Attendees: Councillors: Peter Hartop (Chair), Marjorie Pipe (Vice Chair), Matilda Boswell, Maxine Boswell and Annette Courtney Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer: Trevor Roff

Public: There were no members of the public in attendance Action 12/20 Parishioners Talk Time

A resident had expressed the view that the feature oak tree in the field adjacent to the junction of Memorial Lane and Radwell Road, Felmersham should be protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). Enquiries would be made with the Arboricultural Team at Borough Council about the status of the tree. PC

There had been recent incidents of fly-tipping at Stone Pits, Carlton Road, and this would be reported to the Bedford Borough Council Environmental Helpline. PC

13/20 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence had been received from Borough Councillor Doug McMurdo. Note

14/20 Declaration of Interests

There were no disclosures of interest in relation to Parish Council business. Note

15/20 Annual Parish Meeting

(a) Chairperson's Introduction

The Annual Parish Meeting is a Statutory Meeting of the Electorate of the Parish that is supposed to be held at least once per year between March 1 and June 1 (although the Chairman of the Parish Council or any six local electors may convene a parish meeting at any time). Note

The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity to look back on what has been achieved in the parish in the previous year, to celebrate successes, find out more about organisations that operate within the parish, and discuss issues and concerns within the parish. Parish meetings have a general power to discuss parish affairs and pass resolutions, but any resolutions passed are not binding on the Parish Council. However, the Parish Council would of course take such resolutions seriously as an indication of local feeling. Note

All local electors are entitled to speak and vote at the Annual Parish Meeting; others may attend but not speak or vote. Note


(b) Chairperson's Report

The Chairperson, Cllr. Hartop, delivered his report for 2019/2020 and, in doing so, re-emphasised that the Annual Parish meeting and this Chairman’s report for the Parish Council is about reviewing the last year, celebrating successes and hinting at areas of concern. He reported that, at this time last year, most Parish Councillors had either resigned or had notified that they would not seek re-election. Only 2 long standing Parish Councillors declared that they would seek re-election to the Parish Council. The Parish Clerk successfully persuaded Cllr. Jason Boswell to seek re-election and potentially avert an issue as no members of the public were willing to stand for election. The May 2019 Annual Meeting proceeded with the 3 existing Councillors re-appointed following an uncontested election. It was later evident that, throughout Bedford Borough, the majority of Parish Council elections were uncontested. Note

Throughout the year three parishioners have successfully been co-opted to stand as Parish Councillors. Firstly, Cllr. Matilda Boswell was welcomed at the July 2019 meeting when Cllr. Jason Boswell resigned citing uncertain work commitments; this still left the Parish Council just quorate going forward with three Parish Councillors. At the September 2019 meeting a returning former Cllr. Maxine Boswell, was welcomed back to the Parish Council after an absence of 4 years with numbers now up to 4 out of a possible 7. In November 2019, numbers increased to 5 with Cllr. Annette Courtney being co- opted. There are currently two representatives from Radwell and three from Felmersham, with two vacancies. As a result of former Parish Councillors resignations, and to simplify the number of portfolios, Trees, Grass cutting and Litter have been combined under one portfolio of Environment, and Highways and Traffic Issues have also been combined. Note

Cllr Hartop reported that, in the last 12 months, there has been no major issues within the boundaries of the Parish but that major planning issues on the Parish doorstep as a result of the Borough’s Local Plan 2030 are of major concern to many residents who feel that proposals are threatening the quality of life and aesthetic beauty of the Upper Ouse Valley. To this end the Borough Council Local Plan 2030 has provided considerable reading material requiring a lot of effort from Parish Councillors to digest and comment. Note

The Parish Council continues to support the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and particularly the Parish Clerk who has been vigilant in ensuring this project advances towards conclusion in a time of great uncertainty in the area. The Parish Council are looking forward to publication of the Neighbourhood Plan in the not too distant future. Note

The Parish Council has been vigilant in attempting to get resolution on issues as they have arisen throughout the year. Specifically:

 Pot holes and kerb damage continue to be a big source of complaint from parishioners and, in this regard, the badly displaced kerb stones near the bridge will require urgent repair. The unusually rough road surface in Felmersham Road, Radwell, that is caused by movement of concrete road slabs still requires remedying. Note


 Despite the Borough Council installing a height barrier at the Daisy Bank Picnic Site, there were two lengthy unwanted traveller encampments during April and May 2019. In reviewing the future of this facility, the Borough Council has been sympathetic to this Council’s proposals to change the use of the 0.8 acre picnic site to a community woodland/nature reserve. The Parish Council look forward to progress with this proposal throughout the year. Note

 Although the villages and verges appear tidier than in some previous years, the annual litter pick on Saturday 22 March 2020 will be an opportunity to ensure the parish goes into Spring in a pristine state. Note

 The Parish Council has a considerable acreage of grass which is cut regularly from the public purse and there have been only a few comments in the last year on the quality of the grass cutting. In terms of other ground maintenance issues, the hedges around the village play area and the Parish Burial Ground have been cut. Note

 There has been major capital expenditure in the past year on a Speed Indication sign positioned in The High Road and the installation of cost saving LED replacement lighting throughout the parish. Note

 With the exception of the period Daisy Bank Picnic Site was illegally occupied, recorded levels of crime in Radwell and Felmersham continue to be lower than many neighbouring parishes but the Parish Council and residents should all remain vigilant. Note

In closing, Cllr. Hartop took the opportunity to thank all the other Parish Councillors for their help, support and wisdom in undertaking these responsibilities on behalf of the community. He specifically thanked the Parish Clerk, Trevor Roff, for undertaking the duties in an expert, speedy and vigilant manner ensuring this Parish Council continues to be professionally run. Note

(c) Annual Report of the Village Hall Management Committee

The meeting received the report of the Village Hall Management Committee

for 2019/2020 and key issues during the year were identified as follows:

Committee Membership: The membership of the Committee has changed with the loss of two members, one due to changing of work commitments and another due to her sadly passing away earlier this year. Three new Committee members have, however, been recruited but they are not representatives from regular groups that hire the hall. The Committee has now agreed to send out a letter with the next termly invoices to request each hirer to send a representative to a meeting of the Committee at least once every quarter, or more often if they would find it beneficial. Note

Cleaning Service: A new cleaner, Rosemary Cheetham, has been appointed and she started duties in July 2019. Note


Playing Field Maintenance: In relation to the ongoing maintenance of the playing field, the Village Hall Committee are obtaining quotations to have the wooded surroundings to the play areas repaired or replaced and parts of the hedge reinstated with new bushes and a temporary fence to prevent it being broken down further. Once this exercise has been completed, it is intended that more bark will be delivered. The ROSPA inspection is due in May 2020. Note

Events: The Village Hall Committee organised one major fund-raising event during 2019/2020 which was the annual quiz. This was held on 30 November 2019, was well attended and made a profit of £818 for village hall funds. The Committee are discussing future events, with the potential of a summer event in addition to the annual quiz night. Note

Utilities: The school have yet to provide the Committee with invoices for utilities and, as such, payments are now 18 months in arrears. Invoices are due at the beginning of every term and, as such, the school have been requested to provide the invoices at the earliest opportunity. Note

Hire of Hall: The Committee has been looking at ways for the hall to be hired out more frequently. Whilst there are a number of week-day bookings, there is significant scope to utilise the hall better at weekends. Note

16/20 Approval of Minutes of Parish Council Meeting Held on 14 January 2020

The meeting considered the draft minutes of the last meeting. Note


The minutes of the meeting, held on 14 January 2020, were approved and signed as a correct record. PC

(Proposed by: Cllr. Courtney, Seconded by: Cllr. Maxine Boswell, All in favour) 17/20 Matters Arising

All matters arising were considered and updates provided as part of agenda items. Note

18/20 Reports

(a) Borough Councillor

Doug McMurdo, Borough Councillor, provided a detailed update on the following key issues:

(i) Bedford Borough Council Budget 2020/2021: The Borough Council determined its budget for 2020/2021 at its meeting on 5 February 2020. This sets out how the Borough Council will deliver vital day-to- day frontline services for local residents. From providing support and care for vulnerable adults and children, collecting the bins, maintaining roads and pavements, supporting local libraries, to maintaining the range of parks, the Council provides vital services across the Borough. Note


The proposals put forward looked at the funding provided for these important services and at how the Borough Council would tackle challenges such as increasing costs, an ageing population and greater demand for its services. The Borough Council is committed to providing a budget that provides the services residents and businesses expect, safeguards the most vulnerable, while working to keep Council Tax down with an increase of 1.85% for next year. Note

With increasing demand for social care for vulnerable adults, a growing elderly population and more people needing support for complex needs, Adults Services continues to take up the largest part of the Borough Council’s spending. Approximately 40% of the proposed total 2020/2021 budget of £132 million is set to be spent on Adults Services. To help fund this care, the proposals include applying the government’s Adult Social Care precept of 2% to Council Tax this year. Together the proposals mean an increase of less than £5 a month over the year for an average Band D property, or a total increase of £58.04. Note

(ii) Local Plan 2030: The Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030 was approved at the Full Council meeting on Wednesday 15 January 2020. The Local Plan 2030 sets out proposals for growth and development in Bedford Borough over the next decade. As well as allocations for the building of new homes, it also includes provision for jobs and the development of facilities such as schools, transport and shops to support new communities. The Borough Council will review the plan and either update it or issue a new one within three years of this adoption, in response to longer term projects such as the Oxford-Cambridge Arc. Note

(iii) East West Rail: It has been announced that East West Rail will be stopping at Bedford Midland station, connecting the town directly to Cambridge and Oxford. This ‘Central Section’ builds on the ‘Western Section’, connecting Oxford and Bicester with services through to Bedford. It is considered that the increased connectivity for the town Note will bring more opportunities to travel for work and leisure, as well as supporting economic growth and prosperity, attracting businesses and jobs. Recent modelling in the Bedford Borough Council Rail Strategy showed that East West Rail is forecast to bring over £20 million of additional economic activity to the Borough. This could be additional investment, businesses and jobs. Note

(iii) A6 : Following major works to the A6 past Wilstead, which have seen the entire stretch of road dug up, the drainage system replaced, and the road rebuilt, the road reopened on Monday 9 March 2020. This important route south of the town had begun to collapse and become too dangerous for normal road use. To ensure the long- term future of this road, the Borough Council decided to invest in completely rebuilding it. During the rebuild, it became clear that the existing pipe drainage system had not been fit for purpose and the ground had become saturated. Note


This meant that extra works were needed to strengthen the new road foundations. Over one kilometre of additional pipe was installed, and over 25,000 cubic metres of extra material was dug out and re-laid. Note

Following the re-opening of the main stretch of the A6, there will be a short three-week closure of the Luton Road, Wilstead junction with the A6 to complete the necessary tie-in works. Alternative bus services will operate during this period. This entire project is set to be complete by the end of March 2020. Note

(b) Police Crime Statistics

The Parish Council considered the crime statistics for January and February 2020 which identified three instances of crime during this period involving (i) the possession of controlled drugs in The High Road, Felmersham recorded on 31 January 2020, (ii) the theft of a motor vehicle in Marriotts Close, Felmersham recorded on 1 February 2020, and (iii) assault without injury in Tithe Barn, Felmersham recorded on 29 February 2020. Note

19/20 Update on Current Issues

(a) Communications

The Portfolio Holder, Cllr. Hartop, reported on the following communication related issues:

(i) Ouse News: Edited Highlights from Parish Council meetings are now regularly featuring in Ouse News albeit in black and white. These have and will be included as a separate sheet in the month’s edition following a Parish Council meeting. Note

(ii) General Parish Council Communication: There had been an instance recently whereby a hand-written note has been issued, purporting to be on behalf of the Parish Council. It is appropriate, therefore, to reaffirm that any such notices would need to get Parish Council approval and, as a general rule, unless a notice is on Parish Council letter-headed paper, it would not have been issued by the Parish Council. The Parish Council opposes actions that purport to represent the Parish Council position on matters of local interest or concern. Note

(b) Environment

The Portfolio Holder, Cllr. Hartop, reported on the following environment related issues:

(i) Daisy Bank Picnic Site: A proposal has been submitted to the Environmental Services Department of Bedford Borough Council for the re-designation of the Daisy Bank Picnic Site as a Community Nature Site/Woodland, and to allow the site to become the recipient of the majority of the 800 trees as part of the 800th anniversary project of St Marys Church, Felmersham.


Under the emerging proposal the Borough Council would retain the ownership of the site and the Parish Council would maintain the site with a view to provide acceptable growing conditions for the trees planted until the woodland becomes established and self-sustaining. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) and Parish Council would source and provide all the trees to be planted. It is proposed that trees would be restricted to native deciduous species (oak, beech, birch, field maple, rowan etc) with some native pine and larch. In addition to the Woodland Trust, individuals, local organisations and businesses have indicated their willingness to sponsor trees. A path through the site to a clear area overlooking the upper Great Ouse Valley could have a single picnic table and locally donated seats. Note

It has been proposed that a joint community venture be established between Bedford Borough Council, the Parish Council and the PCC. A survey would indicate which current trees are worth keeping. Hedges would be reinstated from the overgrown existing species. The project would involve reducing the vehicle parking area to 2 vehicles immediately adjacent to the entrance and surrounded by a ditch and banking of sufficient size to prevent vehicular incursions onto the remainder of the site.; the remainder of the site would be cultivated to accept tree plantings. If the Borough Council would be prepared to undertake the hard landscaping, community volunteer working parties would undertake removal of invasive low-quality trees and bushes, plant trees, tree protection and stakes and any other tasks to ensure the success of the project. If during the course of this project further fencing is indicated, this could be provided by the Parish Council. To prevent the immediate prospect of the travelling community occupying this site in the short term, the Borough Council would be requested to position large concrete blocks in the entrance until the more permanent measures indicated can be effected. No additional annual revenue costs for the Borough Council are envisaged from the emerging proposal. The Woodland Trust has offered 400 trees, protective sleeves and stakes for planting in November 2020. Note

The proposal from the Parish Council has been submitted to the Manager for Grounds Maintenance, Parks & Open Spaces at Bedford Borough Council, Alison Ivatt. This has been acknowledged and it has now been forwarded to the Property Services Department for their consideration and action. A response is awaited. Note

(ii) Community Litter Pick: The meeting were reminded that the annual litter pick was due to take place on Saturday 21 March 2020 between 10.00am and 12 noon. Participants are invited to meet at the bus stop on the village green in Felmersham and on the village green in Radwell. Note

(iii) Overgrown Vegetation: Several parishioners have complained or commented upon a few instances in Felmersham where overgrown shrubs and hedges are obstructing the highway, restricting the footpath or obliterating traffic signs. Note


Specific instances reported included the curtilage adjacent to Mistletoe Cottage, Grange Road; Manor Farm Cottage and Kingsmead, The Old Road; and Rose Cottage, The High Road. These instances would be reported to the Bedford Borough Council Environmental Helpline. PC

(iv) Green Bins: There have been several resident comments that that green bin collection service should commence earlier in future. It is evident that, because of full Green bins, Black bins are being used for “green waste”. The meeting considered that the Borough Council should be informed of the local rural feeling. It was relevant that the Borough Council had recently invited the Parish Council to help develop the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme and it was agreed that a review of the Green Bin service, with a view to extending recycling provision, should be submitted as a local concern/priority for consideration as part of the annual work programme. PC


That the update provided in respect of a range of environmental issues be acknowledged and that the actions taken or proposed be approved. PC

(c) Highways & Traffic Issues

The Portfolio Holder, Cllr. Pipe, reported on the following issues:

(i) New Gully: Borough Highways had notified the Parish Council that the work to adjust the frame of the incorrectly installed new gully outside Kingscoat Cottage in Grange Road, and to re-profile the area to allow an adequate cross fall, had originally been scheduled for completion during week commencing 27 January 2020 (minute 68/19(c) of the meeting held on 12 November 2019 refers). Borough Highways had subsequently advised that, due to flooding and gritting priorities during the recent periods of inclement weather, it had been necessary to reschedule the work, although the expectation was that it would take place during March 2020. The work, however, remains outstanding. Note

(ii) Radwell Road: Borough Highways have further investigated the kerb stone on Radwell Road (at the entrance to the private road) that is causing vehicle damage and had now confirmed that the quadrant kerb is to be replaced with 2 additional kerbing stones (minute 68/19(c) of the meeting held on 12 November 2019 refers). Borough Highways have been requested to provide a time frame but have been unable to programme the work as highway crews are working at maximum capacity dealing with a back log of priority work resulting from the recent adverse weather. Note

(iii) Moor End Road, Radwell: Borough Highways have raised a works order to repair the damaged kerbstone/verge at the junction of Moor End Road and Moor End Lane, Radwell (minute 07/20(c) of the meeting held on 14 January 2020 refers). Note


(iv) Village Green, Radwell: The Borough Council had confirmed responsibility for the boundary of the Village Green adjacent to the highway and had raised an order to extend the kerbing at this point given the steady and very considerable erosion of the Village Green that had occurred over time (minute 68/19(e) of the meeting held on 12 November 2019 refers). Despite requests, however, no update on the likely timescale for the work. Note

(v) Highway Maintenance Schemes: Borough Highways have confirmed that both Carlton Road and Radwell Road, Felmersham have been added to the list of schemes for resurfacing when capital funding is available (minute 43/19(c) of the meeting held on 9 July 2019 refers). Pending the availability of more substantial funding, Borough Highways have undertaken to arrange for any potholes to be filled on both roads at the earliest opportunity and also to look at the possibly some larger patching in the new financial year to seek to prolong the surface until full surfacing works can be arranged. Note

(vi) Gully Emptying: The Portfolio Holder has requested road cleansing and gully emptying given that drains are now completely covered with leaves and other waste. Borough Highways have indicated their intention to programme some road sweeping to precede attention to several areas of blocked drains. Note

(vii) Speeding Traffic: In response to the concerns at the continuing problem of speeding through the village of Radwell (minute 07/20(c) of the last meeting refers), had been monitoring speed in this location. Feedback from Bedfordshire Police would be sought, including the potential for organising speed radar checks in the area. PC


That the update provided in respect of a range of highway and transport issues be acknowledged and that the actions proposed be approved. PC

(d) Parish Assets

The Portfolio Holder, Cllr. Matilda Boswell, reported on the following issues:

(i) Entrance Gates: Quotations had been obtained for the preparation, undercoat and gloss of the entrance gates on the Felmersham/Radwell Road and an order had now been placed with Chris Horne Limited to undertake the work for the sum of £300 plus Value Added Tax (minute 07/20(d) of the last meeting refers). Note

(ii) Bus Shelters: The Borough Council Cleansing Services Team had provided a thorough clean of the three metal/plastic bus shelters in the Parish. The cost of this clean was £75 plus Value Added Tax (minute 07/20(d) of the last meeting refers). Note

(e) Radwell Matters

There were no issues to report to the meeting. PC


(f) Rights of Way

There were no issues to report to the meeting. Note

(g) Town Lot Charity: Appointment of Parish Council Trustee

Cllr Hartop was re-elected as the Parish Council’s trustee on the Town Lot Charity. The appointment will be confirmed again every 3 years. The Town Lot Charity manages the allotments in Town Lot Lane, Felmersham. Note


That the appointment of Cllr. Hartop as Parish Council’s trustee on the Town Lot Charity be supported. Note

20/20 Planning Matters

(a) Local Plan 2030: Update

Bedford Borough Council had, following examination, adopted the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030 at its Full Council meeting on 15 January 2020. Note

Notification had been received from the Borough Council that a timetable and plan was now being developed for the consideration of Local Plan 2040 and indications are that in excess of 16,000 new homes will be required in the Borough during this period. Note


That the update provided in respect of the adopted Local Plan 2030 be acknowledged. Note

(b) Planning Application: Peace Haven, The High Road, Felmersham

The Parish Clerk reported that, in respect of Planning Application Number 20/00031/FUL, relating to the proposed conversion of an outbuilding to an annexe with extension to link to main dwelling at Peace Haven, The High Road, Felmersham, Beds, MK43 7HN, the Planning Authority had been advised that the Parish Council had no objection to the proposed works. Note

The Parish Council is, however, concerned that any reduction of off road parking (garage) into residential accommodation is to be resisted. In addition, there is some concern that the residential development has a flat roof which is separated from the main property, albeit linked by a new flat roofed extension; it is acknowledged that the alternative pitched roof could, however, attract objections from the neighbouring properties. Note


That the decision to notify the Borough Council that the Parish Council had no objection to Planning Application 20/00031/FUL be ratified. PC


(c) Neighbourhood Planning

The Portfolio Holder, Cllr. Hartop, provided the following update for the meeting on the progress with the neighbourhood plan process:

(i) Strategic Environmental Assessment: The technical consultant, AECOM, had completed the initial scoping report for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and this had been circulated to Parish Councillors and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group for comments. The scoping report presents a baseline and context review for the SEA, a series of key sustainability issues, and the SEA Framework against which the draft Neighbourhood Plan will be appraised. The scoping report enables the three statutory bodies, Historic , the Environment Agency and Natural England to have an opportunity to comment on the proposed scope of the SEA. Note

The comments received from Parish Councillors and the Steering Group had been collated and submitted to AECOM and, following update of the scoping report, it had been circulated to the statutory bodies for the statutory consultation period of five weeks. The Environment Agency responded, on 11 February 2020, that they have no comment to make on the SEA but there had been no feedback to date from the other statutory bodies. The next stage of the process is for AECOM to prepare a detailed environmental report and it is expected that this will be available by the end of May 2020. The draft Neighbourhood Plan will then need to be updated to reflect the outcome of SEA Environmental Report, when received. Note

(ii) Design Guide: The technical consultant, AECOM, had now issued the final Felmersham & Radwell Design Codes report and this had been circulated to Parish Councillors and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The draft Neighbourhood Plan will need to be updated to ensure compliance with the Design Codes. Note

Following update, the Pre-Submission Version of the Neighbourhood Plan will need to be considered by the Parish Council at a future meeting and, if approved, the Parish Council will need to resolve to subject the plan to the statutory 6 week “pre-submission consultation” in accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The statutory consultation period must extend for a period of 6 weeks and the consultation will need to take place with bodies whose interests may be affected by the draft plan, including statutory consultees identified in the Regulations. Note

The meeting were reminded that there remained a number of key tasks that need to be concluded before the draft Neighbourhood Plan could be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. This includes the preparation of the (i) Policies Map, (ii) Consultation Statement and (iii) Basic Conditions Statement . More generally there is a need to collate the "Evidence Base". Note


(1) That the update provided in respect of the Neighbourhood Planning process be acknowledged. Note


(2) That the final Design Code report be approved and that it be published on the Parish Council web-site. PC

(3) That the Strategic Environmental Assessment scoping report, prepared by AECOM, be endorsed as the basis for the consultation with the statutory bodies, Historic England, Environment Agency and Natural England. PC

(Proposed by: Cllr. Pipe, Seconded by: Cllr. Courtney, All in favour)

21/20 Finance & General Administration

(a) Schedule of Receipts & Payments: 2019/2020

The schedule of receipts and payments, covering the period 1 January 2020 to 29 February 2020 and attached at Appendix A, was considered. Note


That the schedule of receipts and payments, attached at Appendix A to the minutes, be approved. PC

(Proposed by: Cllr. Matilda Boswell, Seconded by: Cllr. Pipe, All in favour)

(b) Financial Position – Account Balances

The financial position of the Parish Council, as at 29 February 2020, was reported as follows:

Current Account £12,665.44 Business Reserve Account £8,380.41 TOTAL £21,045.85

This compares to a total balance, as at 31 December 2019, of £23,026.85. Note


That the financial position of the Parish Council, as at as at 29 February 2020, be acknowledged. Note

(c) Budget Monitoring Report – 2019/2020

The meeting considered and acknowledged the Budget Monitoring Report for the period to 29 February 2020 (circulated prior to the meeting). This identified expenditure incurred and income received against the approved 2019/2020 revenue budget with no overall areas of concern or significant variances at this stage. The meeting acknowledged the need to keep the financial position under review with regular budget monitoring reports. Note

The meeting considered the increased street lighting electricity costs arising from tariff increases by the current supplier, Eon, and considered that £180 should be allocated from the general contingency to offset the higher costs incurred compared to the approved budget. Note


The Parish Clerk further reported that he had been liaising with Eon as it appeared that the consumption figures had not been adjusted to reflect the LED upgrade; a refund was, therefore, expected. Details of the street-lighting inventory, consumption data and current tariffs had also been provided to a specialist organisation, The Utility Company, who had approached the Parish Council and they had been invited to review the tariffs available in the market. The most favourable option would generate an annual saving of up to £100 (based upon the unadjusted consumption figures) and would involve transferring the supply from Eon to Scottish Southern Electric (SSE) on a fixed term contract for a 5 year period. Further analysis was required based upon revised consumption figures and, if financially beneficial, the transfer could be completed by The Utility Company at no cost to the Parish Council. Note


(1) That the budget position statement, for the period ended 29 February 2020, be acknowledged and the financial position of the Parish Council be kept under review. PC

(2) That the allocation from the contingency budget of the sum of £180 to street lighting electricity costs be approved and that, as a consequence, the contingency in the approved budget be reduced from £650 to £470. PC

(3) That, if financially beneficial, the transfer of the supply of electricity from Eon to SSE, on the basis of a 5 year fixed tariff agreement, be approved and that The Utility Company effect the transfer of supply. PC

(Proposed by: Cllr. Hartop, Seconded by: Cllr. Maxine Boswell, All in favour)

(d) National Joint Council – Salary Award

The National Joint Council (NJC) continued to negotiate the public sector pay award, effective from 1 April 2020, and at this stage had rejected a 2% pay rise on most pay scale points. The employers have agreed to convene a meeting to discuss the next steps. The national pay award would, when agreed, apply to the post of Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer from 1 April 2020. Note


That the application of the National Joint Council salary award, when eventually agreed following continued negotiations, to the post of Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer, from 1 April 2020, be approved. PC

(e) Parish Clerk – Appraisal

The terms and conditions of the Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer provide for an annual appraisal and for the payment of an annual increment, effective from 1 April in line with the National Joint Council (NJC) pay scales, until the maximum of the scale is reached; the award of an annual increment is subject to continued satisfactory service. In relation to the annual appraisal, Cllr. Hartop confirmed that the recent appraisal identified no causes for concern. Note


The post holder is currently remunerated at pro-rate salary at scale point 38 (the final point of the pay-scale) which equates to £5,641.29 per annum based upon an average of 6 hours per week. This scale point excludes the national pay award effective from 1 April 2020 (see minute 21/20(d) above). Note

The approved budget reflects salary scales and hourly pay rates in line with the NJC negotiations for local government staff, including incremental progression (if applicable) and national pay awards. The Parish Clerk also receives a home-working allowance of £216 per annum. Note


(1) That the salary of £5,641.29 plus the national pay award when agreed (based upon an average of 6 hours per week) be applied to the post of Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer from 1 April 2020. PC

(2) That the annual home-working allowance be maintained at £216 from 1 April 2020, and that the allowance be reviewed annually. PC

(Proposed by: Cllr. Pipe, Seconded by: Cllr. Courtney, All in favour)

(f) Risk Management Arrangements

The Parish Council undertook an annual review of its Risk Management Arrangements as part of its review of relevant policies and work practices, to ensure that the arrangements remained valid, appropriate and up to date. The Parish Clerk reported that a summary of risks in respect of Parish Council activities had been identified and these had been rated high, medium and low in terms of the likelihood of occurrence and impact on the business. Note

Risks had been categorised between financial management, assets and liability and relevant controls had also been identified to mitigate the impact of these risks on the business and, as far as possible, ensure business continuity. A copy of the resulting Risk Management Arrangements had been circulated prior to the meeting for consideration. Note


That the Risk Management Arrangements reported to the meeting be approved effective from 1 April 2020. PC

(g) Health & Safety Report: 2019/2020

The Parish Council considered the Health & Safety Report for 2019/2020 and acknowledged that there were no matters of concern. Note


That the Annual Health & Safety Report for 2019/2020 be received and acknowledged. Note


(h) Health & Safety Action Plan: 2020/2021

In accordance with the health and safety responsibilities of the Parish Council, a Health and Safety Action Plan should be prepared to identify the key tasks and responsibilities. It should be reviewed annually and regularly monitored. The Parish Council considered the proposed 2020/2021 Health & Safety Action Plan (circulated prior to the meeting). Note

Risk assessments need to be carried out, as required, to identify and control health and safety risks. For completeness, the Action Plan identifies tasks that are the responsibility of the Village Hall Committee to undertake. Note


That the draft 2020/2021 Health and Safety Action Plan be approved. PC

(i) Annual Street Lighting Maintenance: 2020/2021

The meeting considered the proposed rates for the annual street lighting maintenance for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. The contract is based upon (i) 12 street lighting units, (ii) repairs to faults undertaken within a week, (iii) contract price includes all minor repairs such as lamp, control gear,

fuse replacement etc and (iii) invoices being submitted on a quarterly basis. Provision for this contract has been made in the approved budget. Note


That the continuation of the contract with Andy Muskett Ltd for the annual street lighting maintenance service in 2020/2021, on the basis of the submitted rates, be approved. PC

(j) Bedfordshire Scouts: Grant Request

The meeting considered a request from Bedfordshire Scouts, specifically the Leslie Sell Activity Centre in Bromham, for a grant toward the replacement of an existing pre-fabricated dormitory block with a purpose built, state of the art, log cabin accommodation block. The meeting acknowledged the valuable service provided but, given the limited resource of the Parish Council and the level of donations identified in the approved budget for grant support to services directly supporting Felmersham & Radwell residents, no funding support can be provided in the financial year 2019/2020. Note

22/20 Correspondence

Key items of correspondence received since the last meeting include:

(a) Weekly lists from the Borough Council of applications received under the Licensing Act 2003 & Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act and the Gambling Act 2005. These can be found at the following web-site link: http://www.bedford.gov.uk/business/licences_and_street_trading/licensing_ act_2003/applications.aspx. All


(b) Regular press releases from Bedford Borough Council with details of local issues, service development proposals and organised events. Note

(c) Regular listings from Bedford Borough Council of new planning applications and decisions issued at the link: https://publicaccess.bedford.gov.uk/online- applications/search.do?action=weeklyList. Note

(d) Regular news updates from Bedford Community Voluntary Service (CVS) with details of a range of events and courses organised by the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. Note

(e) Product and contact details from a number of suppliers of street furniture and

play equipment. Note

(f) Notification from Bedford Borough Council, dated 20 January 2020, that the Local Plan 2030 had been formally adopted by the Council. Note

(g) Consultation launched by Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner in respect of the level of Precept to be applied for 2020/2021. Note

(h) Correspondence from Bedfordshire Association of Town & Parish Councils (BATPC), dated 23 January 2020, outlining the consultation arrangements in respect of London Luton Airport expansion plans. Note

(i) Letter of introduction from the Rt. Hon Richard Fuller MP, dated 21 January 2020, with details of organised evening tours of Parliament and a young people work experience programme. Note

(j) Correspondence from Bedford Borough Council, dated 27 January 2020, inviting representations on the Bromham Neighbourhood Plan with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. Note

(k) Correspondence from Bedford Borough Council, dated 27 January 2020, with details of the electoral review being undertaken to examine and propose new electoral arrangements for the whole of the local authority area (including ward boundaries and the number of councillors). Note

(l) Correspondence from Bedfordshire police, dated 27 January 2020, outlining that Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner is setting up a youth advisory group for Bedfordshire. Note

(m) Crime statistics for the period 8 January 2020 to 28 January 2020 covering the north rural area, listed in "Beat Code" order. There were no instances of crime recorded in Felmersham & Radwell Parish during this period. Note

(n) Correspondence from Bedford Borough Council, dated 30 January 2020, with details of the announcement that the route of East West Rail would include Bedford Midland Station, connecting the town to Cambridge and Oxford. Note

(o) Correspondence from the Community Engagement Team at Bedford Borough Council in respect of the next meeting of the Parish & Town Council Network on Tuesday 11 February 2020 at Borough Hall. Note


(p) Correspondence from BATPC, dated 3 February 2020, with details of the announcement of the preferred route for the East West Rail connection. Note

(q) A copy of the February 2020 edition of the newsletter, "On the RECORD", from Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Kathryn Holloway. Note

(r) A copy of a newsletter, from the Bedfordshire Direction Service, to link ex- offenders leaving HMP Bedford and the Criminal Justice System to build lives away from crime. Note

(s) Message from Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner regarding a report, published by the HM Inspectorate of Constabulary & Fire and Rescue Service, on the good performance of Bedfordshire Police. Note

(t) Response from The Environment Agency to the Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Opinion, as part of the Neighbourhood Plan consultation, confirming that the statutory body had no comment and confirming that the proposed development sites are within Flood Zone 1 (lowest probability of flooding). Note

(u) Notification from Bedford Borough Council, dated 11 February 2020, that the late recharges for the uncontested Parish Council election in May 2019 would be processed in the near future. Note

(v) Details of a series of community events being organised by the East West Railway Company in venues across the area between Bedford and Cambridge during February and March 2020. Note

(w) The March 2020 edition of the Bedfordshire Bugle had been received the Bedfordshire Association of Town & Parish Councils and had been circulated to all Parish Councillors for consideration. This included details of the Spring/Summer 2020 Training Programme Note

(x) Details of the draft arrangements for the 2020/2021 Rural Bulky Waste Collection Service, which includes provision of the service at Radwell on Saturday 13 June 2020 and Felmersham on Sunday 14 June 2020. Note

(y) Correspondence from Bedford Borough Council, dated 24 February 2020, outlining the progress with the Borough Council transformation agenda with more on-line services now available to residents. Bedford Borough Council is endeavouring to make it much easier for local residents to save time by offering lots more online options on their website. All the Borough Council’s online options are displayed in the ‘Save time, do it online’ section on the website' and this includes:

 paying for a Borough Council service;  booking a Borough Council sports pitch;  applying for a school place;  checking your bin day, or  telling the Borough Council about a problem in your area like graffiti, fly-tipping or littering, or a pothole in your street or a cracked or missing pavement slab. Note


The Borough Council has indicated that residents are already doing shopping and banking online, and these new self-serve options will mean that residents can do lots more online, at a time to suit them. The services are designed to be easy to use on phones and tablets as well as laptops and personal computers. The new online systems also mean that reports and requests from residents are sent straight to front line teams who have been equipped with mobile devices. This means they can pick up and deal with new jobs straight away, making the process quicker and more efficient. Note

(z) Correspondence from Bedford Borough Council inviting the Parish Council to help develop the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme. The Borough Council has established five committees that review and investigate issues that matter to local people and local communities, as well as reviewing the Council’s own decisions and policies. These ‘Overview and Scrutiny’ Committees and are made up of elected Councillors who are not on the Council’s Executive. They have a role not only in looking at Council services but also health and community safety. Each committee specialises in one particular area, Children’s Services, Environmental Services and Community Safety, Adult Services, Health, and Corporate Services. The meeting considered possible issues, or areas of local concern/priority, that the Borough Council could review as part of its annual work programme. Note

(aa) Crime statistics for the period 29 January 2020 to 29 February 2020 covering the north rural area, listed in "Beat Code" order. There were three instances of crime recorded in Felmersham & Radwell Parish during this period involving (i) the possession of controlled drugs in The High Road, Felmersham recorded on 31 January 2020, (ii) the theft of a motor vehicle in Marriotts Close, Felmersham recorded on 1 February 2020, and (iii) assault without injury in Tithe Barn, Felmersham recorded on 29 February 2020. Note

(bb) A copy of the March 2020 edition of the newsletter, "On the RECORD", from Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Kathryn Holloway. Note

Cllr. Hartop referred to a letter from Richard Fuller, MP for North East Bedfordshire, dated 21 January 2020, and that he had been invited and accepted a meeting with Richard Fuller on 18 March 2020 at Westminster. Cllr. Hartop will take the opportunity to communicate local issues and concerns. Richard Fuller had also offered escorted evening tours of Parliament for small groups from Parishes and the meeting considered that this opportunity should be taken. Note

Cllr. Hartop further explained that he had written to Boris Johnson (copied to Richard Fuller) on 16 December 2019 regarding St Marys Church 800th Anniversary and planting 800 trees, suggesting as 800 was also about the same as the number of persons in the parish it might be topical to invite all parishes to plant a tree for every resident. The letter has been acknowledged and referred to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Note

23/20 Date of Next Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 12 May 2020 at 7.30pm. Note





31 JAN 2020 BANK INTEREST 1.42 -

28 FEB 2020 BANK INTEREST 1.29 -






11 JAN 2020 E-on ELECTRICITY SUPPLY 210.05 10.00










TOTAL PAYMENTS 1,983.71 131.66