Kanzler ber of the American Legion, the of 741 N. Greenway Dr. ' Mass of Requiem was offered in 1349 WEST FLAGLER STREET, MIAMI 35, FLORIDA Celebrant of the Mass was He came to Miami 42 years ago St. Rose of^ttima Church for Joseph Navy League, Dade County from New York. F. Kanzler, 79, of 555 NW 100th Ter. J. L. PLUMMER, JR., Manager Father James B. Keogh, past- Surviving are his wife, Victoria; Council of Boy Scouts and other, two daughters, Mrs. Edward T. S. He came here six years ago from Parkinson and Mrs. Ernie JHildan; a Orlando. Miami civic organizations. or of St. Clement Church, sister, a brother, four ' grandchildren Surviving is one son, John. and two great-grand children. Burial was in Our Lady of Mercy He is survived by his wife, who was- assisted by Father Burial was in Woodlawn - Park Cemetery with arrangements under Cemetery with arrangements under the direction. of Josberger Funeral Ruth; a son, Charles A., Jr., Timothy J. Geary, deacon, the direction of Josberger Funeral Home. . ' Home. two daughters, Mrs. Rosemary anff Michael P. Kell- John *S. Keogh ons inc. John K. Van Wagonen HOMESTEAD — Mass of Requiem M. Pittman- and Mrs. Charles er, sub-deaconb . Father Neil was offered in Our Lady of the Most Requiem Mass was offered in St. Holy Rosary Church, Perrine, for B. Buscher; seven grandchil- Flemming acted as master of Mary Cathedral for John K. Van John S. Keogh, 60, Of 19175 SW Wagonen, 72, Of 460 NE 53rd St. 248th St. two daughters, Mrs. .James Nye, FUNERAL HOME ceremonies, and the sermon > He came here 30 years ago from He came to Homestead six years East Aurora and Mrs. 'John Davi- Albany, N. Y. ago from Miami. son. Gowanda, N. Y. 7200 N.W. 2nd, AVE. • PLaza 1-7523 was preached by Father Har- Surviving are his wife, Marie; two, Surviving are his wife, Lorraine; Kfeaeer Funeral Home was in daughters, Mrs. Mary McGee and" a daughter, Sarah, and two sons, charge of local arrangements. W. Keith MacRae, F.D. Mrs. Bertram Cobb; a son, Virgil, Jerry E. Lawrence and John F. ry J. Turnier. and a -sister, Mrs. M, Arnon.. , Keogh. * Burial will be in Albany with local Burial arrangements were under George J. Mehlich INVALID CAR SERVICE ^. arrangements under the direction of the direction of Branam Funeral Mass of Requiem was offered In Present in the sanctuary dur- Edward McHale and Sons Funeral Home. St. Mary Cathedral for George H. Home, MehHch, 87, o« 2391 NW 101st St. ing the Mass were Bishop Cole- He came here 13 years ago from Mrs. Katherine Edwards Frank E. McHugh Pittsburgh. ' man F. Carroll, Msgr. John J. Mass of Requiem was celebrated Requiem Mass was celebrated in Surviving is a son, Alfred. in Immaculate Conception Church the Church of the Little Flower, Cor- Burjal arrangements were under O'Looney, and other members of for Mrs. Katherine Edwards, 48, ot, al' Gables, for Frank E. McHugh, 53, the direction of Ben Lanier and Son 40 E. 60th St., Hialeah. of 3096 SW 13th St. Funeral Home. the clergy. She came here 14 years ago from Surviving are his wife, Dorothy; Springfield, Mass, a daughter, Susan, and a son, Frank W. Snyder, Jr. Surviving are her husband, Wil- James. POMPANO BEACH — Requiem Bishop Carroll gave the final Uam F.; a son, William R.; her , Burial arrangements, were , under Mass and burial for Frank W. mother, three brothers, three sisters the direction of Philbrick Funeral Snyder, Jr., 32, of 200 SE 12th St., absolution and then addressed and a grandchild. Home. were held in Albany, N. Y. Burial arrangements were under A native1 of Albany^ he came here the congregation, extending his the direction of Riverside Funeral Albert G. Smith 4 years ago and was a member of Home. POMPANO BEACH "— Requiem St. Coleman parish and the .Optimist sympathy to the members of Mass and burial for Albert G. Smith', Club. He was a veteran of World Edward W. Ryan 87, of 224 NE 20th Ave., were held War n and the Korean War. Sister Ludwina's community Requiem Mass was celebrated in in* East Aurora, N. Y. Survivors include his wife, Nilda; St. Mary Cathedral for Edward W. A native of Sheldon, N. Y., he his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. and paying tribute to her and Ryan, 66, of 564 NE 61st St. came here 11 years ago from Wales, Snyder, Albany"" and two sisters, He came here 20 years ago from N. Y. and was a member of St. Mrs. Marcia Hawthorne and Miss her work ^s an educator. Jersey City, N. J. Coleman parish. Johanne Snyder, both of Wash- Surviving are a son, Edward; a In addition to his wife, Martha, he ington, D. C. daughter, Mrs. Patricia Elias, and is survived by two sons, Howard Local arrangements were under Sister Ludwina's remains • a sister. and Eugene, both of Pompano and direction of Kraeer Funeral Home. Burial was in Southern Memorial- were flown to Chicago where Park with arrangements, under the funeral services were held direction of Lithgow Funeral Home. Monday, May 2, at the Mo-* Thomas F. Flynn . Mass of Requiem was [offered in CARL F. SLADE, F.D. therhouse chapel. Interment Holy Family -Church" for Thomas F. Flynn, 87, of 1055 NE >23rd St. was at St. Casimir cemetery. He came here five years ago from Los Angeles, Cal. Surviving are a son, Robert, and Sister M. Ludwina was born a sister. in Luzerne, Penn. Forty-eight -Burial was in Flagler Memorial CARL F. SLADE FUNERAL HOME The BEST needn't cost more Park Cemetery •with arrangements years ago she entered the Con- under the direction of Van Orsdel The question oi quality needn't be gregation of the Sisters of Funeral Home. 800 PALM AVE. • HIALEAH • TU 8-3433 price. At Van Orsdel's we give the St. Casimir; Chicago, Illinois. Frank Furnari Requiem Mass was celebrated in . same unstinting service and personal She served her community in Holy Family Church for Frank Furnari^ 73, of 13945 NE Ninth Ave. attention to every bereaved family, several fields, though most of He came here-nine years ago from her religious life was given to New 'York. regardless oi the amount. spent. Surviving are his wife, Leonle; school work. Leo, Joy and Alfred Palomino, Ed and Rudy Fox, and other step-chil- dren. ,' Glass COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICES For 18 years she was gen- Burial arrangements were under the direction" of Philbrick Funeral eral bursar,. directing buying Home. Van Orsdel's provides' an exceptional- and building. Subsequently, John F. Brady Funeral Home ly wide selection of funerals to choose Sister held both teaching and Mass of Requiem was celebrated in St. Mary Magdalen phurch, Mi- from. Over 60 different funerals are administrative position); in ami Beach, for John F. Brady, 80, 1848 N.W. 17th Ave., Miami, Fla. Of 1558 NE 177th St. offered, and all tributes include various Chicago schools con- He came here seven years ago NE 5-8313 ducted by the Sisters of St. from Cranston, R. I. casket, casket- bearers, transportation, Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. Ger- Gaither D. Peden, Jr., Funeral Director-Manager Casimir. ald Lovett; two sisters, Margaret music, choice of chapel facilities in four mortuaries and every needed de- Before her Fort Lauderdale assignment, she had been, prin- tail of helpful service. cipal of the newly-opened St. John Vianney school in South $150* $215 $279 $307 $348 St. Paul, Minnesota. Sister Lud- / Thee Wed... $383 $396 $419 $427 $455 wina was missioned at St. Cle- ment school for the past two Standard metal casket funerals from $465 years, and was principal during 1 Solid hardwood casket funerals from $475 the current school term. Important words. So are these: "I give and bequeath to ..." *For family use. locally. Any lamily in financial Survivors include her two Both-"phrases look to the future. Your will, if it includes a burse or difficulty may set Us own price on this service. brothers, Joseph and Charles Runta, and their families. ASSURANCE OF INTEGRITY partial burse, makes that future Catholic. Be sure-your will specifies Experienced service and fair dealing a certain amount — from $20,000 down — for the education of semi- are important protections when funer- al selection becomes necessary. Van Wellington narians for the priesthood — and our Catholic future here in our owlr" Orsdel's membership in National Se- lected Morticians is the family's as- Two Funeral Homes Diocese. ~ -- . surance of receiving the finest funeral to Serve You service obtainable in Dade . County. Requests for information and contributions to the Diocese for IN HOLLYWOOD burses should be addressed to: Father James J. Walsh, Director of Voca- 140 S. DIXIE HWY. WA 3-6565 tions, 6301 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 38, Florida. MORTUARI ES IN WEST HOLLYWOOD Is there a priest in your pians tor the future? Foe Forther Information Coll FR 3-5757 5801 Hollywood Blvd. YU 3-6565 LARGE CATHOLIC STAFF C. D. "Cliff" Van Orsdel, Licensee




Page 28 THE VOICE Miami, Fid. May 20, 1960