THE "HUSTLER"By Thomas E. Mitchell, Jr. First published on LinkedIn, March 18, 2019

"Hustle" (a verb), which according to the Urban Dictionary means: "To “Be the have the courage, confidence, self-belief, self-determination to go out there and work it out until you find the opportunities you want in life." Or: "Working hardest hard, usually towards the common goal of creating an income." Even better: "Anything you need to do to make money. If you makin' money, you hustlin'!" working "Hustler" (a noun), which according to the "righteous hustle." Every day they grab hold of opportunities they see or (again) the Urban Dictionary means: "An create situations where the opportunity knocks on their door. aggressively enterprising person; a go- Their business (or job) is there hustle; and that hustle is their life! There is person getter." Or: "Someone who knows how to nothing else. They are bound and determined to make their respective pas- get money from others!" sions their paycheck! How about this (it's more to the point): The person with the "righteous hustle" takes no short-cuts (as hustlers do). you "The definition of a hustler is a person They do business by the book and expect the people they deal with to do who is aggressively hard-working, who the same, or get out of the way. They do NOT suffer fools (and most hus- knows how to get around problems; or a tlers--if they dare to be honest with themselves--are fools, because they think know.” person who makes money by doing no one else is onto their game). —Quote courtesy of something dishonest. But, as the saying goes, "game recognizes game." People of the righteous A person who will stop at nothing to get hustle can spot the hustler with their finely honed "hustler radar" more than what he (or she) wants and who has ag- a mile away. gressively tried to get it (what ever "it" is)! They can spot them by the way they dress, fast-talk, and "fake" their way I know about and have seen perfect examples of both "the hustle" and "the through a business meeting making themselves look like the great business- hustler." I've seen the good and noble side of the hustle, and it's nasty side: man or businesswoman when, in reality, they're not. the hustler and the lengths he (and yes...she) will go to get that "mean green" A look behind the curtain will show you "The Great Oz" is nothing more as the R&B group The O'Jays called "paper" (the "street" or urban term for than a broke-down carnival side-show barker who barely has a pot a dollar bill) in their classic hit "Money." know! I admire a person who "hustles" (with honesty and integrity) to get the "Ben- I've seen the hustle's--shall we say--"darkside," which is embodied in the jamins!" It's the "good fight" many people engage in every day to earn a living hustler. Their motto is: "By any means necessary (short of robbing a bank, for themselves and their families; to pay the bills, stash a few dollars away robbing a person, or murder-for-hire) to get that "almighty dollar"! I wouldn't in their savings account, to get ahead in life while still being able to look at worry too much about that last one (murder-for-hire). themselves in the mirror every morning. Most hustlers don't have it in them to kill anyone for money. Plus, it's work! I know many people who exemplify the "honest hustle." People who, from Illegal and immoral work...but work! And if there is one thing the hustler does the time they get up in the morning until they lay their heads on a pillow, are NOT want to do is break a sweat while chasing that "Benji." "on their hustle," their "grind" to make whatever business endeavor their in- No, hustlers nature...lazy. That's why they hustle! They're allergic volved in a success. to the "9 to 5." In order to deceive people into giving them money, the hustler They personify the courage, confidence, self-belief, self-determination of (continued on page 3) The Weekend Edition•IN THE BLACK•January 17, 2019 Page 2

Local, National and Internationalmeans a 16% bump inNews flu-related doctors'about vis- Businessfrom flu so far this season,and andFinance we haven't High employment its, according to an economist from Ball State even hit the peak yet. University. Which industry gets hit the hardest? Service Whenbad unemployment for flu isseason low in the U.S., the The Centers for Disease Control and Preven- industries such as health care and retail. risk of getting the flu is high. Each 1 percent- tion estimates there have been roughly 9.7 —Courtesy of LinkedIn Businessage point increase in the employment rate million flu illnesses reported and Briefs 4,800 deaths Nike's Vaporfly

Theruns acclaimed Nikeinto running shoe trouble worn by Eliud Kipchoge in his historic sub-two-hour marathon could be barred from competition. World Athletics is considering a ban on the purpose-built Vaporfly sneaker after complaints the foam and carbon-fiber technology in its soles provides added spring, thus giving wearers an unfair advantage. News of the ban proved a boon for Japanese rivals Asics and Mizuno, which saw shares surge on Thursday.—LinkedIn

Insurance Company To Pay $20.5M After Black And Female Employees Complained Of Racial, Sexual Discrimination Courtesy of Jan. 16, 2020 An insurance company will be paying $20.5 million to set- tle claims that it discriminated against its black and female employees. The settlement is the largest agreement ever reached in the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Com- mission’s Denver and Phoenix office. The suite stated that Jackson National Life Insurance passed over black employees for promotions and paid them less than their white colleagues. According to the complaint filed by the EEOC, they also endured a hostile work envi- (continued on page 3) “PRAYER MILWAUKEE COMMUNITY JOURNAL is the road to “With HEAVEN GOD all things but FAITH are opens the Phone: 414-265-5300 (Advertising and Administration) • POSSIBLE!” door!” EDITIONWEEKEND414-265-6647 (Editorial) • Website: • Email: Edito- [email protected]/[email protected] Patricia O’Flynn -Pattillo Colleen Newsom, Founder, Publisher Classified Advertising Sales Robert J. Thomas, Co-Founder Leader Assoc. Publisher Jimmy V. Johnson, Advertising Todd Thomas, Vice President Sales Mikel Holt, Founding Editor, Mike Mullis, Advertising Associate Publisher Coordination Thomas E. Mitchell, Jr., Editor Robin Davis, Circulation Teretha Martin, Terri’s Innovative Yvonne Kemp, Photographer Computers: Billing Clerk, Pro- Kim Robinson, Photographer duction assistance, tech-support Bill Tennessen, Photographer Opinion and comments expressed on the Perspectives page do not nec- essarily reflect the views of the publisher or management of the MCJ. Let- ters and “other perspectives” are accepted but may be edited for content and length. The Weekend Edition•IN THE BLACK•January 17, 2019 Page 3 est bidder to put on buildings to what I said earlier to de- the law), you have my deep he probably didn't build, help scribe hustlers: lazy, tight- and unending respect! I wish build, or invest in. wads, silver-tongued, you much success as you THE HUSTLE VS. And, you have to admit, his envelope themselves in the get your hustle on! "ethnicity" and the privilege it trappings of hard work and As for you hustlers who brings made what he did and success. practice on "the dark side" of does as a hustler (business- Need I say more? the game, I'll pray for you.

(continuedTHE from coverH Upage)Swith"T L powerful,ER influential man and president) even If you are the righteous But beware! The hustler al- now so much easier to pull hustler who works hard for ways gets his or hers in the envelopes him or herself in people, be wary. It's a safe off! him or herself and your fam- end. the trappings of hard work bet they either DON'T KNOW Don't believe me? Go back ily, and follows the rules (and God don't like ugly! and success (even if it's the influential person, or that someone else's hard work powerful person does know and success). him or her but make it their It's the honey (money) they mission to stay as far away pour on the trap (just enough as possible from that hustler. to make you interested be- They don't want to be victim- cause hustlers are also tight- ized again! wads when it comes to Though I've used words parting with a dollar) that and terms that will illicit the snares you into their "game," idea I'm only talking about their "con." Black people, and that only Rather than lift a finger to Black people are hustlers, or do anything the right way to that only Black people hustle get paid, the hustler would and conduct their hustle in an rather talk an honest-- honest way...NO, I'm not. gullible--person into doing White people (all people re- the heavy lifting (i.e. "work") gardless of color or national- for them. ity really) are hustlers and They do this by using the hustle daily and honestly as "gift of gab." They're silver- well! tongued, lying devils who use But the White hustler has words (particularly words you one advantage the non-white want to hear) to control a per- hustlers do not: "White privi- son and have him or her do lege." their bidding. Perhaps the best example Even as small a con as get- of a White hustler who uses ting someone else to pay for his "privilege" to the hilt is the their lunch or dinner after president of the United THEY INVITE YOU OUT! States, Donald J. Trump! THAT's a hustler's favorite Now he is the embodiment of "hustle." a true hustler--regardless of And if they do invite you to color--who has used his lunch or dinner but ask YOU "privilege" masterfully. to pay for it, promising to pick He's been a hustler most up the tab the next time, make that ALL RUN FAR and RUN FAST! OF...his adult life as a self- That "next time" will not come proclaimed multi-billionaire, in your lifetime! celebrity, and business ge- Oh, and they talk loud too nius, the master of the deal! whenever they're gettin' their He's a genius alright! A ge- hustle on (I call it their Knute nius at keeping his "gilded Rockne Speech)! hustle" going despite filing for They also like to use a lot of bankruptcy three times, stiff- slogans and inspirational old ing contractors out of money sayings to make their point after they've worked on his about "keeping your eyes on failed casinos, playing dodge the prize!" "hating to ball with the U.S. Internal lose...they're WINNERS!" Revenue Service and God And if they tell you they knows how many banks, and "know" or are "good friends selling his name to the high-

Insurance Company To Pay $20.5M After Black And Female Employees Complained Of Racial, Sexual Discrimination (continued from page 2) ronment that included sexual harassment, racially demean- ing cartoons, being called “lazy” and “resident streetwalk- ers,” among other slurs. The complaint mentioned that employees would make clicking noises around one man of Ethiopian descent. It also stated that one manager repeatedly made comments about employees’ breasts, and another told a black woman to get on her knees at a company party while holding a bot- tle of liquor horizontally. The insurance company is now under a 4-year consent decree and was ordered to pay $20.5 million in attorney fees, damages, and costs. About $15 million of it will go to the 21 claimants, wherein 13 are black employees, 7 are white women, and 1 is the white vice president who was fired. The $5 million will go to attorney fees and costs. (continued from page 4) The Weekend Edition•IN THE BLACK•January 17, 2019 Page 4 win for Booker, he still falls stage before voting begins ebrated Booker’s total, Booker’s role in the 2020 Senator Cory noticeably short in funds, after missing the most re- which Demissie stated presidential run, as it per- Booker’s compared to the vast major- cent debate last month. came, regardless of “artifi- tains to campaign funding, ity of his 2020 campaign ri- Senator Booker has strug- cial thresholds that pre- to be more crucial than, fol- presidential vals. gled to reach the polling vented viable candidates” lowing fellow candidates of campaign raised As it stands, popular Dem. threshold set by the Demo- such as Booker, from partic- color Julián Castro and Sen. candidate, Sen. Bernie cratic National Committee. ipating in last month’s Los Kamala Harris’ exits from $6.6M in Q4 – the Sanders, leads the 2020 Booker’s campaign man- Angeles Dem. debate. the race, due to lack of fund- largest collection Democratic campaign haul ager, Addisu Demissie, cel- Demissie also noted ing. raised to date with $34.5 million raised in the last quarter. It was revealed that Behind the Vermont Sen- Senator ator is South Bend Mayor had raised $6.6M in Pete Buttigieg with $24.7 Q4, the largest sum million, and former Vice Booker has collected President at during his presidential $22.7 million. campaign to date. According to a report from By Soraya Joseph—Cour- Axios, the full Democratic tesy of Q4 haul is as follows: • Bernie Sanders: $34.5 million • Pete Buttigieg: $24.7 million • Joe Biden: $22.7 million • Elizabeth Warren: $21.2 million • Andrew Yang: $16.5 million • Amy Klobuchar: $11.4 million Sen. Booker • Cory Booker: $6.6 million Senator Cory Booker is still putting up a good In an official statement fight in terms of cited by Yahoo, Booker’s campaign noted that more fundraising, as it was than half of the Q4 contribu- recently reported that tions came from new his campaign raised donors, also noting that, $6.6. million in the while it’s a big win for Sen. fourth quarter of 2019. Booker, that the On Friday, it was revealed Democrat is still struggling that the Democratic to stay in the presidential prospect had raised over six race ahead of the cau- and a half million dollars in cuses, set to take place in Q4, the largest sum Booker February. has collected during his The former Newark mayor presidential campaign to is also looking to earn a spot date. While this is a huge on the last primary debate

Insurance Company To Pay $20.5M After Black And Female Employees Complained Of Racial, Sexual Discrimination (continued from page 3) The consent decree requires the company to designate an internal monitor to ensure they don’t violate employees’ civil rights again. They must also work with an outside consultant to review its equal employment opportunity policies, promotion and compensation practices and any future complaints of dis- crimination. The company must also train employees on discrimina- tion, harassment and retaliation. The Weekend Edition•IN THE BLACK•January 17, 2019 Page 5

SUMMONS date of the hearing in the Milwaukee SUMMONS NAME CHANGE HEARING titioner and GERALD JEROME (PUBLICATION) Community Journal, a newspaper (PUBLICATION) Case No. 19CV009523 CLARK 8928 W Appleton Ave Apt 9 STATE OF WISCONSIN published in Milwaukee County, State STATE OF WISCONSIN Milwaukee WI 53225, RESPONDENT CIRCUIT COURT of Wisconsin. CIRCUIT COURT In the matter of the name change of: MILWAUKEE COUNTY Dated: 11-18-2019 MILWAUKEE COUNTY CAURICE JONAE’ DAVIS THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the WITHOUT MINOR CHILDREN BY THE COURT: NOTICE AND ORDER FOR person named above as respondent: Case No. 19FA006464 HON. PAUL VAN GRUNSUEN NAME CHANGE HEARING By (Petitioner) CAURICE JONAE’ LEGALSDIVORCE 40101 Circuit Court Judge &CLASSIFIEDSCase No. 19CV009774 DAVIS You are notified that your spouse has 015/1-3-10-17-2020 filed a lawsuit or other legal action In re the marriage of: GWENDA LAW- In the matter of the name change of: NOTICE IS GIVEN: against you. The Petition, which is at- SON, 2813 N 54th St Milwaukee, Wis- SUMMONS KAYLA MARIE BIRMINGHAM A petition was filed asking to change tached, states the nature and basis of consin 53210, Petitioner and (PUBLICATION) By (Petitioner) KAYLA MARIE BIRM- the name of the person listed above: the legal action. JEFFREY L BUTLER 2813 N. 54th St. STATE OF WISCONSIN INGHAM From: CAURICE JONAE’ DAVIS To: Milwaukee WI 53210, RESPONDENT CIRCUIT COURT CAURICE JONAE’ STARNES Within 20 days of receiving this Sum- MILWAUKEE COUNTY NOTICE IS GIVEN: Birth Certificate: CAURICE JONAE’ mons, you must provide a written re- THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the NOTICE AND ORDER FOR A petition was filed asking to change DAVIS sponse, as that term is used in Ch. person named above as respondent: NAME CHANGE HEARING the name of the person listed above: 802, Wis. Stats., to the Petition. The Case No. 19CV009811 From: KAYLA MARIE BIRMINGHAM IT IS ORDERED Court may reject or disregard a re- You are notified that your spouse has To: KAYLA MARIE KIM-HERNANDEZ This petition will be heard in the Circuit sponse that does not follow the re- filed a lawsuit or other legal action In the matter of the name change of: Birth Certificate: KAYLA MARIE Court of Milwaukee County, State of quirements of the statutes. against you. The Petition, which is at- JAZMYNE MARIE FEARS-JONES BIRMINGHAM Wisconsin. tached, states the nature and basis of By (Petitioner) DETA A MOOR Judge’s Name: HON. CARL ASHLEY The response must be sent or deliv- the legal action. IT IS ORDERED BR. 33 Room 500 PLACE: 901 N. 9th ered to the following government of- NOTICE IS GIVEN: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 fice: Clerk of Court Milwaukee County Within 20 days of receiving this Sum- A petition was filed asking to change Court of Milwaukee County, State of DATE: January 27, 2020 TIME 3:00 901 North 9th Street Room 104 Mil- mons, you must provide a written re- the name of the person listed above: Wisconsin. P.M. waukee, Wisconsin 53233. sponse, as that term is used in Ch. From: JAZMYNE MARIE FEARS- Judge’s Name: HON. JEFFREY A 802, Wis. Stats., to the Petition. The JONES To: JAZMYNE MARIE CONEN BR. 30 Room 402 PLACE: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: The response must also be mailed or Court may reject or disregard a re- CARTER 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wiscon- Notice of this hearing shall be given by delivered within 20 days to the peti- sponse that does not follow the re- Birth Certificate: JAZMYNE MARIE sin, 53233 DATE: January 31, 2020 publication as a Class 3 notice for tioner at the address above. quirements of the statutes. FEARS-JONES TIME 9:00 A.M. three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee It is recommended, but not required The response must be sent or deliv- IT IS ORDERED IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Community Journal, a newspaper that you have an attorney help or rep- ered to the following government of- This petition will be heard in the Circuit Notice of this hearing shall be given by published in Milwaukee County, State resent you fice: Clerk of Court Milwaukee County Court of Milwaukee County, State of publication as a Class 3 notice for of Wisconsin. 901 North 9th Street Room 104 Mil- Wisconsin. three (3) weeks in a row prior to the Dated: 12-16-2019 If you do not provide a proper re- waukee, Wisconsin 53233. Judge’s Name: HON. CARL ASHLEY date of the hearing in the Milwaukee BY THE COURT: sponse within 20 days the court may BR. 33 Room 500 PLACE: 901 N. 9th Community Journal, a newspaper HON. HON. CARL ASHLEY grant judgment against you and you The response must also be mailed or Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 published in Milwaukee County, State Circuit Court Judge may lose your right to object to any- delivered within 20 days to the peti- DATE: February 13, 2020 TIME 1:30 of Wisconsin. 014/1-3-10-17-2020 thing that is or may be incorrect in the tioner at the address above. P.M. Dated: 12-27-2019 Petition. BY THE COURT: SUMMONS It is recommended, but not required IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: HON. JEFFREY A CONEN (PUBLICATION) A judgment may be enforced as pro- that you have an attorney help or rep- Notice of this hearing shall be given by Circuit Court Judge STATE OF WISCONSIN vided by law. A Judgment may be- resent you publication as a Class 3 notice for 021/1-3-10-17-2020 CIRCUIT COURT come a lien against any real estate three (3) weeks in a row prior to the MILWAUKEE COUNTY you own now or in the future and may If you do not provide a proper re- date of the hearing in the Milwaukee SUMMONS NOTICE AND ORDER FOR also be enforced by garnishment or sponse within 20 days the court may Community Journal, a newspaper (PUBLICATION) NAME CHANGE HEARING seizure of property. grant judgment against you and you published in Milwaukee County, State STATE OF WISCONSIN Case No. 19CV009525 may lose your right to object to any- of Wisconsin. CIRCUIT COURT Dated: 12-17-2019 thing that is or may be incorrect in the Dated: 12-30-2019 MILWAUKEE COUNTY In the matter of the name change of: By: SHEKEYA FARMER Petition. BY THE COURT: NOTICE AND ORDER FOR RAPHAEL JOSHUA MALONE 018/1-3-10-17-2020 HON. CARL ASHLEY NAME CHANGE HEARING By (Petitioner) RAPHAEL JOSHUA A judgment may be enforced as pro- Circuit Court Judge Case No. 19CV009696 MALONE SUMMONS vided by law. A Judgment may be- 016/1-3-10-17-2020 (PUBLICATION) come a lien against any real estate In the matter of the name change of: NOTICE IS GIVEN: STATE OF WISCONSIN you own now or in the future and may SUMMONS NAJEEB RAHEEM HEDRINGTON A petition was filed asking to change CIRCUIT COURT also be enforced by garnishment or (PUBLICATION) By (Petitioner) NAJEEB RAHEEM the name of the person listed above: MILWAUKEE COUNTY seizure of property. STATE OF WISCONSIN HEDRINGTON From: RAPHAEL JOSHUA MALONE NOTICE AND ORDER FOR CIRCUIT COURT To: RAPHAEL JOSHUA ISRAEL NAME CHANGE HEARING Dated: 11-8-2019 MILWAUKEE COUNTY NOTICE IS GIVEN: Birth Certificate: RAPHAEL JOSHUA Case No. 19CV009672 By: GWENDA LAWSON NOTICE AND ORDER FOR A petition was filed asking to change MALONE 013/12-27-2019/1-3-10-2020 NAME CHANGE HEARING the name of the person listed above: In the matter of the name change of: Case No. 19CV009695 From: NAJEEB RAHEEM HEDRING- IT IS ORDERED VLADIMIR JOSE RUIZ SUMMONS TON To: NAJEEB RAHEEM This petition will be heard in the Circuit (PUBLICATION) In the matter of the name change of: STRONG Court of Milwaukee County, State of NOTICE IS GIVEN: STATE OF WISCONSIN JOSIAH JOB HEDRINGTON Birth Certificate: NAJEEB RAHEEM Wisconsin. A petition was filed asking to change CIRCUIT COURT HEDRINGTON Judge’s Name: HON. LAURA GRAM- the name of the person listed above: MILWAUKEE COUNTY NOTICE IS GIVEN: LING PEREZ BR 32 Room 404 From: VLADIMIR JOSE RUIZ To: NOTICE AND ORDER FOR A petition was filed asking to change IT IS ORDERED PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, TOMMY JOSE RUIZ NAME CHANGE HEARING the name of the person listed above: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: January 30, Birth Certificate: VLADIMIR JOSE Case No. 19CV008803 From: JOSIAH JOB HEDRINGTON Court of Milwaukee County, State of 2020 TIME 10:00 A.M. RUIZ To: JOSIAH JOB STRONG Wisconsin. In the matter of the name change of: Birth Certificate: JOSIAH JOB Judge’s Name: HON. JEFFREY A IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: IT IS ORDERED AMIRA MARIE BATTISTE STRONG CONEN BR. 30 Room 402 PLACE: Notice of this hearing shall be given by This petition will be heard in the Circuit By (Petitioner) ONTYON WESLEY 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wiscon- publication as a Class 3 notice for Court of Milwaukee County, State of IT IS ORDERED sin, 53233 DATE: January 29, 2020 three (3) weeks in a row prior to the Wisconsin. NOTICE IS GIVEN: This petition will be heard in the Circuit TIME 9:00 A.M. date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Judge’s Name: HON. JEFFREY A A petition was filed asking to change Court of Milwaukee County, State of Community Journal, a newspaper CONEN Room 402 PLACE: 901 N. the name of the person listed above: Wisconsin. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: published in Milwaukee County, State 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, From: AMIRA MARIE BATTISTE To: Judge’s Name: HON. JEFFREY A Notice of this hearing shall be given by of Wisconsin. 53233 DATE: February 6, 2020 TIME AMIRA MARIE BATTISTE-WESLEY CONEN BR. 30 Room 402 PLACE: publication as a Class 3 notice for Dated: 12-16-2019 3:00 P.M. Birth Certificate: AMIRA MARIE BAT- 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wiscon- three (3) weeks in a row prior to the BY THE COURT: TISTE sin, 53233 DATE: January 29, 2020 date of the hearing in the Milwaukee HON. LAURA GRAMLING PEREZ IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: TIME 9:30 A.M. Community Journal, a newspaper Circuit Court Judge Notice of this hearing shall be given by IT IS ORDERED published in Milwaukee County, State 017/1-3-10-17-2020 publication as a Class 3 notice for This petition will be heard in the Circuit IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: of Wisconsin. three (3) weeks in a row prior to the Court of Milwaukee County, State of Notice of this hearing shall be given by Dated: 12-23-2019 SUMMONS date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Wisconsin. publication as a Class 3 notice for BY THE COURT: (PUBLICATION) Community Journal, a newspaper Judge’s Name: HON. PAUL VAN three (3) weeks in a row prior to the HON. JEFFREY A CONEN STATE OF WISCONSIN published in Milwaukee County, State GRUNSUEN Room 206 PLACE: 901 date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Circuit Court Judge CIRCUIT COURT of Wisconsin. N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Community Journal, a newspaper 019/1-3-10-17-2020 MILWAUKEE COUNTY Dated: 12-20-2019 53233 DATE: February 17, 2020 published in Milwaukee County, State WITHOUT MINOR CHILDREN BY THE COURT: TIME 10:00 A.M. of Wisconsin. SUMMONS Case No. 19FA007140 HON. TIMOTHY WITKOWIAK Dated: 12-23-2019 (PUBLICATION) DIVORCE 40101 Circuit Court Judge IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: BY THE COURT: STATE OF WISCONSIN 022/1-3-10-17-2020 Notice of this hearing shall be given by HON. JEFFREY A CONEN CIRCUIT COURT In re the marriage of: SHEKEYA publication as a Class 3 notice for Circuit Court Judge MILWAUKEE COUNTY TAMARRA FARMER, 5807 W Helena three (3) weeks in a row prior to the 020/1-3-10-17-2020 NOTICE AND ORDER FOR St Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223, Pe- The Weekend Edition•IN THE BLACK•January 17, 2019 Page 6 SUMMONS Birth Certificate: DEVIN LEE HALE date of the hearing in the Milwaukee LARRY DONNELL WILLIAMS JR 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wis- (PUBLICATION) Community Journal, a newspaper consin, 53233 DATE: February 6, STATE OF WISCONSIN IT IS ORDERED published in Milwaukee County, NOTICE IS GIVEN: 2020 TIME 10:00 A.M. CIRCUIT COURT This petition will be heard in the Cir- State of Wisconsin. A petition was filed asking to change MILWAUKEE COUNTY cuit Court of Milwaukee County, Dated: 1-6-2020 the name of the person listed above: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: NOTICE AND ORDER FOR State of Wisconsin. BY THE COURT: From: LARRY DONNELL WILLIAMS Notice of this hearing shall be given NAME CHANGE HEARING Judge’s Name: HON. MARY E TRIG- HON. MARY E TRIGGIANO JR To: LARRY DONNELL WILLIAMS by publication as a Class 3 notice for Case No. 20CV000010 GIANO Room 412 PLACE: 901 N. Circuit Court Judge SR three (3) weeks in a row prior to the In the matter of the name change of: 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 031/1-10-17-24-2020 Birth Certificate: LARRY DONNELL date of the hearing in the Milwaukee CELESTE ROSE CARRASQUILLO 53233 DATE: February 17, 2020 WILLIAMS JR Community Journal, a newspaper By (Petitioner) CELESTE ROSE TIME 10:30 A.M. SUMMONS published in Milwaukee County, CARRASQUILLO (PUBLICATION) IT IS ORDERED State of Wisconsin. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: STATE OF WISCONSIN This petition will be heard in the Cir- Dated: 1-2-2020 NOTICE IS GIVEN: Notice of this hearing shall be given CIRCUIT COURT cuit Court of Milwaukee County, BY THE COURT: A petition was filed asking to change by publication as a Class 3 notice for MILWAUKEE COUNTY State of Wisconsin. HON. CHRISTOPHER R FOLEY the name of the person listed above: three (3) weeks in a row prior to the NOTICE AND ORDER FOR Judge’s Name: HON. KEVIN E Circuit Court Judge From: CELESTE ROSE CAR- date of the hearing in the Milwaukee NAME CHANGE HEARING MARTENS Room 403 PLACE: 901 026/1-10-17-24-2020 RASQUILLO To: TYLER RAVEN Community Journal, a newspaper Case No. 19CV009265 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, CARRASQUILLO published in Milwaukee County, 53233 DATE: January 29, 2020 SUMMONS Birth Certificate: CELESTE ROSE State of Wisconsin. In the matter of the name change of: TIME 9:00 A.M. (PUBLICATION) CARRASQUILLO Dated: 1-6-2020 JOSHUA JAMES PIERCE STATE OF WISCONSIN BY THE COURT: By (petitioner) JOSHUA JAMES IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: CIRCUIT COURT IT IS ORDERED HON. MARY E TRIGGIANO PIERCE Notice of this hearing shall be given MILWAUKEE COUNTY This petition will be heard in the Circuit Circuit Court Judge by publication as a Class 3 notice for NOTICE AND ORDER FOR Court of Milwaukee County, State of 028/1-10-17-24-2020 NOTICE IS GIVEN: three (3) weeks in a row prior to the NAME CHANGE HEARING Wisconsin. A petition was filed asking to change date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Case No. 19CV009267 Judge’s Name: HON. JEFFREY A SUMMONS the name of the person listed above: Community Journal, a newspaper CONEN BR. 30 Room 402 PLACE: (PUBLICATION) From: JOSHUA JAMES PIERCE To: published in Milwaukee County, In the matter of the name change of: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wiscon- STATE OF WISCONSIN JOSHUA JAMES LENTZ State of Wisconsin. MIRANDA NICOLE PIERCE sin, 53233 DATE: February 6, 2020 CIRCUIT COURT Birth Certificate: JOSHUA JAMES Dated: 12-3-2019 By (petitioner) MIRANDA NICOLE TIME 3:00 P.M. MILWAUKEE COUNTY PIERCE BY THE COURT: PIERCE NOTICE AND ORDER FOR HON. KEVIN E MARTENS IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: NAME CHANGE HEARING IT IS ORDERED Circuit Court Judge NOTICE IS GIVEN: Notice of this hearing shall be given by Case No. 19CV009268 This petition will be heard in the Cir- 023/1-10-17-24-2020 A petition was filed asking to change publication as a Class 3 notice for cuit Court of Milwaukee County, the name of the person listed above: three (3) weeks in a row prior to the In the matter of the name change of: State of Wisconsin. SUMMONS From: MIRANDA NICOLE PIERCE date of the hearing in the Milwaukee DORRAIN ADELL PIERCE Judge’s Name: HON. MARY E TRIG- (PUBLICATION) To: MIRANDA NICOLE LENTZ Community Journal, a newspaper By (petitioner) DORRAIN ADELL GIANO Room 412 PLACE: 901 N. STATE OF WISCONSIN Birth Certificate: MIRANDA NICOLE published in Milwaukee County, State PIERCE 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, CIRCUIT COURT CLARK of Wisconsin. 53233 DATE: January 24, 2020 MILWAUKEE COUNTY Dated: 1-2-2020 NOTICE IS GIVEN: TIME 10:00 A.M. NOTICE AND ORDER FOR BY THE COURT: A petition was filed asking to change NAME CHANGE HEARING IT IS ORDERED HON. JEFFREY A CONEN the name of the person listed above: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Case No. 20CV000100 This petition will be heard in the Cir- Circuit Court Judge From: DORRAIN ADELL PIERCE To: Notice of this hearing shall be given cuit Court of Milwaukee County, 024/1-10-17-24-2020 DORRAIN ADELL LENTZ by publication as a Class 3 notice for In the matter of the name change of: State of Wisconsin. Birth Certificate: DORRAIN ADELL three (3) weeks in a row prior to the LUKYAN WILLIAM SCHERBARTH Judge’s Name: HON. MARY E TRIG- SUMMONS CALHOUN date of the hearing in the Milwaukee By (petitioner) RACHEL ELIZABETH GIANO Room 412 PLACE: 901 N. (PUBLICATION) Community Journal, a newspaper JENNETT 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, STATE OF WISCONSIN IT IS ORDERED published in Milwaukee County, 53233 DATE: January 24, 2020 CIRCUIT COURT This petition will be heard in the Cir- State of Wisconsin. NOTICE IS GIVEN: TIME 10:00 A.M. MILWAUKEE COUNTY cuit Court of Milwaukee County, Dated: 12-5-2019 A petition was filed asking to change NOTICE AND ORDER FOR State of Wisconsin. BY THE COURT: the name of the person listed above: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: NAME CHANGE HEARING Judge’s Name: HON. MARY E TRIG- HON. MARY E TRIGGIANO From: LUKYAN WILLIAM Notice of this hearing shall be given Case No. 19CV009266 GIANO Room 412 PLACE: 901 N. Circuit Court Judge SCHERBARTH To: LUKYAN MOR- by publication as a Class 3 notice for 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 035/1-10-17-24-2020 PHEUS SEID three (3) weeks in a row prior to the In the matter of the name change of: 53233 DATE: January 24, 2020 Birth Certificate: LUKYAN WILLIAM date of the hearing in the Milwaukee DENISE JANINE PIERCE TIME 10:00 A.M. SUMMONS SCHERBARTH Community Journal, a newspaper By (petitioner) DENISE JANINE (PUBLICATION) published in Milwaukee County, PIERCE IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: STATE OF WISCONSIN IT IS ORDERED State of Wisconsin. Notice of this hearing shall be given CIRCUIT COURT This petition will be heard in the Cir- Dated: 12-5-2019 NOTICE IS GIVEN: by publication as a Class 3 notice for MILWAUKEE COUNTY cuit Court of Milwaukee County, BY THE COURT: A petition was filed asking to change three (3) weeks in a row prior to the NOTICE AND ORDER FOR State of Wisconsin. HON. MARY E TRIGGIANO the name of the person listed above: date of the hearing in the Milwaukee NAME CHANGE HEARING Judge’s Name: HON. MARY E TRIG- Circuit Court Judge From: DENISE JANINE PIERCE To: Community Journal, a newspaper Case No. 19CV009844 GIANO Room 412 PLACE: 901 N. 032/1-10-17-24-2020 DENISE JANINE LENTZ published in Milwaukee County, 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Birth Certificate: DENISE JANINE State of Wisconsin. In the matter of the name change of: 53233 DATE: February 14, 2020 SUMMONS PIERCE Dated: 12-5-2019 KYLIE NICOLE HUGHES TIME 9:00 A.M. (PUBLICATION) BY THE COURT: STATE OF WISCONSIN IT IS ORDERED HON. MARY E TRIGGIANO NOTICE IS GIVEN: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: CIRCUIT COURT This petition will be heard in the Cir- Circuit Court Judge A petition was filed asking to change Notice of this hearing shall be given MILWAUKEE COUNTY cuit Court of Milwaukee County, 033/1-10-17-24-2020 the name of the person listed above: by publication as a Class 3 notice for NOTICE AND ORDER FOR State of Wisconsin. From: KYLIE NICOLE HUGHES To: three (3) weeks in a row prior to the NAME CHANGE HEARING Judge’s Name: HON. MARY E TRIG- SUMMONS KYLIE HUGHES FILO date of the hearing in the Milwaukee Case No. 20CV000100 GIANO Room 412 PLACE: 901 N. (PUBLICATION) Birth Certificate: KYLIE NICOLE Community Journal, a newspaper 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, STATE OF WISCONSIN HUGHES published in Milwaukee County, In the matter of the name change of: 53233 DATE: January 24, 2020 CIRCUIT COURT State of Wisconsin. RACHEL ELIZABETH JENNETT TIME 10:00 A.M. MILWAUKEE COUNTY IT IS ORDERED Dated: 1-6-2020 By (petitioner) RACHEL ELIZABETH NOTICE AND ORDER FOR This petition will be heard in the Cir- BY THE COURT: JENNETT IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: NAME CHANGE HEARING cuit Court of Milwaukee County, HON. MARY E TRIGGIANO Notice of this hearing shall be given Case No. 20CV000101 State of Wisconsin. Circuit Court Judge NOTICE IS GIVEN: by publication as a Class 3 notice for Judge’s Name: HON. KEVIN E 030/1-10-17-24-2020 A petition was filed asking to change three (3) weeks in a row prior to the In the matter of the name change of: MARTENS Room 403 PLACE: 901 the name of the person listed above: date of the hearing in the Milwaukee JOSEPH WILLIAM SCHERBARTH N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, SUMMONS From: RACHEL ELIZABETH JEN- Community Journal, a newspaper By (petitioner) JOSEPH WILLIAM 53233 DATE: February 10, 2020 (PUBLICATION) NETT To: MINA NIAMH SEID published in Milwaukee County, SCHERBARTH TIME 8:30 A.M. STATE OF WISCONSIN Birth Certificate: RACHEL ELIZA- State of Wisconsin. CIRCUIT COURT BETH JENNETT Dated: 12-5-2019 NOTICE IS GIVEN: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: MILWAUKEE COUNTY BY THE COURT: A petition was filed asking to change Notice of this hearing shall be given NOTICE AND ORDER FOR IT IS ORDERED HON. MARY E TRIGGIANO the name of the person listed above: by publication as a Class 3 notice for NAME CHANGE HEARING This petition will be heard in the Cir- Circuit Court Judge From: JOSEPH WILLIAM three (3) weeks in a row prior to the Case No. 19CV009791 cuit Court of Milwaukee County, 034/1-10-17-24-2020 SCHERBARTH To: JOSEPH INS- date of the hearing in the Milwaukee State of Wisconsin. MEGISTUS SEID Community Journal, a newspaper In the matter of the name change of: Judge’s Name: HON. MARY E TRIG- SUMMONS Birth Certificate: JOSEPH WILLIAM published in Milwaukee County, MERLE PHILIP STARR GIANO Room 412 PLACE: 901 N. (PUBLICATION) SCHERBARTH State of Wisconsin. By (Petitioner) MERLE PHILIP 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, STATE OF WISCONSIN Dated: 12-30-2019 STARR 53233 DATE: February 14, 2020 CIRCUIT COURT BY THE COURT: TIME 9:00 A.M. MILWAUKEE COUNTY IT IS ORDERED HON. KEVIN E MARTENS NOTICE IS GIVEN: NOTICE AND ORDER FOR This petition will be heard in the Cir- Circuit Court Judge A petition was filed asking to change IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: NAME CHANGE HEARING cuit Court of Milwaukee County, 025/1-10-17-24-2020 the name of the person listed above: Notice of this hearing shall be given Case No. 20CV000110 State of Wisconsin. From: MERLE PHILIP STARR To: by publication as a Class 3 notice for Judge’s Name: HON. MARY E TRIG- SUMMONS PHILIP MERLE STARR three (3) weeks in a row prior to the In the matter of the name change of: GIANO Room 412 PLACE: 901 N. (PUBLICATION) Birth Certificate: MERLE PHILIP date of the hearing in the Milwaukee DEVIN LEE HALE 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, STATE OF WISCONSIN STARR Community Journal, a newspaper By (petitioner) DEVIN LEE HALE 53233 DATE: February 14, 2020 CIRCUIT COURT published in Milwaukee County, TIME 9:00 A.M. MILWAUKEE COUNTY IT IS ORDERED State of Wisconsin. NOTICE IS GIVEN: NOTICE AND ORDER FOR This petition will be heard in the Cir- Dated: 1-6-2020 A petition was filed asking to change IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: NAME CHANGE HEARING cuit Court of Milwaukee County, BY THE COURT: the name of the person listed above: Notice of this hearing shall be given Case No. 19CV009177 State of Wisconsin. HON. MARY E TRIGGIANO From: DEVIN LEE HALE To: DEVIN by publication as a Class 3 notice for Judge’s Name: HON. CHRISTO- Circuit Court Judge LEE CHURCH three (3) weeks in a row prior to the In the matter of the name change of: PHER R FOLEY Room 414 PLACE: 029/1-10-17-24-2020 if you have a name change, divorce, or other legal action that you have to pub The Weekend Edition•IN THE BLACK•January 17, 2019 Page 7 SUMMONS by publication as a Class 3 notice for (PUBLICATION) three (3) weeks in a row prior to the In the matter of the name change of: It is recommended, but not required IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: STATE OF WISCONSIN date of the hearing in the Milwaukee AMANDA JO AMON that you have an attorney help or Notice of this hearing shall be given CIRCUIT COURT Community Journal, a newspaper By (Petitioner) AMANDA JO AMON represent you. by publication as a Class 3 notice for MILWAUKEE COUNTY published in Milwaukee County, NOTICE IS GIVEN: three (3) weeks in a row prior to the ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE State of Wisconsin. A petition was filed asking to change If you do not demand a copy of the date of the hearing in the Milwaukee FOR FINDING OF CONTEMPT Dated: 12-9-2019 the name of the person listed above: Petition within 40 days, the court Community Journal, a newspaper Case No. 18FA006811 BY THE COURT: From: AMANDA JO AMON To: may grant judgment against you for published in Milwaukee County, HON. CARL ASHLEY AMANDA JO AMON-BRELLENTHIN the award of money or other legal State of Wisconsin. In Re: Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A: Circuit Court Judge Birth Certificate: AMANDA JO AMON action requested in the Petition, and Dated: 1-14-2020 CHARLESTON BUSATERI 027/1-10-17-24-2020 you may lose your right to object to BY THE COURT: Respondent/Joint Petition B: AN- IT IS ORDERED anything that is or may be incorrect HON. TIMOTHY WITKOWIAK THONY J BUSATERI SUMMONS This petition will be heard in the Cir- in the Petition. Circuit Court Judge (PUBLICATION) cuit Court of Milwaukee County, 043/1-17-24-31-2020 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIR- STATE OF WISCONSIN State of Wisconsin. A judgment may be enforced as pro- CUIT COURT MILWAUKEE CIRCUIT COURT Judge’s Name: HON. JEFFREY A vided by law. A judgment awarding SUMMONS COUNTY MILWAUKEE COUNTY CONEN Room 402 PLACE: 901 N. money may become a lien against (PUBLICATION) IN RE THE MARRIAGE NOTICE AND ORDER FOR 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, any real estate you own now or in STATE OF WISCONSIN NAME CHANGE HEARING 53233 DATE: February 13, 2020 the future, and may also be enforced CIRCUIT COURT Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A Case No. 20CV000153 TIME 3:00 P.M. by garnishment or seizure of prop- MILWAUKEE COUNTY CHARLESTON BUSATERI 3604 S. erty. NOTICE AND ORDER FOR 18th Street Milwaukee WI 53221 In the matter of the name change of: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: NAME CHANGE HEARING Vs. AARON DEVONTIA CHILES Notice of this hearing shall be given You are further notified that if the par- Case No. 20CV000141 Respondent/Joint Petitioner B By (Petitioner) LAKEYA SHANA by publication as a Class 3 notice for ties to this action have minor chil- ANTHONY J BUSATERI 2069 N BOYD three (3) weeks in a row prior to the dren, violation of 948.31 Wis. Stats., In the matter of the name change of: Cambridge Ave Apt 214 Milwaukee date of the hearing in the Milwaukee (Interference with custody by parent LONDALE QUINTAE STRICKLING WI 53202 Community Journal, a newspaper or others) is punishable by fines The State of Wisconsin (Child Sup- NOTICE IS GIVEN: published in Milwaukee County, and/or imprisonment: NOTICE IS GIVEN: port Agency) is not a party to this ac- A petition was filed asking to change State of Wisconsin. A petition was filed asking to change tion. the name of the person listed above: Dated: 1-8-2020 If you and the petitioner have minor the name of the person listed above: From: AARON DEVONTIA CHILES BY THE COURT: children, documents setting forth the From: LONDALE QUINTAE STRICK- The affidavit was filed on (Date) June To: AARON JAVON WHITE HON. JEFFREY A CONEN percentage standard for child sup- LING To: KABIR ELOHIM ISREAL 11 2019 Birth Certificate: AARON DEVONTIA Circuit Court Judge port established by the department Birth Certificate: LONDALE QUIN- IT IS ORDERED THAT CHILES 037/1-17-24-31-2020 under 49.22(9), Wis. Stats., and the TAE STRICKLING CHARLESTON BUSATERI appear in factors that a court may consider for person: IT IS ORDERED SUMMONS modification of that standard under IT IS ORDERED Before: Judge CAROLINA MARIA This petition will be heard in the Cir- (PUBLICATION) 767.511 (1m). Wis Stats. are avail- This petition will be heard in the Cir- STARK Location: Milwaukee County cuit Court of Milwaukee County, STATE OF WISCONSIN able upon your request from the cuit Court of Milwaukee County, Courthouse ROOM 513 901 N 9th State of Wisconsin. CIRCUIT COURT Clerk of Court. State of Wisconsin. St., Milwaukee Wisconsin 53233 Judge’s Name: HON. TIMOTHY MILWAUKEE COUNTY Judge’s Name: HON. LAURA Date: 5/7/2020 Time: 9:00 A.M. or as WITKOWIAK BR 22 Room 415 NOTICE AND ORDER FOR You are notified of the availability of GRAMLING PEREZ Room 404 soon as the matter may be heard. PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwau- NAME CHANGE HEARING information from the Circuit Court PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwau- To show cause why YOU should not kee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: Febru- Case No. 20CV000306 Commissioner as set forth in kee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: Febru- be found in contempt of court as re- ary 21, 2020 TIME 11:30 A.M. 767.105 WIs.Stats. ary 20, 2020 TIME 3:00 P.M. quested in the affidavit. You must ap- In the matter of the name change of: pear and provide the court IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: ANGEL ARIANA STEWART-WAL- 767.105 Information from Circuit IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: information about your compliance Notice of this hearing shall be given TERS Court Commissioner. Notice of this hearing shall be given with the court order, including your by publication as a Class 3 notice for by publication as a Class 3 notice for ability to pay or otherwise comply three (3) weeks in a row prior to the NOTICE IS GIVEN: (2) Upon the request of a party to an three (3) weeks in a row prior to the with the order. If you do not appear date of the hearing in the Milwaukee A petition was filed asking to change action affecting the family, including a date of the hearing in the Milwaukee as indicated, the court may hold the Community Journal, a newspaper the name of the person listed above: revision of judgment or order under Community Journal, a newspaper hearing without you and grant the re- published in Milwaukee County, From: ANGEL ARIANA STEWART- sec. 767.59 or 767.451: published in Milwaukee County, quest, including issuing an order to State of Wisconsin. WALTERS To: ANGEL ARIANA WYN (a) The Circuit Court Commissioner State of Wisconsin. have you arrested and committed to Dated: 1-8-2020 Birth Certificate: ANGEL ARIANA shall, with or without charge, provide Dated: 1-7-2020 the county jail. You also have a right BY THE COURT: STEWART-WALTERS the party with written information on BY THE COURT: to be represented by an attorney at HON. TIMOTHY WITKOWIAK the following, as appropriate to the HON. LAURA GRAMLING PEREZ this hearing. Unless good cause is Circuit Court Judge IT IS ORDERED action commenced: Circuit Court Judge shown, failure to appear without an 038/1-17-24-31-2020 This petition will be heard in the Cir- 1. The procedure for obtaining a 036/1-17-24-31-2020 attorney will be deemed a waiver of cuit Court of Milwaukee County, judgment or order in the action that right. SUMMONS State of Wisconsin. 2. The major issues usually ad- SUMMONS IT IS FURTHERED ORDERED: (PUBLICATION) Judge’s Name: HON. JEFFREY A dressed in such an action. (PUBLICATION) • A Copy of the order to show STATE OF WISCONSIN CONEN Room 402 PLACE: 901 N. 3. Community resources and family STATE OF WISCONSIN cause and affidavit must be person- CIRCUIT COURT 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, court counseling services available CIRCUIT COURT ally served upon all other parties at MILWAUKEE COUNTY 53233 DATE: February 11, 2020 to assist the parties. MILWAUKEE COUNTY least 5 business days before the NOTICE AND ORDER FOR TIME 9:30 A.M. 4. The procedure for setting, modify- NOTICE AND ORDER FOR date of the hearing. See Service NAME CHANGE HEARING ing, and enforcing child support NAME CHANGE HEARING Packet (FA-5000) for more informa- Case No. 20CV000220 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: awards, or modifying and enforcing Case No. 2019CV9041 tion. Notice of this hearing shall be given legal custody or physical placement • Both parties bring a fully In the matter of the name change of: by publication as a Class 3 notice for judgments or orders. In the matter of the name change of: completed, dated, and signed In- ADRIAN GIEBEL three (3) weeks in a row prior to the (b) The Circuit Court Commissioner LEKONJA CROOK HARRINGTON come and EXPENSE STATEMENT date of the hearing in the Milwaukee shall provide a party, for inspection By (petitioner) LEKONJA CROOK TO COURT. NOTICE IS GIVEN: Community Journal, a newspaper or purchase, with a copy of the statu- HARRINGTON Date: 1-10-2020 A petition was filed asking to change published in Milwaukee County, tory provisions in this chapter gener- BY: ANTHONY J BUSATERI the name of the person listed above: State of Wisconsin. ally pertinent to the action. NOTICE IS GIVEN: 039/1-17-24-31-2020 From: ADRIAN GIEBEL To: MARCO Dated: 1-10-2020 A petition was filed asking to change ADRIAN CORDOVA BY THE COURT: Date: 1-13-2020 the name of the person listed above: SUMMONS Birth Certificate: ADRIAN GIEBEL HON. JEFFREY A CONEN BY: CHO OO From: LEKONJA CROOK HAR- (PUBLICATION) Circuit Court Judge 040/1-17-24-31-2020 RINGTON To: LILY LE’ANN STATE OF WISCONSIN IT IS ORDERED 041/1-17-24-31-2020 CROOK-HARRINGTON CIRCUIT COURT This petition will be heard in the Cir- SUMMONS Birth Certificate: LEKONJA CROOK MILWAUKEE COUNTY cuit Court of Milwaukee County, SUMMONS (PUBLICATION) HARRINGTON NOTICE AND ORDER FOR State of Wisconsin. (PUBLICATION) STATE OF WISCONSIN NAME CHANGE HEARING Judge’s Name: HON. WILLIAM S STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT IT IS ORDERED Case No. 19CV009336 POCAN Room 401 PLACE: 901 N. CIRCUIT COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY This petition will be heard in the Cir- 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, MILWAUKEE COUNTY NOTICE AND ORDER FOR cuit Court of Milwaukee County, In the matter of the name change of: 53233 DATE: February 26, 2020 Case No. 19FA6282 NAME CHANGE HEARING State of Wisconsin. TREBLE HWORB HENDERSON TIME 10:30 A.M. Divorce-40101 Case No. 20CV359 Judge’s Name: HON. MARY E TRIG- By (Petitioner) TREBLE HWORB GIANO Room 412 PLACE: 901 N. HENDERSON IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: In Re: The marriage of: CHO OO Pe- In the matter of the name change of: 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Notice of this hearing shall be given titioner and Respondent: LOR EH LAUREN MARIE THOMAS 53233 DATE: February 18, 2020 NOTICE IS GIVEN: by publication as a Class 3 notice for By (Petitioner) LAUREN MARIE TIME 2:30 P.M. A petition was filed asking to change three (3) weeks in a row prior to the THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, TO THOMAS the name of the person listed above: date of the hearing in the Milwaukee THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE AS IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: From: TREBLE HWORB HENDER- Community Journal, a newspaper RESPONDENT: NOTICE IS GIVEN: Notice of this hearing shall be given SON To: TREBLE HWORB HEN- published in Milwaukee County, You are notified that the petitioner A petition was filed asking to change by publication as a Class 3 notice for DERSON State of Wisconsin. named above has filed a Petition for the name of the person listed above: three (3) weeks in a row prior to the Birth Certificate: TREBLE HWORB Dated: 1-8-2020 divorce or legal separation against From: LAUREN MARIE THOMAS To: date of the hearing in the Milwaukee LURKS BY THE COURT: you. LUCIAN MYKAL THOMAS Community Journal, a newspaper IT IS ORDERED HON. WILLIAM S POCAN Birth Certificate: LAUREN MARIE published in Milwaukee County, This petition will be heard in the Cir- Circuit Court Judge You must respond with a written de- THOMAS State of Wisconsin. cuit Court of Milwaukee County, 042/1-17-24-31-2020 mand for a copy of the Petition within Dated: 1-16-2020 State of Wisconsin. 40 days from the day after the first IT IS ORDERED BY THE COURT: Judge’s Name: HON. CARL ASHLEY SUMMONS day of publication. This petition will be heard in the Cir- HON. MARY E TRIGGIANO BR. 33 Room 500 PLACE: 901 N. (PUBLICATION) cuit Court of Milwaukee County, Circuit Court Judge 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, STATE OF WISCONSIN The demand must be sent or deliv- State of Wisconsin. 044/1-17-24-31-2020 53233 DATE: January 27, 2020 CIRCUIT COURT ered to the court at: Clerk of Court, Judge’s Name: HON. TIMOTHY TIME 11:00 A.M. MILWAUKEE COUNTY Milwaukee County Courthouse 901 WITKOWIAK BR 22 Room 415 NOTICE AND ORDER FOR N 9th St Room 104 Milwaukee WI PLACE: 901 N. 9th Street, Milwau- IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: NAME CHANGE HEARING 53233 and to CHO OO 1819 N 32nd kee, Wisconsin, 53233 DATE: Febru- Notice of this hearing shall be given Case No. 20CV000228 St Milwaukee WI 53208 ary 20, 2020 TIME 11:30 A.M. lish, publish it HERE in YOUR Milwaukee Community Journal Weekend Edition! The Weekend Edition•IN THE BLACK•January 17, 2019 Page 8