
October 14, 2011 13:37 World Scientific Book - 9in x 6in master

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Plasticity

Metals, and, to a lesser extent, most materials, can undergo a per- manent change of shape when submitted temporarily to external forces of sufficient magnitude. This mechanical property is called plasticity. It has been used since the beginning of the Bronze Age, in order to manufacture tools or weapons by turning pieces of into desired shapes. This was achieved with the help of or hammering forces, this action being made more efficient through heating the material to high temperatures. The present book aims at presenting the main ideas which constitute the microscopic physical explanation of the behaviour of . The explanation will refer, almost exclusively, to the case of crystalline solids, i.e. solids which are built from a spatially periodic assembly of atoms. Two reasons justify this restriction. The main one is that the atomic-scale periodicity of is an es- sential element of the theory which accounts for the plastic behaviour of solids. Indeed, this theory, developed progressively between 1920 and 1960, gives a central role to specific defects of crystals. These defects, which are called , are put in motion when suitable external forces are applied to a solid. This motion as well as the interaction of dislocations with different types of internal forces due to other defects, or to the atoms constituting the solid, are the basic ingredients used to analyze the various characteristics of the plastic behaviour. Another reason is that metals and alloys, which are the solids display- ing in the most spectacular way the plastic behaviour, are crystals. More precisely, a piece of a or alloy is, generally, an assembly of grains, each grain being a of micronic size, whose individual properties de-

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2 Introduction

termine, to a large extent, the mechanical properties of the metal or the alloy. In order to further clarify the object of the book let us recall some characteristics of the mechanical properties of solids.

Plastic range σ F A σA Hardening σ Y Y Effect of temperature Elastic range σ = F/S

ε = δl/l ε O εY ε2 εF

Figure 1.1 Schematic relationship between stress and strain in a solid material. OY is the elastic range and YF the plastic range.

1.1.1 Mechanical properties of solids Figure 1.1 summarizes the schematic mechanical behaviour of a solid ma- terial. It shows the complex relationship between the mechanical stress σ applied to a solid and the strain (also called ) ǫ resulting from this application. In a simplified approach, this relationship is deduced, for instance, from the measurement of the relative change of length ǫ = δl/l of a rod of section S submitted to a force F = σ.S pulling on the ends of the rod. Five aspects of this relationship can be emphasized. i) When the magnitude σ of the stress is smaller than a value σY , called the yield strength or alternately, the elastic limit, the mechanical behaviour of the solid is reversible. Thus, the value of the strain ǫ(σ) is the same for increasing values of the stress or for decreasing ones. In particular, if the value of the stress is brought back to zero, the induced strain vanishes. This behaviour corresponds to the elastic range labelled OY of the curve plotted on Fig. 1.1. In this range, one can generally consider, to a good approximation, that the strain is proportional to the stress: σ Cǫ. ≃ The C coefficient of proportionality between the strain and the stress, is a measure of the elastic stiffness of the considered solid material. It is an October 14, 2011 13:37 World Scientific Book - 9in x 6in master

1.1. Plasticity 3

important characteristics of its mechanical properties. For metals, the value of the stiffness lies in the range 1010-1011Pascals (∼1-10 tons per square millimeter). Such a value means that a weight of one kilogram suspended to a wire of section one square millimeter will determine a relative elongation 5 6 δl/l of the wire of 10− 10− . − As for the the yield strength σY , it characterizes the of a solid material. Its value does not only depend of the nature of the material, but also, in a pronounced manner, of the mechanical and thermal processing imposed to it, as well as of other parameters such as, for instance its tem- 6 2 perature. In a “soft” material, σY can be less than 10 Pascals (100g/mm ), whereas in a “hard” one it can be higher than 109 Pascals (100 kg/mm2). A current value of the strain ǫY corresponding to the yield strength is ∼1%. ii) For σ > σY , the material becomes plastic. In this range of σ val- ues (YF on the plot) the deformation becomes non-reversible. Bringing the value of the stress down to zero does not cancel the strain. For in- stance, starting from point A, the strain decreases along the line Aǫ2, and a permanent strain ǫ2 remains at zero applied stress. iii) The application of a moderate stress to the material initially in the state (ǫ = ǫ2,σ = 0), determines, again, a reversible evolution along ǫ2A 1 with a quasi-linear relationship σ C′(ǫ ǫ ) With a further increase ≃ − 2 of the stress, a new elastic limit σA is reached. The schematic situation represented on Fig. 1.1, in which YA has a positive slope, characterizes a material in which the elastic limit σA after deformation is larger than σY . The material is hardened by the plastic deformation. iv) The end point F , corresponds to the (or rupture) of the solid-sample, i.e. the loss of its cohesion. It is reached after a permanent elongation ǫF . In certain metals, one can elongate a rod to one hundred times its initial length before fracture occurs. Such a metal is very ductile. The ductility of a material is associated to the value of the deformation ǫF . The larger ǫF , the larger the ductility. When almost no ductility exists the material is brittle. In this case, the fracture occurs just above the yield strength (ǫY,σY ) and F then almost coincides with Y . Similarly to the yield strength, ductility is a function of the “mechanical history” of the sample considered, as well as of its temperature.

1 On the plot, the rigidity C′ has been represented as equal to C: the line ǫ2A is parallel to OY . This corresponds to the simplest type of behaviour in which the rigidity is approximately the same in all the reversible ranges. This behaviour will be justified in chapter 8 by the fact that the of the crystalline order is almost preserved in the volume of the material. October 14, 2011 13:37 World Scientific Book - 9in x 6in master

4 Introduction

v) Temperature modifies significantly all the mechanical properties of a material. In general, heating a solid makes easier its plastic deformation: it decreases the value of the yield strength (ǫY , σY ), and it increases the ductility. It also decreases the hardening (the slope of YA). The table below provides a few examples of values measured in currently used solid materials at room temperature.

Material longitudinal stiffness (1010Pa) yield strength (107 Pa)

Lead 5 ∼0,01 Aluminum 11 ∼0,1 Copper 17 ∼0,1 (1.1) Gold 19 ∼0,1 Iron 24 1-10 Silicon 17 10-100 Diamond 100 >100

1.1.2 Microscopic mechanisms In the above macroscopic description (cf. Fig. 1.1), the elastic and plas- tic deformations of a solid appear as two successive steps of a continuous process. Actually, these sequences have a very different microscopic back- ground. To grasp their difference of nature, it is worth giving, prior to a description of the plastic behaviour, some indications on the microscopic origin of the elastic behaviour.

Elastic behaviour The interpretation of the elastic behaviour of a solid, from the standpoint of its atomic structure, derives from a simple principle. Thus, the assembly of atoms constituting a solid possesses an equilibrium spatial configuration, in which the interatomic distances are well defined.2 In the absence of external forces applied to the solid, any deviation of atomic configuration (Fig. 1.2), with respect to the equilibrium one, will increase the total energy of the solid, and has therefore a tendency to regress. Such a deviation, consisting in small changes in the distances between atoms, will actually

2At very low temperatures this configuration corresponds to the minimum of the energy of the set of particles composing the solid. October 14, 2011 13:37 World Scientific Book - 9in x 6in master

1.1. Plasticity 5

be induced by the macroscopic deformation, imposed to the solid by an external stress. When the stress is suppressed, the atomic configuration will tend to return to equilibrium, thus accounting for the reversibility of the behaviour. Moreover, as the deviations provoked by strains are very small (less than a percent) the effective forces acting on the atoms to bring their distances back to their equilibrium values, will therefore be appproximately proportional to the small deviations, thus justifying the linearity of the elastic behaviour.

Figure 1.2 Schematic representation of the atomic displacements induced by a macro- scopic shear. There are changes of the interatomic distances and of the angles between chemical bonds. Restoring forces are generated which tend to bring back the distances and angles to their initial equilibrium values.

The simplicity of this explanation contrasts with the difficulty of its ef- fective working out. To calculate the elastic stiffness of a specific material, whose atomic configuration is known, is very complex. Indeed, mechanical deformations are associated to collective displacements of a large number of atoms interacting with each other. The calculation, which has to use quantum , has to take into account this large number of inter- actions. This situation explains the fact that such a calculation could only be achieved in recent years (using computerized procedures) for materials with the simplest atomic configuration.

Plastic behaviour The interpretation of the plastic behaviour involves several ideas, all of them important. First, there is a suggestion made in the beginning of the years 1920 (Polanyi and Schmid) which stated that the permanent elongation of October 14, 2011 13:37 World Scientific Book - 9in x 6in master

6 Introduction

a rod induced by an axial traction, is, in fact, the cumulative result of a series of small glidings (also called slips). Each portion of the rod glides with respect to the adjacent portion. All the slips are parallel to plane directions which are inclined with respect to the axis of the rod. (Fig. 1.3).


Figure 1.3 Successive steps of the vertical plastic elongation of a rod submitted to a traction parallel to its axis. (Left to Right) 1) Undeformed rod, 2) Elastic elongation, 3) Beginning of the plastic deformation by relative glides (or “slips”) of the upper part of the rod along a plane inclined with respect to the axis, 4) multiplication of the glides along parallel planes. The addition of the glide-projections on the vertical axis determine the observed elongation of the rod. On the right part of the figure, the elementary glide (slip) at the atomic scale, is represented. Its amplitude is equal to one interatomic spacing, and its direction is parallel to a lattice plane.

The directions of the planes are those of specific atomic planes of the crystalline material considered. Moreover, the amplitudes of the small slips, less than one micron, are exact multiples of the crystal periods (of Angstr¨om order of magnitude) characteristic of the spatial periodicity of the crys- talline material. At the atomic scale, the plastic deformation thus appears as a discontin- uous phenomenon, consisting in a succession of elementary slips having an amplitude equal to one crystal period in a definite direction, whose charac- teristics are hence closely related to the spatial configuration of the atoms in the material considered. October 14, 2011 13:37 World Scientific Book - 9in x 6in master

1.1. Plasticity 7

A second idea relies on the observation that the measured values of the yield strength σ (in the range 106 108 Pascals) are much smaller, by at Y − least an order of magnitude, than the forces which bind the atoms together within the material. This observation has led in the years 1930-1940, to the assumption that plasticity is only possible because the crystalline nature of the material is imperfect. As already mentioned above, it contains linear defects.3 These defects make easier the relative gliding of adjacent portions of the material, and thus reduce the forces necessary to permit the gliding. In the framework of this theory, the elementary step of a plastic deforma- tion, which consists in the slip, by one atomic period, of one portion of the material, corresponds to the motion through the entire width of a rod, of one such linear defect Interestingly enough, the existence of the linear defects and their role in the plastic deformation, have been suggested theoretically already in 1934 (Orowan, Polanyi and Taylor), while these ideas were experimentally confirmed (Fig. 1.4) only after 1956 (Bollmann and Hirsch). Conversely, it could be checked that in crystals specially prepared to be free from such defects the yield strength is, conclusively, considerably larger than the val- ues currently observed.

Figure 1.4 Observation by electron microscopy of quasi-straight lines of dislocations, a few microns in length, in zirconium (photographs obtained by Franck Ferrer; Thesis 2000 Ecole Polytechnique).

3Linear defects are quasi-infinite (i.e. very large with respect to the atomic scale) in one dimension, and confined to a few atomic sizes in the two other dimensions (Cf. also chapter 4) October 14, 2011 13:37 World Scientific Book - 9in x 6in master

8 Introduction

It was also recognized that these linear defects had the same properties as singular lines defined, in continuous media, by mathematicians, in the beginning of the twentieth century (Weingarten 1901, Volterra 1907), which had later been called dislocations (Love 1920). Other important conceptual developments pertain to the relationship between, on the one hand, the different characteristics of the plastic be- haviour (value of the yield strength, magnitude of the plastic deformation, hardening etc...), and, on the other hand, the interactions between the dislocations and various types of objects. Thus, a simplified “continuous” theory of dislocations could account for the interactions between a and the internal stress in a material (Burgers 1939, Peach and Koehler 1950), between several disloca- tions, between dislocations and point defects (vacancies, impurities, clus- ters, etc...), between dislocations and planar defects (such as grain bound- aries). These various interactions govern, in particular, the mechanisms of generation of dislocations (Frank and Read 1950), which are central features of the theory of plasticity. Finally, models of the atomic configuration of a dislocation, and of its interaction with the crystal atomic potential (Peierls, Nabarro 1940), have enabled an estimation of the value of the stress needed to put in motion a dislocation.

Covalent bonding Non-compact Other criteria Crystalline solids structures High yield-stress Sample Hard Ductile ex: diamond mechanical ex: Iron history Metallic Cubic-compact structures bonding Temperature Soft ductile Non-crystalline Low yield-stress Defects ex: metals ex: Copper solids Grain size Hexagonal- Fragile compact ex: glass structures Soft, very ductile ex: Zinc

Figure 1.5 Main elements which determine the diversity of plastic properties of different solid materials. The atomic structure is a central feature. October 14, 2011 13:37 World Scientific Book - 9in x 6in master

1.2. Organization and contents of the chapters 9

1.2 Organization and contents of the chapters

The scope of this treatise is, mainly, to present an analysis of the phenom- ena occuring at the microscopic scale (the atomic scale, but also a larger “mesoscopic” scale corresponding to dislocations) which underly the gen- eral characteristics of the plastic behaviour, namely their hardness, their ductility, and the effects of temperature. Attention will also be given to the elements which allow to understand the diversity of solid substances with respect to their mechanical properties. Namely the large difference in hardness between different metals, their rel- ative softness as compared to non-metallic solids such as diamond, or the fact that the effect of temperature is much more pronounced in certain materials. Figure 1.5, anticipates on the following chapters by showing some of the elements which determine the specific mechanical properties of a given material. It is remarkable that the relative positions of atoms in space (the so- called “atomic structure”) has a central role. This justifies that the book includes, prior to any physical consideration, an introduction to the geom- etry of crystals at the atomic scale. Hence, the next chapter introduces the few elements of crystal geometry which are needed to describe disloca- tions and other types of defects relevant to the study of plasticity. Namely, crystal lattices and translations, lattice planes, unit cells, and symmetries. On the other hand, a few simple atomic configurations, frequently encoun- tered in metals, are described. Also, indications are given of the structure of non-crystalline solids which will later clarify the mechanical differences between these materials and metals. Chapter 3 is a recall of the basic notions of the mechanics of continuous media required in the study of plasticity. Chapter 4 is devoted to the configuration of the so-called “real crys- talline solids” which always involve defects of the periodicity. The various types of defects are enumerated. A specific attention is then given to a simple point defect, the vacancy, which consists in the absence of an atom. This type of defect has an important role to explain the plastic behaviour at high temperatures. Chapter 5 concerns the study of dislocations. Two different approaches are used. The first one focuses on its nature of linear defect of the atomic configuration. The other considers the dislocation as a line of singularities in an elastic continuous medium. In both cases, one can characterize their October 14, 2011 13:37 World Scientific Book - 9in x 6in master

10 Introduction

geometrical and physical properties by a so-called Burgers vector, which is a vector of defined direction and modulus. A classification of dislocations will be introduced, based on the angle made by the Burgers vector with the dislocation line. The simple cases of the edge and screw dislocations will be considered as well as the case of a dislocation loop. The principles of observing dislocations by means of the use of electron microscopy will also be given attention. In chapter 6 dislocations are considered as objects of an elastic con- tinuous medium. In this framework, the strain and stress fields generated by a dislocation are studied. Conversely, the action of a stress field on a dislocation is determined. The latter result is the key to the study of the interaction between dislocations or between a dislocation and a point defect. Chapter 7 describes a model of the microscopic structure of a disloca- tion, with the view of studying its interaction with the crystal atomic po- tential. This interaction underlies the determination of the forces needed to put in motion a dislocation. Chapter 8 deals with two subjects. In the first place, the mechanisms of generation of dislocations are considered, as well as the conditions of their mobility. One is then able, on the basis of the preceding chapters, to analyze the general principles governing the plastic behaviour of a solid material, as well as the dependence of this behaviour on the chemical and structural nature of a solid and of its temperature.

Structure of crystals Strain and stress (chap 2) (chap 3) Point defects (chap 4)

Mechanical stress and dislocations Geometry of (chap 6) dislocations (chap 5) Mechanism of plastic deformation Interaction between (chap 8) dislocations and Observation of (chap 7) dislocations (chap 5)

Figure 1.6 Organization of the chapters leading to the physical explanation of plastic properties. The large frame contains the chapters relative to the properties of disloca- tions. October 14, 2011 13:37 World Scientific Book - 9in x 6in master

1.3. General References 11

Figure 1.6 summarizes schematically the organization and contents of the different chapters.

1.3 General References

A.H. Cottrell, The Mechanical Properties of Matter (John Wiley, New-York 1964). J. Friedel, Dislocations. (Pergamon Press, Oxford 1964). F.R.N Nabarro, Z.S. Basinski, D.B. Holt The Plasticity of Pure Single Crystals (Advances in vol. 13 N◦50, London 1964). D. Hull, Introduction to Dislocations (Pergamon Press, Oxford 1965, revised 1981) J.P. Hirth, J. Lothe, Theory of Dislocations. Second Edition (Krieger Publishing, Malabar Florida 1982) F.R.N. Nabarro, Theory of Crystal Dislocations (Dover, New-York 1987). Y. Qu´er´e, D´efauts ponctuels dans les m´etaux. (Masson editor, Paris 1967). W.T. Read, Les dislocations dans les cristaux (Dunod, Paris 1957) E. Braun, Mechanical Properties of Solids (Article pertaining to the formation of ideas in this field) in Out of the Crystal Maze, Editors L. Hoddeson et al. (Oxford University Press 1992). Y. Adda, J.M. Dupouy, J. Philibert, Y. Qu´er´e El´ements de m´etallurgie physique Vol 3 and Vol 5 (Edit. INSTN-CEA, 2000). J-L. Martin, J. Wagner, Dislocations et plasticit´edes cristaux (Presses Polytech- niques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne 2000). Y. Qu´er´e, Physique des Mat´eriaux (Editions Ellipses, Paris 1988).English edition, Physics of Materials (Gordon and Breach, London 1998). D. Gratias Introduction `ala physique des mat´eriaux (Course of Ecole Polytech- nique, Palaiseau 2001).