September - October 2016 273 Reformation

Today (1616-1683)

Four Centuries of Influence His Writings, and Views on Assurance of Faith Trinitarian Legacy Puritan Advocate rt for Fighting Sin How to Live a Godly Life in this World? The Life and Legacy of John Owen

John Owen Kees van Kralingen

19 Editorial

How to Live a 05 32 Inside this Issue Godly Life

05 The seven sayings of Jesus from the cross Editor Bob Davey Kees van Kralingen in this

10 John Owen: Four Centuries of Influence Founding Editor Crawford Gribben Erroll Hulse World? 19 John Owen: His Writings, Associate Editors Views on Assurance of Faith Joel Beeke UK Mostyn Roberts David Kingdon 26 John Owen’s Trinitarian Legacy: A 400th Anniversary Appreciation USA Tom Nettles Ryan M McGraw Michael Haykin 32 John Owen: Puritan Advocate for Fighting Sin South Africa Michael A G Haykin Irving Steggles ‘The Epistle to the Reader’ in Joseph Caryl Australia 34 David raises a crucial question in Psalm 11 that John Owen / Josh Monroe John Campbell is extremely relevant in our current world: ‘If 38 John Owen Timeline the foundations are destroyed, what can the Matthew Barrett righteous do?’ (Ps 11:3). The foundations of life in 40 Carey Conference 2017 our current world are being challenged, debated, 42 News and attacked in all kind of ways. With increasing frequency we are woken up to the same crude 43 African Pastors’ Conference News facts that David refers to.

Notice to non-UK subscribers: As I am writing this, the attack in Nice, France, by a terrorist killing more than 80 people is only Please ensure payment of your subscription days ago. This event was the next in a series of as soon as possible after receiving theearly reminder in order to guarantee uninterrupted similarly brutal attacks in other places. delivery of your copies of RT. rtDesign and Print 02 www.PepperCollective.comrt rt September - October 2016 03 At the same time there is unusual In this way, God ‘might be just and the Bob Davey political turmoil in various countries, justifier of the one who has faith in some of which until recently looked Jesus’ (Rom 3:26). This is the only way very stable. All of these matters raise we will be able to see God’s face. As important debates about what kind Paul says: ‘We all with unveiled face, of society we live in or want to have. beholding the glory of the Lord, are The foundations are shaking. What being transformed into the same image principles should order and structure from one degree of glory to another. our life in this world? What can the For this comes from the Lord who is the righteous do in a situation Spirit’ (2 Cor 3:18). This is the like this? transformation all human beings so desperately need. John Owen David, guided by the Holy Ultimately, this is the only Spirit, gives several answers points us to answer to the question of in this psalm: The LORD Scripture David in Psalm 11:3. What is in his holy temple; the and to the can the righteous do? Turn LORD’s throne is in heaven. Triune God to the Lord, confess our sins, He reminds us that our as the only and trust in him alone. This sovereign Lord is in control way to live will allow us to begin to live of this world. God hates a godly godly and upright lives and the wicked and the one life in this pursue justice also in the who loves violence. David public sphere. troubled points to God’s righteous world. judgments. And he ends with This brings us to the Puritan a promise: ‘The upright shall John Owen who was born behold his face.’ How can this 400 years ago this year. We be true for us and comfort are profoundly grateful for us, knowing that we are all the material on the life and An exposition of sinful people? legacy of John Owen, that our associate editor Dr Michael Haykin has pulled John 19:25-30 The answer is developed and revealed in together with the help of several other Scripture and culminates in the gospel of authors. our Lord Jesus Christ. The good news is This article is an exposition of John 1. ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not that God justifies the ungodly (Rom 4:5)! John Owen also lived in troubled times, 19:25-30 taking into account the texts know what they do’ (Luke 23:34). How can it be that God hates the wicked, as the sketch of his life makes clear. By from the Synoptic Gospels to give an 2. ‘Woman, behold your son!’ … ‘Behold but can also justify the ungodly? The God’s grace, he was enabled to live a overview of Jesus’ sayings from the your mother!’ (John 19:26,27). answer is what God himself has done godly life even though he did not see all cross. 3. ‘Assuredly, I say to you, today you will in and through his Son, the Lord Jesus the fruit of his labours in his lifetime. be with me in paradise’ (Luke 23:43). Christ, in his birth, his sinless life and This encourages us to be faithful. John Jesus’ sayings from the cross: 4. ‘My God, my God, why have you in his suffering and death on the cross Owen points us to Scripture and to the an overview forsaken me?’ (Matt 27:46; Mark 15:34). bearing the penalty for our sins. This Triune God as the only way to live a Jesus spoke seven times while on the 5. ‘I thirst!’ (John 19:28). is all because of God’s love and grace godly life in this troubled world. May cross. Three of the sayings are recorded 6. ‘It is finished!’ (John 19:30). for undeserving sinners. God justifies our Lord bless us all and give us grace to by John alone. The seven sayings 7. ‘Father, into your hands I commit my sinners through faith in Christ alone. walk this way! ■ recorded in the four Gospels are: spirit’ (Luke 23:46).

04 rt rt September - October 2016 05 The seven sayings fall naturally into two mother in her overwhelming grief (the with Jesus and his disciples (Mark and Mary Magdalene. groups. second saying). 15:40,41). Mary the mother of Jesus had This Mary was from the town of Magdala come also. At first they all stood at a by the Sea of Galilee not far from The first group of three show that Jesus Jesus’ words to the robber (the third distance from the cross (Matt 27:55). Capernaum. Jesus had cast out seven loved his neighbour as himself to the end saying) must have been given after some Then four women drew near to the cross, demons from her (Luke 8:2; Mark 16:9). of his life. They were spoken during the period of time had elapsed. To start with, together with the apostle John. She had become a devoted follower of three hours before darkness came over both robbers joined in the taunts of chief Jesus. the land (9.00am to noon; compare Mark priests, rulers, Pharisees, soldiers, and his mother. 15:25 and Matt 27:45). Firstly, Jesus prays other onlookers (Matt 27:39-44; Luke Mary the mother of Jesus stood by the The care of Jesus for his mother for the salvation of his enemies. By doing 23:35-37). Later on, one of the robbers cross. She had to be there. Her love was Mary (19:26,27) so he practises what he had preached had a change of heart, though the other as strong as death. She was also a woman 26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, (Matt 5:44). Secondly, Jesus cares for his robber continued to blaspheme (Luke of deep piety. She had been there at the and the disciple whom he loved standing by, mother. By doing so he is honouring the 23:39-41). The robber who had a change of beginning of Jesus’ ministry he said to his mother, ‘Woman, fifth commandment (Ex 20:12). Thirdly, heart had faced up to the fact that he was in Cana (John 2:1-12). She had behold your son!’ 27 Then he Jesus promises salvation to the repentant about to meet God. By the grace of God he kept in her heart the events Without said to the disciple, ‘Behold your robber. came to believe in Jesus. In order for this surrounding the birth of her this perfect mother!’ And from that hour the to happen, the robber must have thought son all through the years obedience disciple took her to his own home. The second group of four showed that carefully about all the things which he (Luke 2:51). How could she to the law Jesus loved God with all his heart. They had heard and seen while he was on the ever forget? Not least she of God, Jesus When Jesus therefore saw his were spoken during the three hours of cross. would have remembered the could not mother, and the disciple whom darkness (noon to 3.00pm) emphasising prophecy of Simeon, given in have been he loved standing by. Seeing his that Jesus became the sin-bearer. He He then makes his plea to Jesus, ‘Lord, the temple at Jerusalem at the the Saviour mother suffering must have grieved Jesus deeply. However, demonstrated his love toward the Lord remember me when you come into your time of the dedication of Jesus from sin. his God, his Father, by subjecting himself kingdom’. Jesus replies, ‘Assuredly, I say to God. ‘Yes, a sword will pierce the beloved disciple John was completely to his Father’s will. to you, today you will be with me in through your own soul also’ there supporting her. He was Paradise’ (Luke 23:42-43). It is fitting that (Luke 2:35). That prophecy was the only apostle recorded as To the end of his earthly life Jesus Jesus’ last words before the supernatural now being fulfilled. being present at the crucifixion. fulfilled his duty towards both God darkness came, should be these words of and man. The whole moral law of God, salvation. In his further sayings, the focus his mother’s sister. he said to his mother, Woman, summed up in the Ten Commandments, shifts to the task of sin-bearing which With Mary the mother of Jesus was her behold your son! (the second saying). Jesus was kept perfectly by Jesus. Without this would produce the very salvation which sister Salome, wife of Zebedee and the has a word of comfort for his mother. John perfect obedience to the law of God, Jesus he had just promised! mother of the apostles James and John would look after her in future, in his place. could not have been the Saviour from sin. (compare Matt 27:56 with Mark 15:40 and Who better was there for this task than He had to be sinless in order to bear the The women at the crucifixion here). John does not name his mother John, who was caring for her in this hour sins of others as their substitute. (John 19:25) here for the same reason that he does not of her greatest trial? He would be able name himself, out of modesty. to care for all her needs, including her The order of the first three sayings 19:25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus spiritual needs. No one else understood his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the Mary the wife of Clopas. Jesus better, nor had been closer to Jesus While Jesus was praying for his enemies wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. This Mary, the wife of Clopas, was the than John. (the first saying) he would have seen mother of James the less and of Joses his mother and the apostle John. It is Now there stood by the cross of Jesus. (compare Matt 27:56 with Mark 15:40). Woman. The term ‘woman’ (lady) was unthinkable that he would have waited Many of the band of women from Galilee Nothing else is known for certainty about not disrespectful. This is how Jesus had very long before ministering to his had come up at that time to Jerusalem these men. addressed his mother at Cana, at the

06 rt rt September - October 2016 07 beginning of his public ministry (2:4). The offer of this salvation is made to the and they filled a sponge with sour wine, And bowing his head, he gave up his spirit. Jesus had taught her then that her whole world. It is in that sense that Jesus put it on hyssop, and put it to his mouth. Immediately after, with a loud cry of relationship to him must be as Lord died for the whole world. The atonement triumph, Jesus yields up his life in a and Saviour rather than that of mother. is offered to all. However, it is effectual After this, Jesus, knowing that all things voluntary act of self-will (John 10:17,18). Jesus now reminds her of that fact, by only for those who believe. were now accomplished. Jesus came He did so with his seventh and final addressing her as he had done then. through the ‘eternal death’ into the light saying ‘Father, into your hands I commit Mary submitted then and she submits This darkness of soul experienced by of victory. Communion was restored my spirit’ (Luke 23:46; Ps 31:5). After his now. This humble submission to Jesus is evidenced by his fourth with the Father and the Holy death the centurion cries, ‘Truly the will of God is the triumph For Jesus, as saying on the cross, his loud cry Spirit. Jesus knew that the work This act of this man was the Son of God’ of grace and faith in Mary (Luke sin-bearer, of dereliction: ‘My God, my God, of atonement for sin was now God carried (Mark 15:39). 1:38). this meant why have you forsaken me?’ accomplished. with it the that Jesus (Matt 27:46; Ps 22:1). His Father message that After Jesus gave up his spirit to the disciple, ‘Behold your experienced the was acting as Judge against sin. said, ‘I thirst!’ Jesus uttered his the way into the there was an earthquake and mother!’ full wrath of For Jesus, as sin-bearer, this fifth saying. The intensity of his presence of God ‘the veil of the temple was torn And from that hour the disciple God against sin. meant that Jesus experienced sufferings had given to Jesus a in heaven for in two from top to bottom’ (Matt took her to his own home. A mere human the full wrath of God against burning and consuming thirst sinners is now 27:51,54). By this action, the Jesus charged John with the being could sin. A mere human being could (see Luke 16:23,24). This thirst open as a result final word is given by God. The responsibility of looking after never bear the never bear the penalty for sin; had also been prophesied (Ps of the ‘finished veil of the temple separated the Mary like a good son. John penalty for sin; only someone who is also truly 22:15; 69:21). Merciful hands work’ of Jesus. inmost shrine of the temple, instantly agrees to the privilege only someone God could do this. were there to give him a sponge The atonement the ‘dwelling place of God’, from given to him. From that hour he who is also truly filled with a thirst-quenching had been all other parts of the temple. So takes Mary into his household. God could do This loud cry of dereliction drink of sour wine on a stick of accepted, once this act of God carried with it For the remainder of her this. (literally ‘roaring’, Ps 22:1) from hyssop. Now that his atoning and forever. the message that the way into life, we can be sure that John Jesus came towards the end work was ended, Jesus accepted the presence of God in heaven fulfilled the charge so solemnly of the three hours of darkness the drink. Before, he had for sinners is now open as a given to him. (Matt 27:46). Until then Jesus refused to drink it (Matt 27:34). result of the ‘finished work’ of had suffered the crushing horror of Jesus. The atonement had been accepted, The final three hours of Jesus on utter desolation of spirit in silence for 30 So when Jesus had received the sour once and forever. the cross (19:28-30) nearly three hours. It will always be wine, he said, ‘It is finished!’ And bowing The three other Gospels record that from impossible for us, even to all eternity, to his head, he gave up his spirit. Heaven is now open for sinners, through noon to three o’clock in the afternoon, comprehend the depth of the suffering personal repentance and faith in Jesus. a supernatural darkness covered the which Jesus experienced at that time. he said,’ It is finished!’ the sixth saying. The offer is made to everyone. ■ whole area (Matt 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke The work which his Father had given 23:44). This symbolised the midnight ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain’ is the Jesus to do is finished. In accordance darkness of the soul under the judgment anthem sung by all the angels and all with the prophecy of Daniel 9:24, Jesus of God for sin. During those three hours the redeemed in heaven for ever and for ‘has finished the transgression, made on the cross, Jesus suffered the full ever (Rev 5:11-14). Amen! an end of sins, made reconciliation for Bob Davey is the pastor of Looe Christian reality of hell in his soul on behalf of iniquity, and brought in everlasting Fellowship, having pastored FIEC churches the redeemed. He, the sin-bearer, took 28 After this, Jesus, knowing that all things righteousness.’ in South . upon himself the infinite guilt and were now accomplished, that the Scripture punishment of their sin and redeemed might be fulfilled, said, ‘I thirst!’ 29 Now a (literally ‘purchased’) them. vessel full of sour wine was sitting there;

08 rt rt September - October 2016 09 Crawford Gribben

John Owen


Four Centuries of Influence

Early years within the establishment, apparently John Owen, perhaps the greatest neglecting to fulfil some aspects of his theologian of the English Puritan liturgical duties, as was common among movement, was born some time in 1616 the party of conforming Puritans whose to a family living in the tiny village hopes for further reformation had ended of Stadhampton in Oxfordshire. The shortly after the accession of James I. family was not especially wealthy, and neither were they especially rigorous Owen’s well-known description of in their religious views, despite the fact his father may reflect the kindness that their father was a clergyman of the of a dimmed memory, a filial piety established church. Late in life, Owen that wanted to distinguish his father described his father as a ‘a Nonconformist from those elements of the liturgical all his days, and a painful labourer in practice of the established church that the vineyard of the Lord’ (Works, 13: 224), Owen, throughout his life, found most but it is not clear that his father was objectionable. Therefore, rather than committed to any radical programme of being the heir of a radical tradition, Owen reform within the English church. His grew up in a religious community that father was not among those Puritans had worked hard for the reformation of whose dissatisfaction with the Church of the Church of England, and had failed. England drove them into exile in Holland Owen grew up knowing the bitter reality or to the New World, for he remained of defeat.

10 rt rt September - October 2016 11 Owen’s sense of the marginal status of not do so. At the age of 21, nine years as a cause or consequence of these family published. And, more importantly, Owen the religious community to which he after his admission to Queen’s College, movements we cannot tell. As so often was converted. This event, which finally belonged would have been confirmed Owen had graduated with his BA and MA in Owen’s life, we are left to balance brought an end to Owen’s depression, was during his university studies in Queen’s degrees, and was likely a junior member possibilities. But it is possible that entirely unexpected. Owen was sermon- College, Oxford, which he commenced at of the teaching faculty. His years of hard members of the family, which appears to gadding, attending a church service along the age of 12. This was not an especially study had earned him a place among the have been close-knit, were deliberately with his cousin in the hope of listening young age at which to begin university postgraduate students, and he may have regrouping to support their brother in his to preaching by a famous divine. But education in the early seventeenth been working towards his BD. But after discouragement and, possibly, fear. the famous preacher could not attend. century – and in fact the English years of preparation for an academic or His replacement seemed much less universities were admitting a higher clerical career, Owen felt he had to leave For fear was in the air. In the promising, and Owen’s cousin proportion of young men than in many Oxford. He could not support the religious summer of 1642, as Owen wanted to leave the service It was in this other periods. But this expansion of innovations that were being pushed officiated as household for better prospects elsewhere. unpromising university education came alongside the through Queen’s with the support of the chaplain to a young married Owen did not feel well enough situation introduction of a number of controversial provost and through the university with couple whose cousin, Richard to do so. He stayed, and found that Owen structural changes that made Owen’s the support of the Vice-Chancellor. The Lovelace, would become one of the unknown preacher directly found his college days tumultuous. During the new and fashionable Arminianism ran the most eminent apologists addressing his situation. Under purpose in late 1620s and 1630s, Queen’s College, entirely counter to a number of Owen’s of the emerging party of life this unknown ministry, and on with the rest of the university, passed convictions. Choosing conscience over Royalists, England drifted into an unknown date, Owen was through a religious revolution, as the career, Owen left the university. its first Civil War. Dormer and born again. Reformed theological consensus that Lovelace, who had employed had dominated theological discussion It is not clear where or how Owen spent Owen, both declared in favour His aspirations to be a writer for several decades was replaced by a the next few years of his life. In the few of the king. Owen, who did not were similarly renewed. For new theological system, which seemed surviving glimpses of his life during need to express any political preference, the first time, perhaps, Owen had come to its critics to mimic Catholic styles of this period, Owen seems to be making decided in favour of Parliament. Having to understand how the doctrines that worship, and which questioned elemental erratic and unpredictable decisions. For, abandoned the university, he now left had been so fiercely debated during components of English Protestant within a year of abandoning his academic the Lovelace household, and the path the previous decade could bring peace identity. Within Queen’s, the debate career, he sought ordination as a priest into pastoral work it represented, and to a troubled soul. And so, with new provoked threats of violence, with one at the hands of the Bishop of Oxford, one travelled to London, without obvious resolve, he threw himself into another academic threatening to stab the provost of the chief supporters of the Arminian prospects and almost entirely without writing project, A Display of Arminianism, who was driving forward the liturgical innovations. He then found employment friends. In the capital, one of the largest which he dedicated to a committee of changes. The death threat was a sign of as a chaplain in the home of Sir Robert and most international cities in Europe, MPs who oversaw the religious health things to come, for England was about to Dormer, a suspected Catholic whose Owen found lodgings in Smithfield, a of the nation. It was not an auspicious enter a long civil war, in which religious riotous recreational activities suggested cheap and unpleasant place to live, close first publication, for Owen was still ideas would be used to justify horrific no sympathy for Puritan views. By 1642, to the red-light district and to the place learning how to construct an argument, levels of violence. Diaries from the Owen had accepted another position as where so many of the Protestant martyrs and how to argue a case with clarity, period illustrate both the excitement of a household chaplain, this time in the had died one century before. accuracy and discretion. It is not clear, as undergraduate life within the college, home of Sir John Lovelace. Throughout a number of recent scholars have noted, and the growing pressures for teaching this period, Owen appears to have been Finding God’s calling that his depiction of his theological fellows to find ways to shoe-horn their suffering from depression. It is possible It was in this unpromising situation antagonists was entirely fair, and old religious principles into the new that his move to the Lovelace household that Owen found his purpose in life. Owen certainly erred in including a liturgical mould. occurred around the same time that his As censorship collapsed, Owen began prominent Presbyterian member of the father and elder brother took up new to write, developing a manuscript on among his targets. Some of the college community could pastoral charges in the vicinity – though the priesthood of Christ that he never Nevertheless, gaining the attention of

12 rt rt September - October 2016 13 his parliamentary patrons, Owen found have suggested, for in the period before case, as so often in Christian history Parliamentary soldiers and their leader, the support he needed to enter parish the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647) thereafter, key indicators of an impulse Sir Thomas Fairfax. These sermons ministry. the ‘Presbyterian’ label was widely to recover as accurately as possible the brought him to the attention of the applied to those Puritans who pushed order of the New Testament churches. army. As the political mood darkened, The committee of MPs appointed Owen for further reform within the Church of and, in the winter of 1648-49, the king to his first parish, in Fordham, Essex. England without supporting any detailed For Owen was also revising his views of was put on trial and executed, Owen’s Finally settling into parish manifesto for what might baptism, moving steadily away new patrons within the high ministry, he became frustrated Owen’s growing replace it. But Owen’s growing from the very high view of the military command identified he was being by the spiritual apathy of sense of the need sense of the need to emphasise efficiency of baptism that he him as the man to express given the his parishioners. Within a to emphasise the autonomy of individual outlined in his first publication their achievements in political opportunity few years he had married a the autonomy congregations involved to adopt in the 1650s a preaching. to reshape girl from the neighbouring of individual much more than defining his perspective on the sacrament the village of Coggeshall and had congregations ecclesiological concerns. that made sense of his growing Owen was the preacher chosen institution, started a family. But, in the involved much sympathy for Baptists. to commemorate the English so as to later 1640s, as poor weather more than Owen’s neighbouring minister, revolution. One day after the defining his protect and a series of bad harvests Ralph Josselin, recorded in Owen in the Reformed execution of Charles I, on created the conditions of ecclesiological his diary the ways in which Commonwealth the charge of treason, Owen concerns theology famine, John and Mary buried the Coggeshall church was Owen’s new vision of church and promote addressed MPs with an oration several of their children. At changing. Owen installed an life was developed in startling godliness that understood without Coggeshall, Owen was initially elder, John Sams, and had him contrast to the clerical, formal among the celebrating the achievements excited by the possibility of a preach without any ordination, and liturgical preferences of staff and of regicide. He, like his patrons, new start, not least because the parish’s even as he downplayed the importance of his Presbyterian colleagues. students had something to gain from previous minister was now a member his own ordination. Sams was examined Their Blasphemy Act (1648) the new situation of England. of the Westminster Assembly. Large by the Westminster Assembly, and criminalised adherence to a Owen’s new links with the crowds came to hear him preach, with supported for ordination, several years range of religious opinions, army pulled him further from some suggestions that over 2,000 people after he was recorded as being a teaching making any defence of parish ministry and brought attended his sermons. But this was not a elder in Owen’s congregation. In addition, believers’ baptism, for example, a penal him into contact with . sign of revival — his parishioners were Owen gathered believers together for offence. The most effective opposition to legally compelled to attend worship. weeknight Bible study meetings, in which this Presbyterian theocracy was located Owen’s links with this extraordinary And, within a few years, he was again many people participated, in a move in the army, and Owen increasingly and brilliant military leader were disappointed by the spiritual condition that might have been seen to undermine identified himself with its leading initially very close. He accompanied of his parish, and lamenting its disorder the special status of the congregation’s figures. In 1648 he witnessed the siege Cromwell on the invasion of Ireland in in print. This disappointment with the teacher. Owen also revised his views on of Colchester, a large town five miles 1649, remaining in Dublin where for the realities of parish ministry developed as the Lord’s Supper, moving gradually to from Coggeshall. It was Owen’s first first time he believed his ministry was Owen changed his views on church order. the position that the Eucharist should direct experience of the Civil Wars and being attended with conversions. His In his early parish ministry, he moved be celebrated on a weekly basis, by a it must have been harrowing. Some of journey to Scotland in 1650 was more from supporting a rather unformed gathered church rather than by members the worst war crimes of the period were complicated, and he was drawn into the Presbyterianism to adopt the vision of a parish, retaining its centrality and committed during that long summer complex politics and internal divisions of church life then being promoted by the frequency of its observation while siege. But if Owen was disturbed by of the Kirk. He left the army, looking for Independents. his neighbour, Ralph Josselin, gave up on the crimes against civilians, and the new opportunities, and was awarded the sacrament for a decade. These were horrific mutilation of animals, he did not with positions of academic leadership There may have been much less to this notable departures from the norms of refer to it in the sermons. He preached in the university from which he had movement than some later historians church life in the period – and in Owen’s celebrating the achievements of the resigned less than 15 years before.

14 rt rt September - October 2016 15 John Owen’s return to Oxford was a was, he insisted, a layman, and rejected church. Owen, who was in some personal moment of triumph. As Dean of Christ the status conferred upon him by the danger, struggled to know how best to Church, and later Vice-Chancellor of Arminian bishop of Oxford one decade respond to the new circumstances. His the University, he was being given the before. activities in the early 1660s reveal his opportunity to reshape the institution, mental conflict. In January 1661, while he so as to protect Reformed theology and Sent back to Oxford, perhaps with his was conducting a conventicle, his house promote godliness among the staff tail between his legs, Owen became was raided and the militia carried away and students. He pursued these ends ever more critical of Cromwell and the half a dozen cases of pistols. Throughout with diligence, and sometimes with a direction being taken by his government. the same period, his books advocated lack of scruple. It was a difficult and He condemned the frivolity of Cromwell’s a surprising range of positions. In demanding transition. The move to court and intervened on behalf of army Animadversions on Fiat Lux (1662) and Oxford had pushed him from the moral republicans to stop Cromwell being its Vindication (1664), for example, Owen clarity of Civil War into the ambiguous crowned as king. By 1657 the breach with praised the new king as the greatest and complex world of academic politics. his old patron and friend was complete. Protestant in Europe, defended his role as There is some evidence that he struggled the head of the established church, and John Owen grave to know how best to negotiate his Owen did not see Cromwell as he denied the need for confessions of faith. new environment. For all that these gradually sickened and in September In other publications from this period, he appointments represented the apex of his 1658 died. When Oliver was replaced by defended Independent church order and links to the party that had scuppered career; they also represented his greatest Richard, his son, who wished to continue called for congregations to strenuously the English revolution, combined with a challenges. the conservative trend, Owen moved defend confessional Reformed theology. congregation of around 100 individuals, immediately to gather a congregation All of these works were published which had been led by the recently Owen preached and wrote relentlessly of disaffected republicans, who, in a anonymously, and some of them were deceased Joseph Caryl. They began to throughout his years in Oxford. A number complex series of events, worked to published illegally. There was certainly meet in the premises belonging to the of the books he completed during the undermine the new government before it need for caution. Owen passed by the larger congregation. 1650s have become spiritual classics, had any chance of real success. impaled heads of many of his old friends including Communion with God and every time he passed in and out Owen’s preaching changed to His sermons his work on sanctification. But he was The army had brought down of London. Who is to say he did address his new situation. His were shorter, also becoming increasingly critical of governments before. In fact, almost every not fear that he too could become sermons were shorter, more more focused the government. It was obvious that the parliament since the regicide had been a victim? focused and geared very directly and geared army, not the parliament, held the real ended by the army’s intervention. But, to the pastoral needs of his very directly political power. Cromwell’s government this time, the officers gambled and lost. But the political situation began listeners. In many ways, these to the pastoral was increasingly similar to that of Their coup created chaos until Charles II to settle. By the mid-1660s, sermons, which are mostly needs of his the king it had replaced. Owen grew returned. Nonconformists gained courage collected in volume 9 of the listeners. worried, but then over-reached himself. to begin public preaching again, Banner of Truth edition of his In 1654 he was elected as an MP for the The church in a storm even in London. Owen kept his Works, represent some of the best first Protectorate Parliament. In his The restoration of the monarchy in May head down, kept writing, and of his work. He moved away from few months in the Commons, he was 1660 ended the English revolution. Its found time in 1668 to pose for a portrait the extended topic and exegetical series associated with radical republicans, men leaders were tried, found guilty of treason by one of the most fashionable and that had featured in his earlier ministry who were alarmed by the monarchical and publicly butchered. Meanwhile, dissolute of the court painters. By the to instead present different themes trappings of the Cromwell family. the ejection of Puritan ministers from early 1670s, his situation had changed and passages each week. Perhaps many Within months, Owen was expelled from the Church of England in August 1662 again. His small congregation, which members of his new congregation had Parliament on the basis that he was a ended any hope that the godly could be comprised around 30 individuals, many grown tired of the preaching of extended clergyman — a status he rejected. He accommodated within the established of them prominent republicans with close series of sermons – after all, Caryl’s

16 rt rt September - October 2016 17 series on Job had lasted 40 years. We republished parts of Owen’s writing in his Joel Beeke get our clearest view of Owen’s pastoral Christian Library (1750). Throughout the concerns in the materials that survive eighteenth century, Scottish publishers from this period of his ministry. Now in kept his ecclesiastical works in print, John Owen his mid-50s, Owen was surrounded by while a much smaller number of English death. Mary, his wife, died in publishers occasionally the later 1670s and their only reprinted his devotional and His Writings, and Views on surviving child died shortly Owen’s work exegetical works. later. He quickly remarried, repays all Assurance of Faith but his friends remarked on the close In the nineteenth century, his continuing depression. attention it Owen was praised by the He had lost so much – a wife, requires – Exclusive Brethren leader each of his children, and, for Owen was William Kelly, even as he he seemed to be convinced, extraordinary was abominated by liberal the work of a lifetime. Owen evangelicals within the looked across the spectrum Church of Scotland. In the of English Dissent and early twentieth century, he persuaded himself that the found appreciative readers churches were in ruins. When among A W Pink in the he died, in August 1683, Owen 1920s, Martyn Lloyd-Jones believed that the English Reformation in the 1930s, and Jim Eliot, the future was almost over and that the Puritan missionary martyr, in the early 1950s. project had failed. And so, when the Banner of Truth republished The Death of Death (1959), the Owen’s legacy stage was already set for Owen’s return. Of course, events proved otherwise. The Born four centuries ago, the great Puritan single-volume Biblical Theology. All are still Glorious Revolution of 1689-90 secured Today, it is easier than ever before John Owen (1616–1683) has been called in print today. Some of his correspondence the British Protestant constitution, but to read this greatest of Puritan the ‘prince of the English divines’, ‘the has also been collected and printed. Here is it did not secure the integrity of the theologians. Owen’s books, in both leading figure among the Congregationalist a brief summary of his corpus: British churches. Owen’s congregation original and modernised editions, are divines’, ‘a genius with learning second only was not long to continue in his footsteps. readily available. And he deserves to be to Calvin’s’, and ‘indisputably the leading The Works of John Owen, 16 volumes Isaac Watts, his successor in the pastoral read. Owen’s work repays all the close proponent of high Calvinism in England in (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 9,000 office, experimented with Trinitarian attention it requires – for Owen was the late seventeenth century’. In this brief pages; 1996). The contents of these volumes, doctrine to such an extent that by 1720s extraordinary. ■ article, I wish to provide a brief overview reprints of the 1850–55 Goold edition, the Unitarians believed he had come to of his writings, and then focus on one include the following: support their cause. neglected area of his teaching: his views on Crawford Gribben teaches history at Queen’s assurance of faith. Doctrinal (volumes 1–5). Of particular But some evangelicals did continue to University Belfast and is the author of ‘John Owen and English Puritanism: Experiences value in this section are: On the Person and appreciate Owen’s legacy. Surprisingly, of Defeat’ (Oxford University Press, 2016), Owen’s Writings Glory of Christ (vol 1); Communion with God perhaps, it was John Wesley who available at reduced price from John Owen wrote twenty-four volumes on (vol 2); Discourse on the Holy Spirit (vol 3); kept Owen’s reputation alive when he by using the discount code AAFLY7. biblical and devotional themes, including Justification by Faith (vol 5). To master such his sixteen-volume Works, his seven- works as these, Spurgeon wrote, ‘is to be a volume Exposition on Hebrews, and the profound theologian’.

18 rt rt September - October 2016 19 Practical (volumes 6–9). Especially worthy simplifications of Communion with God Still, as J I Packer writes of this book: ‘All the The Attainability of Assurance here are Mortification of Sin, Temptation, (1991), Apostasy from the Gospel (1992), The qualities we expect of Owen – the focus on Owen plainly asserted the attainability Exposition of Psalm 130 (vol 6); and Glory of Christ (1994), and The Holy Spirit God, the passion for Christ, the honouring of assurance. He wrote: ‘There may be a Spiritual-Mindedness (vol 7). Volumes 8 (1998), all published by the Banner of of the Holy Spirit, the shattering depth gracious persuasion and assurance of faith and 9 are comprised of sermons. These Truth Trust. Unabridged paperbacks of the of insight into human sinfulness and in a man concerning his own particular volumes are suited for the average last two titles, with helpful introductions perversity, the concern for holiness, the interest in forgiveness. A man may, many layperson and have immense practical by Sinclair Ferguson, were published in radical view of regeneration, the vision of do, believe it for themselves, so as not only benefit. 2004 by Christian Focus. the church as a spiritual fellowship to have the benefit of it but the that worships, the distrust of Like the comfort also.’ Controversial (volumes 10–16). Noteworthy An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews philosophical schemes and styles Westminster are The Death of Death in the Death of Christ (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 7 vols, for dealing with divine things, the Confession, The attainability of assurance and Divine Justice (vol 10); The Doctrine of 4,000 pages; 2005). This exposition of celebration of God’s wisdom in Owen must be understood in the Saints’ Perseverance (vol 11); True Nature Hebrews is a definitive commentary on giving the Scriptures in the form in regarded relationship to faith, however. of a Gospel Church and The Divine Original the Epistle. As Thomas Chalmers noted: ‘A which we have them – all are seen assurance as Owen unreservedly supported an of the Scriptures (vol 16). Several volumes work of gigantic strength and size; he who here. The present treatise is vintage normative organic relationship between faith in this section are of great historical hath mastered it is very little short, both Owen, searching and spiritual, though not and assurance but no confusion value (particularly those written against in respect to the doctrinal and practical devotional and doxological, the necessarily between the two. He believed Arminianism and Socinianism) but tend to aspects of Christianity, of being an erudite product of a masterful mind and a common. faith included persuasion of the be tedious for the non-theologian. and accomplished theologian.’ Bogue humble heart.’ availability of divine forgiveness, and Bennett, in History of Dissenters, also but said that did not necessarily The wide range of subjects treated by highly commend the work, saying, ‘If the The Correspondence of John Owen, include the personal application Owen, the insightfulness of his writing, theological student should part with his 1616-1683 (Cambridge, England: James of forgiveness—which alone gives rise the exhaustive nature of his doctrinal coat or his bed to procure the works of Clarke Press, 190 pages; 1970). Until this to full assurance. He wrote, ‘There is or studies, the profundity of his theology, Howe, he that would not sell his shirt to book was printed, very few of Owen’s letters may be a saving persuasion or discovery and the warmth of his devotion explain procure those of John Owen, and especially were known; assumedly, no more existed. of forgiveness in God, where there is the high regard he has among those his Exposition, of which every sentence Peter Toon here presents much of Owen’s no assurance of any particular interest acquainted with his works. On occasions is precious, shows too much regard to his correspondence, including letters and therein.’ Owen may be prolix, but he is never dry. body, and too little for his immortal mind.’ responses to Oliver Cromwell. Though they These volumes provide an invaluable are not useful for devotional use, those who Of the element of trust in faith that cleaves resource for all who wish to discover and Biblical Theology (Grand Rapids: study Owen will appreciate their historical to God, Owen wrote: ‘This a soul cannot do, explore the rich legacy left by one of the Reformation Heritage Books, 912 pages; value. The book also includes an essay on without a discovery of forgiveness in God; greatest British theologians of all time. 2009). This book was finally translated from Owen’s life and work. but this a soul may do, without a special Helpful indices conclude the last volume. Latin by Stephen Westcott in 1994. Biblical assurance of his own interest therein.’ For Theology includes six books that Owen plainly Owen on Assurance of Faith Owen, personal knowledge of inclusion in Dozens of Owen’s treatises have trace biblical theology from Adam asserted the Owen’s views on assurance of faith have God’s grace usually happens sometime after been published individually in to Christ. It includes an appendix attainability largely been neglected due in part to his initial belief, according to God’s sovereign the past half century, but we with Owen’s Defence of Scripture of assurance. never writing a separate treatise on this timing. would advise serious readers against Fanaticism, affirming important subject. His most thorough of Puritan literature to forgo that the Bible is the perfect, exposition of assurance is in his Psalm Assurance Normative but not Common these and purchase the sixteen- authoritative, and complete Word CXXX. This can best be understood as Like the Westminster Confession, Owen volume set of Owen’s works. For of God. Though Owen considered an augmentation of the Westminster regarded assurance as normative though those who have difficulty reading Owen, this work his magnum opus, it has become Confession’s teachings on assurance, while not necessarily common. That was we recommend R J K Law’s abridged one of his least-known works. remaining within its framework. consistent with the Confession’s teaching

20 rt rt September - October 2016 21 that there are degrees and various kinds of in the cherishing and preservation of it were living below their privileges, not by distinguishing between full assurance assurance. All true believers possess some when it is attained…. It is no small evil in sufficiently relishing the comfort of applied on a regular basis for daily living assurance, but few can claim the blessing of believers not to be pressing after perfection full assurance, either out of ignorance and full assurance received for fleeting ‘full assurance’. Owen wrote, ‘This discovery in believing and obedience.’ or because of sin. In either case, the moments particularly in times of heavy of forgiveness in God is great, holy, and contemporary church was backsliding trial. Though Christians of his day did not mysterious, and which very few on gospel The Christian need not despair if he compared to scriptural saints. commonly experience full assurance on a grounds do attain unto. Even one comes short of reaching such assurance, daily basis as scriptural saints did, they did experimental embracement of it (i.e. the for God may have wise reasons for Finally, Owen tried to lessen the gap receive full assurance in times of heavy trial. full assurance of personal interest in divine withholding it from him. Despite God’s between the normative assurance of the forgiveness), even at the hour of death, doth wisdom and sovereignty, however, lack biblical saints and the predominant lack Owen’s approach to assurance may be well deserve the waiting and obedience of of assurance is ordinarily due to the of assurance in his generation. He did that summarised in the following chart: the whole course of a man’s life.’ believer’s shortcomings. As Owen wrote: ‘In ordinary dispensations of God towards Normativity of Assurance Believers who gain full assurance of us, and dealings with us, it is mostly our forgiveness by God don’t find it quickly or own negligence and sloth that we come Owen’s Degrees of assurance Biblical saints easily. Those who don’t understand that can short of this assurance…. Considering contemporaries substitute a notion of forgiveness in God for what promises are made unto us, what personal forgiveness from God. encouragements are given us, what love 1. Is there a regular degree of Yes, for this degree Same as for biblical and tenderness there is in God to receive assurance for believers who of assurance is part saints. Owen also believed that believers with full us, I cannot but conclude that ordinarily trust in God’s forgiveness of of faith itself. assurance were never safe from attacks the cause of our coming short of this sinners? on their faith. Still, even when a believer assurance is where I have fixed it.’ is spiritually ‘cast down’, assurance is not 2. Is there a full degree of Yes, generally Yes, generally altogether lost (Psalm 42); rather, assurance Owen went on to show how lack of assurance for believers that speaking. speaking, though may continue even under a deep sense of assurance is primarily the believer’s fault comes for brief moments, such experiences may indwelling sin and infirmity. Owen wrote: by citing saints of Scripture, who possessed particularly in times of trial, be rare and fleeting, i.e., that God’s forgiveness is and in some lacking ‘A man’s assurance may be as good, as true, full assurance. He wrote: ‘Generally, all the also personally for them. altogether. when he lies on the earth with a sense of saints mentioned in Scripture had this sin, as when he is carried up to the third [full] assurance, unless it were in the case heaven with a sense of love and foretaste of of depths, distresses, and desertions, such 3. Is there a full degree of Yes, generally Usually not, for few glory.’ as that in this psalm (i.e. Psalm 130). David assurance for believers that speaking, though come up to this gospel comes in a more regular, such believers assurance. Those who expresseth his confidence of the love and abiding, strengthening remained subject to experience this have Here Owen not only confirmed but went favour of God unto his own soul hundreds manner, and which reaps a many assaults and found it difficult to beyond section 18.4 of the Westminster of times; Paul doth the same for himself: comfortable sense of daily much variation with retain; they remain Confession. For Owen, conviction of sin Gal. ii., 20, “Christ loved me, and gave favor except in uncommon regards to their full subject to assaults and assurance of salvation were not himself for me.”’ periods of divine desertion? assurance. and variations on full antagonistic. Rather, both should be sought, assurance. and both are given and retained by God’s Although Owen did not specifically say grace. Though full assurance is difficult to so, those examples helped him keep a obtain, true believers must strive for it. As balance between the supposed normality Owen’s approach to full assurance was in an abiding sense from a more fleeting Owen wrote: ‘It is the duty of every believer of full assurance and the lack of assurance harmony with that of the Westminster sense; and by distinguishing the state of to labour after an assurance of a personal he saw in most of the believers of his day. Confession, though he moved beyond adherence from the state of assurance. interest in forgiveness, and to be diligent Hence, Owen believed that many believers it by distinguishing full assurance in

22 rt rt September - October 2016 23 How Assurance is Obtained effects of regeneration is the ordinary way Third, Owen said that the immediate The Christian must first seek grace to recall Owen’s theology on how assurance is and means whereby the souls of believers testimony of the Spirit should not be the Spirit’s past, assuring work in order obtained is very much like that of the come to be satisfied concerning that work expected or depended upon because of to improve upon his present degree of Westminster Confession, 18.2, which of God in them and upon them.’ its extraordinary role as a sovereign gift. assurance. Owen indicated that he knew says assurance is obtained through the Moreover, because the Spirit’s immediate the typical believer seeks such grace far too promises of salvation in Jesus Christ, Owen then added three warnings about testimony is sovereign, no one can say seldom. Recalling grace may also reveal as well as through inward evidences the practical syllogism. He said, first, direct exactly how full assurance should be defects in the believer that thwart assurance. of saving grace and the acts of faith do not excuse the experienced. Owen thus wrote: testimony of the Spirit of individual from seeking the ‘If you are doubtful concerning your Next, the Christian must wait for grace in adoption. Specifically, Owen The primary certainty of the Spirit’s work. state and condition, do not expect an order to renew and improve assurance. As taught the following: ground of Second, Owen emphasised extraordinary determination of it by an Owen wrote: ‘Whatever your condition be, (1) The primary ground of assurance is that the Holy Spirit sheds light immediate testimony of the Spirit of God. and your apprehension of it, yet continue assurance is the promises of the promises upon his own work in the soul I do grant that God doth sometimes, by waiting for a better issue, and give not over God, specifically the satisfying of God, by the Word, thereby giving this means, bring in peace and satisfaction through weariness or impatience.’ blood and righteousness of specifically the believer liberty to embrace unto the soul. He gives his own Spirit Finally, while recalling and waiting Jesus Christ, embraced by the satisfying the ‘evidence of those graces immediately “to bear witness with ours for grace, the Christian must strive for faith. Owen wrote: ‘The soul, blood and unto which these promises are that we are the children of God”, both upon obedience. Indeed, faith and obedience are by a direct act of faith, believes righteousness made’ (Westminster Confession, the account of regeneration and adoption. ultimately inseparable. Said Owen, ‘The its own forgiveness, without of Jesus Christ, 18.2). Third, Owen insisted that He doth so; but, as far as we can observe, in more faith that is true and of the right kind, making inferences or gathering embraced by this form of assurance may be a way of sovereignty, when and to whom he the more obedience; for all our obedience is conclusions; and may do so faith. consciously absent from the pleaseth. the obedience of faith.’ upon the proposition of it to be believer, regardless of whether believed in the promise.’ the Spirit’s graces are presently No one man’s experience is a rule unto According to Owen, such obedience active within him. others, and an undue apprehension of it manifests itself in ‘the choicest actings (2) The primary ground of assurance leads is a matter of great danger. Yet it is certain of our souls towards God, —as love, the believer to the secondary ground, for (3) In advocating an immediate witness of that humble souls in extraordinary cases delight, rejoicing in the Lord, peace, joy, he who trusts in the objective promises the Spirit, Owen prevented this experience may have recourse unto it with benefit and and consolation in ourselves, readiness of God in Jesus Christ will yearn to have from becoming too mystical in the relief thereby. This, then, you may desire, to do or suffer, cheerfulness in so doing. those promises to be subjectively ‘testified following ways. First, he said the Holy Spirit you may pray for, but not with such a frame If they grow not from this root, yet their unto his conscience in a word of promise applies his immediate witness through of spirit as to refuse that other satisfaction flourishing wholly depends upon it; so that mixed by faith’. According to Owen, that the Word, not beyond the Word. Thus this which in the ways of truth and peace you surely it is the duty of every believer to testimony is one of two secondary grounds witness, which is the direct, miraculous, may find. This is the putting of the hand break through all difficulties in pressing of assurance and is based on inward and powerful application of the Word into the side of Christ: but ‘blessed are they after this particular assurance.’ In short, evidences of saving grace. Here Owen’s in God’s sovereign time and way, is both that have not seen, and yet have believed”.’. the way to retain and improve assurance is views varied slightly from the Westminster Spirit-applied and Word-centred. through obedience, which is also the fruit of assurance. ■ Confession, which left open the possibility Retaining, Renewing, and Improving that the secondary grounds of assurance Second, Owen said the immediate witness Assurance Joel R. Beeke (Ph.D., Westminster Seminary) could be treated as a single unity. Along wasn’t always separated from the practical Finally, in Psalm CXXX, Owen showed how is president and professor of systematic with his recognition of the immediate syllogism; consequently, they often a believer may retain, renew, and improve theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, a pastor of the Heritage witness of the Spirit, Owen validated the supported each other. Owen illustrated that personal assurance of grace. He said that Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, practical syllogism as God’s ordinary way in his dialogue with a ‘poor soul that now can be done through three activities of Michigan, editor of Banner of Sovereign of bestowing assurance. He wrote, ‘A due walks comfortably under the light of God’s faith: ‘recalling’ grace, ‘waiting on’ grace, Grace Truth, editorial director of Reformation spiritual consideration of the causes and countenance’. and fruitful obedience. Heritage Books, and a prolific author.

24 rt rt September - October 2016 25 Ryan M McGraw as a person in light of historical records. Owen preached to 2000 people in his first We do not have his journals and he pastorate and to about 30 for a large part rarely wrote about himself. Most of what of his last one. His salary was three years survives from him is purely in arrears in the mid-1650’s and theological, stemming from his Oliver Cromwell’s government We may know that numerous writings, which some finally gave him land in Ireland our chief end is to John Owen's believers continue to study. glorify God and to in lieu of his salary, which land 1 Since few people in history are enjoy him forever he could not sell. remembered for generations to (Westminster Trinitarian Legacy come, his life provides a good Shorter Catechism Owen was second choice (or illustration that we should 1), but how do we third?) to become Dean of Christ A 400th Anniversary Appreciation do all things in Christ’s name, do so when we Church, Oxford, behind Edward leaving the results of our work spend much of Reynolds and Joseph Caryl. He to our Lord and Saviour. For our time changing had ten children, only one of this reason, I will sketch Owen’s nappies, going to which reached adulthood, and school, balancing life in light of his personal and his first wife died in the middle How should we live life to God’s glory? the Son, by the Spirit at the heart of work and classes, pastoral disappointments. of his career. He taught some Scripture commands us to do so (Rom Christian theology and life for all believers, maintaining a 12:1-2; 1 Cor 10:31; Col 3:17). We may know and not for pastors only. I will illustrate this house, or going to students who neither adopted that our chief end is to glorify God and theme by showing that the fact that Owen Owen was born in a Puritan work on Monday nor appreciated his instruction, to enjoy him forever (Westminster Shorter would have a legacy was not immediately home from Welsh descent in mornings? such as the philosopher John Catechism 1), but how do we do so when obvious. Then I will trace his Trinitarian 1616. He went to study at Oxford Locke and the Quaker William university, only to finish his 2 we spend much of our time changing themes from the beginning to the end of Penn. Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees nappies, going to school, balancing work the Christian life from the knowledge of before completing only one year of his Owen’s books were read more widely after and classes, maintaining a house, or going God, through God’s worship, through killing seven-year Bachelor of Divinity degree his death than during his lifetime. While to work on Monday mornings? In order to indwelling sin, to looking forward to seeing in preparation for ministry. He left the the fact that he would have a legacy at all serve Christ faithfully, we must learn to Christ in glory. I will do this primarily by University as a discouraged young man was not obvious, his primary contribution do the right things, at the right times, and providing a few key statements from his due to the persecution of Puritan-minded to the church, in this writer’s opinion, in the right way. God’s Word is the lamp writings, summarising what I have learned students by Archbishop William Laud. His consisted in his Trinitarian theology. for our feet and the light for our path that from him on each theme, and illustrating future did not look promising. This grew out of a continental theological alone teaches us how to do so (Ps 119:105). each point with Scripture. My goal is to Though he is remembered as an author, heritage, Puritan piety, and anti-Socinian Among other things, this means that why illustrate how Owen, as mediated by his books did not sell well from 1643-1649, writings, which we will see below. we do what we do is just as important as McGraw, gives us a helpful model for living including his famous Death of Death in the The lesson from Owen’s life is that you what we do with our lives. life to God’s glory. Death of Christ. His publisher tried to dump should commit your labours to the Lord his copies in bulk and only pressed further and not judge your usefulness by outward This is where a long-dead Puritan like John Owen’s legacy was not obvious sales when Owen preached after the death appearances. If we labour to the glory of Owen can help us better live the Christian during his lifetime of the king before Parliament. This reminds God in Christ through the Spirit, then this life. While today Christian best-sellers What legacy do you hope to leave to us that the Lord controls our circumstances, will be our most important legacy. Even often promote dieting gimmicks or how the next generation? Will your great- successes, and failures, directing them all to if few appreciate it, what we do in Christ’s to live your ‘best life now’, Owen’s primary grandchildren even remember your his glory and our good. name to the glory of the Father will last in theological legacy to the church is his name? Many remember Owen today, but it model for Trinitarian theology and piety. should encourage us to realise that it was not obvious in his lifetime that he would The advantage of his perspective is that it 1 Crawford Gribben, John Owen and English Puritanism: Experiences of Defeat, Oxford Studies in Historical Theology places communion with the Father, through be remembered at all. He is hard to find (Oxford: Ohio University Press, 2016), 212. 2 Ibid

26 rt rt September - October 2016 27 God’s sight (Col. 3:17). Anything beyond this the power of truth in the heart alone that The practical fruits of this This is the foundation of all the is icing on the cake. will make us cleave to it indeed in an hour teaching are great. To illustrate, This glory of evangelical worship. of temptation. Let us, then, not think that a friend of mine, who was teaching The object of it, in the faith of the Owen’s legacy lies in his devotional we are any better for our conviction of the introduced to Owen’s views leads us worshipper, is the holy Trinity, Trinitarian theology truths of the great doctrines of the gospel, of communion with God, to depend and it consists in an ascription One way to illustrate the connection for which we contend with those men, particularly communion with on the of divine glory to each person, in between Owen’s Trinitarian theology and unless we find the power of the truths Christ, related his reticence to Father who the same individual nature, by his devotion to God is to take an excerpt abiding in our own hearts and have a take out the trash for his wife planned our the same act of mind … Its glory salvation, from his large book against the Socinians. continual experience of their necessity and one day. He decided to take out consists in that constant respect the Son who The Socinians denied the doctrine of the excellency in our standing before God and the trash for his wife because of it has to each divine person, as to purchased 3 Trinity, Christ’s substitutionary atonement, our communion with him.’ his meditations on Christ’s self- it, and the their peculiar work and moving and most other doctrines that were near denial for him. The Father’s gift Spirit who for the salvation of the church.’6 and dear to Protestants. In his preface to his He was saying in effect that it is not of his Son, Christ’s gift of himself, applies it as work in which he refuted them, he wrote, good enough to defend biblical teaching and the Father and the Son’s gift we live the This is the highest expression of ‘What am I the better if I can dispute regarding the person and work of Christ of the Spirit made him a better Christian a God-centred theology. While that Christ is God, but have no sense and the Trinity. We must love the Triune husband. We should think of life. Christians do many things or sweetness in my heart from hence God and walk in fellowship with him. Such theology and Christian living in other than public worship, they that he is a God in covenant with my emphases help keep our theology to be terms of knowing God in Christ do nothing better than public soul? What will it avail me to evince, by God-centred, which leads to God-centred by the Spirit and not simply worship. This is true by coming testimonies and arguments, that he has lives in Christ. knowing about God (1 Cor 2:1-5, 9-12). to the Father as the chief privilege of the made satisfaction for sin if, through my gospel and source of our comforts (1 Peter unbelief, the wrath of God abides on me This relates to how Owen defined theology. Owen teaches us to worship God as 1:17). By resting on the ‘personal grace’ and I have no experience of my own being He believed that true theology is living Triune of Christ, which relates to the glory of his made the righteousness of God in him – if to God, through Christ, by the Spirit.4 One way that he does this is by reminding person as the God-man. By trusting in the I find not, in my standing before God, the This makes our theology begin with the us of the glory of worship under the New ‘purchased grace’ of Christ, by which he excellency of having my sins imputed to Triune God revealing himself to us so that Testament versus worship under the Old. who knew no sin became sin for us that him and his righteousness imputed to me? we might know him. This related to his In a sermon against Roman Catholicism, he we might become the righteousness of God Will it be any advantage to me, in the issue, teaching on communion with God.5 He wrote: in him (2 Cor 5:21). By seeking the Spirit’s to profess and dispute that God works the taught that Christ is the bond of union presence to make our worship a taste of conversion of a sinner by the irresistible between believers and the Father by the ‘It belongs, therefore, to our present design heaven on earth as the down payment of grace of his Spirit if I was never acquainted Spirit. One of his favourite passages used to give a brief account of the glory of the our purchased possession (Eph 1:14). experimentally with the deadness and to illustrate this point was Ephesians worship of God, and wherein it excels all utter impotency to do good, that opposition 2:18: ‘Through him, we come to the Father, other ways of divine worship that ever What are you looking for in public worship? to the law of God that is in my own by one Spirit.’ This teaching leads us to were in the world, even that under the Old Are you seeking to know God better or to soul by nature, with the efficacy of the depend on the Father who planned our Testament, which was of divine institution, feel better about yourself? Knowing God is exceeding greatness of the power of God salvation, the Son who purchased it, and wherein all things were ordered for knowing the Father, through the Son, by in quickening, enlightening, and bringing the Spirit who applies it as we live the beauty and glory. The express object of it the Spirit. God’s Tri-unity should enrich our forth the fruits of obedience in me? It is Christian life (Eph 1:3-14). is God, not as absolutely considered, but experience in worship by building on how as existing in three persons, of Father, Son, God reveals himself in the gospel. This also and Holy Spirit. This is the principal glory helps to secure the gospel in the church by 3 John Owen, Vindiciae Evangelicae, The Works of John Owen, D.D., ed. William H. Goold, 24 vols. of Christian religion and its worship … thinking of the gospel in terms of the work (Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1850), 12:52. 4 This material is summarised from Ryan M McGraw, ‘John Owen on the Study of Theology’, The Confessional Presbyterian 6 (2010): 180–95. 5 Owen, Works, Vol.2. 6 Owen, ‘The Chamber of Imagery of the Church of Rome Laid Open’, Works, 8:556-557.

28 rt rt September - October 2016 29 of divine persons, especially of What are you within us. By trusting in the onward and upward in his life (Phil 3:12-16). Father. Anything less will not only be Christ, instead of merely a list looking for in Spirit, he states famously, ‘Be Some have noted that Owen’s version of forgotten, but it has no value. The end of of benefits that we receive from public worship? killing sin or sin will be killing the beatific vision stands out from that of the entire matter is that we must fear God God. Worshipping the Triune Are you seeking you.’8 Mortification is possible some other authors because he insisted and keep his commands, for this is the God on the Lord’s Day enables us to know God only through union with Christ that we will see God primarily through the whole duty of man (Eccl 12:13). We can do better to live to the Triune God better or to feel in his death and resurrection incarnate Christ for ever.10 so only by loving the Father who loved us from Monday through Saturday. better about (Rom 6:5-14). While chapters 7-14 and gave his Son for us that we might be yourself? of the book provide nine rules His clearest treatment of this subject comes built together into a temple of God by the Owen teaches us to kill sin for putting sin to death, Owen at the end of his book on The Glory of Christ, Spirit. in communion with the reminds us that mortification which is found in volume one of his Works. Triune God comes primarily through If readers want a suggestion as to where to Conclusion Many people have heard of Owen’s book, exercising faith in Christ by the Spirit’s start reading Owen, then this book is one Why has the Trinity become irrelevant to The Mortification of Sin. This originated as power.9 of the best choices. He wrote it to help his the faith and life of so many Christians? Is a series of sermons preached to teenage congregation meditate on Christ’s glory it because, to some extent, God has become students at Oxford in the 1650s. Owen This should make us do some serious better. I will not explore this book here, but irrelevant to our Christianity? Our chief end based this work on Romans 8:11-13, which soul-searching. Do you treat the gospel as I note simply that a Christ-focused beatific is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. says, ‘But if the Spirit of him who raised a 12-step programme or as living by the vision keeps God as the goal of our theology. We must do all things to God’s glory (1 Cor Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he Spirit? How do you stop mistreating your Christ mediates the knowledge of God in 10:31) and we must do so by doing all things who raised Christ from the dead will also wife or neglecting your children because heaven as well as on earth (2 Cor 3:17-18; thankfully in Christ’s name to the Father’s give life to your mortal bodies through you love Christ? Does your desire to honour 4:6). The Spirit enables us to behold the glory glory (Col 3:17). We must worship the God his Spirit who dwells in you. Therefore, the Father outstrip your love for sin? Start of God in the face of Jesus Christ in this who is spirit in Spirit and in truth (John brethren, we are debtors – not to the flesh, meditating on the presence and glory of the life to some degree. Eternal life consists in 4:24). While Owen’s legacy was not apparent to live according to the flesh. For if you live Triune God and the magnitude of Christ’s knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ during his lifetime, he continues to help according to the flesh you will die; but if love and suffering in order to make the whom he has sent (John 17:3). Believers believers through his writings to bring their by the Spirit you put to death the deeds steps you take to kill sin more effective. enjoy this life now in part, but in heaven knowledge of the glory of this God and of of the body, you will live.’ Most people We need more meditation on the presence they will experience it in its fullness. his saving power to greater heights and in who read this book are looking for a list and glory of God in our lives in order to see practical expressions. We need the Trinity of things to do in order to gain victory greater changes in every area of life. Owen’s theology begins with a Trinitarian to help us change diapers, go to class, do our over particular sins in their lives. What knowledge of God. It ends with knowing maths, and balance our work and play to most overlook is that Owen argues that Owen teaches us to anticipate the Father, through his Son, by his Spirit the glory of God. The great value of Owen’s mortification does not really begin until communion with the Triune God in through seeing Christ as he is. This is the teaching is that it helps us not simply to we learn to exercise faith in Christ to kill glory goal of Christian faith and life and it should depend on God generally and vaguely, but to our indwelling sin.7 Keeping this point in This theme takes us to what older authors give us focus in everything that we do. depend on each divine person particularly. view prevents moralism in the Christian referred to as the beatific vision. The This brings us back to the beginning of this This is precisely the kind of God-centred life and it promotes success in serving sight of God in glory is both blessed and essay. We must learn what God would have revolutionary truth that our churches need

God. As usual the Trinity grounded his transformative. By seeing Christ, we us do with our lives by studying Scripture so desperately today. ■ instructions in the gospel. ultimately become like Christ, which prayerfully. The Spirit teaches us how to do it through faith in Christ. We must engage Ryan M McGraw is Professor of Systematic affects what kind of lives we should want Theology at Greenville Presbyterian Owen reminds readers that mortification to live now (1 John 3:1-2). Desiring to know in our labours, child-rearing, homemaking, Theological Seminary. He has written several is possible only through the Spirit at work Christ better is what drove Paul to press education, and everything else that we do books, including two on John Owen. He is in a godly way that honours our heavenly married to Krista and they have four children.

7 Owen, The Mortification of Sin in Believers, Works, 6:79. 10 Suzanne McDonald, ‘Beholding the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ: John Owen and the ‘Reforming’ of the 8 Owen, Mortification, Works, 6:9. 9 Owen, Mortification, Works, 6:78. Beatific Vision’, in The Ashgate Research Companion to John Owen’s Theology (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012), 141–58.

30 rt rt September - October 2016 31 Michael A G Haykin material preached during the 1650s and For Owen this text made it abundantly both of which today can be found in clear that the believer has a constant duty volume 6 of Owen’s collected works. to engage in the putting to death of the sin that still indwells his mortal frame. But Though our technological and historical equally important for Owen was the fact circumstances are very different from that this verse revealed that such a duty is John Owen those of the Puritan era, the hearts of men only possible in the strength that the Holy and women have not changed. Indwelling Spirit supplies, for he alone is ‘sufficient sin, now as then, is an ever- for this work’. In essence, the present reality, as Owen details Holy Spirit employs all of our in these works. In fact, Owen In human powers in the fight Puritan Advocate for Fighting Sin argues that sin lies at the heart sanctifying against sin. In sanctifying us, of even believers’ lives, and, us, Owen Owen insists, the Spirit works if not resisted by prayer and insists, the ‘in us and with us, not against In the providence of God the last few Owen’s Puritan convictions naturally led meditation, will slowly but Spirit works us or without us’. Owen would decades have witnessed a massive him to sympathise with those fighting surely eat away zeal for and ‘in us and rightly regard those today who with us, not resurgence of interest in the Puritans, and against the monarch, Charles I, who was a delight in the things of God. talk about ‘letting go and letting central in this resurgence have been the staunch defender of the state church. The against us God’ take care of the believer’s or without works of John Owen (1616–1683), who was initial victors in these struggles were the sins as unbiblical. Yet, he is very Of Temptation, the second of us. described by some of his contemporaries as Puritans, who ruled much of Great Britain these works, is essentially an much aware that sanctification the ‘Calvin of England’. Indeed, Owen is to during the 1650s. exposition of Matthew 26:41 is also a gift. This duty, he be placed alongside such theological giants (‘Watch and pray, that ye enter rightly emphasises, is only as Augustine, Luther, Calvin, and Edwards During this time of political turmoil Owen not into temptation’). Owen accomplished through the Holy as one of the great biblical mentors when himself had been offered the pastorate enumerates four seasons in which believers Spirit. Not without reason does it comes to theology and evangelical in the village of Fordham, five miles or so must exercise special care that temptation Owen then lovingly describe the Spirit as spirituality. from Colchester in Essex in 1643. Owen not lead them away into sin: times of ‘the great beautifier of souls’. was here until 1646 when he became outward prosperity, times of spiritual Born in 1616, Owen grew up in a godly, the minister of the church at Coggeshall, coldness and formality, times when one In a day when significant sectors of Puritan household. In the 1630s he went to some five miles away. Here, as many as has enjoyed rich fellowship with God, evangelicalism are characterised by study at Oxford, first for his BA and then two thousand people would crowd into and times of self-confidence, as in Peter’s spiritual superficiality and torpor, and for his MA. It was a tumultuous time for the church each Lord’s Day to hear Owen affirmation to Christ, ‘I will not deny thee’ godliness is not normally a major topic any who adhered to the Puritan cause, preach, a clear indication of his ability (Matthew 26:35). The remedy that Owen of interest, these books are like a draught as Puritan leaders were becoming more to preach. Owen’s gifts as a preacher and emphasises is prayer. Typical of Puritan of water in a dry and thirsty land. They vocal in their criticism of the unbiblical theologian were recognised later in the pithiness is his remark in this regard: ‘If remind us of the great spiritual heritage patterns of theological thought and 1640s by none other than Oliver Cromwell we do not abide in prayer, we shall abide in that we possess as Reformed Evangelicals. Even more significantly, they challenge us worship of their mother church, the Church (1599–1658), a rising star in the world of cursed temptations.’ of England. The response to this criticism Puritan politics, who eventually appointed to recover the biblical priority of a godly life. on the part of the Anglican leadership was Owen as the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford The first work, Of the Mortification of Sin in to employ the power of the state to try to University. It was during this decade of Believers, is in some ways Owen’s richest Michael A G Haykin is Professor of Church History silence dissenting voices and bring about Puritan ascendancy that Owen wrote two discussion of the mortification of sin. This & Biblical Spirituality, and Director of The uniformity of belief. The ultimate result of of his spiritual classics: Of the Mortification treatise was based on a series of sermons Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies (www., The Southern Baptist this clash of perspectives was the English of Sin in Believers (1656), and Of Temptation on Romans 8:13 (‘If ye through the Spirit do Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, and Civil Wars which lasted from 1642 to 1651. (1658), both of which were based on sermon mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live’). Associate Editor of Reformation Today.

32 rt rt September - October 2016 33 John Owen / Josh Monroe not only the famous theologian working of it, from them who think such defects to safeguard his name, but also a more blameworthy. These things I could not but sordid side of the 17th-century publishing acquaint the reader withal, that he may business. look for no more in these sermons, but The Epistle to what he might have found in the constant Note: instances of archaic 17th-century ministry of the reverend author. spelling have been modernised. Paragraph the Reader' divisions have been introduced to make But yet I must say, upon their perusal, In Joseph Caryl, Owen’s text easier to read. that take them under the circumstances mentioned, they give no ill or The Nature and Principles of Love, Christian Reader disadvantageous account of the ordinary as the End of the Commandment These sermons were preached by the labours and endeavours of this eminent reverend author of them a little while minister of the gospel. Thus did Mr. Caryl (London, 1673) before his entrance into rest. I cannot use to preach, sometimes twice, sometimes learn that the occasions of them were thrice in the week, always showing himself extraordinary or that he had any design in a workman that needed not to be ashamed. Transcribed and introduced by Josh Monroe them beyond that which accompanied the And if I mistake not whoever shall consider ordinary course of his ministry; much less these sermons with sobriety, candour and The student of history will occasionally Holmby House in 1647, and service as a a purpose to publish them, or conceiving judgment, as part of his constant labours, stumble upon something that is as chaplain to the commissioners of Scotland them either more useful or more needful, will readily acknowledge, what rich and surprising as it is delightful. Such is the in 1648 and 1651. He even refused the or more laboured than the rest of his excellent talents he was entrusted with, case with this work of John Owen, which deanship of Christ Church, Oxford in 1651, constant and frequent exercises in the and how the great reputation which his is one of nearly thirty extant prefaces that just before the position was offered to and same kind. Neither did he leave any such ministry had for so many years in the Owen wrote for the works of other men and taken by our author, John Owen. copy of them as might be helpful towards church of God,was no way undeserved. which have never been reprinted since the such an end. But they were taken from seventeenth century. The work to which Most of Owen’s prefaces are exactly his mouth by the diligence of a dexterous For my accession to this work in a this preface is affixed is a posthumous what one would expect: thoughtful hand, who at first designed nothing but prefatory discourse, it arose merely from publication of a few sermons by Joseph commendations, usually brief, of both his own use and edification by them; until the importunity of the publisher and Caryl (1602-1673), who was himself quite the work and its author. Such would be observing how soon after the preaching of bookseller, as they both well know, and well known and somewhat of a paradox. expected in this preface, especially as it them, God was pleased to call him off from will acknowledge; wherein I see nothing Caryl left a full thirty-four volumes of was a posthumous publication of Joseph his painful labour in his vineyard, and myself of use or advantage, but only that I his sermons and he was the second Caryl’s final sermons. Surprisingly, Owen’s so to cut short all expectations of farther may render satisfaction to the reader, that most requested preacher to the House of commendation in this case is almost administrations of truth and grace, by the he is not imposed upon by any spurious Commons during his lifetime. Yet in the perfunctory. The remaining paragraphs trust and dispensation committed unto offspring fathered on so great and worthy 1640s he was identified as a moderate serve notice not to those interested in him; he resolved to make them public, for a name. Somewhat also I was inclined Independent who preached in favour of Joseph Caryl, but to those who had been the good and benefits of others. And as unto a compliance with their desires, that I treating a tender conscience with liberality publishing works in Owen’s name that herein he followed his own inclination might make use of this advantage a little to and who, though opposing presbyterial Owen had not written. This self-vindication and judgment; so if anything be found in declare how I have been treated by others ordination, served as a licenser of religious comprises two thirds of the preface. Therein these discourses as to phrase of speech, or in things of this nature. works and as one of the triers of elders. He lay the surprise and delight of this work; manner of expression, not answering that also enjoyed several other appointments, while expecting a kind and tidy eulogy accuracy, which this author was known Not long since came forth some sermons including the rectory of St. Magnus the (which is present) we find attached to that to have used in all his writings published of a worthy person now also at rest with Martyr, London, service to King Charles at eulogy Owen’s own indignation. We glimpse by himself; he alone must bear the blame God, with an Epistle prefixed unto there,

34 rt rt September - October 2016 35 many false and fierce accusations which after his return; but had indeed with one of late hath stuffed his scandalous another person that ceremony of respect writings withal, there is none which seems shewed unto him sometime before in that more accommodated to his purpose, than university, not by J O but by E R [Edward my composing or subscribing a paper Reynolds] now Lord Bishop of Norwich. published about the year 1658 containing the proposals and desires of the subscribers But I crave the reader’s pardon for this with respect to public affairs. This paper diversion especially, having turned aside the man lighting on, supposing he had into a dirty road, wherein there is not obtained a mighty advantage by finding anything of Christian sobriety, or common the letters of my name, or my name itself ingenuity from first to last to be found. set unto it, he rageth, and challengeth, Yet what violences have been offered and triumpheth in somewhat a peculiar unto the sacred truths of the gospel in manner, though that be difficult for him to important articles of faith, and other do. Yet all this while I have just reason to things scandalous to Christian religion, believe, that he knew the paper was none will in another way be called to an account, of mine, that indeed I had no concernment as some of them have been already; in it; for as the things contained in it were whereunto a return may be expected of directly contrary to my known and avowed raging and bestial calumnies, and no other. principles both then and now: so it was Here I shall not farther indispose the reader always notoriously known, that it was unto the serious perusal and improvement another person who without any forgery of the ensuing spiritual discourses, wherein could use that name, whose subscription there is more worth and use, more that will it was, as will be acknowledged by the turn unto a refreshing account at the last survivors of the subscribers. I confess day, than in a thousand clamorous contests when the paper itself was first brought to managed with pride and passion, whatever Front page me (as it was by a learned person now in pretences they may be gilded withal. the University of Oxford) I expressed some whereunto some letters of my name were to an English Concordance which he had indignation against it; as supposing that I That he who ministered this seed to the subscribed. This occasioned a person at that newly published; and no sooner had I done had been then dealt withal, as I have been sower, would multiply the seed sown, time (for I hope he is since grown wiser) it, but in the Catalogue of Books printed of late, by putting my name unto what and give it an increase in the fruits of designing a reputation in buffoonery, to the last term the Concordance itself is I was no way concerned in. But quickly righteousness among them that through publish a reviling letter to me, or against represented as completed, finished, and hearing that he who had subscribed that his providence shall be made partakers of me about that Epistle, which I wrote no published by me, who never added nor name, had right so to do; it being his own as it, is the prayer of more than he did himself; nor do believe altered one word or syllable to it, nor in it. well as mine, (though I find since also that had known to this day, either of Book or there was in it, some intention to deceive) Thy Servant in the work of the gospel, Epistle, had I not heard of it from him, And having now thus far diverted I gave neither him nor myself any trouble John Owen. and some other likeminded with him. But from the present occasion, I shall crave about it. In like manner the same author he seemed to have had a design, towards leave of the reader, to proceed a little affirms, that some persons at their return whole accomplishments, that practice further in an account of one or two other from their conquest at Ireland, were made Joshua Monroe, originally from Amarillo, Texas, lives in Louisville, Kentucky. He holds was judged necessary. Lately also, the disingenuities of the like kind, taken out doctors at Oxford by J O whereas one of both a Master of Divinity and a Master importunate solicitations of a bookseller from a numberless heap of impudent the persons mentioned, never came out of of Theology from The Southern Baptist prevailed with me to write a short Epistle untruths and calumnies. Among those Ireland; and the other never came to Oxford Theological Seminary.

36 rt rt September - October 2016 37 1 First Civil War comes to an end 1648

John Owen Timeline Charles I executed; England is As Oliver Cromwell’s chaplain, declared a Commonwealth 1649 Owen travels to Ireland Matthew Barrett Owen appointed preacher to the Council 1650 of State and a chaplain to Cromwell with the expedition to Scotland 1616 Birth of John Owen to Rev Henry Owen appointed Dean of Christ Owen and his wife Hester Church, Oxford University 1651

James I succeeded by Charles I 1625 Owen appointed Vice-Chancellor 1652 of Oxford

1626 Owen begins grammar school Cromwell dissolves Parliament and is Owen awarded an honorary DD 1653 appointed Lord Protector from Oxford Owen enters Oxford University 1628 Owen opposes the offer of 1657 the crown to Cromwell

1629 Charles I dissolves Parliament Owen takes a leading role 1658 Death of Cromwell (3 September) at the Savoy Assembly William Laud becomes Puritans leave for New England and 1630 Owen leaves Christ Church and Chancellor of Oxford are led by John Winthrop Monarchy restored under Charles II 1660 Oxford (March); lives at Stadhampton 1632 Owen graduates BA Act of Uniformity seeks to impose Anglican uniformity; two thousand 1662 Puritan ministers ejected on St. Laud appointed Archbishop 1633 Bartholomew’s Day (24 August); Owen Conventicle Act prohibits Nonconformist of Canterbury 1664 moves to Stoke Newingtom pastors from preaching Owen awarded MA; begins 7-year The Great Plague kills many in London; 1635 1665 BD programme Five Mile Act prohibits Nonconformist ministers from returning to parishes Owen leaves Oxford University The Great Fire in London destroys 1637 1666 much of the city (1640–1653) Limited religious freedom granted by 1640 convenes 1672 Declaration of Indulgence The start of the English Civil War; Union of Owen’s church with that of Owen moves to London 1642 Joseph Caryl; congregation now meets 1673 and gains assurance of salvation. Owen takes up pastorate in in Leadenhall Street, London 1643 Fordham, Essex; Owen marries 1675 Death of Owen’s first wife, Mary Mary Rooke (c1618–1676); Laud executed; decisive Westminster Assembly convenes Battle of Naseby 1645 Owen marries Dorothy D’Oyley 1676

Owen preaches before Parliament Inducted as vicar of Coggeshall, Essex 1646 1683 Death of Owen (24 August); buried in (April 29) Owen becomes a Congregationalist Bunhill Fields (4 September) Westminster Confession of Faith 1647 1 From Matthew Barrett and Michael A.G. Haykin, Owen and the Christian Life: Living for the Glory of God in Christ completed (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2015), used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187,

38 rt rt SeptemberSeptember - OctOctoberober 2016 39 Invitation to Carey Conference 2017

Details of the Speakers and Addresses:

Leonardo De Chirico planted and pastored a church Ian Fry is Families Minister at St. Ebbe’s Church, in Ferrara from 1997, and is currently the pastor of Oxford. Prior to this he established the Youth and Breccia di Roma, a church that he helped plant in Children’s Ministry Course at Oak Hill College 2009. His PhD was on Roman Catholicism, and he has and helped set up Contagious which he and his After written A Christian’s Pocket Guide to the Papacy. He is founding partners – Pete Woodcock and Trevor a lecturer of Historical Theology at IFED in Padova, Pearce – fondly call a Bible-boot camp. ‘What Italy, the Director of the Reformanda Initiative, and must we do with the next generation? The biblical the leader of the Rome Scholars Network (RSN). Dr De call to ensure the next generation is taught the Darkness, Chirico will bring three papers to help us understand ways of God coupled with this being the prime contemporary Roman Catholicism. What is their responsibility of parents has been lost in the current teaching on Justification, and have differences evangelical world. Thankfully this is now being now been settled on this issue? What should we recovered as churches recognise that evangelism is Light: make of Pope Francis and his seemingly evangelical best done through discipleship – as Jesus himself language, speaking of mission, gospel, and conversion? commanded in Matthew 28.’ Programme: And what happened at Vatican II (1962-65); what does Carey Ministers John Benton has been pastor of Chertsey it mean and what impact is it having on Rome? Conference Tuesday 3 January Street Baptist Church, Guildford, for the past 36 »» Paul Gibson: Martin Luther Rupert Bentley-Taylor was born into a missionary years. He is also Managing Editor of the monthly 2017 »» Leonardo De Chirico: Justification family and lived as a child in the Far East where he Christian newspaper Evangelicals Now. ‘God doesn’t in current Roman Catholic teaching came to faith. He taught history for six years and always choose regular men as leaders. Sometimes then went on to serve as a pastor for 30 years, firstly he opts for characters who are flawed, unusual » Women’s track: Linda Allcock » in Bournemouth and then in Bath. He also served for and not those that the church would automatically »» Rupert Bentley-Taylor: three years as the very last FIEC President, and his light upon. What if we are men like that? Samson’s Power of the Word ministry of preaching and teaching includes preaching life is such a mess we can barely believe he is a training in North India over many years. He and his child of God. Yet Hebrews 11 assures us he is. We 2017 is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther posting Wednesday 4 January wife, Margie, are currently involved in a new church, can’t possibly hold him up as an example of virtue his 95 theses on the church door in Wittenburg, which »» Leonardo De Chirico: Emmanuel Church, in Bath. Rupert will preach twice, to follow. But what might we learn about ourselves marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Pope Francis: The Joy of the Gospel? expounding the positive messages of the Reformation: as we consider his life?’ Many say that the ‘Power of the Word’, and the ‘Power of the Gospel’. What is the significance of this for today? »» Ian Fry: The Next Generation Linda Allcock studied at Oxford, where she met the Reformation was a mistake, and that we should re-unite »» Q&A Paul Gibson taught history at a secondary school in Jonty. After seven years in ministry at Enfield with the Church of Rome. They suggest that the Roman »» John Benton: Grace for flawed Maidenhead before training for Christian ministry at Evangelical Free Church they planted Bush Hill Catholic Church has now changed, and historic differences leaders – lessons from the Oak Hill Theological College. Since 2013 he has been Park Community Church in 2008, before moving in serving as Pastor of Wheelock Heath Baptist Church in 2015 to Central London to plant The Globe Church. should be forgotten. Leonardo De Chirico joins us at the psychology of Samson. south Cheshire. ‘Martin Luther: Great Reformer, Man of Together they have led one of the Contagious Conference to bring his insights on the current Pope, Roman Thursday 5 January Weakness. On the 500th anniversary of Luther’s Ninety- Bible Camps since 2000. Linda speaks at various Catholic teaching on Justification, and the significance of »» Leonardo De Chirico: Five Theses we rightly remember how God used him conferences including the London Ministry Wives Vatican II. What Happened at Vatican II? mightily in the Reformation. Yet Luther himself faced conference, and the London Women’s Convention. many struggles and much weakness in his Christian ‘Being a Christian in a corrupt culture, it’s easy to »» Women’s track – Linda Allcock life. What can we learn for life and ministry today from feel overwhelmed by needs, pressures and anxiety. Positively, what are the enduring principles which underlie »» Rupert Bentley-Taylor: Luther’s experience of the Christian life and how he The book of Titus is a clear and refreshing reminder the Reformation? We are delighted to welcome Rupert Power of the Gospel understood his experience theologically?’ that only knowledge of the truth leads to godliness.’ Bentley-Taylor to the Carey, who will be preaching on the themes of the ‘Power of the Word’ and the ‘Power of the Gospel’. Venue: Please, Join: Booking: The Hayes Conference Centre, Please plan to join us for the Carey Conference You can book and pay online via the website: Linda Allcock will be leading the women’s track, teaching the Swanwick, Derbyshire DE55 1AU in Swanwick, UK 3rd – 5th January 2017. or by sending payment book of Titus and demonstrating the abiding relevance of Tel: 01773 526000 God’s word and the message of grace in an ungodly culture. (cheques payable to ‘Carey Conference’) to: Paul Gibson will give a biography of Martin Luther; the Pastors and their wives are warmly welcomed, Lois Collier, The Manse, 47 Long Street, remarkable testimony of a flawed man greatly used in Cost: along with all men and women involved in Great Ellingham, Norfolk NR17 1LN the purposes of God. John Benton will speak to us on the Full conference: £165 Christian ministry and leadership. Contact Us: flaws of Christian leaders today, drawing lessons from Bible college students: £120 the psychology of Samson. And Ian Fry will bring us the (Additional lunch on arrival £6.50) For full details of the conference venue, W: contemporary challenge of raising a new generation which Day visitors are also welcome, facilities and programme please refer to our E: [email protected] delights in the glory of God. please see the website for details. website: T: 01953 453347

40 rt rt September - October 2016 41 News Reflections on Recent African Pastors’

India Conferences in Zambia Pastor D Stephenson has sent us the following report about the A Report by Cary G Kimbrell Reformed Baptist Fellowship of India and the recent conference that was held.

I preached in both Ndola and Lusaka, growing throughout the day, which has bringing five messages in two days on been typical in my experience in Africa. This the general subject of the Church. Three was my second time to be in Zambia. I was other messages were delivered by Pastor there a year earlier with APCs. The pastors Newton Chilingulo in Ndola and by Pastor and church teachers who were there really Emmanuel Mpeni in Lusaka. Also, along received the messages well, seeming eager with the preaching, a vital part of the to learn about what the church is and how conference was the selling of good and Christ builds his church. Their interest was sound theological books. APC is able to sell maintained, and maybe even grew, as the the books at greatly, almost ridiculously, subject of preaching was broached. Almost reduced prices because of the subsidies every person in the congregation keenly of generous donors. If the books were not gave his attention to the preaching, many so discounted, they would be out of the of them showing genuine excitement at financial reach of almost all, if not all, of the hearing these subjects. In 2010 twelve Baptist churches in Tamil Nadu which have the same faith have consented participants. to start a fellowship called the Reformed Baptist Fellowship of India (RBFI). Every May Between the sessions they continuously there will be an annual family conference for our fellowship. This last one was our 6th I joined the team on Monday morning in perused the stock of books and bought annual conference with more than 175 people attending. Ndola. Johan Grobler, a South African, and them, never less than five persons standing Markus Pilz, a young Austrian, drove from before Markus as he helped them with their Aims: Speakers: Our ministry: Johannesburg beginning on Wednesday, purchases. Both Markus and Johan did a Our chief aim is to Dr David Elangovan, pastor Every month for one year, I take 8 June, and were joined by Newton and great job managing and selling the books. uphold the 1689 of Reformed Baptist Church, special theology classes for 200 pastors Emmanuel in Lusaka on Friday night, Confession of Salem, spoke on the subject (who are basically from Pentecostal 10th June. They went to Ndola on Saturday. It continued at the same pace the second Faith, to spread of the Work of the Holy and Charismatic backgrounds) in Dr George Palo met them and took them to day as well. The attitude toward the the doctrines Spirit. different places like Kadayampatti, a missionary housing compound in Ndola. preaching and the zeal for buying books of grace in our Pastor Johnnelson, from Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri, Omalur, They stayed there and it was at this venue did not diminish at all, maybe even State, to promote Engleden Gospel Church, Oothankarai, Kamuthi and Pudukottai that I met them on Monday, after Dr Palo increasing. Pastor Newton Chilingulo Reformed Coonoor, spoke on the districts. Once in two months, we met me at the airport. This team was quite preached well his assigned topics even literature in our subject of false prophets. have our RBFI pastors meet at Salem. international, made up of men from four though, because of time restraints, he had own language Pastor D Stephenson, pastor During January we have our RBFI countries and three continents. to trim his last message since Bethel City Tamil and to plant of Evangelical Baptist pastors family conference at Madurai. Church, our host, had to turn the building churches based Church, Madurai, spoke on Kindly pray for our ministries and In Ndola the crowd started small, but grew around quickly for a meeting they were on this faith. the subject of Tithing. literature work. as the first session started and continued having later that afternoon.

42 rt rt September - October 2016 43 We quickly started the certificate ceremony, ready. It was as smooth as any correction I was concerned at first about the process presenting a certificate to each participant. have seen. The next day they adjusted and saying that he could not preach with such This is a very important event for the had two distribution points and fed the large a distraction at the left of the pulpit, but I Zambian pastors, I was told. We also took crowd in less time than the day before with said, ‘I can.’ So we did, and it worked out the group picture with me being the only plenty of food. wonderfully well. It was very respectful non-African in the bunch. The number and even reverent in spirit. It allowed

of registrants in Ndola was forty-eight, Pastor Kimbrell preaching We also had a slight problem with the book us to make double use of the time. The though we had prepared for eighty. The purchases. The queues were long and the preaching times were unusual. The energy turnout was disappointing, but we were the pastor, Daniel Daika and his wife. They time was too short for the purchases. The was flowing from both directions, pulpit happy for the ones who were there. They were so pleased to host the conference and, book area was just off the pulpit to the to pew, pew to pulpit. At times I felt as if I were receptive and appreciative. together with the members of the church, left and the queues, if not adjusted, would had left the pulpit and became a part of the had spent many hours organising it. They have to stretch in front of the preacher as congregation, as eager to hear what would Then it ended as quickly as it began. We walked us through the facility, asking if he was delivering his message. At first we be said as those who were listening to the loaded the remaining books and went to it was suitable. I had never experienced had to call them away from the purchasing preaching. Quite an experience! I have the place where we were staying, preparing in my limited time with APC such precise process. We later thought it would be better experienced this in other preaching times to ride to Lusaka to start all over again on administration from the host church. The to start each session with a chorus to alert in my life, and maybe all preachers do, but Thursday 16th June, minus Newton who had other hosts were good; this was excellent. the people that the service was about to it was extraordinary here. The power of a flight back to his home, Lilongwe, Malawi, start without having to bluntly call them the Spirit was palpable. Everything was for a prior engagement. After the meeting with the host church, away from the table. flowing well, no confusion, no frustrations, Johan, Markus, and Emmanuel were no arrogant displays of pride, all working Dr Palo asked me if I could speak at a taken to their accommodations at St Paul Oh my! What singing! Pastor Daniel led it as a team with one heart to the glory of our Pastors’ fraternal meeting on Wednesday Presbyterian Church. Again, they were met with his beautiful voice and the singing God and his Christ, our Lord. morning before we departed for Lusaka. by a deacon from St Paul who personally was almost angelic to my ear. Though some The team agreed to stay until 10.00 am so I showed the men to their rooms and of the songs were in Bemba, which I could On the first day after I had preached, one of could speak to the fraternal. At the meeting prepared them supper giving them a choice not understand, my heart was still stirred. the elders of the church, Gabriel, came to me there were about fifty in attendance. Again, of different menu items even though the It truly helped me in my preaching, setting and whispered that a woman outside would they were warm and receptive, praying hour was late. my heart ablaze. The people responded well like to speak to me. It puzzled me but I went for us as we departed, asking God to give to the musical call, but the problem of time thinking maybe someone was in distress of us safe travel and effectiveness in our On Thursday we began the conference on for purchasing was still there. I suggested soul. When I got outside there was a young ministry of the Word. time. Books were purchased and then the since getting the books in their hands was lady with a microphone and a man with a preaching began. The Zambians kept coming as important as getting the preaching in TV camera. They were from the National So after the fraternal meeting, off we and kept registering until the number their ears, that we should allow them to News Media and wanted to ask me about the went to Lusaka, a five-hour drive, arriving reached 220. We were all overwhelmed purchase during the sermons. They could significance of this meeting to the nation of around four. There we met Pastor Isaac and surprised at the number, but greater hear the sermons from the queue as well as Zambia. Pastor Makashinyi quickly came to Makashinyi at the Amanda Hill Mall in than the number was the spirit in the place. from the pew. my rescue, speaking much more eloquently downtown Lusaka, so he could guide us to No frustrations, no disappointments even about the meeting since he is a Zambian and the venue, Kamwala Reformed Church. This when, because of the number, we ran out of To keep the queue short, so it would not very familiar with the APC conferences. was the venue the local APC coordinator, food the ladies in the church had prepared. cover the preacher, the ushers would bring Lichawa Thole had set up, a wonderful No problem, Pastor Daniel had the ladies the participants by groups of five to the The young lady also asked me about choice and good job by Pastor Thole. to prepare more and announced within purchasing table. So they took the books the Zambian elections. I immediately minutes to the group that the five persons with them to their pew and then came confessed my ignorance of the political Once we arrived at Kamwala we were met by who had not gotten their meal could now when quietly and subtly called to the queue situation, but added that the Zambian an elder, Gabriel, a deacon, Gideon, and go to the kitchen because their meal was to finish their transactions. Pastor Daniel people should look at the lives of the

44 rt rt September - October 2016 45 candidates and not just listen to their At one moment during my last message, Subscriptions words. I also told her that God would raise we could hear Muslim prayers in the General Enquiries: Frederick Hodgson, 170 Coach Road, Sleights, Whitby, up the next president of Zambia, either to background from a nearby mosque. I had North Yorks., YO22 5EQ, UK, [email protected] bless the nation, or judge it. Incidentally, never experienced such, so I asked, ‘Are Subscribe Online: Readers can subscribe online from any location using a I did not see the report on television those Muslim prayers?’ Some in the crowd credit card – but was told it was aired on some radio said yes. I then said, ‘Well, let us drown out UK/Europe: Australia: stations. One never knows what doors the these Muslim prayers with praise to our Frederick Hodgson, Ray Levick Lord may open as one serves him and his Christ and with gospel preaching.’ Then 170 Coach Road, Sleights, Whitby, Unit 25, 61-67 Moverly Rd. people. No one could have planned this. I went right back to my previous point. North Yorks., YO22 5EQ, UK Maroubra 2035, Australia e: [email protected] e: [email protected] Many in the crowd seemed shocked that (£16 for 1-year subscription) ($25 for 1-year subscription) The second day was as the first. It was a I would mention the prayers, but others New Zealand: Canada: delightful time in the Lord. The fellowship responded affirmatively to my request. Then Mrs Priscilla Drake Janice Van Eck was warm and the preaching times the prayers stopped at the mosque, but the 15A Steeple Drive, Pakuranga, 52 Paulstown Crescent, unusually attended with the power of praise to Christ and gospel truths in our Aukland 2010 Guelph, Ontario, N1G 5H7 the Spirit. As I ponder what happened, gathering did not. e: [email protected] e: [email protected] I am reminded that for each pastor in ($30 inc. airmail for 1-year subscription) ($30 for 1-year subscription) attendance there is the potential of I will not soon forget my time in Zambia. USA: South Africa: reaching about 100 people. Even though I want to thank the leaders of APC, and Tom Lutz Matthews Nkuna Edgewood Baptist Church, 13 Dick Muller Drive, Norkem Park, not everyone there was a pastor, if 200 all who worked so hard to make these Single copies: 3743 Nichol Avenue, Anderson, IN 46011 Gauteng, South Africa 1618, may be purchased. pastors were there, and they were moved to conferences possible, for inviting me to be e: [email protected] Tel +27 72 635 8282 In this case the cost share the truths of the messages with their a small part of what God is doing through or Chapel Library, e: [email protected] is one-sixth of the congregations, the potential impact could them. May he continue to give continual 2603 W. Wright St. Pensacola, FL 32505 Cheques to Birchleigh Baptist Church above cost. Postage e: [email protected] (specify – For RT subscription) be 20,000 souls. This was a magnificent and abiding blessings to APC as they lead is included, ($30 for 1-year subscription) (R120 for 1-year subscription) opportunity to impact Zambia with the conferences all over Eastern, Central, and but please note Reformed doctrines of gospel truth. Southern Africa for his glory. that we have to Singapore & Malaysia: Kenya: charge extra for Shalom Christian Media Naphtally Ogallo, Grace Baptist Church, airmail. A 1-year 8 New Industrial Road, Eldoret, PO Box 170-30100 Other APC News: Recent Conferences subscription has LHK3 Building Mob: +254 723 918 943 surcharge of £5.00 # 03-01, Singapore 536200 e: [email protected] if airmail delivery e: [email protected] (950 Ksh for 1-year, discount for 5+ Conferences have been held in No. Books Country LOCATION Delegates is required. ($35 for 1-year subscription) copies to one address) May in South Africa, Swaziland Sold & Free and in June in Zambia South Africa Hazyview 23 289 (see report by Pastor Cary South Africa Barberton 56 736 Donations Kimbrell above) for which we Swaziland Manzini 19 309 have received the following Donations to RT can be made anytime via the above agents. (UK taxpayers may use gift aid. Reformation Today is a registered UK charity – number 1017000). statistics (right). Zambia Ndola 48 904 Please make any cheques out to ‘Reformation Today’. Zambia Lusaka 224 2538 Donations to APC: These should be sent to Phil Roberts, 121Hartshill Road, Hartshill, The conference in Barberton Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 7LU. Cheques should be made out to ‘African Pastors’ Conferences’. was very encouraging and Could UK donors please let Phil Roberts know if they intend to use gift aid. showed an increase in the after the Q & A session to do so. Delegate numbers number of delegates. The in Manzini were down as the organiser’s email was Further Details delegates in Hazyview hacked and sadly, he lost his contacts just before the Further details about individual APC conferences are available from were very keen to ask more conference. The total number of books distributed since Phil Roberts ([email protected]) or questions and stayed behind the inception of APC in 2006 now stands at 83751. Frederick Hodgson ([email protected])

46 rt rt September - October 2016 47 After Darkness, Light: Carey Ministers Conference 2017

3-5th January 2017 The Hayes Conference Centre Swanwick, UK


ff Leonardo di Chirico, ff John Benton, ff Ian Fry, ff Linda Allcock, ff Paul Gibson, ff Rupert ff Bentley-Taylor

Further information:

Next Issue To Know God What is Faith?

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